4349 1GoodweModbusPROTOCOLHybrid ENV1 3EMseries

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PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus

Protocol for Goodwe Modbus


Release Note
Ver. Date Modification Prepared by Approved by

1.1 20171030 Add register 0x0560-0x059C Xu

1.2 20171103 Add register 0x0535-0x0543 Xu

1.3 20171110 Adjust the order of address 0x561-0x577 Xu

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

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PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
RTU mode is applied in this protocol. Baudrate of data transmitting is 9600bps.

1. Byte Format

Figure 1
Every byte consists of one start bit, eight‐bit data and one stop bit, 10 bit in total. The byte transmit
sequence is described as in figure 1. D0 is the lowest bit of data and D7 is the highest bit of data.

2. Communication Data Format

Data is transmitted as word or double word format.
Amount of Amount of
Data Type Description
Register Byte
Short integer 1 1
Integer 1 2 High byte first, and low byte follow
Long integer
2 4 As 2 words, high word first and low word follow

3. Data Frame Format

3.1 Read Register(Function Code: 03H)
3.1.1 Data Frame Format from AP
Data NO Content Sample Description
1 Inverter Address 1 Communication address(1‐247)
2 03H 03H Function code
High byte of first
3 00H
Address of first register
Low byte of first
4 01H
5 High byte of amount 00H
Amount of register
6 Low byte of amount 02H
High byte of CRC16
7 95H
CRC Code of verification
Low byte of CRC16

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page2 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus

3.1.2 Data Frame Format from Inverter (When OK)

Data NO Content Description
1 Inverter Address Communication address(1‐247)
2 03H Function code
3 Amount of byte of data(2N) Amount of byte of data
4 High byte of data of first register High byte of first register
5 Low byte of data of first register Low byte of first register
… … 。。。
2N+2 High byte of data of the Nth register High byte of the Nth register
2N+3 Low byte of data of the Nth register Low byte of the Nth register
2N+4 High byte of CRC16 verification code High byte of CRC16 verification code
2N+5 Low byte of CRC16 verification code Low byte of CRC16 verification code

3.1.3 Data Frame Format from Inverter(When NG)

Data NO Content Description
1 Inverter Address Communication Address(1‐247)
2 83H Function code
3 02H Fault Code
4 High byte of CRC16 verification code High byte of CRC16 verification code
5 Low byte of CRC16 verification code Low byte of CRC16 verification code

3.2 Set Register(Function code: 10H)

3.2.1 Data Frame Format from AP
Data NO Content Sample Description
1 Inverter Address 1 Communication Address(1‐247)
2 10H 10H Function Code
3 High byte of data of first register 00H
Address of register: 0000H
4 Low byte of data of first register 00H
5 High byte of amount of registers 00H
Amount of registers: 0001H
6 Low byte of amount of registers 01H
7 Amount of bytes(N) 02H Amount of bytes: 02H
8 High byte of data 0AH
Data: 0AF0H
9 Low byte of data F0H
10 High byte of CRC16 verification code A0H
CRC verification
11 Low byte of CRC16 verification code B4H
3.2.2 Data Frame Format from Inverter (when OK)
Data NO Content Sample Description
1 Inverter Address 1 Communication Address (1‐247)

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

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PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
2 10H 10H Function Code: 10H
3 High byte of data of first register 00H
Address of register: 0000H
4 Low byte of data of first register 00H
5 High byte of amount of registers 00H
Amount of registers: 01H
6 Low byte of amount of registers 01H
7 High byte of CRC16 verification code 01H
CRC verification
8 Low byte of CRC16 verification code C9H
3.2.3 Data Frame Format from Inverter (when data is faulty)
Data NO Content Description
1 Inverter Address Communication Address (1‐247)
2 10H Function Code: 10H
3 02H Fault Code
4 High byte of CRC16 verification code
CRC Verification Code
5 Low byte of CRC16 verification code

3.2.4 Data Frame Format from Inverter (when address or amount of register is faulty)
Data NO Content Description
1 Inverter Address Communication Address (1‐247)
2 90H Function Code
3 02H Fault Code
4 High byte of CRC16 verification code
CRC Verification Code
5 Low byte of CRC16 verification code
4. Inverter Address: Can be assigned from 1~247. 247 is factory default assignment.

5. Communication baudrate: 9600bps

6. Function Code:
03H: Read Operation (NOTE: can read more than one registers at once)
10H: Write Operation (NOTE: All data support single write, the same background color can be written

7. CRC Code Verification

7.1 CRC multinomial:X16+X12+X5+1
7.2 CRC verification covers first byte to the last byte before CRC data.
7.3 Refer to chapter 11 to implement CRC verification

8. Address and Property of Register

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

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PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
Conte Data (R.W) Range of
Address Name of Data Unit Remarks
nt Format Property Data
Lowest Feeding
0000 0.1V INT16U R/W 280v-600v
Voltage of PV
0001 Reconnect Time 1s INT16U R/W 30s-300s
High limit of Grid
0002 0.1V INT16U R/W 110v-230v
Low limit of Grid
0003 0.1V INT16U R/W 230v-270v
High limit of Grid
0004 0.01Hz INT16U R/W 45hz-60hz
Low limit of Grid
0005 0.01Hz INT16U R/W 50hz-65hz

Year /
0010 Mont INT16U R/W 13-99/1-12
Date /
0011 INT16U R/W 1-31/0-23
RTC date&time Hour
0012 INT16U R/W 0-59/0-59

Range of real power 0%~100% of rated

0100 1% INT16U W 0-100
adjust real power

1‐10 as
Range of reactive 1-10, 0.99‐0.9 lagging
0101 INT16U W
power adjust 90-100 90‐100 as
leading 0.90‐1

Serial Number
- R ASCII code, 16 bytes
Of Inverter

Model Name
- R ASCII Code, 10 Bytes
of Inverter

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page5 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus

Conte Data (R.W) Range of

Address Name of Data Unit Remarks
nt Format Property Data
Hybrid Inverter
0500 Vpv1 0.1V INT16U R PV1 voltage
0501 Ipv1 0.1A INT16U R PV1 current
0502 PV1 Mode NA PV1 Module work
INT16U R mode,refer to Table
0503 Vpv2 0.1V INT16U R PV2 voltage
0504 Ipv2 0.1A INT16U R PV2 current
0505 PV2 Mode NA PV2 Module work
INT16U R mode,refer to Table
0506 Vbattery1 0.1V First group battery
0507 TBD NA INT16U R
0508 BMS Status NA INT16U R BMS Work Status
0509 BMS Pack 0.1
Temperature degree
050A Ibattery1 0.1A First group battery
050B BMS Charge Imax 1A INT16U R
050C BMS Discharge Imax 1A INT16U R
050D BMS Error Code NA INT16U R refer to Table 8-8
050E SOC 1% First group battery
050F ES Warning NA INT16U R Warning Code
0510 TBD NA INT16U R
0511 BMS SOH 1% INT16U R
0512 Battary1 Mode NA First group battery
INT16U R work mode, refer to
Table 8-9
0513 BMS Warning Code H NA INT16U R refer to Table 8-8
0514 BMS Warning Code L NA INT16U R refer to Table 8-8
0515 Meter Status NA INT16U R 1:OK 0:NG

0516 Vgrid 0.1V INT16U R Grid voltage

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

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PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
0517 Igrid 0.1A INT16U R Grid current
0518 Pgrid 1W INT16S R Grid Power
0519 Fgrid 0.01Hz INT16U R Grid Frequency
051A Grid Mode NA Grid mode, refer to
Table 8-10
051B Vload 0.1V INT16U R Load voltage
051C Iload 0.1A INT16U R Load current
051D Pload 1W INT16U R Load Power
051E Fload 0.01Hz INT16U R Load Frequency
051F Load Mode NA Load work mode,
refer to Table 8-11
0520 Work Mode NA Storage Inverter
INT16U R work mode,
refer to Table 8-12
0521 Temperature 0.1 Inverter internal
degree C temperature
0522 Error Message H NA Failure description for
INT16U R status ‘failure’ Table
0523 Error Message L NA Failure description for
INT16U R status ‘failure’ Table
0524 E-Total H 0.1KW.Hr Total Feed Energy to
0525 E-Total L 0.1KW.Hr Total Feed Energy to
0526 h-Total H Hr INT16U R Total feeding hours
0527 h-Total L Hr INT16U R Total feeding hours
0528 E-Day 0.1KW.Hr Feed Engery to grid in
0529 E-Load-Day 0.1KW.Hr INT16U R Energy of load in day
052A E-Total-Load H 0.1KW.Hr High Byte of total
Energy of Load
052B E-Total-Load L 0.1KW.Hr Low Byte of total
Energy of Load
052C TotalPower 1W Total Power of

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page7 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
052F Grid in-out flag NA It displays inverter
send power to Grid or
get power from Grid,
refer to Table 8-13
0530 Back-Up Load 1w Load Power of
0531 MeterPowerFactor 1% INT16U R
0532 DiagStatusH NA INT16U R Refer Table 8-14
0533 DiagStatusL NA INT16U R Refer Table 8-14
0534 DRMStatus NA INT16U R Refer Table 8-15

0535 E-Total-Sell H NA float R

0536 E-Total-Sell L NA float R
0537 E-Total-Buy H NA float R
0538 E-Total-Buy L NA float R
0539 Vpv3 0.1V INT16U R PV3 voltage
053A Ipv3 0.1A INT16U R PV3 current
053B PV3 Mode NA INT16U R refer to Table 8-4
053C VgridUo 0.1V INT16U R Grid Uo voltage
053D IgridUo 0.1A INT16U R Grid Uo current
053E VgridWo 0.1V INT16U R Grid Wo voltage
053F IgridWo 0.1A INT16U R Grid Wo current
0540 E-BatteryCharge H 0.1Kwh INT16U R Charge energy
0541 E-BatteryCharge L 0.1Kwh INT16U R Charge energy
0542 E-BatteryDischarge H 0.1Kwh INT16U R Discharge energy
0543 E-BatteryDischarge L 0.1Kwh INT16U R Discharge energy

Setting register
(Hbyte :ho
Grid charge start
0550 ChargerTimeStart HM INT16U R/W (0-23)Lbyt
e :minute(

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page8 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
(Hbyte :ho
Grid charge end
0551 ChargerTimeEnd HM INT16U R/W (0-23)Lbyt
e :minute(
0552 BatChargePowerMax 1% INT16U R/W 0-100 Grid charge power
(Hbyte :ho
0553 DisChargerTimeStart HM INT16U R/W (0-23)Lbyt Discharge start time
e :minute(
(Hbyte :ho
0554 DisChargerTimeEnd HM INT16U R/W (0-23)Lbyt Discharge end time
e :minute(
0555 BatDisPowerSet 1% INT16U R/W 0-100 Discharge power set
Backup Output
0556 BackUpEnable NA INT16U R/W 0-1
on(1 :on 0 :off)
PV Offgrid auto
0557 OffGridAutoCharge NA INT16U R 0-1
charge(1 :on 0 :off)
MPPT shadow scan
0558 EnableMPPT4Shadow NA INT16U R/W 0-1
enable(1 :on 0 :off)
Feed power to grid
0559 FeedPowerEnable NA INT16U R/W 0-1
(0 :yes 1 :no)
055A ManufacturerCode NA INT16U R Meter protocol code
Lead acid battery
055B LeadBatCapacity Ah INT16U R/W 50-2000 capacity(50-2000Ah
Battery charge volt
055C BattChargeVoltMax 0.1V INT16U R/W 500-600
Battery charge curr
055D BattChargeCurrMax 0.1A INT16U R/W 0-1000
Battery discharge
055E BattDisChgCurrMax 0.1A INT16U R/W 0-1000
curr setting
Battery volt under
055F BattVoltUnderMin 0.1V INT16U R/W 400-480
Battery SOC under
0560 BattSOCUnderMin 1% INT16U R/W 0-100
(0 :Off Battery active(0 :Off
0561 BatActivePeriod 1 Min INT16U R/W
1-1440min 1-1440mins :on)

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

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PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
s :on)
Power Factor Setting
0562 RPControlPara NA INT16U R/W -80-+80
Table 8-18
Battery float charge
0563 BattFloatVolt 0.1V INT16U R/W 500-600
volt setting
Battery float charge
0564 BattFloatCurr 0.1A INT16U R/W 0-1000
curr setting
Battery CV charge
0565 BattToFloatTime 1 min INT16U R/W 10-30
Battery manufactor
0566 BattTypeIndex NA INT16U R 0-255
index setting
0567 FeedPowerPara 1w INT16U R/W 0-5000 Feeding power limit
Offgrid Auto
0568 AutoStartBackup NA INT16U R/W 0-1
startup(1 :on 0 :off)
No soc protect(1 :on
0569 StopSocProtect NA INT16U R/W 0-1
0 :off)
DC Ouput(1 :on
056A NA INT16U R/W 0-1 0 :off)No battery
charge voltage on
Battery maintain
056B BattAvgChgVolt 0.1v INT16U R/W 500-600
charge voltage
Battery maintain
056C BatAvgChgHours 1 Hour INT16U R/W 1-5000
charge cycle
056D AS477Parameters NA INT16U R Table 8-17
056E WgPowerMode NA INT16U R/W Table 8-16
056F WgPowerSet 1w INT16U R/W 0-4600 Table 8-16
BMS protocol config
0570 Reserved NA INT16U R
No grid charge
0571 NoGridChargeEnable NA INT16U R 1-2
enable(1:on 2:off)
Discharge with PV
0572 DisChgWithPVEnable NA INT16U R 1-2
enable(1:on 2:off)
0573 Reserved NA INT16U R 0-1
0574 AppModeIndex NA INT16U R/W
0575 GridWaveCheckLevel NA INT16U R/W 0-2 0:High 1:low 2:close

0576 MeterCheckValue 1w INT16U R/W 0-60000

0577 RapaidCutOff NA INT16U R/W 0-1 0 :off 1 :on
Grid qualit volt mov
0578 GridVoltQualit 0.1V INT16U R/W 2300-3000
avg in 9min

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

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PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
Grid over volt value
0579 GridVoltHighS2 0.1V INT16U R/W 2300-3000
in state 2
Grid under volt value
057A GridVoltLowS2 0.1V INT16U R/W 1600-2300
in state 2
Grid over volt time in
057B GridVoltHighS2Time 0.02S INT16U R/W 0-65535
state 2
Grid under volt time
057C GridVoltLowS2Time 0.02S INT16U R/W 0-65535
in state 2
Grid over volt value
057D GridVoltHighS1 0.1V INT16U R/W 2300-3000
in state 1
Grid under volt value
057E GridVoltLowS1 0.1V INT16U R/W 1600-2300
in state 1
Grid over volt time in
057F GridVoltHighS1Time 0.02S INT16U R/W 0-65535
state 1
Grid under volt time
0580 GridVoltLowS1Time 0.02S INT16U R/W 0-65535
in state 1
Grid over freq value
0581 GridFreqHighS2 0.01Hz INT16U R/W 5000-5500
in state 2
Grid under freq
0582 GridFreqLowS2 0.01Hz INT16U R/W 4500-5000
value in state 2
Grid over freq time
0583 GridFreqHighS2Time 0.02S INT16U R/W 0-65535
in state 2
Grid under freq time
0584 GridFreqLowS2Time 0.02S INT16U R/W 0-65535
in state 2
Grid over freq value
0585 GridFreqHighS1 0.01Hz INT16U R/W 5000-5500
in state 1
Grid under freq
0586 GridFreqLowS1 0.01Hz INT16U R/W 4500-5000
value in state 1
Grid over freq time
0587 GridFreqHighS1Time 0.02S INT16U R/W 0-65535
in state 1
Grid under freq time
0588 GridFreqLowS1Time 0.02S INT16U R/W 0-65535
in state 1
Grid volt recover
0589 GridVoltRecoverHigh 0.1V INT16U R/W 2300-3000
high value
Grid volt recover low
058A GridVoltRecoverLow 0.1V INT16U R/W 1600-2300
Grid volt recover
058B GridVoltRecoverTime 0.02S INT16U R/W 0-65535
time value
Grid freq recover
058C GridFreqRecoverHigh 0.01Hz INT16U R/W 5000-5500
high value
058D GridFreqRecoverLow 0.01Hz INT16U R/W 4500-5000 Grid freq recover low

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page11 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
Grid freq recover
058E GridFreqRecoverTime 0.02S INT16U R/W 0-65535
time value
Reactive curve point
058F PointBValue 1% INT16U R/W 30-80
B PF(30-80)
Reactive curve point
0590 PointCValue 0.01 INT16U R/W 90-100
C PF(90-100)
Grid limit start volt
0591 GridLimitByVolStartVol 0.1V INT16U R/W
Grid limit start
0592 GridLimitByVolStartPer 1% INT16U R/W
percent (JAPAN)
Grid limit slope
0593 GridLimitByVolSlope 1%/V INT16U R/W
Voltage of start
0594 ActiveCurveVolt 0.1v INT16U R/W 2300-2530 reactive curve
Voltage of stop
0595 DesactiveCurveVolt 0.1v INT16U R/W 2070-2300 reactive curve
Enable CEI voltage vs
0596 EnableCurve INT16U R/W 1-2 reactive curve
1.off ; 2,on
0597 BackupStartDly 1min INT16U R/W Backup Start Delay

0598 RecoverTimeEE 1%/min INT16U R/W 5-100 Recover speed

0:Italy Table 8-19
0599 SafetyCountry INT16U R

059A Iso Limit 10ko INT16U R 0-300 ISO Limit

BMS current limit
059B BatBMSCurrLmtCoff %1 INT16U R 1-100
1 :Start Meter
059C INT16U R/W 0-1 selfcheck,0 :Stop
Meter Status :1 :OK
059D bMeterConnectStatus INT16U R 0-3 2 :Reverse,3 : CT
Error,0 :NG
059E MeterConnectStatus Meter Status :1 :OK
INT16U R 1-4 2 :Reverse,3 : CT
Error,0 :NG

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page12 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus

Table 8-1
Mode Code Description
Wait 0x00 0x00 Loss, inverter disconnects to Grid
Normal 0x00 0x01 OK, inverter connects to Grid
Fault 0x00 0x02 Fault,system is abnormal,inverter stop discharging
Permanent 0x00 0x03 System is seriously abnormal. Inverter will restart after 20s.The conditions
Fault to enter this status are as
1.Grid current DC offset
2.Eeprom cannot be read or write in
3.Communication between CPU failure
4.Bus Voltage too high
5.Compare measured values from two CPU
6.relay check fail
7.GFCI Device check fail
8.HCT check fail

Table 8-2
Bit NO Error message Description
Bit31 Internal Communication Failure Communication between microcontrollers is failure
Bit30 EEPROM R/W Failure EEPROM cannot be read or written
Bit29 Fac Failure The grid frequency is out of tolerable range
Bit28 TBD NA
Bit27 TBD NA
Bit26 TBD NA
Bit25 Relay Check Failure Relay check is failure
Bit24 TBD NA
Bit23 Vac Consistency Failure Different value between Master and Slave for grid voltage
Bit22 Fac Consistency Failure Different value between Master and Slave for grid frequency
Bit21 TBD NA
Bit20 TBD NA
Bit19 DC Injection High The DC injection to grid is too high
Bit18 Isolation Failure Isolation resistance of PV-plant out of tolerable range
Bit17 Vac Failure Grid voltage out of tolerable range
Bit16 External Fan Failure The external fan failure
Bit15 PV Over Voltage Pv input voltage is over the tolerable maximum value
Bit14 Auto Test Failure Auto test failure
Bit13 Over Temperature Temperature is too high

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page13 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
Bit12 Internal Fan Failure(Back-Up Over The fan in case failure
Load for ES)
Bit11 DC Bus High Dc bus is too high
Bit10 Gournd I Failure Ground current is too high
Bit9 Utility Loss Utility is unavailable
Bit8 AC HCT Failure AC HCT check failure 3 times
Bit7 Relay Device Failure Relay check failure 3 times
Bit6 GFCI Device Failure GFCI check failure 3 times
Bit4 GFCI Consistency Failure Different value between Master and Slave for GFCI
Bit3 DCI Consistency Failure Different value between Master and Slave for output DC
Bit1 AC HCT Check Failure The output current sensor is abnormal
Bit0 GFCI Device Check Failure The GFCI detecting circuit is abnormal

Table 8-3
Bit No Definition Status
1 0
Bit15 High Impedance Flag -
Bit13 Ground Fault Flag NG OK

Bit12 Battery active ON OFF

Bit11 Feeding enable ON OFF
Bit10 EMS Mode ON OFF
Bit9 Auto Mode ON OFF
Bit8 Meter OK NG
Bit7 MPPT for Shadow ON OFF


Bit3 Power Limit Function ON OFF
Bit2 Burn-in Mode ON OFF
Bit0 Anti-Islanding ON OFF

Table 8-4
Mode Code Description

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page14 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
0x00 NO PV,inverter disconnects to PV
0x01 Standby,PV does not output power
0x02 Work, PV output power
Table 8-8
Bit NO Error message Description
Bit0 Battery Over Temperature Charging:Stop charge,Discharging:reduce discharge current
Bit1 Battery Under Temperature Charging:Stop charge,Discharging:reduce discharge current
Bit2 Battery Cell Voltage Differences NA
Bit3 Battery Over Total Voltage Stop charge
Bit4 Battery Discharge Over Current Stop discharge
Bit5 Battery Charge Over Current reduce charge current
Bit6 Battery Under SOC Stop discharge
Bit7 Battery Under Total Voltage Stop discharge
Bit8 Battery Communication Fail Stop BMS Function,Inverter manage battery
Bit9 Battery Output Short Inverter shutdown
Bit10 BMSSOCTooHigh
Bit11 BMSModuleFault
Bit12 BMSSystemFault
Bit13 BMSInternalFault

Table 8-9

Mode Code Description

0x00 NO Battery,inverter disconnects to Battery
0x01 Standby,no diacharging and no charging
0x02 Discharging
0x03 Charging
0x04 Waiting for charge
0x05 Waiting for discharge

Table 8-10

Mode Code Description

0x00 Loss, inverter disconnects to Grid
0x01 OK, inverter connects to Grid
0x02 Fault,something is wrong

Table 8-11

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

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PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus

Mode Code Description

0x00 ON,inverter connects to Load
0x01 OFF, inverter disconnects to Load

Table 8-12

Mode Code Description

0x01 cut off all the connection to Inverter(wait mode)
0x02 PV intputs to Inverter,Inverter outputs to Grid(online mode)
0x04 PV inputs to Inverter(First),Battery inputs to Inverter(Second),Inverter work as AC
source(battery mode)
0x10 Fault,fault mode,something is in fault mode(fault mode)

Table 8-13

Code Description
0x00 Inverter neither send power to Grid, nor get power from Grid.
0x01 Inverter sends power to Grid
0x02 Inverter gets power from Grid.

Table 8-14

Bit Description
0 BatteryVoltLow
1 BatterySOCLow
2 BatterySOCInBack
3 BMSDischargeDisable
4 DischargeTimeOn
5 ChargeTimeOn
6 DischargeDriveOn
7 BMSDischgCurrentLow
8 DischargeCurrentLow
9 MeterCommLoss
10 MeterConnectReverse
11 SelfUseLoadLight
12 EMSDischargeIZero
13 DischargeBUSHigh

14 BatteryDisconnect
15 BatteryOvercharge

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page16 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus

16 BMSOverTemperature
17 BMSOvercharge
18 BMSChargeDisable
19 SelfUseOff

20 SOCDeltaOverRange

21 BatterySelfDischarge
22 OffgridSOCLow
23 GridWaveUnstable
24 FeedPowerLimit
25 PFValueSet
26 RealPowerLimit
27 DCOutputOn
28 SOCProtectOff
29 Discharge mode for BP

Table 8-15

Bit NO DRMx Description

Bit0 DRM0 DRM0 Switch : 1 ON/0 OFF
Bit1 DRM1 DRM1 Switch : 1 ON/0 OFF
Bit2 DRM2 DRM2 Switch : 1 ON/0 OFF
Bit3 DRM3 DRM3 Switch : 1 ON/0 OFF
Bit4 DRM4 DRM4 Switch : 1 ON/0 OFF
Bit5 DRM5 DRM5 Switch : 1 ON/0 OFF
Bit6 DRM6 DRM6 Switch : 1 ON/0 OFF
Bit7 DRM7 DRM7 Switch : 1 ON/0 OFF
Bit8 DRM8 DRM8 Switch : 1 ON/0 OFF
Bit15 DRED Connect Status DRED Status : 1 Connect / 0 Disconnect

Table 8-16

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page17 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus


Auto Fcode: 0x03 Battery power is automatically
Ccode: 0x3A controlled by hybrid inverter,
ModeValue: 0x01 based on Meter Power
PowerLimitValue: 0 (2byte)
Stopped Fcode: 0x03
Ccode: 0x3A
ModeValue: 0xFF
PowerLimitValue: 0 (2byte)
Charge Fcode: 0x03 Charge mode:
Ccode: 0x3A 1. x means the max power allowed
ModeValue: 0x02 to drain from grid. If Charge Power
PowerLimitValue: x w(2byte) Limit set as 0W, means only PV is
allowed to charge battery.
2. Battery charged by PV power in
3. Charge Power fluctuates
according to charge current.
Discharge Fcode: 0x03 Discharge mode,x means the max
Ccode: 0x3A discharge power.
ModeValue: 0x03
PowerLimitValue: x w(2byte)
Import Fcode: 0x03 Power-Buy Mode: x means the
Ccode: 0x3A power set to buy from grid. Grid
ModeValue: 0x04 power is used in priority, PV power
PowerLimitValue: x w(2byte) will be limited when it goes high.

Export Fcode: 0x03 Power-selling Mode: x means the

Ccode: 0x3A power set selling to grid, selling PV
ModeValue: 0x05 power in priority, then battery. The
PowerLimitValue: x w(2byte) max PV power will be limited at x
Conserve Fcode: 0x03 x is invalid here. Battery will only
Ccode: 0x3A charge when grid power is
ModeValue: 0x06 available. Battery will discharge
PowerLimitValue: x w(2byte) when grid is not available.

Offgrid Fcode: 0x03 Off-Grid Mode: System will depart

Ccode: 0x3A from grid compulsively, working
ModeValue: 0x07 without grid.

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page18 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
PowerLimitValue: x (2byte)

Table 8-17

Bit No Definition Status

1 0
Bit15 PF Null - -
Bit14 PQ Curve - -
Bit13 Fixed PF - -

Bit12 FixedQ - -
Bit11 TBD - -
Bit10 TBD - -
Bit9 TBD - -
Bit8 TBD - -
Bit7 TBD - -
Bit6 TBD - -
Bit5 TBD - -

Bit4 TBD - -
Bit3 TBD - -
Bit2 PFreq Curve ON OFF
Bit1 PU Curve ON OFF
Bit0 QU Curve ON OFF

Table 8-18

Data Description Data Description

1 0.99 lagging 80 0.80 leading
2 0.98 lagging 81 0.81 leading
3 0.97 lagging 82 0.82 leading
4 0.96 lagging 83 0.83 leading
5 0.95 lagging 84 0.84 leading
6 0.94 lagging 85 0.85 leading
7 0.93 lagging 86 0.86 leading
8 0.92 lagging 87 0.87 leading
9 0.91 lagging 88 0.88 leading
10 0.90 lagging 89 0.89 leading
11 0.89 lagging 90 0.90 leading
12 0.88 lagging 91 0.91 leading

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page19 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
13 0.87 lagging 92 0.92 leading
14 0.86 lagging 93 0.93 leading
15 0.85 lagging 94 0.94 leading
16 0.84 lagging 95 0.95 leading
17 0.83 lagging 96 0.96 leading
18 0.82 lagging 97 0.97 leading
19 0.81 lagging 98 0.98 leading
20 0.80 lagging 99 0.99 leading
100 1

Table 8-19
Code Description Grid connection standards
0x00 Italy ENEL (Un: 230Vac)
0x01 Czech EN50438(CZ) (Un: 230Vac)
0x02 Germany VDE-AR-N 4105(Un: 230Vac)
0x03 Spain RD1699(Un: 230Vac)
0x04 GreeceMainland EN50438(GR) (Un: 230Vac)
0x05 Danmark EN50438(DK)
0x06 Belgium C10/C11(Un: 230Vac)
0x07 Romania (Un: 230Vac)
0x08 G83 or G59, according to model G83/2 G59/3 (Un: 230Vac)
0x09 Australia AS/NZS 4777.2
0x0A France VDE0126
0x0B China NB-T
0x0C 60Hz Grid Default CSA
0x0D Poland EN50438
0x0E South Africa (Un: 230Vac)
0x0F AustraliaL AS/NZS 4777.2
0x10 Brazil (Un: 220Vac)
0x11 Thailand MEA MEA
0x12 Thailand PEA PEA
0x13 Mauritius (Un: 230Vac)
0x14 Holland EN50438
0x15 Northern Ireland Northern Ireland
0x16 中国标准较高压 NB-T
0x17 French 50Hz (Un: 230Vac)
0x18 French 60Hz (Un: 230Vac)
0x19 Australia Ergon AS/NZS 4777.2
0x1A Australia Energex AS/NZS 4777.2
0x1B Holland 16/20A EN50438

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page20 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
0x1C Korea (Un: 220Vac)
0x1D China Station NB-T
0x1E Austria (Un: 230Vac)
0x1F India IEC61727
0x20 50Hz Grid Default Default
0x21 Warehouse Warehouse
0x22 Philippines Philippines
0x23 Ireland EN50438 Ireland
0x24 Taiwan (Un: 230Vac)
0x25 Bulgaria EN50438
0x26 Barbados (Un: 230Vac)
0x27 中国标准最高压 NB-T

Note: INT16U,Unsigned Integer

INT16S,Signed Integer
INT32U,Long Integer
INT8U, Byte
R‐‐‐‐Read Only
W‐‐‐‐Write Only
R/W‐‐‐‐Read and Write
cWaitMode: Inverter waits to feed power
cNormalMode:Inverter is feeding power to grid
cFaultMode:Inverter is in faulty status

9. For Example
9.1 Read lowest PV voltage for feeding power (Single register at once)
AP sends:
01H 03H 00H 00H 00H,01H 84H 0AH
Inverter Read First Address of Amount of CRC Verification
Address Function register registers Code
Inverter Response:
01H 03H 02H 0AH FOH BEH A0H
Inverter Read Amount High byte Low Byte of CRC Verification
Address Function of Bytes of Data Data Code
Data is 2800, and the unit for the data is 0.1v, So actual value is 280.0v

9.2 Read lowest PV voltage for feeding power and reconnect time (multiply registers at once)
AP sends:
01H 03H 00H 00H 00H,02H C4H 0BH
Inverter Read First Address of Amount of CRC Verification
Address Function register registers Code

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page21 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
Inverter Response:
01H 03H 04H 0AH FOH 00H 1EH 79H D0H
Inverter Read Amount High byte Low Byte of High byte Low Byte
CRC Verification Code
Address Function of Bytes of Data1 Data1 of Data2 of Data2
Data1 is 2800, and the unit for the data is 0.1v, so actual value is 280.0v
Data 2 is 30, and the unit for the data is 1s, so actual value is 30s.

9.3 Read Serial Number

AP sends:
01H 03H 02H 00H 00H,08H 45H B4H
Inverter Read First Address of Amount of CRC Verification
Address Function register registers Code
Inverter response:
01H 03H 10H 41H,41H,41H,41H,41H,41H,41H,41H,42H,42H,42H,42H,42H,42H,42H,42H 7EH B7H
Inverter Read Amount
Data CRC Code
Address Function of Bytes
Serial Number is AAAAAAAABBBBBBBB (Just as a sample)

9.4 Set Reconnect Time

AP sends:
01H 10H 00H 01H 00H,01H 02H 00H 3CH A7H 90H
Inverter Function First Address of Amount of Amount
Data CRC Code
Address Code register registers of data
Data is 60 and unit is 1s, so actual setting is 60s.

Inverter response:
01H 10H 00H 01H 00H,01H 50H 09H
Inverter Function First Address of
Amount of registers CRC Code
Address Code register

9.5 Set Lowest PV voltage for feeding power

AP sends:
01H 10H 00H 00H 00H,01H 02H 0AH F0H A0H B4H
Inverter Function First Address of Amount of Amount
Data CRC Code
Address Code register registers of data
Data is 2800 and unit is 0.1v, so actual setting is 280.0v.

Inverter response:
01H 10H 00H 00H 00H,01H 01H C9H
Inverter Function First Address of Amount of CRC Code

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page22 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
Address Code register registers

10. CRC16 Method:

const INT8U auchCRCHi[] = { 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,
0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01,
0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0,
0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81,
0x40,0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,
0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,0x00,
0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,0x01, 0xC0,
0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,0x01, 0xC0, 0x80,
0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,
0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01,
0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1,
0x81, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80,
0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40,
0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x00,
0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41,0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x01, 0xC0,
0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xC1, 0x81, 0x40};

const INT8U auchCRCLo[] = { 0x00, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0x01, 0xC3, 0x03, 0x02, 0xC2, 0xC6, 0x06, 0x07, 0xC7,
0x05, 0xC5, 0xC4, 0x04, 0xCC, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0xCD, 0x0F, 0xCF, 0xCE, 0x0E, 0x0A, 0xCA, 0xCB, 0x0B, 0xC9,
0x09, 0x08, 0xC8,0xD8, 0x18, 0x19, 0xD9, 0x1B, 0xDB, 0xDA, 0x1A, 0x1E, 0xDE, 0xDF, 0x1F, 0xDD, 0x1D,
0x1C, 0xDC,0x14, 0xD4, 0xD5, 0x15, 0xD7, 0x17, 0x16, 0xD6, 0xD2, 0x12, 0x13, 0xD3, 0x11, 0xD1, 0xD0,
0x10,0xF0, 0x30, 0x31, 0xF1, 0x33, 0xF3, 0xF2, 0x32, 0x36, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0x37, 0xF5, 0x35, 0x34, 0xF4,
0x3C, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0x3D, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x3E, 0xFE, 0xFA, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0xFB, 0x39, 0xF9, 0xF8, 0x38, 0x28,
0xE8, 0xE9, 0x29, 0xEB, 0x2B, 0x2A, 0xEA, 0xEE, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0xEF, 0x2D, 0xED, 0xEC, 0x2C,0xE4, 0x24,
0x25, 0xE5, 0x27, 0xE7, 0xE6, 0x26, 0x22, 0xE2, 0xE3, 0x23, 0xE1, 0x21, 0x20, 0xE0,0xA0, 0x60, 0x61,
0xA1, 0x63, 0xA3, 0xA2, 0x62, 0x66, 0xA6, 0xA7, 0x67, 0xA5, 0x65, 0x64, 0xA4, 0x6C, 0xAC, 0xAD,
0x6D, 0xAF, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0xAE, 0xAA, 0x6A, 0x6B, 0xAB, 0x69, 0xA9, 0xA8, 0x68,0x78, 0xB8, 0xB9, 0x79,
0xBB, 0x7B, 0x7A, 0xBA, 0xBE, 0x7E, 0x7F, 0xBF, 0x7D, 0xBD, 0xBC, 0x7C,0xB4, 0x74, 0x75, 0xB5, 0x77,
0xB7, 0xB6, 0x76, 0x72, 0xB2, 0xB3, 0x73, 0xB1, 0x71, 0x70, 0xB0,0x50, 0x90, 0x91, 0x51, 0x93, 0x53,
0x52, 0x92, 0x96, 0x56, 0x57, 0x97, 0x55, 0x95, 0x94, 0x54,0x9C, 0x5C, 0x5D, 0x9D, 0x5F, 0x9F, 0x9E,
0x5E, 0x5A, 0x9A, 0x9B, 0x5B, 0x99, 0x59, 0x58, 0x98,0x88, 0x48, 0x49, 0x89, 0x4B, 0x8B, 0x8A, 0x4A,
0x4E, 0x8E, 0x8F, 0x4F, 0x8D, 0x4D, 0x4C, 0x8C,0x44, 0x84, 0x85, 0x45, 0x87, 0x47, 0x46, 0x86, 0x82,
0x42, 0x43, 0x83, 0x41, 0x81, 0x80, 0x40};

INT16U sCRC16(INT8U *puchMsg, INT16U usDataLen)

INT8U uchCRCHi = 0xFF ; // Initialization
INT8U uchCRCLo = 0xFF ; // Initialization

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

Page23 of 24
PROTOCOL FOR Goodwe Modbus
INT8U uIndex;
while (usDataLen‐‐)
uIndex = uchCRCHi ^ *puchMsg++ ; //Calculate CRC
uchCRCHi = uchCRCLo ^ auchCRCHi[uIndex] ;
uchCRCLo = auchCRCLo[uIndex] ;
return ((INT16U)uchCRCHi << 8 | uchCRCLo) ;

地址:苏州高新区昆仑山路 189 号 ADD:NO189 kun lun shan road,suzhou new district.jiang su,china
电话:0512-62397998 传真:0512-62397972 邮编:215163 TEL: 0512-62397998 FAX: 0512-62397972 P.C:215163
网址:www.goodwe.com.cn WEB: www.goodwe.com.cn

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