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Marine XII





CD-FE 03 20/09/2023 Issue for Tender See pag 2 See pag 2 See pag 2 ==== ====
CD-FE 02 16/06/2023 Third Issue See pag 2 See pag 2 See pag 2 ==== ====
CD-FE 01 10/05/2023 Second Issue See pag 2 See pag 2 See pag 2 ==== ====
CD-FE 00 31/03/2023 First Issue See pag 2 See pag 2 See pag 2 ==== ====
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Facility & Sub Facility Description Project and SoW description Scale Sheet of Sheets
Nenè WHP1- Nenè WHP4 General Sealine CONGO LNG Project
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Document Title Supersedes N.:
SCOPE OF WORK FOR WHP1 Superseded by N.:
Plant Area Functional Unit

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Project / Initiative name Congo LNG Project


Purpose of the present document is to describe the Scope of Work for Néné WHP1

Transportation and Installation Contract, for all the phases (Engineering, Procurement,
Construction, Transportation and Installation); Project Management and QHSE project
requirements are also described. Dedicated section for Tender requirements is reported.

Document Verification
Prepared by Unit Signature Date

Eniprogetti / P.Team 20/09/2023

Main contributions
All Disciplines

Checked by Unit Signature Date

S.Andreoli EP / NRP/A 20/09/2023

Checked by Unit Signature Date

L.Perucchini Eni HQ/REPM/A 20/09/2023

Checked by Unit Signature Date

Abdalla Drebeika Eni Congo/HSE 20/09/2023
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Massimo Sanso Eni HQ/ IMSQ 20/09/2023

Checked by Unit Signature Date

Valentina Esposito Eni HQ/ IMSQ 20/09/2023

Checked by Unit Signature Date

Davide Colarusso Eni Congo/DILO 20/09/2023

Checked by Unit Signature Date

Approved by Unit Signature Date

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Maria Grazia Di Sparti Eni HQ/REPM/A 20/09/2023

Approved by Unit Signature Date

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CD-FE 00 First Issue
CD-FE 01 Second Issue (come interfaces reviewed and HOLD removed)
CD-FE 02 Sealine Scope Removed
CD-FE 03 Issue For Tender


ID Description Section
HOLD 1 Geotechnical Data 6.3

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1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 7

1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................7
1.2 DOCUMENT SCOPE ....................................................................................................................8
2.0 TERMS, DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS ............................................................................................. 9
2.1 ACRONYMS ...............................................................................................................................9
2.2 DEFINITION OF TERMS ...............................................................................................................9
2.3 LANGUAGE ..............................................................................................................................10
2.4 UNIT OF MEASUREMENT ..........................................................................................................10
3.0 RULES, CODES AND STANDARDS ............................................................................................ 11
4.0 Reference Documentation ........................................................................................................... 12
4.1 PROJECT TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION ....................................................................................12
4.2 COMPANY AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS .............................................................................12
4.3 HSE REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................................12
4.4 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................................12
5.0 OUTLINE SCOPE OF WORK ....................................................................................................... 13
5.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................13
5.2 NENÈ WHP1 PLATFORM LOCATION ..........................................................................................13
5.3 PROJECT CONTRACTUAL STRATEGY ........................................................................................14
5.4 SCHEDULE AND PROJECT MILESTONES ....................................................................................14
5.5 NOTIFICATION MECHANISM ......................................................................................................14
6.0 GENERAL DATA ........................................................................................................................... 16
6.1 SITE AND LOCATION INFORMATION AND DATA ............................................................................16
6.2 MARINE XII EXISTING ASSETS ...................................................................................................16
6.3 GENERAL LOCATION DATA .......................................................................................................16
7.0 PROJECT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................... 24
7.1 RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................................................24
7.2 CONTRACTOR ORGANIZATION & GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................24
7.2.1 Responsibilities within the Frame of the WORK .......................................................... 25
7.3 HSE .......................................................................................................................................26
7.3.1 General......................................................................................................................... 26
7.3.2 HSE Plan ...................................................................................................................... 27
7.3.3 HSE Requirements ...................................................................................................... 27
7.3.4 HSE Audits ................................................................................................................... 28
7.3.5 Risk Analysis And Safe Working Practices .................................................................. 28
7.3.6 Statutory Obligations .................................................................................................... 29
7.3.7 COMPANY HSE Policy ................................................................................................ 30
7.3.8 SIMOPS and Participation to SIMOPS Workshop ....................................................... 30
7.3.9 HSE Supervision .......................................................................................................... 31
7.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE ..............................................................................................................31
7.5 CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL........................................................................................33
7.5.1 Inspection and Test Plans ............................................................................................ 33
7.5.2 Inspection Staff ............................................................................................................ 34
7.5.3 Inspection Facilities & Inspection Equipment .............................................................. 34

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7.6 AUDITS AND REVIEW................................................................................................................34

7.7 PERMITTING ............................................................................................................................34
7.7.1 Permits to be obtained by CONTRACTOR .................................................................. 34
7.7.2 Permits to be obtained by COMPANY ......................................................................... 35
7.8 CERTIFICATION AND APPROVAL ................................................................................................35
7.9 LOCAL CONTENT .....................................................................................................................36
7.10 LOGISTIC AND MARINE SPREAD ................................................................................................36
7.10.1 General .................................................................................................................... 36
7.10.2 Logistic ..................................................................................................................... 36
7.10.3 Marine Spread ......................................................................................................... 37
7.10.4 Requested Information ............................................................................................ 39
7.10.5 Vessel Certificates ................................................................................................... 39
7.10.6 Insurance ................................................................................................................. 39
7.10.7 Vessels and Diving / Subsea Equipment Surveys .................................................. 40
7.10.8 Mobilization and demobilization ............................................................................... 40
7.10.9 Workability limit ........................................................................................................ 41
7.10.10 Meteorological Services ........................................................................................... 41
8.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................43
8.2 MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................................44
8.3 CO-ORDINATION WITHIN CONTRACTOR’S ORGANISATION ......................................................44
8.4 CO-ORDINATION WITH VENDORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS ..........................................................44
8.5 CO-ORDINATION WITH COMPANY ...........................................................................................45
8.7 INTERFACES ............................................................................................................................45
8.7.1 Interface Engineering ................................................................................................... 46
8.8 PLANNING & REPORTING ..................................................................................................47
9.0 SCOPE OF WORK OUTLINE ....................................................................................................... 48
9.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................48
9.2 FIRM SCOPE OF WORK ......................................................................................................49
9.4 ENGINEERING .....................................................................................................................55
9.4.1 Offshore transportation engineering ............................................................................ 55
9.4.2 Offshore installation engineering ................................................................................. 55
9.5 OFFSHORE TRANSPORTATION ACTIVITY .......................................................................60
ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................................................62
9.7 INSTALLATION TOLERANCES ...........................................................................................64
9.8 PRE-INSTALLATION SURVEY ............................................................................................65
9.9 POST-INSTALLATION SURVEY ..........................................................................................66
9.10 PROCUREMENT AND FABRICATION ................................................................................66
11.0 FACILITIES LIFE CYCLE INFORMATION ................................................................................... 68
11.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................68
11.3 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT ...............................................................................................69
11.4 DATA MANAGEMENT AND APPROVAL .............................................................................69

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11.4.1 ITEM NUMBERING IDENTIFICATION ................................................................... 69

11.4.2 PIPING CLASS AND 3D MODEL MANGEMENT ................................................... 69
11.4.3 2D/3D MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 70
11.4.4 TECHNICAL DATA SUBMISSION .......................................................................... 70
12.0 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION ..................................................................................................... 71
12.1 DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED AT TENDERER SUBMISSION .........................................71
12.2.1 WP8 CONTRACTOR Documentation ..................................................................... 71
12.2.2 COMPANY’s Approval ............................................................................................. 72
12.3 DOCUMENTATION FOR AUTHORITIES .............................................................................73
12.6 FINAL DOCUMENTATION – FINAL DOSSIER ....................................................................75
13.0 PROCUREMENT SERVICES ........................................................................................................ 78
13.1 GENERAL REQUISITIONS ..................................................................................................78
13.3 MATERIALS SUPPLY BY WP8 CONTRACTOR ..................................................................79
13.4 CRITICAL ITEMS AND PARTICULAR REQUISITIONS .......................................................79
13.5 PURCHASE ORDERS ..........................................................................................................79
13.6 MATERIALS RECEPTION ....................................................................................................79
13.7 MATERIALS CONTROL .......................................................................................................80
13.8 EXPEDITING ........................................................................................................................80
13.9 INSPECTION AND TESTING ...............................................................................................80
13.10 PROCUREMENT PLAN ISSUE AND UPDATE ....................................................................81
13.11 MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT SUPPLY .......................................................................................81
13.12 MATERIAL RECEPTION REPORT ......................................................................................81
13.13 BILL OF QUANTITIES ...........................................................................................................82
13.14 SUB-CONTRACTOR’S, VENDOR’S AND THIRD PARTY AGENCY LIST ...........................82
ANNEXES ............................................................................................................................................. 83

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1.1 Project Background

The objective of the project is to exploit the Marine XII resources from Néné, Litchendjili, Nkala and
Minsala fields by producing the gas, not associated and associated, to feed 2 FLNG facilities, namely
“Nearshore LNG” and “Offshore FLNG”. To achieve this target, the offshore facilities network will be
expanded with the installation of additional WHPs, separation and boosting platforms, modifications to the
existing facilities and all the required interconnecting lines.

The Marine XII permit is currently in production, with offshore facilities developing the resources from
Néné field, oil with associated gas, and Litchendjili field, gas with condensate. Néné field has been
developed in phases with first installation of AEP platform, followed by WHP4, WHP3 and the recently
installed WHP2.

The strategy of the Congo LNG Project is based on the opportunity to meet very competitive and
attractive time to market with small to mid-scale FLNG facilities which become available late 2023 and
late 2025; namely

 Tango FLNG, also called “Nearshore FLNG with a nameplate LNG capacity of 0.5786 MTPA with
expected start up in December 2023;
 New built FLNG unit, called “Offshore FLNG“, with a nominal nameplate capacity of 2.4 MTPA of
LNG with expected first LNG production in December 2025.
To feed gas to the FLNG Units, several new Facilities are needed, including:
 new wellhead platforms on all MXII assets;
 Separation and boosting modules mounted on semisubmersible vessel (Scarabeo 5) to handle
the gas and oil production of all the fields;
 Modification works on the WHP4 platform for interconnection with the S&B platform;
 Modification works on the Litchendjili platform;
 interconnecting sealines;

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 De-bottlenecking of onshore Litchendjili Plant;

 Onshore pre-treatment (OPT) plant for the “Nearshore LNG”;

1.2 Document Scope

The purpose of this document outlines Scope of Work and the technical requirements for the project
management, detail design, installation engineering, procurement of specified materials, fabrication,
transportation, construction, installation, diving services and offshore activities to be performed by the
CONTRACTOR for WP8 Transportation and Installation SoW project that will include the following

 nr.1 new jacket and 6+6 foundation piles for a new wellhead platform named WHP1;
 nr.1 new wellhead upper deck/platform named WHP1;

During Detail Engineering phase as well as Construction phase, shall be CONTRACTOR’s duty to name
all the documentation and material according to the official project title “Congo LNG Project” and
according to Company standards for documents management.

For sake of clarity CONTRACTOR works and the other work packages works are divided in the following

 T&I activities, required by this document are named as WP8; In this document it is also called as
 The works related to fabrication of the Jacket, piles and deck of the new platform WHP1 are part
of the EPC Contract named as WP7, including offshore Hook-up works to be performed once
completed the T&I works of WHP1
 The modification works on existing WHP4 platform are named as WP16
 D&C Contractor Works (Drilling & Completion of new wells on WHP1 platform) are named as

For more details CONTRACTOR shall refer to the document 3091C0FGPG00176_PROJECT


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2.1 Acronyms
3LPE 3 layer poly ethylene
a.s.l. above sea level
CB Certification Body
CPF Central Process Facilities
DP Dynamic Positioning
EPC Engineering Procurement Construction
EPIC Engineering Procurement Installation Construction
FEED Front End Engineering Design
HAZID Hazard Identification
HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study
HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling
HSE Health, safety and Environment
HSEMS Health, Safety & Environmental Management System
ITP Inspection Test Plan
KP Kilometre Point
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide
LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas
LTE Land Terminal End
MPR Monthly Progress Reports
MRB Manufacturing record book
MTO Material Take Off
MTPL Medium Tension Power Line
ND Nominal Diameter (pipeline)
NDE Non Destructive Examination
NDT Non Destructive Testing
PDT Pre-Drilling Template
PINM Pre-Inspection meetings
PLL Potential Loss of Life
PMI Positive Material Identification
PMC Project Management Control
QA/QC Quality assurance and Quality control
QCP Quality Control Plan
QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment
RAO Response Amplitude Operator
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
ROW Right Of Way
SI International System of measurement
SOW Scope of Work
TBA Technical Bid Analysis
TBD To be defined
TBM Thrust Boring Machine
TPI Third Party Inspection
T&I Transportation and Installation
UTM Universal Transverse of Mercator
WHP WellHead Platform

2.2 Definition of Terms

For the full list of DEFINITIONS, please refer to General Conditions of the CONTRACT.

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2.3 Language
The legal and commercial aspects of the contract shall be communicated in French in accordance with
the General and Special Conditions, while all the technical documents relating to the activities covered by
this document shall be in English language.

Operating and Maintenance Manuals shall be in English and French language.

2.4 Unit of Measurement

The units of measurements shall be the S.I. System.
Imperial units of measurements are allowed for nominal pipeline diameters only.

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CONTRACTOR shall strictly comply with the Local and Applicable International Rules and Regulations
even though this is not clearly specified in COMPANY’s documents.

CONTRACTOR shall comply with National and International Rules concerning the navigation and
offshore activities. As a general requirement, all standards, codes and regulations, as defined in the
COMPANY Documentation, will be applied.

Should conflict arise between the statements of different Rules, Codes or Standards, the following order
of precedence will be considered:

1. Local Statutory Laws and Regulations;

2. HSE Guidance Notes;
3. Contractual agreements (Contract Documentation including relevant Annexes and applicable
4. Other International standards and codes;
5. Other eni standards, codes, specifications & procedures;
6. Best practice, industry guidelines and standards.

Should conflicting requirements be made by different Rules, Codes or Standards, the most stringent one
shall be applied. In all cases, CONTRACTOR shall inform COMPANY

The reference documentation provided in this SoW and International Codes, Standards and Regulations
listed in the documents identified above shall govern the WORK. This, however, do not relieve
CONTRACTOR of the responsibility to use sound engineering judgement and accepted oil industry
practice if any requirements are not specifically addressed.

All Codes, Standards and Regulations shall be at their latest available edition at the CONTRACT
EFFECTIVE DATE, unless otherwise agreed with COMPANY. The adoption of later revisions published
during the course of the WORK shall only be acceptable after COMPANY APPROVAL.

It will be CONTRACTOR’s duty to verify the integral applicability of the COMPANY’s Standards &
Specifications to the Project requirements and provide for updates and integrations wherever necessary.
Any deviation from any COMPANY Standard or Specification shall be submitted by CONTRACTOR to

If CONTRACTOR cannot meet any Project referenced documentation requirements, exceptions will be
reviewed by COMPANY on an individual basis. CONTRACTOR shall provide data to substantiate the
need of any exception for COMPANY APPROVAL and shall ensure that such identification and
substantiation is provided within a timeframe which will not affect the PROJECT or the delivery schedule.
In all cases, CONTRACTOR should have already identified and brought to the attention of COMPANY
any technical exceptions during the TENDER phase.

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This Section gives the list of applicable documents upon which CONTRACTOR shall develop the WORK.
It shall be read in conjunction with other elements of the CONTRACT, with particular attention to the SoW
detailed in the Appendix D.

4.1 Project Technical Documentation

List of Project technical documents and specifications are included in ANNEX [03] and listed in the
document 30916700BGED00041 “DESIGN PACKAGE DOCUMENT LIST”.

4.2 Company and International Standards

Refer to 30916700BGEO00043 “LIST OF CODES AND COMPANY STANDARDS” and the standards
captured in ANNEX [02].

4.3 HSE Requirements

Refer to Appendix E of the ITT.

4.4 Quality Requirements

Refer to Appendix F of the ITT.

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5.1 General
The CONTRACTOR’s scope of work includes project management, detail design, installation
engineering, procurement, transportation, temporary works, construction/installation, inspection, diving
services and all other activities needed to fulfil the CONTRACT..

The above activities are referred to the following main items:

Nenè WHP1 Jacket, Outer Piles, Inner Piles and appurtenances

 Transportation and Installation detail design;

 Transportation of Jacket and Piles;
 Offshore installation of Jacket, Foundation Piles, including top piles cutting and bevel, the stairs
connecting boat landing and top of jacket walkway if required and removal of jacket temporary

Nenè WHP1 Integrated Deck with all appurtenances already installed

 Transportation and Installation detail design ;

 Transportation of Topside integrated deck (including flare/vent, crane, etc – no additional lift are
 Offshore installation of Topside including welding to top piles and all the relevant completion
activities to integrate the topside on top the Jacket;

1) During Tender phase CONTRACTOR shall endorse the FEED engineering performed by
COMPANY as also indicated in the document 30916700BGED00041_CDFE04_07 and Annex
2) A predrilling template will be already installed on the WHP1 location.

5.2 Nenè WHP1 Platform location

The development foresees the installation of the WHP1 wellhead platform in the Block Marine XII
(offshore Congo). Geographical coordinates are the following:

Datum Congo 1960 (Central point of Well Bay Area)

Proposed Location Easting [m] Northing [m]
WHP1 785876.07 9495474.84

WHP1 Platform orientation: WHP1 Platform plant north is 20° clockwise from true north.

CONTRACTOR shall refer to the Annex 07 – Offshore Overall Field Layout for existing and future
facilities location.

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5.3 Project Contractual Strategy

The CONGO LNG Project has been divided in different Contracting Packages as defined within “Project
External Interface Matrix” doc no 3091C0FGPG00176 reported in Annex 1. CONTRACTOR is named as
“WP8” (T&I Sealines) in above mentioned document.

5.4 Schedule and Project Milestones

Bidder is requested to develop an execution strategy for the T&I activities of WHP1 in compliance with the
following milestones, defined by COMPANY.

1 Tentative Contract Award 31 January 2024

RFSA of the Jacket & Piles from WP7 Contractor yard
2 30 Days after the date defined in the first
(located in China)
Mechanism of Transportation of Jacket
& Piles. The tender schedule shall be
built on T1 date.
RFSA of the Deck from WP7 Contractor yard (located in 15 Days after the date defined in the
second Mechanism of Transportation of
Deck. The tender schedule shall be built
on T1 date.
Platform Ready for Hook Up & Handover Certificate 70 Days from the Jacket & Piles RFSA
date or 40 Days from the Topside RFSA
whichever comes later.

COMPANY welcomes any suggestions from CONTRACTOR aimed at schedule optimization.

5.5 Notification Mechanism

COMPANY clarifies that RFLO date mentioned in the following section is meant as arrival date of the
transportation barge at EPC Contractor quayside.

The first Mechanism for the Transportation of the Jacket and piles is referred to the arrival of
transportation barge at EPC Contractor quayside (located in China) for grillage, loadout and seafastening
operations. Such mechanism is set as per below:

 The preliminary window shall be between the early date of 01 September 2024 (T1) and 30
November 2024 (T2).
 30 Days Prior to (T1), COMPANY will notify the CONTRACTOR of the foreseen RFLO date
within a window of 20 Days with (T3) Start Date & (T4) end date (T3) & (T4) within the first
window i.e. within (T1) & (T2).
 20 Days Prior to (T3), COMPANY will notify the CONTRACTOR of the foreseen RFLO date
within a window of 10 Days with (T5) Start Date & (T6) end date (T5) & (T6) within the second
window i.e. within (T3) & (T4).
 10 Days Prior to (T5), the CONTRACTOR will notify the COMPANY of the Final RFLO date within
the window with (T5) Start Date & (T6) end date.

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The second Mechanism for the Transportation of the Deck is referred to the arrival of transportation barge
at EPC Contractor quayside (located in China) for grillage, loadout and seafastening operations. Such
mechanism is set as per below:

 the preliminary window shall be between the early date of 01 October 2024 (T1) and 31
December 2024 (T2).
 30 Days Prior to (T1), COMPANY will notify the CONTRACTOR of the foreseen RFLO date
within a window of 20 Days with (T3) Start Date & (T4) end date (T3) & (T4) within the first
window i.e. within (T1) & (T2)
 20 Days Prior to (T3), COMPANY will notify the CONTRACTOR of the foreseen RFLO date
within a window of 10 Days with (T5) Start Date & (T6) end date (T5) & (T6) within the second
window i.e. within (T3) & (T4).
 15 Days Prior to (T5), the CONTRACTOR will notify the COMPANY of the Final RFLO date within
the window with (T5) Start Date & (T6) end date.

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6.1 Site and Location information and data

 Geographic Co-ordinates Reference System

Local Datum: Pointe Noire 1948 (alias Congo C60)

- Datum: Pointe Noire 1948
- Ellipsoid: Clarke 1880 (IGN)
- Semi-major axis a: 6378249.200 m
- Inverse Flattening, 1/f: 293.4660213
 Projected Co-ordinates Reference System

Local Projection: Pointe Noire 1948 UTM32S – EPSG code: 28232

- Datum: Pointe Noire 1948
- Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator
- Zone: 32 South
- Central Meridian: 009° 00’ 00” East
- Latitude Origin: 00° 00’ 00” North
- False Easting: 500 000.000
- False Northing: 10 000 000.000
- Scale Factor on CM: 0.999 600
- Units: International Meter
 Transformation Parameters from Local datum to WGS84
The transformation method is Geocentric translations (geog2D domain) at 3 parameters:

Pointe Noire to WGS 84 (2) – EPSG code: 1801

Dx Dy Dz
-144,98m +52,65m -291,62m

6.2 Marine XII existing assets

The coordinates and water depths of existing assets are reported in the following table:

Platform Easting [m] Northing [m] WD LAT [m]

Nené WHP4 - (Docking Pile 1) 784375.87 9497748.51 27.3
Nené WHP3 - (Docking Pile 1) 782963.99 9499328.70 28.0
Nené AEP - (Jacket Geometrical Center) 785066.21 9496450.06 27.0
Nené WHP2 - (Well bay center) 782442.00 9500870.00 27.0
Litchendjili platform - (Well bay center) 794541.04 9480873.62 37.5

6.3 General Location Data

A dedicated desk study has been performed for facilities detailed design in the offshore Congo area,
(Loango and Nenè Oil Fields, Congo: Metocean Study for Detailed Design of Offshore Structures, doc. n°
14-551-H1 – Rev. 2 (See ANNEX 6)

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Further information on this subject included in document “01303601BORVV6114_CDFE01 - Litchendjili

Platform - MetOcean Design Data” (See ANNEX 7).

 Water depth & Sea level

Water depth and levels at the platform location will be assumed as follows:
- WHP1 Water depth (nominal) 27.0 m (LAT)
Further information on this subject (including sea level) included in document “Metocean Study for Detailed
Design of Offshore Structures – Loango and Nenè Oil Fields, Congo (August 2015 – doc. n. 14-551-H1
Rev. 2)” (See ANNEX 6).

 Soil Data
Soil data used for the design of WHP1 platform (part of this data included in ITT package) refers to
ANNEX 8 (Fugro Report dated 2019).
With reference to Geophysical data, Refer to ANNEX 9 (including Analogue Survey and VHRS & 2DHRS
Further Geotechnical Data (including CPT relevant to mud mats) will be included in ANNEX 10 ([HOLD
1]) and will be provided by COMPANY once available.

 Wind data
This paragraph briefly describes the characterization of typical and extreme winds.
The annual wind regime offshore Congo is presented in the form of the frequency distribution of the wind
speed vs incoming directions (Table 6.1) and in the form of a wind rose (Figure 6.1).
Wind speed is less than 8.0 m/s about 99% of the time and exceeds 8.0 m/s about 0.6% of the time. The
highest recorded value over the 20-year period falls in the wind speed class 14 m/s and came from the
south. 82% of the time the incoming wind direction sector is in the range 150°-240°N. Prevailing winds
come from S-SSW directions for about 67% of times.

Figure 6.1 - Annual Wind Rose

The higher extreme values of wind speed for non-squall conditions are associated with the S and SW

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W (m/s)
DIR (°N)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 >14 TOTAL
0 0.44 0.15 0.03 0.02 * * 0.64
30 0.44 0.15 0.04 0.01 * 0.64
60 0.50 0.23 0.05 * * 0.78
90 0.80 0.48 0.11 0.02 * 1.41
120 1.35 1.60 0.53 0.07 0.01 * 3.56
150 2.44 5.26 3.30 0.66 0.03 * 11.69
180 3.43 10.67 9.87 2.66 0.23 0.02 * 26.88
210 3.79 11.75 10.69 2.61 0.18 0.01 29.03
240 3.03 6.93 4.45 0.71 0.02 * 15.14
270 1.87 2.93 1.18 0.24 0.02 0.01 6.25
300 1.01 1.11 0.53 0.15 0.04 0.01 * 2.85
330 0.63 0.32 0.12 0.03 0.02 0.01 1.13
TOTAL 19.73 41.58 30.9 7.18 0.55 0.06 100.00
(*) Means frequency < 0.01%

Table 6.1 - Frequency (%) Distribution of Wind Speed vs Incoming Direction (Annual)
Maximum wind speed for radiation study will be considered equal to 10 m/s.
Further information on this subject (including sea level) included in document “Metocean Study for
Detailed Design of Offshore Structures – Loango and Nenè Oil Fields, Congo (August 2015 – doc. n. 14-
551-H1 Rev. 2)” (See ANNEX 6).

 Squalls
The Congo Basin and the adjacent equatorial Atlantic belong to the most active, but also to the most
poorly observed, convective regions on Earth.
Surface squalls generated by deep convective systems pose a substantial threat to operations on
offshore structures, which motivates attempts to better understand and forecast this phenomenon.
Further information on this subject included in document “Metocean Study for Detailed Design of Offshore
Structures – Loango and Nenè Oil Fields, Congo (August 2015 – doc. n. 14-551-H1 Rev. 2)” (See ANNEX

 Wave data
This paragraph describes the characteristics of the general wave climate and its extreme values.
Distinction is made between Wind Sea (waves that are generated by local winds) and Swells (waves that
have been generated by winds outside the area). Total Sea refers to the combination of both.
The results related to the annual distribution (omnidirectional and directional values) of total sea, well and
wind sea time series are presented in the tables and figures below reported. Results of the monthly
analyses on total sea are collected, instead, in Appendix B and Appendix C of document “Metocean
Study for Detailed Design of Offshore Structures – Loango and Nenè Oil Fields, Congo (August 2015 –
doc. n. 14-551-H1 Rev. 2)” (See ANNEX 6)..
The annual directional distribution of the significant wave height for the total sea, comprehending swell
and wind seas, is shown in Figure 6. (Wave Rose).
Waves are prevalently swell dominated. Moreover, the wave directional distribution evidences that almost
all waves come from the direction sector between S and SW.

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Figure 6.2 - Annual Total Sea Wave Rose (Mean Direction)

The directional distribution is summarized by the frequency distribution of significant wave height vs mean
direction. Direction means the direction that the waves come from.

Hs (m)
DIR (°N)
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 >4.0 TOTAL
150 *
180 0.68 3.65 2.15 0.48 0.14 0.02 7.12
210 13.01 50.88 21.98 5.66 1.01 0.17 0.01 92.72
240 0.03 0.09 0.02 * 0.14
270 0.01 0.01 0.02
300 *
TOTAL 13.72 54.63 24.16 6.14 1.15 0.19 0.01 100.00
(*) Means frequency < 0.01%
Table 6.2 - Frequency (%) Distribution of Significant Wave Height vs Mean Direction (Annual – Total Sea)

The waves come practically all from 180°N and 210°N direction sectors (about 7% and 93% respectively).
Significant wave height is always less than 4.0 m (the highest value recorded is 3.6 m). Significant wave
height is less than 2.5 m about 98% of the time and exceeds 3.0 m about 0.2% of the time.
The relationship between significant wave height and wave period is summarized by the joint frequency
distribution in Table 6.3 for the mean period and in Table 6.4 for the peak period. The tables show that
the majority of the waves have a mean period in the range of 8 s to 14 s and a peak period in the range
from 10÷18 s. In both cases, the wave period increases with the significant wave height as expected.

Hs (m)
Tm (s)
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 >4.0 TOTAL
6 0.05 * 0.05
7 0.39 0.25 0.03 0.67

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8 2.12 2.03 0.06 0.01 4.22

9 5.54 9.00 0.52 0.01 * 15.07
10 4.41 19.11 2.88 0.06 0.01 26.47
11 1.10 18.11 8.50 0.66 0.02 28.39
12 0.10 5.16 8.42 2.21 0.19 16.08
13 0.01 0.86 2.95 2.07 0.48 0.02 6.39
14 0.11 0.70 0.90 0.34 0.08 2.13
15 0.01 0.08 0.19 0.08 0.06 0.01 0.43
16 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.10
17 *
TOTAL 13.72 54.64 24.16 6.14 1.15 0.18 0.01 100.00
(*) Means frequency < 0.01%

Table 6.3 - Frequency (%) Distribution of Significant Wave Height vs Mean Period (Annual – Total Sea)

Hs (m)
Tp (s)
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 >4.0 TOTAL
5 0.01 0.01
6 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.10
7 0.03 0.03 0.01 * 0.07
8 0.12 0.07 0.01 0.20
9 1.02 0.63 0.03 1.68
10 2.80 3.45 0.10 6.35
11 3.62 9.02 0.82 0.01 13.47
12 2.62 15.31 3.68 0.17 21.78
13 1.75 12.81 7.52 0.98 0.05 23.11
14 0.91 6.99 6.27 1.96 0.28 0.01 16.42
15 0.45 3.82 3.51 1.91 0.49 0.03 10.21
16 0.12 0.85 0.78 0.41 0.11 0.04 2.31
17 0.12 1.04 1.02 0.50 0.16 0.08 0.01 2.93
18 0.07 0.41 0.33 0.16 0.05 0.02 1.04
19 0.01 0.10 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.19
20 0.01 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.12
21 0.01 * 0.01
22 * *
23 *
TOTAL 13.72 54.64 24.16 6.14 1.15 0.18 0.01 100.00
(*) Means frequency < 0.01%

Table 6.4 - Frequency (%) Distribution of Significant Wave Height vs Peak Period (Annual – Total Sea)

Further information on this subject (including sea level) included in document “Metocean Study for
Detailed Design of Offshore Structures – Loango and Nenè Oil Fields, Congo (August 2015 – doc. n. 14-
551-H1 Rev. 2)” (See ANNEX 6).

 Currents

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Few measurements of current regime are available for the study area. The measurements performed at
Loango (4°31’ S, 11°17’ E, depth 86 m) from November 1984 to January 1985 (Snamprogetti, 1986)
show a noticeably variability of the flow and highlight the turnover of the NW and SE directions, the SE
being generally associated to stronger velocity. No long-term measurements are available.

Figure 6.3 - Current Roses at Loango

The extreme omnidirectional current speed values along the water column are provided for return periods
of 1, 10, 50 and 100 years. Values include all contribution to the current (Vtotal) and refer to the 1-hour
average velocity.

Table6.5 - Extreme Omnidirectional Total Current Vertical Profile

Further information on this subject (including sea level) included in document “Metocean Study for
Detailed Design of Offshore Structures – Loango and Nenè Oil Fields, Congo (August 2015 – doc. n. 14-
551-H1 Rev. 2)” (See ANNEX 6).

 Seawater temperature, salinity and density

Refer to document “Metocean Study for Detailed Design of Offshore Structures – Loango and Nenè Oil
Fields, Congo (August 2015 – doc. n. 14-551-H1 Rev. 2)” (See ANNEX 6).

 Rainfall
The monthly rainfall diagrams shows two different seasons: the first from September to May, wet with
continuous raining, and the second from June to August, with complete drought.

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The following rainfall will be considered:

- Max (wet period) 300 mm/month
- Min (wet period) 70 mm/month
- Max (drought period) 12 mm/month
- Min (drought period) 1 mm/month
- Max peak value: 90 mm/h
- Max value: 30 mm/h

For design purpose, the rain law is 90mm/h with return period of 10 years; first flush to consider is 15

 Deck minimum elevation

The minimum elevation of the lower deck is evaluated as shown in the table below, using the air gap
criteria of ISO 19902 (point A6.3.3.2), and the abnormal 10.000-year storm wave crest elevation (a)
calculated on the basis of the highest omni-directional wave. As the abnormal crest height elevation is not
available in the Metocean report (ANNEX 6), it is evaluated based on 100-year crest height (a100),
increased by 15% and using the most conservative formula between A.6.3-3 and A.6.3-4:

100-y Hmax 6.00 m

100-y Crest elevation + 15% (0.642x6.00x1.15) 4.43 m
Abnormal wave crest elevation (a): max (A.6.3-3;A.6.3-4): 5.93 m
Max. elevation of the tide relative to MSL (t) 1.07 m
Extreme Storm surge (s) 0.34 m
Subsidence (f1) n.a.
Long-term sea-level rise (f2): 7 cm/10y -> 17.5 cm for 25 y 0.175 m
Subsidence + long-term sea-level rise (f=f1+f2) 0.175 m
Min. elevation of underside of deck beam (referred to MSL)
6.54 m

Mean sea level (MSL) referred to LAT 1.06 m

Min. elevation of underside of deck beam (referred to LAT) 7.60 m
Minimum Elevation of underside beam of Lowest Deck Elevation
Should one or more deck equipment (e.g. open drain tanks and relevant support structure) be located at
elevation less than the minimum design deck elevation, then the relevant flooding loads shall be
evaluated and used for structural verification.

 Seismicity Data
Congo offshore area is considered to have very low seismicity risk. As reported by ISO 19901-Part 2-
2017, 5 % damped spectral response accelerations for offshore Congo are estimated to be 0.02 g for 1.0
s oscillator period, and 0.05 g for 0.2 s.
These values correspond to seismic zone level 0 and seismic risk category (SRC) 1, and according to
ISO 19901-Part 2-2017 no further earthquake design verification is required.
During preliminary engineering, the approach here above was followed, for a preliminary evaluation.
However, according to latest ISO 19901-Part 2 3rd revision issued in 2022, 5% damped spectral
response accelerations for offshore Congo are estimated to be 0.05÷0.075 g for 1.0 s oscillator period,
and 0.15÷0.20 g for 0.2 s.

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These values correspond to seismic zone level 1 and seismic risk category (SRC) 2 for L3 exposure
level, and according to ISO 19901-Part 2-2022 simplified earthquake design verification shall be carried
out during detail engineering phase.

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7.1 Responsibilities
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the overall Contractual Scope of work as defined herein and in
the Contractual Documents.

CONTRACTOR shall be deemed the sole responsible to complete the Contractual Scope of Work and
shall be deemed as responsible for any damage to persons, environment, objects, pipes, cables,
structures and any other asset owned by the COMPANY or any other Third Party which may be caused
during work execution in accordance with the Contract.

7.2 Contractor Organization & General Responsibilities

CONTRACTOR shall submit CONTRACTOR’s organization chart to COMPANY for APPROVAL within
two weeks of Contract Award.

The organization chart shall be relevant to all phases of project (design, construction, etc.) and cover all
the CONTRACTOR’s Scope of Work (onshore and offshore).

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that sufficient, competent manpower resources are available to meet
construction Milestones.

CONTRACTOR shall provide all personnel, supervision (including supervision and administration of sub-
contracts) professional and technical services, inspection, testing, transportation, and support services,
and shall perform all operations required to complete the Work.

CONTRACTOR shall stipulate proper insurance for all goods transported and submit to COMPANY the
relevant insurance bill.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for control, coordination and implementation of the works in
accordance with COMPANY control and coordination requirements as stated in the COMPANY standards
attached to this document.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the management, fabrication, transport, installation/construction,

inspection and certification, logistics, obtaining consents and approvals.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the management, and control of the Works, from CONTRACT
award through to final acceptance and handover of the Works to COMPANY. CONTRACTOR shall
produce an overall method statement describing their intentions as regards selection of
subcontractors, site preparation, safety procedures, interfacing with COMPANY operations personnel
and other contractors, handover and demobilization.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for provision of all plant, equipment, materials, consumables, and
labour, required to complete the work.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the supply, installation, operation, test, and maintenance of all
support facilities, together with any other services required to enable him to carry out the work. These
shall include office accommodation, messing facilities, workshops, warehouses etc. CONTRACTOR shall
also be responsible for the installation and erection of any temporary facilities required to assist with work
completion including but not limited to weather protection, lighting, scaffolding, etc., and shall remove
these from the site(s), together with all waste materials and debris, upon completion of the work.

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CONTRACTOR shall complete all of the work in compliance with the relevant standards, specifications,
and Codes of Practice stated in this Scope of Work, documents attached to this document and in
compliance with local regulations.

7.2.1 Responsibilities within the Frame of the WORK

SUB-CONTRACTORS and VENDORs selection and management performed by CONTRACTOR are
subject to the CONTRACT and COMPANY’s standards provisions.

All documentation, material, equipment, packages and services supplied by SUB-CONTRACTORS and
VENDORS shall be subject to the same technical provisions given in this document, and as such will be
considered undifferentiated from CONTRACTOR’s directly provided documentation, material, equipment,
packages and services.

CONTRACTOR shall assume single, sole and exclusive responsibility towards the COMPANY of the
whole set of goods and services provided by CONTRACTOR’s SUB-CONTRACTORS and VENDORs.

CONTRACTOR shall obtain all Authorities approvals required for the WORK and COMPANY will assist
CONTRACTOR in identifying and obtaining such approvals.

CONTRACTOR shall liaise with members of the local community on all issues including:

 Requirement for additional land for project use;

 Employment of people from local community;
 Disposal of scrap and packaging materials to local community.

CONTRACTOR shall submit with his proposal a detailed procedure illustrating the proposed coordination
and responsibilities for the interface activities (to be listed) and shall include provisions relevant to the
above activities, including interface meetings at any location. During Detail Engineering activity
CONTRACTOR shall define criteria, responsibility and procedure to manage such interaction and flow of
data & information and that a Coordination Plan among the parties shall be detailed during Detail Design
by all the CONTRACTORs and items provided by COMPANY.

CONTRACTOR will arrange necessary import authorisation (temporary and permanent) from Congolese
Authorities. No material shall be imported into Congo without valid import authorisation.
Contractor will be responsible for obtaining all the permits, certificates, authorizations and approvals
necessary in compliance with the Congolese legislation and State Authorities.

CONTRACTOR shall employ qualified personnel that are experienced in performing work in their
respective trade.
COMPANY shall have the right to require the removal of any personnel of CONTRACTOR, or his
subcontractors who, in COMPANY’s opinion, are not qualified to perform the WORK.
CONTRACTOR shall exercise close supervision of all phases of fabrication, construction and installation,
assuring himself and the COMPANY of sound materials and workmanship. CONTRACTOR shall keep a
complete set of the Drawings and Specifications at the work site at all times, and shall familiarize all
personnel with the requirements of the WORK.

CONTRACTOR’s equipment shall be in good working conditions, suitable for the work for which it is
intended and of adequate capacity and number to perform the WORK efficiently to meet the installation
schedule. Any equipment which, in COMPANY’s opinion, is not suitable will not produce satisfactory
WORK, or will adversely affect the quality of workmanship or retard progress, shall be removed from the
WORK site repaired or replaced with other equipment, to the satisfaction of COMPANY. A sufficient

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number of spare standby equipment shall be provided in order to respond to possible emergency
conditions or repair WORK.

All equipment shall be properly stored, maintained and kept in good operating condition, an adequate
quantity of spare parts shall be available at all time for this purpose.

Upon completion of the work, all COMPANY supplied material shall be returned to COMPANY.
CONTRACTOR shall haul and rack in a neat manner all such materials at the locations designated by
COMPANY. All surplus CONTRACTOR furnished materials shall remain the property of CONTRACTOR
and shall be removed from the work site upon completion of the WORK.

COMPANY will carry out Coordination of the overall Project.

COMPANY Project Team will manage the CONTRACT and give final direction and APPROVAL for all
aspects of the WORK and the CONTRACT. Once COMPANY has approved a drawing or document, any
subsequent revision to that drawing or document shall require further APPROVAL.

COMPANY may ask CONTRACTOR to submit the engineering documentation to independent Third
Parties such as Certifying Bodies or Marine Warranty Surveyors, who will make reviews and checks
aiming at verifying the consistency of CONTRACTOR’s design with the required Rules and Standards

7.3 HSE

7.3.1 General
CONTRACTOR shall place the highest importance and priority on all Health, Safety and Environment
(HSE) aspects and requirements throughout the WORK.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the management and implementation of HSE working practices
during all phases of the WORK, as per HSE documentations in the CONTRACT, in accordance with the
COMPANY Specifications and Standards attached to the CONTRACT.

CONTRACTOR shall have an HSE Management System capable to meet the requirements specified
within the HSE Contract Clauses included in General Conditions and within the Appendix E.

In reference to the HSE Management System (HSE-MS), COMPANY clarify that CONTRACTOR's Scope
of Work that will be carried out within COMPANY's facilities /Field is considered under HSE Contracting
Mode 2, while CONTRACTOR's Scope of Work that will be carried out outside of COMPANY's
facilities/Field is considered under HSE Contracting Mode 3.
Here follows a brief description of HSE Contracting Modes 2 and 3, highlighting the main differences
between each other.

Mode 2
CONTRACTOR provides people, processes, equipment and/or facilities for the execution of the
CONTRACT under its own HSE Management System, providing the necessary instructions and oversight
and verifying the proper functioning of its HSE Management System.
This Mode requires interfacing or bridging of CONTRACTOR's HSE Management System with
COMPANY's HSE Management System, including, but not limited to, issuing to COMPANY a Bridging
Document between CONTRACTOR's HSE Policy and COMPANY's HSE Policy and reporting of HSE
performance data to COMPANY as per CONTRACT's Appendix E.

Mode 3

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CONTRACTOR provides people, process, equipment, and/or facilities for the execution of the
CONTRACT under its own oversight, instruction and HSE Management System. This Mode does not
require interfacing or bridging of CONTRACTOR's HSE Management System with COMPANY's HSE
Management System. HSE performance data are reported to COMPANY as per CONTRACT, according
to CONTRACTOR's Reporting Procedure.

7.3.2 HSE Plan

CONTRACTOR shall develop, enforce and maintain a detailed HSE Plan applicable to all phases of the
CONTRACT. The HSE Plan shall describe the CONTRACTOR HSE system and respective application to
the WORK, and shall demonstrate to CONTRACTOR, his SUBCONTRACTORS and COMPANY
personnel how CONTRACTOR intends to manage HSE throughout all phases of the CONTRACT in
order to comply with his own HSE policy and procedures, and with COMPANY and legislative

The HSE Plan shall include, as a minimum (refer also to document OPI-HSE-027):

 Detailed organization chart for the execution of the CONTRACT, including parts of the
CONTRACT to be subcontracted and named SUBCONTRACTORS, with positions and functions
dedicated to HSE Management.
 Responsibilities and authority of HSE management key personnel.
 Curriculum Vitae of proposed personnel for HSE key positions and functions.
 Principles and criteria planned for the execution of the CONTRACT, considering the principles
and rules reported in the CONTRACT.
 List and description of all HSE activities planned, including control activities, execution program,
and resources assigned.
 Deliverables list.

Separate sections prepared in conjunction with SUBCONTRACTORS shall be included in the HSE Plan
whenever part of the WORK is sub-contracted.

CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY APPROVAL the detailed HSE Plan in accordance with the
time stated in APPENDIX G (Contract Coordination Procedure) of the CONTRACT.

The HSE PLAN shall be signed by an authorised CONTRACTOR signatory.

CONTRACTOR shall organize the SIMOPS, HAZID, HAZOP workshops and shall provide all the relevant

7.3.3 HSE Requirements

CONTRACTOR shall comply with the project HSE requirements with the aim to collect and document all
the HSE design criteria and philosophies, applicable regulations, codes and standards that are to be
adhered regarding the project facilities design.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to comply with all national laws and regulations that apply to the
work and reported in the legal compliance register, as foreseen by the project scope and required in the
HSE requirements defined by CONTRACTOR shall be compliant with COMPANY HSE Requirements
included within Appendix E of the ITT, including (and not limited to) compliance with COMPANY’s OPI SG
HSE 027 – “Contract Health, Safety and Environmental Requirements for Services, Engineering,
EPC/EPIC/EPF, Goods”, with OPI HSE 023 - Safety & Environmental Minimum Design Requirements”
and compliance with the provided COMPANY HSE Standards.

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CONTRACTOR shall establish a system to identify, record and report deficiencies and hazards which
could affect the safe operation of the system.

CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed list of the proposed HSE design activities/deliverables within the
CONTRACTOR Project HSE Plan, as per the requirements included within the Appendix E.
The guiding principle shall be that CONTRACTOR shall be able to demonstrate to COMPANY that risks
have been reduced at least to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).
Significant efforts shall be made to manage hazards by the application of Inherent Safety principles rather
than by moving directly to control and mitigation methods. At least ALARP principles (and Cost Benefit
Analyses when required) shall be used to judge the adequacy at each stage of the risk management
Consideration of HSE aspects shall be incorporated into all stages of the WORK in order that issues can
be addressed as soon as they arise. The earlier an HSE issue is identified, the easier it is to address the
issue and find a cost effective, practical solution.
It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to demonstrate that the risks associated with the WORK
comply with the COMPANY requirements. Formal HSE studies shall be used to identify major hazards
and assess risks in order to ensure that adequate control measures are provided.
Following what reported above, it shall be ensured that the HSE activities to be performed during the
design phase shall cover the following aspects:

 Endorsement of COMPANY HSE design criteria and philosophies with subsequent

implementation into project documentation,
 Participation to Risk Assessment Workshop organized by CONTRACTOR. Recommendations
arising from Risk Assessment Workshop shall be subject to proper follow-up and close-out under
responsibility of CONTRACTOR, therefore a specific follow-up & close-out report for each review
undertaken shall be issued by CONTRACTOR. COMPANY may decide to request the
participation of other interested Contractors/Vendors, if needed. In particular, CONTRACTOR
shall support and participate with required personnel to the HAZID, SIMOPS and Integrated
HAZOP sessions arranged by COMPANY with other project work packages contractors.
 Preparation of technical specifications, datasheets, Bill of Quantities, etc. for HSE systems and
 Development of HSE deliverables.

7.3.4 HSE Audits

CONTRACTOR shall audit and follow-up the performance of SUPPLIERS and SUBCONTRACTORS’
HSE Management Systems.

CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY review a HSE Audit Plan in accordance with the time stated in
APPENDIX G (Contract Coordination Procedure) of the CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR shall update the
HSE Audit Plan as required and shall re-issue it to COMPANY on a monthly basis.

COMPANY reserves the right to undertake individual HSE audits in order to ensure that CONTRACTOR
is implementing his own HSE policy and COMPANY requirements. CONTRACTOR shall supply facilities
and personnel as necessary to enable COMPANY HSE audits.

CONTRACTOR shall take immediate corrective actions if deficiencies are identified in the application of
the HSE procedures.
7.3.5 Risk Analysis And Safe Working Practices
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all potential hazards associated with the WORK activities - being them
hazards to the public, to the environment or to any person from whatever employer which is involved in
the WORK - are systematically identified, effects are analysed, overall risks evaluated, in accordance with
the criteria indicated in APPENDIX E, and adequate measures for risks mitigation and elimination are
identified early in the design phase and implemented accordingly. Risk mitigation and elimination

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measures established by CONTRACTOR shall be followed up and respective implementation shall be

controlled with appropriate maintenance criteria.

CONTRACTOR shall plan and apply suitable Risk analysis and techniques to all phases of the WORK,
which shall be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary.

In order to identify shut-down requirements for installations operations next to or onto live installation or
over live pipelines, CONTRACTOR shall conduct an installation HAZID/HAZOP during project execution
phase with CONTRACTOR’s and COMPANY’s Project Managers, Project engineers, Operational
Managers, Offshore Installation Managers, Captains/ Superintendents and QA&HSE officers to identify
such requirements.

Risks to people and to the environment shall be eliminated or reduced to ALARP level through proper
measures for eliminating, controlling, or minimizing hazards and risks associated to them.

CONTRACTOR shall put in place safe working procedures to prevent and mitigate potential hazards.
These may include, but are not limited to:

 Implementation of a rigid ‘Permit to Work’ system;

 Systematic review and update of the hazard register,
 Preparation of non-routine procedures;
 Conducting Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), or equivalent
assessments when working with chemicals;
 Adoption of specialized and adequate safety equipment and warning devices/notices;
 Adoption of other measures as may be recommended by the COMPANY HSE Department

Hazard identification, risk evaluation, measures adopted and respective application shall be
systematically recorded by CONTRACTOR.

Before starting the WORK, CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY APPROVAL a HSE Operative
Plan prepared for assigned specific tasks, which shall include the program for their execution, and shall
account for the interaction between activities of different SUBCONTRACTORS operating in the SITE.

COMPANY reserves the right to request any modifications or amendments to the proposed HSE
Operative Plan as deemed necessary. CONTRACTOR shall not commence the WORK before the
COMPANY APPROVAL of the HSE Operative Plan.
7.3.6 Statutory Obligations
It is the responsibility of CONTRACTOR, SUPPLIERS and SUBCONTRACTORS to comply with all
applicable statutory obligations, legislation, rules and norms of Congo and with all the standards
(INTERNATIONAL, COMPANY’s) indicated in the CONTRACT, from WORK initiation and throughout
CONTRACT Agreement.

CONTRACTOR, SUPPLIERS and SUBCONTRACTORS shall be familiar with Congo Standards which
are applicable to all activities, materials, equipment, facilities, plants, documents and permits associated
to the CONTRACT.

Evidence of compliance with applicable rules, legislation and standards shall be specifically assessed and
demonstrated through adequate HSE reviews of produced documents and HSE records, during all
phases of the WORK.

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7.3.7 COMPANY HSE Policy

DISCIPLINARY Policy in the execution of the WORK and shall maintain and document evidence of the
fulfilment of this responsibility throughout the CONTRACT.

CONTRACTOR shall make all applicable rules and COMPANY HSE requirements available to all
employees involved in the WORK, including SUPPLIERS and SUBCONTRACTORS employees.
CONTRACTOR shall also ensure that all such employees are made aware of the contents of these rules
and HSE requirements prior to start the WORK.

CONTRACTOR, SUPPLIERS and SUBCONTRACTORS shall develop self-audit programs and submit
SUBCONTRACTORS may be required to participate in a joint auditing program with COMPANY.
COMPANY also reserves the right to conduct, independent audits.

CONTRACTOR, SUPPLIERS and SUBCONTRACTORS shall be responsible for correcting any

deficiencies identified by the audits to the COMPANY satisfaction.

CONTRACTOR shall develop and implement a HSE Management system for any operating phases
associated to the WORK as per COMPANY HSE documentation reported in APPENDIX E (HSE) of the

CONTRACTOR is responsible for ensuring that SUPPLIERS and SUBCONTRACTORS are compliant
with the above requirements.

7.3.8 SIMOPS and Participation to SIMOPS Workshop

During the activities carried out by CONTRACTOR foreseen for the overall Project, some of these
activities may occur at the same time in Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) with other activities.

CONTRACTOR shall develop an installation plan based on the following principle:

 Allow sufficient flexibility to cope with the presence of other marine spread on the field
(including 2 drilling rigs simultaneously etc.)
 Avoid SIMOPS (if possible)
 Avoid the risk of installation vessel stand by.

The simultaneous execution of two or more activities, due to their interaction, increases operational
complexity and the level of associated risk. Therefore, for the proper management of SIMOPS Risk, a
SIMOPS workshop shall be held, with participation of all the actors. As result of these activities, the
following deliverables will be prepared:

 “Manual of Permitted Operations” (MOPO)

 SIMOPS Communication protocol during emergency and normal operations

CONTRACTOR shall participate to the SIMOPS workshop, and shall provide all the relevant information,
e.g. about CONTRACTOR procedures for Installation, CONTRACTORS vessel(s) and other equipment,
communication, activities duration etc.

After the SIMOPS workshop, COMPANY will provide the deliverables (i.e. the MOPO and the SIMOPS
Communication protocol) to CONTRACTOR, and CONTRACTOR, during the WORK, shall follow all the
requirements and procedures indicated there.

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CONTRACTOR shall evaluate and assess the risk associated to the installation and connection of all the
structures described in this Scope of Work with nearby existing and operating system. The conclusions
shall be shared with COMPANY by means of dedicated workshops and relevant procedure issued for

7.3.9 HSE Supervision

The CONTRACTOR is responsible for HSE coordination and supervision at the workplace.
For the activities carried out within COMPANY Field/Facilities, CONTRACTOR shall provide at least one
(1) HSE Supervisor. An additional HSE Supervisor shall be present every 50 workers – ratio 1:50. For the
determination of the number of HSE Supervisors and HSE Technicians, only site workers shall be
considered: i.e. office personnel such as, for example, HSE Manager, Project Manager, etc., shall not be
The following table shall be used as a reference and maybe more stringent:

The above requirements are applicable for every working shift, typically day and night and throughout the
execution of the contract. Resources shall be modulated in relation of the execution needs, which shall be
the subject of a regular review and planning.

The table above shows the minimum number of resources required to supervise the activities covered by
the service.

7.4 Quality Assurance

CONTRACTOR shall perform the Contractual Scope of Work in such a way to conform to the Quality
Standards outlined in the CONTRACT documents and COMPANY’s Quality Assurance/Quality Control
documents applicable to this Scope of Work.

CONTRACTOR shall operate a Quality Management System (QMS) in accordance with the requirements
specified within internationally recognized quality standard such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 29001:2020 or
API Q1/Q2 and those reported within the Appendix F to ensure the quality of the EPCI Work and of the
related services.
The implementation of such QMS for the activities reported within the SOW shall be documented in a
Project Quality Plan. The combination of CONTRACTOR's existing Quality Management System and its
Project-specific Project Quality Plan shall:

 ensure CONTRACTOR and its SUBCONTRACTORs, vendors, and sub-vendors comply with
Project quality requirements.
 ensure required quality controlling documents (e.g.: drawings, specifications, procedures,
inspection and test plans) are in place, with all required comments resolved and/or
approved/endorsed as applicable, prior to allowing the corresponding EPC Work to commence.

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 ensure the early identification, reporting, resolution and approved disposition of quality
management system failures and nonconforming products. CONTRACTOR shall require follow-
up to confirm acceptable results.
 require the provision of documentation that confirms compliance with Project requirements.
 provide quality metrics for gauging quality status and performance and report them at a frequency
to be specified by COMPANY, but not less than monthly.

CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY:

 CONTRACTOR's Project-specific Project Quality Plan for APPROVAL, the initial submission of
which may be limited in scope to early work, then updated by subsequent revision(s) in a timely
manner to address the remaining EPC Work.
 Individual Quality Plans of CONTRACTOR's suppliers of critical material or equipment and its
design subcontractors (according to Criticality Rating Assessment).
 Inspection & Test Plans of CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR's suppliers of critical material or
equipment and its design SUBCONTRACTORs for APPROVAL.
 Departures from Project specifications reported by CONTRACTOR, its suppliers, or its design
SUBCONTRACTORs where the departure (i.e. nonconformity) will result in the Project
specification not being met for APPROVAL.
 Criticality rating worksheets prepared by CONTRACTOR for APPROVAL. CONTRACTOR shall
obtain COMPANY's APPROVAL of criticality rating worksheets prior to CONTRACTOR issuing
inquiries for the associated equipment or materials.
 Control procedures necessary for the effective implementation of the Project-specific Project
Quality Plan for review and comment. CONTRACTOR shall obtain COMPANY's determination as
to its selection of control procedures requiring submittal. CONTRACTOR shall obtain
COMPANY's acceptance of resolution of COMPANY's comments to control procedures for
manufacture, fabrication, or construction (e.g. welding, coating, non-destructive examination, etc.)
prior to the start of such work.
 Quality Audit Schedule for review and comment. CONTRACTOR's Quality Audit Schedule shall
include audits of suppliers of critic material or equipment, design contractors, and
CONTRACTOR at a minimum.
 CONTRACTOR's statistics on the results of engineering, procurement, and construction

CONTRACTOR shall perform all Quality Control activities in accordance to the following technical



CONTRACTOR shall address and resolve, to COMPANY's satisfaction, quality issues, including those
identified during:

 COMPANY reviews, audits, surveillance, inspection, or assessments.

 Third party reviews and inspections (e.g. marine warranty survey, class certification, source
COMPANY identified issues will be made available to CONTRACTOR.

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CONTRACTOR shall provide access to work sites, personnel and documentation and otherwise facilitate
COMPANY's quality management activities, such as:

 Design reviews, including review of design input, day-to-day review of design output, discipline or
topic specific design reviews, and formal design review meetings conducted by CONTRACTOR.
 Participation in selected pre-inspection/pre-production meetings.
 COMPANY's representatives meeting with CONTRACTOR's engineers periodically to discuss
various aspects of the EPCI Work and the related services.
 Joint and/or independent quality surveillance, procedure assessments, source and field
Inspection, audits, and assessments of quality management systems of CONTRACTOR, its
SUBCONTRACTORs, vendors, and subvendors.
The scope of surveillance, inspection, audit, and assessment may include, but not limited to:

 Documented systems, procedures, and plans.

 Procurement documents for technical and inspection content
 Equipment-specific Inspection and Test Plans in relation to specification requirements and
criticality rating assessments.
 Source, field, and receipt inspection activities, Inspection reports, and NCRs.
 Participation in inspection and test stages per Inspection and Test Plans
 Resolution of issues
 Receipt of inspection anomaly reports.
 Approvals of deviations.
CONTRACTOR shall follow-up on all items not resolved during audits, assessments, reviews, meetings,
surveillance activities, etc

7.5 CONTRACTOR Quality Control

7.5.1 Inspection and Test Plans

CONTRACTOR shall implement a full and thorough Quality Control System during which all works
performed by CONTRACTOR and Contractors, Sub-Contractors and Vendors shall be inspected and
records of such inspection and tests maintained.
To eliminate non-conformances CONTRACTOR shall pre-plan all activities and prepare Method
Statements defining the sequence of events to be undertaken for each activity. Method Statements shall
refer to Inspection Procedures to be adopted during the activity.

CONTRACTOR shall prepare Inspection and Test Plans for each of the following functions:
• Procurement
• Offshore Installation

Inspection and Test Plans shall be spreadsheets which list all manufacturing and Offshore Installation
activities with each activity cross-referenced to inspection requirements, inspection procedures and
inspection criteria.
Inspection and Test Plans shall be annotated with a facility to note COMPANY inspection requirements
with respect to witness points or discretionary witness points and also to indicate CONTRACTOR
inspection requirements. Inspection Test Plans shall be submitted to COMPANY for APPROVAL and
annotation with project requirements prior to implementation. As work progresses completion and
acceptance of each inspection point shall be signed off by CONTRACTOR and where appropriate by
COMPANY. CONTRACTOR shall maintain Inspection Reports and Test Reports by each Inspection and
Test Point.

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7.5.2 Inspection Staff

CONTRACTOR shall operate an organization whereby the Quality Control Department (Inspection)
reports directly to either CONTRACTOR QA Manager or Project Manager. Inspection Staff shall be fully
experienced and qualified where necessary in inspection and measurement techniques. All Welding,
Welder qualifications, Weld Procedure Specification and Weld Procedure Qualification Records shall be
conducted in accordance with COMPANY General Specification for Welding of Offshore pipeline attached
to this document. NDT Operators shall be similarly experience and qualified as required by COMPANY
General Specification for Welding of Offshore pipeline attached to this document.
7.5.3 Inspection Facilities & Inspection Equipment
All calibration equipment shall be certified by an internationally recognized authority with each certificate
validity pre-date commencing on site calibration by not more than four weeks. COMPANY reserves the
right to inspect all equipment and instrumentation to be utilized in the Work sufficiently in advance of
mobilization to raise and clear any concerns with the CONTRACTOR. All monitoring equipment and
instrumentation shall be prepared and calibrated. CONTRACTOR shall give COMPANY two weeks’
notice of the periods for calibration and shall allow COMPANY to witness the calibration. All calibration
results shall be kept at the site at all times during the Work and shall be made available to COMPANY
upon request. All calibration records shall be submitted as part of the As-built report. All instrumentation,
monitors and recorders shall be in a location accessible to the COMPANY. All records collected during
the operation shall be presented to the COMPANY as requested during the performance of the Work and
selected records, as agreed between COMPANY and CONTRACTOR, shall be included in the As-built

7.6 Audits and Review

COMPANY reserves the right to carry out audits and review relatively to Project Management,
Engineering, Logistics and Safety & Environmental activities.

7.7 Permitting
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary permits, licences, etc… from Authorities
and other bodies in order to perform the work, which are required to be or can be in CONTRACTOR’s
own name.

After Contract award, CONTRACTOR shall provide to COMPANY as defined in the Contract Documents
a schedule detailing the type of permits and dates at which they will be obtained. CONTRACTOR shall
ensure that its activities are in accordance with the provision stipulated in the relevant National and Local
Acts and Regulations.

It remains also CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to be updated on any modification in the National and
Local and Regulations that will be in force during the performance of the work. Moreover, CONTRACTOR
shall provide all information and documentation that COMPANY will require to be included in applications
for Authorities Contents and Approval that COMPANY has to obtain in its own name.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure a complete and effective control of all Engineering, Procurement,
Fabrication, Testing, Installation activities so that the license and permits from Authorities are obtained on
time, both for the ones in charge to CONTRACTOR and for the ones in charge to COMPANY.

7.7.1 Permits to be obtained by CONTRACTOR

CONTRACTOR shall obtain all the required permits for the Vessels and MARINE SPREAD used in the
scope in order to operate in the Congo territorial waters, including vessel marine work permit and
assuring that the vessel will respect the Congo laws during journey and operations.

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CONTRACTOR scope includes preparation of project logistic plan and documentation required for the
obtainment of the necessary permits required by the CONTRACTOR to import and operate the Offshore
Marine Spread and all activities to be performed in Congo. This may include in-country missions to
assess local capabilities, existing facilities, and initiate discussions with local subcontractors, suppliers,
CONTRACTOR shall manage all the inspection by the Local Authorities and shall manage all the Port
calls, including Harbour master clearance or eventual customs clearance in/out, and any Piloting.
CONTRACTOR, where necessary, shall set-up a local agent to file the required applications to allow the
vessels to be considered “logistically based”, regarding vessel and cargo attendance and husbandry
services and for any other permit required to operate.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all Custom Clearance and transit operations and will liaise
through Local Agents with customs Authorities on this matter. CONTRACTOR shall prepare and issue to
the relevant Customs Authorities any required documentation to obtain the required clearances in
advance of any offshore operations.
For the customs under responsibility to COMPANY CONTRACTOR shall provide all the required
documentation to COMPANY in order to ensure the completion of the operation on time.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for executing the liaison and communications work involved to
obtain the required approvals by Local Authorities, including the responsibility for compiling all required
notifications to the relevant Bodies at appropriate timing as dictated by Law, Regulations, Authorities’
requirements and PROJECT Schedule.
COMPANY reserves the right to participate to meetings between CONTRACTOR and Local Authorities,
and to monitor the progress of the WORK certification.

7.7.2 Permits to be obtained by COMPANY

CONTRACTOR shall provide support to COMPANY as required by COMPANY to develop its permit plan
and obtain all required permits from relevant authorities with respect to material importation,
environmental license, right of way and any other permit required for execution of the WORKS.
CONTRACTOR shall assist COMPANY, by providing all necessary technical information (e.g. drawings,
documents, reports, calculations, notes, etc.) to allow COMPANY to obtain timely the necessary permits
and authorization by Authorities in relation to WORKs design, construction, installation.
All the documentation shall be prepared and submitted in such a way that authorizations may be obtained
in due time.
In addition to the preparation of the above documentation, CONTRACTOR shall provide any required
support, including attendance to meetings with National Authorities language and in-country missions to
support and assist COMPANY with local stakeholders.

7.8 Certification and Approval

COMPANY may appoint recognized THIRD PARTY Certifying Authority and will appoint MARINE
WARRANTY SURVEYOR for certification of engineering and offshore transportation and installation

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the incorporation into the design of any comments/requirements
by the THIRD PARTY Certifying Authority and/or MARINE WARRANTY SURVEYOR and the
dissemination of such comments/requirements to other interested parties within the project who may
need to be kept informed. Any and all costs arising from such compliance with the Certifying Authority
and/or MWS requirements shall be at CONTRACTOR’s account and included in the Lump Sum

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COMPANY shall arrange a kick off meeting with CONTRACTOR and THIRD PARTY Certifying Authority
and/or MARINE WARRANTY SURVEYOR to define the coordination issue. Where the THIRD PARTY
Certifying Authority and/or MWS will be appointed, CONTRACTOR is requested to issue a dedicated
Coordination procedure.

7.9 Local Content

The Local Content Plan shall comply with requirements outlined in APPENDIX Z; (Local Content
Minimum Requirement) of the CONTRACT, if any.

7.10 Logistic and Marine Spread

7.10.1 General
CONTRACTOR shall provide and be responsible for all logistics activities needed during transportation
and installation of platform

CONTRACTOR shall set-up in Pointe Noire its own Onshore Base and storage areas.

CONTRACTOR shall comply with the following COMPANY Standards and other standards listed in
Annex 02:
- MAN-HSE-SIC002- Eni Congo -Operation And Lifting Equipment Management
- LOGIS-ST-3933-1-2019_Logistic-Technical-Requirements-for-supporting-project-Activities (for
- SOLAS including ISM code and ISPS.
- MARPOL Convention
- STCW Convention
- MLC Convention
- LOGIS-AA-4545-0-2020_Helideck Operations Manual (CAP 437).

Any hire of marine fleet by CONTRACTOR shall be subject to COMPANY approval.

Due to the strategy of Eni Congo the routine personnel transportation is only via sea, while helicopter
flights are foreseen only for limited VIP flights and required MEDEVAC and SAR services.

CONTRACTOR shall provide the Logistics Plans for both transportation and installation phases, the
consumables supply strategy, , information about the helideck if any, information about the boat landing
and the estimated POB during installation phase.

7.10.2 Logistic
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for setting up all general procurement, logistic and expediting
services necessary to carry out the entire WORK. Such services shall include handling, storage and
transportation of all necessary equipment and personnel to site, including timely performance of all
custom formalities and clearances to avoid schedule delays including the equipment of all the
SUBCONTRACTOR(s) appointed to complete the scope of work.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for setting up all the required suitable safe and secure logistic
base(s) in suitable location. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that suitable space is allocated for safe storage
of all equipment and consumables required to complete the WORK as well as all CONTRACTOR and

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CONTRACTOR shall provide all the facilities and equipment for handling and allocate all materials within
the base providing suitable storage to ensure that all materials and consumables are stored in
accordance to the relevant manufacturer specifications.
CONTRACTOR will be responsible at all times for security, control and secure storage at
as well as any other materials and consumables required to complete the WORK.
CONTRACTOR shall arrange suitable berthing and quay facilities including but not limited to availability
of suitable cranes (in terms of capacity and radius) for safe and timely loading and offloading operations
of all equipment, materials and consumables on-board the marine spread during the installation campaign
as well as during mobilization and demobilization operations of each vessel. Where required
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for arranging also transportation to and from quay side of all
equipment, materials and consumables stored at the logistic base.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits to set-up all the required logistic
bases as well as will be responsible to ensure that suitable berth and craneage facilities are available to
support the operations. In addition, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for provision of fuel of suitable
grade, lubricants, dispersants, food supplies, fresh water and other required consumables, to be delivered
on-board CONTRACTOR supplied Marine Vessels and at any WORKSITE location for uninterrupted
operation of equipment / machinery;
As part of the logistic support services CONTRACTOR shall be responsible with regards to any removal
and disposal of waste materials, temporary construction items or any other materials used during
performance of the activities required to complete the entire WORK in accordance to any applicable
regulatory and/or legislative requirements by any competent local, national and international authority.
CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY for review and APPROVAL a comprehensive Logistic Plan in
order to detail how the above points will be handled in order to complete the entire WORK.
As part of the tender phase CONTRACTOR shall provide the list of the possible yards that will be used as
logistic base, for storage and shall be confirmed at Kick-off Meeting.

To ensure lifting and mechanical handling operations are carried out in a safe manner CONTRACTOR
shall ensure compliance with Company “Lifting and Hoisting Manual” (LOGIS-DG-08385-0-2022):

• Shall ensure that all personnel involved in lifting and mechanical handling operations clearly
understand their roles and responsibilities and are duly trained and certified.
• Shall define the responsibilities, training, competencies and assessment of those involved in
lifting and mechanical handling operations, and sets out a structured approach aimed at ensuring
that such operations are adequately risk assessed and systematically planned;
• Shall guarantee that all competent personnel involved in lifting and mechanical handling
operations shall be adequately trained and protected by suitable PPE;
• Shall assure that appropriately selected lifting equipment including lifting appliances, accessories
are inspected, certified by 3rd party, maintained and colour coded and shall be used by competent
operators (Lifting Team);
All lifting operations shall be planned (by Lifting Plan) and risk assessed in advance, in order to detail the
step-by-step instructions and the lifting equipment required. The method described in the lifting plan and
the control measures specified in the lifting operation risk assessment must be considered as the method
to follow to ensure the lifting operation is carried out in a safe and controlled manner.

7.10.3 Marine Spread

For the performance of the work at Offshore Site, CONTRACTOR shall mobilize, use and demobilize
upon completion of Works the MARINE SPREAD for:

 Platform offshore transportation

 Offshore installation of:
o WHP1 Jacket, Outer Piles, Inner Piles;

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o WHP1 Integrated Topside module with all appurtenances

The CONTRACTOR shall provide a MARINE SPREAD which shall include the following vessels and

Equipment Notes
With saturation diving facilities and divers certified for the
Diving Support vessels
water depth involved
Light Construction Vessel For in field operation, surveys, , etc
Suitable for the requested Maximum Environmental
Condition for Lifting Operation; equipped with Dynamic
Heavy Lift Vessel
Positioning System, ROV and with a Suitable Load
Supply vessels, anchor handling tugs, , and helicopter
Tugs and Support vessels
Suitable for the transportation of WHP1 Platform jacket,
Transportation barges
piles, deck and appurtenances

CONTRACTOR shall guarantee that the marine spread is compliant with minimum requirements reported
in LOGIS-ST-3933-1-2019; relevant availability shall remain fix and firm for the entire duration of the
During execution in order to allow COMPANY to receive the required approval by the local authorities
CONTRACTOR shall present to COMPANY all the required documentation for the vessel involved in the
operation latest 3 months in advance to the operation of each vessel.
Any changes to the vessels, spreads and equipment proposed during the Tender Phase shall be subject
to prior APPROVAL by COMPANY and not done before the date stated in the CONTRACT. Should the
proposal for equipment changes even after discussion, prove unacceptable to COMPANY, then
COMPANY reserves the right to use any information supplied by CONTRACTOR to obtain the supply of
equipment from other CONTRACTORs. COMPANY may then nominate CONTRACTORs with whom
CONTRACTOR shall place SUB-CONTRACTS for the provision of the vessels and equipment.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for mobilization and demobilization of marine spreads including all
vessels, equipment, materials and personnel required for the execution of the Work.

CONTRACTOR shall allow COMPANY’s and MWS inspection and APPROVAL of all equipment prior to
the mobilization, as requested.

CONTRACTOR shall perform and complete the following activities prior to the mobilization of the spread
relevant to each phase of the Work:
 Rectification of any and all defective items identified by CONTRACTOR, as required
by COMPANY, during CONTRACTOR’s safety, technical and QA audits completed
prior to or after the CONTRACT award.
 Rectification of any and all non-conformances from MWS and COMPANY inspection
 Provision of a comprehensive safety plan, safety procedures, and quality plan for all
aspect of the Work.
 Provision of two copies of appropriate valid certification, test and manufacturers’
certificates for each vessel and major item of equipment comprised in the spread
requiring testing or calibration.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all equipment meet the requirements of all relevant authorities with
jurisdiction over the Work. Particular emphasis shall be placed on certification of lifting equipment. All
certification shall be available for inspection by COMPANY prior to mobilization.

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Before commencement of the Work, all regular maintenance of equipment shall have been performed.
CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with a list of principal spares to be carried during all phases in
the Work. The spares list should contain all items of equipment prone to failure or wear that could result in
a delay to the Work and CONTRACTOR shall keep in readiness a stock of spares at the site.

CONTRACTOR shall provide installation plan, including but not limited to, , cranes, welding equipment,
field joints coating equipment, materials, tools, supplies, machinery, consumables, transport, supervision,
technical and professional inspection and testing of welding and other spares and services required to
carry out the WORK.

7.10.4 Requested Information

CONTRACTOR shall provide the following information for all the involved vessels and equipment for
COMPANY and MWS APPROVAL and during tender phase in accordance with Technical Bid
Presentation Document.

Vessels Information List:

 Principal details and general arrangements;
 Technical Specifications;
 DP and positioning system details (i.e. DP plot, FMEA);
 Mooring systems details / characteristics;
 WROV details / specifications;
 Cranes certified load charts / diagrams;
 Diving and subsea equipment details / specifications;
 Engineering support facilities;
 Accommodation facilities;
 Helideck capability;
 Assurance Matrix

A mandatory Suitability Survey will be performed in accordance with SoW on CONTRACTOR's proposed
marine spread(s). The date for execution of activity will be mutually agreed on a later stage; however, it
should be performed such that any Punch List are closed accordingly before the start of the offshore
campaign. COMPANY will designate a competent person (i.e. MWS) for performing the activity.
Helideck APPROVAL from COMPANY, MWS and Helicopter Provider shall be integral part of Vessel
APPROVAL from COMPANY and MWS. CONTRACTOR shall allow COMPANY, MWS and Helicopter
Provider to inspect the Helideck to determine if it can be approved.

7.10.5 Vessel Certificates

CONTRACTOR shall provide full set of valid certificates for all vessels at the required time prior to the
commencement of offshore activities for COMPANY and MWS APPROVAL and during tender phase in
accordance with ANNEX 11 Technical Bid Presentation.
Certificates for the survey vessels will be inspected during the vessel survey to be carried out by
COMPANY and MWS. Appropriate vessel certificates are listed in the document LOGIS-ST-3933-1-2019
dated 19/12/2019.
CONTRACTOR is responsible to ensure that all the vessels proposed for the execution of the WORK
meet all requirements established by the Regulatory International Authorities/Bodies and those of any
other country where any part of the WORK will be carried out.

7.10.6 Insurance

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CONTRACTOR shall provide information for COMPANY APPROVAL to demonstrate full insurance cover
and compliance with all insurance warranty requirements relating to the operation of any vessel.

7.10.7 Vessels and Diving / Subsea Equipment Surveys

COMPANY and MWS will perform suitability and readiness surveys of the entire nominated marine
spread. The surveys will cover diving and subsea CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT to determine that they
are fit for their assigned purpose. The surveys will be carried out in coordination with CONTRACTOR and
COMPANY will notify in written when this will take place.
A mandatory Suitability Survey will be performed in accordance with SoW on CONTRACTOR's proposed
marine spread(s). The date for execution of activity will be mutually agreed on a later stage; however, it
should be performed such that any Punch List are closed accordingly before the start of the offshore
campaign. COMPANY will designate a competent person (i.e. MWS) for performing the activity.
CONTRACTOR shall furnish COMPANY’s Representative with copies of all certification appropriate to
the vessels, including test certificates for all diving, lifting and pressure containing apparatus and
personnel qualifications.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for obtainment of COMPANY and MWS APPROVAL prior to
mobilization. CONTRACTOR will be informed of any detected defects or shortfalls identified as part of the
suitability survey. CONTRACTOR shall then provide appropriate remediation/certification to COMPANY’s
satisfaction prior to the commencement of the WORK. COMPANY reserves the right of performing an
additional suitability survey in order to confirm that remedial works have been carried out accordingly.

7.10.8 Mobilization and demobilization

CONTRACTOR shall provide a mobilization and demobilization plan for Marine Vessel(s) Spread,
equipment and personnel, including logistics base (marine base) for initial, intermediate or final
mobilisation (and demobilisation) activities in order to successfully complete all preparation activities for
marine spread.

CONTRACTOR shall supply, maintain, operate, mobilise and demobilise all onshore construction
equipment and offshore Marine Vessel/Equipment Spread(s), necessary to perform the work.
It shall include, but not limited to:
 Offshore structures installation Marine Spread(s);
 Survey and intervention support Marine Spread(s);
 Submersible remotely operated vehicles (ROV’s);
 Diving Spread(s).

The mobilisation activity shall include all construction equipment, modifications and upgrades necessary
in order to ensure that construction equipment is capable of supporting all phases of the work.
The Marine Vessel Spread(s) proposed by CONTRACTOR to carry out the installation works must not be
scheduled for dry-docking from Contract Effective Date (Contract Award) to end of all the offshore
installation campaign.

All Marine Vessel/Equipment Spread(s), related equipment and materials used by CONTRACTOR in
order to performs the Contractual Scope of Work activity, shall be inspect and approve by COMPANY
and MWS whether it is already certified or not and shall be in compliance with COMPANY specification
and minimum requirements. COMPANY and MWS shall have the right of access to inspect all parts of the
Spread(s). Contractor shall include vessel suitability surveys in mobilization preparation activities and
provide detailed planning for the execution of the same in timely manner.
CONTRACTOR shall provide a mobilisation plan for Marine Vessel Spread(s), equipment and personnel.
Mobilisation of any Marine Vessel(s) Spread(s) and equipment shall be deemed complete when:

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 All calibrations, trials and mobilisation readiness audits has been successfully completed and
witnessed by COMPANY and/or MWS;
 All installation manuals for the intended operations have been reviewed and approved by
COMPANY and MWS and are available on board the vessel;
 All construction equipment is ready in all respects to commence the relevant installation
 All relevant positioning systems have been calibrated to the satisfaction of COMPANY and MWS;
 COMPANY’s representatives are present at worksite;
 All permits necessary to perform the Work are available.

Vessel replacement is not allowed.

Demobilisation of any Marine Vessel(s) Spread(s) and equipment shall be deemed complete when:

 All environmental incidents have been corrected (e.g. dropped objects recovered, etc.) by
 As-built draft is completed by CONTRACTOR and approved by COMPANY;
 Material reconciliation report has been issued by CONTRACTOR and approved by COMPANY;
 COMPANY approves marine Vessel/Equipment Spread(s) Release Certificates.

For clarity, the Marine Warranty Surveyor shall:

 Review of all shipping documents, loading and sea fastening procedures and all other
documentation in relation to the transportation of the structures;
 Inspection of all Marine Vessel Spread(s) to ensure compliance with the requirements applicable
to mobilisation, lifting equipment, transportation and construction. Issue related
recommendations, requirements, and follow-up the corrective actions.
 Supervision of all marine movements in the field, including approval of all marine procedures,
anchor patterns (if any), etc.

Availability of vessel and spread(s) during all offshore activities shall be assured.

7.10.9 Workability limit

Workability Limits signify the minimum guaranteed Hs level representing the Tenderer's Spread capability
to execute any of the nominated specific operations within the combination and full extent of all applicable
conditions including required persistence in relation to COMPANY provided Meteomarine Data/ Statistical

CONTRACTOR shall provide during tender phase the workability limits for the installation spread for all
the installation activities as stated in ANNEX 05, the minimum declared Spread Workability Limits related
to the Hs (significant wave height) shall be Hs min. 1.5 meters for the required spreads.

7.10.10 Meteorological Services

CONTRACTOR shall provide/subcontract Meteorological Services through two Subcontractors to be

approved by COMPANY.

The meteorological services shall include, but not limited to, weather forecasting at the offshore
installation site, to be started at least one week prior the mobilization of installation Marine Vessel
Spread(s) and to be ended after works completion.

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During all the offshore installation phase, each weather forecast, that shall cover actual and next 72 hours
weather conditions, shall be received at 12 hourly intervals thereafter until the offshore installation
campaign has been completed and the CONTRACTOR demobilize from offshore installation site.
Each forecast shall be relevant to the area of operation or being navigated, and will contain at least the
 Covered area
 Current data
 Weather map
 Synopsis
 Gale warnings
 Wind direction and speed at 10 m
 Maximum and significant wave heights, direction and period
 Swell height, direction and period
 Visibility
 Weather conditions
 Further outlook
 Squall, soliton and scintillation alerts

COMPANY may request to increase the frequency (each 6 hours) of weather forecast to monitor any
specific phase of work.

Weather forecasting services shall be in accordance to DNVGL-ST-N001.

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8.1 General

The activities related to Management, Project Control and Administration shall be integrated within the
overall contractual Scope of Work activities.
At Contract Award, CONTRACTOR shall issue the Contract Execution Plan (CEP) with the purpose of
describing the methodology and strategy to utilise for carrying out all the contractual Project activities.
CONTRACTOR shall maintain a Project Management Team, composed of member of proven experience
able to manage all the activities foreseen in the contractual Scope of Work.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all parties involved in the performance of the work are properly co-
ordinated, and that all interfaces are dealt with in a prompt and efficient manner.
The works shall start at the date of the Contract Award (effective date) and the works shall be considered
completed subsequent final acceptance certificate (or eventually a punch list) issue and approved by
CONTRACTOR shall provide all project management services to satisfy the requirements of the Contract.
Such services shall include overall project management, co-ordination and administration, reporting and
interfaces with COMPANY and all Third Parties associated with execution of the Scope of Work.
CONTRACTOR shall prepare and maintain an Overall Contract Programme (Master Schedule) and all
supporting planning activities, to provide clear and detailed status of the Work. CONTRACTOR shall
report all relevant planned and actual progress data for all phases of the Work, in accordance with the
requirements as specified in the Contract Coordination Procedure of the tender package.
CONTRACTOR shall maintain an integrated management team with sufficient expertise to co-ordinate,
control all CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR and Third Party activities, and manage all associated
interfaces with such parties.
During all project execution phase, as a minimum, the following CONTRACTOR Project Management
Team Personnel dedicated/appointed for the Project (Key positions) shall be based in Pointe Noire
(Congo) starting from the Contract Kick of meeting day until the end of the offshore installation
a) Project Manager
b) Installation Manager
c) Installation Engineer
d) HSE Manager
e) QA/QC Manager
f) Welding Engineer
COMPANY must approve key positions and CONTRACTOR must timely notify to COMPANY any change
for review and approval.
It is mandatory that the Project Management Team (all positions) to be present in Pointe Noire (Congo)
for the entire duration of the execution/installation phase of the works. Furthermore, Project Manager and
QA/QC Manager shall be present in Pointe Noire (Congo) until all the relevant “Final dossier” is approved
The above updated list of personnel shall be considered as key positions/personnel, having a key position
in the project and shall be fluent in English and French languages (speaking and writing).
CONTRACTOR shall have submitted the project management team for COMPANY approval prior to the
Contract Award date (effective date), nominating all key management and technical personnel.

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CONTRACTOR Management Team shall be in force from Contract Award date (effective date) until the
issue of last "Certificat d'Acceptation Provisoire".
CONTRACTOR shall provide experienced onshore and offshore construction management personnel
with specialist knowledge and supervision required to handle, control and co-ordinate the installation and
offshore phases of the work.
In any case, CONTRACTOR Project Manager shall have complete and entire responsibility for the work.
CONTRACTOR’s Project Manager shall be the focal point for all COMPANY related communications and
project management related matters.
CONTRACTOR shall accept the presence of COMPANY Representative and any party nominated by
COMPANY at CONTRACTOR’s facilities and office for such purposes as the management, co-ordination,
monitoring, review of documents, schedule and all other aspects of the work.
COMPANY Representative or his delegates shall have unrestricted access to all CONTRACTOR’s
personnel engaged upon the work and unrestricted access to all areas of CONTRACTOR’s workshops
and facilities where the work is being performed.

8.2 Management and Administration

Overall Management and Administration by CONTRACTOR of all tasks and functions related to the entire
contractual Scope of Work.

8.3 Co-ordination within CONTRACTOR’S organisation

 Co-ordination of the main engineering offices, with specific emphasis on interdisciplinary

engineering checks, circulation of approved for construction (AFC) drawings, and with the
preparation of shop drawings to assist actual fabrication of component parts.
 Co-ordination of the procurement department, with particular emphasis on the co-ordination with
engineering department, for the updating of requisitions, and circulation of
 Co-ordination of the expediting and inspection offices for the items supplied by CONTRACTOR,
with specific emphasis on information of fabrication teams, quality control and scheduling.
 Co-ordination of the construction department in order to optimise the offshore works, with specific
emphasis on quality control, work scheduling, interdisciplinary checks, feedback to drafting office
for update of drawings and the preparation of as-built and final dossier.
 Co-ordination with the CERTIFYING AUTHORITIES and MWS for the timely approval of
CONTRACTOR documents and for approval of lifting plan, load-out and sea fastening
operations, with specific emphasis on quality, safety and scheduling.
 Co-ordination of the Logistics department for all Logistic/Transportation activities related to
materials supply, personnel and offshore activities.
 Co-ordination of vessel crew in order to safely perform the offshore activities.
 Co-ordination of Marine Vessel Spread(s) to perform the offshore activities.
 Marine vessel Spread(s) and equipment spare parts to be available in time and quantity.
 Documentation review, issue including document management system.

8.4 Co-ordination with Vendors and Subcontractors

 Co-ordination for production of engineering documents and information to be produced in time

and in accordance with the CONTRACT requirements.

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 Co-ordination for the inspection of equipment, material and construction work.

 Spare material to be available in time and quantity.
 Lifting equipment installation, pre-commissioning and commissioning.
 Co-ordination with subcontracted CERTIFYING AUTHORITIES and THIRD PARTIES to obtain
the certificates in due time.
 Onshore and Offshore Construction supervision that will be performed by and/or approved by
nominated institutions.
 Co-ordination with CERTIFYING AUTHORITIES, THIRD PARTIES and MWS to obtain in due
time the required approval.

8.5 Co-ordination with COMPANY

Notwithstanding CONTRACTOR’S responsibilities, COMPANY reserves the right to supervise all and
related Contract activities. A professional COMPANY personnel team will perform the supervision, as
 Engineering supervision at CONTRACTOR’s principal and satellite engineering offices;
 Onshore Construction supervision at CONTRACTOR’s yards;
 Offshore Installation/Construction supervision and control on Marine Vessel Spread(s) during
offshore activities: survey, installation operation/works..

Moreover, CONTRACTOR shall be in charge of coordination with COMPANY as follows:

 Co-ordination with COMPANY as required, including SUPPLIERS and other Contractors for
engineering, construction, installation;
 In addition to weekly, monthly and other specified meetings, COMPANY reserve the right to
organise ad-hoc meetings to verify the status of such interfaces and co-ordination, and to
facilitate the implementation of any corrective measures. For each meeting, a dedicated minute of
meeting shall be prepared by CONTRACTOR and sent to COMPANY for comments;
 Co-ordination with COMPANY for the preparation of all Technical Documentation in order to
support COMPANY to obtain regulatory authority approvals.
For all the items above, CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain suitable accommodation as per
contractual terms and conditions.

8.6 Co-ordination with WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor

 Co-ordination for all the items engineered by CONTRACTOR, fabricated and installed by WP7
EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor;
 Co-ordination during load-out activities in charge to WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor;
 Coordination during grillage and sea-fastening activities in charge to WP7 EPC
Platform/Fabrication Contractor.
See Annex 1 – “Project External Interface Responsibility Matrix”, for more details.

8.7 Interfaces
CONTRACTOR shall assist and cooperate with COMPANY with respect to all interfaces with other
Contractors and Third Parties appointed by COMPANY. The interfaces shall be documented in

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accordance with an approved interface management procedure for raising and closing out the issues.
CONTRACTOR shall maintain an updated record of all interfaces, to be send to COMPANY when
required by COMPANY, for tracking interface issues.

The following interfaces through COMPANY are expected, but not limited to:

 WP7 - EPC WHP1 Platform & Jacket-Piles/Fabrication Contractor;

 WP3 – Sealine Transport & Installation Contractor
 COMPANY offshore facilities;
 WP9A/B - Drilling Jack-up;
 Suppliers;
 Other External Parties;
 MWS.

CONTRACTOR, based on COMPANY approval and authorisation, could directly interface with Marine
Warranty Surveyor appointed by COMPANY, keeping in any case COMPANY informed in all

A key element of successful interface management is early definition of the interfaces, establishment and
follow-up of a realistic and coordinated schedule for exchange of interface information.

COMPANY will manage the dedicated interface with respect to following responsibilities: coordination of
the interface works, arrange interface meetings and Minutes of Meeting. COMPANY shall regularly
update and maintain the Interface Task Register with the current status of all interface issues including
any new interface task which may be identified.

All Interfaces shall be in compliance with Annex 1 – “Project External Interface Responsibility Matrix”.

8.7.1 Interface Engineering

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for managing the PROJECT interfaces in collaboration with the

CONTRACTOR shall clearly identify all interfaces between the WORK and the work of other COMPANY’s
CONTRACTORs at an early stage of the PROJECT, and shall co-operate with COMPANY, other
COMPANY’s CONTRACTORs, Government Department, and other related Third Parties, in order to not
delay the execution of the PROJECT.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all supplied systems are fit for purpose, interface correctly with other
COMPANY’s CONTRACTORs supplied equipment, include all rigging and Installation aids required for
Load-out and offshore Installation, and can be operated by the Operator. For this, CONTRACTOR shall
co-ordinate its Engineering activities with the other COMPANY’s CONTRACTORs design activities and
shall provide all required technical information, including carrying out back-up and supporting analysis, in
order to close out technical interfaces in due time.

COMPANY has developed the Interfaces Responsibility Matrix with the aim of identifying the engineering
interfaces and transfer of responsibilities between CONTRACTORs during the execution of the WORK.
However, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for identifying any additional interfaces and communicate
to COMPANY at the early stage of the PROJECT. COMPANY will review the request for a new Interface
and will identify the appropriate Responsible Party.

CONTRACTOR shall refer to the COMPANY Interface Request Management Procedure for guidance and
rules on management of interfaces. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the following activities:

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 Identify, define and manage technical, execution, and organizational interfaces with COMPANY
 Identify, define, and manage interfaces that are internal to CONTRACTOR’s organization that
may have a significant impact on successful execution of the PROJECT;
 Generate PROJECT specific request for interface information and provide requested interface
information for all External Interfaces;
 Schedule, participate in, and chair (when appropriate) periodic interface coordination meetings
with COMPANY, other COMPANY’s CONTRACTORs, SUBCONTRACTORs, vendors, and other
organizations, as required, to properly manage interfaces;
 Actively work with the other CONTRACTORs under COMPANY control and management to
agree on interface deliverables and dates;
 Actively work with CONTRACTORs and COMPANY to succeed in releasing the requested
information in due time.
 Actively work with COMPANY and other COMPANY’s CONTRACTORs to identify and solve
potential interface issues before they impact any PROJECT activity;
 Promptly raise non-performing interfaces and interface issues to COMPANY for resolution;
 Advise of any impacts that the WORK may have on other CONTRACTOR’s Scope of WORK,
schedule, etc.;
 Release of all drawings and technical documentation which are critical to interfaces with
COMPANY and/or other COMPANY’s CONTRACTORs’ work
 Review of the technical interface documentation provided by COMPANY and by other
 Appoint an Interface Coordinator to act on behalf of CONTRACTOR to oversee the Interface
Management process and coordinate the interaction with the Project-Wide Interface System.


Planning and Reporting shall be in accordance with COMPANY contractual control and coordination
requirements, referenced in Appendix G of the CONTRACT.

The Plan shall include but not limited to:

 Project Management
 Procurement activities
 Welding, NDT and Field Joint Coating qualification activities;
 Identify major Installation milestones
 Specify the sequence of the offshore operations
 Forecast resource loading by manpower, and equipment, in sufficient numbers to meet
milestones, as per Contract Master Schedule
 Identify the critical path for Work completion
 Hazard Identifications and Risk Assessments;

CONTRACTOR shall allocate additional manpower, materials, and plant equipment, as appropriate,
should the milestones or any part thereof be perceived as not being achievable within the allotted time
frame(s). In such circumstances CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate clearly to COMPANY that the
allocation shall be sufficient to recover the schedule CONTRACTOR shall Update the schedule on a
weekly basis and submit to PMC

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9.1 General
The present section details all activities necessary to carry out the Engineering, Transportation and
Installation Scope of work for WHP1 wellhead platform.
This section shall be read in conjunction with the contractual documents that shall prevail in the case of
any conflict over this section of this Scope of Work.

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the cargo barge(s) procurement and for the transportation to the
site location and installation activities. Moreover, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to witness and to
provide technical supervising/cooperation for load out operations, grillage and sea fastening

The mobilisation and demobilisation of suitably sized Marine Vessel/Equipment Spread(s) shall be
approved by COMPANY, Third Party appointed by COMPANY and MWS included all capital spare parts.

COMPANY is the owner of jacket, topside and individual components that are to be installed as part of
this Scope of Work. However, during the execution of the transportation (starting from sail away) and
offshore installation works, the responsibility for the safety and integrity of all the items shall be
transferred to CONTRACTOR.

Prior to load-out operation and the barge(s) transport (sail away) of the platform component structures,
CONTRACTOR shall inspect at the construction yard/quayside, to ensure that the barge(s) and the
structures to be installed offshore are in all respects secure and ready for installation.

In pursuance of this requirement, CONTRACTOR shall prepare a detailed and verifiable endorsement
check list. This check list shall be submitted to COMPANY and to WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication
Contractor during construction phase before the load-out and sail away.

CONTRACTOR shall provide all facilities and temporary works, personnel, project management,
construction management, labour, materials, equipment and construction equipment needed to perform
the Works except that specifically stated otherwise elsewhere in the tender package.

Jacket, Topside, structures lifting and any other preparatory works on the transportation cargo barge(s)
shall be performed at adequate safety distance from the final platform position and any other existing
structure or facilities. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to recovery any object or debris scattered on
the sea during the offshore installation works.

CONTRACTOR shall provide all necessary permanent or incidental materials, goods, equipment,
consumables, plant, services and any other items that may have not been expressly defined in the
Contract, but which shall be deemed as required for performing the Scope of Work in accordance with
project specifications, applicable codes and standards, local regulations, etc..

CONTRACTOR shall provide all engineering, project management and labour inclusive and not limited to
construction management onshore and offshore, logistic services and facilities, fabrication services and
facilities, labour, materials, equipment, construction equipment, Marine Spread(s), etc. needed to perform
this Scope of Work except specifically stated otherwise in the CONTRACT or communicated in writing by

CONTRACTOR shall coordinate all services required to obtain Marine Warranty Surveyor (MWS) and
Certification Authority approval for the transportation and installation operations .

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All liaisons, coordination and other related CONTRACTOR’s activities with other Third Parties, such as
the other Contractors and/or Certifying Authority, shall be with the full understanding, the approval and
through the aegis of COMPANY only.

CONTRACTOR shall prepare (or support the COMPANY in the preparation) the Technical
Documentation necessary to obtain Congolese Permits for the installation operations and Regulatory
Authority Approvals as required by Congo laws and/or COMPANY and MWS requirements.

CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for any and all additional incurred costs, resources and
schedule impacts that are adjudged to be attributable specifically to the CONTRACTOR’s installation
procedures, requirements and/or limitations of equipment used.

CONTRACTOR shall provide office accommodation and services for COMPANY personnel at their
engineering offices and shall provide offshore logistic and accommodation for WP8 CONTRACTOR
personnel, COMPANY Representatives, MWS, personnel appointed by COMPANY, Third Parties,
Vendors and SUBCONTRACTOR's personnel. A minimum of 7 bunks shall be reserved for COMPANY
reperesentative onboard the nominated installation vessel.


The Contractual Scope of Work to be performed by CONTRACTOR shall include, but not limited to, the
following activities:

CONTRACTOR shall perform the detail design and engineering for the transportation and installation of
the WHP1 Platform:

a) Review and endorsement of all COMPANY provided engineering documents and reports
(FEED Package) in relation with the final Soil Testing results of the geotechnical and
geophisical investigation, transportation and installation activities;

b) Issue all documents as per COMPANY QA/QC requirements;

c) Emergency and response services, MEDEVAC from offshore to shore provided by


d) List and schedule relating to all engineering deliverables including detail drawings to
Approved for Construction (AFC) status;

e) HSE requirements;

f) CONTRACTOR shall provide to WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor the

basic/conceptual design engineering for all installation aids, temporary structures
platforms, bollards, bumpers, etc. required to be installed on the structures (jacket, piles,
Integrated upper deck with appurtenances, etc.) for installation purpose. WP7 EPC
Platform/Fabrication Contractor will develop the detail design and engineering that shall
be reviewed and endorsed by CONTRACTOR before fabrication and installation to be
performed by WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor. The basic/conceptual design
engineering and requirements of all installation aids relating to the installation of the
platform structures and components are based on good engineering practice in keeping
with naval spread and other relevant equipment. The installation schemas for the principal
platform components assume lifting by appropriate crane vessels. The installation aids
when suitably and engineered shall assist in the execution of such lift installed operations.

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g) CONTRACTOR shall also provide all requirements, design criteria and guidance in a
timely and proactive manner (notice to be agreed at K.O.M. and to suit WP7 EPC
Platform/Fabrication Contractor Schedule to ensure no additional cost to COMPANY) to
allow WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor to procure the materials, fabricate and
install any installation aids, temporary access, etc. well within fabrication/erection phase.
CONTRACTOR shall also witness and approve/endorse the installation of the installation
aids, temporary access, bumpers, bollards, etc… that shall be executed by EPC
Platform/Fabrication Contactor at COMPANY cost with adequate advance in relation to
the Sail Away date.

h) Endorsement of grillage and seafastening design (performed by WP7 EPC), during

transportation and installation conditions. Input information shall be provided to WP7 EPC
for design purposes. Contractor shall perform all the naval transportation analyses during
transportation and installation conditions (motion analysis, stability analysis, bollard pull
calculations, ballast plan for transportation and installation operations, docking naval
analyses, etc.). All engineering related to the transportation of the structures shall be
subject to MWS review and approval.

i) Endorsement of lift point design (required by means of independent checks and

calculations), performed by WP7 at a preliminary stage. Procurement and fabrication of lift
points will be in charge to WP7 (padeyes, trunnions, etc.). Installation rigging final design
and procurement/fabrication will be in charge to WP8. WP7 will install rigging on platform
based on WP8 requirements and layouts.

j) Follow up, supervise, witness and endorse all the structures modification activities and
installation of all installation aids required by CONTRACTOR for installation purpose and
performed by WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor.

k) Complete and submit to COMPANY all the As-built documentation and reports as part of
Final Dossier

l) Barge Structural Checks during transportation and installation conditions.

m) Driveability analyses of Outer Piles and Drilling Engineering for Inner Piles.

n) Levelling Engineering and Procedure (including any required material, equipment, etc.).


a) Pre-load out survey at the WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractors yards including
witness to the physical weight of the main items, review, acceptance/endorsement of the
installation aids prefabricated and installed on the structures by WP7 EPC
Platform/Fabrication Contractor included the cargo barge layout;

b) Barge preparation for loadout operation;

c) Expediting and inspection of all items to be supplied by WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication

d) Supply of on board services including, but not limited to, ROV, Divers, Positioning,
Grouting system and grout bags, NDT, pile top drilling, pile driving equipment included
back-up, vibro-hammer, weather forecast, etc. CONTRACTOR shall take in consideration
also the availability on board the Marine Vessel Spread(s) of all relevant capital spare
parts for the equipment, in particular for ROV, pile driving equipment, pile drilling

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equipment and grouting equipment;

e) Sea-Transport of WHP1 jacket structure, inclusive of foundation piles, from quay

nominated by WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor to installation site offshore
Congo. Transportation shall include all equipment, and tools necessary to perform all the
activities included in this Scope of Work.

f) Sea-Transport of WHP1 Integrated topside module and relevant appurtenances already

installed, from quay nominated by WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication to installation site
offshore Congo.

g) Conceptual design for all temporary installation aids and all others temporary structures
for installation purpose (i.e.: guides, bollard, cones, bumpers, padeyes, rigging platform,
etc.) to be procured, fabricated and installed on the jacket at the fabrication yard(s) by
WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor prior to transporting the structures to the
installation site in offshore Congo.

h) Endorsement of all rigging design by WP7 EPC and supervision of all the activities related
to rigging installation at WP7 EPC CONTRACTOR yard.

i) Supply and installation of temporary navigation aids (if any);

j) Offshore installation of WHP1 jacket structures inclusive of the foundation piles installation
(piles driving, drilling and grouting, etc.). Predrilling template will be already in place,
installed by WP9A/B Contractor. CONTRACTOR will verify the detail design of the WP7
Contractor in order to ensure the installabilty of Jacket on the top of the in place installed
Template. Before Jacket installation, CONTRACTOR shall unbolt/cut the bolted
connection of the docking pile sleeves to the Predrilling template and remove those
sleeves (ref. to PDT drawings 3091C3DODE00021÷27).

k) Offshore installation of WHP1 Topside Integrated Module.

l) Offshore installation of appurtenances (if any).

m) Rigging platform, slings, tugger lines, shackles and temporary structures


n) Barge cleaning after installation operations and material disposal.

o) Post-installation survey.

The jacket will be designed to be loaded-out and transported in vertical position. The jacket shall be
installed by lifting operations by means of a suitable HLV vessel to be provided by CONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTOR during tender phase and as part of this Scope of Work shall demonstrate that vessel
operational limits are consistent with the metocean conditions offshore Congo (Annex 6 and Annex 7).
CONTRACTOR shall perform in depth analysis of Metocean study provided by Company, in order to
meet design criteria for the installation window. CONTRACTOR shall define during tender phase and as
part of this Scope of Work the predicted vessel stand-by associated with the structure’s installation

COMPANY requests to CONTRACTOR to consider the main following static weights:

 WHP1 estimated static weight of jacket structure (including temporary item): 670,8 ton + 25%
 WHP1 estimated static weight of Integrated deck complete with all facilities: 1.507,4 ton + 25%

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 WHP1 estimated static weight of foundation piles: 6x 56 tons (outer piles) + 6x 54 tons (inner
piles) + 25% contingency; (Total static weight 660,2 tons; approx. 110 tons for each pile
inner+outer – to be detailed during Execution Phase)
CONTRACTOR shall consider for HVL hook height that inner piles (total length 74 m for each of the 6
piles) are foreseen to be installed in one single piece.

In relation to COMPANY provided structures static weight and relevant geometrical dimensions, as per
drawings, CONTRACTOR shall consider in the contractual Scope of Work that the transport, installation
Marine Vessel/Equipment Spread(s) and other equipment/tools (i.e. installation aid, tools, etc.) shall
comply with any variation comprised in the foresaid order of magnitude and shall anyway operate up to
Spread(s) own natural capability and workability limits.

CONTRACTOR is requested to ensure that any operation on the platforms will be executed in full
autonomy and in line with the applicable HSE and Work Permits COMPANY requirements.

CONTRACTOR shall nominate a construction yard representative in order to verify, witness, supervise
and endorse the final installation of all installation aids, temporary structures, weighting of the main
structures, load out operations, grillage and sea fastening installation and the lifting gears are
installed/performed in compliance with the approved plan and construction drawing. CONTRACTOR,
before load-out operations, shall provide an endorsement certificate of the structures.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall foreseen for permanent presence at the WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication
Contractors yard to witness/supervise the works and manage all the interfaces with the WP7 EPC
Platform/Fabrication Contractors to ensure a smooth installability of the structures offshore.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible of the following works:

 WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the liaison and coordination about of all activities
with the WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor at and with the yard(s) such that all basic
engineering for all installation aids and final installation positioning, procurement of all lifting
equipment and material and other related items required specifically from an installation
standpoint are seamlessly executed;
 WP8 CONTRACTOR shall witness the physical weighing of main structures (jacket, deck, , etc..)
performed by WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor and the final report will be undersigned
by both Parties;
 WP8 CONTRACTOR shall witness the dimensional check of jacket support/guide system, piles
and deck, according to results of the as installed dimensional survey information, and the final
report will be undersigned by both Parties;
 WP8 CONTRACTOR shall witness the piles, casing piles and inner piles dimensional check, as
well as the test and dimensional check of all other system/structures required for installation
performed by WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor and the final report shall be undersigned
by both Parties.

A preliminary list of interfaces is reported here below:

Preliminary List of Interface

Information and Documents to be provided for Installation Provide By

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Jacket, Deck, Piles, Flare, Mud Mats, Boat Landings and Appurtenances WP7 EPC
drawings (AFC) Contractor
Jacket, Deck, Piles, Flare, Mud Mats, Boat Landings and Appurtenances As- WP7 EPC
2 Contractor
Built drawings
Jacket, Deck, Piles, Flare, Boat Landings and Appurtenances WP7 EPC
Structural Design according to Installation Sequence Contractor
Lifting Trunnions, Pad-eyes or Bollards, Spreader Bar, etc. Structural Verification
4 WP7/WP8 (1)
according to the proposed Rigging Arrangement
Jacket's On Bottom Stability according to Pile Stabbing/Driving and drilling
5 Sequence. CONTRACTOR shall provide as part of the engineering the WP7/WP8 (2)
6 Weight (WCR) and CoG for all structures
7 Barge characteristics input WP8 Contractor (3)
Motion Analysis, Bollard Pull Calculation, Barge Stability, Ballasting Scheme
8 for Transportation, Barge Structural Check (based on final transportation WP8 Contractor
Preliminary Barges Layout (Including Piles, Deck, Jacket, additional WP7 EPC
structure/module and Appurtenances) during engineering phase Contractor
Barges Layout (Including Piles, Deck, Jacket, additional structure/module and
10 WP8 Contractor
Appurtenances) based on final transportation strategy
Tugs and Barge characteristics and Certificates (based on final transportation WP8 Contractor
12 Grillage and Seafastening (based on final transportation strategy) WP7/WP8 (4)
13 Execution of the equipment Fastening for Transportation
14 Proposed Marking on Jacket and Piles WP7/WP8 (5)
15 Load Out General Arrangement
Barge Ballasting procedures during Load Out operations, including all WP7 EPC
engineering activities. Contractor
17 Barge Ballasting system supply for Load Out Operations
18 Barge Ballasting Plan for Transportation WP8 Contractor
19 Barge Ballasting Operations for Transportation
Barge Ballasting procedures during Installation (Included Ballasting Manual)
20 WP8 Contractor
(based on final transportation strategy)
Grouting system (including grouting lines, piles centralizers, termination
WP7/WP8 (7)
21 details, grout seals, packer, valves, etc.) design, procurement and
Jacket Levelling System (engineering, procurement and fabrication) to be
22 WP7/WP8 (8)
installed on Jacket (if required) based on COMPANY requirements
Riser Protective Flanges and Flooding Valves (If Any) based on CONTRACTOR WP7 EPC
design and requirements Contractor
Installation Aids (Temporary Rigging and Working Platforms; Fastening of
Rigging; Walkways; Access Ways; Scaffolding; Lift-Off Guide; Bumpers;
24 WP7/WP8 (5)
Temporary Stairs; Protective Structures, ROV Grab Bars, Bollards positions for
Wire, Tugger Line, etc.; Supports for Jacket Positioning Equipment (Gyro), etc).

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25 Structures Dimensional Control Report
26 Welding Procedures for Jacket and Deck Offshore Connection WP8 Contractor
27 Jacket Installation Sequence WP8 Contractor
28 Deck, Crane and E&I shelter Installation Sequence WP8 Contractor
29 Piles Installation Sequence WP8 Contractor
30 Foundation Piles driveability e stability analysis (during drilling activities) WP7/WP8 (6)
31 Pile Driving and Drilling Sequence. Check of the outer pile stability during drilling. WP8 Contractor
Jacket, Pile and Deck Rigging Arrangement (Slings, Shackles, Tugger Lines, WP8 Contractor
Spread Bar Or Structures Etc.) during Lifting
33 Jacket Levelling Equipment Description and Drawings WP8 Contractor

(1) Design of lift points performed by WP7 on a preliminary basis, then endorsed by WP8, by means
of independent checks and calculations. (with lift points is mainly intended padeyes and
trunnions/bollards). Similar concept applies for Installation rigging, where WP7 will do some
assumptions, and WP8 will design all the rigging items (slings, shackle, spreader bars, etc.).
Procurement and fabrication of lift points will be performed by WP7, procurement/fabrication of
installation rigging will be done by WP8. Final responsibility on rigging and lift points will be for
both in charge to WP8.
(2) On-bottom stability analysis by WP7 and final endorsement and independent check by WP8.
Final responsibility on on-bottom stability by WP8.
(3) Barge selected by WP8 shall be suitable for loadout at WP7 fabrication yard.
(4) Grillage and Seafastening Design by WP7 (design input by WP8 where needed) and final
endorsement and independent check by WP8
(5) Conceptual engineering by WP8. Detail engineering, Procurement and Fabrication by WP7. Final
endorsement by WP8.
(6) Design by WP7. Detail Engineering, final endorsement, and independent check by WP8. Final
responsibility on installation by WP8.
(7) Design, procurement, and fabrication of all grouting system and appurtenances, in charge to
WP7. WP7 shall provide minimum design requirements on grout characteristics (grout to be
procured/provided by WP8). WP8 shall anyway endorse all the design of grout system, since it
will have final responsibility on grouting operations.
(8) . Final design proposal or endorsement in charge to WP8, that will be responsible for the
Levelling Operations. Procurement and fabrication (and installation, where applicable) of levelling
structural items will be in charge to WP7 (additional padeyes/bollards, saddles, etc.), while the
levelling tools to be used during operations will be in charge to WP8 (for example, jacking
system, levelling tools rental by Specialized Vendors, slings, etc.).

The interface documents/info between WP8 CONTRACTOR and WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication
Contractor shall be finally agreed in a dedicated interface meeting arranged by COMPANY based on the
External Interface Responsibility Matrix as per Annex 1.
WP8 CONTRACTOR shall provide in proactively manner all engineering support required by COMPANY
and WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor for optimizing the fabrication, construction, and installation
of all installation aids.

All deviations, modifications, requirements and procedures for the installation and positioning of
installation aids/appurtenances and connections, required due to the assumed sequences and operations
for the various installations attributable to the equipment, vessel(s) and operating procedures of the WP8
CONTRACTOR, shall be solely to his account.

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WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to develop the Work Time Schedule (planning) and the
execution of all detailed engineering and design relating to the offshore transportation and installation of
all structures that are to be installed by WP8 CONTRACTOR as per Contractual Scope of Work (e.g.
Jacket, Piles, Deck, etc..). Preliminary schedule is required with the offer.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall perform and be responsible for the endorsement of all design documentation
supplied by COMPANY and issuing the Endorsement Report within the Tendering Phase. With this
purpose WP8 CONTRACTOR shall issue a detailed “Endorsement report” in order to formalize the
verification of all the technical aspects of the project.

Each activity shall be duly reported in appropriate documents and drawings to be submitted by WP8
CONTRACTOR for COMPANY, MWS and any appointed THIRD PARTY comments/review and approval
well in advance with respect to the commencement of transportation and installation phases and in any
case before start the related operations activities.

9.4.1 Offshore transportation engineering

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall develop, for the overall firm Scope of Work included the options that
COMPANY will exercise at Contract Award or during the execution phase, the design and detailed
engineering documents (as, but not limited to, motion analysis, stability analysis, bollard pull calculations,
ballast plan for transportation and installation operations, docking naval analyses, etc) for cargo barge(s)
layout during transportation and installation operations. All the basic and detailed engineering output will
be provided to the WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor that will perform the procurement,
fabrication, and installation activity, according to the documentations and drawings provided by WP8
CONTRACTOR, under WP8 CONTRACTOR witnessing and supervision.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall give full assistance to WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor’s yard(s)
during load-out and sea fastening operations. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY and MWS
in due time all final technical documentations (Approved for Construction), detailed engineering and
drawings relevant to layout cargo barge(s) for review and approval.

Interface between COMPANY/WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor and MWS shall be planned in
order to obtain in advance all detailed information, technical characteristics, drawings, etc., necessary to
develop the engineering, calculation, procedures, etc., for layout cargo barge(s) and transportation
activities. All engineering output will be provided to WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor.

Ad hoc coordination meeting will be regularly organized between the parties with the aim to manage and
grant close interface, discuss and solve any problem, optimization analysis and assure timely offshore

Grant any assistance required with Port Local Authority for Marine Vessel Spread(s) mobilization,
mooring, maneuvering and demobilization at quayside(s).

9.4.2 Offshore installation engineering

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the planning and the execution of all design and detailed
engineering relating to the offshore installation activity.

Each activity shall be duly described and reported into the documents and drawings to be submitted by
WP8 CONTRACTOR for COMPANY, MWS and any appointed THIRD PARTY review and approval. All
engineering documentations, drawings, procedures and relevant offshore installation manual shall be
submitted as AFC (Approved for Construction) in due time prior to commencement the offshore
installation phase.

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The installation engineering shall include, but not limited to, the following:

1) Conceptual Engineering and Final Endorsement of the installation aids design, including and not
limited to:
a) all temporary installation aids, temporary structures, guides, bumpers, bollards, etc..;
b) all temporary rigging platforms or ILT structures, access walkways and scaffolding required
for pre-rigging, offshore sling handling and offshore access;
c) padeyes, stoppers, diaphragms, elevating clamps, stabbing guides and whatever else that
may be necessary for the offshore installation.

2) Detailed design and engineering including the structural analyses where necessary and/or
required by COMPANY, as part of the Installation Manual, not limited to, the following items:
a) Jacket, piles, topside, riser guard and appurtenaces lifting static and dynamic (where
required) litfing analyses;
b) Slings, shackles,tugger lines, etc.;
c) Requirement to use Hydraulic shackles (if requested);
d) Lashing of the lifting arrangement during transportation;
e) Layout cargo barge(s);
f) Detailed cargo barge towing and mooring/fendering system as applicable;
g) Definition of any other lifting tools or device.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the conceptual design and the certification of the lifting
slings, shackles, spread bar, structures and any other tools or device needed for the installation

3) Detailed design and engineering for the installation of the foundation piles, by using a suitable
hammer for the outer piles and a top pile drilling equipment for the inner piles:
a. Review and endorse the preliminary driveability analysis provided by COMPANY. WP8
CONTRACTOR shall performe the Pile Dreavability Analysis , demonstrating the suitability of
the proposed hammers to drive the piles to the required penetration depth, including remedial
actions in case of pile refusal before target penetration. Preliminary design drivability
analyses evaluations including hammers selection for the driven foundation piles shall be
made available by WP8 CONTRACTOR to COMPANY. It shall be WP8 CONTRACTOR
responsibility as part of the contractual Scope of Work to verify all the data provided by
COMPANY and source the correct equipment required for the installation of the outer piles.
For sake of clarity, the driving operation shall start only if a back-up suitability hammer, in
compliance with COMPANY requirements as per contractual documents, is available and
redy to use onbord of the installation vessel. The back-up hammer shall be included in the
firm Scope of Work and Lump Sum quotation.
b. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall define during bidding phase the hammer spread, hammering
energy/efficiency and pile driving refusal criteria according and based on the following:
1. ISO 19902:2007 (in particular par. A.22.5.7);
2. Pile integrity assurance, as minimum on the basis of pile D/t ratio, hammer energy and
efficiency, potential tip buckling and soil specific characteristics (for example presence
of hard layers, like siltstone and limestone) that will be provided by COMPANY after
geotechnical survey conclusion;
3. Recommendations provided by pile hammer manufacturer;
c. All design and detailed engineering to identify the required equipment in order to pass
through the outer piles and reach the required depth prior to insertion of the inner piles.
d. Piles free floating analysis and buoyancy compartments design. Valid only if WP8
CONTRACTOR proposes an installation method where the piles are left in free floating

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e. Develop of all detailed engineering related to the use of top pile handling system;
f. Development of all engineering related to the top drilling machine required for piles drilling
including all the drilling procedures;
g. Endorsement of all engineering related to the system required for piles grouting, centralizer,
termination details sling connector, non return valves, etc. (reference to COMPANY spec.
‘’Offshore Structure Grouting Operations’’ 20411.COS.INS.SDS);
h. Develop design and detailed engineering for all required installation aids for foundation piles
and drilling tools handling. For the installation aids related to the piles drilling tools handling,
at WP8 CONTRACTOR charge procurement, prefabrication and installation;
i. As part of the driving and drilling operations, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall include in the firm
Scope of Work as a minimum provisions for the following:
i. Pile monitoring equipment shall be employed by WP8 CONRACTOR. The use of
such equipment shall be finalised to ensure that no distorsion/deformation of the pile
occurs during the driving operations. Driving monitoring by means of pile hammer
sensors shall be considered by WP8 CONTRACTOR included into firm Scope of
ii. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall include provisions to mobilise a complete back-up BHA
as an assembled unit;
iii. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall ensure and include in the firm Scope of Work suitable
drilling heads, relevant equipment and spare parts that shall be available on board of
the installation vessel during piles driving in case if required to machine out the outer
pile, as a remedial action in case the pile toe is damaged during driving in order to
ensure the reach the target penetration and the passage of the BHA, thus avoiding
prolonged stan-by of the offshore spreads. All Marine Vessel Spread(s) stand-by due
to potential issue during the installation of the outer piles/casing piles and during the
execution to machine out the outer piles/casing piles shall be at WP8
CONTRACTOR charge and included in the firm Scope of Work. For sake of clarity
COMPANY requires that drilling equipment/personnel (drilling head for soil removal
and machining head for deformed pile toe milling) & grouting equipment/personnel
for remedial actions shall be present on-board and included in the Lump Ssum
quotation. The execution of the remedial actions, instead, shall not included in the
lump-sum quotation and will be managed as a variation. For sake of clarity, the
execution of remedial actions shall start only when the equipment are installed and
redy to strat the remedial action operations.

4) Perform all transportation, installation and method engineering required to execute the Scope of

5) In order to make safe the connection of the lifting slings to the main/aux hook, it is requested to
minimize the number of people on the jacket and topside modules top during the preparatory
offshore activities. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall design where possible a dedicated “operator-less”
system able to connect the lifting slings to the hook without any operator on the top of jacket.
Alternatively, WP8 CONTRACTOR is entitled to propose different method demonstrating the
safety and efficiency of the connection operation.

6) Preparation of the Installation Manual, including data, reports, drawings, risk assessment and all
addressing aspects of the installation that are under CONTRACTOR’s sole responsibility. The
index of contents shall be prepared and agreed in conjunction with COMPANY and MWS. The
installation manual contents shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. General work scope description, installation sequences with estimated duration for all
b. HSE plan and risk assessment;

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c. Key project management engineering personnel, contact information organizational

structure (including subcontractors);
d. Transportation plan of all items;
e. Equipment specifications / lift charts;
f. Detailed lift rigging details with lift weights and centre of gravity;
g. Rigging certificates;
h. Lift studies & analyses showing HLV position and capacity, cargo barge(s) position
including tug(s) and clearance for all lifting;
i. Cargo barge layout, included input/contraints on transportation spread for installation;
j. Installation guide detail;
k. Reference components and platform drawings;
l. Storm/emergency procedures;
m. Approved surveyor contractor / positioning system and DP trials;
n. Metocean & Positioning WP8 CONTRACTOR and relevant reports.

However, the omission of any essential items does not release WP8 CONTRACTOR of any duty or
obligation necessary for complete installation and testing of the facilities to make them ready for use and

7) The preparation of the following procedures, but not limited to, shall be included as part of the
Installation Manual:
a. DP trials and and/or, if the case, anchor handling procedure with all necessary anchor pattern
and relevant mooring analysis;
b. Marine spread(s) inspection before activities commencement;
c. Pre and post installation survey;
d. Ballasting/deballasting of cargo barge(s) before transportation, during and after lifting;
e. Jacket, topside modules and barge inspection prior lifting;
f. Seafastening cutting and disposal;
g. Jacket positioning and adjusting on the sea bed;
h. Piles installation, including the piles driving sequence, drilling sequence and operations,
finalized to the optimization of the on bottom stability requirements. WP8 CONTRACTOR
shall provide as part of the engineering the METOCEAN LIMITATION CRITERIA.;
i. Piles refusal contingency plan;
j. Contingency plans to achieve the target depth with the drilling equipment;
k. Grouting, including a contingency plan;
l. Jacket piles cutting;
m. Jacket positioning measurement and monitoring;
n. Topside Integrated module installation;

8) Plan, organise and facilitate HAZID and Risk Assessment dedicated sessions for all critical

9) Preparation of a pre-load out check list for the inspection at yard(s) of jacket, topside,
appurtenances, to certify either the “Readiness for transportation” and/or “Readiness for

10) Preparation of a verifiable check list for the inspection of each cargo barge/transportation vessel
and sea fastened components prior to the transport to the offshore site location to accept the
cargo convoy and certify the “Readiness for Sail away”.

11) Preparation of a verifiable check list for the inspection of each barge and sea fastened
components at offshore site location to accept the cargo convoy and certify the “Readiness for

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Design shall be in accordance with this Scope of Work, with all referenced documents part of this Scope
of Work and all applicable Codes, Standards, Specifications and applicable MWS guidelines.

The jacket and pile lift analysis/procedures shall include as a minimum, but not be limited, to the
1. Pre-survey procedure;
2. List of installation equipment’s (slings, rigging platform, shackles etc.) pre-installed on the jacket;
3. Lifting rigging arrangement and requirements (Slings, shackle, spreader bar, holdback rigging
4. Slings and shackles certificates valid for the designated lift not more than 6 months prior to the
plan installation start date;
5. Calculation of sling angle;
6. Calculation of sling tension;
7. Sling and shackle safety factor;
8. Pad-eyes strength check for lift and installations purpose;
9. Sea fastening cutting sequence;
10. Limiting sea state criteria for performing lift;
11. Main work barge and transportation barge set ups;
12. Lift angle jacket;
13. Lift radius, lift weight, cargo barge clearance from boom and required hook height superimposed
on crane lift chart;
14. Pre-lift checklist;
15. Jacket installation procedure;
16. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall propose its sequence of cutting sea fastening for COMPANY and
MWS approval in the installation procedure;
17. Survey procedure.

The deck lift analysis/procedures shall contain as a minimum, but not be limited, to the following:
1. List of installation equipment’s (slings, rigging platform, shackles etc.) pre-installed on the deck;
2. Lifting rigging arrangement and requirements (Slings, shackle, spreader bar, holdback rigging
3. Slings and shackles certificates valid for the designated lift not more than 6 months prior to the
plan installation start date;
4. Calculation of sling angle;
5. Calculation of sling tension;
6. Sling and shackle safety factor;
7. Pad-eye strength check for lift and installation’s purpose;
8. Deck structural integrity analysis only for lift and installation’s purpose;
9. Sea fastening cutting sequence;
10. Limiting sea state criteria for performing lift;
11. Construction vessel and transportation barge set up;
12. Altitude, height and clearance of the deck during lift (angle of tilt) and before mating (with respect
to the jacket) clearance calculation should take into account limiting sea state condition before
13. Lift angle deck;
14. Lift radius, lift weight, cargo barge clearance from boom and required hook height superimposed
on crane lift chart;
15. Pre-lift checklist;
16. Deck installation procedure;
17. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall propose its sequence of cutting sea fastening for COMPANY approval
in the installation procedure;
18. Survey procedure.

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All the documentations, procedures and drawings regarding the above items shall be submitted to
COMPANY, MWS and appointed Third Parties for review and approval.

If WP8 CONTRACTOR, during the execution of the Work, deems necessary to make any modification to
the specifications or shop drawings supplied by COMPANY, before proceeding with the works shall
submit a concession request/technical query with all the relevant supporting data and documents
(drawings, specifications, bill of quantities) for COMPANY's review and approval.

COMPANY will not be considered responsible for the erroneous installation and/or prefabrication due to
inobservance of the above-mentioned time period for approval, if this period is not met, any stand-by or
work to be redone will be at WP8 CONTRACTOR's charge.


CONTRACTOR shall take in consideration in the technical and commercial proposal the following
transportation scenario:

- WHP1 jacket platform and relevant foundation piles (outer piles and inner piles)
transportation from WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor yard to the field installation
site offshore Congo; CONTRACTOR shall provide suitable cargo barge(s) and towing
tug(s) subject to COMPANY and MWS approval; WHP1 jacket will be loaded out and
transported in vertical position;

- WHP1 integrated deck platform structures transportation from WP7 EPC

Platform/Fabrication Contractor yard to the field installation site offshore Congo;
CONTRACTOR shall provide suitable cargo barge(s) and towing tug(s) subject to
COMPANY and MWS approval;

- Some loose items main related interconnection stairs between Boat landing level and
upper deck will be loaded in the same barge

For the above transportation Scope of Work, it is under CONTRACTOR’s strategy to optimise the number
of transports based on the installation sequence and work time schedule. CONTRACTOR transportation
strategy shall be, in any case, submitted to COMPANY during technical offer and accepted/approved by
COMPANY prior Contract Award.

For the above firm transportation Scope of Work, here below the relevant task, but not limited to, that both
CONTRACTOR and WP7 EPC Platform /Fabrication Contractor shall perform:

- provide suitable cargo barge(s) and towing tug(s) in compliance with COMPANY, MWS and
appointed THIRD PARTY requirements;
- the technical characteristics of the selected convoy(s) shall be timely submitted by
CONTRACTOR to WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor for information purposes and
comments. In order to avoid undue delays, the above marine spread (previously inspected and
accepted by COMPANY and/or Marine Warranty Surveyor) will be mobilized in due time as per
windows notification mechanism and planned schedule to be agreed between CONTRACTOR,
WP7 EPC Fabrication Contractor and COMPANY.
- CONTRACTOR shall perform all the naval transportation analysis and towing plan from WP7
EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor yard/quay to offshore Congo installation field;
- review and check all technical documentation provided by the WP7 EPC Fabrication Contractor
relevant to the activity executed for the installation of the grillage and sea-fastening on the
selected transportation cargo barge provided by CONTRACTOR;

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- Supervise the installation activity of the grillage, sea fastening and related equipment and
auxiliary structures necessary for the transportation. CONTRACTOR shall witness and provide
full assistance on Fabrication Contractor’s yard during Load-Out and Sea-Fastening activities;
- take full responsibility of the convoy inclusive of the cargo when the convoy is ready for the sail
away for the entire duration of the offshore activities;
- allow provisions for all the required towing equipment/rigging;
- perform barge ballasting/deballasting calculation, sequence and procedures required for offshore
transportation and offshore installation;
- Source and operate all equipment to conduct ballasting/deballasting operations, included
ballasting engineer, as needed during offshore transportation and offshore installation.
Ballasting/deballasting operations at the pick-up point shall be under WP7 EPC Contractor
responsibility. For sake of clarity, if the cargo barge is not equipped with an integrated ballasting
and deballasting system, all equipment needed for the ballasting and deballasting operations
(e.g. pumps, flexible, power generation, etc…) shall be provided by CONTRACTOR including
ballasting engineering and shall be reviewed and approved by MWS and/or other Company third
- Provide suitable fendering for mooring the cargo barge alongside the installation vessel at
offshore site location in Congo;
- Sea fastening cutting and disposal;
- CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to certify the lifting slings, shackles, spreader bar, structures
and any other tools or device needed for Offshore Transportation and offshore installation of
- CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for complying with any requirement of Marine Warranty
Surveyor who shall review and approve the offshore Transportation activities and the offshore
installation activities, including related engineering, marine vessel and equipment, and
procedures. Cargo transportation vessels and towing vessels shall be inspected by and are
subject to the approval of the Marine Warranty Surveyor. CONTRACTOR shall provide any
documentation requested by Marine Warranty Surveyor in a timely manner.
- Provide all required equipment needed in order to complete the Scope of Work in compliance
with the International Maritime Regulations and requirements of the MWS;
- CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for obtaining all the necessary permits/authorization for
naval means from the Authority in order to transport and delivery any part of the structures to the
offshore installation site.

Requirements for the cargo barge(s) (sizes) will be notified to COMPANY as interfaces during the
execution phase.
All the proposed convoy(s) (cargo barge(s) and towing tug(s)) shall be subject to COMPANY, Third
Parties appointed by COMPANY and MWS approval/acceptance and anyway fitted with a modern and
efficient ballasting system (including provision of ballasting engineer) and ballast tanks to contain
uncontaminated seawater only. Ballast water shall be suitable for de-ballasting in port environment.

For sake of clarity, all interface with the Port Authority included all cost relevant to the services needed
and provided by the “Port Autonome de Pointe Noire” (e.g. boat support, tug support, etc…) during all
convoy(s) (cargo barge + tug) approach and mooring to the quay and during all the sail away operations
(departure of the convoy(s) from the quayside) shall be at CONTRACTOR charge and included in the
Contractual Scope of Work.

Grillage and sea fastening detailed engineering, material procurement, fabrication and installation on
board the nominated cargo barge(s) will be carry out by the WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor to
be appointed by COMPANY under a separate contract. Anyway, CONTRACTOR shall give to WP7 EPC
Platform/Fabrication Contractor all design input, and shall witness and endorse all the activities performed
by WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor. Grillage and sea-fastening design shall be review and
approve by COMPANY and MWS . Final endorsement of grillage and seafastening design during
transportation and installation conditions shall be done by WP8.

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CONTRACTOR shall be deemed as responsible for any delay incurred by the WP7 EPC
Platform/Fabrication Contractor due to the late submission of the layout cargo barge(s) and/or for the late
arrival of the cargo barge(s) at the pick-up point or any other problem that may delay the load out and sail
away operations of the structures. Based on the complexity of the grillage and sea fastening, it is request
that the nominated cargo barge(s) will arrive ready for use at the nominated pick-up points.

All cost, included in country tax, customs, port charges etc. shall be taken into account in the
CONTRACTOR proposal Lump Sum.

The main offshore installation activities shall include, but not be limited to and not necessarily in this
order, the following:
1) Mobilization and sailing to installation site of the selected Marine Vessel/Equipment Spread(s);
2) Heavy Lift Vessel positioning at site (DP trials or Anchor pattern and mooring lines tension);
3) Cargo barge(s) mooring and berthing alongside the Heavy Lift Vessel. Convoy (barge(s) and
tug(s)) shall be deemed under coordination/responsibility of WP8 CONTRACTOR;
4) Pre-installation survey finalized to check the installation site/area, in order to verify the status of
the seabed, the presence of debris or other obstacles to be removed, and unbolt and removal of
docking piles sleeves connected to the Predrilling template before jacket installation
5) Check/inspection of all the structures to be lifted, together with the rigging equipment, rigging
platforms and all the installation aids preinstalled on to the structures;
6) Connection of the lifting slings to the crane block and the tugger lines to the relevant attachment
points. The length of the slings shall be such that the crane hook lies on the vertical line passing
through the centre of gravity (CoG) of the structures and the minimum angle between slings and
horizontal plane is not less than 60 degrees;
7) Cutting of all sea fastening securing the structures to the transportation cargo barge(s) and the
supervision of the ballasting of the cargo barge(s) (where needed) according to the relevant
drawings and procedures;
8) Lifting the structures from the cargo barge(s), during which the following parameters shall be
monitored and recorded:
 hook load;
 environmental conditions;
 hoisting velocity;
 position and orientation of the crane vessel.
9) Jacket lowering at the target locations and within tolerances;
10) Checking of jacket level and allow for levelling operations (where needed and in case that the
jacket out of verticality is outside the max tolerance of +/-0.5°);
11) Disconnecting the jacket lifting slings;
12) Installation of the casing piles for each jacket leg (Piling operation shall start immediately after the
jacket has been positioned on the seabed):
a. The piles casing will be lifted from cargo barge, upended and lowered inside the jacket
leg and driven by means of suitable hammer up to design penetration, reaching a firm
embedment in the siltstone layer (preliminary estimated as –10.0 m below mud line).
When the final Soil Testing results of the geotechnical investigation conducted at WHP1
location will be available, the piles target penetration shall be confirmed or updated
accordingly as required. Exact penetration to be confirmed by WP8 CONTRACTOR as
part of the contractual Scope of Work. Once the casing is in position stoppers will be
welded on casing pile at proper elevation above jacket leg to avoid casing fall down
during drilling operations. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the pile top drilling
system will be supported by outer pile without transferring any load to jacket;
b. The drilling equipment will be installed on top of the casing pile (pile top drilling system)
and a hole down to reach the design penetration (preliminary estimated as –41.0 m

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below mud line; to be confirmed by WP7 EPC after final soil testing results) is drilled by
means of pile top drilling system (drilling system shall be suitable for under reaming). The
pile top drilling system will be removed and the pile casing top cut. Exact depth of the
hole to be confirmed by WP8 CONTRACTOR as part of the Scope of Work. ;
c. At the end of drilling operations, the casing pile shall be welded\fixed to the relevant
jacket leg. The connection between jacket leg and casing pile will be carry out with the
crown plate welded on the top of jacket leg. Each insert pile/inner pile, that will be
provided in one singol section, will be lifted from the cargo barge, upended and lowered
inside the casing pile until to reach the design penetration (preliminary estimated as -40
m below mud line; to be confirmed by WP7 EPC after final soil testing results) where it
will be supported by means of suitable structures/holding system provided on top of the
pile casing or on top of the inner pile. Exact penetration to be confirmed by WP8
CONTRACTOR as part of the Scope of Work;
d. The insert pile (inner pile) shall be welded to the top of outer pile before starting grouting
operation (grout to fill annulus between inner and casing pile). This is valid for all six (6)
legs. The suitable grouting equipment shall be defined and provided by CONTRACTOR.
The grouting system (grouting line) shall be compatible with the piling procedures and
shall be confirmed/defined in accordance with pile design grouting system
characteristics. Grouting system charactheristic shall be detailed designed and fabricated
by WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor and reviewed and endorsed by
CONTRACTOR. Grout quantity shall be defined by CONTRACTOR based on total
volume to be grouted plus proper contingency volume (not less than 50% contingency to
account for depth overdrilling, hole oversizing, grout loss, material for testing, etc..).
The following operations shall be performed:
 connection of the hose to the grouting system (grouting lines) and washing (if any)
the annulus;
 preparation and testing of the grout mixture in agreement with COMPANY
specifications. As per CPY Specification:
 Cement shall be manufactured in accordance with ISO 10426.
 Cement shall be class G, high sulphate resistant (HSR) type.
 grouting shall terminate when the slurry coming out from the top of the casing piles
and has the same density as the one coming out from the grout pump;
 checking of grout level into the annulus after one hour the grouting operation is
Whilst waiting for the grout to cure, WP8 CONTRACTOR can perform only the installation of
minor jacket appurtenances (i.e. jacket walkways gratings, handrails, bumper system, etc.)
and the completion works activities as applicable (e.g. NDT inspections excluding touch-up
paint repairs) until the curing time has elapsed (ref. to COMPANY spec.
The installation of the casing piles shall follow the sequence foreseen in the Installation Manual.
In case of premature refusal, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall use labour, drilling equipment and
hammers mobilized at site in order to reach the target penetration. In case the design penetration
depths will be not reach, the acceptance criteria will be the subject of the prior approval by
COMPANY and/or Marine Warranty Surveyor;
13) Allow for all necessary contingencies in case the BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly) is prevented to
reach the target depth in order to minimise vessel stand-by and schedule delays;
14) The installation of the insert piles shall follow the sequence foreseen in the Installation Manual;
15) Inner pile will be installed in one section.
16) COMPANY would like to clarify that WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be in compliance with all
requirements of 08833.ENG.MME.SDS last revision paragraph 8.1.
For offshore welds WP8 CONTRACTOR shall supply for approval a detail NDT procedure that
shall include wait time, after welding, before NDT and possible accelerated cooling procedures of
the welds.

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When needed, deviations to this requirement can be handled after contract award.
All material, consumables and equipment needed in order to perform all tests shall be provided
by WP8 CONTRACTOR and shall be in compliance with the requirements as per COMPANY
specifications 08833.ENG.MME.SDS last revision and 08832.ENG.MME.SDS last revision.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall include all the above relevant cost in the Lump Sum quotation.

17) Flooding the insert piles (if required);

18) Installation of jacket appurtenances as applicable in accordance with approved engineering (if
19) Installation of the stairs connecting boat landing and the top of jacket walkway;
20) Repeat, if necessary, points from 1 to 8 for activities related to main deck installation;
21) Main deck structure lifting and installation, including welding to the jacket inner piles (welding,
NDT, etc.);
22) Installation and welding of the stairs and handrails not installed onshore and shipped loose items
to allow a safe access to the working area (for the hook-up activities);
23) Removal and disposal of all temporary steelworks and appurtenances required for installation
and comprising walkways, rigging and access platforms, slings, shackles, pipe supports, bracing,
bumpers, ladders, gangways, boom rest, scaffolding and other installation aids;
24) The non-destructive inspection of the welds and repair of all the offshore welds;
25) Remove deck lifting points and pad-eyes;
26) Lifting and placing of the minor packages (containers, ladders, etc.), in addition to the specified
items, as may be required by COMPANY;
27) Securing on the cargo barge(s) the cut sea fastening and all others material transfer on cargo
barge(s) prior to releasing the marine spread from site;
28) Before leaving the installation site, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall carry out a dedicated post
installation survey (according to the ‘’Baseline Inspection Requirements’’ as reported in
COMPANY spec. 07669.ENG.INT.PRG.)
29) Painting and Touch-up areas;
30) Before leaving the installation site, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall activate the platform navigation
aids system or provide a temporary one if needed. Based on COMPANY installation sequence,
WP8 CONTRACTOR shall provide, install and activate a temporary platform navigation aids to be
installed on WHP1 jacket. The temporary navigation aids shall be removed by WP8
CONTRACTOR right away to start the installation of the deck;
31) Demobilization of Marine Vessel/Equipment Spread(s);

As previously stated, during installation campaign WP8 CONTRACTOR shall include provisions for
weather forecasting service. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be provided with a 24, 48 and 72 h weather
forecasting reports.

CONTRACTOR shall supply all necessary tools and equipment for the structure’s installation.

COMPANY clarifies that WHP1 jacket piling sequence requires that each inner pile shall be installed
immediately after the relevant drilling pile hole completion, in order to avoid possible hole collapse and
followed by grouting. According to COMPANY spec. 23027.COS.INS.STD after grouting operations, no
activity shall be carried out on the jacket before 24 hours and no driving activity shall be carried out before
48 hours.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall provide all positioning services according to specific and approved
procedures. Each instrument used shall be adequate, calibrated and operated, to permit the necessary

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measurement, in compliance with the COMPANY specification and standards. A gyrocompass shall be
available for checking jacket orientation.

Jacket tolerances:
WP8 CONTRACTOR shall install the jacket at target location driven by the already placed Pre-Drilling
module and docking piles, installed by WP9A/B D&C Contractor. Docking piles as installed survey report
will be provided once available.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall install the jacket within a vertical tolerance of +/- 0.5 degrees

Each installed component of the jacket shall be within the stated acceptable tolerances as indicated
above. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall provide detailed and achievable remedial actions in the event such
tolerances are not met. This plan shall be submitted to COMPANY for review and approval. All related
cost for the remedial action, included all equipment and Marine Vessel Spread(s) shall be at WP8
CONTRACTOR charge as part of the firm Scope of Work.

Foundation Piles shall be within the jacket tolerances:

Driven foundation piles shall be driven to the design penetration depths or to refusal criteria if so,
accepted by COMPANY and/or Marine Warranty Surveyor. The pile refusal criteria are dependent upon
WP8 CONTRACTOR’s proposed and chosen hammer, pile and soil system configuration and will be the
subject of the prior approval by COMPANY.

Drilling foundation piles shall be drilled to the design penetration depths. In case the design penetration
depths will be not reach, the acceptance criteria will be the subject of the prior approval by COMPANY
and/or Marine Warranty Surveyor.

Deck and topside modules tolerances:

With regard to the installation of the deck, the tolerance for the elevation of the pile cut prior to the
welding of the deck at the stab locations shall be within + 15mm of the theoretical cut elevation as shown
in the project drawings.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall perform a dedicated visual survey of seabed just before the jacket installation,
to ensure the cleanness of the seabed area from any debris or obstruction. CONTRACTOR shall ensure,
for all the activities relevant to this Scope of Work, clearness of the area from debris and/or obstruction
including holes, such as jack–up footprints and any other obstacle in order to allow the installation
activities. WP8 CONTRACTOR, as part of the Contractual Scope of Work, shall perform all intervention
activities/works required in order to allow the installation.

WP8 CONTRACTOR is responsible for any diver assisted bottom sweep survey to ensure that the jacket
sub-structure is capable of being installed to specified tolerances at the designated locations.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be aware of presence of subsea currents and limitation of visibility and include
in the technical and commercial proposal all the required equipment and specialistic survey activity
connected with the execution of the Contractual Scope of Work

Based on the pre-installation survey and the proposed jacket installation procedures, WP8
CONTRACTOR shall notify to COMPANY, in due time, any potential problems to enable agreed solutions
to any revisions or remedial action that might be required.

The survey shall be recorded, and the video tape attached to the report.

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Before leaving the installation site/location, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall perform a post installation survey
(according to the ‘’Baseline Inspection Requirements’’ as reported in COMPANY spec.
07669.ENG.INT.PRG.) and provide a detailed report that shall include, but not limited to, the following

for the jacket:

 Jacket positioning & leveling;
 Incident report of any damage occurred during installation phases;
 Riser clamps and flanges status;
 The elevation above the sea bed of all bottom riser flanges;
 Anodes torn down during the installation;
 General Jackets visual inspection by ROV;
 Seabed visual survey by ROV extended to a radius of 50m around the jacket;

for Deck:
 Incident report of any damage occurred during installation phases;
 Deck positioning and leveling survey;
 General Deck visual inspection;

Furthermore, as soon as completed the WHP1 Platform installation activities (included deck and
appurtenances), WP8 CONTRACTOR shall perform a visual seabed survey with ROV and a Geophysical
Bottom Survey (using the following equipment: Side Scan Sonar, Multibeam Echosounder, Sub Bottom
Profiler, Magnetometer) in order to provide all the necessary information to allow the rig/jack-up
positioning. The survey must be carried out after WHP1 platform deck and appurtenances installation
completion to ensure there is no debris on seabed due to the platform installations operations. The area
extension that shall be surveyed is 500m x 500m (length x width) centered on WHP1 platform position
considering a spacing between the route lines of 25m. As soon as completed the survey, all the data
collected shall be analysed and a “Survey field report” with all information required shall be issue by WP8
CONTRACTOR to COMPANY within 12hrs starting from the completion of the survey activities.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be aware of presence of subsea currents and limitation of visibility and include
in the technical and commercial proposal all the required equipment and specialistic survey activity
connected with the execution of the Contractual Scope of Work.

All the survey shall be recorded, and the video tape attached to the report.


Except for materials expressly stated to be supplied/free issue by COMPANY, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall
supply and fabricate all other materials, equipment, consumables and supplies all elements required for
the satisfactory completion of the Scope of Work. All installation equipment shall be available and ready
for use at the offshore site during the installation phase.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the supply, delivery, liaison and coordination of all items
and activities to be supplied to WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor yard(s), being in compliance
with the agreed schedules of WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor.

WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor shall fabricate all temporary items such as temporary walkway,
rigging platform, supports and ladders for jacket access during installation based on detailed engineering
issue for construction developed by WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor based on basic/conceptual
engineering provided by WP8 CONTRACTOR.

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Each modification required by WP8 CONTRACTOR shall comply with WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication
Contractor project documentation. In pursuance of this requirement, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be
responsible for the timely issue of all relevant documentation, certification, and drawings for prior approval
by COMPANY, sanction and subsequent implementation.

All structural material used shall conform to the Company specification 08832.ENG.MME.STD
last revision “Offshore platforms Steel for Structures”.

Fabrication shall comply with COMPANY specification 08833.ENG.MET.STD last revision “Offshore
Platforms Offshore Structures Construction”.

With regard to the installation of foundation piles and in particular to the grouting operations, WP8
CONTRACTOR shall allow provisions including, but not be limited, to the following:

 Top pile drilling equipment;

 Cement silo, or equivalent for grout storage and transportation to site;
 Low pressure air compressor for cement transport;
 Water displacement tanks;
 Grout mixers, jet mixing;
 Flexible hoses for piles grouting;
 Laboratory for testing the slurry (density, bleeding), and curing cubes;
 Flow meter for measuring the injected slurry;
 Two mixture units of appropriate productive capacity, equipped with the densitometer for
production control;
 Two grout pumps (one spare) of appropriate capacity;
 Mixture tank of appropriate capacity equipped with unit mixture, suitable filters and
evacuation system for the refused material;
 Two water pumps (one spare) of appropriate capacities and pressures.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall remain responsible for final design endorsement of grouting system.

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Facility Life Cycle Information (LCI) aims to ensure the availability of all the engineering information
during development project phases and subsequent operations process. This document describes
Company’s total requirements for life cycle information (LCI) to be transferred to Operations from the
CONTRACTOR(s) of a development or project modification. The objective is to ensure that all required
information shall be available in time, with sufficient quality and in correct formats for preparation of
operation activities, start-up, operation, maintenance, future modifications and final demolition of the
In order to obtain the above objective, the design activities shall be developed according to the
requirements of technical specification defined in the tender documentation and according to
the following COMPANY Standards.


The CONTRACT requirements to define the activities for data and document management are below
listed in order to organize the complete management and delivery for COMPANY purpose:

• Technical organization for document and data

• Minimum technical data and attributes required for typical design documents
• Document approval management and Coding (EDAM)
• Implementation of 2D/3D CAD Programs (Aveva or Intergraph)
• Implementation of Piping Class and Material management SPCPuma/Cosmo)
• Delivery of Final Data and Document Handover (EMIMS)
• Implementation and Final delivery of GIS data
• Implementation and final delivery of Final Data Book

CONTRACTOR shall apply COMPANY Life Cycle Information Management procedure according to the
COMPANY Standards.
Code Title Revision
28080.VAR.LCI.STD Facilities Life Cycle Information Management Procedure 00

This document defines COMPANY’s requirements in terms of Facilities Life Cycle Information (LCI). It
covers all the aspects related to information management in order to ensure efficient traceability and
completeness of plant information during the development process and throughout the entire operational
life span of the plant for whole life cycle.
Following Project award, an LCI plan describing the implementation of LCI requirements will be issued
within 60 (sixty) days of contract awarded. This shall include allocation of responsibility, reporting,
preparation of quality plan and schedule. The LCI Plan shall be coordinated with the Project detail
Engineering Schedule and COMPANY's preparation for operations plans.
CONTRACTOR is responsible for the overall LCI requirements including but not limited to quality,
consistency and completeness of information prepared for the contract by all its Subcontractors / Vendors
and the delivery of that information to COMPANY.

CONTRACTOR shall provide the COMPANY with free access to all written documents, drawings,
specifications, graphical materials, photographs, models (including, without limitation, three-dimensional
physical models) and all other information (including, without limitation, that stored by electronic means)
("Documents") which are or were acquired or created by or on behalf of the Contractor in connection with
its obligations under the Contract including (without limitation) the CONTRACTOR 's Documents.

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The management and APPROVAL of documentation shall be in accordance with MANAGEMENT AND
Following the Kick Off Meeting with COMPANY, a formal procedure shall then be issued by
CONTRACTOR for COMPANY’s review, comment and APPROVAL. The procedure shall be mutually
acceptable to both parties and minimize the administrative workload of COMPANY’s Project Management

CONTRACTOR shall apply COMPANY document management procedure and management tool
according to the COMPANY Standards. CONTRACTOR shall submit the documents (native and .pdf
format) to COMPANY through EDAM System.

Code Title Revision

27608.VAR.LCI.STD Management of approval of technical documentation deliverables
and requirements of contractor vendors
20189.VAR.LCI.STD Technical document identification and title blocks (Identification
27700.VAR.GEN.REL Technical Documentation required during the Facilities Project
Development Phase Detailed List & Requirements

COMPANY will provide to the CONTRACTOR access to COMPANY Document Management system for
document exchange (EDAM).


Following the Kick Off Meeting with COMPANY, a formal procedure shall then be issued by
CONTRACTOR for COMPANY’s review, comment and APPROVAL. The procedure shall be mutually
acceptable to both parties and minimize the administrative workload of COMPANY’s Project Management

CONTRACTOR shall apply COMPANY item identification methodology, according to the documents

Code Title Revision

06215.VAR.LCI.STD Facility Functional Units 06
20198.VAR.LCI.STD Item numbering 09

COMPANY will verify the correct application of above standards using a COMPANY web site (EMIMS) in
order to validate the appropriate TAG number. In case of new acquisition or rental facility,
CONTRACTOR shall assure the right mapping\translation with its item numbering procedure.
COMPANY will provide to CONTRACTOR the access to COMPANY TAG Validation System.


CONTRACTOR shall use SPC Puma to manage Piping Classes and the related design\management
activities of piping components during the project activities, from the piping classes creation up to

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materials accounting and related MTO’s, procurement and construction. The software is integrated with
COMPANY’s material coding and allows the generation of the piping Reference Database (RDB) to be
imported into the 3D CAD Model.

Code Title Revision

27917.VAR.LCI.STD Piping Class project database preparation using SPCPuma 00

COMPANY will provide to the CONTRACTOR access to COMPANY SPC Puma. CONTRACTOR shall
assure the proper use of this system and every additional need (new component, training, etc) shall be
considered itself in order to use the system in a proper way. The use of the SPC Puma ensure the coding
of piping bulk materials according to COMPANY Procedure

COMPANY standards for 3D modelling is Intergraph SMARTPLANT 3D\PDS or AVEVA PDMS\3DE.

CONTRACTOR shall clearly state in his proposal which system will be utilized.

CONTRACTOR shall create and deliver the project models/databases in accordance with the following

Code Title Revision

General procedure for preparation of 3D CAD models and
20205.VAR.LCI.STD 06
deliverables production
27909.VAR.LCI.STD 3D Model review Procedure 02


CONTRACTOR shall prepare, collect and transmit the data required for EMIMS and shall assure the
integration of 2D/3D CAD models and P&ID, according to the documents:

Code Title Revision

27913.VAR.LCI.STD INTERGRAPH® Application Software Implementation and
deliverables production
27914.VAR.LCI.STD AVEVA® Application Software Implementation and deliverables

CONTRACTOR shall deliver to COMPANY the native format file backup and, where stated, autocad
format and portable document format (PDF) versions of the formal documents.

Native files handed over to COMPANY shall not include embedded or external links to additional data
and/or files unless they conform to COMPANY requirements. If non-standard font sets are used, a
standard font shall be substituted, or a copy of the non-standard font set shall be supplied to COMPANY.
Documents supplied by SubCONTRACTOR shall be subject to the same requirements as those supplied


CONTRACTOR shall prepare, collect and transmit the data required for EMIMS and shall assure the
integration of 3D CAD models and P&ID, according to the documents:

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Code Title Revision

20203.VAR.LCI.STD Handover of plant component data and key documents 05
06219.VAR.LCI.STD Information Submission 01

All technical data will be collected in accordance with data structure defined in COMPANY’s specification
20203.VAR.LCI.STD. Each section is dedicated to an EMIMS module and every EMIMS module is linked
to a specific Annex with Excel template.

The structure of the annexes must be considered rigid, the format cannot be formatted or modified
because it must be automatically uploaded into EMIMS.

Technical Units compile data extracted from their engineering systems inside standard Annexes
according to the Company requirements and models.





After Contract Award WP8 CONTRACTOR shall submit, in addition to the documents required by
COMPANY HSE and Quality (QA/QC) as per Appendix E and F, also the following documentations:
 At Contract Award, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall issue the Contract Execution Plan (CEP) and
the Project Execution Plan (PEP) with the purpose of describing the methodology and
strategy to utilise for carrying out all the Project activities;
 After 10 calendar days from the Contract Award date, and in any case before the Kick off
Meeting, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall provide the following documents:
 Project Quality Plan
 Project Management Plan.
 Project HSE plan
 Emergency Response Plan.
 Progress measurement and control procedure
 Engineering report(s) relevant to all activities to be performed by WP8 CONTRACTOR and all
other project documentations attached, to be delivered as a minimum 60 working days before
work commencement;
 Installation Manual(s) containing all calculations, procedures, descriptions, schedules, pipes
tracing, etc., relevant to the activities to be carried out offshore by WP8 CONTRACTOR, to
be delivered as a minimum 60 working days before offshore work commencement;
 As-built report and relevant Final Dossier as per Contract Terms & Conditions.

12.2.1 WP8 CONTRACTOR Documentation

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall develop the Installation Engineering analysis, the planning and procedures
required for the execution of the work following/developing the technical choices confirmed/accepted at
Contract Award.

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WP8 CONTRACTOR shall perform all construction engineering, calculations and prepare procedures for
the complete performance of the work with due regard to safety, environmental protection, operability,
maintainability, reliability and decommissioning and to the COMPANY minimum requirements.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall develop any material specifications and/or data sheet required to purchase or
fabricate all the materials and consumables that are required for the execution of the Scope of Work.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall develop the detailed design and installation engineering without implementing
any variation that may be deemed to affect either the quality/safety level of the work or another
Contractor/Supplier’s activity, and only after having obtained COMPANY written approval.

Within ten (10) working days from the documents comments receipt by COMPANY, WP8 CONTRACTOR
will return the revised document (with corrections or modifications implemented) to COMPANY for final

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall provide and put in place for the entire Project phase an Engineering Team
responsible for all detailed design, construction engineering and installation engineering activities that
shall be also integrated with the WP8 CONTRACTOR Management Team.

All technical documentation shall be prepared according to the International System Units (SI).

All design calculation, drawings, procedures, reports, specifications, manuals, etc… developed by WP8
CONTRACTOR shall be submitted to COMPANY and to all Third Parties appointed by COMPANY for
review and final approval.

12.2.2 COMPANY’s Approval

Within fifteen (15) working days from the document receipt (c/o COMPANY’s engineering Dpt. and MWS)
COMPANY and MWS will return the document with the approval or comments (with corrections or
modifications if any) to WP8 CONTRACTOR. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall incorporate all comments and
amendments to the COMPANY/MWS satisfaction and re-submit the document within 10 working days of
received COMPANY/MWS document.

In any case, and this is valid also during the offshore operation period, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall timely
submit all the required documentation, engineering, calculations, procedures, etc... to COMPANY and
MWS and obtain approval under his sole responsibility and in line with the usual COMPANY/ MWS
contractual requirements. Failure to do, will imply that any delay caused by WP8 CONTRACTOR lack of
compliance/commitment with Contractual Scope of Work requirements, that may generate delay affecting
Marine Vessel/Equipment Spread(s) or other impact, shall be at WP8 CONTRACTOR account and

In case WP8 CONTRACTOR does not receive COMPANY’s comments within the above mentioned
period, WP8 CONTRACTOR may consider that COMPANY and Third Parties appointed by COMPANY
has no comments.

In case of missing comments/approval from COMPANY, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to
deviate from the project requirements set forth in the Contractual documentation and Scope of Work.

CONTRACTOR shall not commence any offshore or onshore work activities if a Certificate of Approval is
required until the latter has not been issued by the attending MWS. In is therefore WP8 CONTRACTOR
responsibility to timely notify to COMPANY and appointed Third Parties with a minimum of ten (10)
working days’ notice of all intended time and venues where any activity which requires the release of a
Certificate of Approval (COA) by the MWS will be performed in order that suitable attendance is
organised. Notice shall be extended if visa or any other permits are required to reach the locations where

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the activity is expected to be carry out. Providing the correctly timed notice shall be responsibility of the

In relation to the contractual Scope of Work, WP8 CONTRACTOR can propose to COMPANY, cost
effective variations with respect to the referenced procedures, specifications, required Marine
Vessel/Equipment Spread(s), etc., provided that the proposed variations do not cause changes in the
system or are proven to be in conflict with the Contract requirements

Any technical query and/or deviation request submitted by WP8 CONTRACTOR during project execution
phase, shall be presented supported by proper reasons, included/highlights the minor cost and schedule
benefit impact, etc. and requires, in any case, COMPANY final approval prior to be implemented. The
technical queries and/or deviations request shall include all above information, otherwise COMPANY is
entitled to reject the technical query and/or deviation without any explanation.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall prepare and issue technical reports and all the other technical documents
required by COMPANY, by the Governing Regulatory Authority or by Certifying Authorities.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for taking into account any comments or requirements arisen
by the Governing Regulatory Authority or by Certifying Authorities.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for supplying the necessary Technical Documentation to
COMPANY and appointed Marine Warranty Surveyor (MWS) and for implementing the due actions to
obtain the MWS approvals.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall supply a final dossier of Hydrostatic Test Execution (test pressure and
temperature registration included) as per COMPANY/MWS/Authority request.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall submit to COMPANY all detailed engineering, drawings, procedures, risk
assessment, schedule, installation manuals and all the other documents describing the works to be
performed for examination and comments by COMPANY, MWS and any others Parties appointed by
COMPANY. All the documentations shall be submitted within the terms established as per contractual
Scope of Work and Contract Terms & Conditions and in any case in due time before the executions of the
works. COMPANY’s examination will in no way relieve WP8 CONTRACTOR from his responsibilities.

The documentation submitted/provided by WP8 CONTRACTOR shall contain, at least, but not limited to,
the following information:
1. Work schedule;
2. Document list;
3. Scope of work;
4. Jacket and Piles Transportation Naval Analysis;
5. Topside Transportation Naval Analysis;
6. List of activities to be carried out at installation site, including a description of structures to be
installed. Such chapters shall also include the check lists to be filled offshore;
7. Checks list to be filled prior to cargo barge(s) arrival at site before lifting preparation. Attached to
check list the following drawings will be at least added:
 Rigging and temporary working platforms;
 Rigging arrangement during transport;
 Tugger line bollards;
 Leg marking;

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 Foundation piles marking;

 Installation aids already installed on structures or transported on cargo barge(s);
 Rigging arrangement during lifting;
 Mooring lines during installation, if any and cargo barge(s) mooring alongside to the
installation vessels;
 Lifting schemes during all installation stages;
 Sea fastening cutting mark;
8. Layout details and description at offshore site, including positions of HLV/SSCV and other
relevant marine spread during the installation operations;
9. Weather and sea state limit conditions for:
 Navigation;
 Barge mooring alongside the crane vessel;
 Jacket lifting & set down;
 Casing Pile lifting and driving;
 Top drilling system lifting and positionining;
 Drilling activities;
 Inner piles lifting and insertion;
 Grouting activities;
 Topside lifting & set down in final position;
7. Anchor pattern drawings, anchor pattern and mooring lines tension for all operations and position,
if any;
8. Anchor Handling procedures, if any;
9. DP trials procedures;
10. Mooring analysis, if any;
11. Installation manual(s);
12. List of all structural analyses to be performed;
13. Jacket installation procedures, including those for positioning and levelling;
14. Jacket Docking Naval Analysis;
15. Piles installation procedure and sequence, drilling and contingency procedures;
16. Contingency plan and procedure for pile’s premature refusal;
17. Grouting procedure including contingency plan;
18. Jacket appurtenances installation procedure;
19. Jacket levelling procedure;
20. Deck main structure and other topside modules installation procedure;
21. Procedure for the installation of minor items;
22. Positioning procedure;
23. Ballasting procedures of HLV/SSCV and transportation cargo barge(s);
24. Quality control plan;
25. HSE Plan and Emergency Response Plan;
26. Lifting equipment (slings, shackles, spread bars, etc.) certifications;
27. Welders certificate;
28. Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS), Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR) and
Non Destructive Test records (NDT);
29. Installation vessels and equipment (Pile upending clamp, Barge mooring equipment fender
system, etc.);
30. Naval spread check list before the mobilization at offshore site;
31. ROV manual and diving safety manual;
32. Certificates and reviews from the Certifying authority, as applicable;
33. Piles drivability analyses reports including stick-up and driveability analysis;
34. All structural analyses relating to installation operations and procedures;
35. Rigging analysis for any item installation;
36. Operational limits and on-board responsibilities;
37. Pre and post installation survey procedure;
38. Pre-installation survey reports;

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39. Basic design and drawings of the installation aids such us temporary rigging platform, walkways,
stairs, bollard, bumpers, etc...;
40. Rigging arrangement during transportation;
41. Lifting arrangement;
42. Calculation reports for slings, shackles, spread bar, tugger lines, tugger lines bollards, etc.;
43. Supply specification and technical data sheets for slings, shackles and any other lifting
44. Supply specification, TDS, RDDS, IDS for Temporary navigation aids;
45. Supply specifications and TDS for grouting mixture;
46. As-Built survey procedures;
47. Scope of work for all the activities subcontracted such us positioning, weather forecast, ROV,
diving etc.


1) Pre load out check list fulfilled;
2) Installation check list fulfilled;
3) Jacket, topside module report, containing information on the weight and the C.o.G. of the lifted
structures, rigging details and certifications;
4) Positioning report;
5) Jacket level and positioning survey report;
6) Measurements of elevation of the as installed structures, including piles;
7) Piles driving records, including the blow counts data and the make-up;
8) Piles drilling and grouting records;
9) Damage report;
10) Lifting records;
11) Weather condition records;
12) Visual inspection by ROV records;
13) Pre and post installation survey report;
14) Certificates of lifting slings, shackles and any other lifting tools;
15) NDT records;
16) Grouting records and Final Test results;
17) “As installed” installation manual;
18) Any other data as notified, subsequently.


All documents issued during the work execution shall be filled and kept by WP8 CONTRACTOR for a
period of 5 years. During this period, they shall be available for use at COMPANY’s request.
Within 30 working days after the completion of activities, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall issue the technical
As-Built documentation “Final Dossier”.

CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit to COMPANY for comments the Final Documentation/ Final
Dossier, and shall incorporate any COMPANY comments, and re-submit it for final approval. The “Final
Dossier shall provide comprehensive documentation of the work carried out by WP8 CONTRACTOR.

The Project “Final Dossier Index” will be structured in agreement between COMPANY and WP8
CONTRACTOR, but a minimum, shall contain the following minimum requirements:
 Chapter I: Management and Contract Administration documents
 Chapter II: HSE documents (refer to HSE specific requirements)
 Chapter III: Quality documents (shall be divided into 2 main sub-chapters: Quality Assurance
and Quality Control)

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 Chapter IV: Engineering documents ()

 Chapter V: Procurement documents
 Chapter VI: Construction & Installation documents

Final documentation shall include as a minimum, but not limited to, the following documents in relation to
the Contractual Scope of Work performed by WP8 CONTRACTOR:

 Management and Contract Administration:

- General description of the executed Project;
- Project Execution Plan;
- Project Calculation procedure;
- Project Document Management Procedure;
- Management of change;
- Work acceptance certificates;
- Minute of meetings and any other relevant correspondence;
- Daily progress reports;
- Technical queries and Deviation Requests;
- Non conformity deviation and damaging reports;
- Handover certificates;
- Third Party certifications;
- Certificates of approval of installation activities issue by Third Parties;
- Certificates of approval issue by Marine Warranty Surveyor;
- Marine Vessel Spread(s) condition survey;

 HSE:
- Project HSE plan
- Project Hazard Identification & Risk Assessments;
- Project Emergency Response Plan;
- All procedure issued during the execution of the Contractual Scope of Work;
- Organization Chart;
- Project HSE statistic summary;
- All documents related to the HSE requirements;

 Quality:
- Project Quality Plan;
- Job organization chart;
- Audit procedures and plan;
- Project non conformity management procedure;
- Quality control plans as per QA/QC requirements;
- Welder and welding documentation as per QA/QC requirements;
- NDT documentation as per QA/QC requirements;
- Quality Assurance and Quality Control Reports;
- All documents related to the QA/QC requirements;

 Engineering:
- General description of facilities;
- Platform endorsement report;
- All transportation documents;
- All technical documents developed by WP8 CONTRACTOR;
- All procedures developed by WP8 CONTRACTOR;
- All installation manual(s) developed by WP8 CONTRACTOR for all offshore main
installation operations containing a compilation of all documents necessary for the safe
installation, commissioning and start-up of each piece of equipment;

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- The final Material Take Off relevant to structure(s) installation and to the shop drawings;
- General structures documents;
- As-Built drawings;

 Procurement:
- Procured material certificates;
- Company provided items documents;

 Construction & Installation:

- General description of fabrication processes;
- All fabrication records, including those relating to materials, manufacturing, quality
control, inspections and tests, process and operator qualifications, pre-commissioning,
transports, shipping, etc.;
- Data sheet/technical characteristics of the equipment and tools used during the execution
of the work;
- All pre-survey and post-survey documents and reports;
- All structure(s) installation and construction documents;
- All field reports;
- All other documents related to the construction and installation phase;

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall submit one (1) original and two (2) hard copies and four (5) soft copies of
Project Final Dossier to COMPANY.

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WP8 CONTRACTOR shall provide all personnel for the supervision, engineering, computer services,
materials, consumables, supplies, equipment, tools, labour, vessels, utilities, transportation, storage
together with all the services and facilities required for the satisfactory completion of the works, in
compliance with the requirements of the Contractual Scope of Work.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall perform all the supply and follow-up activities necessary to make available at
site all materials and equipment necessary to carry out the work as per COMPANY requirements apart
the material free issue by COMPANY as COMPANY Provided Items.

Equipment(s) and materials shall be purchased from qualified/identified sources and with prior
COMPANY notification and approval.

The equipment(s) and materials shall meet the requirements of the drawings, technical specifications and
data sheets, standards and codes, as set forth by the WP8 CONTRACTOR’S Engineering department
and approved by COMPANY. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring the complete
engineering requirement of all equipment within any and all relevant vendor documents. COMPANY shall
be kept fully notified of all ‘Expedite’ reports.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall establish and implement an appropriate procedure for the identification and
traceability of materials during the construction phase.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall perform all services and take all actions required to assure and to maintain
delivery schedule of equipment and materials for compliance with the agreed project schedule.

The supply activities of the WP8 CONTRACTOR shall include, but not limited to, the following:
 Identification of equipment and control of materials’ quantities to be purchased (including
spare parts) on top of the COMPANY Provided Items as per Annex 5;
 Issue of tender requests to sub-CONTRACTORs/sub-vendors;
 Issue of orders to sub-contractors/sub-vendors;
 Supplies expediting;
 Tests and inspections;
 Certification procedure;
 Supply of factory certificates and tests or conformity certificates approved by Certifying
 Transportation to construction site;
 Material Reception on site;
 Issue all reports required by COMPANY;
 Provide to COMPANY un-priced copy of the sub-CONTRACTORs/sub-vendors Purchase
Orders if required by COMPANY;
WP8 CONTRACTOR shall appoint a Procurement Co-ordinator acting as interface between WP8
CONTRACTOR and COMPANY for all the aspects relevant to supplies. Additionally, WP8
CONTRACTOR shall ensure the availability of all the resources necessary to carry out all supply activities
listed above in compliance with the design project programme and schedule.

Contract Coordination procedure attached to this tender, contains the detail of COMPANY- WP8
CONTRACTOR interface during procurement and material control activities.

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At this stage no COMPANY provided Items (CPI) are expected.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all structures and components that will be delivered onshore shall
be approved and accepted, before sail away, by all the parties involved (COMPANY, WP8
CONTRACTOR and WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor).

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall provide all materials, consumables, equipment & tools and supplies required
for the satisfactory completion of the works.

Materials supplied by WP8 CONTRACTOR shall include, but not be limited to bulk materials,
consumables, slings, shackles, tugger lines and any other certified lifting tools to be installed at EPC
Platform/Fabrication Contractor’s yard(s) on jacket, deck, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for
the transportation of such materials to the WP7 EPC Platform/Fabrication Contractor’s yard(s) and issue
the relevant handling and storage procedures.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall identify all the critical items and shall propose to COMPANY the procedures
for selection of appropriate suppliers and the procedures for issue of enquiry documents and request of
supply in keeping with the project priorities and schedules.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall issue purchase orders quoting the following information:
 Reference numbers, drawings, technical specifications and standards and relevant Request
of supply;
 General purchase conditions including COMPANY requirements as guarantees and spare
 Certification, proceedings, testing;
 Transport provisions and relevant documents;
 Provisions for the spare parts.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all tasks related to materials and consumables reception
including controls for completeness and integrity.

All items delivered to work site shall be unloaded, unpacked, inspected, checked and stored, under WP8
CONTRACTOR’S responsibility, complying with appropriate and agreed procedures.

The materials and consumables received in the yard shall be protected against atmospheric degeneration
for the duration of the construction and right up to the final delivery to the COMPANY, in compliance with
Manufacturer’s instructions.
WP8 CONTRACTOR shall communicate to COMPANY with due advance when the materials and
consumables will be received.

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WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring that all materials included consumables delivered
and received at the site are in full compliance with the drawings, the specifications and the purchase
order. WP8 CONTRACTOR shall have a fit for purpose procedures for the recording of
incoming/outgoing of materials and consumables from site warehouse.
Such procedures shall detail all relevant steps for receipt and subsequent filing of all materials and
consumables documentation such as steel certificates, test certificates, slings certificates, shackles
certificates, etc... The material and consumable control procedures will be subject to prior approvals of
COMPANY and/or Certifying Authority as applicable.


To ensure the timely delivery of all equipment, materials and consumables to the work site and to satisfy
the project construction schedule, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall expedite the manufacturer/sub-contractor
for delivery of all equipment, materials and services from the placement of purchase orders to the receipt
of the equipment, materials and services.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the equipment and material delivery is carried out for compliance
with the delivery times and with applicable technical requirements.

The pro-active and aggressive expediting shall enable the following:

 Prior anticipation of problems rather than the reporting of problems;
 Check within two weeks, of the course of the order placement and if the order has been
taken up in the manufacturer’s planning schedule;
 Exert pressure as necessary to ensure maintenance of the schedule;
 Continuously review the status of all orders from the placement date until delivery to the
work site;
 Prepare and continuously update material status report and issue it to COMPANY.
The expediting activity shall also include expediting of common carriers (shipment tracing) to prevent the
delays of shipments in transit to the work site.
The expediter shall report unavoidable delays so that the construction schedule can be modified in time to
minimise the effects of such delays and regular meetings shall be arranged with COMPANY for review of
expending status.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall perform inspection and test at Vendors and Sub-contractors site and
workshop in order to ensure the compliance of the supplied items to Project Requirements and Laws,
Norms, Standards requisition.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall perform on the main and minor items the inspection and test, in compliance
with inspection test procedure (ITP) agreed between COMPANY and CONTRACTOR. As applicable,
WP8 CONTRACTOR shall perform, for each item:
 Factory acceptance Test (FAT) performed at VENDOR’s workshop (if applicable);
 Site acceptance test (SAT) once equipment is on the construction site (if applicable);
 Operational Availability Test (OAT) during plant commissioning (if applicable).

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Each discipline of WP8 CONTRACTOR’s engineering shall witness during such tests and shall be
responsible for the compliance of related equipment to project requirements.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall issue to COMPANY for review all Vendors’ documentation valid for
construction in order to implement COMPANY comments if any. At least two weeks before Factory Test,
WP8 CONTRACTOR shall notify the date of test and provide to COMPANY all Vendor’s materials
documentation valid for Factory Test including COMPANY comments.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall obtain by COMPANY authorization before to transport the equipment from
Vendor’s workshop to construction yard. COMPANY reserves the right to stop the delivery of the supply
to yard in case equipment does not comply with project requirements.
WP8 CONTRACTOR shall communicate to COMPANY, with a minimum seven (7) working days, the
place and date of each test; COMPANY reserves to participate to the tests.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall issue at the beginning of the project and update, on a bi-weekly basis, a
procurement plan including at least the following information:
 List of sub-supplies (with a brief description of the material/equipment);
 Request of supply status including identification of the bidders;
 Purchase Order issue status for all the sub-supplies and sub-Contractor identification;
 Required delivery date;
 Contractual delivery date;
 Expected delivery date;
 Date of the last contact with the subcontractor;
 Type of contact (visit, telex, telephone);
 Expected arrival date at destination (site);
 Actual arrival date at destination (site);
 Date of tests to be performed (regarding IDS and certification)

Each issue of the Procurement Plan shall be submitted to COMPANY on a bi-weekly basis. If required by
COMPANY, WP8 CONTRACTOR shall increase the procurement plan update and number of issue.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to supply all the materials, equipment, bulks, consumables,
temporary materials and supports to fulfil the entire Scope of Work as described in this document, except
the COMPANY Provided Items.


WP8 CONTRACTOR shall issue a weekly report on the material receipt on site. The report includes at
least the following information:
 Purchase Order number
 Delivery docket number
 Material description
 Reception date
 Quantity ordered
 Quantity received
 Any damages found at the reception
 Cast number (for the steel)

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 Status of certification and documentation from sub-supplier

 Planned delivery / actual delivery

The report will be updated on a bi-weekly basis and will issue to COMPANY.


It is WP8 CONTRACTOR sole responsibility to evaluate the amount of work involved on the basis of the
documents, specifications, standards and drawings enclosed in the ITT package.


All WP8 CONTRACTOR’s Sub-Contract, Suppliers/Vendors and other Sub-Contractors shall be subject
to COMPANY’s prior approval.

WP8 CONTRACTOR shall provide during bidding phase and prior Contract Award a final list of its
suppliers/vendors, subcontractors and third party agencies for each category of goods and services
relevant to the Contractual Scope of Work for COMPANY final approval.

This document is property of Eni Congo S.A.

It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Company logo Contractor logo Vendor logo Validity Revision
Status Number
CD-FE 03

Company Document ID Contractor Document ID Vendor Document ID

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83 / 83


ANNEX [01] Project External Interface Matrix (doc no 3091C0FGPG00176)

ANNEX [02] Codes and Standards (for detailed list refer to document no
ANNEX [03] Design Package (for detailed list refer to documber no 30916700BGED00041)
ANNEX [04] Offshore Support Vessels – Minimum Safety Requirements
ANNEX [05] marine spread(s) operational workability limits
ANNEX [06] Metocean Study for Detailed Design of Offshore Structures – Loango and Nenè
Oil Fields, Congo (August 2015 – doc. n. 14-551-H1 Rev. 2).
ANNEX [07] 300000FGFF00148_CSFS01F_07 Offshore Overall Field Layout
ANNEX [08] Fugro Report No. P903636-14, Rev. 2, Dated 23/07/2019 – Factual and
Engineering Report – Offshore Survey for Nene Phase 2B – WHP1 Jack-up and
Platform Site – Offshore Republic of Congo
ANNEX [09] Geophysical Data
ANNEX [10] Geotechnical Data [HOLD 1]

This document is property of Eni Congo S.A.

It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.

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