Hasil Lab RSUD Cut Meutia - April 2024
Hasil Lab RSUD Cut Meutia - April 2024
Hasil Lab RSUD Cut Meutia - April 2024
TESTED FOR : pH, Amoniak (NH3-N), Total Suspended Solid, Oil and Grease,
COD by K2Cr2O7, BOD 5 day’s 20 °C, Total Coliform
( Lampiran I Permen LH dan Kehutanan RI No.
P.68/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/8/2016 )
pH in situ 7.61 6-9 4500-H+-B
Amonia (NH3) mg/l 1.04 10 4500-NH3-F
Total Suspended Solid mg/l 26 30 2540 D
Oil and Grease mg/l <2 5 SNI 6989 10.2011
COD by K2Cr2O7 mg/l 57.32 100 5220 C
BOD 5 day’s 20 °C mg/l 25.3 30 5210 B
Total Coliform CFU/100 ml 630 3000 9222 B
* : Lampiran I Permen LH dan Kehutanan RI No. P.68/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/8/2016
** : Standard methods 22nd edition 2012, APHA-AWWA-WEF
< : Less than the detection limit indicated
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