2017 - Annals of Nuclear Energy - 101
2017 - Annals of Nuclear Energy - 101
2017 - Annals of Nuclear Energy - 101
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: An analytical study based on frequency domain analysis is presented on the flashing-induced flow insta-
Received 11 August 2016 bility in a natural circulation test facility, which was designed to investigate the flow instability for a
Received in revised form 29 October 2016 BWR-type novel modular reactor (NMR). To address the flashing phenomena at low pressure conditions,
Accepted 4 November 2016
such as initial startup transients or accidents, the liquid enthalpy change in the P-T diagram due to
Available online 19 November 2016
reduced hydrostatic head in the riser or chimney was treated as an axially uniform heat flux. Based on
the drift flux model, the system transfer function was obtained through small perturbations about the
steady state in the frequency domain. The D-partition method was used to determine the neutral stability
Flashing instability
Frequency domain analysis
boundary in the dimensionless stability plane, which was constituted of the subcooling number and
Natural circulation test facility phase change number. From the frequency domain analysis, the flashing stability boundary and the den-
Stability map sity wave oscillations boundary could be predicted. Some parametric studies had been performed on the
system pressure and the inlet flow resistance coefficients in the stability analysis. The results showed that
the flashing stability boundary was more sensitive to the system pressure than the density wave oscilla-
tions. In addition, the theoretical stability boundaries were benchmarked against the experimental stabil-
ity boundaries from quasi-steady state tests. Although the general stability boundary agreed well with
the experiments, certain discrepancies still existed due to the assumptions of thermal equilibrium in cur-
rent study. In the future, the thermal non-equilibrium conditions including subcooled boiling will be
taken into account in the flashing induced stability analysis.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction section for the reactor cavity cooling system during accidental sce-
narios. The void fraction increases in the chimney section due to
The flashing induced stability problem, simplified as flashing the flashing evaporation. The flow fluctuations caused by the flash-
instability, in two-phase flow system is of great importance to ing instability usually have large magnitude depending on the sys-
the safe operation of naturally driven nuclear reactors and pas- tem design. Therefore, the safe operation or the system
sively safe engineering safety system in nuclear industry. The performance would be largely affected by the flashing instability.
designs of naturally driven nuclear reactors, ranging from conven- Although the flashing instability have been widely investigated
tional nuclear reactors to small modular reactors (Shi et al., 2016), experimentally and numerically in the last decade (Inada et al.,
feature a relative long chimney section above the reactor core to 2000; Furuya et al., 2005; Manera et al., 2005; Hu and Kazimi,
increase the driving force of natural circulation. In addition, the 2011; Lee et al., 2015; Su et al., 2002; Guo et al., 2016), the difficul-
design of the reactor cavity cooling system for the generation IV ties of predicting the flashing instability still exists due to its com-
reactors characterizes a long riser above the cooling panel plexity. The demand to improve and develop the mechanistic
(Lisowski et al., 2011). The flashing instability could easily occur model for the flashing instability becomes much urgent and neces-
in the chimney section due to reduced hydrostatic head during sary especially with the advancement of the next generation
the initial startup transients of the nuclear reactors, or in the riser nuclear plants (NGNP).
A recent research has been performed to investigate the flow
instability in a Novel Modular Reactor (NMR) design for low power
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineer- and low pressure conditions. The NMR developed at Purdue
ing, Nuclear Program, The Ohio State University, 201 West 19th Avenue, Columbus, University is a BWR-type small modular reactor design, which
OH 43210, United States.
relies on natural circulation to provide driving force for both nor-
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Shi).
0306-4549/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
216 S. Shi, M. Ishii / Annals of Nuclear Energy 101 (2017) 215–225
mal operations and accidental management (Ishii et al., 2015; Wu sis, including the one-dimensional drift flux model, flashing insta-
et al., 2016; Odeh and Yang, 2016). In previous research, a natural bility model, detailed derivations of the kinematics and dynamics
circulation test facility was scaled and designed from the NMR by of the fluid in the riser section. Section 3 presents the experimental
using the three-level scaling method. The experimental study of stability boundaries from the quasi-steady state tests in a small-
startup transients of the NMR showed that more than one flow scaled natural circulation test facility. Section 4 presents the theo-
instability mechanisms occurred in the natural circulation test retical stability maps and discusses the uncertainties between the
facility during the normal initial startup procedures (Shi et al., theoretical and experimental stability maps. Key conclusions are
2015a,b). From the experimental research, two startup procedures, summarized in Section 5.
i.e., very slow startup procedures and pressurized startup proce-
dures, were proposed for the initial startup procedures for the
NMR (Shi et al., 2014) to eliminate the flow instabilities. In addi- 2. Frequency domain analysis
tion, the experimental stability maps were obtained under low
pressures by performing quasi-steady state tests (Shi et al., The basic method used in this research to study the flashing
2015c). Following the experimental research, the theoretical stabil- instability is called linear frequency domain stability analysis,
ity analysis in the frequency domain has been carried out to predict which can be used to obtain stability boundaries for a flow system.
the observed flow instabilities occurred in the test facility (Shi, This method is a conventional way to analyze other flow instabil-
2015). ities such as the density wave oscillations (DWO) (Shi et al.,
In this paper, a new flashing mechanistic model related to the 2016) and Ledinegg instability (flow excursion) etc. The frequency
flashing number combining with the linear frequency domain domain analysis in this research was based on the drift-flux model
analysis under thermal equilibrium conditions have been devel- and its constitutive equations (Zuber, 1967) for a two-phase flow
oped to predict the flow instability boundary for the NMR. Section 2 system. For example, through applying a small perturbation about
introduces the fundamental basis for the frequency domain analy- the steady state in the inlet flow velocity, the system transfer
S. Shi, M. Ishii / Annals of Nuclear Energy 101 (2017) 215–225 217
functions for the perturbed pressure drop along the channel could @ qm @ qm v m
þ ¼0 ð1Þ
be obtained by linearizing the original non-linear partial differen- @t @z
tial equations. The system characteristic equation was solved to Continuity equation for dispersed phase:
obtain the flow stability boundaries between the stable regions
and unstable regions in the frequency domain. Ishii (Ishii, 1971) @ aqg @ aqg v g
þ ¼ Cg ð2Þ
applied this method to investigate the density wave oscillations @t @z
and performed parametric studies of the heat flux, inlet subcooling, Mixture momentum equation:
inlet velocity, system pressure, inlet and outlet K factor, etc. on the
@v m @v m @pm f m
density wave oscillations. Saha (Saha, 1974) developed the thermal qm þ vm ¼ q v m v m qm g
non-equilibrium model for the two-phase flow system based on @t @z @z 2D m
" 2
Ishii’s work. Since the flashing instability normally occurs in the @ ag qg qf V gj
chimney or riser section which is located downstream of a heated ð3Þ
@z ð1 ag Þqm
section, the frequency domain analysis is applied to the flow sys-
tem including both the heated section and the chimney or riser Mixture enthalpy-energy equation:
section in current research.
@im @im q00W nh @ ag qg qf Difg V gj
qm þ vm ¼ ð4Þ
2.1. Formulation of the problem @t @z A @z qm
where mixture properties are defined as
In order to predict the flow instability observed in the experi-
ments analytically, the mathematical model is developed following qm ¼ aqg þ ð1 aÞqf ð5Þ
Ishii’s formulation of the DWO using conventional four-equation
drift flux model (Ishii, 1971). The drift flux model with the flashing ag qg ig þ ð1 ag Þqf if
im ¼ ð6Þ
model integrated aims to be capable of predicting the flashing qm
instability and the DWO for the NMR. The system of interest con-
sists of four components of the NMR as shown in Fig. 1: pm ¼ apg þ ð1 aÞpf ð7Þ
Qðs ; a1 ; a2 ; ; an Þ ¼ 0 ð17Þ
where a1 to an were independent dimensionless numbers. For
the reactor stability analysis, the phase change number and inlet
subcooling number were selected to form the dimensionless stabil-
ity plane (Nsub Npch). If the harmonic oscillations were consid-
ered to simplify the solutions, system response could be obtained
by substituting s ¼ jx into Eq. (17) as
ð1 aÞqf v f cf DT Before the derivation of the transfer functions in the Region (D),
Cg;fl ¼ ð14Þ
Difg l two different methods, i.e. the Lagrangian and Eulerian specifica-
tion of the flow field, to describe the enthalpy of the fluid particle
where, a, qf , jf , v f , cf , l, DT, Difg , and Cg;fl represented the void
were illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. In Fig. 3, the particle
fraction at the core exit, liquid density, liquid volumetric flux, liq-
entered region (A), (B), (C), and (D) at s0 , s1 , s2 , and s3 , respectively.
uid velocity, specific heat, height of the riser or chimney, tempera-
The residence time between two time points was also called time
ture difference corresponding to pressure differential based on P-T
lag, which was significantly related to the propagation of the den-
diagram, latent heat, and the vapor mass generation rate due to
sity waves. Accordingly, the time lags were replaced by the space
flashing, respectively. It was worthy of mention that the flashing
lags in Fig. 4, which defined the physical boundaries between
process should include the core section if its elevation was so large
two regions. One specially important space lag was the boundary
that the reduced hydrostatic head could not be neglected. How-
ever, in this study, the flashing effect was neglected in the core sec-
tion due to the relatively short core height in the NMR (Ishii et al.,
@a @ a qme Cg;fl
þ C ke ¼ ð29Þ
@t @z qf qg
Under the condition of constant qg and qf , the above equation
could be expressed in terms of the mixture density as
@ qme @q Dqqme
þ C ke me ¼ Cg;fl ð30Þ
@t @z qg qf
If we defined the kinematic wave velocity C ke by dC k;e ðtÞ ¼ eest K20 ðl; sÞ ð39Þ
@ðaV gje Þ and the various transfer functions of Kn ðz; sÞ are given in Appen-
C ke ¼ je þ V gje þ a je þ V gje ð28Þ
@a dix A.
220 S. Shi, M. Ishii / Annals of Nuclear Energy 101 (2017) 215–225
h i
v me ðz;tÞ C ke ðzÞ dC ke ðtÞ C ke ðzÞ C ke ðzÞ 2.7. Dimensionless characteristic functions for the whole system
v fi ¼ C k ðkÞ
þ v fi þ v1
fi C k ðkÞ C ke ðlÞ
eest K21 ðz; sÞV gje
þ eve K22 ðl; sÞ
¼ CCkeðkÞ The perturbations for the pressure drops in Regions A, B, and C
k fi
and inlet velocity had been derived by Ishii (1971) from the field
equations and non-dimensionalized as
2.6.5. Pressure drop of the downstream un-heated region D with For the upstream un-heated Region A
flashing 2
dDp01 lo 1 fo 1
The pressure drop response in the un-heated region could be ¼ 2k þ s þ 2l ð76Þ
dv v fi Ao v fi
i o
obtained by integrating the momentum equation in this region.
Z For the liquid heated Region B
@ v me @ v me
Dp34 ¼ ke qme ðlÞv 2me ðlÞ þ qme þ v me þ g e qme
v fi f s
@t @z dDp12 fs
!# ¼ s s
þ 2k
þ þ v ð1 K3 Þ ð77Þ
dv v fi
NFr 2Do fi
f @ qf qme qf qg 2 2Do
þ me qme v 2me þ V dz ð66Þ
2De @z qme qg qme gje For the heated mixture Region C
n h i o
¼ ln C r ð1 þ V gj Þ þ V gj s11 s K3 V gj s11 s C 2
In real reactor, such as NMR, other terms could be neglected
dv v
except the exit throttling ke and the gravitational term. The gravi- n h V
i o
1 K3 þ ln C r ss1 K3 s11 1þVgj s11 C 2
tational pressure drop was much bigger than other terms due to þ 1þV 1
gj gj
long chimney region design in natural circulation BWR. v n o
R lþle R lþle þ NFrfi 1 C1 s 1 s1 s11 C 1 ð1 K3 Þ
n o
Dp34g ¼ g e qme dz ¼g e ðqme þ dqme Þdz f m
v fi 1 þ 2V gj s11 s12 C 3
l l K3
R lþle R lþl þ 2D ð1 k Þ 2s 1þV 1
s 1
C ke ðlÞ
¼ ge l q me ðlÞ
þ g e l e dqme dz
C ke ðzÞ
dz 2
R lþl ðlÞ
R lþl ð67Þ fs
2D v
fi ð1
V gj
g 1þV ð2C r 1Þ s 1
hR ke
i ð78Þ
lþl ðlÞ
¼ g e qme ðlÞ l e CCkeðzÞ dz þ eest K23 ðz; sÞ
ke Then the total pressure drop perturbations can be expressed as
and dDpex ¼ dDp01 þ dDp12 þ dDp23 þ dDp34 ð79Þ
Z lþle
C ke ðlÞ
Dp34g ¼ g e qme ðlÞ dz ð68Þ
l C ke ðzÞ 3. Experimental stability maps
dDp34g ¼ eest K23 ðz; sÞ ð69Þ The experimental stability boundary had been obtained from
previous quasi-steady state tests using the natural circulation test
and facility as shown in Fig. 5. This test facility was designed and con-
structed to perform both transient and quasi-steady flow instabil-
qme ðlÞ C ke ðl þ le Þ ity tests for the NMR. The detailed scaling analysis and design
C re ¼ ¼ ð70Þ
qme ðl þ le Þ C ke ðlÞ could be referred to our previous work (Shi et al., 2015a,b). For
the quasi-steady tests, the test power and inlet flow conditions
1 were important boundary conditions. The maximum power pro-
s34 ¼ Ee ðl þ le Þ Ee ðlÞ ¼ ln C re ð71Þ vided by four electric heaters (2 2) is 20 kW, which was powered
with a three-phase 480VAC source and controlled by Watlow SCR
The dimensionless form of Eq. (69) was given as power controller with an accuracy of ±0.5% of its actual power out-
8 put. A similar tube-in-tube exchanger installed on the top of the
dDp34g 1 X <1
downcomer worked as a cooler to reduce the temperature of the
¼ K20
e separated flow. Another three-phase preheater of 18 kW was
d fi C r s Xe >
N Fr
ðA1 ÞC r þ V gje C r þ Xvele installed in the downcomer to adjust the inlet flow temperatures.
e fi
" #) The designed system pressure was 1 MPa and can be controlled
by the condenser, which was connected to the steam dome on
þ ð1 es s34 Þ ð72Þ
s v fi the top and the downcomer at the bottom. Besides, this test facility
was equipped with instruments to obtain various thermal hydrau-
and lic parameters, such as local temperatures, absolute pressures,
( ) pressure differentials, local void fractions, and mass flow rates
1 V gje 1 1 (Shi et al., 2015a,b).
K ¼ K5 C 2 K3 e½ðs þ1Þs23 þs s12 ð73Þ
Ae r
1 þ V gj s 1 C 2
The quasi-steady tests had been performed under various con-
ditions by changing system pressure, core inlet subcooling, core
inlet flow resistance coefficient, and core heat power etc. Based
1 V gj n
K5 ¼ K3 þ K3 e½ðs 1Þs23 þs s12 ð74Þ on certain stability criteria, the flow stability for a certain operating
s 1 1 þ V gj condition could be determined from the time trace profile of the
loop natural circulation flow rate, which was defined as the
1 es s12 single-phase core inlet flow velocity. All those stable or unstable
K3 ¼ 1 ð75Þ experimental conditions were plotted in the dimensionless stabil-
s ity plane, which also forms an experimental stability map.
where the characteristic functions K3 and K5 were derived by A typical experimental stability map at a pressure of 200 kPa
Ishii (1971). Also some dimensionless parameters were listed in can be seen in Fig. 6. A group of experimental conditions connected
Appendix B. by a dash line stands for a fixed core heat flux during the
222 S. Shi, M. Ishii / Annals of Nuclear Energy 101 (2017) 215–225
Fig. 8. Stability Map at 200 kPa. Fig. 9. Stability Map at 400 kPa.
224 S. Shi, M. Ishii / Annals of Nuclear Energy 101 (2017) 215–225
8 " #Xs 1 9
manually reducing the non-boiling length in the frequency domain
V gj < X C k ðkÞ
analysis code. However, a more detailed analysis by taking account K5 ðz; sÞ ¼ K3 ðsÞ þ K3 ðsÞ ess12 ðA:3Þ
s X C k ðkÞ C k ðzÞ ;
of the thermal non-equilibrium will be performed in the future.
with the inlet flow velocity perturbations. The stability boundary ðA:8Þ
were obtained by determining the nature of roots of the system
characteristic equations with D-partition method.
In the dimensionless stability plane of Nsub Npch, two kinds of Appendix B. Dimensionless numbers and variables
stability boundaries, i.e., the flashing instability boundary and the
density wave oscillations boundary, were predicted using fre- The dimensionless numbers and variables derived by Ishii
quency domain analysis for the natural circulation test facility. (1971) are given as follows:
Among them, DWO boundary has been widely studied and con- Dp
firmed in current analysis. The theoretical flashing instability Dp ¼ 2
ðXlÞ qf
boundary was closely parallel to the zero-quality line at the core
exit at the pressure of 200 kPa. However, the theoretical flashing
C k ðlÞ
boundary was not able to be numerically predicted at the pressure C r ¼ ðB:2Þ
of 400 kPa, which was considered to match with the zero-quality C k ðkÞ
line under high pressure. In addition, the predicted stability
boundaries were compared with the quasi-steady state experi- Xe
Xe ¼ ðB:3Þ
mental data acquired from the natural circulation test facility. X
The biggest difference was that the experimental flashing bound-
ary was located above the zero-quality line at the core exit, while s ¼ ðB:4Þ
the theoretical boundary was parallel below the line. The possible
reason was that the thermal equilibrium was assumed in current q00W n Dq
study, whereas the subcooled boiling in the core section could X ¼ Xo ¼ ðB:5Þ
Ac Difg qg qf
occur in real quasi-steady state tests. Although the theoretical
flashing boundary showed some discrepancy with the experimen-
tal data, the effect of system pressure and inlet K factor could be
v 2fi
NFr ¼ ðB:6Þ
correctly simulated by using current frequency domain analysis gl
for the natural circulation test facility. In the future, the frequency
domain analysis including both the flashing model and thermal Ae ¼ ðB:7Þ
non-equilibrium will be carried out and validated against existing Ae
instability experimental data.
le ¼ ðB:8Þ
V gje
V gje ¼ ðB:9Þ
This material is based upon work supported under a Depart- v fi
ment of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program.
v fi
v fi ¼ ðB:10Þ
Appendix A. Various transfer functions Xl
The various transfer functions during the derivations are given g ¼ ðB:11Þ
X2 l
by Ishii (1971) as follows:
Xð1 ess12 Þ k Di12 Dq
K3 ðsÞ ¼ 1 ðA:1Þ s12 ¼ s12 X ¼ ¼ ðB:12Þ
s v fi Difg qg
8" #2 " #Xs þ1 9
1 X < C k ðkÞ C k ðkÞ 12
= s23 ¼ s23 X ¼ ln C r ðB:13Þ
K4 ðz; sÞ ¼ K3 ðsÞ e ðA:2Þ
C k ðkÞ s X : C k ðzÞ C k ðzÞ ;
s34 ¼ s34 X ðB:14Þ
S. Shi, M. Ishii / Annals of Nuclear Energy 101 (2017) 215–225 225
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