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B1 Grammar Block Class 8.

Gerund / Infinitive
Class Video
Tasks 1-10
Task 1a
Read the conversation between a brother and a sister. Who do you think is right?

Paul: Can you, please, stop playing Justin Bieber? I’m trying to study here!
Paulina: Can you, please, stop being such a geek? Try going out and meeting people.
Paul: Stop giving me your stupid advice. I have a life.
Yesterday, on my way to university I stopped to have a coffee with a girl.
Paulina: A real girl? Wow! Do you remember telling everyone you had a girlfriend when you
were 10?
No one believed you.
Paul: I did! Her name was Lisa! Look who’s talking. Remember to kiss Justin Bieber’s picture
before going to bed!
Task 1b
Look at the examples in bold from Task 1A. Match rules (A – F) with the formulas
in the table (1 – 6).

F) Remember for the future, not forget

C) Do something difficult (problem)

E) Remember something from the past

D) Advice, experiment (solution)

A) Quit, finish something completely

B) Pause in order to do something

1 Stop + ing
2 Stop + to
3 Try + ing
4 Try + to
5 Remember + ing
6 Remember + to
Task 1c
Open the brackets in the correct form.
1 I remember (buy) some strawberries yesterday. Where are they? – I have no idea. Sammy
must have eaten them. – Stop (lie)! I know it was you!
2 Honey, please remember (buy) some sour cream. We’re having varenyky tonight.
– Sounds great!
3 Please, stop (talk). I’m trying to hear what the doctor is saying. – Sorry, my bad.
4 Hey Brad! I saw you yesterday in the city center. Why didn’t you stop (talk) to me? – Oh,
sorry. I was running late for work.
5 My cousin’s been trying (lose) weight for ages by dieting. – Really? Why doesn’t she try
(exercise) more?
6 Do you remember (visit) your grandpa in the hospital? – Yes, I really tried
(make) him laugh, but he didn’t like my sense of humour.
7 Jack’s really hooked on playing computer games. He’s trying (kick) the habit. – I had the
same problem. He should try (go) out and hanging out with people more.

Task 2
Translate the sentences into English. Choose only the correct options. There are
some extra phrases that are wrong.

Task 3
Match the lyrics with the name of the performer.

“… to tell you I’m sorry for breaking your heart”

“I don’t mind spending every day out on your corner in the pouring rain”

“…keep on dancing till the world ends”

“I want to break free”

“…let me love you”

“I can’t help falling in love with you”

Gerund and Infinitive
Verbs in English can be followed by different structures. Some verbs are followed
by infinitive (to + verb), some verbs are followed by gerund (verb + ing).
Task 4
Complete the sentences using gerund or infinitive.

1 My parents want (sell) the house, but I really adore (live) in this neighbourhood.
2Julia doesn’t enjoy (cook), but she needs (feed) her children.
3 I can’t stand (work) with my new colleague because he always refuses (help) me.
4 My husband was really looking forward to (attend) Pink’s concert, but in the end we
decided (not/go).
5 How did you manage (keep) a straight face? I couldn’t help (laugh) during his speech.
6 Do you mind (switch) seats with me? I’d like (sit) closer to the teacher.
7— Is everything okay? You seem (be) tired.
— I haven’t been sleeping well lately, so I hope (finish) this project soon.
8 We agreed (help) our friend with a bake sale, but now she’s making us (bake) all those
9 Have you finished (write) that essay? You promised (check) my Math homework.
10 Brian expected (get) back together with his girlfriend, but she didn’t even let him (say) a
word to her.
I guess she won’t miss (be) in a relationship with him.

Task 5
Choose the correct option. Choose both options if possible.
1 My neighbor keeps ask asking me for money. He’s so annoying.
2 We look forward to hear hearing from you.
3 Andrii loves listening listen to music.
4 Is Wendy good at tell telling stories?
5 Are you going to let her to talk talk to you like that?
6 I prefer to work working alone.
7 My mother likes gossiping to gossip .
8 Maks would like buy to buy a new camera.
9 Can we please finish to discuss discussing this issue?
10 Our teacher makes us repeating repeat words after her.

Task 6a
Choose one of your groupmates. Complete these sentences about him / her. Use
gerund or infinitive.
1. In their free time, I think this person likes...
2. During English classes, this person can’t stand...
3. In my opinion, this person usually looks forward to ...
4. When this person was a child, I think he / she enjoyed...
5. Recently, he / she has decided...
6. He / she doesn’t mind ...
7. During our English classes, he / she managed...
8. This person wants...
So he / she keeps...
Task 6b
Work in pairs. Read all your sentences to your partner and see if they can guess
who you wrote about.

e.g.: In my opinion, this person usually looks forward to sleeping at weekends.

– Oh, it’s Olia.
Task 7a
Make questions. Pay attention to the verb forms.
1. What / you / enjoy / do in your free time?
2. You mind / talk to strangers on the bus?
3. Why / you / decide / study English?
4. How many children / you / expect / have?
5. What / you / look forward / do this weekend?
6. Would / like / live abroad? Where?
7. What / your teacher / make you do in class?
8. What / you / refuse / do at home?
9. There / someone / you / can’t stand / spend time with?
10. You / adore / lie on the beach in the summer?
Task 7b
Now interview people in your class. Make sure you use full sentences while
answering the questions.

Task 8
Put the verbs in brackets into gerund or infinitive.
I have a silly cat named Richard. Like all cats, he mostly enjoys 1 (sleep) all day.
He also adores 2 (chase) flies and mosquitos even though he doesn’t need
3 (hunt) for food. Last week he managed 4 (catch)
a huge fly and bring it to me to show how cool he is :) . Richard is usually obedient, but from
time to time he
loves 5 (wake) me up early in the morning. He will keep 6
(meow) until I open my eyes. I don’t mind 7 (get) up early, but I can’t
stand him 8 (walk) on my face or 9 (steal) my pillow.
Imagine waking up with a sore neck because your cat has been sleeping on your pillow instead
of you! When I tell
Richard off for 10 (take) my place, he doesn’t seem 11 (care) at
all. He’s just a typical cat. Nevertheless, when I’m at work, I miss 12 (see) him and always
look forward to 13 (come) back home. He greets me by the door every time and I can’t help
14 (smile).

Task 9
Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Pay attention to the verb

agree / meet
can’t help / cry
can’t stand / wake up
keep / ask
let / stay up
not mind / make
refuse / finish
want / learn

1 I’ve always to play the piano. Unfortunately, I never got a chance to do that.
2 My husband breakfast for me. In fact, he loves cooking.
3 We never at 7 o'clock. I clearly said 6!
4 The movie was so touching. She .
5 When I was a child, my parents as late as I wanted.
6 My daughter early to go to school.
7 Jessica me questions even after I had told her to stop.
8 The workers the renovation until we paid them.

Task 10
Correct the mistakes in sentences. One sentence is correct.
1. My extended family was looking forward to meet my fiancé after we got engaged.
2. Our dog can’t stand be home alone .
3. He promised to not call me after 10 .

4. I decided to don’t take out a mortgage . It’s impractical .

5. Emily lets me to use her phone whenever I want .

6. Last year we manage to double the profit of our company .

7. Bob seems to know all the answers . He’s so bright .

8. They will keep fight until justice is restored .

9. Melanie , I will miss you ! – Aww… I’ll miss study with you, too .

10. My mom don’t mind help my extended family as long as they help her in the time of
need .

Test Yourself
Choose the correct option.
1. – Where would you like _____ you birthday? – I haven’t decided yet.
• celebrate

• to celebrate
• celebrating

• to celebrating
2. When I was a kid, my parent didn’t let me_____ up all night.
• stay

• to stay
• staying

• to staying
3. I thought you were good at _____, but these pancakes are disgusting.
• cook

• to cook
• cooking

• to cooking
4. To be honest, I don’t mind _____ you with your project if you buy me some coffee.
• help

• to help
• helping
• to helping
5. – Why did you refuse _____ with Tom? – Are you kidding? He’s married!
• go out

• to go out
• going out
• to going out
6. Jacob has heard a lot about you! He’s really looking forward _____ you as soon as possible.
• see

• to see
• seeing
• to seeing
7. Please, don’t make me _____ there! You know that I’m afraid of insects. Kill it first!
• go
• to go
• going
• to going
8. Don’t promise _____ her forever if you aren’t sure you can keep this promise.
• love

• to love
• loving
• to loving
9. We can’t help _____ about the exam. We feel really nervous.
• think

• to think
• thinking
• to thinking
10. Jake really hopes _____ the race. He’s been training a lot.
• win
• to win
• winning
• to winning

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