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Journal of Positive School Psychology

2022, Vol. 6, No. 5, 5691–5699

Linguopoetics Of Zoonims in The Literary Text

Marufjon Yuldashev
DSc in philology, Professor,
The Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture,
[email protected],

Dilrabo Andaniyazova,
PhD in philology PhD.,
Scientific researcher,
Institute of Uzbek language, literature and folklore under the Uzbekistan Academy Sciences,
[email protected]

Today in the world of linguistics, the priority is given to integrative scientific works in the
approach to onomastic units in literary text, including the study of problems such as allusive names,
onomastic metaphors, onomastic scale of literary text, intertextual aspects of names are considered as
the heated problem. Improvement of the linguopoetic approach in modern Uzbek linguistics has also
raised the issue of a comprehensive study of the language units that make up the literary text. Because
any linguistic unit can become an invaluable tool in the literary text, serving the artistic intention of
the author, and reflect the unique poetic laws. In particular, onomastic units are no exception.
Therefore, today there is a great interest in the study of the role and functions of onomastic units in
the formation of literary texts, the meaning of symbols in addition to the nominative function of
names, their linguopoetic features, their role in Uzbek linguoculture. Therefore, today there is great
interest in the study of the role and functions of onomastic units in the formation of literary texts, the
meaning of symbols in addition to the nominative function of names, their linguopoetic features, and
their role in Uzbek linguoculture. This article describes the role of zoonyms in the literary text and
their lingvopoetic features.

Keywords: linguopoetics, onomastics, onomapoetics, zoopoetonim, onomapoetonim.

Introduction of ideas), accumulative (accumulation, storage

Research on literary texts defines literary texts of social experience and knowledge) functions.
as follows: “Literary text is considered as a In addition to the term "expressive function" of
very complex wholeness that expresses the language, the use of terms such as "poetic
content of a work of art, is functionally function of language", "artistic function of
complete, formed on the basis of the image language", "aesthetic function of language" are
capabilities of language, freely combines used in the study of the language of fiction.
different styles at the author's discretion, and [Yuldashev, 2007: 4.]
has aesthetic pleasure”. [Yuldashev, It is obvious that in research in this area
Yadgarov, 2007: 3.] the words “poetic” and “aesthetic” have
In a literary text, language units stagnated as a term element with almost the
participate in different functions. Their most same meaning. We used the word “poetic”
important function is aesthetic or poetic more to express the same meaning.
function in a broad sense. In the scientific The literature review
literature, four to five functions of language The first scientific views on the language of
are mainly noted. For example, V.A. Avrorin fiction in world linguistics are given in detail
emphasizes that language has communicative in the work of the ancient Greek philosopher
(means of communication), expressive Aristotle, Poetics. This work by Aristotle was
(expression of ideas), constructive (formation the first special study of the art of speech in

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Marufjon Yuldashev, et. al. 5692

the true sense of the word, and "remains the poetics should be the object of serious
only saving devoted to the orderly expression research”. [Nurmonov, Madvaliyev,
of the problems of the art of speech or the Mahkamov, 2011: 3–11]
theory of poetry". [Petrovskiy, 1980: 79.] The first research on the art of
A lot of research has been done in onomastic units was carried out by scientists
European linguistics on the language of such as V.N Mikhailov, E.B Magazanik, L.I
fiction, in particular, in the works of such Kolokolova, S.I Zinin. [Mikhailov, 1956;
scholars as V. Vinogradov [Vinogradov, Magazanik, 1967; Kolokolova, 1970; Zinin,
1980], G.O. Vinokur [Vinokur, 1991], A.A. 1970]. Also worthy of special mention is the
Potebnya [Potebnya, 2007], L.V. Shcherba research conducted by Ukrainian linguist VM
[Shcherba, 1974], serious attention has been Kalinkin on this topic [Kalinkin, 1999;
paid to the analysis of language units. Since Kalinkin, 2000] Today, the widespread
the middle of the XX century, in Uzbek implementation of work on this topic has led
philology, there has been a growing interest in to the formation of a separate field of study of
the study of the language and style of the the art of onomastic units – onomapoetics.
writer, the language of fiction in linguopoetic Development of the linguopoetic
research. [Mahmudov, 1985:48-50; Karimov, approach in modern Uzbek linguistics has also
1993; Imomova, 1993; Yuldashev, 2000]. This raised the issue of a comprehensive study of
issue has been studied in various aspects in the the language units that make up the literary
works of I.Sulton, A.Gulomov, X.Doniyorov, text. Because any linguistic unit can become
S.Mirzaev, L.Abdullaeva, E.Qilichev, an invaluable tool in the literary text, serving
S.Karimov Karimov, B.Umurqulov, the artistic intention of the author, and reflect
H.Abdurahmonov, N.Mahmudov, I.Mirzaev, the unique poetic laws. In particular,
G.Rixsieva, М. Yuldashev and other linguists’ onomastic units are no exception. Therefore,
works. today there is a great interest in the study of
Methods of research the role and functions of onomastic units in the
The article analyzes the literary text and formation of literary texts, the meaning of
the onomastic units used in them on the basis symbols in addition to the nominative function
of descriptive, comparative, functional- of names, their linguopoetic features and their
semantic, lingvopoetic, historical-typological role in Uzbek linguoculture.
analysis methods. In a number of works related to the art
The main part of onomastic units in linguistics, the direction
It is worth mentioning that every means of the study of the poetic features of onomastic
in a literary text performs a poetic function. In units – comments on the terms of
addition to its standard function, only language onomapoetics are described. [Fomin, 2009, 57]
units that are significantly actualized should be They point out that the field is referred to by
analyzed as a means of performing a poetic different linguists in different terms, and put
task. Onomastic units are no exception. It is forward proposals for their regulation. For
true that the onomastic background in a example, AA Fomin writes: “The name of this
literary text can be analyzed linguistically or it field is often called literary or poetic
is natural to study it by some other aspect. But onomastics, but there are other terms: for
in order to examine it from a poetic point of example, stylistic onomastics, literary-artistic
view, a linguistic unit must meet certain (or artistic) onomastics, onym poetics,
requirements. Although a number of studies poetonymyology and so on”. [Fomin, 2009:
have been conducted in Uzbek linguistics in 57]
this regard, not all linguistic units have been The scientist also argues that the object
thoroughly studied as an aesthetic of study of this field is also called by different
phenomenon. Linguists' assertions in this versions of terms, and emphasizes that
regard confirm our opinion: “In linguopoetics, achieving consensus in this regard is one of the
the focus is on the study of the poetics of important tasks of linguistics.
lexical units, and the possibilities and In some studies, the semantics of
functions of artistic and aesthetic expression of anthroponyms, one of the types of onomastic
other units are left out beyond the eyes of units, have been studied in conjunction with
researchers so far. In particular, the issues of their connotative aspects. Reflecting on the
phonopoetics, morphopoetics, syntactic model of name semantics, L.A. Feoktistova

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focuses on the semantic relationship between the fine arts, but in these studies, too, the
an anthroponym appeal and pays attention to a genus horses of animals have been analyzed
secondary nomination. According to the under the term zoonymy. [Zaripov, 1983]
researcher, this model has a conceptual core, a Commenting on the research on zoonyms, Ya.
pragmatic zone and a spiritual connection. The Avlakulov writes about the problems in the
article describes the emotional, connotative field: Zoonim means a special name of an
aspects of anthroponyms, appellation- animal taken separately, a well-known horse.
onomastic periphery, deonimation, that’s to It is therefore considered an onomastic unit. A.
say the weakening of the onomastic unit as a Gubanov divides zoonyms into two: general
noun, the increase in the properties of the zoonyms and special zoonyms, and the first
onomastic unit, the role of gender and ethnic group includes words such as nightingale,
components in the semantics of the onomastic crow, crane, sparrow, which are related names
unit are given by the examples of personal of animals and other animals. The second
nouns in Russian language. [Feoktistova, group includes famous horses for animals: Zili,
2016: 85-116] Gemer (horse names), Alabash, Demir, Topush
Onomastic units appear in different (dog names). [Avlakulov, 2012: 50] In our
situations in a literary text. These units opinion, only special names addressed to
participate in the text in accordance with the animals should be studied under the term
writer’s artistic intent, sometimes simple, in zoonym. This is because in linguistics,
their own sense, sometimes complex, and with zoonyms are studied as a well-known horse
a variety of associations. Onomastic units in type. This, in itself, requires that the name be
the literary text are studied in linguistics given a name, as the common name of other
within the principles of interdisciplinary related horses.
interrelationships, which have been developing Experts point out that it is more difficult
rapidly in recent decades, in particular, on the to collect zoonyms than other onomastic units.
basis of lingvopoetic, lingvoculturological Because "zoonyms are not recorded in official
approach to onomastic units. In these studies, documents, the death of the animal will lead to
it is emphasized that onomastic units such as the loss of its name".
anthroponyms, toponyms, zoonyms perform a The Uzbek people used to give special
specific aesthetic function in the literary text names to horses, dogs, and in some cases birds
and serve to reveal various subtleties of and cows and lambs. For example, Boychibor,
meaning. [Kalinkin, 2000: 14] In this article, Kokkashka, Girat, Girkok, Tarlon, Akbota,
we will focus on the role of zoonyms in the Yulduzkashka, Boribosar, Arslan, Tiger,
literary text. Qoplon, Olapar, Barakvoy, Mosh, Mallaboy,
Humo, Semurg.
In linguistics, the term zoonym is By giving nicknames and names, each
used in the sense of a name, a nickname, given bird and animal is compared, likened, and
to animals and birds. N.V. Podolskaya uses the characterized to specific national concepts. A
term zoonym to refer to “a pet, wild animal, number of zoonyms are formed on the basis of
animal kept in a zoo, personal name or comparing dogs to wild animals, likening
nickname of an animal living in a circus or certain body parts of horses to something. In
certain places”. [Podolskaya, 1988: 58] the literary text, a special name for animals -
A set of zoonyms in a language is called zoonyms - is often used. It should be noted
zoonomy, a compiled list (dictionary) of that zoonyms with poetic value are analyzed
zoonyms is called zoonymy, and the field of under the term zoopoetonyms. Related horses
onomastics that studies zoonyms is called of animals and birds, which are involved in the
zoonomics1. The zoonyms used for poetic literary text with their nominative function, are
purposes in the literary text should be called important tools in the creation of the arts, and
zoopoetonyms. a number of studies have been conducted on
There is no special research on the role this subject. [Zaripov, 2002; Hamidova, 1983]
of zoonyms in the literary text in Uzbek It should not be forgotten that both of these are
ethnography. Some studies have focused on of special importance in the literary text.
the fact that zoonyms are a means of creating It can be seen that the tradition of giving
nicknames to animals in works of art was
Showed dictionary PP. 59-60. formed long ago in Uzbek literature. Such

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names are mostly symbolic. Gulkhani's epic animals, and the special names given to horses
"Zarbulmasal" also contains names for birds are noteworthy in this regard. Horse
such as Yapalakqush, Boyogli, Kulonkir nicknames also occupy a large place in the
Sultan, Kordon, Korkush, Gunashbonu. literary text. It follows that the Uzbek people
Y.Solijonov and S.Muminov studied these have love for horses among living things. For
names as names that served to illuminate the our people, from ancient times the horse was
artistic intent of the artist. [Solijonov, valued as the companion of a young man. For
Muminov, 1984: 44–49] this reason, national traditions also have a
Horse nicknames are widely used in the certain influence in giving special names to
literary text. Horse nicknames are also animals and other creatures. The originality of
mentioned separately in examples of folklore, the use of horse nicknames for poetic purposes
and they are usually given with commentary. is also evident in the works of Togay Murad in
In general, the image of a horse is of special Uzbek literature. The writer often gives the
importance in Uzbek folklore. [Tilovov, 2000] nickname of the horse with comments, which
The description of the horse Jiyranqush in the indicates that the creator is well aware of these
Ravshan epic illuminates the meaning of its riches of our language. In particular, in the
nickname and refers to certain features of the work "Evening with a horse" such nicknames
animal:four legs are equal, waists are large, as Tarlon, Torik, Saman, Chil, Chagir are
aired through qarchigay (oak tree). mentioned. In the play, Ziyo's horseman’s
In the literary text, zoonyms in folklore Tarlon rises to the level of a "literary hero".
used as a popular name, creating The reader will also be perfectly aware of the
intertextuality and serving to ensure the multi- definition of a horse. That is, the lexical
layered nature of the text. In particular, the meaning of the nickname is expressed
legendary racehorse in the epic "Alpomish", poetically: Brothers. What does a real horse
the inseparable companion of Alpomish look like?Like flour will be white. If he has
Boychibor zoonim can be seen in our modern ancestor’s blood, he will be Tarlon when he is
literature. This zoonim was used as a nine years old.At the age of nine, black grains
benchmark in poetic texts, creating appear on the body of the gray. From then on,
associations with the horse in the epic he will be a Tarlon horse, not a gray one.
Alpomish: On the way to Dovon rushes as Tarlon spotted horse! Tarlon the best horse ...3
wind Our Jiguli,Not “Jiguli” it is like Duldul, Zoonyms are widely used in children's
We can certainly say Boychibor (E.Vakhidov fiction. In the poems of the People's Poet of
“On the way to Dovan”). In the poem, the Uzbekistan Anvar Obidjon we can see that
zoopoetonym Boychibor is used in comparison zoononyms are used for a special aesthetic
to the car brand. In epic images, these horses purpose. The following examples illustrate a
are famous for their running from the wind. subjective attitude by adding caressing
The poet emphasizes this feature of the horse suffixes to the nicknames of creatures: Hey,
with the analogy of not "Jiguli" , as if Duldul, Mr. Cats, forgive me, I would throw a stone if
certainly as Boychibor . you crossed my path. Remove me from the
In N.Odinaeva's line "There is a "black list", Thousand apologises, Barakjon,
Boychibor in my heart" Boychibor rose to the Forgive, me, Mosh (A.Obidjon. "Selected
level of a symbol calling the lyrical hero to a works").
lively and turbulent life: Veins connected with In the following example, although the
mine, my Motherland, Let me recite a poem nickname of the dog is specific to another
florish till the sky, On my right shoulder sits language, the meanings of intimacy and
Alpomish, in my heart there is Boychibor (N. loyalty are further exaggerated by the addition
Odinaeva. "Generation of Alpomish")2. of the Uzbek suffix -gina to the nickname. It
The zoonyms in the literary text can be can even be said that through the affix -gina
studied by dividing them into groups such as the animal is in a sense "personalized." The
real, tissue, and mythosonyms. logical basis of this affix is strengthened by
Real zoonyms are special names given the author's speech. That is, when Farman
to animals in our language. The Uzbek leaves, he hugs Goebbels, strokes his neck,
language has special names for various and kisses his nose, as if depicting a close

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relationship between people. Therefore, the meaning of the nickname given to the elephant
addition of the -gina affix to the dog's in P. Kadirov's novel "Humoyun and Akbar".
nickname does not surprise the reader. The In the literary text, the nickname of the
nickname of the dog also served to shape the elephant served as a linguopoetic tool to
text by choosing it according to the title of the beautifully express the grandfather's advice to
work: Farman presses Goebbels to his chest his grandson: Khurram, who turned thirteen
and rubs his neck before leaving. He kissed this year and is younger than his father, liked
her on the nose. "You're staying here now, my the tallest black elephant. Akbar presented the
Goebbels (Gebbelsginam)." We will never see elephant to his grandson: - Its name is Zinhor!
each other again. (S.Ahmad. “Hindi song”). He explained. "An elephant is a very
It is known that in fairy tales insects and intelligent animal."Do not forget the good and
animals are animated by human behavior. the bad. Do not harm the elephant. Take only
Sometimes this phenomenon is also observed the good qualities from your ancestors and do
in naming them. That is, their cognate horse not follow our shortcomings! (P. Kadirov.
rises to the level of an anthroponym, and the Humoyun and Akbar)6.
concept of gender is also referred to by the In M. Azam's work "Legend of the
suffixes -boy, -khan added to them. Tulkiboy, Immortal Bird" the ornithonym "Immortal
Beetle bikach. Example: Bird" was used. This nickname has given rise
The fly flew away and landed on the to associations with the immortal bird in
ledge. The thorn of Yantak entered his beak Uzbek folk tales. It has also been used
("The Tale of the Fly").4 successfully to increase the impact of the
When naming creatures, the creator work. The immortal grief in the heart of a
sometimes creates original names. It is young man named Immortal encourages him
appropriate to call such names tissue zoonyms. to become a bird of the same name, to
The nickname of the creature used in H. continue his life, to punish the wicked. That is,
Dostmuhammad's work "Jajman" attracted the a man named Nahang obeys his stepmother
attention of many people. The word Jajman is and kills his son named Immortal. His
originally from the Tashkent dialect, and the daughter, Diamond, did not bury her brother’s
Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek bones in tears and turned into a bird and says
Language states that it means "jajji"(small). to take revenge on the wicked. His brother
The word is used in the same sense in Kadyri's turns into a bird. The name of the bird is
Toshpolat Tajang. The word is also found in pronounced as Immortal Bird: “My own father
Oybek's works. Thus, H. Dostmuhammad slaughtered, my stepmother was fed. My
created the nickname Jajman on the basis of its surviving owner was born on a blue cloth and
appellate basis, that is, the nickname refers to buried under a rose. Kuk-ku, Kuk-ku! "I am an
the fact that the creature in the work is a Immortal Bird that will never bow at anyone."
symbol of the great hunger, and although its If they shoot, I am immortal, I am immortal.
name means small, it contradicts the greatness ("The Legend of the Immortal Bird" by M.
of the hunger. Azam).
- Ola-a! "What's the matter with that In the following poem of Usman Azim,
little thing! It's a joke, ha-ha-ha!" "Don't say I the nickname of the horse served to ensure the
haven't heard," said the madman, dispelling integrity of the tone of the text: The flowers
the doubts in everyone's hearts. The creature's smell, the wind plays in the steppe. There is a
name is Jajman! Jajman! .. Don't say I haven't star on your forehead, there is your name -
heard! .. Yulduzkashka. Iron smiles have not torn your
... Here the quarrel at the top of the turf lips yet, Nails have not yet pierced your
continued. Let's deal with this mousefaced. Let hooves ... (U.Azim. "Yulduzqashqa")7
him eat as much as he can, he will not swallow The nickname of the dog in S.Ahmad's
the world in his stomach like an angishvana! .. story "Karakoz Majnun" is Karakoz(Black
(H. Dostmuhammad. “Jajman”)5. eye). Noting that the use of the nickname
The name of the elephant has acquired a Karakoz in relation to a dog is observed, it
poetic character by pointing to the appellate should be noted that the word Majnun added to

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it together is a sad name unique to Said Buroq horse, a parody of mythozonim and
Ahmad, so we called it a tissue zoonim.The lexeme. It is known that Buraq was "a winged
Uzbek people love their child as a "black eye", horse [Annotated dictionary of the Uzbek
which tells the story of Saodat Aya's inability language. 5 volumes 1. 2006: 380] sent by
to find the love she expects from her son God to the Prophet Muhammad to go to
Borikhan (Borya), the old woman's grief over Jerusalem and ascend to heaven on the night of
the death of her dog owner, and her longing Miraj,"and this zoopoetonym also served to
for Saodat Aya as a child. In the text through shape the content of the text:
the nickname Karakoz, there is a hint that the The beautiful horse of the throne is
dog showed affection that the child could not Nurqanot Buroq
show, even though it was an animal, while He took Muhammad to a high place.
paying attention to the dog’s appearance The picture is not necessary,
(eyes). However, Visol (view of Allah) was
“After a while the old woman's voice given to Rasulullah
began to be heard. Karakoz's ear was straight. (A. Aripov. "Me'raj").
It moaned as if it was crying when it heard the The name of the great legendary bird
voice of a loved one she had lost for the past Qaqnus, which is found in Eastern fairy tales,
two months. (...) The old woman's voice was is used for poetic purposes in the literary text.
coming from the tape recorder. "Where are The name Qaqnus is used in literary texts as a
you staring?" Do you ever sit at home or not? linguopoetic tool in increasing the
Is it snowing? My stupid. Listen to me, why do effectiveness of artistic content, compared to
you chase soft dove? ” (...) The tape was still people who sacrifice themselves for a cause.
spinning. "Don't die, Majnungina, where are The fate of Qaqnus helped us,
you going?" Did you get your girlfriends? We burned to ashes
When do you show the bride? Let me see your (S.Rauf. "Are we bored ...").
Layli ... "The black-eyed old woman's voice In the following example, the same
was lying lifeless, turning her face towards the mythosonym came in the form of Qaqnus as
upstairs room."8 an onomastic metaphor: I want to compare
Or another example: It was only after creative generations to Qaqnus. Each
the old woman was forty that a man's foot generation burns to straighten the height of a
slipped out of the yard. Qumri and Karakoz new generation of creators, to conquer high,
mourned in the yard where the owner left. creative peaks, to spread their wings wide. He
Now the two mourners are looking at each makes flames in his heart and burns himself to
other and shedding tears. Karakoz no longer ashes. But just because it burns to ashes
wandered at night. Every day he would wake doesn't mean it's over. In this way, it creates a
up before dawn (when the old woman got up in new way of thinking, a new understanding of
the morning) (S.Ahmad, Karakoz Majnun)9. the world, a new vision of society, a new vision
There is another group of zoonyms that of reality. The history of mankind, the series of
we have included in the group of heroes in world literature - this is the history
myphosoonyms. It is known that mythonyms of new and new10 Qaqnus (N. Rahimjanov.
are names based on imagination, and the "Qaqnus". The truth of life and artistic image).
motive of the name lies in the mythical It is known that Samandar is one of the
imagination. Such a name can be a toponym, most widely used mythozoonims in Eastern
an anthroponym, a zoon, or an oronym. poetry. According to legend, it is a bird that
[Avlakulov, 2012: 36] Mythozonyms have a appears from the grass and lives in the grass.
special poetic significance in the literary text. Zoonism of Samandar is mentioned in poems
Mythozonyms such as Qaqnus, Humo, about love, serving to emphasize that the
Samandar are actively used in Uzbek literary lyrical protagonist’s mental anguish is
texts. They serve as a popular name for text immensely deep. In this case, Samandar's life
formation, intertextuality. in the fire is often compared to a lover burning
In the following example, a melody is in the fire of love:
formed by the name and word of the legendary My body melts from the Samandar
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My body dries up from the stain of grief, There is a great work called
My name is inscribed on the Kohi Qof independence, there is a work,
stone: Ohuvva-hay, Vatanim-ay (Ohuvva-hay,
I am a miser of Adam!.. 11(Khurshida. My homeland) 13
"In the depths of your eyes ...") (R.Musurmon. “My homeland”).
Let my soul burn with love like In the following example, in the Avesto,
Samandar, the nickname of the giant, a symbol of lies and
To tell you – Buraq will go as wind slander, oppression and darkness, served as a
(Gulbahor. "Joy is happiness, where is standard of similitude and served to reinforce
purity ..."). the meaning emphasized by the foundation:
In this poem, the name Buroq is also Ahriman, who was as tall as a giant, a
used for poetic purposes, coming in the sense big man about thirty five years old and came
of as fast as the wind and serving as an out of a glass in Alif-Laylo, was coming
analogy. towards the car among white cotton seeds
Of course, we cannot study any zoon in (S.Ahmad, Desert Eagle).
a particular literary text as a poetonym. They The Ahriman mythosonym also appears
must have an artistic intention. For example, in in the literary text as an onomastic metaphor
Uzbek poetry it has become a tradition to use and is used in the sense of evil and
the name Humo in poetic texts as a symbol of wickedness:
happiness and the state. Through such use, an Oh,I wish my heart is broken, I wish my
intertextual text is created, referring to the eyes shine, waiting for God! I wish that the
motifs associated with the Humo bird depicted hole in my chest would have swallowed the
in Uzbek folklore. Humo is also known as Being Ahriman! ...15
Semurg, who is described in Uzbek folklore as Would a world be left behind - white ...
a friend and protector of the positive hero. (U. Hamdam. Would a world be left behind -
Humoy to you, white ...).
It is a place where you follow in the The name Hormuz (Ahuramazda),
footsteps of great people. which contradicts this myth, is also used for
To you in the poetic shrine, poetic purposes in the literary text. It is known
Only Alisher will become an imam. that Hormuz, the god of the Zoroastrian faith,
(A.Oripov.) who protects truth and justice, honesty and
My dreams, my sweet dreams - my sweet purity, is mentioned in the Avesto as the god
mother, of goodness who created land, water, plants
My flying Humo bird is my tender and all natural resources. This poetonym was
mother12. used in the literary text as a symbol of
(Yo.Ahmadjonov. “Soul is a station ...”) goodness and kindness, creating an onomastic
The mifozoon in the first example was metaphor. The poem is also expressive by
used in the sense of "happiness, luck", while in contrasting the names Ahriman and Hormuz:
the second it was used in the sense of "source Wonders Devill, winner Ahriman,The insult
of happiness" in relation to the mother. The jar is comfortable in this. Where are you
symbol "Humo bird" is also used in modern going, burning hero, Where are you going, O
Uzbek poetry to aesthetically express such Fire-Woman? ... Burning Woman, have mercy,
meanings as "peace", "wealth, state", wake up, Burning Woman, Hormuz shelter,
"prosperity", "freedom" and " independence". Look at your child, she is a living rebellion ...
In particular, the meaning of "freedom- (R.Parfi. Burning Woman).
independence" became popular during the Conclusion
years of independence, when the bird Humo The study of the place of onomastic
began to be used in state symbols: units in the literary text involves two
There is a man who sacrifices his life situations: first, the statistical situation related
for the motherland, there is a man, to the vocabulary of the writer or poet is
There is a bird Humo that landed on his determined. This can be important for pure
shoulder, there is a bird,
Translation by author
11 14
Translation by author Translation by author
12 15
Translation by author Translation by author

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Marufjon Yuldashev, et. al. 5698

linguistic research on a particular topic. 9. Mahmudov N. Linguopoetics of

Second, it is possible to analyze specific layer similarities in Oybek's prose //
units separated from the lexical base on the Uzbek language and literature.
basis of different approaches. In fact, both 1985. – P. 48-50.
cases have their own linguistic significance. 10. Karimov S.A. Artistic style of
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units, but certain parts of them, are considered 11. Imomova G.M. The role of artistic
to have serious aesthetic value in the literary discourse in the creation of a typical
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only to emphasize the writer’s diverse artistic avtoref. - Tashkent, 1993.
intentions have poetic value as a unit related to 12. To'raev D. The problem of artistic
art. But the connotative, signifiable, and thinking and skill in modern Uzbek
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with the historical and cultural life of the features of Shukur Kholmirzaev's
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