Can Machine Learning Assist Locating The Excitation of Snore Sound? A Review

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Can Machine Learning Assist Locating the

Excitation of Snore Sound? A Review
Kun Qian , Senior Member, IEEE, Christoph Janott , Maximilian Schmitt ,
Zixing Zhang , Member, IEEE, Clemens Heiser, Werner Hemmert, Senior Member, IEEE,
Yoshiharu Yamamoto , Member, IEEE, and Björn W. Schuller , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In the past three decades, snoring (affecting Index Terms—Deep learning, machine learning,
more than 30 % adults of the UK population) has been obstructive sleep apnoea, physiological signals, snore
increasingly studied in the transdisciplinary research com- sound.
munity involving medicine and engineering. Early work
demonstrated that, the snore sound can carry important
information about the status of the upper airway, which
facilitates the development of non-invasive acoustic based ABBREVIATIONS
approaches for diagnosing and screening of obstructive AI Artificial Intelligence
sleep apnoea and other sleep disorders. Nonetheless, there
are more demands from clinical practice on finding meth-
BoAW Bad-of-Audio-Words
ods to localise the snore sound’s excitation rather than CNN Convolutional Neural Network
only detecting sleep disorders. In order to further the rel- COMPARE Computational Paralinguistics Challenge
evant studies and attract more attention, we provide a com- CSO Competitive Swarm Optimisation
prehensive review on the state-of-the-art techniques from DISE Drug-Induced Sleep Endoscopy
machine learning to automatically classify snore sounds.
First, we introduce the background and definition of the
DL Deep Learning
problem. Second, we illustrate the current work in detail ELM Extreme Learning Machine
and explain potential applications. Finally, we discuss the EM Expectation-Maximization
limitations and challenges in the snore sound classification EMDF Empirical Mode Decomposition based Features
task. Overall, our review provides a comprehensive guid- ENT Ear, Nose, and Throat
ance for researchers to contribute to this area.
ES Excitation Source
FNN Feedforward Neural Network
FV Fisher Vector
GAN Generative Adversarial Network
This work was supported in part by Zhejiang Lab’s
International Talent Fund for Young Professionals (Project HANAMI), GMM Gausian Mixture Model
P. R. China, in part by JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in GRU Gated Recurrent Unit
Japan under Grant P19081 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of HMMs Hidden Markov Models
Science (JSPS), Japan, in part by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
under Grants 19F19081 and 17H00878 from the Ministry of Education, HNR Harmonics to Noise Ratio
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan, and in part HOG Histogram of Oriented Gradients
EU’s HORIZON 2020 under Grant 115902 (RADAR CNS). (Correspond- KELM Kernel based Extreme Learning Machine
ing author: Kun Qian.)
Kun Qian and Yoshiharu Yamamoto are with Educational Physiology KL Kullback-Leibler
Laboratory, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo, LBP Local Binary Pattern
Tokyo 113-0033, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis
Christoph Janott and Werner Hemmert are with the Munich School LLDs Low-Level Descriptors
of Bioengineering, Technische Universität München, 85748 Garching, LPC Linear Predictive Coding
Germany (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). LSTM Long Short-Term Memory
Maximilian Schmitt is with the Chair of Embedded Intelligence for
Health Care & Wellbeing, Universität Augsburg, 86159 Augsburg, MAP Maximum A Posteriori
Germany (e-mail: [email protected]). MFCCs Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients
Zixing Zhang is with GLAM – Group on Language, Audio & ML Machine Learning
Music, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, U.K. (e-mail:
[email protected]). MLP Multi-Layer Perceptron
Clemens Heiser is with the Department of Otorhinolaryngology/Head MPSSC Munich-Passau Snore Sound Corpus
and Neck Surgery, Technische Universität München, 81675 Munich, MSV Margin Sampling Voting
Germany (e-mail: [email protected]).
Björn W. Schuller is with GLAM – Group on Language, Audio & MV Majority Voting
Music, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, U.K., and also NB Naïve Bayes
with the ZD.B Chair of Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Wellbeing, University of Augsburg, 86159 Augsburg, Germany (e-mail:
[email protected]). PR800 Power Ratio at 800 Hz
RASTA Relative Spectral Transform

RASTA-PLP Representations Relative Spectra Perceptual other hand, there is a demand for a low-cost, convenient and
Linear Prediction non-invasive substitute for the increasingly used golden stan-
RF Random Forest dard, drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) [14]. Multichannel
RMSE Root Mean Square Energy pressure measurement [15]–[17] is a pioneering method, which
RNN Recurrent Neural Network could be efficient and applicable for monitoring natural sleep,
SCAT Deep Scattering Spectrum whereas it is still an invasive method that is not well tolerated
SERs Subband Energy Ratios by every subject. It is reasonable to leverage ML technologies to
SF Source Flow develop an approach for automatic localisation of the snore site
SFD Source Flow Derivative using only SnS. Relevant studies are extremely limited but are
SFFS Spectral Frequency Features increasingly developing given the recent advances of artificial
SP Signal Processing intelligence (AI) technologies. During the past three decades,
SVM Support Vector Machine SnS analysis has witnessed three main trends: First (from 1990
SnS Snore Sound to 2012), simple acoustic features were calculated and analysed
TL Transfer Learning with statistical methods; second (from 2013 to 2016), human
UA Upper Airway hand-crafted features were used for training conventional ML
UAR Unweighted Average Recall models; third (from 2017 to present), state-of-the-art deep learn-
UBM Universal Background Model ing (DL) techniques were applied to contribute to extracting
VOTE Velum, Oropharyngeal lateral walls, Tongue, and higher level representations from SnS or even leading to end-
Epiglottis to-end learning from SnS raw data without any human expert
VQ Vector Quantisation knowledge.
WEF Wavelet Energy Features In this work, we aim to provide a thorough and comprehensive
WPTE Wavelet Packet Transform Energy review on ML methods applied to the SnS classification task. The
WTE Wavelet Transform Energy main contributions of this review can be summarised as: First,
XAI Explainable Artificial Intelligence to the best of our knowledge, this is the first review on ML based
e2e end-to-end methods for localising the snore site. Second, we introduce the
k-NN k-Nearest Neighbour reader to the background (including history and definitions) of
scGANs semi-supervised conditional Generative Adver- the relevant studies. In particular, we will indicate the motivation
sarial Networks of this study and highlight its significance in clinical practice.
Third, we introduce both the conventional ML methods and
the advanced deep learning approaches that were successfully
I. INTRODUCTION applied to overcome the challenges of the SnS classification task.
NORING is a prevalent disorder that affects more than 30 % Last but not least, we discuss the current limitations and provide
S adults of the British population [1]. Due to the fast devel-
opment in methodologies and applications of signal processing
perspectives on future work. We hope this review article can be
a good guidance for researchers who share the common interest
(SP) and machine learning (ML) during the past decades, snore to improve the understanding about cutting-edge technologies
sound (SnS) has been increasingly studied within a wide com- for other audiences in biomedical and health informatics.
munity which includes but is not limited to acoustic/audio SP, The remainder of this review article will be organised as
otorhinolaryngology, ML, and biomedical engineering [2]–[4]. follows: First, we give the definition of the problem we are
It was found that, as a common symptom [5], SnS can be used focusing on in Section II. In Section III, the background and
to develop a non-invasive approach for automatically screening related work will be introduced. Then, we present methods and
obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) [6], which is a serious chronic challenges in a comprehensive review of the existing literature in
sleep disorder affecting the general adult population ranging Section IV. Finally, we discuss the current work and provide an
from 6 % to 17 % [7]. When untreated, OSA cannot only result outlook in Section V before a conclusion is made in Section VI.
in morning headache and daytime sleepiness [8], but also be
an independent risk factor for stroke, hypertension, myocardial II. DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM
infarction, cardiovascular diseases, and even lead to diabetes,
In this section, we provide a brief introduction of the anatomy
and cause accidents [9], [10].
of the upper airways. Then, we explain and compare the different
As indicated in a comprehensive review article by Roe-
categories of the snore site.
buck et al. [3], an audio recording based method (mainly focused
on SnS analysis) can be useful as an inexpensive method for
monitoring sleep. However, most existing literature aimed to use A. Anatomy
SnS for detection of OSA rather than localising the snore site. The upper airways are defined as the area from the nostrils
On the one hand, there are more demands from clinical practice and the lips to the vocal chords. They consist of the nasal and
to determine the accurate snore sound’s excitation location due oral cavities, the pharynx and the upper section of the larynx.
to the surgical options, which can be varied among different The pharynx is defined as the posterior section of the head and
snore sites [11], [12] and facilitate a targeted surgical plan for contains several anatomical landmarks, such as the soft palate
both of the OSA suffers and the primary snorers [13]. On the (the velum), the palatine tonsils, the posterior part of the tongue


developed by Kezirian et al., distinguishing between four pha-

ryngeal levels in which snoring and airway narrowing [24] can
Fig. 1. The anatomy of the upper airways. occur. Precisely, these are
r V-Velum: level of soft palate, uvula, lateral pharyngeal wall
tissue at velum level.
r O-Oropharynx: level of palatine tonsils, lateral pharyngeal
(the tongue base) and the epiglottis. The epiglottis separates the
wall tissues at tonsillar level.
pharyngeal area from the upper gastric tract (the oesophagus) r T-Tongue: level of tongue base, lingual tonsil, pharyngeal
and the larynx, which contains the vocal chords. Fig. 1 shows a
wall posterior to the tongue.
schematic overview of the upper airway anatomy. r E-Epiglottis: level of epiglottis.
Snoring is caused by vibrations of the soft tissue structures in
the upper airways, especially at physiological constrictions [18]. For each of the levels, the VOTE classification describes
During sleep, the muscle tone decreases and the soft tissue the shape of airway constriction, using the categories anterior-
slackens, increasing its tendency to vibrate. The inspiratory posterior (a-p), lateral (l), and concentric (c), as well as the
airflow velocity increases at narrow sections within the upper degree of constriction (0, no obstruction; 1, partial obstruction;
airways, triggering tissue vibrations and turbulent flows, in turn 2, complete obstruction). In addition, the occurrence of snoring
causing snoring noise. is noted.
Typical areas contributing to the generation of snoring noise Table I summarizes the resulting twelve categories of the
are the soft palate, and its very tip, the uvula, which can vibrate VOTE classification. It must be noted that certain combinations
in anterior-posterior direction, the palatine tonsils which usually of level and constriction shape are extremely rare for anatomical
vibrate in a lateral direction, the base of the tongue which can reasons, such as a lateral narrowing at the velum level.
fall back and restrict the passage between tongue and posterior A general rule in machine learning is, the bigger the number
pharyngeal wall causing vibrations or sounds caused by the of samples in the training data set, the better the pattern generali-
turbulent air flow, and the epiglottis, which can collapse due sation and the more accurate and robust the resulting model. Fur-
to decreased structural rigidity or posterior displacement against thermore, the demand for training data increases with the number
the posterior pharyngeal wall. Furthermore, the pharyngeal walls of different classes that a training problem comprises. In other
themselves can contribute to snoring by collapsing at different words, the expected recognition performance of a machine clas-
levels and in different orientations. sifier on a given training set size gets better with fewer classes.
For a targeted treatment of snoring and related sleep-related In most real-world medical ML-tasks, the amount of training
breathing disorders, it is of essence to identify the mechanisms data is limited, as the effort for data acquisition and preparation
and locations actually contributing to the airway narrowing and is considerably high. First, the raw data itself is often available in
causing the snoring noise or the respiratory obstructions in the limited quantity only, and second, the effort for data preprocess-
individual subject. Acoustic methods to distinguish between ing and annotation is considerable and often requires manual
different snoring types can offer a means for tolerable and and work by trained and experienced medical experts. In order to
cost-effective diagnostic measures. make best use of the MPSSC dataset, the authors have used a sim-
plified version of the VOTE scheme for the data classification,
ignoring the shape of constriction and only considering the level.
B. Classification of Snoring
Further, the degree of airway narrowing was not considered, but
Numerous schemes have been suggested for classifying dif- only the existence of audible snoring events. This resulted in a
ferent types of snoring and upper airway obstructions [19]–[22]. four-class scheme containing the classes V, O, T, and E [13].
Early classifications were limited to the distinction between The simplified VOTE scheme might present limitations in
palatal or non-palatal snoring, i.e., the involvement of soft diagnostic preciseness. For example, a circular narrowing at
palate vibrations in snoring noise generation. It was generally oropharyngeal level is mainly caused by the pharyngeal walls
assumed that palatal snoring mainly occurs in primary snoring and might lead to a different therapy decision than a vibration in
without any obstructive dispositions of the upper airways, while lateral orientation at the same level, which indicates contribution
non-palatal snoring can be an an indicator for OSA [23]. of the tonsils.
A more accurate and widely used definition of different For this reason, Janott et. al. developed a modified clas-
snoring and obstruction mechanisms is the VOTE classification sification scheme with five classes, permitting the distinction

of selected combinations of orientation and level of vibration clustering method was used in [34] to discriminate palatal and
derived from the original VOTE classification [25]. The classes non-palatal SnS. In their study, they used a combination of
of the so-called ACLTE-scheme are defined as: the statistical moment coefficients of skewness and kurtosis
r A, V level, anterior-posterior vibration calculated from the snoring sounds from subjects (n = 15) per-
r C, V or O level, concentric vibration formed with sleep nasendoscopy evaluation (under anaesthetic
r L, O level, lateral vibration condition). Ng et al. continuously reported their contributions
r T, T level, any vibration orientation in studying formants extracted from SnS [35], [36], which are
r E, E level, any vibration orientation. considered to carry important information about the status of
The resulting ACLTE-corpus contains 1 115 SnS samples the upper airway (UA). The first three formant frequencies, i.e.,
from 343 subjects, and the size of classes is strongly imbalanced F1, F2, and F3 were indicated to be associated with the degree
with the A-class making up for almost half of the samples, while of constriction in the pharynx, the degree of advancement of
the T-class is smallest with only 3 % of the samples. This reflects the tongue relative to its neutral position, and the degree of
the frequency of occurrence of different snoring patterns in the lip-rounding, respectively [35], [37]–[40].
real world, where velum snoring is relatively common, while Nevertheless, the capacity of formants to localise the anatom-
isolated tongue-base snoring is a rare phenomenon [26]. ical site of snoring was not shown in [35] (n = 40) or [36]
(n = 40) while they were demonstrated to be efficient to dif-
ferentiate apneic SnS from benign ones. Moreover, Ng et al.
III. BACKGROUND made their efforts to analyse and model both the source flow
Early work can be traced back to Schäfer and Pirsig [27], who (SF) and its derivative (SFD) of SnS via the usage of an iterative
involved five children suffering from sleep disorders and one adaptive inverse filtering approach and Gaussian probability
adult who suffered from ‘simple snoring’ (n = 6). In that study, density function [41]. In that study (n = 40) [41], the shapes
the authors claimed that, ‘simple snoring’ of the adult was due in of SF pulses are different between SnS and can be associated
large part to vibrations of the soft palate while ‘apneic snoring’ with the dynamic biomechanical properties (e. g., compliance
of the children had a pathomechanism of enlarged adenoids and elasticity) of the SnS excitation source (ES). Particularly, the
and tonsils, which resulted in an impeded movement of the soft palatal (e. g., SnS from soft palate vibration) and the pharyngeal
palate [27]. Their conclusions were based on observations of the snoring (e. g., SnS from pharyngeal wall vibration) can be
frequency spectrum of the SnS. Quinn et al. reported differences explained mainly by the theory of flutter and the concept of
in the waveform and frequency between palatal and tongue static divergence, respectively [41]–[43]. Nevertheless, Ng et al.
base snoring [28]. However, the number of subjects (n = 6) clarified in [41] that clinical experiments were not conducted
involved in their study was limited, therefore their conclusions to warrant the accuracy of the SFD model for its relation to
cannot be easily generalised. Miyazaki et al. investigated the the occurrence and development of physiological events, e. g.,
fundamental frequency (F0) values in four types of snoring, i.e., closing, opening, and speed of ES vibration during snoring.
the soft palate, the tonsil/tongue base, the combined position, Motivated by the capability of formants to represent the structure
and the larynx [29]. They indicated in their findings (n = 75) and status of the UA, Qian et al. and Wu et al. analysed the
that the average value of the fundamental frequency for the formants extracted from long duration SnS audio recordings by
aforementioned four types of snoring was 102.8 ± 34.9 Hz the K-means clustering method [44] and hidden Markov mod-
(soft palate type), 331.7 ± 144.8 Hz (tonsil/tongue base type), els (HMMs) [45], respectively. Their findings showed possible
115.7 ± 58.9 Hz (combined type), and around 250.0 Hz (larynx differences between the properties of formants extracted from
type), respectively [29]. Hill et al. studied and made a statistical different SnS related signals which may reflect the changes of
comparison (n = 11) of the crest factor (ratio of peak to root the UA structure during the night while the accurate experts’
mean square value in any given epoch) between palatal and non- annotation was missing. Also, the number of subjects was ex-
palatal snoring [30]. They concluded that palatal SnS can have tremely small (n = 1). Additionally, Qian et al. found formants
a higher crest factor than non-palatal SnS (p < .01, Student-t could also be used as an efficient marker to monitor changes
or MannWhitney tests). In another study by Hill et al. [31], of the UA by observing its tracks [46]. Xu et al. indicated in
the values of the crest factor extracted from SnS generated their study [47] (n = 30) that the first snoring sound after an
by patients (n = 5) in natural sleep showed that the snoring obstructive apnoea of the upper level (above the free margin
mechanism may change in some individuals during the night, of soft palate) may have more energy components in the lower
which means that also the snore site may change. Agrawal et al. subband than its counterpart of the lower level (below the free
calculated peak frequency, centre frequency and power ratio margin of soft palate). Peng et al. claimed in their study [48]
for their distinguishing capacity of palatal, tonge-based, and (n = 74) that, F0 and F2 were found to be lower in palatal SnS
mixed snoring [32]. In particular, they compared the snoring than that in non-palatal SnS.
sound characteristics between induced and natural sleep (n = Psychoacoustical properties combined with other acoustical
11). They claimed that induced SnS contains higher frequency features, i.e., sound pressure level ([dB], A-weighted), loud-
components than natural SnS. Saunders et al. indicated that ness (sone), sharpness (acum), roughness (cAsper), fluctuation
centre frequency may be efficient to distinguish pure palatal strength (cVacil) and centre frequency (Hz) (mean values for
from tong base snoring (n = 35), but cannot be used to identify each parameter), have been applied to SnS analysis in [49].
multisegmental snoring (the mixed snoring) [33]. A 2-means In that study, the authors summarised the statistical analysis

of the aforementioned features extracted from SnS collected

within drug induced patients (n = 41) that, obstructive SnS had
a higher loudness than non-obstructive SnS (>25 sone); velar
SnS showed a higher roughness (>150 cAsper) than tonsillar
and post-apnoeic SnS, and had the lowest centre frequency
(<3 000 Hz); post-apnoeic SnS had the largest fluctuation
strength (>50 cVacil) whereas tonsillar SnS showed the highest
sharpness values (>1.6 acum).
In summary, the studies reviewed above were mainly based
on statistical analysis of acoustical features extracted from SnS
rather than using ML methods to localise the snore site automat-
ically. Besides, the involved subject numbers were limited (less
than 100). Early work using ML for classifying different SnS
data was done by Qian et al. [50]–[52]. The acoustic features Fig. 2. The number of publications on ML for SnS classification over
the recent five years (one paper officially published in January 2020
(e. g., crest factor, power ratio, formants, etc.) were investigated, was calculated into the year of 2019 for its first online publishing time).
and a simple machine learning model, i.e., k-nearest neighbour Literature searching was under a strict manually selection processing
(k-NN) [53], [54] was used as classifier. Furthermore, the phase based on Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, and PubMed with the keywords
‘snore sound,’ ‘snore site classification,’ ‘machine learning,’ and ‘deep
of feature selection was involved in [51], [52], in which the learning’ from the years 2015 to 2019.
finally selected features can be superior to the original larger
dimension of features in recognising SnS. Qian et al. found
that frequency-based features (e. g., spectral features, Mel- The results of the aforementioned published work are encour-
frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), or subband energy aging and promising. However, one challenge is still unresolved:
ratios (SERs)) performed better than amplitude-based features We are still lacking a standard publicly accessible annotated
(e. g., crest factor). Nevertheless, their study was based on SnS SnS database, which makes it difficult to develop and compare
data without accurate annotation in a low number of subjects relevant algorithms and approaches for the SnS classification
(n = 2, 1, 20 in [50], [52], [51], respectively). Wavelet features task. One milestone was reached by Janott et al. in [13], who
were first introduced to the task of SnS classification in [55] introduced the first accurately annotated and publicly accessible
(n = 24), which was also a first time where a machine learning SnS database, the Munich-Passau snore sound corpus (MPSSC).
based method was proposed for classifying four types of SnS MPSSC was first released in the INTERSPEECH 2017 Com-
annotated by ENT (ear, nose, and throat) experts, VOTE, i.e., putational Paralinguistics Challenge (COMPARE) [69], which
V (Velum), O (Oropharyngeal lateral walls), T (Tongue), and dramatically promoted the relevant studies in recent years (see
E (Epiglottis). Qian et al. claimed that their proposed wavelet Fig. 2). In Section IV, we will introduce and summarise the
features outperformed other frequently-used features (e. g., for- published literature based on MPSSC, which includes both con-
mants, power ratio, MFCCs) by achieving a highest unweighted ventional ML methods and the state-of-the-art DL approaches.
average recall (UAR, which is thought to be more suitable than On the one hand, MPSSC makes the study on SnS classification
accuracy for imbalanced data) [56] at 71.2 % by two-fold cross sustainable and comparable in terms of establishing the standard
validation in twenty-four subjects [55]. This record was soon (subject-independent data partitioning), defining the task (V, O,
beaten by a bag-of-audio-words (BoAW) approach (reaching an T, and E types of SnS by performing DISE), and benchmarking
UAR of 79.5 % using the same database as in [55]) proposed by the fundamental studies (official baseline). On the other hand,
Schmitt et al. [57]. there are still several challenges to be addressed in MPSSC and
A comprehensive study on the comparison of features among the relevant studies: First, the number of participating
and classifiers for recognising VOTE SnS was conducted by subjects might be sufficient (n = 219) whereas the number of
Qian et al. in [58]. In their study (n = 40), nine kinds of fea- available SnS audio instances is quite low (only 828), which
tures, i.e., crest factor, F0, formants, spectral frequency features constrains the capacity to learn robust higher representations
(SFFs), power ratio at 800 Hz (PR800 ), SERs, MFCCs (0–12), by deeper models. Second, DL based methods may achieve
empirical mode decomposition [59] based features (EMDF), and comparable or even better performance than conventional ML
wavelet energy features (WEF) were investigated and compared. methods in SnS classification, but they are not perfectly ex-
As classifiers, seven models were selected, i.e., k-NN [53], [54], plainable. Third, the fundamental mechanism of different SnS
linear discriminant analysis (LDA) [60], support vector ma- generated from a variety of locations in the UA is not well
chine (SVM) [61], random forest (RF) [62], feedforward neural modelled or explained. In particular, as Hill et al. [31] indicate,
network (FNN) [63], extreme learning machine (ELM) [64]– the snore site may change during night, which makes locali-
[66], and kernel based extreme learning machine (KELM) [66]. sation of SnS using non-invasive audio based methods more
Finally, an early fusion (direct concatenation) of the overall complicated and difficult. Fourth, early studies [32], [70] raised
features selected by the ReliefF algorithm [67], [68] built on an issue that the SnS collected during induced sleep may not
a RF classifier reached the highest UAR at 78.0 % in a rigorous share the same characteristics as the SnS generated under natural
subject-independent case [58]. sleep. Nevertheless, most of the current work were based on

Fig. 3. Overview of conventional ML (top) and DL (bottom) based paradimgs for the SnS classification task. In conventional ML paradigms,
human hand-crafted features (low-level descriptor (LLD) or higher representations) are extracted from the SnS audio signal via human expert
domain knowledge. Then, a classifier will make predictions using its prior knowledge acquired via the training phase. In DL paradigms (except the
DNN models trained on human hand-crafted features), DL models learn features by themselves without any human expert domain knowledge.
Then, a classifier (or a fully connected layer combined with a softmax layer) will make the final predictions based on the outputs of the trained DNN

SnS annotated by performing the DISE (e. g., MPSSC), which Most of the studied LLDs are typical acoustical features (e. g.,
means the achievements might not be directly applicable to the MFCCs, F0, formants), while some others are not originally
development of natural smart home devices. Last but not least, designed for audio analysis (s. g., WEF, local binary pattern
more attention and efforts should be contributed to this research (LBP), histogram of oriented gradients (HOG)). Note that, SnS
(see Fig. 2). has similar characteristics as speech, whereas it also has some
In the following parts of this review, we will systematically properties belonging to physiological signals. These human
introduce the problems, methods, and challenges. Moreover, we hand-crafted LLDs carry important information about the snore
will discuss the current findings and limitations, and point out site and can be interpreted in the time and the frequency domain
our perspectives for future work. of the SnS. A large scale acoustical feature set, i.e., COMPARE,
and a simplified acoustical feature set, i.e., EGEMAPS, were in-
IV. METHODS vestigated for the SnS classification task (summarised in Table II
). Both the two feature sets can be extracted by our open-source
In this section, we present the methods applied to SnS classifi-
toolkit, OPENSMILE [95], [96].
cation. The ML techniques including conventional methods and
state-of-the-art DL approaches will be illustrated and described
in detail. Fig. 3 shows the general diagram of the conventional B. Higher Representations
ML and the DL based paradigms for the SnS classification task.
The aforementioned LLDs can be used directly for dynamic
ML models (e. g., HMMs [97] and Recurrent Neural Networks
A. Human Hand-crafted Low-Level Descriptors (RNNs) [98]), while higher representations (independent of the
In the conventional ML paradigm, features are designed SnS audio clip length) containing the statistical information of
by human experts with a specific domain knowledge (e. g., the LLDs over a given time are needed for training static models
medicine). Due to the similar characteristics of speech and SnS, (e. g., SVMs [61], or ELMs [65]). In this subsection, we will
early work on SnS classification tended to process the SnS data as introduce the higher representations investigated in the literature
speech. The low-level descriptors (LLDs) were firstly extracted that can be extracted from LLDs for the SnS classification task.
from frame-based SnS signals. Those LLDs may have specific 1) Statistical Functionals: The statistical functionals are cal-
physiological meanings in SnS analysis, and can be seen as culated from the frame based LLDs from a given period of the
the raw representations extracted from short-time frames of the audio signal, which include the arithmetic mean, standard devi-
analysed SnS. Table II lists the main LLDs used in published ation, extremes (minimum value, maximum value), and further
literature on SnS classification task and their corresponding more [99]. Some more advanced functionals, e. g., moments,
findings. percentiles, kurtosis, skewness, slope, and bias of the linear


regression estimation of the LLDs can also be applied in this a codebook of template LLDs which was previously learnt from
method [99]. For details on OPENSMILE LLDs (i.e., COM- a certain number of training data [74]. For generating the code-
PARE and EGEMAPS), interested readers are referred to [99]. book, Schmitt et al. and their followers used the initialisation
Qian et al. further investigated and compared nine functionals step of k-means++ clustering [104], which is comparable to
(maximum, minimum, and mean values, range, standard devi- an optimised random sampling of LLDs [105] instead of the
ation, slope and bias of linear regression estimation, skewness, traditional k-means clustering [106], [107] method to improve
kurtosis) in [55], [58]. the computational speed and at the same time guarantees a
2) Bag-of-Audio-Words: The bag-of-audio-words (BoAW) comparable performance. To improve the robustness of this ap-
approach originates from the Bag-of-Words (BoW, cf. [100]) proach, the Na (assignment number) words (i.e., LLDs) with the
approach, which had been demonstrated to be efficient in natural lowest Euclidean distance are considered instead of assigning
language processing [101] and computer vision [102], [103]. In each LLD to only the most similar word in the codebook. Finally,
the BoAW approach, the numerical LLDs or alternatively the the term frequency histograms (logarithm with a bias of one) are
higher level derived features extracted from the SnS data will used as higher representations extracted from the SnS via the
first undergo a vector quantisation (VQ) step, which employs BoAW approach. The BoAW approach was first introduced by

TABLE III of mean (representing the acoustical characteristics), but also

the second-order statistics of covariance (representing the shape
HNR: HARMONICS TO NOISE RATIO; RMSE: ROOT MEAN SQUARE ENERGY of the distribution) [91], [110]. Specifically, in their study, the
Bhattacharyya distance [113] was used instead of the widely
used Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence [114] to measure the
dissimilarity between two GMM distributions.
4) Fisher Vectors: The aim of the Fisher vector (FV) method
is to quantify the gradient of the parameters from a gener-
ative probability model [115]. Actually, the gradient of the
log-likelihood describes the direction that the parameters should
be adapted to in order to fit the data (LLDs) [115] best. Kaya
and Karpov introduced the FV method into the SnS classification
task in [82]. In their study, only the gradients of a K-component
GMM are used as Fisher vectors.

C. Deep Learning
In the past decade, DL [116] has become a very hot and
popular subject of the ML community due to its continuous
THE HUMAN HAND-CRAFTED LOW-LEVEL DESCRIPTORS (LLDS) IN THE breakthroughs in speech recognition [117], image classifica-
EGEMAPS FEATURE SET. RASTA: RELATIVE SPECTRAL TRANSFORM; tion [118], and object detection [119]. With the help of a series of
HNR: HARMONICS TO NOISE RATIO; RMSE: ROOT MEAN SQUARE ENERGY nonlinear transformation of the inputs, DL models can usually
learn more robustly and generalise higher representations from
a big data size compared with the classical ML models (shal-
low architectures). Specifically, DL models can facilitate the
technique development in the domain of biomedical and health
informatics with the ever-increasing big data [120]–[122]. For
the SnS classification task, DL was found efficient in several
studies even with a limited size of data. In summary, among
those DL based models for SnS classification, there are two
typical paradigms: First, training the models with human hand-
crafted features under a deep architecture (e. g., a more hidden
layers based multi-layer perceptron (MLP) [71], [74], [78], [84],
stacked autoencoders [71], [74], [78], or deep recurrent neural
networks [123]); second, using a pre-trained deep convolutional
neural network (CNN) [124] model to learn higher representa-
tions from the SnS data (its spectrograms), or learn the higher
representations from the raw SnS data (its audio) via the CNN
plus a RNN structure (end-to-end). In the first paradigm, the
Schmitt et al. to the SnS classification task in [57]. Qian et al. human hand-crafted features are still needed, which restrains
extended this study on wavelet-based features [55], [78] and the strength of DL compared with the traditional ML models.
extended the findings by involving the BoAW approach into Therefore, we will emphasize successful applications for the
their multi-resolution analysis for SnS classification in [75]. SnS classification task via transfer learning (TL – see next Sub-
3) GMM Supervectors: The GMM supervecors are gener- section) [125] and end-to-end learning (e2e) [126]. In addition, a
ated by the GMM approach [108], [109], which was success- recent study using generative adversarial network (GAN) [127]
fully applied to text-independent speaker recognition tasks. In for addressing the data scarcity in SnS will be introduced.
essence, the GMM supervectors are the stacked mean vec- 1) Transfer Learning: This method was first introduced to
tors of Gaussian mixture components [110]. In this paradigm, SnS classification in [128], [129], by which the authors used
a universal background model (UBM) is first trained by the the TL paradigm to extract deep spectrum features from
expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm [111] from a back- spectrograms of snoring. By leveraging pre-trained CNNs
ground dataset, which includes a wide range of corpora. Then, (AlexNet [118], and VGG 19 [130]), high level representations
the GMM supervectors (usually the mean vectors) can be ex- of the spectrograms can be extracted from the activations of
tracted from the models that are adapting the UBM model via the fully connected layers of the aforementioned deep models.
the maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion [112]. This approach It was demonstrated that these CNN descriptors can achieve
was used for the SnS classification task in [84], [91]. In par- excellent performance on SnS classification without any human
ticular, Nwe et al. extracted not only the first-order statistics expert domain knowledge. Moreover, to reduce the redundancy

of the learnt deep spectrum features, Freitag et al. [129] in- in [75], very well designed features can be excellent repre-
volved a feature selection phase by applying the competitive sentations for recognising SnS even with a simple classifier
swarm optimisation (CSO) algorithm [131] to a wrapper based like Naïve Bayes (NB) [54]. Among the features, spectrum
paradigm [132]. based descriptors (e. g., MFCCs) outperformed amplitude based
2) End-to-End Learning: The e2e model was introduced in representations (e. g., crest factor). Qian et al. investigated the
the baseline work by the INTERSPEECH COMPARE snoring effects of frame sizes and overlap lengths of the analysed audio
sub-challenge [69]. As indicated by Schuller et al., one attractive chunk for extracting LLDs from SnS [71]. They indicate that
characteristic of the e2e model is that the optimal features can WEF may need a longer frame size (64 ms) than other feature
be learnt automatically from the data at hand [69]. In other sets (16 ms or 32 ms). In addition, the higher representation
words, feature engineering work needing much of human ex- extraction methods (cf. Section IV-B) are essential for final
perts’ efforts (e. g., acoustic and medical knowledge for snoring) performance. But a direct comparison between methods (e. g.,
is excluded in that paradigm. In the baseline e2e model [69], BoAW vs FV) is still missing.
a convolutional neural network was used to extract features For the DL paradigm, the main limitation is data size, which
from raw time representations of SnS data, and a subsequent constrains the power of deep models to learn robust and gen-
recurrent neural network (with long short-term memory (LSTM) eralise representations from the SnS data. Encouragingly, DL
cells [133]) was adopted to perform the final classification, has demonstrated that some efficient high level representation
which was similar to the model first applied successfully to a can be extracted automatically from the SnS without any hu-
speech emotion recognition task [134]. A dual convolutional man expert knowledge [128], [129], [135], [137]. In particular,
layer topology was proposed by Wang et al. in [135], by which CNN layers were found superior to RNN layers in extracting
the outputs of two separate convolutional layers (having different features for SnS classification [137]. In fact, directly using a
kernel dimension on the frequency axis, but equal dimension on CNN+LSTM architecture did not reach an excellent perfor-
the time axis) were merged via the element-wise average. Subse- mance in an early study [69]. The RNN based models were
quently, a channel slice model (instead of fully connected layers) found to be efficient when a data augmentation phase was in-
and two reccurrent layers (with a gated recurrent unit (GRU) volved [123]; they reached a UAR at 67.4 % on the development
cell [136]—a simpler structure compared to LSTM) were used set, while the performance decreased on the test set (UAR at
to implement the classification capacity. Schmitt and Schuller 54.4 %). But likely their main contribution to the SnS literature
made an in-depth investigation on different topologies of e2e for were their proposed scGANs, which were successfully validated
SnS classification [137]. They claimed in their findings that a in both the static acoustic data and the sequential acoustic
convolutional layer followed by a pooling step was superior to data [123], which was demonstrated to outperform other conven-
an LSTM layer. tional data augmentation methods (e. g., the synthetic minority
3) Generative Adversarial Network: Zhang et al. were the oversampling technique (SMOTE) [138], and a transformation
first group introducing GANs [127] to the SnS classifica- method [139]).
tion task [123], which provides a solution for addressing the One significant finding is that the multi-resolution method
data scarcity (specifically the annotated data) problem in al- (e. .g, wavelets) is very efficient for SnS classification. Qian et al.
most all intelligent healthcare topics. The authors proposed extensively validated their wavelet based approaches for SnS
the semi-supervised conditional generative adversarial networks classification in [55], [58], [71], [74], [75], [78]. This finding
(scGANs), which can automatically generate data by mapping was also supported by the work in [135], in which Wang et al.
a random noise space to the original data distribution. In doing found that fusing the global and local frequency information by
this, one can simulate an infinite number of training data without using different kernel sizes of CNN models can facilitate the
the need of an additionally exhausting human expert annotation extraction of deep representations from snoring.
process due to a generation process. Fig. 4 shows the UARs achieved by different models which
Further, by integration of the semi-supervised paradigm, sc- achieved better results than the MPSSC baseline in recent years.
GANs require only one model to synthesise different categorical The current best result on the test set (p < .001 by one-tailed
SnS data. Moreover, an ensemble of scGANs are employed to z-test, compared to the baseline) was achieved by Demir et al.
overcome the model collapse issue when generating the data. in [88]. They used the LLDs extracted from spectrograms of SnS
via image processing methods. However, we should note that
V. DISCUSSION there was a big gap between the performance on the development
and test sets (37.8 % vs 72.6 % of UAR) in their study. We can
In this section, we discuss the findings showing interesting
find this phenomenon in almost any other studies based on the
scientific significance of the current studies. Also limitations
MPSSC database. We think this could be due to the factor that
in the work covered by this literature review will be given. In
MPSSC has different data collection environment conditions
addition, we indicate some possible future directions, which may
and acoustic property distributions among the partitions. One
help facilitate attracting more work to this topic.
exception is the work done by Vesperini et al. [84], in which their
model had an excellent performance on both the development
A. Current Findings and the test sets (67.1 % vs 67.7 % UAR). In their proposed
Generally speaking, in the conventional ML paradigm, there method, a well designed MLP based deep model (with specifi-
is no huge gap between the performance among different ML cally tuned hyper-parameters) was used, which might need large
models, while the features matter indeed [74]. As demonstrated amount of efforts from experienced AI experts.

similar independent of the type of sleep, since the underlying

pathomechanical properties are no different. Comparing snoring
during artificial and natural sleep in the same subjects using an
ML model of sufficient accuracy might even help contributing
to this problem. Also, making use of multichannel pressure
measurement in combination with DISE for the annotation of
SnS types in artificial and natural sleep might help to shed more
light to this unanswered question.
Last but not least, it is known that snoring properties depend
on anthropometric parameters [140], but little is known on the
differences of SnS properties between different ethnicities. The
MPSSC is assembled using recordings from three German hos-
pitals with patients predominantly coming from central Europe.
Fig. 4. The UARs (in [%]) achieved by models (on the test set) in Comparing acoustic properties from different SnS databases
published work based on the MPSSC Database. Only the work which
achieved better results than the MPSSC baseline [69] (in blue bar) are
using raw data form different parts of the world can be an
shown. Wavelets here means the late fusion of WTE, WPTE, and WEF. interesting aspect of future snoring research.
The work in [92] used a slightly different COMPARE feature set as used 2) Explainable Models: Explainable AI (aka XAI [141])
in [69].
aims to improve the trust and the transparency of AI-based sys-
tems by making the ML algorithms interpretable. As highlighted
Another point which should be noted is that feature selection in [141], knowing the reasons behind a critical decision is impor-
may help improve or at least keep a comparable performance tant in disease diagnosis. Recently, scholars in the community
when using a much lower dimension than the original feature of biomedical engineering are making efforts to improve the
space [58], [91], [129]. Nevertheless, this step may dramatically interpretability in both conventional ML models [142] and DL
increase the computational complexity of the whole paradigm, models [143]. Looking back at the SnS classification task, the
and may result in inconsistent feature selection results on devel- lack of interpretability in existing successful methods limit the
opment and test sets. power of AI in clinical practice. In particular, compared with
conventional ML models, DL models have their own black-box-
like characteristics, which makes the explanation dramatically
B. Limitations and Outlook difficult once the model is sufficiently complex. Moreover,
Even though the existing studies have shown encouraging and there is a trade-off between interpretability and accuracy [144].
promising results, there are still some directions that require Current studies in SnS focused more on the interpretability of
in-depth research. Based on the limitations of the existing work, features (both the conventional ML and DL methods) rather
we give a brief summary on the future outlook as follows: than the models. Adadi et al. systematically summarised the
1) Fundamental Studies: To the best of our knowledge, there emerging techniques used in XAI [141]. We think visualisation
is not a thorough and solid conclusion revealing the relationship appears as a promising method for understanding the higher
between acoustical properties of SnS and the anatomical posi- representations extracted from SnS by DL models, which has
tions of snore sites. We still lack a fundamental understanding already been successfully applied to the field of acoustic scene
about the characteristics of SnS, particularly, for discriminating classification [145].
snore sites. Pevernagie et al. presented a comprehensive review 3) Fusion Strategies: As summarised by Han et al., the
on the acoustics of snoring [2] while the main attention was given main fusion strategies can be categorised into three groups, i.e.,
to OSA diagnosis. Similarly, mechanism modelling of SnS was feature-level fusion, decision-level fusion, and model-level fu-
built on the target of OSA detection rather than the localisation sion [146]. Among these strategies, feature-level fusion (a. k. a.
of the snore site [36], [41]. Therefore, the acoustical analysis of early fusion) and decision-level fusion (a. k. a. late fusion) have
SnS based on large scale investigations should be given more already been applied to the SnS classification task. Model-level
attention in future investigations. This will not only enrich the fusion means fusing the intermediate representations of different
knowledge of experts in acoustics and medicine, but also help modalities (e. g., audio, and video) [147]. The authors believe
the ML community to design more efficient and robust features that in the future, other non/less-invasive modalities (e. .g, audio,
specifically for snore site localisation. scalp electroencephalography, respiratory, heart rate, and blood
It is a matter of ongoing discussion in the medical community pressure) can be fused together for a better localisation of the
to what extent SnS collected during drug-induced sleep resem- snore site. In particular, with the fast development of wearables
ble those generated in natural sleep [2], [32], [70]. There are and technologies of distributed/edge computing, we can easily
indications that the type of snoring changes during the course collect and get more useful modalities for the SnS classification
of the night in normal sleep [31], and it is known that the task. For this review article, we mainly focused on using audio
type of snoring and the mechanisms of obstructions observed based methods. Adding other features requires work in early and
during DISE do to a certain extent change with the depth of late fusion. For early fusion, we should learn from previous work
sedation. On the other hand, it can be argued that the actual that ‘more’ does not always mean ‘better’ when concatenating
sound of different types of snoring sound should remain very features. We should take both the final prediction performance

and the dimensionality of the feature space into account. To this overcoming the challenges posed by SnS localisation. Compared
end, selecting efficient and robust features, or feature reduction to other applications in AI for healthcare, acoustical analysis of
methods, can be a good direction in future SnS classification SnS is a younger field, which means that we still have insufficient
tasks. Qian et al. systematically evaluated the contributions of fundamental knowledge about the acoustical properties of SnS.
each feature set to SnS classification, but their method involved Moreover, the availability of publicly accessible databases is
human experts’ effects [58]. In future work, automatic feature also extremely limited, which constrains the relevant studies.
selection approaches will be more telling. For late fusion, finding Deep learning methods are promising, but there is a far way to
an efficient voting strategy is the key to a successful imple- go to build a robust and explainable system for SnS analysis.
mentation. In a recent doctoral thesis [74], two popular voting In the discussion, we shared final insights and perspectives. We
strategies were compared, i.e., majority voting (MV) and margin think that the combination of the conventional solid knowledge
sampling voting (MSV). The former one is based on the major in signal processing and machine learning together with the
prediction made by an ensemble of ML models while the latter increasingy advanced deep learning methods can leverage the
one is based on the prediction made by the ML model which power of AI to finally provide a robust and accurate system for
achieved the highest margin sampling value [148] (the difference the non-invasive localisation of the snoring site via an audio
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