Minor Css
Minor Css
Minor Css
<h2 class="nav">
Introduction to
(CSS Code)
<p class="html">HTML</p> h2{
<p></p> color: red;
</h2> }
<nav> div {
<a class="nav" href="5.html">CSS border: 3px solid orange;
</a> line-height: 1.6;
<a class="nav" }
href="4.html">Attribute </a> p{
<a class="nav" line-height: 1.5;
href="3.html">Tags </a> color: black;
<a class="loc" font-size: 20px;
href="2.html">Intro </a> }
<a class="nav"
href="1.html">Home </a> a.loc{
</nav> background-color: white;
</div> }
<h2>What Is HTML?</h2>
HTML stands for Hypertext
Markup Language, which is the standard
markup language used to create web pages
and web applications. It is the backbone
of the World Wide Web and is used to
structure and present content on the
internet. HTML consists of a series of
tags and attributes that describe the
content and formatting of a web page.
These tags and attributes are interpreted
3rd Page
(HTML) <s><s>: This tag is
used to strike through text.</s>
<!DOCTYPE html> <s>
<html lang="en"> <br />
<head> <sub><sub>: This tag
<meta name="viewport" is used to create subscript text.</sub>
content="width=device-width, initial- <sub>
scale=1.0" /> <br />
<title>HTML</title> <sup><sup
<link rel="stylesheet" href="3.css" /> >: This tag is used to
<link rel="stylesheet" href="gen.css" create superscript text.</sup
/> ><sup>
</head> <br />
<body> <small>
<header> <small>This tag is used for
<div class="nav"> smaller text </small> <small>
<h2 class="nav"> <br />
Introduction to <big><big>This tag is
<p class="html">HTML</p> used for large size text</big
<p></p> ><big>
</h2> <br />
<nav> These are just a few of the
<a class="nav" href="5.html">CSS </a> many formatting tags available in
<a class="nav" HTML. It's important to note
href="4.html">Attribute </a> that while these tags are still
<a class="loc" widely used, they are
href="3.html">Tags </a> considered to be presentational tags and
<a class="nav" should be used with caution.
href="2.html">Intro </a> It's better to use CSS to style
<a class="nav" content on a web page,
href="1.html">Home </a> rather than relying on HTML tags for
</nav> formatting..
</div> </p>
</header> </div>
<main> </article>
<section> </section>
<article> </main>
<div> </body>
<h2>HTML Basic Tags</h2> </html>
<p>HTML formatting tags are (CSS Code)
used to style and format text and h2{
otherncontent on a web page. Here are some color:red ;
common formatting tags: }
<br /> div {
<b> <b>This tag are border: 4px solid orange;
used to make text bold.</b><b> line-height: 1.6;
<br /> background-color:whitesmoke
<i><i> This tag are }
used to italicize text.</i> <i> p{
<br /> line-height: 1.7;
<u><u>: This tag is color: black;
used to underline text.</u><u> }
<br />
4th Page <b>class:</b> This attribute
is used to define one or more classes
(HTML Code) for an element, which can be used to apply
<!DOCTYPE html>
styles to that element with CSS.
<html lang="en">
<br /><br>
<b>src:</b> This attribute
<meta name="viewport"
is used to define the source URL for
content="width=device-width, initial-
image, video, or audio file.
scale=1.0" />
<br /><br>
<b>href:</b> This attribute
<link rel="stylesheet" href="4.css" />
is used to define the target URL for a
<link rel="stylesheet" href="gen.css"
<br /><br>
<b>alt:</b> This attribute
is used to provide alternative text for
an image, which is displayed if the image
<div class="nav">
cannot be loaded or is inaccessible to
<h2 class="nav">
Introduction to
<br /><br>
<p class="html">HTML</p>
<b>title:</b> This attribute
is used to provide a tooltip or additional
information about an element when a user
hovers over it.
<a class="nav" href="5.html">CSS
<br /><br>
<b>style:</b> This attribute
<a class="loc"
is used to apply inline styles to an
href="4.html">Attribute </a>
<a class="nav"
<br /><br>
href="3.html">Tags </a>
<b>target:</b> This
<a class="nav"
attribute is used to define where the
href="2.html">Intro </a>
target URL of a hyperlink should be
<a class="nav"
opened, such as in a new browser tab
href="1.html">Home </a>
or window.
<br /><br>
<b>rel:</b> This attribute
is used to define the relationship between
the current web page and the target URL of
a hyperlink.
<br /><br>
<div class="cont">
<b>type:</b> This attribute
<h2>Attributes in HTML</h2>
is used to define the type of content or
input that is associated with an element,
HTML attributes provide
such as the type of form input or the type
additional information about HTML
of script.
elements. Here are some commonly used HTML
<br /><br>
<b>id</b>: This attribute
provides a unique identifier for an
element on a web page, which can be used
to target that element with CSS or
<br /><br>
(CSS Code)
border: 4px solid orange;
div h2 {
color: red;
.cont {
color: black;
5th Page CSS defines the layout,
colors, fonts, and other visual aspects of
(HTML Code) a web page. With CSS, web designers can
<!DOCTYPE html>
create complex layouts and sophisticated
<html lang="en">
designs without resorting to hacks or
workarounds. CSS code is typically stored
<meta name="viewport"
in separate files or in the header section
content="width=device-width, initial-
of an HTML document, and is then
scale=1.0" />
referenced by the HTML code to apply the
specified styles to different elements on
<link rel="stylesheet" href="5.css" />
the page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="gen.css"
CSS is an essential tool for
modern web design, and is widely used
across the industry. It allows designers
to create visually stunning websites that
are both responsive and accessible to all
<div class="nav">
users, regardless of their device or
<h2 class="nav">
Introduction to
<p class="html">HTML</p>
<a class="loc" href="5.html">CSS
</a> (CSS Code)
<a class="nav" .intro {
href="4.html">Attribute </a> border: 3px solid orange;
<a class="nav" background-color: white;
href="3.html">Tags </a> }
<a class="nav" h2{
href="2.html">Intro </a> color:red;
<a class="nav" }
href="1.html">Home </a>
<div class="intro">
<h2>Introduction Of CSS</h2>
<p>CSS stands for Cascading
Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language
used to describe the presentation of a
document written in HTML or XML. CSS
allows web designers to separate the
presentation of a web page from its
content, making it easier to create a
consistent look and feel across multiple
pages or even an entire website.
Q.10 Demonstrate the use of Internal <li>Software development and
CSS in HTML Codes. <li>Big data and analytics</li>
<li>Collaboration and
<!DOCTYPE html> communication</li>
<html lang="en"> <li>E-commerce and online
<head> services</li>
<meta charset="UTF-8"> <li>Disaster recovery and business
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" continuity</li>
content="IE=edge"> </ul>
<meta name="viewport" </p>
content="width=device-width, initial- <p class="end">Overall, cloud computing
scale=1.0"> offers a flexible and cost-effective way
<title>Use of Internal CSS</title> to access computing resources and
</head> services, making it an essential
<style> technology for businesses and
body{ organizations of all sizes.</p>
background-color: azure; </body>
} </html>
padding: 5px 10px;
background-color: yellow;
border: 2px;
font-size: 18px;
ul li{
font-size: 18px;
border-style: groove;
background-color:rgb(3, 3, 3);
text-align: center;
font-size: 18px;
<h2>Cloud Computing</h2>
<p class="first">Cloud computing is a
technology that allows users to access and
use computing resources, such as storage,
processing power, and software, over the
internet. These resources are hosted on
remote servers and managed by third-party
providers, which users can access through
a web browser or dedicated
<h2>Uses of Cloud Computing</h2>
<li>Data storage and backup</li>