Decanter 2touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Decanter 2touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Decanter 2touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Version: 31
Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms
Revision 31. Released on May 30, 2014. To match software package V2.05.06.
- Removed P239+P339, updated A221+A323.
- Updated appendix for new bowl diameters and gearboxes.
Revision 30. Released on April 30, 2014. To match software package V2.05.05.
- Updated: P239 + P339, P134, Appendix P204, A607
Revision 29. Released on December 13, 2013. To match software package V2.05.04.
- Updated: P239 + P339
Revision 28. Released on November 15, 2013. To match software package V2.05.03.
- Added P144, P217, P608-609, A133-137, A219-220, A320-322
- Removed Octopus parameters and alarms.
Revision 25 released on February 8, 2012. To match software package V2.03.00. Added: P515, A129-131, A409-10.
Updated: P335,P709-P711,P910,P916-920,A302.
Version: 31
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Parameters Initialization Wizard algse
The wizard is primarily used at the factory test. It overwrites all previous entered parameters. Please refer to the
commissioning guide or factory test instructions.
P101 Decanter Name admin
Machine name as assigned by the customer. This name appear at the top of all screens in the HMI.
P102 Spare
P103 Decanter Serial Number alse
This is the time delay after the Min Operating Bowl Speed P107 has been reached, to ensure stable operating
bowl speed has been recahed. In case of a Y-D starter: Switching from Y to D takes places when this delay
The Offline Delay is only used if automatic feed request (P812) is enabled. The delay time allows for auxiliary
equipment to start up before enabling the feed.
When the bowl speed reaches this value the timer P104 Min Bowl Speed Delay starts. The Min Bowl Speed is a
percentage of the P207 Bowl RPM Ref.
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The value of the bowl speed at which the decanter is considered to be stopped, providing that P109 Min
Rundown Time has expired.
During this time the backdrive maintains the differential speed. This ensures a mimimum time for emptying the
decanter during rundown.
This is the time the machine stays in production before it shuts down automatically. P122 Production Mode must
be set to "Timer" to enable this function. The timer is reset when the machine leaves the production step.
default access
P111 Special Startup Disable admin
Is used to enable the filling differential speed setpoint at production start: Setpoints S303 Filling Diff.
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P112 Option CIP Disable admin
default access
P113 Option Process Disable admin
default access
P114 Option UPS Disable admin
Enabled the UPS feedback signals on the Standard I/O module (DI1214 and DI1224). This option is required for
the "Clean Out at Power Loss" funtion P137.
default access
P115 Isolation Switch Disable admin
Enables the feedback singnal from the motor isolation switches (DI1111).
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P116 Alarm Horn Disable admin
default access
P117 Option HW Remote Disable admin
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P118 Option Remote Control Standard Remote IO admin
Enables control of the Decanter from other sources than the 2Touch HMI. Options: Standard Remote IO
System - Bus Remote System - HW Remote System - No Remote Control System - CC Bus Remote
default access
P119 HW Remote Alarm NC Disable admin
Indicates if the alarms transferred via the Option HW Remote I/O hardware module (DI4112, DI4122) are using
normally closed (NC) signals.
default access
P120 Option Cover Switch No Cover Switch admin
Options: No Cover Switch installed - not connected to safety relay - connected to safety relay. When the cover
switch is not connected to the safety relay, it is wired to DI0123 on the input card on the Core Controller. When
the cover switch is connected to the safety relay, the safety relay contacts are wired to DI1123 on the Standard
Remote I/O module.
P121 Spare
default access
P122 Production Mode Continuous operator
Options: Continuous - Timer. When Timer option is selected, the decanter will exit Production mode and stop
automatically when the time in production mode set by the P110 Prod. Stop Cond. has expired.
default access
P125 Diff Speed Dial Config 0-10 RPM operator
Sets the max range on screen 102 Diff Speed analog gauge
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P126 Torque Dial Config 0-0.5 kNm operator
default access
P127 Feed Dial Config 0-10 m3/h operator
Sets the max range on screen 102 Feed flow analog gauge.
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P128 Additive Dial Config 0-2 m3/h operator
Parameter sets the max range on screen 102 Additive flow analog gauge.
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P129 Spare
P130 Spare
default access
P131 Option Power Monitor Disable admin
Indicates if the optional remote hardware I/O module "Power Monitor" is present and will be used.
default access
P132 Option Automatic Polymer Control Disable admin
default access
P134 Bowl Diameter 360 mm alse
Parameter sets the decanter bowl internal diameter as shown on the machine nameplate. Options: 200mm -
280mm - 353mm - 360mm - 400mm - 440mm - 450mm - 490mm -480mm - 510mm -550mm - 570mm -
575mm - 650mm - 720mm - 740mm - 1000mm
default access
P137 Option Clean Out at Power Loss Disable alse
This option can only be used with ABB ACS800 or ACS880 VFDs, and the VFD’s for the BD and MD must be
connected (via the DC Bus).
The Option UPS parameter (P114) enables all functions related to UPS and power loss. An additional parameter
Clean Out at Power Loss (P137) is needed to enable Blackout alarm (A124) and Cleanout alarm (A125).
The UPSFailure input (DI1224) activates the UPS failure alarm (A106).The UPSOnBattery input (DI1214) first
activates the Brownout alarm (A105) and then the Blackout alarm (A124), if the power loss persists.
As the power loss causes the MD to slow down, the Cleanout alarm (A125) is activated, when the bowl speed
reached the alarm limit.
An operating counter exist for each of the alarms Brownout (A105), Blackout (A124) and Cleanout (A125).
default access
P138 Overwrite Local Setpoints with Remote Disable alse
Synchronization of setpoints: Overwrite the local setpoints with the remote setpoints when switching from Local
to Remote.
default access
P139 Low Info Lock Disable admin
The parameter prevents the Operator from navigating away from the Low Info screen (Screen 109).
default access
P140 Offline Timeout Disable admin
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The parameter selects the action taken when the Offline Timeout Delay (P141) expires. Options: Disabled -
Reduced Bowl Speed – Shutdown.
Time spend in the Offline sequence step before the action defined in Offline Timeout (P140) is taken.
Number of High Speed Flush cycles done to mitigate high vibration or high torque during Filling and Production,
before the machine goes to Offline. If set to zero the functionality is disabled. As long as the number of flush
cycles does not reach this value, the machine will go back to production when the vibration or torque is back at a
low level. (Max. flush time...)
default access
Selects the source of the commands (CMD) and setpoints (SP) in remote mode. Options: "CMD and SP" -
"CMD Only" - "SP Only". For "CMD and SP" both commands and setpoints on the bus are read in remote mode.
For "CMD Only" the commands from the bus (start, stop, offline, flush...) are read in remote mode, but the
setpoints used are the local setpoints on the HMI panel. Only applicable when P118 (Option Remote Control) is
set to "Bus Remote System".
default access
Select which system controls the Local/Remote mode. Options: "Local" - "Remote"- "Both". For "Local" only the
buttons on the 2Touch HMI screen control the mode. For "Remote" only the commands on the remote bus
(W45.12 and W45.13) control the mode. For "Both" it is possible to switch between Local and Remote mode
either on the local buttons or with the remote commands.
Note: Local/Remote commands from remote are only available in bus communication via the Core Controller.
Parameter P144 is not used in bus communication via the 2Touch HMI.
Sets amount of pulses the bowl speed pick up counts at each full turn
Sets time for close transition contactor to stay on during Y/D sequence
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Measured diameter of the main motor pulley. Used to calculate MD Pulleys Ratio. More details on parameter
setting can be found in appendix.
Measured diameter of the bowl pulley. Used to calculate MD Pulleys Ratio. More details on parameter setting
can be found in appendix.
Max Reverse Bowl speed in Low Speed Flush and CIP modes
Bowl speed setpoint value for VFD. Maximum limit is set equal to the Max Bowl speed P205.
The bowl speed value has to be reached during ramp up in CIP and Low Speed Flush sequence.
Main Drive current represented by analog output minimum value ( 0ma, 4mA or -10V)
Main Drive current represented by analog output maximum value ( 20ma or +10V)
default access
P211 Y/D Close Transition Disable admin
Enables the close transition contactor use in Y/D sequence for large size motors
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P212 MD HW VFD Reverse FB Disable admin
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Enables Reverse VFD feedback signal from non-standard hardwired VFD
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P213 MD Type ABB VFD EPL ACS 800 admin
Sets the type of the MD starter: Options: VFD HW - Y/D - ABB VFD EPL ACS800 - VFD HW With Ramp -
default access
P214 MD HW Current Signal No HW VFD admin
Parameter allows selection of the the HW VFD Current signal type between following: No HW VFD - HW
VFD 0-20mA - HW VFD 4-20mA - HW VFD +-10V
default access
P215 MD Thermistor Type VFD input admin
Parameter allows selection of the MD thermistor protection type. Select between: No Thermistors - Through
PLC input - Through VFD input. In case of option "Through PLC input" wire the thermistor protection relay
contact to 1223
The bowl speed reference in Offline mode, when reduced bowl speed is selected by the parameter Offline
Timeout (P140). The value represents a fraction of the Bowl RPM Ref (P207).
default access
P217 Bowl Speed Ref Remote Control Active Local Mode admin
Selects the source of the bowl speed reference. Options: "Local Mode" - "Remote Mode" - "Follow Back Drive
Settings". For "Local Mode" the source is permanently local. For "Remote Mode" the source is permanently
remote. In the "Follow Back Drive Settings" the source is the same as for the Back Drive setpoints and controlled
by the Local/Remote buttons in the control bar at the bottom of the HMI screen.
Defines the time required for the speed to change from zero to the maximum speed. Sets ABB
VFD parameter 22.02
Defines the time required for the speed to change from the maximum speed to zero. Sets ABB
VFD parameter 22.03
Defines the allowed maximum motor current. Sets ABB VFD parameter 20.03
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Must be equal to the value on the motor nameplate. Sets ABB VFD parameter 99.06
Must be equal to the value on the motor nameplate. Sets ABB VFD parameter 99.07
Must be equal to the value on the motor nameplate. Sets ABB VFD parameter 99.09
Must be equal to the value on the motor nameplate. Sets ABB VFD parameter 99.08
Must be equal to the value on the motor nameplate. Sets ABB VFD parameter 99.05
Defines the allowed maximum power fed by the motor to the inverter. Sets ABB VFD parameter 20.12
Defines the allowed maximum power fed by the inverter to the motor. Sets ABB VFD parameter 20.11
Value of VFD torque limit in percent of motor nominal torque. Sets ABB VFD parameter 20.04
Defines the allowed minimum speed. Sets ABB VFD parameter 20.01
Defines the allowed maximum speed. Sets ABB VFD parameter 20.02
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units min default max access
Rundown Scroll-Out Deceleration
P238 Time s 300 1000 2000 admin
Defines the time required for the speed to change from the maximum speed to zero. Used in the
scroll-out phase during rundown.
Maximum deviation between diff speed setpoint and diff speed actual value. Parameter sets restriction on new
setpoint entry to avoid large diff speed change.
This is the prohibited pinion speed interval. Used with hydraulic and 4Q VFD type back drives
GearBox kNm rating. More details on parameter setting can be found in appendix.
GearBox speed reduction ratio. More details on parameter setting can be found in appendix.
Max diff speed value used by the torque control. Also used to scale the diff speed analogue output signal.
Default value is calculated from the Max Bowl speed and the GB ratio: P205/P304
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Value is used to calculate DD gearbox torque. More details on parameter setting can be found in appendix.
Torque signal offset value calculated when tare function is exexuted. Read only parameter.
Used to filter the torque signal when using a strain gauge. When set to 0 the filter is disabled.
Parameter sets the load cell capacity that is used to scale the load cell raw value.
This parameter contains the zero balance calibration factor for the particular load cell
This parameter contains the calibration factor for the particular load cell
Back Drive Torque represented by analog output minimum value ( 0ma, 4mA or -10V)
Back Drive Torque represented by analog output maximum value ( 20ma or +10V)
Back Drive Current represented by analog output minimum value ( 0ma, 4mA or -10V)
Back Drive Current represented by analog output maximum value ( 20ma or +10V)
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P317 Load Cell Serial # admin
default access
P318 HW VFD Reverse FB Disable admin
default access
P319 BD Type ABB VFD EPL ACS 800 alse
Parameter sets the Back Drive type: Options: VFD HardWired - ABB VFD EPL ACS800 - ABB VFD EPL
default access
P320 GearBox Type DDGB alse
Two GearBox types are supported: Planetary Gearbox - Direct Drive Gearbox.
default access
P321 Torque Type Load Cell admin
Torque measurement type: Load Cell - ABB VFD bus - Hard wired VFD
default access
P322 HW Torque Signal No HW VFD admin
Type of GB Torque VFD AO signal when Option HW VFD is used: No HW VFD - 0–20 mA - 4–20 mA - ±
default access
P323 BD HW Current Signal No HW VFD admin
Type of GB Current VFD AO signal when Option HW VFD is used: No HW VFD - 0–20 mA - 4–20 mA - ±
Defines the time required for the speed to change from zero to the maximum speed. Sets ABB VFD parameter
Defines the time required for the speed to change from the maximum speed to zero. Sets ABB VFD parameter
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units min default max access
P327 BD Max Current A 0 0 1000 admin
Defines the allowed maximum motor current. Sets ABB VFD parameter 20.03
Must be equal to the value on the motor nameplate. Sets ABB VFD parameter 99.06
Must be equal to the value on the motor nameplate. Sets ABB VFD parameter 99.07
Must be equal to the value on the motor nameplate. Sets ABB VFD parameter 99.09
Must be equal to the value on the motor nameplate. Sets ABB VFD parameter 99.08
Must be equal to the value on the motor nameplate. Sets ABB VFD parameter 99.05
Defines the allowed maximum power fed by the motor to the inverter. Sets ABB VFD parameter 20.12
Defines the allowed maximum power fed by the inverter to the motor. Sets ABB VFD parameter 20.11
Defines the allowed minimum speed. Sets ABB VFD parameter 20.01
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units min default max access
P336 BD Max Speed RPM 0 3000 10000 alse
Defines the allowed maximum speed. Sets ABB VFD parameter 20.02
Parameter allows selection of the the BD thermistor protection type. Select between: No Thermistors -
Through PLC input - Through VFD input. In case of option "Through PLC input" wire the thermistor protection
relay contact to 1213
This parameter depends on the type of BD used: Not used with DDGB. For ECB used as the integral gain for
Dn regulation when Dn is much below the Dn set point. For hydraulic backdrive used as the torque offset for
compensating loss in the hydraulic pump when running in the direction opposite to the bowl rotation. The scale 0-
1000 = 0-1000 Nm (normally set to 0).
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units min default max access
P356 D Gain Diff Spd 0 0 1000 admin
The Adaptive Torque Control function is an advanced backdrive torque regulation algorithm developed by Alfa Laval. It
controls the conveyor torque by changing the differential speed based on a mathematical model of the decanter. The
torque control is adaptive. This means that the program analyzes the effect of the torque control and automatically changes
the control parameters to match the process situation. Adaptive Torque Control is enabled with parameter P379 and set up
with the parameters P359-P376.
This is the initial gain for short term response. Change from the default value is not recommended.
This is the short-term response time. This value is a start value, and the system will automatically adjust the
value according to the process.
This is the initial gain for long-term response. Change from the default value is not recommended
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units min default max access
P365 Tune Steps (a,c) s 0 300 10000 admin
This is the interval between updates of a and c. Change from default value is not recommended.
This is the filtration time of differential speed. Change from default value is not recommended.
This is the factor used in calculation of a and c. Change from default value is not recommended.
This is the maximum change of b per update. 1.03 gives a maximum change of 3% at each update of b.
The torque set point is ramped from actual T to Tmax during this period, when adaptive torque control is
activated. The adaptive control is activated after the delay in parameter 12.5
This is the minimum step in differential speed used to limit the changes in Dn
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This is the torque control gain. A higher value results in faster control action. An Alfa value that is too high can
lead to oscillations in the differential speed.
This is the internal time used. This value should not be changed.
Time delay when adaptive torque control starts after the feed pump is turned on. This parameter is used to start
the decanter with fixed parameter torque control.
default access
P379 Adaptive Mode Disable admin
Parameter enables adaptive torque control mode. The Adaptive Torque Control function is an advanced
backdrive torque regulation algorithm. It controls the conveyor torque by changing the differential speed based on
a mathematical model of the decanter. The torque control is adaptive. This means that the program analyzes the
effect of the torque control and automatically changes the control parameters to match the process situation.
Adaptive Torque Control is enabled with parameter P379 and set up with the parameters P359-P376.
Backdrive Setpoints
Differential speed setpoint used during production in both T/Dn and Adaptive torque control.
Torque setpoint used during production in both T/Dn and Adaptive torque control.
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Only used if special start-up mode is selected with the parameter P111 Special Startup
This is only used when special start up is selected with P111 when the actual torque value is equal to S306
Torque Seal Level
Is used to determine when the decanter has created a seal for switching Diff Speed active setpoint between
Filling Diff S303 and Init Prod Diff S305
Starting torque for special T/Dn mode (default value = 99.99 kNm = not used)
default access
P401 Temp Monitoring Disable admin
Set to 1 if PT 100 sensors are mounted on the bearings to monitor bearing temperature
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P402 Vibration Monitoring Disable admin
Set to 1 if vibration sensors are mounted on the bearings to monitor vibrations and unbalance
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This is the flushing time at Operating Bowl Speed. After the feed pump has been stopped, the flushing valve will
open for the specified period while the decanter is still running at operating speed. When the flushing time has
elapsed, the flushing valve will close, and the decanter will either stay in idle mode or switch off the main motor
and go to the stop sequence, depending on whether the feed pump is set for Manual or Auto mode.
This is the flush time during run down. This parameter is only relevant if it is set to a value lower than the Min
Rundown Time.
If Rundown Flush Time is set to a value lower than Mini Rundown Time, the flushing valve will close when the
specified time period has elapsed. Otherwise the flushing will continue until the bowl speed has dropped below
the Stop Flush Speed.
The flush valve will close when the bowl speed has dropped below the specified Flush Speed.
This is the time period for running low speed flush in the direction opposite to the normal bowl rotation.
This is the time period for running low speed flush in the same direction as the bowl.
default access
P508 Low Flush Auto Start Disable admin
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Determine if the Low Speed Flush shall start automatically after the decanter has stopped or it requires a manual
start. True equals automatic start.
default access
P509 Flush Valve FB Closed Disable admin
Used to determine if the flush valve is equipped with the limit switch for closed position.
default access
P510 Flush Valve FB Opened Disable admin
Used to determine if the flush valve is equipped with the limit switch for open position.
default access
P511 L Flush Valve FB Closed Disable admin
Used to determine if the low flush valve is equipped with the limit switch for closed position.
default access
P512 L Flush Valve FB Opened Disable admin
Used to determine if the low flush valve is equipped with the limit switch for open position.
default access
P513 Low Flush Enable Disable admin
Enables or disables the low speed flush valve operation, both in HMI and PLC.
default access
P514 Low Flush Valve Disable admin
Set to Enable when separate valve is used for the low speed flush, otherwise the same valve is used for both
Flush and Low Speed Flush functions.
default access
P515 Paring Disc Cleaning after Low Speed Flush Disable admin
Used on Decanters with Paring Disc. After low speed flushing or CIP is complete, the bowl speed is accelerated
to operating bowl speed (P207 “Bowl RPM ref”). The bowl rotates at operating speed for the time defined in
P516 "Paring Disc Cleaning Time" and then decelerated to standstill. This is steps number 29-31 in the main
See P515 "Paring Disc Cleaning after Low Speed Flush". The high speed flush valve is open during this time.
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No Flush Water in First Low Speed
P517 Flush Cycle Disable admin
When enabled: The flush water valve stays closed during the first cycle of low speed flushing.
default access
Begin Low Speed Flushing in
P518 Reverse Direction Disable admin
When enabled: The first cycle of low speed flushing will only include reverse rotation of the bowl. The second
cycle will start in forward direction and continue in reverser direction.
During rundown: The scroll-out phase starts when the bowl speed drops below "Rundown Scroll-Out Speed".
The bowl speed is ramped down according to parameter P238 (Rundown Scroll-Out Deceleration Time).
default access
When enabled: The alarm A507 (Flush Water Not Ready) can be activated when conditions are fulfilled.
Running time period for the grease pump motor. A complete grease cycle = P604 (grease on timer) + P605
(grease off timer).
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default access
P606 Oil Temperature Switch Disable alse
default access
P607 Lube System Type Manual Grease alse
Parameter sets the lube system type: Manual grease - Automatic grease system - Automatic grease system
inverted - Pulse oil system - Continuous oil system - SKF Grease System
default access
P608 Low Speed Greasing Disable alse
With Low Speed Greasing enabled the greasing pump primarily runs during low speed flushing. This function is
used on hot applications, where greasing at high speed causes high bearing temperature.
Low Speed Greasing is only applicable to: Automatic grease system - Automatic grease system inverted - SKF
Grease System (parameter P607 "Lub System Type").
The maximum time allowed running the decanter without greasing. The parameter must be set according to the
installed automatic greasing system. It is only considered if parameter P608 "Low Speed Greasing" is enabled.
If the timer runs out during high speed operation, the automatic greasing cycle starts according to P604/P605
Grease On Timer/ Grease Off Timer. At low speed flushing, the greasing pump runs for a longer period, to make
up for the lack of greasing during high speed operation.
This is the torque limit value for start diverting. (It should be set lower than P701.)
When the torque increase above the Stop Divert Torque level (P701) the Diverter keeps diverting and the
diverter flush valve stays open, until the Stop Diverting Flush Delay Time expires.
P704 Spare
When the torque drops below the Start Divert Torque level (P702) the Diverter starts diverting and the diverter
flush valve stays open, until the Start Diverting Flush Time expires.
If Gate open limit switch feedback does not exist, this is the time to wait for gate to open.
If Gate close limit switch feedback does not exist, this is the time to wait for gate to close.
default access
Start Diverter Flush at Feed Running Disable admin
If enabled, the diverter flush valve opens, when the feed pump feedback signal is received.
default access
P709 Gate Opened/Conveyor Forward FB Disable admin
default access
P710 Gate Closed/Conveyor Reverse FB Disable admin
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P711 Conveyor FB Disable admin
Enables pulse input signal for inclined conveyor equipped with rotation detection sensor.
default access
P712 Div Flush Opened FB Disable admin
TRUE if there is a sensor that indicates that the flush valve is Opened.
default access
P713 Div Flush Closed FB Disable admin
TRUE if there is a sensor that indicates that the flush valve is Closed.
default access
P714 Diverter Type No Diverter System admin
Parameter configures diverter system: No diverter system - Slide gate single action - Slide gate dual action -
Inclined conveyor single dir - Inclined conveyor dual dir
default access
P715 Diverter Flush Valve No Flush Valve admin
Parameter configures diverter system flush valve: No Flush Valve - Flush Valve Exist
Proportional gain for closed loop PI-control of the feed pump. As high as possible, because this makes the
closed-loop control circuit faster and more precise. However, a value that is too high may lead to overshoots or
even undamped oscillation (instability). The value can be doubled in intervals until the risk of oscillation becomes
Integral Time for closed loop PI-control of the feed pump. Smaller integral action times result in a stronger (more
aggressive) integral element. The value can be halved in intervals until negative effects (risk of oscillation)
influence the step-response. The integrator is disabled when the value is zero.
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Together the two parameters P803 "Feed AO Min" and P804 "Feed AO Max" set the flow range, which is
assigned to the analog output (5311 FEED REF on the optional "Process Remote I/O" hardware module). The
signal span of the analog output is selected with P815 "Feed Control Signal Type".
Together the two parameters P805 "Feed AI Min" and P806 "Feed AI Max" set the flow range, which is assigned
to the analog input (5211 FEED FLOW PV on the optional "Process Remote I/O" hardware module). The signal
span of the analog input is selected with P814 "Feed Flow Signal Type".
Filter time for the average value filter on the flow process variable.
Increase the filter time to dampen the fluctuations on the flow measurement.
Together the two parameters P808 "Feed Rmt SP Min" and P809 "Feed Rmt SP Max" set the flow range, which
is assigned to the analog input (5111 EXT FEED SP on the optional "Process Remote I/O" hardware module).
The signal span of the analog input is selected with P817 "Feed Rmt SP Signal Type".
default access
P810 Stop Feed At Warning Disable admin
When enabled any alarm of type "Warning" will cause the Decanter to go to sequence step "Offline".
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P811 Cake Conveyor Monitor Mode Production - HW FB admin
Selects how to monitor the "running" feedback signal from the Cake Conveyor. Options: "Monitor Disabled" -
"Monitor Only In Production - HW FB" - "Monitor Only In Production, Bus FB" - "Monitor Continuously, HW FB" -
"Monitor Continuously, Bus FB". Note that the Cake Conveyor is a transport system for cake, it is not a diverter.
default access
P812 Auto Feed Request Disable admin
If enabled the control will request feed automatically. Otherwise it will require an additional start command to
request feed after the Decanter is at speed.
default access
P813 Feed Equipment Config No Control admin
Selects the configuration of the feed flow control. Options: "No Control" - "PI Control" - "Open Loop Control".
For PI Control the P801 "Feed P Gain" and P802 "Feed I Time" are used.
default access
P814 Feed Flow Signal Type No Flow Transmitter admin
Signal type of the flow process variable. Options: "No Flow Transmitter" - "Flow Transmitter 0–20 mA" - " Flow
Transmitter 4–20 mA" - "Flow Transmitter +-10V" - "Control Signal Via Bus". For hardware input the flow range
is set with P805 "Feed AI Min" and P806 "Feed AI Max".
default access
P815 Feed Control Signal Type No Control Output admin
Signal type of the control output. Options: "No Control Output" - "Control Output 0–20 mA" - "Control Output
4–20 mA" - "Control Output +-10V" - "Control Signal Via Bus". For hardware output the flow range is set with
P803 "Feed AO Min" and P804 "Feed AO Max".
default access
P816 Feed Rmt Control Active Local Mode admin
Selects the source of the feed setpoint. Options: "Local Mode" - "Remote Mode" - "Follow Back Drive Settings".
For "Local Mode" the feed setpoint source is permanently local. For "Remote Mode" the feed setpoint source is
permanently remote. In the "Follow Back Drive Settings" the feed setpoint source is the same as for the Back
Drive setpoints and controlled by the Local/Remote buttons in the control bar at the bottom of the HMI screen.
default access
P817 Feed Rmt SP Signal Type No Remote Signal admin
Parameters 25/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Signal type of the remote flow setpoint. Options: "No Remote Signal" - "0–20 mA" - "4–20 mA" - "+-10V" - "Via
Bus". For hardware input the flow range is set with P808 "Feed Rmt SP Min" and P809 "Feed Rmt SP Max".
default access
P818 Feed System Ready Not Used admin
Selects the interpretation of the "Feed System Ready" digital input (1114 FEED SYSTEM READY on the
"Standard Remote I/O" hardware module). Options: "Not used" - "Interlock" - "Stop Feed Alarm". For "Interlock"
the Decanter will go to sequence step "Standby", if the Feed System Ready signal is not active.
The maximum alowed flow change (m3/h) per second. Reduce the value to remove spikes from the flow process
variable. If set to zero, the Change Of Rate Filter is disabled.
Together the two parameters P820 "Output Min Limit" and P821 "Output Max Limit" set the range of the control
output from the PI-controller. For analog output these parameters must be kept within the range set by P803
"Feed AO Min" and P804 "Feed AO Max"
default access
P822 Control Output Inverted Disable admin
default access
P823 Feed Ctrl and Status SRIO with Feedback admin
Selects how to read the "Feed Running" feedback. Options: "Standard Remote I/O with Feedback" - "Remote
with Feedback" - "Without Feedback". For "Without Feedback" the Decanter goes into Production without
waiting for the "Feed Running" feedback signal. Note that selection for Additive Feed is made with parameter
P921 "Additive Control and Status".
Feed Setpoints
Parameters 26/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
S801 Feed Flow m /h 0 10 10000 oper
Additive Feed
Proportional gain for closed loop PI-control of the additive feed pump. As high as possible, because this makes
the closed-loop control circuit faster and more precise. However, a value that is too high may lead to overshoots
or even undamped oscillation (instability). The value can be doubled in intervals until the risk of oscillation
becomes apparent.
Integral Time for closed loop PI-control of the additive feed pump. Smaller integral action times result in a
stronger (more aggressive) integral element. The value can be halved in intervals until negative effects (risk of
oscillation) influence the step-response. The integrator is disabled when the value is zero.
Together the two parameters P903 "Additive AO Min" and P904 "Additive AO Max" set the flow range, which is
assigned to the analog output (5321 ADDITIVE REF on the optional "Process Remote I/O" hardware module).
The signal span of the analog output is selected with P913 "Additive Ctrl Signal Type".
Together the two parameters P905 "Additive AI Min" and P906 "Additive AI Max" set the flow range, which is
assigned to the analog input (5221 ADDITIVE FLOW PV on the optional "Process Remote I/O" hardware
module). The signal span of the analog input is selected with P912 "Additive Flow Signal Type".
Parameters 27/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
units min default max access
P907 Additive Filter Time s 0 0.020 10 admin
Filter time for the average value filter on the flow process variable.
Increase the filter time to dampen the fluctuations on the flow measurement.
Together the two parameters P908 "Add Rmt SP Min" and P909 "Add Rmt SP Max" set the flow range, which is
assigned to the analog input (5121 EXT ADDITIVE SP on the optional "Process Remote I/O" hardware module).
The signal span of the analog input is selected with P915 "Add Rmt SP Signal Type".
Additive Ratio Control feature goal is to supply a quantity of additive that is proportional to the amount of solids fed into
the decanter centrifuge. The additive dosage is constantly adjusted to correspond to the solids load at any given time.
Based on dewatering process knowledge, the operator manually sets the additive dosage needed. The Additive Ratio
Control algorithm records this ratio and monitors any changes in solids load. If the amount of solids in the feed increases,
the polymer dosage will also increase. If the solids concentration decreases, so does the amount of additive fed to the
decanter. Additive Ratio Control is set up with the parameters P910, P916-920, uses setpoints S903 and S904.
default access
P910 Additive Setpoint Mode Normal Add Feed Ctrl admin
1) Normal Additive Feed Control (According to setpoint from operator)
2) Additive/Diff Speed Ratio (Flow calculated by Automatic Polymer Control)
default access
P911 Additive Equipment Configuration No equipment admin
Selects the configuration of the additive feed flow control. Options: "No Equipment" - "No Control" - "PI Control" -
"Open Loop Control". For PI Control the P901 "Additive P Gain" and P902 "Additive I Time" are used.
default access
P912 Additive Flow Signal Type No Flow Transmitter admin
Signal type of the flow process variable. Options: "No Flow Transmitter" - "Flow Transmitter 0–20 mA" - " Flow
Transmitter 4–20 mA" - "Flow Transmitter +-10V" - "Control Signal Via Bus". For hardware input the flow range
is set with P905 "Additive AI Min" and P906 "Additive AI Max".
Parameters 28/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
default access
P913 Additive Ctrl Signal Type No Control Output admin
Signal type of the control output. Options: "No Control Output" - "Control Output 0–20 mA" - "Control Output
4–20 mA" - "Control Output +-10V" - "Control Signal Via Bus". For hardware output the flow range is set with
P903 "Additive AO Min" and P904 "Additive AO Max".
default access
P914 Add Rmt Control Active Local Mode admin
Selects the source of the additive feed setpoint. Options: "Local Mode" - "Remote Mode" - "Follow Back Drive
Settings". For "Local Mode" the additive feed setpoint source is permanently local. For "Remote Mode" the
additive feed setpoint source is permanently remote. In the "Follow Back Drive Settings" the additive feed
setpoint source is the same as for the Back Drive setpoints and controlled by the Local/Remote buttons in the
control bar at the bottom of the HMI screen.
default access
P915 Add Rmt SP Signal Type No Remote Signal admin
Signal type of the remote additive flow setpoint. Options: "No Remote Signal" - "0–20 mA" - "4–20 mA" - "+-10V"
- "Via Bus". For hardware input the flow range is set with P908 "Add Rmt SP Min" and P909 "Add Rmt SP
Start delay after entering Production step, before Automatic Polymer Control is started.
This is used to enable the decanter to run a stabilised process before Automatic Polymer Control is started.
This value will set the minimum polymer dosage when Automatic Polymer Control is running.
The limit is used to secure a minimum amount of polymer, even if Automatic Polymer Control calculates and
request a lower value.
Together the two parameters P918 "Output Min Limit" and P919 "Output Max Limit" set the range of the control
output from the PI-controller. For analog output these parameters must be kept within the range set by P903
"Additive AO Min" and P904 "Additive AO Max"
Parameters 29/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
This value will set the maximum polymer dosage, when Automatic Polymer Control is running.
The limit is used to secure a maximum amount of polymer, even if Automatic Polymer Control calculates and
request a higher value.
Together the two parameters P918 "Output Min Limit" and P919 "Output Max Limit" set the range of the control
output from the PI-controller. For analog output these parameters must be kept within the range set by P903
"Additive AO Min" and P904 "Additive AO Max"
Dn filter time for ratio regulation. The average value of the differential speed in this period will be used to
calculate the polymer dosage.
default access
P921 Wait For Additive Feedback SRIO with Feedback admin
Selects how to read the "Additive Feed Running" feedback. Options: "Standard Remote I/O with Feedback" -
"Remote with Feedback" - "Without Feedback". For "Without Feedback" the Decanter goes into Production
without waiting for the "Feed Running" feedback signal. Note that selection for Feed is made with parameter
823 "Feed Control and Status".
Parameters 30/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
units min default max access
S902 Additive/Feed Ratio % 0 10 10000 oper
default access
P1004 Low Speed CIP Auto Start Disable admin
Determine if the Low Speed CIP starts automatically after the decanter has stopped or waits for a manual start.
Enable means automatic start.
default access
P1005 CIP Function Disable admin
Parameters 31/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
default access
P1006 LS CIP Duration Controlled Remotely Disable admin
If Enabled the LS CIP cycle continues for as long as input 3121 CIP LIQUID ON is true. If Disabled, cycles run
in accordance with the P507 Low Flush Cycles.
default access
P1007 External CIP Alarm Stop CIP admin
default access
P1008 HS CIP Duration Controlled Remotely Disable admin
If Enabled the HS CIP mode continues until either decanter stop command is issued or LS CIP is requested by
inut 3113 LS CIP REQUEST. If Disabled, HS CIP mode runs until timer P502 "Full Speed Flush Time" is done.
default access
P1009 Spare
default access
P1010 Spray Bar Operation in Production Disable admin
If enabled Spray Bar valves will function in sequence step "Production" and is opened and closed according to
default access
P1011 Spray Bar Operation in CIP LS Enable admin
If enabled Spray Bar valves will function in sequence step "Low Speed CIP" and is opened and closed according
to P1031-P1036
default access
P1012 Spray Bar Operation in CIP HS Enable admin
If enabled Spray Bar valves will function in sequence step "High Speed CIP" and is opened and closed
according to P1037-P1042
Parameters 32/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
default access
P1013 Spray Bar Solids Outlet Enable admin
If enabled Spray Bar valves at Solids Outlet will be opened and closed according to P1025, P1026, P1031,
P1032, P1037, P1038
default access
P1014 Spray Bar Valve Bowl Enable admin
If enabled Spray Bar valves at Solids Outlet will be opened and closed according to P1027, P1028, P1033,
P1034, P1039, P1040
default access
P1015 Spray Bar Liquid Outlet Enable admin
If enabled Spray Bar valves at Solids Outlet will be opened and closed according to P1029, P1030, P1035,
P1036, P1041, P1042
default access
P1016 Spray Bar Valve Feedback Disable admin
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Solids Outlet end is open during sequence step "Production"
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Solids Outlet end is closed during sequence step
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Bowl end is open during sequence step "Production"
Parameters 33/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Bowl end is closed during sequence step "Production"
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Liquid Outlet end is open during sequence step "Production"
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Liquid Outlet end is closed during sequence step
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Solids Outlet end is open during sequence step "High Speed
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Solids Outlet end is closed during sequence step "High
Speed CIP"
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Bowl end is open during sequence step "High Speed CIP"
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Bowl end is closed during sequence step "High Speed CIP"
Parameters 34/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Liquid Outlet end is open during sequence step "High Speed
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Liquid Outlet end is closed during sequence step "High
Speed CIP"
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Solids Outlet end is open during sequence step "Low Speed
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Solids Outlet end is closed during sequence step "Low
Speed CIP"
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Bowl end is open during sequence step "Low Speed CIP"
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Bowl end is closed during sequence step "Low Speed CIP"
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Liquid Outlet end is open during sequence step "Low Speed
Parameters 35/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Number of seconds that the Spray Bar valve in the Liquid Outlet end is closed during sequence step "Low
Speed CIP"
Back Pressure
Group Back Pressure parameters are used to set up Back Pressure system control and monitoring. The hardware used is
Optional CIP module and to be enabled with P1101. The function is enabled with P1102. As a bare minimum the system
includes the Outlet valve activated with the output 3314. It may also control the Overflow valve (output 3324) if enabled with
P1105, to monitor the Outlet valve conrol air pressure when configured with P1103 and to monitor the Overflow valve
conrol air pressure when configured with P1104.
default access
P1101 Back Pressure Option Disable admin
default access
P1102 Back Pressure Function Disable admin
Parameter Enables or Disables the Back Pressure system control and monitoring functions.
default access
P1103 Outlet Air Pressure Switch Disable admin
Parameter sets if the Outlet valve air pressure switch is present and going to be monitored.
default access
P1104 Overflow Air Pressure Switch Disable admin
Parameter sets if the Overflow valve air pressure switch is present and going to be monitored.
default access
P1105 Overflow Valve Disable admin
Dilution Water
Parameters 36/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Proportional gain for closed loop PI-control of the dilution water pump. As high as possible, because this makes
the closed-loop control circuit faster and more precise. However, a value that is too high may lead to overshoots
or even undamped oscillation (instability). The value can be doubled in intervals until the risk of oscillation
becomes apparent.
Integral Time for closed loop PI-control of the dilution water pump. Smaller integral action times result in a
stronger (more aggressive) integral element. The value can be halved in intervals until negative effects (risk of
oscillation) influence the step-response. The integrator is disabled when the value is zero.
Together the two parameters P1203 "Dilution AO Min" and P1204 "Dilution AO Max" set the flow range, which is
assigned to the analog output (5314 DILUTION REF on the optional "Process Remote I/O" hardware module).
The signal span of the analog output is selected with P1213 "Dilution Ctrl Signal Type".
Together the two parameters P1205 "Dilution AI Min" and P1206 "Dilution AI Max" set the flow range, which is
assigned to the analog input (5214 ADDITIVE FLOW PV on the optional "Process Remote I/O" hardware
module). The signal span of the analog input is selected with P1212 "Dilution Flow Signal Type".
Filter time for the average value filter on the flow process variable.
Increase the filter time to dampen the fluctuations on the flow measurement.
Parameters 37/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Together the two parameters P1208 "Dilution Rmt SP Min" and P1209 "Dilution Rmt SP Max" set the flow
range, which is assigned to the analog input (5114 EXT DILUTION SP on the optional "Process Remote I/O"
hardware module). The signal span of the analog input is selected with P1215 "Dilution Rmt SP Signal Type".
P1210 Spare
default access
P1211 Dilution Equipment Configuration No equipment admin
Selects the configuration of the dilution water flow control. Options: "No Equipment" - "No Control" - "PI Control"
- "Open Loop Control". For PI Control the P1201 "Dilution P Gain" and P1202 "Dilution I Time" are used.
default access
P1212 Dilution Flow Signal Type No Flow Transmitter admin
Signal type of the flow process variable. Options: "No Flow Transmitter" - "Flow Transmitter 0–20 mA" - " Flow
Transmitter 4–20 mA" - "Flow Transmitter +-10V" - "Control Signal Via Bus". For hardware input the flow range
is set with P1205 "Dilution AI Min" and P1206 "Dilution AI Max".
default access
P1213 Dilution Ctrl Signal Type No Control Output admin
Signal type of the control output. Options: "No Control Output" - "Control Output 0–20 mA" - "Control Output
4–20 mA" - "Control Output +-10V" - "Control Signal Via Bus". For hardware output the flow range is set with
P1203 "Dilution AO Min" and P1204 "Dilution AO Max".
default access
P1214 Dilution Rmt Control Active Local Mode admin
Selects the source of the dilution water setpoint. Options: "Local Mode" - "Remote Mode" - "Follow Back Drive
Settings". For "Local Mode" the additive feed setpoint source is permanently local. For "Remote Mode" the
dilution water setpoint source is permanently remote. In the "Follow Back Drive Settings" the dilution water
setpoint source is the same as for the Back Drive setpoints and controlled by the Local/Remote buttons in the
control bar at the bottom of the HMI screen.
default access
P1215 Dilution Rmt SP Signal Type No Remote Signal admin
Signal type of the remote dilution water flow setpoint. Options: "No Remote Signal" - "0–20 mA" - "4–20 mA" - "+-
10V" - "Via Bus". For hardware input the flow range is set with P1208 "Dilution Rmt SP Min" and P1209
"Dilution Rmt SP Max".
Parameters 38/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
P1216 Spare
P1217 Spare
Together the two parameters P1218 "Output Min Limit" and P1219 "Output Max Limit" set the range of the
control output from the PI-controller. For analog output these parameters must be kept within the range set by
P1203 "Dilution AO Min" and P1204 "Dilution AO Max"
Rotation Feed Zone (RFZ ) is included in software package V2.01.06 for testing purpose only - it is not released
for public use.
Parameters 39/39
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Emergency Discrete outputs except those that used for the system status indication are turned OFF. Alarm
Stop icon on HMI screen flashes. Alarm message is displayed on active alarms screen. After the E-
stop button is returned to its no-alarm state, the Safety Relay has to be reset from either SR-
Reset button on the HMI screen or from the one on VFD panel.
Stop Alarm icon on HMI screen flashes. Alarm message is displayed on active alarms screen.
Decanter Standard Remote IO outputs 1416 Alarm Light, 1425 Alarm Horn and 1423 Alarm Stop
Decanter are set. Decanter is flushed (P502) at full speed, then follows the normal stop
sequence with the MD motor coasting down, the BD motor and oil lubrication pump are kept
running until Bowl Stop Speed P108 is reached and Min Rundown Timer P109 has expired.
Stop Back Alarm icon on HMI screen flashes. Alarm message is displayed on active alarms screen.
Drive Standard Remote IO outputs 1416 Alarm Light, 1425 Alarm Horn and 1423 Alarm Stop
Decanter are set. Decanter follows the stop sequence without flushing with both MD and BD
motors coasting down and oil lubrication pump keeps running until Bowl Stop Speed P108 is
reached and Min Rundown timer P109 has expired.
HS Flush Alarm icon on HMI screen flashes. Alarm message is displayed on active alarms screen.
Standard Remote IO outputs 1416 Alarm Light, 1425 Alarm Horn and 1413 Alarm Stop Feed
are set. Decanter is flushed at full speed. Flushing continues until the alarm condition has
disappeared (torque or vibration is below alarm reset level). If alarm persists for too long, a Stop
Decanter alarm is issued.
Stop Feed Alarm icon on HMI screen flashes. Alarm message is displayed on active alarms screen.
Standard Remote IO outputs 1416 Alarm Light, 1425 Alarm Horn and 1413 Alarm Stop Feed
are set. Decanter goes to Offline.
Warning Alarm icon on HMI screen flashes. Alarm message is displayed on active alarms screen.
Standard Remote IO outputs 1416 Alarm Light, 1425 Alarm Horn and 1422 Warning are set. If
parameter P810 Stop Feed at Warning is Enabled, further actions will be the same as with Stop
Feed type alarm.
Power Alarm icon on HMI screen flashes. Alarm message is displayed on active alarms screen.
Blackout Standard Remote IO outputs 1416 Alarm Light, 1425 Alarm Horn and 1413 Alarm Stop Feed
are set. If Decanter was in steps between Filling and Production, it goes Offline and remains
there until alarm A125 is gone and operator presses start. From the step HS Flush Decanter is
going in Rundown Flush.
Power Clean Alarm icon on HMI screen flashes. Alarm message is displayed on active alarms screen.
Out Standard Remote IO outputs 1416 Alarm Light, 1425 Alarm Horn and 1423 Alarm Stop
Decanter are set. Decanter goes into Rundown Flush mode, the MD motor is coasting down, the
BD motor and oil lubrication pump are kept running until Bowl Stop Speed P108 is reached and
Min Rundown Timer P109 has expired. From any start up step Decanter goes into Rundown
Message Alarm icon on HMI screen flashes. Alarm message is displayed on active alarms screen. No
further actions.
Alarms 1/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Message
Description: The UPS has switched to the battery power due to the supply problem. Alarm is enabled in all steps except for Stopped
an Controller Not Ready. Disabled if P114 Option UPS = Disable
Source: optional UPS, DI1214
Alarms 2/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Recommendations: Check UPS and input DI1214. Find out from customer the reasons for power outage.
Type: Warning
Description: Alarm is generated by the UPS
Source: optional UPS, DI1224
Recommendations: Check the UPS fuse, battery condition
Type: Message
Description: The message comes after GB oil change interval has elapsed.
Source: Maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702
Recommendations: Check the maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702. Have accumulated hours been reset after the last
service done?
Type: Message
Description: The message comes after main bearings grease interval has elapsed.
Source: Maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702
Recommendations: Check the maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702. Have accumulated hours been reset after the last
service done?
Type: Message
Description: The message comes after conveyor bearings grease interval has elapsed.
Source: Maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702
Recommendations: Check the maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702. Have accumulated hours been reset after the last
service done?
Alarms 3/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Warning
Description: Timeout for HMI communication loss.
Source: Ethernet connection between Core Controller and HMI
Recommendations: Check cables and connectors between Core Controller, Ethernet switch and HMI
Description: The alarm reports an error on critical I/O modules (any standard or optional module). Pop up window displays additional
text info associated with the alarm: IO node, faulty I/O card type and location.
Source: Core Controller, IO Module, IO Card.
Recommendations: Check details in error in a pop up window. Replace the faulty IO card
Description: The alarm reports an out of the range error on any analog input on critical I/O modules. Pop up window displays
additional text info associated with the alarm: I/O node, specific analog input.
Source: Core Controller, IO Module, IO Card, analog input
Recommendations: Check details on error in a popup window. Check the analog input electrical signal
Type: Message
Description: The message comes when the Core Controller CPU battery is too weak and needs to be replaced.
Alarms 4/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Source: Core Controller
Recommendations: Replace the battery
Type: Warning
Description: The alarm reports an error on not critical I/O modules. Popup window displays additional text info associated with the
alarm: IO node, faulty I/O card type and location.
Source: Core Controller, IO Module, IO Card.
Recommendations: Check details in error in a pop up window. Replace the faulty IO card
Type: Warning
Description: The alarm reports an out of the range error on not critical I/O modules. Popup window displays additional text info
associated with the alarm: I/O node, specific analog input.
Source: Core Controller, IO Module, IO Card, analog input
Recommendations: Check details on error in a popup window. Check the analog input electrical signal
Type: Warning
Description: The alarm reports an error on any PS 2100 or PS 9400 I/O bus power supply unit on not critical I/O modules. Pop up
window displays additional text info associated with the alarm: I/O node, power supply card type and location
Source: Core Controller, PS 2100 or PS 9400 I/O bus power supply unit
Recommendations: Check details on error in a popup window. Check connections, replace faulty PS 2100 or PS 9400 I/O bus power
supply unit
Alarms 5/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Message
Description: Decanter shuts down because the Offline Timeout Delay (P141) has expired and the Offline Timeout (P141) action is set
to Shutdown.
Source: Offline Timeout settings (P140+P141)
Recommendations: Restart machine to start production.
Alarms 6/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Description: The number of high speed flushing cycles done during filling or production has exceeded the limit defined in parameter
Max. Flush Cycles at High Vibration or Torque (P142).
Source: Max. Flush Cycles at High Vibration or Torque (P142)
Recommendations: High vibrations or high torque may be caused by a number of different process variables (high feed flow, high
feed solids, low differential speed etc.).
Description: The time spend in high speed flushing during Production or Filling due to high torque or high vibration has exceeded the
alarm delay time. High speed flushing is enabled by parameter Max. Flush Cycles at High Vibration or Torque (P142).
Source: Max. Flush Cycles at High Vibration or Torque (P142)
Recommendations: High vibrations or high torque may be caused by a number of different process variables (high feed flow, high
feed solids, low differential speed etc.).
Type: Message
Description: A driver in the 2Touch HMI has lost communication to the Core Controller and/or a remote system. Press the "Info"
button in the alarm screen for details.
Source (Core Controller): Ethernet connection between the HMI Panel and the Core Controller.
Recommendations (Core Controller): Check the status diodes on the Core Controller CP1484. Check cables and connectors between
2Touch HMI panel and Core Controller.
Source (Remote System): Bus connection (Modbus, Profibus etc.) between 2Touch HMI panel and the remote system (SCADA,
DCS, customer PLC etc.)
Recommendations (Remote System): Check the status of the remote system. Check cables and connectors between 2Touch HMI
panel and remote system.
Type: Message
Description: The HMI panel no longer receives a heartbeat signal from the Core Controller.
Source: OPC communication between Core Controller and HMI
Recommendations: Check the status diodes on the Core Controller CP1484. Check Ethernet cables and connectors between Core
Controller and HMI.
Type: Message
Type: Message
Recommendations: Check the status of the remote system. Check cables and connectors between the Bus Remote Interface module
and the remote system.
Alarms 7/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Message
Description: The "Bowl and Conveyor Assembly Check" maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: The accumulated time of decanter operation at high speed.
Recommendations: Check the timer settings in HMI screen 703. Reset the timer when maintenance is done.
Type: Message
Description: The "Bowl and Conveyor Assembly Inspection" maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: The accumulated time of decanter operation at high speed.
Recommendations: Check the timer settings in HMI screen 703. Reset the timer when maintenance is done.
Type: Message
Description: The "Major Section Bolts" maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: The accumulated time of decanter operation at high speed.
Recommendations: Check the timer settings in HMI screen 703. Reset the timer when maintenance is done.
Type: Message
Description: The "Solids Discharge Wear" maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: The accumulated time of decanter operation at high speed.
Recommendations: Check the timer settings in HMI screen 703. Reset the timer when maintenance is done.
Type: Message
Description: The "Frame" maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: The accumulated time of decanter operation at high speed.
Recommendations: Check the timer settings in HMI screen 703. Reset the timer when maintenance is done.
Main Drive
Alarms 8/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Stop Decanter
Description: If measured bowl speed falls below the minimum operating bowl speed during the idle or production sequence, an alarm
is generated. The default Set and Reset values are calculated from the P207 Bowl RPM Ref.
Source: Bowl speed sensor
Recommendations: Check for the possible reasons why the bowl speed has decreased
Description: The alarm is set if the PLC hasn’t received the Y Contactor feedback signal within this time. For Y/D starter only.
Source: Y contactor, DI2114
Recommendations: Check the contactor and wiring
Description: The alarm is set if the PLC hasn’t received the D Contactor feedback signal within this time. For Y/D starter only.
Source: D contactor, DI2124
Recommendations: Check the contactor and wiring
Alarms 9/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Recommendations: Check the contactor and wiring
Description: The alarm is set if the PLC hasn’t received the line contactor feedback signal within this time. For Y/D starter only.
Source: Line contactor, DI2123
Recommendations: Check the contactor and wiring
Alarms 10/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Message
Description: It's time to grease the MD motor bearings. The message comes after maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: Maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702
Recommendations: Check the maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702. Have accumulated hours been reset after the last
service done?
Alarms 11/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Message
Description: EPL VFD reports an error in parameters setting
Source: MD VFD
Recommendations: Look at the popup screen outlining the incorrectly set parameter number, check and correct the setting
Type: Message
Description: The "MD Motor" maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: The accumulated time of decanter operation at high speed.
Recommendations: Check the timer settings in HMI screen 703. Reset the timer when maintenance is done.
Type: Message
Description: The "V-Belt Tension" maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: The accumulated time of decanter operation at high speed.
Recommendations: Check the timer settings in HMI screen 703. Reset the timer when maintenance is done.
Type: Warning
Description: The firmware version of the maindrive frequency converter is different from the tested version. Only applies to ABB VFD
Source: The actual firmware version is displayed in HMI screen 502 (corresponds to ABB VFD ACS880 parameter 07.05). The
allowed firmware versions are listed in the revision history of the Decanter 2Touch software package.
Back Drive
Alarms 12/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Description: Max Pinion Speed alarm is set when the pinion speed goes above the alarm setpoint. This alarm sets the BD VFD
Enable signal low. Default Set and Reset values are equal to P336 BD Max Speed.
Source: Pinion Speed sensor, BD VFD
Recommendations: Check BD VFD settings
Alarms 13/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Stop Backdrive
Description: Torque Limit BD Shutdown alarm is set when the measured Torque value is higher than the alarm setpoint. The
parameter value is set when the gearbox size is selected, and it cannot be changed by the user.
Source: Load Cell, BD VFD
Recommendations: Check if the process setpoints (Diff Speed, Torque, Feed rate) and related PID parameters are set correctly.
Check the Load Cell configuration parameters P312-P314, GearBox and BD VFD settings.
Alarms 14/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
delay disabled access
A313 BD Motor Maintenance 1 admin
Type: Message
Description: It's time to service the BD motor. The message comes after maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: Maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702
Recommendations: Check the maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702. Have accumulated hours been reset after the last
service done?
Alarms 15/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Message
Description: EPL VFD reports an error in parameters setting
Source: BD VFD
Recommendations: Look at the popup screen outlining the incorrectly set parameter number, check and correct the setting
Type: Message
Description: The "Gearbox Oil Level and Lip Seal" maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: The accumulated time of decanter operation at high speed.
Recommendations: Check the timer settings in HMI screen 703. Reset the timer when maintenance is done.
Type: Message
Description: The "Gearbox Oil Change" maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: The accumulated time of decanter operation at high speed.
Recommendations: Check the timer settings in HMI screen 703. Reset the timer when maintenance is done.
Type: Message
Description: The "BD Motor" maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: The accumulated time of decanter operation at high speed.
Recommendations: Check the timer settings in HMI screen 703. Reset the timer when maintenance is done.
delay disabled access
Type: Warning
Description: The firmware version of the backdrive frequency converter is different from the tested version. Only applies to ABB VFD
Source: The actual firmware version is displayed in HMI screen 502 (corresponds to ABB VFD ACS880 parameter 07.05). The
allowed firmware versions are listed in the revision history of the Decanter 2Touch software package.
Type: Warning
Description: Warning is generated when measured bearing temperature increases above warning level
Source: MD End Bearing temperature sensor S4, controller panel plug X4, AI0221-0222
Recommendations: Check bearing condition, ambient temperature, PT100 sensor and wiring
Alarms 16/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Warning
Description: Warning is generated when measured bearing temperature increases above warning level
Source: GB End Bearing temperature sensor S3, controller panel plug X3, AI0211-0212
Recommendations: Check bearing condition, ambient temperature, PT100 sensor and wiring
Recommendations: Check bearing condition, ambient temperature, PT100 sensor and wiring
Vibration MD End Warning / HS units min set reset max delay disabled access
A405 Flush mm/s 0 18 15 24 1 admin
If high speed flushing during Filling or Production is enabled by parameter Max. Flush Cycles at High Vibration or Torque (P142), the
alarm type is changed from Warning to HS Flush.
Source: MD End Bearing vibration sensor S6, controller panel plug X6, P22-S terminals A2:1 and A2:2
Recommendations: Check actual bearing vibration level, vibration sensor mounting and wiring
If high speed flushing during Filling or Production is enabled by parameter Max. Flush Cycles at High Vibration or Torque (P142), the
alarm type is changed from Warning to HS Flush.
Source: GB End Bearing vibration sensor S5, controller panel plug X5, P22-S terminals A1:1 and A1:2
Recommendations: Check actual bearing vibration level, vibration sensor mounting and wiring
Alarms 17/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
A407 Vibration MD End Shutdown mm/s 0 30 5 30 1 admin
Source: MD End Bearing vibration sensor S6, controller panel plug X6, P22-S terminals A2:1 and A2:2
Recommendations: Check actual bearing vibration level, vibration sensor mounting and wiring
Source: GB End Bearing vibration sensor S5, controller panel plug X5, P22-S terminals A1:1 and A1:2
Recommendations: Check actual bearing vibration level, vibration sensor mounting and wiring
Source: MD End Bearing vibration sensor S6, controller panel plug X6, P22-S terminals A2:1 and A2:2
Recommendations: Check actual bearing vibration level, vibration sensor mounting and wiring
Description: Alarm is generated when measured bearing vibration increases above shutdown level
Alarm is set to 0,7 x 1g = 0,7 x 9,81m/s2 = 6,8m/s2
Alarm is only monitored during acceleration and decceleration of the main motor
Source: GB End Bearing vibration sensor S5, controller panel plug X5, P22-S terminals A1:1 and A1:2
Recommendations: Check actual bearing vibration level, vibration sensor mounting and wiring
Alarms 18/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Recommendations: Check valve operation and wiring
Type: Message
Description: The message comes after specified number of complete open-close cycles since counter was reset last time.
Source: Maintenance counters settings on HMI screen 702
Recommendations: Check the maintenance counters settings on HMI screen 702. Have accumulated cycles count been reset after
the last service done?
Type: Message
Description: The message comes after specified number of complete open-close cycles since counter was reset last time.
Alarms 19/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Warning
Description: The feedback signal from the flush water system is missing.
Source: Flush Water Ready DI1314
Recommendations: Check flush water supply (booster pump, pressure in water line, shut off valve)
Source: MD End Bearing Oil Flow Switch S9.2, controller panel plug X9.2, DI0121
Recommendations: Check lubrication system, flow switch, cables connections and wiring
Description: For Continuous Oil Lubrication system: when starting the flow switch contacts must change from opened to closed
before the delay period has elapsed. For pulse oil system: during the oil pulse the oil flow switch must be active otherwise the no oil
flow alarm is raised.
Source: GB End Bearing Oil Flow Switch S9.1, controller panel plug X9.1, DI0111
Recommendations: Check lubrication system, flow switch, cables connections and wiring
Description: The alarm is generated when either of the flow switches is set before the motor is started.
Source: Oil Flow Switches S9.1 and S9.2, controller panel plugs X9.1,X9.2, DI0111, DI0121
Recommendations: Check oil level, flow switches, cables connections and wiring
Source: Oil Flow Switches S9.1 and S9.2, controller panel plugs X9.1,X9.2, DI0111, DI0121
Recommendations: Check oil level, flow switches, cables connections and wiring
Alarms 20/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Warning
Description: With automatic grease system the alarm is triggered when the grease level is too low. With SKF grease system the
grease level is monitored when the pump motor is running.
Description: This alarm is applicable for any lubrication system. The alarm is raised when the motor running feedback is not present
while the pump is requested to run.
Description: The alarm is raised when the temperature switch indicates that the oil returning from the bearing is too hot. This alarm is
only applicable for Continuous oil system.
Description: The alarm is raised when the temperature switch indicates that the oil returning from the bearing is too hot. This alarm is
only applicable for Continuous oil system.
Alarms 21/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Message
Description: The message comes after the bearings continuous oil lubrication system maintenance interval has elapsed.
Type: Message
Description: The message comes after the bearings pulse oil lubrication system maintenance interval has elapsed.
Description: The message comes after the alarm A605 "Too Low Grease Level" was active for too long.
Source: Grease Level Switch, controller panel plug X9, DI0111, A605
Recommendations: Check the grease level, level switch wiring, grease pump running status
Description: If torque has not reached the P701 Stop Divert Torque level within specified time since the feed pump has been started,
an alarm is generated. Alarm is only monitored when diverting takes place - the gate is closed or inclined conveyor is stopped or
running in reverse.
Alarms 22/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Type: Stop Feed
Description: The alarm is raised if the confirmation of SG Opened condition is not received within specified time. Only applicable on
slide/diverter gate systems.
Source: DI1122
Recommendations: Check the gate
Description: The alarm is raised if the inclined conveyor running status is not correct. If the rotation dection sensor is enabled with
P711, the alarm is raised if pulses are not detected.
Source: Pulses on DI1225 and/or conveyor running status DI1122 and DI1113
Recommendations: Check the conveyor motion and rotation sensors.
Description: The alarm is raised if the confirmation of Flush Valve Opened condition is not received within specified time.
Source: DI1313
Recommendations: Check the Flush Valve
Source: DI1323
Recommendations: Check the Flush Valve
Description: When the diverter is a slide gate, the alarm is set on either air pressure fault, motor overload protection or VFD fault.
When the diverter is an inclined conveyor, the alarm is set on either motor overload protection or on VFD fault.
Source: The NO contacts corresponding to the above trigger conditions are wired in series to DI1116
Alarms 23/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Recommendations: Check the Diverter
Type: Message
Description: The message comes after specified number of complete open-close cycles since counter was reset last time.
Source: Maintenance counters settings on HMI screen 702
Recommendations: Check the maintenance counters settings on HMI screen 702. Have accumulated cycles count been reset after
the last service done?
Type: Message
Description: The message comes after the inclined conveyor maintenance interval has elapsed.
Source: Maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702
Recommendations: Check the maintenance timers settings on HMI screen 702. Have accumulated hours been reset after the last
service done?
Type: Message
Description: The message comes after specified number of complete open-close cycles since counter was reset last time.
Source: Maintenance counters settings on HMI screen 702
Recommendations: Check the maintenance counters settings on HMI screen 702. Have accumulated cycles count been reset after
the last service done?
Recommendations: Check the reasons why the decanter is not sealed, as well as the setting of P702.
Description: The alarm is triggered if the feed pump running signal is present when the pump is not expected to run
Source: DI1121
Alarms 24/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Description: The alarm is triggered if the feed pump running signal is not present when the pump is expected to run
Source: DI1121
Description: The alarm is triggered if the cake conveyor is not running when decanter feed permissive is ON
Source: The cake conveyor motion detector signal either wired to DI1125 or from the bus
Recommendations: Check the Cake Conveyor
Description: The alarm is raised when the external conditions are preventing decanter from going in production.
Source: Customer provided NC contact wired to DI1114
Recommendations: Check the plant conditions preventing decanter from going in production, DI1114 wiring
Description: The alarm is set when the difference between Feed Setpoint and actual flow exceeds the alarm limit.
Source: Calculated difference between measured actual Feed Flow and Feed Flow Setpoint
Recommendations: Avoid too large steps when changing the Additive Flow Setpoint
Description: The alarm is triggered if the additive pump running signal is present when the pump is not expected to run
Source: DI1112
Recommendations: Check the additive pump status, setup and wiring
Alarms 25/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Description: The alarm is triggered if the feed pump running signal is not present when the pump is expected to run
Source: DI1112
Recommendations: Check the additive pump status, setup and wiring
Source: Calculated difference between measured actual Additive Flow and Additive Flow Setpoint
Recommendations: Avoid too large steps when changing the Additive Flow Setpoint
Source: Calculated difference between measured actual Additive Setpoint and Start Setpoint
Recommendations: Avoid too large steps when changing the Additive Flow Setpoint
Type: Warning
Description: Alarm is generated when a change in Torque Setpoint exceeds the limit. Only monitored in Additive Ratio Control mode
(Automatic Polymer Control).
Source: Calculated difference between old and new Torque Setpoints. Monitored in Ratio Control mode. (Automatic Polymer Control)
Recommendations: Avoid changing the Torque Setpoint when in Additive Ratio Control mode. (Automatic Polymer Control)
Alarms 26/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Description: This alarm is triggered when parameter P1007 is set to "Pause CIP" and the input 3112 is Low
Source: External CIP system alarm relay connected to the DI3112
Recommendations: Check the CIP system status, P1007 setting and input wiring.
Type: Warning
Type: Shutdown
Description: The alarm is triggered if the total accumulated time in any of CIP modes exceeds delay
Source: CIP run time exceeds A1003 setting
Recommendations: Check why CIP system overall time is exceeded
Type: Message
Description: This warning message appears when parameter P1007 is set to "Message" and the input 3112 is Low
Source: DI3112
Recommendations: Check the CIP system status, P1007 setting and input wiring.
Type: Shutdown
Description: This alarm is triggered when parameter P1007 is set to "Stop CIP" and the input 3112 is Low
Type: Warning
Description: The alarm is raised if the confirmation of CIP Spray bar valve Solids end Opened or Closed condition is not received
within specified time.
Recommendations: Check the CIP Spray bar valve in the Solids end.
Alarms 27/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
A1007 CIP spray bar Bowl 10 admin
Type: Warning
Description: The alarm is raised if the confirmation of CIP Spray bar valve Bowl part Opened or Closed condition is not received within
specified time.
Type: Warning
Description: The alarm is raised if the confirmation of CIP Spray bar valve Liquid end Opened or Closed condition is not received
within specified time.
Back Pressure
Source: DI3114
Recommendations: Check the air pressure switch setup and wiring
Type: Warning
Description: The alarm is triggered if the Overflow valve control air pressure is not detected in any other mode except for Production
and Stopped.
Source: DI3124
Recommendations: Check the air pressure switch setup and wiring
Alarms 28/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Dilution Water
Description: The alarm is triggered if the dilution water pump running signal is present when the pump is not expected to run
Source: DI1216
Recommendations: Check the dilution water pump status, setup and wiring
Description: The alarm is triggered if the dilution water pump running signal is not present when the pump is expected to run
Source: DI1216
Recommendations: Check the dilution water pump status, setup and wiring
Description: Alarm is generated when difference between dilution water flow Setpoint and actual flow exceeds the limit.
Source: Calculated difference between measured actual dilution water flow and dilution water setpoint
Recommendations: Avoid too large steps when changing the dilution water setpoint
Rotation Feed Zone (RFZ ) is included in software package V2.01.06 for testing purpose
only - it is not released for public use.
Alarms 29/29
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Pulley, Bowl = 210 mm
Pulley, Motor according to 61240518
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
353 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 140 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 6123.2934
Speed [RPM] 3100 3250 3250 3570 3530 3730 4000 4000
Frequency [Hz] 60 50 60 50 60 50 50 60
Pulley [mm] 250 315 262 340 280 355 380 315
360 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 142 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61242226
400 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 157 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61243835
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
440 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 157 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61243835
450 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 183 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61232236 (Flange motor) and 61235615 (Foot motor)
480 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 183 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61231631 (Flange motor) and 61235689 (Foot motor)
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
490 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 183 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61195767
510 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 183 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61241391
550 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 221 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61245500
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
570 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 212 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61246371
575 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 230 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61235699
650 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 229 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61241822
720 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 289 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61242897
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
Pulley [mm] 355 300 450 375 500 425 560 475
740 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 300 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61238999
1000 mm
P204 Bowl Pulley = 380 mm
P203 Main Motor Pulley according to 61244318
61211290 Decanter 2Touch Parameters and Alarms R31
DD type gearbox
P303 Gearbox Size [kNm] 0.4 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 (low ratio) 3.5 (high ratio)
P304 Gearbox Ratio 45.6 97.2 159.5 97.1 57.0 114.8
Bowl diameter [mm] 510 550 575 650 720 740 1000
P307 Torque Arm Length [mm] 315 373 373 373 403 290 573