9701/21 Chemistry
9701/21 Chemistry
9701/21 Chemistry
Paper 2 AS Level Structured Questions May/June
1 hour 15 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
Additional Materials: Data Booklet
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The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
[Turn over
1 (a) Complete the table to show the composition and identity of some atoms and ions.
lithium 6 3 +1
............. ............. .............
oxygen 9 10
............. ............. ............. .............
54 26 26 24
............. ............. .............
17 18 0
............. ............. ............. .............
(b) Beams of protons, neutrons and electrons behave differently in an electric field due to their
differing properties.
Add and label lines to represent the paths of beams of protons and neutrons in the same field.
electron beam
(c) The fifth to eighth ionisation energies of three elements in the third period of the Periodic Table
are given. The symbols used for reference are not the actual symbols of the elements.
explanation ..........................................................................................................................
. ............................................................................................................................................
(ii) State and explain the general trend in first ionisation energies across the third period.
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iii) Explain why the first ionisation energy of element Y is less than that of element X.
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ............................................................................................................................................
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. ...................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Turn over
(d) A sample of strontium exists as a mixture of four isotopes. Information about three of these
isotopes is given in the table.
mass number 86 87 88
abundance 9.86% 7.00% 82.58%
[Total: 16]
2 D, E, F, and G are four consecutive elements in the fourth period of the Periodic Table. (The letters
are not the actual symbols of the elements.)
D is a soft, silvery metal with a melting point just above room temperature. Its amphoteric oxide,
D2O3, has a melting point of 1900 °C and can be formed by heating D in oxygen.
G is a solid that can exist as several different allotropes, most of which contain G8 molecules.
G burns in air to form GO2 which dissolves in water to form an acidic solution. This solution reacts
with sodium hydroxide to form the salt Na2GO3.
D ..................................................................... G ......................................................................
. ...................................................................................................................................... [2]
. ...................................................................................................................................... [2]
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(d) Write an equation for the formation of an acidic solution when GO2 dissolves in water.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 7]
[Turn over
3 The elements in Group 2, and their compounds, show many similarities and trends in their properties.
(a) Magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium all react with cold water.
(i) Describe what you would see when some calcium is added to cold water.
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ...................................................................................................................................... [3]
. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) Describe how the reaction of barium with cold water would differ from the reaction of
calcium in (i) in terms of what you would see.
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Magnesium oxide can be formed by the reaction of magnesium and oxygen in the air.
(i) Draw a fully labelled reaction pathway diagram for the reaction between magnesium and
reaction pathway
(ii) Explain why there is no visible reaction when a piece of magnesium ribbon is exposed to
the air.
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iii) Magnesium oxide is used to manufacture heat-resistant bricks for furnace linings in the
steel-making industry.
State and explain the property of magnesium oxide that makes it suitable for this use.
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ............................................................................................................................................
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. ...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iv) Suggest a reason why magnesium oxide cannot be used as a lining for any furnaces
containing acidic materials.
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(c) The nitrates and carbonates of the Group 2 elements, from magnesium to barium, decompose
when heated.
(i) State the trend in the temperature of thermal decomposition of these Group 2 nitrates and
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Give the equation for the thermal decomposition of magnesium carbonate.
. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) Give the equation for the thermal decomposition of calcium nitrate.
. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 15]
[Turn over
(a) Give the structures of a pair of positional isomers with the formula C4H8.
(b) Give the structures of a pair of chain isomers with the formula C4H8, that do not exhibit
(c) Give the structures and full names of a pair of stereoisomers with the formula C4H8.
.................................................... ....................................................
Draw a functional group isomer of molecule A in box B. Explain how molecules A and B could
be distinguished by a chemical test.
H 2C CH2
H 2C CH2
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
[Total: 7]
[Turn over
reaction 1 reaction 2
H 3C CH2 Br H 3C CH2 CN H3C CH2 C
bromoethane propanenitrile OH
reaction reaction propanoic acid
4 5
H3C CH2 OH H 2C CH2 LiAl H4 reaction 3
ethanol ethene W
(a) Complete the diagram to show the mechanism of reaction 1. Include all necessary charges,
partial charges, lone pairs and curly arrows.
H 3C C Br H 3C C CN +
(b) (i) Give the name of the type of reaction involved in reaction 3.
. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]
4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500
wavenumber / cm –1
(ii) Describe and explain the main difference between the infra-red spectrum of W and that of
propanoic acid.
. ............................................................................................................................................
. ...................................................................................................................................... [2]
reagent ................................................................................................................................
. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(d) Under appropriate conditions, ethanol and propanoic acid undergo a condensation reaction.
. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Draw the skeletal formula of the organic product of this reaction.
. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Turn over
(e) V reacts with acidified manganate(VII) ions in two different ways depending on the conditions,
as shown in the reaction sequence below.
hot, concentrated cold, dilute
MnO4– / H+ MnO4– / H+
propanoic acid
When the acidified manganate(VII) is hot and concentrated, propanoic acid is the only organic
When the acidified manganate(VII) is cold and dilute, the organic product is T which has two
chiral centres.
V ................................................................... T ..................................................................
V ................................................................... T ..................................................................
[Total: 15]
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