Yvonne Denier
Yvonne Denier
Yvonne Denier
Yvonne Denier, PhD Catholic University of Leuven (KULeuven) Faculty of Medicine Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law Kapucijnenvoer 35 box 7001, 3000 Leuven - Belgium Tel: +32 16 33 69 51 Fax: +32 16 32 69 52 Mobile: +32 495 92 14 89 E-mail: [email protected]
I. II. III. IV. Personal File Research Teaching Community Service p. 2 p. 3 p. 11 p. 17
I. Personal File
I.2 Education
MA in Philosophy, magna cum laude, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, 1998 Teachers Diploma, magna cum laude, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, 1998 Advanced MA in Applied Ethics, summa cum laude, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, 1999 Ph.D. in Philosophy, magna cum laude, Catholic University of Leuven, 2005.
2001-2002: 2005-2006:
II Research
- Theories of distributive justice (Rawls, Sen, Nussbaum, Dworkin); - Moral luck, risk and responsibility (Williams, Nagel, Hurley, Dworkin); - Philosophy of myth (Blumenberg); - The concept of human nature in contemporary bioethics; - The classic idea of hybris; - Virtue ethics (van Tongeren); - Narrative ethics (Ricoeur, Nussbaum).
II.2 Publications
II.2.1 Papers in International Journals with Peer-Review
DENIER, Y.; GASTMANS, C.; DE BAL, N.; DIERCKX DE CASTERL, B., (2010) Communication in Nursing Care for Patients Requesting Euthanasia: a Qualitative Study. Journal of Clinical Nursing (forthcoming) DIERCKX DE CASTERL, B.; DENIER, Y.; DE BAL, N.; GASTMANS, C.,(2010) Nursing Care for Patients Requesting Euthanasia in General Hospitals in Flanders (Belgium): a Qualitative Study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. (forthcoming) DENIER, Y (2010). From Brute Luck to Option Luck? On Genetics, Justice and Moral Responsibility in Reproduction The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35;2: 101-129. GASTMANS, C.; DENIER, Y (2010). What if Patients with Dementia use Decision-Aids to Make an Advance Euthanasia Request?, in The American Journal of Bioethics 10;4: 25-26. DENIER, Y.; DIERCKX DE CASTERL, B.; DE BAL, N.; GASTMANS, C (2010) Its intense, you know. Nurses experiences in caring for patients requesting euthanasia in Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13;1: 41-48. DENIER, Y.; DIERCKX DE CASTERL, B.; DE BAL, N.; GASTMANS, C (2009). Involvement of Nurses in the Euthanasia Care Process in Flanders (Belgium): Exploration of Two Perspectives, in Journal of Palliative Care 25;4: 264-274. LEMIENGRE, J.; DIERCKX DE CASTERL, B.; DENIER, Y.; SCHOTSMANS, P.; GASTMANS, C (2009). Content Analysis of Euthanasia Policies of Nursing Homes in Flanders (Belgium), in Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12;3: 313-322.
Curriculum Vitae Yvonne Denier dd. October 7th, 2010 LEMIENGRE, J.; DIERCKX DE CASTERL, B.; DENIER, Y., SCHOTSMANS, P.; GASTMANS, C (2008). How Do Hospitals Deal with Euthanasia Requests in Flanders (Belgium)? A Content Analysis of Policy Documents, in Patient Education and Counseling 71;2: 293-301. DENIER, Y (2008). Mind the Gap! Three Approaches to Scarcity in Health Care, in Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 11;1: 73-87. DENIER, Y (2006). Need or Desire? A Conceptual and Moral Phenomenology of the Child Wish, in The International Journal of Applied Philosophy 20;1: 81-95. DENIER, Y (2005). On Personal Responsibility and the Human Right to Health Care in Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics 14;2: 224-234. DENIER, Y (2005). Public Health, Well-Being, and Reciprocity in Ethical Perspectives 12;1, 41-66.
Curriculum Vitae Yvonne Denier dd. October 7th, 2010 DENIER, Y., Autonomy in Dependence. A Defence of Careful Solidarity, in T. NYS; Y. DENIER; A. VANDEVELDE (eds.), Autonomy and Paternalism: Between Independence and Good Intentions, Leuven: Peeters, 2006, pp. 93111. DENIER, Y.; MEULENBERGS, T., Health Care Needs and Distributive Justice. Philosophical Remarks on the Organisation of Health Care Systems in R. LIE; P. SCHOTSMANS; B. HANSEN; T. MEULENBERGS, Healthy Thoughts. European Perspectives on Health Care Ethics, Leuven: Peeters, 2002, pp. 265-297. DENIER, Y., Autonomie en afhankelijkheid. Het subject in de medische ethiek, in R. DEVOS, A. BRAECKMAN; B. VERDONCK (red.), Terugkeer van het subject? Recente ontwikkelingen binnen de filosofie, Leuven: Universitaire Pers, 2002, pp. 105-116.
II.2.10 Theses
DENIER, Y., Efficiency, Justice and Care: Philosophical Reflections on Scarcity in Health Care, Catholic University of Leuven, Institute of Philosophy, 2005, PhD. Thesis, supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Vandevelde. DENIER, Y., Prenatale diagnose: uiteenzetting van de bakens in een kentheoretisch, praktisch-technologisch en ethisch-filosofisch perspectief, Catholic University of Leuven, Faculty of Theology/Institute of Philosophy, 1999, Thesis Master Degree in Applied Ethics, supervisor: Prof. Dr. P. Schotsmans. DENIER, Y., De mythe tussen het absolutisme van de werkelijkheid en de suprematie van het subject: een reflectie op Hans Blumenbergs beschouwingen over de rol en de betekenis van de mythe in de Westerse cultuurgeschiedenis, Catholic University of Leuven, Institute of Philosophy, 1998, Master Thesis, supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Braeckman
II.3 Presentations
Verpleegkundigen en euthanasie: een ethische visie gebaseerd op empirisch onderzoek. Studiedag Zorg aan zet. Ethiek en lichamelijkheid in de zorg voor ouderen. Leuven, Sept 2010. Involvement of Nurses in the Care Process for Patients Requesting Euthanasia in General Hospitals in Flanders (Belgium). What Does Ethics mean? on the EACME conference Empirical Ethics, Oslo, Sept 2010. Toeval, rechtvaardigheid en morele verantwoordelijkheid in het veld van zwangerschap en prenatale diagnostiek Summerschool in Philosophy, Catholic University of Leuven, Institute of Philosophy, August 2010. Betrokkenheid van verpleegkundigen in het zorgproces inzake euthanasie in algemene ziekenhuizen in Vlaanderen, on the workshop Ethische dilemmas in de ouderenzorg for Postgraduate Students in Elderly Care, Katho, KHLim & KHLeuven; Leuven, May 2010. 6
Curriculum Vitae Yvonne Denier dd. October 7th, 2010 Zorgethische aspecten in de zorg voor allochtone ouderen on the workshop Zorgen voor morgen? Verkleuring van de vergrijzing en nieuwe vormen van zorg en solidariteit UCSIA, Antwerp, May 2010. Hoe beleven verpleegkundigen de zorg voor patinten met een euthanasievraag? Reflecties en projecties vanuit een belevingsonderzoek binnen de categorie van de wilsbekwame, terminaal zieke patinten. Free University of Brussels Lecture Series Jongeren en levensbeindiging, Brussels, March 2010. Norman Daniels: A Theory of Justice and Health, on the Lovanium Seminar Ethics and Public Policy, 2009-2010 Justice and Health, Leuven, October 2009. Euthanasie en dementie, Summerschool in Philosophy, Catholic University of Leuven, Institute of Philosophy, August 2009. Involvement of Nurses in Caring for Patients requesting Euthanasia in General Hospitals in Flanders (Belgium): What Happens & How Do They Experience it? On the EACME conference Multiculturalism, Religion, and Bioethics, Venice, September 2009. Ons hoogste Goed? Filosofische reflecties over schaarste, eindigheid en de normatieve waarde van gezondheid General Assembbly of the CM Ziekenfonds St. Michielsbond, Elewijt, June 2009. Betrokkenheid van verpleegkundigen bij het zorgproces rond euthanasie: een kwalitatieve studie, on the annual meeting of the Flemisch Research Forum on End-of-Life-Care, KULeuven and VUB, Ghent, June 2009. Economisering van de Zorg: Privatisering, Commercialisering en Vermarkting, for pastoral care workers, Antwerp, May 2009. Ethische reflecties op registratie in de pastorale zorg, for pastoral care workers, Torhout, April 2009. Betrokkenheid van verpleegkundigen in het zorgproces inzake euthanasie in algemene ziekenhuizen in Vlaanderen, op de studiedag Ethische dilemmas in de ouderenzorg for Postgraduate Students in Elderly Care Katho, KHLim & KHLeuven; Leuven, April 2009. Gezondheid, levensstijl en individuele verantwoordelijkheid, Itinera Institute Forum Lectures, Brussels, March 2009. Ons hoogste Goed? Filosofische reflecties over schaarste, eindigheid en de normatieve waarde van gezondheid Bureau Meeting of Zorgnet Vlaanderen, Cadzand, March 2009. Betrokkenheid van verpleegkundigen in het zorgproces inzake euthanasie in algemene ziekenhuizen in Vlaanderen on the conferentie Zorg omtrent het levenseinde. Nieuwe inzichten vanuit onderzoek en implicaties voor praktijk, Leuven, February 2009. Involvement of Nurses in the Care Process for Patients Requesting Euthanasia: Exploration of Two Perspectives, on the EACME conference Ethics in Health Care Institutions Clinical Ethics Consultation, Prague, September 2008. Ons hoogste Goed? Filosofische reflecties over schaarste, eindigheid en de normatieve waarde van gezondheid on the MID Conference, Ostend, March 2008. Economisering van de zorg Postgraduate Students in Ethics, KHLimburg, March 2008. Keuzes in de zorg op de conferentiereeks van de Leerstoel Medische Ethiek van Dr. Jules Knapen, University of Hasselt, Diepenbeek, January 2008. Personal Responsibility of Patients: Should We Treat the Smoking Obese Women, on the ESHRE conference Ethics of Stem Cell Research and Moral Responsibility in ART, Ghent, November-December 2007. On Justice, Luck & Personal Responsibility in Health Care, on the conference Setting an Ethical Agenda for Health Promotion, Ghent, September 2007. Dealing with Mortality. Philosophical Reflections on the Role of Finitude in Just Health Care, at the Hastings Center, New York (US), May 2006. Reflections on Human Nature-Based Arguments in Setting Limits to Health Care, Hastings Center, New York (US), May 2006.
Curriculum Vitae Yvonne Denier dd. October 7th, 2010 From Brute Luck to Option Luck? On Genetics, Justice and Moral Responsibility in Reproduction Centre for Economics and Ethics, Catholic University of Leuven, March 2006. Care und die Grenzen des Lebens - Thesen zur allgemeinen Gesundheitspolitik und der Rolle der Sterblichkeit des Menschen darin on the IMEW Friedrichshainer Kolloquium Grenzen des Lebens, Berlin, March 2006. Ons hoogste goed? Filosofische reflecties over schaarste, eindigheid en de normatieve waarde van gezondheid on the VBS Conference Financiering van de gezondheidszorg, Brussels, February 2006. How to Deal with Autonomy and Dependence? A Defense of Careful Solidarity on the international conference Autonomy and Paternalism: Between Independence and Good Intentions, Leuven, May 2005. The Tragic & the Unjust. Philosophical Reflections on the Moral Status of Human Nature on the Euresco Conference Biomedicine within the Limits of Human Existence, Doorn, April 2005. Das Konzept Bedrfnis im Gesundheitswesen: Besonderheiten und Probleme, at the Interfakultres Zentrum fur Ethik in den Wissenschaften van de Eberhard Karls Universitt Tbingen, March 2002. Effizienz, Gerechtigkeit und Sorge. Philosophische Betrachtungen ber Knappheit im Gesundheitswesen, at the Faculty of Theology, Eberhard Karls Universitt Tbingen, February 2002. Autonomie en afhankelijkheid. Het menselijk subject in de medische ethiek on the Flemish-Dutch Philosophy Symposium Terugkeer van het subject? Recente ontwikkelingen in de filosofie, Kortrijk, October 2001. Subordination, Self-Determination and Alliance. Three Viewpoints on the Position of the Human Subject in Medical Ethics and Health Care on the Euresco Conference Biomedicine within the Limits of Human Existence, Davos, September 2001 Efficiency, Justice and Care. Philosophical Reflections on Scarcity in Health Care on the Euresco Conference Biomedicine within the Limits of Human Existence, Davos, September 2001. Over de voorbeeldfiguur reaction to Grietje DRESEN, De triadische substructuur van de reciprociteit, on the annual meeting of the Centres for Ethics of the Catholic University of Leuven and of Nijmegen, Vertrouwen en reciprociteit, Nijmegen, May 2001. The Ethical Limitations of the Market, on the Workshop Values in Ethics and Economics, Centre for Ethics and Economics, Catholic University of Leuven, November 2000.
Curriculum Vitae Yvonne Denier dd. October 7th, 2010 visit I carried out a detailed bibliographical study related to the following question: Can we set limits to health care by appealing to arguments based on a certain conception of human nature and human finitude without causing problems for the elderly and congenitally handicapped? During this visit, I was able to study Daniel Callahans natural-life-spanapproach and discuss the results of my research both with Prof. Callahan himself and with other members of the Center, via individual meetings as well as two presentations. An important addition to this research visit has been given by the possibility of discussing these ideas with Eva Kittay, professor at the State University of New York and an expert in philosophy of disability. Discussing my ideas with her enabled me to think through certain problems of justice for the irreversibly dependent and how to avoid these.
III Teaching
III.1 Teaching Experience in Bachelor Courses
III.1.1 Teaching Assignments:
24-05-2007 (16u-18u): 1 course session in Toegepaste Ethiek, University of Antwerp, BA Philosophy. Course holder: Prof. Luc Van Liedekerke ( 20 students). Subject of the session: Justice in Health Care. 07-12-2005 (14h30-16h30): 1 course session in Inleiding tot de gezondheidszorg, KULeuven, Afdeling Kortrijk, 3rd year BA in Medicine, course holder: Dr. Reinhilde Zwaenepoel ( 60 students). Subject of the session: introduction to some philosophical and ethical aspects of health care. 11-10-2005 (20-22h): 1 course session in Bijzondere moraalfilosofie, K.U.Leuven, 2nd year BA in Philosophy, course holder: Prof. Dr. Toon Vandevelde ( 80 students). Subject of the session: John Rawlss Theory of Justice. 29-10-2002 (11-13h): 1 course session in Bijzondere moraalfilosofie, K.U.Leuven, 2nd year BA in Philosophy, course holder: Prof. Dr. Toon Vandevelde ( 60 students). Subject of the session: deontological ethics, critique of utilitarianism, prima facie theory, some case studies (Jody and Mary, the conjoined twins, ethics in law and punishment, homosexuality and adoption, prenatal sex selection, Adam Nash).
As a member of the Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, I participate in the supervision and evaluation of the dissertation papers for the Erasmus Mundus Master in Bioethics, KULeuven, KUNijmegen and University of Padova. 2009-2010: PRASAD AACHARYA, RAMESH, Emergency Department Triage: an Ethical Analysis. Dissertation paper European Master in Bioethics (supervisor and member of the jury). DEMURU, FREDERICA, The Concept of Human Dignity according to Gabriel Marcel. Its Implications in the Relationship between Patient and Physician and in End-of-Life-Situations. Dissertation paper European Master in Bioethics (member of the jury). 2008-2009: SOTO-LAFONTAINE, MELISA, Medical Need? Gender Varience Body Modification: an ethical analysis. Dissertation paper European Master in Bioethics (supervisor and member of the jury). TARKEGNE-TSEGAYE, GEREMEW, Male Circumcision and HIV-Prevention: An Ethical Analysis. Dissertation paper European Master in Bioethics (member of the jury).
As a member of the Centre for Economics and Ethics and of the Centre for Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, I have guided and/or evaluated 31 master theses in Philosophy and in Economics and Applied Economics. Below, you will find an overview, with specification of my function between brackets. 2005-2006: 1 student under general supervision of Prof. Dr. Toon Vandevelde TYRIONS, JAN, De Lippenscode. Filosofische onderbouw en een eerste evaluatie, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). 2004-2005: 2 students under general supervision of Prof. Dr. Toon Vandevelde: CALLEWAERT, ALEXANDER, Werkt sociale economie? Het voorbeeld van Kanaal 127, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). FRANCO, FRANCESCA, Schaadt het autonomiestreven het vertrouwen in mensen en instituties? K.U.Leuven, Diss. Philosophy (member of the jury). 1 student under general supervision of Prof. Dr. Ronald Tinnevelt: DE KOKER, STEFANIE, John Rawls en de zorg voor mentaal gehandicapten, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Philosophy (member of the jury). 2003-2004: 3 students under general supervision of Prof. Dr. Toon Vandevelde: Konstantinova, Maria, Ecotourism, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). Seynaeve, Frederik, Globalisering en inkomensongelijkheid op wereldvlak: een literatuurstudie, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). Strauven, Kim, De gezondheidszorg in Belgi: een samenspel tussen economie en ethiek, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). 5 students under general supervision of Prof. Dr. Luc Van Liedekerke: BACKAERT, HANS, Een kritische blik op de anders-globalistische visie van Noreena Hertz, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury).
Curriculum Vitae Yvonne Denier dd. October 7th, 2010 DE RYCK, DORIEN, Politiek-ethische aspecten van landenfaillisementen, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Commercial Engineer (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). GIJSENBERG, MAARTEN, Privaat bezit en algemeen belang. Een stormachtige relatie, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Commercial Engineer (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). VAN HERREWEGHE, ANNELEEN, Trivisi: Duurzaam ondernemen in Vlaanderen in praktijk gebracht? K.U.Leuven, Diss. Commercial Engineer (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). VAN HOED, MIRIAM, Integriteit in de onderneming, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Commercial Engineer (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). 2002-2003: 4 students under general supervision of Prof. Dr. Toon Vandevelde: DECLEIR, KONSTANT, Duurzaam bosbeheer en forest stewardship council-certificering: een ethische en economische benadering, KU.Leuven, Diss. Commercial Engineer (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). JACOBS, ELLEN, Organisatiecriminaliteit, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). MACHAN, STEVEN, Whistle Blowing en corruptie: de commissie Santer, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Commercial Engineer (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). VERMAEL, THIJS, Arbeid en basisinkomen: economische impact en filosofische legitimering van het basisinkomen, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Commercial Engineer (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). 2001-2002: 6 students under general supervision of Prof. Dr. Toon Vandevelde: BAZIJN, HENDRIK, Corporate Citizenship. Burgerschap in de onderneming. De burgerzin van de ondernemer, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). BIEBUYCK, ALAIN, Economische rationaliteit, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). DEMEY, KOEN, Is een tobinbelasting wenselijk en haalbaar? K.U.Leuven, Diss. Commercial Engineer, (assistant supervisor and member of the jury) MENS, SAARTJE, Hebben beschutte werkplaatsen toekomst? Over de plaats van beschutte werkplaatsen in de sociale economie, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). SAMAIN, BARARA, Ziekenhuismanagement: ethiek en economische rationaliteit, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). VAN ASBROECK, TINNE, De economie en ethiek van luxezucht en opzichtige consumptie, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). 2000-2001: 2 students under general supervision of Prof. Dr. Toon Vandevelde: LAFOSSE, PIETER, The Winner-Take-All-maatschappij gerechtvaardigd? K.U.Leuven, Diss. Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). TILMANS,ROB, Vertrouwen: Investering of deugd? K.U.Leuven, Diss. Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). 2 students under general supervision of Prof. Dr. Luk Bouckaert: KEPPENS, JOHAN, Het maatschappelijke debat rond de biotechnologie en de life sciences sector, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Commercial Engineer (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). DE SCHRYVER, VEERLE, Duurzaam ondernemen en kunst: is een wederzijds constructieve samenwerking mogelijk? K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury).
Curriculum Vitae Yvonne Denier dd. October 7th, 2010 1999-2000: 4 students under general supervision of Prof. Dr. Toon Vandevelde: MEULENBERGS, TOM, Corruptie, vuile handen en algemeen belang. Een reflectie op de moraliteit van het politieke bedrijf, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Philosophy (assistant supervisor). SOMERS, VICKY, IVF, adoptie en draagmoederschap. Ethische reflecties bij de kinderwens, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Philosophy (assistant supervisor). VAN ORSHAEGEN, GERT, Redenen voor altrusme: giften, reciprociteit en erfenismotieven, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Applied Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury). HOLVOET, GERDA, De rol van het vertrouwen in het economisch leven, K.U.Leuven, Diss. Economics (assistant supervisor and member of the jury).
III.6.2 Papers
1999-2004: the papers for the courses Wijsgerige Ethiek (Prof. L. Bouckaert and Prof. Luc VanLiedekerke) and Inleiding tot de Wijsbegeerte (Prof. Vandevelde) (see also supra III.5.2) were a realization of the concept of guided independent learning and counted for 25% of the total score. The general idea of the papers was to encourage students to think critically about certain specific questions, certain ethical cases, particular social phenomena, or relevant quotes.
TOLEDO started in September 2001 as a university wide e-learning project. The main goal was to support the implementation of guided independent learning by means of a state of the art virtual learning environment. From September 2004 onwards, TOLEDO became the Common Virtual Learning Environment of the K.U.Leuven Association. In the courses in which I assisted between 1999 and 2006, TOLEDO was mainly used as a means to spread information among the students (syllabi, texts, slides, assignments, guidelines, scores, office hours, etc.). 2000-2001: preparing implementation of TOLEDO for the course Inleiding tot de Wijsbegeerte, 1 year BA Economics and Commercial Engineer, course holder: Prof. Dr. Toon Vandevelde. 2001-2006: implementation of TOLEDO for the courses Inleiding tot de Wijsbegeerte, 1 year BA Economics and nd Commercial Engineer, Moraalfilosofie met inbegrip van deontologie, 2 year MA Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences, and Ethiek en Economie, MA Philosophy and Economics and Applied Economics, Adv. MA Applied Ethics, Ethiek en nd samenleving, MA Philosophy, MA Sociology, Adv. MA Applied Ethics, Bijzondere Moraalfilosofie, 2 year BA Philosophy, course holder: Prof. Dr. Toon Vandevelde. 2002-2004: implementation of TOLEDO for the course Wijsgerige Ethiek, course holder: Prof. Dr. L. Van Liedekerke.
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IV Community Service
IV.1 Professional Positions external to the KULeuven
Since 2007, I am a member of the staff of Zorgnet Vlaanderen, an employers organization uniting more than 500 private social profit organizations in health care (hospitals, care provisions for elderly, and organizations providing mental health care) in Flanders. Prof. Dr. Chris Gastmans and myself represent the Ethics Department of Zorgnet Vlaanderen. Zorgnet Vlaanderen is renowned for its tradition of ethically inspired decision-making on various levels of care: Clinical Ethics: ethical questions related to the clinical practice (e.g. euthanasia, abortion, tube-feeding, prenatal diagnosis, etc.) Organizational Ethics: ethical questions related to the organization and management of health care (commercialization, business ethics, ethics of finance, etc.)
Since 1995, the Ethical Committee of Zorgnet Vlaanderen annually provides elaborated and scientifically-founded ethical recommendations to all its health care institutions and to the public.