R 095

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EBU Recommendation R95

Safe areas for 16:9 television production

Source: P/HDTP & P/AGTR

Status: Recommendation

Geneva September 2008


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EBU R 95-2008

Safe Areas for 16:9 television production

Safe areas for 16:9 television production

EBU Committee PMC First Issued 1999 Revised 2000, 2008 Re-issued


16:9, widescreen Television, 14:9 protected, Frame Raster Edge, Graphics Safe Area, Action Safe Area, Image Centre.

Previous versions of this document had guidelines to safe areas that protected 16:9 originated programmes for 4:3 & 14:9 presentation and 4:3 originated programme for 14:9 presentation. The present recommendation concerns safe areas that protect 16:9 originated programmes (16:9 full format) for 16:9 full screen presentations and in addition, pixel and line values are provided for SDTV and HDTV formats. Given that HD productions will inevitably also provide content to standard definition television services that are still feeding 4:3 consumer displays, this recommendation also includes guidance on safe areas for conversion to 14:9 for such circumstances. This recommendation is aimed at those involved in any stage of the programme-making process and at manufacturers of production equipment. Two safe areas are needed; all essential action should be protected inside an Action Safe Area, and all graphics inside a Graphics Safe Area.

The EBU recommends that all makers of 16:9 television programmes should frame pictures to ensure that: all essential action takes place inside the Action Safe Area, and all graphics are framed in the Graphics Safe Area, and the centre of the image retains its position throughout all production processes unless there are creative reasons to deliberately do otherwise.

as defined in Figure 1a to Figure 4b in terms of pixel and line counts for 576-line (SDTV) and 720 & 1080-line (HDTV) formats and in each case as a percentage of relative picture height and width. Notes to this Recommendation 1. The action and graphics areas are defined to protect the full 16:9 widescreen image. The horizontal graphics safe area is narrower to take account of the greater overscan on older receivers, which may affect widescreen pictures when viewed in letterbox presentation. 2. The definitions of the safe areas are given in numbers of lines for the vertical direction and number of pixels for the horizontal direction, which are now more definitive than the percentages used previously. However, percentages are also included because they are the basis on which comparisons may be made. 3. The line numbering of interlaced scanning rasters has been calculated on the basis that field 1 is paired with the field 2 line below it, and the line from field 1 which is just inside the percentage box is defined as the edge of the safe area concerned. 3

Safe Areas for 16:9 television production

EBU R 95-2008

4. The pixel numbering has been calculated by using the same notation as in SMPTE 274M/296M and ITU-R BT.1120-7, in which the first sample of the active part of a digital line is counted as value 0. For HD services this is also the first sample of the active image. 5. The safe areas are defined by the first and last safe line in vertical direction and by the first and last safe pixel in the horizontal direction. In addition the total number of lines (vertical) and pixel (horizontal) which are within the safe areas are given. 6. The coordinates of the centre of an image are defined as vertically, there will be an equal number of lines within the clean aperture above and below the centre point, and horizontally, there will be an equal number of pixels within the clean aperture to the left and the right of the centre point.


See EBU R92 Active picture area and picture centring in analogue and digital 625/50 television systems concerning peculiarities of the 576i/25 (625/50) scanning raster.

EBU R 95-2008

Safe Areas for 16:9 television production

Safe areas for 16:9 television productions

List of Figures
Fig. 1a: Scanning raster 576i/25: 16:9 safe areas for 16:9 presentation. Image format: 16:9 Full Format Scanning raster 576i/25: 16:9 safe areas for 14:9 presentation. Image format: 16:9 Full Format (14:9 protected) Scanning raster 720p/50: 16:9 safe areas for 16:9 presentation. Image format: 16:9 Full Format Scanning raster 720p/50: 16:9 safe areas for 14:9 presentation. Image format: 16:9 Full Format (14:9 protected) Scanning raster 1080i/25 and 1080psf/25: 16:9 safe areas for 16:9 presentation. Image format: 16:9 Full Format Scanning raster 1080i/25 and 1080psf/25: 16:9 safe areas for 14:9 presentation. Image format: 16:9 Full Format (14:9 protected) Scanning raster 1080p/50: 16:9 safe areas for 16:9 presentation. Image format: 16:9 Full Format Scanning raster 1080p/50: 16:9 safe areas for 14:9 presentation. Image format: 16:9 Full Format (14:9 protected)

Fig. 1b:

Fig. 2a:

Fig. 2b:

Fig. 3a:

Fig. 3b:

Fig. 4a:

Fig. 4b:

Safe Areas for 16:9 television production

EBU R 95-2008

Scanning raster 576i/25: 16:9 safe areas for 16:9 presentation

Image format: 16:9 Full Format

16:9 Frame raster edge 3,5% Action safe area 3,5% of 16:9 image Hcentre: pixel 359/360 Vcentre: line 167 (F1) / 479 (F2) 5% Graphics safe area 10% of 16:9 image 576 lines 23-310 336-623 536 lines 33-300 346-613 516 lines 38-295 351-608

Image centre

562 pixel 79640 652 pixel 34685 702 pixel 9710

sample No. 0

Action safe area: Vertical F1*: from line 33 to 300 Vertical F2*: Horizontal in the digital line**: * ** from line 346 to 613 from pixel 34 to 685

Graphics safe area: from line 38 to 295 from line 351 to 608 from pixel 79 to 640

Image centre: Vertical* - Vcentre: between line 167 of field 1 and line 479 of field 2 Horizontal** - Vcentre: between pixel 359 and 360

The total number of lines is 625 (active lines from 23 to 310 and 336 to 623 inclusive = 576 lines). The complete digital line comprises 864 samples. Of these, the digital active line comprises 720 samples or pixels (numbered from 0 - 719 inclusive) of which the image active line comprises pixels 9 to 710 inclusive (see EBU R92 concerning peculiarities of the 576i/25 (625/50) scanning raster).

Figure 1a 6

EBU R 95-2008 Image format: 16:9 Full Format (14:9 protected)

Safe Areas for 16:9 television production

Scanning raster 576i/25: 16:9 safe areas for 14:9 presentation

16:9 Frame raster edge 3,5% Action safe area 3,5% of 14:9 image 14:9 Central zone edge Vcentre: line 167 (F1) / 479 (F2) Hcentre: pixel 359/360 5% Graphics safe area 10% of 14:9 image 576 lines 23-310 336-623 536 lines 33-300 346-613 516 lines 38-295 351-608

Image centre 4:3 Central zone edge

492 pixel 114605 572 pixel 74645 614 pixel 53666 702 pixel 9710

sample No. 0

Action safe area: Vertical F1*: from line 33 to 300 Vertical F2*: Horizontal in the digital line**: * ** from line 346 to 613 from pixel 74 to 645

Graphics safe area: from line 38 to 295 from line 351 to 608 from pixel 114 to 605

Image centre: Vertical* - Vcentre: between line 167 of field 1 and line 479 of field 2 Horizontal** - Vcentre: between pixel 359 and 360

The total number of lines is 625 (active lines from 23 to 310 and 336 to 623 inclusive = 576 lines). The complete digital line comprises 864 samples. Of this, the digital active line comprises 720 samples or pixels (numbered from 0 - 719 inclusive) of which the image active line comprises pixels 9 to 710 inclusive (see EBU R92 concerning peculiarities of the 576i/25 (625/50) scanning raster).

Figure 1b 7

Safe Areas for 16:9 television production

EBU R 95-2008 Image format: 16:9 Full Format

Scanning raster 720p/50: 16:9 safe areas for 16:9 presentation

16:9 Frame raster edge 3,5% Action safe area 3,5% of 16:9 image Hcentre: pixel 639/640 Vcentre: line 385/386 670 lines 51-720 5% Graphics safe area 10% of 16:9 image 720 lines 26-745

Image centre

648 lines 62-709

1024 pixel 1281151 1190 pixel 451234 1280 pixel 01279

Action safe area: Vertical*: from line 51 to 720 Horizontal in the digital line**: from pixel 45 to 1234 * **

Graphics safe area: from line 62 to 709 from pixel 128 to 1151

Image centre: Vertical* - Vcentre: between line 385 and line 386 Horizontal** - Vcentre: between pixel 639 and 640

The total number of lines is 750 (active lines from 26 to 745 inclusive = 720 lines). The complete digital line consists of 1650 pixels (active pixel from 0 - 1279 inclusive = 1280 pixel). Of these all active pixels are included in the image active line.

Figure 2a

EBU R 95-2008 Image format: 16:9 Full Format (14:9 protected)

Safe Areas for 16:9 television production

Scanning raster 720p/50: 16:9 safe areas for 14:9 presentation

16:9 Frame raster edge 3,5% Action safe area 3,5% of 14:9 image 14:9 Central zone edge Vcentre: line 385/386 670 lines 51-720 Hcentre: pixel 639/640 5% Graphics safe area 10% of 14:9 image 720 lines 26-745

Image centre 4:3 Central zone edge

648 lines 62-709

896 pixel 1921087 1042 pixel 1191160 1120 pixel 801199 1280 pixel 01279

Action safe area: Vertical*: from line 51 to 720

Graphics safe area: from line 62 to 709

Image centre: Vertical* - Vcentre: between line 385 and line 386 Horizontal** - Vcentre: between pixel 639 and 640

Horizontal in the digital line**: from pixel 119 to 1160 from pixel 192 to 1087 * **

The total number of lines is 750 (active lines from 26 to 745 inclusive = 720 lines). The complete digital line consists of 1650 pixels (active pixel from 0 - 1279 inclusive = 1280 pixel). Of these all active pixels are included in the image active line.

Figure 2b 9

Safe Areas for 16:9 television production

EBU R 95-2008 Image format: 16:9 Full Format

Scanning raster 1080i/25 and 1080psf/25: 16:9 safe areas for 16:9 presentation

16:9 Frame raster edge 3,5% Action safe area 3,5% of 16:9 image Hcentre: pixel 959/960 Vcentre: line 291 (F1) / 853 (F2) 5% Graphics safe area 10% of 16:9 image 1080 lines 21-560 584-1123 1004 lines 40-541 603-1104 972 lines 48-533 611-1096

Image centre

1536 pixel 1921727 1786 pixel 671852 1920 pixel 01919

Action safe area: Vertical F1*: from line 40 to 541 Vertical F2*: from line 603 to 1104 Horizontal in the digital line**: from pixel 67 to 1852 * **

Graphics safe area: from line 48 to 533 from line 611 to 1096 from pixel 192 to 1727

Image centre: Vertical* - Vcentre: between line 291 of field 1 and line 853 of field 2 Horizontal** - Vcentre: between pixel 959 and 960

The total number of lines is 1125 (active lines from 21 to 560 and 584 to 1123 inclusive = 1080 lines). The complete digital line comprises 2200 pixels. Of these, the digital active line comprises 1920 pixels (numbered from 0 - 1919 inclusive). All active pixels are included in the image active line.

Figure 3a


EBU R 95-2008 Image format: 16:9 Full Format (14:9 protected)

Safe Areas for 16:9 television production

Scanning raster 1080i/25 and 1080psf/25: 16:9 safe areas for 14:9 presentation

16:9 Frame raster edge 3,5% Action safe area 3,5% of 14:9 image 14:9 Central zone edge Vcentre: line 291 (F1) / 853 (F2) Hcentre: pixel 959/960 5% Graphics safe area 10% of 14:9 image 1080 lines 21-560 584-1123 1004 lines 40-541 603-1104 972 lines 48-533 611-1096

Image centre 4:3 Central zone edge

1344 pixel 2881631 1562 pixel 1791740 1680 pixel 1201799 1920 pixel 01919

Action safe area: Vertical F1*: from line 40 to 541 Vertical F2*: from line 603 to 1104

Graphics safe area: from line 48 to 533 from line 611 to 1096

Image centre: Vertical* - Vcentre: between line 291 of field 1 and line 853 of field 2 Horizontal** - Vcentre: between pixel 959 and 960

Horizontal in the digital line**: from pixel 179 to 1740 from pixel 288 to 1631 * ** The total number of lines is 1125 (active lines from 21 to 560 and 584 to 1123 inclusive = 1080 lines). The complete digital line comprises 2200 pixels. Of these, the digital active line comprises 1920 pixels (numbered from 0 - 1919 inclusive). All active pixels are included in the image active line.

Figure 3b 11

Safe Areas for 16:9 television production

EBU R 95-2008 Image format: 16:9 Full Format

Scanning raster 1080p/50: 16:9 safe areas for 16:9 presentation

16:9 Frame raster edge 3,5% Action safe area 3,5% of 16:9 image Hcentre: pixel 959/960 Vcentre: line 581/582 1004 lines 80-1083 5% Graphics safe area 10% of 16:9 image 1080 lines 42-1121

Image centre

972 lines 96-1067

1536 pixel 1921727 1786 pixel 671852 1920 pixel 01919

Action safe area: Vertical*: from line 80 to 1083 Horizontal in the digital line**: from pixel 67 to 1852 * **

Graphics safe area: from line 96 to 1067 from pixel 192 to 1727

Image centre: Vertical* - Vcentre: between line 581 and line 582 Horizontal** - Vcentre: between pixel 959 and 960

The total number of lines is 1125 (active lines from 42 to 1121 inclusive = 1080 lines). The complete digital line consists of 2200 pixels (active pixel from 0 to 1919 inclusive = 1920 pixel). Of these all active pixels are included in the image active line.

Figure 4a


EBU R 95-2008 Image format: 16:9 Full Format (14:9 protected)

Safe Areas for 16:9 television production

Scanning raster 1080p/50: 16:9 safe areas for 14:9 presentation

16:9 Frame raster edge 3,5% Action safe area 3,5% of 14:9 image 14:9 Central zone edge Vcentre: line 581/582 Hcentre: pixel 959/960 1004 lines 80-1083 5% Graphics safe area 10% of 14:9 image 1080 lines 42-1121

Image centre 4:3 Central zone edge

972 lines 96-1067

1344 pixel 2881631 1562 pixel 1791740 1680 pixel 1201799 1920 pixel 01919

Action safe area: Vertical*: from line 80 to 1083 * **

Graphics safe area: from line 96 to 1067

Image centre: Vertical* - Vcentre: between line 581 and line 582 Horizontal** - Vcentre: between pixel 959 and 960

Horizontal in the digital line**: from pixel 179 to 1740 from pixel 288 to 1631

The total number of lines is 1125 (active lines from 42 to 1121 inclusive = 1080 lines). The complete digital line consists of 2200 pixels (active pixel from 0 to 1919 inclusive = 1920 pixel). Of these all active pixels are included in the image active line.

Figure 4b


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