Dynamic Conditional Correlation - ENGLE
Dynamic Conditional Correlation - ENGLE
Dynamic Conditional Correlation - ENGLE
Time varying correlations are often estimated with multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional
heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models that are linear in squares and cross products of the data. A new
class of multivariate models called dynamic conditional correlation models is proposed. These have
the exibility of univariate GARCH models coupled with parsimonious parametric models for the
correlations. They are not linear but can often be estimated very simply with univariate or two-step
methods based on the likelihood function. It is shown that they perform well in a variety of situations
and provide sensible empirical results.
1. INTRODUCTION need for bigger correlation matrices. In most cases, the number
Correlations are critical inputs for many of the common of parameters in large models is too big for easy optimization.
tasks of nancial management. Hedges require estimates of In this article, dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) esti-
mators are proposed that have the exibility of univariate
the correlation between the returns of the assets in the hedge.
GARCH but not the complexity of conventional multivariate
If the correlations and volatilities are changing, then the hedge
GARCH. These models, which parameterize the conditional
ratio should be adjusted to account for the most recent infor-
correlations directly, are naturally estimated in two steps—
mation. Similarly, structured products such as rainbow options a series of univariate GARCH estimates and the correla-
that are designed with more than one underlying asset have tion estimate. These methods have clear computational advan-
prices that are sensitive to the correlation between the under- tages over multivariate GARCH models in that the number of
lying returns. A forecast of future correlations and volatilities parameters to be estimated in the correlation process is inde-
is the basis of any pricing formula. pendent of the number of series to be correlated. Thus poten-
Asset allocation and risk assessment also rely on correla- tially very large correlation matrices can be estimated. In this
tions; however, in this case a large number of correlations is article, the accuracy of the correlations estimated by a variety
often required. Construction of an optimal portfolio with a set of methods is compared in bivariate settings where many
of constraints requires a forecast of the covariance matrix of methods are feasible. An analysis of the performance of the
the returns. Similarly, the calculation of the standard devia- DCC methods for large covariance matrices was considered
tion of today’s portfolio requires a covariance matrix of all by Engle and Sheppard (2001).
the assets in the portfolio. These functions entail estimation Section 2 gives a brief overview of various models
and forecasting of large covariance matrices, potentially with for estimating correlations. Section 3 introduces the new
thousands of assets. method and compares it with some of the cited approaches.
The quest for reliable estimates of correlations between Section 4 investigates some statistical properties of the
nancial variables has been the motivation for countless aca- method. Section 5 describes a Monte Carlo experiment and
demic articles and practitioner conferences and much Wall results are presented in Section 6. Section 7 presents empiri-
Street research. Simple methods such as rolling historical cor- cal results for several pairs of daily time series, and Section 8
relations and exponential smoothing are widely used. More concludes.
complex methods, such as varieties of multivariate general-
ized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH)
or stochastic volatility, have been extensively investigated in The conditional correlation between two random variables
the econometric literature and are used by a few sophisticated r1 and r2 that each have mean zero is de ned to be
practitioners. To see some interesting applications, exam- Etƒ1 4r11 t r21 t 5
121 t D q 0 (1)
ine the work of Bollerslev, Engle, and Wooldridge (1988),
Etƒ1 4r112 t 5Etƒ1 4r212 t 5
Bollerslev (1990), Kroner and Claessens (1991), Engle and
Mezrich (1996), Engle, Ng, and Rothschild (1990), Bollerslev,
© 2002 American Statistical Association
Chou, and Kroner (1992), Bollerslev, Engle, and Nelson Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
(1994), and Ding and Engle (2001). In very few of these arti- July 2002, Vol. 20, No. 3
cles are more than ve assets considered, despite the apparent DOI 10.1198/073500102288618487
340 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, July 2002
In this de nition, the conditional correlation is based on infor- An alternative simple approach to estimating multivariate
mation known the previous period; multiperiod forecasts of models is the Orthogonal GARCH method or principle com-
the correlation can be de ned in the same way. By the laws of ponent GARCH method. This was advocated by Alexander
probability, all correlations de ned in this way must lie within (1998, 2001). The procedure is simply to construct uncondi-
the interval 6ƒ11 17. The conditional correlation satis es this tionally uncorrelated linear combinations of the series r. Then
constraint for all possible realizations of the past information univariate GARCH models are estimated for some or all of
and for all linear combinations of the variables. these, and the full covariance matrix is constructed by assum-
To clarify the relation between conditional correlations and ing the conditional correlations are all zero. More precisely,
conditional variances, it is convenient to write the returns nd A such that yt D Art 1 E4yt yt0 5 ² V is diagonal. Univari-
as the conditional standard deviation times the standardized ate GARCH models are estimated for the elements of y and
disturbance: combined into the diagonal matrix Vt . Making the additional
¢ q
strong assumption that Etƒ1 4yt yt0 5 D Vt , then
hi1 t D Etƒ1 ri12 t 1 ri1 t D hi1 t ˜i1 t 1 i D 11 23 (2)
˜ is a standardized disturbance that has mean zero and vari- Ht D A ƒ 1 V t A ƒ 1 0 (8)
ance one for each series. Substituting into (4) gives
In the bivariate case, the matrix A can be chosen to be trian-
Etƒ1 4˜11 t ˜21 t 5 gular and estimated by least squares where r1 is one compo-
121 t D q D Etƒ1 4˜11 t ˜21 t 50 (3)
Etƒ1 4˜211 t 5Etƒ1 4˜221 t 5 nent and the residuals from a regression of r1 on r2 are the
second. In this simple situation, a slightly better approach is
Thus, the conditional correlation is also the conditional covari- to run this regression as a GARCH regression, thereby obtain-
ance between the standardized disturbances. ing residuals that are orthogonal in a generalized least squares
Many estimators have been proposed for conditional cor- (GLS) metric.
relations. The ever-popular rolling correlation estimator is Multivariate GARCH models are natural generalizations of
de ned for returns with a zero mean as this problem. Many speci cations have been considered; how-
Ptƒ1 ever, most have been formulated so that the covariances and
sDtƒnƒ1 r11 s r21 s
O 121 t D q P ¢ Ptƒ1 ¢0 (4) variances are linear functions of the squares and cross prod-
tƒ1 2 2
sDtƒnƒ1 11 s r
sDtƒnƒ1 21 s ucts of the data. The most general expression of this type is
called the vec model and was described by Engle and Kroner
Substituting from (4) it is clear that this is an attractive estima- (1995). The vec model parameterizes the vector of all covari-
tor only in very special circumstances. In particular, it gives ances and variances expressed as vec4Ht 5. In the rst-order
equal weight to all observations less than n periods in the case this is given by
past and zero weight on older observations. The estimator
will always lie in the 6ƒ11 17 interval, but it is unclear under 0
vec4Ht 5 D vec4ì5 C A vec4rtƒ1 rtƒ1 5 C B vec4H tƒ1 51 (9)
what assumptions it consistently estimates the conditional cor-
relations. A version of this estimator with a 100-day win-
dow, called MA100, will be compared with other correlation where A and B are n2 n2 matrices with much structure
estimators. following from the symmetry of H . Without further restric-
The exponential smoother used by RiskMetrics uses declin- tions, this model will not guarantee positive de niteness of the
ing weights based on a parameter ‹, which emphasizes current matrix H .
data but has no xed termination point in the past where data Useful restrictions are derived from the BEKK representa-
becomes uninformative. tion, introduced by Engle and Kroner (1995), which, in the
Ptƒ1 tƒjƒ1 rst-order case, can be written as
sD1 ‹ r11 s r21 s
O 121 t D q P ¢ P ¢0 (5) 0
tƒ1 tƒsƒ1 2
‹ r tƒ1 tƒsƒ1 2
‹ r Ht D ì C A4rtƒ1 rtƒ1 5A0 C BHtƒ1 B 0 0 (10)
sD1 11 s sD1 21 s
It also will surely lie in 6ƒ11 17; however, there is no guidance Various special cases have been discussed in the literature,
from the data for how to choose ‹. In a multivariate context, starting from models where the A and B matrices are simply
the same ‹ must be used for all assets to ensure a positive a scalar or diagonal rather than a whole matrix and continuing
de nite correlation matrix. RiskMetrics uses the value of 094 to very complex, highly parameterized models that still ensure
for ‹ for all assets. In the comparison employed in this article, positive de niteness. See, for example, the work of Engle and
this estimator is called EX .06. Kroner (1995), Bollerslev et al. (1994), Engle and Mezrich
De ning the conditional covariance matrix of returns as (1996), Kroner and Ng (1998), and Engle and Ding (2001).
In this study the scalar BEKK and the diagonal BEKK are
Etƒ1 4rt rt0 5 ² Ht 1 (6)
these estimators can be expressed in matrix notation respec- As discussed by Engle and Mezrich (1996), these models
tively as can be estimated subject to the variance targeting constraint by
which the long run variance covariance matrix is the sample
1X n
covariance matrix. This constraint differs from the maximum
Ht D 4r r 0 5 and Ht D ‹4rtƒ1 rtƒ1
5 C 41 ƒ ‹5Htƒ1 0 (7)
n jD1 tƒj tƒj likelihood estimator (MLE) only in nite samples but reduces
Engle: Dynamic Conditional Correlation 341
the number of parameters and often gives improved perfor- followed by the q’s will be integrated,
mance. In the general vec model of Equation (9), this can be
expressed as qi1 j1 t D 41 ƒ ‹54˜i1 tƒ1 ˜j1 tƒ1 5 C ‹4qi1 j1 tƒ1 51
1X i1 j1 t D
qi1 j1 t
vec4ì5 D 4I ƒ A ƒ B5vec4S51 where S D 4r r 0 50 (11) p
qii1 t q jj1 t
T t t t
A natural alternative is suggested by the GARCH(1, 1)
This expression simpli es in the scalar and diagonal BEKK model:
cases. For example, for the scalar BEKK the intercept is
simply qi1 j1 t D N i1 j C 4˜i1 tƒ1 ˜j1 tƒ1 ƒ N i1 j 5 C ‚4qi1 j 1 tƒ1 ƒ N i1 j 5 (18)
3. DCCs ³ ´
1ƒ ƒ‚ X̂
qi1 j1 t D N i1 j C ‚sƒ1 ˜i1 tƒs ˜j1 tƒs 0 (19)
This article introduces a new class of multivariate GARCH 1ƒ‚ sD1
estimators that can best be viewed as a generalization of the
Bollerslev (1990) constant conditional correlation (CCC) esti- The average of qi1 j1 t will be N i1 j , and the average variance will
mator. In Bollerslev’s model, be 1.
nq o
qNi1 j û N i1 j 0 (20)
Ht D Dt RDt 1 where Dt D diag hi1 t 1 (13)
The correlation estimator
where R is a correlation matrix containing the conditional
correlations, as can directly be seen from rewriting this equa- qi1 j1 t
i1 j1 t D p (21)
tion as qi1 i1 t qj1 j1 t
Etƒ1 4˜t ˜0t 5 D Dtƒ1 Ht Dtƒ 1 D R since ˜t D Dtƒ1 rt 0 (14) will be positive de nite as the covariance matrix, Qt with typ-
ical element qi1 j1 t , is a weighted average of a positive de nite
The expressions for h are typically thought of as univari- and a positive semide nite matrix. The unconditional expec-
ate GARCH models; however, these models could certainly tation of the numerator of (21) is N i1 j and each term in the
include functions of the other variables in the system as prede- denominator has expected value 1. This model is mean revert-
termined variables or exogenous variables. A simple estimate ing as long as C ‚ < 1, and when the sum is equal to 1 it
of R is the unconditional correlation matrix of the standard- is just the model in (17). Matrix versions of these estimators
ized residuals. can be written as
This article proposes the DCC estimator. The dynamic cor-
relation model differs only in allowing R to be time varying: Qt D 41 ƒ ‹54˜tƒ1 ˜0tƒ1 5 C ‹Qtƒ1 (22)
H t D D t R t Dt 0 (15) and
Parameterizations of R have the same requirements as H , Qt D S41 ƒ ƒ ‚5 C 4˜tƒ1 ˜0tƒ1 5 C ‚Qtƒ1 1 (23)
except that the conditional variances must be unity. The matrix
Rt remains the correlation matrix. where S is the unconditional correlation matrix of the epsilons.
Kroner and Ng (1998) proposed an alternative generaliza- Clearly more complex positive de nite multivariate
tion that lacks the computational advantages discussed here. GARCH models could be used for the correlation parameter-
They proposed a covariance matrix that is a matrix weighted ization as long as the unconditional moments are set to the
average of the Bollerslev CCC model and a diagonal BEKK, sample correlation matrix. For example, the MARCH family
both of which are positive de nite. of Ding and Engle (2001) can be expressed in rst-order form
Probably the simplest speci cation for the correlation as
matrix is the exponential smoother, which can be expressed as
Qt D S 4‰‰0 ƒ A ƒ B5 C A ˜tƒ1 ˜0tƒ1 C B Qtƒ1 1 (24)
Ptƒ1 s
sD1 ‹ ˜i1 tƒs ˜j1 tƒs
i1j1t D q P ¢ Ptƒ1 s 2 ¢ D 6Rt 7i1 j 1 (16) where ‰ is a vector of ones and is the Hadamard product
tƒ1 s 2
sD1 ‹ ˜ i1 tƒs sD1 ‹ ˜j1 tƒs of two identically sized matrices, which is computed simply
by element-by-element multiplication. They show that if A1 B,
a geometrically weighted average of standardized residuals. and 4‰‰0 ƒ A ƒ B5 are positive semide nite, then Q will be
Clearly these equations will produce a correlation matrix at positive semide nite. If any one of the matrices is positive
each point in time. A simple way to construct this correla- de nite, then Q will also be. This family includes both earlier
tion is through exponential smoothing. In this case the process models as well as many generalizations.
342 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, July 2002
positive number, which is the empirically relevant case. This 3. DCC IMA—DCC with integrated moving average esti-
equation can therefore be estimated with conventional time mation as in (35)
series software to recover consistent estimates of the parame- 4. DCC LL INT—DCC by log-likelihood for integrated
ters. The drawback to this method is that ARMA with nearly process
equal roots are numerically unstable and tricky to estimate. A 5. DCC LL MR—DCC by log-likelihood with mean revert-
further drawback is that in the multivariate setting, there are ing model as in (18)
many such cross products that can be used for this estimation. 6. MA100—moving average of 100 days
The problem is even easier if the model is (17) because then 7. EX .06—exponential smoothing with parameter D 006
the autoregressive root is assumed to be 1. The model is sim- 8. OGARCH—orthogonal GARCH or principle compo-
ply an integrated moving average ( IMA) with no intercept, nents GARCH as in (8).
ãei1 j1 t D ƒ‚4ei1 j1 tƒ1 ƒ qi1 j1 tƒ1 5 C 4ei1 j1 t ƒ qi1 j1 t 51 (35) Three performance measures are used. The rst is simply
the comparison of the estimated correlations with the true cor-
which is simply an exponential smoother with parameter ‹ D relations by mean absolute error. This is de ned as
‚. This estimator is called the DCC IMA.
MAE D —O t ƒ t —1 (37)
In this section, several correlation estimators are com- and of course the smallest values are the best. A second mea-
pared in a setting where the true correlation structure is sure is a test for autocorrelation of the squared standardized
known. A bivariate GARCH model is simulated 200 times for residuals. For a multivariate problem, the standardized residu-
1,000 observations or approximately 4 years of daily data for als are de ned as
each correlation process. Alternative correlation estimators are
t D Htƒ1=2 rt 1 (38)
compared in terms of simple goodness-of- t statistics, multi-
variate GARCH diagnostic tests, and value-at-risk tests.
which in this bivariate case is implemented with a triangular
The data-generating process consists of two Gaussian
square root de ned as
GARCH models; one is highly persistent and the other is not.
11 t D r11 t = H111 t 1
h11 t D 001 C 005r112 tƒ1 C 094h11 tƒ1 1
1 O t (39)
h21 t D 05 C 02r212 tƒ1 C 05h21 tƒ1 1 21 t D r21 t p ƒ r11 t p 0
³ ´ µ ³ ´¶ H221 t 41 ƒ O 2t 5 H111 t 41 ƒ O 2t 5
˜11 t 1 t
N 01 1 (36)
˜21 t t 1 The test is computed as an F test from the regression of 112 t
q q and 212 t on ve lags of the squares and cross products of the
r11 t D h11 t ˜11 t 1 r21 t D h21 t ˜21 t 0 standardized residuals plus an intercept. The number of rejec-
tions using a 5% critical value is a measure of the perfor-
The correlations follow several processes that are labeled as
mance of the estimator because the more rejections, the more
evidence that the standardized residuals have remaining time
1. Constant t D 09 varying volatilities. This test obviously can be used for real
2. Sine t D 05 C 04 cos42 t=2005 data.
3. Fast sine t D 05 C 04 cos42 t=205 The third performance measure is an evaluation of the esti-
4. Step t D 09 ƒ 054t > 5005 mator for calculating value at risk. For a portfolio with w
5. Ramp t D mod 4t=2005 invested in the rst asset and 41 ƒ w5 in the second, the value
These processes were chosen because they exhibit rapid at risk, assuming normality, is
changes, gradual changes, and periods of constancy. Some of q p
VaR t D 1065 4w 2 H111t C41 ƒw52 H221t C 2ü w41 ƒw5O t H111t H221 t 51 (40)
the processes appear mean reverting and others have abrupt
changes. Various other experiments are done with different
and a dichotomous variable called hit should be unpredictable
error distributions and different data-generating parameters but
based on the past where hit is de ned as
the results are quite similar.
Eight different methods are used to estimate the
hitt D I4w ü r11 t C 41 ƒ w5ü r21 t < ƒVaRt 5 ƒ 0050 (41)
correlations—two multivariate GARCH models, orthogonal
GARCH, two integrated DCC models, and one mean revert- The dynamic quantile test introduced by Engle and Manganelli
ing DCC plus the exponential smoother from Riskmetrics and (2001) is an F test of the hypothesis that all coef cients as well
the familiar 100-day moving average. The methods and their as the intercept are zero in a regression of this variable on its
descriptions are as follows: past, on current VaR, and any other variables. In this case, ve
1. Scalar BEKK—scalar version of (10) with variance tar- lags and the current VaR are used. The number of rejections
geting as in (12) using a 5% critical value is a measure of model performance.
2. Diag BEKK—diagonal version of (10) with variance tar- The reported results are for an equal weighted portfolio with
geting as in (11) w D 05 and a hedge portfolio with weights 11 ƒ1.
344 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, July 2002
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.3
200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000
FAST SINE .2292 .2307 .2260 .2555 .2581 .2737 .2599 .2474
SINE .1422 .1451 .1381 .1455 .1678 .1541 .3038 .2245
STEP .0859 .0931 .0709 .0686 .0672 .0810 .0652 .1566
RAMP .1610 .1631 .1546 .1596 .1768 .1601 .2828 .2277
CONST .0273 .0276 .0070 .0067 .0105 .0276 .0185 .0449
T(4) SINE .1595 .1668 .1478 .1583 .2199 .1599 .3016 .2423
FAST SINE .3100 .0950 .1300 .3700 .3700 .7250 .9900 .1100
SINE .5930 .2677 .1400 .1850 .3350 .7600 1.0000 .2650
STEP .8995 .6700 .2778 .3250 .6650 .8550 .9950 .7600
RAMP .5300 .2600 .2400 .5450 .7500 .7300 1.0000 .2200
CONST .9800 .3600 .0788 .0900 .1250 .9700 .9950 .9350
T(4) SINE .2800 .1900 .2050 .2400 .1650 .3300 .8950 .1600
FAST SINE .2250 .0450 .0600 .0600 .0650 .0750 .6550 .0600
SINE .0804 .0657 .0400 .0300 .0600 .0400 .6250 .0400
STEP .0302 .0400 .0505 .0500 .0450 .0300 .6500 .0250
RAMP .0550 .0500 .0500 .0600 .0600 .0650 .7500 .0400
CONST .0200 .0250 .0242 .0250 .0250 .0400 .6350 .0150
T(4) SINE .0950 .0550 .0850 .0800 .0950 .0850 .4900 .1050
Table 4. Fraction of 5% Dynamic Quantile Tests Rejecting Value at Risk, Equal Weighted
FAST SINE .0300 .0450 .0350 .0300 .0450 .2450 .4350 .1200
SINE .0452 .0556 .0250 .0350 .0350 .1600 .4100 .3200
STEP .1759 .1650 .0758 .0650 .0800 .2450 .3950 .6100
RAMP .0750 .0650 .0500 .0400 .0450 .2000 .5300 .2150
CONST .0600 .0800 .0667 .0550 .0550 .2600 .4800 .2650
T(4) SINE .1250 .1150 .1000 .0850 .1200 .1950 .3950 .2050
FAST SINE .1000 .0950 .0900 .2550 .2550 .5800 .4650 .0850
SINE .0553 .0303 .0450 .0900 .1850 .2150 .9450 .0650
STEP .1055 .0850 .0404 .0600 .1150 .1700 .4600 .1250
RAMP .0800 .0650 .0800 .1750 .2500 .3050 .9000 .1000
CONST .1850 .0900 .0424 .0550 .0550 .3850 .5500 .1050
T(4) SINE .1150 .0900 .1350 .1300 .2000 .2150 .8050 .1050
346 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, July 2002
7.3 Exchange Rates
Currency correlations show dramatic evidence of nonsta-
tionarity. That is, there are very pronounced apparent structural
30 changes in the correlation process. In Figure 6, the breakdown
of the correlations between the Deutschmark and the pound
20 and lira in August of 1992 is very apparent. For the pound
this was a return to a more normal correlation, while for the
10 lira it was a dramatic uncoupling.
Figure 7 shows currency correlations leading up to the
0 launch of the Euro in January 1999. The lira has lower cor-
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 relations with the Franc and Deutschmark from 93 to 96, but
then they gradually approach one. As the Euro is launched,
VO L_DJ_G ARCH VO L_NQ _G ARCH the estimated correlation moves essentially to 1. In the last
year it drops below .95 only once for the Franc and lira and
Figure 2. Ten Years of Volatilities. not at all for the other two pairs.
Engle: Dynamic Conditional Correlation 347
.9 .9
.8 .8
.7 .7
.6 .6
.5 .5
.4 .4
.3 .3
1999:07 1999:10 2000:01 1999:04 1999:07 1999:10 2000:01
.9 .8
.2 .3
1999:07 1999:10 2000:01 1999:04 1999:07 1999:10 2000:01
.6 1.0
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
Figure 5. Ten Years of Bond Correlations. Figure 6. Ten Years of Currency Correlations.
348 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, July 2002
1.0 If a 1% test is used re ecting the larger sample size, then
the number of rejections ranges from 7 to 21. Again the MA
0.8 100 is the worst but now the EX .06 is the winner. The DCC
LL MR, DCC LL INT, and diagonal BEKK are all tied for
second with 9 rejections each.
The implications of this comparison are mainly that a big-
ger and more systematic comparison is required. These results
0.2 suggest rst that real data are more complicated than any of
these models. Second, it appears that the DCC models are
0.0 competitive with the other methods, some of which are dif -
cult to generalize to large systems.
NOTE: Empirical results for bivariate DCC models. T -statistics are robust and consistent using (33). The estimates in the left column are DCC LL MR and the estimates in the right column are
DCC LL INT. The LR statistic is twice the difference between the log likelihoods of the second stage. The data are all logarithmic differences: NQDNasdaq composite, DJDDow Jones Industrial
Average, RATEDreturn on 30 year US Treasury, all daily from 3/23/90 to 3/22/00. Furthermore: DMDDeutschmarks per dollar, ITLDItalian Lira per dollar, GBPDBritish pounds per dollar, all from
1/1/85 to 2/13/95. Finally rdem90DDeutschmarks per dollar, rfrf90DFrench Francs per dollar, and ritl90DItalian Lira per dollar, all from 1/1/93 to 1/15/99.
350 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, July 2002
P-Statistics From Tests of Empirical Models
ARCH in Squared RESID1
NOTE: Data are the same as in the previous table and tests are based on the results in the previous table.