Growth Translated Final - Compress
Growth Translated Final - Compress
Growth Translated Final - Compress
D genetics or aspiration?
Introduction ............. ... ................................. ..................................... 5
A bit of history .......... .................................................. ................ 7
Interesting facts about growth ............................. ................................
12 Low people can sleep peacefully - they were
acquitted ......... .................................................. .......................... 22 Growth
forecast ..................... .................................................. ............ 28 The race of
giants ................................... ............................................... 33 About growth from the
perspective of modern science .............................................. 39 High growth and
genius ................................................. ........ 50
Violation of p hundred and the fight against him ............................................. ....... 51
Some anthropological definitions ................................ 68
Age-related dynamics of the body sizes of children and
adolescents ................................................. .................................... 71 Morphological
characteristics of total and partial body sizes during the growth period in both
sexes .................................................. .................................. 78 Problems of sports
anthropology ............ ................................ 92
The interaction of heredity and the environment in the process of regulating the growth
rate ........ ...................................... 104
Acceleration. Causes, signs, methods of
determination ............................................ .................. 105 Races and environmental
conditions ............... .......................................... 114
Facts against growth hormone
therapy .................................................. ................................. 118
Learn to rule yourself ............. .................................................. 127
The magical power of exercise ................................... 142
Jumping - "pantry growth "................................................. ............. 175
Can I grow up right away? .................................................. .............. 184
Make friends with swimming! .................................................. ............. 194
More about growth and nutrition ............................... ........................... 205
Massage and self-massage ................... .................................................. 215
If you want to grow up - temper! ............................................ 224
How to sleep .. .................................................. .................... 232
Once again about stress ......................... ................................................. 235
Conclusion ................................................. ..................................... 24
BBK 75.0 UDC 796.015 A95
Reviewers: LV Volkov - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor;
VO Zaporozhanov - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences :, Professor;
LP Sergienko - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Akhmetov RF A95 Height: genetics or aspiration? : Monograph.
Russian. - Zhytomyr: Kind. OO Svenok, 2016. - 244 pp .: ill. I8BN
978-617-7265-68-8 Book by RF Akhmetov - Master of Sports of
International Class from High Jump, Doctor of Science in Physical
Education and Sport, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory
and Methods of Physical Education of Zhytomyr State University
named after Ivan Franko - tells about the reasons for the delay of
human growth and the possibility of their elimination. The author,
based on many years of research, practical experience and materials
of leading specialists in the field of medicine, hygiene and
psychology, proposes his own method of bleaching body length.
Practical recommendations, tips on mastering the techniques of self
improvement, self-control, tempering and rational nutrition are
presented for those who want to grow their height. The book is
offered to a wide range of readers. UDC 796.015
Akhmetov Scientific Edition Rustam Fagimovich Growth: Genetics
or Aspirations? Monograph
Printed from the original layout of the author Signed for printing
30.05.16. 60x84 / 16 format. Mind. printing. Ark 14:18. Vooctap
Oishi 81u1e headset. Substitute No. '179. 500 copies. Publishing and
printing OO Svyonok Zhytomyr, vul. M. Berdichevskaya, 17-th
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series DC No. 3544 dated 05.08 .2009
IZVI 978-617-7265-68-8 © Akhmetov R. F., 2007. 2013, 2016 ©
O. O. Svenok, 2016 edition
Height is the concentration of will, And,
believe me, it is not at all simple. The
height of human pain, Returns to sport -
height. And the desire to go up into the
unknown will prove to everyone: look, I'm
growing. Conquering Everest is also a leap
in height.
And in any, even everyday business,
People have a big dream - The height of
achieving the goal, Overcome yourself
The letters that I began to receive after publications on my system for increasing growth
appeared on the pages of newspapers and magazines prompted me to start writing this
book. Desperation and hope are merged in these letters: “Help me grow!” Here are
typical cases: “I’m already 16 years old and I’m only 152 cm tall. Are there really no
exercises that would accelerate growth?”, “I am the smallest in the class, and they laugh
at me "," My height is 168, this is not enough for a good basketball player, "" I dream of
becoming as big as my father, "" Acceleration is for everyone, and I am small. Is this
fair? ”,“ I love one girl very much, and she is taller than me. Help! "," My husband and I
are tall, and both children (son and daughter) were born and grow up "small." I take this
calmly, but my husband is angry that the children are not in him. The pediatrician says
that the children are normal, and can’t explain why to neither the mother nor the father.
If this is genetics, then why is it so manifested? The husband has been playing sports
with his son for a year, but he did not grow faster. One coach advised giving his son
growth stimulants, he says that they are harmless to health, but we are afraid! To whom
should we turn to examine children and prescribe medications necessary for growth, if it
is harmless? ”^
At first glance, this may seem strange, because body length does not apply to indicators
that are of vital importance. Nevertheless, interest in growth is not raised by chance. It
has long been associated with health and physical strength. Normal growth has always
been equivalent to the idea that a person with health is all right. The higher the person,
the lower the risk of heart failure. This conclusion was made by scientists of Boston.
Men taller than 170 cm are more susceptible to heart disease than those who are at least
15 cm taller. For the former, the probability of illness is 70 percent, and every 2.5 cm of
growth reduces this probability by 3 percent. This book is addressed primarily to young
people. However, many of the information and advice set forth in it can be used by
people of advanced age. The proposed system for increasing growth is based on our own
The proposed physical exercises can be performed always and everywhere - even at
school during breaks, during breaks at work, on vacation, with friends, during classes
with any form of mass physical culture. They are effective in the classroom but in
various sports. The duration of classes is chosen by the students themselves, depending
on their condition and mood. Everyone can be convinced of accessibility and benefit of
I was eleven years old. I walked around my native Berdichev, and the noise in the stadium
caught my attention. It turns out that there was a championship in jumping among
schoolchildren. Before my eyes, Valery Skvortsov, a famous athlete in the future, overcame the
bar at a height of 1 meter 95 centimeters. Skvortsov’s jumps just struck me. I was thrilled,
shocked. That night I couldn’t fall asleep, I imagined everything: “I wish I could jump like that
myself!” And I firmly decided: I should enroll in a group for high jumps at all costs. The next
day, he joined the group of a well-known trainer, honored trainer of the Soviet Union Vitaly
Alekseevich Donskoy, but he did not take me at first. Probably too small then. I had to wait a
year. And finally, the day came when I got to the school of jumpers. Now I understand how
lucky I am: it was my fate that decided. I began to go to training, I was happy - not to pass it,
then Lonsky said that usually newcomers are somehow shy, do not know what to do, go idle,
and I immediately set the bar in my corner, put down the mats and jumped. I’m jumping all the
time, jumping ... My results started to grow rapidly. When he joined the group, his personal
record was 1 m 20 cm, and after a year already 1 m 75 cm - the second adult category. But
there’s a hitch. Good two years - not a single centimeter of increase to achieve, all my peers
have already overtaken me. How I grieved! Well, he did come to despair! In the end, he
decided to ask Donskoy: why is this happening that I can’t jump higher? And he answers me:
“You know, you are small. Growth did not come out. You just need to grow up to jump higher
... ”(and at that time I was 164 centimeters tall. And I have not grown for two years). Then
Lonsky says: “You know what, write a receipt that you undertake to grow by eight centimeters
per year. And you will grow up. And how can you not grow if you gave a word ?! ”
Arriving home, after talking with the coach, I did so. He wrote the following commitment: “I,
Rustam Akhmetov, undertake to grow by eight centimeters within a year. I swear to achieve
this with all my might! ”And in a most prominent place he hung. It should be said that the
opportunity to grow in me instilled faith. I gave my word to the coach! And the authority of
Lonsky was indisputable for all of us. If he said, then it will be so! Here is one example. Once
Lonsky took me to his home, and he has a large garden and a lot of black currants. He led me
to a bush and said: “Eat. These are vitamins. For an athlete, this is very useful. But you have to
thoroughly eat the bush. Without this, do not come to my section anymore. ” He went into the
house, and I went to the bush - such a huge bush, all covered in berries. Forty minutes later,
Lonsky came up and found me in a half-faint state. And, despite this, I, without even thinking
anything, still pushed the currants into my mouth. He was even frightened and said: “What are
you, how can that be? I’ve joked! ”Since then I have currants and do not eat anymore. So,
believe me, when I wrote the receipt, I was convinced that I had to grow. Yes, and the receipt
itself gave me the key to knowing how to grow. I was looking for material in libraries, I was
learned that jumping annoys growth zones, I began to jump first a hundred, and then two
hundred times a day. Wherever I am and no matter what I do, I jumped. On the way to the
music school I tried to get all the leaves on the trees. I didn’t walk calmly at breaks. As soon as
the bell rings, and I'm on the street: jump, stretch and jump again. If the daily norm is two
hundred jumps, I did not have time to complete it, I jumped at night. And so as not to be afraid
to go out, I asked my mom or sister to go out with me. Regularly on a special system slept
stretched with rubber bands. Hanging on the Swedish wall and the crossbar, playing basketball,
after all, the whole breast is stretched out), in the pool I came up with a lot of exercises aimed
at increasing growth. Waking up in the morning, he never abruptly jumped up, and lay for
several minutes doing sipping exercises. Then he knocked on the wall of the neighbor Aunt
Nonna, who came to us and, along with my mother, pulled me by the legs. There was a laugh!
They pull, and the bed moves around the room. I visited the homeland of my parents - near
Kazan. There I was interested in what popular beliefs, legends are about how to grow. After all,
the problem of growth worried my ancestors. Here is one of the favorite exercises that I used in
my system. Its essence is that if a person wants to grow up, it is necessary to lie on his back and
stretch very much, and at this time someone from very close people whom you love or whom
you trust (mother, father, brother, sister, etc. ), they should stroke the fingertips in the area of
the solar plexus clockwise, and at the same time sentence the following sounds: "VC, VC,
VC ..." (grow, grow, grow ... - Tatar.). Usually my mother stroked me. This exercise is
pleasant. After its implementation, I felt that my growth was increasing. And one more
exercise of our ancestors. To do this, you need to use a slide or other elevation. Such a slide
was near my house. I climbed up, lay on my back stretching out and rolled down. At the same
time I imagined that I was stretching like a dough. In my cultivation, I paid a lot of attention to
such an important detail as nutrition. What I just didn’t eat: I drank fish oil, carrot juice, and
various dairy products, and a variety of vegetables and fruits. In a word, all that contains a lot
of vitamin A, which helps increase growth. So gradually I developed my own system, which
included my favorite exercises and complexes
feces, self-hypnosis techniques, as well as balanced nutrition. And the result of such fruitful
work was truly fantastic for me - exactly one year later I grew eight centimeters! The question
arises that all this, perhaps, happened naturally, and I would have grown up myself, without
bothering myself with various systems for increasing growth? But I can’t give an exact answer,
but I’ll just note that I haven’t been growing for two years already, and only painstaking work
on myself has generously rewarded me. I kept the word given in the receipt - it grew by exactly
eight centimeters per year. But my story is far from over. He approached Donskoy with his
result, and he says: “Well done! Write another receipt — again by eight! ”Another year passed
and, as the reader obviously guesses, I grew by as much as it was on the new receipt using my
system. When I decided to write the third receipt, Lonsky suggested that too high is also bad to
be. Our famous Valery Brumel has 185 cm, and this growth was considered ideal for the
jumper. That is why I wrote the third receipt with the obligation to grow by 5 centimeters. A
year passes - stretched exactly five. And then my trainer and teacher Lonsky said that no more
receipts should be given, and that now I will jump, he is firmly convinced of this. Then the
following words followed: "Do you want me to write a receipt myself, that you will jump
high?" And I answered: “Thank you, because I already believe in you ...”. And yet, after this
conversation, over a year I added two more centimeters, by inertia. So I got 23 centimeters
taller. Around this story there was a lot of talk, judgment, and commentary by specialists. So,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Research Institute of Age Physiology B.A.
Nikityuk believes that among the factors that influenced my growth, a great deal
physical exercise as such. In his opinion, any physical exercise, intensifying metabolic
processes in the body, thereby contributing to an increase in bone mass during the growth and
formation of a young body. The load, which is dynamic and pulsating, has a particularly
pronounced effect on bone growth. Hops, repeated hanging, jumping, stretching, swimming -
all that samples are just such a load. Therefore, with prolonged exposure, it certainly had to
affect growth. The professor does not exclude the possibility that the desire to grow, through
nerve factors, affected the endocrine system, on which the increase in body size depends.
Assessing this factor, the professor wrote: “As a result of a complex impact (first of all, a
special training system and a powerful psychological attitude), Rustam Akhmetov managed to
add 23 centimeters to his height in a hopeless, seemingly genetic situation. But this does not
mean that he broke his genotype, went beyond the inherited. I think that Rustam managed to
realize the fully potential growth opportunities, which would otherwise have remained
unsolved. ” The validity of these words is confirmed by further many years of experience in
increasing growth. The guys who work hard according to our methodology are growing up.
Over the years, the system of special training has been enriched with new exercises, the effect
has increased with the use of unconventional means and methods, the latest achievements of
sports science. Currently (with timely treatment), most people who want to grow up can be
helped. Moreover, and this is especially important, in a significant part of cases, an increase in
growth is accompanied by an improvement in health status. And now we will get acquainted
Finding materials that have at least something to do with growth management, I noticed that
so far there is a lot of obscurity. In general, the successes of the branch of anthropology that
deals with growth management are not very great. There is especially little data that relate to
growth and development until the 20th century. On a small material it is difficult to derive
patterns. Today it is known that a person inherits from his parents skin color, eye shape, nose
shape, a lot of other signs, which include body length or simply growth. Therefore, tall parents
usually have tall children, and vice versa. If generations of one family live for a long time in a
limited space, say in a small village, then inevitably, sooner or later, men are forced to marry
their more or less close relatives. And this process, fraught with incest, does not contribute to
the renewal of the genetic fund of people. And in the good old days, over the centuries and
millennia, many nations preferred not to leave their homes, lived apart and mixed little with
strangers. It was in those days that such people recorded the smallest body length. Now
children from parents from one village are less susceptible to acceleration. Active population
migration in the modern world allows avoiding marriages between relatives, the colorful
year old boys. He found that the growth of sons is higher, the farther apart from each other are
the places of birth of their parents. The average growth of those whose parents were born in
one village or in one city block is 171.5 centimeters. Where places about
parents live about 10 km, boys were born whose average height is 172.1 cm. At a distance of
100 km, they are 173.6 cm tall and over 100-174.1 cm. In order to EXCLUDE 11 і ii. ■ 111
1111 ѵ, the total agreed that, generally, the average growth is always set only for a specific
group of people. Average growth can be for the population of a country, city or people living in
it of a certain nationality, age, profession, etc. It would seem what difference does this make to
a person, because you still can’t part with your growth. But the difference, it turns out, is, say,
psychological. For example, the inhabitants of northern France are half a head taller than the
southerners, and the Native Normans, coming from Le Havre to Marseille, turn from "medium"
to "high". And an ordinary resident of Montenegro (180-185 cm) becomes a giant among the
South African Bushmen (135-140 cm). The Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm I sent his
emissaries throughout Germany, who searched for him and lured various promises to the royal
army of young guys with a height of at least 180 cm. The king was incredibly proud of his
guards, and other European monarchs also dreamed of such a representative guard, but unless
you pick up a whole regiment of such thugs ... Ironically, it was in Germany, almost 250 years
after the death of the harsh and cruel Frederick, in the city of Stuttgart that the "congress of the
lanky" gathered. Of the 400 people who came there from all over Europe, there was not a
single one below 190 cm, and the tallest - German Klein (translated “small”) - was 223 cm tall.
To date, the highest people on our planet are the Karimojong tribe (Uganda). Their average
height is 2 meters. They also have the darkest skin, and pigment spots are even in their tongue.
The Karimojongs, nomadic herders, manage to breed cows in a semi-desert, more like a real
desert. Since there is practically no other living creature in the places where they live, their
main food is blood. The blood of totemic, that is, sacred, bulls mixed with cow's milk. Their
millennial faith does not allow them to kill cattle. The man is growing. Acceleration (especially
for children) became, like the weather in the old days, the on-duty phrase of the banter.
Meanwhile, the topic is absolutely not new. The English anthropologist J. Ghent as early as
Anthropometric measurements of children were introduced in the most civilized countries only
in the 30s of the last century. What our ancestors were 100 years ago we do not know.
Individual skeletons cannot tell about it, firstly, because they are skeletons, and secondly,
because they are separate: statistics are needed. I remember that in London, walking along the
line of museum knights in armor of the most diverse designs, I marveled at their short stature.
All the armor of these legendary Ivanhoe would fit the current 13-14 year old boys. About 10
years ago, another surprising discovery was made: in the Northern Hemisphere, everything
happens the other way around. But neither latitude nor climate are decisive factors. In the
Netherlands, for example, over 20 years, young men grew by an average of 4 cm, girls by 2
cm. The tallest children ended up in Iceland, although their parents are scared of being
overweight. In 1882, the average growth of Moscow 15-year-old boys was 147 cm, in 1923 it
was already 156 cm, and today it has exceeded 170! What is the matter here? Why? What does
this mean and how long will it last? So far no one can answer this question. There is a lot if
you can
to be interested in "equal" hypotheses, none of which, from my point of view, can withstand
criticism: They began to eat better. But in the postwar years, the average nutritional level of
residents of civilized countries has changed little. It cannot be said that Russia and Ukraip are
too well fed, but even here the acceleration is not slower than in the “fat” countries. Influenced
by radio waves, different receivers, antennas, televisions. But then, larger families should grow
up in families with TVs, but this is not so. The radiation situation has changed. All this harmful
nuclear technology is to blame, from computers and X-ray machines to A-bomb tests. But
William Conrad Rengen, with whom all these misfortunes began, opened his “x-rays” a quarter
of a century after Ghent spoke of acceleration. Another possibility is that the sun affects the
development and growth of a person, since it affects absolutely everything that is done on
Earth. This was spoken by the great Russian scientist Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky. “It
can be considered precisely established,” Professor B.A. Nikityuk in 1987, “that during the
years of the active Sun, the sizes of newborns are smaller ...” But again, the acceleration curve
(excluding the years of war) slowly but steadily creeps up, while the curves of solar activity are
sinusoids. The most pronounced period of activity of the Sun is 10-11 years. The most
plausible hypothesis seems to explain the acceleration of incest. Humanity began to live on its
planet more fluidly. The number of interethnic marriages has risen sharply, but it has long
been noticed that "half-breeds" are very often stronger, healthier, more talented than
1924, Russian anthropologist V.V. drew attention to this. Bunak. This is a genetic decision so
tasks seem very attractive if the "purebred" were not accelerators. Acceleration is observed,
albeit in a somewhat muffled form, and where mixed marriages are not encouraged. In short,
there is no definite answer ... Among other acceleration hypotheses, one that deserves attention
is one that tries to explain the phenomenon of accelerated growth of children by the influence
of urbanization. No doubt, living in big cities is more comfortable, better food, better all types
of services, including medical, higher psycho-emotional tone of the population, and hence
stressful activity. All this can contribute to the growth and development of the child. But here's
what's interesting: the accelerated growth of children in cities is becoming less noticeable
compared to rural children. What is the matter? Does the village catch up with the city in terms
of living? And this too, but the main reason, apparently in another. The advantages that
urbanization initially brought were gradually turning into its disadvantages, which negatively
affect the growth of the younger generation. These include: environmental pollution, physical
inactivity, refined high-calorie and excess food, noise, crowding, stress, overwork,
psychoemotional and information overload, as well as others that clearly prevent a person from
growing normally. Speaking of accelerates, one cannot fail to mention the giants, some “peaks”
among just tall people. It seems to me that they are more likely to cause pity than admiration,
because excessive growth has never made them happy, as it were, they fell out of human
society around them. Most often, the personality transformed into a spectacle. Many giants,
seeking to slow down their growth, resorted to medical care - such specialists are, for example,
in Germany. But if you manage to stop the growth of the body, then physicians are not able to
slow down the growth of limbs.
The Pori agency, organized in Moscow not so long ago, talked about the Russian A.
Sazonenko. His height is 240 cm. The data on the Russian woman Elizabeth Lysko has also
been preserved. Donѵmika was born in 1877 in the big and very poor (“we are in the city of
Kraspokutsk. Until three years old she’s nothing” and I began to aspire to her peers, and then
began to strive for ѵnno ra <pi By ten years, her growth was already 102, and by seventeen -
227. Her enterprising uncle decided to make a show: “The Giant Girl. Together they traveled to
all the major cities of Russia, Germany, Italy, England and other countries. Lisa received
secondary education, spoke English, German. About her details nothing is known of her further
fate.She died young in a foreign country. According to the Russian Book of Records, the tallest
man in world history was a Russian citizen Fedor Makhov! His height was 2 meters 85
centimeters (weighing 182 kilograms). The correspondent of the magazine "7 days" reports
that he personally saw the grave of our hero - on railway station Old Selo, near Vitebsk. Today,
the giant is called in the newspapers either Makhov or Makhno. Born on June 6, 1878. He died
on August 28, 1912. The tallest man in the world. Growth was 3 arshins 9 pips. ” He died in
the 35th year of his life. The growth indicated on the grave, which corresponds to 254
centimeters by modern standards, he was at a young age, but, according to numerous evidence,
after that he grew significantly. Fedor Makhov was born in a peasant family on a farm near the
village of Kostyuki. And today, local residents can indicate the place where he was born,
nicknamed the Giant Farm. The talents of an amazing child showed up early. At age 8, the
baby could raise an adult, his father taught him how to play the harmonica. At the age of 12 he
2 meters. He could sleep for more than 24 hours in a row. The shoemaker from the nearby
village of Yazvino, Vasily Orlov, left evidence of the length of the giant's foot 51 centimeters.
The palm was 31 cm. Fedor Makhov bent the horseshoes, one day he raised the roof of the hut.
He developed power talents in the circus, where he twisted spirals from iron rods, and then
straightened them, smashed a brick with a fist, lying raised a wooden platform on which the
orchestra played. He was also engaged in wrestling. His brothers Stepan and Nikolai were a
little taller than average. In the Vitebsk Regional Museum of Local Lore there are stored
materials telling about how Fyodor Makhov got into the circus, and about his tours across
Europe and the USA. He signed a contract with entrepreneur Robert Cook (and according to
another version, the local landowner Bronislav Korzhenevsky made an offer to conquer
Europe) and set off around the world. The journal "Nature and People" in 1903 published such
an article about him, "The Tallest Man in the World." They are now unanimously recognized
by the Russian giant Theodor Makhov. Currently, he arrived with his impresario in Berlin,
carefully measured and weighed, and he was given a document of the following content:
“Theodor Makhov, born in Russia, in the town of Kostyuki, Vitebsk province, has a height of
285 cm and is among the highest giants that have ever been existed on the globe. In many
ways, it is of great interest to science. And indeed, all the giants shown so far in Europe were
in most cases 12-15 cm lower than Mach. Theodore Makhov comes from an ancient family,
whose ancestors moved to Russia from the south, from Syria. Makhov's parents, as well as his
two sisters, are distinguished by quite normal growth; his grandfather was very tall, but, in any
case, not a giant. Theodore Mahov now time is only 22 years old. To give at least some idea of
the size of his body, let’s say that his boot, barely reaching the giant’s knee, reaches the chest
of a normal
person, and a 12-year-old boy could fit his head in it. Impresario pays Makhov 5000 rubles.
annually and besides it contains at its own expense. Only with such a huge amount of money
was the impresario able to persuade the giant to appear in panopticons, since Makhov, an
intelligent and not needing man, for a long time refused such an honor. ” When the giant came
on tour in St. Petersburg, metropolitan reporters found out how he eats. In the morning he
drank about two bottles of milk, while eating a dozen and a half hard-boiled eggs and 6-8
pieces of bread. At noon he was served a kilogram of fried meat, more than a kilogram of
potatoes, a kilo of bread and a bottle of beer. At lunch cost a few plates of meat soup and two
bottles of beer. For dinner, Fedya ate from 10 to 15 eggs and several slices of bread. However,
the entrepreneur, profiting from it, fed him poorly, he was annoyed by the hardships of a
nomadic life. The peasant son did not like all this, and he returned to his home station, Old
Selo. He built a farm with the money he earned. The people called the new place of residence
the Giant Farm. Fedor’s house has not survived to our times - it was destroyed during the war,
but the villagers still call this place the Great. Here he and his wife, teacher Efrosinya
Lebedeva, who was 70 centimeters lower than him, gave birth to five children. All the children
were tall, but none of them was above 2 meters. Having caught a cold while clearing the bed of
the local Zaronovka River, Fedor Makhov suffered from foot disease. Died is believed to be
from lung disease. But it was rumored that he was poisoned by rivals on the wrestling mat. An
obituary appeared in the magazine Russian Sport, announcing this unfortunate event. One of
the sons of Makhov, Radimir, or, as he was also called, Rodion, studied at the Minsk Medical
Institute. Once at a lecture I heard a mention of his phenomenal father. He called himself.
widow sell unique skeleton. For it, 5 thousand rubles were offered, and in those years it was a
substantial sum (a loaf of bread, for example, then cost 14-20 cents). 27 years after the burial,
the bones from under the monument of the largest man in the world were removed, put in a box
and taken away by scientists. The coffin and the monument were returned to their original
place. The grandson of the giant Evgeny Nikolaevich still keeps the memory of his ancestor -
postcards, photographs, newspaper clippings .... It is from the words of the grandson that there
is a version that Fedor, having moved to the farm, did not leave his performance in the circus.
He often traveled to Germany with his family. In recent years, the public has again shown
interest in the life of our extraordinary countryman. The fact is that the American Robert
Wadlow, who lived at the beginning of the last century and reached 272 centimeters, is
officially recognized as the tallest man in the world. Our tallest contemporaries - Pakistani and
American - are 233 and 231 centimeters tall, respectively. The growth of Fyodor Makhov,
equal to 285 centimeters, was indicated by the journal “Scientific Data and Life” for 1970, the
French biologist J. Rostan in his book “Life” and even science fiction writer Alexander
Belyaev in the novel “The Island of Dead Ship”. The Guinness Book of Records calls the
tallest man in the world an American Robert Pershing Wadlow - 2 m 72 cm. He was born on
February 22, 1918 in the city of Olton (USA). A middle name was given to him in honor of
General Per
Shinga, who at that time took part in the First World War. Robert grew up very fast, and at five
he wore clothes that a 17-year-old boy could wear. Her family members (he had two brothers
and two sears) had normal growth. He wanted to live normal- and> II іі пі.ю. was fond of
photography, was a good student. ........ .. joined the Boy Scout organization. Robert "■ to pi.
Loved his mother Addy, for which he received the nickname" I The Great Giant. "In 1933,
Robert half-finished the largest postcard that Alton's post office ever delivered. It was 14 by 22
inches (about 35 by 59 cm). At the age of 18, he had to sew clothes that were three times the
size of the largest of the standard ones. At twenty, he took part in an advertising tour for the
International Shoe Company. His father had to change his family car and remove the front
passenger seat, so that Robert can sit back, extended their long legs. Father and son traveled
300,000 miles a day. For this, the company provided him with free shoes. When in July 1940,
Robert was in Michigan, on his feet (he had special metal rings on his ankle, without which he
couldn’t move about) blisters developed from rubbing and an incomprehensible infection got
into his body. After medical help and blood transfusion the development of the infection
stopped, but on July 15th he died in his sleep. Robert’s body will be returned to his hometown.
Out of respect for him, all the companies of the fool closed at the time of the funeral, in which
twenty-seven thousand people participated. The coffin was so heavy that smoke was carried by
twelve people. Parents Wad- "buried their son’s body under a concrete slab because of fears
that his body would be exhumed for medicine for their research.
"Gentle giant" has a special place in the history of Olton. He is remembered as a quiet young
man who served as a source of inspiration for all those who knew him. In 1980, the Olton
Museum of History and Art opened an exhibition dedicated to Robert Wadlow. In 1984,
townspeople decided to perpetuate the memory of Robert, and in 1985 a bronze statue was
erected on the campus of the University of Illinois Southern School. In 2000, the Air Force
made a documentary about the giant, which was shown on the Bіzsoѵegu channel. Dan
Brannan, editor of the Thie Teléggar newspaper of Olton, wrote a biography of Wadlow called
The Giant Boy. In St. Petersburg in 1913, the giant Mongol Pureviin Gongor (245 cm), who
arrived as part of the government delegation from Mongolia, was surrounded by great
attention. Nowadays, the peasants from the Gansu province Tan Tochen (233 cm) are
considered the highest people. For a long time Gabriel Montone from Mozambique went to the
“champions” in growth. There were few buildings in the city of Pasu de Arcos, a suburb of
Lisbon, where he could stand at full height (245.7 cm). He sat or lay at home, went for walks
early in the morning, because in the afternoon he was immediately surrounded by a hated
crowd of onlookers. Alam Chann from Pakistan (247 cm) took the palm from him, obviously,
today the tallest man on the planet. Although my 2012 information could already be out of
A few words about the short people. For many of us, the Belgian newspaper Suar writes, the
appearance of famous people is usually associated with high stature, good posture, and broad
often such representations are erroneous. Among the monarchs, for example, not everyone
looked like the Russian Tsar Peter I. The very power-hungry English Queen Elizabeth I was
not very tall. . n i. Ily character than on the "iron" queen. N Napoleon, Stalin and Franco had
something in common besides the fact that they were all tyrants and dictators. All these people
were stunted, and this helped to root the myth that men below average were supposedly more
aggressive than men tall. Moreover, it was found that 80% of people believe in this. However,
now the reality of the so-called "Napoleon complex" or "low man syndrome" has undergone
scientific verification. Researchers have found that, on average, tall people are more prone to
aggression in conflict situations. This study is likely to be welcomed by short men who
complain that they face discrimination and experience more difficulties than their tall brothers.
By the way, the study showed that, apparently, the influence of this myth is bearing fruit. Short
men usually earn less and women seem less attractive. Probably, the thrice-married Tom
Cruise, who has a small growth, however, according to scientists, with a decrease in growth by
one inch, women who consider you attractive, is 5% less likely to agree. Low Men: Napoleon
Bonaparte. Historians differ in estimates of his growth, from 158 cm to 167.5 cm. Long before
1.1 k he became emperor, he was called Little Kapr.іl. Inexpressive figure often disturbed him
the conquest of women's hearts. But after he became a monarch, growth no longer impeded
amorous successes. Joseph Stalin. According to police documents from 1902, the growth of the
Soviet dictator was “2 arshins 4 12 h”, that is 162 cm. Joseph Goebbels. The Minister of
Education and Propaganda of Nazi Germany was nicknamed the "evil dwarf" - his height was
165 cm. If you go from monarchs to mere mortals, or rather to writers, then you should talk
more about George Sand. Dozens of novels are devoted to this French writer, numerous films
have been shot in which they tell about her love hobbies, about how easily she captivated men.
Meanwhile, chubby, with an expressionless face and a height of 1 meter 54 centimeters, she
could hardly be credited to the crazy beauties. You can add composers to this list. If you find
yourself in Bonn, call in Beethoven’s house-museum and go up to the second floor; then go to
the room in which he was born. There is a pedestal with a bust of the composer. The total
height of the pedestal and bust exactly corresponds to its growth - 1 meter 60 centimeters.
Turning to the modern era, it is worth talking about the growth of some world famous singers
and actors. The great Edith Piaf, he was 1 meter 47 centimeters. She seemed frail and puny, but
when she started to sing, she became graceful. It seems that for many it will be a surprise that
the growth of Elizabeth Taylor is only 1 meter 57 centimeters. But this was forgotten before
her captivating look and no less attractive bust. However, the actress in her wardrobe has never
forgotten about stilettos. One of her costumes in her memoirs wrote in detail about how much
during the filming of "Cleopatra" to give Liz the magnificent posture of the legendary queen.
However, the “Suar” continues further, Hollywood stars such as Judy Garland and Marie
Pickford were also short. The growth of the latter, for example, was 1 meter 55 centimeters. It
still remains a mystery why the American actor Dustin Hoffman, whose height is 1 meter 60
centimeters, was so attracted to. It cannot be called beautiful, the newspaper writes, it is
angular, its appearance at first glance attracts little. On the screen, he usually appears slightly
stooped and looks like a kind of fifty-year-old teenager with a hidden smile on his face. But
Hoffman understood the main thing: to be liked, it is not necessary to look like an irresistible
seducer. If you distract from celebrities and talk about the growth of ordinary people, the Soir
concludes, then among Europeans it is the lowest among the Portuguese - an average of 1
meter 67 centimeters. The smallest among the entire population of the planet are
representatives of the Mbuti tribe living in Zaire. Their average height is 136 centimeters.
They stop growing during adolescence due to a lack of growth hormones. The first idea that a
man is below average is suffering from an inferiority complex that is trying to compensate for
his actions, put forward by the Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler. As an example, he cited the
same Napoleon, who, according to the scientist, went to extremes because of the strong
psychological need to compensate for what he considered to be inferior - his short stature -
although he was slightly higher than the average person time. However, in a study for a
program called “Fuck off, I'm small,” the University of Central Lancashire invited 10 men less
physical abilities, reaction speed, and coordination of vision and hand work. In fact, men took
part in an experiment to identify aggression, the so-called "Game with Chopsticks" - the first
way in the world to check whether there is a "Napoleon complex". Participants of different
growths were divided into pairs, and were tasked with fencing across the table on sticks. In this
case, one of the participants was ordered in advance to specially provoke the other by hitting
him on the fingers. Contrary to expectations that are associated with the “Napoleon complex”,
participants' cardiomonitors showed that tall men reacted more aggressively. Dr. Mike Esley,
the lead psychologist, said, “The results support the view that“ little man’s syndrome ”is a
myth. When people see that a short person is aggressive, they usually blame it on his height,
simply because it is striking. ” A television documentary from the Body Image series was
shown on television. In it, the stuntman and actor Paul Aow, whose height is 4 feet 8 inches
(142 cm), told how difficult the life of short people is. So, for example, the program talked
about the annoying problem that Love constantly encounters in public toilets, he cannot reach
the urinal. There is something to get angry about. The influence of male growth on his
character has been studied more than once by various scientists. Last year, researchers from the
University of Шіпіѵегзііу ОГ Шгос1а \ ѵ in Poland found that low men are more suitable for
creating a family than high. Scientists have found that women prefer tall men to flirt, but they
are more likely to choose a lower partner to create a serious relationship. Other studies also
conducted last year showed that tall men are much more
more successful in professional activities and romantic relationships. The results of the
experiments published in the journal Esopotisz apsi Nitap Vioio ^ y showed that the average
manager is three centimeters higher than the production worker. So, the concepts of “high”,
“medium”, “undersized” otshkh'іgp'lyіy and depend on the environment. But there is still one
indicator that claims to be the absolute benchmark. This is the arithmetic mean of all people on
Earth or, in other words, the average height of a person on our planet. For men, it is 165
centimeters, for women - 154 centimeters. Normal growth differs from average in that its
standards are set on healthy people whose growth is not impaired. Naturally, normal growth,
like average growth, depends on the contingent and is subject to fluctuations. In general, the
growth of an adult from 155 to 190 centimeters is considered quite normal. It is worth recalling
that a normal child in his first year of life grows by 25 centimeters. Then growth increases less
intensively. Only at the beginning of puberty (in girls at 10-12 years old, in boys at 12-14 years
old) growth rates again increase. One of the main regulators of growth and development is
hormones produced by the endocrine glands, the pituitary gland. By the end of puberty, the
hormones of the gonads inhibit the activity of the pituitary gland. This mutual influence
determines the growth rate, final body size, and puberty. Now almost universally, puberty ends
in adolescents two years earlier than in the last century. At the same time, ossification of
“growth zones” takes place, growth stops for girls at 16-17 years old, for boys at 18-20 years
old (although there are exceptions). Now the average growth of urban youth on planet Earth is
169 cm. It is believed that by the end of the century it will reach 173 cm.
accurately predicted at the age of 8-11 years. At an earlier age, the prognosis is less accurate.
Growth prediction is also difficult during puberty (for girls aged 11-14 years, and for boys 13-
15 years old). It is almost impossible to predict the final growth by annual increments in body
length. It is also interesting that the faster formation of the foot and hand, in comparison with
other morphological parameters of a person, can also serve to predict growth. That is, if a child
in the primary grades of the school has average height for his age, but already wears a large
shoe size, and besides, he has long hands, we can assume that in the future he will overtake
many of his one-year-olds in height. Morphologists note that the length of the foot and hand
can serve as a more reliable basis for prediction than even the growth itself. Based on the
experimental material, Slovak researcher V. Karkus determined the formulas for the
dependence of the final growth indicators of boys and girls on the growth of their parents.
years father growth + mother growth x 1.08 For boys: - ------------------ - ----------- -----: -. 2
And the Slovak researchers Shramkova, Prokogtets and Zelezni proposed tables of probable
prognosis of a person’s body length in adulthood depending on growth in different age periods
(Tables 1, 2). The tables are given in an abridged version. Using them is quite simple. The
initial data are the age and height of the boy or girl. In the tables at the intersection of vertical
and horizontal numbers indicated growth in adulthood. For example, with a boy growing 127
cm at the age of 9, he may have, when he becomes an adult, a body length of 171.0 cm, and if
no higher than 185 centimeters, another - from 160 to 190 centimeters, a third - from
140 to 175 centimeters, etc. What they actually grow up to a large extent hangs on
maximum, unfavorable - inhibits the implementation of this program, and growth stops
at the lower bounds. And one more thing: genetics say that with hereditary stunting in
healthy people, treatment in any way is not effective, and treatment with
found. Mention of the giants of the human race is present not only in oral folklore, but also in
written sources claiming historical authenticity. For example, the Bible cites a “report” by a
scout sent by Moses to Palestine: “... We saw giants there too ... from a gigantic family; and we
were ... before them, like locusts ... ” Or the Qur'an says about the giants that they were "higher
than the highest palms." And the story of Goliath, struck by David, is also from this category.
In the Russian chronicles there are records of how in the battle on the Kulikovo field the
nomads put up a giant four meters tall, but the size did not save him from the arrows of Russian
soldiers. The Arab diplomat Ahmed ibn Fadlan, who visited the banks of the Volga in 922, also
mentioned in his notes that he had a meeting with a very tall man: “And I saw that his head was
like a big tub. His ribs are similar to the largest dry fruit branches of palm trees, and in the
same way the bones of his lower legs and both of his ulnar bones. And here I am near this man,
and I see growth in him, measuring with my elbow, twelve cubits ... ” In later times, people
stopped meeting giants, but began to find their remains. One of the old books entitled “History
and Antiquity”, which is now stored in the library of the University of Oxford, contains a
report on the discovery of a giant skeleton made in the Middle Ages in Cumberland. “The
giant is buried in the ground to a depth of four yards and is in full military clothing. His sword
and battle ax rest beside him. The skeleton is four and a half yards (4 meters) long. ” With the
development of archeology, finds, and even burials of people of abnormally high growth, were
In 1877, near Evreki in Nevada, prospectors worked on washing gold in a deserted hilly area.
One of the workers accidentally noticed something sticking out over a cliff ledge. People
climbed onto a rock and were surprised to see the human bones of the foot and lower leg along
with the patella. The bone was immured into the rock, and the miners with pickaxes freed it
from the rock. The stone, into which the rest of the leg was walled, was quartzite, and the
bones themselves turned black, which indicated their solid age. Several doctors examined the
bones and concluded that they undoubtedly belong to humans. But the most intriguing aspect
of the find was the size of the leg - 97 centimeters from knee to foot. The owner of this limb
should have had a height of 3 meters 60 centimeters during life. Even more mysterious was
the age of quartzite, in which they found a fossil - 185 million years. Subsequently, scientists
repeatedly examined the place of the find in the hope of finding the remaining parts of the
skeleton, but, unfortunately, did not find anything else. Six years later, the German
paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl found the skeletons of giant people on the
shores of Lake Elysey in Central Africa. Twelve men buried in a mass grave had a height of
350 to 375 centimeters during their lifetime. It is curious that their skulls had sloping chins
and two rows of upper and lower teeth. Such an anomaly could still occur in one individual,
but so that in twelve at once ... During World War II, a fossilized skull 55 centimeters high was
found in Poland, that is, almost three times more than that of a modern person. And in this
case, the estimated growth of the giant was three and a half meters. Unusual skulls and bones,
significantly exceeding the size of the remains of ordinary people, were found in Alaska. In
1950, during the construction of the road, workers unearthed a grave hill in which they found
huge fossilized skulls, vertebrae and leg bones. The vertebrae were three times larger than that
of a modern person, the length of the shin bones was also striking in size - from 150 to 180
centimeters, and the height of the skulls reached 58 cm. As in the case of the Central African
find, the ancient giants of Alaska had a double row of teeth and disproportionately flat heads.
Each skull had a neat round opening in the upper part. It should be noted that the custom to
deform the skulls of infants in order to force their heads to become elongated as they grow,
existed among some Indian tribes of North America, but the double row of teeth did not find
any explanation. According to documents, the skeleton of the largest giant, found at the
moment, has a height of more than five meters, and it was dug in 1956 in Cagayan, in the
Philippines. Each of its front teeth reaches a width of 5 centimeters and 15 centimeters in
length. According to scientists, in life this person could have a height of 5.40 meters. Similar
finds have recently been made also in South Africa, Syria, Morocco, Georgia, the United States
and Russia. In addition to the bony remains, evidence of the existence of the ancient giants are
the 60-centimeter prints of bare feet left by them on petrified clay. The stride length of giants is
usually measured 130 ■ optometers. Calculations show that their growth in this case could
reach three and a half meters, and the weight of I) 0 kilograms. Moreover, the age of the rocks
.. .. ... a hundred million years, that is, it turns out that they are in the era of dinosaurs. In many
cases, the remains of giants are found in 11 parts of the river’s noses, and in others - in
specially made stumps. This is indicated by the posture of the deceased, and with
stone tools accompanying him are of equally enormous size. They are sometimes found
separately from skeletons. So, six kilometers from Safita (Syria), archaeologists extracted axes
weighing 3.8 kg from the excavation. In Morocco, stone artifacts of enormous size are found,
and especially often amaze with their diversity. Among them stand out tips, batons; plows,
chisels, knives, weighing 5 to 9 kg. Even less often, archaeologists come across the metal
products of giants. A copper ax weighing about 30 kilograms was found in an ancient burial
ground in Ohio (USA). Another such ax is found in the US state of Wisconsin. Its weight and
size leave no doubt - only a very tall man, besides possessing gigantic strength, could work
such a tool. All these amazing findings have still not received a rational explanation. Many
theories have been put forward, but a single one that would combine all the facts into a
coherent system, while no one has proposed. According to the biblical version, the giant
skeletons found in the earth's layers belong to the Nefelim - fallen angels. The Nefelim,
according to the authors of the scripture, were born from angels and “daughters of men” and
appeared contrary to divine will, and therefore were not included in the kingdom of God and
did not have the right to resurrection. But they could not intermarry with people. The
explanation of the scientists of the academic camp that the remains of giants belong to large
primates does not hold water. Yes, indeed, in the not so distant past, a monkey lived on the
territory of China, which paleontologists called giant petitoes for their grandiose sizes. But in
this case, nothing but size, giant giants and giants are not related. You do not need to be a
man and monkey, and the found skeletons of giants retain all the proportions of homo sapiens.
And the forelimbs, unlike the monkeys, they are not elongated, and the skull is not beveled. In
addition, as already mentioned and will be said in more detail, many of the giants' findings
relate to deposits formed hundreds of millions of years ago when the monkeys did not yet form
as a species. For the same reason, the existence of giants of a rare disease that causes
abnormally high growth cannot be explained. Everyone knows such phenomena as Fedor
Makhov, Robert Wadlow and others. There are such people now, and certainly they were born
in different historical eras. Such an explanation would still be valid for skeletons found in
sediments of the last several thousand years, but not for finds of the prehistoric period. So,
maybe the mysterious giants were not people? The Sumerian chronicles brought to us
information about the Anunaki - creatures that in all respects resemble people, but reach more
than three-meter growth. If we shift the ancient narratives to a language that we understand,
then we get quite interesting things: the Anunaki were inhabitants of the planet, revolving
around the Sun in a very elongated orbit. This planet is not discovered by astronomers, but is
calculated by disturbances in the orbits of other planets. This hypothetical body was given the
name Nibiru. From the Sumerian traditions it can be understood that every 3600 years Nibiru
approaches the Earth and the Anunaki have the opportunity to visit our world. Their goal is
quite pragmatic - gold. True, not for the sake of • forgiveness, but solely for the sake of saving
his world. ”Since the orbit of Nibiru is extremely elongated, at this planet’s greatest distance
this planet practically receives sunlight and its inhabitants suffer from state of emergency But
the Anunaki came up with a way to concentrate • • * m. I. light and created a special shield for
plated with gold. For only three and a half thousand years, the gold layer has faded and needs
to be renewed, but there are no deposits of gold on Nibiru. So the brothers in reason use the
Earth as a raw material base. By the way, according to scientists' calculations, the next time
Nibiru will approach our planet in 2012, so there is a chance to check whether there are any
references in the press to sudden encounters of earthlings with giants. According to the same
legend, man is the product of genetic engineering between Anunaki and terrestrial monkeys.
They created us, supposedly to work in mines, and at the end of the work, humane aliens did
not destroy the product of the experiment as unnecessary, but left to their own devices. But
humanity, as they say, turned out to be not bastardly sewn and not only survived, but also
created its own civilization. Another hypothesis is based on the fact that petrified bones and
traces of giants are found mainly in deposits of a very ancient age. So, not far from the city of
Carson City (Nevada, USA) a whole path of clear traces of bare human feet was found in the
sandstone. The length of the foot, forever imprinted in the breed, is almost 60 centimeters! The
find is about 248 million years old (end of the Paleozoic era)! The giant imprint of a human leg
found in Turkmenistan is a little younger - it is only 150 million years old (Jurassic period).
The fossilized footprints dating back to the Cretaceous period in Glen Rose (Texas) reach sizes
of 55 by 14 centimeters, and, no less surprisingly, are located next to the tracks of the
Brontosaurus. But in these epochs not only humans, but even sufficiently developed mammals
on Earth were not found. The version about the existence of some ancient civilization “where
each individual achieved growth under four meters, also does not look convincing. Too few
similar seems the assumption of an alien landing party that landed on Earth in time
immemorial. However, not necessarily the giants, whose remains were found in sediments of
the Jurassic period, were contemporaries of dinosaurs and flew to Earth from another planet. It
is possible that they got there from the future and are thus our distant descendants. Given the
different age of the finds, one has to admit that there were several such landings, and in each
case, the visitors did not depart back, but remained on Earth, where they died over time. It can
also be reliably argued that in many cases giants arrived on Earth in groups, as indicated by the
nature of the burials. They buried their dead in the same way that we do. But still - why didn’t
they come back? Why, judging by the surviving remains, did they lead a lifestyle completely
uncharacteristic of a high-tech civilization that mastered interplanetary flights and time travel,
but used stone (less often copper) axes? There can only be two explanations: first, they
remained on prehistoric Earth due to the disaster; second, they were exiled. As you can see, at
the moment the mysterious giants have posed more questions to inquisitive minds than they
have allowed to get answers. It is hoped that this will not always be sooner or later, we will
mouse eventually becomes the size of a mouse, a kitten - a cat, a calf - a cow ... One. \ <>
iom, an apple from an apple tree ... The growth of young and children is a common
phenomenon, which seems to be happening as if by itself. - How else? - the reader may be
surprised - i - eh. Kohl was born, and is growing in its own way.
But it happens, it turns out, and otherwise. Suddenly, a phenomenon arises that amazes and
discourages others. And then it becomes necessary to understand the hidden causes of the
“miracle”, or even interfere in the work of nature’s workshop. There are, for example, dwarfs,
which from birth to old age remain no higher than 40-50 centimeters. Some of them in their
entire lives do not grow even a centimeter! And it also happens that a child under 3-4 years old
develops, like all his peers, and then growth stops. Someone growth stops at 8-10-12 years.
And there are children growing literally by the day and by the hour: at 7–9 years old
classmates are waist-high, at 15–17 they can look almost out of the window of the second
floor. To understand why these children grow differently, we’ll take a closer look at how the
“growth workshops” of living organisms, including humans, work. To begin with, rapid and
barely noticeable growth, giants and midgets, giants and dwarfs are by no means a privilege of
people, but universal phenomena of the animal and plant world. Heads of the same sort of
cabbage can be grown over the summer and are 10 centimeters and 2 meters high. Tomato
bushes can stretch for 15 centimeters and 15 meters at the same time. The same is true for
animals. If desired, a horse the size of a dog can be raised from an ordinary foal, and a chicken
from an eagle can be raised from an incubator chicken. You can grow a mouse with a cat or a
cat with a mouse. In short, experts have learned to control the growth rate and body size over a
wide range. However, before coming to this, they had to find out a number of questions
regarding growth and its regulation. We will try to figure it out. So what underlies different
growth with the same heredity? Why do some grow fast, others slowly, others do not grow at
become giants and others dwarfs? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary first of all
to find out under what prerequisite growth occurs or, what is the same thing, without which
growth is fundamentally impossible? Imagine a very real situation when a living organism (for
example, a puppy) is kept in good conditions, receives full-fledged writing and nonetheless
does not grow. It does not grow because in his body there is exactly what without which
growth is impossible. This "exactly that" is hormones. Hormones are called special chemicals
that are produced in the endocrine glands and enter the bloodstream. Currently, over 60
hormones have been discovered, each of which affects certain cells, tissues, organs, determine
a certain effect. One hormone, for example, causes tanning of the skin, the other - the
formation of milk, the third - vasospasm, etc. If for some reason the hormone is not produced,
there is no corresponding effect. The above fully applies to the length of the body. An
organism grows only if the corresponding hormones associated with the growth function act
on its cells, tissues, organs. They are produced in at least four glands: the pituitary, pancreas,
genital and thyroid. That growth is controlled not by one hormone, but by several, one should
not be surprised, because growth is one of the most important integrative functions of the
body. Violation of the production of at least one of these hormones or a change in their ratio in
the body leads to growth pathology. If there are too many hormones, uncontrolled growth
occurs, if hormone production stops, growth stops. What is growing under the influence of
hormones? Everything: muscles and tendons, vessels and nerves, intestines and hair. But in
order for a person to become taller, this is not enough. The increase in the longitudinal size of
the body almost exclusively depends on the elongation of the skeleton, or rather,
on how, under the influence of hormones, bone growth occurs in length. This is where the key
to understanding many of our issues is. So how do bones grow? The precursor to bone is
cartilage. Cartilage cells multiply and partially turn into bone cells, forming bone tissue. Thus,
initially the bone is an accumulation of cartilage tissue with a small number of bone cells - the
core of ossification in the middle (diaphysis) and the growth of cartilage cells at the ends
(epiphyses). As they multiply in the epiphyses of the cartilage cells, some of them turn into
bone cells (skeletal maturation), ensuring linear bone growth from the center to the periphery
(Fig. 1). Epiphysial fissure (growth zone) \ Bone \ \ D-ткань tissue \
With the normal development of the body, in the pineal glands in a particular year of life, their
ossification nuclei appear. They gradually increase and approach the bone core of the
diaphysis. At the same time, the cartilaginous tissue located between the diaphyse and
epiphyses, from which bone growth occurs, decreases all the time, turning into a narrow
epiphyseal gap. Finally, the epiphyses fuse with the diaphysis, the cartilaginous epiphyseal gap
The appearance of ossification nuclei in the pineal glands, the stages of their growth and
intergrowth with the diaphysis and each bone occur at certain times, starting from birth and
ending by 18-20 years. At this age, the epiphyseal gaps disappear and, therefore, the body's
growth in length stops completely. The pattern of ossification of the skeleton allows, by the
way, to accurately determine the "bone age" and its correspondence tailor This is important not
only for the diagnosis of hormonal growth disorders, but also allows to predict the future
growth of the child. If, for example, epiphyseal gaps were detected with the help of X-ray, a
child \ s undersized child, a significant already (less) age norm, then growth will stop soon. In a
number of cases, this serves as an indication and application of various methods of increasing
growth, which are discussed ahead. On the other hand, when a short child is found to have
enlarged epiphyseal gaps, there is no reason to worry about his growth, most likely, he will still
catch up with peers. The presence of too wide epiphyseal gaps in a tall child suggests that he
will have gigantism. So, a person’s growth depends on the growth of his bones. But what is the
role of hormones in this? The main growth hormone is called growth hormone, or growth
hormone. It is produced by a tiny piece of iron - the pituitary gland - the size of which is not
larger than the cherry bone, which is located in the skull and is an appendage of the brain.
Growth hormone begins to be produced already from the 10-14th week of fetal development.
In childhood, its production continuously increases, but in different children it has very large
individual fluctuations. This, in part, can explain the fact that children grow unequally. Growth
hormone stimulates the division of cartilage cells, an increase in their number and, in part,
ossification, that is, contributes to the continuous growth of bone in length, and consequently,
the growth of the trunk up. While somatotropin stimulates mainly cartilage, increasing the
“material” base of bones and pushing them to uncontrolled lengthening, thyroxine and other
thyroid hormones affect mainly skeletal maturation. That is, they contribute to growth precisely
due to bone formation. At the same time, it may be unnecessary to explain that if there is too
much thyroxine, then the diaphysis fuses with the pineal glands early, the gaps close and the
growth is not stimulated, but stops. Thyroxine, therefore, plays the role of a kind of limiter in
the growth process. But with this optimal ratio of growth hormone and thyroxine, they act to
increase growth friendly. Male sex hormones - androgens, and, first of all, testosterone, also
contribute to increased growth. However, it is a mistake to think that since they are “male,”
they are developed only in men. Testosterone is produced in the male and female sex glands,
stimulating all phases of bone growth and skeletal formation. The greatest activity of
androgens is manifested during puberty, often causing rapid growth in 14-16 years. It is
impossible not to mention the hormone of the pancreas - insulin. By itself, it does not affect
linear growth, but its exceptional importance in the matter under consideration is that the
growth effect of growth hormone (the main growth hormone) is manifested only in the
presence of insulin. From what has been said, it may seem that the control of growth processes
in the body is offensively simple: a) hormones are produced in the glands; b) they act on
muscle, vascular, bone and other tissues and ... c) the individual grows. For the first
acquaintance, this, of course, is quite enough. But we should not forget that in reality
everything is much more complicated. And if we want to understand why growth disorders
occur and how to successfully deal with them, we will have to understand the growth
mechanisms more thoroughly. To begin with, the whole vital activity of an organism is
manifested through two groups of functions: somatic and vegetative. Somatic actions include
actions that a person performs at will: he got up, looked, sang, said, etc. In contrast, vegetation
active functions are carried out independently of our consciousness and will. These are
processes of development and growth of the body. Despite the fact that vegetative functions lie
outside our mind and our desires, their uncontrolledness is apparent. They are controlled by the
central nervous system, which for this has a special “formation” of the hypothalamus - the
highest center of autonomic regulation. Receiving and processing information from the
surrounding world and the internal environment of the body, the perineum system gives
commands to the hypothalamus. And he, in turn, controlling the production of hormones,
affects the autonomic functions, including growth processes. That is why, as is currently
proven, various deviations in the state of the nervous system, disorganizing its work, negatively
affect growth. We will return to this issue, and now we will follow the main stages of hormonal
regulation of growth, paying attention to the most vulnerable places. Being in the womb, the
fetus is already producing its own hormones, the amount of which is gradually increasing.
However, the main role in regulating its growth at this stage of life is played by maternal
hormones that enter through the placenta. Therefore, physiological, and even more so
pathological changes in the hormonal sphere of the mother’s body cannot but affect the growth
of the fetus. For normal growth, it is necessary that the concentration of each hormone in the
blood and their ratio are maintained at a certain level, and in the process of life, these
parameters should naturally change. For example, the concentration of growth hormone from
birth to 9 years increases, but in adults it is 3 times lower than in children. At the same time,
the concentration of testosterone (the most active of the androgens) in children 11-15 years old
Lance of hormones, often associated with lifestyle characteristics, diseases, and other sporadic
factors, can be the cause of both delays and unexpected growth spurts in children. On the long
hormonal chain and its reliability And what does the whole hormonal chain look like from the
highest center of autonomic regulation - the hypothalamus to the cells of peripheral organs that
grow under the influence of hormones? Until very recently, they thought this: from the
hypothalamus, a signal arrives to the endocrine gland, it secretes a hormone, and it makes cells
grow. Now the picture has become much more interesting, and most importantly, more useful
for those who are interested in growth issues. Let's try to draw it (Fig. 2). If, according to the
central nervous system, the body or its parts need to grow up, it informs the hypothalamus
about this. But the latter is in no hurry to give orders to the endocrine glands so that they more
likely produce the corresponding growth hormones. Instead, the hypothalamus itself begins to
synthesize and secrete its own hormones. What for? So nature came up. The hypothalamic
hormones are a kind of mails to the endocrine glands, which say to increase or decrease the
production of growth hormones. Everything would be all right, but the route of these
“dispatches” goes through very narrow tubules inside the brain. This means that even small
brain injuries, inflammation, swelling can close the tubules, which will immediately affect the
growth processes. But, let's say, everything is in order - the hormones of the hypothalamus
passed through the tubules. Do you think now they give the order to the glands? Not at all.
Having passed the tubules, hormones will be in the pituitary gland - the same appendage of the
brain that is no bigger than a cherry stone. Further, in the pituitary gland, hormones are
hypothalamus; 3 - pituitary gland; 4 thyroid gland; 5 - bones, heart, muscles, and rma directly
affects the tissue. Other pituitary mammoths serve as yet another intermediate ііі і (in the
transmission of “dispatches” to the glands of the internal secretion і and after that they begin to
sex hormones. For example, in order for the thyroid gland to secrete its hormone thyroxine, the
following steps are necessary: the hypothalamus produces a hormone, under the influence of
which another hormone is stimulated in the pituitary gland, which stimulates the thyroid gland,
and under the action of the latter, a third hormone is formed in the thyroid gland - thyroxine,
which affects growth . Why did we talk about these stages, about how orders to increase
growth are transmitted like a baton? Of course, not only because it is interesting in itself, but
mainly for this reason. People, especially those associated with technology, are well aware that
the reliability of any system depends on the number of links contained in it: the more
components in the system, the less reliable it is. This fully applies to a multicomponent growth
management system, in connection with which, subsequently, attention will be paid to various
ways of protecting it or increasing the reliability of work, or, which, in essence, is the same as
preventing stunting. So, we got to the endocrine glands, but the reader is mistaken if he thinks
that the journey through the growth mechanisms is nearing its end and the last stage remains -
hormone release - growth effect. There are still many stages, at each of them the body can
expect surprises. Having received instructions from the appropriate authority, the gland does
not always fulfill it. Among the causes of non-performance can be developmental
In short, the gland secretes less hormone than the body needs, or does not secrete it at all. It
also happens that iron secretes the hormone enough, and even more than normal, but there is no
growth effect. What's the matter? We will try to answer this question, taking as an example the
that one. It is a long polypeptide chain consisting of 191 amino acids that are arranged one
after another in a specific sequence. It is enough to change places in this huge chain of only a
few amino acids so that somatotropin completely loses its growth effect and turns from a
growth factor into a dwarfism development factor even with an excess of it in the blood. But
that is not all. Sometimes the full health of the hormone does not guarantee its growth effect. It
was established that the action of the hormone that got into the blood does not appear
immediately, but after I -2 hours. It turns out during this time a long chain of growth hormone
is broken in the liver by at least 4 shorter chains. It is these chains that elicit the biological
effects of somatotropic hormone in the body. Moreover, the growth effect is associated mainly
with a small fragment of 31 amino acids, which occupies places from 77 to 107 in the whole
molecule. It follows from the above that if the hormone does not break into fragments, for
example, due to liver disease,> go can cause irreparable damage to growth. But suppose that
the hormone is enough, and it regularly breaks into fragments, but ... The fact is that for the
manifestation of the hormonal effect, the presence of active hormones and the tissues on which
they act is not enough. To fulfill the command brought by the hormone, the cells of this tissue
must perceive the command. To do this, there are special receptors on their surface, which,
"feeling" various hormones floating past them with a blood stream, first recognize the hormone
that carries the order for this particular tissue, and then fulfill it. This means that there may still
be defects in tissue receptors that do not allow the target cells to respond to hormones
addressed to them, which for the body is equivalent to their absence in the blood. In connection
with him, growth disturbances are also possible. If all the obstacles described above are
overcome, only then is a manifestation of a growth hormonal effect possible: enhanced protein
synthesis and cell division, an increase in bone length and tissue volume, an increase in the
network of capillaries and individual organs. In a word, only then can an organism grow, if ...
The fate of the outstanding Russian geneticist Vladimir Pavlovich Efroimsoia (1908-1984)
was not very calm. He was subjected to repression twice, the second time - for his bold speech
against the ignorant scientific research of academician Lysenko. In the book “Biosocial Factors
of Increased Mental Activity,” Efroimson investigated the nature of genius. “This book is
unique,” writes Simon Schnol. “She will be one of the values that remain for future generations
from the 20th century.” Written in the early 80s, it was published only in 19971998. in the
journal "Man." Efroimson found out that many brilliant people suffered from various serious
diseases of gout, Morris syndrome, and others. In particular, a group of talented geniuses with
disproportionate gigantism that is not associated with impaired pituitary gland. It is the result of
a systemic defect in connective tissue. When fully manifested, high growth is observed with a
relatively short body, huge limbs, arachnodactyly (long arachnid fingers), dislocation of the
lens. Extreme thinness and a deformed chest can be accompanied by heart disease and aortic
aneurysm. This extremely rare disease (one case per 50,000 people) significantly reduces life
expectancy. But with it there is an increased adrenaline rush, which maintains a high physical
and mental tone, so it gave humanity several amazing personalities. Of the politicians, A.
Lincoln and C. de Gaulle can be named, and of the writers - G.Kh. Andersen, K.I. Chukovsky
Efroimson emphasized that the majority of patients • with Marfan’s pndrom do not rise above
the average norm or even lag behind it, suffering from the main or any other
additional defects.
According to the abundance of factors, which depend on (IGI growth, are manifold and its
disorders. The most formidable of them is dwarfism, denoted by the medical term “dwarfism.”
Dwarfism is always a pathology. But where does the border between undersized healthy and
healthy, that is, obviously sick? After all, it is known that the limits of the norm are extremely
wide. At the same time, it is necessary to identify nanism on the earliest articles, because the
sooner treatment is started, the better it is. Especially when you consider that in 18-20 years the
growth of IIMYuYUST It doesn’t work out and significantly increase the length of time for
older people. Men grow below 130 centimeters, and women - I m. dwarf, ”says the managers
of the Children's Clinic of the Institute for Experimental • and; rinology and chemistry of
<> 1 pt of normal growth for the corresponding industry "II threatens the development of
dwarfism, this is crazy .1" k.ii and ggology. To identify it, we, together with Fri PI IMM
which are given the granipia of the normal body length for children from birth to 16 years.
Using these tables, medical workers can already at an early stage distinguish the norm from the
pathology and refer children with signs of nanism to an in-depth examination and appropriate
treatment. However, it is possible to suspect nanism not only by a growth lag ... The
uninitiated, perhaps, believe that dwarfism is a disease in which people suffering from it differ
from the rest only in much smaller growth. Meanwhile, dwarf growth is just one of the
symptoms of a huge number of diseases, various not only in the mechanisms that were
discussed, but also in terms of the onset of the disease, the clinical picture, the appearance of
the patients, the nature of the complications and, accordingly, treatment and prognosis. In the
vast majority of cases, nanism is caused by hormonal disorders, and their symptoms are
sometimes so characteristic that the diagnosis can be made literally at first sight. Given the
particular importance that this growth pathology group occupies in the problem of stunting, we
Of all types of dwarfism, the so-called cerebral-pituitary dwarfism most often occurs, which,
as the name implies, is associated with changes in the brain and pituitary gland. With this
disease, there is a lack of somatotropic function of the anterior pituitary gland, and sometimes
its complete loss. Violation of the production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland is
caused, as a rule, by damage to the hypothalamic region of the brain. However, such forms of
cerebral pituitary nanism are also known in which the formation and secretion of growth
hormone do not suffer. In these cases, either somatotropin does not have growth activity due,
for example, to a broken sequence of amino acids in its molecule, or peripheral shi "i and
gpcheskie processes in the brain miiiiirich III. Mon Hypothalamus. Particularly dangerous are
intra- and I '' ii.i and '. copies of the fetus associated with the pathology of «and | m mipip <n
and mother's ailments, as well as fetal injuries in childbirth. I "m |) Ilyu-pituitary dwarfs can
give birth to and idor parents. At birth, they have normal size and body weight. For 2-3 years
they are I and ѵ and sometimes no different from healthy children. , but then 11 hours of yin
and i suddenly slows sharply.In the examination of vyi and and and the delay in bone
of the skeleton and K <\ and do not interfere and begin treatment, these Ht m them \ <protected
children body proportions even then, "■ and" dp will become adults. In spite of child growth •
»body proportions, intellectual development of pituitary glanders. dwarfs are not violated,
among them there are AI and IS very talented people. Inheritance, as a rule, is not transmitted.
In so-called primary nanism, children are born and on time, without any signs of premature and
ii but very small sizes: body length is 20-1 ". m. body weight - 500-1500 g. And the small
growth remains for them • for their entire life. It is among the patients of this mon dwarfism
that adults, growth and. and orih does not exceed 38-40 cm. The development of their body
shiast a certain completeness: timely and and g ѵ. sweating points of ossification and
secondary sexual and .and. packs. Girls have menstruation and retention. and regular cycle,
pregnancy is possible, when ■ o "II born child can grow sovereii. nio healthy and normal
growth., I and patients with primordial nanism of the character. the pathology of the internal
normal people in miniature. Therefore, individuals with this form of nanism are usually
classified as “healthy dwarfs”. Their mental development depends on the degree of brain
damage and is often not disturbed. It is believed that the underlying cause of the disease is
damage to the genetic apparatus and impaired embryonic development (genopathy and
embryopathy). The genetic nature of the pathology is associated with the fact that close
relatives of such children have cases of stunting and various abnormalities: an underdeveloped
lower jaw, asymmetry of the body, mental underdevelopment, etc. Toxicosis of the first and
Children from such births have reduced body weight and height. Another form of dwarfism -
In this disease, growth and developmental retardation occurs against the background of severe
main thyroid hormone. This may be due to: malformations of the thyroid gland (aplasia),
insufficient intake of iodine in the body with food. In addition, hypothyroidism can occur due
to a decrease or cessation of the production of the anterior pituitary gland of a special thyroid
stimulating hormone that stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland. Finally, the cause may be
the defeat of the hypothalamus, which produces a special hormone (thyroliberin) that regulates
the secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland. Latest options on
I "і; sweating of V Children who have suffered a brain injury, mri | and> і г or п ііерииг years
mental and somatic- • * • • r.i 11 and 1 1 1 1 and I Metabolism and work of their organs | n *
imi organs are impaired, ossification processes are slowed down, with and (there is
degeneration of the epiphyseal cartilage, in the 'і і and.' To m the linear growth of the child is
inhibited. With thyroidism, children with congenital hypo-hyperemia usually at birth they have
a large mass a (over 4 kg), which is caused by tissue edema, and in the external and external
they take the form typical of cretinism patients with hypothyroidism: small r "<i stupid facial
expression, large tongue, saddle-shaped and nose, swollen body, dry, cold skin. In addition to
the above, there are many ar'ih forms of nanism associated with endocrine pathology, which
are described in special literature Turning to the question of helping patients with various forms
of dwarfism, it should be said that until relatively recently medicine did not have effective
means of combating growth disorders. The tumultuous river of endocrinology drinking in the
last two decades has extraordinarily expanded and will in many ways change present! about
the nature and causes of dwarfism, allowed. і give fundamentally new effective means and
singing. As a result, the ability of medicine to help patients has increased. Perhaps this is most
clearly seen in the example of success in the fight against the most widespread і і to the layer
connected with. ionic with an insufficient amount of growth hormone - somatotropin in the
body or the absence of its activity. For many years, attempts have been made to use growth
hormones of various animals (cattle, small cattle, birds, fish) to treat people.
ended to no avail. This was explained by the fact that growth hormone has species specificity,
that is, only human hormone acts on a person. And now, a few years ago, we learned to receive
just such a hormone. It received the official medical name "human growth hormone" and is
now produced at the Kaunas Endocrine Plant. Perhaps, after reading the previous paragraph,
some readers will rush to pharmacies in order to solve their problems with the help of a
miraculous drug. Do not hurry. The drug "human growth hormone" comes only in specialized
medical institutions, where they are treated under strict medical supervision. Treatment of
cerebral pituitary dwarfs with this drug has shown its high efficiency. The annual increase in
body length is from 5 to 12 centimeters, which allows you to enter the patient within the limits
of normal growth. Treatment begins after the age of three, when growth retardation occurs.
Correction of the body length is possible up to 18 years, that is, until the closure of bone
growth zones and ossification of the skeleton. The introduction of growth hormone at the end
of ossification does not affect the length of the body. The duration of treatment is currently 1.5-
2 years. Longer use of the drug is impractical, since antibodies to the patient begin to be
produced in the patient's body, and the effectiveness of the treatment is reduced. The formation
of antibodies is explained by the relative heterogeneity of the drug being produced, the
presence of impurities that do not meet the standard of pure natural somatotropin. However, in
laboratory conditions, pure human growth hormone has already been obtained from the culture
lenny about SHODI gio, and then there will be an opportunity ud- iiii.iiii. | x і * і p wider
boundaries. Chln \ "h <nіі'.і various forms of dwarfism are used і іі іі ір шс preparations. For
example, taking into account the validity of irmi-pov and, in particular, testosterone for
acceleration of и і і іin * other growth and skeletal maturation, there were nrіp./i ІІ synthetic
anabolic steroids: cg і NAMI; rice gendiol, retabolil, silabolin. I used 11 instant preparations in
successes even with ііірі.бс with a formidable once thyroid disease. Very effective in this form
of car- .iiii.i> post turned out to be thyroid preparations produced by our industrial-ikn gyu.
They make it possible to compensate for thyroid insufficiency, as a result of which this form of
dwarfism is practically not found today, as well as cases of thyrogenic cretinism. The
development of dwarfism is caused, as a rule, by disturbances in the work of not one, but
several kelez of internal secretion, interconnected functionally, and in some cases (for example,
in the pituitary gland) and anatomically. Therefore, modern treatment includes the complex use
of various endocrine drugs. Along with hormone therapy, biostimulants, vitamins, special diets
and physiotherapy are widely used. In the fight against dwarfism, the prevention of this serious
ailment is of great importance. We will describe in detail the means of preventing stunting in
the following sections, here we will focus only on two questions. This is primarily an effective
treatment for pregnant women, especially if they have endocrine diseases. Treatment should be
carried out with such drugs and in dosages that would not harm the fetus. By the way, in this
The use of another tool is aimed at reducing the likelihood of brain injuries in children during
childbirth. It is not by chance that we dwell in such detail on a description of the causes,
symptoms, treatment and prevention of the most common forms of nanism. The fact is that
between the norm and pathology, undersized and dwarfs there is no clear border, it is
conditional. In real life, there is a whole gamut of growth failure options from “a little bit” to
clearly sick people who need urgent treatment. Talking in detail about dwarfs, we sought to
show extreme cases of pathology, implying that its elements in an erased form may underlie
the short stature of some "normal" people. Familiarity with the problem on such demonstrative
examples will allow those who are interested in growth issues to better understand and evaluate
their condition or the condition of their loved ones. This, in turn, will help if necessary in a
timely manner to contact specialists who can provide assistance. But the conversation about
stunting does not end there. We move on to the next section of growth disorders and the fight
against them.
Growth retardation in neurosis, colds and other diseases
According to the observations of the famous American pediatrician Dr. B. Spock, children
grow up worse in dysfunctional families. Why? Conflict situations that a child is constantly
forced to encounter at home deeply traumatize his psyche. A continuous source of negative
emotions creates a focus of stagnant arousal in his brain, called the dominant (dominant).
According to the teachings of academician A.A. Ukhtomsky dominant - the currently dominant
increased sensitivity to irritation and inhibitory effect on the work of other nerve centers. In
other words, having formed, the center of negative emotions, on the one hand, is supported and
enhanced by even unpleasant unpleasant emotions in other circumstances, and on the other
hand, it interferes with the work of the nervous system. As a result, its regulatory influence on
the whole organism is disorganized, and first of all on the most finely organized sphere - the
the work of the highest center of autonomic regulation - the hypothalamus, which is in charge
of such important body functions as blood circulation, digestion, thermoregulation, and the
constancy of the internal environment. The hypothalamus also directs the work of the
endocrine glands, in the activity of which, under the influence of stress, there is a mismatch.
Some of them start eating too many hormones into the bloodstream, others too little, and
others, unable to withstand the stress, are generally exhausted. All this is not indifferent to
growth, which, as we know, is very sensitive to fluctuations in the internal economy of the
body. However, episodic stresses, as a rule, do not yet affect growth, and if they are stopped in
time, the child can grow and develop normally, managing to recover between the next
“shakes”. It is another matter if stresses continuously follow each other. Then, under the
influence of the above and some other changes in the body, a child develops a constant feeling
of internal tension and peace of mind. Sometimes he cannot be freed from an oppressive state,
becomes irritable or upset, his sleep, appetite is disturbed, his structure worsens, and his
performance decreases. Doctors ascertain neurosis, this is very serious. With prolonged
disorganization of the central nervous system under the influence of negative emotions and
the deep changes associated with them in the autonomic and endocrine spheres, the internal
organs and, in particular, the endocrine glands are involved in the pathological process. In this
case, we are already talking about common therapeutic diseases, which are increasingly
referred to as the so-called psychosomatic, thereby emphasizing that they are based on the
described mechanism of stress and neurosis. These diseases include: bronchial asthma and
diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis and gastric ulcer, obesity, dermatosis and even malignant
tumors. The latter is connected, in particular, with the fact that under stress immunity is
suppressed. Naturally, such serious disturbances in the body do not bypass growth, and often
becoming the cause of its persistent delay. How to be? There are at least three ways to help,
and it is better when they work together. First of all, it is necessary to eradicate the primary
source of stress and neurosis. If parents are guilty of them, their direct duty to the children is to
moderate their ardor and do everything possible so that peace reigns in the family hearth.
Moreover, not only growth suffers in children ... In addition, a child, especially with severe
forms of neurosis, must be treated both for a disease of the nervous system and a
competence of doctors and includes a wide range of effects from medications to spa treatment.
Finally, there is a remedy, which, as they say, is always at hand and which the child can use
either independently or on the advice and guidance of adults. We mean physical education. The
essence of their prophylactic and restorative, and, in essence, therapeutic action for stress and
pleasure, that is, painted with positive emotions. For example, swimming in hot weather,
cycling or playing football. With a sufficient duration (over 20-30 minutes) and periodicity (3-
4 times a week) of these loads, a new focus of excitation arises in the brain, acquiring the
character of a dominant. This new dominant can gradually suppress the focus of stagnant
arousal associated with negative emotions, thereby opening the way to recovery and growth.
That, with psychosomatic diseases, disturbances in the work of internal organs, combined with
growth retardation, are understandable and understandable. But after all, most diseases of
internal organs (therapeutic diseases) arise outside of a direct connection with the psyche and
neurosises, but nevertheless, their growth also slows down. Why? There are many reasons, the
main one is that a decrease in the function of one organ or another immediately worsens the
living conditions of the whole organism, of all its systems, including the nervous and
endocrine. Growth, as an integrative function of the living, is sensitive to all deviations and
disturbances in the coordinated work of all parts of the body. But if diseases of internal organs
inhibit growth, does it not follow from this that their treatment has a positive effect on growth?
Exactly! Numerous studies have convincingly proved that as the child recovers, the growth of
the child is normalized. That is, the treatment of the underlying disease is at the same time an
effective means of struggle (stunting. Currently, medicine has a huge arsenal of drugs that can
successfully treat most diseases. Once the incurable diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs,
kidneys, liver and other organs recede under the onslaught The latest highly effective
drugs.The modern diagnostic and treatment equipment has unusually expanded the capabilities
whose purposeful care is for the sick. So, timely access to medical institutions provides not
only the preservation of the health of children and the younger generation, but also solves the
growth problem in most cases. A small addition should be made to the above. The success of
treatment and the speed of recovery in diseases of the internal organs largely depend on the
reserve capabilities of the body. Their mobilization, strengthening and development are
inextricably linked both with the mood of the patient himself and with his sensible training of
complexes of physical exercises, allows you to strengthen the heart muscle and improve
vascular tone, improve renal blood flow and metabolism in the liver. These trainings, unlike
regular trainings, are physical therapy and are performed according to special programs in
medical institutions. With their essence, they once again prove the healing effects of physical
exercises on health, and besides ... And besides, they should be considered as the first step to a
full recovery. In order to move (of course, with the consent of the doctor) as physical health
improves, from physical therapy to systematic exercises simply by physical education. But
does the most common disease on Earth, the common cold, affect growth? It turns out that it
not only affects, but often becomes the provoking factor with which growth lag begins.
Therefore, an ordinary cold deserves to get to know her better in the chapter on growth
disorders. What is commonly called the common cold is qualified by doctors as an acute
respiratory disease (ARI). The direct cause of ARI is bacteria or viruses that infect mucous
shells of the respiratory tract (nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi). Depending on the agent that
caused the disease, a different clinical picture is observed: with a predominance of a runny
nose or cough, headaches or general malaise, fever or muscle pain, sleep disturbances or joint
damage, complications are possible. The defeat of the body during acute respiratory infections
by one or another disease-causing agent occurs in different ways. It can arise as a result of
infection from an already crippled person, as, for example, in the case of flu, or it may be the
result of rapid reproduction and introduction into and. and pi of those bacteria or viruses that
lived for a long time on the mucous membranes of the host without harming it (for example,
herpes virus, staphylococcus, adenoviruses, etc.). In both cases, for the occurrence of acute
respiratory infections, the presence of microbes alone is not enough, it is also necessary to
reduce the resistance to them (the organism, weakening its protective, immune forces. As
factors weakening the resistance of the infection, we can name the body's hypothermia,
overwork, long-term negative emotions). Pip, an inferior, vitamin-poor diet.To understand why
colds are terrible and what needs to be taken in order to minimize their harmful effects,
consider the changes that are taking place t in the body with acute respiratory infections and
cause the symptoms known to everyone.The place of introduction and nose of the stay of
viruses and bacteria throughout the illness are the mucous membranes of the respiratory
tract.Their inflammation causes a runny nose, cough, sputum production. However, the main
danger for ori_inism is not in the defeat of the mucous membranes and not in it, which is
actually associated with their inflammation, but in that, on the 11th, rapidly multiplying and
dying in the mucous membranes ► Microbe shelves secrete toxins and various waste products.
The latter are carried with blood flow throughout the body and cause profound changes in the
activity of various organs and systems. Being the most powerful stress for the body, acute
respiratory infections cause inhibition and exhaustion in the nervous and endocrine systems, in
connection with which weakness and discoordination develop. At the same time, the body's
defenses are reduced, which leads to the emergence or exacerbation of a variety of chronic
diseases. They are usually spoken of as complications: on the ears, heart, kidneys, joints, etc.
Many are aware of complications because they appear during or shortly after a cold. Much less
often, they notice the connection between the common cold and its effect on the growth of
children. But if you understand, then in the mechanisms of complications after a cold on the
ears, for example, and on growth there is no fundamental difference. In fact, reduced
endocrine glands responsible for growth processes can lead to growth inhibition. The situation
is exacerbated by the fact that with the depletion of the body's defenses, the likelihood of
repeated colds increases with all the ensuing consequences of a vicious cycle. What is the
treatment tactic? First of all, you need to see a doctor, regardless of the apparent "ease" of the
disease. Modern medicine has a huge range of drugs that can successfully treat colds and
prevent their complications in each case. In recent years, on the path of the invincible flu, a
reliable barrier has been created in the form of a highly effective influenza vaccine. In short,
today you can successfully fight a cold and its complications, but under one indispensable
condition: if the treatment is carried out under the guidance of a qualified doctor. But, in
addition to therapeutic measures that are within the competence of the doctor, the patient can
improve his condition, relieve the severity of the disease and its complications by applying a
series of simple preventative measures. These include the method of acupressure developed at
the First Moscow Medical Institute by Dr. A.A. Uman. Due to the novelty and utility, this
(copyright certificate No. 793577). What are can be performed anywhere independently,
its advantages? In simplicity and efficiency. without requiring special equipment. And
Judge for yourself. There are only 9 points finally, testing the method on a large
(Fig. 3), and they are easy to find: when contingent of workers of a number
pressed with a finger in the area indicated in enterprises showed its high efficiency, the
the figure, the desired point responds with incidence decreased several times, and if the
pain. The whole procedure takes 2-3 minutes, disease did occur, its course was much easier.
To prevent colds, it is enough to massage the
points with a fingertip using rotational movements, first clockwise, then against 3-4 seconds in
each direction. It is better to start with light pressure, gradually increasing the intensity of the
impact. Zones 3-4 massage with a gentle movement of the fingers from top to bottom. The
procedure is performed in the morning and evening before bedtime, acting on the points
the links responsible for the immunological defense of the body, increasing its resistance:
thymus, pituitary gland, sympathetic nervous system are lectured. Points of increased pain can
be affected every half hour until the disappearance of pain. Another important aid is drinking
relatively large amounts of liquid (milk, mineral water, jelly, compote, juice, tea), up to 2-3
liters per day. Additional fluid increases blood volume and thereby reduces the concentration
of microbial toxins in it, reducing the harmful effects on the nervous system, blood vessels,
muscles, and endocrine glands. The disease proceeds more easily, the likelihood of
complications is less. To combat increased vascular permeability, they drink aronia juice (1-2
glasses a day), green tea, take vitamins P (rutin) and C (ascorbic acid). Tea with raspberries or
honey, linden decoction is useful as antitoxic and antipyretic drugs that help to eliminate
harmful microbial waste products from sweat. To cover the deficiency of vitamins, it is
dose. All the described preventive measures are all the more important, the more severe the
ARI is. It is necessary to carry them out, in coordination with the attending physician, every
day until the temperature normalizes, he feels better, and the main symptoms of the disease
repeated: “toxins”, “toxic products”, “toxic substances”. We focus on this in order to make it
easier for the reader to understand the inhibitory effect on the growth of the following group of
factors, which, like microbial toxins, strike at key points of the physiological systems of the
I’m sorted by origin, by the way they contact the hs \ <> n <i, and even by the prevailing
relation to them. them, MP.IPІ Іѵлин they are in that they poison orpііі im, and. and km ig
before him, can lead to a disease-in-growth). There are millions of IIMII II.111 (IIR, K ■,
formed during the operation of industrial parts> <! Пі MI and transport, pollute the
environment. <And. III М <11і.іію the danger of toxic damage by them • II thematic ingestion
of substances , і і і іпіч <for the so-called bad habits: і \ рг 111к ■ м and alcohol consumption.
About the influence of these ve і і і і 11.і і і health and n, in particular, on the growth processes
of f і and і and and and і і і ім , enough, so that here we are limiting - 111mі і ІММІ.М.
н.іпімпіыііім And our country is doing .... іі мінппі ГАѵі Пмрі.бы <• with pollution of the
environment and ■ І.І и: і и к мр * • і кч і and I have bad habits. In the near- * міііііішг
ІМДІ.І п / km. Even more has been done. For people, especially, І and НІ І П імипі.ім и и ІІІІ
THERE ARE HEALTHY AND SAME ık.drkі и and, і will be more likely to be in the fresh air
growth, і І and other nutritional deficiencies. I’m van dumb in growth - a straight line. Mm,
what does the lack of food have to do with it, and even more so, a * * other reader asks. “At
least not in... I rank e hunger over forever. I’m done with a youth, but ... Not everything is as
simple as. . • i at first glance. You can, for example, eat dos iai mi and look, eat a lot and
nevertheless starve if і. II. let's say poorly absorbed. There are many reasons for which a
develops the so-called alimentary mіrophy, a disease that in all respects corresponds to ІЦ І і
pain in the absence of food. The causes of nutritional dystrophy are often mechanical,
physiological or biochemistry.
changes in the gastrointestinal tract affecting the intake, digestion and absorption of food.
However, starvation can also occur in cases where an insufficient amount of certain substances
comes from food. These primarily include proteins and vitamins, moreover, high-grade
proteins containing essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize itself. In a patient
with alimentary dystrophy, weight decreases, muscle weakness increases, apathy occurs and,
of course, growth is inhibited. Timely access to a doctor allows you to normalize the nutrition
of such patients, restore health and then catch up with lost growth. There are growth disorders
associated with a lack of certain substances in food. This applies, in particular, to iodine
deficiency, in which thyrotoxic goiter and stunting occur. A different picture of growth
retardation will be with a lack of mineral elements in food: zinc, iron, cobalt and some others.
The reason for the growth lag may also be an excess of certain substances in food, especially
salts of heavy metals: lead, mercury, and tin. And in these cases, modern medicine can reliably
diagnose a particular disease and provide the person with the necessary assistance. In a word,
there are many factors influencing heredity. How to minimize their negative effects on growth
hypnosis, how to eat properly for those who decide to grow up, will be described below.
Total body size. The dimensions of the body, characterizing its size, or extension along the
largest axes, are called total. Distinguish weighted and spatial total body size. By weight
include, in particular, the mass (weight, kg) of the body, to the space venous - volumetric
(body volume, m3), surface (body surface, m- ') and linear (body length and chest perimeter at
level of the fourth rib with the sternum, cm) dimensions. Anthropologists have developed
scales for determining the size of total body sizes. One of them, proposed by Martin to
Body proportions. The proportions of the body are understood to mean the ratio of the
projection diameters of the individual parts of the body oriented in different planes (trunk,
limbs, their segments, etc.). The proportions of the body depend primarily on the ratio of
skeletal sizes, and only a very small effect is exerted on them by the thickness of the
subcutaneous tissue and the degree of development of muscles and posture. As decrees- n.ip
V.V. Bunak, trunk length, humeral diameter and upper dimensional indices can fluctuate
within 5–30 mm (in rare cases and more) if the length of the skeletal parts is the same, due to
the differences in the thickness of the tissue covering the skeleton , as well as the degree of
bending of the spine, fixing the belt of the upper extremities and
the position of the axes of the segments of the lower extremities. It should be borne in mind
that all body sizes are in some physiological relationship with each other: with an increase in
one size, others will inevitably increase, but to a different degree, which is determined by the
laws specific to the group or individual. The most profound and detailed coverage of the
problem of patterns of human growth and development was received in the writings of the
From this table it is clear that the arrostoid type has short legs, narrow shoulders;
harmonoid - medium on the length of the legs and the width of the shoulders; gigantoid - long
This classification is the most perfect. However, it does not exhaust the whole variety of
length of individual segments, etc.) are revealed, which make it possible to distinguish a
the active use of which can help create new classifications of the types of proportions of the
human body. Body constitution. In modern human morphology, constitutional diagnosis is the
most complex and ambiguous because the progress made in recent years in this section of
anthropology is too small. At the same time, according to the famous anthropologist V.P.
age-related dynamics of the morphological features of the human body is one of the most
development of children in different age periods is very important for establishing the
sequence of stages of their growth, studying physique, and physical development. In domestic
and foreign literature there is a large number of studies of the general laws of growth and
physical development of children and adolescents. However, there are very few works devoted
to the study of the age-related dynamics of individual body sizes, the features of the laws of
their variability and interconnection. Meanwhile, these data are of undoubted interest for
studying the above morphofunctional characteristics of the body, since it is known that
morphological characters are more stable and more constant than functional ones, activating
the living phases of life processes in the body. It is well known that the development of a child
proceeds 11 uniformly with respect to the growth of the whole organism and its parts. In some
age periods
growth is particularly intense, but there are periods of slow growth. The processes of
acceleration of development begin and end at the same time in different departments, as a
result of which at different age stages of the development of the organism, unequal ratios of its
morphological elements are observed. The uneven growth and developmental fluctuations
noted by many researchers are a reflection of the complex biological laws that regulate the
activity of the body, mainly related to the function of the nervous and endocrine systems and
various biochemical processes. We do not set as our goal to give an analysis of these complex
processes, but restrict ourselves only to considering data on the age dynamics of certain body
sizes. The following section addresses the following issues:
3. The relationship between the values of anthropometric signs at a particular age and their
final value.
4. The increase in size per unit time, ie growth rate and intensity and differences in age
We start by measuring growth, since this parameter is most often determined and allows us to
conventional device for measuring growth - a vertical scale with a transverse moving along it
rail, which falls on the head. The measured person takes off his shoes and, having straightened
up, stands under the rail with his back to the scale, so that the heels are shifted together and the
visual axis is horizontal. To smooth the effect of stoop on the measurement result, the
researcher should take the measured head behind the ears and apply upward pressure to it.
Measuring growth is very simple, but anatomically this is a complex sign, including the size of
the legs, pelvis, spine and skull; the contribution of each of them is not the same for different
individuals. A person’s height gives us some general idea of the size of his body, but in the
latter case, body weight would be the best indicator, since it depends on the transverse
dimensions. It is clear that some people are tall and thin, while others are tall and fat. The
relationship between height and weight, or between height and one of the transverse
dimensions, can serve to assess body variability. The empirically established fact that body
weight exceeding the average body weight at a given height correlates with a shorter life
expectancy put forward this dependence as one of the important factors. The relationship
between growth and other anthropometric indicators can be represented in the form of a
correlation table (Table 5). Making various measurements with a large group of people, we can
subjected the results to statistical analysis to determine whether a large value of one of the
indicators, say high growth, is associated with a large or small value of any other indicator; in
the first case, they speak of a positive correlation, in the second, negative. A convenient
measure of this relationship can be a correlation coefficient, which takes values from +1.0 to -
0.1. it is not surprising that the length of the legs and torso is characterized by a high
correlation with growth, while the correlation of growth and transverse body sizes is much
lower. Body weight, as one would expect, is characterized by a high positive correlation with
by changing the genetically determined growth of a person, since many of these differences are
due to differences in the relative growth rate of individual parts of the body. In fig. 4 shows a
growth curve of a boy’s body length; measurements were taken every 6 months from birth to
18 years. The upper graph shows the absolute dimensions of the body in the corresponding
years, on
I * is. 4. The growth of a person’s body length from birth to 18 years (according to J.
is lower — an increase in body length from one age to another. If we imagine the growth
process as some form of movement, then the upper graph will give us an idea of the path
traveled, and the lower one - of speed. It is clear that the growth rate better reflects the
the child at each given moment than the absolute values of the length of the body, since they
largely depend on the child’s growth in previous years. The content in the blood and tissues of
various biological substances changes with age in parallel with the change in growth rate. In
some cases, the nature of physical processes better reflects acceleration rather than speed. One
might think, for example, that a sharp change in secretory activity, endocrine glands in
adolescents is more clearly manifested in accelerated growth (Fig. 5). The graph in fig. 4 shows
that the growth rate of body length decreases steadily with age, but at the very end of the
growth period, this trend unexpectedly interrupts. At this time (in this case, at the age of 13-15
years), a pronounced growth acceleration is observed, called the puberty growth spurt.
According to some reports, a slight increase in the growth rate (the appearance of an additional
tooth on the general curve) is observed between 6 and 8 years. It is sometimes called the "half
growth" jump. Although rice. 4 as if confirms this point of view, in many other individual
studies of children from 4 to 13 years old in most cases this jump is not detected. Apparently, if
it does, then a minority of children. In fig. 5 shows curves plotted based on a girl’s height
measurement; in fig. 5a shows the velocity curve, and in fig. 5, B - acceleration curve. Of
particular interest is the shape of the acceleration curve: first, the acceleration gradually
increases, then a period of negative acceleration begins, and finally, a gradual decrease in
negative acceleration occurs. Points I and II indicate the beginning of swelling of the nipple
region and the onset of the first menstruation, respectively. The exact coincidence of the first
point with the maximum of positive acceleration, and the second with the maximum of
negative, is striking.
Fig. 5. Curves
of speed (A) and acceleration (B) of the growth of a girl’s body length from 9 to 18 years
(according to J. Tanner): I - the beginning of the development of the mammary glands; II -
the age of the first menstruation
Arithmetic mean values make it possible to build growth curves. Or, as they are called,
“distance curves” reflecting the relationship between age and size (Fig. 6-7), and growth rate
(Table 6-7). Our observations are not at odds with the data of other authors, namely, that in
most body sizes, boys surpass girls after 12 years, in some sizes, for example, in pelvic
diameter, boys are inferior to girls at all ages. L.P. Nikolaev distinguishes the following three
types of relations between the curves of various signs in boys and girls: • Type I — any size
in one sex at all ages exceeds the same size in the other sex; • Type II - there is a single
crossing of the curves during the study period; • Type III - there is a double crossing of the
curves in the same age series. The subdivision of attributes into the mentioned types in basic
1. The length of the upper segment, arm length and the transverse diameter of the chest are
the most stable in terms of differences between the sexes and in absolute value
throughout the entire age range from 4 to 18 years prevail in boys (type I).
2. Type II curves of absolute values, characterized by a single crossing, include leg length
3. Other signs - the length of the body and the shoulder diameter are characterized by the
4. For various signs and for different years of the study, the first cross, which indicates
about the beginning of puberty in girls, it takes from K) to 11.5 years, the second
I ^ ic. b. The difference between boys and girls in terms of longitudinal signs, cm: 1 -
length; 2 - leg length; 3 - arm length; 4 - body length; 5 - the length of the upper segment
Fig. 7. The difference between boys and girls in terms of diameter, cm:
1 - shoulder diameter;
1 For all signs, the maximum difference in size between boys and girls occurs after growth
(17- 18 years) in favor of boys. The exception is the pelvic diameter, according to which the
greatest differences between the sexes are observed at the age of 12-13 years in favor of girls.
Our observations do not contradict the prevailing beliefs that the age-related characteristics of
the growth and development of children have some differences among different sexes, which
can be traced to one degree or another throughout the entire growth period.