1316020AL Targeting Math P3 Introduction

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for the Development of Learners’ Competencies

Based on the Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008)
(Revised 2560 (A.D. 2017))

Designed to show the process of

organizing active learning activities
from the start.

Guidelines for
organizing active learning activities.

Full of various teaching methods

that suit the content
and learning outcomes.

Activities and situations are focused

on students’ practice.

Activities to develop elements

of competencies.

Competency-based assessment
activities to ensure key competencies

Assessment and evaluation tools

for every activity.

ACT Academic Team

for the Development of Learners’ Competencies

Primary 3
Based on the Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008)
(Revised 2560 (A.D. 2017))

• ACT Academic Team

Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) has the policy to drive the use of the Basic
Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) to develop learners’ competencies of the Basic Core
Curriculum and the 21st-century competencies. As a result, all instructional institutions have to adjust
their learning management process and learning styles to be more diverse to develop students to
become learners, innovative co-creators, and active citizens according to the national education
standard and educational reform plan that enhances competency-based education instead of indicator-
based instruction. In learning management that aims to develop competencies, learning activities should
be organized in line with the context of the educational institute and the needs of the students by using
an active learning process to allow students to get hands-on practice, self-learning, and have fun in
learning to develop their learning to their full potential according to their aptitudes and interests.
Aksorn CharoenTAT ACT Co., Ltd has written the set of Active Learning Activities for the Development
of Learners’ Competencies for teachers’ facilitation to be used as tools for the development of each
learner’s competencies through the active learning process that consists of the nature of learning in each
subject or learning area with powerful pedagogies to empower learning in the classroom with fun.
Teachers can apply the activities and learning materials presented in this document as guidelines
to improve the learning units and lesson plans that they have created, to be in line with the principles of
learning design and the active learning process with assessment for learning that aims to the
development of learning and learners’ competencies based on the Basic Core Curriculum by connecting
and applying key must-know indicators those are necessary to study and are meaningful to learners, and
are consistent with learners’ lifestyles and the local context creatively. To construct influential
knowledge, be aware of learning to develop lifelong learning, and obtain the characteristics of an active
learner according to the goals of Thailand and international educational reformation that aims to enhance
the competitiveness and learning potential of their citizens.
ACT Academic Team

• The activities in this document are designed to illustrate examples of some parts of the subject only. Teachers
can use them as guidelines for further design or apply them in integrated activities based on the context of the
school and the class.
• The period/hour of study for the active learning activity specified in each activity is simply a guideline. If there is
not enough time, teachers can assign students to do it outside school hours.
• The answer keys in the activities are simply examples for guiding. Please consider the students’ answers.
Designing learning processes with active learning
to develop competencies
To design learning activities that promote the development of learners’ competencies, the
activities must be focused on active learning rather than the subject content to help learners to
relate or construct their own knowledge through hands-on practice with media or learning activities
guided by teachers.
Learning activity design should start with O Objective
outcome setting, then designing the active
learning activity as shown below. Evaluation E L Learning Process

Input Process
• Set the indicators • Design active learning activities based on
• Set the outcomes and competencies the indicators and competencies learners
• Select the content that can be used to need to achieve
design activities to develop learners’ • Design tools for activity assessment
competencies and are related to learners’
real life

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Ref: (Draft) Guidelines for Basic Curriculum Framework A.D. … at The Primary Level (Grades 1-3): OBEC,
and Future of Education and Skills: OECD Education 2030 Framework.

Output Outcomes
• Workpieces Competencies
• Innovations




Capacity for

Capacity for
applying life skills

1 Numbers to 100,000
• Learning activity for the development of elements of competencies
Who will Get the Scholarship? 6


2 Addition up to 100,000


3 Subtraction up to 100,000


4 Symmetry


5 Multiplication


6 Division


7 Money
• Learning activity for the development of elements of competencies
The Little Seller 27
Length 40
8 • Learning activity for the development of elements of competencies
Buy a Perfect Shoe Box 47


9 Weight


10 Volume and Capacity


11 Time


12 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions


13 Picture Graphs and Tables 62

• Learning activity for the development of elements of competencies
New Year Party 68
• Learning activity for the assessment of unit competencies
Choose a Location to Sell Products 80


14 Mixed Operation

Appendix 96

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