Grades 4-7 Rubrics Booklet
Grades 4-7 Rubrics Booklet
Grades 4-7 Rubrics Booklet
1. Narrative essay
2. Descriptive essay
3. Reflective essay
4. Personal Recount
5. Descriptive Essay - Grade 7
6. Argumentative Essay - Grade 7
Transactional Writing
7. Newspaper Report
8. Informal letter
9. Dialogue
10. Poster
11. Email
12. Advertisement
13. Instructions
14. Book review
STRUCTURE Well defined development of: Clear introduction, body and Inclusion of: An attempt to include Little evidence of
AND STYLE Introduction, Body and conclusion introduction introduction, body and introduction, body
Conclusion. body conclusion and conclusion
Paragraphs are written
Paragraphs are logical and Entire essay
effectively conclusion Paragraphs may be
5 consists of one
effectively written Good paragraphs disjointed
Shows complete awareness of
CONTENT Complete adherence to the topic Ideas are creative Ideas are interesting Characters, setting Story line not
Ideas are creative and original Characters, setting and events Characters, setting and and events are evident
Characters, setting and events are clearly described events are described mentioned. Disjointed ideas
are vividly described Plot is clearly outlined Plot can be easily followed A story line can be
5 Events are written in followed
Plot is clearly outlined
sequential order with some
Events are written in sequential
connecting words
order with connecting words for
LANGUAGE Sentence structure and Good sentence structure. Sentences are legible Struggles to construct Writing is riddled
grammatical usage is flawless Uses a variety of sentence 5-8 spelling and sentences with errors
Uses a variety of sentence types types punctuation errors More than 9 spelling
Correct tense/s is/are used Correct tense/s is/are used and punctuation errors
5 1 - 4 errors in spelling and
Excellent spelling
No errors in punctuation punctuation
PLANNING Evidence of thorough planning: Planning, drafting, review and Planning, drafting and Scanty planning with Poor planning
AND EDITING drafting, review and editing for editing for most paragraphs is editing are done for some some editing No drafting and
every paragraph evident paragraphs. editing
5 4 3 2 1
STRUCTURE Well defined development of Introduction, body and Introduction, body and An attempt to include No clear introduction,
introduction, body and conclusion are clear. conclusion are included. introduction, body and body and conclusion.
conclusion. Paragraphs are logical and Paragraphs are well conclusion. Essay is written as
5 Paragraphs are logical and effectively written. Paragraphs may be one paragraph
effectively written. Clear main and supporting disjointed.
Shows complete awareness of ideas.
target audience and purpose.
Register is appropriate.
CONTENT Characters, setting and events Characters, setting and Characters, setting and An attempt is made to An attempt is made to
are vividly described. events are described. events are mentioned. describe events and or describe characters
Plot is clearly outlined. Plot can be easily followed. A story line is evident. characters and setting. and setting.
Events are written in sequential Time-lines are indicated.
5 order.
Uses connecting words for
LANGUAGE Sentence structure and Good sentence structure. Sentences are legible. Struggles to construct Writing is riddled with
grammatical usage is flawless. Uses a variety of sentence 5-8 spelling and punctuation sentences. errors.
Uses a variety of sentence types. errors. More than 9 spelling
types. and punctuation errors
Correct tense used.
5 Correct tense used. 1 - 4 errors in spelling and
No spelling errors punctuation.
No punctuation errors.
PLANNING Evidence of thorough planning, Good planning, drafting, Some planning, drafting Scanty planning with Poor planning.
AND EDITING drafting, editing for the entire editing for the writing piece is and editing some editing No drafting and
writing piece available editing
5 4 3 2 1
STRUCTURE Well defined development of Introduction, body and Introduction, body and An attempt to include An attempt to include
introduction, body and conclusion. conclusion are clear. conclusion are included. introduction, body and introduction, body
Paragraphs are logical and Paragraphs are logical and Paragraphs are well conclusion. and conclusion.
5 effectively written. constructed.
effectively written. Paragraphs may be
Clear main and supporting
Shows complete awareness of disjointed.
target audience and purpose.
Register is appropriate.
CONTENT Ideas, views, thoughts and Ideas, views, thoughts and Personal ideas, views, Struggles to express Unable to reflect on
feelings are clearly expressed feelings are expressed thoughts and feelings are personal ideas and topic
Personal perspective is strongly reflectively expressed views reflectively.
LANGUAGE Sentence structure and Good sentence structure. Sentences are legible. Struggles to construct Writing is riddled with
grammatical usage is flawless. Uses a variety of sentence 5-8 spelling and punctuation sentences. errors.
Uses a variety of sentence types. types. errors. Writing is riddled with
Correct tense used. Correct tense used. errors.
5 Excellent spelling and 1 - 4 errors in spelling and
punctuation. punctuation.
PLANNING Evidence of thorough planning, Good planning, drafting, Some planning, drafting Scanty planning with Poor planning.
AND drafting, editing for the entire editing for the writing piece is and editing some editing No drafting and
EDITING writing piece available editing
Organisation 5 4 3 2 1
5 marks The recount is well The recount is organised, The recount includes some The recount includes some The recount is not organised
organised, including a including a beginning, middle parts of a beginning, middle parts of a beginning, middle into a beginning, middle and
beginning, middle and end. and end. The ideas and end, but they are not fully and end, but many ideas end. There is no
The ideas are well are connected. developed. The ideas are not seem to be missing. The connection in the ideas
connected. The recount totally connected. ideas are not connected. presented.
flows exceptionally well.
Planning 5 4 3 2 1
5 marks The learner makes a plan The learner makes a plan The learner makes a plan The learner makes a plan The learner does not make a
before writing. The learner before writing. The learner before writing. The learner before writing. The learner plan OR the learner’s plan is
uses the plan to inform uses the plan to inform the uses some ideas from the attempts to use the plan. irrelevant.
drafting. Expands on the drafting. plan to inform the drafting.
ideas in plan with creativity.
Editing & 5 4 3 2 1
Language The learner uses a lot of The learner uses some new The learner uses a few new The learner has a basic and The learner has a very limited
new vocabulary words and vocabulary words and uses vocabulary words and limited vocabulary. The vocabulary. The learner does
5 marks correctly uses the grammar the new grammar taught. attempts to use the new learner does not use not edit own work.
taught. Successfully edits Edits own work and mostly grammar taught. Edits own grammar taught. The learner
own work to correct corrects grammar, spelling work to correct grammar, attempts to edit own work,
grammar, spelling and and punctuation. spelling and punctuation, but but there are many errors
punctuation. there are still some errors. remaining.
STRUCTURE Well defined development of Introduction, body and conclusion Introduction, body and An attempt to include No clear introduction,
introduction, body and conclusion. are clear. conclusion are included. introduction, body and body and conclusion.
Paragraphs are logical and effectively Paragraphs are well conclusion. Essay is written as one
Paragraphs are logical and
10 written. effectively written. Paragraphs may be paragraph
Shows complete awareness of target Clear main and supporting ideas. disjointed.
audience and purpose.
Register is appropriate.
CONTENT Characters, setting and events are Characters, setting and events are Characters, setting and An attempt is made to An attempt is made to
vividly described. described. Plot can be easily events are mentioned. describe events and or describe characters and
Plot is clearly outlined. followed. Time-lines are indicated. A story line is evident. characters and setting. setting.
Events are written in sequential order.
10 Uses connecting words for cohesion.
5 4 3 2 1-0
LANGUAGE Sentence structure and grammatical Good sentence structure. Uses a Sentences are legible. Struggles to construct Writing is riddled with
usage is flawless. Uses variety of sentence types. 5-8 spelling and punctuation sentences. More errors.
a variety of sentence types. Correct tense used. 1 - errors. than 9 spelling and
5 4 errors in spelling and
Correct tense used. punctuation errors
No spelling errors punctuation.
No punctuation errors.
5 4 3 2 1-0
PLANNING Evidence of thorough planning, Good planning, drafting, editing for Some planning, drafting and Scanty planning with some Poor planning.
AND drafting, editing for the entire writing the writing piece is available editing editing
EDITING piece No drafting and editing
10-8 7-6 5-4 3-2 1-0
STRUCTURE Well defined development of Introduction, body and Introduction, body and An attempt to include No clear introduction,
introduction, body and conclusion. conclusion are clear. conclusion are included. introduction, body and body and conclusion.
Paragraphs are logical and Paragraphs are well conclusion. Paragraphs Essay is written as one
Paragraphs are logical and
constructed. may be disjointed. paragraph
10 effectively written. effectively written. Clear
Shows complete awareness of main and supporting ideas.
target audience and purpose.
Register is appropriate.
CONTENT Effectively argues a specific Good attempt - argues a Fair attempt - argues a An attempt is made to Unable to argue a
opinion/ defend or motivate a specific opinion/ defend or specific opinion/ defend or argue a specific opinion/ specific opinion/
10 position. Convinces the motivate a position motivate a position defend or motivate a defend or motivate a
reader to share point of view Provides a few position.
Provides a good number of position.
subjectively. arguments to support and
arguments to support and Provides no arguments No arguments to
Gives a range of arguments substantiate view
substantiate view To support and support and
to support and substantiate
substantiate view substantiate view.
5 4 3 2 1-0
LANGUAGE Sentence structure and grammatical Good sentence structure. Uses Sentences are legible. Struggles to construct Writing is riddled with
usage is flawless. a variety of sentence types. 5-8 spelling and punctuation sentences. More errors.
Uses a variety of sentence types. Correct tense used. 1- errors. than 9 spelling and
Correct tense used. 4 errors in spelling and punctuation errors
No spelling errors punctuation.
No punctuation errors.
5 4 3 2 1-0
PLANNING Evidence of thorough planning, Good planning, drafting, editing Some planning, drafting and Scanty planning with some Poor planning. No
AND drafting, editing for the entire writing for the writing piece is available editing editing drafting and editing
3 2 1
STRUCTURE • Inclusion of title and by-line Inclusion of title and by-line Inclusion of title and by-line
• Introduction indicates what, who, when and Starts with what, who, when and where
3 where
• Paragraphs are clear
3 2 1
CONTENT • Content is interesting and original Events are sequentially written Learner struggles to write on the
• Events are logically and sequentially written Includes quotes or statements from topic
3 • Includes quotes or statements from others others
3 2 1
LANGUAGE • All sentences are grammatically correct in 2 - 3 errors in sentence construction. Sentences are incoherent, work
the third person. 2 - 3 spelling errors and punctuation riddled with spelling and punctuation
3 • No spelling errors and punctuation errors. errors. errors.
• diction is in keeping with the genre
1 0
3 2 1 0
STRUCTURE Address, salutation and ending are Address or salutation or ending has Errors in address or Incorrect address,
AND STYLE flawless one error salutation or ending salutation and ending
Paragraphs are logical and cohesive with Good paragraphs indicating Poor paragraphs Learner wrote only one
clear evidence of introduction, body and introduction, body and conclusion Lacks awareness of paragraph
Register is generally consistent with audience and purpose
3 Shows awareness of target audience and some lapses in awareness of
purpose, register is appropriate audience and purpose
CONTENT Ideas are original and insightful Good, interesting ideas expressed Ideas are clear but not Struggles to express
Thoughts are creatively expressed Mostly adheres to topic comprehensive ideas
3 Complete adherence to topic Some adherence to Not on topic
LANGUAGE Sentence structure and grammatical Mostly correct use of grammar with Only simple sentences Incoherent sentences,
SPELLING usage is flawless some variation in sentence types 5 - 7 spelling and more than 8 grammar,
PUNCTUATION Different types of sentences 2-4 punctuation and spelling errors, punctuation errors, spelling and punctuation
3 No spelling and punctuation errors good choice of words Limited vocabulary errors
1 0
3 2 1 0
STRUCTURE AND STYLE Writes name on left side of Completes only two of the Captures one of the Does not have correct format
page, uses colon after following: following: or style
names, uses new line to Writes name on left side of Writes name on left side of
(3) indicate new speaker page, uses colon after page, uses colon after
Uses conversational tone, names, uses new line to names, uses new line to
Uses correct register indicate new speaker indicate new speaker
Uses conversational tone Uses conversational tone
Uses correct register Uses correct register
CONTENT Creative and original ideas Good ideas Struggles to write on the Does not write on the topic
(3) Writes on the topic topic
LANGUAGE, SPELLING A variety of sentences are Only simple sentences used Struggles to construct Writing is incomprehensible
AND PUNCTUATION grammatically correct, 2 - 5 errors in sentence grammatically correct
Spelling and punctuation are construction, spelling or sentences, more than 5
(3) correct punctuation errors in sentence
construction, spelling or
1 0
PLANNING AND EDITING Evidence of planning and editing. No planning and editing
3 2 1 0
STRUCTURE AND STYLE The poster has the correct The correct format of a The general design of a The format of a poster is not
format poster is used poster can be seen but has used
(3) It uses the correct register It has the correct register some gaps The poster is poorly
and attractive font styles and some variation in font designed.
The poster is exceptionally styles
visually attractive in terms of The poster is attractive in
design, layout, and neatness terms of design, layout and
CONTENT The poster conveys the The poster conveys the The main idea can be The main idea of the poster
(3) purpose exceptionally well message clearly understood but there are cannot be understood.
All relevant information is Relevant information is many gaps in information
included included with one or two
Good use of emotive and gaps
manipulative language
LANGUAGE, SPELLING There are no grammatical There are 1- 2 grammatical There are 3 - 4 grammatical There are more than 4
AND PUNCTUATION and spelling mistakes and spelling mistakes and spelling mistakes. grammatical and spelling
Punctuation marks are used Some punctuation marks are No creative use of mistakes
(3) effectively to attract the used creatively punctuation marks
readers’ attention
Good use of special
language eg. rhyme,
1 0
PLANNING AND EDITING Evidence of planning and editing. No planning and editing
Organisation 5 4 3 2 1
5 marks The email is extremely The email is well The email is organised. One The email is not organised. The email is not at all organised.
well organised. The organised. The email email address is included and One incorrect email address There is no recognisable email
email addresses are addresses are included correctly structured. The is included or there is no address. The subject is missing
included and correctly and correctly structured. subject is included, but may email address. The subject
or not understandable.
structured. The subject The subject is included. have an error. There is a is included, but there is more
is included, clear and There is a greeting and greeting and salutation. There than one error. There is a The content is not structured in
well written, There is a salutation. There are four are three - four reasonably greeting and/or salutation. clear paragraphs and does not
greeting and salutation. well-connected connected paragraphs There are two to three make sense.
There are four paragraphs and the although the content may not paragraphs, although the
well-connected content flows. always make complete sense. content is not
paragraphs always clear,
and the content flows
exceptionally well.
3 2 1-0
Audience and Purpose 3 Ad is geared towards an obvious Ad demonstrates some use of a target Ad does not have a target audience
audience and has a very effective audience and shows some purpose and does not demonstrate a purpose
3 2 1-0
Message and Persuasion Ad demonstrates an overt and implied Ad demonstrates a message to the The message in the ad is confusing
3 message in order persuade the audience for them to buy the product, and therefore, is not very persuasive
audience to purchase the product but it is only somewhat persuasive.
with a high degree of effectiveness.
2 1
Creativity 2 Ad is visually appealing and extremely Ad is plain and limited effort was put
creative. into its creation.
2 1
Use of Design Elements Excellent Layout and Spacing, Colour Layout and Spacing are not effective.
2 scheme, font, and all visual elements Poor Grammar and language
are clearly aimed at target audience. conventions
Good use of language structure &
Criteria MARKS
5 4 3 2 1
CONTENT The learner’s response is The learner’s response is The learner’s response is The learner’s response is not The learner’s
interesting and exceeds interesting and relevant relevant to the topic. totally relevant to the topic. response is
5 MARKS expectations. The learner to the topic. The learner The learner tries to formulate The learner formulates some irrelevant to the
formulates instructions formulates most instructions and they are instructions, but struggles topic. The
correctly. instructions correctly. mostly recognisable. with the format. learner does not
5 4 3 2 1
ORGANISATION The instructions are clear, The instructions are clear, The instructions are The instructions are The instructions are
well organised and perfectly well organised and are reasonably well organised incomplete or disorganised. incomplete or
5 MARKS formatted. mostly correctly formatted. and are formatted in the There are parts of the disorganised.
style of instructions, but with instructions that are in the They are not
a few errors. correct style but most are recognisable as
not. instructions.
3 2 1
Plot Summary___ Reviewer does a great job of: Reviewer offers: Reviewer offers:
(What the story is about) • leaving the reader in suspense about • a little too much or too little plot summary • way too much or too little plot summary
conflict resolutions (how the story ends) • a fair portrait of what the novel is about • the ending of the story (giving the reader
• giving a clear, interesting portrait of the no reason to read this novel).
novel’s story.
3 2 1
Opinion/ Reviewer does a great job of: Reviewer: Reviewer:
Commentary___ • offering his or her opinion on many of the • offers his or her opinion on some of the • offers his or her opinion on very little of
book’s aspects. book’s aspects. the book’s aspects.
• giving clear and specific reasons behind • gives some reasons behind his or her • does not give reasons behind their
3 MARKS their opinions. opinions. opinions
• writing a specific recommendation to • writes a general recommendation to
readers readers or excludes a recommendation
2 1
Requirements/ Reviewer organizes his or her paper to Reviewer organizes his or her paper to
include: partially include the:
• underlined title • underlined title
• author under the title • author under the title
2 MARKS • rating (stars) under the author • rating (stars) under the author
• a well-organized plot summary with • writes entirely about the novel’s literal
opinions of the novel plot.
2 1
Language structure & Writer’s word and phrase choice is Writer’s word and phrase choice is average
impressive, and the sentence structure and the sentence structure is acceptable.
conventions___ is complex and well varied. 0-2 errors
2 MARKS throughout 3-4 errors throughout
Language usage Evidence of good Sufficient language Insufficient language Inadequate language
language usage. control. control. control.
7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2
Register Appropriate register and Appropriate register and Lapses in register and Inappropriate register
Use of voice good voice projection. fairly clear enunciation. enunciation. and poor enunciation.
Enunciation Good enunciation.
4 3 2 1
Audience awareness Good use of gestures Appropriate use of Fairly appropriate use Inappropriate use of
Cue cards and supporting aids and engages well with gestures and some of gestures and some gestures and very little
audience. audience rapport. Uses audience rapport. Key audience rapport. Key
Uses key cards and key cards and cards and supporting cards and supporting
supporting aids supporting aids well. aids ineffectively aids ineffectively
effectively. used. used.
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Marks (20) 6-5 4-3 2 1
Language usage Language usage (vocabulary) Few minor difficulties arose Grammatical errors led to many Grammatical errors severely
(vocabulary) was used effectively. Uses the from not using the language minor difficulties or one major hampered communication. Uses
best vocabulary for the conventions. Uses vocabulary breakdown in communication. several words or phrases that
audience. appropriate for the audience Uses vocabulary appropriate but are inappropriate and not
Defines words that might be new but does not define new does not include any new understood by the audience.
to most of the audience. words. words.
6-5 4-3 2 1
Fluency and Excellent pronunciation with all Good pronunciation with all They may have been a few long They may have been many long
pronunciation words perfectly articulated. words well-articulated. pauses. Speaks clearly but pauses. Frequently mumbles or
(gestures, pace) Volume, pacing and gestures Appropriate volume, voice, mispronounces new word. mispronounces several key
contribute maximally to the tone and pacing. Gestures Some eye contact and good words. Presenter was clearly
conversation. supported the overall voice, volume and pacing. Some unprepared to present.
conversation. appropriate gestures that
supported the conversation
4 3 2 1
Comprehension Fully understands what is said Understands most of what is Understands some of what is Does not understand what is
and give appropriate responses said and respond appropriately said and respond appropriately said. Needs paraphrasing or
4 3 2 1
Communication Pronunciation was clear and No serious problems arouse, Some communication problems Pronunciation, inflection, and/ or
inflection and expression were but better pronunciation, could arouse due to unclear Expression confused
used to enhance have made communication pronunciation or expression. communication. Learners may
communication. Learners more efficient Learners may have been difficult have been very difficult to hear.
sounded confident. to hear.
CRITERIA - Outstanding - Meritorious Substantial Adequate - Moderate - Elementary - Not achieved
8-10 7 6 5 4 3 0-2
Content Able to select Able to select Able to select Able to select Able to select Able to select Unable to select
information and information and enough appropriate some minimal appropriate
10 organise it in a organise it in a Information and information but information but information information.
logical manner. fairly logical organise it. cannot always presents it in an which is Speaks off the
Speaks on the manner. Speaks Speaks on the organise it. unorganised unorganised. topic.
topic without on the topic with topic with only Speaks manner. Speaks off the
lapses minor occasional occasionally off Sometimes topic
lapses lapses the topic. speaks off the
Presentation: Use of tone and Use of tone and Use of tone and Use of tone and Use of tone and Use of, tone and Use of tone and
Tone, body body language body language body language is body language body language body language body language
language and is fully is appropriate. mostly is appropriate. is partially is mostly is inappropriate
audience appropriate. Very good appropriate. Communication appropriate. inappropriate Resulting in no
contact Excellent communication Communication with the Communication resulting in little communication
communication with the with the audience / with the communication with audience /
10 with the audience / audience / teacher is audience / with audience / teacher.
audience / teacher is teacher is moderately teacher is teacher.
teacher is maintained moderately maintained. erratic.
maintained. maintained
Criteria MARKS
8-10 6-7 5 3-4 0-2
Language and use of Outstanding language Very good language Good to adequate Inadequate language Poor and inadequate
voice use Excellent register use Very good register language use Good to use Weak voice language use Very
Excellent voice Very good voice adequate register projection Poor weak to no voice
projection Excellent projection Very good Good to adequate presentation projection
enunciation enunciation voice projection Good Unacceptable
to adequate presentation
5 4 3 2 0-1
Content and Planning Excellent well planned Very good planning Good to adequate Very little evidence of No evidence of
Excellent content and and informative Very planning and fairy planning planning and
highly informative interesting informative Relatively Unconvincingly uninformative
interesting with few informative
gaps in delivery
5 4 3 2 0-1
Audience awareness, Excellent use of Good use of gestures Appropriate use of Some audience Inappropriate use of
supporting aids gestures and body and body language gestures and body rapport gestures and gestures Virtually no
language Engages Engages with language Some little audience rapport audience rapport
very well with audience Uses supporting aids used Supporting aids Supporting aids lacking
audience Uses supporting aids ineffective or ineffectively used.
supporting aids very effectively
Criteria MARKS
4 Marks 3-2 Marks 1 Mark
Preparation Excellent choice of material Satisfactory preparation in Need support in preparation
and preparation selecting material
Posture (up straight / book Confident showing all correct Good but needs some Reader is unsure and need
handling) posture improvement support
Pronunciation/ punctuation / Read fluently with excellent Reader can improve fluency, Reader struggles to read with
fluency pronunciation attempts to pronounce difficult fluency and correct
words correctly pronunciation
Word recognition Excellent word recognition Satisfactory word recognition Reader needs support to
recognise words/ reader
requires the use of reading
Expression (voice projection/ Reads with outstanding Some expression used. Voice/ No expression used. Reader is
volume) expression using his / her volume too loud/ soft unsure/ hesitant
voice to engage the audience
RUBRIC: Prepared reading – (20 MARKS)
5 4 3 2 1
Understanding of text Demonstrates complete Answers questions or Answers questions or Limited understanding Struggles to answer
read understanding of the text summarises main summarises central of the text read any question or provide
read by answering points making one error points, makes two indicated by more than the gist of the text read
all questions correctly errors two incorrect answers or
or showing complete inability to
understanding of summarise main ideas
main/supporting ideas
Eye contact Eye contact with Maintains good eye Some lapses in making Hardly ever looks at Does not look at
audience is sustained contact with audience eye contact with audience audience
throughout the reading audience
Tone, pace, • Reads aloud with • Reads aloud with Reads with suitable Struggles to use apt Reads in monotone and
appropriate tone appropriate tone tone and pacing tone and pacing staccato style
• Reads with correct • Reads with correct Audible most of the Does not maintain Inaudible
pacing pacing time audibility
• Adjusts tempo and • Correct tempo and throughout the
pacing in keeping with pacing is used reading
content of text • Clearly audible
• Clearly audible throughout the reading
throughout the reading
Reading with fluency • Reads fluently • Reads fluently Reads fluently most of Reads with some level Struggles to reads
and correct • Clear expression • Proper phrasing the time of fluently Struggles fluently
pronunciation and proper • Reads to suit the Some incorrect with phrasing Incorrect phrasing
phrasing sustained purpose and audience phrasing Pronounces many Poor pronunciation
throughout • Clear pronunciation Mostly pronounces words incorrectly
• Reads to suit the • No distortion in meaning words correctly
purpose and audience
• Clear pronunciation
• No distortion in meaning
Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Marks (20) 6-5 4-3 2 1
Accuracy and Point of view, arguments and Point of view, arguments and Point of view, arguments and Point of view, arguments and
believability of role solutions proposed were solutions proposed were solutions proposed were often solutions proposed were
always realistic and usually realistic and in realistic and in character. rarely realistic and in
consistently in character. character. character.
4 3 2 1
Clarity of speech Speech is always clear and Speech is usually clear and Speech is often clear and Speech is rarely clear and
easy to understand. easy to understand. easy to understand. easy to understand.
4 3 2 1
Expression and body Always expresses emotions Usually expresses emotions Often expresses emotions Rarely expresses emotions
language through voice, facial through voice, facial through voice, facial through voice, facial
expression and gestures. expression and gestures. expression and gestures. expression and gestures.
6-5 4-3 2 1
Knowledge gained Can clearly explains several Can usually explain several Can often explain one way in Cannot explain any ways in
ways in which his/her ways in which his/her which his/her character. which his/her character.
character ”saw” things character.
differently than other
characters and can explain