Characterisation of Fractionated Oil From Pyrolysis of Low-Density Polyethylene: Comparison Between Catalytic Process and Non-Catalytic Process
Characterisation of Fractionated Oil From Pyrolysis of Low-Density Polyethylene: Comparison Between Catalytic Process and Non-Catalytic Process
Characterisation of Fractionated Oil From Pyrolysis of Low-Density Polyethylene: Comparison Between Catalytic Process and Non-Catalytic Process
Abstract:- The environmental impact of waste plastics relationship between the production of SPs and population
and the need to meet the increased demand for energy, growth.
coupled with the available technology for the conversion
of waste plastic to liquid fuel, triggered this research. The production of SPs has a negative effect since huge
Montmorillonite clay was used as a green catalyst for the amounts of synthetic plastic waste (SPWs) are left behind in
pyrolysis of low-density polyethylene to liquid fuel. The plastic usage. According to literature, 33 Mt of SPWs were
montmorillonite was calcinated at 600℃, and mixed generated as far back as 2013 in the USA (US- EPA, 2014;
metal oxides were found as its chemical composition using Maafa, 2021), whereas 25 Mt was generated in Europe in
XRF. The common elements found in CMMR are silica 2012 (European-Plastics, 2015.; Maafa, 2021). According to
oxide (SiO2 , 𝟓𝟏. 𝟑𝟒%), iron (ii) oxide (𝐅𝐞𝟐 𝐎𝟑 , 16.23%), Williams and Slaney (2007), landfills host more than 60% of
potassium oxide (K2 O, 5.03%), Aluminum oxide (Al2 O3 , SPWs. SPWs management has become a serious topic of
19.65%) tin oxide (TiO2 , 3.00%), calcium oxide concern to different environmental stakeholders because of
(CaO,1.47%) and oxides of chlorides (Cl, 1.46%). The gas the non-biodegradability character of the SPWs. This non-
chromatography-mass spectrometer analysis of the biodegradability has given rise to other challenges, such as
various distillate fractions from the crude pyrolysis liquid landfill pollution, drainage and waterways blockage, the
revealed the present various chemical differences such as jeopardisation of terrestrial and marine organisms, and the
alkane, alkene, alkyne, cycloalkene, cycloalkane, greenhouse effect.
aromatic, alcohol, and ester. Analysis of the pyrolysis oil
based on the carbon range revealed the presence of Reduced utilisation through the ban of some SPs has
gasoline (C5-C12) (gasoline), diesel (C13-C24) and fuel oil been suggested (Jeswani et al., 2021) to prevent the menace
(>C24). The API, specific gravity and kinematic viscosity of SPWs. Unfortunately, there is no viable large-scale and
of some of the oil confirmed them as diesel oil. The economically sustainable alternative to SPs. Consequently,
research has demonstrated the possibility of waste recycling methods such as pyrolysis, gasification, microbial
reduction and the potential of producing hydrocarbon degradation, and chemical recovery have been developed for
fuel from waste low-density polyethylene waste plastic the possible management of SPWs. However, the need to
using pyrolysis. strengthen world fuel production has endeared the use of
pyrolysis to many research because the pyrolysis oil can be
Keywords:- Low-Density Polyethylene, Pyrolysis, GC-MS, upgraded to different fuel grades.
XRF, Kinematic Viscosity.
Pyrolysis, which is a thermal degradation process in an
I. INTRODUCTION enclosure devoid of oxygen, has been used in Europe for the
production of olefins and aromatic hydrocarbon because its
The uncommon characteristics of synthetic plastics have main products are liquid oil, gas and char (Al-Salem et al.,
endeared them to consumers. Synthetic plastics (SPs) are 2010; Kusenberg et al., 2022). The hydrocarbon produced
durable, hydrophobic in nature, most chemically and from pyrolysis can be classified into fuel grades such as
environmentally unreactive, reasonably climatic, thermally petrol, kerosene, diesel, jet fuel and fuel oil based on their
stable, and non-biodegradable. SPs are used in areas such as different carbon number ranges. Researchers have utilised
civil engineering, medical and pharmaceuticals, electronics SPWs from low-density polyethylene, high-density
and electricals, household utensils, automobiles, aircraft, polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyethylene terephthalate
armour suits, and packaging materials. The consequence of and polystyrene singly or in combined forms for the
the general acceptance of SPs is the astonished production production of hydrocarbon fuels of different grades with the
increment that has grown from 1.5 Mt in 1950 to 359 Mt in use of pyrolysis method (Kumar and Singh, 2013; Patil et al.,
2018 (Jeswani et al., 2021). SPs production will increase 2017; Panda, 2018; Jaafar et al., 2022; Ghodke et al., 2023;
much more in the next 20 years because of the synergistic Eze et al., 2024).
Low cost, human and environmental friendliness (Rabie D. Fractional Distillation of Crude Pyrolysis Oil
et al., 2018), heterogeneous character, and reusability of clay The crude pyrolysis oil was subjected to a fractional
catalysts have triggered the use of clay and modified clays for distillation inside a round bottom flask (500 mL) equipped
thermal degradation of waste plastics to hydrocarbon fuels. with a condenser-cooling system and thermometer. The set-
To this end, calcium bentonite (Panda et al., 2018), kaolin up was a heater by the temperature-controlled heating mantle.
(Hakeem et al., 2018), Fe, Ti, Zr- pillared clay (Li et al., The distillates were collected at three different temperature
2017), Tungstophosphoric acid (TPA)/kaolin (Attique et al., ranges of 0 -100℃, 101 -180 ℃, and 240 - 300℃. The
2020), and Fe-pillared clay (Faillace et al., 2017) have all distillates were coded using the plastic and catalyst names,
been used during the pyrolysis of different plastics. The with the upper-temperature reading. Low-density
differences in the metallic and metallic oxide composition of polyethylene was represented as "LDP", while "M"
various clays could have influenced the production of represents CMMR, and the upper-temperature limits chosen
different hydrocarbon carbon number ranges during are 100℃, 180℃ and 300℃. Fractionated oil obtained from
pyrolysis. LDP with the catalyst at 100℃, 180℃ and 300℃ are coded
respectively as LDP100 , LDP180 and LDP300 , while those
This investigation aims to reduce waste plastic obtained with the addition of CMMR are represented
generation by producing value-added products. It aims to respectively as LDPM100 , LDPM180 and LDPM300 . Flow
produce fuel hydrocarbon ranges based on carbon number diagram of the experiment process of the study is depicted in
with and without the use of thermal-treated montmorillonite Figure 1.
E. Characterization
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS The chemical composition of the CMMR was
determined using XRF, while the chemical composition of the
A. Raw Materials fractionated oils was determined using gas chromatography
Low-density polyethylene (LDP) rejected bags were coupled with a mass spectrum (GC-MS).
collected from the water factory of the Federal University of
Technology, Akure, Nigeria. The samples were sun-dried (3 F. Physicochemical Properties of Fractionated Oil
weeks) for moisture reduction and then stored in an airtight The specific and API gravity was determined using
container for further analysis. Montmorillonite clay (MMR) Anton Paar (DMA 5400 density meter (80460541). The
was obtained from Ado Ekiti, Nigeria. instrument measures the sample density at a specified
temperature (15℃) and automatically converts the density to
B. Catalyst Preparation specific gravity (SPG) and API gravity (APIG) (ASTM D
The montmorillonite was subjected to ball milling, 7777). The sample viscosity was measured at 40℃ using a
sieved through 125 µm and subjected to calcination (600℃, Stanhope seta viscometer bath (83201-2D).
3 h). The calcined montmorillonite (CMMR) was re-milled,
sieved through 125 µm and kept in an air-tight glass
liquid fuel from polyethylene wax (Chaiya et al., 2020). diesel. Thus, the APIG result has collaborated with the SPG
Another experiment reported SPG of 0.8125, 0.866, 0.868 outcome.
and 0.8719 for oil from mixed plastic pyrolysis against
0.8445 of diesel fuel (Pratama and Saptoadi 2014). SPG of Kinematic viscosity is vital in atomising fuel, engine
0.7932 was reported for polypropylene pyrolysis oil and 0.80 performance, pollutant emission, and fuel pump (Sharma et
for petroleum (Anbarasu and Sivakumar, 2012; Hudec et al., al., 2020). Amongst all the oils (Figure 2), only two with
2009). From the literature (Pratama and Saptoadi, 2014 300℃ upper temperatures have kinematic viscosity (2.25-
Anbarasu and Sivakumar, 2012; Hudec et al., 2009), LDP300 ; 2.54 -LDPM300 ) that met the acceptable value of 2 -
LDPM300 could probably be a diesel, while the rest might be 4.5 cSt for diesel fuel (Januszewicz et al., 2023), while only
petrol. LDP180 (1.12) met the 1.20 standard for kerosene (Cahyono
et al., 2020). The rest of the oil might be light fractions,
The importance of APIG value in the fuel business is maybe naphtha. The low viscosity observed could be an
enormous; APIG dictates the bench amount of any fuel. APIG advantage in preventing engine blockage (due to the
can be used to detect adulteration and the quality of fuel. For thickening of the oil, most especially at low temperatures),
example, a high APIG of diesel indicates a high percentage of flow resistance, ignition delay and economic loss because of
light cuts in the diesel. At the same time, a lower value the use of extra heating to prevent congealability of the oil.
signifies a higher percentage of heavy cuts, which is Some other researchers have also reported low kinematic
undesirable and consequently attracts lower market value viscosities in their plastic pyrolysis oil study. Januszewicz et
(Aboul-Fotouh et al., 2019). The oil with the lowest SPG has al. (2023) have reported kinematic viscosity of 1.69 and 1.22
the highest APIG, which is expected because of the inverse for polypropylene and polystyrene pyrolysis oils, which are
proportionality between the SPG and APIG. An APIG of lower than the recommended value for diesel oil.
46.67 was reported for oil from waste plastic pyrolysis, and it
was affirmed that light fuel has an APIG equals or greater Though pyrolysis is a complex chemical reaction, the
than 40° (Anbarasu and Sivakumar, 2012) Thus, the API of influence of the catalyst was obvious in that all the oils
59.72, 49.91, 47.61, 52.27 and 41.06 respectively for LDP100 , obtained with the aid of the catalyst had higher gravity than
LDP180 , LDP300 , LDPM100 , and LDPM180 oils can be their counterparts produced without the catalyst. Multiple
classified as light oil, while APIG of 34.97 for LDPM300 interrelated, interaction, and interconvertible processes, such
could go for heavy oil (Figure 2). The SPG results of the oils as cracking, dehydrogenation, protonation, and catenation,
have established that the oil produced is either petrol or could have influenced the characteristics of the CMMR-
obtained pyrolysis oil.
heptane, 4-ethyl- (alkane), tridecane (alkane), 1-dodecene (alkane) are present in both oils. The catalyst effect could
(alkene), tridecane (alkane), 1-dodecanol (fatty alcohol), have caused the differences in the chemical compositions of
dodecane (alkane), 1-pentadecene (alkene) and tetradecane the two oils. LDP300 has 1-dodecene (alkene), tridecane
(alkane). Inversely, cyclo-compounds such as (alkane), 1-tridecene (alkane), Dodecane (alkane),
dicyclopentadiene (cycloalkene), bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-2-ene Hexadecane (alkane), tetradecane (alkane), 1-tetradecanol
(cycloalkene), bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-5-en-2-one (cyclo-hydroxy (fatty alcohol), heneicosane (alkane) and 1-hexadecanol
compound), bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene, 2,3-dimethyl- (cyclo- (fatty alcohol), conversely, LDPM300 1-tridecene (alkane),
alkene) and 4,7-methanoisobenzofuran-1,3-dione dodecane (alkane), 1-pentadecene (alkane), nonadecane
(dicarboxylic acid) were obtained with the aid of catalysis at (alkane), Naphthalene, 2-methyl- (aromatic), 1-tetradecanol
the same distillation temperature. Using a simulated reaction (fatty alcohol), tetradecane (alkane), octadecane (alkane) and
mechanism has established the possibility of cyclic heneicosane (alkane). Although there are overlap of the same
hydrocarbon formation during pyrolysis (Wijayanti et al., compounds in both the LDP300 and LDPM300 oil, the
2022). The prominent compounds in LDP180 are 1-decene production of aromatic in LDPM300 may be linked to the
(alkene), undecane (alkane), 1-dodecene (alkene), and catalyst effect. Other authors have reported the pyrolysis oils
tridecane (alkane), while LDPM180 has nonadecane identified in this study during the study of thermal
(alkane), naphthalene, 2-methyl- (alkane), 1 tetradecanol degradation of plastics (Kumar and Singh, 2013; Patil et al.,
(fatty alcohol), octadecane (alkane), 1-hexadecanol (fatty 2017; Panda, 2018; Jaafar et al., 2022; Ghodke et al., 2023;
alcohol) and heneicosane (alkane). However, 1-tridecene Eze et al., 2024)
(alkene), dodecane (alkane), 1-pentadecene and tetradecane
From the analysis of the pyrolysis oil based on the chlorine compounds. These compounds could have come
carbon range, C5-C12 (gasoline), C13-C24 (diesel) and >C24 from the ink used for the name and logo tag on the nylon. The
(fuel oil) (Yang et al., 2016). LDP100 has the highest number analysis results from Figure 4 also imply that most of the
of hydrocarbons (37) in the range of C5-C12 (Figures 3 and 4). pyrolysis oil could be utilised as jet fuel. According to
Thus, having the highest gasoline content (86.43%) amongst Alhikami and Wang (2021), hydrocarbon ranges from 9 to 15
the fractionated oil. This was followed by LDPM100 , with 12 can be used for powering jet engines.
of its compounds within the range of C5 -C12, and recorded
72.22% gasoline. The highest diesel content (72%) was
recorded for LDP300 , followed closely was LDPM300 (60%).
On a careful assessment based on the total number of
hydrocarbons detected in each of the fractionated oils,
LDPM300 has the highest diesel. This is because it has 30
detected compounds against 25 detected in LDP180 . Amongst
all the oils, only LDPM180 has fuel oil, probably due to the
catalyst effect. It was also discovered that all the oil produced
with the aid of a catalyst recorded the presence of organic
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