State Observers Applied: Fernando Lozano-I, Student-Member, IEEE
State Observers Applied: Fernando Lozano-I, Student-Member, IEEE
State Observers Applied: Fernando Lozano-I, Student-Member, IEEE
Abstract— This manuscript presents a review of the literature Although there are mainly two kinds of state observers such
that observes rightly are applied to modern power systems for as nonlinear and linear observers. The control system theory
estimating their key parameters when the modern electrical power suggests using a linear observer (state observer) in the power
system is in operation using the control system method. Such
parameters as node voltage, branch current, frequency system, system because they are subject to obey certain constrain on
real and reactive power, and so on, are estimated in its steady-state control system methods such as observability analysis in a
conditions for proper sensors. However, due to increased damage simple way. Thus, a state-observer would design to estimate
in the electrical meters, the absence of sensors, and cyberattacks on the tracking of the position from state variables in the time
the meters. The measurement set would not be duly available and domain of a physical system, only if the system representation
it is a concern for the electric utilities.
is observable so that it has no drawbacks with the constraints
These factors have prompted several researchers for developing
given by observability analysis [3].
a variety of strategies to overcome the problems, not only in
conventional power systems but also in the modern power grid. The motive to apply state observers in modern power
For that reason, control system methods can apply to energy systems is due to there exist the measurement data that can
systems only if the modeled system is observable, otherwise is not provide technologies (e.g., Phasor Measurement Units PMUs
feasible the developing. It means the modeled power grid is at least and electrical meters) broadly studied and applied to electric
estimable or there is a minimal account of sensors providing actual networks, in the last decades under the topics of power system
measurements toward its utility. By doing so, one can design a state
observer. Indeed, the investigations have demonstrated one or
observability. Such that, optimization techniques had taken to
more observers had been designed to estimate the tracking of key minimize the number of PMUs installed on a traditional power
parameters in the time domain under a control system method. grid [4].
Finally, a summary of the key characteristics described in each Unfortunately, not only measurement data are provided
research should get a suitable reference for future work in the towards the utility control center of a power grid in the time
control system method applied to modern grid systems. intervals continuously, but also the tracking of the internal
state from the power system is unknown for utility control
Index Terms—Modern Power system, Measurement set,
Observability Analysis, State-space, observers.
centers due to the measurements being given around 1.5 or 5
minutes. Despite not having the tracking of estimated internal
I. INTRODUCTION variables from the power grids, they can be estimated by
observers. Indeed, in a modern power system dominated by
T RADITIONAL power systems had been known to comprise power electronic resources is essential to know the internal
a power generation system, a transmission system, and a variable’s dynamic performance owing to the rate of change of
distribution system. By contrast, a modern power system frequency (ROCOF) in modern power systems rather than
should have integrated at least one renewable energy resource ROCOF in classical power systems by its low inertia [5].
into the conventional power grid. The latter is connected It is worth mentioning that the control system framework of
closely to the energy consumers’ side of the distribution the traditional electric supply, it had studied across two control
system [1]. loops (grid frequency and voltage control loop) in a decoupled
If a power system is observable a state observer would way. Consequently, leading that appears a time delay between
estimate the tracking of their position from internal state grid frequency and voltage loop control. Because the
variables in the time domain [2]. It means software with a deployment technologies of the control systems in power
dynamic performance that only requires a minimal account of systems as the integrators, proportional integrators (PIs), and
measurement data from an energy system. In actual practice, proportional integrator differential (PIDs) were used to set in
the measures were always provided with sensors or power system control. But, it is unpractical in actual world
transducers inner a power grid. To design a state observer is applications because the measurements by state variables are
that the physical system should deal with a linear state-space not always accessible altogether [6].
equation. Sometimes, almost all tangible systems can be still Therefore, to mend the problems or more observers enable
modeled in nonlinear equations. However, thanks to many to estimate the tracking of the position of state variables from
methods (e.g., Euler-LaGrange), thereby one would have to a power grid along its functionality in the time domain [7].
linearize the nonlinear equations and put them in linear Figure 1 illustrates how one would have to estimate the key
equations. parameters of a portion from a modern power grid by using a
typical state observer. Notice that, for estimating the power