hw2 Sols
hw2 Sols
hw2 Sols
• Upload this PDF with your answers to Gradescope by 11:59pm on Monday Sept 30,
• Plagiarism: Homework may be discussed with other students, but all homework is to be
completed individually.
• You have to use this PDF for all of your answers.
For your information:
• Graded out of 100 points; 4 questions total
• Rough time estimate: ≈1-4 hours (0.5-1 hours for each question)
Revision : 2019/10/10 13:09
15-445/645 (Fall 2019) Homework #2 Page 2 of 8
Question 1 continues. . .
15-445/645 (Fall 2019) Homework #2 Page 3 of 8
Homework #2 continues. . .
15-445/645 (Fall 2019) Homework #2 Page 4 of 8
When answering the following questions, be sure to follow the procedures described in class
and in your textbook. You can make the following assumptions:
• A left pointer in an internal node guides towards keys < than its corresponding key, while
a right pointer guides towards keys ≥.
• A leaf node underflows when the number of keys goes bellow d d−1 2
• An internal node underflows when the number of pointers goes below d d2 e.
Use the following draw.io template for your answers:
(a) [15 points] Insert 10∗ into the B+tree. Draw the resulting tree.
(b) [5 points] How many pointers (parent-to-child and sibling-to-sibling) do you chase to
find all keys between 5 and 15?
2 2 2 3 4 2 5 2 6 2 7
(c) [15 points] Then delete 23∗ . Draw the resulting tree.
(d) [10 points] Finally insert 4∗ and delete 11∗ . Draw the resulting tree.
Solution: a)
Question 2 continues. . .
15-445/645 (Fall 2019) Homework #2 Page 5 of 8
Homework #2 continues. . .
15-445/645 (Fall 2019) Homework #2 Page 6 of 8
Figure 3: Extendible Hash Table along with the indexes of each bucket
Question 3 continues. . .
15-445/645 (Fall 2019) Homework #2 Page 7 of 8
Starting from the table above, delete keys 2, 7, 13, 15, 29.
i. [4 points] Which deletion first causes a reduction in a local depth.
2 2 2 7 13 2 15 2 29 2 None of the above
ii. [4 points] Which deletion first causes a reduction in global depth.
2 2 2 7 13 2 15 2 29 2 None of the above
Homework #2 continues. . .
15-445/645 (Fall 2019) Homework #2 Page 8 of 8
(a) [3 points] Which of the following elements belong to the suffix tree. Select all that ap-
2 0x45BD0000 2 0x0000CAAC 2 0xFFAAAA00 2 0xACCA0000 2 0xBD000000
None of the above
(b) [7 points] Insert the key 0x00FFAABB. Draw the resulting tree using this template: https:
Solution: b)
End of Homework #2