EHS Risk Assesment
EHS Risk Assesment
EHS Risk Assesment
1-8 Low - L Moderate Injury/Illness Moderate Incident 3 3 6 9 12 15
9- 16 Medium - M Serious Injury/Illness Serious Incident 4 4 8 12 16 20
17-25 High - H Fatal/Permanent disability Major Incident 5 5 10 15 20 25
Likelihood: Health & Safety Severity: Environmental Severity: L: Likelihood
Hazardous Chemical required?
1. Unlikely 1. Slight Injury (No lost time) 1. Slight Incident L*: Likelihood with mitigating controls in place
2. May happen 2. Minor Injury/Illness 2. Minor Incident S: Severity
3. Likely 3. Moderate Injury/Illness 3. Moderate Incident
Yes No S*: Severity with mitigating controls in place
4. Very Likely 4. Serious Injury/Illness 4. Serious Incident R: Level of uncontrolled risk
(Tick as applicable)
5. Certain or Imminent 5. Fatal/ Permanent Disability 5. Major Incident R*: Assessed level of Residual Risk
Hierarchy of Control (Controls identified may be the hierarchy to provide minimum operator exposure)
Elimination Eliminate the Hazard General Safety Requirements:
Substitution Provide an alternative, that can perform the same task and is safer to use • The daily Tool box talk shall be done by the
Engineering control Provide or construct a physical barrier or guard workforce.
Administrative Controls •
Develop procedures and guidelines, in consultation with employees, to mitigate Risk Assessment and Method Statement shall be
the risk. Provide training, instruction and supervision about the hazard. communicated to all.
Personal Protective equipment Personal Equipment designed to protect the individual from the hazard • Provide proper PPE to all operatives