DND 5E Dungeons & Dragons Planescape Sigil and The Outlands Scan
DND 5E Dungeons & Dragons Planescape Sigil and The Outlands Scan
DND 5E Dungeons & Dragons Planescape Sigil and The Outlands Scan
Cnrorrs @
Proiect Leads: Justice Ramin Arman, F. Wesley Schneider D&D Sruoro
Art Director: EmiTanji Executive Producer: Kyle Brink
Writers: Justice Ramin Arman, Dan Dillon, F. Wesley Schneider Game Architects: Jeremy Crawford, Christopher Perkins
Developers: Christopher Perkins, Jeremy Crawford Studio Art Director: Josh Herman
Lead Editor: Adrian Ng Art Manager: Rob Sather
Editors: Judy Bauer, Janica Carter, Christopher Perkins Art Department: Matt Cole, Trystan Falcone, Bree Heiss, Kate lrwin,
Graphic Designer: Matt Cole Bob )ordan, Noor Rahman, Emi Tanii, Trish Yochum
Cover lllustrators: Tony DiTerlizzi, Tyler Iacobson Design Department: Justice Ramin Arman, Makenzie De Armas,
lnterior lllustrators: Alfven Ato, Luca Bancone, Alix Branwyn, Bruce Dan Dillon, Amanda Hamon, Ron Lundeen, Ben Petrisor, Patrick
Brenneise, Kai Carpenter, CoupleOfKooks, Nikki Dawes, Max Renie, F. \(esley Schneider, Carl Sibley, Jason Tondro, ,ames Wyatt
Dunbar, Michele Ciorgi, Oksana Kerro, PINDURSKI, One Pixel Managing Editor: Judy Bauer
Brush, Sam Keiser, Linda Lithen, Adriän lbarra Lugo, Warren Editorial Department: Eytan Bernstein, Janica Carter, Adrian Ng
Mahy, Robson Michel, Calder Moore, Riccardo Moscatello, Senior Producer: Dan Tovar
Martin Mottet, Vicki Pangestu, Mike Pape, Claudio Pozas, Noor Producers: Bill Benham, Siera Bruggeman, Robert Hawkey,
Rahman, Matias Tapia, Terraform Studios, ZuzannaWuzyk Andy Smith, Cabe Waluconis
Cartographer: Jared Blando Director of Product Management: Liz Schuh
Poster Map Cartographer: Francesca Baerald Product Managers: Natalie Egan, Chris Lindsay, Hilary Ross,
Concept Art Directors: Josh Herman, Emi Tanji Chris Tulach
ConceptArtists: Eric Belisle, Dmitry Burmak, Ekaterina Burmak,
Max Dunbar, Alex Konstad, Juho Laitila, lzzy Medrano, One Special thanks to Michele Carter; Lisa Ohanian; Black lsle Studios,
Pixel Brush, Noor Rahman, John Tedrick, Terraform Studios, the creators of Planescape: Torment; and the hundreds of playtesters
Shawn Wood who made this a better book!
Consultants: Michele Carter, Rico Coraz6n, Basheer Chouse,
Jonathan S. Tomhave Additional thanks to the original Pianescape setting designers,
Proiect Engineer: Cynda Callaway including Richard Baker, Wolfgang Baur, Tim Beach, l(aren
lmaging Technicians: Daniel Corona, Kevin Yee Boomgarden, Michele Carter, David "Zeb" Cook, Monte Cook, Tony
Prepress Specialist: Jefferson Dunlap DiTerlizzl. Dale Donovan,leffCrubb, Andria Hayday, Dori Jean
Hein. Brian Korval, Rob Lazzaretti, Co in McComb, Dawn Murin, rk
post. Robh Rrcpe, J. \1. Sa sbury, Bill S avicsek, Lester Smith, Rick
S',,,ar. Rar \'a ese. la"rles \l'ard. Sue \\iei: ein, Skip Wll iams. Steve
t.r,,-ie.. Da.,d \.,, S€. a-C
-a-! rcre .
Disclaimer: The factions ofthe City of Doors are nat responsib . i.. : .....: .. : i:.: : ..'., i
620D2437000003 EN
ISBN: 978-0-7859-6904-3
Efffi.f,E with accidento lly ha p penin g upon th e Ca ge. Pl ease c o nst ii t T ., r : : : :,' - :.. :. : :. :. : :
onyofthefollowing:upselslomach,nausea,existeniiaiot,ai:.:..... '.'. -:-
First Printing: October 2023 sistible urge ta wax paetic abaut philosophies relatt rg :: :. , ;. . ; . . /:.
DUNCEONS & DRACONS, D&D, Wizards ofthe Coast, Planescape, the dragon ampersand, Player's Handbook, Manstet Mantal. Dr.!.:,
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Printed in China. O2023 Wizards ofthe Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by: Hasi.. Sr. i-: a-
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leu en anglais. Contenu: L FABRIQUE EN CHINE
C oxrENTs
I l nn ite Doors to Adventure.................... 4
,: . Planescape?.................................. 4 Athar... .22 Faunel.........
- : - lhls 8ook.......................................... 4
- :: T:uths..... 5 Doomguard 23 Glorium..........
.:' of the Mu1tiverse...... 5 Fated..... 24 Hopeless........
Unitl' of Rings, 5
Rule of Threes 5
r i. Rigus
1 : Character Options ......................... 6
Sylvania R6
. ..-.-,undS..... 7
llate Warden 7 Mercykillers 26 Torch........... 88
Mind's Eye .....27 Tradegate... 90
Flanar Phi1osopher........ ..........8
Society of Sensation ..,,.27 Xaos................ 92
Cieating Your o*" F^",i;;..::::. ..........8
Transcendent Order........................ .....28 Other Realms 94
Ftars ................ ........10
Minor Factions..................................... ..,,.28 Caverns of Thought ..... 94
-\genr of Order.............................. ........10
tsaleful Scion................ ........10 Sigil Gazetteer ..................................... .....29 Court of Light 94
Cohort of Chaos............................ ........10 Clerks'Ward.. .....30 Dendradis 94
tlutlands Envoy .............. ........10 Clerks'Ward Factions .....30 Flowering Hi11..................... 94
Flanar Wanderer.......................... ........11 Clerks' Ward Locations ............. .....30 The Great pu""..................... 94
Richteous Heritor ........................ ........ 1 1 Hive Ward...... .....34 Gzemnid's Ma2e................... 94
Scion of the Outer P1anes.......... ........12 Hive Ward Factions...............-..... .....34 Hidden Rea1m....................... 94
\iagic.................. 72
Hive Ward Locations.................. .....35 Labyrinth of Life................... 95
Spel1s.............. 12 Lady's Ward... .....40 Mausoleum of Chronepsis. 95
Gate Seal... 12
Lady's Ward Factions................. .....40 Moradin's 4nvi1..................... 95
Lady's Ward Locations............... ..,,.41 Realm of the Norns ............. 95
\[agic Items... 13
LowerWard... .....46 River Ma'at..... 96
\Iimi r.......... ...... lJ
Lower Ward Factions 46 Semua nya's Bog................... 96
-' :ra1 Compass....................... .. ... .. 13
Lower Ward Locations........ ............. 47 The Spire....... 96
> -rsorJ Stone.................................... 13
Market Ward..... 51 Thebestys............... 96
Market Ward Factions.................. ...51 Vale of the Spine .. 96
i- :. 2 r Sigil. the City of Doors ............... 14 Market Ward Locations............... ...52 Walking Castles 96
Ithere Is Sigil?.. 15
Undersigil ...56 Wonderhome. 96
Sigil at a Glance 15
Undersigil Locations .................... ...56
Features of Sigi1........... 15 Maps
Adventures in Sigi1............. ...58 Map 2.1: Elloweth Theater in the
-\lterations to Magic .............................. 15
- :'e in Sigil......... t6
Adventure Hooks .............. ...58 Civic Festhall . ..............32
Faction Missions......... ...58 Map2.2: Hal1 of Vigils in the
Inhabitants...... t6 Sigil CaIamities.................................. ...58
C,Lrrrency and Trade............................... 16
Mortuary 39
Encounters in Sigi1............ ...59 Map 2.3: Spire of the Grixitt in the
Sen ices........... t6
Getting Around....................................... 16 Ch.3: The Outlands ...60 Prison 44
- anguage ......................17
Life in the Outlands ...6t Map 2.4: Mithral Tower in the
I ocal Nuisances..................................... 17 Gate-Towns ...67 Great Foundry ..............49
Automata ...62 Map 2.5: Grounds of the
8ed1am........... ...64 Great Gymnasium.................................. 55
Portal Keys........ 18 Curst ............... ,,.66
Poi-ra1 Quirks ....18 Ecstasy...................... .................68
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Axerrs, oevrrs;äüo
Chapter 1 provides players with details on how to themselves the center of everything. They're correct,
.-ate characters suited to a Planescape campaign. in a sense: wherever you stand is the most import-
-. Dresents the Gate Warden and Planar Philoso- ant place in existence-at least, for you.
- -.tr backgrounds, feats inspired by the planes, and
--. -,r11ection of spells and magic items appropriate
: planar travelers.
Ilt{gX qt BtNcq _
Systems, cycles, orbits, planes, lives, even the city
Chapter 2 introduces the mind-boggling city of of Sigil itself-the multiverse is composed of infinite
: :'i1. the enigmatic Lady of Pain, and various other rings. Whether these are physical or philosophical
::r' inhabitants. rings, the elements of the multiverse have no begin-
Chapter 3 presents the Outlands, a neutral plane ning or end, and if you follow any for long enough,
.. the center of the Great Wheel, along with details you'll return to where you started.
r the gate-towns communities at the thresholds
:he Outer Planes-and other incredible realms. RulB or TnnBns .
i ,:
ENFoRcERs ovER THE Roops op 5tctu.
d- *g 11.r
E-_ Ai i1;l'? ; flffi 3
HEN YOU CREATE A CHARACTER FOR Burrorxc e G-trn JMRnonN Cnenecrnn
adventures set in Sigil or the Outlands, Those who dwell for an extended time near a per-
you can choose from any options the manent portal to another plane absorb the essence
D&D game provides, including those de- radiating from the realm beyond. Those influenced
- . :r this chapter. As always, check with your by the same plane share similarities in behavior and
.. :e creating a character to make sure the even physical appearance.
> ,, ou prefer are available. Su§§ested Chatactefistics. The influence of an
Outer Plane shapes your perspective. The Gate
r,-iCKGROUNDS Warden Personality Traits table suggests traits you
: :-: iron presents two backgrounds for 1st-leve1 might adopt for your character.
- , :rs ri'ith strong ties to Sigil, the Outlands, or
-. Gate Warden and the Planar Philosopher. Glre WnnoEN PERSoNALTTY Tnlrrs
r :elect either of these backgrounds, you d5 Personality Trait
- -: :tat specified in its description. If the back- 1 Strange events and otherworldly creatures don't
- -- '.-', ,:,u choose doesn't provide a feat, you gain faze me.
'-. :e at of your choice from the options below 2 I think in terms of exchange: something for some-
- -:scribed in the Player's Handbook):
thing, nothing for nothing.
-: 3 I speak with an unusual cadence.
4 I pepper my speech with words or curses bor-
' -' 5 l've seen enough to know that you can't take any-
:i-srrer Planescape Campai§n
one at face value, so I scrutinize everyone.
-- -.rr a significant amount of time somewhere 5 I have a superstitious habit I picked up from my
i :- - : I br- intense planar forces or a portal to
-: gate-town, such as touching iron when l'm ner-
-': :lane of existence, such as one of the gate-
' . : rhe Outiands. You're accustomed to expe- vous or arranging objects in a specific order.
- :: rrät rl-ould leave others reeling in terror or Gate Warden Trinkets. When you make your
' .. ::td br,otherworldly beauty, and you're as character, you can ro11 once on the Gate Warden
' ...b1e dealing with Celestials and Fiends as Trinkets table, instead of on the Trinkets table in the
., -'.
-,i ith
the vendors in town (who might be one Player's Handbook, for your starting trinket.
= same).
Slitl Proficiencies: Persuasion, Survival
Srcll FncrroN AFFrNrrrEs
Faction Skill
Athar Religion
Bleak Cabal lnsight
Doomguard Nature
Fated lntimidation
Fraternity of Order History
Hands of Havoc Stealth
Harmonium Perception
Heralds of Dust
g Medicine
Mercykillers Survival
Mind's Eye Persuasion
Society of Sensation Performance
Transcendent Order Athletics
FecrroNs oF SrGrL
Twelve factions have risen to prominence in the City
of Doors, though many more exist. Your character
might belong to one of these groups or another ideo-
@s logical faction, perhaps one of your own creation.
The primary factions of Sigil, which are further
ut detailed in chapter 2, adhere to the following
i Athar. Deities are frauds and merely channel the
might of a true, higher power.
Bleak Cabal. There is no greater truth to the
multiverse. Each being must discover their
own meaning.
Doomguard. Nothing lasts forever. The purpose of
everything is to crumble and decay.
,{iGir= }jnsüar.i Fi?.]fr : *f (L+?;1jY Fated. Everyone makes their own fate and is enti-
G3ag-i;sN *. i":e pEL€5: fät:'.-a: tled to whatever they can take and hold.
i !i; äii,:r.laE cr ;rr *i::: a+::.
Fraternity of Order. All of existence is governed by
laws, and power comes from understanding and
PreNeB PnrrosoPHER exploiting them.
Prerequisite: Planescape Campai§n Hands of Havoc. Those who try to impose a single
You subscribe to a philosophy that seeks to under- order on the multiverse are doomed to fail.
stand the nature of the planes or some hidden truth
Harmonium. The multiverse will be perfect only
when everything is acting in harmony, whether it
of the multiverse. You draw strength from your
conviction and, perhaps, a network of like-minded wants to or not.
thinkers, such as the factions of Sigil (summarized Heralds of Dust. Everyone is already dead; the
below). In your travels, you explore the depths of
entirety of the multiverse is an afterlife. Undeath
your understanding and spread your philosophy holds the key to the next stage of existence.
wherever you go. Mercykillers. Cold, relentless justice is absolute,
and no one is above it.
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, the skill associated Mind's Eye. The multiverse exists to be explored. It
with your faction (see the Sigil Faction Affinities shapes us, and we shape it in turn.
table) or one skill ofyour choice Society of Sensation. Sensation is the proof of exis-
Languages: Two ofyour choice tence. By experiencing everything, we can under-
Equipment: A portal key (such as a bag of golden stand the multiverse in all its complexity.
tea leaves or the tooth of a planar beast), a mani- Transcendent Order. Thought clouds action. To
festo of your guiding philosophy, a set of common fall in step with the multiverse, one must act on
clothes in your faction's style, and a pouch con- instinct alone.
taining 10 gp worth of coins from different worlds
and planes
JMr.np SBwsn
2nd-Level Divination
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a razorvine leaf)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
For the duration, you sense the presence of portals,
even inactive ones, within 30 feet of yourself.
Ifyou detect a portal in this way, you can use your
action to study it. Make a DC 15 ability check using
your spellcasting ability. On a successful check, you
learn the destination plane of the portal and what
portal key it requires, then the spell ends. On a
failed check, you learn nothing and can't study that
portal again using this spell until you cast it again.
The spell can penetrate most barriers but is
blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal,
a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Mecrc Irnus
This section describes magic items likely to be
found in Sigil and the Outlands.
Wondrous ltem,. Rare (Requires Attunement)
This skull-shaped device is filled with knowledge.
The device weighs 5 pounds and is covered with
subtle etchings of planar sigils.
As a bonus action, you can toss the device into the
air, whereupon it floats at a distance of 1d3 feet from
ä**;*i {cs;,*ss
you and you can access its properties. While the
mimir is floating, a creature other than you can use
an action to grasp or net the device, either by mak-
ing a successful unarmed strike against AC 22 or a
successful DC 22 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. You
can use a bonus action to seize and stow the device.
The device has AC 22,25 hit points, immunity to
poison and psychic damage, and resistance to all
other damage. It is considered to be an object that is
being worn while it is floating near you.
Esoteric Knowled§e. While the device is floating,
you can use an action to cast üe§end lore from the
device. The device speaks the revealed lore aloud.
Once this property has been used, it can't be used
again until the next dawn.
Planar Knowled§e. The device knows basic, use-
fu1 information about the planes of existence. While
the device is floating, it verbally answers questions Ponrer Coupess
you or anyone you designate poses to it about that Wondrous ltem, Uncommon
topic. It knows the information about the planes in This portable arcane instrument points in the direc-
the Dun§eon Master's Guide, as well as basic infor- tion of the last portal it passed through while it and
mation about the gate-towns of the Outlands (pre- the portal are on the same plane of existence. If that
sented in chapter 3 of this book). portal no longer exists, the needle becomes static
until the compass passes through a new portal.
SnNsonv SroNn
Wondrous ltem, Uncommon
This small, smooth stone contains the essence of a
single experience.
As an action, you or a willing creature you desig-
nate can touch the stone and experience the sen-
sation as if it happened to the designated creature.
The illusory experience is fleeting and harmless,
however real it might feel in the moment.
Record Sensation. You can use your reaction to
record a short sensation lasting no longer than 6
seconds experienced by a creature ofyour choice
@F within 30 feet of yourself, infusing the essence of
_&. that experience into the stone. This replaces any
sensation already stored within the stone.
Siphon Sensation. As a bonus action, you can
draw on the stone's magic to end the charmed or
frightened condition on yourself, de
stone in the process
Tours Locar NursaNcns
Touts are independent local guides and translators
While Sigil's inhabitants potentially pose the great-
who know the ins and outs of Sigil's wards. The
est threat to those exploring the city, two dangers
best touts know shortcuts through the city to hidden
pervade Sigil: cranium rats and razorvine.
gems offthe beaten paths.
A typical tout charges 2 sp per hour of guidance. CneNruu Rers
More reliable touts vetted by influential clients Rats thrive on the garbage that gathers in Sigil's al-
charge premium prices, starting at2 gp per hour. leys and sewers. Common and giant rats are found
Touts who speak more esoteric languages, who have throughout the Cage, as are variant cranium rats
connections with one or more factions, or who can known as squeakers (further detailed it Morte's
provide magical assistance can command upward of Planar Parade). Adapted to the city, squeakers
20 gp per hour. share their psionic abilities with citizens to create
a citywide communication network, though some
LeNcuncB cranium rat swarms have agendas of their own.
\s people and beings from everywhere find their
u-ay to Sigil, every conceivable language comes RezonvrNn
ii-ith them. Common is the most frequently spoken Farming in Sigil is virtually nonexistent due to the
language. The fact that Common-speaking travelers scarcity of arable land. Outside of private gardens
irom different worlds can meet in Sigil and under- and the occasional community plot, the only plant
stand one another perplexes linguists and suggests that flourishes in the City of Doors is razorvine,
that the language originated in Sigil. Creatures na- a prickly hazard native to the Lower Planes. This
tive to Sigil are typically fluent in Common and one black, creeping ivy has broad, glossy leaves with
other language. razor-sharp stems and thorns. Work crews fight the
Visitors who need help communicating can al- rapidly growing weed from overrunning the city.
ivays find touts willing to translate for a price. This Others use razorvine strategically to deter intruders
service extends to the Cant, a complex local slang by letting it grow along estate walls or as carefully
heard in some corners of the citv. cultivated hedges. Rules for razorvine can be found
inthe Dun§eon Master's Guide.
Sigil boasts more planar portals than any other
location in the multiverse. These innumerable
doors link locations in Sigil to destinations on other
planes or elsewhere in the city. Any opening in the
City of Doors might be one of these magic gateways.
Fundamental to any Planescape campaign, portals
are further detailed inthe Dun§eon Master's Guide
and the sections below.
Ponrer Besrcs
Most portals aren't always open. Instead, they open
at certain times, when a particular condition is met,
in response to a command word or phrase, or when
a traveler is holding a particular object called a por- Ponrer KS
tal key. When a creature with a portal's key crosses
Some portals have strange magical quirks. If you
a portal's threshold, the portal remains open until
want to dress up a standard portal, roll on the Por-
the start of that creature's next turfl.
Portals are usually invisible when they're inactive
tal Quirks table or choose from its examples.
(including to detect ma§r'c spells), but they can be
Ponrnl Qutnxs
detected by the true seein§ or warp sense spell (see
chapter 1 ofthis book for a description ofthe latter). d5 Portal Quirk
When a portal activates, it lypically becomes out- I One-Way. The portal functions only one way, either
lined in light with its destination visible beyond. into or out of Sigil. The portal isn't visible or de-
tectable from the exit side.
PonrRr Kxvs 2 Shifting. One end of the portal moves in a pattern
A portal key can be any sort of object or a particular between different locations in Sigil or the destina-
key created for that portal. Keys often bear some tion plane.
symbolic connection to their destination, such as a 3 Slow, After a creature enters the portal, 2d4 days
silver sphere for the Astral Plane, a length of chain
pass before the creature appears at its destination,
for Carceri, or a white lily for Elysium. The key func-
during which time the creature is trapped in a sta-
tions on either side of a portal, be it in Sigil or its
sis and is unaware of the passage of time.
Far rarer are portal keys that aren't objects. These 4 Taxing. The portal's energy is unstable. A creature
can be simple or strange: a type of creature, a mem- that passes through the portal must succeed on a
ory in the traveler's mind, or a whistled tune. DC l0 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of
exhau stio n.
5 Temporary. The portal allows only ld6 + 6 travelers
"i.,JARI'fiN6, Bareoi o* p"bLicLy available to pass through in either direction, then vanishes.
r""^ieipal data, the for!aL't^ {r**t
6 Tumbling Lock. Every time the portal is opened, it
o{ *l^irh lou ä!"€ ,fe*'ii"l Leadi fc
requires a different portal key.
a ve1tlcal d,'"f -f.,1lfo"Ii,*ately
*ä CnnerrNc A PoRTAL
t*.'o h".dred {eef. Pi.ocee.i
*irh cä,1,s^." ,;**# You can create portals quickly by choosing or rolling
*A ,-i*ii. fo a pla*ai. traveler on the Planar Portals table. First, decide whether
i the portal's destination resides in Sigil or on an-
other plane. Then, roll on the table twice: once to
generate a portal anchor-the physical location in
Sigil where the portal exists-and again for a desti-
nation and its thematically related portal keys.
Sigil destinations appear in the "Sigil Gazetteer"
section later in this chapter. The planes of existence
are detailed inthe Dun§eon Master's Guide.
7 *,a
Au onc rvrzapo usEs rHE GArE IEAL spELL To closE a poRrÄL
To rHE HowLrNG oaRKNEss or PaNoeuoNruu rN Srerr.
,s .*
frrt Lanv or Paix ":'' Tnn Mezns
The Mazes are demiplanar cages created by the
The greatest entity in Sigil is the Lady of Pain, an
eternal being who watches over the Cage. She ap- Lady of Pain. Reserved for would-be power mongers
pears almost human, although she most definitely and dissidents who threaten the city on a grand
isn't. She wears ornate robes that shroud her body, scale-or foolishly target the Lady herself-the
and a mantle of blades coated in blue-green verdi- Mazes swallow their prisoners in an instant. The
gris surrounds her masklike face. No one is certain Mazes resemble a dense labyrinth of empty streets
who or what exactly the Lady of Pain is, but it's and alleys in Sigil but are devoid of life and repeat
widely accepted she's a being on par with deities. endlessly.
Strong enough to bar gods and their ilk from en- No magic allows a creature banished to the
tering her city, the Lady of Pain forbids followers of Mazes to escape or communicate with the planes
her own. To worship her is more than taboo; it is an beyond. Creatures in the Mazes don't require food,
unforgivable crime punishable by imprisonment in drink, or sleep and are cursed to an indefinite, iso-
the Mazes. lated existence. An urban legend states the Lady
The Lady maintains the cosmic neutrality of of Pain leaves a single portal in every Maze,bttt
Sigil. The city doesn't take part in the Blood War, finding the escape route is all but impossible for
it doesn't throw its weight behind the shining righ- the imprisoned, as even if such portals exist, they
teousness of Mount Celestia or contracts originating can't be detected through magical means. The few
in the Nine Hells, and it's never a battleground for who claim to have escaped the Mazes are quickly
the conflicts of Material Plane worlds. branded as liars.
On rare occasions, the Lady of Pain drifts through
the streets, hovering above the ground. Creatures
LocrrNc rHE CAGE
that interfere with her are flayed by her stare or van- Sigil's portals operate at the Lady of Pain's will, as
ish into nothingness as she turns to face them. Wise do the few permanent teleportation circles hidden
travelers give the Lady a wide berth, finding press- among the city's wards. Her influence stops spells
ing business elsewhere as she passes by. Some and other features from allowing creatures to enter
locals claim that the Lady's features occasionally or leave the city. She even bars gods from stepping
take on a golden or steely sheen. Whether this is in foot in the city-a ban she can extend to anyone at
response to threats to her city or other influences is any time. The Lady knows when any creature uses
a mystery. a portal and can block that creature from entering
Residents of Sigil view the Lady of Pain with or leaving, but she reserves this intervention for ex-
fearful awe. A distant guardian, she leaves the city's treme circumstances.
daily governance to the many factions that call it During times of great strife, notably when Sigil's
home. She has no residence, and no temples to her factions war openly against one another, the Lady
exist within the city. can cause all the city's portals to cease functioning.
The Lady's means of protecting Sigil are the da- This grinds the city to a halt; food and drink can't
bus, the Mazes, and her complete control over the enter the city, sewage and refuse pool in the streets,
city's portals. and corpses stack in the Mortuary with no hope of
being interred. This compels the factions to quickly
Desus resolve their conflicts.
Dabus are silent, floating beings who serve the Lady
of Pain. Found only in Sigil, dabus communicate
through visual rebuses, conjured illusory images The Lady of Pain is omnipresent, unknowable, and
that convey their thoughts. invincible. With a look, she can flense troublesome
Dabus maintain Sigil's infrastructure, repairing creatures to within an inch of their lives. Any crea-
crumbling buildings, ensuring portals function ture that targets her with an attack, a spell, or any
properly, cutting back rampantrazorvite, and patch- other hostile or prying effect-in some cases so
ing city streets. To most citizens of Sigil, dabus are much as speaking to her-is assailed by overwhelm-
nothing more than cryptic workers, yet these myste- ing pain and immediately drops to t hit point. If the
rious beings also punish those who disrupt city life. creature hasn't learned its lesson, the Lady sends it
Whatever opposes the Lady's edicts or the smooth to the Mazes in the next blink.
functioning of Sigil, dabus work to correct. Similar to other godlike beings, the Lady of Pain
For more details on dabus, see Morte's Pla' has no stat block. She is beyond the ability of char-
nar Parade. acters to defeat by conventional means.
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No one individual leads the Hands of Havoc. Tb chaos in all its forms.
confuse enforcers, the mantle of factol is passed Many members are good-natured protectors who
between members. Whenever it seems the faction's protect all citizens, even those who disagree with
leader is on the verge ofarrest or death, another the faction's philosophy. However, some among the
nonconformist rises from the ranks to light the ranks pursue unity at any cost. Cruel martinets who
path forward. earn the Hardheads their nickname, they enforce
The Hands of Havoc are champions of freedom laws ruthlessly, without flexibility or compassion.
and self-expression. Wreaker artists decorate bland Factol Sarin (lawful neutral, human Harmonium
buildings and forlorn structures throughout Sigil captain; see Morte's Planar Parade) commands the
with bold murals in avant-garde styles. The passion Harmonium. His devotion to his fellows, particularly
of their ideology fuels artistic innovation, sparking new recruits, is renowned, and he takes a personal
trends in writing, music, and dance that spread interest in all members who cross his path. Tough
throughout the city. as steel, Sarin is a decisive factol who promotes
FactionAttfue. Wreakers prepare for every possi- honor, dignity, and peace in word and deed.
bility in their battles against entrenched institutions. Faction Attire. Most Hardheads wear the
Medical supplies and smoking lanterns dangle from faction's standard-issue armor, a distinctive suit of
their singed clothing. Members typically hide their red plate with bladed pauldrons. Under their helms,
identities behind masks, goggles, and scarves. they sport short, no-nonsense hairstyles.
RoIe in Si§il. An official role in Sigil is inimical RoIe in SrgirT. In the Barracks, Hardheads train,
to the faction's philosophy. Instead, Wreakers mas- plan patrol routes, and keep records of every arrest
querade as members of other factions, keeping tabs in the Cage. The Harmonium works closely with the
in case those factions grow too powerful and need Fraternity of Order and the Mercykillers as Sigil
dismantlement. The Bleak Cabal and Doomguard tripartite of justice, cycling criminals through ar-
work well with the Hands of Havoc in short bursts.
.2 I {} li
ally opposes their rejection of passion. and Society of Sensation.
FnBn Lpacun
Who Prize the Individual Foremost
Factol: None
Headquarters: Great Bazaar
Aligned Plane: The Outlands
TneNscnNDENT Ononn
Members: Merchants, mercenaries, nonconformists
Who Act Unfettered by Thou§ht
Epithet: Indeps
Factol: Rhys
The Free League is a loose collection of individuals
Headquarters: Great Gymnasium
and remnants of disbanded or fractured factions.
Aligned Plane: Elysium
Merchants, individualists, and dissociated citizens,
Members: Athletes, daredevils, rescuers
the Indeps eschew factions and other organizations,
Epithet: Ciphers
simply wishing to choose their own paths.
The Transcendent Order holds that for a person to
attain a higher state of being, they must unify their Iwce.nrnnrurrr
mind and body until thought and action are one. Who Consume Ma§ic and lts Secre/s
Those who act on instinct alone can achieve perfect Factot Unknown
harmony with the multiverse. Headquarters: Tower Sorcerous
Members of the Transcendent Order rigorously Aligned Plane: Astral Plane
train every aspect of self to align with the cadence Members: Mages, lore seekers, scribes
of the multiverse. Ciphers are encouraged toward Epithet: Incantifers
athletic regiments, but many also pursue artistic en-
deavors to perfection, becoming dancers, virtuosos, The Incanterium was a faction thought dead when
or abstract painters. Whatever resonates with a its headquarters, the Tower Sorcerous in the Clerks'
Cipher's path, they must practice until the body no Ward, vanished along with all known Incantifers.
longer requires the mind to guide it. Most thought the tower was banished to the Mazes,
Factol Rhys (neutral, tiefling Transcendent Or- but it has since returned, rematerializing in the va-
der conduit; see Morte's Planar Parade) stepped cant lot where it once stood, bringing with it the re-
up to take control of the Transcendent Order when turn of the Incantifers. Members of the Incanterium
the last factol achieved perfect understanding and siphon magic from items, spells, and those who
vanished right in front of Rhys and other ranking wield them to lengthen their own lifespans. They
Ciphers. Rhys is an enlightening coach, providing believe that by absorbing magic and mastering its
direction to trainees with choice remarks. rules, one can rewrite reality.
Faction Attire. Athletes and acrobats of all shapes RrNe Grvnns
and sizes, Ciphers dress in simple clothing that al- Who Give as Much as They Get
lows for agility and flexibility.
RoIe in Si§i/. The Transcendent Order headquar- Factot Jeremo the Natterer
ters in the Great Gymnasium in the Market Ward. Headquarters: None
There, the Ciphers train their bodies to attune to Aligned Plane: Ysgard
their minds and the multiverse's ebb and flow. The Members: Altruists, beggars, philanthropists
Transcendent Order looks inward for meaning, and Epithet: Bargainers
thus it tends not to form alliances with other fac- A direct foil to the selfish Fated, the Ring Givers
tions. Its members are generally well liked, and no hold a philosophy of charity and giving as the path
ascendant faction opposes the Ciphers outright. to enlightenment. The Bargainers give away all they
have and redistribute the hoards of greedy tycoons
to the poor and needy. A common superstition in
Sigil holds that any gift to the Ring Givers comes
back to the donor tenfold.
Sr*xg GgxmYTsmR '
Srcrr- Wlnos
Ward Prominent Factions
C erks'Ward Fated, lncanterium," Society of Sensation
i ive Ward Bleak Cabal, Hands of Havoc, Heralds of
Lady's Ward Doomguard; Fraternity of Order,
Harmonium, Mercykillers
Lower Ward Athar, Ring Civers," Mind's Eye §
Market Ward Free League,,. Transcendent Order
rJ ndersigil Coterie of Cakes," Revolutionary League,'!
Undivided'. (see the "Undersigil" section
later in this chapter for these factions)
Crnnrs'\MAno Crnnrs'Weno FacrroNs
The wheels of bureaucracy turn steadily in the The following factions are headquartered in the
Clerks'Ward, an administrative haven for book- Clerks'Ward:
keepers, scribes, and petty officials. Like oil to a Fated. The Fated earn widespread ire as Sigil's
machine, the Clerks'Ward provides a necessary tax collectors, leveraging their administrative
conformity to Sigil's turbulent streets under the fas- position to serve their insatiable greed. Takers
tidious eyes of the Fated. record flnancial agreements in the Hall of Records
The pristine buildings within this affluent ward and revel in seizing properties at bargain-base-
are well maintained and regularly patrolled by of- ment prices when owners default on payments.
ficers of the Harmonium. Residents of the Clerks' The Fated regularly hires adventurers as debt
Ward claim it's the safest and most honest ward in collectors.
Sigil. Conflict usually occurs on paper, and struc- Incanterium. Long thought to have been banished
tured forums for debate allow folks to resolve dis- to the Mazes by the Lady of Pain along with their
agreements without resorting to violence. base of operations, members of the Incanterium
Despite its rigidity, the Clerks'Ward is a place of are slowly trickling back into the Cage. Called
beauty and wonder, due in large part to the pres- "mage drinkers" by the few who remember them,
ence of the Society of Sensation. For each strict the aged Incantifers siphon magic to sustain
fact-checker, policy maker, and enforcer in the their ancient power. Disturbed residents murmur
ward, there is an open-minded artisan, entertainer, about the Incanterium's newly returned tower
or thrill-seeker to match. Locals routinely direct (see the "Tower Sorcerous" section). Rumor has
inquisitive newcomers to the Hall of Information, it Duke Rowan Darkwood pays handsomely for
where visitors can ask questions, hail a sedan chair, information about his reclusive neighbors and
or pester a tout for directions. their fortress.
Society of Sensation. Sensates pepper Sigil's oth-
Crenrs' Wano ErucouNTERs erwise drab streets with entertainment, tempting
d8 Encounter pedestrians with curiosity and excitement. All of
1 A cocky bariaur wanderer (see Morte's Planar Pa- Sigil is a stage to the Society of Sensation, but
rade) offers their services to the party as a tout. the greatest attraction is the Civic Festhall. Factol
2 A stiff-necked Fated tax collector (noble), flanked Erin Montgomery weaves masterful arguments in
by two guards, smugly informs the characters the Hall of Speakers, where she sways naysayers
they must each pay a "promenade toll" of 1 sp to with one guiding principle: they might not recall
proceed in their current direction.
what you said, but they always remember how you
made them feel.
3 Out of breath and clearly hiding something on
their person, a teenage tiefling spy begs the Crnnrs' W,q.n» LocerroNs
characters to help them avoid two oncoming
Presented here are some noteworthy sites in the
Harmonium peacekeepers (see Morte's Planar Clerks'Ward.
4 A drunk elf commoner stumbles out of an Crvrc Fns:rrrarr
onion-shaped cab pulled by a sweet and gullible Creativity blossoms in the Civic Festhall, the head-
unicorn named Corny. The unicorn asl<s the char-
quarters of the Society of Sensation. Sensates
spared no expense constructing this majestic
acters ifthey need a ride.
building, which reaches neady one thousand feet in
5 A wizened, purple-robed lncantifer (archmage)
height. Visitors find all manner of sensory delights
passes through the streets, eliciting nervous whis-
within: gastronomic masterpieces served by innova-
pers from a crowd of onlookers. tive chefs; halls lined with fragrant, scratch-and-sniff
6 A Sensate muse (see Morte's Planar Parade) daz- statuaries; and pitch-black deprivation chambers
zles the characters with a street-side performance. bathed in supernatural silence.
7 Olga, a bookish frost giant, trips before the charac- Artistic Amenities. The Civic Festhall boasts a
ters as she hurries to the Hall of Records, sending panoply of arts available to the public. Galleries,
a stack oftitanic papers into the air. concert and lecture halls, museums, and exhibits
too eccentric to describe filI the festhall and its
8 An obnoxious equinal guardinal (see Morte's Pla-
satellite buildings. Contests and duels are held at
nar Parade) brays atop a street-side soapbox. They
the Northumber, an outdoor amphitheater, while
attempt to goad a character into a cynical debate
magical light checkers the stages of its two indoor
about the future of Sigil. theaters: the intimate Elloweth Theater and the
,,.,,,, ..:;I
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d8 Encounter
Neglected by the dabus and the generosity of other 5 Two out-of-breath githzerai ratcatchers (guards)
wards, the Hive Ward has fallen into disrepair. Its in pink skullcaps chase a nimble cranium rat
buildings are lopsided hodgepodges of architec- squeaker (see Morte's Planar Parade). "Cet'eml"
tural styles and materials, their floors haphazardly they cry as the rat darts toward the characters.
stacked atop one another to conserve space. The 6 A droopy-eyed corpse collector (dwarf commoner)
crooked high-rises darken cramped alleys, many of in tattered clothing dumps a rotten body into the
which are dead ends in more ways than one. Many backofa wooden wagon. "lfye need a ride to the
residents of the city avoid the ward when possible, Mortuary, there's room in the back!" he laughs.
but those willing to risk the Hive can partake in its
seedy establishments and hidden gems.
7 A thieving musteval guardinal (see Morte's Planar
Parade) snatches abagfrom a desperate human
Crime is commonplace in the Hive. Grifters, cut-
purses, and miscreants band together in the mold- commoner and flees into a nearby alley. The victim
ering streets, preying on the desperate and down- cries for help from the characters.
trodden. Pickpockets masquerade as touts, eager 8 Two ettercaps hiss at the characters from an
to pilfer coin from stumbling sots and newcomers. abandoned tenement building cocooned in thick
Professions not outwardly criminal in nature are webbing. The building belongs to the Spite Spin-
often morally suspect, such as corpse collectors, ners, a gang ofarachnid bandits and their boss, a
opportunistic scavengers who scrape out a living by darkweaver (see Morte's Planar Parade).
gathering bodies throughout the ward and deliver-
ing them to the Mortuary for meager payouts. Hrvn \Meno FecrroNs
Rain is more frequent in the Hive than elsewhere
in Sigil, reflecting the ward's dismal mood. When The following factions are headquartered in the
it falls, gutters ooze sludge into brackish pools of HiveWard:
oil and rainwater, their surfaces disturbed by scur- Bleak Cabal. Within the Gatehouse, members of
rying cranium rats. Damp rags and swollen planks the Bleak Cabal reject the philosophies of other
cover broken windows, blotting what little light ekes factions, believing the multiverse is devoid of
through the ward's perpetual fog. meaning. Bleakers combat their existential dread
Of all the wards in Sigil, the Hive Ward has the with optimism and compassion, enriching the
least oversight. Harmonium patrols are less fre- lives of those in and around the Hive through
quent here, and peacekeepers have been known to small acts of service. The faction maintains a net-
avert their gaze from disreputable establishments. work of safe havens throughout the ward where
Though crime runs rampant, so do creativity and those in need can find refuge and a warm meal.
trade, and opportunities abound for those ready to Hands of Havoc. Arson and vandalism are tools
seize them. Residents live unhampered by bureau- of the trade for the Hands of Havoc, a faction of
cracy or judgment, free to pursue their deepest pas- rebels. In other wards, the Wreakers' destructive
sions or indulge their guiltiest pleasures. activities pave the way for reconstruction and
renewal. In the Hive, however, Wreaker activity
Hrve Wlno Erucoururens sometimes compounds the miseries of everyday
d8 Encounter life when their fires-vain attempts to garner at-
I A Hands of Havoc fire starter (see Morte's Planar tention from the movers and shakers of Sigil or
Parade), flame in hand and a wild look in their burn away detritus within the ward-engulf the
eyes, stands outside an abandoned building. "Care innocent. Rather than maintain a single base of
to helpl" they ask the characters. operations, the Hands of Havoc operate out of
warehouses strewn throughout the ward, moving
2 A kelubar demodand (see Morte's Planar Parade)
constantly to evade Sigil's enforcers.
street food vendor pushes a rusty cart down a
Heralds of Dust. The Heralds of Dust are Sigil's
nearby alley. Charred, sausage-link manacles dan-
undertakers. They conduct funerary rites for crea-
gle from the cart's torn awning. The demodand tures from all places, ensuring their souls pass to
offers the characters anything on the cart for 5 cp. the next stage ofdeath undeterred. The bulk ofthe
3 Two chaotic neutral trolls in sleeveless vests faction's workforce consists of skeletons, zombies,
strut up to the characters, eager to show offtheir and other dull-minded Undead whose bodies were
matching tattoos, courtesy of the dabus Fell. donated to the Mortuary by their owners in life.
4 Pugdug, a l<ind-eyed orc Bleak Cabal void soother The Dusters rely on corpse collectors-grim-faced
(see Morte's Planar Parade), offers to heal the char- laborers found primarily in the Hive-to deliver a
steady stream of bodies to them for interment.
acters, asking only that they pay the deed forward.
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LApv's \Me,nn d8 Encounter
Distinguished and elegant, the Lady's Ward is home 3 A cheery drider skitters toward the party. A cultist
to the city's movers and shakers. The regal edifices of Lolth, the drider hands the party a pamphlet
of the Lady's Ward epitomizeth,e wealth and influ- advertising an upcoming ritual at the lnfinite Well
ence of their inhabitants. Intrigue and treachery (see the "Lady's Ward Locations" section).
abound, blanketed behind the sumptuous veils of 4 A desperate commoner from a faction of your
high society: masked balls, gambling houses, and choice has an impending trial in the High Courts
private banquets. The Lady of Pain doesn't reside of Sigil (see the "Lady's Ward Locations" section).
in the ward that bears her name, but power does- Unable to secure an advocate, they plead with the
the power to influence, administer, and evade the
characters to represent them in court.
rule of law.
Despite its luxuries and breathtaking vistas, the 5 When the coast is clear, a shady-looking
Lady's Ward is quieter than other wards, its solemn Doomguard rot blade (see Morte's Planar Parade)
streets frequented by members of the Fraternity opens their long overcoat in front ofthe characters
of Order, the Harmonium, and the Mercykillers. to reveal a slew of finely crafted weapons available
Immovable monuments to order, these factions' for purchase.
imposing headquarters tower over the city blocks 6 Three Harmonium peacekeepers escort a mana-
they occupy, surrounded by a smattering of smaller cled githzerai uniter to the Prison (both stat blocks
buildings that support their cycle of enforcement, are in Morte's Planar Parade). As they pass the
adjudication, and punishment. Residents of other characters, the githzerai drops a crumpled note
wards rarely visit the Lady's Ward without offt-
asserting their innocence.
cial business.
Fortunes are won and lost in the gambling houses
7 A character spots a notice from the Mercyki!lers
of the Lady's Ward, where secret crime lords mingle for an escaped prisoner who bears an uncanny re-
with judges and off-duty guards. Greased palms semblance to someone in the party.
lead to flimsy sentences and sudden pardons; such 8 Atop a low building, a githyanki warrior prosely-
corruption goes ignored in the upper echelons of tizes furiously to the characters about Aoskar, the
Sigil in favor of persecuting petty crimes elsewhere Keeper of Cateways, claiming to have seen the
in the ward. dead god alive and well on the Astral Plane. As
As if to balance its corruption, the Lady's Ward Harmonium officers move to arrest the githyanki,
contains over half of Sigil's temples. Deities from he mysteriously vanishes.
every pantheon find worshipers in the City of Doors.
No temples to the Lady of Pain exist in the ward; to
construct one is an offense worthy of banishment to
LApv's \MeBo F,tcrroNs
the Mazes. The following factions are headquartered in the
Lady's Ward:
Llov's Wnno ErucouNTERs Doomguard. The Doomguard controls the Armory,
d8 Encounter overseeing the production and sale of weapons in
1 A tiefling wastrel (noble) flicks a gambling chip Sigil. Independent smiths are free to craft and sell
from Fortune's Wheel at the party, lamenting, their own weapons, but most of the city's weapons
"May your luck be better than mine." are produced and sold by Sinkers. When it comes
2 A deluxe sedan chair carried by four veterans stops to providing the quality and number of armaments
in front of the characters. A gloved Humanoid
required by organized forces and other factions in
the Cage, the Doomguard is unmatched.
hand parts its privacy curtain, extending them an
Fraternity of Order. Consisting of judges, lawyers,
invitation to a masked ball.
and legislators, the Fraternity of Order abides by
the letter of the law-and exploits it to further their
lrii'r interests. Dispassionate and impartial, Guvners
fhs Ltnlvi tutr"i, run the city courts, ruling on everything from
hot fine La"tiet' hai,di" petty disputes in other wards to groundbreaking
*J,c2 {oio. lp13-' r'a1 - 1... ,-., S cases in the High Courts. They adjudicate, review,
and study the rules of Sigil, maintaining order
according to the law as they interpret it.
Harmonium. A faction of rugged peacekeepers, the weapons within. Heavy metal gates bar its few win-
Harmonium occupies the Barracks and serves dows, and a relief of a menacing horned skull-the
as the city watch. Noble do-gooders and vengeful faction's symbol-hangs over its main entrance
chastisers alikejoin their ranks, eager to quash within. Day and night, the Armory's chimneys belch
crime. Thousands of crimson-plated Harmolnium smoke and flame.
officers patrol Sigil's wards daily, vowing to keep For§e of Doom. A colossal forge dominates
their streets clean. However, the Hardheads'un- the first floor of the Armory, which is open to the
compromising vision of order sometimes leads to public. Mercenaries, mongers, and other curious
wrongful arrests. buyers gawk at industrious smithies accustomed
Mercykillers. When the Fraternity of Order deems to the forge's unbearable temperatures. Azers, fire
a citizen guilty of a crime, the Mercykillers carry elementals, and chain devils number among the Ar-
out the punishment. Citizens give these emotion- mory's blacksmiths, along with dwarves and other
less executioners a wide berth, fearful of obstruct- Doomguard smiths.
ing justice and becoming the next target. Though Aslan Ashfang, a lawful neutral efreeti merchant
most of their work occurs in the Prison, members from the City of Brass, emerges from the forge's
of the faction regularly mete out discipline in pub- coals to greet potential buyers. A clever and con-
lic for all to see. vincing salesman, Aslan brokers deals between
the Doomguard and interested parties. The dapper
Ll»y's ]Mano Locerroxs efreeti knows every weapon in the Sinker cata-
Presented here are some noteworthy sites in the log and its price, from delicate jeweled daggers
Lady's Ward. to massive siege weapons. Items small enough to
display-or their replicas if too precious or danger-
AnIvronv ous-are showcased in an exhibition hall just inside
The Doomguard is headquartered in the Armory, the Armory.
a foreboding stronghold at the ward's border with Doom Lords. Beyond the forge lie four heavily
the Lower Ward. Deliberately grown razorvirre guarded chambers, each containing a portal to a for-
creeps along the structure's bladed balconies and tress on the edge of one of the Inner Planes. Within
lower walls, deterring thieves who seek to steal the these citadels, the four doom lords-high-ranking
Hrcll Coun:rs
The scales ofjustice are balanced at the High
Courts of Sigil, headquarters of the Fraternity of Or-
der. The courthouse is a dignified edifice hewn from
flawless, white marble with towers that rise from the H*:v.+raur
structure's bladed gables. Granite steps ascend the
courthouse's elevated entrance, above which hangs
a triangular pediment. Etched within the architrave
is the faction's motto: "Knowledge is power."
Though absolute authority in Sigil belongs to the
Lady of Pain, most legal matters are settled in the
city's tribunals, often decided by a single, suppos-
edly impartial magistrate appointed by the Guvners.
Punishments are tailored to fit the crime, and advo-
cates are strongly encouraged. Lawyers and orators,
these civil servants include bards, faction agents,
and devils with a knack for navigating the subtleties
of the law.
While cheap advocates linger on the courthouse
steps hoping to find work, their arguments are
brittle. Brilliant barristers demand high retainers,
but they're worth every coin when the alternative
is a visit from the Mercykillers. One talented at-
torney is "Sly" Nye (chaotic neutral, tiefling no-
ble), who claims to have never lost a case. S1y has
been known to waive their astronomical fee for
adventurers who help gather evidence relevant to
other cases. Of course, the accused are always free
to represent themselves.
The Lower Ward is the beating heart of Sigil-an searching for a dangerous blue slaad that stole a
engine of creation that refines raw materials from mote of primordial chaos from the Face of Cith
every corner of the multiverse, transmuting them tavern (see the "Lower Ward Locations" section).
through sweat, heat, and magic into the components 8 A soot-stained goblin mage uses fire magic to re-
that allow Sigil to flourish. Over the years, civic fix- pair a damaged iron golem in the street. She tells
tures like the Armory and Mortuary, which used to the characters she needs two hundred pounds of
reside in the ward, have been bitten offby the neigh- iron to replace the construct's missing arm-even
boring Lady's and Hive Wards, respectively. Still, scrap will do.
the Lower Ward remains a necessary industrial
powerhouse in the City of Doors.
The Lower Ward gets its name from the prolifera-
Lownn IMen» FacrroNs
tion of portals to the Lower Planes. Their insidious The following factions are headquartered in the
influence bleeds into the ward, choking residents Lower Ward:
with brimstone, smoke, and sulfuric ash. Statues Athar. From the ruins of the Shattered Temple, the
and roofs erode in a few decades unless protected Athar keep tabs on the temples and god worship-
by magic or alchemical treatment, and locals often ers of the Cage, ensuring none of them grow too
bear scars from exposure to these portals and the powerful. Propaganda tracts undermining the
deadly realms beyond. gods' divinity litter the broken streets near the
Shattered Temple. Defiers sometimes seed these
Lowen Wlno ErucouNTERs
tracts with details of scandals to discredit clerics
d8 Encounter and other worshipers. The Athar accept custody of
I A thunder-voiced Mind's Eye matter smith (see dangerous magic items, especially those created
Morte's Planar Parade) admonishes passersby to by other faiths, and they reward any who relin-
realize the power inside themselves. As a demon- quish the relics.
stration, the matter smith reshapes material Mind's Eye. The endless heat, smoke, and arcane
around one ofthe characters. embers of the Great Foundry shelter the Mind's
Eye. The leaders of manufacturing in Sigil, the
2 Two wererats in human form approach the char-
Seekers express their desire to reshape the multi-
acters, offering to sell them various junkyard
verse through their crafts, creating tools and ma-
baubles, while a third wererat uses the distraction
terials that in turn mold the Cage.
to picl< a character's pocket. Ring Givers. An up-and-coming faction, the Ring
3 A bariaur wanderer (see Morte's Planar Parade) Givers are still finding their place in Sigil. Hav-
wearing a gold monocle and an embroidered vest ing recently sold their previous headquarters, a
asks the characters to pick up an order for him at a sprawling palace in the affiuent Lady's Ward, this
nearby pawnshop. He offers to pay them 10 gp for philanthropic faction now gathers in the Lower
their trouble (and their discretion). Ward, where it provides charity to industrious folk
4 Two minotaur smiths argue with a goristro over the in communal spaces, factories, and warehouses.
price ofan expertly forged greataxe, turning to the
characters to settle the debate.
.:;j&' B:ii-
tloue or rxr ArxAR, rxe SxArreReoTempus sraNos as a
REMTNo6R THAT THE powER oF eoos rsN't so pERMANENT.
Lownn \Meno I ocerroNs The library is well guarded. Lothar is a capable
combatant in his own right and can animate a
Presented here are some noteworthy sites in the
host of skulls in his collection as flameskulls. To
Lower Ward.
combat larger threats, the Master of Bones relies
Boxrs oF THE Nrcnr on a ghoul-shaped stone golem that answers to
Along the banks of the Ditch (detailed below), a his command.
fire-gutted building conceals a gaping hole into Tnn Drrcn
the ground with a single ladder leading down into
The Ditch is Sigil's only body of water, a reeking
darkness. Here lies the Bones of the Night, a cavern morass where locals cast their refuse. Its corro-
complex home to the Master of Bones: Lothar the
sive waters lie along the rough border between
Old (neutral, human priest). From the catacombs
the Lower Ward and the Hive, a prime ground for
of Undersigil (detailed later in this chapter), Lothar
dumping bodies. Creatures cast into the acrid lake
gathers a macabre collection of skulls from various
wash up on its shore a few hours later completely
creatures, organizing them into a library ofsorts.
unrecognizable, their physical features smoothed
Ossuaries riddle the wa11s of his bizarre exhibit,
over like those of wax dol1s held to a flame.
their ledges richly decorated with grave goods paid
Locals whisper the Ditch is a backwater tributary
to the departed.
of the River Styx, but more likely its toxic waters
The Master of Bones uses necromancy to com-
are the result of industrial runoff coupled with the
mune with the skulls in his collection and draw on
corruption of the Lower Planes leaking from nearby
their shared knowledge. For a fee, Lothar can cast portals. On rare occasions, a portal to the River
the speaft with dead spell on any of his skulls, ask-
Oceanus, a celestial waterway that runs through the
ing questions on the clients' behalf. He also trades
Upper Planes, opens within the Ditch, causing it to
and purchases new skulls. His prices range from 1
run clean, silvery, and sweet. These short-lived oc-
gp for a person who knew a single valuable story to
casions are cause for celebration among the folk of
upward of 10,000 gp for the skull of a factol or the
the Lower Ward, who spend the day bathing in the
high priest of a dead god.
refreshing reservoir.
During the day, the banks of ths Diteh are a gath- glob, shaping it into objects, creatures, or sensory
ering ground for trading guild workers, who ferry phenomena for the amusement of other patrons. Ru-
material from the Great Foundry to portals located mor has it that the blob can be shaped into a portal
within massive sewer pipes along its shores. When to Limbo but that the key constantly changes.
night falls, however, even these staunch souls are Ezmerath, a chaotic good githzerai uniter (see
nowhere to be seen for fear of the Ditch Beast, a vi- Morte's Planar Parade), owns and runs the Face of
cious monster that supposedly stalks the area' Gith. They have a good relationship with the Athar
Seat ofthe Rat Kin§. Wererats frequent the Ditch, and are happy to call in a favor if anyone, especially
where they receive the orders from Tattershade, god worshipers, disrupt their tavern. Ezmerath is
King of the Rats. His territory is arranged entirely also a secret member of the Sha'sal Khou, a faction
for defense, a tangle oftunnels adjacent to the of githyanki and githzerai who wish to unite their
Ditch that are big enough only for rats and shifting fractured people.
shadows. Tattershade is a shadow demon that di-
rects his wererat minions through wispy messages
Gneer Foulonv
The thrumming heart of industry in Sigil, the Great
scrawled on passage walls. The King of the Rats
Foundry is the headquarters of the Mind's Eye. The
spends his lonely hours obsessively counting the
foundry's a sprawling complex of workshops, ware-
treasure the rats sift from the Ditch for him, from
houses, storage yards, and furnaces. Seekers work
priceless baubles to worthless junk. Tattershade
it tirelessly. By day, the foundry obscures the sky
lives in fear of something, but no two stories agree
on what. It could be the Master of Bones, a powerful
with smoke and steam, and by night, it illuminates
entire city blocks with roaring fires.
devil, or the Lady herself.
The Mind's Eye makes many of the tools and
FLcn on Grrs metalcrafts used throughout Sigil. The foundry's
Patrons drink silently in the Face of Gith, a gloomy most talented smiths are magical sculptors who re-
tavern frequented by githzerai. A faded, dispas- quire neither coal nor flame. They fashion strong yet
sionate githzerai face marks the establishment, delicate objects from minimal materials, shaping an
a smooth, oblong building shaped from a slab of ounce of ore into a lightweight yet trustworthy tool
adamantine. Although anyone is allowed into the with a wave of their palms.
bar, patrons and proprietor alike are skeptical of Gafes. The Great Foundry's two wrought-iron
outsiders and willing to draw steel to keep their main gates are as tall as the neighboring buildings.
space safe. The intimidating guards minding the gates embel-
The tavern's interior is subdued and dim. There lish their armor with iron spikes and jagged deco-
are no rowdy drinking songs, and most conversa- ration scavenged from the foundry's scraps. Ogres,
tions take place telepathically or in hushed tones. In giants, and reformed devils in the Mind's Eye, they
the center of the main room hovers an amorphous prevent the tools of creation from falling into the
blob of primordial chaos that shifts erratically. hands of destructive forces. Beyond lies the main
Taken from the roiling plane of Limbo, the glob yard, a sooty, gravel expanse heaped with piles of
endlessly changes from stone to fire, freezes into a rubble and raw ore.
fractalized diamond, melts into swirling clouds that Mithral Towen At the center of the Great Foundry
smell strongly of lavender, and so on. Some psychic is the Mithral Tower, a metalworks that stands over
regulars exert their mental will over the chaotic ten stories tall. Huge, iron-barred windows flood
its interior with light, and enormous doors allow
wagons full of ore to roll right in. It's unbearably
f e *o .ob[e" ?(I tha^ hot, and the din of spouting furnaces and ringing
*-€äiioa" §*ftn§ can breäk anvils makes conversation dif&cult. Fiery-mouthed
I:.qeIh,oq, a^oi r ?.Y ol:. if if furnaces the size of barns yawn in every direction,
eaiy fr deli"*y. B"f *he" Yo" and crucibles large enough to hold a fire giant brim
cil*oJe to tur'* Iar"efhi,l tt^a? with molten metal. Map 2.4 depicts one of the forges
*ä1.'t io?o xar"elloi*1 fhäf ;t- within the Mithral Tower.
tl^af ii tbe ti"$ r{ 1o*{;."
*lal:oiry*, iactol ei iie Fil"d'i fye
. . i..
past the characters, accidentally poking one of "f,,'c, !i1il'r 1ot evarythin! t'ou
them with its spiny tail. As a token of apology, the
-a"r*i{ {au (än {i".,l ;f I
tc,i.oi Ever"
manticore gifts the party a voucher for one free My advice? llii'e a tc"t io "lc yc,,'
spa treatment at the Flame Pits (see the "Market lhoffr*1. Larf fir"e I virlte.i fl*e 6l,sai
Ward Locations" section). Bäzaäu,, i* iror r"e fr Lo*1 to fi^"l ,-y
3 Wheeze Whistletooth, a night hag with a persistent *3Y ovf fl.:t ry ?vo(?cloi *e"t ba"i.
hacking cough, offers the party free samples of her i,{i.at a $eif""
famous mystery meat pies. *gi1"y Vofi, lliarhef Ua/d ,l.apfsr
4 Clearly troubled, a human commoner in the Free
League asks the party which faction, ifany, they
believe is right about the truths of the multiverse.
t i PlaNan TRAvELERs sroRE THErR HoaRos wrrHtN rxr Bar.l«
oF ABaarHoR, a woRLDs-spaNNtNG FtNANclaL tNsrtrurtoN.
Menrnr \Men» Locerroxs monitor exchange rates to ensure funds don't dis-
rupt the stability of the economies in which they are
Presented here are some noteworthy sites in the
Market Ward. BankVaults. When creatures amass hoards too
BeNr on AnnarHon Iwc. large to defend, they can store excess treasure in
Dedicated to the dwarven god of greed, the Bank of secure vaults beneath the Bank ofAbbathor. The
guarded rows of armored doors are pure theater,
Abbathor is one of the largest flnancial institutions
in the multiverse, with branches in several of the empty repositories designed to comfort investors
Outer Planes and countless material worlds. The and confuse would-be plunderers. Only the doors
bank's principal office is a monument to opulence themselves matter, for the true vaults lie beyond
and stability: a palatial building constructed from the portals they contain. Accessible only by account
marble. Elite private security, the best that money owners, authorized, bank personnel, or creatures
can buy, protects the bank and its grounds at
in possession of the corresponding portal key,
all hours. each vault door leads to a demiplanar dungeon that
guards the riches deposited within.
Within, a princely statue of Abbathor oversees
the main banking hall. Massive emeralds form his Hoard of Direcfors. Ancient dragons, mighty
eyes, which glint with every transaction, no matter
devils, and immortal merchants make up the bank's
how small. The bank's tellers are snarky imps, board of directors, who ensure the institution's
business-sawy dwarves, and xorn that delight in reach continues to widen. They seek power through
eating their pay. Leveraging a trusted network of
profit, conquering worlds without armies of their
ofEcial portals, the tellers process transactions own by bankrolling like-minded groups in conflicts
throughout the multiverse. Modron analysts closely across the multiverse.
Frnur Prrs winding stalls: warm, right-angled bread loaves pre-
Creatures of every kind take a soak in the Flame pared fresh by modron bakers: spotted mushrooms
Pits, a planar bathhouse whose pools swirl with hocked by bu115,wug grocers; and perfumed holy
bubbling acid, molten lava, and liquid shadow. water sold by winged Celestials. Vibrant produce
Unicorns, bariaurs, and various Fiends get their dangles from the leafy awnings of living plant stalls,
hooves trimmed in grooming rooms, and galeb duhr and masterwork armors forged from rare metals
sigh as they settle into boiling tubs of mud. Patrons bear insignias from blacksmiths on other worlds.
dry off in front of warm vents tied to windy desert Free Lea§ue Presence. The Free League congre-
realms or the chilling gales of Pandemonium. gates in the Great Bazaar. Although the Harmonium
The baths are run by Laril Zazzkos, a githzetai patrols the bazaar's busy avenues, it's the members
uniter (see Morte's Planar Parade), and her staff of of the Free League who capture thieves and decide
rough-scrubbing mephits. Abrasive as a wiry brush, whether to turn them over to justice. With no formal
the eagle-eyed githzerai spends her days berating meetinghouse, members of the free-willed faction
patrons who fail to observe the bathhouse's strict hold impromptu assemblies in cramped market
"no running" policy or warning those who get too tents or unused warehouses.
close to the wrong tubs-an occasionally fatal mis- Shoppin§ in the Bazaan Characters can pur-
take. At heart, Laril is a rebel. Many of the tubs in chase any adventuring gear in the Player's Hand-
her bathhouse have false bottoms for harboring fu- book at normal cost in the Great Bazaat, though
gitives or smuggling contraband. At least one of her shrewd bargainers can secure their purchases for
tubs hides a passage into the depths of Undersigil less. The Bazaar Shops table details a few vendors
(detailed later in this chapter). one might encounter ir.thebazaar.
Diners never know what to expect from the
Gastrognome, an intimate, upscale eatery that looks
like a giant metal olive. Distinguished and inven-
tive, its proprietor, Celci Nugglebelly (chaotic good,
gnome mage), is a worlds-class chef who never
cooks the same dish twice. They cater to adven-
turous taste buds and deep appetites, challenging il
expectations about food and the forms it takes. A -,.#
three-course dinner at the Gastrognome might con- -:dEf3;:
Gnn,tr Bezlan
The chief attraction of the ward is the Great Bazaar,
avast plaza of shops where anything and everything
i"i=!L iÄL?ilnr
can be found. Boisterous throngs of shoppers crowd
its bustling avenues at all hours, doing business
with vendors from every corner of the multiverse.
The Great Bazaar is a cosmopolitan sampling of
the planes and the goods they have to offer. Though
more scandalous merchandise typically finds its
way to the Gatehouse Night Market (see the "Hive
Ward" section), lhe bazaar has anything a traveler
could want, so long as they can find it in the open
market's constant commotion. Scents collide in the
Um»rnsrcrr, UNonnsrGrL LocATroNS
Chaos thrives beneath the streets of Sigil. Also Presented here are some noteworthy sites in
known as the Realm Below, the snaking labyrinth of Undersigil.
ancient tunnels binds long-standing city structures
to subterranean criminal crossroads, flooded cis-
Dnen NerroNs
Bathed in leaden mist, the Dead Nations are an ex-
terns, and seemingly endless catacombs. Seasoned
panse of derelict necropolises and forgotten tombs,
touts usually know of a few entrances to the Realm
Below and can, for a fee, point eager explorers to-
their inscriptions worn by decades of neglect. The
treasures of these vacant sepulchers seem ripe for
ward them, but few guides agree to accompany fools
the taking, but here the dead are more organized
on their descent for cheap.
than they might appear.
Monsters and unusual pests plague Undersigil
A decrepit monarch, the Silent King, presides
and its inhabitants. Screams of terror echo in its
over the Dead Nations and their undead populace,
deserted halls, muffled by the leathery wings of
but his throne is also his prison. The Silent King's
vargouilles-flapping, severed heads spawned from
throne bestows a mantle of authority on its occu-
the Abyss-chasing their prey. Cranium rats scury
pant, but it demands a grim toll. Only the living can
through the tunnels, telepathically relaying their
sit on the mirthless, high-backed chair, and only
findings to their hivemind. Alone, these spies are
death can free them from its numbing grip. Ghouls,
little more than barking nuisances, but in swarms
skeletons, and zombies pledge fealty to the Silent
their combined intelligence is an ever-present
danger. Meanwhile restless souls rise from musty
King and enforce his will in the Realm Below. They
are bound to serve their ruler until either he's killed
family crypts serve Undead monarchs and con-
or he wastes into oblivion-leaving his seat available
tend with the living. Undersigil's forlorn archways
for its next ruler.
become their next tombs, entangled in gnarled
roots of razorvine. The wretched weed assumes Dnowxro NRrroNs
their shapes and creeps to the surface as thorny Sigil's sewers converge on the Drowned Nations, a
razorvine blights (see Morfe's Planar Para.de). flooded expanse of rank, lukewarm reservoirs and
The Lady of Pain pays little attention to what goes the swampy tunnels that connect them. An enor-
down in Undersigil, though nothing in or under the mous drain linked to the Elemental Plane of Water
City of Doors is beyond her reach. Dead factions, rests in the turbid depths. It's perpetually clogged
banished from the city above, cling to life in the witt-r some amount of planar refuse, but sewage
darkness, searching the underground for secrets rarely backs up enough to flood well-to-do wards.
that could lead to their ascension. Kuo-toa, troglodytes, and other aquatic folk live in
the Drowned Nations, as do land dwellers who nav-
UruoenslcrL ENcouNrERs
igate the sewers by boat. Denizens of the Plane of
d6 Encounter Water don't take kindly to Sigil polluting their home.
1 A vargouille reflection (see Morte's Planar Parade) Grat the Glass-Jawed, a sahuagin baron whose
sprouts from a nearby corpse. gums are jammed with sharpened gems, periodi-
2 Putrice, a night hag, cackles as she fishes a wrig- cally surfaces to skewer Undersigil's residents from
gling larva (see the Dungeon Master's Cuide) from the back of his mutated shark, Ripper (a hunter
a vent underneath a fiend-owned restaurant. shark with a walking speed of 30 feet). Others, like
the aboleth Abadoom, carve out lairs in the pungent
3 Two cranium rat squeakers (see Morle's Planar
meres. Ancient and unknowing, Abadoom harbors
Parade) gnaw on the bones of a skeleton, which
some of Sigil's darkest secrets.
reaches out toward the characters for help.
4 Two dabus (see Morte's Planar Parade) prune back Tun Loop
a mass ofrazorvine that has spread through a Even Undersigil has portals, and the worst of them
barred grate to the busy street above. As they trim dump their quarries into the Loop. This region is
its barbed branches, something shudders within. a graveyard for the lost: a closed, circular tunnel
connected to dozens ofone-way, hidden portals
5 Three sahuagin emerge from a wide pipe.
scattered throughout Undersigil. At first glance,
"Polluters!" shouts one of them, addressing the
the Loop appears no different from the tunnels that
ch a racters.
pour into it. However, after repeatedly passing the
5 A warm sponge cake cools on a dusty stone ledge. same doom-filled messages scrawled onto its walls,
Its sweet, strawberry aroma wafts through the travelers often begin to panic.
otherwise dingy passage. A note reading "DO NOT
EAT" rests below its porcelain serving dish.
:;.:;:1.:;:'+8" . '
The Loop isn't beholden to the laws of time or The Coterie of Cakes (Cakers) is a destitute band
space. At certain points along its mind-bending cir- of rosy-cheeked bullies who assert the multiverse
cumference, imprisoned creatures might spot their is a great, multilayered cake and that baked goods
own backs or torchlight in the distance. are its fundamental unit of trade.
Rarely, through determination or sheer luck, crea- The Revolutionary League (Anarchists) were once
tures do escape the Loop. However, seconds spent a popular faction that fell away to disorganization.
in the Loop might equate to years outside, and some This mishmash of misfits and outcasts vows to
absconders emerge only to find they've been huded dismantle society.
into the distant past or future. Some members of The Undivided (Deniers) is a faction composed
long-dead factions in Undersigil know how to navi- wholly of creatures native to Sigil. They believe
gate the Loop, darting through it in desperate mo- those who pass through planar portals are
ments to trap threats and leave them to die. destroyed and replaced with clones.
Nownnnr oF THoueHT
When a faction falls apart or Sigil tolerates it no lon- The Warrens of Thought are a maze of dripping
ger, its members can join the ranks of another fac- catacombs beneath the Hive. They are home to the
tion, abandon the city entirely-or flee to Nowhere. largest cranium rat collective in Sigil: the Us. Oc-
The huddled welter of ramshackle tenements lies casionally called Many-as-One by its multitude of
deep in the bowels of Undersigil, a doleful refuge wererat thralls, the hive mind's combined intellect
for criminals and stubborn believers who refuse to rivals that of a god. If the Us was ever connected
renounce their allegiances. Within Nowhere's dark to an elder brain, its psychic link has long been
warrens, criminals peddle seedy wares to dwin- severed. Left to their own devices, the cranium rats
dling factions, some consisting of just one member. have evolved into a neural network that grows in
Grungy alleys become impromptu forums as des- influence with each passing day. Whenever a citizen
perate factols hope to rekindle interest in outdated relays a message through a cranium rat squeaker
ideologies and poach each other's members. (see Morte's Planar Parade) connected to the Us,
The following are just a few of the non-ascendant the hive mind stores and analyzes that data. Their
factions headquartered in Nowhere: collective desires are a deeply troubling enigma.
A»vnNTURES rN Srcrr FacrroN MrssroNs
With Sigil's place at the center of the Outer Planes, Use the plots on the Faction Missions table to help
any plot or threat from across the multiverse has a deepen the characters' ties with any faction in Sigil.
chance of finding its way to the City of Doors. Many
inhabitants of the Cage also have planes-spanning
Flcrroru Mtsslorus
ambitions, contributing to countless homegrown d6 Mission
opportunities for adventure. Use this section to I A factol hires the characters to dig up dirt on a
generate ideas for adventures stemming from Sigil's rival faction leader.
unique locations and residents. 2 The characters must infiltrate another faction's
headquarters and steal a priceless item.
A»vnNruRE HooKS
3 A faction leader hires the characters as bodyguards
Use the following table to launch adventures any- for an important city event at the Hall of Speakers.
where in Sigil.
4 Suspicious of their own ranks, a factol hires the
Er.rcouNTERs rN SrcrL
d'100 Encounter
0l-03 I noble pedestrian distractedly talking to
I cranium rat squeaker'.
04-07 1d4dabus"
08-'l0 1 scouttumbling through a portal from the
Material Plane
ll-14 1d4 nightmares recklessly pulling a sedan chair
l5-.l7 I dl0 bariaur wanderers'r-
18-22 1d6 Harmonium peacekeepers,t on patrol
23-25 I d6 dust mephit messengers
26-28 I d4 razorvine blights,t
29-32 1d4 Society ofSensation muses*
33-36 1d6 quadrones
37-39 ld4 cranium rat squeaker swarms*
40-43 I Herald of Dust remnant,! and ld4 zombies
collecting bodies
44-46 1 young copper dragon sightseer
47-49 1 Mind's Eye matter smith,. carrying a rare gizmo
50-54 I night hag street vendor
55-57 ld8 Bleak Cabal void soothers'. assisting locals
58-50 ld4 vrocks on a shopping trip
6l -63 1d6 equinal guardinals,r
64-66 ld6 Transcendent Order instincts,! parkouring
through the crowd
67-69 1d4 green slaad
70-72 1d4 Fated shakers,l- collecting taxes
73-74 I bone devil late for a meeting
75-76 1 mage who's overwhelmed, having just arrived
from the Material Plane
77-79 1d4 Mercykiller bloodhounds* tracking a criminal
80-8.l 1d8 githzerai travelers,!
82-83 1d4 maelephant,! mercenaries
84-85 1d6 Doomguard rot blade,. monster hunters
85-87 I planetar looking for a shop
88-89 I cuprilach rilmani,. spying on a target
90-91 1 Fraternity ofOrder law bender,.
92-93 I d4 cloud giants who've become lost
94-95 I aboleth in an aquarium sedan chair
96-97 1 kolyarut"
98-99 A famous archmage, Iike Bigby, Evard,
orden kai nen,
M or Tasha
00 The Lady of Pain and 2d4 dabus,.
Y&em Gextlands
RnrrcroN AND THE Goos
opposition-a disk-shaped plane of perfect
neutrality at the center of the Outer Planes. Creatures in the Outlands revere gods as folk do
Anything and everything can flourish on anywhere else. At the center of the Great Wheel,
the impartial and balanced canvas of the Outlands: faiths are as diverse as their worshipers, who hail
a broad region whose boundless terrain blends to from neighboring planes and distant Material plane
match the extreme forces that shape it. Arid, flame- worlds. The Outlands contain the domains of sev-
scared plains give way to heroic mountain ranges eral gods, such as the hidden tower of Annam the
sculpted in the likenesses of gods, moldy caverns All-Father, creator of giants, and the gaseous realm
ruled by sapient fungi, bottomless seas, and any- of the beholder god Gzemnid. Devout worshipers,
thing else that makes for great adventures. whether alive or dead, gravitate to their gods and
This chapter provides information for the Dun- carry out their will.
geon Master about the extraplanar realms of the
Outlands, their inhabitants, and life at the center of
the Great Wheel. Though the plane has no apparent suns, moons, or
stars, the Outlands experience day and night cycles,
Lrrn rN THE OurreNDS sometimes referred to as peak and antipeak, respec-
tively. In the morning, the sky gradually brightens,
This section details facets of everyday life in
the Outlands. darkening to night 12 hours later. In the absence of
clearly visible celestial bodies, travelers orient them-
Cosvrrc RrarrcNMENT selves based on the direction of the Spire, known as
spireward. The opposite of spireward is brinkward.
Save for the domains of gods, realms in the Out-
lands are subject to a planar phenomenon known as OurlauDs PosrER MAp
cosmic realignment. When a location embodies the
nature of one of the Outer Planes too closely, that The poster map included with this product depicts
plane absorbs the location and its inhabitants, re- the Outlands and some of the locations found on
the plane. Distances in the Outlands are impossi-
storing balance to the Outlands and expanding that
plane. Some creatures combat cosmic realignment ble to gauge, fluctuating along with travel times as
determined by the DM. The map displays pictorial
by acting in direct opposition to the linked plane,s
impressions of locations that only hint at their ar-
temperament, while others gladly welcome this fate
rangement and distances from one another, making
or pursue it outright.
no claims about the wondrous sites that might lie
CunnnNcy AND Tne»n between them. A journey in the Outlands could take
minutes or days, leading to a popular saying among
Bartering is common in the vast and varied realms
locals: "It takes as long as it takes."
of the Outlands. When money exchanges hands, it
often takes the form of a lodestar-a weakly mag-
netic, cobalt coin stamped on both sides with a
five-point star. Minted in the gate-town of Tradegate A ring of sixteen evenly spaced towns, equidistant
(detailed later in this chapter), a lodestar is valued at to the Spire, lies at the edge of the Outlands. Each
1 gp elsewhere. is constructed around a portal to one of the Outer
Planes, and these gate-towns are dramatically in-
Larqcuacn fluenced by the realms they border. The towns and
Like Sigil, the Outlands are home to speakers of their inhabitants vary wildly from each other, mir-
every language, but creatures generally speak Com_ roring many of the extreme characteristics of their
mon. Still, certain locations attract those who favor respective planes of influence. Details on the planes
a particular tongue. For example, residents of towns can be found in lhe Dunseon Master,s Guide.
with high concentrations of devils tend to also speak The following sections present each of the gate- ,
Infernal, while those in locales frequented by angels towns in alphabetical order.
prefer to trumpet their holy praise in Celestial.
DrvrNn MecHrNn A»vTNTURES IN AUToMATA 'h*-r"s-S
The Divine Machine is Automata's most popular tav-
The Automata Adventures table offers suggestions
ern, owned by a shrewd and fussy businesswoman
for.encounters and stories involving the gate-town.
named Belda Beanfoot (1awful neutral, halfling
commoner). The Machine's comfortable, basic
Aurouarn Aovsrurunes
rooms cater to visitors awaiting clearance for gate
travel. In addition to lodging, taverfl guests can fuel d4 Adventure Hook
up at its first-floor coffee shop, the Congruent Caf6, 1 Fleeing interplanar bounty hunters, a three-horned
where monodrone baristas prepare piping-hot bev- tiefling named Romerillo (chaotic good, tiefling
erages at exact temperatures. Much to the dismay of spy) seeks refuge on one ofthe Upper Planes.
her employees, which can reliably perform just one Romerillo asks the characters to sneak them
task at a time, Belda expects a 1ot from her workers. aboard the Concordant Express.
The caf6 has a high staff turnover. 2 Disguised as Serafil, a shator demodand (see
The Hall of Order is a three-story government ber's position and has the "impostor" arrested.
building that features three twisting pillars of in- Serafil's disheveled secretary beseeches the char-
tricately arranged gears. Inside the maze of courts acters for aid.
and administrative offices, members of the Council 3 A chaotic evil quadrone tampers with the street
of Order at;Jhorize stacks of paperwork and rule on numbers at night, causing widespread gridlock as
escalated matters. modrons leave for work each morning. The Council
Unbeknown to the council, a farcical court lurks of Order asks the characters to investigate.
below the seat of government: the Hall of Disorder.
4 A marid fruit vendor is arrested in the lnverse for
Denizens of the Inverse make their pleas in the
color-coordinating the produce in their stall. The
ramshackle courthouse before the Council of Anar-
genie petitions the characters to defend them in
chy and a raucousjury that revels in each trial. The
counciljudges the accused based on the absurdity the nonsensical courts of the Hall of Discord.
of their defense-the more illogical the argument,
the lighter the penalty.
Hbwrrle vrNos ERUpr rRou Sneueneacx,
MTsERABLE BowL THAT rs Beolam.
WerrrNc Horrows Their leader, Dust Devil (chaotic evil, air genasi
The Wailing Hollows are a network of wind-eroded bandit captain), derives sick satisfaction from
tunnels that originate in the Gatemouth district and tormenting citizens in the Bleakheights and using
extend into Midtown. A haunting whistle pervades Bumblewing's machines for vandalism, robbery,
the pitch-black caverns, which mimic the ecosys- and violence.
tem of Pandemonium. Although darkweavers (see
Morte's Planar Parade) prowl the Hol1ows, ambi-
tious miners flock to caves in search of Bedlamite, a The Bedlam Adventures table offers suggestions for
highly coveted black ore that fumes with malice. encounters and stories in the gate-town.
aeolian research and invention. Within the domed rampaging suits of animated armor.
observatory, Bumblewing and her colleagues aim to 2 Each night, a darkweaver (see Morte's Planar Pa-
harness Pandemonium's chaotic winds for good, but rade) snarches a resident of Midtown and drags
the plane's malicious gales comupt her inventions, them into the Wailing Hollows. Catekeeper Cirrus
possessing them like evil spirits. Bumblewing is calls for the creature's capture or extermination.
always looking for willing guinea pigs to test out her 3 Orbys Bumblewing asks the characters to test a
contraptions, which include dubious parachutes and
dubious new flying machine. During their flight,
precariously constructed gliders.
Nimbus I(nife bandits attempt to steal it.
Bumblewing's wind-powered inventions have
piqued the interest of the Nimbus Knives, a gang 4 A wave of murder sweeps through Midtown,
of air genasi (see Monslers of the Multiverse)who caused by a malevolent breeze (use the ghost stat
ride icy clouds spun from the town's unstable winds. block) that possesses the townsfoll<.
Auna oF TRANeurLrrY
The gate to Elysium dulls the blades of anger and "l,tai tlne rlty abave tl^ir real,- al*ayi
hostility in its vicinity. At all hours, a pacifying aura ,0 edffy? or did the f". ?^'l tl"'e
radiates from the Bone Plinth in a 300-foot radius' r"oo* ti,*fly tire o{ fhejr e".lLeff
Any creature that starts its turn in this area is tar- rycle a^"1 aba^'io^ ]t {or a rnc,'e
geted by a calm emotions spell (save DC 15). A crea- Exrili.q exiife*ce?"
ture that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to *A i" ferttiy
:gir.it ,*,iira ?iof a pli"ih
the aura for the next 24hours.
Txe cares or Sorntsr
.t :
down until the next morning.
Gers Crrauonr,rnn
Excelsior's gate rests in its tallest tower, the God- Like motes of soft flame, gleaming structures orbit
strand. A lucent, alabaster pillar dwarfed only by the the Godstrand at varying heights, held aloft in the
palms of feathery clouds by the faith of their devoted
Spire, the tower is a beacon of virtue impervious to
spell and sword. The Godstrand's pinnacle is ob- residents. Collectively referred to as the Chande-
scured by soft, luminous clouds at all hours. Its peak lier, this district mainly consists of picket keeps-
isn't visible from any point in the Outlands, for the strongholds governed by pious champions of justice
tower protrudes from the base of Mount Celestia. and mercy.
Only one path ascends to the gate, and the tow- The Chandelier includes the following locations:
er's defenses harrow those who seek to corrupt it. Nimbron, the castle of Thotastis (lawful good, hu-
Twisting staircases line the Godstrand's interior, man gladiator), a stiff-necked paladin of Tyr. He
branching and crossing endlessly, and its walls are believes Excelsior requires a firmer hand than the
adorned with intricate mosaics that shift to disori- current high chancellor offers.
ent trespassers. However, Celestials and those with Thunderts Reach, a rumbling storm cloud fortress
pure hearts or intentions can hear the heavenly por- that belongs to Tygrant, a reclusive empyrean
tal ringing out like a distant choir of angels. Seven banished from Mount Celestia for his pride.
gleaming steps precede the gate itself, hovering and Zephyr Stables, a floating pegasus ranch run by
flanked by a pair of unflinching warden archons Cassandra Caeneus (lawful good, human knight).
Morte's Planar Parade). She lends her flying steeds to worthy riders.
Fonuu A»vnNruRES rN ExcELSroR
The forum is a hub of good-faith argument. A row of
The Excelsior Adventures table offers suggestions
gilded podiums lines the stage of this wide amphi-
for encounters and stories involving the gate-town.
theater, where creatures debate concepts such as al-
truism, agency, or the gods and their portfolios. The Excelsron Aoveruru nes
forum is deliberately located on the surface district
rather than the Chandelier-a reminder that the
d4 Adventure Hook
venue is more for Excelsior's worldly townsfolk and I An androsphinx arrives in Excelsior and declares it-
visitors than for Celestials. A hush washes over the self the new high chancellor. Forough petitions the
crowd whenever an angel descends on the stage. characters to help cement her authority.
2 The empyrean Tygrant receives a prophecy that he
F{nAnr's Farrrr can return to Mount Celestia only if he is humbled
Once a quaint town at the base of Mount Celestia,
through defeat. He challenges all of Excelsior, in-
Heart's Faith is now Excelsior's surface district.
cluding the characters, to wrestling matches in his
Among its unblemished structures, cheery citizens
bid each other good tidings as they tend verdant
orchards and perfect artistic pursuits. High Chan- 3 Allowed into the forum on an ancient contract, a
cellor Forough conducts her business in the God- silver-tongued pit fiend invites Excelsior's orators
strand, which rises from the center of the district. to debate the worth ofa soul. An angel asks the
The sheltered townsfolk of Heart's Faith seek to characters to take the podium.
preserve their paradise. Nosy neighbors spy and tat- 4 The faith of a divine champion (gladiator) begins
tle on visitors and each other, involving archons as to waver in the Chandelier, causing their cloud
mediators in insignificant squabbles. Some fanatical keep to shudder. A lantern archon (see Morte's Pla-
residents, like the Order of the Iron Lantern, take
nar Parade) asks the characters to erase the war-
this protective behavior to extremes. This militant
rior's doubt before their fortress falls from the sky.
sect of righteous watchdogs seeks to uproot evil be-
fore it rears its ugly head, detaining innocent folk at
the first whiff of suspicion.
NEL Garn
Gate Destination: Wilderness of the Beastlands Deep in the vine-choked ruins rests Faunel's gate, a
Primary Citizens: Awakened Beasts tranquil pool at the foot of a stone statue. The pool's
Ruler: None waters replicate the effects of an awaken spell.
Beasts that lap from its crystalline waters find their
The Faunel the Outlands once knew is gone, its roar tongues capable of speech, and saplings weaned on
so mighty that the gate-town was absorbed by the
the reservoir eventually uproot as wooden guard-
Beastlands. Now the town must start anew, reestab- ians that defend the town. Creatures that submerge
lished by stragglers, newcomers, and sapient ani- themselves in the pond emerge in the untamed
mals who were away when their home disappeared. wilds of the Beastlands.
Old Faunel's ancient ruins remain, rejected by the
plane that claimed their wild inhabitants. Lush veg- GuenoraN oF NATURE
etation sprouts from the cracked fotffidations of a A stone colossus kneels before the pool at the town's
crumbling, forgotten city. Grasping vines tug at trav- center, its weathered visage and mossy limbs re-
elers who stop to admire their vibrant flowers, and flected in the pool's sparkling ripples. Called Wrath
toothed plants wait patiently near stagnant drinking by the animal kingdoms that came before, the
pools for their next meal to arrive. The air in Faunel guardian questions all who seek to enter the portal,
is rich and humid, and the broad, waxy leaves of foli asking whether they hunt for sport or sustenance.
age along the forest floor glisten with dew. The titan alone decides who may enter-and who
Beasts are returning to Faunel, but who among must meet a gruesome end.
them will rise to the top of the food chain? Three Wrath disdains sport hunters and their ilk, vowing
factions of awakened Beasts vie for control of the never to let them pass. Tö others, Wrath is a gentle
animal kingdom. The following leaders, all of whom giant, a curious protector who delights in birdsong
speak Common, guide the packs: and babbling brooks. Not much is known about
Ebonclaw (lawful neutral saber-toothed tiger with the guardian's past, but clues etched in the ruins of
an Intelligence of 12 and a Charisma of l2), a Faunel suggest that Wrath was once a mortal being
silken-furred feline with a notch on his fangs for of cloud and mist who wished to live among the
every kil1 he's made, commands a vicious streak of Beasts below.
predators. RBcroNel EprBcrs
Ophelia (lawful good; use the elephant stat block The region containing Faunel's planar gate is influ-
with an Intelligence of 10, a Wisdom of 14, and a
enced by the magic of the Beastlands, creating one
Charisma of 1.4), a sard-hided elephant matriarch,
or more of the following effects in and around the
ides Faunel's herbivores.
Parvaz (neutral; use the giant eagle stat block with
an Intelligence of 16 and a Charisma of 14), a Awakened Beasts. Beasts in Faunel are more intel-
brooding albatross with golden tail feathers and ligent than their woddly counterparts. At the DM's
razor-sharp talons, steers a flight ofbirds in the discretion, any given Beast has an Intelligence of
gate-town's dense, heliotropic canopy. 10 and can speak and understand Common.
Tropical Paradise. Frequent rainfall yields fruit and
Faunel attracts its share of non-Beast visitors who water in abundance. Wisdom (Survival) checks to
seek the fruits of nature. Travelers gather in Camp
forage in Faunel are made with advantage.
Greenbriar, a tented outpost where foragers, explor-
ers, and merchants mingle with awakened wildlife. NornwoRTHY Srrns
Meanwhile, a despicable group of hunters, the Vile
The unbound wilds of Faunel have no districts or
Hunt, hacks through the jungle in search of rare
roads, save for the worn footpaths that snake be-
animal hides. Led by a gold-toothed poacher, Mick
tween its dilapidated ruins and tropical overgrowth.
Mangehide (gnotl fangof Yeenoghu), the Vile Hunt
The town's bestial residents make their dens near
whittles away at Faunel's bickering factions as Mick
natural landmarks: waterfalls, rock formations, and
prepares his trophy wall for their mounted heads.
the gnaded branches of magical trees.
A cNou PoacH€R
Nean FaulEt-'s PLANAR GATE,
;t j T}I }i
, .i
GronIuu Wonrnnoor CTRCLE
Agents of an ancient druidic circle of giants, the
Gate Destination: Heroic Domains of Ysgard
Woddroot Circle, tend to Glorium's hidden gate.
Primary Citizens: Giants and Humanoids Believing the sacred plant to be a seedling of Ygg-
Ruler: Tyrza Bonebreaker drasil, they nurture the sapling and use it to com-
Blaring horns rally Glorium's residents to battle. mune with members of the circle on other wodds. A
Warriors are forged in the gate-town, a village of treant born from its roots, Yggatha, defends the gate
lodges, training fields, and farms arranged along the chamber at all hours. The Woddroot Circle is fur-
fertile slopes of an icy ford. A colossal, serpentine ther detailed h Bi§by Presents: Ghory of the Giants.
statue towers over the gate-town, its coils arching
along the peaks of a high mountain range. Glorium's
RrcroNar Eprncrs
rich, rugged shores are speckled with the blood of a The region containing Glorium's planar gate is influ-
thousand battles, shed by folk who revel in skirmish- enced by the magic of Ysgard, creating one or more
ing and welcome death when it comes for them. of the following effects in and around the gate-town:
In Glorium, every resident owns a weapon and Destined for Glory. Creatures in Glorium have ad-
knows how to use it. A tight-knit fellowship of hard- vantage on death saving throws.
ened warriors, locals revere gods of war and are Horns of Battle. Whenever a conflict of any sort
distant toward visitors who have yet to prove them- starts in Glorium, a horn can be heard within 300
selves in combat or through feats of strength. feet of the conflict's origin.
Glorium's leader is Tyrza Bonebreaker (chaotic
good, human gladiator wearing a belt of Eiant NornwoRTHY Srtns
stren§th [frost giant]), the daughter of the gate- Compared to its surroundings, Glorium is small
town's previous ruler, Flatnose Grim. Loyal and and humble, nestled between glacial f ords, lofty
tempestuous, she leaps into the fray with a thun- mountains, and forested skerries. It boasts no inns
derous cry. The one-armed warrior's face and body or busy welcome centers, and when there are no
bear the scars of countless duels, and the gnarled battles, daily life is calm and mundane. Common
haft of her trusty battleaxe is said to be a splinter pastimes in Glorium include blacksmithing, boat-
from the World Tree. Off the field, she loves a strong building, farming, and training.
drink and a good laugh with her comrades.
Invaders from far and wide seek to conquer Glo- Housn oF GLoRY
rium. Surtur and Thrym-the mighty patron deities The sounds of drums erupt within the House of
offire and frost giants, respectively regularly Glory, a mammoth of a gymnasium where warriors
send hulking subjects to pillage the wintry camp, boast, revel, and train. Weapons of past heroes line
darkening its skies with ash and snow. Meanwhile, its wooden halls: frayed hand wraps, fencing sa-
nomadic groups of mountain bariaurs hold back the bers, flagged spears, folding iron fans, and colorful
alien armies of Gzemnid, a gaseous beholder god. wicker shields mounted beside trophies of battle.
Among them hangs a magic tapestry adorned with a
Gern scene of charging warriors. Its image changes after
Unlike other gate-towns, Glorium has two planar each battle, reflecting any newly fallen heroes.
gates. The first and most obvious is a whirlpool at A crackling firepit dominates a smoky chamber in
the mouth of the f ord that connects to Ysgard. Wide another area of the lodge filled with the succulent
enough to accommodate a frost giant longship, the scent of roasting meats. Magnificent feasts, given
watery gate reverses its tide twice each day, allow- by gods of war to their followers, appear on long
ing boats to voyage to the chaotic plane and back wooden tables throughout, imbuing warriors with
again. Though the swirling portal allows Glorium the strength to fight again.
to trade with settlements on Ysgard, it also makes
them vulnerable to that plane's invaders.
The second gate is a legend deep within the gate- ''6lory? l{äl ldJhäf cio äny of *l k.o*
town's snow-capped mountains: a secret entrance to o{ llory? l,rle're lfill aljvel Yo" JEck
Yggdrasil, the cosmic tree that connects the Outer ä i'€u?ro{ fhat ca" be aitai"eoi o^Ly
Planes. It appears as a mass of knotted, intertwined i* ,.leath""
roots surrounded by softly drifting motes of light. *iyrza ßo.ebrcakei'. ,*ayor o{ 6l*'i"r
The tangled roots part to form an arched portal to
Ysgard, but with the corresponding portal key, it can
take entrants almost anywhere in the multiverse.
SnnpnNr's Rtsn
2 After an argument with Tyrza, Jek Thanol refuses
to shield Clorium from the armies of Czemnid.
Named for the stone serpent that arches over its
snowy peaks, the mountains of Serpent's Rise are With their treaty shattered, a death tyrant attacks
home to several bariaur communities. Jek Thanol, the gate-town.
a bearded bariaur wanderer (see Morte's Planar 3 A frost giant jarl learns ofthe entrance to the
Parade) with a jeweled eye patch, leads the largest !(orld Tree within Serpent's Rise. Rather than at-
tribe, which enjoys a tenuous alliance with Glorium. tack Clorium, he sets out to find the root and use
The bariaurs are sentinels who treat the serpent's it to conquer untold worlds.
coils as bridges between summits and strike down 4 A sea hag in the Sacred Well tells one of the char-
Gzemnid's forces wherever they pop up.
acters they will die at the hand of Czemnid in five
An absinthine-eyed human child, the so-called
d ays.
Lemming Boy, appears to mountain travelers,
offering to guide them through the bluffs. Those
who accept his services are quickly ambushed by
Aberrations or left to die in avalanches or pits lined
with glassy shards of permafrost. Survivors of the
snickering child claim he's a disguised trickster god.
sion at the edge of town. The once-elegant three- splash of magic paint. Two beholders demand the
story villa is in a state of disrepair. Dusty planks characters perform at the Callows or be disinte-
cover its broken windows, and shingles dangle from grated where they stand.
its slumping roof. The estate once belonged to the 2 Commanded by its superiors in Hades, a nycaloth
Tomdon twins, a pair of failed entrepreneurs who bubbles up through the Wishless Well and begins
risked everything to save their dying business, even hunting members of the resistance in Hopeless.
their souls. When a sudden and grisly accident
3 High Cardinal Thingol hires the characters to catch
claimed both of their lives in one fell swoop, the
the Jester, a costumed vigilante (mage) in posses-
twins awoke as wraiths. They quickly preyed on
sion ofa wand that spreads joy.
their household staff, condemning them to serve the
manor beyond death as specters. 4 A baernaloth (see Morte's Planar Parade) whispers
Some nights, the manor comes to life, and music to the characters through the Wishless !(ell, of-
can be heard within. Free from their glum tethers, fering to trade ancient secrets for the Maiden of
spirits gather for a supernatural soiree hosted by Misery's true identity.
cursed items.
In addition to the ,bsidian wa11s that surround the
RrscecE citadel, a garrison of devils defends Ribcage's gate.
' Gate Destination: Nine Hel1s of Baator In times of invasion or other wide-scale conflicts,
Primary Citizens: Devils and Humanoids the duchess can beseech Avernus to deploy infernal
Ruler: Duchess Z elza Ztrkb ane armies and weapons of war through the portal.
Ribgage is the blackened heart of the Vale of the RrcroNel Errrcts
Sp'1ne, a jagged range of barren mountains whose
The region containing Ribcage's planar gate is influ-
peaks curve inward around a smoldering valley.
enced by the magic of the Nine Hells, creating one
Iron walls encircle the fortified town, and two rows or more of the following effects in and around the
of cracked, dry spires of rock curl over its arid gate-town:
sky-the earthen ribs from which the gate-town de-
rives its name. Ribcage's menacing, arched gates, Diabolical Surveillance. Fiendish, yellow eyes
festooned with wings like those of a bat and forged peer through windows, pools, and other reflective
from infernal steel, allude to the power of the Lords surfaces to judge citizens of Ribcage. Meanwhile,
of the Nine Hells. the duchess and her senators can listen in on any
Bound to the Nine Hells and its rigid hierarchy messa§e arrd sendin§ spells cast within Ribcage,
of backstabbing Fiends, Ribcage obeys a strict occasionally intercePting them.
but mobile caste system. Stratified by morality, Insatiable Greed. Creatures in or near the gate-
residents climb the rungs of society through guile, town crave power in all its forms, but their accom-
treachery, and devilish deals to obtain power at any plishments are never enough. Thirsts for domi-
cost. As a result, the town's lowliest paupers exhibit nance are never quenched in the desiccated valley,
redeemable qualities, while the nobility are all but where each victory feels hollower than the last.
soulless-vile individuals who spend their days in
decadence until their infernal pacts come due.
NornwoRTHY Srrns
To prevent the gate-town from becoming so evil Ribcage consists of five districts clustered around
that it experiences a cosmic realignment, Duchess the Citadel of Cinders. Buildings are constructed
ZelzaZwkbane (lawful evil succubus) and her from iron or hewn from sharp stones, with size
senators have enacted a policy limiting the num- and ornamentation varying by wealth and social
ber of devils in Ribcage. A succubus in a suit and status. The town's five senators preside over one
tie, Duchess Zurkbane masquerades as a tiefling district each.
arbiter. Severed unicorn horns support the soles of
her clacking obsidian heels, and her briefcase-a Br,nnorNc HonN
subservient mimic-snaps open to reveal a drooling Like molten blood, red-hot lava pours from a stony
maw of jagged teeth. Her Excellency rarely shows rib into the taproom of the Bleeding Horn, a dev-
her true form and keeps her abilities secret, prefer- il-owned tavern located in one of Ribcage's wealth-
ring to drain her victims through legal proceedings ier districts. The duchess and her senators tolerate
and blackmail. Duchess Zttkbane wants nothing its proprietor, an ice devil named Sparax who helps
more than to plunge Ribcage into the Nine Hells dry-tongued locals quench their thirst with chilled
and expects the Lords of the Nine will reward her cocktails. The heat from the glowing lavafall behind
for the accomplishment. the bar keeps drink orders coming. Loose-lipped
nobles regulady spill secrets and rumors to Sparax,
Gern who always keeps one afltenna to the ground.
A column of roaring red flame swirls within the Cit- Crraonr oF CTNDERS
adel of Cinders, a walled structure in the center of A walled, ebony fortress rests on a dusty crag in the
town. Surrounded by silvery ash-said to be all that center of town. Considered Ribcage's exclusive sixth
remains of those who challenged archdevils and district, the Citadel of Cinders is the gate-town's seat
lost-the fiery pillar transports entrants to the des- of law and corruption. Here, Duchess Zurkbane's
olate wastelands of Avernus, the war-torn first layer senators-an easily manipulated quintet of bloated,
of the Nine Hells. Clever Fiends and mages can self-important sycophants-help her maintain the
change the gate's destination, warping the pillar into illusion of a just government.
an icy mirror that leads to the glacial layer of Cania
or a noxious cloud leading to the rotting bog of Mi
nauros. Only Asmodeus, Archduke of Nessus, can "arho *eed, ä* ir-ro irit *,t*e"
link the pillar to the lowest layer of the Nine Hells. Yüü i4ävä ä a**trätf?"
*0".h€ti JeLzt 7'rkbe"e
ruthless as ever. carnate [Fiend form] stat block from Morte's Planar
Parade) emerges from the Lion's Cate to destroy
Frxer, PnocnssroN Rigus.
A monument of reflection amid a hungry machine 3 A mummy lord in the Crown commands Ceneral
of death, the Final Procession is dedicated to the
Braahg to implement an outdated strategy. Risking
countless lives sacrificed in conflicts across the
treason, the hobgoblin hires the characters to lay
multiverse. The memorial consists of upright sepul-
his superior to rest.
chres and tall, granite steles engraved with the
names of fallen heroes. History is written by the 4 The ghost of a fallen warrior asks the party to
z victors, however, who don't always respect their en- investigate why their name isn't on the Final Pro-
emies, no matter how brave or honorable those foes cession. The culprit is a petty Crown Ceneral who
i might have been. took credit for the warrior's heroism.
YnanNrNc Tirrnrns all shapes and sizes. Jergal, the apathetic former
The Yearning Timbers are the perfect party venue, Lord of the End of Everything, regularly challenges
a gaudy event hall carved from an enormous ban- visitors to a game of skull bocce. Legend has it he's
yan tree that was once an elven temple. The hall's been defeated only once.
branches are graceful and pearl white, interlacing
into bridges and pointed, symmetrical archways. AovBNTURES IN SYLvANIA
Magic blankets the tree, allowing the Seven Spiri- The Sylvania Adventures table offers suggestions
tors to rearrange it to suit a variety of themes, right for encounters and stories in the gate-town.
down to the weather: springtime garden parties lush
with gossip and savory hors d'oeuvres, romantic SvlvltlA ADvENTUREs
balls beneath cascading autumn leaves, and psyche- d4 Adventure Hook
delic raves illuminated by glowing fungi. 1 A vampire bachelorette invites the characters to a
To keep each celebration fresh, the Seven Spir- costumed ball at the Yearning Timbers, hoping to
itors maintain a constantly evolving list of special
enlist their help in choosing her next partner.
guests, renowned and infamous entities from across
the multiverse. Many gods are invited to the Yearn-
2 A jolly halfling invites the characters to a tea party
at their woodland cottage. The halfling is actually a
ing Timbers, but few attend. Particulady polite de-
ities, such as the drow god Eilistraee, send proxies green hag intent on eating her guests.
to express their regrets. Only gods who love a good 3 A blink dog gobbles up King Ewren Ill. As the
shindig-like Alobal Lorfiril, elven god of revelry kingdom descends into chaos, a pixie messenger
and mirth-regularly accept. Clout-chasing empyre- asks the characters to help determine the next
ans routinely appear, eager to gain new followers or monarch.
quench their foul moods. Party crashers are a com- 4 One of the Seven Spiritors (use the ghost stat
mon nuisance.
block) possesses a satyr and involves the charac-
A nocturnal club nicknamed the Afterparty re-
ters in a scandal that must be remedied.
1: sides beneath the tree's roots. It's a who's who of
Undead-liches, vampire lords, and skeletal folk of
"l-h€r€'t **ihi*.1 r.org vai,abi.e fha*
Gate Destination: Bleak Eternity of Gehenna
r.ic"tity" &ichef, rni.ü ltoi€n, r?n
Primary Citizens: Humanoids and yugoloths
be rer*,fed, b"f r'ep"tatio*I (?* bE
Ruler: The Family
r.oioc"i beyo*"i ,'cpai,'. 5ie;i- a
Torch is a den of thieves built on the slopes of three ä*"1 y*, iteai. *vc,.yflr)*1 if **^1."
volcanic spires that rise from a blood-red marsh. *l-he l'i:n'cre..l lja", i.ea*lci. o{ rl,e 'tookaLik*l
Formed from hardened molten rock, the pillars
alternate in spewing blazing streams of pyrophoric
gas, providing light and heat to the town,
gilded bowl near the spire's peak, can petition Old
Clustered buildings retreat from the pestilent
Goldbelly to ferry them to the gate. However, those
swamp, climbing each spire to its steep, walled-off
who disturb him with paltry sums risk his ire.
hei ghts. Notorious kin gpins, br azen embezzler s,
and brooding criminal masterminds look down on Rneroxal Erructs
petty larcenists from their towering hideouts, but The region containing Torch's planar gate is in-
danger still looms even for those at the top. Without fluenced by the magic of Gehenna, creating one
warning, the hollow peaks erupt with sporadic jets or more of the following effects in and around the
of lava and flaming rockslides, or as the locals say, gate-town:
"trouble above, trouble below."
The people of Torch are crooked, greedy, and Bottomless Greed. Equipment and lifestyle ex-
penses in Torch are twice their normal cost.
cruel. Townsfolk eye each other with suspicion as
they pass through the sloped alleys, clutching their
Lure ofAvarice. Visible coinage, jewelry, and magic
purses in one hand and brandishing cautionary items in Torch entice nearby creatures with faint,
blades in the other. Grifters, bullies, and bandits
unintelligible whispers. The more valuable the
serve as minions for Torch's numerous criminal
item, the louder the whispers become.
syndicates, seedy organizations preoccupied with
robbing each other and destroying rival guilds.
NorrwoRTHY Srtss
The gate-town is controlled by the Family, a ten- Törch is divided among its three volcanic pillars-
ebrous inner circle of crime bosses who enforce Dohin, Karal, and Maygel-after which its districts
some semblance of honor among the thieves of are named. High walls along the top of each spire
Torch. Admission into the Family is by invite only. separate the rich from the riffraff, and two huge iron
The full roster of members is shrouded in secrecy, bridges connect Maygel to Dohin and Karal. Each
. as are the venues for their conclaves. Even so, some district is divided into an upper and lower subdis-
names in Torch carry more weight than others, and trict. The gaudy buildings along the upper slopes
locals can't help but speculate about such folk's in- are typically constructed from stone or metal, while
volvement in the town's hidden oligarchy. the moldy piers of Torch's lowest districts feature
glassless windows and rotten, waterlogged planks.
Like a bloodshot eye gazing over the Outlands or Headquartered in the city of Sigil, the Bank of
a scarlet gemstone begging to be plucked from the
Abbathor (detailed in chapter 2) services custom-
sky, the gate to Gehenna floats a hundred feet above
ers across the planes. Account holders can visit a
the walled upper slopes of Torch's middle spire,
branch of the respected financial institution in the
Maygel. The portal is difficult to reach without flight,
Outlands, just spireward of the bridge in Upper
but some ambitious creatures attempt the perilous Dohin, but they might not like what they see.
climb to Maygel's highest point, a caustic precipice The Bank ofAbbathor in Torch is a cesspool
wracked by acrid fumes that ignite on exposure to
of white-collar crime. Fraud, money laundering,
the atmosphere. From there, it's a leap of faith. and forgery run rampant within the once-shining
Orn GoTuBELLY branch, whose crumbling roof collapsed long ago.
A decrepit ancient red dragon, Old Goldbelly, Pummeled and melted by fiery rockslides, the statue
slumbers in the fires of Maygel, his rumbling snores of Abbathor in the lobby is hardly recognizable. The
heard within the lambent pillar. An ill-tempered bank's original tellers are gone, replaced by prof-
miser, the cranky wyrm wakes only to add to his iteers who skim a few coins off every transaction.
hoard. Those who offer payment at his shrine, a They don't keep their ill-gotten gains for 1ong, how-
ever. The branch gets robbed at least once a week.
The Lookalikes are a group of shapeshifting iden- obtain an invitation to the Family on its behalf,-or
tity thieves led by an elusive doppelganger called be destroyed.
the Mirrored Man. The group holes up in a wax 3 The Bank ofAbbathor hires the characters as se-
museum in Lower Maygel. curity. The very same day, two maelephants (see
The Severed Hands are a procession of grave Morte's Planar Parade) attempt to rob the bank.
robbers who collect hands from the corpses they 4 Doppelgangers in the Lookalikes gang take on
I plunder. Tricksters and charlatans, they mas-
:rI querade as humble priests, swapping their robes
the characters'appearances and go on a crime
spree, creating problems for the party at multiple
for shovels come nightfall. The group gathers its
l_r location s.
spoils in a run-down temple in Lower Dohin.
Melvin's maps aren't always cheap-or accurate, Erasimus secretly opened a portal to the Elemental
for that matter-but his atlas is brimming at the Plane of Earth, introducing an aggressive group of
seams. The hospitable gnome claims to have xorn to the Outlands in hopes of counterbalancing
mapped hundreds of locations throughout the Tradegate's then-abundant wealth. However, the
planes, including many of the gate-towns. Melvin xorn's greed proved insatiable, and the Elementals
offers discounts on older maps, but some of his continue to sack the town for all it's worth.
earliest depictions are little more than interesting
shapes with crude annotations. AovnNTURES IN TRADEGATE
Throughout his travels, Melvin has earned many The Tradegate Adventures table offers suggestions
enemies, having trespassed in the lairs of demon for encounters and stories in the gate-town.
lords and hoodwinked gods to survey their domains.
When he needs to skip town, the slippery cartogra- Tnloeclre AovErurunes
pher collapses his tower into a magical map tube,
d4 Adventure Hook
slings it on his back, and sets up shop elsewhere.
I While the characters are shopping, several hostile
Tneonurr,L MrNT xorn attack the Trademill Mint.
Unless they plan to barter with locals, visitors 2 During a demonstration for the characters, a
should stop at the Trademill Mint, a high-security gnome inventor's latest creation (use the iron go-
building where Tradegate produces its currency. lem stat block) runs amok, wreaking havoc.
Run by a board of trustees consisting mainly of
3 Melvin Manyroads (chaotic good, gnome mage)
financially inclined dwarves, the mint is a cobalt for-
asks the characters to help map one of the many
tress where traders can exchange virtually anything
sites in the Outlands (see the "Other Realms,,
for its worth in lodestars.
The Trademill Mint's most senior board mem- section later in this chapter).
ber-a nervous, monocled economist named 4 A local beekeeper wants to sell a special planar
Erasimus Astralbeard (neutral, dwarf noble)-is honey in the Everything Emporium. To help her get
e the source of the town's recent troubles. Not long started, the beekeeper asks the characters to cap-
: ago. when Tradegate was overflowing with coin, ture ldl0live sunflies (see Morte's planar parade).
Txcee uoocor.t5 PREpaRE To
ourposr coRRUptEo By rHE otsoRoER oF Xaos.
modrons to recover the lost unit, but they are Sraeor Nnsr
swallowed just the same, absorbed into the belly of a The slaadi ofXaos drag their prey to a gooey nest
massive, mechanical beast. on the edge of town. Cocooned within the bores of
a mysterious geometric pillar, their victims become
Grrsznner EMBASsY unwilling incubators for hideous slaad tadpoles that
The githzerai embassy is an island of order amid
erupt from their hosts at birth.
a sea of chaos. The adamantine citadel floats
above Xaos, held aloft by collective thought and fo- AovENTURES rN Xaos
cused meditation. A powerful sage named Almera
The Xaos Adventures table offers suggestions for
(githzerai futurist; see Morte's Planar Parade) de-
encounters and stories in the gate-town.
fends, sustains, and reshapes the embassy with her
psionic prowess.
Xros Aoveruru nes
Though it sees its share of legitimate ambassa-
d4 Adventure Hook
dors, the citadel is a front for the Sha'sal Khou. ,l
Normally mortal enemies, githyanki and githzerai A team offour quadrones recruits the party on a
live in harmony within its walls, raising children rescue mission into the Cube.
who are simply called gith. Almera keeps in touch 2 Lazethon, a githzerai uniter (see Morte's Planar
with the organization's covert leader, a powerful Parade), recruits the characters to defend the em-
githyanki wadord named Zetch'r'r who has yet to bassy from an approaching githyanki warship.
visit the enclave. 3 A merciless githyanki knight arrives in Xaos on the
The dread Lich-Queen Vlaakith, ruler of the
back ofa young red dragon. He asks the characters
githyanki, has issued a reward for the skulls of
to help him sniffout members of the Sha'sal l(hou
githyanki traitors, and she prizes those ofthe
on behalf of Vlaakith the Lich-Queen.
Sha'sal Khou above all others. As rumors drift
through the Astral Sea of an enclave in the Out- 4 Slaadi flock to their nest in Xaos for a ritual that
:i lands, some githyanki knights have begun poking occurs once every century. Afraid of becoming
:a their silver swords around Xaos in search of so- hosts for slaad tadpoles, townsfolk beseech the
0 called radicals. characters for aid.
Rne L M S FrownnrNG HILL
Outside the gate-towns lie walking castles, the lairs Just spireward of Ecstasy lies the Flowering Hill,
of timeless evils, and godly realms ruled by deities a kaleidoscopic orchard and the divine realm of
who dwell among their worshipers. The following Sheela Peryroyl, the halfling god of agriculture.
realms exist in the Outlands. Vibrant wildflowers sprout behind every step taken
in this agrarian community of sturdy fences and
CevnBNs oF THoUGHT mossy hill homes. Halfling farmers live carefree
lives in the Flowering Hill, tending to quaint but
The spies of Ilsensine report to the Caverns of
fertile plots, far from the hustle and bustle of busier
Thought, a hostile realm of alien tunnels deep be-
locales and their dangers. Harvests are plenty, so
neath the Outlands. Cold and calculating, Ilsensine
feasts are a regular occurrence, hosted by the god
is a divine entity revered among illithids. Ilsensine's
and open to any nature lover with an empty belly
infinite tentacles pervade the otherwoddly caverns,
and a tale to tell.
worming their way into untold worlds. Eaters of
knowledge (see Morte's Planar Parade), along with Tnn GnrAT PASS
mind flayers and their thralls, protect the hive
mind, which intersects with Gzemnid's Realm (de- Creatures who wish to travel from Ribcage to Rigus
tailed below). on foot must traverse the Great Pass, a bulwark of
The Great Brain rarely entertains visitors. How- rugged mountains that mirror the unforgiving gate-
ever, creatures who aspire to slay or supplant gods towns they border. Choked by dust and volcanic ash,
sometimes find themselves in Ilsensine's service, the jagged peaks conceal the lairs of demoted devils
hoping to learn a fraction ofthe coveted secrets the and remote camps of soldiers who deserted the in-
deity has pried from the minds of the multiverse. finite conflict on Acheron. Their names besmirched,
the renegades prey on travelers seeking the pitiless
Counr oF LrGHT homes the soldiers abandoned.
The Court of Light is home to Shekinester, the
Three-Faced Queen of the Nagas. Ramps and ser-
GznuNr»'s Rpetu
pentine architecture pervade her deceptively small Tall, spindly mountains rise and cud above the nox-
realm, a palatial stone nest where Shekinester puri- ious realm of Gzemnid the Gas Giant, the beholder
fies entrants through magical tests. Coiled around god of deception, fumes, and fog. The offspring
the court is the Loom, a dense tangle of poisonous of the Great Mother-the eldritch matriarch from
brambles with thorns dripping like fangs. Nagas which all beholders descend-Gzemnid lurks within
slither to the Court of Light not only to worship a deadly network of smooth tunnels, obscured by
the Three-Faced Queen, but also to share stories toxic clouds and laced with traps and illusions.
around the Arching Flame-a cleansing, eternal fire Beholders prowl the gaseous labyrinth, furthering
that remembers the oldest tales in the multiverse. their god's duplicitous schemes.
Gzemnid's Realm is connected to the Caverns
DnNoBe»rs of Thought. The beholder god enjoys a tenuous
One of several rilmani (see Morte's Planar Parade) alliance with Ilsensine, whose servants and
communities, Dendradis is a vertical city of towers aberrant thoughts haunt the depths of the subter-
and bridges that knits across a fissure in the Spire.
Rilmani number among the few who settle near HropnN Rtlr,vr
the Spire, as most avoid the strange ambiance the
impossibly tall mountain emanates. For the rilmani, After the decline of giants, Annam the All-Father
the Spire is a sacred site-a manifestation of the disowned his children and left Ysgard, swearing
multiverse in balance. Their metallic structures seal never to answer the prayers of giants again until
damage to the Spire and usually last for only a few they restored their ancient kingdom and reclaimed
hundred years before vanishing and leaving behind their rightful place as mighty rulers. The All-Father
only smooth stone. now dwells in the Outlands, his realm hidden from
Dendradis is notable not only for its size but also divination magic and invisible to the naked eye.
because the slowly growing, latticelike city works Though the Hidden Realm's location is unknown,
to cover a massive body entombed within the Spire. divine oracles believe the Father of Giants sits in a
The rilmani who settle here know the massive crystal tower atop an enormous mountain, silently
corpse's identity but keep this knowledge secret, watching over the multiverse and waiting for his
leaving outsiders to speculate whether the corpse is children to rouse from their complacency. Some
a dead god, a visitor from beyond the multiverse, or claim a portal to Annam's fortress lies spireward of
something else entirely. the Great Pass.