Association (Good and Bad)

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1. Çré Süta Gosvämé said: O God, although we are born in a mixed caste, we are
still promoted in birthright simply by serving and following the great who are
advanced in knowledge. Even by conversing with such great souls, one can
without delay cleanse oneself of all disqualifications resulting from lower births.
2. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 1.18.18
4. A pure devotee does not desire the company of a personality as great as Brahmä,
but he prefers the association of a petty living being, provided he is a devotee of
the Lord.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 1.19.17

5. As soon as a saintly devotee is present, the ghostly sins are at once vanquished.
That is the verdict of all Vedic literatures. One is recommended, therefore, to
associate only with saintly devotees so that worldly demons and ghosts cannot
exert their sinister influence.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 1.19.34

6. Great sages who have completely taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord can at once
sanctify those who come in touch with them, whereas the waters of the Ganges can
sanctify only after prolonged use.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 1.1.15

2. One can gradually become purified by seeing, touching and worshiping temple
deities, places of pilgrimage and holy rivers. But one can attain the same result
immediately simply by receiving the glance of exalted sages.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 10.86.52
4. If one associates with bhaktas, then one's svabhäva, or nature, will change. Our Kåñëa
consciousness movement is meant to give people good association so that this change
may take place, and we actually see that by this method people all over the world are
gradually becoming devotees.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 10.13.53

5. Mere bodies of water are not the real sacred places of pilgrimage, nor are mere images
of earth and stone the true worshipable deities. These purify one only after a long
time, but saintly sages purify one immediately upon being seen.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 10.84.11

7. If one associates with bhaktas, then one's svabhäva, or nature, will change. Our Kåñëa
consciousness movement is meant to give people good association so that this change
may take place, and we actually see that by this method people all over the world are
gradually becoming devotees.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 10.13.53

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9. If we give up the association of sädhus, saintly persons engaged in Kåñëa conscious-

ness, and associate with persons seeking sense gratification and accumulating wealth
for this purpose, our life is spoiled.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 10.10.18

10. One should always seek the association of Vaiñëavas and not spoil one's life by mix-
ing with avaiñëavas.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 10.10.18

11. Sincerity of purpose is the only qualification for Krishna Consciousness.

Sri Narottama das Thakura says that he hankers after the company of any person,
never mind whether he is in the renounced order of life or in householder life,
just as long as he is merged into the ocean of Krishna Consciousness.

i. Correspondence, Los Angeles, February 1969

13. Being cheated by them, the living entity in the forest of the material world tries to give
up the association of these so-called yogés, svämés and incarnations and come to the
association of real devotees, but due to misfortune he cannot follow the instructions of
the spiritual master or advanced devotees; therefore he gives up their company and
again returns to the association of monkeys who are simply interested in sense gratifi-
cation and women. He derives satisfaction by associating with sense gratifiers and en-
joying sex and intoxication. In this way he spoils his life simply by indulging in sex
and intoxication. Looking into the faces of other sense gratifiers, he becomes forgetful
and thus approaches death.
============ REF. SB 5.13.17

15. This life is very flickering. At any moment you may die so we must cling very close to
the instruction of higher authorities, the spiritual master and Lord Krishna in
Bhagavad-gita. So I think that you can follow the instructions. You are intelligent hard
working boy. In the meantime until you get stronger, you should remain in the
association of devotees. In this way you will get a taste for spiritual life. In Bhagavad
gita it is stated: mac-citta mad-gata-prana. bodhayantah parasparam. kathayantas ca
mam nityam. tusyanti ca ramanti ca (ch 10 text 9).
17. Our relationship is eternal. But if somebody lags behind,
in spite of our eternal relationship one may not meet the other at the destination.
Just like a flock of birds - although very intimately related,
each one of them has to fly in the sky by individual strength.
If one is less strong, the others cannot keep him in the sky.
That is the law of nature. So long as every one of us is strong in Krishna Conscious-
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there is no doubt, you can fly in the spiritual sky and meet together without failure.
Therefore, individual strength is most important.
And that individual strength is achieved in the association of devotees.
i. Correspondence, San Francisco, September 1968
The devotee should avoid a person whose character is not fixed in the standard under-
standing; even though he may be a Vaiñëava, or a devotee of Kåñëa, if his character is
not correctly representative, then he should be avoided. One should steadily control the
senses and the mind and strictly follow the rules and regulations, and he should make
friendship with persons of the same standard.
SB 3.29.17

Saubhari Muni regrets that he had bad association even in the deepest part of the water.
Because of the bad association of the sexually engaged fish, he fell down. A secluded
place is also not secure unless there is good association.
SB 9.6.51

If there is one pure devotee, his association can create hundreds and thousands of pure
devotees. Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura has said that a Vaiñëava is meritorious in propor-
tion to the number of devotees he has created. A Vaiñëava becomes superior not simply
by jugglery of words but by the number of devotees he has created for the Lord.
SB 9.21.18

One may actually become successful in spiritual consciousness by the mercy of devotees,
or one may fall from spiritual consciousness by being disrespectful to devotees.
SB 7.15 Summary
This chanting and hearing should be in the association of devotees. First of all, one must
have faith that chanting is good. Then he should chant in the society of the devotees.
Then it will develop.
Morning Walk -- June 11, 1974, Paris

Sometimes by association of the great, one appears great.

In the sun is great heat and light, and by reflecting the greatness of the sun’s light,
the moon in dead of night also appears great. Actually the moon is by nature dark and
cold, but in association with sun it has become accepted as great.
Letter to Jahnava, August 1, 1973.This birth as a human being is the best of all.

Even birth among the demigods in the heavenly planets is not as glorious as birth as a hu-
man being on this earth. What is the use of the exalted position of a demigod? In the
heavenly planets, due to profuse material comforts, there is no possibility of associating
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with devotees.
(SB 5.13.21)

Association with the material modes of nature is very powerful. The bad association of
materialistic men can be avoided only in the association of devotees. In the association of
devotees, one is given an opportunity to render devotional service in nine different ways-
çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù smaraëaà päda-sevanam arcanaà vandanaà däsyaà sakhyam
ätma-nivedanam [SB 7.5.23]. In this way, in the association of devotees, one can pass
over material association, cross over the ocean of nescience and return home, back to
(SB 5.12)

A secluded place is also not secure unless there is good association.

(SB 9.6.51)

Transcendental devotional service cannot be complete and cannot be relishable without

the association of devotees. We have therefore established the International Society for
Krishna Consciousness. Anyone who is trying to be aloof from this 6) Krishna Con-
sciousness Society and yet engage in Krsna consciousness is living in a great hallucina-
tion, for this is not possible.
Çrémad-Bhägavatam 4.9.11

I know that if you maintain the association of devotees your life will be happy and per-
fect. That is the version of the sastra that the most important thing for spiritual realization
is the company of realized souls or pure devotees of the Lord.- Letter to Tribhuvanatha,
July 18, 1970.

Spiritual anxiety means you are advancing in spiritual life,

and material anxiety means you are going downhill.
Maya is so strong that as soon as I am sitting in a solitary place,
then I will think of money and women.
Therefore we should live always in the assembly of devotees,
chant Hare Krishna, and save our self from the danger of material fall down.
Hawaii, February 7, 1975.

In this age no one is able to remain aloof from the general human society. Therefore one
need not go into the forest in a secluded place to try to make spiritual advancement.
Much better idea is that one associate with devotees in the Krishna Consciousness Cen-
ters; this will bring better spiritual results than living in the forest. Krishna Consciousness
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is possible when one is in association of devotees.

- Correspondence, Los Angeles, January 1969

It is better to accept the miseries of being encaged within bars and surrounded by burning
flames than to associate with those bereft of Kåñëa consciousness. Such association is a
very great hardship
Madhya 22.91

To become liberated from material bondage, one must give up the association of worldly
people and accept the association of devotees. This Krsna consciousness movement is
giving this chance to everyone. We arrange for their lodging and board so that they can
peacefully cultivate Krsna consciousness and return home, back to Godhead, even in this
SB 5.12.16

By regular attendance in classes on the Bhagavatam and by rendering of service to the

pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and
loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs,
is established as an irrevocable fact. Here is the remedy for eliminating all inauspicious
things within the heart which are considered to be obstacles in the path of self-realization.
The remedy is the association of the Bhagavatas.
(SB 1.2.18, Purport)

One cannot associate with Krishna unless he has fully received the favor of the
inhabitants of Vrajabhumi. Therefore if one wants to be delivered by Krishna directly, he
must take to the service of the residents of Vrndavana, who are unalloyed devotees of the
(SB 5.18.23, Purport)

No one should be captivated by his birthplace and family; one should take shelter of the
association of devotees and cultivate Krishna consciousness.
(SB 5.8.30, Purport)

One should strictly avoid the company of non-devotees, even though they may be family
(SB 5.9, Summary)
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Bharata Maharaja could remember the incidents of his past life. Although he received the
body of a brahmana, he was still very much afraid of his relatives and friends who were
not devotees. He was always very cautious of such association because he feared that he
would again fall down.
(SB 5.9.3, Purport)

Association is very meaningful; therefore ISKCON tries to perfect one who enters the
society. The members of this society should always remember that the society is not like
a free hotel. All the members should be very careful to execute their spiritual duties so
that whoever comes will automatically become a devotee and will be able to return back
to Godhead in this very life.
(SB 5.8.30, Purport)

Association with the material modes of nature is very powerful. The bad association of
materialistic men can be avoided only in the association of devotees. In the association of
devotees, one is given an opportunity to render devotional service in nine different ways-
Sravanam kirtanam viñnoù smaranam pada-sevanam arcanam vandanam dasyam
sakhyam atma-nivedanam [SB 7.5.23]. In this way, in the association of devotees, one
can pass over material association, cross over the ocean of nescience and return home,
back to Godhead.
(SB 5.12, Summary)

Even by a little association with devotees, the conditioned soul can get out of this
miserable material condition. This Krishna consciousness movement is therefore trying to
give everyone a chance to associate with saintly people. Therefore all the members of this
Krishna consciousness society must themselves be perfect sadhus in order to give a
chance to fallen conditioned souls. This is the best humanitarian work.
(SB 5.14.38, Purport)

When we are children, innocent, we have no bad habits, but as we grow and associate
with bad company, we also acquire all these bad habits. To give up all these bad habits
means we have to associate with sadhus or devotees, saintly persons. Then we can give it
up. This is called anartha-nivrtti means giving up all unwanted bad habits.
(Lecture, Bg 2.11, Mexico, 11/2/1975)

In this age no one is able to remain aloof from the general human society. Therefore one
need not go into the forest in a secluded place to try to make spiritual advancement.
Much better idea is that one associate with devotees in the Krishna Consciousness
Centers; this will bring better spiritual results than living in the forest. Krishna
Consciousness is possible when one is in association of devotees.
(Correspondence, LA, 21/1/69)
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In material consciousness one is identifying himself with his particular body, and he is
forgetting that he is spirit soul, servant of Krishna. Then by the association and
instructions of the purified servants of Krishna, the living entity gradually comes to
remember that I am not part of this miserable material world, but I too am the eternal
servant of Krishna, and my only business is to give pleasure to the Lord in pure Krishna
(Correspondence, West Virginia, 16/6/69)

By association with undesirable companions we have learned so many bad habits and
similarly by association with pure persons or devotees we can become purified of our
acquired bad habits. So constant association and working cooperatively with devotees is
the prime and easy method to relearn our original good habit of Krishna Consciousness.
(Correspondence, LA, 14/2/70)

The business of Krishna Conscious persons is to enjoy by mutual association on the basis
of understanding Krishna from Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. So when you
come together, you should utilize your time by discussions on Krishna, and chanting
Hare Krishna.
(Correspondence, Montreal, 13/7/68)

The tendency for solitude is a kind of reaction on our past material activities, but solitude
is not very good for a neophyte. Maya is always trying to attack us, and as soon as she
finds some opportunity she tries to inflict her poisonous effects. The best thing is
therefore not to seek solitude in the beginning but to remain in the midst of pure devotees
so that even there is attack of Maya, their association will protect us.
(Correspondence, San Francisco, 26/3/68)

Living outside the association of devotees is dangerous and unnecessary.

(Correspondence, Durban, 6/10/75)

Under all circumstances you must remain in the association of devotees. Do not let
yourself fall out of this association. Even if it is very difficult and there may be many
problems or disagreements still simply by remaining in the association of devotees and
follow our regulative principles, chanting 16 rounds, rising early etc., you will become
purified. If you leave the association of devotees to follow these regulative principles will
be very difficult.
(Correspondence, Bombay, 27/12/74)

On the authority of Lord Caitanya and my spiritual master, I am requesting my disciples

to always stay in the association of devotees and to propagate the sankirtana movement
all over the world, so that others may get a chance also to become liberated from the
material condition.
(Correspondence, Melbourne, 25/6/74)

This Krishna consciousness movement is trying to bring intelligent human beings to the
platform of devotional service. Instead of wasting time trying to attain a better position in
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material life, one should simply endeavor to return home, back to Godhead. Then all
problems will be solved.
(SB 5.14.31, Purport)

It is possible to mature in devotional service only in the association of devotees.

(SB 4.9.11, Purport)

We should always seek good association, the association of devotees. Then our life will
be successful. A man is known by his company. If one has the chance to live in the good
association of devotees, one is able to cultivate knowledge, and naturally one's character
or nature will change for one's eternal benefit.
(SB 10.13.53, Purport)

Without the association of devotees, one cannot advance in Krishna consciousness.

Therefore, we have established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
Factually, whoever lives in this society automatically develops Krishna consciousness.
(SB 4.12.37, Purport)

One should not associate with a coarse fool who is bereft of the knowledge of self-
realization and who is no more than a dancing dog in the hands of a woman.
(SB 3.31.34, Purport)

A devotee of the Lord automatically becomes uninterested in the enchantment of material

existence because he is rasa-graha, or one who has tasted the sweetness of the lotus feet
of Lord Krishna. There are certainly many instances where devotees of the Lord have
fallen down due to uncongenial association, just like fruitive workers, who are always
prone to degradation. But even though he falls down, a devotee is never to be considered
the same as a fallen karmi. A karmi suffers the result of his own fruitive reactions,
whereas a devotee is reformed by chastisement directed by the Lord Himself.
(SB 1.5.19, Purport)

Even I am not devotee, with the company of the devotees, working with devotees, I
become devotee. Association has got such power.
(Lecture, SB 1.5.32, Vrndavana, 13/8/74)

The first business of a Vaishnava is to give up the company of non-devotees. A so-called

mature devotee, however, commits a great offense by giving up the company of pure
devotees. The human being is a social animal, and if one gives up the society of pure
devotees, he must associate with non-devotees (asat-sanga). By associating with non-
devotees, one breaks the regulative principles and is thereby lost.
(CC Madhya 19.157, Purport)
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Sangat sanjayate kamah. We develop different consciousness by particular association.

Therefore, for advancing in Krishna consciousness, we must associate with the devotees.
You cannot advance in Krishna consciousness without being in the association of
(Lecture, SB 6.1.62, Vrndavana, 29/8/75)

We go to the public for preaching, not to associate with them. To give them association,
so they may be benefited. Either he may be prime minister or this or that, we have no
business with them. But for our purpose we go. We have no personal concern, but for
their benefit we go there. Their hard-earned money, if something is spent for this
purpose, he'll be benefited. Otherwise we have no business with them.
(Conversation, Mayapura, 16/2/77)

One should very carefully avoid associating with both the sahajiyas, who are sometimes
known as Vaishnavas, and the non-Vaishnavas, or avaishnavas. Their association
changes the transcendental devotional service of Lord Krishna into sense gratification,
and when sense gratification enters the mind of a devotee, he is contaminated. The
materialistic person who aspires after sense gratification cannot properly think of
(CC Antya 6.278, Purport)

Devotees who are interested in bhagavad-bhakti, to understand Bhagavan, they should

read Srimad-Bhagavatam in the association. We should have regular classes. Just like
school and colleges, eight hour, six hour. Be engaged always in reading Srimad-
Bhagavatam, discussing amongst yourself. Then you'll make progress. Otherwise, if you
take it as an official routine work... You should take as routine work, but with
consciousness that "We have to learn something," not simply attending the class, but to
learn something. In this way make your life successful.
(SB 3.26.41, Purport)

Every sannyasi, even if you see a Mayavadi sannyasi, offer him your respects—there will
be no harm. As you have observed we shall follow Lord Caitanya’s instruction that we
give all due respects to others regarding their position, but there is no need of always
associating with each of them. Even if one is Vaishnava, but not of good character, we
can give him the Vaishnava respect, but we cannot associate with him.”
(Correspondence, LA, 30/4/70)

Even if one thinks that there are many pseudo devotees or non-devotees in the Krishna
Consciousness Society, still one should stick to the Society; if one thinks the Society’s
members are not pure devotees, one can keep direct company with the spiritual master,
and if there is any doubt, one should consult the spiritual master.
(CC Madhya 19.157, Purport)
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Bhagavad-gita begins with the spiritual instruction that one is not the body, but is within
the body. This consciousness can be possible only if one chants the holy name of
Krishna, the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, and always keeps oneself in the association of
devotees. This is the secret of success.
(SB 6.2.38, Purport)

As individuals there may be disagreement sometimes, but that is quite natural. Even in
ordinary family affairs there is sometimes disagreement, but that does not mean
immediately the disagreeing members shall leave the family. Similarly our Krishna
Consciousness Movement means we are all gathering together in families of Krishna.
(Correspondence, New Vrndavana, 7/6/69)
So your main business should be to spread Sankirtana, becoming tolerant as the tree and
becoming humbler than the grass. If you have anytime any difficulty, please try to settle
up in the above way, but do not leave the company of devotees. That will not help you,
even though there may seem to be some difficulties.
(Correspondence, New Vrndavana, 7/6/69)

Don’t give up the company of devotees. Then it will be lost. We are opening so many
centers because to cooperate between devotees and devotees. Even there is
inconvenience, don’t give up the company of the devotees.
(Lecture, SB 1.5.32, Vrndavan, 13/8/74)

Just because somebody has made some mistakes does that mean that you should give up
your whole career in Krishna Consciousness? What will that accomplish? Simply more
rebirth and death.
(Correspondence, Tehran, 14/3/75)

The fact that you have left our movement just on account of some minor disagreements
shows that you are not actually serious about going back to home, back to Godhead. I
suggest that you become serious about spiritual life and try to overlook the minor
offences of others.
(Correspondence, Tehran, 14/3/75)

Saubhari Muni regrets that he had bad association even in the deepest part of the water.
Because of the bad association of the sexually engaged fish, he fell down. A secluded
place is also not secure unless there is good association.
=> SB 9.6.51

"My Lord, if You want me to take birth and accept a material body again, kindly do me
this favor: allow me to take birth in the home of Your servant, Your devotee. I do not
mind being born there even as an insignificant creature like an insect."
=> SB 9.13.9
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Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu has inaugurated the Hare Kåñëa movement, which is not
different from Kåñëa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If one associates with this
movement, he directly associates with the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
=> SB 9.24.56

One must worship the lotus feet of the äcärya and live within the society of devotees.
Then one's endeavor to cross over nescience will surely be successful.
=> SB 10.2.32

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