TABLE 2-3 QUANTITY OF CEMENT AND SAND PER ONE 3. Find the cement and sand. Refer again to Table 2-2, us-
ing class B ,mortar; Multiply:
Cement in Bags 40 kg . .
Size of CHB .
Mixture Sand Cement: 156 x .522 = 81.43 say 82 bags
A B C 0 cu. m.
Sand: 156 x .0435 = 6.78 say 7 cu. m.
10 x 20 x 40 6.336 4.176 3.152 2.624 0.348 .'
4. Summary of the
15 X 20 x 40 12.150 8.104 6.072 5.064 0.675
20 X 20 x 40 1,950 pieces CHB
18.072 12.000 9..000 7.504 1.000
82 bags cement
7 cubic meters sand.
the answers of the three methods in finding the Take note that the above materials found does not include
the cement, sand and gravel for the footing. For this item, refer
matenals for mortar, the results are practically the
same. The estimator now has the choice which method to use to Chapter 1 where it was thoroughly discussed.
but before using Table 2-2 and 2-3, know first the kind of
ture and the size of CHB to .be used because this is where most 2-3 CEMENT MORTAR FOR PLASTERING
errors are being committed.
Aside from the cement mortar for block laying, plastering is
ILLUSTRATION 2-6 another item to consider. Most estimators however, make their
estimate of mortar for block laying and through sim-
. Going. back to the problem of Illustration 2-2, Figure 2-4, find ple guessing and calculation, assuming the quantity of cement
the quantity of hollow blocks, cement and sa'nd, for mortar using and sand without the pain of computation. The reason is simple,
the area method of estimating . they are just in a hurry an.d has no time to do it. And for this rea-
we offer the following methods accompanied by a simpli-
SOLUTION: fied tables of equivalent values.
1. Find the area of the wall. Estimating the cement mortar for plasterjng can be done by:
o Area = Perimeter x Height
1. The Yolume Method and
A = 60.00 m. x 2.60 m. 2. . The Area Method
A = 156 square meters
2. Find the number of CHB. Refer to Table 2-2, under col-
umnnumber per sq. m. multiply:' . Continuing the problem of Illustration 2-1, find the
and sand necessary to plaster two sides of the 3.00 x 4.00 me-
156 x 12.5· = 1,950 pieces terswall.
....'OLUTION (By Volume Method)
2. Solve for the cement and sand. Refer to Table 2-4. Under
1. Find the two sides area of the wall. 16 mm thick plaster class "8" mixture, multiply:
Cement in Bags
Thickness of Plaster
Class 8 mm 12mm 16 mm 20 mm 25mm
A .144 .216 .288 .360 ' .450
B .096 .144 .192 .240 .300
C .072 .108 .144 .180 .225 FIGURE 2-9 PLASTERING
D .060 .090 .120 .150 .188
Sand .008 .012 .016 .020 .025 SOLUTION (By the Area Method)
1. Find the surface area of the fence.
SOLUTION - 2 (By Area Method using Table 2-4)
Area = Perimeter X' Height x 2 faces
1. Find the area of the wall ( two sides) A = 55 m . x 2.70 m. ·x 2 faces
A =297 sq. m.
Area = 3.00 x 4.00 x 2 sides
A = 24 sq. m. 2. Solve for the area of the front and the top surface of the
fence .
A .= .15 x (2.70+2.70+ 40.00 + 15.00) Gross Area = (3.50 x 40.00) = 140 sq. m.
A = 9,06·sq. m.
2. Subtract the area occupied by the posts.
3. Total Area to be plastered add 1 and 2
Net Area = 140 sq. m. - ( .25 x 3.50 ht. x 11 posts.)
Tota l Area = 297 + 9.06 = 306.06 sq. m.
A = (140 - 9.625) = 130.4 sq. m.
4. Find the cement and sand. Refer to Table 2-4. Under
3. Find the number of CHB. Refer to Table 2-2, multiply:
20 mm thick along class "C" mixture; multiply:
58 59