Your Body - The Ultimate Lethal Weapon - Keith D. Yates - Paladin Press - 1987
Your Body - The Ultimate Lethal Weapon - Keith D. Yates - Paladin Press - 1987
Your Body - The Ultimate Lethal Weapon - Keith D. Yates - Paladin Press - 1987
Your Body—the Ultimate Lethal Weapon
by Keith D. Yates
Copyright © 1987 by Keith D. Yates
ISBN 0-87364-438-7
Printed in the United States of America
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x Your Body
There have been cases where the victim of an attack has actu-
ally been sued because he or she injured the attacker. It is
unfortunate, but you may have to prove that you were actu-
ally in danger or that at least you believed you (or your loved
ones) were in danger and that is why you resorted to violence.
The best rule of thumb is to just walk away or try to talk
your way out of an altercation. Use your common sense.
After all, the other person may have a weapon in his pocket.
He might have two or three friends around the corner. You
don’t want to fight unless you absolutely have to. Avoiding
a confrontation is always a win/win situation.
I like to use this simple formula to teach my students about
the importance of common sense in self-defense: P-R-E-F.
P is for prevention. This means doing things like parking
under a streetlight in the shopping-mall parking lot when
you know you will be returning to your car after dark. It
means putting your wallet in your pocket sideways so that
it is harder for a pickpocket to slide it out.
Prevention is taking some commonsense precautions to
avoid any possible trouble. Don’t pull out a roll of bills in
a bar where you don’t know anyone. Don’t let a repairman
in the front door without proper identification.
R is for recognition. Be aware as you walk down the street
and you’ll notice that suspicious-looking person following
you. Recognize that the drunk at the bar is getting out of
hand and excuse yourself before you wish you had. Recogni-
tion is being aware enough to head off potential trouble
before it gets too bad.
We have all been told to drive defensively, watching out
for the other guy. You should conduct yourself in the same
watchful, defensive manner at all times.
E is for escape. This means talking your way out of a fight
or running if you have to. There is no shame in running from
a fight. You may have saved someone (either yourself or the
other person) some serious injury (or worse) by doing so.
Cooperate with an assailant. Give him your wallet.
Apologize for cutting him off on the freeway. Let him know
you don’t want to fight him. Remember, you want to avoid
the confrontation.
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon xiii
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Target Areas
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There are many more parts of the body that are susceptible
to attack. Rather than create a long listing that you probably
won't remember, I'll just point out ten of the most common
and the ones easiest to get to. Let’s call these the secondary
target areas. Striking these targets will usually result in at
least a stunning effect and, at the most moderate, serious
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 3
] Secondary
temple nade
solar plexus
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Basic Blocks
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1. This is probably the
most commonly used
block in a real fight. Use
it to stop a swinging-type
punch coming toward
the side of your head.
2.The forearm does
the blocking. Lift the
elbow slightly so the fist
cannot hook around your
arm and still hit your
3. Note that the de-
fender has also shifted
his head to the side to
further avoid the punch.
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 7
4. This block is also
designed to stop a swing-
ing-type punch.
5. The opposite side of
the forearm is used.
6. The same shifting of
the head is employed to
get further out of the way
of the punch attack.
8 Your Body
7. This block is com-
monly used to stop a
weapon, but it can be
used against an empty
hand attack as well.
8. Be sure to block the
attacker’s arm and not
the stick or knife itself.
9.It is very impor-
tant to move the head to
avoid the attack espe-
cially if there is a weapon
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 9
10. This is used to stop
either a low punch to the
abdomen or a kick to the
11. Use the outer fore-
arm to block.
12. This time, move
your hips slightly to the
rear to provide a safety
margin as you block.
10 Your Body
13. If a particularly
large person is doing the
striking, you might want
to use both hands to
14. The same thing
applies to a kick.
15. Remember: If the
attacker has a weapon,
you need to avoid it with
your body and block as
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 111
16. If you want to main-
tain a defensive position
without actually putting
your hands up in fists
(thereby signaling the
aggressor that you are
ready to fight), you might
try this position.
17. Note how easy it is
to move the hand into an
outside block.
18. You can also quickly
strike to the face area.
Basic Strik S ,
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14 Your Body
23. A straight jab is an
effective technique.
24.1f you don’t lean
into the punch, you rob
yourself of power and
25. By moving your
hips forward, you can do
much more damage.
Note that the feet did not
move any closer than in
the previous photo; the
forward thrust is done
only with the hips.
24 25
16 Your Body
Reverse Punch
26-27. A reverse punch is used when you need more power
than a straight jab. It comes from the back side where you
can use more body motion.
28. Again, you must make use of hip motion to maximize
power. Shown is a weak punch that may not even reach the
29. Here the hips are twisted. Note that the feet did not
get any closer than in the previous photo.
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 17
Inverted Punch
30. The inverted punch is used for attacking the ribs.
31. The backfist is a powerful technique.
32. The back of the first two knuckles is used to strike.
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 19
33. Hammer fist attacks are especially good for women and
children who may not be used to striking with their knuckles.
34. The inside flat part of the hand is used to hit the desired
35. Close-up of the hammer fist attacks.
20 Your Body
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 21
Ridge Hand
39-40. This is another powerful technique frequently seen
in competitive karate but also useful in self-defense. The
elbow should raise up as you prepare to deliver the blow to
help generate maximum power in the swing.
41. The striking surface is the inside part (or thumb side)
of the hand.
42. Close-up of the ridge hand.
22 Your Body
43. A palm heel strike is especially effective to the chin
or under the nose.
44. One or two fingers to the eyes will incapacitate an
45. If you desire to strike with all four fingers, separate
them in the middle so they can straddle the bridge of the
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 23
Tiger Mouth
46. This can be a deadly blow if done with maximum
power. The windpipe could be crushed, and the person
would then suffocate.
24 Your Body
47. This is the most
often used elbow strike. It
can be applied when you
are grabbed from the
48. The actual striking
surface is the flat part of
the elbow and not the
point or tip of the bone.
49. A rising elbow is
also very effective.
48 49
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 25
50.When someone
grabs you from the rear,
a back elbow is called for.
51. You can strike low
with the attack...
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26 Your Body
53. A downward elbow
strike is often used after
a kick.
54. The kick bends the
opponent over, and you
can come down from
above him.
55. The target areas are
the back of the neck or
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 27
Front Snap Kick
56. Start in a normal upright position.
57. Bring the kicking foot up to the opposite knee.
Your Body
Roundhouse Kick
66. Normal stance.
67. Come around with the hip and point the knee of the
kicking leg toward the desired target area.
32 Your Body
68. The kick snaps out, striking with either the ball of the
foot (as in the front kick) or the instep.
69. Snap the foot back to the hip to prevent the opponent
from grabbing your leg and to add to the snapping, ‘‘con-
cussion’ effect.
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 33
70. Stance.
71. Fold the foot as in
the other kicks.
72. The stomp or kick
itself should travel in
a downward motion to-
ward the knee or instep
of your attacker. A stomp
to the top of the foot can
be very painful and will
enable you to squeeze out
of a hold or grab and
strike with a more deadly
71 72
34 Your Body
Front Knee
73. A knee to the groin is very effective. Use your hips to
add thrust to the blow.
Round Knee
74. This works in the same way as the roundhouse kick.
Come around using your body momentum to generate maxi-
mum power.
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 35
75. When someone grabs you, pinning your arms to the
76. ...use the top of your head (right at the hairline) to
smash your attacker’s face.
36 Your Body
77. When grabbed from the rear...
78. ...jerk the back of your head into his face.
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38 Your Body
79. Do not hold keys between the fingers as shown here.
They can easily slip to one side or the other.
80. Place a key between your thumb and first finger and
grip it tightly. Use the key you will need next, such as the
one that unlocks your car door when you are in the parking
lot or the one that unlocks your house when you are walk-
ing from your garage.
81. Use the key to thrust into an attacker’s eye...
82. ...or use it in a slashing motion.
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 39
83. Hold the pen or pencil in your hand with the index
finger pointing down the length of the pen or pencil. Now
all you have to do is point your finger to the target.
84. A pen can be deadly if used to the right target area.
Striking the eyes or throat will cause immediate pain and
83 84
40 Your Body
85. Hold the comb across the palm with the end supported
by the thumb. You can use it in a slashing motion to an
attacker’s face or hand.
86. An umbrella or cane can easily be carried on the street
and can be used to strike many vulnerable parts of an
attacker’s body. The face, throat, solar plexus, and groin are
all targets.
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 41
87. Oftentimes the very thing an assailant is after, a
woman’s purse, can be used as a weapon against him. A
purse can be used as a distraction (that is to say, it can be
put right into his face).
88. Follow up with a knee to the groin.
42 Your Body
89. You might not want to throw the new shoes you just
bought at an attacker, but it is infinitely better than getting
beaten or killed. Toss the package(s) right at his face.
90. Follow up with a kick to the knees or groin.
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 43
91. By reaching into your pockets, you are telling your
opponent that you will give him some money. Throw the
coins’ right at his eyes.
92. Follow up with a leg technique.
44 Your Body
93. Just the sound of it makes you curl up your nose, doesn’t
it? The natural reaction is to try to wipe it off immediately.
94. Now is the time for your follow-up.
93 94
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Now let’s look at some actual situations and defensive
techniques. Look over the following photos, and practice the
techniques shown with a partner if possible.
Remember, however, that no two situations will be exactly
the same. In one instance, you might be able to use the com-
binations precisely as shown here and they will work
wonderfully, but in another situation, your assailant might
be slightly out of position and you will have to execute a dif-
ferent move. Use these examples more as principles of self-
defense rather than as exact prescriptions of what to do in
every situation.
There are obviously many more than twenty ways of grab-
bing someone. Remember, however, that the techniques
shown here are basic principles of defense. A kick to the
knee or jabbing fingers into the eyes will work in a number
of instances. Practice these techniques enough and you will
know what to do in almost any situation.
46 Your Body
One-Hand Grab
95. Grab.
96. Twist to the thumb side of the opponent’s hand to
release the hold. Use the strength of your entire arm against
his thumb.
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 47
Two-Hand Grab
97. Grab.
98. Reach over the top with your opposite hand and clasp
your hands together.
48 Your Body
99 100
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 49
50 Your Body
104 105
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 51
106 107
52 Your Body
109 110
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 53
Choke Hold
111. Grab.
112. Reach over the top with one hand and grab your other
hand coming in from the bottom.
111 112
54 Your Body
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 55
117 118
56 Your Body
Bear Hug
122. Grab.
123. Push his hips back
as you step backward.
124. Bring the knee
directly into his groin.
123 124
58 Your Body
Floor Pin
125. Hold.
126. Pull your feet up
as close as possible.
127. Pull your hands
out as you buck upward
with your hips. This
makes him release your
hands to protect his face
from hitting the floor.
126 127
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 59
128. As he releases
your hands, roll to the
side and push him off.
129. Keep rolling and
pushing so he does not
fall on top of you.
130. Follow up with a
hammer fist to the groin.
129 130
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131 132
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 61
137. Pick the knee up high for a round kick.
138. Strike to his solar plexus or groin area.
137 138
64 Your Body
One-Hand Grab
139. Grab.
140. Turn and block the
hand off your shoulder.
141. Reverse punch to
his ribs or kidneys.
140 141
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 65
Side-Hand Grab
142. Grab.
143. Grasp his sleeve for balance.
142 143
66 Your Body
145 146
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 67
Two-Hand Choke
147. Grab.
148. Pick your leg up
for power.
149. Drive your foot
straight back into his
148 149
68 Your Body
Bear Hug
150. Grab.
151. Step to the right
with your right foot and
shift your hips to the
right. This creates an
open space in front of the
attacker’s groin.
152. Hammer-fist back
into his groin.
151 152
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 69
153 154
70 Your Body
155 156
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 71
158 159
72 Your Body
Arm Lock
160. Hold.
161. Turn in the oppo-
site direction of the hold
and elbow.
162. If he moves his
head away or if he just
falls backward, finish
with a chop.
161 162
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 73
Head Lock
163. Hold.
164. Reach up with your right hand.
163 164
74 YounBody! a
166 167
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 75
169 170
76 Your Body
Full Nelson
171. Grab.
172. Position your hands in front of your forehead to
counter his pressure on your neck.
171 172
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 77
174 175
——— 2
80 Your Body
176 177
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 81
178. Close-up.
179. Grab the wrist
with your top hand.
180. Move to the side
and use the attacker’s
downward momentum to
guide the knife back into
his body.
179 180
82 Your Body
181 182
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 83
183. Push his hand to the right as you scoop under with
your right hand. Note how the thumb has captured the wrist.
184. Slipping your hands around his, step out to the left
to ekecute a wrist lock/throw.
183 184
84 Your Body
The Ultimate Lethal Weapon 85
187. On his way back (on the weak swing to his rear), block
with both arms.
188. Keep hold of the arm with the knife and elbow to the
187 188
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Let’s say you pull up to the drugstore, stop in the handi-
capped parking spot (I know you'd never do that, but this
is an example), leave your motor running and dash into the
store for a tube of toothpaste. When you return and drive
off, you discover that someone has entered your car and is
hidden behind your seat.
You have been taken hostage in your own car. Usually you
can’t tell if the intruder really intends to use a weapon on
you. It is likely that he is only using it to intimidate you into
giving him what he wants. He is probably as frightened as
you are; by provoking him, you may cause him to react by
harming you even though that was not his original intention.
That same principle applies if you confront a burglar ‘in
your home. He is excited and possibly on drugs. Assure him
you will cooperate fully. You want to keep him calm to pre-
vent violence.
Seeing you unarmed, an attacker might single you out
as the perfect vulnerable target. But little does he
know: your body is a collection of deadly weapons,
He—not you—is the one who doesn't stand a chance,
because your foot can easily crash through his chest!