The Commonwealth Caribbean Court System: Nature and Structure
The Commonwealth Caribbean Court System: Nature and Structure
The Commonwealth Caribbean Court System: Nature and Structure
1 The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council The court of last resort for some Commonwealth Caribbean
territories, except Guyana, Barbados and Belize
2 Court of Appeal With the Caribbean Court of Justice, this is the highest ranking
locally-based court. They can send a case back to the High Court, for
a rehearing
3 The High Court of the Supreme Court Hands down decisions based on the common law
4 The Full Court of the High Court The court of appeal for decisions from the magistrates’ court
5 Family court A court vested with the power and authority to hear and determine
all matters pertaining to the family with the exception of divorce
6 Juvenile court A court vested with the power and authority to hear and determine
all matters pertaining to juveniles
7 Magistrates’ court Court established to deal with petty crime. Decisions are not
reported and cannot produce binding or persuasive precedents
8 Industrial courts Court established to deal with industrial relations matters, only in
Court of Appeal
The decisions of the Court of Appeal can be overturned by the Judicial
Committee of the Privy Council. The Court of Appeal can hand down
separate and independent judgments in civil and criminal matters
without having to ensure that one judgment has any bearing on the other.
The Court of Appeal has the authority to send back a case to the High
Court for rehearing. In addition, the Court of Appeal can impose a
harsher or lighter sentence. It can dismiss appeals to the Full Court of
the High Court and can also quash a decision of the High Court of the
Supreme Court acting in its jurisdiction as a court of first instance.
Family court
Not all Caribbean territories possess in their hierarchy a family court.
This type of court is found in Jamaica, where it was established by
the passing of the Judicature (Family Court) Act 1995, in Belize, as
established by the Family Court Act 1988, Cap. 83A – 1990 Rev, in
St Vincent, as established by the Family Court Act 1992, and in Trinidad
and Tobago.
Juvenile court
The establishment of juvenile courts in the Commonwealth Caribbean
was aimed at reforming existing law to bring about an improvement
in the welfare of juveniles within the court system. As an example, in
Guyana the law is classified under the Juvenile Offenders Act of Guyana,
Cap. 10:03. In section 17, the law describes a juvenile as one who
is apparently under the age of 17, and who may be found ‘begging or
receiving alms, wandering … or having no parent or guardian, or is found
destitute…, or frequents the company of any reputed … thief, or reputed
Magistrates’ court
The magistrates’ court handles matters of a summary, hybrid and
indictable nature. The criminal jurisdiction of the magistrates’ court
deals with assault, theft, embezzlement of money and damage to property
and crops. On the other hand, the civil jurisdiction deals with family
matters, for example, orders of separation, orders for maintenance of
spouse or child or children under the Domestic Violence Act, No. 18 of
1996 (Guyana), rectification of errors on birth certificates and breaches of
Industrial court
Only Trinidad and Tobago has an Industrial Court. Other territories such
as Jamaica, Dominica and Belize have separate quasi-judicial bodies.
These institutions are commonly termed industrial courts or industrial
tribunals. These courts may be separate quasi-judicial bodies as in
Jamaica, Dominica and Belize, or they may be a subsidiary under the
Ministry of Labour.
The jurisdiction of such a court is to determine the majority union in
any firm or industry, to register agreements made between union and
employer and to settle industrial disputes. The Industrial Stabilisation
Act of 1965, of Trinidad and Tobago, first established the Industrial Court
of Trinidad and Tobago. It was replaced and repealed by the Industrial
Relations Act of 1980.
The written constitution of each Commonwealth Caribbean state
makes provision for the establishment of other tribunals, such as the
Service Commissions, Teaching Service Commissions, the Public Service
Commissions and the Judicial Service Commissions. These tribunals
were created to deal with, inter alia, the discipline of the respective
categories of public servants under their control. In Trinidad and
Tobago, there is the National Insurance Appeals Tribunal to resolve and
adjudicate disputed claims for such insurance.
You may at this point wish to refer to the National Insurance Act, Cap.
32:01, section 62 of the Laws of Trinidad and Tobago, and the Labour
Relations and Industrial Disputes Act (Jamaica).
Arbitration is a process by which a neutral third party hears the
testimony of both parties to the dispute in a relatively informal setting.
Unlike mediation, arbitration proceedings contain some elements of
proceedings conducted in a court of law.
In arbitration proceedings both parties must agree to come to the
bargaining table to commence arbitration. It is important for you to be
able to draw the distinction that, while in a court of law, the litigants
do not have a choice in deciding who the adjudicator is, with respect
to arbitration the parties to the dispute must decide and agree on the
selection of an arbitrator.
After hearing and weighing the testimony, the arbitrator makes a decision
that can be deemed binding on all parties to the arbitration and an order
of the High Court may be obtained in order to secure the enforcement of
the decision of the arbitrator.
The process of arbitration also allows all parties involved, including the
arbitrator, to refer to statute and case law in support of their respective
arguments. The arbitrator is also free to apply general community
standards of fairness to assist him in arriving at a decision. In arbitration,
the rules of evidence are less strictly applied and the arbitrator sits as the
judge of both fact and law.
The following are some advantages of arbitration:
the decision of the arbitrator may be enforced
arbitration proceedings are less costly and less time-consuming
the informal setting promotes relaxation of tensions between
Like arbitration, mediation also employs the services of a third party,
referred to as the mediator, who most often acts as a shuttle between the
two parties, communicating the position of the disputants to one another
as they try to reconcile their differences towards the achievement of a
settlement. The mediator acts as both judge and jury, holding separate
meetings or caucuses at which further clarification may be obtained
as regards the position of the respective parties with a view towards
suggesting possible advances by which agreement may be reached. These
caucuses are conducted in private and the findings are not revealed to the
other side unless each party approves.
The following are some advantages of mediation:
it is time- and cost-effective
confidentiality is maintained
fairness and flexibility are promoted
it has shown reliability in terms of compliance with the final decision.
In some jurisdictions mediation is now mandatory in some civil
Activity 2.3
Mr John Muir entered into a contract with B.V. Enterprises to construct a
bridge for the company. Mr Muir fails to complete the bridge on time so the
company refuses to pay him the remainder of the money owed to him under
the terms of the contract. Mr Muir would like to have his problem solved but
is afraid of courts.
Advise Mr Muir of all the options of dispute resolution available to him and
explain to him why you have chosen either mediation or arbitration to handle
this matter.
A good response to this question should first state that there are different
methods of dispute resolution including the traditional court system to which
parties can resort for help. There is also the office of the Ombudsman and
there are those methods of resolution of disputes known as ADR.
You should then state that since Mr Muir is afraid of courts and since
assistance from the Ombudsman is limited to problems occurring between
individuals and State entities, the alternative open to Mr Muir would be one of
the processes available under ADR.
Note: This question requires that you select only one of the ADR methods
available for your answer. You may wish to choose either mediation or
arbitration. Finally, you should discuss the advantages of the ADR process that
you have chosen.
End Test
Answer 5 questions: all of Questions 1 to 3, either Question 4 or 5, and Question 6. Time: 3 hours
1 a List the main divisions into which law may be classified.
b Explain why it is important to be accurate when classifying law.
2 Read the story below and answer the question that follows.
John and Myra were driving out one night in John’s car when they were stopped by two
policemen in uniform. The officers claimed that John had exceeded the speed limit,
ordered John and Myra out of the car, forced them into the police car and said that
they would take them to the police station.
On the way to the police station, the policemen stopped the car, dragged John and
Myra into the bushes, and beat John and raped Myra. The police officers then ran back
to their car and drove off leaving John and Myra by the side of the road. When John
went back to his car he found that it had been vandalised.
Using your knowledge of the classification of law, advise John and Myra with respect
to the areas of the law under which their claims may be brought and what are the
remedies available under each.
3 State briefly what is meant by:
a the appellate jurisdiction of the CCJ; and
b the original jurisdiction of the CCJ.
4 ‘A Caribbean Court of Justice is not important for the development of the
Commonwealth Caribbean.’ Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your
5 ‘Without the establishment of the CCJ, the Commonwealth Caribbean will not achieve
true unity and prosperity and the idea of a single market economy will remain just a
dream.’ Discuss.
6 ‘The process known as ADR is ineffective because it achieves nothing beneficial for the
parties.’ Discuss.
1 An answer to part a requires that you list the areas with the statement. If you disagree you should
of classification and outline briefly the content of then draw from the pool of disadvantages listed
each. For example, you should point out that the above, as well as any others you have discovered in
criminal law is an area of public law. It concerns those your readings of pages 227–49 of Rose-Marie Belle
provisions and procedures that contain the rules Antoine’s Commonwealth Caribbean Law and Legal
governing the State’s attitude towards the criminal Systems.
offender and the types of punishment that are If on the other hand you happen to agree with the
attached to the various crimes. statement then you should first say so, then go on
An answer to part b of this question would require to draw from the pool of advantages listed above as
that you explain that lawyers and students alike well as any other advantages you have found in your
would be unable to find anything on a particular area readings.
of the law in a law library. In addition, you should 5 A good response to this question would focus
explain that judges and lawyers would be unable on the positive aspects of the idea behind the
to find easy access to the writings on the various implementation of the CCJ. For example, you could
principles of law and the remedies to be attached to mention that the time is ripe for (a) the replacement
the issues that are being researched. of the Privy Council with the CCJ as the court of last
2 You should display knowledge of what is meant by resort for Commonwealth Caribbean States and (b)
the term ‘classification of law’. This would set out the the establishment of a court of original jurisdiction
categories listed in the illustration. Next you should for dealing with the interpretation of the Treaty of
select from said list those categories of law that Chaguaramas and other issues arising among States,
would apply to the problem at hand; for example, trading entities or private individuals.
the criminal law and administrative law. You should Next, you should discuss the idea behind the
support your selection by explaining why you chose proposed establishment of the CSME. For example,
those categories, for example, that the police officers it is hoped that the CSME will cater for the free
abused their power while they were on duty and that movement of goods, services and skills across
the acts of assault and rape constitute a criminal the Commonwealth Caribbean under a single
offence. currency.
Finally you should identify the types of remedies Having done so, you may now wish to comment
available to John and Myra: for example, on the importance of and the need within the
compensation/damages under administrative Commonwealth Caribbean for these two institutions.
law for the loss and injury suffered and a term of You may add that while Europe has already brought
imprisonment for the acts of assault committed the European Court and common market into being,
against John and rape committed against Myra. the Commonwealth Caribbean’s movement towards
3 A good response to this question should show that: achieving same still remains a dream.
a when the CCJ is sitting in its appellate jurisdiction You may then wish to conclude your answer by
it is sitting to hear appeals from decisions of the showing the symbiotic relationship between the two
lower domestic courts of member States. In other institutions. In other words, how the establishment of
words the matter being brought before the CCJ on one will lend support to the other. The CCJ, which will
appeal is not a matter that is being heard for the first be comprised at all levels by staff from all member
time since it was heard before in the lower courts. States, will be testimony of the free movement of
skills under the CSME whose smooth functioning
b when the CCJ is sitting to hear matters in its will be supported by the CCJ as legal watchdog and
original jurisdiction, the said matter is being heard for supervisor.
the first time in a court of law.
6 An answer to this question requires that you discuss
4 A good response to this question should include: all of the advantages of at least two of the ADR
a statement saying whether you agree or disagree processes.