Agronanotechnology in The Arid Zones in Northern Mexico
Agronanotechnology in The Arid Zones in Northern Mexico
Agronanotechnology in The Arid Zones in Northern Mexico
CONAHCYT-El Colegio de San Luis A.C., San Luis Potosí, México, Parque de Macul #155, Fracc. Colinas
del Parque, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., México. C.P. 78294, México.
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Programa de Doctorado Transdisciplinario en Desarrollo
Científico y Tecnológico para la Sociedad, Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508, San Pedro Zacatenco,
Gustavo A. Madero, 07360 Ciudad de México, México.
Grupo de Nanotecnología y Biocontrol Microbiano, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, La
Paz 23096, Baja California Sur, México.
CONAHCYT-Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, Instituto Politécnico Nacional 195, Playa
Palo de Santa Rita Sur, La Paz, B.C.S., 23096, México.
*Corresponding author: [email protected] (L. Hernández-Adame)
Under these characteristics, agricultural production in arid zones constantly challenges small
and large-scale farmers, including subsistence agriculture. Despite adverse conditions, the arid
zones of northern Mexico contribute 39% of the country's agricultural production value
(SIACON, 2021). The table 1 shows a summary of the main agricultural products harvested in
this region, including edible cacti and their derived fruits which, although little studied, possess
important nutritional properties and can represent a significant economic contribution to the
region's agrifood sector (Corso-Rios et al., 2016). Other agricultural activities in this region are
of economic and cultural importance, such as cattle and goat raising, aquaculture, and dairy
The biophysical characteristics and socioecological conditions of the arid zones constantly
challenge agricultural production. Currently, the region faces effects related to climate change,
desertification, and soil contamination by agrochemicals, among others. The research in
agronanotechnology can generate alternatives to these problems; however, monitoring its
development from an interdisciplinary perspective is necessary to establish governance that
links research agendas with the demands of the regional productive and social sectors
(Bhandari et al., 2023). The bibliometrics is a reliable approach for assessing scientific
production and research agendas through systematically identifying, selecting, and analyzing
references. The bibliometrics uses statistics to describe publishing trends and to highlight
relationships between published works (Ninkov et al., 2022). It is widely used to map the
dynamic of science and compare countries and institutions (Gingras, 2021). The bibliometric
methods and tools are particularly important to all science and technology fields due to the
increasing speed at which knowledge and scientific publications are produced currently (Aria
and Cuccurullo, 2017); at the same time, this information needs to be related with decision
Recently, some studies in agronanotechnology used bibliometrics (Stopar, 2016; Hugar, 2020;
Liu et. al., 2023; Lakner et al., 2021). However, there are still very few studies related to arid
areas. It was possible to identify only two reports. One performs a bibliometric analysis about
stress factors affecting agricultural productivity globally (Sisodia et al., 2023) and the other one
is a bibliometric analysis describing the progress of piosphere knowledge and its implications
for conservation and scientific collaboration (Shahriary et al., 2021). Bibliometric studies carried
out in México on agronanotechnology neither on arid zones did not find. The agriculture and
food production face enormous challenges, so a local perspective of the development of
agronanotechnology can be helpful to scholars and different stakeholder in order to take
informed decisions.
The aim of this scientific paper is to present a study of the situation of agronanotechnology in
the arid zones of northern Mexico. The study includes an overview of the characteristics of
agronanotechnology as a line of research, and its main applications; an analysis of the
academic output in the field and a map of the public research agenda. Furthermore, we review
the literature associated with the risks to human health and the environment derived from some
nanomaterials, included the status of nano-standardization.
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Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. 2024, 26: 1-29 Anzaldo-Montoya et al.
This scientific paper is organized as follows, section 2 describes the methods; section 3
describes the results and discussion; section 4 describes the challenges and trends for
nanotechnology in the agricultural sector, and section 5 presents the conclusions.
The bibliometric analysis was performed on the Web of Science platform using the search
strategy described in Table 2. This search was applied to WoS topic search (TS), including the
paper title, abstract, and keywords. The search query was conducted in July, 2023. A total of
615 documents were obtained (including articles, books, book chapters, reviews, and
conference papers) from 2004 to 2022. The records obtained went through a manual review
process of eliminating duplicates and papers unrelated to the topic of study, finally getting a
total of 425 documents.
In a separate process, the names of the states in Mexico that appear in the affiliation field were
identified and standardized to identify the scientific production of those that correspond to the
arid zones of Northern Mexico mentioned previously, obtaining a total of N=224 papers
published by academic institutions in the region under study (Baja California, Baja California
Sur, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Sonora, Durango, San Luis Potosí, Coahuila, Nuevo León,
Tamaulipas, and Zacatecas). Analyses were conducted using Biblioshiny, a web interface for
bibliometrix (Aria and Cuccurullo, 2017). Graphs were produced using either Microsoft Excel
or Datawrapper.
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Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. 2024, 26: 1-29 Anzaldo-Montoya et al.
Table 1. Main agricultural products harvested in the arid zones of northern Mexico.
Agricultural products Baja Baja California Coahuila Chihuahua Durango Nuevo San Luis Sinaloa Sonora Tamaulipas Zacatecas
California Sur León Potosí
Shriveled alfalfa
Medicago sativa
Green Alfalfa
Medicago sativa
Oat as Green Fodder
Avena sativa
Barrel cactus
Echinocactus grusonii
Sugar cane
Allium cepa
Dried chili
Green chili
Escontria chiotilla
Asparagus officinalis
Phaseolus vulgaris
Maize green forage
Zea mays
Zea mays
Malus domestica
Citrus sinensis
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Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. 2024, 26: 1-29 Anzaldo-Montoya et al.
Agricultural products Baja Baja California Coahuila Chihuahua Durango Nuevo San Luis Sinaloa Sonora Tamaulipas Zacatecas
California Sur León Potosí
Opuntia ficus-indica
Solanum tuberosum
Pastures and
Cydonon dactylon
Carnegiea gigantea
Grain sorghum
Grain wheat
Tuna Alfajayucan
Opuntia albicarpa
Tuna amarilla
Opuntia ficus indica
Tuna blanca burrón
Opuntia oligacantha
Tuna blanca
opuntia albicarpa
Tuna criolla
Opuntia ficus indica
Tuna roja
Opuntia megacantha
Vitis Vinifera
Source: Data from Consultation Agrifood Information System (SIACON) up to June 2023. The symbol indicates crop´s production in the state.
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Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. 2023, 26: 1-29 Anzaldo-Montoya et al.
In the studied region, 72.7% of the papers are classified as articles, 18.7% as reviews and the rest
as book chapters, letters to the editor and conference proceedings. The papers identified were
published in 161 journal titles. This high number indicates an enormous dispersion in the channels
of scientific communication and a wide variety of approaches to the analysis of NT applied to
agriculture. The journals that accumulated the most papers are, Molecules with 7 papers, followed
by Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca with 6 papers, Chemosphere 5 papers and
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 4 papers.
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Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. 2023, 26: 1-29 Anzaldo-Montoya et al.
Figure 1. Publications by year in the field of nanotechnology applied in agriculture. The bars in
blue indicate the total number of papers and the bars in orange indicate the northern states
The figure 2 shows three aspects of scientific production, a) the geographic distribution of
publications in the area of study, b) the main academic institutions and c) the foreign institutions
with the greater scientific collaboration (number of co-authorships). In terms of the States, the
largest number of papers is found in Coahuila, Sonora, and Nuevo Leon; together, these entities
accumulate slightly more than half of the scientific production in the subject. The three academic
institutions with the highest number of papers are the Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro
(UAAAN), the Universidad of Sonora (UNISON) and Centro of Investigación in Química Aplicada
(CIQA). Regarding scientific collaboration, all the papers are co-authored and 34% of them have
at least one international collaboration. The countries with which the authors from the country's
northern region have the greater collaboration are the United States of America and China (68 and
19 papers, respectively). They are followed by India (13), Brazil (9), Italy (9) and Spain (7). The
collaboration with China is expected to continue to grow as it is the country with the highest
scientific production in nanotechnology. South Korea is also boosting scientific production in agro
nano (Parisi et al., 2014).
As for collaboration with foreign institutions, the most frequent relationships are with the University
of El Paso Texas (20 papers), University of Houston (9 papers), University of Puerto Rico Rio
campus Piedras (7 papers) and University of California Los Angeles (6 papers).
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Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. 2023, 26: 1-29 Anzaldo-Montoya et al.
The figure 3 shows a cloud of author keywords most cited in the documents. The figure was
generated using the frequency of author keywords of the papers published in institutions in northern
Mexico. This visualization allows us to map the topics of greater interest to academics in the studied
region, types of nanomaterials, applications, among others. If we exclude the terms that appear
determined by the search strategy such as "nanotechnology", "nanoparticles" and "nanomaterials",
and others related to agriculture and food stand out, such as pesticides, nanofertilizers,
germination, morphology, among others.
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different or improved properties (Elmer and White, 2018). Currently, NT drives innovation in various
sectors such as telecommunications, electronics, cosmetics, textiles, and medicine, creating
products and applications such as high-speed microchips of tiny size, to the creation of new
vaccines against COVID-19 (Ortega-Berlanga et al., 2020; Palestino et al., 2020).
The agronanotechnology is expected to be one of the fastest-growing disciplines (Elmer and White,
2018). It is an emerging and multidisciplinary field that deals with developing and applying
nanomaterials in the agricultural sector. Its main characteristic is generating organic, inorganic, or
hybrid (mixture of both) NPs, used as the main active compound or vehicles to transport
biomolecules (Tejeda-Villagómez et al., 2022). Their constant development has allowed the
creation of a wide variety of products and systems that are used for the transport and release of
nutrients, improvement of packaging, and development of nanosensors, nanofertilizers,
antimicrobial agents, nanopesticides, nanoherbicides, nanofungicides, among others (Chhipa,
2019; Anzaldo and Hernandez, 2020; Bhandari et al., 2023). Additionally, there is a growing interest
in the application of agronanotechnology to provide viable alternatives to the excessive use of
agrochemicals and antibiotics, which have seriously deteriorated crop soils and induced the
formation of more virulent and resistant pathogens (Wu et al., 2023).
The development of NT and its different applications is due to the intimate participation of physics,
chemistry, and biology (Hernández-Adame et al., 2019a). On the other hand, in the case of
agronanotechnology, the participation of agricultural sciences and social sciences becomes
necessary to orient innovations to consider cultural, economic, and environmental aspects at early
stages of research. These interdisciplinary collaboration exercises have been carried out for some
time in other countries. However, they are still far from being popular among decision-makers,
managers, or scientists in Mexico. The early stage of agronanotechnology development represents
an opportunity for innovation processes to be more open. It can serve as the starting point to
identify the lines of research cultivated in academic institutions and begin to elucidate mechanisms
of social orientation of research agendas, aspects to which this work seeks to contribute.
Of the wide variety of nanomaterials available, formulations based on Ag, Cu, TiO2, ZnO, and Al2O3
NPs are the most widely used. These systems have shown high antimicrobial activity against a
wide variety of pathogenic microorganisms, including Podosphaera xanthii (Hafez et al., 2020),
Sphaerotheca pannosa (Burketová et al., 2022), Colletotrichum musae), Bipolaris sorokiniana,
Phytophthora parasitica, Fusarium spp. (Li et al., 2021), or Meloidogyne spp. (Khan et al., 2022),
among others. Likewise, foliar, stem, and root inoculation have been evaluated, demonstrating that
these systems can be absorbed by different parts of the plants and increase their effectiveness in
pathogen control or plant growth, as has been observed in Solanum lycopersicum (Ahmed et al.,
2023), Zea maize (Francis et al., 2022), Phaseolus vulgaris (Ponce-Garcia et al., 2022), Glycine
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max (Yusefi-Tanha et al., 2022), Cucumis sativus (Gupta et al., 2022), Mangifera indica
(Muhammad et al., 2022) and other crops.
In addition, it has been demonstrated that extracts of cacti and their fruits rich in active compounds
such as Stenocereus queretaroensis (Padilla-Camberos et al., 2021) or Opuntia ficus (Silva-de-
Hoyos et al., 2012), present high reducing capacity to synthesize NPs with antimicrobial potential.
This fact opens an opportunity for new applications of products produced in the arid zones of
Mexico (Worrall et al., 2018).
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Agricultural nanosensors
The nanosensors are another rapidly growing field of agronanotechnology. These devices consist
of biological components such as receptors, enzymes, antibodies, nucleic acids, and
microorganisms connected to an NP and a transducer to generate an output or signal that humans
can use (Kang et al., 2010). The nanosensors help in real-time tracking of crop health and
progression by collecting accurate information regarding moisture content, soil fertility, presence
of pathogens, nutrient monitoring, onset of plant diseases, residual agrochemicals, etc. (Duhan et
al., 2017; Raliya et al., 2017). The information provided by nanosensors enables timely decision-
making to increase the quality and quantity of agricultural products. The literature reports, for
example, the development of nanosensors to monitor the presence of pathogens (Srivastava et
al., 2018) and to estimate nitrogen uptake in crops (Beegum et al., 2022), or when the disease
progresses and begins to spread through different parts of the crop (John et al., 2022). Ali et al.,
(2017) who has used this technology, shows remarkable improvements in crop yields and efficient
use of inputs, translating into economic gains and reducing soil stress. Likewise, nanosensors have
been developed to monitor nutrients in crops, thus being able to effectively determine the period
and number of agrochemicals to be used based on crop needs (Beegum et al., 2022). These data
have helped to develop other technological platforms, such as precision agriculture.
The different nanoparticles based on oxides, metals, polymers, quantum dots, and carbon
structures have been used to develop nanosensors. The table 5 shows a compilation of the
development of nanomaterials used as nanosensors and the target molecule, where the detected
compounds or microorganisms (agrochemicals, bacteria, etc.) from the agricultural sector are
shown (Chhipa, 2019).
Table 5. Nanoparticles used in the development of nanosensors for the agricultural sector
Nanoparticle (NPs) Agrochemical or interest compound detected Reference
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A nanofertilizer is a nanomaterial that can either be a plant nutrient or a carrier of a plant nutrient.
They are used to increase soil fertility, plant nutrient bioavailability, and product quality. Many
nanoparticles are currently used as nanofertilizers among which carbon nanotubes, ZnO, TiO2,
AgNPs, CuO, FeS2, and SiO2 stand out. Compared to synthetic fertilizers, nanomaterials'
objectives are slow degradation and better biodistribution that allows releasing nutrients efficiently
within the plant (Qureshi et al., 2018). This can benefit crops because adequate fertilization periods
of up to 5 times longer can be achieved compared to synthetic fertilizers (Subramanian et al., 2015).
Concerning the method of administration, the literature reports several studies concerning doses,
treatment periods, and modes of application for many crops. For example, Faizan et al. (2018),
evaluated different concentrations of ZnO in tomato plants; their results showed that these NPs
induce an increase in parameters related to plant height, root length, fruit weight, chlorophyll,
photosynthetic rate, protein content, lycopene, β-carotene, fruit number, yield, gas exchange by
leaves, and increase in the mRNA expression level of SOD and GPX genes that induce plant
resistance to salinity (Alharby et al., 2016; Faizan et al., 2018). A compilation of the most used
nanomaterials in crops of agricultural interest produced in arid zones and some produced in non-
arid areas are shown in Table 6. In addition, the doses, mode of application, and beneficial effects
are described.
Table 6. Different types of nanoparticles used as nanofertilizers, dosage used, treatment time and
Nanomaterial as
Crops Main results References
Glycine max,
Zea mays,
The nanotubes induce increased
Multi-walled carbon aestivum, Zea Lahiani et
germination, seedling growth, water
nanotubes mays, Arachis al., 2013
uptake, and biomass accumulation.
The HA-NPs were effective at supplying P,
nanoparticles (HA-
Soybean with application of the nanoparticles Liu and Lal,
NPs) with triple
(Glycine max) increas(ing) the growth rate and seed yield 2014
by 32.6 and 20.4%
P-nFh uptake rates were like the P
nanoFerrihydrite Bollyn et
Rice administered as phosphate. The results
nanoparticles al., 2019
show positive effect on plant growth.
Coffea Increase in the rate of photosynthesis and Rossi et al.,
arabica biomass. 2019
Triticum Higher grain yield and biomass Du et al.,
aestivum accumulation. 2019
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Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. 2023, 26: 1-29 Anzaldo-Montoya et al.
Nanomaterial as
Crops Main results References
Improvement of plant growth, enzymatic
activities, and anatomical properties of
tabacum Raliya and
Positive effect on growth physiology,
Cyamopsis 2013
improvement in biomass accumulation,
and nutrient concentration.
Daucus Das et al.,
FeS2 NPs Increase in germination and yield.
carota; 2016
juncea and
Spinacia Wang et
Improvement in photosynthesis
oleracea al., 2020
Solanum Giannousi
Induce resistance to different diseases.
lycopersicum et al., 2013
Increased plant growth and biomass Najafi et
Fe/SiO2 NPs hypogaea,
accumulation al., 2017
Zea mays
Solanum Shenashen
Al2O3 NPs Induce resistance to Fusarium spp.
lycopersicum et al., 2017
Spinacia Induce higher accumulation of biomass, Yang et al.,
TiO2 NPs
oleracea chlorophyll, nitrogen, and protein content. 2007
Triticum Growth inducers and tolerance to heat Iqbal et al.,
aestivum stress. 2019
Vigna Improves root nodulation and soil microbial Pallavi et
sinensis diversity. al., 2016
Vigna Resistance to bacteria X. axonopodis pv. Vanti et al.,
unguiculata malvacearum 2019
Rizwan et
TiO2 y SiO2 Oryza sativa Growth enhancement
al., 2019
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NPs can be an alternative to reduce the toxicity and negative impact of excessive use of NPs or
high doses. However, their low yield in producing the same NPs and poor ability to induce the
formation of NPs with defined shapes and sizes have made their application impractical (Ying et
al., 2022).
The research centers and public and private universities in Mexico have hygiene and safety
commissions that follow strict protocols to monitor the correct use of nanomaterials and their
wastes. In Mexico lacks a roadmap to plan and regulate the development of NT in its multi-sectorial
diversity. However, there is a specific instance that addresses the advances in international
standardization, namely, the Technical Committee ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies of the
International Standard Organization (ISO). Since 2013, the Mexican government created the
Technical Committee for National Standardization in Nanotechnologies (CTNNN) coordinated by
the National Metrology Center (CENAM), which has as its main functions to attend the
standardization work of ISO/TC 229 and develop national application standards on the subject
(CENAM, n.d.). The CTNNN has published 19 standards on terminology, nomenclature,
measurement, and characterization of nanomaterials' physical, chemical, and toxicological
properties (SINEC, n.d.).
In terms of environmental and health protection, five standards have been published that address
protocols on occupational risk and recommendations for labeling products containing
nanomaterials (Table 7). There is currently a lack of a specific regulatory framework for commercial
applications of agronanotechnology, which constitutes a pending agenda for the future of this
technology in Mexico. To address the concerns of academic institutions, industry and consumers
about compliance with quality standards and toxicity aspects in terms of health and the
environment, specific regulatory mechanisms are needed to guide the actors' decisions along the
production chain, including decisions about what to research or which products to finance. For
example, in Mexico, there is a need to develop adequate protocols to evaluate the efficiency and
safety of nanomaterials in plants or soil, since there is a local circulation of agronano products from
other countries.
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these products since they can only be produced in these arid regions of the country. The table 8
show the most recent published works according to the crop type.
Table 8. Selection of articles on crops of major interest for agronanotechnology in the arid zones
of Northern Mexico.
Crop Title Type of Author(s) Year
Lettuce Impact of ZnSO4 and ZnO ZnSO4 and Benavides- 2023
plants nanoparticles on seed germination ZnO Mendoza
(Lactuca and seedling growth on lettuce. Nanoparticles et al.
sativa L.)
Tomato Effect of carbon-based nanomaterials Carbon- González- 2022
(Solanum on Fusarium wilt in Tomato. based nano Garcia et
lycopersicum materials al.
Lettuce Commercial and phytochemical NPsZnO Fortis- 2022
leaves quality in biofortified orejona lettuce Hernandez
(Lactuca with zinc oxide nanoparticles. et al.
sativa L.)
Apple fruits Effects of edaphic fertilization and NPs of Se Montaño- 2022
(Malus foliar application of Se and Zn and Zn Herrera et
domestica nanoparticles on yield and bioactive al.
L.) compounds in apple.
Tomato Gas exchange parameters, fruit yield, ZnO Pérez- 2021
(Solanum quality, and nutrient status in tomato Velasco et
lycopersicum are stimulated by ZnO nanoparticles al.
L.) of modified surface and morphology
and their application form.
Green beans Efficiency of foliar application of zinc ZnO Palacio- 2021
(Phaseolus oxide nanoparticles versus zinc nanoparticles Márquez et
vulgaris L.) nitrate complexed with chitosan on complexed al.
nitrogen assimilation, photosynthetic with chitosan
activity, and production of green
Avocado In-vitro evaluation of copper CuNPs Cruz et al. 2021
(Persea nanoparticles as a potential control
americana agent against the fungal symbionts of
Miller) the invasive ambrosia beetle
Euwallacea fornicates.
Vanilla Silver nanoparticles affect the
AgNPs Pastelín- 2020
(Vanilla micropropagation of vanilla. Solano et
planifolia) al.
Sweet potato Effect of copper oxide nanoparticles CuNPs Bonilla- 2020
plants on two varieties of sweetpotato Bird et al.
Habanero Foliar Application of Zinc Oxide ZnO, ZnSO4 García- 2019
papers nanoparticles and Zinc Sulfate boosts López et
(Capsicum the content of bioactive compounds in al.
chinense) habanero peppers.
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Based on these premises, trends in the governance of agri-nanotechnology could revolve around
two thematic clusters. The first is the governance of regulation, which implies advancing the
analysis of risks to human health and the environment, as well as the social effects on the food
production cycle. It is a reality that governments and companies allocate very few resources to
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identify and assess risks. Consequently, more elements to implement some regulations are
needed. In this regard, an interesting work is that of the research routes proposed in the European
Environment Agency report "Late lessons from early warnings: Science, precaution, innovation"
(Gee et al., 2013), which classifies NTs as an emerging risk and warns of the need to use the
precautionary approach. Another report is that of the International Risk Governance Council (IRG),
which in 2008 published a risk analysis on the use of nanomaterials in food and cosmetics,
proposing a path of incremental regulations based on the precautionary principle. Both reports and
their recommendations are still valid.
The second thematic cluster is the governance of technology promotion. Along these lines, there
is a clear need for further inquiry into how to orient agronanotechnology to the needs of smallholder
food systems. According to the Committee on World Food Security, smallholders provide 70% of
global food production and, paradoxically, suffer food insecurity (CFS, 2015).
From the bibliometric point of view and based on the data presented for the case of Mexico,
scientific production in agronanotechnology is still incipient. However, the linear trend in the
production growth suggests that there will be an increase in publications. It is impossible to predict
the direction it will take since the dispersion of the titles of the journals where this line of work is
published still associates the authors with their disciplines of origin. However, it is likely that in
terms of the application types, it will continue to add to research in food and agriculture. The high
concentration in the geographical distribution of capabilities is not surprising since this is a
characteristic of scientific activity in Mexico in all disciplines. What is interesting is the forms of
collaboration that agronanotechnology is shaping, where, as it was shown, there were no published
works of individual authorship. Also, it can be seen that collaboration between Mexican institutions
prevails over international collaboration.
In Mexico, food production is becoming increasingly difficult due to problems related to climate
change, overpopulation, decreasing fertile land, and increasingly restricted access to fresh water.
NT can be an alternative to address these challenges. As have been shown in this study, this
science offers potential benefits to the agricultural sector with the innovation of nanoparticle-based
systems for use as pathogen control agents, nanosensors, or nanofertilizers, among many other
applications. In Mexico, there are specific research capabilities, and that experimental work is being
carried out taking advantage of the infrastructure in some entities of the republic. The focus is
mainly on crops of interest to the agricultural export sector, such as tequila, tomato, avocado, some
types of chili, and fruits such as watermelon. It was also found that there is an interest in some
work that addresses the toxicological aspects of the NPs in agri-food systems. In this sense, it
would be necessary to explore with producers of other crops in the region what problems they are
facing and consider cacti and their derivatives within the research agendas since they have
important commercial, health, and nutritional value.
The technology alone is not enough and is necessary to consider the pre-existing inequalities in
rural areas, the social consequences, and the effects on biodiversity. The promotion of
agronanotechnology in the country requires, therefore, funding for the identification and evaluation
of risks, the generation of regulations for products currently on the market, the creation of
transdisciplinary work networks that involve groups related to toxicology, ecology, the
governmental sector, social sciences, and agricultural producers. In addition, it requires a better
understanding of how global food production works in a regime characterized by the co-optation of
technology by large agri-food consortiums. In this sense, two of the authors of this paper participate
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in the National Technical Committee for Standardization in Nanotechnologies, and from there, we
seek to collaborate in the responsible governance of this technology.
Ethics statement
Not applicable
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Not applicable
Author contributions
Conceptualization, L.H.A. and M.A.M; formal analysis, L.H.A., M.A.M., Y.I.H.G. and L.G.H.M.;
investigation, L.H.A, MAM and Y.I.H.G; writing—original draft preparation, L.H.A., M.A.M., Y.I.H.G
and L.G.H.M.; writing—review and editing, L.H.A., M.A.M. and Y.I.H.G; supervision, L.H.A.; project
administration, M.A.M and L.H.A.
Mónica Anzaldo Montoya acknowledges to CONAHCYT’s Frontier Science Project No. 304320.
Luis Hernandez-Adame acknowledges to CONAHCYT’s project No. 316934.
Ahmed, R., Uddin, M.K., Quddus, M.A., Samad, M.Y.A., Hossain, M.A.M. and Haque, A.N.A. 2023.
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