NSC Versatile Brix Manual
NSC Versatile Brix Manual
NSC Versatile Brix Manual
INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________ 3
Optional - Level request from Slave Level Transmitter ____________________________ 5
External Keys with Label – ___________________________________________________ 5
SPECIFICATIONS _____________________________________________________ 6
MOUNTING DETAILS DRAWING________________________________________ 7
TERMINAL CONNECTIONS ____________________________________________ 8
TERMINAL CONNECTIONS & LINKS ____________________________________ 9
Relay Contact Links – _______________________________________________________ 9
Communication Links – ______________________________________________________ 9
Low/High Range Selection Switch – ____________________________________________ 9
OPERATING ELEMENTS ______________________________________________ 10
Keypad ___________________________________________________________________ 10
LEDs_____________________________________________________________________ 10
Display ___________________________________________________________________ 11
DISPLAY MODES AND KEY OPERATION _______________________________ 12
Normal Mode of Display during RUN – ________________________________________ 12
PROFILE parameter display – _______________________________________________ 12
PID parameter display - _____________________________________________________ 13
Control Valve o/p in Manual - _______________________________________________ 14
Non-linearised output display - _______________________________________________ 14
Temperature output display - ________________________________________________ 14
Changing timer function - __________________________________________________ 14
Starting timer function in manual mode - ______________________________________ 14
Changing System mode - ____________________________________________________ 14
Changing to parameter set-up mode - _________________________________________ 14
Changing PID remote or local mode selection - _________________________________ 15
Changing PID auto or manual mode selection - _________________________________ 15
MENU FUNCTIONS __________________________________________________ 16
Menu Operation ___________________________________________________________ 16
Data Entry (General) _______________________________________________________ 19
Data Entry (Linearisation table) ______________________________________________ 21
Page 1
BRIX TRANSMITTER is an electronic instrument specifically developed for batch pan
in sugar industry for Melter or Molasses unit. This instrument is two-card system (Main
or microcontroller card and analog - power card) housed in an Aluminium enclosure. It
also has junction PCB for field connections in the power compartment of the instrument.
Power compartment also has optional SMPS (Switched Mode power supply) for 230V
It has a keypad having 8 keys and few bi-color led indications, which gives system status
of the mode or sensor. Unit also has Label having 3 or 4 external keys, for easy operation
of unit without opening front. Additionally, 12 nos. of seven-segment display is present
for data and message indication. Main & Analog-power cards are connected with each
other using 26-core flat cable. Analog-power card is also connected to junction PCB
using 26-core flat cable.
This instrument operates on 24V DC source. This instrument operates on 230V AC
source (optional). Instrument has built-in 24V DC power source suitable for the operation
and is located on junction box PCB.
This instrument has a timer based relay outputs, which is called ‘Cleaning’. Cleaning
relay reciprocates the probe in guide bush.. Parameters for & cleaning relay timer can be
set by the operator. Timer function can be ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’ through keyboard.
When any of these timing functions are carried out, Process Value and Control Output
are fixed to previous readings and are not updated. Also this relay contacts are with
potential as input supply voltage, so that it can be directly connected to solenoid valves.
Brix sensor is excited by a radio frequency signal of the order of 2 mA (peak to peak) by
the instrument. Instrument measures AC resistivity of the massecuite and gives output
proportional to the brix of massecuite. However, the direct output of instrument varies in
non-linear proportion with respect to brix. The non-linearity in the output is removed by
finding a polynomial relation between brix readings and direct output of transmitter. This
polynomial equation is calculated in the instrument as explained later in the manual.
Two such polynomial equations, one for Material 1 and another for Material 2 are
generated in the instrument. Operator can easily select any one, depending on the system
operation using few keystrokes and selection is indicated on the instrument using led.
Brix transmitter unit can also be connected to PLC or SCADA using RS-485
communication. Instrument communicates data using standard MODBUS protocol.
Equipment can handle RTU as well as ASCII communication protocol. Optionally.
Instrument can communicate through TCP-IP using MODBUS-TCPIP protocol
(optional). Different parameters such as type, baud rate, parity, no. of data bits for
MODBUS can be set in equipment. Using MODBUS communication instrument
parameters such as PID settings, Local/Remote mode of PID etc. can be changed..
Equipment sends brix data, system mode (Material 1 or Material 2) etc. using MODBUS.
One output is proportional to the linearised brix output, which is isolated type. This
output can be connected to indicator or any other instrument. Output should be connected
in 4-wire mode.
Another current output is connected to activate control valve, which is in turn controls,
the flow of the massecuite in the pan. The percentage opening of the control valve is
received from PLC or SCADA on the RS-485 using MODBUS protocol (REMOTE) or
from built-in PID (LOCAL).
This Brix transmitter (MIX) unit is connected to Level Transmitter using RS-485
communication (ASCII only). Brix Transmitter Instrument should be selected as Master
and communicates with a slave Level transmitter (MIX) (having fixed address 32) using
standard MODBUS protocol, with ASCII communication protocol..
Equipment requests Level from Level Transmitter (having fixed address 32) and
calculates set-point using a PROFILE parameters, for built-in PID, to control the flow of
massecuite in the pan. The profile table having relation between level & setpoint is of
maximum 6 steps and can be easily edited by operator. Two different profiles are stored
in the equipment (one for BOILING selection & another for GRAINING selection).
For this master application, software version will be different. E.g. Ver bmmx.x.xx
instead of Ver btmx.x.xx
When Instrument is selected as a slave unit, it can send brix data, selected sensor (inside
or outside sensor), system mode (boiling or graining) etc. using MODBUS to PLC or
SCADA. Different parameters such as type, baud rate, parity, no. of data bits for
MODBUS can be set in equipment
For easy operation of unit, external keys are provided on Serial no. Label. Without
opening front of the unit, using these keys, operator can select Material 1 or Material 2
mode, Auto or Manual operation of PID and increment or decrement of control output in
Manual mode of PID operation can be changed using these keys.
Terminal Terminal Terminal Details Terminal Description
No. Label
X3-1 L This is AC power input to the
X3-2 E instrument. (Input range 150V-
optional. 270V), which is connected to J2
X3-3 N through SMPS
X2 group contains all other field connections for sensor, communication, current output.
Note that if for L9 & L10, links are connected between A-B then relay are with 24V
potential.. If links are connected between L9/A – L10A, then relay contacts are potential
free. As per the applications, these links can be changed.
Note that if for L11 & L12, links are connected between A-B then relay are with 24V
potential.. If links are connected between L11/A – L12A, then relay contacts are potential
free. As per the applications, these links can be changed.
Communication Links –
Terminating resistor of 120 ohms for MODBUS (via RS-485) can be selected by making
switch 3 of DIP switch S1 to ON, located on ANALOG PCB.
Active pull-ups and pull-downs can be selected by making switch 1 & 2 of DIP switch S1
to ON, located on ANALOG PCB. When Brix Transmitter is selected as a MASTER
& is connected to SLAVE level transmitter (in MIX version) always connect these.
Switch 4 of DIP switch S1 is used to select High/Low range of sensor input. If this switch
4 is OFF, then high hardware range is selected for 100E-2000E of input resistance. If this
switch 4 of S1 is ON, then low hardware range is selected for 10E-600E of Input
resistance. (For Molasses and Melter, usually low range is selected).
Note that, when this switch position is changed, software calibration (i.e. Input
Resistance calibration) has to be done.
The layout of various keys is as shown below –
The seven-segment display is generally used to show numbers. Unit uses the same
display to show alphanumeric characters as well. Most of the characters (A to Z) can be
shown at least in upper or lower case, while others (such as m, w) are shown differently.
Initially, such a text looks quite awkward but after couple of weeks operator will get used
to it. The character will be displayed as in the following table –
! “ # $ % & ‘ (
) * + - / 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :
; < = > ? @ A B
[ \ ] ^ _ ‘ a b
c d e f g h I j
k l m n o p q r
s t u v w x y z
RIGHT key is used to edit viewed parameter value & digit starts flashing.
Once digit starts flashing, RIGHT key is used to change position of flashing digit.
UP key increments flashing digit
DOWN key decrements flashing digit
ENTER key accepts the entered parameter value if it is within the acceptable range, and
Line 1 becomes steady. If it is out side the valid limits, Line 1, displays “H Err” or “ L
Err”, and ENTER key clears this error and operator can change viewed parameter value.
This profile generates a set-point as per level received from slave Level Transmitter and a
selected profile as per BOILING or GRAINING selection. and controls PID algorithm as
per this setpoint.
When actual level increases above set Level X, corresponding set-point Brix X is
calculated in Master BTMMIX. When actual level decreases below (Level X –
hysteresis), set-point corresponding to Brix (X-1) is calculated.
Hysteresis value can be changed by operator.
RIGHT key is used to edit viewed parameter value & digit starts flashing.
Once digit starts flashing, RIGHT key is used to change position of flashing digit.
UP key increments flashing digit
DOWN key decrements flashing digit
ENTER key accepts the entered parameter value if it is within the acceptable range, and
Line 1 becomes steady. If it is out side the valid limits, Line 1, displays “H Err” or “ L
Err”, and ENTER key clears this error and operator can change viewed parameter value.
Now system is ready to change clean timer function. Line1 display changes to “C.Enb?”
or “C.dSb” asking whether operator wants to change timer function (i.e. enable timer
function or disable timer function). If operator presses ENTER key, change will be done.
If after message display, operator doesn’t want to change timer function, please press any
other key than ENTER.
in Normal mode of display. (Details of this parameter set-up mode are using MENU
functions and are explained later).
BRIX TRANSMITTER instrument has different parameters, which are set in parameter
set-up mode. During normal run mode, when DOWN and ENTER keys are pressed
simultaneously, equipment goes into parameter set-up mode.
Menu Operation
Menu of BRIX TRANSMITTER is organised in a tree structure as follows –
As indicated above –
• Use → MENU key to go from top menu to submenu or from sub menu to actual
• Use ENTER key to return from sub menu to top menu for e.g. Fn. 4.4 to Fn.4.0
• Use DOWN or UP key to select the desired top menu or sub menu.
Key Function
UP Increment number
DOWN Decrement number
→ RIGHT Changes editing position
ENTER Completes editing
Let us take an example of entry of code number under Fn.1.1 (No. of samples) to change
from 60 to 120 –
• Selecting an option – At times functions of the instrument will ask to select one of
the 2 or more options. Many functions under Fn.1.0 Sys require entries of this
type. Options are numbered 1. 2. 3. etc. and shown in top line as number followed
by its text. Use or key see them one by one and select by pressing when the
desired option is present on display.
Key Function
UP see next option (or first if already at the end)
DOWN see previous (or last if already at the first)
ENTER choose the option shown on display
Note : while entering table please be sure that no two same ma entries be done.
In this operator first enters at what resistance, low should be calibrated. E.g. 100 Ohms.
Then operator connects 100 ohms resistance at inside sensor terminals SI & SI(G).
Display line1 shows ADC data. Adjust readings using proper trim-pots on Analog card.
After display reading is steady (within 4-5 counts), press ENTER key. (Note that after
pressing operator should wait for few seconds until it comes of display ADC mode). Now
this reading is stored inside the instrument for set low resistance.
In this operator first enters at what resistance, high should be calibrated. E.g. 1000 Ohms.
Then operator connects 1000 ohms resistance at inside sensor terminals SI & SI(G).
Display line1 shows ADC data. Adjust readings using proper trim-pots on Analog card.
After display reading is steady (within 4-5 counts), press ENTER key. (Note that after
pressing operator should wait for few seconds until it comes of display ADC mode). Now
this reading is stored inside the instrument for set high resistance.
In this operator first enters at what resistance, low should be calibrated. E.g. 110 Ohms
(26 ºC). Then operator connects 110 ohms resistance (i.e. at temperature RTD sensor
terminals RTD COM, RTD + & RTD -. Display line1 shows ADC data. After display
reading is steady (within 2 counts), press ENTER key. Now this reading is stored inside
the instrument for set low temperature.
In this operator first enters at what resistance, high should be calibrated. E.g. 140 Ohms
(104 ºC). Then operator connects 140 ohms resistance at inside sensor terminals 13 & 14.
Display line1 shows ADC data. After display reading is steady (within 2 counts), press
ENTER key. Now this reading is stored inside the instrument for set high temperature.
(note that temperature compensation is done between 20 ºC to 150 ºC).
Output Calibration
Function Parameter Type Purpose
Fn. 1.0 System parameters Edit System parameters
SyS Par
Fn. 1.1 No. of Samples Numeric. Each sample is taken at 100ms. More the
No.SAmp Limit: 3 - 120 samples, more averaging
Fn. 1.2 Communication Slave Numeric. Slave address of this Brix transmitter
address Address Limit: 1 - 64 unit
Fn. 1.3 MODBUS Option selection Selects communication speed
baud rt Communication speed i.e. 1. 1200
Baud rate 2. 2400
3. 4800
4. 9600
5. 19.2K
6. 38.4K
7. 56.0K
8. 57.6K
Fn. 1.4 MODBUS Option selection Selects communication parity bit
parity Communication Parity bit 1. none
2. EvEn
3. Odd
Fn. 1.5 MODBUS Option selection Selects communication type
mod tyP Communication Type 1. Rtu
Fn. 1.6 PID Sampling Time Numeric. Selects Sampling time in msec
Samp tm Limit: 100 - 9000
Fn. 1.7 Temperature Option selection If enabled, temperature compensation is
temp co compensation in ºC 1. dISL done. If disabled, temperature
2. enbL compensation. is neglected.
Fn. 1.8 Reference Temperature Numeric. this is the reference temperature wrt
temp.ref for compensation in ºC Limit: 30 - 120 which compensation is done, if enabled.
Fn. 1.9 Enable / Disable clean Option selection Disabling will make clean relay OFF
CL En.Ds timer 1. diSb continuously and Enabling will select
2. Enab auto function of clean relay
Fn. 1.10 Start delay for clean timer Numeric. Start delay for clean relay logic, at start
CL Strt Limit: 0 – 250 and after repeat cycles in auto
Fn. 1.11 Off time for clean timer Numeric. Off time for clean relay
CL OFFt Limit: 1 – 60
Fn. 1.12 On time for clean timer Numeric. On time for clean relay
CL Ont Limit: 1 – 60
Fn. 1.13 No. of repeats of On-Off Numeric. No. of On-Off cycles to be repeated for
CL rPts cycle for clean relay Limit: 1 – 10 clean relay
Fn. 6.0 Test Mode Note that, during test mode, MODBUS
teStS communication is stopped
Fn. 6.1 Resistance input (Brix) None Displays ADC readings of resistance
reSi in test mode which is connected to SI, SI(G)
Fn. 6.2 temperature input (Brix) None Displays ADC readings of resistance
temp in test mode which is connected to RTDCOM, RTD+
& RTD-
Fn. 6.3 Brix output test mode UP or DOWN key Check brix current output on multimeter
brix oP to change output which is connected to BRIX+, BRIX -
Fn. 6.4 Control valve output test UP or DOWN key Check control valve current output on
cntr oP mode to change output multimeter which is connected to CV+,
CV -
Fn. 6.5 Cleaning relay test UP or DOWN or Check relay contacts on multimeter
relay RIGHT key to which is connected to power 24V DC
Material 1 / Material 2 UP or DOWN or Check relay contacts on multimeter
relay test RIGHT key to which is connected to B/G- & B/G+
Fn. 6.6 Display test mode All seven-segment displays and leds are
display tested
Fn. 8.0 Exit from parameter set Option selection Select yes to Exit from Parameter set-up
Exit mode 1. yES mode and no for not to Exit
2. no
Fn. 2.1 Brix Low Limit 85.00% (for Material 1) & 84.00%
(for Material 2)
Fn. 2.2 Brix High Limit 104.30% (for Material 1) & 100.00%
(for Material 2)
Fn. 2.3 Proportional Gain 000.10
Fn. 2.4 Integral time constant 000.00 repeats / minute
Fn. 2.5 Derivative time constant 0000.0 minute
Fn. 2.6 Set-point for PID control 91.00 %
Fn. 3.0 Linearisation equation for Material 1 y = 86.29 - 1.78x + 0.4714 x^2 –
0.0299 x^3 + 0.0006515 x^4
Fn. 5.1 Resistance Low (Brix) calibration 50 counts for 100 ohms
Fn. 5.2 Resistance High (Brix) calibration 4000 counts for 1500 ohms
Fn. 5.3 Temperature Low calibration 100 counts for 110 ohms
Fn. 5.4 Temperature High calibration 1500 counts for 140 ohms
Fn. 5.3 Brix current output Low calibration 200 counts for 4 mA
Fn. 5.4 Brix current output High calibration 20 counts for 20 mA
Fn. 5.5 Control valve current output Low 200 counts for 4 mA
Fn. 5.6 Control valve current output High 20 counts for 20 mA
This equipment has built-in PID control algorithm. When equipment is selected in
LOCAL mode, this controls control valve output. When control is selected in REMOTE
mode, PLC or SCADA controls the control valve output and PID parameters as well as
its set-point can be changed easily in LOCAL mode. Also equipment also has facility to
manipulate output in MANUAL mode of operation; both in LOCAL as well as REMOTE
mode of operation.
This equipment has built-in PID control algorithm for controlling control valve in
LOCAL mode (L / R hot key) of operation. Algorithm can be used as P-control or PI
control or PD control or PID control. In AUTO, output is controlled by algorithm and
operator can change this output, if MANUAL is selected (A / M hot key).
CV = Output
Kp = Proportional gain i.e. 100 / Proportional Band
Ti = Integral time constant (repeat per minute)
Td = Derivative time constant (minutes)
dt = Time between samples
E = Error = SP – PV
PV = Process variable
SP = Set-point
En-1 = Error value from last sample
Control action in AUTO mode is “direct acting” i.e. as PV increases CV also increases.
P-control is the principle method of control and should do most of the work.
I-control is added carefully just to remove the offset left behind by P-control.
D-control is there for stability only. It should be set up so that its stabilizing effect is
larger than the destabilizing effect of I-control.
Start time delay - This is start time at power-on or after timer function is selected or
after repeat cycle is over, during which relay is Off. This delay
time is in minutes.
Off time - This is Off time for relay, which is in seconds.
On time - This is On time for relay, which is in seconds.
No. of repeats - No. of times for which On & Off cycle will be repeated. After this
is over, again start time starts and cycle repeats forever or until
timer function is deselected.
e.g. if no. of repeats set to 4, relay will be ON as per following timing diagram. When
CLEAN RELAY is ON, it is indicated on LED labeled as ‘C’.
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Please note that for ASCII communication, no. of data bits should be set to 7 (in the
master device) and for RTU communication, no. of data bits should be set to 8 (in the
master device).
Parity can be set to none or even or odd. Note that, if parity is selected as even or odd,
then no. of stop bits should be set to 1; but if parity is selected as none, then no. of stop
bits should be set to 2 (in the master device).
Please note that, when any of the communication parameter is changed, please switch the
equipment OFF and ON.
When optional MODBUS on TCPIP (with RJ-45 connector) is used, parameter settings
should be
Address-1, Baud-19200, type-RTU, Parity-None.
Also this IP address is displayed after power-on (if changed then in next power-on) and
in Fn.1 as 192.3168.0.208. If not used , then it is displayed as If not used,
then this IP address is not displayed after power-on.
NOTE : For PLC registers 6 (Control Valve o/p) to be written, unit must be in REMOTE
mode of operation, otherwise exceptional error “ILLEGAL DATA VALUE (03)” will
be send from slave unit.
If PLC register 7, 8, 9, 10 is out of limits, then master will get response but new value
will not be updated (which can be confirmed after reading the register).
NOTE: Do not forget to connect terminating resistance (120 ohms) on the bus, at both
end nodes, which can be connected externally or by making ‘ON’ switch 3 of DIP switch
Active pull-ups and pull-downs can be selected by making ‘ON” switch 1 & 2 of DIP
switch S1 on ANALOG PCB.
This should be exercised as per site requirements.
After connecting the sensor to respective instruments, following things to be ensured on sensor
side, before beginning the calibration procedure
Once the sensor side is checked for above points and found satisfactory, start the calibration and
sampling procedure of Transmitter as described below:
Calibration Of Transmitter:
Selection of proper calibration range is of utmost importance to get correct brix readings.
b) Software Calibration Range Of (This range can be checked using Fn. 5.1(low) & Fn.
If ‘Z’< 10 Ω, display (as observed by pressing key) will show ‘4’ (minimum
reading) continuously. In this case, lower limit of calibration range should be less than 10 Ω. This
can be achieved by connecting the fixed resistance less than 10 Ω to the sensor terminals of the
If ‘Z’ for any compartment is greater than 500 Ω instrument will display a value of ‘20’ (as
obtained by pressing key). This indicates that, the impedance of molasses is beyond the
maximum calibration range.
Here we have to stretch the Software range from the preset HI limit of
500 Ω to the required value. This can be achieved by connecting the higher value of fixed
resistance from resistance box and carrying out Software calibration as described on page 18 &
19 of Operation Manual.
This value of resistance is required to be selected experimentally, in such a way that the displayed
reading, corresponding to ‘Z’ lies below ‘20’.
Once the readings for all the instruments after re-calibration, fall between 4-20
(Reading displayed by pressing key), we can start the sampling procedure.
nlc/ma Brix reading in a nlc/ma Brix reading in
reading Laboratory reading a Laboratory
1 6.30 83.49 6.30 78.50
2 20.00 96.10 4.00 75.00
3 4.00 80.00 20.00 92.90
4 14.32 92.50 15.30 85.50
5 10.80 87.60 17.50 88.50
6 17.32 93.60 8.80 80.10
From these set of readings, it is clear that, during Material 1 brix readings will be in the
range of 80.00 %; called as Brix Low Engineering unit to 96.10 %; called as Brix High
Engineering unit (corresponding to 4 & 20 respectively).
And during Material 2 brix readings will be in the range of 75.00 %; called as Brix Low
Engineering unit to 92.90 %; called as Brix High Engineering unit (corresponding to 4
& 20 respectively).
Please note that, if only 5 samples are taken, then enter NO OF SAMPLES as 5, and 6th
sample readings for ma & brix should be entered as 0.00
After Linearisation table entries for both Material 1 & Material 2 are done, Exit (Fn. 8.0)
programming mode and brix readings will be displayed as per entered table.
Now check readings during normal operation. If it is found out that all the readings are
shown are deviated up or down by few brix, then OFFSET (Fn. 3.1 or Fn. 4.1) should be
entered. E.g. if all readings displayed up by 0.5 % then enter OFFSET as -0.50. & if all
reading are displayed down by say 1.5 %, then enter OFFSET as 1.50. (Sign +/- is
toggled using A/M key).
Maximum offset of +/-5% can be entered.
Note: readings corresponding 4.00 ma & 20.00 ma are not deviated due to addition
of OFFSET and only intermediate brix readings are changed due to addition of
• Now select Fn. 5.4 i.e. Temperature Input High calibration. Connect 140 ohms
(equivalent of 104 ºC) at RTD sensor terminals RTD COM, RTD + & RTD -.
Display line1 shows ADC data. After display reading is stable (within 10 counts
will do), press ENTER key. Now this reading is received inside the instrument for
high temperature.
Please note that although calibrated temperature input at 26 ºC & 104 ºC, instrument does
temperature compensation in the range of 20 ºC to 150 ºC.
Normal Model -
Mix model –
This instrument is warranted against any manufacturing defects for its design, material,
workmanship and trouble free performance for a minimum period of two crushing
seasons (one crushing season to be of more than 90 days) or performance of plant,
whichever is earlier.