LecturePlan CS201 21CSH-319

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Institute/Department UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE Program Bachelor of Engineering -

OF ENGINEERING (UIE) Computer Science & Engineering
Master Subject Coordinator Richa Dhiman Master Subject Coordinator E- E11307
Name: Code:
Course Name Project Based Learning in Course Code 21CSH-319
Java with Lab

Lecture Tutorial Practical Self Study Credit Subject Type

2 0 2 0 3.0 T

Course Type Course Category Mode of Assessment Mode of Delivery

N.A Graded (GR) Hybrid Hybrid (HYB)

Mission of the M1: To provide practical knowledge using state-of-the-art technological support for the experiential learning of our students.
Department M2: To provide industry recommended curriculum and transparent assessment for quality learning experiences.
M3: To create global linkages for interdisciplinary collaborative learning and research.
M4: To nurture advanced learning platform for research and innovation for students ‘profound future growth.
M5: To inculcate leadership qualities and strong ethical values through value-based education.
Vision of the To be recognized as a leading Computer Science and Engineering department through effective teaching practices and
Department excellence in research and innovation for creating competent professionals with ethics, values and entrepreneurial attitude to
deliver service to society and to meet the current industry standards at the global level.

Program Educational Objectives(PEOs)

PEO1 To produce computer science graduate engineers with an ability to comprehend, understand and analyze real life problems for
providing sustainable solutions in the light of disruptive technologies.
PEO2 To inculcate life-long learning skills in graduates preparing them for work in changing environments and multidisciplinary teams in
order to enhance their capability being globally employable.
PEO3 To instill leadership qualities in graduates with a sense of confidence, professionalism and ethical attitude to produce professional
leaders for serving the society.
PEO4 To make the graduates adaptable to changing career opportunities who have the potential to excel in industry/ public sector/
higher studies or entrepreneurship exhibiting global competitiveness.

Program Specific OutComes(PSOs)

PSO1 To acquire proficiency in developing and implementing efficient solutions using emerging technologies, platforms and Free and
Open-Source Software (FOSS).
PSO2 To gain critical understanding of hardware and software tools catering to the contemporary needs of IT industry.

Program OutComes(POs)
PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Engineering fundamentals and computer science
fundamental and strategies which have the solution of complex computer science engineering problems.
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex computer science engineering problems reaching
substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex database and software engineering problems and design system
components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate considerations for the public health and safety, and the
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of software
engineering &networking based experiments, analysis and Interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern Computer science engineering and
IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex database or software engineering activities with an understanding of the

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PO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess Social, health, safety, legal and
cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the Professional Computer Science & Engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional computer science and engineering solutions in social
and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development goals.
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of computer science engineering
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in
multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex computer science engineering activities with the engineering community like
CSI society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the computer science engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life- long learning in
the broadest context of computer science engineering changes

Text Books
Sr No Title of the Book Author Name Volume/Edition Publish Hours Years
1 Java: The Complete Reference Herbert Schildt 12th McGraw Hill 2022

2 Murach's Java Servlets and JSP Joel Murach 5th Edition Murach 2017

3 Core Java, Volume II--Advanced Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell 9th Edition Pearson 2013
4 J2ee : Complete Referenc Jim Keogh 1st Edition Tata McGraw Hill 2002

5 XML : the complete reference Williamson, Heather Vol1 New York : 2001

Reference Books
Sr No Title of the Book Author Name Volume/Edition Publish Hours Years
1 Java Programming Language James Gosling, Ken Arnold and 5th Edition Pearson Education 2005
David Holmes
2 Core Java Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell Volume I, 8th Edition Pearson Education 2008

Course OutCome
SrNo OutCome
CO1 Understand the basic concepts of java, encompassing syntax, tokens, keywords, control flow, data
types, and essential libraries, enabling them to write and comprehend Java code effectively.
CO2 Implement OOP concepts in Java, utilizing classes, methods, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism,
and encapsulation.
CO3 Analyze advanced Java features such as exception handling and collections.
CO4 Evaluate the concepts like multithreading, I/O streams, wrapper classes, annotations, and JDBC for
database connectivity.
CO5 Develop web applications using Servlets and JSP, handle XML, and create/consume web services with

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Lecture Plan Preview-Theory

Mapped with
Unit No LectureNo ChapterName Topic Text/ Reference Books CO Numer
1 1 Java Introduction to Java. Difference ,T-Java: The Complete PPT,Video CO1
Fundamentals between C++ and Java. Reference,R-Core Java Lecture

1 2 Java Keywords, Tokens, Data types. ,T-Java: The Complete PPT,Video CO1
Fundamentals Reference,R-Core Java Lecture
1 3 Java Use of public, private and protected ,T-Java: The Complete PPT,Video CO1
Fundamentals Reference,R-Core Java Lecture
1 4 OOPS using Use of class and method in Java. ,T-Java: The Complete PPT,Video CO2
Java Inheritance, Abstraction. Reference,R-Core Java Lecture
1 5 OOPS using Polymorphism, Encapsulation and data ,T-Java: The Complete PPT,Video CO2
Java privacy. Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java Lecture
Programming Language
1 6 OOPS using Difference between method overloading ,T-Java: The Complete PPT,Video CO2
Java Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java Lecture
and method overriding. Programming Language
1 7 Exception Introduction to Exceptions. Difference ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO3
Handling between error and exception. Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Programming Language
1 8 Exception Use of try, catch and throw. Difference ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO3
Handling between throw and throws. Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Programming Language
1 9 Exception Types of Exceptions, Exception ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO3
Handling handling in Java. Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Programming Language
1 10 Exception Revision ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO3
Handling Advanced,T-J2ee : Complete Lecture
Referenc,T-Java: The Complete
Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,T-XML : the
complete reference,R-Core Java,R-
Java Programming Language
2 11 Collection Use of Collections in Java. ArrayList, ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO3
Framework LinkedList. Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Programming Language
2 12 Collection HashMap, TreeMap, HashSet in Java. ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO3
Framework Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Programming Language
2 13 Collection Multithreading in Java. Thread Priority, ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO4
Framework Thread LifeCycle. Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Programming Language
2 14 Collection Thread Synchronization ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO4
Framework Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Programming Language
2 15 Wrapper Use of wrapper classes in Java Integer, ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO4
Classes, I/O Character, Long, Boolean. Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Streams and Autoboxing and Unboxing. Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Annotations Programming Language
2 16 Wrapper Byte stream, Character stream, Object ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO4
Classes, I/O serialization, cloning. Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Streams and Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Annotations Programming Language

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2 17 Wrapper System defined annotations, Custom ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO4
Classes, I/O annotations, application of annotations, Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Streams and Testing using JUnit. Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Annotations Programming Language
2 18 JDBC Database connectivity, Types of Drivers ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO4
Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
for connection, Connection Example. Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
CRUD operations using Database. Programming Language
2 19 JDBC Configuring various types of drivers for ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO4
Java Database Connectivity, MVC Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Model for project development. Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Programming Language
2 20 JDBC Sequence, Dual table, Date type ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO4
management in Java. Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Programming Language
3 21 Servlets and Servlet Lifecycle, Generic Servlet, Http ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO5
JSP Servlet, Linking Servlet to HTML. Advanced,T-Java: The Complete Lecture
Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,R-Core Java,R-
Java Programming Language
3 22 Servlets and HttpServlet Request and Response, ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO5
JSP Servlet with JDBC Advanced,T-J2ee : Complete Lecture
Referenc,T-Java: The Complete
Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,T-XML : the
complete reference,R-Core Java,R-
Java Programming Language
3 23 Servlets and Configuring project using servlet, ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO5
JSP Servlet Config and Servlet Mapping Advanced,T-J2ee : Complete Lecture
Referenc,T-Java: The Complete
Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,T-XML : the
complete reference,R-Core Java,R-
Java Programming Language
3 24 Servlets and JSP declaration, JSP directives ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO5
JSP Advanced,T-J2ee : Complete Lecture
Referenc,T-Java: The Complete
Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,T-XML : the
complete reference,R-Core Java,R-
Java Programming Language
3 25 Servlets and JSP Scriptlets, JSP include tag ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO5
JSP Advanced,T-J2ee : Complete Lecture
Referenc,T-Java: The Complete
Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,T-XML : the
complete reference,R-Core Java,R-
Java Programming Language
3 26 Servlets and JSP page tag, JSTL ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO5
JSP Advanced,T-J2ee : Complete Lecture
Referenc,T-Java: The Complete
Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,T-XML : the
complete reference,R-Core Java,R-
Java Programming Language
3 27 XML and Web Structure of XML, Elements of XML 1.0, ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO5
Services Advanced,T-J2ee : Complete Lecture
2.0, DTDs, XML parser Referenc,T-Java: The Complete
Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,T-XML : the
complete reference,R-Core Java,R-
Java Programming Language

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3 28 XML and Web DOM parser, Web services using REST ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO5
Services Advanced,T-J2ee : Complete Lecture
and HTTP Referenc,T-Java: The Complete
Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,T-XML : the
complete reference,R-Core Java,R-
Java Programming Language
3 29 XML and Web Creating web services for database ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO5
Services access via remote servers Advanced,T-J2ee : Complete Lecture
Referenc,T-Java: The Complete
Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,T-XML : the
complete reference,R-Core Java,R-
Java Programming Language
3 30 XML and Web Revision ,T-Core Java, Volume II-- PPT,Video CO5
Services Advanced,T-J2ee : Complete Lecture
Referenc,T-Java: The Complete
Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,T-XML : the
complete reference,R-Core Java,R-
Java Programming Language

Lecture Plan Preview-Practical

Mapped with CO
Unit No ExperimentNo Experiment Name Text/ Reference Books Pedagogical Tool**
1 1 Create an application ,T-Core Java, Volume II--Advanced,T- PPT,Simulation,Vid CO1,CO2
to save the employee Java: The Complete Reference,R-Core eo Lecture
informa Java,R-Java Programming Language
1 2 Design and implement ,T-Core Java, Volume II--Advanced,T- PPT,Simulation,Vid CO1,CO2
a simple inventory Java: The Complete Reference,R-Core eo Lecture
control sy Java,R-Java Programming Language
1 3 Create an application ,T-Core Java, Volume II--Advanced,T- PPT,Simulation,Vid CO1,CO2
to calculate interest for Java: The Complete Reference,R-Core eo Lecture
FD Java,R-Java Programming Language
2 4 Create a program to ,T-Core Java, Volume II--Advanced,T- PPT,Simulation,Vid CO2,CO3
collect and store all Java: The Complete Reference,R-Core eo Lecture
the card Java,R-Java Programming Language
2 5 Create a program to ,T-Core Java, Volume II--Advanced,T- PPT,Simulation,Vid CO2,CO3
collect unique Java: The Complete Reference,R-Core eo Lecture
symbols from a Java,R-Java Programming Language
2 6 Write a Program to ,T-Core Java, Volume II--Advanced,T- PPT,Simulation,Vid CO2,CO4
perform the basic Java: The Complete Reference,R-Core eo Lecture
operations li Java,R-Java Programming Language
2 7 Create a menu-based ,T-Core Java, Volume II--Advanced,T- PPT,Simulation,Vid CO2,CO4
Java application with Java: The Complete Reference,R-Core eo Lecture
the foll Java,R-Java Programming Language
3 8 Create a palindrome ,T-Core Java, Volume II--Advanced,T- PPT,Simulation,Vid CO2,CO4
creator application for Java: The Complete Reference,R-Core eo Lecture
making Java,R-Java Programming Language
3 9 Create JSP ,T-Core Java, Volume II--Advanced,T- PPT,Simulation,Vid CO2,CO5
application for Java: The Complete Reference,T- eo Lecture
addition, multiplicatio Murach's Java Servlets and JSP,R-Core
Java,R-Java Programming Language
3 10 Create an application ,T-Core Java, Volume II--Advanced,T-J2ee PPT,Simulation,Vid CO2,CO5
for online auction : Complete Referenc,T-Java: The eo Lecture
using Ser Complete Reference,T-Murach's Java
Servlets and JSP,T-XML : the complete
reference,R-Core Java,R-Java
Programming Language

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Assessment Model
Sr No Assessment Name Exam Name Max Marks
1 Hybrid Course All Practical Evaluations 40
2 Hybrid Course All End Term Hybrid Theory 60
3 Hybrid Course All Attendance Marks 2
4 Hybrid Course All Surprise Test 12
5 Hybrid Course All practical MST 10
6 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 1
7 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 2
8 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 3
9 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 4
10 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 5
11 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 6
12 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 7
13 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 8
14 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 9
15 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 10
16 Hybrid Course All Quiz 4
17 Hybrid Course All Assignment/GD Hybrid 10
18 Hybrid Course All MST-1 Hybrid 20
19 Hybrid Course All MST-2 Hybrid 20

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