Construction Industry Value Chain
Construction Industry Value Chain
Construction Industry Value Chain
How Companies Are Using Carbon Pricing to
Address Climate Risk and Find New Opportunities
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in emerging markets. We work with more than 2,000 businesses worldwide, using
our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities in the
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About CPLC
A unique initiative, the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC) brings together
leaders from national and sub-national governments, the private sector, academia,
and civil society with the goal of putting in place effective carbon pricing policies
that maintain competitiveness, create jobs, encourage innovation, and deliver
meaningful emissions reductions. The Coalition drives action through knowl-
edge sharing, targeted technical analysis and public-private dialogues that guide
successful carbon pricing policy adoption and accelerate implementation. The
Coalition encourages private sector climate leadership through sector-specific task
teams, including for the construction industry and the banking sector.
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, creates opportunity for people to escape poverty and improve their
lives. We foster sustainable economic growth in developing countries by supporting private sector develop-
ment, mobilizing private capital, and providing advisory and risk mitigation services to businesses and govern-
ments. This report was commissioned by the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC) through IFC’s Climate
Business Department. The CPLC secretariat is administered by The World Bank Group.
The conclusions and judgments contained in this report should not be attributed to, and do not necessarily rep-
resent the views of, IFC or its Board of Directors or the World Bank or its Executive Directors, or the countries
they represent. IFC and the World Bank do not guarantee the accuracy of the data in this publication and accept
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Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Current Carbon Pricing Practices by Companies across the Construction Value Chain. . . . 20
This paper was prepared by the Climate Business Department (Alzbeta Klein, Director)
through its Climate Finance and Policy team (Vikram Widge, Head) for the Carbon Pricing
Leadership Coalition (CPLC). The authors were Ayesha Malik and Aditi Maheshwari. Isabel
Saldarriaga Arango and Sona Panajyan led the communications and dissemination strategy
for the paper.
This work could not have been completed without the support and insights from CPLC
Partners who agreed to be interviewed: Rocio Fernandez Flores (Acciona); Alexander Roeder
(Cemex); Anupam Badola (Dalmia Cement); Andrew Bowerbank (EllisDon); Jeanne Michon-
Savarit (Groupe ADP); Cedric de Meeus and Elodie Woillez (LafargeHolcim); Hitesh Kataria and
Janhavi Parab (Mahindra & Mahindra); Mark Crouch, Dominika Nowosinska, and Madeleine
Rawlins (Mott MacDonald); Sergey Chestnoy and Dinara Gershinkova (Rusal); Nicolas Baglin
(Saint-Gobain); Volker Hessel and Dieter Vollkommer (Siemens); and Abhishek Goyal and Alka
Upadhyay (Tata Group).
In addition, many World Bank Group colleagues and experts provided invaluable insights and
feedback to shape the paper. Sector expertise was provided by IFC industry specialists Michel
Folliet, Prashant Kapoor, Rozita Kozar, Ommid Saberi, Stefan Johannes Schweitzer, Henri
Rachid Sfeir, Jigar Shah, and Alexander Sharabaroff. Overall guidance was provided by Angela
Naneu Churie Kallhauge and Tom Kerr.
This study reflects the views of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the
companies covered by the paper. The findings would, thus, not be binding on the companies
he global construction industry is the
world’s largest consumer of raw materi-
als, and constructed entities account for
between 25 and 40 percent of total carbon
emissions in the world.1 The industry is projected to
grow at 4.2 percent annually between 2018 and 2023
in terms of market value,2 with expansion opportuni-
ties in residential, nonresidential, and infrastructure
projects. This expected growth and the impera-
tive toward decarbonization3 signaled by the Paris
Agreement have created the impetus for sustainable
construction. Construction companies are becom-
ing increasingly accountable for their contribution
to global emissions and are facing pressure from
investors, banks, regulators, contracting authorities,
and consumers to mitigate their climate risk and
find new solutions to reduce their carbon footprint.
In response, the industry is making inroads toward
addressing these concerns.
What is the Construction
stakeholders, incentivizing low-carbon alter-
natives, and providing a revenue stream for
Value Chain?
investment in clean innovations.
Practices by Companies
along the value chain, as explored in this paper.
he global construction industry is the world’s largest consumer of raw materi-
als, and constructed objects account for between 25 and 40 percent of total
carbon emissions in the world.6 The industry is projected to grow at 4.2 per-
cent annually between 2018 and 2023 in terms of market value, with expan-
sion opportunities in residential, nonresidential, and infrastructure projects.7 In parallel,
the Paris Agreement and its well-below-2 degrees Celsius target for global temperature
increase8 has signaled an imperative toward decarbonization in the public and private
sectors,9 including creating the impetus for a sustainable construction industry. With
increasing populations, urbanization, and the fact that almost 75 percent of the infrastruc-
ture that will exist in 2050 has yet to be built,10 the construction industry is expected only
to expand, thus providing a significant opportunity to improve its efficiency and transition
toward a low-carbon future.
Governments are taking their own steps to The International Financial Corporation (IFC)
manage such opportunities, with 66 of the Paris estimates an investment opportunity in green
Agreement signatories mentioning buildings as buildings totaling more than $16 trillion by
a key sector for mitigation targets.11 Similarly, 2030 tied to meeting the Paris Agreement and
over 80 percent of all Nationally Determined domestic policy targets in 21 key emerging
Contributions (NDCs) include a focus on markets.14 Similarly, McKinsey estimates that
resilient infrastructure, also corresponding to annual investments of $3.3 trillion in infra-
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9’s inter- structure are needed worldwide to support the
section of infrastructure, energy, and housing,12 projected growth in GDP until 2030, of which
and SDG 11 on sustainable cities.13 At the 60 percent will be in emerging markets.15 These
same time, the private sector is also assuming trends provide an enormous opportunity to
responsibility. green the future construction of buildings and
infrastructure through innovative low-carbon
The construction industry is already mak- technologies, policies, and processes.
ing inroads toward addressing its emissions,
in response to these trends and the growing Companies have a growing sense of account-
demand for green, low-carbon construction. ability for their contribution to global emis-
Consumers of newly constructed buildings and sions, and they increasingly understand the
infrastructure increasingly require the industry risks that climate change and carbon exposure
to meet standards of energy efficiency, respon- pose to businesses and the potential oppor-
sible resource management, and resilience. tunities that exist for low-carbon solutions.
What is the Construction
Value Chain?
o accurately allocate risk and align sustainability approaches, it is important to
identify the actors that can assess, inform, and adapt their decision making to
most effectively implement an integrated carbon pricing mechanism. However,
construction projects differ by location and vary by type, from buildings to
civil engineering projects to large-scale infrastructure, and they are directed by local
conditions, purpose, regulations, codes, and resources that evolve with time. As such, the
specific contexts of construction projects also have an impact on the requirements, compo-
sition, and significance of different stages and actors in the value chains for those projects.
A holistic approach is needed to define the construction value chain so all relevant stake-
holders can jointly develop a strategy for integrated carbon pricing and, more broadly,
achieve their climate goals.
As the industry is integral to both national and the broader construction industry. The opera-
global economic flows, several definitions of tion of each phase as silos results in delays,
the construction value chain have been put missing information, and miscommunication,
forth, reflecting changing trends in technolo- which is reflected in the fragmented nature of
gies, processes, and projects. A review of the the construction value chain with its separate,
literature shows commonalities in definitions unaligned sectors.
of construction supply chains. One definition17
considers the value chain as a process that Others define the construction industry in
transforms raw construction materials into terms of its distinction from manufacturing
manufactured materials that are made into a supply chains,19 characterizing the industry’s
final product. Another reflects the specialized structure and function as one where the value
nature of each project, with new technologies chain converges all materials at the construc-
helping the construction industry evolve into tion site to set up a de facto “construction fac-
an “engineer-to-order” format where each tory” around a single, final, constructed project.
product is made specifically in accordance The project is produced by repeatedly recon-
with customer preferences and requirements.18 figuring its organization and making use of
Despite the relatively niche use of engineer-to- temporary supply chains typified by instability,
order construction to date, it offers lessons for
Local Authorities
Architects &
Materials &
Raw Regulators
Materials Services
onstruction companies are championing sustainability initiatives across the
world. For example, through the Sustainable Housing Leadership Consortium
leading companies from the industry have pledged to work together to make
at least 20 percent of new housing developments in India go green by 2022.29
The Cement Sustainability Initiative(CSI), launched by the World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD), brought together 25 major cement producers, account-
ing for 30 percent of global cement production, to pursue sustainable, business-positive
development.30 CSI is being succeeded by the Global Cement and Concrete Association
(GCCA), which will continue to reflect and support the industry’s commitment to sus-
tainability.31 The Aluminium Stewardship Institute (ASI) is a global standards setting and
certification organization, that unites more than 60 members in the aluminum value chain
to maximize the sector’s contribution to a sustainable society.32 The Global Alliance for
Buildings and Construction has almost 100 members, ranging from national governments
to private companies, trade associations, and research organizations committed to meet-
ing the Paris Agreement targets.33 Green buildings with a certification from Leadership
in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED),34 Building Research Establishment
Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM),35 or Excellence in Design for Greater
Efficiencies (EDGE, which is especially prevalent in emerging markets)36 are already at a
premium, and demand for sustainable construction is only increasing. McKinsey has iden-
tified a huge opportunity for construction “materials of the future,” of which green materi-
als and low-carbon technologies are integral parts.37
The various sectors of the construction value economy, and others. While sustainability
chain are demonstrating their awareness of the measures have gained momentum across the
importance of embedding sustainability into industry, they manifest differently in each sec-
their operations and products. This is apparent tor. Some broader sustainability trends in select
through their use of methods such as internal sectors are outlined below.
carbon-reduction targets, development of inno-
vative green products, advocacy for sustain-
ability standards, integration into the circular
Despite these efforts, current sustainability trends and initiatives in the sec-
tor will have to be greatly increased to meet climate targets while keeping
up with aluminum demand from downstream industries such as construc-
tion, automobiles, and electronics.50 These industries are already facing more
pressure from regulators, investors, and consumers to engage in sustainable
production and business practices, and new policies affecting the aluminum
sector globally can be expected. The opportunity exists to meet increased
demand with low-carbon aluminum, and tools such as carbon pricing provide
an incentive for its use.
Despite such ventures, however, a study by Climate Action Tracker found that
the decarbonization of steel with currently available technologies, including a
CDP surveyed cement companies’ exposure to high earnings risk from their
emissions and found that the poorest-performing companies were the least
supportive to carbon regulations and unprepared for a low-carbon future, and
thus, the most exposed.58 On the other hand, companies that had been reduc-
ing their emissions intensity over time were much better positioned to handle
the transition risks toward a low-carbon economy, although the industry as a
whole needs to seek longer-term solutions, such as carbon capture and low-
carbon cement products.
The cement and concrete industry is coming together to meet this challenge
through forums such as the GCCA, which seek to explore the role of cement
and concrete in sustainable construction. Concrete is helping to reduce life-
cycle emissions from buildings, as its use can reduce energy consumption from
heating and cooling by up to two-thirds.59
Innovative green cement and concrete products are also reaching the market.
Some examples are high fly ash content concrete, which uses half as much
water and lasts three times longer than other substitutes;63 concrete that is
reinforced with recycled plastic instead of energy-intensive steel;64 and other
“carbon-negative manufacturing processes” that substitute clinker with a more
sustainable material.65 However, such low-carbon cement and concrete prod-
ucts have seen low uptake along the value chain thus far. Adoption of such
products can be encouraged by developing an integrated approach to sustain-
ability across the value chain, which will help boost green construction.
Glass products for buildings account for 80 percent of the float glass66 market,
and building refurbishment accounts for 40 percent of global glass consump-
tion, driven by the demand for increased energy efficiency of buildings.67 A
fully recyclable resource made from natural raw materials, glass is an inher-
ently sustainable material that provides great environmental benefit from
its ability to be recycled repeatedly in a closed loop.68 Glass manufacturing
produces extremely low quantities of solid waste, as a vast majority of glass
waste is immediately recycled and reused as raw material.69 Glass companies
are recognizing the business opportunity reflected within the sustainable
nature of their product and have come together to collectively advocate for
stronger regulations and innovative solutions to encourage glass recycling.
For example, the Glass Recycling Coalition’s70 members comprise glass manu-
facturers, processors, end-users, materials recovery facilities, and packaging
companies. In addition, the Glass for Europe trade association advocated for
a stronger mandate on building-glass recycling within the European Union’s
waste legislation.71
The biggest source of emissions from the glass sector comes from the melt-
ing process, which releases carbon dioxide through the use of fossil fuels in
the process as well as the decomposition of raw materials.72 Some of the best
opportunities for companies to reduce their carbon impact come from switch-
ing to renewable energy sources in their melting activities and developing
low-carbon, high-efficiency glass products for the construction sector. The lat-
ter is increasingly being used in buildings, with architects taking advantage of
glazed glass’s energy-saving properties that reduce energy consumption from
heating and air conditioning.73
However, these innovative solutions and initiatives are a drop in the bucket
given that 91 percent of all plastic is still not being recycled,78 which highlights
the urgent need for significant change in the industry. With the European
Union,79 Costa Rica80 and many other countries considering bans on single-use
plastics, there is an opportunity for the plastics industry to take advantage of
its recyclable product and reposition itself as a low-carbon-intensity construc-
tion material for an increasingly sustainability-minded industry.
Conventional steel production is highly energy intensive. Each ton of steel pro-
duced, generates almost two tons of carbon dioxide.81 It is one of the highest-
emitting industries, accounting for about 7 percent of global carbon dioxide
emissions.82 The explosion of demand for green buildings and sustainable
construction has, however, encouraged the steel industry to produce cleaner
alternatives. Structural steel, for example, has one of the highest rates of
recycled content and recyclability of any construction material, and the carbon
footprint of its manufacturing process has decreased by 37 percent per ton
since 1990. Both of these factors have encouraged its use in buildings seeking
LEED certification.83
which substitutes hydrogen for coal in the steelmaking process, producing
water instead of carbon dioxide.85 The HYBRIT collaboration aims to develop
a solution for fossil-free steel by 2035. Its initial deployment is expected to
reduce Sweden’s total emissions by 10 percent and Finland’s by 7 percent.
Design and technological improvements have increased productivity and
energy efficiency of electric arc furnaces,86 which produce steel by recycling
ferrous scrap.87 These are in use in many regions and have a significantly
lower emissions profile.88
round the world and across industries, the private sector is recognizing the
relevance of and benefits from implementing an internal carbon price in
their operations and cost calculations and using it as a guide for business
decisions. The number of companies using an internal carbon price or plan-
ning to do so within the next two years has grown from 150 in 2014 to almost 1,400 in
2017.96 Implementing an internal carbon price has a clear business case. It helps com-
panies manage climate risk and carbon exposure, and reveals opportunities for climate-
smart investments while acting as a transition tool to internally incentivize low-carbon
activities.97 It links a company’s financial performance to its climate record, thus embed-
ding sustainability into profitability and mainstreaming climate-smart decision making. In
addition, external drivers, including regulatory compliance, corporate social responsibil-
ity, and preempting expected emission-control policies in jurisdictions of operation, are
prompting the adoption of internal carbon pricing.
an internal carbon price when their com- streamline their emission reduction efforts.
petitors are not may result in a self-imposed Internalizing costs associated with a project’s
de facto tax that prices the company out of emissions can affect the project’s rate of return,
business. While an externally imposed carbon and hence tip the scales toward a cleaner
price from policy or regulation might partially alternative in financial terms. By assigning
resolve this issue, companies and policy makers a financial value to sustainability, a carbon
worry that such policies could lead to carbon price helps companies make more respon-
leakage, in which industries move somewhere sible, climate-friendly choices and changes the
with less stringent carbon policies. financial calculus that incentivizes the use of
fuels from high-carbon sources.100 If done cor-
Increasingly, however, companies are coming rectly, carbon pricing encourages companies
under pressure from investors to focus on man- to reward energy- and carbon-efficiency and
aging their climate risk and carbon exposure. allows companies, managers, and investors
Measuring this risk and integrating it into busi- to compare and value projects and businesses
ness planning is becoming a necessity, espe- based on their management of climate risk.101
cially after the release of the recommendations
of the Financial Stability Board’s Taskforce on If a carbon price is applied as an internal car-
Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). bon fee, the revenue generated can be funneled
Companies are voluntarily exploring the adop- toward investments in sustainable, climate-
tion of carbon pricing as a means to implement smart projects as well as research and devel-
TCFD recommendations. opment on future sources of green revenue.
The revenue can also be used as part of an
A report by S&P Dow Jones Indices found that internal incentive structure for business units
low-carbon versions of the S&P 500 and S&P to work toward achieving a company’s overall
Global 1200 outperformed their benchmarks climate and emissions targets and for encourag-
from 2012 to 2017.99 In addition to risk man- ing innovations in low-carbon processes and
agement, carbon pricing helps companies products.
ompanies are exploring and implementing carbon prices in ways that best
suit their business models, climate goals, geography, and company cultures.102
Although the application of internal carbon pricing varies and is tailored to each
company’s needs, it is generally applied in the following ways:103
●● Shadow Price: By forecasting expected loss statement, highlight the cost of high
carbon prices and incorporating these carbon-intensity activities, and encour-
alongside other inputs and costs into their age lowering the emissions intensity of a
financial models, companies can stress test company’s operations. This price can also
projects against a range of carbon price be used to assess the investment required to
levels. This allows them to evaluate invest- meet climate targets.
ments, manage risks, and guide their busi-
●● Internal Tax, Explicit Price, or Carbon
ness strategy toward a low-carbon future.
Fee: These are applied as charges to the
Companies can model carbon pricing across
budgets or fees to the earnings of business
their project valuations to reveal the poten-
units for their emissions, thus providing
tial impact of risks such as stranded assets,
financial incentives that redirect cash flow
and can use the results to inform strategic
toward climate goals such as investment in
decision-decision making.
clean technologies. Some companies funnel
●● Implicit Price: Companies can augment the “taxes” generated from carbon-intensive
their decision making, capital allocation, facilities or units into a central pool whose
and assessment of economic implications purpose is to increase research and invest-
for specific climate targets by applying ment in clean alternatives.
an implicit carbon price to their financial
models. This is calculated as the marginal These104 and other methods are being tailored
cost of abatement for emissions from the and applied to the specific requirements of each
organization, such as the cost of regulatory company, taking into consideration their pur-
compliance, or as a fixed value assigned per pose, long-term goals, regulatory restrictions,
metric ton of emissions. This would reflect and other characteristics.
the cost of carbon in a company’s profit and
Construction Industry and
Carbon Pricing
he business case for internal carbon pricing also applies to the construction
industry. While companies operating along the construction value chain are
subject to external carbon regulation in some jurisdictions, such as under the
European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), many companies not sub-
ject to such policies are also recognizing the benefits of implementing an internal carbon
price to manage future policy risk exposure and reduce their carbon footprint.
Current Carbon Pricing
Practices by Companies
across the Construction
Value Chain
f the 1,400 companies implementing or looking to implement a carbon price
before 2019, around 100 are from sectors along the construction value chain,
including infrastructure, materials, construction services, and materials.108
For this paper, twelve CPLC partner companies from sectors along the con-
struction value chain were interviewed regarding their experiences with carbon pricing.
Each of the companies surveyed is implementing carbon pricing per its own unique set of
conditions, and all have faced their own challenges and successes in the process:109
Cemex, a manufacturer and distributor of price applied to all investment decisions, but
cement and concrete, has introduced an rather, a risk management tool in business
internal carbon price of $30 per ton of carbon planning to give the company a better idea of
dioxide in its planning exercises to manage its its exposure to carbon risk.
climate risk and carbon exposure, align busi-
ness strategy with climate targets, and identify While Cemex’s current carbon pricing struc-
opportunities for emissions reductions. Cemex ture covers only its Scope 1 emissions, the
sees both risk and significant opportunity company has put into place other measures
in cap and trade schemes, with the expected and initiatives to reduce its Scope 2 emis-
carbon price driving the use of multiple tactics sions, including incentives to improve energy
such as improvements to energy efficiency, efficiency and increase the use of renewable
switch to clean fuels, and the substitution of energy. The company is engaging with its
materials.110 The carbon price is not a shadow suppliers to manage its Scope 3 emissions by
Dalmia Cement has a production capacity of to energy from its captive coal power plant.
25 million tonnes across 12 locations in India. The application of a shadow price made the
In 2018, the group has been rated the best per- waste-heat recovery plant viable, and it was
former on low carbon transition readiness by approved with significant support from the
CDP.111 The company uses four key approaches company’s senior management and commis-
to reduce its carbon footprint and climate risk sioned in 2018. The internal carbon price has
exposure, in addition to regularly monitoring paved the way for the company to develop two
progressive targets. These include: the use of more waste-heat recovery plants and manu-
industrial waste as an alternative raw mate- facture a new line of low-carbon cement.
rial for clinker substitution; electrical energy
efficiency; thermal efficiency, and; the use of Although carbon pricing is currently applied
incinerable waste as an alternative fuel for its only to the subset of projects described above,
cement kilns. The company is keen to develop the ultimate goal is to extend it to every proj-
long term partnerships for research on tech- ect. The current price level of $11 per ton of
nologies for Carbon Capture and Utilization. carbon dioxide2, was calculated using sce-
nario analysis that took into account expected
Carbon pricing has been a key tenet of Dalmia future opportunities in carbon abatement.
Cement’s strategy for thermal and electrical Reevaluating and increasing this price level
energy efficiency improvements. Its opera- is contingent on a favorable future policy
tions in India are subject to the government’s environment that encourages a low carbon
implicit carbon pricing policies including the transition.
Perform Achieve and Trade scheme for the
trading of energy efficiency certificates in high An estimated 90 percent of the company’s
energy-use sectors,112 and a Renewable Energy raw material comes from captive mines, and
Purchase Obligation.113 These implicit mecha- Dalmia Cement uses guidelines developed in
nisms, coupled with Dalmia Cement’s member- collaboration with the CSI to engage with its
ship of the CPLC, encouraged the company to supply chain on sustainability. The construc-
announce an explicit shadow internal carbon tion industry in India comprises both the
price in 2015. The shadow price is applied on a organized and unorganized sector, and Dalmia
project-by-project basis on low-return projects Cement is conducting awareness campaigns on
with a long payback period. The carbon price climate impacts for its suppliers. They con-
was piloted on a 9.2 MW waste-heat recovery sider this sensitization as the first step towards
plant, earlier considered financially unvi- introducing carbon pricing to the value chain.
able as the company had economical access
Photo: © IFC / Flickr
As one of the largest aluminum companies in and divestments. The company’s operations
the world, sustainable development is a key within Europe are subject to the EU ETS, but
part of Rusal’s business strategy, which places it applies a price of $20, higher than what the
significant emphasis on innovation, modern- EU ETS mandates. In addition, some of the
ization, and improved environmental per- company’s new projects in Russia and abroad
formance. Rusal is actively assessing its own are also voluntarily implementing an inter-
climate risk and carbon exposure as well as nal carbon price. Rusal is also implementing
the opportunities for sustainable products and the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI)
low-carbon alternatives presented by climate Standard and ASI Chain of Custody Standard,
change. The company is exploring the role of to be independently audited and certified. The
aluminum in helping sectors such as construc- company recently developed and began apply-
tion and transportation improve their own ing a Business Partner Code for its suppliers to
energy efficiency and performance. engage with them on sustainability.
Rusal has been implementing an internal car- The company has also developed a low-carbon
bon price, set at $20 per ton, as a mechanism aluminum product known as ALLOW, which
to influence the decision-making process for uses clean hydroelectricity to deliver alumi-
investment in projects. This internal carbon num with a lower carbon emissions footprint,
price is applied to a new project’s financial at less than one-third of the global average
models to assess its exposure to carbon risk, for aluminum production.117 The company
including from potential carbon pricing poli- provides a low-carbon guarantee for the prod-
cies. If the internalization of this carbon cost uct, assuring customers that ALLOW’s carbon
makes a project unprofitable, Rusal intends footprint is less than four tons of carbon diox-
to either find a low-carbon alternative that ide equivalent per ton of aluminum, account-
makes the project profitable or reject it alto- ing for all Scope 1 and 2 emissions from the
gether. The carbon price is also used as a tool smelter process. Despite the higher production
in the company’s overall financial modeling to costs associated with ALLOW, Rusal has seen
evaluate strategic decisions such as expansion, customer interest in the product since intro-
acquisitions, new buildings, decommissioning, ducing it to the market.
Saint-Gobain manufactures and distributes development projects. The first is for capi-
building materials to create living spaces that tal expenditure projects and energy-related
combine comfort and sustainability. Its prod- investments to incentivize investment in
ucts include glass, insulation, and plasterboard energy efficiency equipment and manage the
that help improve energy efficiency in existing risk from a potential scenario where the com-
and new buildings, and the company develop pany might face carbon pricing mechanisms
lightweight solutions for construction with other than the EU ETS, which would lead to
reduced carbon content. higher operational costs.118 The second, much
higher carbon price is applicable to research
Following its 2014 Energy, Atmospheric and development projects, in a move to
Emissions and Climate Change Policy, Saint- incentivize innovation in low-carbon products,
Gobain implemented carbon pricing in its processes, and technologies. Projects are struc-
operations in 2016 in all 68 countries where tured so that their payback accounts for the
the company has a presence, many of which carbon price, which has a significant impact
do not have carbon pricing requirements. on the projects with the higher research and
Saint-Gobain’s approach has been to adopt development carbon price. The company is
two parallel carbon prices, applicable to its still receiving feedback on this initiative and
Scope 1 and 2 emissions for investments, and will evaluate it to tailor and evolve the pricing
Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions for research and structures as required.
Industrial manufacturer Siemens has an Although Siemens is not yet applying an inter-
internal goal to halve the carbon footprint nal carbon price across its operations, it has
of its business operations by 2020 and be developed a framework and begun activities
climate neutral by 2030, with all production toward this end. In addition, although there is
facilities and buildings worldwide expected not yet an active price signal throughout the
to achieve net-zero carbon footprints by then. company to achieve its goal of carbon neutral-
The company has identified four pillars to ity, some activities covered by the four pillars
achieve these goals: energy efficiency, decen- named above come with a price premium,
tralized energy systems, intelligent e-mobility such as buying clean but more expensive
solutions, and the purchase of electricity from renewable energy, which is accepted as an
renewable energy sources. These pillars are implicit cost for carbon reduction.
applicable across its operations, including
for the production of construction materials, Siemens is considering a shadow price for its
equipment, and concrete solutions. Siemens is suppliers as part of its dialogue and engage-
bringing its supply chain into the fold, having ment with its supply chain, which might be
developed its Code of Conduct for Siemens applied to the purchasing volume from each
Suppliers and third-party intermediaries. supplier based on their geographic location
and regulatory jurisdiction.
company has observed that its clients and the transparency that the construction industry
market recognize the complexity of the climate needs, especially for investors and insurers. It
issue and worry about reputational and other considers carbon pricing to be the approach
impacts, there is still a lack of clarity on what that will push the construction industry
needs to be done and how to do it. The TCFD’s toward zero carbon. Mott MacDonald believes
recommendation for scenario analysis has that a shift in decision making across the value
begun to create some direction, but there is chain will require effective carbon pricing that
still a lack of understand regarding what it reflects the social cost of carbon. The com-
means in practice. pany will work with TCFD and other reporting
initiatives to create greater transparency for
The company advocates carbon pricing as an investors, insurers, and other actors on carbon
effective tool for providing the clarity and exposure and risk.
With an aim to achieve carbon neutrality by per ton of carbon dioxide in 2017,119 intended
2030, French airport infrastructure developer, to familiarize and comfort investors, with the
owner, and operator Groupe ADP launched implicit assumption that this price level will
an internal carbon price in early 2017 that likely evolve over time. Although initially the
it implemented as a shadow price on the carbon price was applicable only to projects
operation of three Paris airports to encourage worth over 3 million euros, it now applies to
low-carbon decision making and operational the operations of all projects with any energy
efficiency. This internalization of carbon cost impact as of March 2018. Until now, the focus
has been part of an effort to anticipate the of Groupe ADP’s carbon price has been on
risks and consequences of the trend of tight- energy efficiency in its infrastructure project
ening carbon policies, which the company operations; however, there is an ongoing inter-
expects will continue. The company is employ- nal discussion on whether an internal carbon
ing a strategy that started with a price of $23 price might also be applicable to the actual
construction of its projects and, if so, how it which has been committed since 2016 to
might be best implemented. ensuring that 60 percent of its electricity
comes from renewable sources.
Groupe ADP is managing its Scope 1 and 2
emissions by purchasing energy from Engie,
The Mahindra Group has implemented a premium is already embedded through energy
hybrid form of carbon pricing, with both efficiency and other sustainability measures.
shadow and explicit pricing, in its automobile Learning from its experiences with apply-
activities and is studying how this might be ing carbon pricing to its other operations,
replicated in its construction activities. The the Mahindra Group is priming its construc-
Mahindra Group considers carbon pricing to tion activities for the same by engaging with
be a useful tool to evaluate the exposure of its its supply chain on sustainability within a
projects and investments to transition risk as broader context. Suppliers and contractors
well as incentivize innovations in low-carbon are given training through workshops that
alternatives to meet the company’s broader aim to build their capabilities and help them
sustainability goals. Its current carbon price understand the business case for environ-
has been determined as an abatement cost for mentally responsible decision making, includ-
greenhouse gas emissions that would have a ing through measuring and disclosing their
material impact on decision making. The price own carbon footprints. The company is a
has been arrived at by considering the group’s founding member of the Sustainable Housing
current energy efficiency and sustainability Leadership Consortium and applies several
commitments as well as exposure to potential other initiatives to embed sustainability within
climate policies. its construction and real estate projects, such
as building resilient, energy-efficient Smart
Although its construction activities are not Cities.
subjected to a carbon price as yet, a price
The Tata Group has a corporationwide code of operations with the EU ETS for their European
conduct that covers sustainability and is appli- steel manufacturing.
cable to Tata Group companies, and all their
suppliers as well. The code, which is qualita- Tata Group has a federalist structure, so it
tive in nature, contains language surround- allows each company in the group consider-
ing Environmental, Social and Governance able autonomy on whether and how to apply
criteria. From 2008 to 2015, the Tata Group carbon pricing to their operations to help
held an internal carbon footprint reduction achieve their carbon reduction and abatement
exercise. This was followed by the creation of targets. The Tata Sustainability Group has
an internal task force on carbon pricing, made created and disseminated internal guidance
up of regulators, C-suite executives, and those on carbon pricing for the entire Tata Group
with experience aligning the Tata Group’s that is valid till 2020, after which the price and
Common Considerations
across Companies
ompanies across all sectors of the construction value chain have had some com-
mon experiences and questions arising from their experiences of implementing
carbon pricing, despite the differences in their approaches and the fragmented
nature of the industry. These are broadly grouped in two, sometimes-overlap-
ping, areas of concern. The first, covering carbon pricing as a regulation that is externally
imposed, and the second surrounding the obstacles faced when implementing a voluntary
internal carbon price.
The challenges faced by companies in the to operate in jurisdictions with high carbon
construction value chain differ by geography pricing regulations, and potentially mov-
and jurisdiction. The variance in the degree ing their operations to regions without such
of strictness of carbon policies across jurisdic- regulations that eat into profits. Similarly, com-
tions has a material impact on methods and panies also hesitate to voluntarily implement
measurement. Even in areas without carbon high internal carbon prices that could price
pricing mandated by regulation or policy, the themselves out of the market, resulting in the
success that a company has in implementing application of internal carbon prices that are
an internal carbon price varies by location. too low to have material impact on decision
This is because jurisdictions have more or less making. The incentive for companies to imple-
organized supply chains, different levels of ment an internal carbon price depends on its
maturity in their markets of operation, varying impact on business. Although carbon pricing
access to new technologies and less carbon- has been acknowledged as an effective risk
intensive resources, and ranging degrees of management tool, the costs begin to outweigh
consumer awareness. As a result, the same the benefits in areas with small margins and
methods and approaches that are effective high price sensitivity.
for a company in some of its business units
might not be as successful in others. Similarly, In a similar vein, although companies are
what works for a company in one part of the using carbon pricing as an internal risk miti-
value chain in the same jurisdiction will not be gation tool, they would prefer the universal
equally applicable for a company operating at application of an external regulatory carbon
another stage of the process. price across their industries. Consistent,
predictable, and fair regulation that is appli-
Achieving sustainability goals through carbon cable to all firms operating in the sector or
pricing will only work if companies are able jurisdiction, would create a level playing
to remain competitive. Carbon leakage is a field, and address some of the concerns about
significant concern, with companies reluctant competitiveness.
ollaboration between companies along the construction value chain is essential
for helping the industry meet its sustainability goals and support low-carbon,
high-resilience transformation. An analysis by the Boston Consulting Group and
World Economic Forum found that companies in the highly fragmented con-
struction industry rely on a “seamless interplay of all participants along the value chain
and throughout a project’s life cycle,”120 belying the need for greater cooperation and coor-
dination along the value chain to enhance productivity and achieve common goals such as
reducing their collective carbon footprint.
Despite a traditionally fragmented structure and maritime industries. These efforts are
comprising different sectors with strong play- supported by developing targeted knowledge
ers, the construction industry has recently products, including guidance to assist compa-
seen a number of large, consolidating mergers nies with implementing and institutionalizing
and acquisitions because of a strong global best practices and webinars for companies to
economy and housing market.121 Analysis by share their experiences on carbon pricing.
PWC suggests that this trend is driven by the
increasing size and complexity of construction In a recent webinar, as part of a series on
projects, which create a premium for techni- internal carbon pricing hosted by the CPLC
cal expertise and capacity, resulting in higher and Yale University, it was observed by pre-
average transaction values that incentivize senters from Unilever that one company’s
industry players to continue to seek value and Scope 3 emissions are another company’s
win such contracts.122 This is a clear indication Scope 1. That is, if at every stage along the
that companies are coming together in the construction value chain, every company
industry, be it through mergers or by collabo- manages its direct Scope 1 and 2 emissions, the
rating in forums such as the CPLC to achieve added complexity of measuring and mitigating
their climate objectives. Given that climate indirect Scope 3 emissions is greatly reduced.
change poses a risk globally and across all Doing so makes the industry’s collaborative
sectors, there is a need to bring together the effort to decarbonize itself significantly more
entire construction industry value chain to effective.
collaborate on issues of sustainability, decar-
bonization, and carbon pricing. The CPLC is well placed to help companies
along the construction value chain address
Through the CPLC, companies are collaborat- some of the key concerns identified. It has
ing on sector-specific approaches to carbon convened a Construction Value Chain Task
pricing, including in the construction, banking, Team, comprising of companies from various
54 IEA (International Energy Agency). 2018. Technology Roadmap - Low-
Carbon Transition in the Cement Industry
55 See
56 Climate Action Tracker 2017
57 IEA 2018
58 CDP. 2016. Visible Cracks: Executive Summary
59 The Concrete Initiative. 2015. CO2 and the Built Environment
60 CDP 2016
61 CDP 2016
62 CDP 2016
63 Majcher, Kristin. 2015. “What Happened to Green Concrete?” MIT Technology Review.
64 Kane, Annie. 2016. “Making Concrete Green: Reinventing the World’s Most Used Synthetic
Material.” The Guardian.
65 Nandy, Utpal. 2017. “Is Green Cement the Future of Sustainable Construction?”
Brightwood Real Estate Education.
66 Float glass, manufactured through a process whereby molten glass is floated on a bed of metal, is
used to make windows and glass doors for buildings.
67 See
68 See
69 See
70 See
71 See
72 See
73 See
74 Plastics Market Watch. 2016. Plastics – Building for a More Sustainable Future
75 See
76 Architect Magazine. 2017. The Materials Industry is Pitching In to Reduce
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
77 PLASTICS (Plastics Industry Association). 2018. PLASTICS Adopts Official
Sustainability Statement to Guide the Industry.
78 Parker, Laura. 2017. “A Whopping 91% of Plastic Isn’t Recycled.”
National Geographic.
79 Chow, Lorraine. 2018. “The Last Straw? EU Official Hints Ban on Single-Use Plastic Across Europe.”
80 WEF. 2017a. Costa Rica Wants to be the First Country to Ban All Single Use Plastics.
81 Chandler, David L. 2013. “One Order of Steel; Hold the Greenhouse Gases.” MIT News.
82 See
113 See
114 See
115 See
116 CDP 2017
117 Aluminium Insider. 2017. Rusal Sets New Standard in Low-Carbon Aluminium with ALLOW. https://
118 CDP. 2016a. Embedding a Carbon Price into Business Strategy.
119 CDP 2017
120 WEF 2016
121 PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers). 2018. Global Engineering and Construction Deals Insights Year-
End 2017
122 Ibid