Conductor Semiconductor
Conductor Semiconductor
Conductor Semiconductor
Crystalline Solids
constituents are arranged
The essential featureof crystalline solids is that the constantly
a completely regular three dimensional pattern, which is
In solid has a definite geometrical
repeated. In consequence, the crystalline
thenature of the substance and sharp mnelting
Configuration, characteristic of ata fixed temperature. These
into liquid state
point, i.e., they change abruptly crystalline state, however, is far from
nature. The
Solids are anisotropic in to considerable degree of thermal
seldom perfect due properties of crystalline
Statc and the pattern is Many of the useful
vibrations of the constituent. vibrations of the constituents, the presence of
related to thermal
solids are
of defects.
mpurities and existence
Engineering Chemistry 1
2. Amorphous Solids (Pseudo Solids)
The main characteristics of solids is rigidity and resistance to change shape
against mild distorting forces. However there are solids which get
by application of mild distorting forces, such as bending and distorted
forces. These type of solids do not have any definite geometrical comprshapeessinasg
the constituents are arranged randomly and not in an orderly manner. The s
solids are regarded as super cooled liquids. On long standing, they tend to
lose shape and flow under their own weight, e.g., glass, proteins, pitch,rubher
plastics, etc. These solids are called pseudo solids or amorphous solids. On
heating, these types of solids gradually soften over a wide range of
temperature before being changed into the liquid state.
The constituent units of these types of solids actually do not have an
orderly arrangement over along range, but only to short distances in the order
of the magnitude of interionic distances ( 10 cm). These types of solids
are isotropic and do not have sharp melting points (melt gradually over a
long range of temperature). The crystalline materials are therefore considercd
to be true solids.
Schottky Defect
Engine ring ChemisryNI
This defect was discovered by the German
type of defect arises if some of the
atoms orSchottkions
y in 1930.
lattice sites. The lattice sites which are are Sut
of a ed aremicsaSlnegd
from their normal
lattice vacancies or holes. Schottky defects thus consistunoccupi
(an anion vacancy and a cation vacancy) in
the crystal par of
crystal is to remain electrically neutral, equal number of cations Since the
are missing, the missed ions are found to come to the and
crystal ani o ns
This type of defect is usually observed in highly ionic
) high coordination number and (i) ions (cations and anions)Compounds
sizes. Example of such compounds are NaCl, CsCI, KCI, KBr, tc,.
The number of Schottky defects formed per cm² (N) in a crystal is
by given
N=N x e 2KT
where, N =Number of sites per cm left vacant
W= Work necessary to form a Schottky defect
K= Gas constant
T =Absolute temperature.
(M* X
M M (M
An ideal crystal The Schottky defect in
Fig. 5.1 crysta
SolidState 287
This defect was discovered by a Russian scientist Frenkel in 1926. Such defect
arises when an ion is missing from its own position and occupies ainterstitial
site between the lattice points. Metal ions are generally smaller that the anions
dhence it is more common to find the positive ions to occupy this
interstitialI position. The vacant lattice site thus created is known as a 'hole'.
The crystal however remains neutral as the number of cations and anions
remains the same.
This type of defect generally occurs in compounds in which the anions
are much large in size than cations and consequently the coordination number
is low (4 or 6).
M (M
(M- M
An ideal crystal TheFrenkel defect in crystal
Fig, 5.2
Examples of this type of defects are AgC1, AgBr, Ag, ZnS, etc.
The number of Frenkel defects formed per cm3
(N) is given by
Energy Energy
:Conductjo bai
band': Energy
Cönduçtion band;
:Conductjon baid:
:Valnc Band: :Valen Ban;:
:(prtjally: flled):: (Completçly filledr (Cóipletly filld;:
Fig. 5.8 Three ways of conduction in a conductor
Metats are pod condtors of eleAcity as 1hey allrn
ifyndyetm ban|
Valcice byij:
Fiy. 5,9 Ilnsulator
In case ol
scmi-conductor a small amount of
tOOmtempcraturc. "The clectrical electric current can flow l
temperature lies betwcen that of conductivity of a semi-conductorat roofm
the vange of 10' to 10 ohm em yood conductor and an insulator, i.e., in
5.2.2 Somi-conductors
nd iosulators,
are Nolids in which the
On the basis of conductivity is in bctween a metal
ol twotypes: mechanism conduction
Intrinsie semi-conductors
In semi
conductor dhere is asmall
conduction band
-conductors due to thermal effects):
energy gap between the valence band and
lie in the lowestkown as band gap. I cooled to
pOssible enerpy absolute Zero the clectrons
(onduction band is empty and the levcls, i.e., in the valence band. The
nomal temperature, some (very material behaves as an insulator. But at
the valence band to the few) electrons are Cxcited from
GemaniumBoth conduction
(Ge) and silicon band and thusthermally clectricity.
(Si) are conduct
conductors, the crystals huve a the most important class of silicon semi-
diamond-like structure. Atoms of
(Pseudo Solids)
Engineering Chemistny
2. Amorphous Solids
rigidity and resistance to
The main characteristics of solids is
against mild distorting forces.
However there are solids which get sh change
by application of mild distorting forces,
such as bending and istotea
forces. These type of solids do not
have any definite geometrical
the constituents are arranged randomly and not in an orderly
mannex ComprsehsaSpIeng as
solids are regarded as super cooled liquids. On long standing, they
they tend
t y
glass, proteins,
lose shape and flow under their own weight, e.g., pitch, rubbe,
amorphous solid
plastics, etc. These solids are called pseudo solids or
wide ran e
heating, these types of solids gradually soften over a
temperature before being changed into the liquid
not hava .
The constituent units of these types of solids actually do
distances in the ord.
orderly arrangement over a long range, but only toshort
of the magnitude of interionic distances ( 10 cm). These types of solids
are isotropic and do not have sharp melting points (melt gradually over a 1
long rangeof temperature). The crystalline materials are
to be true solids.