Infectious MCQs
Infectious MCQs
Infectious MCQs
a) SS disease
b) Hemoglobin O Arab
c) Congenital spherocytosis
d) Duffy positive blood group Negative
2) A 25 year old female patient presented with abdominal pain, fever, watery
diarrhea for 48 hours followed by blood diarrhea .The most likely cause is:
a) E. Coli infection
b) Dysenteric malaria
c) Amoebic dysentery
d) Bacillary dysentery
e) Campylobacter infection
a) Severe thrombocytopenia
b) Reduced anti thrombin III
c) Liver cell failure
d) Platelets dysfunction
a) metronidazole
b) tinidazole
c) diloxanate fuorate
d) albendazole
e) thiabendazole
b) Doxycycline +Rifampicin
c) Rifampicin +Co-trimoxazole Preg 2nd 3rd
d) Streptomycin + Doxycycline
e) Doxycycline+ Ofloxacin
a) peripheral blood
b) lymph node
c) spleen
d) liver
e) bone marrow
10) Which of the following findings favor amoebic rather than bacillary
c) fever
d) vomiting
9. 3. A 29-y-old man who lives in an area full of sandflies presented with fever
for 4 weeks. He was noted to be wasted and has a splenomegaly of 6 cm. Blood
film was negative for malaria and brucellar titer was 1: 40. He refused any
further testing and demanded treatment.
What is the most suitable treatment for this patient?
a. Praziquantel
b. Metrifonate
c. Pentamidine
d. Artesunate
+ paromomycin
e. Sodium stebogluconate E
With Hiv amphoteracin b
1) Acute toxemic schistosomaiasis:
Cause daeath
2) In a patient with severe malaria:
Pul. Edema
Mc of severe is algid
a) retinal hemorrhages occur in 5% of patients
b) signs of meningeal irritation are typical of cerebral malaria
c) presence of schizonts in the peripheral blood is a poor prognostic feature
d) prolongation of APTT is not recognized
e) non cardiogenic pulmonary edema is a common association Not
a) Caput medusae
b) Venous hum
c) Palpable left lobe of the liver
d) oesophageal varices
e) Macronodular hepatomegally
4) A 25 – year- old male presented with fever & right hypochonderial pain for two
weeks. Examination & investigation showed firm &tender hepatomegally, total
WBC 14000/µl. & high alkaline phosphatase. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) bacterial cholangitis
b) subphrenic abscess
5) In bacillary dysentery
a) fever is rare
b) Shigella shiga causes the mild form of the disease
c) Rieter’s syndrome, affects males only
e) cerebral hemorrhage
7) The treatment of choice in a pregnant lady with brucellosis is:
a) streptomycin +doxycycline
b) streptomycin +rifampicin
c) doxycycline +rifampicin
d) rifampicin alone
e) streptomycin +cotrimoxazole
9) Which of the following drugs can be administered orally for the treatment of
visceral leishmaniasis:
a) Sodium stibogluconate
b) Pentamidine
c) Paromomycin
d) Itraconazole
e) Multefosine
1) A 25 year old male patient, presented with symptoms and signs of amoebic
liver abscess, which of the following is true:
a) Caput medusae
b) Venous hum
c) Palpable left lobe of the liver
d) oesophageal varices
e) Macronodular hepatomegally
a) E.Coli
b) Bacillary dysentery
c) Campylobacter jejueni infection
d) Clostridium difficle
e) Pseudomembranous colitis
4) Acidosis, hyperventilation and circulatory failure in severe malaria are caused
by :
a) Metronidazole
b) Tinidazole
c) Paromomycin
d) Diloxanide fuorate
e) Albendazole
6) In cutaneous leishmaniasis ,nodular lesion will appear after the bite of sand
fly within:
a) Few minutes
b) Few hours
c) Three days
d) Three weeks
e) 2-3 months
9) In typhoid fever:
f) Caput medusae
g) Venous hum
h) Palpable left lobe of the liver
i) oesophageal varices
j) Macronodular hepatomegally
3) Hemolytic uremic syndrome in a 30 year old male patient presenting with bloody
stool ,that showed microscopically the presence of leucocytes; normal WBC count
is due to:
a) E.Coli
b) Bacillary dysentery
c) Campylobacter jejueni infection
d) Clostridium difficle
e) Pseudomembranous colitis
a) Metronidazole
b) Tinidazole
c) Paromomycin
d) Diloxanide fuorate
e) Albendazole
6) In cutaneous leishmaniasis ,nodular lesion will appear after the bite of sand fly
a) Few minutes
b) Few hours
c) Three days
d) Three weeks
e) 2-3 months
7) A 50 year old male patient presented with skin itching, hyperpigmentation , skin
nodules together with visual deterioration, biopsy taken from the nodule recovered
Onchocerca volvolus ; which of the following is most appropriate:
9) In typhoid fever:
k) Caput medusae
l) Venous hum
m) Palpable left lobe of the liver
n) oesophageal varices
o) Macronodular hepatomegally
13) Hemolytic uremic syndrome in a 30 year old male patient presenting with
bloody stool ,that showed microscopically the presence of leucocytes; normal
WBC count is due to:
f) E.Coli
g) Bacillary dysentery
h) Campylobacter jejueni infection
i) Clostridium difficle
j) Pseudomembranous colitis
14) Acidosis, hyperventilation and circulatory failure in severe malaria are caused
by :
f) Metronidazole
g) Tinidazole
h) Paromomycin
i) Diloxanide fuorate
j) Albendazole
16) In cutaneous leishmaniasis ,nodular lesion will appear after the bite of sand fly
f) Few minutes
g) Few hours
h) Three days
i) Three weeks
j) 2-3 months
17) A 50 year old male patient presented with skin itching, hyperpigmentation , skin
nodules together with visual deterioration, biopsy taken from the nodule recovered
Onchocerca volvolus ; which of the following is most appropriate:
18) A farmer of 55 year old ,presented with prolonged nocturnal fever, headache
and sweating for two months, O/E he was ill, febrile with hepatosplenomegally;
the best test performed to settle the diagnosis of brucellosis is:
20) ibogluconate 20mg/kg daily for 30 days, showed no response, the next step will
21) A 25 year old male patient, presented with symptoms and signs of amoebic
liver abscess, which of the following is true:
k) Typically presents with fever
l) Jaundice is usual
m) Is more likely to have concomitant colitis
n) Have a clear casual relation with alcohol abuse
o) Sub acute presentation is unlikely
23) A 30 year old male patient presenting with anaemia, high blood urea and
bloody stool that showed microscopically the presence of leucocytes; is due to:
a) Amoebic dysentry
b) Escherichia coli
c) Campylobacter jejueni infection
d) Clostridium difficle
e) Pseudomembranous colitis
4) In a very ill patient with malaria arterial blood gas results showed pH 7.25 (Normal 7.35
- 7.45) and bicarbonate 14 mmol/l (Normal 22 - 26 mmol/l ). The likely cause is:
k) Acute kidney injury
l) Hypoglycemia
m) Lactic acidosis
n) Hepatic failure
o) Heavy parasitemia
9) In typhoid fever:
k) Stool culture in the first week settles the diagnosis
l) Animal reservoir is well recognized
m) Complications occur in the second week
n) Follows an attack of severe malaria
o) Intestinal perforation is a recognized serious and frequently fatal
10) A 45 year old male patient, with visceral leishmaniasis, received intravenous
sodium stibogluconate 20mg/kg daily for 30 days showed no response. The next
step will be:
k) Repeat the course of sodium stibogluconate
l) Start multifosine
m) Start Liposomal amphoteracin
n) Start Paromomycin
o) Start Allopurinpl
10. A 25 year old female patient presented with abdominal pain, fever, watery
diarrhea for 48 hours followed by bloody diarrhea .The most likely cause is:
a) Viral enteritis
b) Dysenteric malaria
c) Giardiasis
d) Bacillary dysentery
e) Drug induced (antibiotics)
14. A 25 – year- old male presented with fever & right hypochonderial pain for
two weeks. Examination & investigation showed firm & tender hepatomegally,
total WBC 14000/µl & high alkaline phosphatase. The most likely diagnosis is:
f) Bacterial cholangitis
g) Subphrenic abscess
h) Amoebic liver abscess
i) Right basal pneumonia
j) Pyogenic liver abscess
15. A 35-year-old woman developed bilateral optic neuritis with partial recovery. MRI of
brain was normal. One year later, she developed paraparesis and incontinence. She was
given intravenous methylprednisolone followed by oral prednisolone, but continued to
deteriorate. Investigations showed:
ESR 7 mm/1st hr, antinuclear antibodies negative. MRI scan of spine: high-signal
lesion from C6 to T10. Cerebrospinal fluid: white cell count 12/ cu mm , negative
oligoclonal bands. What is the most likely diagnosis?
4. A 42 year old lady, hypertensive on amilodipine 5mg daily, presented for regular
checkup. Among other tests carried out on her, peripheral blood picture showed
banana shaped gametocytes. The appropriate drug indicated in her case to
eradicate these gametes is:-
a. Artesunate
b. Mefloquine
c. Quinine
d. Primaquine
e. Halfantrine hydrochloride
5. A 20 year old gentleman presented with three days history of fever, followed by
diarrhea, small amounts, 8-10 times per day, associated with blood , lower
abdominal pain as well as tenesmus. Examination is unremarkable.
Investigations showed blood urea 75 mg/dl (20-40), serum creatinine 2.8 mg/dl
(0.7–1.3), stool analysis showed fecal leucocytes and RBCs. Peripheral blood
picture showed fragmented RBCs.
The diagnosis is:-
a. Clostridium Difficuile colitis
b. Amebiasis
c. Campylobacter jejunei
d. Escherichia coli inection
e. Salmonellosis
6. A 20 year-old man presented with history of headache, high grade fever, nausea,
vomiting & a bleeding tendency; was found to be positive for malaria. The cause
of his bleeding is:
a. Severe thrombocytopenia
b. Reduced anti thrombin III
c. Liver cell failure
d. Platelets dysfunction
e. Vitamin K- dependant coagulation factors defect
8. Wound debridement and antibiotics are essential for preventing further release
of C. tetani from the wound. The antibiotic of choice is:
a. Penicillin
b. Cephtriaxone
c. Gentamycin
d. Metronidazole
e. Chloramphenicol
9. A 54 years old man presents with prolonged fever and right upper subcostal pain
and tenderness. Abdominal ultrasound scan revealed a 6✕
✕6 cm cystic lesion in
right lobe of liver.
Expected findings on further assessment include:
a. A raised blood alkaline phosphatase and neutrophil leucocytosis
b. Anormal alkaline phosphatate but raised serum bilirubin level
c. Markedly raised serum aphafetoprotein level
d. A normal CXR
e. Raised Ca 19.9 tumour marker
10. On a busy night in the ER the on call team received three patients from a
village in Algezira referred with febrile illness associated with variable
symptoms of headache, muscle pains, vomiting of blood and bruising under the
Which of the following next step is most appropriate?
a. They should all be referred to the Bleeding Centre for urgent endoscopy
b. They should be treated with intravenous quinine
c. The Public Health Department should be immediately notified
d. They should be treated with intravenous antibiotics
e. Commence intravenous omeprazole and observe
11. A 44 year old male with advanced HIV/AIDS, CD4 count of 4 cells/mm (400-1200)
presented to the ER complaining of a headache for the last 14 days. He also complained
of intolerance to light and neck stiffness. He vomited 3 times over the last 3 days. He
denied any fever or night sweats. CSF examination revealed: WBC 46 cells/µl (0 - 5),
lymphocytes 83%. Protein 147 mg/dl (12 - 60). Glucose 28 mg/dl (40 - 80). Blood glucose
117. CSF microscopy: Yeasts seen.
What is the best course of action?
a. Start Ceftriaxone and Vancomycin
b. Start intravenous Dexamethasone
c. Start Amphotericin B and Flucytosine
d. Start antituberculous therapy with 4 drugs
e. Start Acyclovir
12. A patient with HIV and CD4 count of less than 200 cells/mm presents with
fever, night sweats, cough and profound weight loss. You suspect tuberculosis
coinfection. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Extrapulmonary TB is less likely than in HIV negative patients
b. Sputum smear for acid and alcohol fact bacilli is always positive
c. CXR will be abnormal in most patients
d. Mantoux test is often strongly positive
e. Antituberculous treatment should be started before antiretroviral therapy
24) A 25 year old male patient, presented with symptoms and signs of amoebic
liver abscess, which of the following is true:
u) Caput medusae
v) Venous hum
w) Palpable left lobe of the liver
x) oesophageal varices
y) Macronodular hepatomegally
26) Hemolytic uremic syndrome in a 30 year old male patient presenting with
bloody stool that showed microscopically the presence of leucocytes; normal
WBC count is due to:
k) E.Coli
l) Bacillary dysentery
m) Campylobacter jejueni infection
n) Clostridium difficle
o) Pseudomembranous colitis
28) Stool analysis in a female patient showed the presence of both E. Histolytica
trophozoites forms & cysts forms; the drug active against both forms is
p) Metronidazole
q) Tinidazole
r) Paromomycin
s) Diloxanide fuorate
t) Albendazole
29) In cutaneous leishmaniasis ,nodular lesion will appear after the bite of sand
fly within:
k) Few minutes
l) Few hours
m) Three days
n) Three weeks
o) 2-3 months
30) A 50 year old male patient presented with skin itching, hyperpigmentation ,
skin nodules together with visual deterioration, biopsy taken from the nodule
recovered Onchocerca volvolus ; which of the following is most appropriate:
31) A 55 year old farmer with prolonged nocturnal fever, headache sweating and
hepatosplenomegally; the best test performed to settle the diagnosis of
brucellosis is:
33) A 45 year old male patient, with visceral leishmaniasis, received intravenous
sodium stibogluconate 20mg/kg daily for 30 days showed no response. The next
step will be:
A 45 year-old man presented to the medical outpatient
department complaining of fever for the last three months, the
fever is of low grade, occurs mostly at the evening, associated
with nocturnal sweating, and had anorexia and weight loss. He
also complained of dry cough, there was no abdominal pain, he
had diarrhea about three motions per day, and the stools contain
no blood. He sought medical advice and received various
medications with no response.
A 26 year old male from Kosti presented to the outpatient clinic
with a four week history
of upper abdominal pain and high grade fever which was
accompanied with rigors. He also has
mild cough and anorexia. He has no past history of significance.
On examination he looks ill, febrile temp 39. Cardio-respiratory
and neurological examinations were normal. Abdominal
examination revealed tender hepatomegaly 9 cm below costal
margin. Spleen not palpable and no ascites.
Investigations showed: TWBC 18500 x10 /µL (3.6-11) with
85% Neutrophils. Blood film and ICT were negative for malaria.
2. Aspiration (1)
Case 3: