G2 2023 2024 ELA Course Pack

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Grade 2

ELA Course Pack


Yuteh Private Elementary School

This Book Belongs To:


Homeroom Number

ELA Group

ELA Teacher
Table of Contents

HMH intoReading
Module 1: Page 1 Module 2: Page 25

Module 3: Page 49 Module 4: Page 73

Table of Contents

Everybody Up
Page 100 Page 103

1 2
How We In
Feel Town

Page 107 Page 111

3 4
Things Things
to Eat to Wear

Page 115 Page 118

to Do

Page 122 Page 124

7 8
My My
Day Week
Bring your
ELA Course Pack
to school EVERY day!

Keep your ELA Course Pack

Always have 2 or more
erasers in your pencil case.

Keep a pencil case

Over the next few weeks, our class will be learning about what it means to
be a good citizen - at home, at school, and in the community.

We will read about characters who are good citizens, and we will learn how
our actions can make a difference to others.

Make a special time and place to read and practice every day.

Page 1
Spelling Words I spell correctly
and read fluently.

Phonics Pattern: Start Right Reader Titles: (Book 1)

short a In a Jam Jam Bandit

(VCe) long i e Zane on a Hike Six Fake Mice






Page 2
Module 1

Skills I can use to help me understand
what I am reading.

myBook 1: Short Read We Are Super Citizens

Focus: Central Idea

1. What is the topic of this story?

2. What does it mean to be a good citizen?

myBook 1: Guided Reading Clark the Shark

Focus: Setting: Time and Place

Skill: Ask and Answer Questions
Genre: Fantasy

1. What is fantasy?
2. What is the setting?
3. What happens at the beginning, middle,
and end of the story?
4. Is Clark a good citizen at his school? Why?





Page 3
Module 1

Page 4
Module 1

Page 5
Module 1

Page 6
Module 1: Big Idea Words & Clark the Shark

Words I understand, can spell, and use in a sentence.

Picture Sentence: Definition:

A citizen pledges loyalty to A citizen is a member of a

her country’s flag. community, state, or

We all made a difference When people make a

by working together to difference, they do
clean up the park. something that helps

Sharing an umbrella on a Someone who is kind is

rainy day is a kind thing to nice, caring, or gentle.

After school, Claire likes to When you munch on food,

munch on fresh you chew it loudly and
vegetables. completely.

The elk bellowed to If you bellowed, you

communicate with other shouted in a loud, deep
elks. voice.

Page 7
Module 1: Big Idea Words & Clark the Shark

Words I mastered! Words I need to study more…

Story Sentence: Word Information:

When we learned about good citizens in school,
my teacher asked us to think of ways we could
be good citizens.
plural: citizens

Bailey makes a difference in the lives of the
people we visit. She helps make their lives better.
plural: differences

Helping others is one way to be kind.

“Munch your own lunch,” said his best friend, munch
Joey Mackerel. (verb)
munch, munches,
munching, munched

“RECESS ROCKS!” bellowed Clark the Shark. bel•lowed
bellow, bellows,
bellowing, bellowed

Page 8
Module 1: Clark the Shark

Picture Sentence: Definition:

Sometimes the puppies When you do something in

play too rough. a rough way, you are not
being gentle.

Andrew is able to handle When you cannot handle

many activities in one day. something, you are not
able to deal with it.

Listening to music is one To cool how you feel

way to cool down and feel means to calm down.

My friends and I like to When you bounce, you

bounce in a bounce move up and down.

Emma grinned at the If you grinned, you smiled a

camera. wide smile.

She kicked the ball with all Doing something with all
her might. your might is using all your

Page 9
Module 1: Clark the Shark

Story Sentence: Word Information:

“You are playing rough, Clark!” (adjective)

He was just too much shark for the other fish to han•dle
handle. (verb)
handle, handles,
handling, handled

Even his best friend, Joey Mackerel, said, “Cool (verb)
your jets, Clark! You’re making me crazy!” cool, cools, cooling,

In class, when lessons got exciting, Clark wanted (verb)
to bounce up out of his seat. bounce, bounces,
bouncing, bounced

“Way to go, Clark!” said his friends. Clark grinned. (verb)
“Lunch is fun.” grin, grins, grinning,

And he swam at the new kid with all his
might. Clark played harder than he
plural: might
ever had before.

Page 10
Grammar Book 2.21 to 2.3.5: Plural Nouns


Grammar Book 2.4.1 to 2.5.5: Proper Nouns

Page 11





















Page 12





















Page 13
Spelling Words I spell correctly
and read fluently.

Phonics Pattern: Start Right Reader Titles: (Book 1)

Long o e u (CV, VCe) The Lone Cat Cat Has a Pal

blends and vCCv Not Yet Big and Small
dr- gr-

cr- fl-

bl- sl-

br- sn-

tr- st- -st






Page 14
Module 1

Skills I can use to help me understand
what I am reading.

myBook 1: Guided Reading Picture Day Perfection

Focus: Characters
Skill: Create Mental Images
Find Details
Genre: Realistic Fiction

1. What is realistic fiction?

2. Who is telling the story? How do you know?
3. What details do you know about the main
4. What happens at the beginning, middle,
and end of the story?







Page 15
Module 1

Page 16
Module 1

Page 17
Module 1

Page 18
Module 1: Picture Day Perfection

Words I understand, can spell, and use in a sentence.

Picture Sentence: Definition:

We carefully planned for If you planned, you

the big event. decided ahead of time
how you would do

The photographer said it When something is perfect,

was a perfect day to take it is the best it can be.
pictures outside.

I put my dirty sweatshirt in A hamper is a basket used

the clothes hamper. to hold dirty clothes.

My dad was not happy A disaster is an event that

about the disaster my dog goes horribly wrong.
made in our living room.

When Anna is upset, she A scowl is an angry frown.

makes a scowl.

Page 19
Module 1: Picture Day Perfection

Words I mastered! Words I need to study more…

Story Sentence: Word Information:

(verb: past tense)
I’d planned for months.
pan, plans, planning,

This was going to be the year of the perfect perfect

school picture. per•fect

I finally found it at the very bottom of the hamper

hamper. ham•per
plural: hampers

This year’s festivities involved a small syrup disaster

disaster. di•sas•ter
plural: disasters

By the time I got into school, my picture day face scowl

was fixed in a scowl. (noun)
plural: scowls

Page 20
Module 1: Picture Day Perfection

Picture Sentence: Definition:

Each of these faces shows Your mood is the way you

a different mood. are feeling.

Sylvia felt queasy after she If you are queasy, your

finished eating breakfast. stomach hurts and you feel

Elena fiddled with her hair If you fiddled with

as she waited for her something, you kept
friend. touching or playing with it.

Story Phrases Explained:

Phrase: What it means:

Picture Day Picture day is a special day at school when a

photographer takes your picture. You wear nice
clothes, smile, and pose for the camera. You
get a printed copy to keep and show your
family and friends. It's a fun day to remember
your time at school.

bedhead "Bedhead" is a word that means having messy

hair when you wake up. It's a fun way to say
messy hair.

Page 21
Module 1: Picture Day Perfection

Story Sentence: Word Information:

I thought we needed a little something to get us mood

in the Picture Day mood. (noun)
plural: moods

I got queasy listening to everyone say “Cheese.” queasy


“Just a sec,” said the photographer as he fiddled fid•dled
with the camera knobs. (verb)
fiddle, fiddles, fiddling,

Story Phrases Explained:

Phrase: What it means:

monstrous messes, These are fun ways to say “mistakes”.

muddles, and mix-ups

Just a sec Short for: “Just a second”.

You say this when you are not ready and need
a little more time.

rolled out of bed This is a fun way to say you got up out of bed.

Page 22
Grammar Book 2.6.1 to 2.6.5: Possessive Nouns


Grammar Book 2.7.1 to 2.8.5: Pronouns

Page 23





















Page 24
Over the next few weeks, our class will be learning about examining the
world around us and about making new discoveries.

We will read books about different kinds of matter, explore things that are
new and unusual, and even notice things about fine art!

Make a special time and place to read and practice every day.

Page 25
Spelling Words I spell correctly
and read fluently.

Phonics Pattern: Start Right Reader Titles: (Book 2)

blends Sad King Ben The Quest

-nt -nd -ng

-nk -mp -st

sk- sp- tr-

fl- cl- pr-

consonant digraphs
Mice Can Help Up in the Pine
prefixes un- re-
ch wh

tch ph

sh th

un- re-






Page 26
Module 2

Skills I can use to help me understand
what I am reading.

myBook 1: Short Read What is Matter?

Focus: Author’s Purpose

1. Does the text give facts or tell a story?

2. Why do you think the author write this text?

myBook 1: Guided Reading Many Kinds of Matter

Focus: Make Inferences

Skill: Make Predictions
Genre: Informational Text

1. What is informational text?

2. What do you think each page will be about?
3. How do pictures and words helps you
understand what you are reading about?





Page 27
Module 2

Page 28
Module 2

Page 29
Module 2

Page 30
Module 2: Big Idea Words & Many Kinds of Matter

Words I understand, can spell, and use in a sentence.

Picture Sentence: Definition:

Grace and Kelly wanted to When you examine

examine the soil for any something, you look at it
bugs. carefully.

These road signs identify a When you identify

railroad crossing, the speed something, you say what it
limit, a highway exit, and a is.
school crosswalk.

Trevor will record what he When you record notes,

learned in his notebook. you write them down.

Each glass has a different An amount is how much

amount of juice. there is of something.

My mother was trying to Material is what something

choose material to make a is made from.

Page 31
Module 2: Big Idea Words & Many Kinds of Matter

Words I mastered! Words I need to study more…

Story Sentence: Word Information:

You can examine things to know what kind of
matter they are.
examine, examines,
examining, examined

You can identify different kinds of matter by how i•den•ti•fy
they look. (verb)
identify, identifies,
identifying, identified

After you examine and identify what things are,
you can record what you found by writing it
record, records,
recording, recorded

Mass is the amount of material in an
plural: amounts

Mass is the amount of material in an ma•te•r•ial
object. (noun)
plural: material

Page 32
Module 2: Many Kinds of Matter

Picture Sentence: Definition:

These books do not take Space is an open area or

up much space on the place.

A banana is an example of An example is a part of a

a fruit. larger group of things that
are alike.

I can easily count to five. Something that is done

easily is not hard to do.

Pasta comes in many Something with many

different forms. forms has different shapes
or ways of being.

Our planet moves around A planet is a large object in

the sun. space that moves around
a star.

We all enjoyed a slice of Something that is tasty is

the tasty pizza. good to eat.

Page 33
Module 2: Many Kinds of Matter

Story Sentence: Word Information:

Volume is the amount of space an object takes space

up. (noun)
plural: spaces

Books are one example of a solid. example

plural: examples

You know that water is a liquid. But it can easily easily

be found in all three forms on our planet. eas•i•ly

You know that water is a liquid. But it can easily forms

be found in all three forms on our planet. (noun)
singular: form

You know that water is a liquid. But it can easily planet

be found in all three forms on our planet. (noun)
plural: planets

Bread dipped in melted cheese is a tasty treat. tasty


Page 34
Grammar Book 1.1.1 to 1.1.5: Subjects


Grammar Book 1.2.1 to 1.2.5: Complete Sentences

Page 35





















Page 36





















Page 37
Spelling Words I spell correctly
and read fluently.

Phonics Pattern: Start Right Reader Titles: (Book 2)

consonants k and ck In Times Past At Home with Kris

long ee / ea
Queen Horses wth Jobs
multisyllabic words






Page 38
Module 2

Skills I can use to help me understand
what I am reading.

myBook 1: Guided Reading The Puddle Puzzle

Focus: Self-Awareness
Skill: Make Predictions
Ask and Answer Questions
Genre: Drama

1. How is a drama different from other stories?

2. What makes a good listener?
3. What happens at the beginning, middle,
and end of the story?









Page 39
Module 2

Page 40
Module 2

Page 41
Module 2

Page 42
Module 2: The Puddle Puzzle

Words I understand, can spell, and use in a sentence.

Picture Sentence: Definition:

Many people worked at If you work at an agency,

the agency. your job is to help others to
get something done.

My aunt opened a small A place open for business

business that sells coffee. is ready to work, buy, or sell

Tia confidently stood up to When you do something

give her report. confidently, you are sure
you will do it well.

The family eagerly When you do something

explored their new home. eagerly, you really want to
do it.

The sand seeps through When something

the hourglass. seeps, it passes slowly
through a small opening.

Page 43
Module 2: The Puddle Puzzle

Words I mastered! Words I need to study more…

Story Sentence: Word Information:

I am so excited! The Miller Detective Agency is a•gen•cy
open for business! (noun)
plural: agencies

I am so excited! The Miller Detective Agency is business

open for business! busi•ness
plural: businesses

BRANDON: (smiling confidently) I know the confidently

answer! I know! cin•fi•dent•ly

BRANDON: (eagerly) I know what happened! eagerly


BRANDON: Yes! When we boil water, the steam seeps

that seeps out of the kettle is a gas. (verb)
seep, seeps, seeping,

Page 44
Module 2: The Puddle Puzzle

Picture Sentence: Definition:

The contents of the box are A mystery is something that

a mystery. is hard to understand or is
not known about

He is an ace athlete. Someone described as an

ace is extremely good at

The alligator pond was Where something is

located near the center of located is where it is.
the zoo.

Story Phrases Explained:

Phrase: What it means:

in charge The phrase "in charge" means being responsible

for making sure things happen the way they're
supposed to or taking care of something or

ahem Ahem is a sound someone makes when they

are clearing their throat. It means you want
someone to pay attention to you.

Page 45
Module 2: The Puddle Puzzle

Story Sentence: Word Information:

TAYLOR: Mystery solved! mys•te•ry
plural: mysteries

TAYLOR: We are ace detectives! ace


TAYLOR: This is where your puddle was located? lo•ca•ted
locate, locates,
locating, located

Story Phrases Explained:

Phrase: What it means:

something vanished When something vanished, you can no longer

see it and you no longer know where it is

Page 46
Grammar Book 1.4.1 to 1.4.5: Compound Sentences


Grammar Book 1.5.1 to 1.5.5: Compound Subjects

Page 47





















Page 48
Over the next few weeks, our class will be learning about working out
conflicts and disagreeing with others in a respectful way.

We will read about how to get along and compromise, and even learn
tips about settling differences from a conflict-solving superhero.

Make a special time and place to read and practice every day.

Page 49
Spelling Words I spell correctly
and read fluently.

Phonics Pattern: Start Right Reader Titles: (Book 3)

long o (oa, oe, ow)
On the Move Get Ready to Move
multisyllabic words

suffixes -ful -less Jack and the Book The Red Box

helpful = full of help

painful = full of pain

painless = no pain

spotless = no spots






Page 50
Module 3

Skills I can use to help me understand
what I am reading.

myBook 1: Short Read Meet Me Halfway

Focus: Central Idea

1. What is the topic of this story?

2. What does it mean to be a good citizen?

myBook 1: Guided Reading Big Red Lollipop

Focus: Point of View

Skill: Check for Understanding
Genre: Realistic Fiction

1. What is realistic fiction?

2. What is the setting?
What happens at the beginning, middle,
and end of the story?
4. Is Clark a good citizen at his school? Why?





Page 51
Module 3

Page 52
Module 3

Page 53
Module 3

Page 54
Module 3: Big Idea Words & Big Red Lollipop

Words I understand, can spell, and use in a sentence.

Picture Sentence: Definition:

A compromise is when
They reached a people agree to
compromise on how to something by each giving
share the apple. up a little of what they

Jeremy needed to make a When you make a

decision about the snack decision, you make up
he wanted to eat. your mind about

There was a disagreement In a disagreement, people

over which movie they have different ideas about
should watch. things.

He invited us to come with When you are invited to a

him to the lunchroom. party, you have been
asked to come.

We could hear screams of When someone screams,

delight as they rode the he or she yells loudly.
roller coaster.

Page 55
Module 3: Big Idea Words & Big Red Lollipop

Words I mastered! Words I need to study more…

Story Sentence: Word Information:

What does it mean when people say, “Let’s com•pro•mise
meet in the middle”? They are talking about (verb)
compromise, or a way to end a disagreement. compromising,

They made a decision to compromise about decision

holding the dog’s leash. de•ci•sion
plural: decisions

They had a disagreement about who would hold disagreement

the leash while walking the dog. dis•a•gree•ment
plural: disagreements

“Ami! I’ve been invited to a birthday party! in•vit•ed
There’s going to be games and toys, cake and (verb)
ice cream! Can I go?” invite, invites, inviting,

Sana screams, “I wanna go too!”
scream, screams,
(wanna = want to)
screaming, screamed

Page 56
Module 3: Big Red Lollipop

Picture Sentence: Definition:

My sister and I tried to When you plead, you ask

plead with our parents to someone in a strong,
get us a kitten. hopeful way.

A trumpet is a type of Something that is musical

musical instrument. has a tune.

Austin began to shove the When you shove

wagon from behind. something, you push it

The family scoots into the When someone scoots, he

tent excitedly. or she moves very quickly.

Jon was greedy and took Someone who is greedy

too much. wants more than what is

The crab scurries across When someone scurries,

the sand. he or she moves with short,
fast steps.

Page 57
Module 3: Big Red Lollipop

Story Sentence: Word Information:

I beg and plead, but Ami won’t listen. (verb)
plead, pleads,
pleading, pleaded

Sana has to win all the games, and when she falls musical
down during musical chairs, she cries like a baby. mu•si•cal

I shove aside the coats and boots. “I’m going to shove

get you!” (verb)
shove, shoves, shoving,
(aside = move to the side) shoved

Quick as a rat, she scoots through my legs and
runs around and around the living room, the
scoot, scoots, scooting,
dining room, the kitchen, yelling, “Ami! Ami! Help!

“She ate my lollipop! The greedy thing! She ate greedy

it!” greed•y

Sana scurries after it and eats that too. scur•ries
scurry, scurries,
scurrying, scurried

Page 58
Grammar Book 1.6.1 to 1.6.5: Subject Verb Agreement


Grammar Book 3.4.1 to 3.4.5: Verbs Am Is Are

Page 59
Grammar Book 3.1.1 to 3.1.5: Action Verbs

Page 60





















Page 61
Spelling Words I spell correctly
and read fluently.

Phonics Pattern: Start Right Reader Titles: (Book 3)

suffixes -y -ly
What a Mess! The Contest
multisyllabic words

prefix -dis
The Big Day Rocky
inflections: y to i






Page 62
Module 3

Skills I can use to help me understand
what I am reading.

myBook 1: Guided Reading Pepita and the Bully

Focus: Theme
Skill: Retell
Author’s Purpose
Genre: Realistic Fiction

1. What is realistic fiction?

2. What is the theme of the story?
3. Why do you think the author wrote the story?
4. Retell what happened in the story using your
own words.









Page 63
Module 3

Page 64
Module 3

Page 65
Module 3

Page 66
Module 3: Pepita and the Bully

Words I understand, can spell, and use in a sentence.

Picture Sentence: Definition:

You wrinkled up your face

The baby wrinkled his
if you tightened muscles to
forehead as he looked
make folds and lines in your

If you see a frown on A frown is a sad or angry

someone's face, you can look.
tell that he or she is not

Our dog tugged and If you yanked something,

yanked the rope from my you pulled it hard and fast.
brother as they played in
the yard.

Colin dragged the suitcase If you dragged something,

out of the room. you worked hard to pull it
along the ground.

When Isabel mumbled, If you mumbled, you spoke

Michael had to listen extra quietly and not very
carefully. clearly.

Page 67
Module 3: Pepita and the Bully

Words I mastered! Words I need to study more…

Story Sentence: Word Information:

Pepita’s face wrinkled up into a big frown. (verb)
wrinkle, wrinkles,
wrinkling, wrinkled

Pepita’s face wrinkled up into a big frown. frown

plural: frowns

Babette yanked her braids and said, “Your braids yanked

look like two raggedy ropes. You should cut them (verb)
off.” yank, yanks, yanking,
(raggedy = messy)

She dragged her doll Dora out from under the dragged
blankets and placed her against the pillow. (verb)
drag, drags, dragging,

She twisted and turned and muttered and mumbled

mumbled while Mamá brushed and braided her mum•bled
hair. (verb)
mumble, mumbles,
(muttered = mumbled) mumbling, mumbled
Page 68
Module 3: Pepita and the Bully

Picture Sentence: Definition:

When I eat a snack, my Someone who is nearby is

dog is always nearby. close to where you are.

Alex tried to make excuses Excuses are reasons why

about the broken vase. you cannot do something.

The girl was hesitant to go If you are hesitant, you do

down the slide by herself something slowly because
you are not sure about it.

Story Phrases Explained:

Phrase: What it means:

Mamá This is the Spanish word for mom or mother.

especially liked To like one thing out of many.

Someone who tries to get other people in

trouble by telling what they do to a teacher or

Page 69
Module 3: Pepita and the Bully

Story Sentence: Word Information:

Pepita was about to say yes, but she saw
Babette standing nearby.

“Stop making excuses!” Pepita said. “Do you excuses

want to play or don’t you?” ex•cus•es
singular: excuse

Babette bit her lip, sniffed and gave a hesitant hesitant

little nod. hes•i•tant
(nod = move your head down and up to say yes)

Story Phrases Explained:

Phrase: What it means:

Señor This is the Spanish word for Sir or Mr.

Papá This is the Spanish word for dad or father.

supper This word means dinner.

Page 70
Grammar Book 3.2.1 to 3.3.5: Verb Tenses


Grammar Book 3.5.1 to 3.6.5: Irregular Verbs

Page 71





















Page 72
Over the next few weeks, our class will be learning about stories that teach a
moral, which is a valuable life lesson.

We will read many kinds of stories, from classic fairy tales to modern retellings,
and even an informational text about how to appreciate a story.

Make a special time and place to read and practice every day.

Page 73
Spelling Words I spell correctly
and read fluently.

Phonics Pattern: Start Right Reader Titles: (Book 4)

r-controlled vowels
Work Day The Big Store
or ore are

-air -are -ear
Rafts My Rafting Trip
-ir -er -ur -ar -or






Page 74
Module 4

Skills I can use to help me understand
what I am reading.

myBook 2: Short Read Recipe for a Fairy Tale

Focus: What is a Fairy Tale?

1. What do you need to make a fairy tale?

2. How is this like a recipe?

myBook 2: Guided Reading How to Read a Story

Focus: Text Organization

Skill: Make Inferences
Genre: Informational Text

1. What is informational text?

2. What are the steps to read a story?
3. How do pictures and words helps you
understand what you are reading about?





Page 75
Module 4

Page 76
Module 4

Page 77
Module 4

Page 78
Module 4: Big Idea Words & How to Read a Story

Words I understand, can spell, and use in a sentence.

Picture Sentence: Definition:

The moral of the story The

Ant and the Grasshopper is A moral is a lesson in a
that there is a time for work story.
and a time for play.

The girls relate to each If you relate to someone,

other as they enjoy cold you know how the person
treats on a warm day. feels.

Each year there is a A version is a different or

different version of car changed form of
models. something.

The fireplace made the A place that is cozy is

room feel cozy. comfortable.

The soup was steaming, so If something is steaming, it

we let it cool. is very hot.

Page 79
Module 4: Big Idea Words & How to Read a Story

Words I mastered! Words I need to study more…

Story Sentence: Word Information:

Many fairy tales have a moral or lesson to learn.
plural: morals

When we read, we should think about the relate

characters and how we relate to them. re•late
relate, relates, relating,

There are two versions of the Cinderella story in version

this book. ver•sion
plural: versions

Find a cozy reading spot. cozy


Outside is fun . . . but not if it’s very cold. Unless steam•ing
you have thick woolen blankets, and hats and (verb)
scarves, and cups of steaming hot cocoa. steam, steams,
steaming, steamed

Page 80
Module 4: How to Read a Story

Picture Sentence: Definition:

A clue is information
I found a clue on this
that helps you find an

Writing out the equation Something that makes

helped me make sense of sense is easy to
the math problem. understand.

We pressed pause to stop If you pause, you stop what

the movie while we ate you are doing for a short
dinner. time.

She decided to disturb When you disturb

her dad early in the someone, you bother that
morning. person.

The snake rattled its tail. Something that rattled

made many short, shaking

My brother tackled me to If you tackled someone,

get the ball. you pushed the person to
the ground.

Page 81
Module 4: How to Read a Story

Story Sentence: Word Information:

Can you guess what it’s about? clue

Read the title. That might be a clue. (noun)
plural: clues

If there are words you don’t know, try sounding sense

them out or looking at the pictures to see what (noun)
makes sense.

If you need a break, you can pause for a minute. pause

pause, pauses, pausing,

“Who dares disturb me in my cave?” the dragon dis•turb
growled. (verb)
disturb, disturbs,
disturbing, disturbed

The robot was so scared all his metal parts rattled. rat•tled
rattle, rattles, rattling,

But the princess tackled that dragon and held tack•led
him down. (verb)
tackle, tackles, tackling,

Page 82
Grammar Book 4.1.1 to 4.2.5: Adjectives


Grammar Book 4.3.1 to 4.3.5: Adverbs

Page 83





















Page 84





















Page 85
Spelling Words I spell correctly
and read fluently.

Phonics Pattern: Start Right Reader Titles: (Book 4)

vowel pattern /ōō/ŏŏ
Jobs Playing Music
multisyllabic words
oo ew
cool grew

ou ue
group glue

oo oo
cook book

vowel teams ou ow
A New Town What Sue Found
diphthongs oy oi






Page 86
Module 4

Skills I can use to help me understand
what I am reading.

myBook 2: Guided Reading If the Shoe Fits

Focus: Author’s Purpose

Skill: Make Connections
Cause and Effect

Genre: Fairy Tale

1. What makes these stories fairy tales?

2. How are the two stories alike and different?
3. What are some examples of cause and
effect in the two stories?









Page 87
Module 4

Page 88
Module 4

Page 89
Module 4

Page 90
Module 4: If the Shoe Fits

Words I understand, can spell, and use in a sentence.

Picture Sentence: Definition:

My chore is to take out the A chore is a job you must

trash. do.

The children were thrilled When you are thrilled, you

to camp out in the are very excited.

Jeff thought dinner was Something that is superb is

superb! the very best.

My best friend beamed at Someone who beamed

me from across the room. gave a big smile.

Cara takes pleasure in Pleasure is a feeling of

reading outside. happiness or joy.

Page 91
Module 4: If the Shoe Fits

Words I mastered! Words I need to study more…

Story Sentence: Word Information:

Instead of going to Randall’s party tomorrow,
you’ll do Finn’s chore and mow the lawn.”
plural: chores

Zoey was thrilled! She ran to get her favorite thrilled

shoes, but Finn had hidden them. (adjective)

Mrs. Fortuna handed her a pair of golden tennis superb

shoes. Zoey thought they were superb! su•perb

Randall beamed when Zoey walked in. beamed

beam, beams,
beaming, beamed

His new wife had her own daughter named Hee, pleasure
which means “pleasure.” pleas•ure

Page 92
Module 4: If the Shoe Fits

Picture Sentence: Definition:

She is jealous of the If you are jealous, you feel

attention the baby angry because you want
receives from her mom. what someone else has.

We dashed into school to If you dashed, you ran

get to class. quickly.

I hobbled around my If you hobbled, you walked

house when I broke my leg. in a slow, uneven way.

Story Phrases Explained:

Phrase: What it means:

logging onto her laptop This means using a password to turn on a


mow the lawn This means cutting the grass.

Mrs. Fortuna consoled To console someone means to use words to try

her. and help them feel better or happier.

Page 93
Module 4: If the Shoe Fits

Story Sentence: Word Information:

Kwan’s stepmother and stepsister were jealous
of Kwan and unkind to her.

Thrilled, Kwan dashed down the road to the dashed

bridge crossing the river. (verb)
dash, dashes, dashing,

Kwan hobbled home and hid the gown and hob•bled
slipper in an old trunk. (verb)
hobble, hobbles,
hobbling, hobbled

Story Phrases Explained:

Phrase: What it means:

I’m taking Hee to the A festival is a big party celebration or party.


weed the garden This means to pull out plants that are not

Page 94
Grammar Book 4.4.1 to 4.4.5: Prepositions


Grammar Book 5.1.1 to 5.1.5: Quotation Marks

Page 95
Grammar Book 5.2.1 to 5.3.5: Commas

Page 96





















Page 97
Page 98
Meet the Characters

🟊 He is 8 years old. 🟊 She is 9 years old.

🟊 He has 1 sister. 🟊 She has 2 brothers.
🟊 He likes the color green 🟊 She likes playing
And eating pizza. soccer.

🟊 She is 8 years old. 🟊 He is 9 years old.

🟊 She has 1 sister and 1 🟊 He has 1 brother.
brother. 🟊 He likes riding his bike.
🟊 She likes the color purple
and her backpack.

Page 99
Unit 1
How We Feel

happy sad hot cold hungry

thirsty sick tired bored excited

see hear smell taste touch

Look, point, ask, and answer


What can he / she

He / She can see
a bird.

Page 100
Ask and answer

Are you happy? Yes, I am.

I’m happy.
I’m not sad.

No, I’m not.

I’m not happy.
I’m sad.


Is he / she sick? Yes, he / she is.

He’s / She’s sick.

No, he / she isn’t.

He / She isn’t sick.

Conversation: Be kind
👧 Ouch!
👦 What’s wrong?
👦 Are you OK?
👧 My leg hurts.

Page 101





















Page 102
Unit 2
In Town

doctor nurse teacher student cook

pilot police firefighter bus soccer

officer driver player

hospital school home restaurant

Look, point, ask, and answer


Where’s the doctor? He’s / She’s at the


Page 103
Ask and answer

Is he / she a doctor? Yes, he/she is.

He’s / She’s a doctor.

No, he / she isn’t.

He / She isn’t a doctor.


Are they police Yes, they are.

officers? They’re police

No, they aren’t.

They aren’t police

Conversation: Be careful
👧 Excuse me. May I borrow your phone?
👦 Sure. Here you are.
👧 Thanks.
👦 You’re welcome.

Page 104

cave cub girl game

jam jug hippo hose

king kitten six box

1. The girl is in the cave. 2. The hippo is on the jug.

3. I can see six kittens.

Page 105





















Page 106
Unit 3
Things to Eat

soup salad spaghetti french steak


eggs apple banana orange peach

milk yogurt cheese butter

Look, point, ask, and answer


Do you like milk?

Yes, I do.

Page 107
Ask and answer

What do you want?

I want soup.

I don’t want soup.



What does he / she

want? He / She wants soup.

He / She doesn’t
want soup.

Page 108

Do you have apples? Yes, I do.

I have apples.

No, I don’t.
I don’t have apples.


Does he / she have

Yes, he / she does.
He / She has apples.

No, he / she doesn’t.

He / She doesn’t have apples.

Conversation: Be polite
👧 Do you want and apple?
👦 Yes, please?

👦 No, thank you.

Page 109





















Page 110
Unit 4
Things to Wear

shirt dress skirt pants socks

shoes cap T-shirt shorts sneakers

hat coat sweater boots

More Vocabulary: Colors

red blue yellow green orange purple

pink gray brown black white teal

Page 111
Look, point, ask, and answer

What’s he / she He’s / She’s wearing

wearing? a white shirt and
gray pants.



What are you

I’m wearing a red cap
and green shorts.



What are you (all) We’re wearing red

wearing? caps and green

Page 112
Ask and answer

Is he / she Yes, he/she is.

wearing a hat? He’s / She’s wearing
a hat.

No, he / she isn’t.

He / She isn’t wearing
a hat.



Are they wearing Yes, they are.

boots? They’re wearing

No, they aren’t.

They aren’t wearing

Conversation: Be safe
👧 What’s your phone number?
👦 It’s 0924567890

Page 113

black blob clock clam

flag fly brush bread

crib crayon frog friend

1. This clam is black. 2. My friend likes bread.

3. The flag is in the crib.

Page 114
Unit 5
Things to Do

read write draw talk sing

dance eat drink sleep play

play the listen to watch TV do

guitar music homework

+ ing to say it’s happening

read write draw talk sing dance eat
reading writing drawing talking singing dancing Eating

drink sleep play listen do watch

drinking sleeping playing listening doing watching

Page 115
Look, point, ask, and answer

What are you doing? I’m reading.



What’s he / she He’s / She’s reading.




What’re they doing? They’re reading.

Page 116
Ask and answer

Is he / she playing Yes, he / she is.

the guitar? He / She is playing
the guitar.

No, he / she isn’t.

He / She isn’t playing
the guitar


Are they playing the Yes, they are.

guitar? They are playing
the guitar.

No, they aren’t.

They aren’t playing
the guitar.

Conversation: Be nice
👧 Let’s play!
👦 Good idea!

Page 117
Unit 6

bed bookshelf table sofa clock


computer bedroom bathroom living room kitchen

(laptop) (family room)

More Vocabulary: Numbers

zero one two three four

five six seven eight nine

Page 118
ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen

fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

twenty twenty-five thirty forty fifty

sixty seventy eighty ninety one


Look, point, ask, and answer


How many pencils There are 24 pencils.

are there?

Page 119
Ask and answer

Are there two beds in Yes, there are.

the bedroom? There are two beds in
the bedroom.

No, there aren’t.

There’s one bed in
the bedroom.


Is there a bed next to Yes, there is.

the bookshelf? There’s a bed next to
the bookshelf.

No, there isn’t.

There’s no bed next
to the bookshelf.

Conversation: Be helpful
👧 The living room’s messy!
👦 Let’s clean it up.
👧 Okay.

Page 120

sheep shell chair chin

three think whale wheel

phone photo

1. The sheep is on the chair. 2. The whale has a wheel.

3. There are three phones.

Page 121
Unit 7
My Day

one one one one two

o’clock fifteen thirty forty-five o’clock

morning noon time small thing evening

meal meal to eat meal

breakfast lunch snack dinner wake up

go to come /go go to bed

school home

Page 122
Ask and answer

What time is it? It’s one o’clock.


When do you eat I eat breakfast at

breakfast? seven o’clock in the


When do you (all) eat We eat breakfast at

breakfast? seven o’clock in the


When does he / she He / She eats

eat breakfast breakfast at seven
o’clock in the

Conversation: Be healthy
👧 What time is it?
👦 It’s eight o’clock. It’s time for bed.

Page 123
Unit 8
My Week


science art math P.E. music


social karate dance swimming English

studies class class class class

Days of the Week

1 2 3 4 5

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

6 7

Saturday Sunday

Page 124
Countries of the World

Japan South Korea Vietnam China Thailand

日本 韓國 越南 中國 泰國

Taiwan Singapore Malaysia Philippines Australia

台灣 新加坡 馬來西亞 菲律賓 澳洲

Egypt The U.K. Brazil Canada The U.S.A.

埃及 英國 巴西 加拿大 美國

Page 125
Ask and answer

What’s your favorite It’s science.

subject? My favorite subject is


What’s his / her It’s science.

favorite subject? His / Her favorite
subject is science.


When does he / she He / She goes to

go to karate class? karate class on


Where’s he / she
He’s / She’s from
The U.S.A.

Page 126
Conversation: Be friendly
👧 Good-bye!
👦 See you.
👧 Bye!

rain play beach candy

cry pie glue juice

1. He can play at the beach. 2. The glue is in the rain.

3. She likes pie and candy.

Page 127





















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Page 131

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