Sir Mubashir Waseem - FOM Notes
Sir Mubashir Waseem - FOM Notes
Sir Mubashir Waseem - FOM Notes
Fundamentals of Management
Lecture Contents Today
Introduction to teacher
Introduction to course
Paper pattern
Why students fail
Teaching methodology
2- MBA Marketing
3- MS Business Management
Mubashir Wasim
3- Strategic
2- Managerial Level
1- Operational Level
O1- Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
Computer Based
O2- Business Economics Six Months
O3- Business Communication & Report Writing
O4- Fundamentals of Management
a) Introduction to Management
b) Management Relationship
c) Global Business Environment
04 Fundamentals of Management-
a) Introduction to Management
4. Control
• Theories of Control
• Internal Control Systems
• Performance Management-Controlling the individual
• Controlling Health and Safety
04 Fundamentals of Management-B) Management of Relationship
6. Culture
• What is Culture?
• Organization Culture
• Culture and Structure
• Culture and Strategy
• Cross-Cultural Leadership
04 Fundamentals of Management-B) Management of Relationship
Don’t be Panic
Interviews of the Student who are Failed
• We should do some more practice- test not attended?
• Not Utilize Full Time in Examination.
• No seriously work on assignments
• Paper was out of course
• I generally come late/ join class late in the class in introduction of
topic is missed.
• Absent due to cousin marriages
• I have not attended the lecture completely-Miss few topics- Mobil?
• Multi-media based Lectures are basically interactive
sessions in which teacher uses different techniques to
deliver knowledge about subject
• Some re-cap of previous lecture
• Outline of the current lecture
• Discussion on theoretical concepts
• Class activity
• Concluding remarks
Way of Teaching A22M-
Teaching Methodology
Organization Structure
Organizational Structure
Organizations Structure is the framework for allocating tasks, delegating
authority, coordinating activity and channeling communication between
individual and groups in the organization.
There are three key components on which organization structure is based on
a) Organization structure designates formal reporting relationships,
including the number of level in the hierarchy and the span of control of
managers and supervisors.
b) Organization structure identifies the grouping together of individuals
into departments and of departments into the total organization.
c) Organization structure includes the design of systems to ensure
effective communication, coordination, and integration of effort across
Q1: Which of the following statements about an organization chart is
not true?
A. An organization chart provides a summary of the structure of a
B. An organization chart can improve internal communications
within a business.
C. An organization chart can improve employees’ understanding of
their role in a business.
D. An organization chart cannot indicate line authority within a
Q2: B
Entrepreneurial structure is built around the owner manager
and is typical of small companies in the early stages of their
development. The owner manager will often exercise direct
control over all staff.
Course Teaching Steps- Sequence
Remember that
Fundamentals of Management
Lecture Contents Today
Successful Management of Business
Sources of Power
Authority Lecture Outcome:
Understanding of meanings of management
Importance of management as art
Why we obey others?
A) Introduction to Management
1. Management Definition and Functions
• The Concepts of Power, Bureaucracy, Authority,
• Leadership and Delegation of Power
• Authority and Responsibility
• Delegation
• What is Management?
• Human Relations Management
Getting the things done through other people
Management is the process of dealing with or controlling resources and people to
achieve a specific purpose.
Referent Power –
Referent power comes from one person liking and respecting another, and identifying with
her in some way. Celebrities (Superstar or Personality) have referent power, which is why
they can influence everything from what people buy to which politician they elect. In a
workplace, a person with referent power often makes everyone feel good, so he tends to
have a lot of influence.
Power & Type/Sources of Power
Legitimate Power
The power derived from being in a position of authority within the organizational
structure – according to the position they hold within the organization.
A president, prime minister or monarch has legitimate power. So does a CEO, a religious
minister, or a fire chief. Electoral mandates, social hierarchies, cultural norms, and
organizational structure all provide the basis for legitimate power.
This type of power, however, can be unpredictable and unstable. If you lose the title or
position, your legitimate power can instantly disappear, because people were influenced
by the position you held rather than by you.
Power & Type/Sources of Power
Informational Power
Having control over information that others need or want puts you in a powerful
position. Having access to confidential financial reports, being aware of who's due to be
laid off, and knowing where your team is going for its annual “away day” are all
examples of informational power.
Fundamentals of Management
Fundamentals of Management
Lecture Contents Today
John French and Bertram Raven identifies five resources or bases of power.
• Reward power – is bases on one person having the ability to reward another person for
carrying out orders or meeting other requirement.
• Coercive power – is bases on one person’s ability to punish another for not meeting
requirements, is the negative side of the reward power.
• Expert power – is bases on the perception or belief that one person has some relevant
expertise or special knowledge that other do not.
John French and Bertram Raven identifies five resources or bases of power.
Referent power – is bases on one person’s desire to identify with or imitate other.
• Legitimate power – the power derived from being in a position of authority within the
organizational structure – according to the position they hold within the organization.
• Informational power – the power derived from being in a position to hold crucial
Test your understanding#2
D Expert
Test your understanding#3
If a manager justifies an instruction to a subordinate by saying
‘because I am your superior’ the manager is relying on which
of the following bases of power?
A Referent
B Reward
C Legitimate
D Expert
Test your understanding#3
If a manager justifies an instruction to a subordinate by saying
‘because I am your superior’ the manager is relying on which
of the following bases of power?
A Referent
B Reward
C Legitimate
D Expert
C Legitimate
Test your understanding#4
B Reward
Topic Today
A) Introduction to Management
1. Management Definition and Functions
• The Concepts of Power, Bureaucracy, Authority,
• Leadership and Delegation of Power
• Authority and Responsibility
• Delegation
• What is Management?
• Human Relations Management
Authority is the right to get things done: to ask someone else to do something and expect
it to be done. Authority is thus another word of position or legitimate power
The right to exercise powers such as hiring and firing or buying and selling on behalf of
the organization; the right that an individual has to require certain actions of others; the
right to do or act.
'The right to give orders and power Responsibility is the state or fact of
exact obedience’. Henry Fayol having a duty to deal with
something, or of having control over
Authority vs. Responsibility
Authority Responsibility
Flow Downward Upward
Requirement Ability to give order / Ability to obey order /
Instruction knowledge experience or
Task related with Delegation of authority Feeling/ Assumption of
Result of Formal position in Superior-Subordinate
authority relationship
Authority without Will result into an irresponsible behaviour
Responsibility without Places a subordinate in an impossible and stressful position
Authority with Works
Test your Understanding#7
Abid is working as Senior Accountant but facing a situation arise due the organization is
doing something new or in a different way, its existing rule and procedures may be out of
date or unable to cope with the new development.
He is feeling about his post
A. It is responsibility without authority
B. It is authority without responsibility
C. His joiner are inefficient
D. His coworker are very cooperative
Test your Understanding#7
Abid is working as Senior Accountant but facing a situation arise due to the organization
is doing something new or in a different way, its existing rule and procedures may be out
of date or unable to cope with the new development.
He is feeling about his post
A. It is responsibility without authority
B. It is authority without responsibility
C. His joiner are inefficient
D. His coworker are very cooperative
Management- meaning
Fundamentals of Management
Authority Delegation
The right to exercise powers such as hiring and firing or buying and selling on behalf of
the organization; the right that an individual has to require certain actions of others; the
right to do or act.
Q1: Authority is defined as the right to give orders, supervise the work of others &
make certain decisions. It is linked with the managerial position to give orders & expect
to follow the orders.
Which one is not the definition of authority?
A. The right to give orders and power exact obedience
B. The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience
C. To ask someone else to do something and expect it to be done.
D. The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something
Managers and supervisors must delegate some authority for three reasons
1. Physical and mental limitation
There are physical and mental limitation to the work load of any individual or group in
Reasons of Authority Delegation
Managers and supervisors must delegate some authority for three reasons
1. Physical and mental limitation
There are physical and mental limitation to the work load of any individual or group in
2. Concentration on other aspects of the work
Managers and supervisors are free to concentrate o the aspects of the work such as
planning which only they are competent to do.
Reasons of Authority Delegation
Managers and supervisors must delegate some authority for three reasons
1. Physical and mental limitation
There are physical and mental limitation to the work load of any individual or group in
2. Concentration on the aspects of the work
Managers and supervisors are free to concentrate o the aspects of the work such as
planning which only they are competent to do.
3. Increase in size and complexity
The increase size and complexity of some organization calls for specialization, both
managerial and technical
How to Delegate
1) Specify performance
The goals and standard expected of the subordinate, keeping in mind his or her level of
2) Formally assign tasks
Task should be assign formally to the subordinate, who should formally be agree to do
3) Allocate resource and authority
The subordinate to enable him or her to carry out the tasks must be provided required
resources and authority
How to Delegate
4) Back off
Senior should withdraw himself from task and let the subordinate to perform the
delegated task.
5) Maintain contact
Senior should available to give advice and help, if requested and make constructive
6) Review the progress
Senior review progress and get in touch with the feedback.
Problem of Delegation
a) Low Confidence and Trust:
Low Confidence and trust in the abilities of the junior and staff: Senior thought that junior
either not handle the job well or might not hold the information required.
So Seniors often believe that their subordinates are not able or experienced enough
to perform the tasks.
Problem of Delegation
d) Feeling Threatened:
An unwillingness to admit that assistants have developed to the extend that they could
perform some to the supervisor’s duties. And top management may think that the junior is
substitute to the senior.
Problem of Delegation
d) Feeling Threatened:
An unwillingness to admit that assistants have developed to the extend that they could
perform some to the supervisor’s duties. And top management may think that the junior is
substitute to the senior.
e) Poor control and communication system:
Manager retain control with them, because they feel that in the poor communication they
cannot properly guide and junior is not enable to get advise.
Problem of Delegation
d) Feeling threatened:
An unwillingness to admit that assistants have developed to the extend that they could
perform some to the supervisor’s duties. And top management may think that the junior is
substitute to the senior.
e) Poor control and communication system:
Manager retain control with them, because they feel that in the poor communication they
cannot properly guide and junior is not enable to get advise.
g) Lack of Training:
In training and development of managers they are not being given the techniques and
methods to delegate authority and importance of delegation is also neglected.
Test Your Understanding#3
Q1: Other reasons why managers do not delegate as much as they could include: The
belief that employees cannot do the job as well as the manager can.
What is/are reasons that managers are reluctant to delegate
D. A&C
Test Your Understanding#5
Q3: Delegation is the process of granting authority to subordinates to perform activities of
superior level. However, in this case, the superior retains accountability. It offers a
solution of coping with the increased workload without causing delays in an organization.
In this scenario which is not the reason of reluctancy to delegate.
a) Boss is secure and comfortable in his old job.
b) Subordinate may become impatient for monetary recognition.
c) Heavy investment on training & development
d) Failure to monitor and counsel
Fundamentals of Management
Authority Delegation & Motivation
Managers and supervisors must delegate some authority for three reasons
1. Physical and mental limitation
2. Concentration on the aspects of the work
3. Increase in size and complexity
How to Delegate
1) Specify performance
2) Formally assign tasks
3) Allocate resource and authority
4) Back off
5) Maintain contact
6) Review the progress
Problem of Delegation-Why managers are reluctant to delegate
a) Low Confidence and Trust
b) Senior is accountable for the mistakes of junior
c) Desire to stay in touch
d) Feeling Threatened
e) Poor control and communication system
f) Organization culture and reward system
g) Lack of Training
Overcoming the Reluctance of Managers to Delegate
Encourage managers to delegate therefore involves increasing trust.
1) Training the subordinates:
Train the subordinates is that they are capable of handling delegated authority in a
responsible way. If subordinates are of the right ‘quality’, supervisors will be prepared to
trust them more.
2) Open communication:
Have a system of open communication, in which the supervisor and subordinates freely
interchange ideas and information. If the subordinate is given all the information needed to
do the job, and if the supervisor is aware of what he is doing.
The supervisor will make better-informed decisions
The supervisor will not panic he does not know what is going on.
3) Ensure that a system of control is established:
If responsibility and accountability are monitored at all levels of the management hierarchy,
the risks of relinquishing authority and control to subordinates are significantly lessened.
Test Your Understanding
Q1: Aslam is not satisfied with his job at Falcón International. He gets only routine work
and he has to fallow same routine of the job. Falcon International is facing high
employees turn over rate. His supervisor Ms. Munaza appears to be very busy. She comes
early, goes late, takes work home and gets criticized behind her back by her juniors. Now
she says that she is fed up with this job.
There could be a number of causes contributing to this problem.
A. She does not understand the kind of tasks which can be delegated.
B. Her subordinate avoid to do task and unwilling to take responsibility.
C. She don’t understand the way in which delegation of authority can improve the
motivation and job satisfaction
D. A & C
D: A & C
Benefits of Delegation
There are many practical reasons why managers should overcome this reluctance to
1) Better Time Management: Allowing the individual with the appropriate skills to make
the decision improves time management.
2) Resolve problem of physical and mental limitation of the senior: Without it the chief
executive would be responsible for everything – individuals have physical and mental
3) Career planning & growth: Allows for career planning and development, aids
continuity and cover in absence of boss.
4) Allows for better decision making: those closer to the problem make the decision,
allowing higher-level managers to spend more time on strategic issues.
5) Job become more interesting: Gives people more interesting work, increases job
satisfaction for subordinates; increased motivation encourages better work.
Test Your Understanding
D. A&B
Test Your Understanding
Q3: Your manager gives you authority to make decisions, or wherever you required
to bring information or any time a decision has to be made.
What will not be the ultimate outcome/s of this working style of management?
A. You will be meaningfully involve your in the project,
B. You will be more developed for higher position
C. Your skills and abilities will improve
D. None of the above
• Delegation Ok
Key Elements
Intensity: how hard a person tries,
Power or passion to attain goal.
Direction: toward beneficial goal,
Selection of way or path to reach or
attain the goal
Persistence: how long a person tries,
Determination to achieve objective.
Theories of Motivation
Many theories try to explain motivation and why and how people can be
motivated. One classification is between content and process theories.
Theories of
What are the things that motivate People? a) Each individual is different than other
a) They assume that human beings have a set therefore their desires and goal are
of needs or desired outcomes. Maslow’s different. There are different ways to
hierarchy theory. motivate different individual
b) All human being are have same wants and b) This approach assumes that people are
desired, therefore they can be motivated able to select their goals and choose the
by full filling some sort of desires paths towards them.
Test Your Understanding
B- False
Test Your Understanding
Q5: Process theories assume all people are the same; therefore a
standard set of incentives could be applied to meet staff needs.
This statement is correct?
A. True
B. False
B- False
Fundamentals of Management
Fundamentals of Management
Key Elements
Intensity: how hard a person tries,
Power or passion to attain goal.
Direction: toward beneficial goal,
Selection of way or path to reach or
attain the goal
Persistence: how long a person tries,
Determination to achieve objective.
Theories of Motivation
Many theories try to explain motivation and why and how people can be
motivated. One classification is between content and process theories.
Theories of
What are the things that motivate People? a) Each individual is different than other
a) They assume that human beings have a set therefore their desires and goal are
of needs or desired outcomes. Maslow’s different. There are different ways to
hierarchy theory. motivate different individual
b) All human being are have same wants and b) This approach assumes that people are
desired, therefore they can be motivated able to select their goals and choose the
by full filling some sort of desires paths towards them.
Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Maslow)
The drive to become what one is capable of becoming.
Hierarchy of Needs Theory:- Abraham Maslow’s
Safety Lower-
Hierarchy of Needs Theory:- Abraham Maslow’s
Safety Lower-
Test Your Understanding
Q1: According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which of the following is the final
‘need’ to be satisfied?
A Self-realisation
B Self-actualisation
C Esteem needs
D Physiological needs
Q2: Which of the following is not a category in Maslow ’s hierarchy of needs theory?
A. Physiological needs
B. Self actualization
C. Need for power
D. Safety needs
Q3: Which of the following would fit into Maslow's Ego category?
A. Loss of one's home
B. Winning a prize
C. A salary increase
D. An invitation to a party
Q3: B
This would meet the need for recognition and status.
Test Your Understanding
Q4: Match the following statement with the level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
i) A has been offered a large pay rise in recognition of his hard work on several recent
ii) B has been offered a permanent contract with the business she works for, giving her
access to a good pension scheme.
iii) C has been offered her first ever job with a company. The pay she receives will be
sufficient to cover her essential costs.
A. i)- basic ii)-ego iii)- security
B. i) Self-fulfilment ii) Basic iii) Social
C. i) Ego ii) Security iii) Basic
D. i) Ego ii) Social iii) Security
Q4 : C
Large pay rises are a classic ‘ego’ factor. Pension scheme and permanent contracts
will give the employee security, while covering living (or essential) costs is a basic
Major Limitations to Maslow’s theory:
There are a number of major limitations to Maslow’s theory:
(i) Theory lack empirical backing for the rank-ordering of the needs
(ii) The satisfaction of same need may cause different behaviour in different individuals.
(iii) The theory ignores the concept of deferred gratification
( طویل المدتی مفاد کے لیے وقتی خواہش کو موخر کر دینا, ) (it is the ability to resist the
temptation for an immediate reward and wait for a later better reward. )whereby
individuals are prepared to ignore current suffering or dissatisfactions for the promise of
future benefits.
Major Limitations to Maslow’s theory:
(iv) The hierarchy reflects UK and US cultural values which may not transfer to other
The model does not consider the probability of culture difference, on the other hand
assume that the same needs apply equally to all human cultures
v) The model fails to consider the probability of individual difference, nonetheless assum
that the same needs in the same order apply equally from one person to another
irrespective of nature
Theory X and Theory Y:- Douglas McGregor
The theory include in the Process Theories which means outcome is desirable, selected
and pursued by individuals. Douglas McGregor proposed two distinct views of human
beings: one basically negative, labeled Theory X, and the other basically positive, labeled
Theory Y.
Theory X and Theory Y:- Douglas McGregor
After viewing the way in which mangers dealt with employees, McGregor concluded that a
manager’s view of the nature of human beings in based on a certain grouping of assumptions and
that he or she tends to mold his or her behavior to grouping assumptions and that he or she tends
to mold his or her behavior toward employees according to these assumptions.
Theory X:-
Under Theory X, the four assumptions held by managers are:
1. Employees inherently dislike work and, whenever possible, will attempt to avoid it.
2. Since employee dislike work, they must be coerced, controlled, or threatened with
punishment to achieve goals.
3. Employees will avoid responsibilities and seek formal direction whenever possible.
4. Most workers place security above all other factors associated with worked and
will display little ambition.
Theory Y:-
In contrast to these negative views about the nature of human beings, McGregor listed
the four positive assumptions that he called theory Y.
1. Employees can view work as being as natural as rest or play.
2. People will exercise self-direction and self-control if they are committed to the
3. The average person can learn to accept, even seek, responsibility.
4. The ability to make innovative decisions is widely dispersed throughout the
population and is not necessarily the sole province of those in management position.
McGregor himself held to the belief that theory Y assumptions were more valid than
theory X. Therefore, he proposed such ideas as participative decision making, responsible
and challenging jobs and good group relations as approaches that would maximize an
employee’s job motivation.
Fundamentals of Management
Fundamentals of Management
Intrinsic Factors are related to job satisfaction, while extrinsic factors are associated
with dissatisfaction.
25000 – 500= 24500 25000 =BC – 5000 , lifebuoy soap, Den-tonic Powder
50000 – 500=49500 50000 =BC – 10000 , Lux soap, Close up
100000 – 500 = 99500 100000 =BC – 25000 , Dave soap, Close up
Standard of Living
Two Factor Theory:- Frederick Herzberg.
Intrinsic Factors are related to job satisfaction, while extrinsic factors are associated
with dissatisfaction.
Q3 :C
(1) and (4) would be appropriate to Theory X workers, who must be coerced to get
them to make an effort.
For Theory Y workers, a participative, liberating, developmental approach would be
Q4: The gain to both individuals and the organization from promoting good mental
health at work and authority delegation is reflected in increased presence of
subordinate in scheduling work, well-being and production plan. Reflects
A. Theory X
B. Theory Y
C. Theory Z
D. None of the above
Q1: The job factors like more tangible, basic needs, such as status, job security,
salary, and fringe benefits.?
A. Maslow’s Basic Needs
B. Herzberg Intrinsic Factors
C. McGregor Theory Y factors
D. Herzberg Hygiene factors
Q1 : D
This is the definition of hygiene factors.
Q2: The job factors are less tangible, more emotional needs, such as
challenging work, recognition, relationships, and growth potential.?
A. Maslow’s Basic Needs
B. Herzberg Intrinsic Factors
C. McGregor Theory Y factors
D. Herzberg Hygiene factors
Q1 : B
This is the definition of Intrinsic-motivators factors.
Q3: ‘The absence of certain job features will reduce employee satisfaction. However,
their presence will not result in positive motivation just avoid dissatisfaction.’
What term relating to motivation does this refer to?
A. Maslow’s basic needs
B. Herzberg hygiene factors
C. McGregor Theory Y factors
D. Max Weber Source of Power
Q1 : B
This is the definition of hygiene factors.
Q4: Rose Co offers its employees:
i. Sensible company policies and organizational justice
ii. Good salaries and bonuses
iii. Considerate supervision and coworkers
iv. Training & development programs
According to Herzberg ’s two-factor theory, which of these things will satisfy employees in
such a way as to motivate them to superior effort in the long-term?
A. (ii) only
B. (iv) only
C. (ii) and (iv) only
D. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Q5 : D
This is the definition of extrinsic factors.
Q6: All of the following, which one is different form other alternative terms used
for the same meaning. Which one is an exception?
A. Motivator factor
B. Hygiene factor
C. Environmental factor
D. Maintenance factor
Q6: A
Hygiene factors or environmental factors or maintenance factors all terms are used
for the same meanings while the opposite set of factors is ‘motivator ’ factors in the
work itself, which – according to Herzberg – positively create satisfaction and
motivation to superior performance.
Fundamentals of Management
Fundamentals of Management
Job Enrichment:-
Job enrichment is planned, deliberate action to build greater responsibility, breadth
and challenge of work into a job. Job enrichment is similar to empowerment.
Giving the job holder decision-making of a higher order
Giving the employee greater freedom to decide how the job should be done
Encouraging employees to participate in the planning decision of their superiors.
Giving the employee regular feedback.
Herzberg Suggestions for Improvement of Motivation
Job Enlargement:-
Job enlargement is the attempt to widen jobs by increasing the number of operations
in which a job holder is involved.
Job enlargement is a ‘horizontal’ extension of the job by increasing task variety and
reducing task repetition.
While scientific management school was in the support of Micro-division of labour for
maximum specialization
Herzberg Suggestions for Improvement of Motivation
Job Enlargement:-
Job enlargement is the attempt to widen jobs by increasing the number of operations
in which a job holder is involved.
Job enlargement is a ‘horizontal’ extension of the job by increasing task variety and
reducing task repetition.
While scientific management school was in the support of Micro-division of labour for
maximum specialization
Herzberg Suggestions for Improvement of Motivation
Job Rotation:-
Job rotation is the planned transfer of staff from one job to another to increase task
variety. Job rotation is also sometime seen as a from of training, where individuals gain
wider experience by rotating as trainees in different positions.
Leadership is interpersonal influence directed towards achievement of
Theories of Leadership approaches
• Trait Theories:
• Style Theories of Leadership
• The Contingency approach (Fiedler):
• Transformational leadership (Bennis):Managing
change (Kotter)
Trait Theories:
Early studies of leadership were based on the assumption that leaders were born
and not made.
• They tried to pick out the common personality characteristics so that they had a
basis on which to recognize actual and potential leaders by knowing their traits
and comparing with them the traits of known leaders.
Lists of leadership qualities were compiled that included.
• Physical traits – drive, energy, appearances
Trait Theories:
Early studies of leadership were based on the assumption that leaders were born
and not made.
• They tried to pick out the common personality characteristics so that they had a
basis on which to recognize actual and potential leaders by knowing their traits
and comparing with them the traits of known leaders.
Lists of leadership qualities were compiled that included.
• Physical traits – drive, energy, appearances
• Personality traits – adaptability, enthusiasm and self-confidence
Trait Theories:
Early studies of leadership were based on the assumption that leaders were born
and not made.
• They tried to pick out the common personality characteristics so that they had a
basis on which to recognize actual and potential leaders by knowing their traits
and comparing with them the traits of known leaders.
Lists of leadership qualities were compiled that included.
• Physical traits – drive, energy, appearances
• Personality traits – adaptability, enthusiasm and self-confidence
• Social traits – co-operation, tact, courtesy
*1.1 Management 7
Q5 : B Rationale: Najma’s new tasks are of the same skill level and
responsibility as her original task, so her job has been horizontally enlarged
rather than vertically enlarged (which would be job enrichment).
Fundamentals of Management
Q1: B
Early studies of leadership were based on the assumption that
leaders were born and not made. The physical traits included drive
and energy; the Personality traits included adaptability and
enthusiasm and the Social traits included co-operation and tact.
Blake & Mouton Managerial Grid
The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid is based on two behavioral dimensions:
•Concern for People: this is the degree to which a leader considers team
members' needs, interests and areas of personal development when deciding how
best to accomplish a task.
•Concern for Results: this is the degree to which a leader emphasizes concrete
objectives, organizational efficiency and high productivity when deciding how best
to accomplish a task.
1.1 Management Impoverished:-
This manager only makes minimum
effort in either area and will make the
smallest possible effort required to
get the job done.
1.9 ‘Country Club’ Management:-
This manager is thoughtful and
attentive to the needs of the people,
which leads to a comfortable friendly
organization atmosphere but very
little work is actually.
9.1 Task Management:-
This manager only concerned with
production and arranges work in such
a way that people interference is
9.9 Team Management:- This
manager integrates the two areas to
foster working together and high
production to produce true team
Application for leave to a manager of style → Management Impoverishment
Application for leave to a manager of style → Country Club Management
Application for leave to a manager of style → Task Management
Application for leave to a manager of style → Team Management
5.5 A Middle-of-the-Road or
"status quo" Manager tries to
balance results and people, but this
strategy is not as effective as it may
sound. Through continual
compromise, he fails to inspire high
performance and also fails to meet
people's needs fully.
Q1: When manager is committed to, and have a stake in, the organization's
success, their needs and production needs coincide. He creates an environment
based on trust and respect, which leads to high satisfaction, and motivation of
A. Management impoverished
B. Country Club'
C. Task management
D. Team management
Q2: B
Q3: In the context of Blake and Mouton's grid a manager in the top right hand
corner of the grid would fall into which of the following categories?
A. Management impoverished
B. Country Club'
C. Task management
D. Team management
Q3: D
Q4: Sadia is a manager in the sales department of Zic. Co and she has several staff
working for her. From last two terms, her department is failed to meet sales targets.
But is very friendly with most of her staff and they like her and appreciate that she
does everything she can to attend to their needs. Which type of managerial style does
Sadia have?
A Impoverished
B Task management
C Country club
D Dampened pendulum
Q4: C
The ‘country club’ is low-task, high-people focus and 1.9 on Blake and Mouton's
managerial grid.
This describes Monica. Impoverished is 1.1 (both low),
task management is 9.1 (all about the task).
9.9 is team management (good in both)
Q5: Ashraf is CFO of Kohinoor Energy Projects. He is passionate about his work
and who does the best he can for the people he works with.
A Impoverished
B Task management
C Country club
D Team management
Q5:D Team Management: because he is good in both care about work and people as
Ashridge School of Leadership
Research at Ashridge Management College focuses on four different
management styles.
1. Tells
2. Sells
3. Consults
4. Joints
Tells (autocratic) –
The manager makes all decisions and issues instruction which must be
obeyed without question.
1. Quick decisions can be made when required
2. The most effective type of leadership for highly- programmed work.
1. Communication are one-way, neglecting feedback potential for
upward communication or team member input
2. Does not encourage initiative or commitment from subordinate,
merely compliance.
Sells (persuasive) -
The manager makes all decisions but believe that team members must be motivated
to accept them in order to carry them out properly.
1. Team members understand the reason for decisions
2. Team members may be more committed
3. Team members may be able to function slightly better in the absence of
Weaknesses: 1. Communications are still largely one-way.
2. Team members are not necessarily motivated to accept the decision.
Consults (Participative) –
the managers confers with the team and takes their views into account, although
still retains the final say. (According to research it is the most faviourate and liked
method of workers of their leader)
1. Involves team members in decisions, encouraging motivation through greater
interest and involvement
2. Encourages upward communication
1. May take longer to reach decisions
2. Team members input may not enhance the quality of the decisions.
3. Consultation can be a façade for a basic ‘sells’ style.
Joint (democratic) –
The leaders and the team members make the decision together on the basis of
1. Can provide high motivation and commitment from team members.
2. Empowers a Team member to take the initiative
1. May undermine the authority of the manager.
2. May further lengthen the decision – making process.
3. May reduce the quality of the decisions because of the politics of decision making.
Fundamentals of Management
Fundamentals of Management
done. 4
*1.9 ‘Country Club’ Management:-
This manager is thoughtful and attentive to
the needs of the people, which leads to a
Low 0 (1,1) (9,1)
comfortable friendly organization
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
atmosphere but very little work is actually.
Low High
*9.1 Task Management:- This manager only concerned with production and arranges work
in such a way that people interference is minimized.
*9.9 Team Management:- This manager integrates the two areas to foster working together and
high production to produce true team leadership.
Benefits or Practical Applications:-
Ashridge School of Leadership
At the time of
Post decision
Q1: Miss Rose working and accounts manager. She makes all the decisions and issues
instructions which must be obeyed without question. Her style is
A. Tells
B. Sell
C. Joints
D. Consults
A. Tells
Q2: Mr. Jamil is production engineer, in spite of instruction of production director still
makes all the decisions, but believes that team members must be motivated to accept
them in order to carry them out properly.. His style is
A. Tells
B. Sell
C. Joints
D. Consults
B. Sells
Q3: Mr. Abid is the purchase manager confers with the team and takes their views into
account, although still retains the final say. His style is
A. Tells
B. Sell
C. Joints
D. Consults
D. Consults
Q4: Mr. Tahir is sales manager he collect all member of his team and the team members
make the decision together on the basis of consensus. His style is
A. Tells
B. Sell
C. Joints
D. Consults
C. Joints
Q5: According to researchers in the field of leadership, which of the following
statements is true of a consultative style of management, if we compare to other styles
of leadership?
A It is most popular among subordinates
B It is most popular among leaders
C It encourages the highest productivity
D It provokes most hostility in groups
Q1: A_Authoritarian
Q2: Three of the leadership styles are replacable for each other one is exception
A. Authoritarian
B. Autocratic
C. Tells
D. Democratic
Q2: D_ Democratic
Q3: A style where the leader does not really do anything but leaves the group alone
and lets them get on with it.
Lewin . The it is
A. Authoritarian
B. Democratic
C. Laissez-fair
D. Diplomatic
Q3: C_ Laissez-fair
Likert’s four systems of management
he four management systems as identified by Likert were:
1. Exploitative Authoritative,
2. Benevolent Authoritative,
3. Consultative
4. Participative.
In his view, the closer the organisational characteristics are to the
Participative system, the more satisfied and therefore more productive the
employees will be.
System 1 - Exploitative Authoritative: Authority
Responsibility lies in the hands of the people at the Responsibility Top Level
lies on
top level of the hierarchy. The superior has no trust
and confidence in subordinates. The decisions are
imposed on subordinates and they are not given Confidence of No
freedom to discuss things about the job with their Superior on
superior. More common are individual work not Subordinates
teamwork. Source of motivation is threat
coerciveness. Decision Imposed
A- Exploitative Autocratic
Q2: The first major study of leadership styles was performed by Likert who led a group of
researchers to identify different styles of leadership. In which leadership system the
responsibilities is lies at the Middel level.
A. Exploitative Autocratic
B. Benevolent Autocratic
C. Consultative
D. Participative
B- Benevolent Autocratic
Q3: The first significant studies into leadership style were carried out in the 1930s by a
psychologist called Likert. His studies focused attention on the different effects created
by four different leadership styles.
In which system of leadership supervisor has complete confidence on subordinate
A. Exploitative Autocratic
B. Benevolent Autocratic
C. Consultative
D. Participative
D- Participative
Fundamentals of Management
Fundamentals of Management
Lecture Contents Today
Lippitt & White
Lecture Contents Today
Contingency Theory
Adair’s 50:50 rule Adair suggested a 50:50 rule that applies to his thinking about
leadership. Leadership is influential, but effective leadership on its own is not
Individual: 50% of motivation comes from within the individual. The other 50% of
motivation comes from influences outside the individual, including the influence of
the leader.
Team: 50% of building a successful team comes from the team members and 50%
comes from the leader of the team
Q1: Adair's action-centred leadership model can be considered to be part of which
of the following schools of thought?
A. Human relations school
B. Classical school
C. Contingency school
D. Scientific school
Q1: D
Psychologically distant leaders favour formal roles and
relationships, judge subordinates on the basis of performance and
are primarily task oriented.
Q2: A particular team leader is being liked and favorite of his work group, and his
position gives him authority to distribute bonuses within the team and to apply
whatever disciplinary measures are necessary. The team is currently working on
routine project, with well-defined, structured tasks.
According to Fiedler ’s contingency theory, would this situation be favourable or
unfavourable to the team leader?
A. Favourable
B. Unfavourable
C. Comfortable
D. Uncomfortable
Q2: A
Q3: According to Fielder, which of the following are the
behaviour characteristics of psychologically distant managers?
1. They assess subordinate on the basis of performance
2. They are mainly task-oriented
3. They prefer formal communication
4. They are nearer to their subordinates
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1, 2 and 3
Q3 : D
Q4: Jamil is task-oriented leaders tend to be good at organizing teams and
projects and getting's things done formally.
Jamil is ____________ leader.
A. Psychologically close
B. Psychologically open
C. Psychologically committed
D. Psychologically distant
Q: A_ Psychologically close
Transformational leadership (Bennis):
Some of the values used to distinguish between managers and leaders have also been
identified as;
Transactional leaders – see the relationship with their followers in terms of trade:
they give followers the rewards they want in exchange for service, loyalty and
Transformational leaders – see their role as inspiring and motivating others to work at
level beyond mere competence.
Bennis is an influent American author on leadership and change. He focuses on the
need to inspire change rather than imposing it. He identifies five ‘avenues of change’:
Dissent and Conflict – top management imposes changes by means of their position
of power, the result being rancor amongst those affected.
Trust and truth – management must gain trust, express their vision clearly, and
persuade other to follow.
Cliques and cabals – cliques have power, money and resources; cabals have ambition,
drive and energy. Unless the cliques can co-opt the cabals, revolution in inevitable.
External events – forces of society can imposes change; e.g. by new government
regulation or through overseas competition.
Culture or paradigm shift – changing the corporate culture is the most important
avenues of change.
Managing change (Kotter) Kotter set out the following changes
approaches to deal with resistance:
Participation and E.g. this approach aims to Employees are more likely to
involvement involve employees, usually by support changes made and give
allowing some input in to positive commitment as they ‘own’
decision making. the change.
Education and E.g. this approach aims to keep This approach relies on the
communication employees informed, usually hopeful belief that communication
through presentations about the about the benefits of change to
reasons for the required employees will result in their
change. acceptance of the need to
exercise the changes necessary.
Facilitation and E.g. training, counselling Employees may need help to
support overcome their fears and anxieties
about change.
Manipulation and E.g. the information that is Involves covert attempts to
co-optation disseminated is selective and sidestep potential resistance.
distorted to only emphasize the
benefits of the change.
Negotiation and E.g. this approach enables This bargaining leads to situation
agreement several parties with opposing of compromise and agreement.
Fundamentals of Management
Fundamentals of Management
Lecture Contents Today
Adair Action Centered Approach
Fiedler Contingency Approach
Lecture Contents Today
Contingency Theory
Fiedler’s contingency theory
Fiedler studied the relationship between style of leadership and effectiveness of the work
group. Two styles of leader were identified.
Psychologically distant managers (PDMs)
Maintain distance from their subordinate by formalizing roles and relationships
within the tram (who have to accept your instruction).
Are withdrawn and reserved in their interpersonal relationships.
Prefer formal communication and consultation methods rather than seek informal
Judge subordinate on the basis of performance and are primarily task-oriented.
Fiedler found that leaders of the most effective work groups actually tend to be
Psychologically close managers (PCMs)
Do not seek to formalize roles and relationships
Prefer informal contacts t regular forma staff meetings
They are more concerned to maintain good human relationships at work to ensure
that tasks are carried out efficiently.
Fiedler’s contingency theory
D: Delegating
Q2: A subordinate has higher working skills but low motivation to work, which style is
ideal according to Hersey and Blanchard Theory
A. Telling
B. Selling
C. Participating
D. Delegating
C_ Participating
Q3: A subordinate has low working skills but motivation to work, which style is ideal
according to Hersey and Blanchard Theory
A. Telling
B. Selling
C. Participating
D. Delegating
B_ Selling
Q4: A subordinate has low working skills but also unwilling to work due to
demotivation to work, which style is ideal according to Hersey and Blanchard Theory
A. Telling
B. Selling
C. Participating
D. Delegating
A_ Telling
Transformational leadership (Warren Bennis):
Some of the values used to distinguish between managers and leaders have also been
identified as;
Transactional leaders – see the relationship with their followers in terms of trade: they
give followers the rewards they want in exchange for service, loyalty and compliance.
Transformational leaders – see their role as inspiring and motivating others to work at
level beyond mere competence.
Transformational leaders display the following characteristics and traits:
Q1: Abid is a leader works with teams to identify needed change, creating a vision to
guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with
committed members of a group;
Leadership is called
A. Transformational leadership
B. Transactional leadership
C. Traditional managerial style
D. Directional leader
Q1: A He is a leader
Q2: If a senior deals with subordinate by focusing on systems and structures and reliance
on control and maintain control?
What you say about this senior?
A. He is a leader
B. He is a manager
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Fundamentals of Management
Theories of Management
Taylor is considered the originator of ‘time and motion study’. Scientific management
resulted in:
Dividing big tasks into much small parts,
Employee should be deployed in small units of their speicialisation
In this way efficiency can be increased by division of work and specialisation.
Financial reward / incentive to motivate
Four Principles of Scientific Management
The four underlying principles of scientific management Taylor suggested that there should
be four underlying principles in scientific management.
Taylor suggested that there should be four underlying principles in scientific management:
i. There should be a science of work, based on the analysis of work methods and work
times, with a view to finding the most efficient way of carrying out tasks. A fair level of
performance or efficiency can be identified. Workers should be rewarded through higher
pay if they succeed in performing more efficiently than the expected or standard level.
ii. Workers should be selected carefully. They should have the skills and abilities that are
well-suited to the work. They should also be trained in how to do the work efficiently.
iii. The scientifically-selected and trained workers and the science of work should be
brought together for the best results and greatest efficiency.
iv. There should be an equal division of work between the workers and management, and
workers and managers should operate closely together.
Q2: Which of the following is not a technique of scientific
management or Taylorism?
A Micro-design of jobs
B Dividing big tasks into much small parts
C Multi-skilled team working
D Financial incentives
Q2 : C
Bureaucracy by Max Weber
A continuous organization of functions bound by rules
Q3: D
Q4: What is the key contribution of the human relations approach to
A. Awareness of the importance of group dynamics and worker attitudes as an
influence on productivity
B. Concern for productivity and efficiency
C. Awareness of the many different variables that influence and constrain a
manager ’s behaviour
D. Proof of a clear link between job satisfaction, worker motivation and business
Q4 : A
Q5: Which of these steps aimed at increasing job satisfaction could be attributed to
the findings of the human relation school?
A. Creating an open-office environment with range of task
B. Paying staff for each hour worked or item produced
C. Managers setting challenging individual targets
D. Producing an organizational chart so staff are aware of where they stand in the
Q5: A.
Q6: Which of the following writers is not a member of the
school of management thought to which the others belong?
A FW Taylor
B Elton Mayo
C Abraham Maslow
D Frederick Herzberg
Q6 : A .
Fundamentals of Management
Management Theories
Fundamentals of Management
Management & Manager
Functions of Management
Henry Fayol Five Functions of
Mintzberg’s Building Blocks of
Management by Objectives
Mintzberg’s Roles of Manager
The process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
Interpersonal Roles
Figurehead Symbolic role, manager obliges to carry E.g. Receive visitors and See
out social, legal and ceremonial duties offatt end court proceedings
Leader Manager’s relationship with subordinate, E.g. seeking to build teamwork
especially in allocating tasks, hiring, and foster employee
training and motivating staff. commitment.
Liaison The development of a network of E.g. lunches with suppliers or
contacts outside the chain of command customers
through which information and favors can
be traded for mutual benefits.
Informational Roles
Monitor The manager collects and sorts out the e.g. reading reports and
information which is used to build up a interrogating subordinate
general understanding of the
organization and its environment
Disseminator To be a Disseminator means to spread e.g. passing privileged
the information information to subordinates
Spokesp- Managers transmit information by e.g. a sales presentation to
ersons various external groups by acting in a prospective the customers.
PR capacity, lobbying for the
organization, informing the public
about the organization’s performance,
plans and policies.
Decisional Roles
Entrepreneur Managers should be looking continually e.g. launching a new idea or
problems and opportunities when situations introducing procedures such as a
requiring improvement are discovered cost reduction program. .
Disturbance A manager has to respond to pressures over e.g. strikes
handler which the department has no control.
Resource Choosing from among competing demands for e.g. approving expenditure on a
allocate money, equipment, personnel and project.
management time.
Negotiator Manager takes a charge when their e.g. drawing up contracts with
organization must engaged in negotiating with suppliers
others. In these negotiations, the managers
participates as figurehead, spokesperson and
resources allocate.
Q7: Which of the following contains the three categories used by Mintzberg to group
the ten skills managers need?
A. Tactical; Operational; Strategic
B. Interpersonal; Informational; Decisional
C. Visionary, missionary, supportive
D. Objectives; Directional; Drive
Q8: B_ Figurehead
Q9: Of Mintzberg ’s nine managerial roles, which is being exercised by a manager
who gathers information from contacts within and outside the organisation?
A Figurehead
B Monitor
C Spokesperson
D Disseminator
Q9: B- Monitor
Q10: If a manager is out of office giving presentation on the new model of car
launched in the market, last month.
Which of following role he is performing?
A Figurehead
B Monitor
C Spokesperson
D Disseminator
Q10: C_ Spokesperson
Q11: Which of the following roles of manager is combination three roles figurehead,
spokesperson and resources allocate.
A. Negotiator
B. Figurehead
C. Monitor
D. Leader
Q11: A_ Negotiator
Fundamentals of Management
Management Theories
Fundamentals of Management
Management & Manager
Management by Objectives
Mintzberg’s Roles of Manager
Organization’s Flexibility
Management by Objective
Management By Objectives (MBO) is an performance management approach in which a
balance is sought between the objectives of employees and the objectives of an
However, Peter Drucker sets a number of conditions that must be met:
•Objectives are determined with the employees;
•Objectives are formulated at both quantitative and qualitative levels;
•Objectives must be challenging and motivating;
•Daily feedback on the state of affairs at the level of coaching and development instead of
static management reports;
•Rewards (recognition, appreciation and/or performance-related pay) for achieving the
intended objectives is a requirement;
•The basic principle is growth and development not punishments.
Q6: If an organization successful link organizational objectives with
employees objective and needs we called it
A. Bureaucratic approach
B. Systematic approach
C. Management by objective
D. Human relation approach
Interpersonal Roles
Figurehead Symbolic role, manager obliges to carry E.g. Receive visitors and See
out social, legal and ceremonial duties offatt end court proceedings
Leader Manager’s relationship with subordinate, E.g. seeking to build teamwork
especially in allocating tasks, hiring, and foster employee
training and motivating staff. commitment.
Liaison The development of a network of E.g. lunches with suppliers or
contacts outside the chain of command customers
through which information and favors can
be traded for mutual benefits.
Informational Roles
Monitor The manager collects and sorts out the e.g. reading reports and
information which is used to build up a interrogating subordinate
general understanding of the
organization and its environment
Disseminator To be a Disseminator means to spread e.g. passing privileged
the information information to subordinates
Spokesp- Managers transmit information by e.g. a sales presentation to
ersons various external groups by acting in a prospective the customers.
PR capacity, lobbying for the
organization, informing the public
about the organization’s performance,
plans and policies.
Decisional Roles
Entrepreneur Managers should be looking continually e.g. launching a new idea or
problems and opportunities when situations introducing procedures such as a
requiring improvement are discovered cost reduction program. .
Disturbance A manager has to respond to pressures over e.g. strikes
handler which the department has no control.
Resource Choosing from among competing demands for e.g. approving expenditure on a
allocate money, equipment, personnel and project.
management time.
Negotiator Manager takes a charge when their e.g. drawing up contracts with
organization must engaged in negotiating with suppliers
others. In these negotiations, the managers
participates as figurehead, spokesperson and
resources allocate.
Q7: Which of the following contains the three categories used by Mintzberg to group
the ten skills managers need?
A. Tactical; Operational; Strategic
B. Interpersonal; Informational; Decisional
C. Visionary, missionary, supportive
D. Objectives; Directional; Drive
Q8: B_ Figurehead
Q9: Of Mintzberg ’s nine managerial roles, which is being exercised by a manager
who gathers information from contacts within and outside the organisation?
A Figurehead
B Monitor
C Spokesperson
D Disseminator
Q9: B- Monitor
Q10: If a manager is out of office giving presentation on the new model of car
launched in the market, last month.
Which of following role he is performing?
A Figurehead
B Monitor
C Spokesperson
D Disseminator
Q10: C_ Spokesperson
Q11: Which of the following roles of manager is combination three roles figurehead,
spokesperson and resources allocate.
A. Negotiator
B. Figurehead
C. Monitor
D. Leader
Q11: A_ Negotiator
Organizational Flexibility
Flexibility is an organization that easily adapts to size, structure, and feedback of
human resources, and also resources and expenses that are needed for reaching
objectives and goals.
Here are some aspects of organizational flexibility:
•The flexible working hours when the workers can choose the beginning and end
of their work.
•The possibility for a worker to take some time during the working day to solve
family problems, for example, an employee can go to take children from school
and take them home every day, and then return to the workplace.
•The possibility to take a few days off without losing vacation days or pay. For
example, in a case if a family member is sick, or there are some circumstances
like funeral or unexpected emergency situation, the employee can stay at home.
•An employee has a possibility to work partly from home, so they work at home in
the morning and come later to the work, or they leave the work earlier and
continue work at home in the evening.
Here are some aspects of organizational flexibility:
•All employees can work at shifts, so they need to work in different times
depending on the day of week. Some people prefer to work at day shift when for
others it’s better to work at night shift. If so, such employees would prefer not to
change shifts so they can plan their life better.
•When employees choose what hours are best for them to work, it means they
can work according this schedule every day, so they will work more optimal at the
chosen hours.
•Sometimes it’s possible to work longer for several days to get more days off.
Fundamentals of Management
Management Procedure & Practices
Fundamentals of Management
Management & Manager
Organization’s Flexibility
Disciplinary Situation
Handling Discipline
Procedure of Grievances
Arbitration Conciliation & Tribunal
Termination of Employment
Organizational Flexibility
Flexibility is an organization that easily adapts to size, structure, and feedback of
human resources, and also resources and expenses that are needed for reaching
objectives and goals.
Here are some aspects of organizational flexibility:
•The flexible working hours when the workers can choose the beginning and end
of their work.
•The possibility for a worker to take some time during the working day to solve
family problems, for example, an employee can go to take children from school
and take them home every day, and then return to the workplace.
•The possibility to take a few days off without losing vacation days or pay. For
example, in a case if a family member is sick, or there are some circumstances
like funeral or unexpected emergency situation, the employee can stay at home.
•An employee has a possibility to work partly from home, so they work at home in
the morning and come later to the work, or they leave the work earlier and
continue work at home in the evening.
Here are some aspects of organizational flexibility:
•All employees can work at shifts, so they need to work in different times
depending on the day of week. Some people prefer to work at day shift when for
others it’s better to work at night shift. If so, such employees would prefer not to
change shifts so they can plan their life better.
•When employees choose what hours are best for them to work, it means they
can work according this schedule every day, so they will work more optimal at the
chosen hours.
•Sometimes it’s possible to work longer for several days…...
Discipline means a prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior. Discipline at workplace
can be defined as adherence to the company policies, rules, regulations and
processes laid down by the management.
B_ Conciliator
A company may find that an employee is not happy with the outcome of a grievance
procedure and that the individual wants to make a claim to a tribunal.
Industrial tribunals are independent judicial bodies, less formal than a court, established
to hear and determine claims to do with employment matters. Their aim is to resolve
disputes between employers and employees over employment rights.
Examples include:
unfair dismissal
breach of contract
equal pay
Termination of Contract
There are three forms of termination that constitute dismissal under internal law.
a) The termination of an employee’ s contract by the employer
b) The ending of a fixed-term contract without renewal on the same terms: in effect,
there is no such thing as a fixed-term contract of employment.
Types of Termination of Contract
Constructive Dismissal:– resignation by the employee because the conduct of the
employer was sufficient to be deemed to have terminated the contract by the employer’s
Wrongful Dismissal:- Wrongful dismissal is dismissal that breaches the contract of
employment. An example would be failure to give the contractual period of notice
(assuming the circumstances did not justify summary dismissal). Wrongful dismissal
relates to the method of dismissal.
Unfair Dismissal:- The legal concept of unfair dismissal gives protection to the employee
against arbitrary dismissal; that is dismissal without good reason.
Q3: Under typical employment protect legislation, which of the following would be
classified as an ‘unfair’ reason for the dismissal of an employee?
A. The employee was a member of a trade union
B. The employee was guilty of misconduct
C. The employee’s job became redundant
D. The employee had a lack of qualifications or capability for the job
Constructive dismissal is when an employee resigns because their employer has
breached the terms of their contract. The definition given in the question is that of
People resign for many reasons, personal and occupational. Employees who are particularly
valuable should be encouraged to stay. Particular problems the employee has been experiencing
may be solvable, though not always in the short term.
Avoidable : Salary, Working Conditions, Post or Nature of Work
Unavoidable: Family reasons, Personal problems
Two things are very important
Exit Interview: In any case, an exit interview, when the leaver explains the decision to go, is a
valuable source of information.
Period of Notice: The period of notice required for the employee to leave should be set out
in the contract of employment, but some leeway may be negotiated on this
Redundancy is dismissal under two circumstances.
a) The employer has ceased to carry on the business at all or in
the place where the employee was employed.
b) The requirement of the business for employee to carry out
work of a particular kind have ceased or diminished or are
expected to.
Fundamentals of Management
Management Procedure & Practices
Fundamentals of Management
Management Procedure & Practices
Termination of Contract
Health & Safety
Equal Opportunity
Health & Safety
A legal requirement which management must adhere to is health and safety
legislation. Management have a responsibility to manage the health and safety
risks in their workplace. They must think about what, in their organisation, might
cause harm to people and ensure that they are doing enough to prevent that
Benefits of Health & Safety
Employers' legal obligations for health and safety are being met.
Cost savings – accidents and illness cost the employer money – legal
damages and operating costs.
Company image – company does not want to be associated with a poor
health and safety record.
To preserve the wellbeing of employees and others, improves employee
morale, trust and motivation.
Health and Safety
Desk and Chairs nears to doors
Untrained Operator
using machine
Top heavy
Unmarked plate glass doors
Key Areas to be focused
The following are key areas:
their policy for health and safety
the organisation to enforce it
the arrangements to implement it and bring it to the attention of the employees.
Provision and maintenance of risk-free plant and systems of work.
Ensuring the safety in use, handling, storage and transport of articles and
Provision of information, training, instruction and supervision.
Maintenance of a safe workplace.
Provision of a safe working environment.
Adequate facilities.
Employer Employee
The employer has a duty to provide The employee has a duty to provide
the following the following
1. Safe ways in and out of the 1. Be responsible for his or her
place of work own health and safety
2. A safe working environment 2. Consider the health and safety
3. Safe equipment and fallow of other people who may be
procedures affected by his or her actions
4. Arrangement for the safe use, 3. Co-operate with anyone
handling, storing and transport carrying out duties under the
of article and substances. act.
5. Adequate information,
instruction, training and
Q4: Which TWO if the following are responsible for health and
safety in the workplace?
1) The employer
2) The external auditor
3) The employee
4) The Chief Security Officer
A. 1) and 2)
B. 1) and 3)
C. 3) and 4)
D. 1) only
Q4: B
Health & Safety Training Program
Mubashir Wasim
Equal opportunities
This is a generic term describing the belief that there should be an equal chance for all
workers to apply and be selected for jobs, to be trained and promoted in employment
and to have that employment terminated fairly.
The difference between diversity and equal opportunities are:
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
The main points of a typical Equal Opportunities Policy should be as
Equal opportunities shall mean fairness for all; the recognition,
development and use of everyone's talents.
This fairness will run through recruitment, selection, training,
promotion, specialisation and career development generally. It should
also govern the relationship of all employees to each other.
No job applicant or employee shall receive unfavourable treatment
directly or indirectly on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation,
marital status, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religious beliefs and,
where applicable, trade union membership, age or disability.
Selection criteria and procedures will be frequently reviewed to ensure
that individuals are selected, promoted and dealt with on the basis of
merit, fitness and competence, subject only to the restrictions imposed
by law.
Training is an important part of the implementation of the Equal
Opportunities Policy. Training programmes will be arranged to ensure
that staff are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities and have the
opportunity to develop and progress within the organization.
Q6 : D
Diversity is perceived to enrich an organization's human capital
Representative Workforce
An organization’s workforce should be ‘representative’ of the compositions of the
operational environment.
Some organizations set themselves goals on the representation of certain groups to
address the problem of under – representation
The HR plan is a useful device to help the organization recruit a diverse workforce and
be representative of the external community
The monitoring activity is a crucial component of the planning cycle. It is here that an
employer can determine whether goals are being attained and problems resolved.
The benefits of a diverse workforce
Monitoring implies the need to be proactive in managing the needs of a diverse
workforce in areas such as:
Tolerance of individual difference
Communication effectively
Managing the adjustments to be made by an increasingly aged workforce.
Managing work with increasingly diverse family
A group is a collection of individual who
1) Interaction with one another
2) Are psychologically aware of one another
3) Perceive themselves to be a group
4) Have a common interest.
“two or more than two persons who interact with one another such that each person
influences and is influenced by each other person.” ( )
Importance of Group
An individual has physical and mental limitation therefore it cannot do well that why
a group can better combine skill and knowledge e. g.
1. Better end result in terms of speed, efficiency and quality.
2. Some task require mixture of all skills
3. Task require coordination of activities.
4. Better result in terms of Synergy 2+2=5
5. Generating idea and energies in group give greater outcome then working
individually. ()
Types of Group
Types of Group
Q1 : D
The combined activity of separate entities has a greater effect
than the sum of the activities of each entity working alone.
Q2: When two or more people or organizations combine their efforts, they can accomplish
more together than they can separately. They can get more done working together than they
can working apart.
Which term is concerned among the given Concepts
A. Union is strength
B. Individualism
C. Collectivism
D. Synergy
Q2: D_ Synergy
Fundamentals of Management
Group & Team
Fundamentals of Management
Group & Team
Termination of Contract
Health & Safety
Equal Opportunity
A group is a collection of individual who
1) Interaction with one another
2) Are psychologically aware of one another
3) Perceive themselves to be a group
4) Have a common interest.
“two or more than two persons who interact with one another such that each person
influences and is influenced by each other person.” ( )
Importance of Group
An individual has physical and mental limitation therefore it cannot do well that why
a group can better combine skill and knowledge e. g.
1. Better end result in terms of speed, efficiency and quality.
2. Some task require mixture of all skills
3. Task require coordination of activities.
4. Better result in terms of Synergy 2+2=5
5. Generating idea and energies in group give greater outcome then working
individually. ()
Types of Group
Types of Group
Q1 : D
The combined activity of separate entities has a greater effect
than the sum of the activities of each entity working alone.
Q2: When two or more people or organizations combine their efforts, they can accomplish
more together than they can separately. They can get more done working together than they
can working apart.
Which term is concerned among the given Concepts
A. Union is strength
B. Individualism
C. Collectivism
D. Synergy
Q2: D_ Synergy
Teams A team is more than a group. It has joint objective and accountability
and may be set up by organization under the supervision or coaching
of a team leader.
Group Team
1- People accommodate each other 1- There is more openness and trust
People negotiate Feeling are expressed more freely
2- Politics are common and wide spread, 2- Conflict are worked out
even it has leadership but based on Decision are by consensus.
3- Objective may be modified, due 3- There are common and shared
common interest or common purpose objective means specific goals.
which is regularly changed
4- The process issues are often hidden 4- Process Issues are part of the work.
5- Weak organization of work, even 5- Better organization (synergy) of
sense of identity and loyalty is there work- Complex Problems.
Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development
The group is not yet a group, simply a collection of individuals. At this stage, the
purpose of the group is discussed along with its title, composition, leadership and life-
span. Individuals will be keen to establish their personal identities in the group and
make some impression on others. Important mechanisms include developing trust,
finding similarities, and norms. Team members become acquainted with each other,
information is exchanged. They determine each team member's strengths and assign
roles and responsibilities.
Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development
Groups members are collected in this stage attitude and behaviors are accepted &
Rejected, group members. In the other words, the members start sharing their views,
ideas attitudes and behavior with each other which sometimes results in conflict among
the members due to which this stage is refereed to as “storming”. The team s a whole at
this point still needs top be led as there is competition between the team members for
their roles. The team members start building trust for each other during this stage. If the
team passes through this stage successfully, it will emerge as a very strong and
productive team.
Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development
Individual members become clear on what their roles and responsibilities are. In
addition, rules, values, acceptable behaviours and work styles start to get established for
the team. The level of reliance on a leader decreases significantly.
At this stage the team is function as a cohesive whole with no interference or
participation form the leader. The problems related to conflicts and adjustments
amongst team members are resolved at this stage. The team is focused, and works
towards achieving all goals and objectives.
Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development
A new "dorming" stage as the group gets complacent or"adjourning" as the group
successfully reaches its goal and completes its work and the progress become
static.This is the dangerous stage, the team has become complacent and lost interest,
its sole concern is self preservation.
Q3: Which is the stage of team development during which the efficiency of work
will be at the lowermost point according to Tuckman?
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
Q3: B
Q4: The fifth stage which has been later additional to Tuckman's four stages
of team development is:
A. Warming
B. Reforming
C. Dorming
D. Leading
Q4: C
Q5: At the Shafique Bros factory, a project team has been put
together by management. In the team factions are emerging, not
only around different ideas, but around three dominating
members who always seem to disagree.
At what stage of Tuckman’s group development model is this
A Forming
B Storming
C Norming
D Performing
Q5 : B
Dorming & Group Think
48FTC12: A
The other factors required for a cohesive group are a
commitment to shared goals, team identity and team solidarity.
Advantages of Cohesive Group
4Ch12BPP11: B
Rationale: Excessive attention to group maintenance and solidarity
is what leads to group think in the first place. The other strategies
are ways to control the tendency.
Belbin’s Team Role Theory
Action Oriented Roles
Fundamentals of Management
Group & Team
Should be of Membership
Limited Duration should be
Communication Should be
should be Informal Action
& Unstructured Oriented
Q: Which TWO of the following are key aspects of successful special purpose team, as
defined by Peters and Waterman?
i. Team should be relatively small
ii. Membership of the team should be voluntary
iii. Successful teams should be given a wide range of tasks in the long-term.
iv. There should be formal, well-structure communication channels within the team.
a) (i) and (ii)
b) (ii) and (iii)
c) (i) and (iv)
d) (iii) and (iv)
4- Multiskilled teams
Teams bring together individuals who can perform any of the group's tasks. These
can be shared out in a flexible way according to availability and inclination.
Multi-skilled employees have a number of different skills, enabling them to do more
than one kind of work. Many member so the team are now multi-skilled in
everything from welding to electrical.
5- Multidisciplinary Team
Teams bring together individuals with different specialisms so that their skills, knowledge
and experience can be pooled or exchanged.
Multidisciplinary care team membership for treatment planning:
lung cancer
Mubashir Wasim
Group/Team Cohesion (Group Behaviour)
Individual members become clear on what their roles and responsibilities are. In
addition, rules, values, acceptable behaviours and work styles start to get established for
the team. The level of reliance on a leader decreases significantly.
Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development
At this stage the team is function as a cohesive whole with no interference or
participation form the leader. The problems related to conflicts and adjustments
amongst team members are resolved at this stage. The team is focused, and works
towards achieving all goals and objectives.
Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development
A new "dorming" stage as the group gets complacent or"adjourning" as the group
successfully reaches its goal and completes its work and the progress become static.
This is the dangerous stage, the team has become complacent and lost interest, its
sole concern is self preservation.
Q1: Which is the stage of team development during which the efficiency of work
will be at the lowermost point according to Tuckman?
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
Q1: B
Q2: The fifth stage which has been later additional to Tuckman's four stages
of team development is:
A. Warming
B. Reforming
C. Dorming
D. Leading
Q2: C
Q3: At the Shafique Bros factory, a project team has been put
together by management. In the team factions are emerging, not
only around different ideas, but around three dominating
members who always seem to disagree.
At what stage of Tuckman’s group development model is this
A Forming
B Storming
C Norming
D Performing
Q3 : B
Dorming & Group Think
Q4: B
Belbin’s Team Role Theory
Belbin’s Team Role Theory
Action Oriented Roles
Fundamentals of Management
Group & Team
Q1 : A
Case base Question 2: Match the following team roles with the appropriate
Sarah is a very quite person, she often reserves her opinion until being directly
asked for it however she always offers unusual and creative suggestions when the
team is faced with difficult problem
Jim is respected by all team members for his analytical skills, though he rarely
gets invited to out-of-office private parties as many find him tactless
Esther is the company's HR manager, she ensures that any potential conflicts are
promptly identified and resolved and the team members work harmoniously
A. 1- Shaper, 2 - Leader, 3 - Company worker
B. 1- Plant, 2 - Finisher, 3 -Team worker
C. 1- Plant, 2 - Monitor-Evaluator, 3 - Team worker
D. 1- Resource-Investigator, 2 - Shaper, 3 - Company worker
Case based Question 2: C
The plant role is played by a creative and innovative individual, the monitor-evaluator is
good at making correct judgments and analysis, whereas the team worker looks after
the atmosphere within the team work out on frictions and differences between
Case based Question 3: Grant is a member of a project team. His colleagues in the
team rely on him to read and check complex project documentation. Grant has a
keen eye for detail and often identifies minor details in documents that others
miss but may be of significance. Despite this diligent approach, Grant always
meets his deadlines. However, Some of Grant's colleagues feel frustrated when he
refuses to involve others. He can hold up progress as he will not agree to the team
signing off project documents until all of his concerns are fully discussed.
According to Belbin's team roles theory, Grant is an example of which of the
A. Implementer
B. Completer-finisher
C. Monitor-evaluator
D. Shaper
Case based Question 3: B
The indicators in the prompt that confirm Grant as a completer-finisher include
the phrases 'keen eye for detail', identifies minor details in documents that
others miss', 'always meets his deadlines' and 'reluctant to involve others'.
These are consistent with Belbin's
(Examiner’s Comments)
Q: B Rationale: only 33% of the students chose the correct answer. They key
words in the question were ‘keen eye for detail’, always meets deadlines’ and
reluctant to involve others. These phrases are typical characteristics of a
Q4: Team-member Mr. Asim is one of those people who is energetic and grow well on
pressure. He is a person who challenges and drives other team members.
Which of Belbin’s team roles does Mr. Asim have`?
A Plant
B Co-ordinator (chair)
C Implementer
D Shaper
Q4 : D
Mubashir Wasim
Group Perception
Developing a group means identifying distinct roles for each of its members. Any individual can
have several roles, varying between different groups and activities. The role adopted a will affect
the individual’s attitude towards other people.
A role is the expected pattern of behaviours associated with members occupying a particular
potion within the structure of the organization it also describes how individual perceive their own
An individual’s perceptions of other people and interactions with other people will be influenced
buy the different roles. The role they adopt will affect their own behavour, as well as their attitude
towards other people.
There are several terms which are associated with role theory:
Role Ambiguity
Role ambiguity arises when individuals are unsure what role they are to play, or others are unclear
of that person’s role and so hold back co-operation. This can arise, for example, when a new
member joins an established group.
Role Conflict:
Role conflict arises, when individuals find a clash between differing roles that they have adopted. A
company finance officer who uncovers fraud by senior management may feel a conflict between the
roles of professional confidentiality and honest citizenship.
Role incompatibility:
Role incompatibility occurs when individuals experience expectations from outside groups about
their role that are different from their own role expectations.
Role Signs:
Role signs are visible indications of the role. Style of dress and uniform are clear example of role
signs. These may be voluntary or mandatory variations. In uniform denote status.
Role Set:
Role set describes the people who support a lead person in a major role. For example the clerk and
junior barristers would form part of a senior barrister’s role set.
Role Behavior:
Role behavior certain types of behavior can be associated with a role in an office or works. For
instance, the crown prince behaving as if they are heir apparent to a senior position
Q5: When checking sales records of the company by an audit team, Abid a
member of staff has uncovered a suspicious irregularity as the transaction is
being processed is out of set procedures and limitation. This would need more
time to be inspected fully, however the senior audit manager is stressing the
need to meet the close deadline for completion. Considering the role of Abid, this
could be referred to as:
A. role ambiguity
B. role sign
C. role behavior
D. role conflict
Q5: D
Q6: Mr. Saleem is newly appointed sale representative in Doon Pharmaceuticals. But
he is being conceptualized as a stressful condition due to other employees' confusion
concerning expectations of what their responsibilities are and lack of information
regarding appropriate actions in a given situation. He is not understanding the
expectation of management. The situation is
A. role ambiguity
B. role sign
C. role behavior
D. role conflict
Q7 : B
Team is Effective or Ineffective
Characteristics Effective Ineffective
On accomplishment and achievements Feel Pride No or little pride
Team Member participations in Issues and Equally and Respected No Equal Participation No
Decisions Each other Respect each others
Fundamentals of Management
Group & Team
Lecture Contents
Effective Team
Effective or Ineffective
Handy – Group Effectiveness
High-performance Teams by Vaill
DEC – high performance teams
Steiner Four Basic Models of Group
Learning Organization
Team is Effective or Ineffective
Characteristics Effective Ineffective
On accomplishment and achievements Feel Pride No or little pride
Team Member participations in Issues and Equally and Respected No Equal Participation No
Decisions Each other Respect each others
Q5 : C
Q2: Which of the following would be a real method for encouraging healthy
team environment?
A Discouraging competition with other groups
B Encouraging competition within the group
C Encouraging members to express disagreements
D Discouraging members from expressing discrepancies
Q6 : C
Handy – Group Effectiveness
A complementary model applies where the task can be divided into separate parts
and different skills are needed for each.
Learning Organization:-
Q4: C
Fundamentals of Management
❑ Training & Development
❑ Mentoring
❑ Counseling
❑ Coaching
Mubashir Wasim (MSc.
Economics-Banking &
Finance, MBA
Marketing, MS
Business Management,
Fundamentals of Management
Training & Development
Lecture Contents
❑ Training & Development
❑ Indicators of Training
❑ Types of Training
❑ Off the Job Training
❑ On the Job Training
❑ Induction Training
❑ Evaluation
Training & Development
The process of providing employees with
An effort to provide employees with abilities the
specific skill or helping them to correct their
organization will need in future.
deficiencies in their performance.
Focus (Current Job)
Long Term
Time Frame (Immediate)
Indicators of Training Needs
1. A study (at the level of the individual, job or department) of
the required level of competence, the present/actual level of
competence and any gap between them.
2. Introduction of new technology or any other change.
3. Other training requirements may emerge in response to
critical incidents.
4. Some Qualitative indicators might be taken as symptoms of a
need for training absenteeism, high labour turn over, lack of
Types of Training
On the Job Training Off the Job Training.
•On the job training is the training of Off the job training is the training of
employee during the working hours of an employee when he is paid to learn some
employee with in the organization skill from out side the organization.
Advantages Advantages
a. Less Costly a. No effect on production
b. Actual Working Situation b. No time pressure
c. Learning by doing c. No effect of errors on work
Disadvantages d. Time for learning.
a. Less Production Disadvantages
b. Time Pressure a. More Costly
c. Errors Direct Effect the work b. Artificial Environment
d. No Time learning c. Learning Not by doing
Off the Job Training
(a) Courses may be run by the organization's training department or may be provided by
external suppliers. These may be.
(i) Day release: the employee works in the organization and on one day per week attends
a local college or training centre for theoretical learning.
(ii) Distance learning, evening classes and correspondence courses, which make demands
on the individual's time outside work.
(iii) Revision courses for examinations of professional bodies.
(iv) Block release courses which may involve four weeks at a college or training centre
followed by a period back at work.
(v) Sandwich courses, which usually involve six months at college then six months at work,
in rotation, for two or three years.
(vi) A sponsored full-time course at a university for one or two years.
Off the Job Training
(b) Computer-based training involves interactive training via PC. The typing program
Mavis Beacon is a good example.
(c) E-learning
E-learning is computer-based learning through a network of computers or the Internet
(rather than stand-alone CD-Rom or software). Learning support is available from online
tutors, moderators and discussion groups.
(d) Techniques used on the course might include lectures and seminars (theory and
information) or role plays, case studies and in-tray exercises (to simulate work activities).
Q1: __________ is learning through a network of computers or the
Internet, so that learning support is available from on-line tutors,
moderators and discussion groups. Yet not stand-alone CD-Rom or
tuition software.
What term is used for this important new learning technology?
A. Computer based training
B. E-learning
C. Blended learning
D. Computer based assessment
Q1: B
On the Job Training
On the job training utilizes real work tasks as learning experiences. Methods of on
the job training include the following.
(a) Demonstration/instruction: show the trainee how to do the job and let them et on
with it. It should combine telling a person what to do and showing them how, using
appropriate media. The trainee imitates the instructor, and asks questions.
(b) Job rotation: the trainee is given several jobs in succession, to gain experience of a
wide range of activities. (Even experienced managers may rotate their jobs, to
gain wider experience; this philosophy of job education is commonly applied in
the Civil Service, where an employee may expect to move on to another job after a
few years.)
(c) Temporary promotion: an individual is promoted into his/her superior's position
whilst the superior is absent. This gives the individual a chance to experience the
demands of a more senior position.
On the Job Training
(d) 'Assistant to' positions (or work shadowing): an employee may be appointed as
assistant to a more senior or experienced person, to gain experience of a new or more
demanding role.
(e) Action learning: managers are brought together as a problem-solving groups to
discuss a real work issue. An 'advisor' facilitates, and helps members of the group
to identify how their interpersonal and problem-solving skills are effecting the
(f) Committees: trainees might be included in the membership of committees, in
order to obtain an understanding of inter-departmental relationships.
(g) Project work: work on a project with other people can expose the trainee to other
parts of the organization
Induction Training
Induction is the process whereby a person is formally
introduced and integrated into an organization or system. The
purposes of induction are:
(a) To help new recruits to find their bearings
(b) To begin to socialize new recruits into the culture and
norms of the team/ organization
(c) To support recruits in beginning performance
(d) To identify on-going training and development needs
(e) To avoid initial problems at the 'induction crisis' stage of the
employment lifecycle, when
frustration, disorientation and disappointment may otherwise
cause new recruits to leave the organization prematurely
The immediate supervisor should commence the on-going
process of induction.
The five-level evaluation model
The effectiveness of a training scheme may be measured at different levels (Hamblin).
Level 1 Trainees' reactions to the experience. These are usually measured by
post-training feedback forms.
Level 2 Trainee learning (new skills and knowledge): measuring what the trainees have
learned on the course usually by means of a test at the end of it.
Level 3 Changes in job behaviour following training: observing work practices and
outputs (products, services, documents) to identify post-training differences.
Level 4 Impact of training on organizational goals/results: seeing whether the training
scheme has contributed to the overall objectives of the organization, in terms of quality,
productivity, profitability, employee retention and so on.
Level 5 Ultimate value: the impact of training on the wider 'good' of the organization in
terms of stakeholder benefits, greater social responsibility, corporate growth/survival.
Q2: The effectiveness of a training scheme may be measured at different levels.
Which of the following levels would be most appropriate for a team leader seeking to
evaluate a training programme designed to improve the productivity of her section?
A Level 1: trainee reactions
B Level 2: trainee learning
C Level 3: job behaviour
D Level 5: ultimate value
Q2: C
Fundamentals of Management
❑ Training & Development
❑ Mentoring
❑ Counseling
❑ Coaching
Mubashir Wasim (MSc.
Economics-Banking &
Finance, MBA
Marketing, MS
Business Management,
Fundamentals of Management
Training & Development
Lecture Contents
❑ Training & Development
❑ Personal Development Plan
Training & Development
The process of providing employees with
An effort to provide employees with abilities the
specific skill or helping them to correct their
organization will need in future.
deficiencies in their performance.
Focus (Current Job)
Long Term
Time Frame (Immediate)
Personal Development Plan
Step 1: Analyze the Current Position:-
Select an area for development: a limitation to
overcome or a strength to build on. Your goals might
be based on your need to improve performance in
your current job and/or on your career goals, taking into account possible
changes in your current role and opportunities within and outside the
organisation. You might carry out a personal SWOT (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats) analysis. One helpful tool is an interest/ aptitude and
performance matrix, on which you can identify skills which you require (don't do
well) but for which you can build on your aptitudes and interests (like).
Step 2. Set Goals
Set a SMART (specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, time-bounded) learning
objective: what you want to be able to do or do better, and in what time scale.
Step 3. Draw an Action Plan
1. Methods you will use to develop the identified skills
2. Timescale for review of progress.
3. Methods of monitoring and reviewing progress and achievement of the
Q1: The stages of preparing a personal development plan are contained in which
of the following?
A. Position analysis/Attributes/Objectives
B. Past successes & failures/Corrective action/Review
C. Objectives / Detailed plan/Review
D. SWOT analysis/Setting goals/Action plan
Q1: D
Stage 1 = personal SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats);
Q2: D
Q3: Which of the following is unlikely to be a goal of a personal development plan?
A. Growing during a person’s career
B. Meeting weekly sales targets
C. Developing expertise and capability
D. Comprehending personal aspirations.
Methods of development
Mentoring is a process where one person offers help, guidance, advice and support to
facilitate the learning or development of another. It follows an open and evolving
agenda and deals with a rang of issues.
Consists of three main processes:-
Exchange of Unique knowledge about industry or field
Sustain Partnering Relationship
Measurable / Beneficial Outcome for parties involved.
Methods of development
Coaching or Tuition Assistance Program:-
Focuses on achieving specific objectives, usually within a preferred time period. It is more
about improving the performance of someone who is already competent rather than
establishing competency in the first place, or focusing on the task and ensuring that
learner gains competence.
One-to-one basis, is set in the everyday working situation and is a continuing activity.
To develop their skills and to increase their self-confidence so that they can take more
responsibility for their own worked and develop their career prospects.
Coach should have the qualities of expertise, judgment and experience that make it
possible for the person coached to follow the guidance.
Methods of development
Counseling can be defined as ‘a purposeful relationship in which one person helps
another to help himself/herself’.
The counselor needs to be:
Observant:- there is a need to note behavior, which may be symptomatic of
Sensitive:- there is need to acknowledge and understand that another person's
beliefs and values may be different from their own.
Empathetic:- there is a need to appreciate that the problem may seem
overwhelming to the individual.
Methods of development
Impartial:- impartial to say change your values let the man do and help himself or
herself as requirement as per his or her personal choice.
Discreet:- there will be situations when an employee cannot be completely open
unless they are sure that the comments they make will be treated with
Q4: Which of the following best defines coaching?
A. Developing the individual by helping to build on skills and overcome weaknesses
B. Provision of one-way instruction on formal tasks required to carry out the
immediate job
C. Offering career guidance in order to maximize the individual's potential
D. Provision of objective advice to overcome the individual's personal problems
Q5- Which TWO of the following are benefits of counseling?
• A- It may help solve issues that can hinder productivity
• B- It removes the need for mentoring and coaching
• C- It may help reduce time lost due to personal problems
• D- It allows management to solve employee problems
Q5- C & D
Fundamentals of Management
Organization Structure
Fundamentals of Management
Organization Structure
Lecture Contents
Functional Structure
Divisional Structure
Geographic Structure
Matrix Structure
Organizational Structure
Organizations Structure is the framework for allocating tasks, delegating authority,
coordinating activity and channeling communication between individual and groups in
the organization.
There are three key components on which organization structure is based on
a) Organization structure designates formal reporting relationships, including the
number of level in the hierarchy and the span of control of managers and supervisors.
b) Organization structure identifies the grouping together of individuals into
departments and of departments into the total organization.
c) Organization structure includes the design of systems to ensure effective
communication, coordination, and integration of effort across departments.
Manager – Owner
Early days of Small Business
1. Fast Decision Making
There is only one person making
2. More Responsive to Market
decisions- this should lead to decision
3. Goal Congruence being made quickly
4. Good Control As soon as an element of the
5. Close Bond to Workforce marketing alters, the entrepreneur
should recognize it and act quickly
A lack of chain of command and the
small size of the organization should
mean that the entrepreneur has
control over the workforce and all
decisions within the organization to
better goal (Page:21)
1. Lack of Career Structure
2. Capabilities of Manager / This type of structure is usually
Owner suited to small companies where
3. Difficulties in Growth & due to the size there is no career
Diversified path for the employees.
If the organization grows, one
person will not be able to cope
with the increased volume of
decisions etc. (Page 21)
Q1: Which of the following statements regarding the entrepreneurial
structure is correct?
A. It usually allows for defined career paths for employees
B. It often enjoys strong goal congruence throughout the organisation
C. It can normally cope with significant diversification and growth
D. Control within the organisation tends to be weak
Q1 : B
Functional Organization
Transfer to Entrepreneur Structure to Functional Organization.
Few products, Similar Products
Board of
Q2: D
Softstance Ltd is an organization that manufacture tissue paper.
The business is organized into four main departments: finance
marketing production and administration. What type of
organization structure does softness follow?
A- Functional
B- Matrix
C- Product
D- Geographic
Q3- Answer is A
Q4-(19)- An organization is split into five different
departments- production, finance, marketing, and
Which of the following describes this organizational
• A- Matrix
• B- Entrepreneurial
• C- Geographical
• D- Functional
Divisional Structure
Department are name with products
Three names:
Profit Canters:
Q5 :A
Geographic Structure
Geographically Spread Organizations:-
Geographic Based Department:-
This is similar to the divisional structure, but involve each division covering a
specific location.
For example, a global company may be split into different divisions based on
geographic areas. There may be a division that looks after the organization’s
Asian operations, one that covers Europe and another division for America.
Advantages:- Disadvantages:-
1. Enable geographic growth 1. Potential Loss of Control
2. Allow local decision 2. Lack of Goal Congruence
making 3. Understanding of
3. Clear responsibilities for Different Cultures
areas 4. Human Resources
4. Regional Opportunities:-
5. Understanding of
6. Training for General
Product vs. geographic divisionalization Structure:-
Product divisionalization is generally preferred over say geographic
divisionalization when the product is relatively complex and require a high
cost of capital equipment, skilled operators, etc. e.g. the car industry.
Q6: Which of the following structures results in a
potential loss of control over key operating decisions?
A. Matrix
B. Entrepreneurial
C. Functional
D. Geographic
Q6 : D
Matrix Organization
Combination of Functional & Divisions
Ideal for Medium Size Organization with Projects/ Products
Matrix Organization
The aim of the matrix structure is to combine the benefits of both the
divisional and functional structures. (Page: 26)
Advantages In today’s rapidly changing
1. Advantages of both functional and environment, there is a need
divisional structures for effective coordination in
2. Flexibility & Customer Orientation very complex situations. If a
car manufacturer wants to
3. Economies of Scale
design, produce and market a
4. Sharing of Resources Across new model, the process
Projects involves most parts of the
5. Encourage Teamwork organization and a flexible
system is needed to achieve the
objectives. The more rigid
structure experienced in a
divisional company would not
have the flexibility to be able to
The production manager could be replaced coordination the tasks and the
with customer managers, in which case people, whereas the matrix
the whole team will be focused on structure can cope. (Page: 27)
meeting the needs of the customers.
1. Dual Command & Conflict
2. Time Consuming
3. Conflicts between functions and
Where the matrix structure can cause difficulty is in the lines of
control. These may become ambiguous and conflict with
each other . A team member may be answerable to the
product manager and to a functional head, and this may
cause confusion and stress. Time consuming meeting may be
required to resolve the conflict, so resulting in higher
administration cost.
Test Your Understanding #1
Q10: The term 'networking' is most associated with what type of
organizational structure?
A. Functional
B. Entrepreneurial
C. Matrix
D. Divisional
Q10: C
Test Your Understanding
Answer is B
Fundamentals of Management
Span of Control, Tall & Flat
Fundamentals of Management
Organization Structure
Lecture Contents
Scalar Chain
Span of Control
Tall & Flat Organization
Scalar Chain
Scalar Chain
This is the line of authority which can be traced up
or down the chain of command, from the most
senior member of staff to the most junior. It
therefore relates to the number of level of
management within an organization. Page: 29
Q1: Test Your Understanding
Answer is A
Narrow Span Span of Control: Define Wide Span
Strengths:- Strengths:-
1. Better Control:- 1. Delegation of Authority:-
2. Smaller Group Better Social 2. Initiative & Creativity:-
Needs:- 3. Less Administrative Costs:-
3. Supervisor can Spare More 4. Flexible Supervision Style:-
Time for Instructing
Subordinates:- Weaknesses:-
4. More Influence of Supervisor:- 1. Weak Control:-
2. Larger Group Weak Social
Weaknesses:- Grouping:-
1. Lack of Delegation of 3. Supervisor Spare Less Time,
Authority:- More Learning from
2. Lack of Initiative & Creativity:- Coworkers:-
3. More Administrative Costs:- 4. Weak Influence of Supervisor:-
4. Rigid Supervision:-
Narrow Span Span of Control: Define Wide Span
A manager’s span of control
is the number of people for
whom he or she is directly
responsibility. Page:29
1. Nature of Work
2. Nature of Worker
3. Nature of Supervisor
4. Location of Personnel
Tall Flat
Organization Organization
A ‘tall’
organization has
many levels of
management (a
long scalar chain)
and a narrow
span of control A ‘flat’ organization has few level of
management (a short scalar chain)
and a wide span of control
Span of Control
Delegation of Authority
Tall Flat
Organization Organization
A ‘tall’
organization has
many levels of
management (a
long scalar chain)
and a narrow
A ‘flat’ organization has few level of
span of control
management (a short scalar chain)
and a wide span of control
It is worth noting that tall organizations tend to be more bureaucratic and take
longer to make decision, due to the large number of levels of management that
need to be involved.
Flat organizations tend to have weaker control and fewer chances for employees to
progress or be promoted within the organization. Page:30
Test Your Understanding
A narrow span of control is likely to lead to which of the following.
A. A tall management structure
B. A flat management structure
C. A short scalar chain
D. A reduction in the number of level of management
Answer is A
Q: Consider the following statements:
(i) Tall organizations typically have narrow spans of
(ii) A 'flat' organisation is one that has a short scalar chain.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
A. (i) only
B. (ii) only
C. Both
D. Neither
Q: C
Both statements are correct.
The Anthony Triangle is a model that
Level of Strategy can be used to illustrate the type of
strategic planning that will be made
Strateic Planning is undertaken by senior
each level of the organization’s
Operational Planning
Levels of Strategy- Levels of Planning- Levels of
Management Structure
Fundamentals of Management
Behavioral Classification
Fundamentals of Management
Organization Structure
Lecture Contents
Mechanistic vs. Organic Organization
Formal vs. Informal.
Mechanistic Organization Organic Organization
Span of
Problem of Grape Vine
Test Your Understanding
An informal organization structure can arise in a organization due to
________ . Which one of the following does not complete the
A. Friendship
B. Personal relationships
C. The grapevine effects
D. Common interests
Answer is C.
Formal Organization
Informal Organization
Q: A
Formal Organization: Bureaucracy : Max Weber
Test Your Understanding
Which of the following does not affect the amount of decentralization
that occurs in a firm?
A. Management style
B. Nature of the brand
C. Location of employees
D. Size of the organization
Answer is B
Fundamentals of Management
Organization Culture
Lecture Contents
Course Contents
Organization vs. Culture
Introduction to
Characteristics of
Open vs. Closed
Course Contents
8. Culture
• What is Culture?
• Organization Culture and Theories of Organization Culture
• Culture and Structure
• Culture and Strategy
• Cross-Cultural Leadership
Organization Culture
Organization …. Culture
Organization:- We use this term very commonly in our everyday life e.g.
2- Police
3- Toyota
“Organizations are social arrangment for the controlled performance of collective goals”
(Buchanan & Huczynski)
1- Collective Goals: organizations are defined by their goals. The main goal o a school is to
educate pupils. It will therefore be organized differently to a company that aims to make profits.
2- Social Arrangement: someone working alone cannot be classed as an organization. Organization
are structured to allow people to work together towards a common goal. Usually, the larger the
organization, the more formal its structures.
3- Controlled Performance: an organization will have systems and procedures in place to ensure
that group goals are achieved. For a company this could involve setting sales targets, or
periodically assessing the performance of staff members.
4- Synergy: the interaction or cooperation of two or more individual in an combined effect greater
and output rather than the working separately. 2 + 2 = 5
Illustration 1- A Football Team
A football team can be described as an organization because
1- Number of Players
2- Team has an Objective
3- Need to maintain a system- training- – goals
4- Each member – specific skill –
5- Spirit synergy, everyone work to gather.
Test your understanding#1
Which of the following would be considered to be an organization?
(i) A Sole Trader
(ii) A Tennis Club
(iii) A Hospital
G1. An organization is a social arrangement which
pursues collective _______ which controls its own
performance and which has a boundary separating it
from its environment.
Which of the following words best completes this
A- Profits
B- Stakeholders
C- Goals
D- Tactics
G2. Which one of the following CANNOT be called an
A- Gourmet
B- Toyota
C- Honda
D- A Hockey Player
It was first used in car production at Ford and is associated with the work of
Taylor, which we will be discussing later.
The car production process was broken down into many separate tasks and
each worker was required to specialize in only one small aspect other total
process. This benefits the manufacturer in three ways.
Simple tasks encourage the use of highly specific equipment, e.g. power
wrenches that speed up the manufacturing.
Semi- skilled labour can be employed rather than highly skilled operatives.
Workers are only responsible for one process and so are able to develop a
high level of expertise and increase their output per period
Drucker's key objectives
Drucker argues that the nature of the business organisation requires multiple
objectives to cover every area where performance and results affect the business.
Drucker suggested the following eight key objectives:
(1) Profitability – Growth in earnings per share. At some stage in the planning
procedure, probably at the time of developing the strategic plan, this objective will
need to be translated into targets for control linking sales, profit and capital
(2) Innovation – The board must determine whether it intends to lead in developing
technology and products, to follow other companies or to design to meet customer
(3) Market standing – Overall marketing policies and objectives such as which
products to sell and in which markets.
(4) Productivity – Productivity targets will be set in terms of output in relation to
manpower, plant, material yields and costs.
(5) Financial and physical resources – Financing both working and longterm
capital requirements through debt and shares. Physical resource objectives will
include the location and acquisition of physical resources over the planning period,
whether to lease or buy the assets, etc.
(6) Managerial performance and development – Policies and objectives will
cover matters such as organisation and development; measures of performance;
training and development; reward systems and organisational culture.
(7) Worker performance and attitude – Policies and objectives will cover the
development of management and worker relationships.
(8) Public responsibility – There may well be objectives relating to social
responsibility and business ethics.
Open & Closed Organization
A business that operates an open system interacts with its environment through giving
and receiving information. In a closed system, interactions only happen within the
specific system, which means closed systems are shut off from the outside environment,
and every interaction is transmitted inside that closed system.
Open & Closed Organization
There are two types of systems in organizations: closed systems and open systems. An
open system interacts with its environment through giving and receiving information.
Closed systems are closed off from the outside environment, and all interaction and
knowledge is transmitted within the closed system only. Closed systems can hamper
growth since the flow of information stays within the system and has no chance to
interact with or build on knowledge from the outer environment
Open System
Under open system organization theory, the characteristics of open system organization
are shaped by specific and general environmental influences. Specific influences are the
people and groups the organization deals with on a regular basis: customers, suppliers,
distributors, regulators and competitors.
General environmental influences fall into four categories:
•The cultural values of the surrounding society. A century ago, it was culturally
acceptable to discriminate against women and minorities in hiring; now discrimination is
a black mark against an organization's image.
•Law and politics. It's not only socially unacceptable to discriminate based on gender,
religion, race and ethnicity, in many cases it violates federal law. In recent years, a
number of states have banned discrimination based on sexual orientation.
•The economy. A regional recession can leave a business struggling to stay afloat. A
booming economy with lots of jobs may force a company to boost pay and benefits to
recruit enough workers.
•Education. The quality of education affects the quality and ability of the local
Fundamentals of Management
Organization Culture
Topics Under Discussion
Course Contents
Introduction of Organization Culture
Importance of Organization Culture
A Good Culture
Advantages of Strong Culture
Disadvantages of Strong Culture
Factor Influence Culture
Subtle Influencing Factors
Cultural Iceberg
Level of Cultures by Edgar Schein
Course Contents
8. Culture
• What is Culture?
• Organization Culture and Theories of Organization Culture
• Culture and Structure
• Culture and Strategy
• Cross-Cultural Leadership
Organization Culture Culture is the collective programming of
the mind which distinguishes the
members of one category of people from
Definition:- another.
Culture is expressed by Handy as being:
al Culture
Q: Beliefs
Q: The diagram below shows that, for every person, behaviour is driven by their
emotions and feelings, and by their thoughts and ___________.
A. Concepts
B. Beliefs
C. Ideas
D. Impressions
Q: Beliefs
Importance of Organisation Culture
Why is culture important?
It gives an individual a unique identity.
The culture of a community gives its people a character of their own.
Culture shapes the personality of a community – the language that a community
speaks, the art forms it hosts, its staple food, its customs, traditions and festivities
comprise the community’s culture.
A Good Culture in an Organization
Within an organisation a good culture:
is a talent attractor.
is talent retainer.
engages people.
changes the view of "work."
creates greater synergy.
makes everyone more successful.
Advantages of having a strong culture
An organisation's culture has a significant bearing on the way it relates to its
stakeholders (especially customers and staff), the development of its strategy and its
facilitate good communication and coordination within the organisation.
provide a framework of social identity and a sense of belonging.
reduce differences amongst the members of the organisation.
strengthen the dominant values and attitudes.
Strong Culture Weak Culture
Every member of organization understand the Only top management know that quality is
quality of work is important important
Every unit of the product they produce of Every unit of the product they produce is not
same quality and nature very similar.
Worker enjoy their job and thought standard Worker just want to do their job
for which they working
Love to recognize with brand name Their brand is source of earning just.
Disadvantages of having a strong culture
A strong culture that does not have positive attributes in relation to stakeholders and
change is a hindrance to effectiveness. Also, strong cultures can create resistance to
change and learning, and encourage a blinkered view
Dysfunctional Aspects of Culture-Disadvantages of Strong Culture
Age: How old is the business or the managers of the business – do its strategic level
decision makers have experience to draw upon?
History: What worked in the past? Do decision makers have past successes to draw
upon; are they willing to learn from their mistakes?
Ownership: Is the organisation owned by a sole trader? Are there a small number of
institutional shareholders or are there large numbers of small shareholders?
Subtle (Indirect) Influences
There are other, more subtle influences, however:
The degree of individual initiative – is it encouraged or are decisions always referred
The degree of risk tolerance – are managers only allowed to follow low risk strategies?
Clarity of direction – is there a clear focus; are these clear objectives and performance
The degree of integration between groups – are different units encouraged to work
together? Are management aloof or approachable; is communication clear to lower level
The reward system – are individuals rewarded for succeeding, i.e. are rewards based
on performance criteria?
Conflict tolerance – are employees encouraged to air grievances?
Communication patterns – is there a formal hierarchy or an informal network?
Formalisation of clothing and office layout – are there strict rules over this?
The kind of people employed (graduates, young, old, etc.).
Fundamentals of Management
Organization Culture
Models for Categorising Culture
There are a number of models dealing with culture:
1) Cultural Iceberg
2) Edgar Schein
3) 7S Model Mickensey
4) Cultural Web
5) Handy’s cultural types (developing the ideas of Harrison)
6) Deal and Kennedy – strong culture theory
7) Ouchi – theories J, A and Z
8) Peters and Waterman – pursuit of excellence
9) Peters – thriving in chaos
10) Hofestede Global Cultures
Topics Under Discussion
Cultural Iceberg
Level of Cultures by Edgar Schein
Models for Categorising Culture
There are a number of models dealing with culture:
1) Cultural Iceberg
2) Edger Schein
3) 7S Model Mickensey
4) Cultural Web
5) Handy’s cultural types (developing the ideas of Harrison)
6) Deal and Kennedy – strong culture theory
7) Ouchi – theories J, A and Z
8) Peters and Waterman – pursuit of excellence
9) Peters – thriving in chaos
10) Hofestede Global Cultures
1- Cultural Iceberg
The hidden elements represent the larger part of the iceberg which is below the
communication patterns
group processes
problem solving style
Levels of Culture
According to Edgar Schein (1992)
Edgar Henry Schein (born March 5, 1928), a former professor at the MIT Sloan
School of Management, has made a notable mark on the field of organizational
development in many areas, including career development, group process
consultation, and organizational culture.
Schien argues that the first leaders of a company create the
culture of an organization. Once the culture exists., the
attributes/criteria for the later leaders are determined by
the culture. Thus the link between culture and leadership is
very strong.
Difficulties faced by the funder leader become the part of
the culture. Schein further commented that it if leaders are
to lead, it is essential that they understand the culture of
the organization. In order to try and define culture, Schein
described three levels.
Schein- Cultural Levels
Q: Consider the following two statements:
1) Culture was expressed by Handy as 'the sum total of the belief, knowledge, attitudes,
norms and customs that prevail in an organization'?
2) The tales of company creation, such as difficulties the founder had to face and how
he/she managed to overcome them successfully often form a part of organizational culture
according to Schein.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
A. 1 Only
B. 2 Only
C. Both
D. Neither
Q: Which of the following is the first of the three levels of culture
described by Schein?
A. Things that are inspirational, such as slogans and mission statements
B. Things that can be easily seen, such as the way people dress
C. Things that endure, such as organizational hierarchy
D. Things that initially appear superficial, such as timekeeping rules
Q: B
Q: The first leaders of the organization tend to define its later
culture and upcoming leaders follow it.
Which major writer on culture came to this conclusion?
A Handy
B Schein
C Hofstede
D Peter & Waterman
Q: B
McKinsey-The 7S's an overview
The McKinsey 7S Framework is a management model developed by business
consultants Robert H. Waterman, Jr. and Tom Peters in the 1980s. This was a strategic
vision for groups, to include businesses, business units, and teams. The 7 Ss are
structure, strategy, systems, skills, style, staff and shared values
The model can be applied to many
situations and is a valuable tool when
organizational design is at question. The
most common uses of the framework
•To facilitate organizational change.
•To help implement new strategy.
•To identify how each area may change in
a future.
•To facilitate the merger of organizations.
McKinsey-The 7S's an overview
7s factors
Hard S Soft S
Strategy Style
Structure Staff
Systems Skills
Shared Values
Q: A
McKinsey-The 7S's an overview
Models for Categorising Culture
There are a number of models dealing with culture:
1) Cultural Iceberg
2) Edger Schein
3) 7S Model Mickensey
4) Cultural Web
5) Handy’s cultural types (developing the ideas of Harrison)
6) Deal and Kennedy – strong culture theory
7) Ouchi – theories J, A and Z
8) Peters and Waterman – pursuit of excellence
9) Peters – thriving in chaos
10) Hofestede Global Cultures
Topics Under Discussion
Cultural Web
Handy’s cultural types (developing
the ideas of Harrison)
Deal and Kennedy – strong culture
Cultural Web by Johnson & Scholes
The Cultural Web Analysis is a model where the organisational paradigm,
convictions and assumptions within an organisation are clarified by means
of a coherent whole of six elements. The paradigm, the organisational
culture exists within the web.
Focus of Model
The model stimulates the way employees within an organisation interact with each
How they handle their work,
But also how the organisation as a whole relates to the outside world and the various
cultures that exist in the outside world.
Cultural Web-Practical Objectives of Understanding
By analysing the six elements, the big picture of the organisational
culture is formed. This creates clarity regarding the questions:
What works,
What does not work,
How do we approach our work
How do we work together with other organisational cultures?
There is a great need to manage the organisational culture because
this affects the strategy and performances of the organisation
The Elements of Cultural Web
(i) Organisational structure –
• The organisation culture establishes relationships between the
different work groups
• It is a picture of the importance/dominance of particular
divisions/departments in achieving the overall objectives of the
• Organization culture is influenced by organization structure.
The Cultural Web by Johnson & Scholes
Q: D
The four cultural type are: person, role, task and power.
Q: According to Handy's theory, in the person culture which of
the following would be correct?
A. Contribution made by each employee is recognized and
B. The status symbols are there to remind staff of their place
C. People believe that if they meet their job requirement, they
will slowly progress to the senior management
D. Rules are put in place and must be strictly followed by all
Q: B
Person culture focuses on the need of the few selected
individuals who occupy the prominent place. A is compatible
with the task culture, whereas C and D are common in role
Q: TJ International Ltd is an organization with a strongly traditional outlook. It
is structured and managed according to classical principles: specialization, the
scalar chain of command, unity of command and direction. Personnel tend to
focus on their own distinct tasks, which are strictly defined and directed.
Communication is vertical, rather than lateral. Discipline is much prized and
enshrined in the rule book of the company.
From the scenario, what sort of culture does TJ International Ltd have, using
Harrison’s classifications?
A Role culture
B Task culture
C Existential culture
D Power culture
Q: A
Rationale: The role culture is a bureaucratic or mechanistic culture, as
described in the scenario. Task culture is project-focused; existential culture
is person-focused; and power culture is leader-focused.
Q: Which of the four cultural types popularized by Handy is often
found in organizations with the an entrepreneurial structure?
A. Task
B. Person
C. Power
D. Role
Q: B
Person culture focuses on the need of the few selected
individual who occupy the prominent place. A is compatible with
the task culture, whereas C and D are common in role culture.
Deal and Kennedy identified four distinct types of cultures. They also identified two
marketplace factors that they felt influenced cultural patterns and practices. They were:
•The degree of risk associated with a company's key activities.
•The speed at which companies learn whether their actions and strategies are successful.
They believed that the risk involved in making a poor decision and the time it takes to find
out whether a decision is the right one both have a bearing on how cultural elements
develop and influence an organization's employees.
Deal and Kennedy present these factors in a 2 x 2 matrix that identifies the four culture
types, as shown in Figure 1 below.
Models for Categorising Culture
There are a number of models dealing with culture:
1) Cultural Iceberg
2) Edger Schein
3) 7S Model Mickensey
4) Cultural Web
5) Handy’s cultural types (developing the ideas of Harrison)
6) Deal and Kennedy – strong culture theory
7) Ouchi – theories J, A and Z
8) Peters and Waterman – pursuit of excellence
9) Peters – thriving in chaos
10) Hofestede Global Cultures
Topics Under Discussion
44FTC14 :A
By definition.
Q10: 45FTC14: Consider the following cultural ‘dimensions’ as
popularized by Hofstede.
i. High uncertainty avoidance
ii. Masculinity
iii. Low power distance
iv. Individualism
In country A, most businesses are highly bureaucratic with many
defined rules for employees. However, even junior staff members are
usually involve in the creation of these rules, as they expect to have a
say in the running of the business.
Which TWO of the cultural dimensions identified above are shown to
exist in country A?
A. (i) and (ii) 45FTC14:B
B. (i) and (iii) Bureaucratic businesses are evidence as they give staff
C. (ii) and (iii) defined rules to work with. The fact that junior staff have a
D. (iii) and (iv) say in the running of the business is evidence of low power
Fundamentals of Management
Organization Culture
Models for Categorising Culture
There are a number of models dealing with culture:
1) Cultural Iceberg
2) Edger Schein
3) 7S Model Mickensey
4) Cultural Web
5) Handy’s cultural types (developing the ideas of Harrison)
6) Deal and Kennedy – strong culture theory
7) Ouchi – theories J, A and Z
8) Peters and Waterman – pursuit of excellence
9) Peters – thriving in chaos
10) Hofestede Global Cultures
Topics Under Discussion
Q :A
By definition.
Q: Consider the following cultural ‘dimensions’ as popularized by
i. High uncertainty avoidance
ii. Masculinity
iii. Low power distance
iv. Individualism
In country A, most businesses are highly bureaucratic with many
defined rules for employees. However, even junior staff members are
usually involve in the creation of these rules, as they expect to have a
say in the running of the business.
Which TWO of the cultural dimensions identified above are shown to
exist in country A?
A. (i) and (ii) Q:B
B. (i) and (iii) Bureaucratic businesses are evidence as they give staff
C. (ii) and (iii) defined rules to work with. The fact that junior staff have a
D. (iii) and (iv) say in the running of the business is evidence of low power
Long-term orientation versus short-term orientation.
In some countries, there is a greater focus on short-term goals and
short-term results, whereas in other countries there is a greater
willingness to consider the longer term. Short-termism is a feature of
organization culture in the US and much of Western Europe.
Fundamentals of Management
Conflict & Conflict
Conflict & Conflict Management
6. The financial function; conflict
• Causes of Conflict
• Managing Conflict
Conflict & Conflict Management
Overview-Causes of Conflict
Overview- Advantages of Conflict
Overview- Disadvantages of Conflict
Sources of Conflict
Intra- group
Group Conflict in an organization
Minimize Conflict
Dealing with Conflict
'Conflict' means disagreement, opposition of any kind, argument,
antagonism or hatred between two persons or groups or among many
persons or groups.
Incompatibility among the Staff – When a team is resourced from multiple groups they
may struggle to work in a team environment due to their internal differences arising from
strong group affiliations and loyalties.
Biased attitude of management – Staff in one team or of a particular category of staff
may be treated in a biased manner affecting terms of rewards, perquisites, job
designations and working conditions.
Lack of Recognition – The management may not give due recognition or reward to those
employees who may have made significant contribution towards achievement of the
company’s goals in the past. They may, therefore, not be fully motivated.
Group Conflict-In Business
Group conflict, or hostilities between different groups, is a feature
common to all forms of human social organization, and also occurs
in social animals
Conflict and Conflict Management
Benefits of Conflict
Functional Conflict
Destructive Conflict
Challenges Associated with Conflict
Dealing with Conflict
Skills required to resolve conflict
Benefits and challenges of conflicts
Conflict can result in both positive and negative results for the business.
Some of the benefits that can arise from conflict include:
Helping to bring about radical changes to alter existing power structures and
entrenched attitudes which have led to complacency in the organisation.
Encourages innovation and testing of new ideas and eliminate groupthink attitude.
Brings emotions in the open and therefore result in release of internal hostile
Results in constructive levels of tension within the organization and motivates
individuals to work to their optimum levels.
Benefits and challenges of conflicts-Benefits
Stimulating creativity and innovation among the participants who express their opinions
and views in an open and constructive manner.
Creating initiatives for changes in an orderly manner without causing disruptions or
affecting the smooth coordination of activities of the organization.
Releasing of pent-up tensions of the participants because the individuals feel that their
opinions have received consideration.
Providing opportunities to dissidents to self-evaluate their own analytical abilities and
the expertise they bring on important issues.
Introducing a culture in which groupthink or ‘rubber-stamping’(is discouraged) of
decisions taken by the comparatively more articulate or dominating personalities is
Some of the challenges that can arise from conflict include:
Demotivated staff
Breakdown in communication
Reduced quality of product or service
Disciplinary action
Internally-focused destructive decisions are taken rather than customer-focused
Creation of an environment of distrust and suspicion
Concentration of efforts within narrow group interests
Undermining of team effort
Dealing with conflict
Thomas and Kilmann in their book “The Joy of having created the TKI (Thomas-Kilmann
Instrument) Assessment” (2015) stated no two individuals have exactly the same
expectations and desires, conflicts are a natural part of our interaction with others. Keeping
this view as a base, identified five key styles of dealing with conflict. The styles vary in the
degree of assertiveness and cooperativeness.
They argued that people typically have a preferred conflict resolution style although the
situation may be the overriding factor in determining the most effective resolution style to
The styles are:
Dealing with conflict
❑ Negotiation and Communication
❑Skills of an effective negotiator
❑Consultant & Arbitrator
Skills of an Effective Negotiator for Members Involves in
The ability to negotiate requires a blend of interpersonal and
communication skills used together to achieve the desired result.
Explanation Problem Analysis
Good analysis issue-identify parties and their goals-understand interest
of stakeholders
Active listening –
It is necessary for ECL’s team to engage in active listening to be able to
understand the viewpoints of the representatives of the government
organisation, and read their body language and also understand the
underlying tone of their verbal communication.
Verbal Communication –
ECL team should be able to communicate effectively and make clear
statement of the case supported by sound arguments. Good
interpersonal skills also help to maintain a congenial working
relationship with the other party.
Mubashir Wasim (MSc. Economics, MBA Marketing, MS-IT,
MPhil Business Management)
Skills of an Effective Negotiator for Members Involves in Negotiation
A Conciliator is a trusted third party who provides an
informal communication link between the opposing
parties. A conciliator also engages in establishing the
facts, interpreting messages and persuading the
disputing parties to reach agreement.
A Consultant is a skilled and impartial third party who
attempts to facilitate problem-solving through
communication and analysis as he has specialized
❑ Negotiation and Communication
❑Communication Process Model
❑Directions of Formal Communication
❑Interpersonal Communication
❑Axioms of Interpersonal Communication
❑Non-verbal Communication
❑Communication Patterns
Q1: D
Q_ Communication process is consisted of sender, message, channel, receiver , noise.
Even though we consider communication process is consider in complete if we
a) Business environment
b) Network
c) Feedback
d) Consumer
Q_c) Feedback
Direction of communication
The concept of “direction of communication” can be applied to situations where some kind of
hierarchy or structure exists. This might be as equally relevant within a family or social group as
well as the business environment.
❖Managers communicate downwards when issuing instructions and briefing their teams.
❖Employees would communicate upwards when reporting back to their managers with updates and results
on work performed.
❖Vertical communication is typically more formal as it recognizes the different levels within the hierarchy.
However, there can be challenges in ensuring that upward communication is effective in large
organizations. For example:
❑Subordinates may consider that the seniors would not be interested in the opinions or information
given by the subordinates.
❑Subordinates may think that the seniors are busy and already facing information overload and would
not have time to consider the problems or suggestions provided by subordinates.
❑Subordinates may fear that reporting of a problem or communication of a grievance may result in
antagonizing (to make hostile or unfriendly) or disappointing the seniors which may have adverse
❑Subordinates may fear that the upward communication may be considered by their colleagues as a
way of getting closer to their seniors and seeking favours.
Horizontal (also called ‘lateral’)
1- Horizontal communication occurs between peer groups and people of similar standing.
2- Horizontal communication may be formal or informal depending on whether it occurs
between colleagues and friends (more likely to be informal), or external to the organization or
group (more likely to be formal).
PQ1: Horizontal Communication can be defined as communication:
A Between two directors
B Between two managers
C Between two officers
D All of the above
PQ1: D A, B and C
1- Diagonal communication describes the simultaneous combination of vertical and horizontal
2- In a commercial environment this might involve cross-team communication when
co-ordinating projects, innovating new ideas or problem solving.
3- The technique can be used to by-pass blockages in the usual vertical reporting line such as
when a line manager is on holiday, or when technical input is required outside the usual sphere
of expertise.
Test Your Understanding
PQ2: D A, B and C
PQ3: Horizontal communication is:
A Horizontal communication occurs between peer groups and people of similar
B Horizontal communication may be formal or informal
C Horizontal communication cannot be avoided
D All of the above
PQ3: D A, B and C
PQ4: Diagonal communication refers to:
A The simultaneous combination of vertical and horizontal communication
B Cross-team communication when coordinating projects, innovating new ideas or
problem solving
C Bypassing blockages in the usual vertical reporting line such as when a line manager is
on holiday, or when technical input is required outside the usual sphere of expertise
D All of the above
PQ4: D A, B and C
Main Types of Communication / Informal
(d) Priorities. People or departments have different priorities or perspectives so that one
person places more or less emphasis on a situation than another.
(f) Timing. Information which has no immediate use tending to be forgotten.
(i) Conflict. Where there is conflict between individuals or departments, communications
will be withdrawn and information withheld.
Interpersonal Communication
1. Personal relationship
2. Problem solving
3. Alignment with business goals
4. Trust
5. Change Management
6. Company Culture
Importance of Interpersonal Communication
1. Personal relationship
2. Problem solving
3. Alignment with business goals
4. Trust
5. Change Management
6. Company Culture
7. Work & employee recognition
8. Effective management skills
9. Effective leadership skills
10. Career success
11. Conflict management
Axioms of Interpersonal Communication
The axioms of communication attempt to explain how miscommunication can occur
if the communicators are not subconsciously aligned. Axiom theory argues that if
one of the axioms is disturbed, communication may fail.
A significant amount of
communication occurs
subconsciously. You
don’t need to think
about subconscious
communication – it
happens automatically.
Interpersonal Communication:
Pr2 A It refers to the fact that individuals cannot remain isolated without
Pr3: Irreversibility of Communication is:
A What has once been said cannot be called back
B Adverse impact of the message can subsequently be somewhat lessened (to
reduce severity later)
C Imposing obligation on the sender to exercise care for next time
D All of the above
Pr3: D A, B and C
Content and relationship dimensions of communication -
Content and relationship dimensions of communication -
In certain situations, aside from the content of the message, an understanding of the
differences in the nature of the relationship between the sender of the message and the
recipient could lead to a better understanding of the message.
A lack of understanding of the relationship dimension of communication could give rise to
conflict and misunderstanding in spite of the fact that the content dimension of the
communication may essentially be the same in similar situations.
The communication has a relationship dimension which exists between the parties in
terms of family ties, status and nature of association. This needs to be kept in mind when
interpreting the message and understanding the message that is actually communicated.
Pr4: Mark the most appropriate state for Content and Relationship
Dimensions of Communication
A Adverse impact of the message can subsequently be somewhat
B Relationship dimension exists between the parties in terms of
family ties, status and nature of association which should be kept in
perspective for understanding of the implications of the message
C Imposing obligation on the sender to exercise care
D All of the above
Symmetric or Complementary-
A "complementary" relationship here means one of unequal power, such as
parent-child, boss-employee or leader-follower.
These concepts manifest in two/three ways:
i) One-up – one party attempts to gain control of an exchange by dominating the overall
ii) One-down – one party attempts submit to another party
Interpersonal Communication:
Symmetric or Complementary-
Symmetric: Symmetrical interaction describes interaction based on equal power
between the parties. A "symmetric" relationship here means one in which the parties
involved behave as equals from a power perspective.
iii) One-across communication is a transient state where the communication aims to
neutralize a situation. Where parties adopt the same style (one-up, one-own or
one-across) it is described as symmetrical.
Q: Which of the given options is NOT an axiom of interpersonal communication?
A. Inevitable & unrepeatable
B. Symmetrical or complimentary
C. Difference/disagreement/disorder in humans
D. Inevitability of communication
Q: C_ Difference/disagreement/disorder in human
Non- verbal communication
Non- verbal communication as it its name i plies communication without
words, or other" than by wore+s: for example; by tone of voice.
Facial expression
The eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips and mouth, jaw and head position all
contribute to the expression on someone’s face: lips can be tight or slack,
eyes narrowed or widened, the eyebrows lowered or raised, the whole face
moving or still, pale or flushed.
People make gestures unconsciously: jabbing a finger in the air for
emphasis, tapping the fingers when impatient. They also make conscious
gestures – and not only impolite ones: a fingers against the lips for silence,
jerk of the head to indicate a direction, a shrug to indicate indifference.
Watch how people move, at what pace, and to what effect. Someone who
walks briskly coveys determination; someone who shuffles along, laziness or
depression; someone who can never sit still, nervousness or impatience.
Non- verbal communication
You will probably find you sit closer to the people you like and trust, face them
directly, or even lean towards them. You may keep a ‘respectful’ distance
between yourself and someone with whom you have a more forma.
Shaking hands is acceptable for transmitting greeting in most contexts but, for
example, nudging or prodding for emphasis, or clapping on the back, implies
familiarity and ease.
Consider the way you sit and stand lounge, hunch or sit/ stand up straight and
you convey relaxation, negativity or alertness. Lean forward when you listen to
someone, and you transmit interest: lean well back and you convey wariness
or boredom.
A skeptical grunt, a sympathetic murmur and a delighted whoop are useful non
– verbal feedback signals.
Communication Pattern
When we look beyond two-person communication to the linkage
among work groups, departmental or organizational members, we
are concerned with communication networks which are system of
communication lines linking various senders and receivers.
Communication Pattern
Strength & Weaknesses In the centralized networks (chain, wheel
and ‘Y’) In decentralized networks (channels and circle)
►The wheel is always the quickest way to reach a conclusion and
the circle is slowest.
►For complex problem “All-channel” pattern is most likely process
to reach the best decision.
►The level of satisfaction for individuals in lowest in the circle,
fairly high in all – channels, mixed in the wheel, with the central
figures usually expressing greater satisfaction, and the rest feeling
►Under time pressure the all-channels system are either
restructures, to become a wheel, or disintegrates.
Q4: Jared is the leader of a virtual team which stays in contact
via e-mail. Team members send all messages to Jared, who
forwards them to the rest of the network.
Which communication pattern is reflected in this situation?
A The circle
B The ‘Y’
C The wheel
D The all-channel
Q4: C
Q5: According to Leavitt, which one of the following
communication patterns is the fastest in terms of problem solving?
B Circle
C Chain
D Wheel
Q5: D
Q6: Research on communication networks has shown that the
quickest way to reach a conclusion is always through:
A. the Circle
B. the 'Y'
C. the wheel
D. the chain
Q6: C
Q6: Under time pressure, the all-channels system either:
A. delivers even better results
B. partially closes down or disintegrates
C. slows down or crashes
D. restructures or disintegrates
Q6: D
Q7: For complex problems the network most likely to facilitate the
best decision is:
A. circle
B. all-channel
C. wheel
D. 'Y'
Q7: B
Fundamentals of Management
Internal Controls & System
4. Control
• Theories of Control
• Internal Control Systems
Internal Controls & System
What is control
Meaning of internal control
Purpose of internal control
Components of internal control
Types of internal control
Levels of internal control
Preventive, detective and corrective control
Implementing control
Six A’s
Difficulties in implementation
What is Control?
Control is an extremely wide concept and is difficult to define. One definition is:
• Control is a primary task and is the process of ensuring the operations proceed
according to plan.
Concept of Internal Control and Internal Check
Meaning of Internal Control
Internal Control is the process designed and affected by management to provide reasonable
assurance about the achievement of the entity's objective's with regard to:
Reliability of financial reporting
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
Compliance with application laws and regulations.
Internal control
What are internal controls?
Internal control systems exist to enhance the achievement of organisational objectives.
They promote the orderly and efficient conduct of business, hep keep the business on
course, and help it change safely.
The control system is seen as consisting of:
The control environment – management philosophy, operating style and management
Control procedures – control mechanisms such as segregation of duties, authorisation,
reconciliation and so on.
Meaning of Internal Control and Internal Check
Q: B
Q: It is the considered to be best practice for the internal auditors of a large company to
report to:
A. the board of directors
B. the external auditors
C. the shareholders
D. the audit committee
The audit committee would act as an interface between the directors and internal auditors
to reduce the problem of independence.
The information
system relevant
to financial
The entity’s risk
The control Monitoring of
of Internal
environment controls.
Classifications of Internal Controls
Types of organisational control:
Personal centralised control
Small ownermanaged operations where there is a centralised decision making by the
Bureaucratic control
formalised rules, procedures, standardisation and hierarchy
Output control
Measurement of outputs and the results achieved
Clan or cultural control
Semiautonomous working with very few formal controls, it depends upon on the common
agreement of objectives and shared cultural values.
Levels of Controls
(i) Strategic
This is the level of control operating at board level. It will
largely consist of the setting of the control environment:
Strategic planning – determining course to be taken
Board procedures – appointment of directors,
segregation of duties and so on
Setting and reviewing organisational structure
Policies on the conduct of the business, financial and
other performance measures, risk assessments,
environmental and ethical issues and so on
Monitoring achievement of and compliance with plans
and policies set
Levels of Controls
(ii) Tactical
This is the middle management. Controls at this level
Tactical planning, determining the production
requirements and production schedule
Production budget
Procedures governing recruitment, training, and risk
management to name but a few
Monitoring the achievement to plans and policies set.
Levels of Controls
(iii) Operational
This occurs at the lower levels of the organisation.
Preventive Controls:- These are controls that prevent risks occurring . For example,
segregation of duties, recruiting and training the right staff and having an effective
control culture.
Detective Controls:- These controls are designed to pick up errors that have not been
Corrective Controls:- These are controls that address any problems that have
occurred. So where problems are identified, the controls ensure that they are properly
Implementing Internal Control
Risk is related with weakness of Assessment of Risk: What happens if control fail
Internal Controls or (Exposure of Risk)
Business Risk in which involve both
internal and external factor can stop
business to achieve its objective.
Selection of Internal Controls ( types- levels-
Q: Which of the subsequent would be classed as a preventive control?
A. Having a supervisor present on the every shop floor at all times
B. Conducting regular receivables statement reconciliations
C. Monthly inventory checks
D. Establishing procedures for irrecoverable debt collection
Q: Every night the last individual departure the office premises needs to switch on the
security alarm. This control belongs to which of the following categories?
A. Authorization
B. IT based controls
C. Reconciliation
D. Physical
Physical controls also include
access controls,
key-locked cabinets,
CCTV and so on.
Q: Mr Jamil is the payables clerk in a large manufacturing organization Adam Motors. One of
her duties is to write up the purchase ledger but she is not authorized to make payments to
suppliers. This is an example of the important general principle known as:
A. controlled record access
B. segregation of duties
C. dual control
D. initiation control
Q: B
Enhance Your Knowledge – Contingency Control
Q: Which of the following would be classed as a contingency control in an information
A Password-only access to the system
B System recovery procedures
C Audit trails
D Data validation procedures
Internal Checks
Internal checks are defined as the checks on the day-to-day transactions whereby the work
of one person is proved independently or is complementary to the work of another, the
object being the prevention or early detection or errors and fraud.
A control total is a total of any sort used for control purpose by comparing it with another
total that ought to be the same.
Q: Which of the following is not an internal check?
A Separation of duties for authorizing, custody and recording
B Pre-lists, post-lists and control totals
C Bank reconciliations
D Systems for authorizing transactions within specified spending limits
Q: D
Q14: 197FTC17: The fact that managers are not aware of problems a company is facing, such
as not knowing that a major incident of fraud has recently taken place, would weaken which
of the following components of internal controls?
A. Control environment
B. Risk assessment process
C. Control activities
D. Monitoring of controls
197FTC14: A
Control environment refers to the overall attitude of managers to the importance of internal
Six A’s of effective control systems
1. Acceptable – to the people using it
2. Appropriate – for the people using it
3. Accessible – simple as possible, and only as technical as necessary
4. Action-oriented – timely corrective action should be taken
5. Adaptable – flexible to suit changing conditions
6. Affordable – cost beneficial
Practical difficulties with control
many systems are based on forecasting the future, the information is not available or too
expensive or time consuming to collect
it is not always easy to set the standard to be achieved
it is not easy to persuade the people of the need for action
control systems often bridge two or more areas of activity and it is difficult to provide
everyone with the information they need
the accurate, timely internal information that many controls rely on is difficult enough to
external information is even harder to obtain for benchmarking
it is not always easy to distinguish between controllable and uncontrollable aspects of
the operations
Fundamentals of Management
Internal Controls & System
4. Control
• Theories of Control
• Internal Control Systems
Internal Controls & System
Potential for Fraud
Internal Controls to Prevent Fraud
What is Control?
Control is an extremely wide concept and is difficult to define. One definition is:
• Control is a primary task and is the process of ensuring the operations proceed
according to plan.
Concept of Internal Control and Internal Check
Meaning of Internal Control
Internal Control is the process designed and affected by management to provide reasonable
assurance about the achievement of the entity's objective's with regard to:
Reliability of financial reporting
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
Compliance with application laws and regulations.
Internal control
What are internal controls?
Internal control systems exist to enhance the achievement of organisational objectives.
They promote the orderly and efficient conduct of business, hep keep the business on
course, and help it change safely.
The control system is seen as consisting of:
The control environment – management philosophy, operating style and management
Control procedures – control mechanisms such as segregation of duties, authorisation,
reconciliation and so on.
Fraud is an intentional act involving the use
of deception to obtain a benefit. Fraud is a
criminal offence, punishable by fine or by
Error is an unintentional mistake.
Irregularity is something contrary to a
particular rule or stander
Types of Fraud
In a corporate context fraud can fall into one of two main categories:
A- Removal of Funds or Assets from Business
B- Intentional Misrepresentation of Financial Position of Business
A- Removal of Funds or Assets from Business
Theft of cash.
Employees with access to cash may be tempted to steal it. A
prime example is theft from petty cash. Small amounts taken at
intervals may easily go unnoticed.
Theft of inventory.
Similarly, employees may pilfer items of inventory. The most
trivial example of this is employees taking office stationery,
although larger items may be taken also. These examples are of
unsophisticated types of fraud, which generally go undetected
because of their immateriality. On the whole, such fraud will tend
to be too insignificant to have any serious impact on results or
long-term performance
Payroll fraud.
Employees within or outside the payroll department can perpetrate payroll
(a) Employees external to the department can falsify their timesheets,
for example by claiming overtime for hours which they did not really work.
(b) Members of the payroll department may have the opportunity
deliberately to miscalculate selected pay slips, either by applying an inflated
rate of pay or by altering the hours to which the rate is applied.
(c) Alternatively, a fictitious member of staff can be added to the payroll
list. The fraudster sets up a bank account in the bogus name and collects the
extra cash himself. This is most feasible in a large organization with high
numbers of personnel, where management is not personally acquainted with
every employee.
Skimming Schemes
In a skimming scheme the fraudster divert small amounts from a large
number of transactions, believing that no one will bother to investigate the
small differences
Individually, although in aggregate they can total to a worthwhile sum.
Q2: What is the term given to a method of fraud in the accounts receivable area, by which
cash or cheque receipts are stolen, and the theft concealed by setting subsequent receipts
against the outstanding debt?
A Collusion
B Misrepresentation
C Teeming and lading
D Fictitious sales
Q: C
Q3: Which of the following activities create vulnerability to fraud?
i. Calculating payslips
ii. Preparing delivery notes
iii. Paying supplier invoices
iv. Meeting budgets and performance targets
A (iii) only
B (i) and (iii) only
C (i) and (ii) only
D (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Q: D
Q4: Which of the following internal controls might be least effective in preventing
fraud, if staff are in collusion with customers?
A Physical security
B Requiring signatures to confirm receipt of goods or services
C Sequential numbering of transaction documents
D Authorization policies
Q: B
Q5: Which of the following is a skimming fraud?
A. A large amount is 'skimmed' off the top of a large sales invoice as a kickback to the
B. Small amounts are diverted from a large number of transactions
C. Invitation to pay a large amount up front to secure a large amount in the future
D. Submission of invoices which contain inflated amounts
Q: B
The fraudster hopes that no one will notice or bother to investigate the small differences
individually, although in aggregate they can total a worthwhile sum.
B) Intentional Misrepresentation of the Financial Position of the Business
Over-valuation of inventory.
Inventory is a particularly attractive area for
management wishing to inflate net assets
artificially. There is a whole range of ways in
which stock may be incorrectly valued for
accounts purposes.
(a) Inventory records may be
manipulated, particularly by deliberate
miscounting at stock counts.
(b) Deliveries to customers may be
omitted from the books.
(c) Returns to suppliers may not be Bad debt policy may not be enforced.
recorded. Aged receivables who are obviously not going to pay
(d) Obsolete inventory may not be should be written off. However, by not enforcing this
written off but rather held at cost on the policy management can avoid the negative effects it
balance sheet on). would have on profits and net assets.
Potential for fraud
There are three broad pre-requisites or 'pre-conditions' that must exist in order to make fraud a
possibility: dishonesty, motivation and opportunity. These are useful to know, because if one or
more of them can be eliminated, the risk of fraud is reduced!
Motivation Opportunity
Honesty is a subjective quality, which is interpreted variously
according to different ethical, cultural and legal norms. However, we
may define dishonesty as an individual's pre-disposition or tendency
to act in ways which contravene accepted ethical, social,
organizational and legal norms for fair and honest dealing. This
tendency may arise from: A- Dishonesty.
(a) Personality factors: a high need for achievement, status or
security; a competitive desire to gain advantage over others; low
respect for authority;
(b) Cultural factors: national or familial values, which may be
more 'flexible' or anti-authority than the law and practice prevailing
in the organisation. (Cultural values about the ethics of business
‘bribes’ or 'gifts' - for example, vary widely. 'Lying' is also a very fluid
concept: some cultures value 'saving face' or agreeing over giving
strictly truthful responses.)
In addition to a general predisposition or willingness to
act dishonestly, should the opportunity arise, the
individual needs a specific motivation to do so. We will
be discussing the concept of motivation in Chapter 12,
but broadly, it involves a calculation of whether a given
action is worthwhile. Individuals weigh up:
(a) The potential rewards of an action: the
satisfaction of some need, or the fulfillment of some
goal; in relation to
(b) The potential sanctions or negative B- Motivation
consequences of an action, or the deprivations required
to carry it through.
Even if a person is willing to act dishonestly, and has
a motive for doing so, (s)he must still find an
opportunity or opening to do so: a 'loophole' in the
law or control system that:
Q6: B
Q7: Which of the following are considered to be the three prerequisites for fraud to
1. Motive
2. Opportunity
3. Weak controls.
A. 1. and 2.
B. 2. and 3.
C. 1. and 3.
D. 1., 2. and 3.
Q7: A
The third prerequisite is dishonesty. An honest employee is unlikely to commit fraud even if
given the opportunity and motive.
Detection and prevention
A primary aim of any system of internal controls should be to prevent
fraud. However, the very nature of fraud means that people will find
ways to get around existing systems. It is equally important, therefore,
to have controls in place to detect fraud if and when it happens.
A) Honesty
i) Careful Recruitment and Selection Policy Dishonesty
ii) Verify and Record and Consult with Previous
Employees and Institute.
B) Motivation
i) High Ethical Values
ii) Be Aware of Employees Ambitions and Career
Motivation Opportunity
C) Avoid to Provide Opportunity
Internal controls
Controls must be developed in a structured manner, taking account of the whole spectrum of risk and focusing
on the key risks identified in each area of the business.
We looked at internal controls generally in Chapter 21. Let us think about appropriate controls that could be
introduced to combat fraud.
Physical controls
Basic as it seems, physical security is an important tool in preventing fraud. Keeping tangible assets under lock
and key makes it difficult for staff to access them and can go a long way towards discouraging theft.
Segregation of duties
(a) Staff who have responsibility for a range of tasks have more scope for committing and concealing
fraud. Therefore the obvious way to control the risk is to segregate duties.
(b) If an employee's duties do not extend beyond one domain, it will be more difficult for an employee to
conceal a fraud. It is more likely that it will be picked up at the next stage in the process.
c) So, for example, the employee responsible for recording sales orders should not be the same person
responsible for maintaining stock records. This will make it more difficult to falsify sales or stock records, as a
discrepancy between sales figures and stock balances would show up.
(d) Segregating responsibility for packaging goods for delivery from either of the recording tasks would
also help to minimize the risk of theft and increase the likelihood of detection.
Authorization policies
Requiring written authorization by a senior member of staff is a good preventative tool. It increases
accountability and also makes it harder to conceal a fraudulent transaction.
Customer signatures
Requiring customers to inspect and sign for receipt of goods or services ensures that they cannot claim that
the delivery did not match their order.
It also provides confirmation that the delivery staff actually did their job and that what was delivered
corresponded to what was recorded.
Using words rather than numbers
Insist that all quantities be written out in full. It is much more difficult to change text than to alter a figure.
Separate documents should be used to record sales order, Despatch, and delivery and invoice details. A simple
matching exercise will then pick up any discrepancies between them and lead to detection of any alterations.
Sequential numbering
Numbering order forms, delivery dockets or invoices makes it extremely simple to spot if something is missing.
Writing the date on forms and invoices assists in cut-off testing. For example, if a delivery docket is dated pre-
year end but the sale is recorded post-year end it is possible that results are being manipulated.
As we have said, fraud is difficult to conceal. Enforcing holiday policy by insisting that all staff take their full
holiday entitlement is therefore a crucial internal control. A two-week absence is frequently sufficient time for
a fraud to come to light.
Q8: Consider the following two statements:
1) A comprehensive system of control will eliminate all fraud and error.
2) Employees working in departments other than Accounts have no responsibility for
reporting fraud.
Which of these options is / are correct?
A. Only 1
B. Only 2
C. Both
D. Neither
Q8: D
In practice many organizations find that fraud is impossible eradicate.
With regards to error, as it is unintentional, it will be hard to prevent such
mistakes from taking place.
There is an implied duty within an employment contract so as to
encourage staff to be honest and report any actual or suspected fraud.
Q9: In a limited company, or plc, it is the ultimate responsibility of the _______to take
reasonable steps to prevent and detect fraud.
Which word or phrase correctly completes this statement?
A The board of directors
B The fraud officer
C The external auditor
D The audit committee
Q9: A
Rationale: The directors are responsible for the conduct of the business, the deterrence and
detection of fraudulent (and other dishonest) conduct, and the reliable reporting of financial
information. Not all organizations have a fraud officer. The responsibility of the external auditor is
only to express an opinion on the financial statements, although audit procedures should have a
reasonable expectation of detecting misstatements arising from fraud. The audit committee reviews
the organization's performance in fraud prevention, but also reports to the board
Q10: Which two of the following stakeholders will be most directly affected if a business
overstates its financial position?
i. Staff
ii. Customers
iii. Investors
iv. Suppliers
A. i) and ii)
B. ii) and iii)
C. iii) and iv)
D. ii) and iv)
Q10: C
Q11: The incident of fraud indicates a weakness in:
A. Security arrangements
B. System procedures
C. Recruitment procedures
D. Organization control
The purpose of organizational control are to safeguard company assets, ensure efficiency
and prevent errors.
Fundamentals of Management
Performance Management-
Controlling the individual
Performance Management-Controlling the
Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal?
Performance appraisal can help improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of an organisation. The appraisal system is used by
organisations to review, change, inform, monitor, examine and
evaluate employees. Through evaluation, it plays a key role in
organisational control. It also serves to develop and motivate
Performance Management & Assessment
Performance management aims to get better results for the organization via the measurement and
evaluation of individual performance.
Performance Management
‘a process to establish a shared understanding about what is to be achieved(Goal), and an approach to
managing and developing people in order to achieve it ’.
A process to establish a shared understanding about what is to be achieved, and an approach to
managing and developing people in order to achieve it.
Make an
Set Targets Monitor Review
Action Plan
Q1: ___________ is ‘a process to establish a shared understanding about what is to be
achieved, and an approach to managing and developing people in order to achieve it ’.
Which two words correctly completes this definition?
A Performance appraisal
B Disciplinary action
C Performance management
D Peer appraisal
Q1: C
Rationale: This is the definition of performance management. It differs from performance
appraisal in its emphasis on collaboration, objective-setting and on-going management.
Method of Who to Interview & Barriers to
Appraisal Assess Approach Overcome
Purpose of Performance Appraisal
a) Overall Assessment: The manager writes in narrative form his judgment about the appraisee.
There will be no guaranteed consistency of the criteria and areas of assessment, however, and
managers may not be able to convey clear, effective judgments in writing.
b) Guided Assessment: Assessors are required to comment on a number of specified (defined list
of) characteristics and performance elements, with guidelines as to how terms such as
‘application’, ‘integrity’ and ‘adoptability’ are to be interpreted in the work context. This is more
precise, but still rather vague.
c) Grading/ Adjective Rating Scale Appraisal
A variety of appraisal techniques can be used to measure different criteria in a different ways.
A performance appraisal type in which a rater checks off those attributes of an employee
Q: D
Q:A manager is assessing the performance of her team members. In accordance with the appraisal
system of the organization, she has been given a list of characteristics and performance elements,
with notes on how to interpret and apply the terms: ‘integrity ’, ‘punctuality ’ and so on. She is
required to comment on how each appraisee measures up in terms of each factor.
Which appraisal technique is this organization using?
A Overall assessment
B Grading
C Behavioural incident
D Guided assessment
Q: D .
Assessment of Condition
Who does the appraising?
1- Downward Appraisal:-
An oldest way, in which a superior appraise his/her subordinate.
2- Upward Appraisal:-
A notable modern trend is upward appraisal, whereby employees are not rated by their superiors but by their
subordinates. The followers appraise the leader.
3- Coworker Appraisal:-
4- Self-Appraisal:-
Self-appraisal occur when individuals carry out their own self-evaluation as a major input into the appraisal
5- 360 Degree Feedback:- vs. Multi-source Feedback
New techniques of appraisal aim to monitor the appraisee’s effectiveness from a number of perspectives.
These techniques include upward, customer and 360 degree feedback.
6-Customer Appraisal:-
In some companies part of the employee's appraisal process must take the form of feedback from customers
(whether internal or external). This may be taken into account as a factor in remuneration. This is a valuable
development in that customers are the best judges of customer service, which the appraisee's boss may not
Q: Which of the following is likely to be the most objective approach to appraisal?
A Self appraisal
B Peer appraisal
C Upward appraisal
D 360-degree feedback
Q: D Rationale:
Q: _________ is the name given to gathering of appraisals from the individual, superiors,
subordinates, peers and co-workers and customers.
Which word or phrase correctly completes this sentence?
A. Multi-source feedback
B. 360-degree management
C. Management by objectives
D. Performance management
Q: A
The Appraisal Interview
The appraisal interview is an important stage in the process, as it can be used to encourage
collaborative problem solving and improvement planning. A ‘problem-solving’ style is preferable to
a ‘tell and sell’ or ‘tell or listen’ style
Q: B
262FTC14: Hans is an employee having an appraisal with his manger, Ali. Ali informs Hans
that his performance has been poor throughout the year, giving a number of incidents and
scenarios to back up her statements. She conclude that he needs additional training
during the following year in order to improve his performance.
What type of appraisal has Hans had?
A. Tell and Sell
B. Tell and Listen
C. Problem Solving
D. 360 degree
262FTC14: A
Approach is Tell and Sell because Manager has not invited any comments from Hans.
c) Conducting Interview
The first steps are to put the employee at ease, explain the purpose of the interview and then
discus the employee’s progress. Confidentiality is important. The following list of skills is a guide of
must do’s’ while conducting the interview
Not Apply coercion
Allow time for the appraise to ask questions
Build upon answers
Refrain from talking too much
Handle difficult or sensitive area carefully
Be tolerant of pauses and silence
Listen carefully; making sure that the interviewee knows you are listening.
Keep the conversation from wandering off into irrelevant areas
Q: B
Q: Conducting an appraisal in a public place, such as staff canteen, may render it
ineffective because of:
A. lack of objective judgement
B. problems of confidentiality
C. there is no time to fill in appropriate paperwork
D. it will be effective as other members of staff could overhear the conversation and
contribute their views
Q: B
Barriers to Effective Appraisal
Appraisal Barriers Comments
Appraisal as Judgment The appraisal ‘is seen as a one-sided process in which the manager acts as judge, jury
and counsel for prosecution. It puts the subordinate on the defensive.
Appraisal as Chat Many managers, embarrassed by the need to give feedback and set stretching targets,
reduce the appraisal to a few mumbled “well dones” and leave the interview with a
briefcase of unresolved issues.
Appraisal as Unfinished Appraisal is ‘wrapping up’ the past years' performance issues while it should be future
Business focused.
Appraisal as Annual Many targets set at annual appraisal meetings become irrelevant or out-of-date.
Event and a HR Feedback, goal adjustment and improvement planning should be a continuous
procedure process.
Q: Which of the following is not a barrier to effective appraisal?
A Appraisal is seen as a way of wrapping up unfinished business for the year
B Appraisal is seen as conforming to Human Resource procedures
C Appraisal is seen as an opportunity to raise workplace problems and issues
D Appraisal is seen as an annual event
Q: C Rationale:
Overcoming the Barriers Appraisal-Luckett
The appraisal system was itself should be assessed and the claims made by Lockett will need to be
addressed ensure:
• Relevance – does the system have a useful purpose and is it relevant to the needs of both the organization
and the individuals?
• Fairness / Equality – is there reasonable objectivity and standardization of criteria throughout the
• Serious intent /Results – is the management committed to the system or has it been thrust in them by the
HR department? Do the appraisers have training in interviewing and assessment techniques? Is there a
demonstrable link between performance and reward?
• Co-operation – is the appraisal a participative, problem solving activity with the appraise, given time and
encouragement to prepare for it to be able to make a constructive contribution?
• Efficiency – is it costly and difficult to administer and does it seem too time consuming compared with the
value of its outcome?
Another way of ensuring effective appraisals is to apply the 4Fs:
Firm – managers should be willing to discuss negative as well as favourable aspects of
Factual – Subjective aspects should be avoided
Fair – all employees should be treated the same.
Frequent – appraisal should be held on a regular basis rather than when a problem arises.
Q: Which of the following are meaningful criteria for measuring the effectiveness of an
appraisal scheme?
i. Serious intent
ii. Fairness
iii. Efficiency
iv. Co-operation
v. Results
A. (ii), (iii) and (v) only
B. (iii) and (v) only
C. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) only
D. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v)
Q: C
Q: Which of the following is not a key feature of effective appraisal?
A. Firm
B. Factual
C. Frequent
D. Formal
Q: D
Appraisal do not have to be formal to be effective. The final “F” is fair.
Appraisal and pay
• (a) Funds available for pay rises rarely depend on one individual's performance
alone: the whole company has to do well.
• (b) Continuous improvement is always necessary: many firms have 'to run to stand
still'. Continuous improvement should be expected of employees as part of their
work, not rewarded as extra.
• (c) There is no implied link between assessment and reward
Separation from Job (Serious Dissatisfaction)
Reasons Comments
Discharge or Serous violation
dismissed by Behaviour not acceptable for organization
employer Serious incompetency
Unavoidable Family Reasons
Personal Reasons
Avoidable Low Pay
Behaviour of Supervisor
Working Conditions
Q: The reasons for staff leaving fall into three categories:
1) Discharge
2) Unavoidable
3) Avoidable
Which of the above option is / are correct?
A. 1) and 2)
B. 1) and 3)
C. 2) and 3)
D. 1), 2) and 3)
Q: D
264FTC14: Mary has recently been told that she is being dismissed from her job due to her
no longer having the required skills for her role. Which of the following reasons for staff
leaving would this be classified as?
A. Discharge
B. Avoidable
C. Redundancy
D. Unavoidable
Rationale: This is an example of discharge as Mary is being dismissed. ‘Avoidable’ would
involve issues with pay or condition, while ‘unavoidable’ would be include illness or death.
Average Employees Left Job
Employee Turn Over=
Average Employees in Year
Q: Staff turnover can be calculate by dividing ______ by _____ and expressing the result
as a percentage.
1) The total number leaving the organization
2) The total number in the workforce
3) The average number in the workforce
4) The weighted average number leaving the organization
Which of the above options should be inserted into the gaps IN THE CORRECT ORDER to
complete the calculation?
A. 1) then 2)
B. 1) then 3)
C. 4) then 2)
D. 4) then 3)
Q: B
Concept of Internal Control and Internal Check
Meaning of Internal Control
Internal Control is the process designed and affected by management to provide reasonable
assurance about the achievement of the entity's objective's with regard to:
Reliability of financial reporting
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
Compliance with application laws and regulations.
Fundamentals of Management
Governance, Corporate
Social Responsibility &
Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility
& Stakeholders
Corporate Social Responsibility
Types of stakeholders
Conflict between stakeholders
Stakeholders Management Theory
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a
government, corporation, organisation or individual has a responsibility to society. This
responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting
(resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act
(proactive stance).
Stakeholders are any entity (person, group or possibly non-human entity) that can affect or be
affected by the achievements of an organization’s objectives. It is a bi-directional relationship.
Each stakeholder group has different expectations about what it wants and different claims upon
the organization.
Types of Stakeholders
Employees and managers are internal stakeholders. Connected stakeholders are shareholder and
external stakeholders are those people and /or organizations outside the organization that have an
interest in activities, although without right of ownership.
External Stakeholders:-
1. Environment Connected Stakeholders:-
Pressure Groups 1. Shareholders Internal Stake
2. Government 2. Customers Holders:-
3. Trade Unions 3. Suppliers 1. Employees
4. Finance Providers 2. Managers/
Test Your Understanding
Which one of the following are examples of internal stakeholders?
A. Shareholders
B. Employees
C. Suppliers
D. Financiers
Correct Answer is D:
Managers are an internal stakeholder
Test Your Understanding
Which of the following would be described as an external stakeholder?
A. Customer
B. Supplier
C. Trade Union
D. Competitor
Correct Answer is C:
The other stakeholders are example of connected stakeholders
Test Your Understanding
Complete the statement given below by using one of the words in the list below.
‘Shareholders are _________ stakeholders.’
A. External
B. Community
C. Internal
D. Connected
Correct Answer is D:
Q: Secondary stakeholders is another term for which group of stakeholders?
A Internal stakeholders
B Connected stakeholders
C External stakeholders
D Contractual stakeholders
Q: C
Q: Employees and finance providers belong to which two of the following stakeholder
A. Internal, Connected
B. External, Internal
C. Connected, Outsiders
D. Internal, Suppliers
Q: A
Types of Stakeholders
1- Boundary Management:-
Managing the relationship with stakeholders is called boundary management. Because the
directly or indirectly concerned with the success of the origination. To fulfilling their demands and
expectation firm ‘gauge’ its objectives.
2- Objectives of Stakeholders:-
Every stakeholder has its own objectives and aims
Types of Stakeholders
i) Manager:-
►Size and growth of organization
►Job Security
Types of Stakeholders
v) Customers:-
►Interested in value of money
►Advertising with Ethics
►Consumer Protection
vi) Customers:-
►Interested in value of money
►Advertising with Ethics
►Consumer Protection
Types of Stakeholders
Low High
Low A-Minimal Effort B- Keep Informed
High C- Keep Satisfied D- Key Players
Mendelow’s Power and Interest Matrix
Low High
Low A-Minimal Effort B- Keep Informed
High C- Keep Satisfied D- Key Players
Mendelow’s Power and Interest Matrix
Low High
Low A-Minimal Effort B- Keep Informed
High C- Keep Satisfied D- Key Players
Mendelow’s Power and Interest Matrix
Low High
Low A-Minimal Effort B- Keep Informed
High C- Keep Satisfied D- Key Players
Test Your Understanding
If a stakeholder has high interest but low power, then according to Mendelow’s matrix the
strategy management should follow in relation to that stakeholders is:
A. Minimal effort
B. Keep satisfied
C. Keep informed
D. Fully consider the stakeholder i.e. key player
Correct Answer is C:
The other options relate to the other quadrants in Mendelow’s
Test Your Understanding
If a stakeholder has high interest but low power, then according to Mendelow’s matrix the
strategy management should follow in relation to that stakeholders is:
A. Minimal effort
B. Keep satisfied
C. Keep informed
D. Fully consider the stakeholder i.e. key player
Correct Answer is C:
The other options relate to the other quadrants in Mendelow’s
Fundamentals of Management
Governance, Corporate
Social Responsibility
Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility
& Stakeholders
Corporate Social Responsibility
Business Ethics & CRS
Levels of Corporate Social Responsibility
Irresponsible behaviour and public reaction
Approaches to Ethics & CRS
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a
government, corporation, organisation or individual has a responsibility to society. This
responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting
(resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act
(proactive stance).
Business Ethics & CSR
How do the Rules Fit Together
There are three main sources of rules that regulate behaviour of individual and businesses. There
a) The Law
b) Non-legal Rules and Regulations
c) Ethics
Q: Of the three main sources of rules that regulate the behaviour of businesses, the
minimum level of acceptable behaviour is set by which?
A Non-legal rules and regulations
B Ethics
C The law
D Society
Q: C
Two Approaches to Managing Ethics & CRS
Ethics Law
Corporate Social responsibility and Awareness
An increasing concern about green house gasses and the ozne layer, testing of products
on animals and generally greater social awareness could spell disaster in the future for
those firms unwilling to embrace this culture shift.
This is because companies that fail to look after their environment can often expect as
strong negative responses from their key stakeholders, such as government and
Corporate Social responsibility and Awareness
Irresponsible behavior and cost
Q: Which of the following is not a way in which business can reduce the amount of damage
they cause to the environment.
A. Rebranding of products
B. Recycling
C. Redesigning products to use fewer materials
D. Careful production planning.
Q: A
Merely rebranding a product unlikely to reduce a company’s impact on its environment. The
other three, however, should all help.
Nowadays business should look to be environmentally sustainable.
Sustainability means that organization should use resources in such a
way that they do not compromise the needs of future generations.
Taking this approach will benefit a range of stakeholders
Stakeholder Benefit
Workers / Local Reduced waste and pollution will lead to a more pleasant, healthier environment.
Customers Many customers prefer dealing with businesses that look after the environment as
they are seen as being more ethical
Shareholders Reduction of waste and increased efficiency can improve business profits. This could
lead to higher long term returns for investors.
Public Reduced pollution can lead to fewer environmental problems, such as acid rain and soil
Q: Organization should use resources in such a way that they do not compromise the needs
of future generations?
What is this definition of?
A. Environmentalism
B. Sustainability
C. Future-focus
D. Redesign
Q: B
This is the official definition of sustainability
Reaction to Irresponsible Behavior
Q: D
Test Your Understanding
X company is a commercial fishing organization. It owns several large trawlers that
it uses to catch large volumes of fish that are then sold onto supermarkets in
country Y. Once a certain part of the ocean has been trawled, X ensures that no
further fish are caught therefore at least one year to allow fish stocks to replenish.
What is this an example of
A. Efficiency
B. Sustainability
C. Recycling
D. Preservation
Sustainability is the use of resources in such a way that it does not compromise
the needs of future generations.
Business Ethics & CSR
Ethics is the analysis of right and wrong, and associated responsibility.
Business ethics is the application of ethical values to business behaviour.
Two Important View
Absolutism :- an ethical condition true in one situation is true in all other situations: Certain
Actions are inherently right or wrong
Business Ethics & CSR
Ethics is the analysis of right and wrong, and associated responsibility.
Business ethics is the application of ethical values to business behaviour.
Two Important View
Absolutism :- an ethical condition true in one situation is true in all other situations: Certain
Actions are inherently right or wrong
Relativism:- An ethical condition or act can be seen in light of circumstances and situation
Q: Jamila is an accountant for LGH plc, a large multinational organization. She has recently
been accused of theft form the company. She has argued that the theft was justified as she
needed the money to care for her mother, who is seriously ill.
A. Pluralist
B. Utilitarianism
C. Absolutist’
D. Relativist
Q: D
Business Ethics & CSR
Ethics is the analysis of right and wrong, and associated responsibility.
Business ethics is the application of ethical values to business behaviour.
Two Important View
Absolutism :- an ethical condition true in one situation is true in all other situations: Certain
Actions are inherently right or wrong
Relativism:- An ethical condition or act can be seen in light of circumstances and situation
Relativism:- An ethical condition or act can be seen in light of circumstances and situation
Relativism:- An ethical condition or act can be seen in light of circumstances and situation
Q: A
Q: Feroz is an employee in BBB Ltd. He has been offered a bribe by an existing supplier to continue
buying a raw material used in BBB’s manufacturing process form them, in spite of a his new rival
company offering the same material at a significantly lower price.
Which of the following statements regarding Q’s decision is correct?
A. If Feroz is a egoist, he will most likely accept the bribe
B. If Feroz is a relativist, he would refuse the bribe as bribery is always worng
C. If Feroz is a utilitarian, he would reject the bribe as it does not benefit to all stakeholders
D. If Feroz is an absolutist, his decision would depend on the circumstances
Q: A
Egoists will choose the option that most benefits themselves
Why Business Ethics & CSR are Important?
Businesses are part of society. Society expects its individuals to behave properly and similarly
expects companies to operate to certain standards.
Business ethics is important to both the Organization and the Individual.
For the Organization: For The Individual:
Good ethics should be seen as a driver of Consumer and employee expectations have
profitability rather than a burden on business. increase about ethics over recent years.
An ethical framework is part of good corporate Consumers may choose to purchase ethical
governance and suggests a well-run business. items (e.g. Fair-trade coffee and bananas),
Investors are reassured about the company’s even if they are not the cheapest.
approach to (ethical) risk management. Employees will not blindly accept orders to
Employees will be motivated in the knowledge act in a manner that they personally believe to
that they operate in an environment of good be unethical. (especially professional like
ethical corporate behaviour. accountants, lawyers or doctors)
Fundamentals of Management
Governance, Corporate
Social Responsibility
Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility
& Stakeholders
Responsibility to deal with Frauds
What is a Profession?
Ethics Codes
Moral and Ethical Threats
Characteristics of Good Accountant &
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a
government, corporation, organisation or individual has a responsibility to society. This
responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting
(resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act
(proactive stance).
Why Business Ethics & CSR are Important?
Businesses are part of society. Society expects its individuals to behave properly and similarly
expects companies to operate to certain standards.
Business ethics is important to both the Organization and the Individual.
For the Organization: For The Individual:
Good ethics should be seen as a driver of Consumer and employee expectations have
profitability rather than a burden on business. increase about ethics over recent years.
An ethical framework is part of good corporate Consumers may choose to purchase ethical
governance and suggests a well-run business. items (e.g. Fair-trade coffee and bananas),
Investors are reassured about the company’s even if they are not the cheapest.
approach to (ethical) risk management. Employees will not blindly accept orders to
Employees will be motivated in the knowledge act in a manner that they personally believe to
that they operate in an environment of good be unethical. (especially professional like
ethical corporate behaviour. accountants, lawyers or doctors)
What is Profession
A profession (as opposed to other types of occupation) is characterized by the following
The mastering of specialized skills during a period of training
Governance by a Professional Association
Compliance with an ethical code
A process of certification before being allowed to practice.
Q: Which of the following would be seen as a difference between a profession and an
A. An occupation is governed by a professional body
B. Member of a profession must comply with relevant legislation
C. To be classified as an occupation, members must follow an ethical code
D. Member of a profession must go through a process of certification.
Q: D
Fiduciary Duties
‘Fiduciary ’
means 'of trust‘. it addresses the important point that all managers (and
organizations) are accountable to some external entity and purpose.
Q: Managers are said to have a ______responsibility (or duty of faithful service) in respect
of the entities whose purposes they serve.
Which term correctly completes this sentence?
A. Financial
B. Ethical
C. Fiduciary
D. Fiscal
Q: C
What to Do if any Fraudulent Activity Uncovered
Q: C Rationale:
Q2: Farrah works in the sales tax section of the accounts department of BCD Co. When the finance
director is on holiday, Farrah notices that BCD Co has not been paying the correct quarterly
amounts to the authorities. She has pointed it out but find no response, even a senior member
called her offer bonus in return if she kept herself silent. Farrah had suspected this for some time
and decides to contact the authorities to tell them about the fraud.
This disclosure is known as
What two words correctly complete the sentence?
A Organizational accountability
B Confidentiality breach
C Corporate conscience
D Whistle blowing
Q2: D
Accountant’s Code of Ethics & Social Responsibility
Integrity Professional
Objectivity Confidentiality
Competence and due care
Professional Members have a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at a
Competence and Due level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional
service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques.
Care Members should act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and
professional standards when providing professional services.
Integrity Member should be straightforward and honest in all business and professional
Confidentiality Members should respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of
professional and business relationships and should not disclose any such
information to third parties without proper or specific authority or unless there is a
legal or
professional right or duty to disclose. Confidential information acquired as a result
of professional and business relationships should not be used for the personal
advantage of members or third parties.
Professional Behaviour Members should comply with laws and regulations and should avoid any action
that discredits the profession.
Even some he / she is the only person in BODs who is professional (more
responsible to take care of the interest of shareholder, stakeholders and society).
Objectivity Members should not allow bias, conflicts of interest or undue influence of others
to override professional or business judgements.
Q: ICMAP members are required to comply with five Fundamental Principles. Which of the
following contains three of these principles?
A. Integrity, Objectivity, Honesty
B. Professional competence and due care, Professional behaviour, Confidentiality
C. Social responsibility, Independence, Scepticism
D. Courtesy, Reliability, Responsibility
Q: B
Q: Consider the following statements:
1) All ICMAP members must comply with the Fundamental Principles, whether or not they are in
2) Professionals owe an obligation to society above their duty to their client.
Which of these two statements is/are correct?
A. Only 1
B. Only 2
C. Both
D. neither Q: C
Those failing to observe the standards expected of them may be called
before the ACCA's Disciplinary Committee and required to explain their
The IFAC code (which is the basis of the ACCA code) states in its
introduction that 'a professional accountant's responsibility is not
exclusively to satisfy the needs of an individual client or employer.'
Ethical threats to compliance with the fundamental Principles for
Accountant in Practice
Certain ethical threats to compliance with the Fundamental principles.
Threats Examples
Self Interest Having a financial interest in a client.
Financial interests, loans and guarantees, incentive compensation arrangements, personal use of
corporate assets, external commercial pressures.
Self Review Auditing financial statements prepared by the firm.
Business decisions being subject to review and justification by the same accountant responsible for
making those decisions or preparing the data supporting them.
Advocacy Advocating the client's case in a lawsuit.
Furthering the employer's cause aggressively without regard to reasonableness of statements made.
Familiarity Audit team member having family at the client.
Making a business decision that will benefit a close family member, long association of a business
contact, acceptable of a gift.
Intimidation Threats of replacement due to disagreement.
Threats of dismissal from employment, influence of a dominant personality
Q: H is an ICMAP member. Last year one of her clients, C, asked her to value a business that he
wished to purchase. She did so and informed C that the business was competitively priced. C
subsequently bought the business for its full asking price of several million pounds. This year, C has
become concerned that the business has been underperforming and has asked H to review its
performance and long-term prospects.
Which type of ethical threat is H facing?
A. Self-interest
B. Self-review
C. Advocacy
D. Intimidation
Q: B
H recommended the purchase of the business and is now having to review the quality of that
decision. This makes it difficult for her to be objective and criticize the prospects of the business.
Safeguards against ethical threats – professional bodies
In response to the ethical threats outlined above, the ACCA, along with other professional bodies,
have put in place several safeguards to try to reduce or eliminate such threats.
These include
Ethics training for all professional accountants – both as part of their initial training and on an
ongoing basis.
Creation of corporate governance requirement
Professional or regulatory monitoring and disciplinary procedures
Setting of professional standards.
Qualities Expected of an
Quality Detail
Reliability When taking on work, you must ensure that it gets done and meets
professional standards
Responsibility In the workplace you should take ‘ownership’ of your work.
Timeliness Client and work colleagues rely on you to be on time and produce
work within a specified time frame.
Courtesy You should conduct yourself with courtesy and consideration towards
clients and colleagues
Respect As an accountant, you should respect others by developing
constructive relationship and recognizing the value and rights of
Professional Qualities of an Accountant
In meeting the fundamental principles, certain qualities are expected you.
Quality Detail
Independence You must be able to complete your work without bias or prejudice and
you must also be seen to be independent.
Scepticism You should question information given to you so that you from your
own opinion regarding its quality and reliability.
Accountability You should recognize that you are accountable for your own
judgments and decisions.
Social Responsibility Accountants have a public duty as well as a duty to their employer or
client. Audit work, accountancy work and investment decisions may
all affect the pubic in some way.
Ethical Problem Facing Managers
Managers have a duty (in most enterprises) to aim form profit. At the same time, modern ethical stands
impose a duty to guard, preserve and enhance the value of the enterprise for the good of all touched by
it, including the general public.
Another ethical problem concern payments by companies to government or municipal official who have
power to help or hinder the payer’s operations.
Extortion: Foreign officials have been known to threaten companies with the complete closure of their
local operations unless suitable payments are made.
Bribery: This refers to payments for services to which a company is not legally entitled. There are some
fine distinction to be drawn; for example, some mangers regard political contributions as bribery.
Grease Money: Multinational companies are sometimes unable to obtain services to which they are
legally entitled because of deliberate stalling by local officials. Cash payments to the right people many
then be enough to oil the machinery of bureaucracy.
Gifts: In some cultures (such as Japan) gifts are regarded as an essential part of civilized negotiation, even
in circumstances where to Western eyes they might appear ethically dubious. Manager operating in such
a culture may feel at liberty to adopt the local custom.
Q: X plc is trying to get a trading permit, for which it qualifies. Unfortunately, there is a backlog at
the issuing office, and X plc has been notified that there will be a delay in the processing of its
permit. The divisional manager offers a donation to the issuing office’s staff welfare fund, if the
official concerned will expedite the paperwork.
Which of the following statements is true of this action?
A It is not unethical, because the money is offered for positive purposes.
B It is not unethical, because X plc is legally entitled to the benefit it is claiming.
C It constitutes bribery.
D It constitutes grease money.
Q: D
Q:Academic- A Co. and B Co. are competitors in the oil industry who, between them, have
a 90% market share. The chief executive of the two companies meet a t a conference and
have a private meeting at which they make several agreements.
Which of the following agreements would represent unethical business practice?
A- An agreement to set prices at a particular level
B- An agreement to commerce research into environmental issues.
C- An agreement to transport oil across a shared pipeline
D- An agreement to develop joint technology for future
Q: D Rationale
Fundamentals of Management
Governance, Corporate
Social Responsibility
Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility
& Stakeholders
Responsibility to deal with Frauds
What is a Profession?
Ethics Codes
Moral and Ethical Threats
Characteristics of Good Accountant &
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a
government, corporation, organisation or individual has a responsibility to society. This
responsibility can be "negative", meaning there is a responsibility to refrain from acting
(resistance stance) or it can be "positive," meaning there is a responsibility to act
(proactive stance).
Why Business Ethics & CSR are Important?
Businesses are part of society. Society expects its individuals to behave properly and similarly
expects companies to operate to certain standards.
Business ethics is important to both the Organization and the Individual.
For the Organization: For The Individual:
Good ethics should be seen as a driver of Consumer and employee expectations have
profitability rather than a burden on business. increase about ethics over recent years.
An ethical framework is part of good corporate Consumers may choose to purchase ethical
governance and suggests a well-run business. items (e.g. Fair-trade coffee and bananas),
Investors are reassured about the company’s even if they are not the cheapest.
approach to (ethical) risk management. Employees will not blindly accept orders to
Employees will be motivated in the knowledge act in a manner that they personally believe to
that they operate in an environment of good be unethical. (especially professional like
ethical corporate behaviour. accountants, lawyers or doctors)
What is Profession
A profession (as opposed to other types of occupation) is characterized by the following
The mastering of specialized skills during a period of training
Governance by a Professional Association
Compliance with an ethical code
A process of certification before being allowed to practice.
Q: Which of the following would be seen as a difference between a profession and an
A. An occupation is governed by a professional body
B. Member of a profession must comply with relevant legislation
C. To be classified as an occupation, members must follow an ethical code
D. Member of a profession must go through a process of certification.
Q: D
Fiduciary Duties
‘Fiduciary ’
means 'of trust‘. it addresses the important point that all managers (and
organizations) are accountable to some external entity and purpose.
Q: Managers are said to have a ______responsibility (or duty of faithful service) in respect
of the entities whose purposes they serve.
Which term correctly completes this sentence?
A. Financial
B. Ethical
C. Fiduciary
D. Fiscal
Q: C
What to Do if any Fraudulent Activity Uncovered
Q: C Rationale:
Q2: Farrah works in the sales tax section of the accounts department of BCD Co. When the finance
director is on holiday, Farrah notices that BCD Co has not been paying the correct quarterly
amounts to the authorities. She has pointed it out but find no response, even a senior member
called her offer bonus in return if she kept herself silent. Farrah had suspected this for some time
and decides to contact the authorities to tell them about the fraud.
This disclosure is known as
What two words correctly complete the sentence?
A Organizational accountability
B Confidentiality breach
C Corporate conscience
D Whistle blowing
Q2: D
Accountant’s Code of Ethics & Social Responsibility
Integrity Professional
Objectivity Confidentiality
Competence and due care
Professional Members have a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at a
Competence and Due level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional
service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques.
Care Members should act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and
professional standards when providing professional services.
Integrity Member should be straightforward and honest in all business and professional
Confidentiality Members should respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of
professional and business relationships and should not disclose any such
information to third parties without proper or specific authority or unless there is a
legal or
professional right or duty to disclose. Confidential information acquired as a result
of professional and business relationships should not be used for the personal
advantage of members or third parties.
Professional Behaviour Members should comply with laws and regulations and should avoid any action
that discredits the profession.
Even some he / she is the only person in BODs who is professional (more
responsible to take care of the interest of shareholder, stakeholders and society).
Objectivity Members should not allow bias, conflicts of interest or undue influence of others
to override professional or business judgements.
Q: ICMAP members are required to comply with five Fundamental Principles. Which of the
following contains three of these principles?
A. Integrity, Objectivity, Honesty
B. Professional competence and due care, Professional behaviour, Confidentiality
C. Social responsibility, Independence, Scepticism
D. Courtesy, Reliability, Responsibility
Q: B
Q: Consider the following statements:
1) All ICMAP members must comply with the Fundamental Principles, whether or not they are in
2) Professionals owe an obligation to society above their duty to their client.
Which of these two statements is/are correct?
A. Only 1
B. Only 2
C. Both
D. neither Q: C
Those failing to observe the standards expected of them may be called
before the ACCA's Disciplinary Committee and required to explain their
The IFAC code (which is the basis of the ACCA code) states in its
introduction that 'a professional accountant's responsibility is not
exclusively to satisfy the needs of an individual client or employer.'
Ethical threats to compliance with the fundamental Principles for
Accountant in Practice
Certain ethical threats to compliance with the Fundamental principles.
Threats Examples
Self Interest Having a financial interest in a client.
Financial interests, loans and guarantees, incentive compensation arrangements, personal use of
corporate assets, external commercial pressures.
Self Review Auditing financial statements prepared by the firm.
Business decisions being subject to review and justification by the same accountant responsible for
making those decisions or preparing the data supporting them.
Advocacy Advocating the client's case in a lawsuit.
Furthering the employer's cause aggressively without regard to reasonableness of statements made.
Familiarity Audit team member having family at the client.
Making a business decision that will benefit a close family member, long association of a business
contact, acceptable of a gift.
Intimidation Threats of replacement due to disagreement.
Threats of dismissal from employment, influence of a dominant personality
Q: H is an ICMAP member. Last year one of her clients, C, asked her to value a business that he
wished to purchase. She did so and informed C that the business was competitively priced. C
subsequently bought the business for its full asking price of several million pounds. This year, C has
become concerned that the business has been underperforming and has asked H to review its
performance and long-term prospects.
Which type of ethical threat is H facing?
A. Self-interest
B. Self-review
C. Advocacy
D. Intimidation
Q: B
H recommended the purchase of the business and is now having to review the quality of that
decision. This makes it difficult for her to be objective and criticize the prospects of the business.
Safeguards against ethical threats – professional bodies
In response to the ethical threats outlined above, the ACCA, along with other professional bodies,
have put in place several safeguards to try to reduce or eliminate such threats.
These include
Ethics training for all professional accountants – both as part of their initial training and on an
ongoing basis.
Creation of corporate governance requirement
Professional or regulatory monitoring and disciplinary procedures
Setting of professional standards.
Qualities Expected of an
Quality Detail
Reliability When taking on work, you must ensure that it gets done and meets
professional standards
Responsibility In the workplace you should take ‘ownership’ of your work.
Timeliness Client and work colleagues rely on you to be on time and produce
work within a specified time frame.
Courtesy You should conduct yourself with courtesy and consideration towards
clients and colleagues
Respect As an accountant, you should respect others by developing
constructive relationship and recognizing the value and rights of
Professional Qualities of an Accountant
In meeting the fundamental principles, certain qualities are expected you.
Quality Detail
Independence You must be able to complete your work without bias or prejudice and
you must also be seen to be independent.
Scepticism You should question information given to you so that you from your
own opinion regarding its quality and reliability.
Accountability You should recognize that you are accountable for your own
judgments and decisions.
Social Responsibility Accountants have a public duty as well as a duty to their employer or
client. Audit work, accountancy work and investment decisions may
all affect the pubic in some way.
Ethical Problem Facing Managers
Managers have a duty (in most enterprises) to aim form profit. At the same time, modern ethical stands
impose a duty to guard, preserve and enhance the value of the enterprise for the good of all touched by
it, including the general public.
Another ethical problem concern payments by companies to government or municipal official who have
power to help or hinder the payer’s operations.
Extortion: Foreign officials have been known to threaten companies with the complete closure of their
local operations unless suitable payments are made.
Bribery: This refers to payments for services to which a company is not legally entitled. There are some
fine distinction to be drawn; for example, some mangers regard political contributions as bribery.
Grease Money: Multinational companies are sometimes unable to obtain services to which they are
legally entitled because of deliberate stalling by local officials. Cash payments to the right people many
then be enough to oil the machinery of bureaucracy.
Gifts: In some cultures (such as Japan) gifts are regarded as an essential part of civilized negotiation, even
in circumstances where to Western eyes they might appear ethically dubious. Manager operating in such
a culture may feel at liberty to adopt the local custom.
Q: X plc is trying to get a trading permit, for which it qualifies. Unfortunately, there is a backlog at
the issuing office, and X plc has been notified that there will be a delay in the processing of its
permit. The divisional manager offers a donation to the issuing office’s staff welfare fund, if the
official concerned will expedite the paperwork.
Which of the following statements is true of this action?
A It is not unethical, because the money is offered for positive purposes.
B It is not unethical, because X plc is legally entitled to the benefit it is claiming.
C It constitutes bribery.
D It constitutes grease money.
Q: D
Q:Academic- A Co. and B Co. are competitors in the oil industry who, between them, have
a 90% market share. The chief executive of the two companies meet a t a conference and
have a private meeting at which they make several agreements.
Which of the following agreements would represent unethical business practice?
A- An agreement to set prices at a particular level
B- An agreement to commerce research into environmental issues.
C- An agreement to transport oil across a shared pipeline
D- An agreement to develop joint technology for future
Q: D Rationale
Fundamentals of Management
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Part-1
Owner Controllers
One set of individual own the Another set of individual run the
Note: CG are the Principles of
business business
best Practice not Rules or Laws
Put their own money into the Make all decisions for the
business business.
Own all assets of the business. Manage operations of the
Q1: Where there are a large number of external shareholders who play no role in the
day-today running of a company, there is a situation that is described as:
A. Detached corporate ownership
B. Uninvolved external ownership
C. Dividend based shareholding
D. Separation of ownership and control
Q1: D
Corporate Governance
The main purpose of corporate governance is to align the interest of managers, executive and the board
of directors with those of the shareholders and made
Strategic Decisions Represents the set of polices and procedures that determine how a organization is
directed, administered and controlled.
Governance is an issue for all organisations, however the corporate governance rules
covered in this chapter would principally be applied to large quoted companies. In large
quoted companies the owners of the company (the shareholders) are often distinct from
the people running the company (the directors).
There has been an increased emphasis on governance regulations over the last 20 years as
a result of a number of high profile scandals and corporate failures over that period.
Benefits of Corporate Governance
There are two different approaches to corporate governance; principles-based and rules-
based. In the UK there is a principles-based approach (The UK Corporate Governance
Code), while in the USA there is a rulesbased approach (Sarbanes-Oxley). A rules-based
approach will provide a set of rules which must be followed in all circumstances. A rules-
based legislation will also include punishment for non-compliance.
Principles-based versus rules-based approaches to corporate governance
A principles-based approach is not a rigid set of rules, but consists of principles, which
should be followed unless there is a justifiable explanation as to why not. The UK code
adopts a ‘comply or explain’ approach – the main principles of the code should be adhered
to, however some of the provisions to the code may not be followed exactly providing the
departure can be justified and if it can be shown that good governance can still be
Q: The following question is taken from the December 2008 exam paper.
1- In most countries , what is the usual purpose of codes of practice on corporate governance?
A- To establish legally binding requirements to which all companies must adhere
B- To set down detailed rules to regulate the ways in which companies must operate
C- To provide guidance on the standards of the best practice that companies should adopt
D- To provide a comprehensive framework for management and administration
Q:- C
CEO & Executive Directors Non-Executive Directors
Q3: D
Five principles of corporate governance
The OECD (Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development) identifies five
principles of corporate governance:
• the rights of shareholders.
• the equitable treatment of shareholders.
• the role of stakeholders.
• disclosure and transparency.
• the responsibility of the board.
Fundamentals of Management
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Part-2
Q: C
Q5: Which of the following are advantages of having non-executive directors on the company
1 They can provide a wider perspective than executive directors.
2 They provide reassurance to shareholders.
3 They may have external experience and knowledge which executive directors do not
4 They have more time to devote to the role.
A 1 and 3
B 1, 2 and 3
C 1, 3 and 4
D 2 and 4
Q5: B
Agency Problem
This creates what is known as the agency problem. The shareholders employ the
directors to run the company on their behalf. In return the directors are accountable to
the shareholders for their actions
Stewardship theory views the Agency theory suggests that Stakeholder theory argues that
managers as stewards of the managers will look after the managers have a duty of care
assets of the firm. performance of the company if to a range of organizational
doing so serves their own stakeholders.
interests: hence performance Not only to maximize the
incentives and rewards.. shareholder's wealth
Q6: The 'agency problem' refers to which of the following situations?
A. Shareholders acting in their own short-term interests rather than the long-term interests of
the company
B. A vocal minority of shareholders expecting the directors to act as their agents and pay
substantial dividends
C. Companies reliant upon substantial government contracts such that they are effectively agents
of the government
D. The directors acting in their own interests rather than the shareholders' interests
Q6: D
Directors, who are placed in control of resources that they do not own and are effectively agents
of the shareholders, should be working in the best interests of the shareholders. However, they
may be tempted to act in their own interests, for example by voting themselves huge salaries. The
background to the agency problem is the separation of ownership and control - in many large
companies the people who own the company (the shareholders) are not the same people as those
who control the company (the board of directors).
Q7: The 'agency problem' refers to the fact that shareholders cannot legally be the
directors of an organization.
Q8: Calum, Heidi and Jonas are managers for Zip Co. They have been told that their salary
will be based on company performance and that a bonus scheme will also be introduced.
The bonus will also be related to company performance. Which of the following best
describes the approach to governance that Zip Co is using?
A Stewardship theory
B Agency theory
C Stakeholder theory
D None of above
Q8: B
Public Oversight Board
Independent body created to oversee the governance
and financial reporting of public organizations. Its main
role is to protect the interest of investors and the public
at large.
Concern with: Publication of the Annual Report and
Q9: To encourage Executive Directors to operate in the best interests of the company, they
A. Be given a high basic salary
B. Receive bonuses based on both individual and company's performance
C. Be entitled to large payment on resignation
D. Be asked to attend AGMs
Q10: 145FTC14: An audit committee should:
A. Comprise at least three NEDs
B. Include at least one senior member of the internal audit team
C. Include one member from the external audit firm
D. Carry out a detailed review of critical elements of the balance sheet
Q11: The most obvious means of achieving public oversight of corporate governance is via:
A. The company establishing a comprehensive web site
B. Publication of the Annual Report and Accounts
C. Press announcements of all significant developments
D. Shareholder access to the Annual General Meeting
Q11: B
Fundamentals of Management
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Part-3
Decision Making Decisions and
New Ideas
Providing Advice
Problem Solving
& Information
What are the types of Committee?
• A committee is a group of people to which some matter is committed.
Ad hoc Standing
Committees Committees
Ad hoc committees are usually temporary, as they are created for a specific purpose
or to solve short-term problems, like committee to investigate a specific fraud.
Formal committees are established as pat of the organizational structure, with
specifically delegated duties and authority.
Q1: Which of the following types of committee is often temporary in nature:
A. Ad-hoc committee
B. Standing committee
C. Executive committee
D. Work safety committee
Q1: A
Q2: Saleem, Danish and Deawan work in different departments in the firm Black Horse Pvt. Limited
a paint producing company. They are members of the permanent ‘staff committee’ which meets
on the a monthly basis to discuss staff issues such as pensions and benefits. Their purpose is to
listen to communication from staff which their department and raise issues on behalf of their
department at committee meetings. Which the name given to this committee?
A. Joint committee
B. Task force
C. Ad hoc committee
D. Standing committee.
Q2: D
Examples of Committees
Board of Directors
Q3: D
Advantages of Committees
• Responsibilities are shared
• Ability to undertake a larger volume of work than individuals working
• Decisions are based on a group’s assessment of facts and ideas
• Pools talent, judgment and allows specialization
• Improves coordination between work groups
• Provides a focal point for information and action within organization.
• Improves communication and better delegation
Disadvantages of Committees
• Slower decision making
• Decision may represent compromise solutions rather than optimum
• Waste Time and Resources
• Managers may abdicate their personal responsibility for decision making
• Some ‘experienced’ committee members may dominate.
• Excess procedural matters reduces the time available for the discussion
of substantive matters.
Q4: Managers Dawood and Saeed are talking about how to resolve a business problem. Dawood
suggests that a committee should be formed to discuss the issues. Saeed argues that committee
(i) time-consuming and expensive
(ii) they invite a compromise instead of a clear-cut decision
Which of these statements is true?
A. Both (i) and (ii)
B. (i) only
C. (ii) only
D. Neither statement is true
Q4: A
Q5: Committees may fail to recommend decisive action where needed, due to the need
for compromise between members:
Is this statement TRUE or FALSE?
A. True
B. False
Q6: Committees typically make decisions more quickly than individuals as they create a
larger pool of skills and knowledge:
Is this statement TRUE or FALSE?
A. True
B. False
Committee tend to be slower at decision making than individual as there is more
conflict/disagreement between individual members.
The Size and Success of a Committee-
Optimum in Size
•Preparing Minutes
•Checking and correcting the •Acting on and communicating
minutes of meeting decisions
•Signing the minutes of meeting •Dealing with Correspondence
Q7: The duties of the committee secretary include which of the following?
A. Making notes/Issuing documents/Fixing date, time, location/Deciding who is to speak
B. Fixing date, time and location/Making notes/Issuing documents/Preparing minutes
C. Making notes/Issuing documents/Preparing minutes/Maintaining order
D. Issuing documents/Fixing date, time, location/Ascertaining the consensus
view/Preparing minutes
Q7: B
Other duties of the committee secretary include preparing the location; assisting the
chair; acting on and communicating decisions.
Q8: Which of the following would normally be included in the role of a Committee
A. Making administrative arrangements
B. Dealing with correspondence
C. Issuing agenda
D. Ensuring correct procedures are followed
Q8: D
Q9: : The rules of procedure are designed for a number of purposes, including:
1) helping to minimize the effect of bullying tactics
2) ensuring that consistency and fair play are maintained
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
A. 1) only
B. 2) only
C. Both
D. Neither
Q9 : C
International Business & Finance
Fundamentals of Management
International business comprises of all transactions that take place between two or
more regions, countries and nations beyond their political boundaries.
Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world's
economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and
services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information.
Second era, following centuries of European colonization and trade activity, that first “wave”
of globalization was propelled by steamships, railroads, the telegraph, and other
breakthroughs, and also by increasing economic cooperation among countries.
Third, the globalization trend eventually disappeared and crashed in the catastrophe of
World War I.
Finally after World War II the United States led efforts to revive international trade and
investment under negotiated ground rules, starting a second wave of globalization, which
remains ongoing, though buffeted by periodic downturns and mounting political scrutiny.
3- International investment
International investment drives globalization by increasing economic integration. In recent
years, there has been an uptick in international investment, including commercial loans,
foreign direct investment (FDI), and foreign portfolio investment (FPI). Many countries have
encouraged this to reap the benefits of international investment, which include the creation
of productive enterprises, jobs, and new sources of income.
3- International investment
3- International investment
4- Communication:
With the major advances in technology in the past years, we are now able to pick up the
phone or send a message within seconds across the globe. With the internet, consumers
have access to any company with a website. Consumers are able to research trends and
products available thousands of miles away.
5- Reduction in government control:
With free trade agreements, countries import and export goods on a more regular basis.
Businesses are encouraged to search outside of their immediate area for business partners.
6- Consumer demands:
As the population of the world increases and consumers have access to more goods,
companies are finding customers outside of their local region. As more and more people are
exposed to media coverage, movies, and television, their exposure to goods, and thus their
desire for these products, is increasing.
7- Cost:
Due to the advances in communication and transportation, companies may open locations in
areas where their supplies and work force are less expensive. They can take advantage of
low production costs and then transport their goods throughout the world to meet their
consumer needs.
China NA 8.4%
Business Environment Analysis-
2_Diamond Portal Model
This is to identify potential threats and opportunities base on following
1- Political Factors & Legal
2- Economic Factors
3- Social Factors & Environmental
4- Technological Factors
Fundamentals of Management
Global Business
Environment- Ecological
An increasing concern about green house gasses and the one layer, testing Environment
of products on animals and generally greater social awareness could spell
disaster in the future for those firms unwilling to embrace this culture
This is because companies that fail to look after their environment can
often expect as strong negative responses from their key stakeholders,
such as government and consumers.
Q: A
Nowadays business should look to be environmentally sustainable.
Sustainability means that organization should use resources in such a
way that they do not compromise the needs of future generations.
Taking this approach will benefit a range of stakeholders
Stakeholder Benefit
Workers / Local Reduced waste and pollution will lead to a more pleasant, healthier environment.
Customers Many customers prefer dealing with businesses that look after the environment as
they are seen as being more ethical
Shareholders Reduction of waste and increased efficiency can improve business profits. This could
lead to higher long term returns for investors.
Public Reduced pollution can lead to fewer environmental problems, such as acid rain and soil
Q: Organization should use resources in such a way that they do not compromise the needs
of future generations?
What is this definition of?
A. Environmentalism
B. Sustainability
C. Future-focus
D. Redesign
Q: B
Case Study
These are a few examples in which consumers have been successful
in applying pressure to seek changes in business practices.
a) Consumers began boycotting Shell filling stations in large
numbers, leading the company to reverse its policy on a
controversial environmental subject concerning the disposal of
an oil drilling platform.
b) Pressure was applied to change the Nestle’ company’s practices
of exploiting the market for processed milk in developing
c) Similar campaigns have targeted Nike (alleged exploitation of
overseas garment-trade workers)
d) McDonalds alleged contribution to obesity and related illnesses.
Fundamentals of Management
International Business
Technological Factors
Technological Factors
Technological changes can affect a firm in many different ways
1- organization e.g. employees working form home but still able to access files and systems at work.
2- Product developments, e.g. turntables were effectively replaced by CD players which in turn are
being replaced by mp3 players.
3- Production changes, e.g. computer-controlled machinery.
4- Marketing, e.g. using the internet to sell the product.
Technological Factors
Often linked to downsizing, delayering is the process of removing
the layers of management
This is usually to change the organization form one with a rigid
hierarchical framework with numerous layers of supervisory
grades into a ‘flatter’ organization with minimal layers of
management. Such organization tend to emphasis team working,
with people taking on different roles in different teams.
Impact on Organization Structure
1- Some of the administrative rules are replaced by
more effective IT System
2- Some of the production rules are changed by the
use of Robots and Automated Production Lines
3- Improvement in communication through e-mail,
Impact on Organization Structure
Reducing the number of levels of management is delayring. Controlling out some
of the organization's operations is outsourcing
Test Your Understanding
Which of the following is likely to be an advantage of an organization outsourcing
some of its less important operations?
A. Increase level of skills within the organization.
B. Increase workload for the directors and senior managers
C. Increase time for management to focus on core operations
D. Increase control over the outsource functions
By outsourcing non-core operations, management time can be freed up… this will allow
manger to focus more time on the on the core operations of the organization. This will,
however, normally lead to a reduction in the amount of control that the organization has
over the operation that have been outsourced.
Q: The stationary and printing company S Co. has recently upgraded its computes and
printers so that more production has become automated. Many middle managers will now
be made redundant. This is known as:
A. Downsizing
B. Delayering
C. Outsourcing
D. Degrading
Q: B
Information technology has enabled manager or staff ‘lower down’ the hierarchy to make
decisions previously made by middle management. This is known as delayering.
Q: Three of the following strategies are closely related. Which is the exception?
A. Downsizing
B. Delegating
C. Delayering
D. Outsourcing
Q: B _ Delegating
Impact of Technology & Outsourcing
Outsourcing means contracting-out aspects of the work of the
organization, previously done in-house , to specialist providers.
In some cases suppliers are given access to the firm’s records
so they can review production schedules and stock records to
ensure that suppliers are delivered before they run out.
Q: Introduction of a new technology means that a company can streamline its operations.
This impacts organisational structure by:
A. Encouraging managers to spend more time controlling staff activities
B. Allowing the company to reorganise itself into a taller structure
C. De-layering by widening a manager's span of control
D. Proving an opportunity for a company trading on the internet as well as on the High
Q: C
De-layering refers to the reduction in the number of levels of management, making
organizational structure flatter. Managers can use technology to help keep in touch with
staff, thus freeing more time for more urgent tasks. Option D is not directly relevant to
organizational structure.
Test Your Understanding
Information technology has encourage which three of the following?
A. Flattening of organization hierarchies
B. Widening spans of controls
C. Smaller volumes of routine processing
D. More flexible working arrangements.
A, B, D
Information technology means that greater volumes of data can be processed
more quickly and with greater accuracy
Technological Changes & Products
Product Sophistication
Technology advances allow many products to
become increasingly more sophisticated e.g.
mobile phones are now smaller, can record
images and video and e used to access the
Technological Changes & Products
Emergence of Substitute
• New technology can lead to the emergence of substitutes, e.g. the
cinema industry went into decline in the early 1980s as a result of the
emergence of the video.
• Similarly now a days demand small torch and batteries are reduced
due to mobile phone has afford as one of its additional feature.
Technological Changes & Products
Change in Business Model
Some industries have seen
their business model
completely transformed, e.g.
online baking has reduced
barriers to entry allowing
supermarkets, among others, to
move into banking.
Technological Changes & Products
Customer Support
Customer support is often provided by call
centers in countries where wage rates are
lower. However some firms have reinstated
call centers into their home countries after
concerns over customer care.
Q: Outsourcing is often associated with which business processes?
A. Allowing employees to work from home
B. Sourcing data from outside the company
C. Transferring call centers oversees
D. Sending staff on foreign assignments
Q: C
Outsourcing means that some of the processes previously undertaken by the company itself
are now being transferred to an external supplier.
Q: A recent trend in organization and management is the rise in ‘virtual organization’ and
‘virtual team working’. To which of the following environmental (PEST) factors is this most
directly attributed?
A. Economic
B. Socio-cultural
C. Technological
D. Political
Q: C
Virtual organization is the collaboration of geographically dispersed individuals and teams,
specifically using the latest information and communication technology (ICT) enables: the
internet, web-conferencing and so on.
Fundamentals of Management
International Business
Environment_ Economic
Content to be discussed
1. Macroeconomic Policy
2. Economic Growth
3. Economic Development
4. Role of Expectations
5. Aggregate Demand
6. Inflation
7. Types of Inflation
8. Business Cycles
9. Unemployment
10. Types of Unemployment
Macroeconomic Policy
Objective 1: Economic Growth
How to increase productive capacity? (GDP)
Objective 2: Inflation
How can we ensure that general priced levels do not increase?
Objective 3: Unemployment
How to ensure every that every one who wants a job has one?
Correction Option is C
Lower taxation is not a policy objective. Rather it is a policy instrument that could
be used to encourage economic growth.
Test Your Understanding
Which of the following is not one of the four macroeconomic policy objectives of
A. Economic Growth
B. Inflation
C. Unemployment
D. Balance of Trade
Correction Option is D
Balance of trade should be Balance of Payments
Q: Which of the following are the goals of macroeconomic policy?
1 Encouraging economic growth
2 Low and stable inflation
3 Achievement of a balance between exports and imports
4 Encouraging stagnation
A 1 and 2
B 2 and 3
C 2, 3 and 4
D 1, 2 and 3
Q: D
Q: Which of the following list four typical macroeconomic policy objective of government.
i) Economic Growth
ii) Money supply management
iii) Management of Inflation
iv) Creation of a trade surplus
A. ii) & iii)
B. i) & iii)
C. i) & iv)
D. ii) & iv)
Q: D
Objective #1 : Economic Growth
A- Economic Growth:-
Government want to increase the economic growth which means
More good and services are produced
More goods and services are affordable and being purchased
more job are available.
B- Economic Development:-
Economic Development not only means growth but also
Proper distribution of National Income
Reduce gap between the poor and the rich
Change in the way of thinking people think in the scientific way.
People leave the dogmas and motivated towards self-development and self-esteemed not only at
an individual level but also as a nation.
Q: The disadvantages of growth include which one is exception of the following:
A. Growth rates may exceed inflation rates
B. The gap between rich and poor may narrow
C. Growth may exceed population growth
D. Growth may be in 'demerit' goods
Q: D
'Demerit' goods are such things as illegal drugs. A, B and C are examples of the positive
aspects of growth. A = real growth. B = the benefits of growth are being evenly distributed.
C = the population, on average, is better off.
Objective #1 : Economic Growth
C- Confidence or Positive Expectations
Greater Consumer Confidence wills result in higher demand for products
Higher Business confidence will result in higher levels of investment in new factories,
machinery etc. and new firms being set up by entrepreneurs.
Confidence can be reduced by a wide rang of factors such as political instability, disasters.
Objective #1 : Economic Growth
D- Aggregate Demand
Aggregate demand is the total demand for a country's output and consists of Consumer Spending (C)
+ Investment Spending (I) + Government Spending (G) + Demand from foreign (Xn)
AD = C + I + G + X – M
Higher demand can result increase output
Injection in economy are G, I and X – M
Q: Which of the following would best summarize the effect of expectations on a country's
A. Expectations effect has no influence of the economic development
B. If a government is expecting the citizens' incomes to rise, it will try to adjust the
taxation levels as to decrease the amount to be collected
C. If a company expects its trade contract to be terminated, it will take actions to find
another customer
D. If people collectively expect the economy to develop in a certain way, they will act in a
manner that will facilitate this change
Q: D
Test Your Understanding
Correction Option is C
Objective# 2: Controlling Inflation
“Too much money chasing too few goods”
Types of Inflation
Demand-Pull Inflation
Cost-Push Inflation
Imported Inflation
In an economy in which imports are significant, a
weakening of the national currency will increase
the cost of imports and could lead to domestic
This can be reduced by policies to strengthen the
national currency by
i) Increase in the production of import
ii) Increase in the production of export to
earn more foreign currency.
Objective# 2: Controlling Inflation
Monetary Inflation
Increase in money supply leads to decrease in the purchasing power in the economy,
boosting demand for goods and services. If this expansion occurs faster than expansion in
the supply of goods and services inflation can arise.
Test Your Understanding
Identify which type of inflation is being described in the following statements
A. Worker seek above inflation pay rises
B. Growth in demand for new homes has outstripped supply
C. Retailers have increased their prices in advance of inflation figures to be published next
D. Copper prices have more than doubled on the world market this year, increasing the cost of
electrical cables.
Q: A
Objective# 2: Controlling Inflation
Business Cycle
“A business cycle is an interaction of good and bad business activity”
Objective# 2: Controlling Inflation
Business Cycle
“A business cycle is an interaction of good and bad business activity”
i) Expectation are very high
ii) Demand is very high
iii) Price are high (Inflation)
iv) Employment level high ( full-employment)
v) Production level is high
Objective# 2: Controlling Inflation
Business Cycle
“A business cycle is an interaction of good and bad business activity”
i) Expectation are falling
ii) Demand is decreasing
iii) Prices are decreasing
iv) Employment level is decreasing
v) Production is declining
Objective# 2: Controlling Inflation
Business Cycle
“A business cycle is an interaction of good and bad business activity”
i) Expectation are very low
ii) Demand is very low
iii) Price are low (deflation)
iv) Employment level is low ( unemployment)
v) Production level is low
Objective# 2: Controlling Inflation
Business Cycle
“A business cycle is an interaction of good and bad business activity”
i) Expectation are improving
ii) Demand is improving
iii) Price are rising
iv) Employment level is increasing
v) Production level is Increasing
Q: Increases in unemployment, reduced demand, falling household incomes and low
business confidence and investment are associated most strongly with which of the
A. High interest rates
B. Increase in the money supply
C. A budget deficit
D. Recession
Q: D
Q: the main determinants of the level of business activity in the economy are
A. Consumer price index
B. Employment rates
C. Gross Domestic product
D. Divorce Rate
Answer: GDP
Objective# 3: Controlling Unemployment
Number of Jobs
Number of Job Jobs are not according to the abilities and
Seekers > skills of the job seekers
Job seekers got jobs temporary and seasonal
Answer: Unemployment occurs when there are individual who are willing and able to work
but cannot find full time employment.
Objective# 3: Controlling Unemployment
1- Cyclical Unemployment
A Keynesian view of unemployment that is, due to, lack of aggregate demand in the economy.
Mean goods remain in unsold and employer don’t like to hire or contain workers. Workers find to
opportunities to be employed.
Its solution is to apply Fiscal Policy by starting more development expenditure and projects. In the
view of Monetarist there is no such type Unemployment exists in the economy
2- Frictional Unemployment
Refers to those people who are short-term unemployed as the move form one job to another.
Problem can be solved by the provision of better information through job centers and other
supply-side policies.
3- Seasonal Unemployment
Seasonal unemployment is the problem of workers related with agriculture, tailors etc.
Objective# 3: Controlling Unemployment
4- Structural & Technological Unemployment
This is caused by structural change in the economy. Leading often to both a change in the skills
required and location where economic activity takes place. Remedies are:-
1. Government Funding Training Program
2. Grant and Aid to relocation of industry
3. Business Start up Advice
4. Improve information on available employment opportunities.
Q: B
Test Your Understanding
Identify which type of unemployment is being described in the following statements
A. A worker loses their job because of the introduction of new technology.
B. After the wall street crash, million of American unable to find work.
C. Jobs in the car industry have been reduced due to a strong union and high wages
D. A management accountant has just been made redundant is due to start a new job in three
weeks’ time.
E. Bar staff are out of work I November in a Spanish holiday resort.
Q: D:.
Q: Are the following statements true or false?
1 Frictional unemployment will be short term
2 Governments can encourage labour mobility if they want to reduce
A Both statements are true
B Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.
C Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true.
D Both statements are false.
Q: A
Test Your Understanding
Which of the following are consequences of unemployment?
A. Less pressure for government to increase taxes.
B. Reducing economic output.
C. Greater inflationary pressure in the economy.
Content to be discussed
1. Fiscal Policy
2. Budget
3. Monetary Policy
4. Stagflation
5. Balance of Payment
6. Exchange Rate
Objective# 3: Controlling Inflation & Unemployment by Fiscal Policy
Fiscal Policy
“The government policy of income and expenditure”
“Fiscal policy refers to a government’s taxation and spending plans and is usually
understood”: Why Taxes are require?
1. Raise revenue for the government
2. Redistribution on income or effect demand in economy
3. Discourage the activity which socially undesirable.
4. To price certain products so as to take into account their social cost.
5. Protect domestic industry from foreign industries
6. Change in aggregate demand.
Direct and Indirect Tax.
A government must decide how it intendeds to raise tax revenues, form direct or indirect taxes, and
in what proportion tax revenues will be raised from each sources
Indirect Tax:
Specific Tax Charged as a fixed sum per unit sold
Ad Valorem Tax Charged as a fixed percentage of the price of the good
Objective# 3: Controlling Inflation & Unemployment by Fiscal Policy
Fiscal Policy
“The government policy of income and expenditure”
Direct and policy
Indirect refers to a government’s taxation and spending plans and is usually
A government must decide howunderstood”:
it intendeds toWhy
raiseTaxes are require?
tax revenues, form direct or indirect taxes, and
in what proportion tax revenues will be raised from each sources
Objective# 3: Controlling Inflation & Unemployment by Fiscal Policy
Direct Tax.
Regressive Tax Takes a high proportion of a poor person salary than of the a rich
Television license and road tax are examples of regressive taxes since
they are the same for all people.
Proportional Tax Takes the same proportion of income in tax from all levels of income.
Progressive Tax Take a higher proportion of income in tax as income rises. Income tax as
a whole is progressive
Objective# 3: Controlling Inflation & Unemployment by Fiscal Policy
Direct Tax.
Regressive Tax
Proportional Tax
Progressive Tax
Test Your Understanding
A tax which takes a higher proportion of a poor person’s salary than of a rich person
A. Proportional tax
B. Regressive tax
C. Progressive tax
D. Indirect tax
Correct Option is B
The disincentive effect refers specifically to the disincentive of individuals to work.
Test Your Understanding
The government of a certain country decides to introduce a poll tax, which will
involve a flate rate levy of $200 on every adult member of the population. This new
tax could be described as:
A. Regressive
B. Proportional
C. Progressive
D. Ad Valorem
Policy of income and expenditure Type of Effect Result Expected Ideal to Control
Govt. income < Govt. Expenditure Deficit Leads Increase in Deflation +
Budget to Aggregate Unemployment
Govt. income = Govt. Expenditure Balance Leads - -
Budget to
Govt. income > Govt. Expenditure Surplus Leads Decrease in Inflation +
Budget to Aggregate Expectations
Q: What fiscal policy would be best used when trying to address a deflationary gap?
A. Running a budget surplus
B. Having a budget deficit
C. Lowering interest rates
D. Raising interest rates
Q: B
Objective# 3: Controlling Inflation & Unemployment by Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
“Monetary policy refers to the management of the money supply in the economy and is usually
understood within the context of monetarism”
Objective# 3: Controlling Inflation & Unemployment by Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
“Monetary policy refers to the management of the money supply in the economy and is usually
understood within the context of monetarism”
Objective# 3: Controlling Inflation & Unemployment by Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
“Monetary policy refers to the management of the money supply in the economy and is usually
understood within the context of monetarism”
Reserve Requirement
Typical banks operate a fractional reserve system, i.e. only a
part of their deposits are kept in cash on the assumption that
not all customers will want their money back at the same
time. The proportion deposits retained in cash is known as 20%
the reserve asset ratio or liquidity ratio.
In this sense if liquidity ratio is 20% it means by the deposited
of $1000/- there will be 80%
Objective# 3: Controlling Inflation & Unemployment by Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy
“Monetary policy refers to the management of the money supply in the economy and is usually
understood within the context of monetarism”
Test Your Understanding
Correct Option is B
Q: Which of the following is not an element of fiscal policy?
A Government spending
B Government borrowing
C Taxation
D Exchange rates
Q: D
Q: Monetary policy is a government economic policy relating to:
1. Interest rates
2. Taxation
3. Public borrowing and spending
4. Exchange rates
Which of the above are correct?
A 1 and 4
B 2 and 3
C 2 and 4
D 3 and 4
Q: A
Q: If a government has a macro-economic policy objective of expanding the overall
level of economic activity, which of the following measures would not be consistent with
such an objective?
A Increasing public expenditure
B Lowering interest rates
C Increasing taxation
D Decreasing taxation
Q: C
Objective# 3: Controlling Inflation & Unemployment by Monetary Policy
Stagnation + Stagflation
An economy facing inflation and unemployment together
“Economic Stagflation means a prolonged period of significant slower than potential economic
growth. It is said to occur in an economy when GDP is declining. Research tells that economic
growth less than 2% is considered as stagnation.
This will typical translate into reduced job opportunities and income in a period when the price
of goods and service is on the rise. (generally considered if more than 3%)”
Test Your Understanding
Given the statistical data
Country Northland South. Eastland Westland
Change in GDP (%) – 0.30 + 2.51 – 0.55 + 2.12
Balance of payment current account ($m) + 5550.83 – 350.47 – 150.90 + 220.39
Change in consumer prices (%) + 27.50 + 15.37 + 2.25 + 2.15
Change in working population employed – 4.76 + 3.78 + 1.76 – 8.76
Which country experienced stagflation in the relevant period?
A. Northland
B. Southland
C. Eastland
D. Westland
Test Your Understanding: A
Objective# 4: Faviourable Balance of Payments
Balance of Payment
“Balance of payment is a comprehensive record of economic transactions of the residents of
country with the rest of the world during particular year.”
Current Account The balance on current account relates only to current transactions. It
includes trade balance of visible exports and imports as well as the
services or invisible items.
Capital Account Transaction consisted of more than one year period, likewise services or
installment of loans, or business returns, etc.
Monetary Account Normally BOP is consisted of two accounts only but in case of
unfavourable BOP an adjustment account is also added called Monetary
Account either finance by reserves of previous time periods or loan from
IMF etc.
96FTC15: The balance of payment surplus will result in:
A. lower rate of economic growth
B. inflation
C. unemployment
D. budget deficit
96FTC15: B
The country is exporting too much, which means that factors of production could be fully
utilized, therefore the costs of an additional unit of output will be higher than the costs of
previous units, thus prices will be raised causing inflation.
Objective# 4: Faviourable Balance of Payments
Balance of Payment Deficits
Expenditure Reducing Expenditure Switching
Strategies Strategies
1. Reduction Demand for Import 1. Direct imposition of tariff or
2. Reduction Inflationary Pressure quotas (Protectionism)
to Increase Exports 2. Revenue can be used for the
3. Increase Interest Rate to payments of imports bills
Decrease Demand 3. Lowering exchange rate by which
exports are increased and
imports are decreased.
Test Your Understanding
Correction Option is A
The other three are expenditure-switching policies which will make imported goods
either more expensive or hard to obtain.
Objective# 4: Faviourable Balance of Payments
Foreign Exchange Rate
“the price of unit of foreign currency in terms of a standard unit of local currency”
$1 = Rs 80
Content to be discussed
1. Fiscal Policy
2. Budget
3. Monetary Policy
4. Stagflation
5. Balance of Payment
6. Exchange Rate
Porter’s Diamond
• Why a nation become the home base for successful international
competitors in an industry?
• Germany Car Manufacturer
• Japan Home of Electronics
Porter’s Diamond
• This the environment that makes a country home of the many best
• It creates and sustain competitive advantage against the world’s best
competitor’s in a particular field.
Porter’s Diamond
• Factor Conditions: Availability of raw materials and suitable
• Demand Conditions: Good demand base in the home country, start
intentional success.
• Related & Supported Industry: Material, Component and Knowledge
• Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry: If the home market is very
competitive, a company is more likely to become world class.
Factors Conditions
i) Physical Resources such as land, minerals and weather
ii) Capital
iii) Human Resources such as skills, motivation, price and industrial relations
v) Infrastructure.
Demand Conditions
• Demand Conditions: there must be a strong home market demand for
the product or service. This determines how industries perceive and
respond to buyer needs and creates the pressure to innovate. A
complaint domestic market is a disadvantage because it does not force
the industry to become innovate and excellent.
A strong Pressure for Something
demand Innovation & Extra-Ordinary
base Creativity
Relating and Supporting Industries
• The success of an industry can be due to its suppliers and related
industries, Sweden’s global superiority in its pulp and paper industries is
supported by a network of related industries including packaging,
chemicals, wood processing, conveyor systems and truck manufacture.
u u
p p
p p
o Main
Industry o
r r
t t
Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry
• Organization goals can determine by ownership structure. Unquoted
companies may have slightly longer time horizons to operate in because
their financial performance is subject to much less scrutiny than quoted
companies. They may also have different ‘return on capital requirement’.
Convergence in Industries
• Definition
• Industry
• Sector
Convergence Convergence
in Industries in
Fundamentals of Management
Macro- Micro-
business business
Environment Environment
Contents to be covered today
1- Porter Five Force Model
2- Convergence Industries
3- SWOT Analysis
We can analyze the profit potential
in an industry.
Can Organization sustain in an Threat of
industry New
Competitive Threat of
Rivalry Substitute
Porter’s Five
Power of Power of
Supplier Buyer
Test Your Understanding
Which of the following is not one of the ‘five forces’ as depicted in Michael Porters model
of the Industry.
A. Competitive rivalry
B. Power of supplier
C. Power of buyer
D. Threat of substitute
E. Barrier to Entry
Q: D
Rationale: The other forces are bargaining power of suppliers and rivalry amongst current
competitors in the industry.
1- Power of Supplier
The power of supplier to change higher prices will be
influenced by following:
The presence of one or two dominant suppliers controlling
prices- Monopoly
The degree to which switching costs apply and substitute are
The extent which products offered have a uniqueness of
brand, technical performance or design not available
2- Bargaining Power of Customers
Powerful customers can force price cuts and/or quality improvements. Either way, margins are
eroded. Bargaining power is high when a combination of factor arises.
A buyer purchases high proportion of supplier-
Similar alternative of products available from other suppliers.
Quality purchases is unimportant, Delivery timing is irrelevant, and prices will be forced down.
3- Threat of New Entrants
New entrants into a market will bring extra capacity and intensify competition. The threat from new entrants will
depend upon the strength of the barriers to entry and the likely response of existing competitors to a new entrant.
Barriers to entry are factors that market it difficult for a new entrant to gain an initial foothold in a market. Major
sources of barrier to entry are.
Economies of Scale, where the industry is one where unit costs decline significantly as volume increases, such
that a new entrant will be unable to start on a comparable cost basis.
Product Differentiation, where established firms have good brand image and customer loyalty.
Capital Requirements, where the industry requires a heavy initial investment (e.g. steel industry, rail transport).
Access to Distribution Channels may be restricted. It is difficult for a new product or manufacturer to gain shelf
Know-how, it is much more difficult to penetrate a business where considerable know-how and skills are needed
than to enter a simple, basic market.
Regulation. Government or professional bodies might supervise and limit new entrants.
New Entrant
4- Competitive Rivalry
• Competitors are balance in size are few just
• Fixed Costs of the Industry. may cause low profit
margin but price war
• Industrial Growth can minimize the competitive
• Barriers on Exist can cause tough Competition
• Product Differentiation can reduce competition
Substitute of Cameras
Q: C
Threat of substitutes refers to people's tendency to replace one product with another.
Q: Porter's five forces collectively determine which of the following:
A. The degree of competition new entrants will face
B. The profitability of existing firms in the industry
C. The overall growth of the industry
D. The overall profit potential of the industry
Q: D
Looking at an individual firm, its ability to earn higher profit margins will be determined by
whether or not it can manage the five forces more effectively than competitors.
Q: When assessing an organization's ability to compete, the main issues to consider are
A. The industry is growing or in decline
B. The profitability of the industry is sufficient to sustain new entrants
C. New entrants out number those leaving the industry
D. The firm has a sustainable competitive advantage
Q: D
The assessment will be in three steps, analysing how the firm can achieve a competitive
advantage, the main competitive forces in the industry and how parts of the firm
contribute to its competitiveness.
Convergence in Industries
• Definition
• Industry
• Sector
Convergence Convergence
in Industries in
Convergence in Industries
External Internal
Analysis Analysis
Opportunities Strengths Methods of
Matching strengths removing
to opportunities weaknesses or
may highlight new dealing with the
areas for threats the
Threats Weaknesses
organization faces
Q: What is an acronym used to describe the key elements of an organization's external
Q: C
Rationale: PEST stands for Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological.
Q: A plc is performing a SWOT analysis and discovers that it has a large cash balance.
Which of the SWOT headings would this be most likely to fall under?
A. Strengths
B. Weaknesses
C. Opportunities
D. Threats
Q: A
It is likely to be a strength. It’s clearly not a weakness or threat and given that is an internal
issue, it should not be classed as an opportunity- although it may enable A to pursue any
opportunity it identifies.
Fundamentals of Management
Macro- Micro-
business business
Environment Environment
Contents to be covered today
1- Competitive Strategy
Competitive Forces
Part of a firm’s external analysis will involve assessing the degree and source of competition within
the industry. The key issues here is whether the firm has a sustainable competitive advantage.
This will be analyzed in three steps
•The different ways a firm can achieve a competitive advantage
•The main competitive forces in an industry
•How different activities and development within the firm contribute to its competitiveness.
Bases of Competition
Cost Leadership:-
Set out to the lowest cost producer in an industry. By producing at the lowest possible cost the
manufacturer can compete on price with every other producer in the industry and earn highest unit
For example: Suzuki, Toyota, Honda, Ford
Quality Leadership:-
Generate a unique value chain for extra quality and charge extra mark-up with price against good
Innovative companies with large marketing budgets.
For example: Mercdes, Jaguar, BMW
Position oneself to uniquely serve one particular niche in the market. A focus strategy is based on
fragmenting the market and focusing on particular market segments. The firm will not market it s products
industry-wide but will concentrate on a particular type of buyer or geographical area.
Small business with entrepreneurial flair, strong market knowledge and risk taking attitude ( often new
For example: Ferrari, Rolls Royce
Focus Differentiation :-
Position oneself to uniquely serve a
further small segment in one
particular niche in the market. A
focus strategy is based on fragmenting
the market and focusing on sub- Large Passenger
segment of a particular market Aircraft
For example: Rolls Royce company
selected aircraft manufacturing, in
which they have selected big
passenger aircraft and then finally
selected Boeing Engine…..
Aircraft Manufacturing
Q: Jelly Fish ltd is a retailer, selling surf-wear through a small chain of sea-side shops. If the
owners wish to obtain a competitive advantage over the company's rivals, which of
Porters' generic strategies would be most appropriate to follow?
A. Differentiation
B. Cost leadership
C. Cost focus
D. Differentiation focus
Q: D
Jellyfish are restricting their activity to only part of the market (a segment) in selling surf
wear. The product itself is differentiated.
Test Your Understanding
Which of the following is not a Generic Strategy as described by Michael Porter:
A. Cost focus
B. Differentiation
C. Diversification
D. Differentiation Focus
International business comprises of all transactions that take place between two or
more regions, countries and nations beyond their political boundaries.
Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world's
economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and
services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information.
Second era, following centuries of European colonization and trade activity, that first “wave”
of globalization was propelled by steamships, railroads, the telegraph, and other
breakthroughs, and also by increasing economic cooperation among countries.
Third, the globalization trend eventually disappeared and crashed in the catastrophe of
World War I.
Finally after World War II the United States led efforts to revive international trade and
investment under negotiated ground rules, starting a second wave of globalization, which
remains ongoing, though buffeted by periodic downturns and mounting political scrutiny.
3- International investment
International investment drives globalization by increasing economic integration. In recent
years, there has been an uptick in international investment, including commercial loans,
foreign direct investment (FDI), and foreign portfolio investment (FPI). Many countries have
encouraged this to reap the benefits of international investment, which include the creation
of productive enterprises, jobs, and new sources of income.
3- International investment
3- International investment
4- Communication:
With the major advances in technology in the past years, we are now able to pick up the
phone or send a message within seconds across the globe. With the internet, consumers
have access to any company with a website. Consumers are able to research trends and
products available thousands of miles away.
5- Reduction in government control:
With free trade agreements, countries import and export goods on a more regular basis.
Businesses are encouraged to search outside of their immediate area for business partners.
6- Consumer demands:
As the population of the world increases and consumers have access to more goods,
companies are finding customers outside of their local region. As more and more people are
exposed to media coverage, movies, and television, their exposure to goods, and thus their
desire for these products, is increasing.
7- Cost:
Due to the advances in communication and transportation, companies may open locations in
areas where their supplies and work force are less expensive. They can take advantage of
low production costs and then transport their goods throughout the world to meet their
consumer needs.
China NA 8.4%
Global Business
Fundamentals of Management (ICMAP)
ecotechmanage-Mubashir Wasim
The Foreign Direct Investment
A foreign direct investment is an investment in the form of a controlling ownership in a
business in one country by an entity based in another country. It is thus distinguished
from a foreign portfolio investment by a notion of direct control.
Multinational Corporations
A corporation that has its factories and other assets in at least one country other than it’s home
country, it coordinate it s global management form central head office while offices and factories
in different countries.
In the past, many companies located much of their manufacturing in the developing
countries of Asia and Latin America.
Now they are increasingly locating service and knowledge based jobs there too, e.g.
telesales, research and development.
This is because many countries in Asia and Latin America now produce a massive
number of well educated and well trained individuals.
ecotechmanage-Mubashir Wasim
Transition economies have been triggered into growth by a number of factors. For
Foreign direct investment (FDI) – overseas companies want to share in the growth of
these countries and may invest by acquiring a local company or by creating new facilities
in the host country to take advantage of local conditions.
Offshoring (see earlier discussion).
ecotechmanage-Mubashir Wasim
The Multinational Enterprises
Developed Nations
Advantages and Disadvantages of MNC’s and FDI
1- Advantage in product development
2- Enhance Domestic Market
3- Improve Technology plus Research & Development
4- Remove Technology & Wealth Gap b/w Development & LED
5- Improve Market & Supportive Industry
6- More Employment
7- Less Costly Production
8- Export Production to Foreign Market
Positive Effects FDI in Less Developing Countries
MNCs are for profit entities and seek an adequate return.
Investment is significant for LDCs Economy
MNCs made policies of economy by suggestions more attractive for LDCs
International community now adopt pragmatism rather hostile attitude.
Advantages and Disadvantages of MNC’s and FDI
1- They claim that Multinational rise to large merged conglomerations that reduce competition and free
2- Raise Capital in host countries but export the profit.
3- Exploit countries for their natural resources
4- Limit workers wage
5- Erode Traditional Culture
6- Challenge National Sovereignty.
Negative Effects of FDI on Less Developing Countries
Monopolize domestic market by merger and alliances
Local residents get limited benefits and profit is sent to home country
Social impact change effect culture.
Involve in human rights abuses, labour abuses and environmental crimes
Technology Transfer & MNCs
1- This clear from empirical and theoretical literature that MNC move technology to LDCs.
2- Enhance local capabilities but depends on interaction between MNCs government.
3- Sales and support emerging technology and their application.
4- Bring LDC near the internationalization.
Technology Transfer
Innovate Production
New ways of Distribution Channels
Modeling Analytical Tools
Training & Development
Management Standard
New Knowledge & Learning
Technology Transfer & MNCs
1- This clear from empirical and theoretical literature that MNC move technology to LDCs.
2- Enhance local capabilities but depends on interaction between MNCs government.
3- Sales and support emerging technology and their application.
4- Bring LDC near the internationalization.
Drawback to be Addressed
Impact on greenhouses effect on the
Violation of local labour law
Create monopolies
Go for cartels by mergers and
Political Influences,
MNCs Issues Related with Pricing & Regulations
Competition Policy and market power. Alliances violate anti-monopoly laws.
Tax Avoidance billions of dollars. Unethical way.
Who to regulate
• Domestic Government
• Multinational Institutions
• Country in which to Operate
Exploit Labour & Environment related laws. Took benefit of flex. Environment energy-fossil
Governing economies directly & effecting culture
Avoid H&S measures
Violate Human Rights, Child Labour, Cheeper Labour.
Lobbying to keep pressure and benefit from local officials.
Africa government tried to produce cheaper medicine for AIDS lobbying to stop.
Collaboration & Strategic-Alliances
Strategic Alliance Collaboration
A strategic alliance is an agreement Two or more companies launch a joint
between two or more MNCs (or parties) venture to achieve set goals within some
to pursue set agreed objective while specific budget or resources
remaining independent organization.
Results into
Global Competition: Large player combined to face tough competition like Mitsubishi +
Caterpillar, Philips + Mitsubishi.
Industry Convergence: Where application & production of two industries overlaps
Economies of Scale:
Reduce Risk:
Characteristics of Multinational Enterprises
1. Large size
Multinational companies are large-sized business organizations. They have huge resources in
terms of capital, technology, people and information. They are highly efficient and complex
Characteristics of Multinational Enterprises
1. Large size
Multinational companies are large-sized business organizations. They have huge resources in
terms of capital, technology, people and information. They are highly efficient and complex
2. Multi-country operations
Multinational companies operate in several countries. They can have production, marketing and
service type of operations. They cover large geographical areas. They have assets and activities in
two or more countries.
Characteristics of Multinational Enterprises
1. Large size
Multinational companies are large-sized business organizations. They have huge resources in
terms of capital, technology, people and information. They are highly efficient and complex
2. Multi-country operations
Multinational companies operate in several countries. They can have production, marketing and
service type of operations. They cover large geographical areas. They have assets and activities in
two or more countries.
3. Various objectives
Multinational companies pursue various objectives like:
-Access to new market opportunities to expand market size.
-- Access to cheap raw materials to reduce costs and increase competitive capacity
-- Access to cheap source of labor to reduce costs of labor and energy
Characteristics of Multinational Enterprises
4. Various environments
Multinational companies operate in various environments. The political, legal, economic, social,
cultural and technological forces differ from country to country.
Characteristics of Multinational Enterprises
4. Various environments
Multinational companies operate in various environments. The political, legal, economic, social,
cultural and technological forces differ from country to country.
5. Centralized ownership and control
The ownership and control of multinational company is centralized in the home country. They
provide share ownership to local people in host countries.
Characteristics of Multinational Enterprises
4. Various environments
Multinational companies operate in various environments. The political, legal, economic, social,
cultural and technological forces differ from country to country.
5. Centralized ownership and control
The ownership and control of multinational company is centralized in the home country. They
provide share ownership to local people in host countries.
6. Multiple currencies
Multinational companies deal in currencies of several countries. The risk is high because of
changing values of currencies in host countries.
Characteristics of Multinational Enterprises
4. Various environments
Multinational companies operate in various environments. The political, legal, economic, social,
cultural and technological forces differ from country to country.
5. Centralized ownership and control
The ownership and control of multinational company is centralized in the home country. They
provide share ownership to local people in host countries.
6. Multiple currencies
Multinational companies deal in currencies of several countries. The risk is high because of
changing values of currencies in host countries.
7. High efficiency
Multinational companies are highly efficient due to:
-Mass production leading to economic of scale
-- Use of advanced technology to increase speed of production
-- Professional management and marketing skills to use resources effectively
Benefits of going multinational
Ownership advantages
Ownership of superior technology – this will enhance productivity and result in
superiorquality products.
Research and development (R&D) capacity – multinationals can invest heavily in R&D
since they can spread the cost over a large output.
Product differentiation – can combine innovation with successful product differentiation.
Managerial skills – managers of multinationals are more innovative in the way that they do
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Benefits of going multinational
Location advantages
Multinationals will take advantage of the most appropriate location to make their products
or services. Can locate:
where the required resources can be found.
where labour is relatively cheap
where the quality of the resources is better.
in a foreign country to avoid transport costs and tariffs.
in a foreign country to take advantage of government incentives.
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Why Firms Become Multinational
1- Procure New Resources
2- Increase Market Share for Companies
3- Increase Assets Value
4- Improve Knowledge & Technology
5- Greater Operational Efficiency
6- More Competition and Advantages and Learning
7- Risk Environment with more Reward.
8- International Business Opportunities
9- More skills and training
10- International Finance, Management and Marketing
Types of Foreign Direct Investment
Horizontal FDI arises when a firm duplicates its home country-based activities at the same value
chain stage in a host country through FDI.
Horizontal FDI horizontal FDI When a company is trying to open up a new market that is similar
to its domestic markets. occurs when a company is trying to open up a new market - a retailer,
for example, that builds a store in a new country to sell to the local market.
Platform FDI Foreign direct investment from a source country into a destination country for the
purpose of exporting to a third country.
Types of Foreign Direct Investment
Vertical FDI takes place when a firm through FDI moves upstream or downstream in different value chains
i.e., when firms perform value-adding activities stage by stage in a vertical fashion in a host country
Vertical FDIvertical FDI When a company invests internationally to provide input into its core operations
usually in its home country. A firm may invest in production facilities in another country.
If the firm brings the goods or components back to its home country (acting as a supplier), then it is called
backward vertical FDI. If the firm sells the goods into the local or regional market (acting more as a
distributor), then it is referred to as forward vertical FDI. is when a company invests internationally to
provide input into its core operations - usually in its home country. A firm may invest in production
facilities in another country.
When a firm brings the goods or components back to its home country (i.e., acting as a supplier), this is
referred to as backward vertical FDI. When a firm sells the goods into the local or regional market (i.e.,
acting as a distributor), this is termed forward vertical FDI. The largest global companies often engage in
both backward and forward vertical FDI depending on their industry.
Types of Foreign Direct Investment
Many firms engage in backward vertical FDI. The auto, oil, and infrastructure (which includes industries related
to enhancing the infrastructure of a country - that is, energy, communications, and transportation) industries
are good examples of this. Firms from these industries invest in production or plant facilities in a country in
order to supply raw materials, parts, or finished products to their home country. In recent years, these same
industries have also started to provide forward FDI by supplying raw materials, parts, or finished products to
newly emerging local or regional markets.
Types of Foreign Direct Investment
There are different kinds of FDI, two of which - greenfield and brownfield - are increasingly applicable to global
Greenfield FDIs greenfield FDIAn FDI strategy in which a company builds new facilities from scratch. occur when
multinational corporations enter into developing countries to build new factories or stores. These new facilities are
built from scratch - usually in an area where no previous facilities existed. The name originates from the idea of
building a facility on a green field, such as farmland or a forested area. In addition to building new facilities that best
meet their needs, the firms also create new long-term jobs in the foreign country by hiring new employees.
Countries often offer prospective companies tax breaks, subsidies, and other incentives to set up greenfield
A Brownfield FDI; Brownfield FDI An FDI strategy in which a company or government entity purchases or leases
existing production facilities to launch a new production activity. is when a company or government entity
purchases or leases existing production facilities to launch a new production activity. One application of this strategy
is where a commercial site used for an “unclean” business purpose, such as a steel mill or oil refinery, is cleaned up
and used for a less polluting purpose, such as commercial office space or a residential area. Brownfield investment is
usually less expensive and can be implemented faster; however, a company may have to deal with many challenges,
including existing employees, outdated equipment, entrenched processes, and cultural differences.
Implications for Managers
A manager has to know is the opportunity for investment is worthwhile or not, managers can access the
opportunity by following indicators or watchful about following factors.
Development Assistance
Some countries offer assistance to foreign investors who want to operate businesses. This assistance
can take the form of tax breaks as well as offering expert assistance in negotiating the maze of
regulations a foreign investor can face. Some countries even offer grants and loan guarantees to help
an investor finance a new operation or purchase of an existing business. If a manager finds a country
that offers development assistance, this can help mitigate some of the risk of investing in that country.
Local Tax Laws
A manager considering a foreign direct investment should understand tax laws in the area. Taxes can
eat away profits, and if the foreign country or municipality heavily taxes businesses, this should be
part of the manager’s consideration of the potential for profits.
Implications for Managers
Exchange Rates
Exchange rates for foreign currencies can affect profitability of a company. The investment will earn
income in the local currency, and in order for that income to flow to the parent company, it will have
to be converted. A favorable exchange rate can boost profits, whereas a negative one can siphon off
profits. A manager must consider the exchange rate when considering the value of a foreign direct
Outsourcing and Licensing Options
Managers should consider whether offering to be an outsourcing company could be a greater
advantage than investing in a foreign country. This arrangement can produce immediate profits with
no need to invest in the foreign business. Also, a small business can license software or the company
name to allow the foreign entity to improve business. Licensing produces immediate revenue for the
small business without any need to invest funds.
Fundamentals of Management
Off-shoring Outsourcing
and Global Culture
Global Business
Fundamentals of Management (ICMAP)
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Multinational Corporations
Diversity among multinationals
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Multinational Corporations
Benefits of going multinational
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Multinational Corporations
Ownership advantages
Ownership of superior technology – this will enhance productivity and result in superior
quality products.
Research and development (R&D) capacity – multinationals can invest heavily in R&D
since they can spread the cost over a large output.
Product differentiation – can combine innovation with successful product differentiation.
Managerial skills – managers of multinationals are more innovative in the way that they
do things.
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Multinational Corporations
Locational advantages
Multinationals will take advantage of the most appropriate location to make their products
or services. Can locate:
where the required resources can be found.
where labour is relatively cheap.
where the quality of the resources is better.
in a foreign country to avoid transport costs and tariffs.
in a foreign country to take advantage of government incentives.
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Multinational Corporations
Outsourcing and Off-shoring
Outsourcing means contracting-out aspects of the work of the organisation, previously
done inhouse, to specialist providers. Outsourcing has become increasingly common in
organisations. The advantages and disadvantages are as follows:
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Outsourcing and Off-shoring
Reduced costs
Increased capacity, leading to faster and more flexible supply
Reduced capital expenditure
Reduced headcount
Greater focus on core business activities
Access to suppliers’ expertise
Can be used to overcome skills shortages
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Multinational Corporations
No control over future price rises
Loss of in-house expertise
Risk to continuity of supply
Risk of loss of confidentiality
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Off-shoring is the relocating of corporate activities overseas. The bulk of offshored
activities include call centres, IT enabled services (e.g. software development) and
business process operations (e.g. human resource management and payroll processing).
Obtaining information – most US companies now put out their press releases on the
internet, just as the stock market opens. Therefore, the journalists in Multan can access
the same basic information as their colleagues in the US.
Sending information – the reduced cost of telecommunications links means that the
news written in Faisalabad can be sent around the world as quickly as the news written in
New York.
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Benefits of offshoring for the recipient countriesThe benefits of off shoring for the
recipient countries, such as Pakistan, include:
Much needed jobs
Improvement in skills
Advances in infrastructure and technology
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Disadvantages of off shoring for the home country
The disadvantages for the home country include:
Differences cultural, language and time differences between the home country and the
recipient country may make off shoring difficult.
Technical issues
Brand image
Customer satisfaction
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Organization Culture
Culture is the collective programming of the mind which
Chapter Summary distinguishes the members of one category of people
Definition:- from another.
Culture is expressed by Handy as being:
By this Handy means the sum total of the belief, knowledge, attitudes, norms and
customs that prevail in an organization.
Culture Difference in the Different Firms:-Distinguish one group from other:-
Every organization has its distinguish culture, one behavior which is acceptable in one
organization, may not be acceptable for another firm in the same field.
Develop Over Time:-
Culture is developed overtime but can be changed with a single event. Likewise Death of
company founder, or threat from new innovation from competitor.
Elements of Organization Culture
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Symbols or symbolic actions
There are many examples, including:
the organisation's unique roots established by the personal style and experience of the
founder; for instance, think Virgin Group and the effect the style of Richard Branson has
had on this organisation.
the organisation's logos, slogans and jingles; for instance Asda and Walmart with ‘Roll
Back’, the smiley face, and ‘That’s Asda Price’.
the activities of an executive, e.g. visiting the factory floor to speak to employees.
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National culture influences the way that people behave at work, and the expectations
that they have of their colleagues, careers and organisations.
Today’s global business economy has resulted in managers having to work with, or within,
many different national cultures. Business success will, in part, be driven by an
understanding by managers of these different national cultures.
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Hofstede research finds out the national differences between over 100,000 of IBM’s employees in
different parts of the world. In an attempt to find aspects of culture that might influence business
He found five traits or cultural dimensions:
Individualism vs. Collectivism:-
Looks at the extent to which people are integrated into groups. Some cultures are more cohesive than
others. E.g. Anglo Saxon cultures are generally more individualistic than the collectivist cultures of South
Uncertainty Avoidance Index:-
Deals with a society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity e.g.
France and Japan use bureaucracy to reduce uncertainty because they
dislike it.
Low uncertainty avoidance indicates a society that is not rule-oriented
and has greater tolerance for a variety of ideas, thoughts and beliefs.
Power Distance Index:-
the extent to which the less powerful members of
organization and institutions accept and except that power
is distributed unequally e;g. in South American society
differences s in poser were tolerated more than in North
European cultures.
Masculinity vs. Feminity:-
A masculine role in one where the distinction between the role so
the genders are large and males focus on work, power and success.
(toughness and the desire for material wealth and possessions)
Like in Japan while nothing like this in Finland.
Other society care for social value, relationship and no
discrimination between male and female (value personal
relationships, belonging and the quality of life).
Long-term Orientation vs. Short term Orientation
Long-term orientation is when you are focused on the future. Short-term orientation is
when you are focused on the present or past and consider them more important than the
future. If you have a short-term orientation, you value tradition, the current social
hierarchy and fulfilling your social obligations.
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Q1: Research has indicated that workers in country A display characteristics such as
toughness and the desire for material wealth and possessions, while workers in
country B value personal relationships, belonging and the quality of life.
According to Hofstede's theory, these distinctions relate to which of the following
cultural dimensions?
A. Masculinity-femininity
B. Power-distance
C. Individualism-collectivism
D. Uncertainty avoidance
Q1 :A
By definition.
Q2: Consider the following cultural ‘dimensions’ as popularized by Hofstede.
i. High uncertainty avoidance
ii. Masculinity
iii. Low power distance
iv. Individualism
In country A, most businesses are highly bureaucratic with many defined rules for employees.
However, even junior staff members are usually involve in the creation of these rules, as they
expect to have a say in the running of the business.
Which TWO of the cultural dimensions identified above are shown to exist in country A?
A. (i) and (ii)
B. (i) and (iii)
C. (ii) and (iii)
D. (iii) and (iv) Q2:B
Bureaucratic businesses are evidence as they give staff defined rules to work
with. The fact that junior staff have a say in the running of the business is
evidence of low power distance.
Fundamentals of Management
Foreign Direct Investment
& Multinational Companies
Global Business
Fundamentals of Management (ICMAP)
Balance of Payment
Restriction of Free Trade
Revise Argument for Free Trade
Higher inflation
This makes exports less competitive and imports more competitive. However this factor may be
offset by a decline in the value of sterling.
Borrowing money
If country export raw material which prices decreased and import technology which prices rise
dramatically. It will negatively affect the term of trade and then current account
Child labour propaganda: Pakistan has enjoyed comparative advantage in the production of
carpets and sports goods. The propaganda of child labour by American and European countries
in these industries has reduced Pakistan's exports of carpets and sports goods which lead to BOP
High population growth rate: The population of Pakistan is increasing at a higher rate than its
economic growth rate. Therefore, the increasing output resulted from the economic growth rate
is eaten up by the fast growing population which left nothing for exports.
Restricting free trade (protectionism)
In theory, free trade between nations is desirable, but often in practice various forms
of protection are used.
Protectionism is where one country, or group of countries, attempts to restrict trade
with another country, to protect their producers from competition.
There are a number of ways in which markets can be protected:
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Import controls
If a country imposes tariffs (a tax on imports) on various imports, then
their prices will rise as compare to the home produced goods and so
the demand for imports should fall and switch to locally produced
goods. But today,, the World Trade Organization (WTO) would raise
objection because it is against the policy of free flow of resource across
the borders..
Import Quota
Another option is fixed the quantity of import of product, we called
Quotas, will reduce the supply in the market and leads rise in price of
product in local market, which makes locally produced product
Embargoes ban on certain imports or exports.
Illustration 3 Embargoes
In 2006, a European Commission ban on British beef exports officially ended, 10
years after it was imposed to prevent the spread of mad cow disease.
Subsides on domestic products to give them a price advantage over imports.
Administrative regulations designed to deter imports, e.g. excessive paperwork.
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Government Measures to Current Account Deficit
Monetary Measures
Exchange rate depreciation: This is where the rate of exchange of, say Rs. for US$ increases. The
concept of exchange rates is explained in greater detail in the following section.
Deflation: By bringing down the price level domestically, this can increase the attractiveness of
goods on the international market, thereby increasing exports.
Exchange control: Tool can be used in short-term. In an extreme version, a monetary authority
may command that exporters relinquish foreign exchange reserves to the central bank. This has
the effect of restricting the level of imports that are possible.
Non-Monetary Measures:
Arrange exhibition: In the short-term government should organization of exhibitions and trade
fairs to create awareness among overseas importers.
Tax rebates for exporters: Provision of tax rebates and other reforms to exporters can also be
used in the short-run
Subsidized interest rates for exporters: In the short-term Provision of finance at subsidized
interest rates to exporters is also a good strategy
Export Promotion and Import Substitute:
i) Government should the export industry by searching new markets for export, organizing
export product exhibitions, and giving rebates on raw materials.
ii) Similarly develop import substitutes by technical guidance, funding or suppressing the
demand for imported goods through media campaign.
Arguments for restricting free trade
Protection for infant industries likely in developing countries where new industries are
too small to have gained economies of scale, workers will be inexperienced and there is
inadequate finance for expansion.
Prevents dumping a country may produce an excess of a good, e.g. wine or beef and in
order to get rid of the excess they may export it at a low price. The countries receiving
the dumped goods would therefore be facing unfair competition from abroad.
Prevents the establishment of a foreign based monopoly competition from abroad
could drive domestic producers out of business. The foreign company, now having a
monopoly, could charge high prices for substandard products.
To reduce the influence of trade on consumer tastes for example, the developing
countries may object to the influence of Western consumerist values expounded by
companies such as Starbucks and McDonalds.
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Arguments for restricting free trade
To prevent the import of harmful goods the import of goods, such as drugs or live
animals, may be barred.
Self-sufficiency the country may wish to maintain a degree of self-sufficiency in case
trade is cut off in times of war.
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Revise Case for Free Trade
1. The theory of comparative advantage
This explains that by specializing in goods where countries have a lower
opportunity cost, there can be an increase in economic welfare for all countries.
Free trade enables countries to specialize in those goods where they have
a comparative advantage.
Revise Case for Free Trade
3. Increased exports
As well as benefits for consumers importing goods, firms exporting goods where
the Pakistan has a comparative advantage will also see a significant
improvement in economic welfare. Lower tariffs on Pakistan exports will enable a
higher quantity of exports boosting jobs and economic growth of Pakistan.
4. Economies of scale
If countries can specialize in certain goods they can benefit from economies of
scale and lower average costs; this is especially true in industries with high fixed
costs or that require high levels of investment. The benefits of economies of
scale will ultimately lead to lower prices for consumers and greater efficiency for
exporting firms.
Revise Case for Free Trade
5. Increased competition
With more trade, domestic firms will face more competition from abroad.
Therefore, there will be more incentives to cut costs and increase efficiency. It
may prevent domestic monopolies from charging too high prices.
Global Business
Fundamentals of Management (ICMAP)
The expansion of European and American grocer retailers into global markets has been
underway for a number of years. Limited growth opportunities at home resulted in the
major players expanding their overseas operations with mixed success. Tesco entered the
Thai market in 1998 and now has over 500 stores. The advantage for these international
retailers was expertise in systems, distribution and the range of products. However, the
businesses have had to learn to adapt to local conditions, e.g. Walmart sells whole
roasted pigs and live frogs in its Chinese stores.
Globalisation and developing countries
In the past, many companies located much of their manufacturing in the developing
countries of Asia and Latin America.
Now they are increasingly locating service and knowledge based jobs there too, e.g.
telesales, research and development.
This is because many countries in Asia and Latin America now produce a massive
number of well educated and well trained individuals.
These workers are cheap to employ compared to those in the US and Europe, resulting
in lower costs and increased profits for companies.
The developing countries have also benefited with economic growth and wage rises as
a result of globalization.
Emerging Economy
An emerging market economy is transitioning from a low income, less developed, often
pre-industrial economy towards a modern, industrial economy with a higher standard of
Emerging Economy
Main Points
BRIC Countries
A recent trend has been a rise in multinational companies from the emerging 'BRIC'
Emerging Economy
BRIC are the world’s largest emerging economies.
Fast growth, strong economic foundations and large populations have made BRIC into the world’s
most promising economies.
By 2050, the combined BRIC economies are expected to outstrip the G6 economies (Germany,
France, Italy, Japan, UK and the USA).
At this point, China is predicted to become the world’s largest economy.
In June 2009, the first summit of heads of state of the BRIC countries was held. The forming of an
alliance will help to increase their economic and political power.
Organisations in BRIC economies are moving from being recipients of foreign direct investment to
actually investing in and even becoming owners of major Western businesses.
Economic Systems
There are three basic economic systems:
However, for the purposes of our analysis it is more helpful to classify these systems in terms of resource
allocation (market-driven versus centrally determined) and property ownership (private versus public).
In a market-driven economy goods and services are allocated on the basis of demand and supply. If
consumers express a preference for cellular telephones, more of these products will be offered for sale. If
consumers refuse to buy dot-matrix printers, these goods will cease to be offered.
The US and EU nations have market-driven economies. In a centrally determined economy goods and
services are allocated based on a plan formulated by a committee that decides what is to be offered. Cuba
and to a large degree China are examples. In these economies people are able to purchase only what the
government determines should be sold.
Economic Systems-Market Economy
Market-driven economies are characterized by private ownership. Most of the assets of production are in
the hands of privately owned companies that compete for market share by offering the best quality goods
and services at competitive prices. Centrally determined economies are characterized by public ownership.
Most of the assets of production are in the hands of the state and production quotas are set for each
In recent years market-driven economies have become increasingly popular. An example is Russia, which has
begun introducing aspects of free enterprise such as allowing people to start their own businesses and to
keep any profits that they make. Eastern European countries are another example.
Economic Systems-Mixed Economy
Mixed Economy
In examining economic systems, it is important to remember that, in a strict sense, most nations of the
world have mixed economies, characterized by a combination of driven planning. For example, the US, a
leading proponent of
a market-driven economic policies, provides health care and other social services to many citizens through
government-regulated agencies. So the US has some aspects of planning centrally driven planning.
Economic Systems
Other democratic countries with mixed economies include Great Britain, Sweden, and Germany, all of which
have even stronger social welfare systems than America. Another example of the role of government in the
economy is that of promoting business and ensuring that local firms gain or maintain dominance in certain
market areas. The US and EU governments continually pressure the Chinese to open their doors to foreign
MNEs and the Chinese government is very active in helping its local firms to do business with the West.
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Disadvantages of Planned Economy
Consumer sovereignty – consumers determine what is produced by producers, i.e.
suppliers will only produce goods and services that consumers will buy.
Greater competition – competition between firms should lead to improved efficiency and
quality and lower priced goods and services.
Incentive to work hard – individuals are free to make profit for themselves (and not the
government). This increases the incentive to work hard.
The former Soviet Union and China would be classed as transition economies.
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Economic Systems-Planned
Economic Systems-Planned
Some of the primary reasons for privatization include
(1) it is more efficient to have the goods and services provided by private business than by government-run
(2) a change in the political culture brings about a desire to sell off these assets;
(3) the company has been making money and the government feels that there is more to be gained by
selling now than by holding on;
(4) the purchase price can be used to reduce the national debt;
(5) the company is losing money and the government has to assume the losses out of the national treasury;
(6) the commodity needs research and development funds in order to maintain a competitive stance, and it
is unwilling to make this investment; and.
(7) international funding agencies are making assistance to the country .conditional on a reduction in the
size of the government.
Economic Systems-Planned
There are six common, and sometimes interdependent, reasons for countries to control business assets, a
process known as nationalization. These include
(1) promoting economic development, for example by coordinating the assets of many businesses into one
overall master plan;
(2) earning profits for the national treasury;
(3) preventing companies from going bankrupt and closing their doors;
(4) enhancing programs that are in the national interest;
(5) increasing the political or economic control of those in power; and
(6) ensuring goods and services to all citizens regardless of their economic status.
Fundamentals of Management
Global Business and Risk
Global Business
Fundamentals of Management (ICMAP)
Country Risk
Political Risk
Country risk is a much more general term than political risk and relates to all of the risks of
operating or investing in a particular country.
Political risk is the possibility of an unexpected politically motivated event in a country
affecting the outcome of an investment.
Political risk is greater in countries with developing economies
A change in government can sometimes result in dramatic changes for a business.
Political risk could have a direct effect on a business. For example: