JA241 SCCA1023 Rubric ASSIGNMENT 2 Problem Solving and Written Comm
JA241 SCCA1023 Rubric ASSIGNMENT 2 Problem Solving and Written Comm
JA241 SCCA1023 Rubric ASSIGNMENT 2 Problem Solving and Written Comm
Fails to gather Has difficulty in gathering, Able to gather relevant Able to gather and evaluates
information for synthesizing and information, synthesize information, chooses a clear
4. Synthesis and synthesis and evaluating information. and evaluate the interpretation, and provides
Evaluation evaluation. information and offers sufficient evidence (quality
simple, unsupported and quantity) to support
conclusions. conclusions.
5. References and Recent references are Few recent references Most recent references Complete, recent references 4
format of not cited in text, and no are cited in text and are cited in text, provided in text and references list.
academic writing references list is incomplete reference list. in references list and use References are in the correct
provided. Style/format Many references use correct style/format. style/format.
is incorrect. incorrect style/format.
Total Raw Points
PART 2: CRITERIA 1 = Very Weak 2 = Very Weak 3 = Very Weak 4 = Very Weak 5 = Very Weak Point
1. Clearly written Not able to write Able to write ideas Able to write ideas Able to write ideas Able to write ideas
academic ideas clearly with limited clarity fairly clearly clearly with excellent
discourse and require further but require minor clarity
improvements improvement
2. Coherently Not able to write Able to write ideas Able to write ideas Able to write ideas Able to write ideas
written academic ideas coherently with limited fairly coherently coherently with excellent
discourse coherence but require minor coherence 5
and require further improvements
3. Systematically Not able to write Able to write ideas Able to write ideas Able to write ideas Excellent ability to
written academic ideas but less systematic quite systematically systematically write ideas
discourse systematically and require further but require minor systematically
improvements improvements
Total Raw Points 15
Net Marks (%) 10
TOTAL (PART 1 + PART 2) 20% 20/20