1 8 No tutorial No tutorial 19 – 23: JC1 Admin 19 – 23 Feb Talk & Lecture Timetable
23 Feb (Fri): Release
Admin Briefing Chapter 1: Nature & of A-Level Results Scope Chapter 1: Nature & *Note: Lectures 1 & 2 Scope 3. The production are conducted face- possibility curve to-face. 1. Introduction 2. The central *Complete the problem of questions from the Economics self-check list at the end of chap 1 lecture book after the lectures.
9 General Class Admin Chapter 1: Nature & 26 Feb: Start of JC1
26 Feb – 1 Classroom Scope Timetable Mar expectations Section 2: Data *Note: Lectures 1 & 2 Chapter 1: Nature & Response (PPC) will be recorded. Chapter 3: Theory of Chapter 3: Theory of Scope Demand & Supply Demand & Supply Focus: The Central *Complete the Section 1: Q1-7 Problem of relevant questions 1. Introduction of 4. Price Economics & PPC from the self-check markets determination in Focus: The Central mechanics list at the end of 2. Theory of demand the product Problem of Economics chap 3 lecture book 3. Theory of supply Market & PPC mechanics after the lectures.
10 Chapter 3: Theory of Tutor to decide 6 Mar (Wed): Thu B
4 - 8 Mar Demand & Supply Timetable (Swop with 07 Mar) Section 1: Q3, Q4, Q5 7 Mar (Thu): Good Chapter 3: Theory of Chapter 4: Elasticity of Focus: Day (swopped with 6 Demand & Supply Demand & Supply • Single & double Mar), Sports Carnival shifts of the (8am), JC1 IllumiNYte 4. Price 1. Introduction: demand or (7pm) determination in Concept of supply curve. the product elasticity *Note: Lectures 1 & 2 market will be recorded. 5. Market 2. Price elasticity of Briefing on March holiday *Complete the disequilibrium demand homework relevant questions 3. Price elasticity of from the self-check supply list at the end of chap 3 & 4 lecture books after the lectures.
March holiday *More details about
11 – 15 March the March holiday homework will be given out in week 10.
Homework for students:
1. View the recorded tutorial on Chapter 3: Theory of Demand & Supply Section 3 Essay Q1(a) - Focus: Paragraph writing using PEEL framework.
2. Complete Chapter 3: Theory of Demand & Supply Section 3 Essay Q2
- Submit during tutorial 1 in T2W1.
3. View recorded lecture on Chapter 2: Decision making