Past Questions School of Nursing Gwagwalada

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These past questions comprise Biology/professional questions,

Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, English and Current Affairs.
The document is made of questions from 3 years randomly
selected questions. We hope this will be a guide to you on areas
to focus when preparing for your exams. Kindly be informed
that some of the current affairs questions have been outdated
and hence we implore you to find out current answers. PLEASE

Some questions have been answered while others require you to

answer them. We wish you success in your exams.

1. Which of the following is not a function of the nucleus of a cell?

a) It controls the life processes of the cell
b) It translates genetic information for the manufacture of proteins
c) It stresses and carries hereditary information
d) It is a reservoir of energy for the cell
2. A pair of genes that control a trait is referred to as
a) Recessive (b) dominant (c) allele (d) a hybrid
3. The outer layer of the kidney where the bowman’s capsules are found
(a) Pelvis (b) cortex (c) pyramid (d) medulla
4. In the male reproductive system of a mammal sperm is stored in the
(a) Vas deferens (b) urethra (c) Epididymis (d) Seminiferous
5. The primary structure responsible for pumping blood for circulation
through the mammalian circulatory system is
(a) Vein (b) right auricle (c) arteries (d) left ventricle
6. The blood component that has the greatest affinity for oxygen is the
a) Lymphocyte (b) Leucocytes (c) Erythrocytes (d)
7. The blood component responsible for clothing is
(a) Lymphocyte (b) Erythrocyte (c) Thrombocytes (d) Leucocytes
8. The collection of cells is
a) An organ (b) A system (c) A tissue (d) A gland
9. The collection of tissue is called;
a) An organ (b) A system (c) A tissue (d) a gland
10. Which of the following structures partake in protein synthesis of the cell
(a) Plasmalemma (b) Cytoplasma (c) Lysosmes (d) Ribosomes
(e) vacuoles
11. Cytoplasm consist of the following organelles except;
a) Golgi apparatus (b) Endoplasmic Reticulum
(c) Cell membrane (d) Lysosomes
12. The basic unit of the body is
(a) The Brain (b) The tissue (c) The cell (d) The plasma (e) The Neuron
13. The longest bone in the body is
(a) Femur bone (b) Humerus bone (c) Tibia bone (d) Fibula bone (e)
Radius bone
14. The major characteristic of vertebrates is the presence of
(a) Backbone (b) diaphragm (c) heterodont dentation (d) homodont
dentation (e) mammary gland
15. Which of the following organelles stores food in plants?
a) Mitochondrion (b) Golgi body (c) Endoplasmic reticulum
(d)Plastid (e) Xyleum
16. Which excretory organ helps to control the water potential of the tissue
(a) Kidneys (b) Skin (c) Liver (d) Lungs (e) Ovary
17. The structure of the plant responsible for the trapping of sun energy is
(a) Chlorophyll (b) Stomata (c) Epidemis (d) Xylem (e) Phloem
18. The percentage composition of oxygen in the atmospheric air is
(a) 21% (b) 19% (c) 0.03% (d) 16% (e) 14%
19. The following are examples of monosaccharide sugars except
(a) Trioses (b) pentoses (c) hexosas (d) Maltose (e) Mitoses
20. The pulmonary vein returns .................. blood to the left atrium
(a) Deoxygenated (b) Oxygenated (c) dehydrated (d)
hemodillated (e) hemolysed
21. The main organ for voice production in humans is
(a) The mouth(b) The nasal Cavity (c) The trachea (d) The Larynx
(e) The throat
22. External respiration can be defined as
(a) Exchange of air between the lungs and blood
(b) Exchange of air between the atmosphere and lungs
(c) Exchange of air between the blood and the tissues
(d) Exchange of air between the lungs and the heart
23. The animals that eat only flesh are termed
(a) Omnivores (b) herbivores (c) Carnivores (d) Detnivores
(e) Anivores
24. The organ responsible for gaseous exchange between the atmosphere and
human body is
(a) ……………………. (b) bladder (c) Intestine (d) Lungs (e)
25. The conditions necessary for seeds to germinate are all except one of the
(a) Water (b) oxygen (c) Nitrogen (d) suitable temperature (e) None
of the above

Choose the most appropriate option from the list lettered A – D to fill in the
gaps in the sentences below.

1. The part of brain responsible for the control of voluntary movement and
interpretation of sensation is
(a) Cerebrum (b) cerebellum (c) optic lobe (d) Medulla (e) olfactory lobe
2. Process of cell division can take place by
(a) Heterosis (b) Fusion (c) Mitosis (d) None of the above
3. In mammals, the exchange of nutrients and metabolic products occur in the
(a) trachea (b) lymph (c) lungs (d) oesophagus
4. The blood component that has the greatest affinity for oxygen is
(a) Leucocytes (b) erythrocytes (c) thrombocytes (d) lymphocytes
(a) Absorption of oxygen into the alveoli
(b) Release of carbon IV oxide into the lungs
(c) Release of energy for the body to use
(d) Exhalation of carbon IV oxide from the lungs
5. The biological factor that is unique to each individual is the
(a) DNA (b) eye colour (c) blood group (d) RNA
6. After a meal of yam has been digested, the highest concentration of
glucose is found in the ………………………………….
(a) Hepatic artery (b) pulmonary vein (c) Hepatic portal vein (d) posterior vena cava
7. Anaerobic respiration differs from aerobic respiration by the production of
(a) Less amount of energy and water
(b) Great amount of energy and alcohol
(c) Less amount of energy and alcohol
(d) Greater amount of energy and water
8. The axial skeleton is composed of …………………………………….
(a) Skull and vertebral column (b) limbs and girdles (c) atlas and axis (d)
Radius and ulna
9. The theory of Natural selection was formulated by
(a) Louis Pastuer (b) Robert Hook (c) Jean Lamarch (d) Charles Darwin
10. The human skin is regarded as a sense organ because
(a) Separates the body from the outside world
(b) Protects the body from the outside world
(c) Regulates the water content of the body
(d) Has nerve endings
11. Predators are beneficial in pest control because they ……………………..
(a) Are natural enemies of small animals (b) devour farm animals
12. Muscles are attached to bones by means of
(a) Ligament (b) connective tissue (c) synovia membrane (d) tendon
13. Which mammalian tooth is structurally adapted for tearing flesh
(a) Molar (b) incisors (c) premolar (d) canine
14. Which of the following organism is not classified as a animal
(a) Amoeba (b) paramecium (c) Euglena (d) Obelia
15. Vertebrae bones are
(a) Long bones (b) irregular bones (c) flat bones (d) short bone

Questions 21 – 25 Write the correct answer in the answer sheet provided

16. The collection of cells is called

17. Plant cells have .................................. while animal cells lack it
18. A constituent of the exhaust gases of motor vehicles which causes serious
air pollution is……………………………………….
19. Amoeba moves by means of
20. The carrier of the hereditary characteristics in plant and animal is the

1. An homoeothermic animal kept in a room where the temperature is lower
than the body temperature may loss heat by four physical processes.
Which of the following processes is not connected with body temperature
a) Radiation (b) Evaporation (c) Conduction (d) Convection
2. Which of these food chain is not possible in a forest
a) Diatom fly toad snake
b) Fly toad snake Hawk
c) Leaves goat man Lion
d) Leaves Caterpillar bird Lion
3. A married couple have 10 children and they are all girls
Which of the following is the correct explanation?
(a) The woman is incapable of producing male children
(b) The man’s sperms are very weak
(c) The ‘Y’ component of the man’s sex chromosomes was always
4. The Mammalian organ through which nourishment and oxygen diffuse into
a developing embryo is called
(a) Aminion (b) Chorion (c) umbilical cord (d) placenta
5. In spirogyra, the pymenoid
(a) Excretes waste products (b) is suspended by cytoplasmic strands
(b) Makes the plant slimy to touch (d) usually contains starch
6. If calcium is deficient in food, this may cause
a) Anaemia (b) Retarded growth (c) Goitre (d) Beri-beri
7. Which of these diseases CANNOT be prevented by immunization?
(a) Onchocerclassis (b) Tuberculosis (c) Cholera (d) poliomyelitis
8. Which of these is spread by insect vectors
(a) Cholera, taenia and gonorrhoea
(b) Poliomyelitis, tuberculosis and syphilis
(c) Cholera, Malaria and tuberculosis
(d) Malaria, cholera and river blindness
9. The response shown by the tips of the root and shoot of a plant to the
stimulus of gravity is
a) Haptotropism (b) Geotropism (c) Hydrotropism (d) Phototropism
10. A circulatory system that does not allow mixing of oxygenated and de-
oxygenated blood in Mammalian heart is referred to as:
(a) Open (b) heamocoelic (c) single (d) closed
11. Which of the following is characteristic of the animal call?
(a) Presence of large vacuoles (b) possession of a cellulose cell wall
(b) Absence of large vacuoles (d) presence of a chloropiast
12. Which of these products obtained from analysing seat from the skin is not
an excretory product?
(a) Water (b) salt (c) dust (d) urea
13. Which of the following is not a function of the liver
(a) Regulation of blood sugar (b) storage of iron (c) formation of the
bile (d) breakdown of excess amino acids
14. Which of these substances is likely to be deficient in the diet of a person
having goitre
15. Which of these parts of the mammalian ear it directly concerned with sense
of balance? (a) Cochlea (b) Eustachian (c) Ear drum (d)
semi circular canals
16. The axial skeleton of a mammal does not include the bones of the
(a) Skull (b)Bank (c) limbs (d) Neck
17. A blue-green alga is not a protophyte because
(a) It is aquatic (b) it cells are prokaryotic (c) it cannot move (d) It is not a
green plant
18. Chewing the cud is an adaptation peculiar to
(a) Herbivores (b) Omnivores (c) rodents (d) Ruminants
19. A pair of genes that control a trait is referred to as
(a) Recessive (b) dominant (c) A hybrid (d) an allele
20. Neurones that receive stimuli from the body or internal organs are
(a) Sensory neurones (b) Efferent neurons (c) Motor neurons (d) Relay
21. The organ situated in the pericardial cavity of a mammal is the ………….
22. In the mammalian respiratory system, exchange of gases occurs in the …..
23. The digestive enzyme that coagulates proteins in milk is
24. Vitamin an important role in blood clotting
25. Which class of food substance will produce a brick red colour when
warmed with benedicts solution …………………………………

Choose the correct options to question 1 – 6
1. The most important aspect of hand washing is..
(a) Time (b) Soap (c) water (d) friction
2. Body Mass index (B.M.I) of 30.0 – 34.9 is regarded
(a) Overweight (b) class I obesity (c) class II obesity (d) class III obesity
3. Agglutination occurs in blood transfusion when
a) The donor and the recipient belong to the same blood group
b) Some antibodies from donor and recipient fused together
c) Donor and the recipient belong to different races
d) Recipient is not a universal recipient
4. Which of the following substances from the Mother’s blood diffuses
through the placenta into the blood vessels of the foetus?
(a) Carbondioxide and oxygen (b) glycogen and starch
(b) Urea and carbondioxide (d) glucose and oxygen
5. The process of deamination is essential for………………………
(a) Digestion of protein (b) secretion of bile (c) formation of urine
(d) formation of antibody
1. Vaccination is carried out to …………………………..
(a) Check the production of poison
(b) Increase the activity of while blood cells
(c) Increase the number of red blood cells
(d) Stimulate the production of antibody
Write the correct answer in the answer sheet provided
2. The five transparent membrane that line the eyelids and front of the eye
ball are called…………………………………………
3. is the formal documentation of the management
plan for day to day expenses and revenue, expressed in monetary terms
4. Nursing is defined by ........................................ the act of utilizing the
environment of the client to assist him in his recovery
5. New growth are classified into two which are:
6. refers to the relationship of the fetal head
and extrimites of the rest of the fetal body.
7. In singleton pregnancy, the fundus reaches the umbilicus at
………………………….to ................................weeks and the
xiphisternum at ............................ weeks
8. The barrier between the maternal and fetal blood is…………
9. are cranial joints and are formed where two bones
10. The fetal diameter from below the occipital protuberance to the centre of
the frontal suture is called ........................... and
measures ............................. centimeters.
11. is defined as involuntary loss of products of the
conception prior to 36 weeks gesitation
12. Tuberculosis is caused by…………………………
13. is the procedure that involves transabdominal insertion
of a fine needle into the amniotic fluid cavity under continuous ultra sound
14. The umbilical cord is otherwise known as the …………………….
Write the correct answer in the answer sheet provided
15. Puerperium is the period of physical and phychological recuperation the
mother enters into after childbirth
16. During normal labour, the upper uterine segment systematically contracts
and retracts resulting in sudden shortening of the muscles as labour
17. Inflammation of the breast can be referred to as laotation
18. Apnea is a leaking, drooling and tonic posturing movement of the limbs.
19. Cephal haemaloma is not an effusion of blood under the periosteum that
covers the skull bone


1. Which of the following statements about electric bonding is not

(a) There is sharing of electrons
(b) An atom must possess a lone pair of electrons
(c) Each participating atom contributes one electron
(d) It can be formed between molecules
2. What term is used to describe an oxide whose acqueous solution turns blue
litmus paper red
(a) Strong electrolyte (b) Acid anhydride (c) Amphoteric
oxide (d) Basic oxide
3. The reaction of vegetable oil with a solution of wood ash is
(a) Saponification (b) Neutralization (c) hydrogenation (d) Esterification
4. What are the two gases associated with acid rain.
(a) C02 and Hcl (c) C02 and H2 (c) S02 and N02 (d) Hcl and S02
5. The gas given off when NH4CL is heated with an alkali is
(a) H2 (b) CL2 (c) N2 (d) NH3
6. Which of the following decreases when a given mass of gas is compressed
to half its initial volume?
(a) Average molecular distance (b) Frequency of collisions (c)
Number of molecules present (d) Atomic radius of each particle
7. Weak acid is one which
(a) Is not corrosive (b) slightly ionized in water (c) does not produce
salts with alkalis (d) does not conduct electric current in solution
8. Which of the following enzymes is associated with alcohol formation
(a) Zymase (b) enterokinase (c) peptides (d) sucrose
3 0
9. The volume of a gas is 76cm at 27 C and 800mm mercury pressure. What
is the volume at s.t.p?
(a) 36.2cm2 (b) 60cm3 (c) 72.8cm2 (d) 100cm3
10. An indicator methyl arranged in acidic form is
(a) Pink (b) yellow (c) purple (d) blue
Choose the correct answer from the options provided below
1. A catalyst increase the rate of chemical reaction by
(a) Decreasing the temperature of the reaction
(b) Decreasing the activation energy of the reaction
(c) Increasing the surface area of the reactants
(d) Decreasing the surface area of the product
2. Which of the following is not a metal?
(a) Sodium (b) Iron (c) Calcium (d) Carbon Monoxide
Write the correct answer in the answer sheet provided
3. When a substance changes directly from a solid state to gaseous state
without forming a liquid, the substance is said to
4. The substance mainly responsible for the depletion of ozone layer
Write the correct answer in the answer sheet provided
5. The energy change that accompanies the addition of an election to an
isolated gaseous atom is termed ELECTRONEGATIVITY


1. Brass is an alloy containing copper and …………………………..

(a) Zinc (b) Tin (c) Aluminium (d) Lead
2. Local black soap is made by boiling palm oil with liquid extract of ash.
The function of the ash is to provide the…………….
(a) Acid (b) Ester of alkanoic acid (c) Alkanol (d) Alkali
3. The removal of oxygen from a substance is known as……….
(a) Oxidation process (b) Electrolysis (c) Reduction process (d) Oxidation
– reduction
4. The ideal gas equation (General gas law) is mathematically derived from
(a) Charles’s (b)Boyle’s (c) Graham’s law of diffusion (d) Boyle’s law
and charles’s law
5. The phenomenon whereby atoms of same element have different mass
numbers but same atomic numbers is called ………………………..
(a) Relative atomic mass (b) Relative mass of atoms (c) Isotopes (d)
Atomic number of relativity

6. Which of the following materials is classified as a non-biodegradable

pollutant? (a) Anima hide (b) paper (c) plastic (d) wood
7. During electrolysis, the ................................. At the cathode
(a) Anion is oxidized (b) Anion loses electrons (c) Cation is oxidized
(d) cation is discharged
8. Find the number of moles of chloride ions present in 50cm3 of
0.200mol/dm3 calcium chloride
(a) 0.001 (b) 0.01 (c) 0.02 (d) 01.10
9. The rate of a chemical reaction is increased by the following EXCEPT
(a) The addition of catalyst (b) An increase in temperature
(c) An increase in surface area of the reaction
(d) A decrease in the concentration of the reactants


1. Which of the following phenomena causes capillarity of the liquid in tubes

of narrow hole
a) Viscosity (b) surface tension (c) osmosis (d) Brownian motion
2. Which of the following cannot be explained using the rectilinear
propagation of light?
(a) Production of image by pin hole camera
(b) Production of real image of the object by lenses
(c) Formation of an annular eclipse
(d) Diffraction pattern of light
3. An object is said to undergo oscillatory motion when it moves
(a) In an erratic manner (b) to and fro about a fixed point
(b) Is a circular path (d) a long continuous path from the starting point
4. Fusions is usually used for generating electric power because
(a) No energy is released when fusion takes place
(b) Very high temperatures are required to initiate fusion
(c) The raw materials needed are not readily available
(d) It generates electric power
5. Which of the following factors does not affect the capacitance of a parallel
plate capacitor?
(a) Area of the plates (b) Nature of the surface of the plate
(c) Distance of separation between the plates
(d) Natural of the insulating material between the plate
6. Which of the following single machines is a second class lever?
(a) Wheel barrow (b) crowbar (c) claw hammer (d) seesaw
7. Which of the following substances is not an insulator?
(a) Aluminium (b) Glass (c) Cork (d) Plastic
8. The image of any real object formed by a diverging lens is always
(a) Inverted (b) magnified (c) erect (d) real
9. Which of the following statement about pressure is not correct?
(a) Increases with an increase in surface area
(b) Decreases with an increase in surface area
(c) Increases with a decrease in surface area
(d) Increases with an increase in the force applied
10. Which of the following physical processes cannot be explained by the
molecular theory of matter?
(a) Evaporation (b) Thermal conduction (c) Radiation of heat (d)
none of the above.

1. A body is moved through a distance 500m by a force of 20N. if the power
developed is 0.4kw. calculate the time for which the force acts.
(a) 25.0s (b) 2.5s (c) 0.5s (d) 250s
2. Which of the following best explains why a person suffers a more severe
(a) Steam is at higher temperature than water
(b) Steam possesses greater heat energy per unit more than boiling water
(c) Steam spreads more easily over a wider area of the skin than boiling
(d) Steam penetrates more deeply into the skin than boiling water
3. The principle of operation of an induction coil is based on
(a) Ohm’s Law (b) Amperes Law (c) Faraday’s Law (d) coulomb’s Law
4. Which of the following instruments is not suitable for measuring current?
(a) Ammeter (b) Voltammeter (c) Millimetre (d) Microammeter
5. When a body is performing simple harmonic motion, its acceleration
(a) Is constant
(b)(b) varies with displacement from equilibrium position
(c) Is zero (d) Moves irregularly with time

1. Which of the following properties of waves is exclusion to transverse wave
(a) Reflection (b) Interference (c) Diffraction (d) Polarization
2. The sound heard by a person after the reflection of the sound generated by
him is called
(a) Resonance (b) Echo (c) Audibility (d) Reverberation
3. When a body is slightly titled, it is found that its centre of gravity is
slightly raised. What is the state of equilibrium of the body?
(a) Stable (b) Unstable (c) Neutral (d) cannot be determined
4. Which of the following surface will radiate heat energy best
(a) Red surface (b) Yellow surface (c) black surface(d) white surface
5. Shadows of eclipse results from the
a) Refraction of light (b) rectilinear propagation of light (c)
defraction of light (d) reflection of light
6. The rising of liquid in an open ended glass tube of narrow bore is
(a) Osmosis (b) surface tension (c) capuliarity (d) adhesion
7. The volume of a given mass of a gas 27.0 and 600mmhg is 76cm3.
Calculate the colume at S.T.P
(a) 100.0cm3 (b) 72.8cm3 (c) 60.0cm3 (d) 36.4m3

8. Time

The diagram above illustrates wave form. Which of the points on the
wave form are in a phase
(a) P and R (b) R and T (c) P and T (d) O and S
9. determines the direction of motion of current carrying
conductor placed within the opposite pole of a magnet
(a) Fleminge’s left hand rule (b) fleminge’s right hand rule
10. The volume of a gas increases steadily as the temperature decreases at
constant pressure. The gas obeys
(a) Pressure law (Charles’ Law (c) Graham’s law (d) Boyle’s law


1. Simplify 28/4 + 3 2/5 – 1 2/5

(a) 429/60 (b) 4 ½ (c) 829/30 (d) 81/2
2. Find the greatest of 5/6 1/5, 2/7 ½ and 11/2 ¼
(a) 5/6 1/3 (b) 11/2 ¼ (c) 2/7 1/6 (d) 2/7 1/6
3. Convert 8/4 to decimal
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.75 (c) 07.5 (d) 75.5
4. Evaluate 1 ¼ + 1 ½
5 1/8 – 3 8/4
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2
5. A firm produced 3500 articles last year, but this year it produced 297
articles. Find the percentage decrease in production
(a) 20% (b) 10% (c) 25% (d) 15%
6. Evaluate 32 +3 8
(a) 10 2 (b) 10 20 (c) 10 0.2 (d) 10 4
7. Find the principal which amounts to N2736 in 3 ½ years at 4% simple
(a) N2400 (b) 2450 (c) 240 (d) none of the above
8. Two angles are said to be complimentary if their sum is
(a) 3600(b) 1800 (c) 900 (d) 600
9. The sum of opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is
(a) 900 (b) 1800 (c) 3600 (d) 1200
10. If 15% of the patients in a hospital of 400 are under 18yrs of age, adults are
(a) 250 adults (b)600 adults (c) 430 adults (d) 340

Choose the most appropriate option from the list lettered A – D
20. Three boys shared some oranges. The first received 1/3 of the oranges ad the
second received 2/3 of the reminder the third boy received the remaining 12
oranges, how many oranges did they share?
(a) 60 (b) 54 (c) 48 (d) 42
21. A sector of a circle has an area of 55cm2. If the radius of the circle is 10cm
calculate the angle of the sector.
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d)3
22. A cooperative society charges an interest of 51/2% on any amount borrowed
by its members. If a member borrows N126,000 how much does he pay back
after 1 year.
(a) N136,875 (b) N131,875 (c) N128,750 (d) N126,250
23. If the simple interest on a sum of money at 3% per annum for 21/2 year is
N123 find the principal
(a) N670.50 (b) N820 (c) N1,640 (d) N4,940
24. A train travels 60km in M minutes. II its average speed is 400km per hour,
find the value of M
(a) 15 (b) 12 (c) 10 (d) 9
1. Convert 7.45 to fraction reduced to the lowest term
(a) 79/20 (b) 31/20 (c) 97/20 (d) 4149/20
2. Divide 27.42 by 0.0032
(a) 586.8 (b) 270.7 (c) 756.8 (c) 856.8
3. Calculate the total surface area of a core of height 12cm and base radius
5cm. Take 𝜋 = 22/7
a) 1803/7cm2 (b) 2402/7cm2 (c) 2822/7cm2 (d) 2355/7cm2
4. A Chord of length 30cm is 8cm away from the centre of the circle. What is
the radius of the circle?
a) 16cm (b) 17cm (c) 18cm (d) 20cm
5. To achieve on schedule, a train is to cover a distance of 60km at 2km/hr. if
it starts 10mins late, at what speed must it move to arrive on schedule?
a) 60km/h (b) 80 km/h (c) 90 km/h (d) 108 km/h

6. A co-operative society charges an interest of 5 ½ % per annum on any

amount borrowed by its members. If a member borrows N125,000 how
much dies he pay back after 1year.
a) N136.875 b) N131.875c) N128.760 d) N126.250
7. For the set numbers 2, 3, 5, 7,7,8
a) The median is greater than the mode
b) The mean is greater than the mode
c) The mean is greater than the median
d) The mean is less than the median.
8. A house wife bought 3 kilograms of garri at N13,000 per kg. she deposited
N160.00 for half cow and bought 24 oranges at 10k each. She came back
home with N20.60. she therefore left home with…..
a) N220.00 b) 222.00 c)201.40 d) 202.00

9. The time to do a piece of work is inversely proportional to the number of

men employed. If it takes 4 men to do a piece of work in 5 days, how long
will it take 25men? A) 15days b) 12days c) 5days d) 9days

10. Simplify " − &

( &
+ +

# ' ' * *



1. Write an article for publication in one of the national dallies on the

“Problems facing Education in Nigeria”. Your essay should not exceed 450



Okonkwo’s Resolution

Okonwo ruled his household with a heavy hand. His wives especially the
youngest, lives in perpetual fear of his fiery temper, and so did his little children;
Perhaps down in his heart Okonkwo was not a cruel man but his whole life was
dominated by the fear of failure and of weakness. It was deeper and more intimate
than the fear of evil and capricious gods and of magic, the fear if the forest, and
forces of nature, malevolent, red in tooth and claw. Okonkwo’s fear was greater
than these. It was fear of himself, lest he should be found to resemble his father.
Even as a little boy he had resented his father’s failure and weakness, and even
now still remembered how he suffered when a playmate had told him that his
father was agbala. That was how Okonkwo first came to know that ‘agbala’ was
not only another name for a woman, it could also mean a man who had taken no
title. And so Okonkwo was ruled by one passion – to hate everything his father
Unoka had loved. One of those things was gentleness and another was idleness.
From Chinua Achebe. Things Fall Apart. Heineman, 1958, PP. 9 – 10.

Now, answer the following questions by choosing the correct option:

1. “Okonkwo ruled his household with a heavy hand” means that:

a) He ruled his household with love and kindness
b) He ruled his household with a fat hand
c) He ruled his household with harshness
d) His rule was popular in his household
2. Okonkwo was feared most by his
a) Oldest wife and children
b) Youngest wife and children
c) Neighbours and their children
3. Okonkwo’s whole life was dominated by
(a) Love (b) fear (c) kindness (d) bravery
4. Which of the following fears dominated Okonkwo’s life
a) Fear of evil and capricious gods
b) Fear of magic and forest
c) Fear of the forces of nature
d) Fear of failure and weakness
5. Okonkwo hated his father because his father was
(a) Cruel (b) unsuccessful in life and weak (c) a talkative person
(d) a coward
6. What brought a lot of suffering on Okonkwo as a child?
a) His father’s poverty
b) (b) his father’s cowardice
c) His father’s weakness and his social standing
d) All of the above


Choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following

7. If Mr. Okafor had come in time, he ………………………… met the

a) Will have (b) would have (c) may have (d) should have
8. A student........................ be dismissed for such an offence in those days
a) May (b) will (c) would (d) can
9. The man is no longer in that office, he ............................... transferred
a) Will be (b) has been (c) have been (d) had been
10. The detectives …………………….made a thorough investigation to
unravel the mystery of the death of the journalist.
a) Can have (b) will have (c) must have (d) shall have
11. The ceremony began eight hours ago, so the invitees ....................... have
gone now

(a) Need (b) had to (c) have to (d) ought to

12. Ngozi wants to learn how ............................. a dress
(a) To sow (b) to sew (c) To sewing (d) To soon
13. Mr. Ade ............................ on a new book
a) is warking (b) is walking (c) is working (d) is working
14. It ........................ heavily yesterday
(a) Reigned (b) reined (c) rains (d) rained
15. My father ........................... me to be of good behaviour two weeks ago
(a) adviced (b) advised (c) advices (d) advises



Choose the most appropriate option from the list lettered A – D

1. The pen you have just picked up is ………………………………….

(a) Charle’s (b) Charles’ (c) Charless (d) Charles
2. Measles ......................................... impossible to manage these days
(a) is (b) are (c) were (d) was
3. If the boys arrived early enough, the match……………………….
(a) Would have been played (b) will be played (c) will have to be
played (d) would be played
4. She usually works hard but ............................. She could be very lazy
(a) at times (b)atimes (c) attimes (d) at-times
5. I now realize i ................................ her before
(a) Had met (b) have met(c) met (meet)

In questions 6 – 10, choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined.

6. Can you give a good explanation of your behaviour?

(a) Account for (b) call (c) clear up (d) make up
7. In their desire to impress their friends and relatives, many young workers
Bit off more than they can chew in terms of financial obligations.
(a) Have more money than sense
(b) Eat more than they can digest properly
(c) Spend too much money on food
(d) Take on more responsibility than they can afford
8. Once I have finished all my homework, I am permitted to watch television
(a) I can watch television at any time
(b) I can only watch television after doing my homework
(c) Television comes first, then homework second
(d) I can only finish my homework after permission to watch television
9. All efforts made to settle the quarrel futile
(a) Successful (b) wicked (c) reason able (d) fruitless
10. The long straight trunk of the tree is ideal for round wood uses like railway
sleeper, rafters and fence posts.
(a) Perfect (b) most suitable (c) best (b) most unsuitable

In questions 11 – 15, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s)/

phrase in italic.

11. A tentative solution was provided

(a) A definitive (b) A provisional (c) An amicable (d) A
12. The notice reads “no cash transactions in this hall”
(a) Gainful (b) cheque (c) money (d) business
13. In our last play, Segun acted the hero
(a) Assassin (b) Villain (c) devil (d) Criminal
14. No sooner had he arrived than it started to rain
(a) Simultaneously (b) seldom (c) just before (d) long before
15. The little boy has become quite chubby
(a) Intelligent (b) tall (c) thin (d) huge


(Fill in the gap)

1. His good humour made us ..................... him

a) liking b) to like c) like d) to be liking

2. My father lives modestly but he has all ................................ he requires

b) what b) that c) which d) as

3. you watch the experiment closely, you will see some bubbles in
the water.

a) Unless b) if c) whether d) although

4. Which of these two pop songs is .........................recent
a) Most b) too c)enough d)more
5. Most Nigerian towns allocate ............................. For industrial
a) A land b) lands c) some lands d) more
6. Good students are always ready ......................more
a) For b) over c) of d) at e) with
7. Mrs. Bamidele was worried because Fatimah ................................ have
arrived before then.
a) Will b) should c)ought d)can e)was
8. I .......................... see that you do not know what I mean
a) Should b) have c)am d)can e)will
9. Since he had no money, he........................... not pay my school fees
a) Would b) ought c)should d)may e))could
10. You will catch cold wear warm, sensible clothing.
a) Since b)if c)because d)unless e)as
11.Ikorodu is not far, it is only an …………………….
a) Hour of driving b)hour’s drive c)hour by driving d)hour in driving
e)hour-s drive
12.I am not attending, my wife.
a) whereas b)either c) neither d)but e)since
13.I know you have been Eaves-dropping all along
a) Dropping gently b) paying attention c) watching d)listening
secretly e) dropping all the leaves.


Write the correct answer in the answer sheet provided

1. The current Minister of Health is ………………………………….

2. The first case of Ebola disease in Nigeria was reported on
3. Ebola disease entered Nigeria through a Liberian diplomat
4. The world AIDS Day is observed on every ..................................... of the
5. The current Central Bank Governor
6. The immediate past Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria is called
………………………………………….and presently he is the
7. The Church that collapsed recently in Lagos is called
8. The most recent bomb blast that killed more than 150 worshipers took
place in
9. The female Doctor who died after attending to the Liberian Ebola victim is
called …………………………………………………………………….
10. The acronym PVC used by INEC stands
11. The speaker of the House of Representative who decamped from
…………………………………party to ....................................... is
12. The Minister of .................................................. was recently declared
OPEC President …………………………………..

Give the full meaning of the following

13. PLWHA stands for……………………………………………………

14. S.S.A.N.U stands for………………………………………………….
15. SAN stands for………………………………………………………….
16. W.H.O stands for………………………………………………………
Write a short story of not more than 400 words that ends with the phrase “It was
a bitter experience but I learnt my lesson”.
Choose the most appropriate option provided to fill the gaps in the passage.
Two third of children in ……1….((a) industrialized (b) socialized (c)
technological (d) modernized) societies no longer have family life. They are
virtually abandoned to child minders from very tender age. The …2…((a)
disregard (b) indifference (c) allination (d) inattention) from the mothers bring
suffering and makes it impossible for them to achieve a healthy social life. The
…..3….((a) development (b) increase (c) appreciation (d) inflation) in the
number of suicides, the rate of drug addiction and…….4….. ( (a) delinquency
(b) irresponsibility (c) Satanism (d) truancy) among young people may be to a
large extent due to these premature separation which take place before sufficient
time has …5…. ( (a) materialized (b) occurred (c) surface (d) elapsed) for
attachment to develop between the child and the family.

For question 6 – 9 choose the options that are opposite in meaning of the
underlined word.
6. The lion of Cameroun is really an indomitable team
(a) Powerful (b) prominent (c) a weak (d) a cowardly
7. There is much apathy towards reading among students nowadays
(a) Enthuasiasm (b) indecision (c) disinclination (d) Indifference
8. Inspite of many days of fasting, Musa is still fastidious about his food
(a) Particular (b) undecided (c) Indifferent (d) unmindful
9. Florence flogged the girl reluctantly
a) Eagerly (b) calmly (c) furiously (d) laboriously
In question 10 – 13 choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the
underlined word or phrase.
10. I would not like you to do the work piecemeal
(a) At meal time (b) bit by bit (c) as a masterpiece (d) badly
11. Smiling broadly, she explained why she always took exception to being
referred as his wife
(a) Felt specially honoured (b) liked nothing except (c) objected to (d)
preferred very much
12. The testimony of the witness absolved the accused of the charges
(a) Condemned (b) Implicated (c) blamed (d) cleared
13. The minister announced that the government would soon make a law to
prohibit the showing of obscene films
(a) Violent (b) dangerous (c) Immoral (d) frightful.
From the words lettered A – D, choose the word that contains the sound
represented by the given phonetic symbol.
14. /dz/ (a) just (b) ghost (c) dose (d) dozen
15. /el/ (a) aisle (b) eat (c) wait (d) dirt


1. The word WHO means

a) World Hall Organization (b) World Health Organization
(c) Wealth Health Organisation (d) World Human Organization
2. Food Basket of the Nation represents which of the following states
a) Lagos state (b) Benue State c) Bendel state (d) Edo state
3. The World’s smallest continent is
a) Africa (b) Ethiopia (c) Cairo (d) New-York City
4. The immediate past Minister of FCT is
a) Dr. Adamu Aleiro b) Dr. Aliyu Modibbo Umar c) Senator Bala
Muhammed d) Ibrahim Bunu
5. The acronyms ECOWAS stands for:
a) E (b) C
6. c) O (d) W
7. e) A (f) S
8. The coldest place in the world is
a) England b) Jos (c) Vostok Antaretica (d) South Africa
9. What is the full meaning of VAT?
(a) Value Applied tax (b) Value Adopted test (c) Value Added test
(d) Value added tax
10. The immediate past secretary of FCTA Health and Human Services
Secretariat is
(a) Dr. Princess Precious Kalamba Gbeneol (b) Dr. Promise Precious
Kalamba Gbeneol (c) Dr. Precious Kalamba Gbeneol (d) Dr. Patricia
Kalamba Gbeneol
11. What does ICT stand for
a) Information and Communication Technology
b) Information and Communication Training
c) Introduction to communication teaching
d) Introduction to communication Technology
12. Who is the chairman of INEC?
(a) Professor Humphry Nwosu (b) Professor Maurice Iwu (c)
Professor Attahiru Jega (d) Professor Mahmoud Yakub
13. When is the global hand washing day?
(a) 15th October (b) 12th October (c) 11th October (d) 10th October
14. What was the theme of the pet project by the First Lady of Nigeria, Mrs.
Patience Dame Jonathan
(a) Women for Movement initiative
(b) Women for moving in the Right initiative
(c) Women in the Right Initiative
(d) Women for change initiative
15. Who is the current WHO Director General?
(a) Professor Greese Mao (b) Dr. Margaret Chan (c) Dr. Richard
Adamson (d) Dr. Jane Tilo
16. When is the world’s sight day?
(a) 1st November (b) 10th May (c) 12th April
17. What does NDLEA stand for?
(a) National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
(b) National Drugs Law Empowerment Agency
(c) National Drug Law Equipment Agency
(d) National Day for Law Enquiry Agency
18. Who is the new Head of Civil Service of the Federal
a) Mr. Stephen Orasanya (b) Mr. Afolabi Oladapo (c) Mrs. Winifred Oyo
Ita (d) Ms B. Pepple
19. Who is the coach of the Super Eagles?
(a) Mr. Adamu shaibu (b) Mr. Samson Siasia (c) Mr. Gernot Rohr
(d) Mr. Christian Chukwu
20. When is the World Habital Day?
(a) 4th October (b) 6th January (c) 2nd December (d) 8th May

1. Nigeria had her Centenary celebration in the year
2. The white colour in Nigerian flag
3. The current Minister of Education is
4. The current Deputy Senate President is
5. Polio case was recently found in… ................. State in Nigeria
6. …………number of Chibok girls were recently rescued by the Nigerian
7. Which state has the slogan “God’s own state”………………………
8. Nigeria’s Minister of Health is………………………………………
9. Which country’s flag is called the Union Jack………………………
10. The world’s AIDS day is on……………………………….
11. The last United state election was held on……………………..
12. The chairman of African Union is…………………….
13. ECOWAS is made up of ...................................... countries
14. E.U is made up of .................................. countries?
15. Which railway was commissioned recently in Nigeria
16. The theme of the campaign launched by President Mohammedu Buhari in
2019 is
In question 13 – 15, write the full meaning of the abbreviations
17. IDP…………………………………………………….
18. NJC…………………………………………………….
19. CCTV…………………………………………………..
20. NANNM……………………………………………..
21. NEMA…………………………………………………


1. Find the radius of a sphere whose surface area is 1542

a) 7.00 cm
b) 3.50 cm
c) 3.00 cm
d) 1.75 cm

2. If x + y = 90 simplify (sinx + siny)2-

a) 11
b) 2
c) -1
d) 4

3. Find the total surface area of a cylinder of base radius 5cm and length 7cm (Π = 3.14)
a) 17.8cm2
b) 15.8cm2
c) 75.4cm2
d) 54.7cm2

4. If M represents the median and D the mode of the measurements 59358 then M.D

a) (6.5)
b) (5.8)
c) (5.7)
d) (5.5)

5. What is the value of 3 in the number 42.7531?

a) 3/10000
b) 3/1000
c) 3/100
d) 1/10

6. If x2 + kx + 169 is a perfect square find the value of x

a) 83
b) 73
c) 53
d) 23

7. The mean age of R men in a club is 50 years Two men aged 55 and 63 left the
club and the
mean age reduced by 1 year. Find the value of R______
a) 18
b) 20
c) 22
d) 28

8. A casting is made up of Copper and Zinc. If 65% of the casting is Zinc and there
are 147g of Copper. What is the mass of the casting?
a) 320g
b) 420g
c) 520g
d) 620g

9. The small droplet of water that forms on the grass in the early hours of
the morning is
a) hail
b) dew
c) fog
d) mist

10. Transistors are used for the

a) rectification of signals
b) conversion of a.c to d.c
c) amplification of signals
d) conversion of d.c to a.c

11. If a simple pendulum makes 50 oscillations in one minute what is its period of
oscillation? a) 0.02s
b) 0.20s
c) 0.83s
d) 1.20s

12. Which of the following is used for the correction of short sightedness?
a) convex lens
b) concave lens
c) convex mirror
d) concave mirror

13. A cell of e.m.f. 1.5V is connected in series with a resistor of resistance 3.0ΩΩ.
A voltmeter connected across the cell registers 0.9V. Calculate the internal
resistance of the cell
a) 2.0ΩΩ
b) 3.0ΩΩ
c) 5.0ΩΩ
d) 6.0ΩΩ

14. One special advantage of alcohol over mercury as a thermometric liquid is its
a) low density
b) low freezing point
c) high specific
d) low boiling point
15. In a hydraulic press a force of 40N is applied to the smaller priston of area
10cm2. If the area of the larger piston is 200cm2 calculate the force obtained
a) 800N
b) 500N
c) 80N
d) 50N

16. As a bicycle Tyre was being pumped up it was noticed that contrary to Boyle's
law the volume increased as the pressure increased. The best explanation of this
is that Boyle's law is only true for ______
a) ideal gases
b) a fixed mass of gas nnn
c) a mixture of gases
d) a gas at variable temperature

17. A student measures the volume of a liquid using a measuring cylinder. What else
needs to be measured by the student in order to determine the density of the
a) depth of the liquid in the cylinder
b) mass of the cylinder
c) mass of the liquid
d) temperature of the liquid

18. The ability of the eye to focus object at different distances is

a) power
b) accomodation
c) normal vision
d) persistence of vision


19. Water molecules are held together by______________________

a) Covalent bond
b) Hydrogen bond
c) Ionic forces
d) Van der waals

20. A solid substance with higher melting and boiling points is likely to be a/an
a) Covalent compound
b) Dative covalent compound
c) Electrovalent compound
d) Non-metal

21. The mass spectrometer can be used to measure the mass of

a) An atom
b) An electron
c) A proton
d) A neutron

22. The following properties are characteristics of transition elements

a) Formation of complex ions
b) Fixed oxidation state
c) Formation of coloured compounds
d) Catalytic ability

23. An element with the electron configuration of 1S<sup>2</sup>

2S<sup>2</sup> 2P<sup>6</sup> would have a combining power of
a) 2
b) 6
c) 8
d) 0

24. A metal M forms two types of chloride MCl<sub>2</sub> and

MCl<sub>3</sub> which of the following laws best explains the relationship
between the chlorides? Law of
a) Conservation of mass
b) Definite proportion
c) Multiple proportion
d) Reciprocal proportion

25. The purity of a solid sample can best be determined by its

a) Boiling point
b) Melting point
c) Conductivity
d) Solubility

26. During electrolysis, the reaction at anode is

a) Oxidation
b) Reduction
c) Decomposition
d) None of the above

27. Which of the following best defines a compound?

a) Combination of two or more elements
b) Combination of one or two element
c) Combination of elements and mixtures
d) None of the above

28. Fog is a solution of ____ CHEMISTRY101.000.00

a) Liquid in gas
b) Gas in liquid
c) Solid in gas
d) Gas in gas


Choose the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word

29. Rather than show remorse for his offence he remained

a) Unrepentant
b) Abrasive
c) Apathetic
d) Unpleasant

30. There is much apathy towards reading among student nowadays.

a) Indecision
b) Enthusiasm
c) Indifference
d) Disinclination

31. The chairman is recuperating.

a) Avaricious
b) Thrifty
c) Treacherous
d) Deteriorating

32. I prefer the exact rather than an figure.

a) Elusive
b) Appropriate
c) Approximate
d) Inflated

Choose the option that BEST COMPLETES the following sentence

33. Mary's _______ of the accident is very different from yours.

a) Summary
b) Account
c) Statement
d) Outline

34. Our teacher defined __________ in his introduction.

a) Onometopeia
b) Onomatopaeia
c) Onomatopoeia
d) Onomatopeia

35. The teacher found it difficult to read Hassan’s work so the teacher advised
him to make it .
a) Legible
b) Easier
c) Large
d) Eligible

36. Neither Jack nor Jill there yesterday

a) Are
b) Were
c) Is
d) Was

37. The car owner does not think about the of his vehicle and the other
payments involved in owning it
a) Depreciation
b) Appreciation
c) Calculation
d) Association

38. Be careful. This is too serious a matter to be played ___________________

a) On
b) Up
c) With
d) At

Choose the option that is NEAREST IN MEANING to the underlined word

39. It's always better to buy durable products.

a) Authentic
b) Permanent
c) Lasting
d) Expensive

40. The luminous hands of the clock attracted the baby

a) Bright
b) Colorful
c) Glaring
d) Beautiful

41. He did all he could to fortify the building against attack

a) Defend
b) Secure
c) Shield
d) Support

42. The Minister announced that the government would soon make a law to prohibit
the showing of obscene films.
a) Violent
b) Dangerous
c) Immoral
d) Frightful

Choose the option that BEST CONVEYS THE MEANING of the underlined portion
in the following sentence

43. The bill has to wait as we are now insolvent

a) Overworked
b) Bankrupt1
c) Unsettled
d) Insoluble

44. If Uche had ever been told the result he wouldn’t have been happy. This means that
a) Uche did not know the result
b) Uche was not happy about the result
c) Uche would have expected to be told the result
d) Uche was happy when he heard about the result

45. All his plans fell through

a) Failed
b) Were accomplished
c) Had to be reviewed
d) Were rejected

46. He spoke with his heart in his mouth

a) Courageously
b) With such unusual cowardice
c) With a lot of confusion in his speech
d) With fright and agitation

47. . There is some obvious symmetry in the whole presentation.

a) Confusion
b) Hesitation
c) Excitement
d) Orderliness

48. . If my father had not arrived I would have starved. This sentence means
a) My father did arrive and I didn't starve
b) I had to starve because my father didn't come
c) My father didn't arrive and I didn't starve
d) I should have starved but I didn't

49. . I was not a little embarrassed by his action. This means that
a) I was not embarrassed at all
b) I was highly embarrassed.
c) I was slightly embarrassed.
d) I was embarrassed.

Choose the option that has the SAME CONSONANT as the one represented by the
letters underlined

50. Cough
a) Though
b) Thoroughly
c) Trophy
d) Of

51. gear
a) Leg
b) Large
c) Badge
d) Jeer

52. refine
a) Phantom
b) Review
c) Vote
d) Pipe

Choose the MOST APPROPRIATE STRESS PATTERN from the options below

53. Stupidity
a) Stu-PI-di-ty
b) STU-pi-di-ty
c) Stu-pi-DI-ty
d) Stu-pi-di-ty


54. AU stands for _____________

a) America Union
b) African Union
c) African Unit
d) None of the above

55. AIDS stands for______________

a) Association of Infections Disease Society
b) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
c) Acquired Immunity and Diet Society
d) Acquired Immunity Department and Station

56. ECOWAS means

a) Economic Community for West Atlas Society
b) Economic Community in World Administration Society
c) Economic Community of West African States
d) Economic Committee of West African Society

57. EFCC means

a) Economic and Finance Criminals Court
b) Economic and Financial Circulation Commission
c) Economic and Financial Crimes Commission
d) Economic and Financial Commission Cooperation

58. ICPC means

a) Independent Corruption Prevention Commission
b) Independent Corrupt Protection Commission
c) Independent Corrupt Practices and Crimes
d) Independent Corrupt Practices and Others Related Offences Commission

59. The present Central Bank Governor is

a) Sanusi Lamido Sanusi
b) Chukuma Soludo
c) Godwin Emefiele
d) Kemi Adeosun

60. IMF stands for_____________

a) Internal monies fund
b) International Money Foundation
c) International Monetary Fund
d) International Monetary fundings

61. The Slogan God's own State is for

a) Enugu State
b) Anambra State
c) Abia State
d) Rivers State

62. Federal Capital of Nigeria was moved from Lagos to Abuja

a) 1991
b) 1992
c) 1993
d) 1994
63. Which of these countries is an ECOWAS member?
a) Nigeria
b) South Africa
c) Zimbabwe
d) Kenya

64. Who succeeded President Olusegun Obasanjo?

a) Alh Shehu Shagari
b) Alh Namadi Sambo
c) Goodluck Jonathan
d) Alh. Umaru Musa Yaradua

65. Who is the current Liberian President?

a) Dr. Helen Seleun
b) Mr. Samuel Duo
c) Charles Taylor
d) Mr. George Weah

66. The eagle on the Nigerian Coat of Arm represents

a) People
b) Power
c) Unity
d) Peace.

67. Chibok town is located in ________ State of Nigeria.

a) Adamawa
b) Bauchi
c) Borno
d) Gombe.

68. How many African countries went to the 2018 FIFA world cup
in Russia.
a) 5
b) 4
c) 6
d) 32

69. Which of the following does sperm NOT travel through?
a) ureter
b) urethra
c) vas deferens
d) epididymus

70. The following processes are involved in water movement in the endodermis
a) osmosis
b) vacuolar pathway
c) diffusion
d) active transport

71. A layer of dead skin cells is found in the______________

a) subcutaneous tissue
b) dermis
c) epidermis
d) no dead cells are in the skin

72. In evolution analogous structures are significant because they show

a) physiological diversity
b) functional diversity
c) genetic diversity
d) structural diversity

73. The branch of Biology that deals with the principles of classification of
organisms is known as
a) biological index
b) nomenclature
c) taxonomy
d) ecology

74. Which of the following structures is a tissue?

a) Vessel element
b) Blood
c) Sieve tube element
d) Erythrocyte

75. Which of the following cells are not regarded as specialized?

a) Sperm cells
b) Root up cells
c) Muscle cells
d) Somatic cells

76. Which of the following animals exhibits territoriality?

a) Rabbit.
b) Earthworm.
c) Lizard
d) Toad

77. Cells that utilise a lot of energy are characterized by the presence of a large number
a) vacuoles.
b) mitochondria
c) endoplasmic reticulum
d) ribosomes

78. Inhaled air is made warm and moist in the

a) epiglottis.
b) nasal cavity
c) trachea
d) mouth

79. A monocot root is different from a dicot root by having _________________

a) endodermis
b) cambium.
c) wide pith
d) root hair.

80. Siphons and gills are structures in aquatic organisms used for
a) gaseous exchange
b) buoyancy
c) excretion
d) movement

81. The contrasting pair of genes affecting a trait and located at the same position on
homologous chromosomes is referred to as
a) chromatids
b) mutants
c) alleles
d) chromatin
82. The organelle involved in the transport of substances within a cell is
a) Golgi body
b) endoplasmic reticulum
c) ribosome
d) mitochondrion

83. The malpighian body of the mammalian kidney is made up of

a) cortex and medulla
b) Bowman's capsule and loop of Henle
c) glomerulus and bowman's capsule
d) pelvis and pyramid

84. The smallest branches on the cell body of a neurone are called
a) dendrites
b) dendrons
c) ganglia
d) Schwan cells

85. Which of the following vertebrae provide articulating surfaces for the ribs?
a) Thoracic
b) Lumbar
c) Cervical
d) Sacral

86. Which of the following inherited conditions usually shows incomplete dominance?
a) Sickle cell anaemia
b) Haemophilia
c) Tongue rolling ability
d) Baldness

87. The exchange of gases between the environment and the respiratory organ of
vertebrates is referred to as
a) inhalation
b) respiration
c) expiration
d) breathing
88. The function of the villi in the alimentary canal is to ___________
a) secrete gastric juice
b) Curdle milk
c) emulsify fat
d) increase the surface area for absorption

89. Myelin sheaths are found__________________

a) surrounding tendons
b) covering the brain
c) covering muscles
d) around axons of neurons

90. In which cerebral lobes is the speech center located?

a) frontal
b) parietal
c) temporal
d) occipital

91. Light initiates different types of cellular reactions. Which of the following
responses to light converts the energy from light into a gain of potential energy?
a) Phototaxis
b) Photoperiodism
c) Photosynthesis
d) All of the above

92. Sickle cell anemia and Huntington's chorea are both___________________

a) virus-related diseases
b) bacteria-related diseases
c) congenital disorders
d) none of the above

93. Which of the following statements is <b>TRUE</b> of insulin? It

a) secreted by the pancreas
b) a protein
c) involved in the metabolism of glucose
d) all of the above

94. Fertilization of the ovum by the sperm usually occurs in the_________________

a) oviduct
b) vagina
c) uterus
d) ovary

95. Melatonin is produced by the ________________

a) skin
b) pineal gland
c) liver
d) pituitary gland

96. Digestion of PROTEINS begins in which of the following human organs?

a) small intestines
b) colon
c) mouth
d) stomach

97. All of the following are similarities between unicellular organisms and
multicellular organisms EXCEPT
a) internal complexity
b) division of labour
c) size
d) ecological relationships

98. Air pollution can be reduced by the following methods except

a) building tall factory chimneys
b) passing waste gases through filters and absorbers
c) using lead-free petrol in car
d) recycling tins cans and bottles

Water fleas, wood lice and barnacles belong to the group
a. insecta
b. chilopoda
c. crustacea
d. arachnida

Which of the following organisms does not exist as a single free living cell?
a. volvox
b. amoeba
c. chlamydomonas
d. paramecium
An association between the root nodule of a leguminous plant and Rhizobium sp. is known as
a. parasitism
b. symbiosis
c. commensalism
d. mycorrhiza

Which of the following groups is the most advanced?

a. Thallophytes
b. Pteridophytes
c. Gymnosperms
d. Bryophytes

The mode of feeding in Amoeba and Hydra is

a. autotrophic
b. heterotrophic
c. symbiotic
d. holophytic

Viviparity occurs mainly in the C

a. aves
b. amphibians
c. mammals
d. reptiles

Most monocots are easily recognized by their

a. long and sword-like leaves
b. long and palm-like leaves
c. short leaves with petioles
d. short leaves with petioles

Amphibians are normally found

a. in water
b. on moist land
c. in water and moist land
d. on dry land and in water

The jointed structure in insects that bears organs which are sensitive to touch, smell
and vibration is the
a. antenna
b. abdomen
c. maxilla
d. labium

The veins of the leaf are formed by the

a. spongy mesophyll
b. palisade tissue
c. cambium cells
d. vascular bundles

When specimen X is mixed with few drops of iodine solution, the appearance of a blue-black
colour confirms X is
a. sucrose
b. glucose
c. starch
d. galactose

The enzyme invertase will hydrolyze sucrose to give

a. mannose and galactose
b. glucose and fructose
c. maltose and glucose
d. glycerol and fatty acid

Salts and water are absorbed in the roots and transported to the leaves by
a. osmosis through the phloem tissues
b. diffusion through the phloem tissues
c. osmosis through the xylem tissues
d. diffusion through the xylem tissues

The transportation of oxygen and carbon (IV) oxide in mammals is carried out by
a. phagocytes
b. leucocytes
c. erythrocytes
d. thrombocytes

The gas produced during tissues respiration can be identified by using

a. sodium hydroxide
b. calcium carbonate
c. copper sulphate
d. calcium hydroxide

When yeast respires anaerobically it converts simple sugars to carbon (IV) oxide and
a. acid
b. water
c. oxygen
d. alcohol.

Urea formation occurs in the

a. liver
b. kidney
c. heart
d. lung
A seedling grown in the dark is likely to be
a. sturdy
b. stunted
c. dormant
d. etiolated

The center for learning and memory in the human brain is the
a. olfactory lobe
b. cerebrum
c. medulla oblongata
d. cerebellum

The physical space occupied by an organism together with its functional role in the
community can be described as
a. niche
b. environment
c. habitat
d. biom

The hygrometer is used for measuring

a. rainfall
b. relative humidity
c. salinity
d. specific gravity

The highest percentage of energy in an ecosystem occurs at level of the

a. producers
b. primary consumers
c. secondary consumers
d. decomposer

Carbon (IV) oxide content of the atmosphere is least affected by

a. burning of fossil fuel
b. cutting down and clearing of forests
c. plant and animal respiration
d. forest fires

A freshwater pond may contain

a. pond skater, water lily, shark and mosquito larva
b. water lily, fish water scorpion and dragonfly larva
c. tad pole, water boatman, leeches and crab
d. water beetle, shrimps, water snail and water bug

The epiphytic habitat can best be described as

a. aquatic
b. terrestrial
c. arboreal
d. estuarine

The distribution of plants in a rain forest is governed mainly by

a. rainfall pattern
b. vegetation
c. soil types
d. amount of sunlight

The greatest influence on a stable ecosystem in nature is excreted by

a. rainfall
b. animals
c. man
d. pollution

The factor the least affects food shortage in sub-saharan Africa is

a. drought
b. flooding
c. pests
d. mixed – cropping

In man, the ability to roll the tongue is a variation classified as

a. structural
b. morphological
c. anatomical
d. physiological.

Which of the following statements is true of blood groups and blood transfusion?
a. Group A can donate to group A only
b. Group B can donate to group B only
c. Group O is the universal recipient
d. Group AB is the universal recipient

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