CAP1023 Syllabus
CAP1023 Syllabus
CAP1023 Syllabus
Course Description: Survey of the various aspects of game development, including game programming
and scripting, design, modeling, and rendering. Students will work on projects involving design and
storyboarding, computer programming and scripting, as well as multimedia presentations and artwork.
Aspects of the gaming industry will be covered to include human-computer interaction, mathematical and
physics considerations and the business of game production and distribution.
Game programming
• Create a plan for the design phase of an information technology program.
• Practice introductory programming concepts using model computer programs.
• Study and develop programs from models demonstrating the math and physics of 2D and 3D
coding concepts.
• Create scripts to produce computer animation based on model scripts.
Graphics design
• Capture, manipulate and apply raster and vector digital graphics using 2D and 3D modeling.
• Apply textures to graphics for backgrounds and characters.
• Differentiate, develop and optimize simple animations.
• Develop an understanding of video production techniques.
• Apply lighting, shadows and surface effects to graphics.
• Produce audio files and enhance audio with effects.
Grading/Exam System:
The course grade will be determined by the number of points accumulated on the following assignments:
Module 0 ............................................................... 10 points
5 projects @ 10 points each ................................. 50 points
8 discussions @ 5 points each ............................. 40 points
Total .................................................................... 100 points
Class Discussions: Communication with the class in the discussion topics is essential to completing this
class successfully. Attention needs to be paid to proper use of the English language, as well as basic
“netiquette” when making an initial posting or commenting on other classmates’ submissions. Class
discussions may be found in the Discussion icon under the Modules link on our class home page in
MyHCC. Discussions cannot be made up; if you miss a discussion, the discussion topic deadline will not
be extended for you. Discussions happen at a point in time and participating in a discussion after
everyone is done has the same effect at going into an empty classroom and talking to yourself.
Project Submission: Projects must be submitted under the Project Drop Boxes icon listed under the
Modules link on our class home page in MyHCC. Instructions for performing projects can be found in the
“Project Write-ups” icon under the Modules link from the class home page. Due dates are listed for each
project in the Project Drop Boxes icon under the Modules link from our class home page. Projects may
not be submitted to the regular Project Drop Boxes after the due date as passed.
In this class you will be allowed two (2) late projects. Late projects will earn up to 80% of the original
points for a project. The Late Project drop boxes are found under the Project Drop Boxes icon. These
Late Project drop boxes are provided for you if you are not able to complete an assignment on time. Any
project may be submitted to a Late Project drop box, except Module 0, up until the Late Project drop
boxes close, which is the week before final exams week starts. Only one (1) project is allowed to be
submitted to a Late Project drop box; you may not submit multiple projects to one (1) Late Project drop
The “Review Area” drop box may be found on in the “Project Drop Boxes” icon under the Modules link
from our class MyHCC homepage. The purpose of this drop box is for communication with the instructor.
If your questions cannot be handled via the normal MyHCC email, your instructor will request that you
submit your file(s) to the Review Area, where the instructor can download and look over your work. Only
place files in the Review Area if requested by your instructor. The Review Area drop box has no point
value and is not used in calculating your grade for this class.
Testing: There are no tests in this class. The textbook material is covered through the online class
discussions. The discussions require you to read the assigned textbook chapters and formulate your
concepts about the material covered. Also, in each discussion, you are required to read and respond to
discussion postings from other students.
Plagiarism: Remember, this is an academic environment. The act of plagiarism is not tolerated. In this
class you may not use any images that you have not created; you may not use images that have a
copyright; you must create your own images or use the images provided for you by the instructor. Your
instructor will not grade assignments that have copyrighted content. If you use content from a website in
an assignment, you are required to include a citation. It is never acceptable to cut and paste from a
website for an assignment. Students must paraphrase and write in her or his own words. Copying another
student’s discussion message and posting it as her or his own is an act of plagiarism. A first offense of
plagiarism will result in a grade of zero (0) for the assignment. A second offense of plagiarism will result in
a grade of F for the entire course and, at the discretion of the faculty member; the incident can be
reported to the Dean of Student Services for additional disciplinary action.
Attendance Policy:
Class attendance is critical in this online course. Students are expected to log onto MyHCC and check
course materials at least three times per week. Material is presented in a timed manner: projects and
discussions have due dates. Hands-on projects and discussions are due on the dates specified. No late
projects will be accepted, except as described later in the Project Submission section. There are
no make-up projects. Discussions replace in-class participation and cannot be made up. All
projects and discussions must be submitted via MyHCC.
Instructional Methods:
In this online course, you will need to have a computer which meets the minimum requirements stated in
the MyHCC Student Guide and Internet access in order to complete the course. Students are responsible
for accessing MyHCC and familiarizing themselves with navigation of the Web site. The instructor is not
responsible for the breakdown of technology including, but not limited to any of the following: inability to
submit assignments, downtime of the MyHCC server, operating system breakdowns, incompatible
software, Internet connections, or any personal challenges you may face while dealing with the 'online'
delivery system. Please note that the MyHCC server will "kick you off" as soon as the pre-determined
deadline for assignment submittal is reached, i.e., if the assignment is due by 11:55 p.m. at 11:55 p.m.
even if you are currently uploading your assignment, you will be "kicked off' and the assignment will not
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader read the projects and handouts presented in this course. You may
obtain Adobe Acrobat Reader free from
All assignments for this course are to be completed using the following software programs: Adobe
Photoshop, Autodesk Maya, and Microsoft PowerPoint, and general Windows Accessories, such as
MS Paint and the Sound Recorder. Other software will be introduced in the project write-ups, and
instructions on how to download and use this software will be given in the project write-ups. Completing
assignments in any other program(s) is unacceptable. Assignments submitted using any software
program other than those stated above will not be graded. Most of the software is available in either the
Open Lab, located on the Dale Mabry campus on the 4th floor of the DTEC building, or for download as
free/ trial versions. Adobe Photoshop is available for you to download on your home computer.
Navigate to, sign in with your HawkMail credentials (very important, use your HCC HawkMail
credentials, an account has already been set up for you).
The Microsoft Academic Alliance program is available to you as a Computer Science student here on
the Dale Mabry campus. You will find directions for signing up for this program under the link found in
Modules… Handouts… Microsoft Academic Software Download.
LinkedIn Learning video courses are available for free to you as a student here at Hillsborough
Community College. To access LinkedIn Learning as an HCC student:
• Select the MyHCC link from the college’s home page,
• In the left-hand column expand the link, Academics & Learning
• Click on the link, LinkedIn Learning, where you will navigate to the LinkedIn Learning home page.
• The first time you log into LinkedIn Learning, you will be asked to login. Use your HawkMail HCC
email account and select our school, Hillsborough Community College. It is very important that
you use your HawkMail HCC login information, otherwise you will be asked to pay for the videos.
Remember, the videos are free as long as you log in with your HCC credentials.
Computers with the licensed software for this course are located in the Open Lab in DTEC 462. Lab
hours are posted in the HCC Web site.
Online courses require written (email) correspondence. Students should use proper grammar, spelling
and formatting when submitting emails. Students should check their email frequently, at least three times
per week. All email correspondence for this course should be sent via the email provided through
MyHCC, as this account is utilized strictly for this class. The instructor will strive to answer all emails
in a timely manner. Keep in mind that while you may access the course information and submit
assignments twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, this does not mean the instructor is "online" at
all times. Your instructor will answer your emails within 48 hours, except on official college holidays and
on weekends. Students who have a problem, questions with an assignment or the assignment
instructions should email the instructor a minimum of 24 hours before the assignment is due. The
instructor is not responsible for "last minute" problems with assignments or the submission of
The instructor reserves the right to adapt and make changes to the syllabus. Any adjustments to
the syllabus will be shared with the class.
Recording of Class Sessions: Students may, without prior notice, record video or audio of a class
lecture for a class in which the student is enrolled for their own personal educational use. A class lecture
is defined as a formal or methodical oral presentation as part of an HCC course intended to present
information or teach enrolled students about a particular subject. Recording class activities other than
class lectures, including but not limited to lab sessions, student presentations (whether individually or part
of a group), class discussion (except when incidental to and incorporated within a class lecture), clinical
presentations such as patient history, academic exercises involving student participation, test or
examination administrations, field trips, private conversations between students in the class or between a
student and the faculty member, and invited guest speakers is prohibited. Recordings may not be used
as a substitute for class participation and class attendance and may not be published or shared without
the written consent of the faculty member. Failure to adhere to these requirements may constitute a
violation of the HCC Student Code of Conduct.
Request for Accommodations: If, to participate in this course, you require an accommodation due to a
physical or learning impairment, you must contact the Office of Services to Students with Disabilities. The
office is located in the Student Services building, room# 102. You may also reach the officer by
telephone at (813) 253-7031 or contacting Ryan Griffin at [email protected]
Student Assistance Program: HCC’s Student Assistance Program offers resources tailored to student
life, providing you with the right tools to help you through some of life's toughest challenges. The college
has contracted Baycare Health Management to provide free, professional, confidential counseling by
telephone and in person. A wide range of topics may be addressed through this program, including
mental health counseling, budgeting, and financial concerns. Please call 800-878-5470 or email
[email protected] further information.
Equity Statement: Hillsborough Community College is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative
action employer. HCC does not discriminate based on race, color, gender (including pregnancy, childbirth
or related medical conditions), religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status,
gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, or any other legally protected characteristics. Should
you require assistance or accommodation due to disability, contact the Office of Services for Students
with Disabilities (OSSD) at your campus. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you may
contact Annazette Houston, Chief Diversity Officer at (813) 253-7043.