Human Right and Values
Human Right and Values
Human Right and Values
Aim of education and value education; Evolution of value oriented education; Concept of
Human values; types of values; Components of value education.
Personal Development:
Self-analysis and introspection; sensitization towards gender equality, physically challenged,
intellectually challenged. Respect to - age, experience, maturity, family members, neighbours,
Professional Values - Knowledge thirst, sincerity in profession, regularity, punctuality and faith.
Aesthetic values - Love and appreciation of literature and fine arts and respect for the same.
Modern Challenges of Adolescent Emotions and behavior; Sex and spirituality: Comparision and
competition; positive and negative thoughts.
Adolescent Emotions, arrogance, anger, sexual instability, selfishness, defiance.
Man is a social animal in that whatever he needs and wants he gets from the labour and
cooperation of the society. Similarly, whatever he produces materially and whatever the
knowledge he acquires are spreading to all people of the world. To cope with the diverse modern
environments everyone should have holistic education to sympathize and live in tolerance with
the standards of his fellow beings. By the phrase “holistic education” I am not including the
specific sciences, which can be learned according to the wish of the individual; what I mean is
the overall education of the facts of human life, including human values, which are the
culmination of the evolutionary process of mankind.
In primordial times man lived on the earth in small groups. Each group developed its own
way of life according to the climate, available natural resources and the developed production
skills. There was little opportunity to spread over a wider area and encounter or adopt the
cultural values of others. Such restrictions have been removed these days by rapid transportation,
communication and international educational facilities. Social environments have entirely
changed. To fully avail of the present opportunities for a better life the modern educational
system should be reformed and reoriented. This is what I stress as the need for holistic education.
Due to the lack of such education the majority of people in human society are leading a life of
ignorance and following obsolete, useless principles and beliefs.
In reality, the world is one; the sea is one to supply water for all by way of vapour-cloud-
rain; the air we breathe is only one. Man has not created any one of these four essential
resources. Everybody is born, grows, lives and dies. During the lifetime everyone enjoys the
benefits of labour and technical knowledge of all the people. In turn, everyone’s production and
services go to all people of the society.
Then why are enmity, hatred, exploitation and wars extant in human society? In every
war one group of people kills the other group. What can be the net result? Only murderers will
survive in the world. Any person of ordinary intelligence can realize the fact that war is not
beneficial in any way for human society. It continues only die to conditioned thinking and
spurred by those who prosper by selling war materials. Although the human race has existed over
thousands of years, the individual life is experienced only once. Why should its enjoyment be
sacrificed due to ignorance?
Individuals who are living engrossed in sensory engagement cannot understand the
detrimental results of their own actions. It is the responsibility of elders and enlightened people
the best way of life, and then disseminate the knowledge through all available media. Such a
planned method of living should be inculcated as a holistic education in all institutions to truly
civilize all people, whatever may be their other fields of study.
As a result of holistic education one would know the values of human life, how to respect
others, how to be aware and avoid doing harm and at the same time, being ready to help others in
all possible ways. These values are the culmination of our inborn sixth sense and their
implementation is the very purpose of human birth.
Through holistic education, each person should know himself as completely as possible,
i.e., his body mind, knowledge, consciousness, genetic center, and brain function, including the
process of storing and releasing all the experiences of life. Education in the science of living
should begin with the basics of understanding the human physiology, growth and development:
the importance of personal hygiene; reproductive health; physical and mental energy use,
conservation and potential; prevention of disease; healthy eating habits; and simple first-aid and
self-medication with home remedies. The next level would be learning about the importance and
value of one’s relationships –with parents, teachers, friends colleagues, the future life partner and
children. The concepts of morality, ethics, duty, honesty, sincerity, kindness and compassion
should be imparted. Each person should know how to adjust with others and be prepared to
sacrifice his whims and pleasures for the benefit of the group or family so as to avoid conflict
and live in harmony.
Education can be categorized into five divisions. They are:
1) Cultural
2) Social
3) Productive
4) Science and technology
5) Spiritual
To cope with the modern age, all these five kinds of education are needed for all people in
the society.
1) Learning life-education from parents without going to school is cultural education.
This education naturally evolved according to the time, place and environment in
which the people lived.
2) Learning a virtuous way of life following morality, duty and charity is social
education. This kind of education is a must for protection, help, distribution of
commodities and facilities and for peaceful living with one’s fellow beings.
3) The basic needs of mankind are food, shelter and clothing. Learning the process of
producing the above, as well as other skills related to these industries are productive
4) Age after age, year after year, new and easy methods for living are discovered by the
scientists and technicians. Learning these new technologies and enhancing the
standard of living is the education of science and technology.
5) Knowing the three invisible truths of the Unified Force, life force and universal and
bio-magnetic forces and maintaining physical health and mental health of self and
society is spiritual education.
In the earlier age of life it is necessary for everyone to be given these education for
prosperity, happiness and peace of the society. Because of a lack of these imperative systems of
education poverty, crime, conflicts, problems in life and wars emerge. Absence of such proper
education results in the torturing of mankind and suppressing the development of consciousness.
The purpose of life is being lost.
The Heart of Education
Over the past decades since the inception of our modern school and collegiate system,
educators, parents and students have realized there is an area of insufficiency in the system we
have instituted. Although academic subjects may be thoughtfully planned and courses have been
structured for the maximal suitability and benefit of our youth for career purposes, the topic of
personal behavior and attitudes has not been given due importance or emphasis in the
educational curriculum. The assumption has been that children imbibe all the values and ethics
they need from their home lives, and that it is not the purview of the educational system to
discuss these at all, especially since it was felt that such discussion may lead us into
controversies among various communities. However, as a nation we now realize the error in this
assumption and there is widespread recognition of the need to talk about values in our
educational system as they pertain to every sphere of life. We can all acknowledge that there is
no need to worry about cultural sensitivities or controversy if the most basic values are taught to
our youth, as there are many values, which are admitted to be universal. Certain community or
culturally based values may be relative, but there are attitudes and behaviors based in universal
values that unquestionably contribute to the health, happiness and wealth of each person and the
society as a whole.
The evidence is all round us that the lack of such education results in selfishness and an
uncaring attitude toward one’s fellowmen; at worst it results in violence, exploitation and utter
disregard for life that no society can afford or it will forfeit its prosperity and peace, and be liable
to descend into anarchy or fascism. Our wonderful country, simultaneously blessed and burdened
with its extreme density of population and diversity of communal and religious sentiments, can
only survive with a majority that is mentally and physically healthy, tolerant and liberal in
outlook, as only such citizens will be able to care for and work for the prosperity of all.
Aims of Education
All round development of individuals is possible through education. Among it
intellectual, mental and functional development is expected. Though cognitive and conative
domains are developed through today’s educational system, affective domain cannot receive its
proper place. That is the reason for paucity of national attitude, and social consciousness among
students. If moral, social and spiritual values are exchanged through the media of subject
content, emotional development will easily be possible.
NEP 1986 prepared value based curriculum. It also made clear and fixed particular values
along with objectives while teaching particular units.
Education objectives
Experience Education
Concept of value:
In life process man accepts good things and avoids bad things. It is not human living to
act neutrally and in the light of witness only. Acceptable and non-acceptable, good and bad are
the nature of values. Values are established and they are practicable. They can be achieved.
Chilana (1987) studied Indian culture and observed that Indian culture is based on the
values, viz, kind heartedness, self control, universal brotherhood, honesty, respect to others and
faith. Due to deterioration of these values, new values like indiscipline and destructive mentality
came into existence. He suggested to include these values in curriculum and called it value-based
If human behaviour fulfills all these criteria then above it is human value. If a particular
human behaviour satisfies only one or two criteria it cannot be called human value.
Therefore, if any behaviour satisfies all the four criteria then only it is called human value.
c) Shaver:
Values are standards and principles for judging worth.
d) Gawande:
It is an adjusted human behaviour which is conductive to the development of
himself, society, nation and international understanding.
Dr. Eknath Gawande (1994) therefore defines value education in the following words:
When human values are inculcated through curriculum to transcend to cognitive,
affective and psychomotor level for conducive development of individual, society, national and
international understanding, it is called value education.
Value education claims a vast field for its coverage to mould the behaviour and transform
the right ways of action in day-to-day life activities.
It is not the property of one nation, one religion, one climate and one philosophy. It
surpasses all these areas. Therefore it is universal in character in as much as it relates to the
welfare of human beings scattered throughout the world. Socrates was right when he thought
‘knowledge is virtue’. All knowledge must end in the creation of virtues. Knowledge without
viture is not only useless to society but it is disastrous to society also. Martin Luther King well
thought of the glory of a nation in the following words:
“The prosperity of a country depends not on the abundance of its revenues, not on the
strength of its fortifications, nor on the beauty of its public buildings; but on its cultivated
citizens, in its men of education, enlightenment and character.”
Among various objectives of value education, to produce men of character is chief among them.
The salient features of characterization are (i) honesty (ii) adventure
(iii) pleasantness (iv) controlled and sensitive nature.
Men of character have faith in their performances, therefore they speed up their work.
According to Chilan (1987), Indian culture is superior because it is based on pity, self-
control, honesty, honour, faith and universal brotherhood. If these values are included in the
curriculum, emotional development can be achieved.
Dr. Kothari (1964-66) tried to emphasise the value viz., democracy, socialism, and
equality of all religions. He attached great importance to achieve skills through science and
technology and also balanced development of human values. National Education Policy (1986)
studied Indian background and came to the conclusion that religious education is not possible in
India as India is a country with many religions. N.E.P. (1986) therefore advocated the concept of
value education, giving extensive meaning to the term moral education. N.E.P. also tried to raise
the levels congnitive, conative and affective domains. Conscious efforts to make changes
through formal educational system should be done. Knowledge, skill and emotion developed
through the curriculum media transforms the right attitudes, interests and liking among students.
Afterwards the constituent becomes the integral part of personality and thus creates value-based
Value education system that aims to enrich the level of our understanding and respect for
such values and aims to bring us maturity of mind is called value-based education. Only a value-
based education can give our youth the heart to understand the feelings of others and a constant
awareness to take care not to hurt or insult the hearts of others by words and actions.
Education is a continuous process of refinement, research and realization, and must equip
our youth to deal with the pressing problems of today and those which arise in future. As H.G.
Wells put it: “Human history becomes more and more a race between education and
catastrophe”. Unless we strengthen the education in its content and relevance and instill a
sincere concern for human welfare, catastrophe cannot be avoided. Almost every one of the men
and women now governing and managing national and international governments and
institutions was once a student in a school, a college or a university. Their performance today is
clearly a reflection of the way they were educated. Had their education given them all that is
required, their performance would be as we require. “To educate a man in mind and not in
morals is to educate a menace to society”, said US President Theodore Roosevelt. And in the
same vein, our own Nehruji declared: “If all is well with colleges and universities, all is well with
the nation”.
Only a value-based education can give our youth the altruistic and benevolent sense of
living for others; as Swami Vivekananda said, “They alone live who live for others”. We should
always bear in mind that by helping others we help ourselves. By bringing prosperity to others
we ourselves prosper. Conversely, we cannot give pain to another without giving pain to
ourselves, and a loss caused to another is necessarily a loss to oneself.
It is good to have money and the things it can buy, but in the process of acquiring money,
we must always be concerned with the purity of the means. Otherwise, the wealth becomes ill
gotten; it will buy a bed but not sleep; books but not wisdom; a house but not a home; medicine
but not health; a ring but not a marriage. The means you employ to achieve a result must be just,
otherwise the result will ultimately backfire and result in loss and disappointment. As Woodrow
Wilson, US President stated: “I would rather fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than
succeed in a cause that would ultimately fail”.
When you snatch anything from the society without corresponding labour on your part, it
is a sin. When you manipulate the circumstances to get from the society more than what is due,
you are committing a sin. When you hurt a person or a system for your own monetary or egoistic
gain, you are committing a sin. As Mahatma Gandhi put it, “Wealth without work; pleasure
without conscience; knowledge without character; commerce without morality; science without
humanity; religion without sacrifice; and politics without principle will lead to sinful acts
disturbing peace and happiness”. A ‘success’ achieved through immoral or unethical means is
undoubtedly a step towards ultimate failure in achieving happiness in life.
Today, if we are able to read, write, think and act accordingly it has been made possible
due to the education we had over about twenty years from various teachers, who took all efforts
to teach us through their learning and experiences. Our education is due to our teachers who have
labored patiently to explain various subjects in such a way that we can easily understand. Every
one of us has to always remember his teachers with gratitude and respect.
A common problem for the newly admitted students in our educational institutions is the
practice of “ragging” by senior students. Such merciless torture meted out to freshman students
by the seniors is beneficial to none, but leaves all with unhappy memories. Both the seniors and
the freshers they torture lose their peace of mind and the standard of education is corrupted and
deteriorated. These painful incidents are stored in the inner depths of the heart and continue to
influence one’s relationships throughout life. Some students are so drastically affected that they
forfeit their careers, prospects and even their mental balance. Good companionship among
students is to be nurtured, as the collegiate years can be the time where lifelong loyalties and
friendships are formed. Parents, management of institutions government and students must
gather and discuss the ways to eradicate this menace and ensure that students are able to study
peacefully and happily and achieve success in life. In the long run the success and achievements
of every student are an asset to society.
Eternal Values
Every one of us is a valuable part of the society. The peace that an individual realizes and
enjoys in his heart is the basis for the overall peace of the society. For the sake of the society at
large, every individual has to subject himself to certain responsibilities and duties. Since the
action of an individual is bound to affect every other individual of the society, such action has to
be confined by self-evolved order and discipline. When one expects others to do certain things
and avoid doing certain other things, he must necessarily subject himself to the same set of do’s
and don’ts; in other words these become the normative values followed by the whole society.
The cultural level of the society is determined by the set of values that each individual respects
and retains as the standard of goodness.
A society becomes good or bad based on the ethical values of individuals; ethical values
give society its strength.
To study law and yet behave lawlessly, to study civics and remain without social sense,
to study the sciences and fail to imbibe a scientific outlook and temper – these are a travesty of
education. Such an education does not impart dynamism to ideas; it does not result in force of
character, richness of personality, and efficiency in life and action. Just as physical strength and
efficiency are the products of assimilated nutrients, one’s personality is the product of
assimilation of character-molding ideas. If food is not prepared in such a way as to be digestible
it becomes a poison and inimical to the body; similarly knowledge that is consumed without the
ingredient of ethics becomes poisonous and inimical to oneself and society. Vanity, cunningness,
egotism, miserliness, anger and greed are the poisonous results of such impure knowledge.
Swami Vivekananda said: “Education is not the amount of information that you put in your
brain to run riot there, undigested all your life. We must have life building, man making, and
character-making assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your
life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole
Those values that have been and still are respected throughout all ages and places are
called “eternal values”. An example would be the well-known Golden Rule: “Do unto others as
you would have them do unto you”. To the extent that we follow these values our lives become
successful and joyous. An understanding of such values represents the level of our wisdom, and
our ability to follow them is the measure of our maturity.
Evolution of Value-Oriented Education
Formation of character through education had its important place in Indian education
system right from the Vedic period. Till at the end of Sixteenth century, the place of character
formation through education was unquestionable. The medium of character formation through
education was religious and therefore religious institutions tried to educate persons in character
building during their period and sphere. Inclusively after the arrival of Britishers in India, the
aim of Indian education was changed. The aim of education to them was thus very limited. Some
functional literacy including knowledge of subjects were introduced. In the Education
Commission of 1882 only, moral education was recommended.
Society is dynamic and values that are created in political, economic and social
fields are subject to changes in these fields. An individual and society exists by the
assimilation of these values. Society thus becomes dynamic, e.g. the rising of twenty first
century is the gift of science age. Society has to accept behaviour and thoughts in
consonant with the age of science. This is the accepted behaviour of an individual.
Example, the moon is not a God but a planet. We proved it by scientific existence. The
said behaviour is favourable to science age and also expected for individual progress and
progress of society. We call such behaviour as value oriented behaviour, e.g. Small pox is
a disease and it does not exist due to divine anger. A patient becomes normal by medical
treatment. We therefore take preventive measures or if there are symptoms of disease we
approach the doctor for medical treatment. This behaviour is expected from society. It is
based on scientific outlook and favourable to a nation. An individual therefore gets free
from the disease and his individual progress becomes possible. In the aforesaid
behaviour, four criteria are properly followed and therefore it is value-oriented behaviour.
C. Social value:
Each country preserves some values according to its culture and these values are
preserved land protected. Dr. Chilan has fixed the following values of Indian society viz.
Pity, Self Control, Universal brotherhood, honesty, respect and faith.
D. Professional Value:
Many professionals are in existence and each profession has got its own independent
values e.g. Following are the values of the teaching profession:
Knowledge thrust, Sincerity in profession, Regularity and Faith.
E. Religious Value:
Each religion has got its independent status, principles and rules e.g. Following values are
included in Boudha religion. Wisdom, Character and Pity
Some values are common to all religions, whereas some values are attached to as
particular religion only and they are the specialties of that particular religion.
F. Aesthetic Value:
Literature and Arts (painting, carving, drawing etc.) have got their fixed criteria and
rules. They are investigated and are fixed.
Evan Smith (1970)
Parents and society try to fix certain values on children. Learning experiences and
social interaction offer an outlook and attitudes of children are transformed accordingly.
If curriculum is outlined likewise and based on values, particular values are bound to
reflect through learning process.
According to Evan Smith-
1. Value based teacher can only fix certain values. As the teacher so the values.
2. Educational system is a by-product of social and cultural advancement. Both
formal and non-formal agencies are equally responsible to create necessary values
for the development of personality of students.
Components of Value Education
1) Moral Education
2) Environmental Education
3) Population Education
4) Human rights and duties
5) Health Education
6) Indian Culture
7) Physical Education
8) Yoga Education
9) History of Indian freedom movement.
The above mentioned component parts should be included in curriculum and it should be
so framed to give justice to various learning experiences through the media of subject units.
Value education thus will not be treated as an independent subject in curriculum but it will lead
to integrated development through effective value based curriculum.
Human Values
Self control
Scientific vision
Professional Value
Moral education
Aesthetic Value
Religious value
Environmental Education
National value
Social value
Population Education
Human rights
Indian culture
History of Indian Freedom
Physical Education
Yoga Education
Health Education
Learning Experience
Value oriented
Personal Development
The development of one’s personality, done in the right manner, is a challenging and
rewarding task for every individual, particularly for the energetic youth who can gain much from
it. It is challenging in that it demands hard, methodical labour, perseverance and careful
attention. And it is rewarding since no effort in this direction goes in vain. In fact, every effort
brings success and satisfaction proportionate to the attempt. Moreover, it is every person’s duty
to work towards it, since personality development is necessary for success in any field.
What Is Personality?
According to the Cambridge International Dictionary of English, ‘Your personality is the
type of person you are, which is shown by the way you behave, feel and think.’ Personality,
according to the Long man Dictionary of Contemporary English, is the ‘whole nature or
character of a person.’
How a person behaves, feels and thinks; how he conducts himself in a given set of
circumstances is largely determined by the state of his mind. Mere external appearance or a
person’s speech or mannerisms are only fringes of one’s personality. They do not reflect the real
personality. Personality development in the real sense refers to deeper levels of a person. So a
study of our personality should start from a clear grasp of the nature of our mind, and how it
Analyzing the above example, we are able to discern four functions of the mind:
1) Memory
The storehouse of memory and impressions of our past experiences presents
various possibilities before the mind. This storehouse is called chitta. It is in this
storehouse that the impressions of our thoughts and actions-good and bad – are stored.
The sum total of these impressions determine our character. This chitta, again, is what is
known as our subconscious mind.
4) I’ Consciousness:
Appropriating to oneself all physical and mental activities eg, ‘I eat’, ‘I see’, ‘I
talk’, ‘I think’, ‘I am confused’, etc., is called ahamkara or ‘I’ consciousness. As long as
the ‘I’ identifies itself with the undisciplined body-mind complex, human life is dictated
by events and circumstances of the world; we become happy with pleasurable events, and
miserable with adverse circumstances. More the mind gets refined and disciplined, more
does one get to know the real source of ‘I’ consciousness. Correspondingly, a person
becomes more balanced and equipoise in his daily life. Such a person is no longer swayed
by any event or circumstances of life.
These four aspects of the mind, viz manas, buddhi, chitta and ahamkara, are not
watertight compartments. It is the same mind called by different names based on its
1. Make a list of 5 occasions each when you have and have not considered help or priority
to individuals of your opposite gender.
3. Describe in 200 words any experience you have had with an intellectually challenged
2 Experience
3. Maturity
4. Family members
5. Neighbours
6. Co-workers
What is character?
Every action and thought of ours leaves an impression in our mind. These impressions
determine how we respond to a given situation. The sum total of all our impressions is what
determines our character. The past has determined the present. Even so the present- our present
thoughts and actions – will shape our future. This is a key principle governing personality
“ A nation may conquer the waves, control the elements, develop the utilitarian problems
of life seemingly to the utmost limits, and yet not realize that in the individual, the highest type
of civilization is found in him who has learned to conquer self”.
“This universe is simply a gymnasium in which the soul is taking exercise; and after
these exercises we become Gods. So the value of everything is to be decided by how far it is a
manifestation of God. Civilization is the manifestation of that divinity in man”.
4. Self-reliance:
Man is the maker of his own destiny, said Swamiji: ‘We are responsible for
what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make
5. Renunciation and Service:
Swamiji held selfless service as a paramount means to character development.
This, coupled with renunciation of selfishness and desire for the fruits of action, was
considered by Swamiji as the twin ideal of our nation ‘Intensify her in those
channels,’ said he, ‘and the rest will take care of itself’.
The ideal of all education, all training should be this man-making. But, instead of that, we are
always trying to polish up the outside. What use in polishing up the outside when there is no
inside? The end and aim of all training is to make the man grow. The man who influences, who
throws his magic, as it were, upon his fellow-beings, is a dynamo of power, and when that man is
ready, he can do anything and everything he likes; that personality put upon anything will make
it work.
What the youth really need are proper ideas, inspiring models and appropriate guidance to
help them realize their mistakes and correct themselves, rather than criticizing them violently,
attacking verbally or condemning out rightly. Are the youth an asset to the nation? Are there
among them builders of the nation who can make her hold her head high among other nations?
Are they capable, with the education they have been given, of defending themselves and the
country? Have they some concern, some feeling and sympathy for the millions of poor people
who have been subjected to repression and exploitation for centuries, people whose sweat of
labour has provided them with the privilege of education, job and other amenities? Have they at
least the keen desire to attain a level of achievement in the field chosen by them? Has the
education taught them the virtues of honesty and responsibility? What can the nation expect from
the youth who are physically weak, who are slaves of comfort and luxury, who are idling
parasites, sucking the blood of the nation?
The youth are the symbol of a nation’s enthusiasm, energy and hope. If we cannot make
their irrepressible energy flow in proper and useful channels, all our national projects will go
down the drain. What directions do the minds of the educated youth, who received their training
because of the hard work of the people of the nation, take today? Do they have a sense of dignity
of labour? Today, teachers and parents think that the purpose of their lives is fulfilled when their
children are educated, pass examinations, get a job and earn money. Nobody seems to be
concerned about whether children imbibe any noble qualities and become good human beings.
There is a solution to the problems of the youth. The solution lies in re-establishing the
self-confidence of the youth, in showing them the way of regaining their faith in themselves.
With this, not only the individual but also the society rises to the heights of great achievement.
When an individual becomes aware of his own tremendous potentialities, when he realizes that
he himself is the architect of his future, he tries honestly to come up in life just like a man who
falls to the ground will use the ground itself for support to stand up.
Many of the leaders who fought for the freedom of India staunchly believed that the
country has a special spiritual message to give to the world. Gandhiji imbibed the spirit of this
message in his life and inspired his countrymen to live a life of selfless service for the good of
the nation. The fight for freedom started only with the noble urge for preserving the culture and
virtues of the people and also ensuring their welfare and well-being. At the dawn of the freedom
movement, Swami Vivekananda gave a clarion call to the people to imbibe the spirit of true
religious idealism as laid down by our great seers, based on the universal principles of the
divinity present in every human being, the solidarity of the universe, the essential unity of all
religions and service of God in the human being. Indeed, these are the answers to the
fundamental questions about life and existence. Hence these truths are applicable for all times
and for all places.
The educated have a great role to play. And the role of young people is still greater. It is
not material help alone that provides a cure for the ills of the world. “We may convert every
house in the country into a charity asylum; we may fill the land with hospitals, but the misery
of man will still continue to exist until man’s character changes,” says Swami Vivekananda.
We will be doing the greatest service to humanity not only by raising the roofs of houses but also
by raising the minds of people.
2. Contructivity
3. Sacrifice
4. Sincerity
5. Self-control
6. Altruism
7. Tolerance
8. Scientific vision
Model Questions
1. Define value education. What is your opinion of the need for value education in the
5. Describe any touching experience you have had with or heard of any one of the
a. Physically Challenged b. Intellectually Challenged
c. Gender equality
9. What would you do in a situation when you find your classmates ragging your junior?
Explain a situation and give the action with reasons.
10. Explain the interrelationships of dependence between members of a family, including the
Value Education towards National and Global Development
Value literally means something that has a price, something precious, dear and
worthwhile. It is defined as a belief upon which man acts by preference. By a close examination
of different sources of the meaning of values, we may say
i) Values are general standards and higher order norms.
ii) Value is a belief that something is good and worthwhile.
iii) Value is a measure of goodness or desirability.
iv) Values are socially defined and accepted desires and goods that are internalized
through the process of learning, socialization and conditioning.
Importance of Values:
i) Good values are the spontaneous manifestations of a sound character and values form
the central pole around which our actions, desires and ambitions are organized.
ii) Values guide our behaviour and give meaning to our existence.
iii) Values assist us to take right decisions and make choices.
iv) Values give direction and firmness to life and help us to be morally sound.
v) Values set goals for achievements and they motivate, define and colour all our
activities in cognitive, affective and conative domains.
The value process is usefully seen as being composed of the following sub-processes:
i) Choosing from alternatives.
ii) Choosing after thoughtful consideration of consequences.
iii) Choosing freely.
iv) Prizing and cherishing.
v) Publicly affirming and appropriate sharing.
vi) Acting upon and
vii) Acting upon with some consistent pattern and repetition.
The goal of the value clarification approach (Simon, etal 1972) is to help people use
these seven processes of valuing in their own lives by applying these valuing sub-processes
to already formed beliefs and behaviour patterns and to those still emerging.
Religion, education, social and national traditions and structure are pillars of certain
values. The human conscience is also a source of value awareness. When true values are
inculcated among our students they help them to take a voyage in the stormy sea of life.
Categorisation of Values:
i) Constitutional and National Values
ii) Social Values
iii) Professional Values
iv) Religious and Moral Values
v) Aesthetic Values
A. Constitutional Values:
India became an Independent country on August 15, 1947 and a democratic
constitution was established on January 26, 1950. The Indian society upholds a set of values
namely, democracy, socialism and secularism, which guide the life of the individuals and group
functioning. These three basic values are stressed in the preamble of the Constitution of India as
“We, the people of India, have solemnly resolved to constitute India into a
Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic” and to provide security to all its citizens.
Meaning of Democracy
In the famous words of Abraham Lincoln, “Democracy is the Government of the people,
by the people and for the people”. According to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Commission report
“Democracy is the way of life and a more political arrangement. It is based on equal freedom and
equal rights for all its members regardless of race, religion, sex, occupation or economic status”.
The following are the fundamental assumptions of democracy:
a) Respect for the dignity of the individual.
b) Freedom of action, speech and movement on existing of the society.
c) Equalitarianism.
d) Good citizenship.
e) Faith in change and peaceful methods.
f) National character and sense of tolerance.
g) Scientific temper of mind.
The Indian concept of secularism is concerned with giving equal regard for all faiths and
creeds and developing a spirit of reverence and tolerance for all faiths.
National Values:
i. Justice:
The justice is built upon affirmative and collective relations and dependent on collective
interests of individual groups and society. It includes social justice, economic justice and
political justice.
ii. Liberty:
Each citizen has the right to freedom of speech. But it should not harm and ignore the
national, social and even the personal interest of others. It should not jeopardize the national
unity and social amity. Liberty is essential for individual progress and progress of society.
iii. Equality:
It is necessary to achieve the ends in liberty. It is one of the
important social objectives of democracy.
iv. Fraternity:
For the glory of the individual and society, both the unity of the nation and the dignity of
the individual is of vital importance. The feeling of compassion, love among human beings and
the feeling of friendship are necessary for fraternity with a national feeling.
National Integration:
In India we have multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and multi-traditional groups. Our
constitution emphasizes the concept of unity in diversity and expects every citizen of India to
honour the feeling of national and emotional integration.
B. Social values:
On account of radical changes brought about by technical, scientific and technological
advancements, our society has been undergoing rapid changes in every walk of life. The basic
objective of socialism is to establish a new social and economic order on the basis of equality of
opportunity and on the social, political and economic justice.
Individuals constitute society which has certain ideals, models and norms in respect of
social behaviour, duties and responsibilities towards one another. Social values refer to those
values which are oriented towards social amicability and coherence. They necessitate the
interaction of two or more persons. Social values are always practised in relation to our
neighbours, community, society, nation and the world.
Social Values:
Some of the social values may be listed as follows:
i) Love towards humanity - Brotherhood, Sharing
ii) Sincerity and honesty - Dutifulness, forgiveness
iii) Faith in co-operative living - Friendship, team spirit
iv) Good citizenship - Sympathy, sportsmanship
v) Integrity of character - Magnanimity
vi) Faith in change and peaceful
methods - Patience, tolerance
vii) Scientific temper of mind - Responsibility
viii) Concern for environment - Conservation of natural
C. Professional Value:
Many professions are in existence and each profession has got its own
independent values. Irrespective of the specific nature of profession, the following are the
common values of all the professions:
Knowledge thrust
Sincerity and honesty
Regularity and Punctuality
Spirit of enquiry
Sense of social responsibility
Professional Value
A few of the professional values may be explained as follows.
Regularity and punctuality win the respect of others. We become dishonest and
unreliable when we fail to practice regularity and punctuality in our life.
Honesty means truthfulness It is concerned with accepting one’s potentialities and
limitations and admitting the truth on all occasions. Honesty demands upright thinking and
brings respectability.
Rabindranath Tagore observes, “A teacher can never truly teach, unless he is still
learning himself. A lamp can never right another lamp unless it continues to burn its own
flame”. Hence to be competent in any profession one has to develop knowledge thirst to
keep in pace with the emerging trends, specifically in his field of specialization.
D. Religious Values
Religion is based on certain moral principles. The core of all religions is the
welfare of human beings. It is a way of life and binds human beings. Due to difference in land,
climate, culture and language, many ways of worship came into existence. All religions
emphasize a sense of brotherhood, sisterhood and love.
Religious Values:
The following common values of life are recommended by all the religions of the
Broad mindedness
Welfare of mankind
Pursuit of truth
Holy life
Simple living
Respecting the place of worship and tolerance for other religions are to be treated
as supreme values of human beings. Participating enthusiastically in the celebrations of other
religious festivals, and respecting literature of other religions have to be developed.
E. Moral Values:
Moral Values are the standards of good or evil or principles of right or wrong or
desirable or undesirable which govern an individual’s behaviour or choices.
Moral Values:
Moral values are acquired as a part of cultural evolution. Individual’s morals are derived
from society and government. In due course the moral values may change as laws. When
society moves into the modern era the earlier system of laws may vanish. Faith, loyalty, non-
violence, obedience, purity, truthfulness are examples of moral values.
F. Aesthetic Values:
Aesthetic values are values concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. They
provide pleasure and happiness to the individual and are composed of feelings of heart and mind.
Enjoying or appreciation of music, literature, painting, drawing, sculpture, natural scenes, paper
work, modeling, etc. belong to this category of values. Particularly, children possess aesthetic
impulses and express their impulses through paintings, music, modeling, etc. from their infancy.
One can enjoy beauty in science as well as in poetry, sculpture and painting. Aesthetic value is
concerned with questions of beauty and artistic taste.
According to the Emotional Integration Committee Report (1962), the attributes of national
emotional integration are as follows:
i) A strong feeling of brotherhood and nationhood that sinks and ignores individuals,
parochial linguistic and religious differences.
ii) The common mental bond that binds all people irrespective of their differences towards the
aesthetic, spiritual and material progress.
iii) Creation of a feeling of oneness and mental outlook towards the welfare of the country
above narrow sectarian interests.
iv) A harmonious blending of personal emotion in an individual with his social obligation
resulting in a well balanced personality.
v) A feeling of harmony and the welding of diverse elements of society into a very
compact and homogenous unit.
vi) A firm conviction on the part of each individual that he is an integral component of
the whole social unit for the healthy development of self and community.
Role of Education:
Education is the potential instrument to bring about purposeful behavioural changes in
the individual. It helps to achieve social integration by alleviating social prejudices and by
creating a strong desire for a rational social order.
Education should aim at achieving personal integration by developing integrated
personality of the individual and by inculcating right values, scientific temper of mind, right
attitudes, productive imagination and creative intelligence.
Education should develop cultural awakening, cultural understanding and appreciation,
so as to transmit cultural values for promotion of cultural integration.
Education should inculcate national ideals and true patriotic outlook to pave way for the
promotion of emotional integration.
In order to achieve the above mentioned national integration goals, the following changes
and activities have to be carried out:
Proper reforms in curriculum should be made from the point of view of our national
needs and national achievements.
Common prayers and observations of religious festivals in the educational institutions.
Avoiding comments on casteism or communalism in the classroom.
Conducting a short course on national literature.
Encouraging the study of one of the Indian languages other than the regional language.
Arranging co-curricular activities centering around human understanding.
Organizing National ceremonies, symbols, songs, national pledges, etc.
Compiling a short anthology of songs in all languages for wide circulation.
Emphasizing the points of interdependence cooperation and integration by way of
educational programmes.
Encouraging the participation of people of different castes and religions in national fairs
and festivals.
Organizing dramas, seminars, debates and discussions advocating the concept of national
Increasing use of mass media for harnessing national unity.
Revising textbooks so as to emphasize national unity and love of the country.
Providing opportunities inculcating broad humanism and single-minded devotion to
decent values.
International Understanding:
The world today has undergone radical changes. Globalization, the advent of technology
in communication network, transport system and life styles, have erased the margin of distance
and time. There is a greater awareness for the necessity of establishing lasting peace among the
nations of the world after the impact of international wars. In recent years, the concept of one
World of one Community has assumed greater significance. After the World War II, the concepts
of unity in diversity and the interdependence of nations for the sustained economic growth and
political safety have assumed greater significance.
As pointed out by Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, the former President of India and the great
philosopher, “The World once divided by oceans and continents today is united physically, but
there are still suspicions and misunderstandings. It is essential for us not to live apart but to live
together, understanding each other, knowing one another’s fears and anxieties, aspirations and
thought. That is what we are expected to do”.
1. Narrate life situations where you have acted with responsibility?
2. Recollect the situations in your life when you have shown commitment?
3. Have you practiced dutifulness in your schooldays? Illustrate the situations.
4. Through the T.V. Programme, short story, news items, film, biography and folk song,
depict the values.
Model Questions
a. What do you mean by “National Integration”. What is the need for National Integration? As
an individual list out the activities to be undertaken for promoting National Integration.
b. Explain the concept of International understanding and its importance. Suggest various
activities to be promoted for inculcating International understanding.
c. Write a brief note on constitutional values.
d. What do you mean by aesthetic values? Give examples. What strategies would you adopt for
inculcating aesthetic values?
e. What do you understand by moral values? Citing examples explain how moral values may be
f. Give a few examples for social values. How are social values inculcated?
g. Write brief notes on religious and moral values.
h. Enumerate the importance of inculcating values.
i. Explain the concept of value. With examples, list out how values are categorised?
j. Describe the role of education in inculcating values?
k. Define ‘Environmental sensitivity’. List out the strategies you would adopt in inculcating
environmental ethical values.
Impact of Global Development on Ethics and Values
A fundamental shift linked to globalization is the shift from the ‘old work order’, the
traditional, assembly line approach typical of mass production. Products were replicated
faithfully; they were standardized with no flexibility. With globalization and the ‘new work
order’, the approach is towards forms of production, which employ new ways of making goods
and commodities, and serving more differentiated markets for niches through segmented
retailing strategies.
Progress and change are fundamental to the twenty-first century, so the capacity to
constantly modify also will be essential. In the ‘old work order and the traditional approach to
education, we encouraged students to develop specialist points of view so that eventually they
were able to function as particular types of experts. We also focused on getting students to
function as particular types of experts. We also focused on getting students to be able to
reproduce facts and figures and learn how to handle knowledge and language in ways limited to
their particular disciplines.
Cultures are like underground rivers that run through our lives and relationships, giving
us messages that shape our perceptions, attributions, judgments, and ideas of self and other.
Though cultures are powerful, they are often unconscious curve.
Cultures are more than language, dress, and food customs. Two things are essential to
remember about cultures: they are always changing, and they relate to the symbolic dimension of
life. The symbolic dimension is the place where we are constantly making meaning and enacting
our identities. Cultural messages from the groups we belong to give us information about what is
meaningful or important, and who we are in the world and in relation to others -- our identities.
The word ‘culture’ has been derived from the Latin word “culture” meaning to cultivate.
Culture of every social order is unique. It is total way of life of a society.
Culture has material and non-material aspects. Material dimension of culture includes
material aspects i.e., materials that contribute to better standard of living and to the
development of human capital, technological resources etc. Non material dimension of
culture includes human, ideas, interests, attitudes, values and appreciations
Culture is social and dynamic. It changes at the society changes and it is transmitted from
generation to generation.
Culture includes the ways of life, habits manners and the very tones of voices.
Culture is the widening of the mind and of the sprit.
3.0.2 How Cultures Work
The cultures are a shifting, dynamic set of starting points that orient us to move in a
particular way. The multiple cultures give us messages about what is normal, appropriate, and
expected. What is common to one cultural group may seem strange, counterintuitive, or wrong to
another cultural group. Cultural messages shape our understandings of relationships.
Culture is constantly in flux -- as conditions change, cultural groups adapt in
dynamic and sometimes unpredictable ways. Therefore, no comprehensive
description can ever be formulated about a particular group. Any attempt to
understand a group must take the dimensions of time, context, and individual
differences into account.
Culture is elastic -- knowing the cultural norms of a given group does not predict
the behavior of a member of that group, who may not conform to norms for
individual or contextual reasons. Therefore, taxonomies such as Hindus go to
temple, have limited use, and can lead to error if not checked with experience.
Culture is largely below the surface, influencing identities and meaning-making,
or who we believe ourselves to be and what we care about -- it is not easy to
access these symbolic levels since they are largely outside our awareness.
Therefore, it is important to use many ways of learning about the cultural
dimensions of those involved in a conflict, especially indirect ways, including
stories, metaphors, and rituals.
Cultural influences and identities become important depending on context. When
an aspect of cultural identity is threatened or misunderstood, it may become
relatively more important than other cultural identities and this fixed, narrow
identity may become the focus of stereotyping, negative projection, and conflict.
This is a very common situation in intractable conflicts. Therefore, it is useful for
people in conflict to have interactive experiences that help them see each other as
broadly as possible, experiences that foster the recognition of shared identities as
well as those that are different. Since culture is so closely related to our identities
(who we think we are), and the ways we make meaning (what is important to us
and how), it is always a factor in conflict.
3.4.8 Reinforce
Thoughts like these can be further reinforced with emotions and images. All this may
take longer than one single replacing thought, but these are far more effective since they allow
you to divide the desired target into workable units. Focus on a pleasant event that took place in
the past. This way your thoughts will turn positive and your emotions and images will reinforce
each other, resulting in an overall positive attitude.
Adolescence is the period of transition between childhoods to adulthood. It is a period
demanding significant adjustment to the physical and social changes that distinguish childhood
behavior from adult behavior. It is the period when the child moves from dependency to
autonomy. The period of adolescence not only brings physical changes but also psychological
changes that make the child a qualitatively different person. These changes affect the personality
and adjustment in later life.
Some of the features of development that takes place during adolescence are presented
Biological transitions:
The chief elements of the biological changes of adolescence which together are referred
to as puberty involve changes in the young person’s physical appearance and attainment of
reproductive capacity. The following are the chief physical manifestation:
A rapid acceleration in growth resulting in dramatic increases in both height and weight
The further development of the gonads, or sex glands,
The development of secondary sex characteristics
Changes in body composition
Changes in the circulatory and respiratory system.
Due to these, the adolescent’s consciousness and increased interest about one’s own body
develops. The body image can bring a sense of fun, pride, shyness or even unhappiness.
Cognitive Development
Very noticeable changes in intellectual development take place during adolescence. The
adolescent becomes able to think in more abstract and logical terms. The quality of thinking in
terms of great ideals also emerges during the period. They can now understand abstract concepts
and think in terms of probabilities as well. They develop the capacity to think both inductively
and deductively. They can also reflect, analyze, judge, hypothesize and discuss various points of
views. Adolescents' own opinion about an issue becomes very important to them. This often gets
the adolescents into hot arguments with parents, teachers and friends.
Adolescents begin to question every thing like an experimenter. They draw conclusions
only when they are convinced. They also tend to defend their point of view very rigidly. There is
a noticeable increment in their vocabulary. Adolescents can attend to several intellectual tasks
simultaneously making this a very promising stage of intellectual development.
The three main characteristics of adolescent thought are as follows:
(a) Capacity to combine several factors and finds solution to a problem.
(b) Ability to see that what affect one factor will have on another factors.
(c) Ability to combine and separate factors in a probabilistic manner.
The above characteristics of adolescent thought may not apply to each and
every child. Important variations have often been seen in individuals of the same culture.
Emotional Changes
The onset of puberty brings physical changes among the adolescents.
These changes are often accompanied by emotional tensions. The adolescent is exposed to new
social situations, patterns of behavior and societal expectations, which bring a sense of
insecurity. It has been found that there is increase in the incidence of depression. The adolescents
show the tendency of impulsive urge to take immediate action, which often leads to risk taking
behavior. The peer group support emphasizes the decision of risk taking behavior.
Social Development
In the social sphere, adolescents undergo a lot of changes in their interpersonal
relationships and they also begin to understand society and its diverse influences. The
dependence on parents noted during childhood gets transformed into dependence on friends and
peers. In fact, friendship becomes very important for the adolescents and most of them like to
spend more time with their friends than with family. Being recognized as a popular member of a
peer group is an important adolescent need.
Attraction towards members of the opposite sex is another prominent characteristic of the
adolescent. This is natural and occurs mainly because of the sexual maturity taking place among
the adolescents. The adolescents also begin to acquire beliefs, opinions, attitudes and stereotypes
about society based upon their own understanding.
Media becomes a very powerful source of influence in this stage, especially music and
television. These provide adolescents with role models like, Politicians, great athletes, etc.,
whom they try to emulate. Such models help the adolescents realize their fantasies and dreams.
Body image becomes a very important concern for the adolescents. Having an appropriate figure
in fact is almost a teenage obsession. In addition, fashion and glamour reflected in the style of
dressing, sporting, make-up, having the right hairstyle etc. become very important in their lives.
These are associated with the social roles that the adolescents want to develop and to experiment
Moral Development
In the moral sphere, too, the adolescents undergo very significant changes. They now
develop a firm ethical sense or an understanding of what is right and wrong. The ideas are based
not only on what the parents and elders have taught but also on adolescents' own experience.
They begin to question the social and moral codes prevalent in society and accept only those,
which they are convinced of. The eagerness to be a nice-boy/nice girl and to please others ceases
to be important now. It gets replaced by a questioning mind and conviction about adolescents
own stand on the issues. During this stage, adolescence begins to understand the importance of
law in maintaining order in the society. Further, they begin to evolve a set of personal values,
which become guiding principles in life.
Cognitive-behavioral skills
The following nine steps will help the adolescent to effectively manage difficult emotions
such as anger, depression and anxiety, as well as low self-esteem.
1. Recognize triggers
2. Listen for your emotional mind
3. Identify automatic negative thoughts and core beliefs
4. Identify and rate the intensity of the negative emotions associated with faulty thinking
5. Stop, Look & Listen
6. Find evidence from your life that disproves negative thoughts and core beliefs
7. Re-think: Change faulty thoughts to more realistic thoughts based on evidence
8. Re-examine and rate the intensity of feelings now that you’ve changed your thoughts
9. Re-act: Develop an action plan to change your behavior.
3.5.3 Anger
The adolescent is made angry when he is teased, ridiculed, criticized, or “lectured”, when
he feels that he or his friends are unfairly treated or punished by parents and teachers, when
privileges he considers fair are refused, when he is “treated like a child,” when people impose
upon him, or when people are bossy and sarcastic. In addition, he becomes angry when things do
not go right, when he is unable to accomplish what he sets out to do, when he is interrupted at
times when he is busy and preoccupied, or when his private property is encroached upon by
parents or siblings.
The young adolescent experiences many frustrations or feelings of helplessness when he
is blocked in doing what he wants to do. In his desire to achieve independence, he finds himself
constantly blocked by parents, teachers, or others in authority. The more common form of angry
response is sulkiness or being generally disagreeable. The sulky individual refuse to talk or to do
what he is expected to do.
Instead of trying to get his revenge by hitting and kicking, as a child does, the adolescent
frequently substitutes belittling or ridiculing the person he would like to fight with. Frequently
young adolescents throw things, stamp their feet, hit, kick, and, in the case of girls, cry when
they are angry. Gradually, however, the adolescent comes to realize that such overt expressions
are regarded as signs of immaturity, and he learns to control them.
How the adolescent will react when angry, however, depends upon the social class with
which he is identified. Those of the lower socioeconomic groups, or those who belong to a
minority group, are likely to be more aggressive when angry than are those from higher
socioeconomic groups. This is especially true of boys. It is not unusual for adolescents who have
acquired control over their angry responses to show hostility toward a parent, usually the mother,
and treat her as the scapegoat for their pent-up anger. They plan revenge, but this is rarely more
than a fantasy.
Of all the emotions, anger is aroused in late adolescence more often than any other emotion.
Thwarting of self-assertion, and interruption of habitual activities are the two most common
causes of anger at this age.
Failure to accomplish what one sets out to do, to come up to one’s own expectations,
likewise gives rise to anger.
3.5.4 Fear
By the time the child has reached adolescence, he has learned from experience that many
of the things he formerly feared are not dangerous or harmful. As a result, his farmer fears
vanish. However, in place of fears of childhood come new fears related to his more mature
experiences, such as fears of being alone in the dark, being out alone at night, being in social
situations when larger numbers are present or when he is with strangers, and fears of school and
3.5.5 Worry
Worry is a form of fear that comes from imaginary rather than real causes. The young
adolescent works himself up into a state of fear about what might happen, though he may have
little reason for believing that these happenings are possible or even probable.
The older adolescent fears fewer things but worries more than he did when he was
younger. By the time adolescence comes to a close, there should also be a waning of fears of
people and social situations as the individual’s social experiences increase and as he has
opportunities to meet people of all types.
The older adolescent does not run away from a frightening situation, no matter how great
his fear may be. He stands his ground, even though he may become tongue-tied and shake so that
all can see him.
3.5.6 Jealousy
Jealousy is commonly thought of as an infantile emotion, it appears in an intense and
well-camouflaged form during early adolescence. The young adolescent is interested in members
of the opposite sex en masse and craves popularity with them. Those who attain this desired goal
arouse jealous reactions in those who are overlooked or scorned by members of the apposite sex.
When interest in the members of the opposite sex appears, the individual who loses the
loved one to another is as intensely jealous as the child whose position as center of attention in
the family is suddenly usurped by the new arrival. Young adolescents are also jealous of peers
who have4 more privileges and more independence, or who are more successful in schoolwork
or athletics than they.
Instead of making bodily attacks upon those of whom he is jealous, the adolescent makes
verbal attacks. These attacks are generally in such a subtle form that it is often difficult to
recognize them as such. The most common forms of verbal attack consist of sarcastic comments,
ridiculing the individual, preferably in the presence of his parents or friends, and making
derogatory comments about the person behind his back.
3.5.7 Affection
The adolescent’s affections are concentrated on people with whom he has a pleasurable
relationship and who have made him feel secure and loved. As a general rule, the affection
relationship with members of the family is less strong among adolescents than it is in childhood,
owing to the strained family relationships that typically exist at this time.
The number of people for whom the adolescents has a strong affection is small. As a
result, his emotional reaction toward these few individuals is strong. Adolescent affection is an
absorbing type of emotion that drives the adolescent to seek constantly the companionship of the
individual or individuals for whom his affection is strongest. When he is away from them, he
tries to keep in constant touch by telephone calls and letters. In addition, the adolescent tries to
do everything he can to make the loved one happy, whether it be helping him with his
schoolwork, planning forms of entertainment he will enjoy, or giving him presents. He reveals
his affection by watching and listening to the loved one with rapt attention and by smiling
constantly when in the presence of the loved one.
The individual has achieved maturity in this area of his development if, by the end of
adolescence There is a marked trend toward concentration of affection on one individual of the
opposite sex, together with an idealization of that individual, which adds to the intensity of the
emotional reaction. To achieve emotional maturity, the adolescent must learn to get a perspective
on situations which otherwise would lead to emotional reactions. This can best be done by
discussing his problems with others –self- disclosure.
3.5.8 Joy
Joy comes from the adolescent’s good adjustments to his work and to the social situations
with which he is identified, from his ability to perceive the comic in a situation, from a release of
pent-up emotional energy following worry, fear, anger, or jealously, and from feelings of
superiority which result from successful achievements on the adolescent’s part.
Man is a harmonious and marvelous combination of body, life force and mind that has
evolved over countless millennia to a high level of efficiency. Although the acquisition of
knowledge and skills for living are the objective in student life, this is possible only if the
physical body is maintained in a healthy condition. Also, one must have some degree of
knowledge about the structure and working of the body and practice appropriate physical
exercise daily, so as to remain healthy and alert.
Physical Exercise
Man is a harmonious blending of body and spirits-a marvelous fusion of physical
structure, life force and mental faculties that have evolved during countless millennia to a very
high level of perfection. The human being has come into this world with a purpose viz., to
develop his consciousness to the fullest extent and achieve perfection and everlasting peace.
Although spiritual development is the goal of man, its realization is possible only if the physical
body is maintained in an healthy condition. For this, we must first of all know something about
the structure and working of the human body.
In the functioning of the human system, it is the life force that plays the main role; the
physical structure serves only as a container. A closer study of the human being will reveal that
it consists of five layers corresponding to the five elements; solid, liquid, heat, air and ether or
akash. Solid is the physical structure, liquid is the blood, heat is electricity, air is oxygen and
akash is the life force. The subtle life force and the gross solid body are linked together by three
media, viz., liquid, heat and air. If the normal quantity and quality of these media and the pace
of their circulation within the human system are adversely affected in any way, the life force in
its electrical function gets short-circuited and the molecular arrangement in the physical body is
disturbed or punctured. As a result, the life-force gets obstructed, diverted or exhausted in
proportion to the extent of the disturbance and the intensity of the short-circuit. Whenever there
is such a disturbance, it is called pain. If the disturbance is more intense, the pain is also more,
as there is a corresponding increase in the exhaustion of the life force. If the disturbance is for a
short period, it is known as pain. If it extends over a long period, it is known as disease. If the
disturbance is of such magnitude that a major portion of the life force is exhausted, the
functioning of the physical body gets paralyzed and comes to a standstill; such a condition is
known as death.
From the above analysis it will be clear that for maintaining good health one should
guard against disturbances in the physical body, the life-force and the three media. Disturbances
occur in two ways: either through our own actions or through the functioning of natural forces.
Neglect, improper or over-indulgence in food, sleep, work, sex, and use of thought-force are the
factors by which the disturbances are caused by natural forces. Nature has provided a certain
amount of immunity in all human beings against such disturbances. But if this immunity level is
crossed, health gets impaired. We can, to a large extent, avoid these actions that cause such
disturbances. But, sometimes, we become victims to circumstances and act in such a way that
we cross the immunity level. It is not possible to avoid the consequences of the functioning of
the natural forces. Hence, the only course of action open to us is to raise our immunity level, so
that our body will be about withstanding not only our own erroneous actions, but also the
unpredictable onslaught of natural forces.
Over the centuries, man has discovered that through suitable physical exercise, he can
develop and increase his immunity level so that he may guard against ill health. In case he falls a
victim to disease due to unavoidable causes, he can recoup his health quickly by assisting nature
to cure the illness speedily and successfully.
There are two aspects in all physical exercises: Postures and Movements. The three
media which we have referred to earlier (blood, heat and air) are circulating in the human system
one within the other according to their specific gravity and they are governed by the centripetal
pull exercised by the earth. When the normal position of the body is alerted or when a part of the
body is moved or turned towards the earth or away from it, the location of the three media in that
portion or part is also altered. When a part of the body is turned towards the earth, a little more
air goes to the other side or part of the body which is upward. In addition to this, if a rhythmic
movement is also given, all the three media are suitably regulated. Through such systematic and
well-regulated movements, the various parts of the body get cleansed, strengthened and
rejuvenated. Thus we can, through proper physical exercises, achieve a level of immunity
against diseases which will enable us to maintain good health in spite of occasional erroneous
actions or adverse natural forces.
Every one of us have to realize this truth and moralize our deeds and thoughts. Such
rectification will redeem our peace and happiness and last not only all through our lives, but also
in the lives of generations to come. Such redressing of physical and mental derangement are all
encapsulated into the one word 'Yoga'.
Yoga means unifying and streamlining our physical and psychic functions with those of
Nature and living with constant awareness of the consequences of our activities and deeds.
In order to streamline our physical system, first the polarity arrangement of the cells of
the body has to be set right. Only when this is effected, the circulations of blood, air and
magnetism become regular and uniform. The cell arrangement can be set right only by proper
exercise. It is highly beneficial if one daily does the set of general exercises comprising the
following seven parts:
To maintain the body healthily one has to do some simple exercises. The great
Philosopher VETHATHRI MAHARISHI has devised an easy method of exercises under the
name SIMPILIFIED PHYSICAL EXERCISES. This has nine types. They are:
1. Hand exercises
2. Leg exercises
3. Neuro-Muscular Breathing exercises
4. Eye exercises
5. Kabalapathi (Skull cleansing exercise)
6. Makarasana
7. Massage
8. Acupressure
9. Relaxation
Guidelines on Exercises:
The exercises can be practiced by anyone above the age of eight. The exercises should
always be done slowly and methodically but without any jerk. Straining by any sort should be
avoided. The exercises should be practiced in the morning on empty stomach. If they are
practiced in the evening only after four hours of taking solid food or half hour after liquid food,
coffee or tea. After doing the exercises, a few sips of water should be taken. Any other type of
food, solid or liquid, can be taken fifteen minutes after the exercises. Those who suffer from
aliments such as hernia or heart problems should practice the exercises only after consulting a
Trainer, who has taken training in ‘Simplified Kundalini Yoga’. The practitioner will not sweat
while doing these exercises.
Through out these exercises, the practitioner should endeavor to concentrate on the
movements of the body. It is, therefore, suggested that the eyes should be closed while doing the
exercises except for
1. The whole eye exercises.
2. The posture and movements - No.6 of hand exercises and
3. The posture and movements - No.7 of part B of Makarasana
All the exercises can be completed in 30 minutes. Those who have undergone some
surgery can continue the exercises, only after 3 months. Those suffering from hernia, heart
problems, high blood pressure and ear related problems need not do ‘Kapalapathi’ exercises. But
they can do all the other exercises.
Guidelines to Women:
Women should not practice these exercises during the days of their menstrual period,
i.e., 3 to 5 days. Pregnant women (after two months of pregnancy) can only do postures 3 to 7 in
Neuro-Muscular breathing exercises and the part A of Makarasana until delivery. Other exercises
may be practiced again three months after delivery, provided the health is normal. But remember
always that HEALTH IS WEALTH
1. Hand Exercises
Practical Exercises:
Posture 1:
Posture 2:
Stretch both arms to the front at 900 to the chest and join the
palms and fingers in the palms and fingers in front of the chest. Wave the
hands back at 1800 and bring front (both the palms touching when they
come in they come in the front) at the same height. This exercise should
be done five times.
Posture 3:
Join the fingers to form a cone shape. Rotate the
right hand clockwise five times. In the same manner, rotate the
left hand clockwise five times. Then rotate the right hand anti-
clockwise five times and the left hand in the anti-clockwise
direction five times.
Posture 4:
Posture 7:
Stand keeping the feet parallel and two inches apart. Place the hands on the kneecaps,
bending the trunk little forward, bend the knees forward slightly. Slowly rotate the knees
clockwise five times. Then, rotate the knees anti clock wise five times. Again rotate the knees
clockwise five times.
1. Blood circulation, heat circulation, air circulation, life force whirling will
become normal.
2. Rheumatic pain, feeling numbness while sleeping becomes all right.
3. Arms and shoulders become powerful.
4. Shivering stops.
5. Shoulder pain, knee joints become all right.
6. Joints become flexible and hip joints move freely.
2. Leg Exercises
Practical Exercises:
After doing hand exercises, the leg exercises have to be taken up.
Posture 1:
Posture 2:
Keep the feet 12 inches apart. Move the right and left
feet in the right side in unison. Similarly, move the right and left
feet in the left side in unison. Do this five times each side.
Posture 3:
Keep the feet 12 inches apart. Rotate the right and left feet in circular
motion five times in clock-wise direction. Please see that the toes and the little
fingers touch the floor while rotating.
Posture 4:
Keep the feet 12 inches apart. Rotate the right and left feet in circular motion five
times in anti clock-wise direction. Please see that the toes and the little fingers touch the floor
while rotating
Posture 5:
Keep the right foot on the left thigh. Massage the toes, sole and heel by the hands step by
step and slowly. Rotate the right foot using the left hand, by holding the ankle by the right hand.
Rotate clockwise five times, anti-clockwise five times. Do not press any point too much if you
feel there is any pain or tenderness in any part of the foot.
Posture 6:
Practical Exercises:
Sit on a mat in Vajrasana with the right big toe over the left toe. Rest your bottom
comfortably on the heels. Join the index finger and thumb of each hand, the other fingers
remaining stretched. Fix the joined fingers in the joint between the thighs and the abdomen.
Inhale slowly and deeply. Now, exhaling slowly, bend forward as much as possible without any
strain. The spinal cord, neck and head should be in a straight position.
Posture 1:
Raise the body from the waist. Exhale and bend forward. Repeat this 5 times.
Posture 2:
Bend your thumb on the palm, in both the hands. Close the four fingers over the
thumb. Keep the fists joined under the navel and inhale. Exhale and bend forward. Repeat this 5
Posture 3:
Posture 4:
Cover the navel with the left palm and the left ear with the right palm. Inhale and
exhale slowly and deeply without retention of breath, 5 times. By doing this exercise, slight
pressure is created on the front of the right lung. When a deep breath is drawn, the back portion
of the right lung is filled and expanded.
Posture 5:
Cover the right ear with the left palm and the left ear
with the right palm. Do deep breathing 5 times. By this exercise,
both lungs are fully expanded in back.
Posture 6:
Cover the right ear with the right palm and the left ear with
the left palm. Do deep breathing 5 times. Here, both lungs are fully
Posture 7:
Cup your hands and do palming of the eyes, with the left hand over the
left eye and the right hand over the right eye. (The eyes must be closed). Do deep
breathing 5 times.
1. All cells in the lungs get the air circulation. Lungs become more active.
2. The intake capacity of the lungs becomes more.
3. Asthma, forgetfulness, laziness, getting cold frequently, sinus and headache kind of
health problems gets cured and don’t reoccur.
4. Diseases in the nervous system, respiratory system, muscles and bone system get cured.
5. Air circulation in the lungs becomes complete.
4. Eye Exercises
Sit comfortably on the floor and raise your clasped hands with the
thumbs up to be on a level with your eyes, while your elbows remain slightly
With your eyes fixed firmly on the thumb-nails, horizontally swing your hands
right and left following this movement with the eyes, so that your eyes turn left and right. Give a
slight swing of the trunk and neck to follow your hands. Do it 5 times.
Likewise move the hands up and down diagonally starting from the right upper corner
with eyes fixed on the thumb-nails. Do it 5 times, following the movement with your head.
Clockwise Rotation:
Draw the hands as close to the eyes as possible up to the nose tip by bending the elbows.
Then extend the hands away from the eyes fully straightening the arms. Repeat this to and fro
movement 5 times, all the while keeping the eyes on the thumbnails.
5. Kapalapathi
Posture 1:
Posture 2:
Posture 3:
Stretch the legs. Keep the right feet over the left feet crossing the feet at the ankles. In
this position do the same twist, 3 times to each
Posture 4:
Posture 5:
Keep the right ankle in between the big toe and the first toe of the left foot. Do the twist,
3 times each side.
Posture 6:
Keep the left ankle in between the big toe and the first toe of the right foot. Repeat the
twist 3 times to each side.
Posture 7:
Raise your hands and legs above the ground. Stretch your right leg and right hand and
simultaneously draw back your left leg and left hand. Then stretch the left leg and hand. Draw
back the right leg and hand. Do this 10 times. After finishing, relax fully for a minute.
6. Makarasana (Part-B)
Posture 1:
Bend the legs at the knees. Do the twist as in 3 times to each side.
Posture 3:
Keep the right foot over the left, crossing at the ankles. Do the twist 3 times to each side.
Posture 4:
Posture 5:
Keep the big toe and the first toe of the right
foot on either side of the left ankle. The left ankle is
in between the first toe and big toe of the right foot.
Repeat the twist, 3 times too each side.
Posture 6:
Posture 7:
6. Massage
Posture 1:
Posture 2:
Posture 3:
Keep your left hand over the right lung. Massage the lung clockwise 3 times. Do the
same in anti-clockwise and in clockwise 3 times each.
Posture 4:
Posture 5:
Place your thumbs on the temples. Move them clockwise and anti-clockwise and
clockwise 3 time each.
Posture 6:
Place your palms on the eyes. Massage the nose, pressing by the sides of the little fingers,
from up to down 3 times.
Posture 7:
Place the right palm on the right side of the face and left palm on left side of the face.
Massage 3 times.
1. Stomach, heart regions get the bio magnetic waves regulated. Inner organs get
1. All body parts function normally.
1) Lie down flat on the back and bend your left arm at the elbow-
joint diagonally so that the first three fingers of the left hand
touch and press the spine in the upper back. This position shown
in the illustration should be retained throughout the Acu-Pressure
2) With the tip of the first finger (index finger) of the right hand,
lightly press the point one inch directly below the chest-cavity. Thus pressing,
meditate on this point for 30 seconds.
3) Shift the tip of the first finger of the right hand downwards by one
inch to point. As before, meditate on this point for 30 seconds.
4) Shift the tip of the first finger of the right hand further downwards
by another inch to point. This is one inch above the navel.
Meditate here for 30 seconds.
5) Place the tip of the first finger of the right hand in the centre of
the navel and press upwards. If you rotate the navel as a clock,
then the point is at 12 o’clock. Meditate for 30 seconds.
6) Next, place the right thumb in the centre of the navel and press
downwards corresponding to 6 o’ clock. Meditate for 30 seconds.
7) Place the tip of the first finger of the right hand in the center of
the navel and press upwards diagonally, at an angle of 45 0 to the right, as if the
navel-clock shows 10:30. Meditate for 30 seconds.
8) With the same finger press upwards diagonally at an angle of 45 0 to the left as if the
navel-clock shows 1:30. Meditate for 30 seconds.
9) Place the right thumb in the centre of the navel and press downwards diagonally at
an angle of 450 to the right. The time on the navel-clock is 7:30.
Meditate for 30 seconds.
10) With the right thumb press downward at an angle of 450 to the right. The time on the
left, the time on the navel-clock corresponding to 4:30, meditate for 30 seconds.
11) Place the tip of the right index finger at point, which is one inch below the centre of
the lowest rib on the right side. Meditate for 30 seconds.
12) In the same manner, press point, which is on the left side. Meditate for 30 seconds.
13) Press point, which is one inch below the right extreme of the lowest rib. This is the
gall bladder point. Meditate for 30 seconds.
14) In the same way, press which is the left side, exactly mid way between the navel and
the left groin (i.e. thigh- joint). Meditate for 30 seconds.
1) Any electric short circuit is corrected and flow is maintained smoothly.
2) Regulates the nervous system to function effectively
3) Inner organs in the stomach region get strengthened.
4) Hypertension and nervous disorder get rectified.
9. Relaxation
Lie down on the back. Keep the legs relaxed, about one-and-a
half feet apart. Now start relaxing your body from the feet upwards.
Think of your feet and start relaxing them. While relaxing, give this
autosuggestion “I am relaxing my feet. Blood-circulation is good. I am
getting sufficient strength in my feet. Now I have given rest to my feet”.
Note: This should be repeated as you relax the other parts of the body mentioned
below by substituting the particular part as ‘legs’, ‘thighs’, ‘stomach’, etc.
1. Hyper tension gets controlled
2. Heart diseases prevented
3. Stress disappears
4. Body feels rest and freshens up
5. Body feels active throughout the day.
B. Meditation
Feeling 'the divine force':
Man's life is a journey towards 'self realization', a realization towards the secrets of the
Universe and existence of God. The optimum use of one's sixth sense will enable him to achieve
this goal.
Types of Meditation:
Simplified Kundalini Yoga has nine types of meditation.
1. Agna, 2. Shanthi, 3. Thuriya 4. Thuriyatheetha, 5. Panchendriya, 6. Panchabootha
Navagraha, 7. Nine centre meditation, 8. Nityananda, 9. Divine Meditation.
A Guru directs through all these different types of meditation till the last stage - the
divine meditation.
Soul's functional base-the operating centre-is Mooladhar, the Genetic Centre.
Heart is the operating centre for blood circulation
Lungs are the operating centre for air circulation
Mooladhar is the operating centre for life circulation.
Kundalini Yoga brings up the 'life' to top and fixes it in between the two eyebrows on the
forehead. This is the first successful stage in this meditation.
1. Agna: It brings up the 'life' from the Genetic Centre and fixes it inbetween eyebrows on
the forehead. Pituitary glands get activated.
Benefits of Agna:
1. Attraction towards material benefits will disappear
2. Self realization door opens
3. Self directed soul guiding life blossoms
4. Desirable desires stay others disappear
5. Cause-effect philosophy of life becomes a protective force
6. Peripheral mind will become perspicacious
7. Senses will be kept under control
8. No hatred, no arrogance
9. All five senses get unified.
10. Subconscious state is in unison with consciousness so,
concentration becomes possible.
11. After effects are none. (Relief from Akamya karma)
12. Planning the future taking into consideration the past and present
becomes possible.
2. Shanthi: During this meditation, the life force is brought back to Mooladhar-the Genetic
Benefits of Shanthi Yoga:
1. In the Panchabootha philosophy land is the Mooladhar (The place for Prithivi is Mooladhar)
intelligence increases.
2. Physical power and immunity increase.
3. Body pain, indigestion, fever, constipation don't reoccur.
4. Life force functions normally.
6. Physical power can be transformed into mental power and vice versa.
Spinal cord cleansing exercise will help the people whose Agna got struck in between.
3. Thuriya: Taking the centre of the life to the top of the head near pineal gland. Pineal gland
(the function of which is still probed and slowly evolving), which is considered to be network-
controlling factor, gets activated.
Benefits Thuriya Yoga:
1. Soul gets cleansed. All bad imprints disappear.
2. Thuriya meditation takes sub conscious state as its centre. So mind expands and spreads out
for eternal wisdom.
3. Thuriya yogi's ' thoughts' will get reflected in others.
4. The blessings of Thuriya practitioners will get realized.
5. Mind becomes agile and teaches the ultimate.
6. Thuriya meditation will contribute towards introspection.
7. Brings relief from Prarapta (self) Karma.
8. All blemishes get eradicated.
4. Thuriyatheetha: The life expands into the universe and gets dissolved in the absolute space.
Benefits of Thuriyatheetha:
Whoever achieved and attained this stage when they perform introspections they will be
able to understand the imprints of the other living beings also. When the mental wave frequency
is brought to the Delta wave (1-3 cps) the mind gains the capacity to establish contact with any
other living being and understand his/its feelings. This is called intuition; which is also called
the ESP-Extra Sensory Perceptions.
Salvation is the ultimate stage in the history of evolution. All illusions (Maya) disappear.
All these become possible by the practise of Kundalini yoga. The life becomes Spiritual. Birth
cycle breaks down here and no more births.
6. Panchabootha Navagraha: It is good to do this on the new moon and full moon days. The
magnetic waves that emanate from five physical elements get united with the magnetic waves
produced by nine planets.
Benefits of Panchabootha Navagraha meditation:
1. Enables one to benefit from contacts with any power or object.
2. Enables one to get protection from the force.
3. Rejuvenates soul and body.
4. Immunity against diseases increase.
5. Knowledge blossoms about the five physical elements.
6. Magnetic forces from the planets may have some adverse impact on the humans. This
meditation will reduce the impact.
7. Mind expands to its full.
8. Mind gets refurbished.
9. Mind gets rejuvenated and spiritualism blossoms.
10. Life becomes pleasant.
11. Blemishes in the genetic centre get cleared.
12. Love and affection prevail.
13. All prosperity life becomes a possibility.
7. Nine Centre: Mooladhar, Swadhistan, Manipuraha, Anahata, Visukthi, Agna, and Thuriam:
These are the seven functional centres. One has to meditate on them.
8. Nityananda: It is spreading the biomagnetic waves all over the body consciously.
Benefits of Nityananda:
1. Bio magnetic waves become dense. Body gets rejuvenated.
2. Pleasantness always prevails.
3. Immunity increases.
4. Perspicacity and the power of mind become infinite.
9. Divine Stage: Life is a vicious circle. This meditation makes the circle complete our journey
started from the Absolute Space and at the end we get dissolved in the Absolute Space.
Benefits of Divine Meditation:
1. One feels one with God. Nothing else he remembers. He is God and for him everything is
C. Yoga
Saint Pathanjali, who lived five thousand year ago, gave a shape to this ‘yoga art’, which
is time immemorial. The mankind owes to saint Pathanjali for whatever knowledge one has now
in yoga culture. Saint Pathanjali is the father of yoga arts.
The Sanskrit word ‘Yoga’ means concentration and coordination. The coordination
between body and soul; soul and mind and everything to merge with the divine force. With the
clear understanding of the Divinity leaving a serene life in consonance with the Law of Nature-
the divine force – is called yoga.
Asana helps succeed in achieving the life described above.
Saint Pathanjali divided the Yoga art into eight disciplines as: 1. Iyamam, 2. Niayamam,
3. Asana, 4. Pranayama, 5. Prathyagara, 6. Tharana, 7. Dhyana, 8. Samadhi.
The third discipline is yoga and it helps the body to prepare for the meditation practices
and also prevents from diseases providing the necessary immunity. Asana keeps the body
flexible and relaxed. Also meditation after yoga makes concentration possible.
General Advantages of Asana:
1. Provides the required tranquility to the soul to reach the state of Holy Grail.
2. Flexibility in the body at age is maintained.
3. Self-confidence, success in life and more importantly peace and happiness become a
possibility to all.
4. Asana provides required immunity against all kinds of diseases.
5. Respiratory system, blood circulation system, digestive system, nervous system functions
6. Asana refurbish the body and mind rejuvenating all nerves
7. Endocrine glands get activated, nerves get toned up and youthfulness prevails.
8. Makes the body glow and brightens up the face.
i) Standing postures: The asnas that are practiced standing are: Tatasana, Vritchasana,
Chakrasana, (on sides) and Thrikonasana.
ii) Sitting Posture: Thandasana, Padmassana, Vajrasana, Suhasana, Siddhasana, Yogamudhra,
Mandookasana, Mahamudhra, Januseerasana, Pakshimothasana, and ushtrasana, Vagrasana,
Tholangulasana and Komukasana.
iii) Lying face down: Pujangasana, Slabasana, Thanurasana, Navukasana, Makkarasana are
some of the asnas that are practised lying face down.
iv Lying face up: Artha Bavana Mukthasana, Bhavana Muklthasana, Subda Vajrasana,
Mathsyasana, Uthana Padhaasana, Navasana Sarvangasand, Halasana, Sukrasana and Sava
Asana (Shanthi Asana) are practice lying face up.
D. Activities
(I) Analysis of Thought
Only when an individual examines himself and sincerely works to remove the impurities
in his personality can he have good physical and mental health and lead a successful life. Such
examination is called ‘introspection’ or ‘self analysis’.
Every night before going to bed it is a good practice to review and analyze the
day’s events and ponder the lessons to be learnt from the experiences. These together form
‘introspection’. If there was a mistake made, make a strong auto-suggestion not to repeat it; if an
action was done well, that should be recollected to imprint it strongly in the mind, to be repeated
when possible.
A habit of introspection is extremely valuable for everyone. Most of our lives are driven
by habit. Shri. Vethathiri Maharishi has given us a profound statement: “Habit is destiny”. If we
wish to influence or control our own destinies we must take this into consideration and form
appropriate habits. It is also said that good habits are hard to make and easy to lose, while bad
habits are easy to get and hard to lose! Unfortunately, it is all too true. So in order to change our
habits, particularly to eradicate those which are unwanted, we need knowledge as well as a practice
to accomplish the task. We must start with questions such as ‘Why are we living? From where did
we come? Where are we going? What is the purpose of lie?’ Answers to these questions form the
core of our knowledge about life. Having obtained this knowledge to the extent possible, we are
equipped and enabled to live a successful and fulfilling life.
It is a general human tendency that even if we know that an act is not correct and we desire to
avoid it, we forget our resolve very easily and continue to repeat the same act. If we are to rise
from this level we should identify all our negative, harmful and unwanted thoughts and make
sincere effort to change each one of them. Such an analysis and practice is an effective method of
applied ‘Introspection’. The first topic we have taken is Analysis of Thought.
The human personality is based on thought, word and deeds. Of these three, thought is
prior and the motivating one. So if one wants to achieve the best possible personality,
developing his talent and good qualities, it is essential to monitor and streamline his thoughts. If
the rationale and necessary for this practice are understood and it is taken up and done regularly
and sincerely, the awareness and filtering of thoughts will become natural and effortless. The
practice itself becomes part and parcel of one’s personality and one will reap the benefits of
greater happiness, wisdom, health and peace throughout his lifetime.
S. Assessment/
Thought 4 5
No. 1 2 3 6 Follow-up
Other’s Heredit
Need Habit Environment Divinity
Imposition y
(II). Moralization of Desires
In ‘introspection’ moralization of desire is the second part Desire is a liking towards
something. Desire is to experience something. Desire is attachment. Desire is love; desire is
eagerness to acquire something. Desire is lust. Basically desire comes out of a need.
Desire on Owning Land, Material Wealth and Women
Desires have been categorized as eagerness to own land, eagerness to own material
wealth and eagerness to have relationship with women. It was believed these are the three
reasons for the worldly worries. So desist these desires was the preaching of many for a long
1. We live in a house. To build the house we need atleast a small piece of land. Don’t we
live on this earth – this land?
2. We use some material for leading a reasonably comfortable life.
3. It has an accepted factor that a woman – either as a mother, as a sister, as a wife is
considered to be a must.
On this earth
In the company of a woman
With the help of some material
We live.
Why desist these desires?
To make a balanced life
Use your wisdom
One cannot get rid of desires. And it is not necessary also. As ‘thoughts’ desires also keep
creeping in every time every where. Analyse your desires. Avoid those which are sure to bring
you sorrow. Good ones which are desirable for you and for your society need to be satisfied.
Once you are able to differentiate between the essential desires and undesirable desire you are
making a clear demarcation among desires heed to the desirable ones. This analysis to identify
the impact of the desire on oneself and on the society is called Moralising desire or regularizing
To end the life cycle is like crossing a big ocean. To achieve this is also a desire. We
have to live and face all difficulties before reaching the attainment.
1. Food, cloth and other needs for a man are recurring. Can we avoid them?
2. To reach the acme in one’s field and in one’s life is also a desire.
3. Desire to attain use divinity is again a desirable desire.
Essential Desires
Desires that form in us, if they are wise, if they contribute to the growth of our life or to
the welfare of the society they can be satisfied. Instead longing for everything may not bring any
happiness to anybody.
What are our requirements? Basic needs that become desires need to be fulfilled. Natural
deficiencies should get compensated. The experience should make men wise day by day.
1. It is a desirable desire? There are resources to satisfy it. The result will be beneficial.
When three positive factors are seen in the desire; the desire is desirable and one can take
initiation to satisfy it.
2. (a) When you think peacefully you can easily identify an undesirable desire. Take a vow
to desist it. Impress upon yourself that this desire should not have been allowed to creep
in. Vow again not to allow this kind of thought over again in your mind. As the vow
always follows the desire, the desire will disappear in due course.
2. (b) The same way when you find out that a desire is desirable, but unfortunately you
neither have resources nor chance you should also vow not to allow the desire to creep in
3. (c) The desire is desirable. It is most needed. Sources are there. Chances are also there.
But you found but that the after effect of the manifestation of the desire would be
disastrous. In this case also you should vow not to allow the desire to creep in again.
4. Desires that are neither fulfilled nor desisted may be many. But if you keep in store these
desires that will spoil your peace of mind, your health, your efforts and failure is the end.
5. Desire – Planning – Execution is the three definite factors, which will make a man
When mother hears him named 'fulfill'd of wisdom's lore,'
Far greater joy she feels, than when her son she bore.
-Kural 69
After the self-analyzing exercises if any desire left, either one or more, you should
execute one after the other. This will yield you good result.
This is my need
This should be achieved before this time frame
This is how it should be done.
These are stages in planning
6. Desire, Plan, Action, approach, achievement and enjoyment and assessment of benefits
are to follow in this order. Contentedness will be assured
7. If the approach is not correct everything will be spoiled, and also if people don’t know
how to enjoy it when every other factors are achieved.
8. It is a desirable desire. This is how one should achieve it and enjoy it. If this is one’s
analysis about a desire he should plan his course of action and execute it. This method
would give one the success.
Training Techniques
1. Every day, during the rest time, spend 15 minutes in meditation to moralize desires.
2. Write down a list of desires that grow in your mind.
3. Then organize the list according to priorities. Ask the question whether that particular
desire would in anyway help to achieve the purpose of birth also.
4. If one decides life can be as comfortable as it is even without a particular desire then, it
should be removed from the list. Further more one should vow not to take into account
any such desire for consideration in the future. This makes your mind feel light and
5. One needs to consider various facets of the desire. A desire may be a necessity. But
before proceeding further ask oneself whether he has the requisite sources opportunity.
For example one wants to buy a motorcycle. His office is far away. The market place is
far away. Walking or going by bus becomes too difficult. In this case the desire is
justified. He has a saving of some money. Jewels could be sold to add up to the savings.
Or else one can buy the motor cycle in installment also on the other hand, even though
the need is justified but sources are little, one should be firm to reject the desire.
6. As we have seen earlier if any desirable desire on execution if it is going to harm ‘the
self’ or others, this desire also needs to be rejected. For example one need to use a taxi
frequently. He feels the burden of the expense. He decides to buy a car and plans. The car
might be used by his son or by his wife to go to the temple etc. He calculates driver’s
salary. Finally he gets enlightened that buying a car would be economically disastrous.
This desire should be dropped.
7. Route to success
After analyzing all the desires desirable desires are listed and from that also based on
priorities a few have been dropped. Now the short-listed desires would be very few. As a
matter of fact these few short listed desirable desires should also be dealt with one by
8. Compiling unachievable desires, desirable thought, may not do any good to anybody,
peace of mind is lost, health is lost, and everything is lost.
After moralizing desires, mind gets elated and remains refurbished forever. Self condense
grows. Tolerance, love and affection will automatically flow non – stop. All these will
happen through this training in a week’s time. Maharishi Vethathiri’s sainthood gives the
culmination of truth in relationship concept blesses an ordinary man with saintly qualities
Impacts of Anger
All these problems are due to the expansion and exit of bio – magnetic particles. As we
all know all our actions got imprinted in our genetic centre, so also the anger. The imprint of
anger will cause the disease reoccur. For a small mistake getting anger only once should we
suffer life long?
But if one becomes angry frequently what will happen to body and mind?
So the dreadful anger which causes irrepairable loss to the self and others should be
Maharishi Vethathiri says, “Anger and Worry are two poisonous creatures that spoil the
human race”. These two are responsible for all destructions. So say these two sentences
as many times as possible daily
I’ll not get angry
I’ll not worry - (Poem)
Success is yours.
Anger – A Continuum
If the head of the family is a bad tempered apoplectic person the whole family will follow
suit. Everyone in the family will inherit the quality of the head. They would become diffident in
their attitude and moody. Anger is a contagious disease.
The impact of anger is a chain of actions. For example: A child irritates the mother. The
mother shows her anger with her husband, who is an officer. The officer lets out his anger on his
employees. The employees go back home and without any reason quarrel with their wives and
wives in turn on their children and so on. One action ended in the chain of reactions.
One should desist anger even when he has every right to be angry even for a valid reason.
And that is tolerance.
Anger – Pretence
Let’s think about some lighter moments in our lives. It may be necessary to be angry at
times, where one thinks that it is the only option to correct someone.
For example, pampered children become adamant. They may insist on getting or eating
something. When the father knows that it was wrong to oblige there is the possibility of a mild
anger in the form of threatening. This is only from the lips not from the heart and disappears
quickly. Secondly, when a servant is making the same mistake regularly or dodging, the master
rebukes him. This is also for a moment and disappears quickly. It is pretence not anger, like the
fight between the hero and villain in cinemas. They are not true.
Take the first name.
What is my relationship with that person?
What is the reason for my anger?
What is my role in that situation?
Have you been angry with the person
Research into these questions with all the names in the list. Find out the reasons and
expunge them. Take a vow not to get angry again with the person again. Spend a week with one
name in meditation. For second week with the second name. Thus you can neutralize your
anger with anybody.
(IV). Eradication of Worries
In introspection ‘eradication of worry’ is the fourth exercise.
Difference of Opinion:
Two persons think differently based on their own intelligence and need. The difference
is evident. One may worry. But instead of worrying if he can accept the other’s opinion and let
it go, there won’t be any problem. Instead if one wants to establish his right as individualistic he
can act based on the direction of his opinion and should accept the outcome as it is. In this
aspect also there is no worry.
1. Planned Work:
Before executing any action or work calculate the effects precisely. Thought –words-
deeds should always be in accordance with the plan.
Think, and then dare the deed! Who cry,
'Deed dared, we'll think,' disgraced shall be.
- Kural 467
2. Consciousness or Awareness:
Needs, habits, circumstances should not induce a person to stray. One has to be
conscious about reaching the goal of this life.
3. Introspection:
A person’s initiation into refurbishing his mind is called introspection. To analyze about
one’s self, needs, effects of the deed, status, prestige is called introspection. Every day one has
to bring back to his mind all that happened during the course of the daily and should analyze the
effects whether they were good or bad and this is introspection.
Impacts of Worry:
Worry causes these following through:
1. Bio-magnetism spreads into mind waves and gets wasted
2. Blood pressure, indigestion, ulcer, headache, respiratory problems occur.
3. Worrying cannot solve any problem.
4. In worry one cannot analyze problems.
5. Problems seem to be bigger.
6. Problem–Solving efficiency decreases.
Need to be experienced:
None can escape from some kind of worry. The pain need to be experienced. For
example, polio attacked child, medically declared not curable: there is no way except to tolerate
the pain and try to live with it. Secondly, some immature death in a family, it is an irreparable
loss. But still one has to withstand it as we tolerate the natural disasters.
Need to be postponed:
Marriages need to be settled well within time. But for some, for various reasons some
marriages get postponed. Parents try but time should mature. One has to wait. Worry may only
complicate the problem.
The same way getting employment, it is also not in one’s wish. The society, the
government should also help to solve the problem. Worry only will bring you diseases.
Tolerance is required.
Need to be solved:
1. Physical problem (body ailments) need to be attended to immediately to avoid
complications. When a loan bothers you sell some property and settle the loan. Further
compounding of interest and more spending could be avoided.
2. When family gets expanded some problems are common. Brothers live together
happily in a joint family. Once they are married and they have their own children expenses
occur. Partition becomes essential. Parents should not stop them for the sake of prestige.
Property should be divided amicably and at least relationship will continue.
Analyze problems judiciously and divide them into four types and act accordingly.
Problems lead to worry. If one knows how to analyze them and in a conscious state of mind
solve them to avoid any worry in mind.
There is nothing called unsolvable problem. There is no chronic worry also. Only
people are not able to find the correct solution to problems. One should know which key opens
which lock.
1. Poverty and loan can be solved by spending less.
2. Diseases can be cured by moralizing character and some medicine.
3. Difference of opinions can be solved by give and take policy and tolerance.
4. Contentedness will solve the problems and the worry due to jealousy and
5. Loss of face in the society, loss of wealth, can be equalized in social service.
Methods of Blessing
The phrase ‘Vazhga Valamudan’ in Tamil is a strong one, with a strong feeling (In
English – Live Prosperously). These words after meditation still become stronger. For example,
when the string of the bow is pulled backwards, as far as possible, with the arrow in position, the
speed of the arrow is enormous, when released. The same way when one meditates his mental
frequency level is as low as 1 to 3cps (delta wave). Mind becomes more powerful at that time.
The blessings that come out of the mind at that time are so very strong and the sound waves get
stronger and the ‘wish’ brings out the result very fast on the person ‘blessed’.
Sound (magnetic) waves during blessing:
When ‘Blessing’ goes out as sound wave it automatically becomes the bio – magnetic
wave which has five functions.
1. Clashing, 2.Reflecting, 3.Refracting, 4.Penetrating, 5.Interacting
When one blesses the other the waves keep passing between the two. There, the bio
magnetic waves become functional. This state will remain life long. The words of blessing (the
sounds) need to come out with love and good faith. The bio magnetic wave whether one is
aware or not will keep running producing goodness all over.
When one blesses a team or group of people the bio magnetic waves from all the people
will unite their souls with his soul.
Good thoughts:
The caliber of a person is the outcome of his good and bad deeds. When good thoughts
are always related to blessings the result will bring him happiness. Blessings improve the
infinitive force of the soul. So to bless and get blessed will yield good results to mankind.
Bless one:
At the end of meditation one blesses oneself and others. “Let me achieve physical
health, longevity, prosperity, fame, wisdom in my life and let me achieve them.” when one
repeats the above statement many times he is blessing himself. The message gets recorded in the
soul and its functioning. Once recorded will be there for ever. This is a vow. When the vow
echoes in the bio magnetic force in the body it gets reflected. In other words the bio magnetic
waves also carry the same blessings/vow. This will have an immediate and effective impact.
Self blessing is not self praising or boasting and not selfish also. A healthy and
intelligent person can be of immense use to the society.
Physical Health:
It is a must for the mankind. Sound mind always requires a sound body. It is the most
required factor to keep the mind flourishing and do one’s duty to the society.
When one blesses himself for longevity his thoughts and deeds will automatically get
moralized to contribute towards it. The six sensed mankind should thrive to improve upon the
sixth sense and try to go on a par with the Divinity, resulting in the eternal bliss. Birth is the
continuum of imprints through genetic continuum. One needs longevity to erase all the bad
imprints in one’s life time. One may require a longer life to achieve this.
It doesn’t refer to more wealth; but the required amount of comforts for a comfortable
Popularity brings people closer. One’s popularity brings others close to him. Friendship
develops. Fame is the outcome of one’s famous deeds; deeds aimed at aimed at satisfying the
needs of people, deeds that relieve them from pain, sorrow and worry. In turn when these people
get out of their ‘worldly worry’ they praise the person who was responsible for that. As many do
it one becomes famous and thus ‘fame’ gets attached to his name.
The sixth sense is given to mankind to probe into one and the surrounding to find out
truth and purpose of his existence. Wisdom blossoms when one achieves it. Wisdom is the
concept very close to Nature. The basic concept of nature is that of cause and effect philosophy.
It has to be understood.
When one learns the organized functionality of Nature and the law of Nature one
understands what to do to get his need satisfied and acts selectively. When one comes to terms
with the secrets of nature, basics of nature, in short, all about Nature, he is at the threshold of
eternal wisdom. Attaining this eternal wisdom the ego dissolves and the feeling ‘oneness’ with
everything and everybody blossoms.
One’s life is the contribution of the society. The wisdom makes him understand this fact
and returns to the society every ability he has in the form of ‘Service’. Let one live long blessing
himself to serve the society.
Blessing Others:
After blessing oneself one has to bless others also. It’s reciprocation. No man is an
individual in the society. He is a society himself. One has to establish a good relationship with
others. Blessing is right direction to establish that relationship.
Priority in Blessing:
1. Wife, 2.Children, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, 3.Colleagues, 4.Those with
enmity, 5.World Community.
1. What is the need for Physical exercise? Explain the neuromuscular breathing exercise and its
2. Explain the different postures and movements in Makarasana exercise and their benefits.
3. Discuss the fourteen points in the Acu-Pressure exercise and its benefits.
4. Explain the different types of Meditation and their benefits.
5. Mention the advantages of Asanas and condusive conditions for Asanas.
6. What are the six roots of the thoughts? How can it be analyzed?
7. Discuss the moralization of the desire and a training method to moralize the desire.
8. Discuss the evil effects of anger and a training method to neutralize the anger.
9. Explain the four types worries and discuss the training methods to eradicate them.
10. Explain the benefits and method of blessings.
He also declared that: " Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our
support goes to those who struggle to gain these rights or keep them".
Though the rights have been enumerated to safe guard human rights, the declaration also
had laid down under Art.29 certain limitations to these rights and freedoms. By providing that
everyone has duties to the community in which, the final and full development of his personality
alone is possible. Art.29 Para 2 provides that the rights shall be provided to the individuals,
subject to just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic
society. Therefore it is to be considered that the rights provided in the Declaration are not
The above-mentioned comparative table shows that the Universal Declaration has
provided the model for the Indian Constitution's human rights guarantees.
The convention under Art.11 provided that states shall take all appropriate
measures to eliminate discrimination against woman in the field of employment, in particular
(a) the right to work (b) right to same employment opportunities (c) right to free choice of
profession and employment (d) right to equal remuneration including benefits and equal
treatment in respect or work, of equal value as well as equality of treatment in the education
of quality of work (e) the right to social security, particularly in cases of retirement,
unemployment, sickness invalidity, old age and other incapacity to work, as well as the right
to paid leave (f) right to protection of health and to safety in working conditions. There shall
be no discrimination against women on grounds of marriage or maternity.
The convention under Art.12 provides that states shall take steps to eliminate
discrimination against women in the field of health care, access to health care services,
including those related to family planning.
Art.13 of the convention provides that women shall be provided the same rights as to that
of men in particular (a) the right to family benefits (b) the right to bank loans mortgages and
other forms of financial credit the right to participate in recreational activities, sports and all
aspects of cultural life.
(5) Women in Rural Areas:
Article 14 provided elimination of discrimination against rural areas. States are required
to ensure such women the right to
(a) Participate in the elaboration and implementation of development planning at all levels
(b) Have access to adequate health care facilities, including information, counseling and services
in family planning
(c) Benefit directly from social security programmes.
(d) Obtain all types of training and education, formal and non-formal, including, that relating to
functional literacy, as well as, inter alia, the benefit of all community and extension services, in
order to increase their technical proficiency.
(e) Organize self-help groups and cooperatives in order to obtain equal access to economic
opportunities through employment or self-employment.
(f) Participate in all community activities.
(g) Have access to agricultural credit and loans, marketing facilities, appropriate technology and
equal treatment in land and agrarian reform as well as in land resettlement schemes and
(h) Enjoy adequate living conditions.
(6) Equality before law:
Art 15 of the constitution provides that states shall accord to women equality with men
before the law. Women shall have equal rights to conclude contracts and to administer property
and states shall treat them equally in all stages of procedure in courts and tribunals. States agree
that all contracts and all other private instruments of any kind with a legal capacity of women
shall be deemed null and void. States shall accord to men and women the same rights with law
relating to the movement of persons and the freedom to choose their residence and domicile.
(7) Marriage & Family Relations:
Art.16 provides that states shall take all measures to eliminate discrimination against women
in all matters relating to marriage and family relations. Women shall be provided
(a) The same right to enter into marriage.
(b) The same rights and responsibilities during marriage and at its dissolution
(c) The same rights and responsibilities as parents, in matters relating to their children. In
all cases the interests of children shall be paramount.
(d) The same rights to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their
children and to have access to the information, education and means to enable them to
exercise their rights.
(e) The same rights and responsibilities with regard to guardianship, ward ship, trusteeship
and adoption of children.
(f) The same personal rights as husband and wife, including the right to choose a family
name a profession and an occupation.
(g) The same rights for both spouses in respect of ownership, acquisition, management,
administration, enjoyment and disposition of property whether free of charge or for a
valuable consideration.
The Supreme Court further stated that the ‘above guidelines’ and norms would be strictly
observed in all work places for the preservation and enforcement of the right to gender
equality of the working women.
Human Rights as to Children:
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights had stipulated under Art.25 (2) that
childhood is entitled to special care and assistance. Following the same, the convention on the
rights of the child was adopted by the General Assembly by consensus, on the 30 th Anniversary
of the Declaration on Nov 20, 1989 which came into force on Sep 2, 1990.
Who is a child?
The convention under Article 1 states that a child means every human being below the
age of 18 years. Unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier.
Art.45 provides that the state shall Endeavour to provide free and compulsory education for all
children until they complete the age of 14 years. Despite the above constitutional prohibition on
child labour, children are working in a large number in hazardous as well as non-hazardous
India has the population of more than 380 million children – the largest population of children in
the world. A large number of them are between the age group of 6 to 14 years. It is a difficult
task to provide free education to them; similar task is to prevent child labour. It has to be seen
that the tender age of children are not abused and that children are not forced by economic
necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their age or strength and that children should be given
opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and
dignity. Childhood is required to be protected against
exploitation and against moral and material abandonment. The only way by which t can be
prevented is to provide education to the children. Indian Government has estimated that the
financial expenditure to implement the free education to child would be nearly forty thousand
crore rupees. The Government alone is not responsible to incur such expenditure. It is also the
duty of the parents and guardians to provide education to their wards as per Art.51 (A)(k) of the
Indian constitution.
8 members
The chairperson and the members shall be appointed by the President and they shall hold
office for a period of 5 years from the date on which they enter upon their office.
Powers and function of the Commission:
Section 12 of the Protection of Human Rights Act deals with the powers:
(i) The commission shall inquire ‘ suomotto’ or on a petition presented to it by a victim or any
person on his behalf, into complaints of
(a) Violation of human rights or abetment thereof.
(b) Negligence in the prevention of such violation by a public servant.
(ii) The commission may intervene in any proceeding involving any allegation of violation of
human rights pending before a court with the approval of such court.
(iii) The commission shall visit, under intimation to the state govt. any jail or any other
institution under the control of the state govt. where persons are detained or lodged for purposes
of treatment, reformation or protection to study the living conditions of the inmates and make
recommendations thereon.
(iv) The commission shall encourage the efforts of non-governmental organizations and
institutions working in the field of human rights.
(v) The commission may perform any other function, as it may consider necessary for the
promotion of human rights.
Human Rights Courts are to be established in every district u/s 30 of the Protection of
Human Rights Act. These courts ensure the speedy trial of the offences relating to human rights
1 Dey A. K – “Environmental Chemistry” New Delhi – Vile Dasaus Ltd.
2 Gawande . EN – “Value Oriented Education” – Vision for better living.
New Delhi (2002) Saruptsons
3 Brain Trust Aliyar – “Value Education for health, happiness and harmony”
Erode (2008) Vethathiri publications.
4 Ignacimuthu S. J. S – “Values for life” Bombay (1999)
Better Yourself – Books
5 Seetharam. R. (Ed) – “Becoming a better Teacher” Madras (1998) –
Academic Staff College
6 Grose. D. N – “A text book of Value Education’ New Delhi (2005)
Dominant Publishers and Distributors
7 Shrimali K. L – A Search for Values in Education” Delhi (1974) –
Vikas Publishers
8 Yogesh Kumar Singh and Ruchika Nath – ‘Value Education”
New Delhi (2005) A. P. H Publishing Corporation
9 Venkataram & Sandhiya . N – “Research in Value Education”
New Delhi (2001) APH Publishing corporation
10 Ruhela S. P – “Human Value and Education” New Delhi –
Sterling publishers
11 Brain Trust Aliyar- “Value Education for Health, Happiness and Harmony”
Erode (2004) Vethathiri publications
12 Swami Vivekananda –“Personality Development”
Kolkata(2008) Advaita Ashrama
13 Swami Jagadatmananda –“Learn to Live” Chennai-Sri Ramakrishna Math
3. Elucidate how demand for dowry can be eradicated, citing few examples
4. Explain why and how children can be protected against ‘Child Labour’.
6. Elucidate the initiatives taken, with examples, to protect women against physical
assault and harassment of women.
7. What are the various ways and means by which discrimination against women are
taken care of.
8. Elucidate with examples, any two rights each of the following, as per the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
a) Civil and Political Rights
b) Economic and Social Rights
9. Explain with examples how women in rural areas can have equal rights to perform
10. Explain briefly how women in India can enjoy equal status.