Polymer Composites - 2024 - P.P - A Short Banana Fiber PLA Filament For 3D Printing Development and Characterization
Polymer Composites - 2024 - P.P - A Short Banana Fiber PLA Filament For 3D Printing Development and Characterization
Polymer Composites - 2024 - P.P - A Short Banana Fiber PLA Filament For 3D Printing Development and Characterization
DOI: 10.1002/pc.28519
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Abstract
Karnataka, Surathkal, India This study aims to develop a 3D printable composite filament using short
School of Mechanical and Materials banana fiber and polylactic acid (PLA). The filament was acquired through a
Engineering, Indian Institute of
single screw extruder, employing various blending techniques. Various fiber
Technology Mandi, Mandi, Himachal
Pradesh, India loadings were examined, impacting PLA's mechanical, thermal, and printabil-
ity properties. The results revealed altered mechanical characteristics, with
Jeyaraj Pitchaimani, Department of
reduced tensile and flexural properties compared with pure PLA. However,
Mechanical Engineering, National these values are at an acceptable level for non-structural applications. Compared
Institute of Technology Karnataka, with previous works, the filament developed in the present work is found out to
Surathkal 575025, India.
Email: [email protected] be second strongest among the cellulose fiber-reinforced PLA filaments. 3D
printing with the composite filament encountered no significant issues. A modi-
Funding information
fied mixing method improved mechanical characteristics, although 3D-printed
SERB-DST, Government of India,
Grant/Award Number: CRG/2020/001389 samples showed deteriorated mechanical characteristics due to poor interfacial
bonding. This research introduces an environmentally viable strategy for
advancing 3D printing technology by integrating banana fibers into PLA fila-
ment. The proposed strategy can be effectively utilized in making cellulose/PLA
filaments for 3D printing applications. This innovative approach preserves PLA's
natural biodegradability while carefully managing the integration of banana
fibers and their potential effects on mechanical properties.
• Fiber loading influences mechanical, with minimal impact on thermal
• Solution casting improved fiber/matrix bonding and filler homogeneity.
• Plasticizing effect reduces the tensile strength.
• Modified mixing resulted in even filament diameter and improved tensile
3D printing, banana fiber, biocomposites, extrusion, mechanical properties, PLA
in 3D printing technology, revolutionizing manufactur- various sectors including automotive, construction, and
ing with flexibility and cost-effectiveness.1 machinery.21 Classifying fibers based on specific tensile
PLA, a biopolymer derived from sustainable vegetable strength reveals that, aside from high-performing kenaf,
sources like maize and potatoes, is gaining traction as a fibers from the Canary banana rank amidst the top. In the
sustainable substitute for petroleum-based plastics.2 PLA examination of interfacial bonding in BF/thermoset resin,
has garnered significant attention for applications in pack- it was demonstrated that the bonding between fiber/resin
aging, electronics, and the automotives in past few years.3 surpassed that of other scenarios.29
PLA serves as an environmentally friendly matrix, repla- Extensive research has focused on BF and PLA-fiber
cing nonbiodegradable petroleum-based polymers.4–10 It composites, exploring various processing methods and
offers excellent printability, high strength, and biocompati- their effects on material properties. PLA/NF composites
bility11 but faces limitations in 3D printing due to issues exhibit demonstrate properties either comparable or
like brittleness and structural integrity. superior to those of PLA/synthetic fiber counterparts.30,31
Researchers seek biodegradable and renewable natu- Studies by Komal et al.32 investigated BF-PLA compos-
ral fiber composites (NFCs) to address environmental ites, highlighting how different molding techniques
concerns and regulations. Natural fibers, sourced from impact fiber dispersion and orientation, influencing the
materials like hemp, jute, bamboo, or flax, offer an entic- resulting mechanical properties. Compatability and sta-
ing alternative owing to their renewable nature, afford- bility of the PLA was improved when treated BF was con-
ability, and favorable mechanical traits. NFC can replace jugated to PLA via melt mixing.33 PLA-BF biocomposites
metals and fiber-reinforced composite materials in spe- were developed by various researchers by melt mixing BF
cific applications. They improve biodegradability, cut with PLA matrix.34–39 Asmawi et al.40 delved into sugar
costs, and reduce environmental risks.12–16 Natural fiber- palm nano cellulose fiber-reinforced starch/PLA blend
polymer composites offer extensive uses, including bio nanocomposites, revealing that increasing starch con-
manufacturing sporting goods, aerospace components, tent led to decreased mechanical properties due to
automobile parts, and building materials.17 However, starch's inherent brittleness. Suryanegara et al.41 created
adding natural fiber (NF) to PLA can significantly nanocomposites of microfibrillated cellulose and PLA using
enhance its biodegradability, thus offering sustainable organic solvent blending and hot pressing, with dichloro-
options for diverse applications with disposal concerns. methane proving effective for dissolving semi-crystalline
Bananas, a globally consumed fruit grown in 130 coun- PLA. Satriyatama et al.42 developed PLA-wheat bran poly-
tries with an annual yield of around 115.7 million tonnes,18 mer composites, while Depuydt et al.43 compounded PLA
generate substantial plant waste after harvesting. Yet, the with plasticizers and bamboo/flax fibers, observing stiffness
high-quality fiber within banana plants holds potential as a improvement with long bamboo fibers. Stoof et al.44 rein-
valuable resource. Previously discarded banana pseudo- forced PLA with hemp and harakeke fibers, recommending
stems are presently repurposed to generate value-added plasticizers for better performance. Felix et al.45 combined
products, thereby diminishing waste and argumenting jute and hemp fibers (50:50) with PLA using compression
farmers' earnings.19 Banana fiber (BF) has the potential to molding. Jia et al.46 prepared PLA-microcrystalline cellu-
serve as a practical substitute for commercially employed lose composite over melt extrusion. Ye et al.47 used two-
carcinogenic synthetic fibers.20 BF offers economic benefits screw extrusion to prepare PLA/polycaprolactone/micro-
in India due to its low density, comparable strength, and crystalline cellulose composite. Wasti et al.48 extruded
biodegradability.21 With 64% cellulose content and a shal- PLA-lignin composite filaments and found that 5 wt% lig-
low microfibrillar angle of just 11 ,22 BF is an excellent nin maintained tensile strength, but higher levels decreased
reinforcement material for plastic composites, akin to com- it. Tao et al.49 explored wood flour-filled PLA composites
monly used glass fibers.23 BF exhibit low density, along for 3D printing, observing changes in microstructural com-
with high tensile strength and modulus. This positions it as position. Suteja et al.50 used continuous pineapple leaf
a promising choice for various applications.24 BF comprises fibers to enhance PLA's tensile strength via 3D printing.
a tough fibrous rind and a pliable nonfibrous pith, it is Vigneshwaran et al.51 examined the impact of layer height,
composed of 45%–55% cellulose, 20%–25% hemicelluloses, infill percentage and infill patterns on characteristics of 3D
and 18%–24% lignin.25 BF are recognized for their outstand- printed PLA/wood composites. Ahmed et al.52 developed
ing cellulose content, positioning them among the top nat- cellulose nanocrystals-PLA composite filaments, showing
ural fibers.24,26 The superior performance of plant fibers improved tensile strength with 0.75 and 1 wt% reinforce-
primarily stems from the crystalline nature of cellulose.27 ment but declining at 2 wt%. Dwivedi et al.53 investigated
Banana fiber exhibits commendable tensile strength, spe- PLA-based composite filaments for multi-material printing,
cific flexural strength, and resistance to rot, comparable to noting reduced mechanical properties with increased filler
that of glass fibers.28 BF holds significant promise for loading.
15480569, 0, Downloaded from https://4spepublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pc.28519 by Yefta Dev - Zhongshan University , Wiley Online Library on [05/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
P.P ET AL. 3
Suitable solvents for PLA include chloroform (CF), (15% weight-to-volume ratio) were dissolved in a chloro-
dichloromethane (DCM), dimethyl carbonate, acetone, eth- form and dichloromethane (2:1) solution by stirring at
anol, hexane, and tetrahydrofuran. PLA is soluble in CF 1200 rpm for an hour using a laboratory stirrer. The
within a concentration range of 10%–35% weight/vol- banana yarns were chopped and then ground into a
ume.54 Scaffaro et al.55 created PLA-carvacrol composite uniform size using a regular mixer grinder. To obtain a
films by dissolving PLA in a CF-acetone solution (2:1 by uniform size, the BF underwent a three-stage grinding
volume). Fibrous webs of PLA/polycaprolactone blends process. The fibers were sieved using a 150-micrometer
were produced via electrospinning using solvent systems mesh, the fiber length is found out to be varying
based on CF at varying concentrations.56 DCM was cho- between 200 and 1000 μm with an average length of
sen as a solvent to prepare nanocomposites of PLA with 510 μm and the diameter is varying between 24 and
cellulose, nanoclay57 and braided flax fabric.58,59 110 μm with an average diameter of 56 μm. The ground
Dimethyl carbonate served as a solvent for developing BF was added to the dissolved PLA solution. A plasti-
bamboo-reinforced PLA composites,60 and PLA was dis- cizer, PEG400, was introduced into the solution
solved in DCM to create hybrid PLA/nanocellulose/ through uninterrupted stirring at 1200 rpm for a dura-
nanoclay composites.61 tion of 15 min. The resulting mixture was poured onto
Although NF reinforcement yield no improvements in an open aluminum mold, where the solvent was then
the stiffness and strength of ABS and PLA materials,43,62 evaporated away. The composite sheets were then
developing environmentally friendly materials for 3D sliced into strips using a hand shear cutter, and the
printing applications remains an important research topic strips were further pelletized. Three filler loadings
in the current environmental context. The availability of were chosen as 2.5%, 5%, and 10% by weight
various PLA/NF filaments will help the engineers identify (PLA/BFC2.5, PLA/BFC5, and PLA/BFC10).
the appropriate ones for the given application. In this
study, various blending approaches were used to blend BF
with PLA, and filaments with varying fiber loadings were 2.2.1 | Filament extrusion and 3D printing
developed by single screw extrusion. The filaments under-
went comprehensive characterization of their physical and Aasabi Machinery Pvt., Ltd.'s 25SS/MF/26 single screw
mechanical attributes to guarantee quality. Following this, extruder, with three heating zones (feed, transition, and
we carried out 3D printing of test samples and assessed die), a 25:1 screw flight length to diameter ratio, and a
their mechanical characteristics. 2 mm die diameter, is used for PLA/BF composite fila-
ment extrusion. Before extrusion, the composite pellets
are preheated at 80 C for 6 h to eliminate any chloro-
2 | MATERIALS AND form, dichloromethane, or moisture content. The barrel
M E T H O DO L O G Y temperature ranges from 165 to 180 C along the length
of the extruder. The extruder feeder receives the pre-
2.1 | Materials heated pellets, which are then extruded as a 1.75 mm
diameter filament.
PLA granules (Luminy 175) manufactured by Total Car- This feedstock composite filament is then utilized as
bion were obtained from Konkan Speciality Poly Products, an input for the 3D printer, Creality Ender 3, which
Mangalore, Karnataka, India. BF was used as a filler mate- accepts filaments of 1.75 mm diameter. A 0.8 mm nozzle
rial and was procured from Jothi Fabric, Madurai, Tamil is employed in the 3D printer. The optimized parameters
Nadu, India. Chloroform and dichloromethane, solvents for 3D printing involve maintaining an extrusion temper-
for PLA, were purchased from Loba Chemie Pvt., Ltd. and ature of 200 C, a build plate temperature of 60 C, utiliz-
supplied by Sri Durga Laboratory Equipment Supplies, ing a layer height of 0.32 mm, and adhering to a printing
Mangalore, India. Both solvents have a purity of 99% for speed of 50 mm/s.
synthesis. Sri Durga Laboratory Equipment Supplies also
delivered the plasticizer polyethylene glycol 400.
2.3 | Characterization
F I G U R E 1 Banana fiber-reinforced polylactic acid composite (PLA-BF) blends (A) direct mixing, (B) solution casting, (C) modified
mixing and micrographs of filaments developed through (D) direct extrusion, (E) solution casting, and (F) modified mixing.
Considering these factors, a CF and DCM solution in a characteristics and a significant drop in the Tg of the PLA
2:1 ratio was chosen as the solvent. This combination matrix, 10–20 wt% of plasticizer is often recommended.68
was selected because CF and DCM are nonreactive, and Based on this, PEG400, with 15% volume/weight of PLA-
their mixture allowed for better control of solvent evapo- BF, is used as the plasticizer in the present work.
ration rates and improved dissolution. The extruded BF-reinforced PLA composite
Initially, extrusion was carried out without a plasti- (PLA/BFC) filaments are shown in Figure 2. Elevated fiber
cizer. However, drawing the filament from the extruder content induces a reduction in takeoff unit speed attrib-
nozzle to the rollers was impossible to obtain filament uted to heightened viscosity from the presence of addi-
with a particular diameter. The filament was breaking tional BF in the melt of matrix inside the extruder,
itself while pulling into the rollers manually. During 3D consequently lowering the flow rate. Figure 2 depicts the
printing, the filament needs to pass between the driving extruded PLA/BFC filament microstructure. Waviness was
gears by maintaining its shape, enduring frictional forces, observed on the filament surface in all instances, and
and preventing buckling; to achieve this, it must possess diameter variation was observed in the range of approxi-
adequate strength and stiffness.66 Continuous filament mately 1.75 ± 0.05 mm. Voids are formed on the filament
having sufficient flexibility to roll and stock as feedstock surface as the residual solvent evaporates during extru-
filament for 3D printing is required, so adding a plasti- sion.77 Furthermore, the minor blockage caused by the
cizer was mandatory. Adding plasticizer benefits additive fibers on the extruder screening plate increases the
manufacturing since it enhances layer adhesion.44,67 Plas- waviness in the diameter. Certain areas show signs of
ticizer having low mobility is ideal for PLA matrix,68 and fiber agglomerations. This can be attributed to the cast
the most effective plasticizer used with PLA has been low film's inhomogeneity, where BF has a tendency to sep-
molecular weight polyethylene glycol (PEG).69–76 Fur- arate and settle in the bottom of the film during drying,
thermore, PEG has the advantage of miscibility with PLA which takes a considerable amount of time (48 h). This
without a compatibilizer.73–75 For good mechanical results in an unevenly dried composite film, which
15480569, 0, Downloaded from https://4spepublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pc.28519 by Yefta Dev - Zhongshan University , Wiley Online Library on [05/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
6 P.P ET AL.
F I G U R E 2 Developed banana fiber-reinforced polylactic acid composite (PLA/BFC) filaments through solution casting (A) PLA/
BFC2.5, (B) PLA/BFC5, and (C) PLA/BFC10.
might induce filler aggregation in certain sections of The images of 3D printed specimens with three filler
the composite filament. percentages for the tensile test are shown in Figure 5C.
No visible changes in surface finish and dimensional
accuracy are observed between the three samples. Nota-
3.1 | 3D printing of PLA-banana bly, as filler content increases, the specimens appear dar-
filament ker. Warping was observed in the PLA/BFC2.5 samples,
potentially attributed to excess plasticizer in the compos-
The PLA, PLA/BFC2.5, PLA/BFC5, and PLA/BFC10 fila- ite feedstock.
ments were successfully employed to print different speci-
mens. Initial trials were made with a lower nozzle
diameter, but clogging of the fibers in the nozzle occurred. 3.2 | Density and void percentage
Researchers used nozzles with diameters of up to 1.5 mm
for printing composite filaments.62 However, in the pre- PLA granules have a density of 1.24 g/cm3 (Suppliers
sent work, no visible nozzle clogging was noticed for noz- product data sheet), and the BF showed a density of
zle with 0.8 mm diameter, hence we selected it for 1.32 g/cm3 experimentally. In general, for 3D prints, the
printing the specimens. However, under-extrusion occurs void content will rise with rise in fiber content if nozzle
when the filament diameter is below 1.75 mm, and over- clogging exists. The rise in void content is similar for both
extrusion is noted when the filament diameter exceeds 3D prints and composite filaments with an increase in
1.75 mm, attributed to waviness in filament diameter. To filler content, showing that no additional voids are
counter this, the length required for printing is noted from formed because of nozzle clogging.
the slicing software, depending on the mean diameter Table 1 displays the density and void percentage for
ðdm Þ of the required filament length, the extrusion multi- all filaments and prints. The void percentage of the
plier is determined as ð1:75=dm Þ2 . PLA/BFC filaments are found to be 2.013%, 2.653%, and
15480569, 0, Downloaded from https://4spepublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pc.28519 by Yefta Dev - Zhongshan University , Wiley Online Library on [05/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
P.P ET AL. 7
F I G U R E 3 Thermal properties of banana fiber-reinforced polylactic acid composite (PLA/BFC) filaments (A) differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) curves (B) thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) thermogram, effect of blending method on thermal properties of PLA/BFC5
filaments (C) DSC curves, and (D) TGA response.
FIGURE 4 Tensile response of (A) polylactic acid (PLA) filament (B) banana fiber-reinforced PLA composite (PLA/BFC) filaments.
15480569, 0, Downloaded from https://4spepublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pc.28519 by Yefta Dev - Zhongshan University , Wiley Online Library on [05/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
P.P ET AL. 9
TABLE 2 Tensile response of polylactic acid (PLA) and banana fiber-reinforced PLA composites (PLA/BFCs) filaments.
Specimen Tensile modulus (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa) Strain at break (%)
PLA 1880 ± 144 53.4 ± 4.0 3.5 ± 0.6
PLA/BFC2.5 630 ± 194 5.1 ± 1.2 0.7 ± 0.2
PLA/BFC5 1430 ± 24.4 24.8 ± 2.6 4 ± 1.3
PLA/BFC10 608 ± 380 13.6 ± 1.9 1.4 ± 0.2
explained in Table 2. Composite filaments exhibit very a premature fracture. However, no filament breakage was
low tensile modulus and strength values in comparison noticed during the filaments rolling and passing through
with pure PLA filaments. In comparison with the PLA fil- the extruder gears of the 3D printer.
ament, the tensile modulus and strength of the most
effective PLA/BFC filament exhibit a reduction of 76%
and 47%, respectively. Pure PLA filament was obtained 3.5 | Tensile properties of 3D prints
by extrusion of virgin PLA granules, which had not gone
through solution casting, and a plasticizer was also not Figure 5 displays the tensile test response of the 3D
used during the processing of the filament. Depuydt printed samples. Table 3 provides the respective values of
et al.43 also observed a 65% drop in tensile strength for tensile test results. In comparison with pure PLA speci-
PLA when a plasticizer was used to reinforce the natural mens, the 3D printed PLA/BFC specimens exhibit very
fiber with the PLA. The drastic reduction in the tensile low values of tensile modulus and strength. The best-
characteristics of PLA/BFC filaments can be ascribed to performing PLA/BFC specimen experiences a 65%
the use of plasticizers. The plasticizer can soften and decrease in tensile modulus and a 31% reduction in
improve the flexibility of polymers like PLA. When PEG strength compared with the pure PLA specimen. Existing
400 is mixed with PLA, it can penetrate the polymer literature also reveals that fiber reinforcing failed to
matrix and create spaces between polymer chains. This enhance the stiffness and strength of ABS and PLA mate-
plasticizing effect reduces the intermolecular forces that rials.62 Other researchers have also noted a decrease in
contribute to the strength. Furthermore, inadequate tensile properties as a result of reinforcing PLA.83–87
bonding between the hydrophilic BF and hydrophobic Furthermore, 15% plasticizer content in the composite
PLA also decreases tensile and flexural characteristics.32 material will drastically reduce the tensile strength.
From the analysis of the effect of fiber loading, it is All the specimens exhibited brittle fractures, as
found that 5 wt% BF reinforced filament has better ten- depicted in Figure 5C. Analyzing the effect of fiber load-
sile properties than the other PLA/BFC filaments. This ing, it is found that PLA/BFC5 specimen has better ten-
can be ascribed to waviness in the PLA/BF for 2.5 and sile properties than the other PLA/BFC specimens.
10 wt%. This waviness could serve as a stress risers Though PLA/BFC10 specimen shows superior tensile
and may lead to failure at reduced stress. Analysis of the properties compared with PLA/BFC2.5, it is noticed that
surface morphology of freeze-fractured PLA/BFC2.5 fila- properties were reduced compared with PLA/BFC5 speci-
ment (Figure 2) reveals that the distribution of fibers is men. A similar trend in tensile properties (increase then
highly random due to a meager infill percentage. For decrease) with the rise in fiber percentage has also been
PLA/BFC5 filament, better distribution is observed. How- observed in short silk-PETG composites.79 The void con-
ever, fiber clusters are formed on the PLA/BFC10 fila- tent (10.746%) in the specimens of the PLA/BFC10 is
ment. Random distribution and the clusters of the fillers slightly more significant than the PLA/BFC2.5 and
may act as stress raisers, contributing to the deteriorated PLA/BFC5 (9.984% and 10.048%). Fiber clusters were also
tensile characteristics of the PLA/BFC2.5 and PLA/BFC10 noticed on failure surfaces of the PLA/BFC10 specimens,
filaments. Poor dispersion of fibers in the matrix results in as seen in Figure 5F. This may act as stress concentration
a decline in mechanical characteristics.63 PLA/BFC2.5 and areas and decrease tensile characteristics for PLA/BFC10
PLA/BFC10 filaments exhibit low strain at break com- specimens compared with PLA/BFC5 specimens. Tensile
pared with PLA filament. PLA/BFC filaments might show modulus and strain at break follow the same trend as ten-
higher strain at break compared with pure PLA filament sile stress. Since defects are not activated at strain levels
due to the presence plasticizer.43,82 The low strain behav- below 2%, which is the strain level at which tensile mod-
ior of PLA/BFC2.5 filament, even having a plasticizer con- ulus is usually measured, the reduction in the area of
tent of 15%, proves that the stress concentration effects fiber-containing test samples due to voids also contrib-
arising from varying diameter and filler distribution cause utes to a decrease in tensile modulus. All three composite
15480569, 0, Downloaded from https://4spepublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pc.28519 by Yefta Dev - Zhongshan University , Wiley Online Library on [05/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
10 P.P ET AL.
(A) (B) PLA/BFC10
0 1 2 3 4 5
Strain (%)
(C) (D)
(E) (F)
μ μ
F I G U R E 5 Tensile response of 3D prints (A) polylactic acid (PLA) (B) banana fiber-reinforced PLA composites (PLA/BFCs), images of
(C) failure mode of tensile test samples, failure surface morphology of (D) PLA/BFC2.5 (E) PLA/BFC5, and (F) PLA/BFC10.
TABLE 3 Mechanical properties of 3D printed polylactic acid (PLA) and banana fiber-reinforced PLA composites (PLA/BFCs) samples.
specimens show higher strain at break compared with residue from the composite, the blended mixture under-
pure PLA specimens attributed to the inclusion of went extensive preheating at 80 C for 8 h. The only com-
plasticizer. position PLA/BFC5, which showed better mechanical
Investigation of the failure surface images (Figure 5) properties in the case of solution casting, is chosen to pre-
indicates that the failure occurs due to fiber pullout in all pare test samples through the modified mixing method.
three cases. The inclusion of BF in the PLA has intro- Figure 1 depicts the surface morphology of the
duced voids. The formation of voids weakens the bonding extruded composite filaments through solution casting
between layers, making them more susceptible to crack and modified mixing methods. While both ways exhibit
initiation and propagation. These voids serve as potential some degree of waviness in the diameter of the filament,
sites for nucleation, promoting the growth of cracks in contrast to filament produced via solution casting, the
within the material.88 Though most fibers are oriented modified mixing method yields filament with reduced
normally to the failure surface, randomly oriented fibers diameter waviness. Figure 1 shows fiber matrix bonding
were also observed. Diverse orientations of the fibers can and fiber distribution in the composite filament. Fila-
result in variations in the properties of the specimen. ments derived from the modified mixing technique
Identical findings are observed in glass fiber-PLA 3D exhibit enhanced fiber-matrix bonding compared with
printed composite specimens.89 the direct extrusion approach (Figure 1). Nevertheless, it
remains evident from the SEM image that filaments pro-
duced through the solution casting route exhibit superior
3.6 | Flexural test of 3D prints fiber-matrix bonding. Fibers are distributed randomly
throughout the surface, and no visible agglomerations
The values of flexural test results are given in Table 3. A were noticed in the SEM images. This consistent distribu-
considerable reduction in the flexural characteristics was tion underscores the effectiveness of both the modified
also noticed with the inclusion of BF. Deprived mechani- mixing process and the solution casting method in
cal strength and elastic modulus may results from factors achieving homogeneous fiber integration within the
such as the clustering of BF in a highly viscous melt and matrix medium.
voids caused by insufficient interfacial adhesion.90 The
addition of fillers affects the composite's flexural proper-
ties. Across the three composites, PLA/BFC2.5 had the 3.7.1 | Thermal properties
maximum flexural strength, measuring 31.5 MPa. Con-
trary to the tensile qualities, the flexural properties The DSC and TGA curves corresponding to filaments
dropped linearly as the fiber content increased. produced through distinct processing routes are shown in
Figure 3. The associated DSC outcomes are presented
in Table 4, explaining the melting and Tgs. Notably, the
3.7 | Effect of blending method filament obtained via the modified mixing technique
exhibits glass transition and melting temperature values
The solution casting method enhances the interfacial that closely align with those of the pure PLA filament.
bonding between BF and PLA and also ensures uniform Incorporation of a plasticizer results in a reduction of
fiber dispersion. Nevertheless, the diminished mechani- approximately 3% in Tm and 7% in Tg. The thermal degra-
cal characteristics of the resulting PLA/BFC are a legiti- dation of both filaments occurs around the temperature
mate concern. To address this, a strategic approach was 350 C. Notably, the filament prepared using the modified
devised: the fibers underwent a brief treatment with mixing method demonstrates a TGA thermogram similar
DCM, constituting 10% by weight to the volume of the to the pure PLA filament. Conversely, the filament pro-
solvent. Following this treatment, the fibers were manu- duced via solution casting exhibits a visible weight reduc-
ally blended with PLA pellets. Notably, the presence of tion before reaching 300 C in the TGA thermogram. This
DCM, acknowledged for its capacity to dissolve PLA, observed weight loss and the altered slope of the TGA
facilitated the anchoring of fibers onto the surface of the curve for the solution-cast filament can be attributed to
PLA granules. The distinctive merit of this modified mix- the evaporation of PEG400.
ing technique lies in its adept resolution of fiber agglom-
eration challenges, alongside its concurrent achievement
of improved adhesion between hydrophilic BF and the 3.7.2 | 3D printing
inherently hydrophobic PLA. This is possible because
the DCM which acts as a link between BF and PLA. To Filament from modified mixing method printed with
guarantee thorough elimination of any remaining DCM parameters mirroring those of solution-cast filaments,
15480569, 0, Downloaded from https://4spepublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pc.28519 by Yefta Dev - Zhongshan University , Wiley Online Library on [05/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
12 P.P ET AL.
except nozzle temperature. Printing temperature set at higher in the filament through solution casting, which
210 C, accounting for the elevated melting point of the may cause over-extrusion and lead to fewer voids
developed filament compared to solution-cast counter- between layers and rasters.
parts. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) image was
captured to examine the layer-to-layer bonding depicted
in Figure 6. Upon comparative examination of the two 3.7.3 | Mechanical characteristics
distinct 3D printed specimens, it is evident that the fila-
ment created via the modified mixing approach displays Figure 7 displays the mechanical properties of the fila-
a notably more consistent thickness of raster layers in ments and 3D prints through the solution casting and
contrast to the sample originating from the solution cast- modified mixing approaches. The associated tensile test
ing method. Noteworthy is that the irregularities in fila- outcomes are presented in Table 4. There has been con-
ment diameter are transported onto the thickness of siderable improvement in the tensile properties of both
raster layers within the 3D-printed objects. The SEM filament and 3D print obtained via the modified mixing
images effectively highlight the presence of voids posi- method compared with the solution casting method. The
tioned between these layers for both types of prints. How- PLA/BFC filament displayed tensile properties similar to
ever, it is noteworthy that such voids are more pure PLA filament prepared through the modified mixing
pronounced in the 3D print produced via the modified method. In contrast to the filament produced via solution
mixing technique when compared to the solution-casted casting, the tensile strength exhibits a 116% improve-
counterpart. The over-extrusion in the case of solution ment, the tensile modulus shows an 11% improvement,
casting may be the reason for lesser voids. The SEM and strain at break is reduced by 12.5%. In the solution
images effectively highlight the presence of voids posi- casting approach, 15 wt% PEG400 was added as a plasti-
tioned between these layers for both types of prints. Due cizer, and it was concluded that the plasticizer drastically
to the presence of the plasticizer, the melt flow will be reduced the tensile properties. The filament prepared
FIGURE 6 Representation images of layer adhesion in PLA/BFC5 3D prints through (A) solution casting and (B) modified mixing.
15480569, 0, Downloaded from https://4spepublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pc.28519 by Yefta Dev - Zhongshan University , Wiley Online Library on [05/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
P.P ET AL. 13
60 30
50 25
Tensile Stress (MPa)
30 15
20 10
60 (D)
Flexural Stress (MPa)
10 Modified mixing
Solution casting
0 1 2 3 4 5
Strain (%)
F I G U R E 7 Effect of blending method on mechanical characteristics of PLA/BFC5 (A) tensile stress of filaments, (B) tensile stress of 3D
prints, (C) flexural stress of 3D prints, and (D) failure surface morphology (modified mixing).
through the modified mixing does not contain any plasti- tensile properties than the specimen prepared through
cizer and has comparable tensile properties with pure the solution casting method. The tensile strength is
PLA filament. Though the tensile modulus of filament dropped by 48% in the modified mixing, while the solu-
prepared through the modified mixing method is below tion casting method leads to only a 35% reduction when
that of pure PLA, it has been considerably increased com- compared with their filament counterparts. This indicates
pared with that of filament prepared through solution that solution casting approach has resulted in better dif-
casting. The strain at break for the filament prepared fusion of BF in the matrix, and better interfacial bonding
through solution casting surpasses that of both the pure between the fiber and matrix compared with the modi-
PLA filament and the filament prepared through modi- fied mixing approach. The substantial decrease in tensile
fied mixing, attributable to the plasticizer's presence. strength in objects printed via the modified mixing
Tensile modulus and strength in 3D prints from mod- approach may be attributed to a higher presence of voids,
ified mixing improved over solution-cast counter parts and the existence of void in the 3D-printed sample is
but still lag behind those from pure PLA filaments. Inves- proof of low interfacial bonding.91 The initiation of cracks
tigating the SEM image of the failure surface indicates during tensile testing of the printed samples is likely due
that the failure occurred due to fiber pullout, and the to interfacial voids. These voids function as stress concen-
specimen failed in brittle mode similar to the samples tration locations and facilitate crack initiation.52
through the solution casting approach. More voids can be Figure 7C shows the flexural characteristics of the 3D
spotted on the failed print surface through the modified printed specimens through the solution casting approach
mixing method (Figure 7D) compared with the solution and modified mixing approach. The associated flexural
casting method (Figure 5E). However, the tensile test test outcomes are presented in Table 4. When compared
specimen prepared through modified mixing has better with solution casting, the flexural characteristics of 3D
15480569, 0, Downloaded from https://4spepublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pc.28519 by Yefta Dev - Zhongshan University , Wiley Online Library on [05/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
14 P.P ET AL.
printed samples made using a modified mixing method Figure 8A 43,52,92,93 illustrates the tensile characteris-
have significantly improved. The outcomes of the flexural tics of PLA/NFC filaments, showcasing how different
test exhibit a pattern akin to the tensile characteristics. fillers, produced through various manufacturing tech-
niques, affect their performance. Among these, a 10 wt%
wood-reinforced PLA composite filament by Guo et al.
4 | PROPERTY MAP exhibited the lowest tensile strength. In contrast, a 10 wt
% wood flour-reinforced PLA composite filament by
The detailed comparison of mechanical properties from Kariz et al. demonstrated the highest tensile strength. In
the results section has been presented in Table 4 to give a the present study, a 5 wt% PLA/BFC filament showed
better idea of the strategy. Modified mixing is a better comparable tensile strength to the top-performing com-
approach than solution casting for better mechanical posite filament, ranking as the second strongest.
properties. However, the composite material still lacks Moving on to Figure 8B,C 32,44,48,52,94–97 portrays the
desirable mechanical properties when compared with tensile strength and tensile modulus of PLA/NFC speci-
PLA. The drawbacks of this work are surface irregulari- mens with varying filler content, incorporating different
ties and weak fiber-matrix interfacial bonding. The sur- fillers manufactured using diverse techniques. Notably,
face irregularities may be resolved by further reducing extrusion compression molding and extrusion injection
the fiber size to nano size. The interfacial bonding may molding techniques yielded superior tensile strength
be improved by fiber treatment and the use of any suit- compared to 3D printing. Although the PLA/BFC fila-
able compatibilizers. ment in the present study displayed improved results
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
F I G U R E 8 Tensile strength of (A) polylactic acid (PLA)/natural fiber composite (NFC) filaments,43,52,92,93 (B) PLA/NFC
specimens,32,44,48,52,94–97 and (C) tensile modulus of PLA/NFC specimens.32,44,48,52,94–97
15480569, 0, Downloaded from https://4spepublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pc.28519 by Yefta Dev - Zhongshan University , Wiley Online Library on [05/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
P.P ET AL. 15
compared with other research efforts, the performance of chemical treatment of fibers to enhance filament surface
3D-printed tensile specimens was subpar when con- finish and interfacial bonding.
trasted with other composite specimens. Regarding the
tensile modulus of PLA/NFC specimens, in contrast to F U N D I N G IN F O R M A T I O N
tensile strength, 3D-printed samples exhibited superior This work received support from SERB-DST, Govern-
results compared with those produced through extrusion ment of India, under grant number CRG/2020/001389.
compression molding and extrusion injection molding.
Additionally, the PLA/BFC specimen developed in the DA TA AVAI LA BI LI TY S T ATE ME NT
present study boasted the second-highest tensile modulus The data that support the findings of this study are avail-
among all specimens, making it well-suited for applica- able from the corresponding author upon reasonable
tions where structural integrity is paramount. request.
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