Bookchapter Authorsfinaldraft
Bookchapter Authorsfinaldraft
Bookchapter Authorsfinaldraft
6 1,005
3 authors:
Eric Too
RMIT University
All content following this page was uploaded by Bambang Trigunarsyah on 04 May 2017.
1. Introduction
Accelerating infrastructure provision is one of the main priorities in Indonesia’s national development. In 2011,
the government announced the needs to accelerate and to expand Indonesia economic development, by
establishing of six economic corridors with different development themes which are Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan,
Sulawesi, Bali-Nusa Tenggara and Papua-Maluku Islands. To support those economic corridors, an additional
need 90,000 MW of power supply has been projected. It has been identified that the total investment will cost at
about USD 401.2 billion (CMEA, 2011). For infrastructures development, the investment is estimated for USD
178.6 billion that will be distributed to road, port, power and energy, airport, railway, water utility, and
information communication technology infrastructures. The Government of Indonesia (GOI) will contribute
approximately 10% of the total investment. The outstanding investment will be offered to state owned
enterprises, private sector and public private partnership (PPP).
Although the use of project financing in public infrastructure has been implemented in many countries,
however in Indonesia it is still developing and now it gains its momentum. Private sector involvement could
open the floodgate for the use of Islamic project financing for infrastructure development. Therefore it is
expected that Islamic project financing can take part in Indonesia infrastructure development.
This paper explores factors that influence the implementation of Islamic project financing for
infrastructures development in Indonesia. The paper begins with the discussion on the use of project financing in
infrastructure development. It then examines how Islamic financing can be incorporated into project financing.
Finally, it illustrates the barrier of Islamic project financing implementation in Indonesia infrastructure projects.
In Indonesia infrastructure projects, the principle risks that typically occur include land acquisition, tariffs,
demand, country and political risks, and off-taker creditworthiness. It is the P3CU and GCAs responsibility to
ensure that project risks are clearly identified and allocated among the stakeholders. Therefore the GOI
established support mechanisms for PPP infrastructure project risks through several regulations such as MOF
Regulation No. 38 of 2006 on guidance for controlling and management of risks in infrastructure provision,
CMEA Regulation No. 4 of 2006 on evaluation methodology for PPP infrastructure projects that require
government support, and Government Regulation No. 35 of 2009 on state participation for a limited liability
company establishment for infrastructure guarantees.
The forms of support in PPP projects consist of: (1) Direct support, for project which is economically
justified but not financially feasible; (2) Land acquisition, by reimbursing the land acquisition cost to
government contracting agency (GCA) through project revenues; (3) Contingent support, for guarantees
covering political risk, project performance risk, and demand risk; (4) Tax incentives; and (5) Special economic
zones (CMEA, 2010). The government support will be analysed based on the minimum support required for
financial viability and bankability under the selected form of cooperation.
4. Research methodology
To achieve the implementation of Islamic project financing in Indonesia infrastructure projects, this research
uses qualitative approach that explores, emphasises meanings and experiences, and describes social and human
problem (Naoum, 2007, Creswell, 2009). It is also considered as descriptive research because reasonable
knowledge has been achieved, however more detail information is still needed to be addressed (Cavana, et al.,
2001). Therefore, structured interviews, focus groups and questionnaires are more likely to be used in this
However, in this research, focus group is replaced with Delphi method as a whole structure research
method. Delphi is chosen because participant can make contribution from anywhere and anytime even via
electronic communication (Steurer, 2011). In addition to that, Delphi was used to maintain anonymity and
limited contact amongst research participants. Therefore they can freely response their opinions, beliefs and
judgements without other participant influences (Rowe and Wright, 1999, Skulmoski, et al., 2007, Steurer,
2011), and avoid direct confrontation (Okoli and Pawlowski, 2004). Anonymity can protect participants from
disgrace if they have opposite opinions (Steurer, 2011).
Delphi is used to combine expert knowledge and opinion (Singh and Schmidgall, 2000) to achieve
consensus when dealing with uncertainty in an area of inadequate knowledge (Paliwoda, 1983). Delphi method
in this research aims to develop framework implementation of Islamic project financing in infrastructure
projects. This research chose Delphi as the methodology because firstly, the problem is complex and has no
adequate communication history. Secondly, the panels are from various stakeholders to keep validity assurance
in the results. Thirdly, focus group meetings are not feasible to conduct due to time and cost limitation (Linstone
and Turoff, 1975, Singh, et al., 2000). It is also suitable because the problem is multiple dimensions (Paliwoda,
1983). The research problems arise from infrastructure investment framework, project financing issue and
Islamic financing concept.
Delphi method is an iterative process that consists of several iterative rounds (usually two or three). Data
from each round are analysed and used to generate questions for the following round. The iterative round stops
when consensus is reached on factors related to the topic (Azadeh, et al., 2009). However, instead of reaching a
convergence of opinion, Delphi usually stops at the third round because the panels have begun to exhaust their
interest and not willing to do so (Baldwin-Morgan, 1993, Azadeh, et al., 2009). Additional rounds also tend to
yield redundancy and cause a significant withdrawing of returns for substantial additional effort (Azadeh, et al.,
2009). At the final round, the opinion may reflect agreement, disagreement or some of each (Pivo, 2008).
There are three rounds of Delphi method in this research. The first round started with in-depth interview
and then continued with questionnaires for the second and the third round. In-depth interview was conducted in
order to gather and to explore panel members’ knowledge and experience. It then assembled the complexity
information gathered from literature review. It drew an interpretative theoretical framework of infrastructure
projects’ key stakeholder point of view. The results of in-depth interview were used to develop Delphi
questionnaire rounds. This paper, however, only focuses on Delphi first round, which involved in-depth
interview process.
Potential members of the panel were selected from infrastructure stakeholders and Islamic financing
practitioners. They have the knowledge of infrastructure project financing and/or Islamic financing that would
classify them as experts. Both academics and practitioners are included to ensure that a wide spectrum of
viewpoints is included in the panel (Baldwin and Trinkle, 2011). It is also heterogeneous in order to identify and
explore uncertainty areas (Murphy, et al., 1998, Skulmoski, et al., 2007). The number of participants will
influence research reliability. Reliability is low when the participant less than six, while more than twelve
participants will increase the reliability (Murphy, et al., 1998).
There are three types of panellists to create a success mix (Linstone, et al., 1975). The first type is
stakeholders who are or will be directly affected. The second type is experts who have an applicable specialty or
relevant experience. The third type is the facilitators who have skills in clarifying, organizing, synthesizing or
stimulating of the concept. During the Delphi first round, the panels were gathered from infrastructure project
stakeholders, the shariah national board members, and academics. The infrastructure project stakeholders
consist of people who work for guarantee fund company, risk management unit at the Ministry of Finance
(MOF), shariah debt management office at MOF, Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affair (CMEA) as part of
KKPPI institution, Islamic bank, government contracting agency, infrastructure special purpose company, and
public private partnership consultant. The panels were recruited by invitation and snowball technique.
Government is responsible for public infrastructures provision, on the other hand infrastructure project
development can be initially triggered by private sector. Recently, Indonesia government has broadened public
infrastructure delivery by the provision of supporting policies and regulations. In the case of Islamic project
financing, several laws, government regulations, and ministry regulations have been issued to support Islamic
financing and infrastructure investment as summarised on Table 3.
Although infrastructure regulations do not specifically mention shariah investment, Indonesian law through
sukuk and Islamic banking can reinforce investment with shariah principle. Additionally, Government
Regulation No. 56, 2011 allows infrastructure projects to be funded with sukuk, which complements the
possibility of Islamic finance to penetrate the market. However the government regulation is not yet applicable
for infrastructure investment with project financing scheme, it is applicable to infrastructure projects within
government budget only.
Table 3. Law, regulation and policy on Islamic financing and infrastructure investment
Islamic Financing Infrastructure Investment
Law Law No. 19/2008 on Islamic Law No. 7/2004 on Water
state securities/state sukuk resources
Law No. 21/2008 on Islamic Law No. 38/2004 on Road
banking Law No. 23/2007 on Railway
Law No. 17/2008 on Sea
Law No. 1/2009 on Air
Law No. 30/2009 on Electricity
Government regulation (GR) GR No. 56/2011 on Project GR No. 8/2007 on Government
budgeting with state sukuk investment
Presidential Regulation (PR) No.
13/2010 on Amendments of PR
no. 67/2005 on Public private
partnership for infrastructure
Ministry regulation Ministry of Finance (MOF) MOF Regulation:
Regulation: No. 38/PMK.01/2006 on Risk
No. 129/PMK.08/2011 on control and management
Project utilisation for state sukuk guideline for infrastructure
No. 100/PMK.010/2009 on
Infrastructure finance enterprise
Other supportive regulation or Head of Regulatory body of capital
policy market and financial institution
(Bapepam LK) Regulation:
No. PER-03/BL/2007 on
Financial enterprise activities
based on Islamic principles
No. PER-04/BL/2007 on
Financial enterprise aqd
transactions based on Islamic
The Head of Regulatory Body of Capital Market and Financial Institution (Bapepam LK) regulations
support infrastructure investment in shariah scheme within permissible activities. Through those regulations,
infrastructure financial enterprise can legally has shariah investment transactions, such as mudarabah mutlaqah
(unrestricted investment), mudarabah muqayyada (restricted investment), mudarabah musytaraka, musyaraka
or any other financing investment. Those regulations also mention the objects of each type of shariah
transactions, the right and obligations of each stakeholder.
In the water infrastructure sector, although private involvement is considered new, the investment
opportunity is huge. The government opens the water sector financial source of fund as mention in the Law No
17 Year 2004 about Water Resources. The infrastructure investment can be sourced from private sectors, non-
bank institution, even from community participation. Therefore Islamic financing is applicable in water
infrastructure development projects. The water sector contracting agency does not have an obligation to buy the
clean water. However, there is an assurance that the communities or industries surrounded by the water services
will obtain their water supply from the water supply company. Regarding the capital expenditures, water supply
infrastructure does not require a very massive amount of fund, contrasting with other sectors such as power
plant or toll road. Hence, it is at ease for shariah financing mode to step in to the water supply sector.
Other aspect that can support Islamic finance scheme in infrastructure is the settlement of regulations in
Islamic banking or Islamic finance instruments. It was started by enacting Law No. 19 Year 2008 in Islamic
state securities (Sukuk) and Law No. 21 Year 2008 in Islamic banking, followed with other supportive
regulations such as government regulation, ministry decree and regulation, and general director decree. The
establishment of regulations in Islamic finance shows government support and seriousness in Islamic investment
opportunity. The Indonesian Government also open investment in infrastructure projects through project-based
sukuk, although the project is based on government budget funding (APBN). Therefore it provides another
opportunity for Islamic scheme in financing infrastructure within private investment.
6. Summary
Several public infrastructure sectors, such as water, energy and road, concern to assort Islamic financing
scheme. This paper shows the possibilities of Islamic project financing implementation for infrastructure
development projects through the issuance of government policies and regulations. Although there are already
some regulations relate to the shariah finance, none of them relate to infrastructure project financing. The
regulations in infrastructure provision itself also not correlated to Islamic financing. For example, Law No. 19
Year 2008 only covers Islamic financing within obligation instrument, while other Islamic financial instruments
such as murabaha, mudarabah, musyaraka or ijarah are not concealed with the law. Meanwhile Law No. 21
Year 2008 only regulates banking sector activities, while in Islamic project financing, banking is not the only
institution of financing. There are other financial institutions in infrastructure project financing such as
multilateral agencies and guarantee agency. The same circumstance also happens in infrastructure regulation. It
never converges with project financing nor Islamic financing. Most of infrastructure regulations focus in sectors
development or institutional role. Therefore it is needed to improve law and regulation regarding infrastructure
project financing. These laws and regulations will bridge the gap and overarching infrastructure business and
Islamic finance investment.
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