O Level Python PDF Free
O Level Python PDF Free
O Level Python PDF Free
Course Highlights
Class Language Notes PDF Total Classes Total Hours
Chapterwise Hinglish Hindi/Eng ~58 ~49 hrs
MCQs Classes Hinglish Hindi/Eng ~17 ~11 hrs
Model Paper Hinglish Hindi/Eng 5 ~9 hrs
Quick Shot Hinglish Hindi/Eng 4 3 hrs
One Liner Hinglish Hindi/Eng 3 2 hrs
Practical Hinglish English ~52 ~17 hrs
Viva Hinglish Hindi/Eng ~4 3 hrs
Total ~143 ~94 hrs
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(vi) Functions
Top-down approach of problem solving, Modular programming and functions, Function
parameters, Local variables, the Return statement, Doc Strings, global statement, Default
argument values, keyword arguments, VarArgs parameters.
Library function-input(), eval(),print(), String Functions: count(), find(), rfind(), capitalize(), title(),
lower(), upper(), swapcase(), islower(), isupper(), istitle(), replace(), strip(), lstrip(), rstrip(), aplit(),
partition(), join(), isspace(), isalpha(), isdigit(), isalnum(), startswith(), endswith(), encode(),
decode(), String: Slicing, Membership, PatternMatching, Numeric Functions: eval(), max(), min(),
pow(), round(), int(), random(), ceil(), floor(), sqrt(), Date & Time Functions, Recursion.