Writing Book Reviews
Writing Book Reviews
Writing Book Reviews
What are the author’s viewpoint and purpose? Book reviews generally include the following kinds
Are they appropriate? The viewpoint or purpose may of information; keep in mind, though, that you may
be implied rather than stated, but often a good place need to include other information to explain your
to look for what the author says about his or her assessment of a book.
purpose and viewpoint is the introduction or preface.
Most reviews start off with a heading that includes all
What are the author’s main points? the bibliographic information about the book. If your
Again, these will often be stated in the introduction. assignment sheet does not indicate which form you
should use, you can use the following:
What kind of evidence does the author use to prove
his or her points? Title.
Author.Place of publication:
Place publisher,
of publication: date of publication.
publisher, date of
Is the evidence convincing? Why or why not? Does the Number of pages.
publication. Number of pages.
author support his or her points adequately?
Like most pieces of writing, the review itself usually
How does this book relate to other books on the begins with an introduction that lets your readers
same topic? know what the review will say. The first paragraph
Is the book unique? Does it add new information? usually includes the author and title again, so your
What group of readers, if any, would find this book readers don’t have to look up to find this information.
most useful? You should also include a very brief overview of the
contents of the book, the purpose or audience for the
Does the author have the necessary expertise to book, and your reaction and evaluation.
write the book?
What credentials or background does the author have You should then move into a section of background
that qualify him or her to write the book? Has the information that helps place the book in context and
author written other books or papers on this topic? discusses criteria for judging the book.
Do others in this field consider this author to be an
expert? Next, you should give a summary of the main points of
the book, quoting and paraphrasing key phrases from
What are the most appropriate criteria by which to the author.
judge the book? How successful do you think the
author was in carrying out the overall purposes of Finally, you get to the heart of your review—your
the book? evaluation of the book. In this section, you might
discuss some of the following issues:
• how well the book has achieved its goal For the novice there is much to be learned here . . . .
• what possibilities are suggested by the book
• what the book has left out But the book stops short of where it should ideally
• how the book compares to others on the subject begin. In many ways, “Guiding Light” was simply
• what specific points are not convincing the wrong soap to study. First broadcast in 1937,
• what personal experiences you’ve had related to “Guiding Light” is the oldest soap opera in the United
the subject. States, owned and produced by Procter and Gamble,
which sells it to CBS. It is therefore the perfect soap
It is important to use labels to carefully distinguish to study for a history of the changing daytime serial.
your views from the author’s, so that you don’t But that is not Intintoli’s project . . . .
confuse your reader. Taking Soaps Seriously is a good introduction to
the production of the daily soap opera. It analyzes
Then, like other essays, you can end with a direct soap conventions, reveals the hierarchy of soap
comment on the book, and tie together issues raised production, and describes a slice of the corporate
in the review in a conclusion. production of mass culture.
Regrettably, it reads like an unrevised dissertation
There is, of course, no set formula, but a general rule and misses an important opportunity to probe
of thumb is that the first one-half to two-thirds of the changing nature of soap production and the
the review should summarize the author’s main unarticulated ideological framework in which soaps
ideas and at least one-third should evaluate the are created.
book. Check with your instructor.
5. Polishing the Book Review
4. Example After you’ve completed your review, be sure to
Below is a review of Taking Soaps Seriously by Michael proofread it carefully for errors and typos. Double-
Intintoli, written by Ruth Rosen in the Journal of check your bibliographic heading—author, title,
Communication. Note that Rosen begins with a context publisher—for accuracy and correct spelling as well.
for Intintoli’s book, showing how it is different from
other books about soap operas. She finds a strength in
the kind of details that his methodology enables him
to see. However, she disagrees with his choice of case
study. All in all, Rosen finds Intintoli’s book most useful
for novices, but not one that advances our ability to
critique soap operas very much.