66 - 230 - 400kV Guidelines 9.1

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(For 400kV, 230kV &66kV Standalone Substation only)

Prepared by Transmission Engineering Section


Developer / Project Engineer:

Date Issued:

Edition 9.1 – Nov 2023


1. GENERAL INFORMATION.................................................................................. 1
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1

2. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE ........................................................................ 6

2.1 General Requirements ................................................................................. 6

3. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................ 10

3.1 Emergency Supply ..................................................................................... 10
3.2 Lighting and Power Supply......................................................................... 12
3.3 Lightning Protection ................................................................................... 16
3.4 Substation Earthing Protection ................................................................... 16
3.5 Cranes and Hoists...................................................................................... 19
3.6 Oil Interceptor ............................................................................................ 21
3.7 Roller Shutters and Fire Shutters ............................................................... 21
3.8 Fire Protection............................................................................................ 23
3.9 Battery, Control and Communication Room ............................................... 31
3.10 Aircraft Warning Lights ............................................................................... 32
3.11 A/C Supply for HV Equipment Testing........................................................ 34
3.12 Submersible Pumps ................................................................................... 35
3.13 Telecom Lines............................................................................................ 36
3.14 Passenger / Fire Lift ................................................................................... 36
3.15 Defects Liability (For M&E Equipment Installed) ......................................... 39
3.16 Air-Conditioners (AC) and Mechanical Ventilation Fans (MV fans) ............. 41
3.17 Battery room Mechanical Ventilation Fan Operating Scenarios .................. 45
3.18 Others ........................................................................................................ 46
3.19 Network Rack Housing ............................................................................... 46
3.20 Internal Telephone ..................................................................................... 48

4. BUILDING, CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS ....................................... 50

4.1 Ventilation and Windows ............................................................................ 50
4.2 Taps, Basins and Plumbing Fixtures .......................................................... 53
4.3 Columns, Beams and Expansion Joints ..................................................... 54
4.4 Safety Measures ........................................................................................ 54
4.5 Switchroom Floor and Rendering ............................................................... 56
4.6 Cable Trenches, Basements and Sunken Areas ........................................ 57
4.7 Cable Entry Pipes ...................................................................................... 60
4.8 Bays for Transformer, NGR & Shunt Reactor ............................................. 62
4.9 Roof ........................................................................................................... 62
4.10 False Ceilings ............................................................................................ 64
4.11 Raised Floor............................................................................................... 64
4.12 Driveway .................................................................................................... 66
4.13 Drains ........................................................................................................ 66
4.14 External Compound ................................................................................... 66
4.15 Wall / Floor Tiling ....................................................................................... 67
4.16 Door for Equipment Access........................................................................ 67
4.17 Signage & Locations Plans ........................................................................ 68
4.18 Defects Liability (For Substation Building Inclusive of All Structural
Works) ........................................................................................................ 70
4.19 Paint .......................................................................................................... 71
4.20 Others ........................................................................................................ 71

5. SITE SUPERVISION ........................................................................................ 74

5.1 General Requirements ............................................................................... 74

6. HANDOVER OF SUBSTATION BUILDING........................................................... 76

6.1 Handover of Substation Building Procedures ............................................. 76


SUBSTATION BUILDING ................................................................................. 88
7.1 Typical Weights of Equipment .................................................................... 88
7.2 Floor Loading for Switchrooms ................................................................... 90
7.3 Floor Heights.............................................................................................. 90
7.4 Floor Openings and Floor Slabs ................................................................. 93
7.5 Doors or Equipment Access ....................................................................... 96
7.6 Oil Interceptor ............................................................................................ 97
7.7 Lifting Voids ............................................................................................... 97
7.8 Height of Blast Walls .................................................................................. 98
7.9 Typical Room Sizes ................................................................................... 99
7.10 Test Bushing Room Sizes .......................................................................... 99


OF SUBSTATION BUILDING .......................................................................... 100

8.1 Substation Compound.............................................................................. 100

8.2 Stairways ................................................................................................. 101
8.3 400kV, 230kV & 66kV Transformer Bay ................................................... 102
8.4 22kV Transformer Bay ............................................................................. 102
8.5 NGR Bay.................................................................................................. 103
8.6 Transformer Riser Shaft ........................................................................... 103
8.7 400kV & 230kV Switchroom ..................................................................... 104
8.8 66kV Switchroom ..................................................................................... 105
8.9 66kV TER Switchroom (for 400kV & 230kV substations) ......................... 106
8.10 38kV Switchroom (for 400kV & 230kV substations, when applicable) ...... 107
8.11 22kV TER Switchroom (for 400kV & 230kV substations) ......................... 108
8.12 22kV Switchroom ..................................................................................... 109
8.13 LV Room / Building Services Main Switchroom ........................................ 109
8.14 Cable Floor and Cable Basement / Chamber ........................................... 110
8.15 Cable Testing Chamber for 400kV Cable Only ......................................... 111
8.16 Control Room ........................................................................................... 111
8.17 Temporary Control Room (For A&A works) .............................................. 112
8.18 Substation Automation System Room (for 400kV & 230kV substations) .. 112
8.19 Communication Room.............................................................................. 112
8.20 Battery Room ........................................................................................... 113
8.21 Battery Charger Room ............................................................................. 113
8.22 RTU Room ............................................................................................... 113
8.23 Fire Pump Room (All fittings, switches and isolator shall be weather-
proof) ........................................................................................................ 115
8.24 Water Tank Room (All fittings, switches and isolator shall be weather-
proof) ........................................................................................................ 116
8.25 Tariff Meter Room .................................................................................... 116
8.26 Equipment Room / Test Bushing Room ................................................... 116
8.27 Generator Room ...................................................................................... 116
8.28 Lifting Void ............................................................................................... 117

9. ATTACHMENT C – DOOR LOCKING SYSTEM ................................................. 118

9.1 General Guidelines .................................................................................. 118


TRANSMISSION SUBSTATIONS ..................................................................... 119
10.1 Fire Alarm Monitoring System to be Monitored by CISCO or SP
PowerGrid .................................................................................................. 119


















1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 When a transmission substation building is confirmed to be designed and

constructed by the Developer / Consultant, the information normally available
at this time is the location, the size and shape of the substation site and
possibly information on access or proposed roads, nature of land use of
neighbouring plots and preliminary proposal on substation equipment layout.

1.1.2 The Developer and / or Consultant and their Project Team of Architect and
Professional Engineers are fully responsible for the design and supervision of
construction of the substation building, including all costs for the substation

1.1.3 The Developer's / Consultant's Project Team shall be familiar with all latest
procedures for submission of plans to local Authorities e.g. Building and
Construction Authority (BCA), Fire Safety & Shelter Department (FSSD),
Energy Market Authority (EMA), Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), etc. The
design and construction of the substation building shall fully meet all
conditions / requirements imposed by all relevant Authorities including EMA /
MHA for security measures.

1.1.4 The Developer’s / Consultant’s Project Team shall follow the Ministry of
Manpower (MOM) and Workplace Safety & Health (WSH) Design for Safety
Guidelines and Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Design for
Maintainability Guidelines.

1.1.5 For sites to be gazetted as protected places as required by the Authorities,

The Developer / Consultant shall be responsible to provide the draft gazette
order, as-built survey plans, boundaries maps subject to SPPG approval. The
Developer / Consultant’s appointed contractor shall also provide and install
adequate notices / signages in accordance with the specifications provided
by the Authorities.

Edition 9.1

1.1.6 In the event that the substation is classified as a Critical Infrastructure, the
Developer / Consultant shall engage a Security Consultant with expertise in
blast engineering analysis as part of the Project Team. The appointed
Security Consultant must be familiar with the latest “security by design” (SBD)
process and/or latest security requirements / framework as per directive
issued by EMA / MHA. The Security Consultant shall develop a formal
security plan to address the risks and threats identified. The draft security
report must be submitted and presented to SPPG for clearance two weeks
before formal submission to EMA. Submission of the drawings/documents
for MHA’s approval shall be done by the Security Consultant through EMA /
SPPG / Developer. The Project Team shall fully comply and complete the
SBD process before submitting the substation plans to SPPG for final

1.1.7 The aim of providing the Guidelines / Requirements for Above Ground
Transmission Substation Buildings is to share with the Developer's /
Consultant's Project Team as much information as possible at this early stage
of time on SP PowerGrid's (SPPG’s) current specifications of transmission /
distribution equipment and other functional requirements as required by SP
PowerGrid (SPPG). Our requirements / comments are not complete and do
not include all the conditions / requirements imposed by all relevant
Government and Statutory Authorities.

1.1.8 These guidelines / requirements given to Developer / Consultant shall only be

valid for one year from the date of issue. Developer / Consultant shall
request for updated guidelines if the substation development is delayed or
before their tender action

1.1.9 Developer / Consultant / Project Team shall check with SPPG for any further
new / revised requirements to be incorporated before tender action,
especially for Design & Build (D&B) contract. Developer / Consultant shall
bear all costs related to the new / revised requirements if the Architectural
and Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) drawings are not endorsed by SPPG
before their tender. The costs shall also include measures to comply with
new / revised requirements / conditions of all relevant Authorities. For D&B
contract where construction is in progress concurrently with design, any
variation in design due to new / revised SPPG’s functional and / or “security
by design” (SBD) requirements shall be fully complied with and all cost
variation shall be fully absorbed by the Developer / Consultant if the
Architectural and M&E drawings are not endorsed by SPPG before

Edition 9.1

1.1.10 Owing to our normal practice of procurement of substation equipment by

public tenders, technical requirements on the specific nature / design of the
substation equipment can only be confirmed after SPPG has awarded the
contract to the successful switchgear contractor. As such, the Developer's /
Consultant's Project Team is requested to provide reasonable flexibility in
locating the columns and cross-beams in the 400kV, 230kV and 66kV switch
room floors. Details can be discussed among officers concerned at the
design stage.

1.1.11 Besides meeting substation functional requirements, the Developer's /

Consultant's Project Team is also requested to give due consideration to the

a) Safety of personnel during switchgear construction period and future

maintenance of equipment installed.

b) Aesthetics of the substation external design / finishes blending with

neighbouring developments.

c) Simple and effective landscaping. The arrangement adopted shall not

reduce the cable easements for incoming and outgoing power circuits.

d) Sustainability of building materials with little or no maintenance required.

Better efficiency, sustainable materials for example, window frames shall
be of anodised aluminium, railings for staircases to be stainless steel, cat
ladders to be aluminium, water efficiency taps, prefabricated parts, etc.

e) Proper and adequate access, with the usage of swept path analysis, to
the site must be available for cable installation and transportation of heavy
equipment by normal means (i.e. truck and trailer). [The slope (if any) of
the access road shall not be steeper than 1:20]

f) Design to latest PUB flood protection requirement.

g) Effect of noise disturbance to neighbouring development and compliance

to NEA noise requirement.

h) The site shall be free of encumbrance i.e. no over or underground

structure / services are allowed to be located or remained within the
substation compound.

i) Wherever possible, the substation building shall be designed to built to

prevent any animals and birds from entering the substation.

j) Design for Maintainability (DfM), creating cost saving on maintenance and

operations, providing a holistic sustainability outcome that minimize
lifecycle costs and manpower demand.

Edition 9.1

1.1.12 The Developer / Consultant and Project Team are to note that the proposed
substation development of substation project is classified as “Special Facility”
under PUB’s Code of Practice and its design shall comply with the Code.

1.1.13 Any Customer / Developer who require electricity for development / upcoming
development must submit their Supply Application through their Licensed
Electrical Worker (LEW) to SP Services Ltd. All customers are required to
enter into a Consumer Connection Agreement with SPPG and to pay for the

1.1.14 The Developer / Consultant shall ensure that all requirements shown in the
'Guidelines / Requirements for Above Ground Transmission Substation
Buildings' are fully reflected in the building, M&E and other relevant tender
documents prepared by the Developer's / Consultant's Project Team of
Architect and Professional Engineers.

1.1.15 The Developer / Consultant / Project Team must immediately highlight and
consult SPPG on any deviation from the requirements as stated in the
Guidelines / Requirements for Above Ground Transmission Substation
Buildings Handbook prior to their tender exercise. Failing which, should such
deviations affect substation functional requirements, the Developer /
Consultant has to resolve the issue to the satisfaction and clearance of
SPPG. Any cost incurred in so doing shall be borne by the Developer /

1.1.16 The Developer shall obtain the list of contractors for Command & Control
(C2) from SPPG prior to tender stage.

1.1.17 The Developer / Consultant is fully responsible to report immediately to

Electricity Service Centre (ESC), Telephone No. 1800-7788888 of any
emergency matters or accident at site.

1.1.18 For addition and alteration modification work, additional requirements which
include provision of temporary control room with mechanical and electrical
installation including air con as well as building works shall be inclusive,
where required. During the duration of addition and alteration modification work, ESCS
systems (C2 MAN / AMI / Internal Telephone) must be continuously
operational. The Contractor has to maintain the operational and
environmental requirements to ensure that the ESCS systems are functioning
normally. Any diversion of power supply (including UPS, if any) or any cabling
that are required to ensure the functionalities of ESCS systems shall be
included in the scope of work.

Edition 9.1
400KV, 230KV & 66KV SUBSTATION INTRODUCTION For addition and alteration modification work, if relocation of ESCS racks is
required, all works are deemed to be included in the scope of work. The
system shall be fully tested and commissioned after the relocation. Installation
of new equipment racks are encouraged for all relocation works of the ESCS
racks so as to minimise the downtime for ESCS operation.

1.1.19 The water meter should be fenced up with separate gate for meter reader but
still within the substation boundary. This is to facilitate SP Services officer to
check the water meter readings without entering the substation. Refer
Appendix E for Proposed Water Meter Location

Edition 9.1


The substation building to be designed and constructed by the Developer /
Consultant shall include but not be limited to the following requirements:

2.1 General Requirements

2.1.1 All architectural, civil & structural, building services including building M&E etc
designs, are to comply fully with latest requirements of local Authorities,
e.g. FSSD, BCA, PUB, NEA etc.

2.1.2 The Developer / Consultant shall demonstrate to SPPG that the latest
requirements of local Authorities e.g. FSSD, BCA, PUB, NEA etc. are met.

2.1.3 It is the responsibility of the Developer I Consultant to arrange, at his own

cost, the Accredited Checker's Certificate as required under the Building
Control Regulations.

2.1.4 The Developer / Consultant shall study all environmental issues including
acoustic impact and recommend suitable mitigation measures. They shall at
their own cost, engage an Acoustic Specialist as part of their Project Team to
carry out acoustic reviews on the substation, ensuring that the building
design comply with the latest NEA’s requirement on noise limits. The Team
shall assume that all transformers and MV system are in operation at the
same time while SPPG will provide noise data from the transformer OEM/s
for the simulation studies.

2.1.5 The Acoustic specialist engaged shall be well established with sufficient
project track records. Recommendation of the Acoustic Specialist shall be
reviewed and accepted by SPPG.

2.1.6 The Developer / Consultant shall engage a qualified Electromagnetic Field

(EMF) Professional with proven track records in EMF researches / projects.
The recommended EMF Professional is subject to the acceptance of SPPG.

Edition 9.1

2.1.7 The EMF Professional shall carry out risk assessment, computer simulations
etc on EMF emission from equipment (e.g. switchgear, shunt reactor,
transformer and power cables) on human safety and report on any health
hazards and issues of concerns associated with the levels of electric and
magnetic fields in relation to the limit of exposure. The EMF Professional
shall recommend and implement suitable mitigation measures if the derived
values exceed allowable limits stipulated in the guidelines from the
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and
SPPG’s requirements. A reference level of 100 µT (microtesla) for general
public exposure to electromagnetic field at power frequency (50Hz) is
recommended by ICNIRP. All cost incurred shall be borne by the Developer /

2.1.8 The Developer I Consultant shall allow sufficient time in the design stage for

a) Clearances from all relevant local Authorities; and

b) The Accredited Checker's Certificate so that the Building and Construction

Authority's approval and permit to commence work on site are obtained
on time.

2.1.9 The Developer / Consultant / Project Team shall check with SPPG, if waivers
arising from SBD’s recommendation such as omission of vision panels from
the ground level doors of the substation, Firemen Access Panels, ‘Fail-
secure’ system setup of EM locks on ingress / egress points located on the
ground level access points etc. are required from relevant Authorities.
Incorporation of SBD’s requirements or application for waivers shall be done
early in the Design Development Phase at the cost of Developer / Consultant.

2.1.10 Together with the first submission plans to SPPG, the Developer / Consultant
/ Project Team shall provide a copy of MPC approval of the substation
development for SPPG’s record.

2.1.11 All critical or emergency M&E and Fire Protection equipment and its spare
parts shall be easily available, if otherwise, the Vendor shall make sure the
recommended equipment installed have approved alternatives that are easily

Edition 9.1

2.1.12 For 1st and subsequent submission, the drawings must be submitted to
SPPG with reference to the distribution list obtained for clearance on the
functional requirements prior to tender action as follows:

a) Architectural

Plans, elevations, sections showing all dimensions and details inclusive

of the substation development gross floor area (GFA), flood level details
of platform and crest level.

b) Structural

Plans showing the locations and sizes of all beams, columns and floor

c) Electrical

Plans showing the locations of all fittings including switches. Single-line

schematic diagram/s of complete substation building wiring (showing
details of rating, fault making capacity, type of equipment installed, etc)
of lighting, power and other electrical services.

d) Any other relevant details which may affect the installation and
maintenance of SPPG's equipment.

e) Air-Conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation

Plans showing the locations of air-conditioning units, mechanical

ventilation fans, control panel, pipework routing, ductwork routing and
others. Single-line schematic diagram of control panel wiring (showing
details of rating, fault making capacity, type of components, etc) and
ventilation calculations.

f) Fire Protection

Plans showing the locations of all water sprinkler points, smoke / heat
detectors, clean agent discharge nozzles, fire alarm panels, fire pump
room layout and routings. Single-line schematic diagram of control
panel wiring (showing details of rating, zoning, capacity, type of
components, etc) and hydraulic calculations.

2.1.13 Developer / Consultant / Project Team shall comply fully with all requirements
as stipulated in the Guidelines / Requirements for Above Ground
Transmission Substation Building.

2.1.14 For subsequent submissions, all revisions made on drawings for subsequent
submission shall be highlighted in bright colour (preferably yellow) or

Edition 9.1

2.1.15 All drawings submitted to SPPG for final approval of functional requirements
must be duly endorsed by the Developer's / Consultant's authorised officers
(Professional Architect, Licensed Electrical Worker [Engineer's Grade] and
Professional Engineer of all Mechanical & Electrical, Civil & Structural
Installation System) prior to tender action.

2.1.16 If site construction is initiated without prior clearance of tender plans /

endorsed plans with SPPG, the Developer / Consultant shall be responsible
and bear the cost for any changes that is required for complying with the
latest substation requirements.

2.1.17 The Developer / Consultant shall also extend to SPPG one set of final hard
and soft copies drawings which is identical to the sets that are submitted to
the Master Planning Committee / Chief Planner and the Building and
Construction Authority.

2.1.18 All necessary signatures and endorsements that are required by the
authorities shall also be duly affixed on the SPPG's set by the authorised
officers concerned.

2.1.19 Developer / Consultant is required to check with SPPG for any further new /
revised requirements to be incorporated prior to their tender action. Cost
shall be borne by Developer / Consultant for new / revised requirements prior
to the clearance of tender plans / endorsed plans.

2.1.20 The Developer / Consultant shall design the building to be maintenance –

free as much as reasonably practicable, taking into consideration of
sustainability and maintainability (e.g. paint-less walls, draining roofs, etc.).

2.1.21 Developer / Consultant shall carry out Building Information Modelling (BIM)
subject to the prevailing BIM requirements by local Authorities and SPPG.

Edition 9.1


M&E Consultant must liaise with architect-in-charge of the project to
ensure that the functional requirements especially those relating to height
and width clearance are fully complied with.

All M&E drawings must be cleared by architect-in-charge of the project for

clearance before submit to SPPG for comment.

3.1 Emergency Supply

3.1.1 Emergency lighting of approved design shall be provided for substation


3.1.2 All emergency light fittings shall be provided with self-contained battery
pack which shall be integrated together with the normal supply subject to
relevant authorities’ approval.

3.1.3 Self-contained battery back emergency supply system for the emergency
lighting supply shall be rated for 2 hours minimum.

3.1.4 All emergency light fittings shall be clearly labelled and comply with the

a) SS563: Part 1, “Code of Practice for The design, installation and

maintenance of emergency lighting and power supply systems in
buildings, Part 1: Emergency lighting”

b) SS563: Part 2, “Code of Practice for The design, installation and

maintenance of emergency lighting and power supply systems in
buildings. Installation requirements and maintenance procedures”

Edition 9.1

3.1.5 An emergency generator of approved rating is to be provided for. The

emergency generator set shall be fully complied with the latest edition of
SS535. Developer / Consultant shall submit single line diagram for
approval. Oil pipes are not to be run directly above the generator. All
piping shall be stainless steel type. Calculations for the sizing of the
emergency generator set shall be submit to SPPG for review. Emergency
Diesel Generator essential system fault signals (leakage detection, battery
charger fault, battery fault, low diesel level, etc.) shall be monitored at local
BMS and monitoring center if local BMS and monitoring center is provided.

3.1.6 The batteries terminal shall be end-capped with an insulation cover.

Batteries shall be labelled with the installation date and placed on a rack
that shall not cause a tripping hazards.

3.1.7 Emergency Diesel Generator comes with skid tank as whole unit shall be
preferred to be used to save day tank space and minimise the risk of fuel
leakage along the pipes / tubes. If the designed diesel capacity is too
much where the Emergency Diesel Generator (with skid tank) cannot be
met, the preferred shall be Emergency Diesel without skid tank used and
would purely relied on the diesel day tank.

3.1.8 The Emergency Diesel Generator shall have the essential system fault
detection capabilities (e.g. leakage detection, high temperature detection,
battery charger fault, battery fault, low level diesel level etc.).

3.1.9 The Emergency Diesel Generator exhaust pipe shall be of brand new set
instead of re-conditioned set and shall have the shortest external route to
the external of the room.

3.1.10 For outdoor Emergency Diesel Generator, it shall be of weatherproof

resistance / water proof. Manual Transfer Switch (MTS) shall be provided
at Level 1(location to be confirm with the Company) before connecting to
emergency main switchboard. The MTS shall be used for annual full load
bank testing of the emergency diesel generator.

3.1.11 The design for the capacity of the diesel tank is preferred to be kept below
1500 litres if possible.

3.1.12 If fuel tube is to be used near the termination point, it shall be of fire
resistant (time is depending on the design it is used to support for those
emergency services / load), or steel braided material.

3.1.13 The emergency switchboard in addition to providing air conditioning units,

mechanical ventilation fans that serve any Transformer Bay and
Switchgear, fire shutter, security lightings, emergency lightings, electrical
fire fighting pumps and other essential or critical equipment to be operated
during fire activation shall cater for other emergency AC requirements for
the 400kV, 230kV and 66kV switchgear equipment. The emergency AC
requirements are dependent on the types of switchgear purchased.
Developer / Consultant are required to obtain SPPG's requirements prior to
finalisation of emergency supply design for substations project.

Edition 9.1

3.2 Lighting and Power Supply

3.2.1 An illumination of average 300 lux is required for the following rooms:

a) All switchrooms

b) Cable basement / floor

c) Fire Pumps rooms

d) Sprinkler Tank rooms

e) Lift Shaft

f) Emergency Diesel Generator rooms

3.2.2 An illumination of average 500 lux is required for the following rooms:

a) Control room

b) Communication room

c) Substation Automation System room

d) Battery Charger room

3.2.3 External lighting for the substation building and security lighting of
approved design / type within substation compound shall be controlled by a
time-switch or other approved method. Light fittings shall be accessible by
maintenance personnel. They shall be located or wall-mounted at
approved locations.

3.2.4 Unless otherwise specified, all illumination shall be complied with the
Singapore Standard (SS) latest Code of Practice:

a) SS263: Part 2 “Specification for Luminaires, Part 2: Particular

requirements – Luminaires for emergency lighting”

b) SS531: – Code of Practice for Lighting of Work Places.

Edition 9.1

3.2.5 All light fittings shall be provided with LED type (both sides live/neutral)
with minimum 50,000 burning hours.

3.2.6 For the lighting system that is running 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, all
the time or 12 hours and more per day, the light fitting shall be provided
with LED type.

3.2.7 All light fittings installed outside building shall be weather-proof (IP65).

3.2.8 Locations of all fittings shall be easily accessible for use and maintenance.
The outgoing and incoming cables of minimum 1 loop length to be placed
within the lighting junction box. Switches shall be located beside the door
opening entrances of each room. Proper engraved labelling from DB to
individual switches shall be provided.

3.2.9 Approved light indicator switches for lights with two or more ways ON /
OFF switching system shall be used.

3.2.10 All light fittings shall be provided with reflectors.

3.2.11 All main switches controlling the lighting shall be installed beside the door
opening entrances of the following areas:

a) 400kV, 230kV, 66kV switchrooms

b) Control Rooms

c) Cable Floor & Cable Chamber

d) Other locations as directed by SPPG

3.2.12 The schematic layout of fittings, power points, etc shall be shown in the
drawings. Substation lighting and power circuits shall be controlled by
distribution units with main switches and MCB facilities to authorities'
requirements. Calculations shall be furnished to SPPG for review.

3.2.13 The Developer / Consultant shall include the supply and installation of LV
cables between the building main switchboard (provided by the Developer /
Consultant) and SPPG's LV board in his contract. The LV cables shall be
of the following standard type used by SPPG:

a) 280kVA - 1x300mm2 4-core Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC

b) 460kVA - 2x300mm2 4-core AI/XLPE/SWA/PVC

c) 560kVA - 2x300mm2 4-core Cu/XLPE/SWA/PVC

d) 1000kVA - 7x500mm2 1-core Cu/XLPE/PVC

e) 1500kVA - 7x1000mm2 1-core Cu/XLPE/PVC

Edition 9.1

3.2.14 Developer's contractor shall be responsible for the termination of the LV

cables at the building main switchboard and provides suitable cable lugs
for the termination work (by SPPG) at the SPPG's LV board. (Please refer
to drawing in Attachment E).

3.2.15 The building main switchboard provided by the Developer / Consultant

shall include approved type of electricity kWh meters if it is for an IPP
(Independent Power Producer) substation project. The detailed design to
be submitted to SPPG for approval.

3.2.16 All substation wiring shall be run in trunkings, cable trays or exposed triple
layer coated GI conduits.

3.2.17 Proper earth-leakage and over-current discrimination on all sub-circuits

shall be provided.

3.2.18 All power sockets shall be protected with approved RCCB unless otherwise
specified. Please do not position any power socket or other switches
behind narrow auxiliary floor openings which are located close to walls.

3.2.19 The main LV switchgear and couplers shall be of 4-pole type.

3.2.20 Single-line drawings with proposed incoming breaker, overcurrent and

earth fault relay settings shall be submitted by Developer's / Consultant's
Licensed Electrical Worker (Engineers Grade) for clearance.

3.2.21 One permanent hardcopy of the single-line drawing has to be mounted in

the switchroom and properly framed at site for maintenance purposes.

3.2.22 Laminated schematic drawings shall also be mounted adjacent to MCB /

sub-main boards to show all out-going circuits in each room.

3.2.23 Nameplates of laminated sandwich type having black surfaces and white
core with description “Substation Building Main Switchboard” shall be
installed on the said board.

3.2.24 All other sub-main boards shall be properly labelled with similar

3.2.25 All power sockets and switches shall be labelled with similar nameplates to
indicate their respective distribution boards.

3.2.26 The cables or wirings for emergency services (e.g. mechanical ventilation
fans, air cons, fire shutter, fire alarm, fire sprinkler, perimeter lightings etc.)
shall be of fire resistance type.

3.2.27 Insulation mat shall be provided for all main switch board, LV board etc.
(front and back).

Edition 9.1

3.2.28 All electrical wiring shall be labelled at every passing structure hole and
termination point for ease of visible tracing.

3.2.29 All control panels shall come with lamp test capability, a clear panel door
and key lock to prevent easy access to the control by unauthorised

3.2.30 All Distribution Board and Control Panels should be mounted at an

acceptable height that does not require any means of using the ladder /
elevated platform to carry out any maintenance or rectification works. If
there is a constraint, the SP officer shall be notified, and approval shall be
given before installation.

Edition 9.1

3.3 Lightning Protection

3.3.1 Lightning protection system shall comply with requirements of local

Authorities, including the SS 555 (Latest Edition).

3.3.2 The earth electrode resistance measured at each inspection pit shall have
earthing resistance value of less than ten ohms.

3.3.3 The lightning lead down conductor together with the conductor tape clip is
recommended to be concealed in the building wall. The down conductor
(copper tape) shall ensure a low impedance path for the lightning
discharge. Provision shall be made to prevent concrete spalling / damage
after discharge of lightning. The test clamp shall be located at 1.5m above
ground level.

3.3.4 The inspection pit shall be of IP65 and above, it shall also be of heavy duty

3.3.5 The inspection label shall show the last inspected date, next inspection
date and the ohm reading.

3.4 Substation Earthing Protection

3.4.1 Substation earthing protection system shall comply with all local
regulations and authorities requirements, including the Code of Practice
SS551 – Code of Practice for Earthing (latest edition) and IEEE Standard
80 – IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding.

3.4.2 Substation earthing system shall be designed to withstand fault currents of:

a) 80kA for 1 sec for 400kV substations (or 50kA for 3 sec whichever is
more stringent),

b) 63kA for 1 sec for 230/66kV substations (or 50kA for 3 sec whichever is
more stringent) and

c) 50kA for 3 sec for 66/22kV substations.

At the same time safe to a 50kg human on wet concrete / ground as
defined in IEEE Standard 80. Detailed calculations showing the substation
earthing grid’s ability to withstand faults and safety to personnel,
substantiated with earthing system finite element analysis verification, shall
be endorsed by a Professional Engineer and submitted to SPPG for

3.4.3 Developer shall provide substation earthing system and submit its design
to SPPG for acceptance before substation building tender stage at their
own cost. SPPG Site Engineer-in-charge’s approval shall be secured prior
to the commencement of earthing grid and system installation.

Edition 9.1

3.4.4 Developer shall engage professional Engineer to conduct the following

tests at their own cost:

a) Soil resistivity test by Schlumberger-Palmer or Wenner four-pin method

is to be conducted by the Developer before starting the substation
design by the Consultant, in order to substantiate the soil resistivity
value to be adopted by the substation earthing system design.

b) Earth grid impendence, step voltage and touch voltage measurements

at locations (e.g. 22kV and 66kV switch boards rooms and cable
chamber / floors) where fault conditions may exists that may result in
hazardous condition due to fault current flow through, as identify by the
earthing system finite element analysis. The measurements shall be in
accordance to IEEE Standard 81 – Guide for Measuring Earth
Resistivity, Ground impendence, and Earth Surface Potentials of a
Grounding System

3.4.5 Developer shall rectify any deficiency or defects of the substation earthing
system at its own cost, subject to SPPG’s acceptance.

3.4.6 All earth conductor temperature shall not exceed 200 degree Celsius after
conducting the fault current for bolted type, insulated type or embedded in
the wall. The magnitudes of fault currents shall take into consideration
when sizing the earthing conductor. Other requirements such as
mechanical strength, etc shall also be considered. The earthing conductor
size shall be at least 600mm² (e.g. by using 2x300mm² copper tapes). All
earthing conductors shall be soft drawn tinned copper tape. Stranded
copper cable length shall be minimise where practical and where flexibility
of complex bending necessitates it, subjects to SPPG ’s approval.
Earthing conductor conducting the main fault current for 400kV, 230kV,
66kV and 22kV equipment shall be of tape type, unless it is precluded due
to installation constraint. All joints between earthing conductors shall be by
means of exothermic welding, subject to SPPG’s approval. Equipment
earthing tie-in points to earthing conductors provided by substation shall be
located at the ground level.

3.4.7 The earthing conductor of not less than 2x300mm² shall run to various
floors and shall loop, if applicable, in the form of ring circuit with
interconnecting earthing tapes to the earthing bars provided by the
Developer in each floor. A minimum of six vertical risers through every
floor of each 400kV & 230kV, 66kV and 22kV substation respectively. The
Developer shall provide and install earthing bars at all switchrooms (e.g.
400kV, 230kV, 66kV and 22kV and all cable chambers), relay room, control
rooms, communication rooms, battery rooms, charger rooms, L.V. rooms,
supervisory control rooms, and the like.

3.4.8 The ‘SP GROUP’ label and logo shall be stamped on all earthing bars at
30cm intervals.

Edition 9.1

3.4.9 The depth of burial of the earthing grid conductors shall be at 3 metres
from the ground level, or 0.5 metres clear from ground beam / structure if
deeper than 3 metres from ground level.

3.4.10 Four (4) earthing inspection pits at 20 metres interval along each side of
substation building shall be provided. The pits shall be corrosion proof and
able to withstand heavy vehicle loading of minimum 5000kg and each
earthing inspection pit shall directly linking to the main earth grid.

3.4.11 The inspection pit shall be of IP65 and above.

3.4.12 The main earth conductor in first storey linking to the main earth grid and
between earthing bars shall be tinned copper tapes.

3.4.13 Riser earthing conductor shall be protected by conduits, PVC pipes or

embedded in concrete. Earthing bars should be brick-up and easily be
knocked down for access later.

3.4.14 All earthing bars shall have at least 12 holes and mounted on insulators.
Final locations of the earthing bars and inspection pits in the various
rooms, transformer / NGR bays, etc shall be subject to SPPG’s site
engineer’s approval.

3.4.15 Suitable of size earthing mesh or BRC embedded in concrete floor screed
layer shall be provided at MV, HV and EHV equipment rooms and cable
floors and cable termination floors (e.g. 400kV, 230kV, 66kV and 22kV
switch board rooms and cable floors) shall be connected to the earthing
bar of the respective floor to ensure safety of personnel against step and
touch voltage during electrical fault conditions.

3.4.16 If the roof trusses are directly on top of the switchrooms and are internally
exposed, the complete roof trusses shall be suitably earthed.

3.4.17 If the earth potential rise voltage due to fault current exceeds the Tolerable
Step and Touch Voltage of a 50kg human on wet concrete / ground (as
defined in IEEE Standard 80), isolating element 600mm long UPVC pipe
spool with 2 times each potential rise voltage rating shall be installed near
to the substation boundary to electrically isolate all electrically conductive
pipes connecting between the substation and external installation. All
boundary fences, gates, external firefighting water tanks, fire-fighting
sprinklers pipes etc. shall also be adequately earthed locally separately
from substation earthing system for the safety of personnel and to the

3.4.18 Earthing Mesh shall be provided at transmission equipment and cable

termination floor to ensure safety of personnel.

Edition 9.1

3.5 Cranes and Hoists

3.5.1 Electric operated travelling crane shall be provided to respective switch

rooms as follows:

Capacity Hoisting Transverse and Clearance height

Switchroom of crane Speed Long Travel Speed from finished
(Tonne) Fast Slow Fast Slow floor level to
underside of
(m/min) (m/min) (m/min) (m/min)
crane hook (m)
400kV 5 6 1-1.5 15-20 5 13
230kV 5 6 1-1.5 15-20 5 9
66kV 4 5 1-1.5 15-20 5 6
4 5 1-1.5 15-20 5 6
38kV 3 5 1-1.5 15-20 5 4

3.5.2 Lifting hoist shall be provided where equipment are located at upper
storeys of a multi-storey substation building. The building can be so
designed that only one hoist is required for various equipment. In such
case, lifting hoist of the greatest capacity and clearance height required
shall be used.

3.5.3 The following table shows the type and capacity of lifting hoists required for
respective switchgear / transformer equipment:

Hoisting Cross Travel Clearance height

Capacity Speed Speed from finished
Type of
of hoist floor level to
Equipment Fast Slow Fast Slow
(Tonne) underside of
(m/min) (m/min) (m/min) (m/min) hoist hook (m)
400kV S/G 12 8-10 1-1.5 20 5 9
230kV S/G 12 8-10 1-1.5 20 5 9
66kV S/G 10 8-10 1-1.5 20 5 6
66kV S/G
and 66kV
Tertiary S/G 10 or 6 * 8-10 1-1.5 20 5 6 or 4 *
upgrading of
22kV S/G 5 8-10 1-1.5 20 5 3.5
1MVA T/F 10 8-10 1-1.5 20 5 4
Control Rm
3 8-10 1-1.5 20 5 3
* Note: Depends on existing capacity of hoist.

Edition 9.1

3.5.4 The minimum clearance height of crane & hoist shall be at least 1000mm
from the finished floor level to the underside of crane / hoist hook when the
wire is fully extended.

3.5.5 The remote control "pendent" of crane & hoist shall also include the
"EMERGENCY STOP" and "RESET" buttons. The control "pendent" shall
hang-down to about one metre above floor level. Wall-mounted holder for
the control "pendent" shall be provided.

3.5.6 For hoist & crane, the overload and other trip contact reset switches are to
be brought to 1.2m above switchgear floor or maintenance platform level
and to be housed in a lockable control box with locks and 3 nos. of keys
provided. Control and reset electrical devices installed near the moving
hoist and crane motors are not acceptable. All hoist shall be installed with
lightning surge arrestor. Any outdoor hoist shall be installed with ultra
sonic bird deterrent devices at the strategic location suggested by Vendor
or Consultant and approved by SPPG.

3.5.7 All terminations and relays in the control box shall be properly labelled for
ease of maintenance. Circuit diagrams shall be framed next to the control

3.5.8 In addition to the use of a damper to stop the hoist / crane, a limit switch
shall also be installed to cut off the power supply when necessary.

3.5.9 To provide a maintenance platform for crane or hoist of size 2 metres (min)
width x 3 metres (min) length. However, these dimensions should be
measured from the outermost face of any wall / beam / column to the
internal face of the railing. In addition, the size and shape of the
maintenance platform must enable all electrical / mechanical parts of the
crane / hoist to be safely accessible for maintenance purposes. The height
from the maintenance platform to underside of crane / hoist hook shall be
between 1 metre (min) and 1.2 metres (max). The travelling cables of the
proposed crane must be installed on the opposite side of the maintenance
platform for ease of operation.

3.5.10 The maintenance platform shall be accessed from common corridor

instead of cat ladder.

3.5.11 The hoisting hook block and cable shall be able to park within the
maintenance platform when it is not in use.

3.5.12 Safe Working Load (SWL) to be marked on the beams and labelled on the
hooks of the hoists and cranes.

3.5.13 Professional Engineer (P.E) Sticker to be pasted on the panel and on the
holder for the “Pendent”. Load Test Certificate shall be provided during
handover stage.

3.5.14 Emergency button and double speeds on pendent controller

Edition 9.1

3.5.15 Source of incoming supply marked on isolator.

3.5.16 Cranes and hoists shall comply with the latest safety requirements from
Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

3.5.17 Double C-channel I-beam is not acceptable for hoisting works using I-beam

3.5.18 I-beam must be certified by Authorised Examiner that I-beam is fit for the
lifting of the proposed objects and also that the proposed lifting device can
be safely installed on the I-beam.

3.5.19 All certified cranes and hoists are to be registered under SP PowerAssets
Ltd as a non-notifiable workplace.

3.6 Oil Interceptor

3.6.1 Oil interceptors shall be provided adjacent to transformer pits. The oil
interceptor(s) is / are not to be connected to the sewerage system but to
the surface drains via a valve and shall be complied with NEA’s latest

3.7 Roller Shutters and Fire Shutters

3.7.1 All heavy-duty 2-hour fire rated mild steel in galvanised finish roller shutters
or sliding and folding doors shall be provided with both electrical and
manual operations. The overall operations shall be able to operate at floor
level (e.g. using chain, linkages).

3.7.2 All roller shutters or sliding and folding doors shall be designed to
withstand 10-minutes wind speed of not more than 42.5km/h. Wind speed
is to measure on site at different points of the proposed shutter installation
for 10 minutes for all substation near coastlines, offshore stations and
areas with strong winds. After then Consultant and Vendor to counter
proposed the appropriate shutters to be installed subjected to SPPG

3.7.3 All the electrical control boxes for roller shutters or sliding and folding doors
shall be installed inside the room and lockable with padlock (3 keys shall
be provided to each pad lock).

3.7.4 Chain link shall be provided for opening and closing of the shutter in the
event of a power failure or when the electric motor is defective.

3.7.5 The manual operation must be easy for the operators. (e.g. The distance
for the shutter travel horizontally must be equal or more than the distance
of the pull of the chain)

Edition 9.1

3.7.6 There shall be no chaffing of the manual chain or linkage to the structure of
the shutter enclosure.

3.7.7 There shall be access panel(s) for maintenance to all necessary parts that
shall be maintained.

3.7.8 Fusible links shall be provided for fire shutter.

3.7.9 The fire shutter shall not be able to open again after it is closed during the
fire alarm activation.

3.7.10 The shutter shall not be able to respond to any control buttons during fire
alarm activation, but only closing mode.

3.7.11 Fire shutter shall be connected to the Fire Alarm Panel and close once fire
alarm is activated.

Edition 9.1

3.8 Fire Protection

3.8.1 Fire extinguishers shall be provided at convenient locations near all

entrances or any other approved locations by the Authority or Qualified

3.8.2 All fire extinguishers shall have the “PASS” sign mounted on the wall on
top of them.

3.8.3 The provision of portable fire extinguisher shall comply with SS 578 latest
edition “Code of practice for use and maintenance of portable fire

3.8.4 Dry Powder fire extinguishers shall be used as the primary extinguisher for
fighting class A and B hazard. They shall be sized and distributed in
compliance with the coverage and reach requirements as stipulated in
SS578. The capacity of each fire extinguisher is preferred not to exceed
9kg. No trolley type fire extinguisher shall be installed unless required by
the authority and left with no other alternative.

3.8.5 Portable carbon dioxide or other approved type of fire extinguishers shall
be provided at prominent locations near switch room entrances or any
other approved locations to supplement the coverage against Class A and
B fire hazards with the electrical and control rooms.

3.8.6 The fire extinguisher inventory label tag shall be installed on the wall above
the location of the fire extinguisher. The fire extinguisher shall be label
with their individual identified inventory number. This is to facilitate the
accounting of fire extinguisher and prevent misplaced.

3.8.7 The Developer / Consultant’s Professional Engineer shall provide and

design clean gas system capable of suppressing the fire for each battery
room, communication room, and control / relay room. The Developer /
Consultant’s Professional Engineer shall also provide uninterrupted power
supply to ensure that the clean gas system is able to operate at all times
even when there is a power failure. The system shall fully comply with
NFPA 2001 latest edition. The Developer / Consultant’s Professional
Engineer shall submit the type of clean gas to SPPG for review.

3.8.8 The clean gas system shall comply with NFPA 2001, latest edition and
shall have the following characteristics:

a) Zero ozone depletion potential

b) Global warming potential (GWP) of 1 or less

Edition 9.1

c) Suitable for use in human occupied rooms, i.e. the gas at its designed
discharged concentration will be safe to human and shall not affect their
visibility that is necessary for evacuation to human in the discharged
room. The clean agent’s thermal decomposition products shall not be
hazardous to humans.

d) The gas is widely used in Singapore and around the world in last five
3.8.9 The Vendor shall conduct an actual discharge test after the completion of
the fire suppression work to ensure the system is functioning properly and
meet the requirement.

3.8.10 The suppression cylinder shall be installed on the floor that can hold its

3.8.11 The pressure resulted from the activation of the cylinder shall not damage
any equipment, items or structures in the protected room.

3.8.12 The cylinders shall be housed in fire rated compartment with bricks and
door for accessibility for maintenance and replacement.

3.8.13 The Sprinkler system shall comply with Fire code latest edition and CP 52
latest edition.

3.8.14 The Developer / Consultant shall provide and design a sprinkler water
storage tank with a proper fire pump room capable of pumping sufficient
water to the interfacing pipe connections located at each end of the
transformer bay with automatic deluge system. The automatic deluge
system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the latest edition
of Singapore Standard CP 52 Code of Practice for Automatic Fire Sprinkler
System and NFPA 15 – Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire
Protection based on the followings:

a) High hazard classification

b) Min. Density of discharge is 10.2 mm/min

c) Min. Pressure for the nozzle is 1.4 bar.

Note: Maximum area of operation refers to the total surface area of the
transformer to be protected. The size of transformer is approximately 13m
Length x 6m Width x 6m Height for 400kV and 230kV transformers and 6m
Length x 4.5m Width x 4m Height for 66kV transformers. Latest available
transformer size shall be requested from SPPG before the design stage.
3.8.15 The Developer / Consultant shall provide the followings:

a) Carry out hydraulic calculations for all Transformer Bays

Edition 9.1

b) Tabulate the schedules showing numbers of Deluge valves, surface

areas of transformers, estimated nozzle quantity, flow rate, pressure
loss, etc for each Transformer bay

c) Size the sprinkler pumps for the furthest Transformer Bay based on the
highest flow rate and pressure loss
3.8.16 The Developer / Consultant shall also provide primary and secondary
power supplies to ensure that the water sprinkler system at the transformer
bay be able to operate at all times even when there is a power failure. The
system shall fully comply with CP 52 and Public Utilities (Water Supply)
Regulations (Latest Edition) for the security and maintenance of the water

3.8.17 The sprinkler system shall also serve and protect the covered driveway
adjacent to the transformer bays and sprinkler pump room. The deluge
valves serving each transformer bay shall be located outside of the
transformer bay. The valve signal shall be monitored by MAP / SAP.

3.8.18 The deluge system for the transformer bay shall be activated upon fire
detection by the sprinkler bulb head. The type of sprinkler bulb head used
shall be designed and calculated by the Developer / Consultant.

3.8.19 The deluge system for the transformer bay shall be activated upon fire
detection by the sprinkler bulb head. The type of sprinkler bulb head used
shall be designed and calculated by the Developer / Consultant.

3.8.20 The water discharge pipe of the deluge system shall be discharge into the
transformer bay.

3.8.21 The design of the pipe layout (especially the distance between the pipe
and the surface of the transformer) after the deluge valve shall be checked
and verified by SPPG on top of compliance with CP 52.

3.8.22 The supporting brackets and structure for the sprinkler pipes after the
deluge valve shall not contact the transformer and its supporting structure.

3.8.23 Sprinkler tanks are to be installed with pilot operated ball float valves where
the pilot control mechanism / valves with the control mechanism outside
the tanks (material shall be of corrosion resistance type). The sprinkler
water tank shall also come with heavy duty steel caged cat ladder and a
localised standing platform with side railings for the future access of access

3.8.24 The top of firefighting water tank shall be barricade along the perimeter to
prevent workers from falling.

3.8.25 The water tank access panel shall be locked.

Edition 9.1

3.8.26 The water tank cover and its top material shall be of that allows working
personnel to walk pass. There shall be a red float indicator in the water
level indication tube. Capacity of the water tank shall be labelled on the
water tank.

3.8.27 The discharge line of the sprinkler system shall be returned to the water
tank to save water during maintenance or testing. Water tank shall come
with a Vortex Inhibitor.

3.8.28 In the event that the building is to be designated as a sprinkler building, the
cable floor shall be designed to be served by automatic deluge system.

3.8.29 Manual call point shall have provision of a second protective lid. Call
points exposed to weather or outdoor shall be weather proof type.

3.8.30 Fire alarm bell exposed to weather or outdoor shall be weatherproof type.

3.8.31 Hose reels shall be provided throughout the station except all the
equipment rooms (e.g. switchrooms, control room, battery room, battery
charger room, communication room, LV switchroom etc). The hose reel
and dry riser system shall comply with SS575 latest edition. Developer /
Consultant / Project Team shall obtain the necessary approval from FSSD
and to propose alternative solution if necessary.

3.8.32 Hose reel, standby fire hose, breeching inlet and fire extinguisher shall be
placed inside a knob type steel cabinet / box. For hash environment, for
example substations near to sea or industrial areas, stainless steel cabinet
/ box for hose reel, standby fire hose, breeching inlet and fire extinguisher,
is required.

3.8.33 Hose reels and breeching inlet shall be labelled with the last service date,
next servicing date, name and signature of the maintenance worker.

3.8.34 The cabinet / box shall be a full enclosure with no water seeping into it.

3.8.35 For concentrated pressure / stress area at pipe joint, welding is

recommended instead of using the coupling.

3.8.36 Hose reels pipes, hydrant pipes and sprinkler pipes shall be painted red in
accordance with the standard of painting work. The direction of the water
shall be painted in white. The labelling of the pipe “Hydrant”, “Hose reels”,
“Sprinkler”, etc shall be painted in white.

3.8.37 The pipes in the PUB incoming bulk chamber shall be painted and label to
indicate their services.

3.8.38 Haunching shall be done for underground water pipes.

Edition 9.1

3.8.39 Pressure vessel for hose reel system must have pressure gauge to
indicate the pressure of the vessel. Label on the threshold pressure of the
vessel must be pasted on the vessel.

3.8.40 No stickers shall be used for all external equipment, pipe, items, etc.

3.8.41 There shall be check valve installed before the sprinkler wet breeching

3.8.42 If required by Fire Safety & Shelter Department (FSSD), suitable detectors
may be installed at approved locations. Smoke detectors shall be installed
in controlled environment like air-conditioned Battery Charger, Control and
Communication rooms. Heat detectors shall be installed in dusty
environment such as cable basement, cable floors and corridor. Fibre
optic linear heat detection system shall be installed at areas with high
ceiling (more than 5-metre height) such as switchgear room, NGR,
transformer and other locations where applicable. Fibre optic linear heat
detectors cables and controller shall design to last for 30 years. Supplier to
substantiate with proper documentation from manufacturer to substantiate
the life span. Smoke or heat detectors shall not be installed on high
ceilings of switchrooms, transformers and other locations where applicable.
Smoke detectors shall be photoelectric sensor based type. Each Linear
Heat Detector zones shall have a loop with protection box at human height
level for future maintenance testing

3.8.43 All detectors must have LED for self-checking purpose. When alarm is
activated, the affected detector must be easily identified.

3.8.44 All detectors below the raised floor must be indicated on the raised floor
permanently with non-faded coating. Raised floor detectors shall be
installed near to the raised floor height instead at the low height nearer to
the floor slab, to have an early response activation time from fire smoke.

3.8.45 All type of detectors is to come with the maintenance and testing kit /

3.8.46 To provide accessories such as detector removal device to replace


3.8.47 The end of line shall be indicated on the zone chart and on the detectors.

3.8.48 The detectors shall be labelled with its zones and numbers.

3.8.49 Permanent operational schematic diagrams of approved size for fire

protection systems including the locations of fire extinguishers, as required
by Fire Safety & Shelter Department (FSSD), shall be provided in suitable
colours on white perspex sheets and installed in approved locations.
These details are recommended to be included in Fire Safety & Shelter
Department (FSSD) submission.

Edition 9.1

3.8.50 The Main Alarm Panel (MAP) and the Master Mimic Panel (MM) shall be
installed at the Fire Command Centre or at an approved location on the 1st
storey and be lockable with good quality locks. The MAP / SAP shall not
be placed near to the transformer bay. The Sub Alarm Panel (SAP) and
the Floor Mimic Panel (FM) shall be installed at the fire fighting lobby of
each floor. A minimum number of 3 keys shall be handed over to SPPG.
Also a key box with breakable glass for fireman's accessibility to the key is
to be provided.

3.8.51 All operational switches / buttons shall be installed inside the wall mounted
fire alarm indication panel unless otherwise approved by SPPG.

3.8.52 For aesthetic reasons, due consideration must be given in installing all
M&E panels in the main approach lobby or lift lobby of the substation
building. However, Main Fire Alarm Panels shall be prominent located and
accessible at all times. The Main Alarm Panel can be recessed and flush to
the external wall with glass door panel for viewing purpose. Location of the
Main Fire Alarm Panel and Sub Alarm Panel shall be located away from
direct sunlight and rain.

3.8.53 Source of incoming supply to all fire alarm panel shall be clearly displayed
on fire alarm panel.

3.8.54 Fire Alarm Panel shall be addressable type. The system shall be able to
perform diagnostic functions (health state of the panel and detectors) to
prompt the operator to perform predictive maintenance of detectors. The
system shall also come with touch screen panel / controller to indicate the
location of faults and alarm log..

3.8.55 The touch screen controller shall contain and display all alarm zone
activation event with date and time recorded and store up to minimum
1000 events. The MCPU provided shall be held in non-volatile memory
(EEPROM) and all events stored shall not be lost during system power

3.8.56 The MCPU shall be supervised and monitored for software processing.
Audio and visual signal shall be indicated in the events of processor fault.

3.8.57 All loop devices installed per loop module / card shall not exceed 70% of
the loop module / card maximum capacity for future upgrading or
expansion works.

3.8.58 Zone module shall be made available in multiple of 4. The system shall
meet the minimum requirement of NFPA 72 Class A detection wiring (4
wiring system). Class X detection wiring (4 wiring system) will be
considered depends on the environment (e.g. humid environment, etc.).

3.8.59 A Common type standard detector base shall be provided to be able to fit
different type of detectors allowing flexibility and interchangeability.

Edition 9.1

3.8.60 The standard detector base shall be equipped with wiring terminals only,
capable of securing wire sizes minimum of 1.5mm².

3.8.61 Lightning Surge arrestors must be provided inside the Main Alarm Panel
and Sub Alarm Panels.

3.8.62 2 extra auxiliary contacts to be provided at the Main Alarm Panel.

3.8.63 If a commercial operator is monitoring the fire alarm, proper agreement

papers, lease circuit no. and telephone no. must be provided.

3.8.64 Outline key plans showing the sprinkler system, locations of fire
extinguishers, hosereels, etc shall be prominently displayed at approved

3.8.65 For 400/230/66kV & 230/66kV substations, a duplicate fire alarm indication
panel shall be installed in the Control Room.

3.8.66 Please refer to Attachment D for the requirements for fire alarm monitoring
for transmission substation.

3.8.67 All alarm panels shall have the alarm verification features link to the
detectors. It shall not link to the manual call points..

3.8.68 The main and sub alarm panels, detectors and other fire related equipment
shall comply with CP10 (Latest Edition) and approved by relevant

3.8.69 Battery and Battery Charger must be provided in all alarm panels.

3.8.70 Two numbers of Electric Fire sprinkler Pumps shall be provided and back
up by emergency standby generator set.. Fire pumps are to be fitted with
flexible stainless steel coupling at suction and discharge sides. All tanks
shall have fix rigid metal ladder come with cage and standing platform with
metal railing for safe access of maintenance purpose.

3.8.71 All downstream fire pipes (e.g. hydrant sprinkler, hosereel) after bulk
meters shall be install above ground. Underground pipe crossing the
driveway is allowable with considerations of weight and vibration of
vehicles, haunching shall be done for such underground pipes.

3.8.72 The pipes shall be provided with mechanical protection if it is exposed to

the possibilities of mechanical damage.

3.8.73 Opening of the pipes shall be meshed to prevent unwanted objects from
entering into the pope line system.

Edition 9.1

3.8.74 Material of the check valves used shall be of heavy duty type (e.g. no
plastic flap in the valve is allowed) and shall meet the requirement of the
system flow and pressure.

3.8.75 All gate valves shall be strap and lock.

3.8.76 Pressure gauge with dampening effect shall be provided.

3.8.77 Certified calibration label shall be stick on all measuring equipment (e.g.
pressure gauge, flow meter etc.). Documents or information shall be
provided to advice on the frequency of the calibration.

3.8.78 Strainers shall be installed at the pipe system. All installation shall not be
forced-fit installation to prevent concentrated stress on the pipe, joints,
bolts etc.

3.8.79 Corrosion prevention method shall be done while connecting or joining two
material or parts to prevent dissimilar metal corrosion, crevice corrosion,
oxidation, etc.

3.8.80 The pump and the pipe system installation shall have no major vibration /
acoustic issue and meet the OEM installation requirement and the CP. This
is to prevent any fatigue stress to the system. Pump skid shall have shock
absorber to dampen the vibration.

3.8.81 The hanging brackets for pipes shall have absorber to dampen the

3.8.82 Rotating parts shall be covered at all times, unless there are limitation and
such must be approved by SP.

3.8.83 Non-rising Stem Gate Valve shall be used instead of OS&Y Gate Valve to
save space and reduce knocking hazards.

3.8.84 Pressure relief valve shall be installed in the system.

3.8.85 There shall be pump performance test capability in the pump room. The
whole test line (e.g. Venturi flow meter, gate valves, etc) shall be installed
along the discharge line at ergonomic level for taking the reading and
operating the valve at floor. The venturi flow meter shall be installed at a
location where there are laminar flow in order to achieve an accurate

3.8.86 The OH tables, the designed and actual operating flow and pressure tables
shall be installed on the wall near the control valves, including those
serving the transformer bays. (in acrylic)

3.8.87 The pumps cut in cut out table shall be install on the wall near the system
test rack. (in acrylic)

Edition 9.1

3.8.88 The pump performance test curve and report shall be install on the wall
near the system test rack. It shall be a transparent acrylic with slot to hold
the above.

3.8.89 The pressure switches connected to jockey, duty and standby pump shall
be label.

3.8.90 The pipe shall be label in paint accordingly to the services that they are

3.8.91 Water Proving Test Set shall be installed at all control valves areas
including those serving the transformer bay.

3.8.92 The Sprinkler System shall comply with latest edition of Singapore Civil
Defence Force Fire Code and Singapore Standard CP 52.

3.8.93 For sprinkler pump, the “pump run” signal need to be sent to RTU room
similarly to the “fire alarm” signal. The monitoring centre shall be able to
pick up the “pump run” signal when sprinkler pump (duty and standby) is /
are running. These cables shall be linked from the pumps to the panel
module card; and panel module card to marshalling box to monitoring
centre via SCADA.

3.8.94 Video Image Fire Detection System (VIFDS) consists of a digital video
camera coupled with a computer running video analytic software which can
recognize smoke and fire in the image, systems can monitor large volumes
to look for visible indications of a fire and send signal to MAP shall be
installed at all Transmission switch rooms, in accordance with latest
SS645. It shall also comply with the Company’s latest IT Security

3.9 Battery, Control and Communication Room

3.9.1 The battery, control and communication room must be housed in separate
fire rated compartment and shall be protected with Clean Agent fire fighting
suppression system. Control and communication room shall be installed
with smoke detector and battery room shall be installed with either heat or
smoke detector is to be advised by Consultants. In addition, hydrogen
sensors shall be installed in Battery rooms.

3.9.2 The functional requirements for Clean Agent fire fighting suppression
system shall be designed based on the following criteria:

a) Clean Agent Fluid shall have an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) of

zero. ODP is defined by the National Environmental Agency (NEA),
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of U.S. or similar obliging to
Montreal Protocol.

Edition 9.1

b) Clean Agent Fluid shall have a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 1 or

less. GWP is defined by the National Environmental Agency (NEA),
Environmental protection Agency (EPA) of U.S. or similar obliging to
Kyoto Protocol.

c) Clean Agent Fluid shall not contain any of these greenhouse gases or
any other greenhouse gases that are not mentioned herewith:

i. Perfluorocarbons (PFCs),

ii. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and

iii. Sulphur Hexafluoride.

d) Clean agent shall have a minimum safety factor of 60% between the
design concentration percentage and the No Observed Adverse Effect
Level (NOAEL) for acute toxicity, including cardiac sensitization of 10%.

e) The system discharge time shall not exceed 10 seconds in accordance

with the NFPA 2001 Standard for Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing

f) The name of the manufacturer, part numbers and serial numbers shall
appear on all major suppression system components.

g) All devices, components and equipment shall be the products of the

same manufacturer or be certified by the manufacturer as compatible
with devices, components and equipment of the manufacturer.

h) Room integrity test shall be performed for all rooms with the
endorsement of a Professional Engineer.

i) The room shall be able to seal and secure the protected space(s)
against agent loss and / or leakage during the hold time of at least ten
(10) minutes. Passing the room integrity test in accordance with
Appendix C of NFPA 2001 or equal shall validate room integrity. Fan
test utilizing blower to pressurize the space and an air measuring
system to determine the leakage is the responsibility of the contractor.

3.10 Aircraft Warning Lights

3.10.1 For substation building, in the vicinity of air-fields, approved warning lights
of sufficient numbers shall be installed. Provision of obstruction markings
at the topmost point of the substation building may also be required by the
relevant aviation authority.

3.10.2 Light sensors and timer switch shall be provided to control the lights.
Provision shall be made for the choice of using either one option when

Edition 9.1

3.10.3 Warning lights shall be mounted in such a way that they are easy to
maintain. Detailed description on how maintenance on lighting is done and
also safety of maintenance personnel shall be considered (i.e. not to fall off
from the roof of the building). All details are to be submitted to SPPG for

3.10.4 Warning light shall have 2 hours self-contained battery pack and at least
two pairs of normally open voltage free contacts. The cables shall be at
least 1.5mm sq in size and each core shall be multiple-stranded directly to
Communication Room - Supervisory Control Marshalling Box.

Edition 9.1

3.11 A/C Supply for HV Equipment Testing

3.11.1 The following A/C supply with approved isolation shall be provided for high
voltage equipment testing at approved locations direct from the main
switchboard without RCCB:

a) 400kV switchroom - 400A (TPN) and 60 Amp single-phase

b) 230kV switchroom - 400A (TPN) and 60 Amp single-phase.

c) 66kV/66kV TER switchroom - 300A (TPN) and 60 Amp single-phase.

d) 38kV switchroom - 300A (TPN) and 60 Amp single-phase.

e) 22kV/22kV TER switchroom - 60A (TPN)

f) 400kV cable testing chamber - 400A (TPN)

Edition 9.1

3.12 Submersible Pumps

3.12.1 Approved drainage system with automatic submersible pumps shall consist
of 1 duty and 1 standby submersible pump with control panel at each sump
pit location. Each Submersible pump shall be installed with hour run meter
to monitor the runtime.

3.12.2 Sufficient weatherproof lighting of 500 lux (based on mean life) for
maintenance purpose shall be provided in / within all submersible pump

3.12.3 A bracket come with chain link shall be provided for the hoisting of the
pump for maintenance. Discharge piping shall be installed with a set of
valve and non-return valve for each submersible pump to prevent backflow
into the pit

3.12.4 Submersible pump shall be located at an effective position to discharge

water effectively, and shall be located near water entrance.

3.12.5 Submersible pumps located at basement are to be backed up with

emergency power supply from standby generator.

3.12.6 Metal railing barriers shall be considered depending on the location of the
sump pit or the safety of the operator. (e.g. sump pit near driveway)

3.12.7 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) shall be provided to monitor the sump pit.
A pair of normally close voltage free contacts shall be provided in the main
sump pump control panel for each panel that is required to be monitored
and shall be wired from each control panel to the designated area as
shown in Schematic Diagram below on the monitoring points required for
reference. The cables shall be at least 1.5 mm sq. in size and each core
shall be multi-stranded. Four (4) (one duty and three (3) spares) spare pair
of wires shall be provided from each control panel and terminated at the
designated area.

Edition 9.1

3.13 Telecom Lines

3.13.1 SingTel telecom lines shall be provided from the following rooms to a
marshalling box located at 1st storey.

a) Each 22kV Switchroom (dedicated for SCADA section for its remote

b) Remote Fire Alarm Indication Panel (at 1st storey)

c) SPPG Pool Metering Box (inside each 22kV switchroom) and / or Tariff
Meter Room, 13A socket outlet point and location of the telephone
point to be located on the wall fronting the centre of the respective HT

d) Four (4) pairs of telephone wire / cable to be laid from Main Alarm
Panel to cable floor by placing it in a junction box just beneath the
cable entry to RTU room.

e) Other location as and when directed by SPPG

3.13.2 All outgoing telecom lines for shall be provided with proper terminal blocks
at approved locations.

3.13.3 Floor openings of 25mm diameter shall be provided at the above

mentioned rooms for telecom lines.

3.14 Passenger / Fire Lift

3.14.1 If a Fire lift is required by Fire Safety & Shelter Department, then further
discussion is required between Developer / Consultant and SPPG.
Number of fire lift shall be in accordance with the FSSD’s requirements.

3.14.2 Passenger lift shall be provided for all new substations.

3.14.3 The Passenger / Fire lift shall fully comply with Authorities' latest
requirement and approved by SPPG. Capacity of 600kg / 9 persons at
1.0m/sec speed is recommended. Clear visible signage listing emergency
breakdown telephone number and other details is to be installed at eye-
level inside the lift car. The details of the signage shall be "IN CASE OF
and have to be cleared with SPPG.

Edition 9.1

3.14.4 The Passenger / Fire lift shall have slave intercom stations at the lift car,
Lift Motor Room where the lift maintenance control panel are, lift lobby at
ground floor near the lift, or Fire Command Centre (if any). One approved
telephone set in lift car is required for connection to SPPG's PAX network.
Cabling between Lift Motor Room and SPPG's Communication Room shall
include spare cores. The telephone box installed shall be flushed with the
lift wall. The method of using the emergency intercom system in the lift
shall be displayed (e.g. press the button for 5 seconds to call the other

3.14.5 The floor area of the lift shall not be less than 1.5 sq metres.

3.14.6 To provide fire lift switch, ARD (Auto-rescue device.

3.14.7 All emergency equipment (e.g. ARD, lift car lightings, lift car ventilation
fans, etc.) shall be provided with emergency supply from the standby

3.14.8 To carry out load test of lift come with the endorsed report before handing

3.14.9 To provide Building and Construction Authority (BCA) lift Permit to Operate
certificate in a frame approved by SPPG.

3.14.10 Lighting and ventilation fan of lift must be fully operational

3.14.11 To provide approved single-line diagrams.

3.14.12 Available and easyaccess to lift motor room (if any).

3.14.13 All control panels and electrical devices / wirings must be labelled.

3.14.14 To provide reset switch when lift is homed to ground.

3.14.15 24hrs emergency breakdown contact no. to be provided on the ground

landing floor.

3.14.16 The design of the lift and lift lobby as well as the maintenance shall comply
with the latest SS 550 and other statutory requirement.

3.14.17 The type of lift, model and post Defect Liability Period maintenance terms
shall be approved by SPPG.

3.14.18 Adequate lighting and ventilation shall be provided at the lift motor room, if

3.14.19 Lift car stainless steel interior panels and call button panel shall be of matt

Edition 9.1

3.14.20 The lift car protection cover shall be provided to SPPG for future
maintenance purposes.

Edition 9.1

3.15 Defects Liability (For M&E Equipment Installed)

3.15.1 The Developer / Consultant shall ensure that a minimum period of 24

months Defects Liability Period (DLP) is required, commencing from the
date of Consultant issuing Completion Certificate after handing over to
SPPG of the final phase of the project as per Condition of Contract.

3.15.2 During the DLP, Developer shall ensure regular maintenance as per
Singapore Standards until handing over after the end of DLP.

3.15.3 The Developer / Consultant shall provide SPPG, as an option a realistic

quotation for extended service agreement with the vendor. The extended
service agreement shall provide regular servicing, mandatory tests /
inspections and comprehensive maintenance for 10 years after the expiry
of the warranty / defects liability period. The extended service agreement
shall also require the vendors to provide a schedule of recommended
spares / parts not covered under the comprehensive maintenance with unit
rates of each item clearly stated, so as to facilitate purchase of spares /
parts during and / or towards the end of the 10 years period covered by the
extended service agreement. SPPG may, at its sole discretion, chose to
exercise such option at any time before the expiry of the warranty / defects
liability period; and directs that the extended service agreement be signed
between SP PowerAssets and the vendor. The extended service
agreement shall cover the following M&E equipment installed:

a) Passenger Lift/Fire Lift

b) Fire Alarm System

c) Building Security System

d) Building Standby Generator

e) Building Management System / Automation System (BMS / BAS)

f) Fence Intrusion System (FIDS)

g) Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HMV) Barrier System

h) Motorised Gates

i) Public Telecommunication which consist of Public Address (PA)System

(if any) and Emergency

j) Building Maintenance Unit (BMU)

k) Fire Suppression System

Edition 9.1

3.15.4 The services, spare / parts, and their respective prices / rates quoted in the
extended service agreement shall remain valid and firm for the entire
period covered by the same agreement.

3.15.5 A list of proposed equipment installed in the SPPG building shall be

provided with the proposed/recommended lifespans, inclusive of spare /
parts to SPPG

Edition 9.1

3.16 Air-Conditioners (AC) and Mechanical Ventilation Fans (MV fans)

3.16.1 The key design principles for the air-conditioning and mechanical
ventilation systems are:

a) Compliance with SS553 Code of Practice for Air-Conditioning and

Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings

b) Compliance with Code of Practice for Fire Precaution in Buildings (The

Fire Code)

c) Compliance with Green Mark requirements for fan selections and

power efficiency

d) Other statutory design codes

3.16.2 The following rooms shall be air-conditioned with duplicated units for
switching over and each unit with 100% capacity, including condensing

a) 400kV, 230kV, 66kV Control Rooms

b) Communication Room

c) Battery Charger Room

d) Substation Automation System Room (for 400kV & 230kV substation)

e) Guardhouse (for 400kV & 230kV substations)

3.16.3 The following rooms shall be provided with mechanical ventilation systems
The MV fans with duplicated units for switching over and each unit with
100% capacity:

a) Battery Room

b) Any other room due to relevant authorities’ requirements

c) Any other room that require more than 12 hours operation

Edition 9.1

3.16.4 The air conditioning, air compressor equipment must be located at a

suitable place that is easily accessible through the substation building only.

3.16.5 The air-conditioner shall be air-cool type. No water cooling tower shall be

3.16.6 For VRF air conditioning units:

a) The provision of high temperature alarm shall be provided:

i. For control room, it shall be link to the control panel in the

control room for PSO monitoring

ii. For other air-conditioned room, it shall be link to the marshalling

box for monitoring centre (DCCS) monitoring

iii. There shall be audible alarm when the high temperature alarm is
activated and buzzer sound when trip / fault is activated.

iv. To provide at least two pairs of normally open voltage free

contacts. The cables shall be at least 1.5mm sq. in side and
each core shall be multiple-stranded from air-conditioner high
temperature room sensor in the Control Room directly to
Communication Room - Supervisory Control Marshalling Box.

b) To provide independent Temperature Sensor to be installed at a

strategic (e.g. best accurate actual mean room temperature measured)
location in the rooms. The control of this sensor shall not be easily
reachable to prevent tampering of the setting at 28 degrees Celsius..

c) All remote controller shall be housed within the air conditioning lockable
control panel, or come with lockable function.

3.16.7 Control panel shall be provided for the air-conditioning units. When air-
conditioner tripped or failed, indication light of this status must be provided.
Provision for manual start / stop shall be provided. The incoming power
supply needs to be size to cater to operate both duty and standby sets

3.16.8 In the event of any compressor or blower failed, the duty air-conditioner
shall auto-switch over to standby set. The standby set shall operate
continuously. The rooms shall be kept cool to the design requirement at all
time, even when a set of both duty and standby aircon are not functioning,
the other set of standby air con within the same room shall be operating,
while this particular same set of duty air con is still operating.

Edition 9.1

3.16.9 The fan coil units shall be ducted type. To provide tray pans below each
fan coil unit. The ducts shall be located outside of the rooms, unless met
with constraints, thereafter must seek SPPG approval before such

3.16.10 Ensure no sweating with proper thermal insulation of the pipes.

3.16.11 To provide sight glass for inspection on each condenser unit.

3.16.12 To provide concrete slab and earthing for the condenser units on the roof.

3.16.13 To provide water supply with proper drain out system on the roof away
from the locations of switchroom / control room subject to SPPG's approval
for washing the condenser units.

3.16.14 Source of incoming supply to be indicated in the air-conditioning main

control panel.

3.16.15 To label all fan coil units and condenser units.

3.16.16 To provide paper strips to be pasted onto the supply air diffuser.

3.16.17 To label properly the air-conditioner control panels.

3.16.18 All supply air diffusers / grilles outlets to be located away from all
equipment. All FCUs are not to be installed directly above any equipment.

3.16.19 The following requirements for air-conditioned mechanical ventilation

system are to be incorporated:

a) A copy of control circuit diagram is to be kept in the local control panel

for the Air-cooled Package System.

b) Air-cooled single-split systems shall be complete with remote controller.

3.16.20 Refrigerant piping housed in trunking shall not be directly above any LV
cable tray/trunking, panels or above dry box. Air conditioner’s designed
cooling temperature shall be at 24C ± 1C.

3.16.21 If Air Handling Unit (AHU) room is provided for the air conditioning system,
lighting of 500 lux (based on mean life) shall be provided.

3.16.22 Air-conditioner’s thermostat controller shall be installed at level marginally

beyond reachable from ground level to prevent tampering.

Edition 9.1

3.16.23 For centralised air-conditioners, the location of fan blower shall be clearly
indicated and the installation of fan coil unit shall not be directly above any
of the relay panel. Water tap shall be provided and located as near to the
condenser unit (CU) as possible for cleaning of filters.

3.16.24 Do not install compressor unit in the air-handling unit (AHU) room directly
above any control room as far as possible. If it is impossible, ensure that
all openings at the AHU room above control room are covered up and
sealed to prevent water seepage to the floor below. In addition, the floor of
the AHU room shall be waterproof and all cracks are to be sealed.

3.16.25 All drainage shall be direct to the nearest floor trap via gravity. No
drainage pumps shall be used for condensate drainage.

3.16.26 As far as possible, no MV fans shall be installed directly or behind any

“live” equipment.

3.16.27 The noise level from ACMV shall be within NEA’s latest guidelines.

3.16.28 The supply for the ACMV shall not be mixed with other M&E equipment.

3.16.29 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) study should be carried out on the
design of MV fans with consideration of the heat generated by full load
transformers including shunt reactors, etc.

3.16.30 100% redundancy shall be provided for the air-conditioners system.

3.16.31 Lighting of minimum lux level at or above or around air-conditioned

mechanical ventilation (ACMV) shall not be less than 500 lux

3.16.32 Mechanical battery rooms shall be served by explosive proof fans with
100% redundancy back up with auto switch over function switches.
Exhaust air grilles shall be located at the highest possible positions to
provide effective ventilation (with no short circuit of air flow) and to
discharge gaseous products from the batteries. Arrangement of fans is
subject to SPPG's comments. Time control switches shall be provided for
each Mechanical Ventilation fan.

3.16.33 Mechanical Ventilation fan design shall comply with SCDF requirement.

3.16.34 In high ceiling areas which is served by mechanical ventilation system,

high level exhaust air and low level fresh air grilles shall be deployed.

3.16.35 Control Panel for MV fans installed at transformer bay shall be located
outside of the transformer bay.

Edition 9.1

3.17 Battery room Mechanical Ventilation Fan Operating Scenarios

3.17.1 Normal Mode

a) The Duty fan will operate at twenty four-hours a day, seven days a
week; at all times with duty lead-lag controls (i.e. alternate duty and
stand-by fans to run).

b) In the event that the hydrogen sensors detected hydrogen gas emission
(1% hydrogen gas emission), the gas panel shall send alarm signal to
SPPG Central Monitoring Station.

c) When the hydrogen gas emission reaches 2%, a second alarm signal
from gas panel (high alarm) will be send to SPPG Central Monitoring

d) Standard Operating Procedure by SPPG to this scenario to be included


3.17.2 Failure Mode

a) In the event that Mechanical Ventilation fans fail to operate, a remote

alarm signal from Fan panel will be sent to SPPG Central Monitoring

b) A warning strobe light to be install outside the battery room as an

indicator to warn people on the hydrogen accumulation inside the
battery room. The strobe light will be activated upon the hydrogen
accumulation more than 1%.

c) A standby fan to be provided to purge the hydrogen accumulation

inside the battery room, and this activation can be done from outside
the battery room.

d) Instructions signage to inform users of the strobe light indication and

instruction on the fan purging activation shall be located outside the
battery room.

Edition 9.1

3.18 Others

3.18.1 The Developer's / Consultant's Professional Engineers shall be responsible

for the design, installation and testing of the building supply and all M&E
facilities required and shall ensure that all regulations are fully complied

3.18.2 Please note that it is the responsibility of the Developer's or Consultant's

Professional Engineer-in-Charge to ensure and certify that the M&E design
and as-built installation fully comply with the relevant local authorities'
requirements, code of practice and standards. Tests / inspections shall be
carried out to prove that such are satisfied. A copy of test report, certificate
of fitness and all relevant manuals shall be handed to SPPG's
Transmission Project Section before the taking over of the M&E Services
by our Project Engineers.

3.18.3 Please refer to Attachment B for other electrical requirements, locations of

which shall be approved by SPPG during the design stage.

3.19 Network Rack Housing

3.19.1 A 42U height 19” cabinet shall house SPPG’s network equipment and be
located near the fibre marshalling box / patch panel in the communication

3.19.2 A fully perforated front door cabinet shall permit the free vertical ventilation
of the network equipment without compromising the IP rating required.
Fans shall be installed in the cabinet to prevent overheating of the
equipment. The installation shall have a high level of corrosion resistance
in a warm and humid environment.

3.19.3 The network equipment cabinet shall be lockable with removable hinged
doors on the front and back. The inner side of the front door shall have the
provision to keep a maintenance log book. 5 nos. of spare keys for each
cabinet shall be provided.

3.19.4 The cable entry points to the cabinet shall be of bottom entry and shall be
properly secured and sealed.

3.19.5 The cabinet frame, both front and back doors and other parts, which can
be made accessible, shall be properly earthed.

Edition 9.1

3.19.6 The cabinet shall also include:

a) 2 x Vertical Cable Management Tray with cover

b) 3 x Cable Management Bar

c) 1 x UTP labelling Holder Patch Panel –

i. 24 ports (1U)

ii. The CAT6 transmission performance is in compliance with the

ANSI / TIA / EIA 568B.2 standard.

iii. Equip with 0.5 meter of CAT6 pigtails with RJ45 connector.

iv. IDC: suitable for 22-26 AWG stranded and solid wire,
compatible with both 110 & Krone punch down tools.

3.19.7 The Contractor shall lay 1 no. of 20A single phase AC cable from a location
in Control room to the Internal Telephone / Network Rack and 1 no. of AC
cable from Building Emergency supply to Network Rack. The AC cables
shall be terminated to a suitable power socket outlet / circuit breaker.

3.19.8 The Contractor shall lay 2 nos. of single mode optical fibre cable (SM-OFC)
from network Rack to OFC patch panel in the communication room. The
cables shall be terminated to suitable LC / FC connectors.

Edition 9.1

3.20 Internal Telephone

3.20.1 The Contractor shall install caller ID analog telephone sets which are
independent from telecommunication service providers. The locations are:

a) Each control / relay room – 1 no.

b) Each switchroom – 1 no.

c) Each communication room – 1 no.

d) Each cable basement – 1 no.

e) Driveway – 1 no. (if any)

f) Lift – 1 no. (if any)

g) FCC – 1 no. (if any)

h) Guardhouse – 2 nos. (if any)

i) Other location where necessary

3.20.2 All telephone sets shall each be installed with suitable approved corrosion
resistance metallic locking device to prevent unauthorised removal of
telephone sets from the installed location.

3.20.3 The Contractor shall install a Gateway Box in the communication room
which will be wall mounted at a height of 140cm. The location shall be at
one of the corners and away from air-con units.

3.20.4 The Gateway Box shall have hinged lockable doors and be made of
corrosion- resistant, epoxy powder-coated stainless steel (Grade 316) and
be protected to at least IP65. The Gateway shall be wall-mounted and has
a minimum dimension of 60cm (Width) x 40cm (Height) x 30cm (Depth).

3.20.5 The Contractor shall install 8-Ports FXS Analog VoIP Gateway Box. The
number of Analog VoIP Gateway required shall be dependent on the
number of telephone sets installed. The Analog VoIP Gateway must be of
current model use in the SPPG telephone system.

3.20.6 The Contractors shall lay CAT5e cable each from telephone sets to
Gateway Box. The cable shall be terminated to a RJ11 telephone socket
and KRONE terminal respectively.

3.20.7 The Contractor shall lay 1 no. of 20A single phase AC cable from a location
in Control room to the Internal Telephone / Network Rack and 1 no. of AC
cable from Building Emergency supply to Network Rack. The AC cables
shall be terminated to a suitable power socket outlet / circuit breaker.

Edition 9.1

3.20.8 The Contractor shall lay 2 nos. of CAT5e cables from Gateway Box to
Network rack. The cables shall be terminated to a suitable RJ45

Edition 9.1


4.1 Ventilation and Windows

4.1.1 All rooms shall be designed to provide sufficient lighting and ventilation.
Rooms shall also be designed to ensure a dust-free environment as far as

4.1.2 Mechanical ventilation shall be provided when it is necessary.

4.1.3 The ambient temperature shall not exceed 40°C (1 metre from switchgear
and transformers).

4.1.4 For transformer and reactor bay, the yearly average temperature shall not
exceed 30C.

4.1.5 All ventilation louvres shall be designed to comply with the following

a) The appointed supplier should registered as a company supplying

weatherproof ventilation louvre (i.e. performance louvre) with not less than
15 years of proven track records/project references as a registered
company and NOT as an individual.

b) The inner layer of blades shall be mounted into individual modules,

comprising also of frames, support mullions, internal drainage channels,
tie rods, wedges, etc with mullions set at 1250mm center maximum, to
maintain rigidity.

c) The front louvre shall be snapped onto the above-described mullions to

form a continuous, unbroken line appearance. The louvre should not be
drilled or riveted to fix the blade to the mullion. This is to prevent
distortion, twisting or shearing of the louvre or support due to thermal
expansion and contraction. The mullions shall be fixed with stainless steel
bolts / nuts at top and bottom end with suitably sized steel sections to
meet wind loading.

d) The louvre shall be finished in either polyester powder coating finish with
10-year warranty on paintwork.

e) All components of the louvre system should not be made of nylon or

polymeric materials due to their combustibility as well as their lack of
structural integrity at elevated temperatures.

f) An independent fire test report on the louvre at elevated temperatures

(250ºC for 1 hour) shall be provided.

Edition 9.1

g) The louvre shall be tested in compliance to the latest code of practice or

equivalent accepted by the international recognized standard. Rain
defence and airflow efficiency tests on louvres carried out in accordance
to the 4th Edition of HEVAC Technical Specification shall be subjected to
the Company approval and the said tests shall be conducted by BSRIA
and/or AMCA.

h) For general area, the entire assembly shall have an airflow coefficient of
Class 2 and rain defense of Class A under a wind condition of 13.0m/s
and rainfall of 75mm/hour. The louvre system shall achieve a HEVAC
class of A2 for an airflow velocity up to 1.0m/s.

i) For switchgear, battery and other critical rooms (all voltages including
22kV), the louvre system shall achieve a HEVAC class A3 for an airflow
velocity up to 3.5m/s.

j) The entire assembly shall be design and manufactured by a firm

registered to BS 5750 Part 1 - BSI ISO 9001 for Quality Assurance of the
louvre system.

i. The Design & Manufacture of Air Ventilation Equipment, Louvre

and Air Moving Equipment including appendices stating the scope
of registration under Standard Industrial Codes (SIC) SIC 3284,
SIC 8370 and SIC 5030

ii. The Design of Air Ventilation Equipment, Louvre and Air Moving
Equipment including appendices stating the scope of registration
under Standard Industrial Codes (SIC) SIC 3284, SIC 8370 and
SIC 5030

iii. The Design, Installation and Commissioning of Natural Ventilation

Systems and Louvre System including appendices stating the
scope of registration under Standard Industrial Codes (SIC) : SIC
3284, SIC 8370 and SIC 5030.

4.1.6 Sun-shading provisions shall be made on the external walls of Battery room,
to avoid high room ambient temperature. External walls of these rooms shall
not face the setting sun.

Edition 9.1

4.1.7 No cavity shall be created on top of Battery Room to trap gaseous products
evolved from batteries. Ceiling beams which span across the middle of the
rooms shall be avoided.

4.1.8 Switchgear rooms shall be designed to be free from water intrusion, any
ventilation design shall take into consideration on rainwater entry into the

4.1.9 Louvres and windows for ventilation should be positioned if possible; higher
than equipment located within the room.

4.1.10 Drainage shall be provided, whenever there is open / natural ventilation at


Edition 9.1

4.2 Taps, Basins and Plumbing Fixtures

4.2.1 All water points and toilet flush valves shall be located at or below Reduced
level of 125m and 112m respectively.

4.2.2 Battery room shall be provided with one Vitreous China wash-hand basin with
manual tap of swan-neck type to Public Utilities Board (PUB)'s requirements
each. For purpose of information, the wash basin in the Battery room is
intended for maintenance staff to wash their hands/eyes in times of
emergency. It is not intended for disposal of any acidic waste water and
warning signboard shall be provided on the wall with words such as

4.2.3 Mirror shall be provided at wash-hand basin so as to check the condition of

affected eyes, if any.

4.2.4 All wash-hand basins in substation shall be provided with self-closing

delaying action tap of type to Public Utilities Board (PUB)'s requirements
unless otherwise stated. It must be able to operate from very low water
pressure and complete with attaching nut, washer, joint and connecting nut
and joint for 12/14mm piping.

4.2.5 All other taps, if any, shall be provided with approved constant flow regulators
of 6 litres/minute to be used for 12/14mm piping.

4.2.6 All plumbing fixtures in toilets, etc, shall as far as possible be surface
mounted. Toilet bowl shall be of the sitting type. A tap shall be provided
beside the toilet bowl.

4.2.7 All toilet fitting and fixtures shall comply with the PUB WELS ‘min. 2 ticks’

4.2.8 All flushing systems shall preferably be 'flush valve' type.

4.2.9 All toilets shall be provided with jumbo toilet roll drum.

4.2.10 Copper pipes or Stainless Steel pipes shall be used for domestic water
supply in substations. No welded joints shall be allowed.

Edition 9.1

4.3 Columns, Beams and Expansion Joints

4.3.1 No column is allowed in all switchrooms

4.3.2 There shall be no cross beam across any floor opening in all switchrooms

4.3.3 All reinforced concrete structures shall comply with Developer's / Consultant's
Engineer's details.

4.3.4 All stumps, if any, in cable floor/basement of all switchrooms shall be located
at 1000mm (min) from any edge of switchgear floor opening.

4.3.5 Any floor beams running parallel to the sides of all switchgear openings shall
be set back at least 500mm away from all edges of the openings.

4.3.6 No expansion joint within all floor slabs of HV and LV switchrooms is

allowed. Should Developer / Consultant find it necessary, written approval
from SPPG is required. Developer / Consultant must ensure that the floor
slabs cannot move vertically with respect to each other.

4.4 Safety Measures

4.4.1 Proper rust-proof anchor rings of at least 4 nos. (flush type, not protruding
above finished floor level) for fastening of worker's life-lines shall be provided
at convenient locations around all loading / unloading bays, lifting voids and
cable ramps/voids and to comply with Workplace Safety & Health (WSH) and
other authorities’ requirements. Anchor rings shall be provided at 1.2m from
the edge of openings.

4.4.2 Maintenance platforms shall be provided for the servicing of lifting hoists and
overhead travelling cranes. The height from the maintenance platform to the
underside of crane/hoist hook shall be between 1 metre (min) and 1.2m
(max). These platforms shall be accessible by staircase if possible.
Otherwise, cat ladders shall be provided.

4.4.3 Cat-ladders leading to platforms shall be provided with proper safety

measures e.g. 'SAF-T' Climb (complete set with a notched steel safety rail,
safety harness in-compliance with Singapore Standard 402: Part I: 1997 –
Specification for Industrial Safety Belts and Harnesses. The railing and
structure for anchorage should comply with Part 2: Permanent Anchors of the
same standard and a manganese bronze sleeve that rides freely up and
down the rail).

Edition 9.1

4.4.4 All cat ladders provided shall be mounted at a clearance of 200mm to 300mm
away from the wall to avoid boot marks on walls.

4.4.5 All floor openings (temporary and permanent) in all rooms shall be properly
covered. Removable aluminium chequered plates mounted on suitable
frames shall be used to prevent any person from falling through uncovered
openings. Developer / Consultant shall ensure loading is catered for human
weight in designing the chequered plates. Designs and sizes of chequered
plates shall be cleared by SPPG.

4.4.6 If other types of covers are required by Fire Safety & Shelter Department
(FSSD), designs and materials used shall be approved by SPPG.

4.4.7 If bolting of temporary covers is required by Fire Safety & Shelter Department
(FSSD), only the four corners shall be bolted down to the floor.

4.4.8 Safety gratings and hot-dipped galvanised railings which are properly fixed
and can be removed when necessary, are to be provided for all openings of
cable ramps at cable floors for multi-storey substation building.

4.4.9 Fire stop boards / seals with 2 hours fire rating are to be provided at all cable
ramp areas, floor openings between floors as well as cable ramp openings on
ceiling of the transformer bays and the fire retardant material used for the fire
stop boards / seals shall comply to Fire Safety requirement.

4.4.10 The length of the fire stop boards / seals at the cable ramp up area shall be
aligned with the detachable railings in order to avoid sterilising the cable
entry. Architect to submit details to our site officer-in-charge for clearance
prior to construction.

4.4.11 All surface drains crossing the path of staircases must be covered with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanised gratings which are hinged on one side of suitable
supporting frames.

4.4.12 Cable trenches if any, are to be covered by removable hot-dipped galvanised

gratings, 300mm wide and able to support at least 100kg.

4.4.13 Trap doors where necessary shall be flushed with the finished floor level.
These trap doors shall be made of heavy-duty aluminium chequered plates
sprayed with approved fire-rated material if required by Fire Safety & Shelter
Department (FSSD) and mounted on suitable frames to be located in
approved locations.

4.4.14 Loading platforms and lifting void landings shall be provided with fixed and/or
removable hot-dipped galvanised safety railings as required.

Edition 9.1

4.4.15 The lifting void shall be covered by a bird-proof device at the suitable and
approved landing access. Design shall be approved by SPPG.

4.4.16 Safety Toe Board of aluminium plate with suitable height shall be provided to
all the railings at all the lifting void, maintenance platform and other areas
where applicable by either using bracket and self-locking nut or welded type.
Design shall be approved by SPPG.

4.4.17 To install flash light with a beep sound from the hoisting motor of hoist crane
near hoisting area at substation ground level.

4.4.18 Stainless steel railings to be provided at the delivery ramp in Battery Charger
room and Control room when there is a raised floor at the door access area.

4.5 Switchroom Floor and Rendering

4.5.1 Generally, all switchroom floors are constructed with a 50mm thick cement
rendering including a 20mm granolithic smooth finish of cement, granite chips
and sand in the ratio 1: 1: 1. All surfaces shall be hardened by an approved
hardener. Generally, the cement rendering is increased in thickness to flush
with SPPG's switchgear floor frames/I-beams. Such increase shall be made
gradually avoiding sudden sharp drops. Floors shall only be rendered after
the installation of equipment for floor frames. The arrangement/details of
anchoring of switchgear floor frames/I-beam and final rendering details can
only be confirmed with SPPG's successful switchgear supplier after award of

4.5.2 Wherever possible, there shall be one common floor level between the
loading area and the entrance to the respective switchrooms for shifting of
heavy equipment.

Edition 9.1

4.6 Cable Trenches, Basements and Sunken Areas

4.6.1 All cable trenches and substation cable basement/chamber and all sunken
pits for equipment shall be dry and free of water. Waterproof sealing
compound shall be used. A proper drainage system with automatic
submersible pumps shall be designed to achieve this.

4.6.2 Scupper drains shall be all around the perimeter of the cable basement walls,
except for staff entry / exit areas to be encased with pipe sleeves.

4.6.3 Scupper drains shall be provided at all pipe entries location to guide water to
flow efficiently to sump pit location. Gradient of scupper drain shall be 1:100.

4.6.4 All sump pit levels shall not be deeper than 1000mm from floor level unless
otherwise required by the Architect for purpose of effective drainage. For
deep pit, some means of access to the pump shall be provided. All Sump pit
to be covered with heavy duty removable grating

4.6.5 All sump pits with depth less than 1000mm shall be installed with 1-level
system and sump pits with depth 1000mm or more shall be installed with 5-
levels alarm system as shown below:

a) Sump Pump Alarm (1-level system)

i. Alarm sent when float switch activated.

ii. Alarm sent when no power to pump

b) Sump Pump Alarm (5-levels system)

i. Alarm sent when 3-level sensor activated (pump running)

ii. Alarm sent when 5-level sensor activated (water high-high level)

iii. Alarm sent when no power to pump

c) Independent sensor, I.e, Water level sensor (to be installed at top edge of
sump pit) that transmit directly to BMS interfacing and 22kV RTU, via the
control panel. The independent sensor shall be able to trigger alarm when
water overflow from the sump pit and send alarm to BMS and RTU. An
alarm shall be included when submersible pump(s) run for more than 30

Edition 9.1

4.6.6 All sump pits shall be provided with proper removable covers. A bracket shall
be provided for the hoisting of the pump for maintenance.

4.6.7 If a submersible pump is provided in the transformer pit, a sump of low brick
walls shall be provided around the pump to segregate granite chips from the
pump. The top of the sump shall be covered with hot dipped galvanised

4.6.8 Platform levels of the development site should comply with platform, crest
and reclamation levels as stipulated in latest PUB code of practices.

4.6.9 A structural floor with loading as stated in Attachment A shall be provided

even if the cable floor/chamber is located at ground level.

4.6.10 For 22kV/LV cable risers, cable ladders and control cable risers shall be
installed with P1000 unistruts.

4.6.11 To prevent mosquito breeding and to avoid accumulation of water in the

cable entry of cable basement, hole shall be provided to lead the water into
the sump pit.

4.6.12 Flange plate below the sump pump check valve may pose danger during
maintenance/servicing stage, is to be reversed so as to avoid potential
danger to hand and body.

4.6.13 Apron drain shall be provided in cable basement to lead water into sump pit.

Edition 9.1

4.6.14 Opening of sump pit shall be designed large enough for a squatting adult to
remove or install sump pump.

4.6.15 Lights shall be positioned above the sump pump to avoid accident due to
poor lighting.

4.6.16 Sump pump shall not be installed below staircase. Sump pump’s control
panel shall be installed next to exit door. Adequate lighting shall be provided
at the vicinity of sump pump (minimum lux level shall not be less than 500 lux
as recommended by CIE publication no.29.2)

4.6.17 Connecting pipe/drain shall be provided between all the sump pits, if there is
more than one pump at different locations on the same floor.

4.6.18 The heavy duty cover and sand-bag back-filling shall be provided for the draw
pits. The design of the draw pits shall be based on bending radius of:

a) 5m for 400kV (1000MVA) power cables

b) 4m for (500MVA) and 2.5m (250MVA) for 230kV power cable

c) 2.5m for 66kV power cables

d) 1.8m for 22kV and LV power cables

4.6.18 If the draw pit has to be installed outside of the boundary, the cable protection
covers (e.g. 66kV, 22kV & LV marker) shall be provided immediately on top
the full width of the heavy-duty cover of the draw pit with the lead in pipes,
where applicable.

4.6.19 HT riser pits shall be filled with wash-down granite chips to prevent mosquito
breeding and avoid accumulation of water shall be of approved sizes (50mm
to 75mm).

Edition 9.1

4.7 Cable Entry Pipes

4.7.1 All un-plasticised PVC cable entry pipes and fittings including drawstring of
polypropylene rope of diameter 5mm (min) required for the substation
building shall be supplied and installed by the Developer / Consultant to
approved quantity and arrangement subject to site configuration.

4.7.2 These cable entry pipes and fittings complying with SS141 Class B shall be
encased in concrete, to have piling if necessary and be properly sealed at
both ends with bentonite and plastic caps to prevent ingress of water. The
external faces of the pipes joining the walls of the basement/chamber shall be
adequately bonded. Any gap/void shall be completely sealed against
seepage of water into the building through these areas.

4.7.3 No bend or kink is allowed at the joint for long cable entry pipes.

4.7.4 Normally the following sizes are required for:

a) 400kV or 230kV cable entry pipe : 250mm internal diameter

b) 66kV or 22kV cable entry pipe : 155mm internal diameter

4.7.5 Cable entry pipes shall be spaced at minimum 100mm apart and 150mm
above the floor level.

4.7.6 The depth of cable pipes at the extreme end away from the substation
building shall not be more than 1.5 metres but not less than 1 metre between
ground level and top of pipes.

4.7.7 The lead-in pipes shall be installed under drain / box culvert immediately
outside site boundary and to be extend up to 300mm beyond the drain / box
culvert, where applicable.

4.7.8 The lead-in pipe block front shall not be obstructed by trees, water pipes and
/ or other services. If any, they have to be relocated or diverted out of cable
entry pipes.

4.7.9 The exact location and gradient of cable pipes shall be checked and
approved by SPPG's site engineer-in-charge. He shall be notified before any
laying is done.

Edition 9.1

4.7.10 Clearing and testing of pipes to be witness by SPPG and Developer’s

contractor. On completion of the laying of pipe (after compaction and
backfilling), between any two joint pits or more, the Contractor shall use a
cylindrical brush and mandrel (refer to drawing in Attachment E) to pass
through each pipe in both directions to test for pipe clearance as well as to
remove any foreign materials. The mandrel shall follow the brush to minimise
scouring or breaking of the pipes.

4.7.11 All used and unused openings pass through any slab, wall, or another
compartment shall be blanketed/sealed with approved fire stops compound.
The proposed fire stop compound is subjected to the approval of SPPG.

4.7.12 All cable penetrations through basement waterproofing membrane shall be

provided with manufacturers’ recommended water seal insert sleeve or multi-
cables transits approved by the SPPG.

4.7.13 Where cables pass through structural elements such as floors and walls, the
opening made shall be sealed with approved fire-resistant material of not less
than four (4) and / or two (2) hours fire rating to prevent the spread of fire.
The specified fire rating to be provided shall be complied with the Authority’s

4.7.14 Cable Duct Construction:

a) To provide water-stop material to both ends of pipes.

b) To avoid pipe joint whenever possible. Proposed joints must be in similar

direction for all other pipe joints.

c) Cable duct entry must not end where the area above is obstructed by
permanent structures, services, trees etc.

d) Puddle flange must be provided to each and every pipe ends prior casting
together with the basement wall

Edition 9.1

4.8 Bays for Transformer, NGR & Shunt Reactor

4.8.1 The pits for transformers, NGRs, shunt reactors etc. shall have a nominal
depth of one metre, if the Developer / Consultant encounters site constraints
and cannot achieve the above-mentioned requirement, the matter shall be
referred to SPPG for further consideration.

4.8.2 Wash-down granite chips for all pits of transformer, NGR, shunt reactor etc.
shall be of approved sizes (50mm to 75mm) with the exception for distribution
transformer bays which will be backfilled with fine sands only. Developer /
Consultant shall arrange for the delivery of granite chips and fine sands after
SPPG has installed all cables in transformer pits (Date of delivery and filling
of granite chips and fine sands is to be made some time six months after final
handover of substation).

4.8.3 Anchorage hooks to take 10-tonne pulling exert shall be provided at two inner
corners of 400kV, 230kV and 66kV transformer bays for installation purpose
of erection/maintenance.

4.9 Roof

4.9.1 Special consideration should be given to the roof design as our extra high
voltage switchgear equipment cannot tolerate roof leakage. The reinforced
concrete roof design shall be 100% waterproof and provided with suitable
insulation. The roof shall be pitched as steep as possible (minimum 3° or
1:20 fall), without affecting the aesthetics of the complete building. Additional
properly rust-proofed roof using aluminium materials over the reinforced
concrete waterproofed roof of the substation must be provided to ensure no
roof leakage. Metal roof shall have no laps and be laid in one span with one
length roofing sheet. No overlapping and joints are allowed.

4.9.2 Roof shall be designed to discourage birds from resting or nesting.

4.9.3 The Developer / Consultant, in preparing his substation building tender

document is required to include the requirement of "DEED OF INDEMNITY"
in which the Developer's / Consultant's main building contractor and the main
building contractor's supplier for the roofing have agreed to jointly and
severally indemnify the Developer / Consultant against any defects in the
design, workmanship, quality of materials, watertightness or
deterioration in the works to be applied to the substation building. The
Developer is required to extend a copy of this "DEED OF INDEMNITY" to
SPPG for purpose of information and record. The Indemnity shall be valid for
a period of ten (10) years from the date of practical completion of the
substation building.

Edition 9.1

4.9.4 No roof gutter is allowed at the roof. The design of the roof must take into
consideration to ensure no retention and proper natural discharge of

4.9.5 Proper human access to roof must be possible from one of the internal
staircases. Parapet wall or handrails are required on roof for safety reasons.
Otherwise, provision of anchor points for roof lifeline systems and fall arrest
systems are to be specified.

4.9.6 Proper provisions of access road surrounding substation building must be

made for boom lift to be used for purpose of cleaning / painting / maintaining
the substation building exterior.

4.9.7 Should human access to roof through internal staircase is not possible, then
access door above cat ladder shall be of sliding type, (not swinging
mechanism type) with a stainless steel weather proofed water tightness
feature. Safety guardrail shall be installed if roof access is of close proximity
to the edge of the roof for safety reason.

4.9.8 Proper human access to the GPS location must be possible from one of the
internal staircases leading to the roof top. A Global Positioning System
(GPS) routing shall be provided between the Communication room or Cable
Basement below the Communication room and the roof top facing open sky
without any obstruction.

4.9.9 The routing shall comprise of 50mm diameter piping with draw-wire for future
cable laying. The GPS routing shall be designed based on the following

a) Rain water will not leak into the building

b) GPS cable will be laid and maintained solely using 2m high A-frame

c) GPS antenna and cable will be installed and maintained on the rooftop
with protected edge
4.9.10 The GPS shall be installed at the roof top with cone angle of 120 degree with
no obstruction on the side.

4.9.11 Reinforced Concrete (RC) flat roof free flow drainage system gap shall be
100mm to allow efficient discharge of rain water as well as to enhance safety
for maintenance personnel who access the roof.

Edition 9.1

4.10 False Ceilings

4.10.1 The following air-conditioned rooms shall be provided with solid slab ceiling
within these false ceilings:

a) Any designated area specified by SPPG

4.10.2 False ceilings shall be of acoustic mineral fibre ceiling boards. Thickness
16mm or equivalent approved type.

4.10.3 False ceiling panels shall be 600mm x 600mm panels.

4.11 Raised Floor

4.11.1 The following location shall be provided with raised floor system (where

a) 400kV,230kV and 66kV Control Room

b) Communication Room

c) Battery Charger Room

d) Substation Automation System Room

4.11.2 The Developer / Consultant shall design a sunken structure floor to

accommodate the raised floor so that ramp is not required to access to the
raised floor.

4.11.3 Intended use of system: A readily accessible underfloor space suitable for
running electrical, mechanical, computer or communication services and the

4.11.4 Provide a completed raised access floor system with edge trim which is rigid,
free from vibration, creep, squeaking, and the like, which has a smooth and
uniform finished surface, and which will maintain these conditions when
sufficient panels have been removed for normal access. Finish of the panels
shall be a high pressure plastic laminate and compliant with the latest Fire
Code. In addition, raise floor system shall be anti-static, anti-skid and non-

Edition 9.1

4.11.5 All panels to be capable of removal using special panel lifting tools provided
for the purpose.

4.11.6 Perforated panels are to be provided at the corners of the rooms for
ventilation purposes.

4.11.7 Superimposed loads: Provide an access floor system which is capable of

carrying a minimum of 10kN/m² without failure.

4.11.8 Submit calculations and shop drawings endorsed by Singapore Licensed

Professional Engineer

4.11.9 Provision must be made for installation of safety railings at exposed edges,
openings, ramps and steps, for the raised flooring.

Edition 9.1

4.12 Driveway

4.12.1 All driveways shall be properly surfaced with premix and accessible to heavy
vehicles before the handover of substation. 150mm high concrete kerbs shall
be provided along sides of driveways if adjacent grounds are turfed.

4.13 Drains

4.13.1 Proper drainage around the substation shall be provided. Hinged hot-dipped
galvanised gratings shall be used to cover all drains.

4.13.2 All drains, sewers, or any other pipes for building services shall not obstruct
cable laying work. No sewer or Telecom manhole shall be installed on the
cable reserves without SPPG's approval.

4.14 External Compound

4.14.1 Cable access/outlets are preferred to be provided on all sides of substation.

Cable reserves of 4 metres (min) are to be designated at approved locations.
No tree or any other obstacles or road furniture e.g. lamp poles, hydrant etc.
shall be located on these reserves.

4.14.2 Turfing and tree planting shall be incorporated in total design subject to
SPPG's approval. Cow grass shall be used for turfing.

4.14.3 The substation compound shall be provided with reasonable amount of

greenery, e.g. suitable types of tree in appropriate locations to blend with the
total design of substation building and surrounding to SPPG's approval prior
to NParks approval.

4.14.4 The depth of the roots of this tree shall not exceed 0.5 metres and the
minimum height of not less than 5 metres.

4.14.5 The first tree shall be sited minimally 5 metres away from any CCTV pole.

4.14.6 All trees are to be planted in straight line.

4.14.7 Subsequent trees shall be spaced 4 to 5 metres apart, until the next CCTV
pole; subject to site conditions as well as security and operational concerns at
each substation.

Edition 9.1

4.14.8 If the distance between a tree and the end of the planting area is less than 7
metres, a subsequent tree need not be planted.

4.14.9 The offset between CCTV pole and tree shall be 0.3 metres to 0.5 metres,
with 0.5 metres being the most ideal. This is to avoid blocking the line of
sight in monitoring perimeter fencing (refer to Appendix 5).

4.14.10 Specific planting details and intervals shall be subject to operational

considerations and security requirements, such that planned security
measures will not be negated or compromised.

4.15 Wall / Floor Tiling

4.15.1 No mosaic tiles shall be used in the substation building

4.15.2 Heavy duty non-slip homogeneous ceramic floor tiles shall be used in 66kV
Control room (when applicable).

4.15.3 Main stairways are recommended to be suitably tiled.

4.15.4 Toilet shall be suitably wall and floor tiled. Floor tiles shall be of heavy duty
non-slip type.

4.15.5 Acid resistant floor tiles shall be provided to all Battery Rooms.

4.15.6 Tiles shall not be used for external wall finishes.

4.15.7 Skirting tiles shall only be installed at areas where floors are tiled.

4.15.8 The Developer's / Consultant's Architect shall ensure that a reasonable

quantity of spares for all types of tiles used in the substation building are
handed over to SPPG's site Engineer-in-Charge for purpose of future
maintenance after the 2 years' defects liability period. A quantity of say 3% to
5% of the total quantity used or about 200 pieces for each type (whichever is
lesser) shall be taken as spares.

4.16 Door for Equipment Access

4.16.1 All heavy-duty 2-hour fire rated mild steel in galvanised finish roller shutters
or sliding and folding doors shall be used to close up large wall openings at
approved location in the substation building as directed by SPPG and shall
be complied with relevant authorities

Edition 9.1

4.16.2 All external doors of the substation building shall be metal doors (fire rated)
for durability and ease of maintenance.

4.16.3 Please refer to Attachment F for more details of doors and locking system.

4.17 Signage & Locations Plans

4.17.1 A feature wall near main gate entrance bearing the name of the substation
shall be installed at an approved location. Other design details (e.g. height of
wall, gate, fence, etc) shall be subject to the approval of SPPG and the
relevant local authorities.

4.17.2 SPPG substation internal name plates of approved material, size, color,
design with functional identities for substation shall be provided and to be
mounted at lift lobby / main staircase, Control Room entrance and other
suitable locations of the substation. The locations for mounting the internal
name plates are to be finalized with SPPG site engineer-in-charge (refer to
Attachment E).

4.17.3 "Caution-Steep Drop in Cable Ramp/Opening" name plates are to be fixed in

front of doors leading to cable floor, cable chambers, etc.

4.17.4 "Low cross-beam" warning name plates shall be installed in cable


4.17.5 “Wear helmet” warning signs shall be installed at "hard hat" area and
transmission switchrooms.

4.17.6 "Ear Protection" warning signs shall be installed at "high decibel" area or
doors of the rooms before entry (e.g., Pump room, EDG room, etc...)

4.17.7 "Electrical Hazard" warning signs shall be installed at doors of rooms or area
with electrical hazard.

4.17.8 "Eye Protection" warning signs shall be installed at doors of rooms or area
with machinery that can cause harm to eyes.

4.17.9 "No mobile devices" warning signs shall be installed at doors of rooms or
area with potential explosion hazards.

4.17.10 All rooms shall be properly labelled with their respective names.

Edition 9.1

4.17.11 Name plates showing the respective designed static and dynamic load / floor
loadings or Safe Work Load (SWL) shall be provided in all switchrooms,
various equipment rooms, plinths, extended working platforms and anchor

4.17.12 Name plates showing directions to various switchrooms, LV room and control
room shall be fixed prominently at approved locations (e.g. at 1st storey
staircase entrance, etc).

4.17.13 Sign-boards with outline key plans showing various rooms at different levels
of the building shall be prominently fixed at approved locations.

4.17.14 Room identification and location signs are recommended to be made of 3mm
thick dark bronze aluminium plate of minimum 20 microns and anodizing
etched with graphics and coated with approved UV resistant enamel paint of
approved colour or alternative proposal letterings in silkscreen using acrylic
and powder coated aluminium and fixed with approved self tapping stainless
steel screws and all other fixing accessories.

4.17.15 Self-Luminous Exit Sign

a) The exit sign shall bear the legend ‘EXIT’ together with directional arrows
where required. It shall be of 15 years average rated lamp life with
licensed under the latest Radiation Protection Act of National
Environmental Agency (NEA)

b) The sign shall comply with the latest BS 5499 Part 2 and SS 364, and
tested by Singapore Productivity and Standard Board or any recognised

c) The exit sign shall be approved by Fire Safety and Shelter Department
(FSSD). The installation shall comply with the latest Fire Code of
Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF)

d) Developer / Consultant shall provide certified true copy of the relevant test
report, approved letter and Health Sciences Authority’s (HSA) / NEA’s
licence for the self luminous exit sign and submit to SPPG’s site engineer-
in-charge prior to installation.

e) Materials of self luminous exit sign shall have 10 years’ warranty.

f) All exit lights, other than the wall mounted type, must be double-sided so
that it can be seen from both directions.

4.17.16 To provide a signage “DO NOT LEAN ON THE RAILING” to display on the
detachable railing at all lifting void areas.

Edition 9.1

4.17.17 A suitable ‘NO SMOKING’ sign is to be rigidly mounted on the substation

main gate and with the wordings ‘NO SMOKING WITHIN THE COMPOUND’.

4.17.18 Fire doors are to fix with signage “PLEASE KEEP THIS DOOR CLOSED AT
ALL TIMES” for safety purposes.

4.17.19 To comply with Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) on no unprotected

opening requirement for exit staircase of buildings.

4.17.20 To comply with SCDF on the provision of EXIT and directional signs in

4.17.21 To comply with SCDF on the provision of adequate common areas for
meeting Fire Safety Requirements.

4.17.22 To comply with SP Signage and Floor Marking Standards, i.e. Floor Marking
– Best Practices and Signage – SS508 Part 2.

4.17.23 For signage installed on the fence, the signage shall be installed 50m apart
(from side to side) and 8 points securing with Stainless Steel SS304 M6 bolts
and nuts with spring washer to be installed at the vertical support on its back.

4.18 Defects Liability (For Substation Building Inclusive of All Structural


4.18.1 The Developer / Consultant shall ensure that a minimum of 24 months

Defects Liability Period (DLP) is required, commencing from the date of
Consultant issuing Completion Certificate of the final phase of the project
as per Condition of Contract.

Edition 9.1

4.19 Paint

4.19.1 Painted internal walls of the substation building including staircases which are
not tiled shall be final-coated with an approved oil-based paint of a darker
(grey) colour up to a height of 1.5 metres.

4.19.2 For external walls, the final coat of approved paint and colour shall blend with
neighbouring developments. All paint colour code shall be provided to SPPG.

4.19.3 The final coat of approved paint to the entire building (interior and exterior) up
to a height of 3 metres shall only be applied just after SPPG's main
equipment is installed.

4.19.4 Low cross beams facing the entrance doors of cable floor/chamber/basement
shall be painted with luminous paint.

4.19.5 For battery room, the internal wall (up to a height of 1.5 metres) shall be
epoxy coated finish.

4.19.6 The Developer / Consultant in preparing his substation building tender

document is required to include the requirement of "DEED OF INDEMNITY"
in which the main building contractor and the main building contractor's
supplier for the painting work have agreed to jointly and severally indemnify
the Developer / Consultant against any defects in the workmanship,
quality of materials, water-tightness or deterioration in the works to be
applied to the substation building. These defects shall include peeling,
bubbling, cracking, disintegration of materials, patchy discolouration, flaky or
powdery surfaces, uneven loss in gloss or brightness or lustre save for
uniform colour fade.

The Developer / Consultant is required to extend a copy of this "DEED OF

INDEMNITY" to SPPG for purpose of information and record. The indemnity
shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of practical
completion of the substation building.

4.20 Others

4.20.1 All woodwork, if any, must be anti-termite treated.

Edition 9.1

4.20.2 Details of substation building shall be designed to discourage birds from

entering, resting or nesting in / on any part of the buildings. For example,
ledges shall be sprayed at 45° (min). If the provision of ledges at prominent
locations is not feasible, spike system shall be introduced at these locations.
Lifting void shall be covered with bird-proof devices, etc. These details shall
be approved by SPPG.

4.20.3 To provide a test bushing room for each switchroom. Each test bushing room
must also be accessed by the respective switch room travelling crane (i.e. no

4.20.4 Where cable floor servicing 22kV network exceeds 3-metre height (floor to
floor), working platform requirements shall be incorporated. The detailed
design of the working platform is subject to approval of SPPG.

4.20.5 All iron and steel members shall be hot-dipped, galvanised and maintenance
free (e.g. staircase, etc.).

4.20.6 Tariff Metering Room shall be provided with a floor opening of size 100mm
diameter and to be located at the inner corner of the room for Tariff Metering

4.20.7 Pressure Tank Room shall have the following requirements (for 400kV and
230kV substations):

a) 200mm wide x 50mm deep trough to be covered with chequered plate for
cable oil piping on the floor area.

b) Proper drainage system to be provided.

c) 2 nos. of door access are required (inclusive 1 no. of escape door).

d) To check and comply with other relevant authorities for other


4.20.8 To install luminescent warning strips to mark changes in floor levels and at
the top and bottom of each flight of staircase landings.

4.20.9 Concrete for building and civil engineering structures shall come from Ready-
Mixed Concrete (RMC) plants that are certified under Singapore Accreditation
Council (SAC)’s certification scheme.

4.20.10 For guarded installation with guardhouse where applicable, shelter for
security checking of vehicles of height 4.5 metres minimum to be provided.
Detailed design shall be submitted to SPPG for clearance. In addition,
clocking points for guards’ tour are to be provided.

Edition 9.1

4.20.11 All external doors expose to weather shall have recess feature as a provision
of natural canopy to the external doors as to prevent rain water seepage.

4.20.12 Staircase shall have tread depth not less than 280mm.

Edition 9.1

5.1 General Requirements

5.1.1 The Developer's / Consultant's Architect and his Professional Engineers are
fully responsible for the supervision of construction of the substation building.

5.1.2 The Developer's / Consultant's Architect and his Professional Engineers shall
comply fully with all requirements of the local Authorities including The
Building Control Act, The Building Control Regulations and the like.

5.1.3 The Developer's / Consultant's Architect shall arrange for the minimum
recommended site staff, on full-time basis, to implement and supervise all
aspects of site work of the substation building

5.1.4 Resident Engineer (RE): A qualified engineer and registered with the
Professional Engineers Board of Singapore. (If required by The Building and
Construction Authority). The Resident Engineer shall be a Civil / Structural
Engineer with relevant site supervision of building construction experience.

5.1.5 Resident Technical Officer (Civil): A competent Resident Technical Officer

(Civil) to assist the Resident Engineer on site.

5.1.6 Resident Technical Officer (Electrical or M&E): A competent Resident

Technical Officer (M&E) or (Electrical) to assist the Resident Engineer on site
when M&E installation works commence on site.

5.1.7 SPPG reserves the right to amend any minor details (due to site conditions)
as and when required by our Site Project Engineer-in-Charge.

5.1.8 SPPG's site Engineer-in-charge shall be notified prior to the commencement

of installation of earthing grid and cable entry pipes.

5.1.9 The Developer's / Consultant's Resident Engineer shall ensure that all floor
openings or hole openings on each floor including the switch room floors are
finalised with SPPG's Site Engineer-in-Charge immediately prior to giving
instruction to building contractor to commence making form-work for the
respective floors. (Regular site meeting between Developer's Architect, the
building contractor and SPPG's Site Engineer-in-Charge is recommended to
confirm all site matters arising).

Edition 9.1

5.1.10 The Developer's / Consultant's building contractor shall allow a period of

about four weeks in the building programme for SPPG's switchgear
contractor to install the switchgear floor frames / l-beam prior to final floor
rendering of all switchrooms. Such programme shall be agreed upon
between Developer's building contractor and SPPG's switchgear contractor.

5.1.11 The SPPG's site Engineer-in-Charge shall be notified at least four weeks
prior to final floor rendering of all switchrooms. Floor rendering shall only
be proceeded upon confirmation with SPPG's Site Engineer-in-Charge.

5.1.12 Application for permanent water and electricity supplies for the substation
building shall be made by the Developer's / Consultant's Professional
Engineers on behalf of SPPG as agent for the owner (SP PowerAssets).
Approved type of water meter shall be installed at the main intake water
supply point in accordance with PUB's requirements.

5.1.13 Application of other services on behalf of SPPG (as the owner) if so directed
by SPPG or are required under the Authorities' instruction (e.g. dedicated line
for remote monitoring of fire-alarms, etc).

5.1.14 The installation and fitting shall be tested and certified fit by Developer's /
Consultant's Electrical Worker who shall have a valid EMA's licence as
Electrical Worker (Engineer's Grade) and also is a registered Professional
Engineer with the PE Board, Singapore. A copy of the Certificate of Fitness
for Turn-on shall be submitted to the SPPG Site Engineer-in-charge before
the turn-on of LV supply.

5.1.15 All other mechanical and electrical installations within substation building
such as overhead cranes, lifting hoist, fire-fighting and lightning protection
systems; earthing grid, emergency lighting and the like, are to be tested on
site by authorised officers and certified by Developer's / Consultant's
Licensed Electrical Worker (Engineer's Grade).

Edition 9.1


6.1 Handover of Substation Building Procedures

6.1.1 Before handing over of the substation, the Developer's / Consultant's

Licensed Electrical Worker (Engineer's grade) should certify that all works
carried out are according to approved drawings, relevant standards and local
authorities requirements.

6.1.2 The required numbers of door keys and padlocks are as detailed in the
approved latching arrangement. All the substation building door keys shall
have approved engraved labels and all the keys kept in an approved wall-
mounted key cabinet provided by the Developers / Consultant (See
Attachment C).

6.1.3 The required quantity of spare wall and / or floor tiles for purpose of future
maintenance by SPPG after the two years’ defects liability period.

6.1.4 The Developer's / Consultant's Architect is responsible to arrange for all the
documents of the substation building to be handed over to SPPG's Site

6.1.5 Please refer to next page for the Distribution List of final design and as-built
documentation to be handed over from the Developer / Consultant to SPPG
on the substation projects.

6.1.6 For as-built documentation, draft documents are to be submitted within two
(2) months before the date of handover of substation building. The
approved documents are to be submitted not later than three (3) months
after the date of handover of the substation building.

6.1.7 The Contractors and their workers working at the Substation premises (during
the DLP phase) shall enrol for the Safety @ SPPG course conducted by
Singapore Institute of Power and Gas (SIPG) at their own costs.

6.1.8 The design literature / principals for all C&S and M&E system shall be
handover to SP.

6.1.9 Warranty certificates for all C&S and M&E system shall be handover to SP.

6.1.10 Material testing certificates for all C&S and M&E system shall be handover to

6.1.11 The testing and commissioning reports for all C&S and M&E system shall be
handover to SP.

Edition 9.1

6.1.12 The O&M for all M&E system shall be handover to SP.

6.1.13 Inventory list also known as Assets list to be in excel format for all asset (C&S
and M&E) system installed shall be handover to SPPG. (For Asset
documentation and collation).

6.1.14 All authority certificates shall be handover to SP.

6.1.15 Training for all system installation shall be provided to SP, up to maximum of
3 sessions for each system, one month before the actual handover dates.

6.1.16 All M&E system keys shall be kept in keypress in the control room with a
proper inventory list for the worker to draw out during maintenance.

6.1.17 The DLP maintenance schedule shall be submitted not later than 1 week
after the date of handover for the substation.

6.1.18 The consultant and main contractor shall be present during all the handover
site inspections.

6.1.19 Contractor or Consultant shall provide all the C&S and M&E inspection
checklist 1 month before the first inspection.

6.1.20 Contractor or Consultant shall have defect monitoring system to capture the
defects highlighted during the handover inspection.

Edition 9.1


S/No Items

Architectural Submission for Endorsement

1. Architectural Overall, Section & Elevation plans (color PDF & DWG) - with superimposed structural
plans/Column/Beams details for switchroom, cable floor, control room, communication room, SAS room,
battery and battery charger room)
including but not limited to:
a) Swept path analysis for equipment vehicle access
b) Approved camera, lamp post, and trees location and drainage in overall plan
c) Draw pit/Trenches/Cable Gallery details
d) Lead-in pipe details
e) BIM models (if applicable)
2. Authority Clearance and approved plans (for record) (till date of submission) including but not limited to:
3. Structural plans/Column/Beams details (for record)

M&E Submission for Clearance

4. Specialist Report & Calculations
CFD Report (With solution around building aspect, if required)
Soil Resistivity Report
Earthing Simulation Report based on item 4b
Acoustic Report (Transformer noise and MV noise consideration to meet NEA requirement)
EMF Report (With solution around building aspect, if required)
Electrical load calculation
ACMV calculation
Clean gas Fire Suppression Report
Fire Sprinkler System Report
5. M&E drawings (color PDF & DWG), including but not limited to:
MSLD and other Single line diagrams
Lighting plans
Power plans
Earthing Grid Design Schematic and plans (to consider pile cap constraints)
Lightning protection plans
ACMV plans and elevations plans (with superimposed structural plans/Column/Beams details)
Security Plans with SM endorsement/Clearance
Plumbing and Sanitary
Fire Protection
GPS system and Routing
BIM models (if applicable)

Edition 9.1

I. Submission to be in the form of CD or Secured Download link to SPPG TRE’s

Officer-In-Charge with drawing list as per S/No, cover letter (from Developer /
SPPG appointed consultant) and relevant QP/PE endorsements.

II. The cover letter for endorsement shall specify the building completion date and
equipment access date. TRE’s Officer-In-Charge to be notified if there is any
changes/delay in the timeline.

III. A set of hardcopy drawings to be handover to SPPG BDC’s Officer-In-Charge

and shall be kept in a cabinet in the substation control room. Cabinets shall be
provided in the control room to keep all the relevant hard copy documents
mentioned in this section in an organise and systematic manner for relevant
maintenance personnel to retrieve at site during maintenance.

Document Handover Check List

A Building Construction Authority (BCA) Yes/No Remarks

1 Certificate of Supervision of Lightning Protection System
2 Certificate of Supervision of Lift/Escalator Installation
3 Certificate of supervision for Air-Conditioning and Mechanical
Ventilation Systems
4 Register Inspector Form
5 Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP)
6 Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC)

B Singapore Civil Defence Force (FSSD) Yes/No Remarks

1 Notice of Approval for Building Plan & Approved Drawings
2 Notice of Approval for Fire Protection & Approved Drawings
Notice of Approval for Mechanical Ventilation & Approved
3 Drawings
4 Register Inspector Form
5 Temporary Fire Permit (TFP)
6 Fire Safety Certificate (FSC)

C Central Building Plan Unit (CBPU) Yes/No Remarks

1 Clearance Certificate for DP on Sewerage
2 Clearance Certificate for DP on Sanitary
3 TOP Clearance
4 Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC)

D Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) Yes/No Remarks

1 Clearance Letter

Edition 9.1

2 TFCC Approved drawings

E Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CCAS) Yes/No Remarks

1 Clearance Letter
2 Approved drawings

F Land Transport Authority (LTA) Yes/No Remarks

1 DC and VP Clearance Letter
2 Approved drawings
3 Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC)

G Public Utilities Board (PUB) Yes/No Remarks

1 Clearance Letter
2 Approved drawings
3 Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of Water Service Work
4 Utilities account from SP Service
5 Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC)

H Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) Yes/No Remarks

1 Clearance Letter
2 Approved drawings
3 Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC)

I Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) Yes/No Remarks

1 House Number
2 Approved drawings

J National Parks Board (NParks) Yes/No Remarks

1 Clearance Letter
2 Approved drawings
3 Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC)

K Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Yes/No Remarks

1 Clearance Letter
2 Approved drawings

L SP PowerGrid (SPPG) Yes/No Remarks

1 Clearance Letter
2 Approved Substation drawings

M National Environment Agency (NEA) Yes/No Remarks

1 Clearance Letter
2 Noise Assessment Report and Engine Emission Report

Edition 9.1

3 Standby Generator Licence Plate

4 Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC)

N Warranties (Hard and Soft Copies) and Test Reports Yes/No Remarks
1 PE endorsement on electrical system test reports, Form
Certificate of Compliance,
Form Certificate of Readiness, single line diagrams
2 PE endorsement on ACMV system test reports and designs
3 Fire escape plan chart & fire extinguisher location plan
4 Fire alarm telephone line decam service report
NEA noise assessment and engine emission report for Standby
5 Generator
Lux Simulation, Hydraulic Calculation, Load Calculation, Volt Drop
6 Calculation Reports
7 Earthing Resistance and Soil Resistivity Test Report
8 CFD and EMF/EMC Report

O Others Yes/No Remarks

1 Waivers with the supporting documentation
2 All Authorities Approvals (i.e., NOA, TOP, CSC etc.)
3 Records of sharing/ joint usage
4 Training Records
5 Product catalogues: operational life/ depreciation

Operational & Maintenance Manuals (O&M) and As Built Drawings Check List

As-Built O&M Asset Asset Recommended
& Servicing Remarks
Drawings Manuals Listing Lifecycle Maintenance Regime
2 Strategy
Overall Plans
3 Permissable
GFA, Escape
1. Architectural

Route etc.)
Tiling/ roofing
raised floor
details and
4 materials
5 Landscape
Spares (e.g
6 Tiles / Panels,
MEWP (Mobile
7 Platform)

Overall Plan


Edition 9.1

2 Services
Drawing (CSD)
Electrical and
Sanitary Plan
Sump pumps
Panel and
6 Control / Wiring
plan and details
11 BIM Model
Lifting beams/
13 Flood Barriers
Fall arrest
16 ST Submission
Single Line
Installation (E.g
MTS etc.)
3. Electrical

3 Generator and
Diesel Storage
4 Protection
5 Lighting
Switch Socket
Outlet (SSO)
Panel and
7 Control / Wiring
Control and/or
1 Wiring
4. Fire Alarm and Protection

Fire Protection
System (E.g
Fire Pumps,
Jockey Pump,
Sprinkler Tank
Fire Alarm
Hose Reel

Edition 9.1

6 Dry Riser
Clean Gas
7 Suppression
Fire Intercom
11 Zone Charts
Schematic for
12 Fire Alarm and
1 Line Diagrams

2 Chillers
3 Cooling Towers
H2 Sensor (for

Battery Room)
Ventilation Fan
6 FCU / CU
other ACMV
7 system
Panel and
Control / Wiring
8 Drawing
1 Hoist & crane
2 Roller shutter
6. M & E

3 Lifts

4 Escalators
Fire Curtain /
2 panel
3 PA System
4 Telephone
7. Others

5 Telecom
6 alarms
Crash Barriers
7 (Motorised or
Turnstile /
8 Metal Detector

As-built Drawings should make reference to the Page Number of the particular system
Additional Comments

Edition 9.1

All above submission shall come with relevant endorsement by relevant Qualified Person (QP),
Professional Engineer (PE), Accredited Checker (AC), Registered Architect (RA), Licensed Plumber,
Specialist, Registered Survey, and/or Licensed Electrical Worker (LEW).

Edition 9.1


Relevant stakeholders
S/No Items
of SP Group
1. Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM
2. Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM
3. Water proofing guarantee (Cable basement and structure foundation) **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM
4. Paint work guarantee **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM
5. Profited steel cladding guarantee **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM
6. Aluminum works guarantee **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM
7. Roller shutter warranty **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
8. Soil test report **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
9. Earth grid test report **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
10. PE endorsement on crane & hoist FM, M&E
11. Fire escape plan chart & fire extinguisher location plan FM, M&E
12. Fire alarm telephone line decam service report FM, M&E
13. Certificate of supervision of lightning protection system **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
14. Certificate of supervision for AC & MV **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
15. Certificate of supervision for fire safety works **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
16. Notice of Approval for Building Plan 01 **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
17. Notice of Approval for Building Plan 02 **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
18. Notice of Approval for Fire Protection **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, FM,
19. Notice of Approval for Mechanical Ventilation **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
20. Maintenance & servicing schedule for electrical system and uninterrupted **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
power supply M&E
21. Maintenance & servicing schedule for fire alarm system including fire FM, M&E
22. Maintenance & servicing schedule for ACMV system **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, M&E
23. M&E Operation & Maintenance Manual & As-built drawings: **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
Electrical & fire alarm system M&E
24. M&E Operation & Maintenance Manual & As-built drawings: **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
ACMV system M&E
25. M&E Operation & Maintenance Manual & As-built drawings: **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
Sump Pump system M&E
26. M&E Operation & Maintenance Manual & As-built drawings: **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
Hoist & crane M&E
27. M&E Operation & Maintenance Manual & As-built drawings: **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
Roller shutter M&E

Edition 9.1

Relevant stakeholders
S/No Items
of SP Group
28. Architectural As-built drawings (color PDF & DWG), including but not limited to: **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM,
a) Maintenance Boundary BDC, TRE, M&E, C&S
b) Maintenance Strategy
c) Overall plans
d) Tiling / roofing / cladding / raised floor details and materials
e) Landscape
f) Spare list
g) MEWP information (if available)
h) Land Owner Endorsement plans
i) URA Provisional Permission / Written Permission approvals with plans
j) As-built Survey plan and gazette order
29. Civil & Structural As-built drawings (color PDF & DWG), including but not TRE, TFM, M&E, C&S
limited to:
a) Overall plans
b) BIM models
c) Combined Services Drawings (CSD)
d) Structural, Electrical and Mechanical (SEM) drawings
e) Drainage / Sanitary plans
f) Drainage / Sump pumps
g) Waterproofing details
h) Foundation plan and details
i) Slab / column reinforcement
j) Perimeter fence
k) Fall arrest systems (if available)
l) Lifting hook / beam details and certificates (if available)
30. Electrical System As-built drawings (color PDF & DWG), including but not TRE, TFM, M&E
limited to:
a) Line diagrams
b) Electrical installation
c) Standby Generator(s)
d) Lightning Protection System
e) Earthing System
f) Lighting and power system plans
31. M&E As-built drawings, including but not limited to (color PDF & DWG): TRE, TFM, M&E
Fire system line diagram
Sprinkler system
Fire alarm system
Dry and Wet riser system
Gas suppression system
Emergency Voice Communication system
Fire extinguishers
ACMV line diagrams
Chiller system
Cooling tower system (if available)
MV system
Hoist & Crane
Roller shutter
32. Temporary Fire Permit (if available) M&E, TFM, BDC
33. Fire Safety Certificate M&E, TFM
34. TFCC Submission Plan (if available) **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM
35. CAAS Declaration by QP **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM
36. Clearance Certificate for DP on Sanitary/ Sewerage **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM
37. Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of Water Service Work (PUB) **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM
38. Corenet submission documents with letter of compliance by QP to all relevant **TRE, C&S, M&E, TFM
39. Utilities Account

Edition 9.1

Relevant stakeholders
S/No Items
of SP Group
40. NEA Noise Assessment and engine emission report for generators **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM
41. Product operational life and depreciation **EHVN, *RNE/RNW, TFM

Submission to be in the form of CD or Secured link to SPPG BDC’s Officer-In-

Charge with drawing list as per S/No, cover letter and relevant QP/PE

Test reports and Certificate of Fitness for Turn-On shall be submitted to the
SPPG’s Site Engineer-In-Charge before making arrangement with the Section to
turn-on of supply.

Original and duplicate copies of “Deed of Indemnity” or “Certificate of Warranty” as

specified in Attachment H shall be submitted.
The Contractors and their workers working at the Substation premises after
handover (during the DLP phase) shall enrol for the Safety @ SPPG course
conducted by Singapore Institute of Power and Gas (SIPG) at their own costs.

A set of hardcopy as-built structural drawing to be handover to FM for SCDF’s


*RNE/RNW – To be kept by one relevant section only.

**EHVN – For 400kV and 230kV substations

Edition 9.1


All figures given serve only as a guide for the purpose of preliminary information
for design. Final adjustments must be made by Developer's / Consultant's
Architect and Professional Engineer when details of equipment are confirmed by

Our requirements and comments are in no way complete and cannot possibly
include all the conditions/requirements as and when imposed by all other relevant

Developer / Consultant shall indicate on the submitted drawings the design load
of various room & equipment plinths.

7.1 Typical Weights of Equipment

400kV, 500/3MVA transformer (single-phase)  180 tonnes

400kV radiators (single-phase)  40 tonnes

230kV, 200MVA transformer  400 tonnes

230kV radiators  80 tonnes

230kV, 150MVA transformer  300 tonnes

230kV radiators  60 tonnes

400kV, 100MVAR shunt reactor (without radiator)  250 tonnes

400kV, 100MVAR shunt reactor's radiators  50 tonnes

230/22kV, 75MVA transformer  250 tonnes

230/22kV radiators  60 tonnes

230kV, 100MVAR shunt reactor  150 tonnes

230kV, 50MVAR shunt reactor  150 tonnes

66kV, 150MVAR TER shunt reactor  180 tonnes

22kV, 50MVAR TER shunt reactor  100 tonnes

66kV, 75MVA transformer  150 tonnes

Edition 9.1

66kV, 31.25MVA transformer  150 tonnes

66kV radiators  50 tonnes

22kV, 10MVA transformer  30 tonnes

22kV/LV, 1.5MVA transformer  6 tonnes

Neutral grounding resistor (NGR) (for 230/66kV  15 tonnes


Neutral grounding resistor (NGR) (for 230/22kV &  5 tonnes

66/22kV T/F)

22kV TER Neutral grounding resistor (NGR)  5 tonnes

22kV TER earthing transformer  12 tonnes

Edition 9.1

7.2 Floor Loading for Switchrooms

Please note that the loadings as listed below are for static loads only.
Developer / Consultant shall take into consideration the dynamic loads of the
respective switchgears from the switchgear suppliers (subject to

400kV switchroom  20 kN/m2

230kV switchroom  20 kN/m2

66kV switchroom  20 kN/m2

38kV switchroom  16 kN/m2

22kV switchroom  16 kN/m2

Control, communication, battery & battery charger  10 kN/m2

rooms, etc

Cable basement / chamber/floor  10 kN/m2

Pressure tank floor loading (static)  20 kN/m2

7.3 Floor Heights

a) Minimum clearance from finished floor level to underside of reinforced

concrete beam
400kV switchroom 15 metres

230kV switchroom 11 metres

66kV switchroom and 66kV TER switchroom 8 metres

38kV switchroom 5 metres

22kV switchroom and 22kV TER switchroom 3.5 metres

Control, Communication rooms (to ensure 4.0 metres

3.2m after M&E services)

Battery and Battery Charger rooms 3.5 metres

Cable floor below the 400kV and 230kV 1.8 metres

Control rooms (applicable only if the location
of the rooms is not at the common cable floor

Edition 9.1


Cable floor below 66kV and 22kV switchrooms 2 metres

b) Minimum clearance from finished floor level to underside of beam /

mechanical ventilation ducting
400kV cable floor 5 metres

230kV cable floor (suitable for one-and-a-half 4.5 metres

breaker configuration)

230kV cable floor (suitable for Double Busbar 3.5 metres


66kV and 22kV cable floor 2.5 metres

c) Clearance from top level of transformer plinth to underside of ceiling if

the reinforced concrete beam is not more than 1000mm deep
400kV and 230/66kV T/F bay 13 metres

66/22kV T/F bay, 66kV & 22kV TER shunt 9 metres


22kV T/F bay 6 metres

22kV/LV & 230/22kV T/F bay 4.5 metres

400kV and 230kV shunt reactor bay 13 metres

230kV series shunt reactor bay 13 metres

NGR bay for 230/22kV & 66/22kV T/F (6.5 4.5 metres

NGR bay for 230/66kV T/F (19.5 ohms) 8.5 metres

d) Clearance from finished floor level to underside of hook of:

i. Overhead travelling crane for:

400kV switchgear 13 metres

Edition 9.1

230kV switchgear 9 metres

66kV switchgear 6 metres

38kV switchgear 4 metres

ii. Lifting hoist for:

400kV and 230kV switchgear 9 metres

66kV switchgear 6 metres

38kV switchgear 4 metres

22kV switchgear 3.5 metres

400kV, 230kV and 66kV Control 3.0 metres

equipment (applicable if the location of
the rooms is not at the common
switchroom floor level)

1.0/1.5MVA transformer (applicable if 4 metres

transformer is not at 1st storey level)

iii. I-beam for:

66kV TER switchroom 8 metres

e) Clearance height from maintenance platform to the underside of:

i. crane or hoist hook 1m (min) to 1.2m (max)

Edition 9.1

7.4 Floor Openings and Floor Slabs

7.4.1 All floor openings in the switch rooms are indicative only and subject to
confirmation with SPPG's successful switchgear supplier.

7.4.2 Suitable wall and floor openings near to earth plate and column shall be
provided at the approved locations for running of earthing conductors:

a) 400kV Substation – 110mm diameter

b) 230kV Substation – 110mm diameter

c) 66kV Substation – 110mm diameter

7.4.3 2 nos. 50mm diameter outlets shall be provided at approved locations in the
22kV Switchroom for dehumidifier discharge. These outlets shall be
connected to pipes leading to drains at the ground level.

Edition 9.1

7.4.4 To provide 2 nos. of 4000mm(L) by 100mm(W) floor opening at approved

locations in the 22kV switchroom for auxiliary equipment.

7.4.5 The width of the floor openings shall be provided to the following rooms:

a) 400kV Control Room – 400mm

b) 400kV Communication Room – 400mm

c) 400kV Battery Charger Room – 400mm

d) 400kV Substation Automation System Room – 200mm

e) 230kV Control Room – 400mm

f) 230kV Communication Room – 400mm

g) 230kV Battery Charger Room – 400mm

h) 230kV Substation Automation System Room – 200mm

i) 66kV Control Room – 400mm

j) 66kV Communication Room – 400mm

k) 66kV Battery Charger Room – 400mm

7.4.1 No precast floor slabs are allowed in the following rooms:

a) 400kV, 230kV, 66kV and 22kV Switchrooms

b) 400kV, 230kV and 66kV Control Rooms

c) Communication Room and 22kV Switchroom

d) 66kV and 22kV Tertiary Switchrooms

Edition 9.1

7.4.2 The width of the switchroom floor openings (indicative only, subject to final
confirmation by SPPG) shall be provided as follows:

a) 400/230/66kV S/S

i. 400kV Switchroom – 1000mm

ii. 230kV Switchroom – 800mm

iii. 66kV Switchroom – 600mm (for single phase)

iv. 66kV Tertiary Switchroom – 600mm

v. 38kV Switchroom – 700mm

vi. 22kV Switchroom – 1100mm

vii. 22kV Tertiary Switchroom – 1100mm

b) 230/66kV S/S

i. 230kV Switchroom – 800mm

ii. 66kV Switchroom – 600mm (for single phase)

iii. 38kV Switchroom – 700mm

iii. 22kV Switchroom – 1100mm

c) 66/22kV S/S

i. 66kV Switchroom – 800mm (for three phase)

ii. 22kV Switchroom – 1100mm

Edition 9.1

7.5 Doors or Equipment Access

a) Main access gate for:

400kV & 230kV equipment 8m
66kV equipment 6m

b) Access road at main gate to be determined taking into consideration the

required turning radius of heavy equipment trailer / truck through the main

c) Width of access road for erection and maintenance:


i. 400/230kV transformer & 230/66kV 8m (outdoor),

transformer 9m (indoor)

ii. 66/22kV transformer 8m

iii. 22kV transformer 6m

d) Height Clearance for entrance into the internal driveway towards

transformer, switchgear or heavy equipment bays for:
i. 400kV transformer or shunt reactor 8m (min)
ii. 230kV transformer or shunt reactor 7m (min)
iii. 66kV transformer or 66kV & 22kV TER shunt 6m (min)
iv. 400kV switchgear 8m (min)
v. 230kV switchgear 7m (min)
vi. 66kV switchgear 6m (min)

e) Roller Shutters for:

Height Width
i. 400kV and 230kV switchrooms 5m 5m
ii. 66kV switchroom 5m 5m
iii. 66kV tertiary switchroom 5m 5m

Edition 9.1

f) Doors for:
Height (clear) Width (clear)
i. 22kV switchroom 3.2m 2m
ii. LV room, building services main 3m 2m
iii. 400kV, 230kV and 66kV control 3m 2m
iv. Communication room 3m 2m

v. RTU room 2.1m 1.2m

vi. Battery and charger rooms 2.1m 1.2m

vii. Staircase / Escape 2.1m 1m

viii. Test Bushing room 3m 2.4m
ix. Equipment room 3m 2m

7.6 Oil Interceptor

Capacity of oil a) 2500 litres


7.7 Lifting Voids

Minimum clearance size for the lifting voids shall be as follows:

i. 400kV and 230kV switchgear 5m x 6m

ii. 66kV switchgear 4m x 6m

iii. 22kV switchgear 4m x 3m

iv. Bird proof covers shall be provided over the lifting void at the 2nd
storey level. Walkways around the lifting void shall be provided for
human access and maintenance purposes.

v. Provision of kerb around lifting voids railing is not necessary.

Edition 9.1

7.8 Height of Blast Walls

Heights of blast walls provided to separate the following shall be:

Outdoor Transformer / Indoor Transformer /
Shunt Reactor / TER Shunt Reactor / TER
Shunt Reactor Shunt Reactor

i. 400/230kV and 6m Full height


ii. 400/230kV and 6m Full height

230/66kV shunt

iii. 66/22kV transformer 5m Full height

iv. 66kV and 22kV TER 5m Full height

shunt reactor

v. 22kV transformer 3m Full height

vi. 22kV/LV 3m Full height


Edition 9.1

7.9 Typical Room Sizes

Minimum room size for:

i. 400/230kV transformer bay 17.5m x 12m
ii. 66/22kV transformer bay 12m x 9m

iii. Communication room 7.5m x 5.5m

iv. 400/230kV Battery room A 9m x 5m

v. 400/230kV Battery room B 9m x 5m

vi. 66kV Battery room A 6.4m x 3.6m
vii. 66kV Battery room B 6.4m x 3.6m

viii. 400/230kV Battery charger room 6m x 5m

ix. 66kV Battery charger room 5m x 3m

x. RTU room 5m x 3m

7.10 Test Bushing Room Sizes

Minimum test bushing room size for:

i. 400kV Switchroom – size 4m wide x 7m long x 3m high wall

ii. 230kV Switchroom – size 4m wide x 7m long x 3m high wall

iii. 66kV Switchroom – size 4m wide x 7m long x 3m high wall

Edition 9.1



Preliminary information for purpose of design and final arrangement only after
equipment is confirmed.

Energy saving lightings shall be installed.

Sample boards relating to electrical installation (e.g. light fittings and

accessories, cable support system, etc) shall be submitted for SPPG’s review
and approval.

All emergency light fittings shall be provided with self-contained battery pack
which shall be integrated together with normal supply.

Key plan of electric power points and switches shall be provided next to the
respective sub-distribution boxes.

Refer to conceptual LV supply for 66kV Substation Building for schematic

layout details.

No parts of the cable tray, conduits and supports will cause any obstructions
to the access of the emergency escape door, electrical fittings, etc., or pose
any safety hazard to people in the substation. 2-way switch shall be provided
at all exit/entrance, if there are 2 or more exit/entrance on the same floor.

8.1 Substation Compound

a) Weatherproof security lighting shall be located or wall-mounted at

approved locations. Height of lamp shall be as follows:

i Road width of 7m or less use 70W mounted at 6m height

ii Road of above 7m to 15m use 150W mounted at 8m height

iii Road of 15m to 20m use 250W mounted at 10m height

iv Road width exceeding 20m use 400W mounted at 12m height

Edition 9.1

b) Lamp pole shall be complied with Land Transport Authority (LTA) latest
specification or equivalent subject to the approval of SPPG.

i Lamp pole shall be located as far as possible from the fence and
away from the direct line of sight from the CCTV pole.

ii External lighting for the substation building and security lighting of

approved design / type within substation compound shall be
controlled by a time-switch or other approved method. Light fittings
shall be accessible by maintenance personnel without the use of
standard tower wagons.

iii Illumination of average 30 lux shall be provided at the substation

building perimeter.

8.2 Stairways

a) Emergency lighting fittings: single-tubing

b) Switches: 2-way type to be located close to staircase entrance.

c) EXIT lighting

Edition 9.1

8.3 400kV, 230kV & 66kV Transformer Bay

a) Light Fittings: Twin-tubes mounted on both sides of the bay with longer
sides of the tube facing downwards. Switches for the lighting fittings.
Water-proof protective covers shall be provided. All outdoor fittings shall
be of weather-resistant type (IP65).

b) 200A TPN isolator for transformer oil purifier. Weatherproof cabinet shall
be provided for outdoor type.

c) Automatic submersible pumps shall be used when applicable. Proper

lighting shall be provided in the vicinity of the pump if installed.

d) Suitable isolator for submersible pump when necessary.

e) 1 no. 13A socket outlet shall be provided for every alternate indoor
transformer / shunt reactor / radiator bay.

f) Additional 2 nos. 150W floodlight shall be wall mounted at 4-metre height

(each opposite one another) and shall be provided for every transformer
and Shunt Reactor bay with supply from different phase.

g) 63A TPN isolator (A/C Supply) for the SF6 Gas Recovery and
Containment System (for 75MVA Gas Insulated Transformer) shall be
provided when applicable.

h) Oil Interceptor shall be provided

8.4 22kV Transformer Bay

a) Light fittings and switches. Water-proof protective covers shall be


b) Automatic submersible pumps shall be used when applicable. Proper

lighting shall be provided in the vicinity of the pump if installed.

c) 60A TPN isolator for HV equipment testing.

d) Suitable isolator for submersible pump when necessary.

e) 1 no. 13A socket outlet shall be provided for every alternate indoor
transformer bay.

f) Minimum 2 nos. 13A twin socket outlet shall be provided for every
alternate transformer room.

g) EXIT lighting

h) Emergency lighting

Edition 9.1

i) Oil Interceptor shall be provided (when applicable)

8.5 NGR Bay

a) Light Fittings: Twin-tubes mounted on both sides of the bay with longer
sides of the tube facing downwards. Switches for the lighting fittings and
water-proof protective covers shall be provided.

b) All outdoor socket outlet shall be weather-resistant type.

c) Emergency lighting

d) EXIT lighting

e) 1 no. 13A socket outlet shall be provided

f) Automatic submersible pumps shall be used when applicable. Proper

lighting shall be provided in the vicinity of the pump if installed.

8.6 Transformer Riser Shaft

a) 1 no. 13A socket outlet shall be provided

Edition 9.1

8.7 400kV & 230kV Switchroom

a) Light fittings: wall-mounted, twin-tube two continuous alternate rows at

3.5m and 4m from floor level.

b) Additional wall-mounted uplighter or flood lights (at between 4m to 4.5m

depending on equipment height) shall be provided at strategic locations
for 400kV and 230kV switchrooms only. The spacing and number of light
fittings shall be adequate to achieve an average lighting level of 300 lux
with uniformity (ratio of minimum to average lighting level) of not less than

c) Switches of 2-way type with at least 2 circuits separately controlled.

Master switches in that controls multiple lighting switches in a single
location near all the entrances to the room must be provided.

d) The uplighter / flood lights switches shall be segregated distinctly from

others and the uplighter / flood light switches shall be omitted from the
two (2) ways or master switches.

e) Emergency lighting

f) EXIT lighting

g) 400A TPN isolator for HV equipment testing

h) 60A TPN isolator for 12-tonne lifting hoist to be located near maintenance
platform (for multi-storey buildings only).

i) 45A TPN isolator for 5-tonne travelling crane (to be located near
maintenance platform).

j) 15A TPN isolator for each roller shutter

k) 13A socket outlets at column positions

l) 63A 5-pin socket outlet complete with 63A TPN isolator for SF6 charger

m) 32A 5-pin socket outlet complete with 32A TPN isolator for SF6 charger

n) 60A single-phase isolator for protection testing

o) Separate DB shall be provided

p) Master switches that controls multiple fan switches in a single location

near all the entrances to the room must be provided

Edition 9.1

8.8 66kV Switchroom

a) Light fittings: Wall-mounted, twin-tube two continuous alternate rows at

3.5m and 4m from floor level.

b) Additional wall-mounted uplighter or flood lights (at between 4m to 4.5m

depending on the equipment height) shall be provided at strategic
locations of the 400kV, 230kV and 66kVswitchroom if the width of
switchroom is more than 10 metre or the spacing and the number of light
fitting cannot adequately achieve an average lighting of 300 lux with an
uniformity (ratio of minimum to average lighting level) of not less than 0.8.

c) Switches of 2-way type with at least 2 circuits separately controlled.

Master switches that controls multiple lighting switches in a single location
near all the entrance to the room must be provided.

d) The uplighter / flood lights switches shall be segregated distinctly from

others and the uplighter / flood light switches shall be omitted from the
two (2) ways or master switches.

e) Emergency lighting

f) EXIT lighting

g) 300A TPN isolator for HV equipment testing

h) 60A TPN isolator for 10-tonne lifting hoist (to be located near
maintenance platform) (for multi-storey buildings only. Not required if a
12-tonne lifting hoist is available for same purpose).

i) 45A TPN isolator for 4-tonne travelling crane (to be located near
maintenance platform).

j) 15A TPN isolator for each roller shutter

k) 13A socket outlets at column positions

l) 2 nos. 63A 5-pin socket outlet complete with 63A TPN isolator for SF6
charger unit.

m) 32A 5-pin socket outlet complete with 32A TPN isolator for SF6 charger

n) 60A single-phase isolator for protection testing

o) Separate DB shall be provided

p) Master switches that controls multiple wall fan switches in a single

location near all the entrances to the room must be provided.

Edition 9.1

8.9 66kV TER Switchroom (for 400kV & 230kV substations)

a) Light fittings: Wall-mounted, twin-tube two continuous alternate rows at

3.5m and 4m from floor level

b) Additional wall-mounted uplighter or flood lights (at between 4m to 4.5m

depending on the equipment height) shall be provided at strategic
locations of the switchroom if the width of switchroom is more than 10
metre or the spacing and the number of light fitting cannot adequately
achieve an average lighting of 300 lux with an uniformity (ratio of
minimum to average lighting level) of not less than 0.8.

c) Switches of 2-way type with at least 2 circuits separately controlled

d) Emergency lighting

e) EXIT lighting

f) 300A TPN isolator for HV equipment testing.

g) 60A TPN isolator for 10-tonne lifting hoist (to be located near
maintenance platform) (for multi-storey buildings only. Not required if a
12-tonne lifting hoist is available for same purpose).

h) 45A TPN isolator for 4-tonne travelling crane (to be located near
maintenance platform).

i) 15A TPN isolator for each roller shutter

j) 13A socket outlets at column positions

k) 63A 5-pin socket outlet complete with 63A TPN isolator for SF6 charger

l) 32A 5-pin socket outlet complete with 32A TPN isolator for SF6 charger

m) 30A TPN isolator for SF6 charger unit

n) 60A single-phase isolator for protection testing

o) Separate DB shall be provided

p) Wall fan shall be provided

Edition 9.1

8.10 38kV Switchroom (for 400kV & 230kV substations, when applicable)

a) Light fittings: Wall-mounted, twin-tube two continuous alternate rows at

3.5m and 4m from floor level

b) Additional wall-mounted uplighter or flood lights (at between 4m to 4.5m

depending on the equipment height) shall be provided at strategic
locations of the switchroom if the width of switchroom is more than 10
metre or the spacing and the number of light fitting cannot adequately
achieve an average lighting of 300 lux with an uniformity (ratio of
minimum to average lighting level) of not less than 0.8.

c) Switches of 2-way type with at least 2 circuits separately controlled

d) Emergency lighting

e) EXIT lighting

f) 300A TPN isolator for HV equipment testing.

g) 45A TPN isolator for 3-tonne travelling crane (to be located near
maintenance platform).

h) 15A TPN isolator for each roller shutter

i) 13A socket outlets at column positions

j) 60A single-phase isolator for protection testing

k) Separate DB shall be provided

l) Wall fan shall be provided

Edition 9.1

8.11 22kV TER Switchroom (for 400kV & 230kV substations)

a) Twin tube light fittings are to be installed at 3.0m height from floor level
suspended from ceiling, and 2.4m height from floor level for wall-mounted
fittings. All light fittings which are suspended from ceiling over front of
switchgear shall be at least 1.5m from edge of switchgear floor opening

b) Switches of 2-way type

c) Emergency lighting.

d) EXIT lighting

e) 60A TPN isolator for HV equipment testing to be positioned facing the

front of the HV opening

f) 4 nos. 32A double-pole isolators not controlled by RCCB for SPPG's

battery charger. (2 nos. of the same phase to be positioned on each end
of switchgear floor opening).

g) 13A socket outlets

h) 45A TPN isolator for 5-tonne lifting hoist (to be located near maintenance
platform) (not required if a 10/12-tonne lifting hoist is available for same

i) Separate D/B 100A TPN is required.

j) 3 nos. 20A double-pole isolators (RCCB by-passed) for SPPG’s pilot wire
supervisory.witches of 2-way type

k) Wall fans shall be provided

Edition 9.1

8.12 22kV Switchroom

a) Twin tube light fittings are to be installed at 3.0m height from floor level
suspended from ceiling, and 2.4m height from floor level for wall-mounted
fittings. All light fittings which are suspended from ceiling over front of
switchgear shall be at least 1.5m from edge of switchgear floor opening.

b) Switches of 2-way type

c) Emergency lighting.

d) EXIT lighting

e) 60A TPN isolator for HV equipment testing to be positioned facing the

front of the HV opening.

f) 4 nos. 32A double-pole isolators not controlled by RCCB for SPPG's

battery charger. (2 nos. of the same phase to be positioned on each end
of switchgear floor opening).

g) 13A socket outlets

h) 45A TPN isolator for 5-tonne lifting hoist (to be located near maintenance
platform) (not required if a 10/12-tonne lifting hoist is available for same

i) Separate D/B 100A TPN is required.

j) 8 nos. 20A double-pole isolators (RCCB by-passed) for SPPG’s pilot wire

k) Wall fan shall be provided

8.13 LV Room / Building Services Main Switchroom

a) Twin-tube light fittings and switches

b) Emergency lighting

c) 13A socket outlets

Edition 9.1

8.14 Cable Floor and Cable Basement / Chamber

a) Light fittings shall be provided with galvanised wire mesh guards. The
average lux level in this room shall be 300 lux. Location of two-way
switches shall be approved by SPPG.

b) Switches 2-way type. Master switches that controls multiple lighting

switches in a single location near all the entrances to the room must be

c) Emergency lighting

d) EXIT lighting

e) 13A socket outlets

f) Automatic submersible pumps for cable basements / chambers shall be

used when applicable. Proper lighting shall be provided in the vicinity of
the pump if it is installed

g) Suitable isolator for submersible pump where necessary

h) Separate DB shall be provided

Edition 9.1

8.15 Cable Testing Chamber for 400kV Cable Only

a) Light fittings: single tube and spaced approximately 4m apart. (To be

provided with galvanised wire mesh guards and to be controlled from
switchroom level, positions of switches to be approved by SPPG).

b) Switches 2-way type. A master switch that controls multiple lighting

switches in a single location near the entrance to a room must be

c) Emergency lighting

d) EXIT lighting

e) 13A socket outlets

f) Automatic submersible pumps for cable basements / chambers shall be

used when applicable. Proper lighting shall be provided in the vicinity of
the pump if it is installed.

g) Suitable isolator for submersible pump where necessary

h) 60A TPN isolator for SF6 charger unit

i) 100A TPN isolator for cable jointing

j) Separate DB shall be provided

k) 400A TPN isolator for HV equipment testing

8.16 Control Room

a) Twin-tube light fittings and switches

b) Emergency lighting

c) EXIT lighting

d) 13A socket outlets

e) 15A TPN isolator for testing purposes

f) 4 nos 32A TPN isolator for portable air con

g) 2 nos 15A socket outlets

h) Separate DB shall be provided

Edition 9.1

8.17 Temporary Control Room (For A&A works)

a) Twin-tube light fittings and switches

b) Emergency lighting

c) EXIT lighting

d) 13A socket outlets

e) 15A TPN isolator for testing purposes

f) 2 nos 15A socket outlets

g) 2 nos. 32A TPN isolator for the battery charger

h) Separate DB shall be provided

8.18 Substation Automation System Room (for 400kV & 230kV substations)

a) Twin-tube light fittings and switches

b) Emergency lighting

c) EXIT lighting

d) 13A socket outlets

e) 15A TPN isolator for testing purposes

f) 2 nos 15A socklet outlets

8.19 Communication Room

a) Light fittings and switches

b) Emergency lighting

c) 13A socket outlets

d) 30A single phase emergency supply for supervisory battery charger (with
auto change over switch from generator for 230kV S/S only).

e) 1 no. 15A socket outlet

f) 4 nos. 20A double-pole isolators for security systems to be located near

the door entrance area.

g) 4 nos 32A TPN isolator for portable air con

Edition 9.1

8.20 Battery Room

a) Twin-tube light fittings. (Switches for lightings to be located near door

entrance outside the room) (*flame-proof, explosion proof, intrinsic safety

b) 13A socket outlets (*flame-proof, explosion proof, intrinsic safety type)

c) The room shall be mechanical ventilated and installed with clean gas fire
suppression system.

d) MV fans (flame-proof, explosive, intrinsic type) (to be located at highest

possible positions to provide effective ventilation)

e) MV fans (timer-controlled) and Fire Damper Control panels are to be

located near entrance outside the room

f) MV system shall be integrated with fire suppression system.

g) All wall openings shall be covered with fire stopped material.

h) Signage “KEEP DOOR CLOSED AT ALL TIMES” to be installed on the


i) All other electrical fittings not mentioned above must be (*flame-proof,

explosion proof, intrinsically safe type)

8.21 Battery Charger Room

a) Twin-tube light fittings and switches

b) 13A socket outlets

c) The room shall be air-conditioned

d) 30A TPN isolator

e) 1 no. 15A socket outlet

8.22 RTU Room

a) Light fittings and switches

b) 13A socket outlets

c) 2 nos. 20A DP isolator not controlled by RCCB for RTU battery charger.
(One to be positioned on each end of the RTU Room)

Edition 9.1

d) Sub D/B 60A SPN is required and to tap from D/B in 22kV switchroom.

Edition 9.1

8.23 Fire Pump Room (All fittings, switches and isolator shall be weather-

a) Light fittings and switches

b) 13A socket outlets

c) 15A TPN isolator for roller shutter if applicable

d) 20A TPN isolator for exhaust fans

e) 30A DP isolator for battery charger with UPS system

f) 60A TPN isolator for jockey pump

g) 2 nos. 200A TPN isolator for transfer pump (if the fire sprinkler water tank
is located at the roof top)

h) 600A TPN isolator for fire pump

i) Emergency Lighting

j) EXIT Lighting

k) Cat ladder access to the top of fire fighting water tank must come with
caging. The cage material must be heavy duty that of harder or thicker

l) Anchor point shall be provided along the ladder

m) Lifting or hoisting anchor point shall be installed at the ceiling for

maintenance purpose.

n) Fire pump room shall be sprinkler protected

o) Automatic submersible pumps for pump room shall be used when

applicable. Proper lighting shall be provided in the vicinity of the pump if
it is installed.

p) Suitable isolator for submersible pump where necessary

q) The pump room is preferred to be natural ventilated.

Edition 9.1

8.24 Water Tank Room (All fittings, switches and isolator shall be weather-

a) Wall mounted light fittings and switches

b) 13A socket outlets

c) 15A TPN isolator

d) Emergency Lighting

e) EXIT Lighting

f) The top of fire fighting water tank shall be barricade along the perimeter
to prevent work accident

8.25 Tariff Meter Room

a) Light fittings and switches

b) 1 no. 13A socket outlet

8.26 Equipment Room / Test Bushing Room

a) Twin-tube light fittings and switches

b) 13A socket outlets

8.27 Generator Room

a) Single-tube emergency lighting fittings and switches (*Explosion proof,

intrinsic safety type)

b) 13A socket outlets (*Explosion proof, intrinsic safety type)

c) Fuel Leakage Detection System

d) The room or outdoor designated space shall be accessed from common

corridor with proper double leaf door instead of cat ladder. The EDG shall
be easily transported in and out of the room during replacement or repair

e) Lifting anchor point come with the Safe Work Load label shall be

Edition 9.1

8.28 Lifting Void

a) 60A TPN isolator for 10-tonne lifting hoist (to be located near
maintenance platform)

b) 45A TPN isolator for 4-tonne or 5-tonne lifting hoist (to be located near
maintenance platform)

Edition 9.1


9.1 General Guidelines

9.1.1 A minimum of 4-door hinges shall be used to support all heavy-duty or solid

9.1.2 In addition to locks and latches, door handles of approved quality and design
shall be provided on both sides of all doors to facilitate closing / opening.

9.1.3 lronmongery installed on door exposed to weathering, shall be of outdoor

weather resistant type.

9.1.4 The latching arrangement for all doors shall be submitted to SPPG for
approval before construction.

9.1.5 Door latch shall be installed inside the toilet.

9.1.6 All locks shall be provided with at least 3 nos. individual keys each.

9.1.7 Every key shall be provided with a durable key tag with the respective room
names being properly engraved. Laminated sandwich type with black
surfaces and white core is preferred.

9.1.8 One number steel key cabinet of approved size to be provided at approved
location of 22kV switchroom while another key cabinet to be provided at
approved location of 66kV Control room. These boxes will contain all the
individual keys of respective door locks. Also key plan (A4 size) of various
floors showing locations shall be provided together.

9.1.9 Please refer to Appendix F for the locking arrangements

Edition 9.1


10.1 Fire Alarm Monitoring System to be Monitored by CISCO or SP

10.1.1 Where Fire protection system is required by the Fire Safety & Shelter
Department to be installed in a transmission substation, fire alarm monitoring
shall be provided either to be monitored by CISCO or SPPG, whoever is
selected as the licensed operator for the fire alarm monitoring system. The
selected operator shall be confirmed by SPPG before the tender is called.

10.1.2 Where CISCO is selected to monitor the fire alarm system, the successful
tenderer shall liaise with CISCO for their requirements.

10.1.3 Where SPPG is selected, the following requirements shall be incorporated:

a) A pair of normally close voltage free contacts shall be provided in the

main fire alarm panel for each fire alarm that is required to be monitored
and shall be wired from each fire alarm to the designated area as shown
in Schematic Diagram of Fire Alarm Cables. The cables shall be at least
1.5 mm sq. in size and each core shall be multi-stranded. Four (4) (one
duty and three (3) spares) spare pair of wires shall be provided in the
main fire alarm panel and terminated at the designated area shown in
Schematic Diagram of Fire Alarm Cables. The fire alarm cable shall be
laid in conduits / trunking and also to match with the building architectural

Edition 9.1

b) For 22kV and 66kV switchrooms which are located in separate buildings,
and transmission stations without 22kV RTU rooms. Two 10-pair pilot
cables shall be installed and terminated at the designated area as shown
in Schematic Diagram of Fire Alarm Cables.

c) Refer to Schematic Diagram of Fire Alarm Cables

Edition 9.1


Specifications for SP PowerAssets Substation Internal Name Plate

Aluminium plate shall be that of 2mm thickness.

Reflective sheeting of 3M Scotchlite Engineer Guide and 3M Scotchal premium cast

vinyl construction or other equivalent types to be approved by SPPG. All these films
shall be that of 2-mil. The specific colour of the cast vinyl shall be of the following:

Description Colour Colour Code

Base top - white 3M 3290
bottom - blue PMS 2945C
Substation name white 3M 3650-10

The sheeting manufacturer shall provide a deed of warranty for 3 years and 5 years
respectively for Scotchlite grade and Scotchal grade in respect of adhesion, colour and
weather resistance for the material provided.

The aluminium plate shall be rectangular in shape of dimensions 80cm x 37cm x 2mm.
The aluminium plate shall have a drilled hole in each corner. All sharp edges and
corners shall be rounded. The font sizes and heights of the labels shall be as follows:

Description Font Height

Substation name Geomanist (bold) 50mm

The blue reflective sheeting shall be stuck-on and completely over the whole aluminium
plate. The white reflective sheeting shall be overlaid onto the blue reflective sheeting.
All application of the stuck-on shall be using the dry mount roller method. The
substation name plate shall be rejected if any bubbles or air pockets appear on the
reflective sheeting. A computerized signage machine shall produce all the cast vinyl
films to be pasted in the overlay aluminium plate as shown in drawing no.
AVMB007-00-02 titled “Typical SP PowerAssets Substation Internal Name Plate”.

The substation nameplate shall be secured mounted on the substation door or wall. The
Developer / Consultant shall check with the SPPG Engineer-in-charge before fixing the
substation nameplate.

Edition 9.1

Page No. Drawing Title Drawing No.

1. Schematic Diagram of Fire Alarm Cables AVMB013-00-02

2. Typical Details of Cable Riser AVMB004-00-03

3. Typical Details of Replaceable Safety Grating over AVMB005-00-03

Cable Ramp or Void

4. Typical Details of Feature Wall near Gate Entrance AVMB006-00-02

5. Typical SP PowerAssets Substation Internal Name AVMB007-00-02


6. Typical Details of Anchorage Hook for Transformer AVMB008-00-01


7. Typical Details of Temporary Covering over AVMB009-01-04-

Openings & Cable Entry Pipes

8. Typical Details of Detachable Fence and Gate AVMB010-00-02

9. Typical Details of Detachable Railing and Anchor AVMB011-00-02

Ring for Life-Line

10. Typical Flexible UPVC Plug Detail for Capping of AVMB012-00-01

Cable Pipes

11. Typical Details for Stamping of Earth Bars AVMB014-00-03

12. Typical Detail for Wooden Mandrel AVMB015-00-01

13. Conceptual LV Supply for 66/22kV Substation 66MB004-00-04

Building (For Substation Developer)

14. Typical Details of Substation Main Gate for 66MB002-00-06

Transmission 66kV Substation Only

15. Typical Details of Welded Mesh Fencing for 66MB003-00-06

Transmission 66kV Substation Only

16. Conceptual LV Supply for 400/230/66kV Substation 40MB002-01-05

Building (For Substation Developer) – Sheet 1 of 2

17. Conceptual LV Supply for 400/230/66kV Substation 40MB002-02-05

Building (For Substation Developer) – Sheet 2 of 2

18. Conceptual LV Supply for 230/66kV Substation 23MB005-00-05

Building (For Substation Developer)

19. Typical Details of Substation Main Gate for 23MB004-00-05

Transmission 230kV Substation and Above

Edition 9.1

20. Typical Details of Welded Mesh Fencing for 23MB003-00-05

Transmission 230kV Substation and Above

21. Typical Details of Guardhouse for 230kV 40MB001-00-03

Substations and above / Tunnel Equipment
Buildings for Transmission Cables Only

22. Typical Section A-A Details of Guardhouse Counter 40MB003-00-01

Edition 9.1
AVMB013-00-02 1
AVMB004-00-03 2
AVMB005-00-03 3
AVMB006-00-02 4
AVMB007-00-02 5
AVMB008-00-01 6
o90 [3.543] o90 [3.543]

Ø155 [6.102] Ø155 [6.102]

o90 [3.543] o 90 [3.543]

Ø155 [6.102] Ø155 [6.102]

AVMB010-00-02 8
AVMB011-00-02 9
AVMB012-00-01 10
AVMB014-00-03 11
AVMB015-00-01 12
66MB004-00-04 13
66MB002-00-06 14
66MB003-00-06 15
40MB002-01-05 16
40MB002-02-05 17
23MB005-00-06 18
23MB004-00-05 19
23MB003-00-05 20
40MB001-00-03 21
40MB003-00-01 22

1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 2
2. MAIN GATE (AND/OR SECONDARY GATE, IF AVAILABLE) .................................................. 2
CABLE BEAM (DROP- ARM BARRIER) ................................................................................. 3
4. PERIMETER FENCE LINE ...................................................................................................... 7
BOLLARDS (PERIMETER BARRIER SYSTEM) ........................................................................ 8
6. FULL HEIGHT ROTARY OUTDOOR TURNSTILES ................................................................ 10
7. FACIAL RECOGNITION (FR) SYSTEM ACCESS CONTROL .................................................... 12
8. SECURITY GUARDHOUSE .................................................................................................. 18
9. SECURITY LIGHTING .......................................................................................................... 20
10 TRANSFORMER BAY SCREENS .......................................................................................... 21
11 BUILDING FAÇADE OPENING............................................................................................ 26
12 LOCKS AND SECURITY SYSTEMS ....................................................................................... 26
SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM (SCCS) OF SP GROUP ......................................................................... 31

Edition 9.1 1

1. General

1.1. The following sections are for reference and information only. A Security
Consultant who has received clearance from SP’s Information & Corporate
Security Department shall be engaged by the Main Consultant/Contractor to be
responsible for advising on the specified works.

2. Main Gate (and/or Secondary Gate, if Available)

2.1. General

2.2. Swing gate, unless otherwise specified, is to be provided. Swing gate shall be
designed to open inwards into the substation compound when possible.

2.3. Swing gate shall be made of mild steel material. Mild steel grilled gate comprising
of mild steel hollow section shall not be smaller than 75mm x 50mm x 5mm thick
surround, mid-way horizontal and vertical support with infilling of mild steel flat
bars not exceeding 25mm x 6mm thick, at spacing of not more than 50mm centre
to centre, complete with 5 numbers of hinges, shoot bolt, drop bolts, etc., applied
with 1 coat of primer and 2 finishing coats of enamel paint. They shall be suitably
designed and properly installed to avoid misalignment, sagging and difficulties in
locking. Design shall be approved by SPPG.

2.4. A wicket (side gate) shall be provided at main gates of 400kV & 230kV substations.
Wicket gates at secondary gates will not be necessary unless otherwise specified
by SPPG.

2.5. The gate shall be constructed in the manner that it will not be easily toppled in
the event of accidental impact.

2.6. There shall be an anti-climb mesh bolted to the gate frame with angle bar, flat bar
and garage bolts and topped with 500mm high razor mesh. The razor mesh shall
also be installed above the gate posts such that the razor mesh appears
continuous between the perimeter fence line and the main gate.

2.7. If the gate is of sliding type, there shall be an entry and exit safety sensor
(photobeam sensor. See Para. 13.22.22).

2.8. The Developer / Consultant shall be responsible for the design, supply, installation,
testing and commissioning of the swing gate or sliding gate, if applicable.

2.9. All drawings on the design of the above systems shall be endorsed by a
Professional Engineer and submitted to SPPG for reference.

Edition 9.1 2

Refer to relevant drawings in Attachment E of “Guidelines / Requirements for

Above Ground Transmission Substation Buildings (For 400kV, 230kV &66kV
Standalone Substation only)”.

3. Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) Barrier: Manual or Electromechanical Cable Beam

(Drop- Arm Barrier)

3.1. The barrier shall be manual type (non-motorised) for 66kV substations and all-
electric (motorised) for 230kV and above substations.

3.2. The Drop-Arm Barrier shall be located no more than 1.2 meters behind the main
(and/or secondary) gate. The barrier shall open vertically.

3.3. For the motorised barrier:

The barrier shall consist of 3-phase electric motor and its accessories shall be
housed in an outdoor lockable well-ventilated cabinet/box of IP rating of 65 to
prevent over-heating and moisture accumulation.

In the event of failure, the barrier shall be able to operate manually by a single

The vehicle detection loop, as a safety feature, shall be provided to prevent

accidental drop of the drop-arm onto any vehicle. Similarly, limit switches shall
also be provided to prevent the drop-arm from hitting onto any parts of a
stationary or moving vehicle.

The control panel, for operation of the barrier, shall be provided to control the
rising and lowering of the drop-arm in both local and remote mode. The remote
control shall be of wireless encrypted type.

The Contractor shall provide system operation manual and training sessions on
the operation of barriers. A minimum of three (3) training sessions per installation
site shall be provided. Schedule of the additional training sessions shall be
provided at a later stage.

All electrical works and drawings shall be carried out and duly certified by a
Licensed Electrical Worker (LEW).

3.4. The construction of the concrete plinth, pit, etc. and all associated Works shall be
carried out by the Contractor.

3.5. The barrier shall be certified to meet any of the following test standards, or

Edition 9.1 3

a. ASTM 2656, Standard Test Method for Crash Testing of Vehicle Security

i. Rating: M30 P1

ii. To mitigate a vehicle of weight 6800 kg traveling at 48 km/h.

b. PAS 68

i. Rating: V/7,500[N2]/48/90:1/0

ii. To mitigate a vehicle of weight 7500 kg traveling at 48 km/h, causing

penetration of 1m and less.

c. IWA 14-1

i. Rating: V/7,200[N2A]/48/90:1

ii. To mitigate a vehicle of weight 7200 kg traveling at 48 km/h, causing

penetration of 1m and less.

3.6. Crashworthiness test certificate must be provided by the Vendor/Manufacturer.

Certified true copies of the crashworthiness test certificate/reports, etc. must be
submitted for approval prior to the purchase of the barriers. The installed barrier
must be identical to the one tested and approved. PE endorsements, calculations,
computer simulations, etc., shall not be acceptable in-lieu of the crashworthiness
test certificates/reports.

3.7. The methods of installation and the design of the RC structure of the proposed
crash barrier shall be duly endorsed by a Civil & Structural and/or Mechanical
Professional Engineer prior to installation to ensure compliance to
Manufacturer’s requirements. Site installation and inspection reports shall be
endorsed by the Professional Engineer accordingly.

3.8. Contractor shall submit his proposed Project Schedule including key milestones,
barriers delivery schedule, manpower deployment, and etc. that meets the
timeline set forth by SP.

3.9. Any cost incurred due to design deviation from the original, approved design shall
be deemed to be included as part of the scope including the requirement to
conduct an actual crash test at an approved, independent test centre to validate
the design.

3.10. The Contractor shall include all necessary Works required to construct the crash
barrier at Site to comply with the crashworthiness requirement.

Edition 9.1 4

3.11. The crash barrier shall be a good grade assembly containing a hinged rigid steel
wire rope crash beam, counterweights; gas assisted counterbalance struts,
securable by padlock provision and unit bollards. The barrier shall be secured by
means of a padlock when it is in the down position.

3.12. The beam assembly of the barrier shall absorb the force of an intruding vehicle
and then be able to transmit the force to the foundation bollards of the barrier.

3.13. The barrier shall be able to provide sufficient height clearance for heavy vehicles
(e.g. fire engines, refuse collection vehicles etc.) to pass through the driveway
when the drop-arm is in the fully up position.

3.14. The frame and structure of the barrier shall be adequately treated with suitable
coating to ensure maximum protection against environmental corrosion and the
harsh outdoors environmental elements. The barrier shall be provided with two
colours (yellow and black) architectural grade weatherproof reflective paint /
stickers. The exact colour shade of the paint / stickers shall be submitted for SP’s

3.15. Reporting faults:

The Vendor shall provide SP with a 24-hour telephone number for reporting any
faults, during and after DLP.

The Vendor shall also provide mobile contacts of supervisors who must be readily
contactable, during or after office hours, to SP for any matter pertaining to the
crash barriers.

3.16. Service reports:

The Vendor shall submit maintenance reports, ad-hoc fault and repair reports to
SP within 3 days from the date of completion.

3.17. Availability of Items of System:

The Vendor shall, at his own expenses, obtain, store and maintain serviceable
condition of essential parts and materials of the crash barriers, which are readily
available for the making good of any loss of or damage to the equipment and for
the replacement of defective parts discovered during DLP (24 months).

3.18. Response and Resolution Time (Where Applicable)

The Response Time shall commence from the time that a breakdown, fault or
defect is detected (whether during DLP, routine servicing or inspection or upon
SP’s report (verbal or written) to the Vendor, up to the time that the Vendor
arrives at the site of the relevant breakdown, fault or defect.

Edition 9.1 5

The Vendor shall be responsible to respond to the breakdown, fault or defect and
the Response Time shall apply during and after normal working hours, including
Sundays and Public Holidays.

The Resolution Time is the time taken by the Vendor to:

a. Diagnose, troubleshoot and rectify, and/or diagnose and arrange to rectify,

the breakdown, fault or defect.

b. The Vendor shall be liable to adhere to the Response and Resolution Times
as shown below.

c. The Vendor shall be required to be on standby at all times (i.e. 24 hours of

the day × 7 days of the week) to respond to and resolve any breakdown/
fault/ defect that are deemed critical or urgent or minor within the
timeframes set below:

i. Response Time

 Response Time shall commence from the time that a breakdown,

fault or defect is detected (whether during routine servicing or
inspection or upon the Company’s report (verbal or written) to the
Supplier), up to the time that the Contractor arrives at the site of
the relevant breakdown, fault or defect.

 The Contractor shall be responsible to respond to the breakdown

and comply with the Response Time as shown in Table 3-1 below,
including Sundays and Public Holidays.

ii. Resolution Time

 Resolution Time is the time taken by the Contractor to:

 Diagnose, troubleshoot and rectify and/or

 Diagnose and arrange to rectify, the breakdown, fault or
d. The Contractor shall be liable to adhere to the Response and Resolution
Timelines as shown in the following. The Company shall be entitled to issue
demerit points against the Contractor for any infringement in this respect.

i. The Contractor shall be required to be on standby to respond to any

breakdown/ fault/ defect that are deemed Critical (C) or Urgent (U).

ii. The Contractor shall be responsible to rectify the breakdown and comply
with the Resolution time as shown in Table 3-1, including Sundays and
Public Holidays.

Edition 9.1 6

Breakdown Response Time

Classification Resolution Time
(BC) During office hours After office hours

Critical (C)1 1 hour 1 hours

9 a.m. the next day
Urgent (U)2 2 hours 2 hours

Minor (M)3 One (1) Working Day Next Working Day One (1) Working Day

Table 3-1: Response and Resolution Time Expectation

4. Perimeter Fence Line

4.1. The total height of the perimeter fence shall be no less than 3500mm (above
grade level) at any point of the perimeter fence line, unless otherwise specified.

4.2. Anti-climb welded wire mesh shall be installed and topped with razor mesh.

4.3. Fence fabric to be constructed from low carbon steel wire with minimum tensile
strength of 800 kg.

4.4. Mesh size of the welded mesh shall be 75mm (H) by 12mm (W) to discourage
fingerhold onto the fence fabric.

4.5. The fence fabric shall be manufactured of hot dipped galvanized wire and of
Gauge size 6 (4mm diameter).

4.6. Welded mesh is to be embedded at least 25mm deep into the reinforced concrete
footing (approximately 300 mm thick at the height of 150mm - 200mm from grade

4.7. Wherever a Perimeter Barrier System (Beam Barriers and/or Bollards) cannot be
installed, the welded mesh is to be embedded at least 25mm deep into a crash-
rated low knee wall.

This low knee wall must comply with the crash worthiness requirements under
Para. 5.

System failure, connection/communication loss, actual intrusion, etc.
Unable to arm/disarm, icom fail.
Siren or strobe light faulty, cable wear and tear, etc.

Edition 9.1 7

The fence fabric of the perimeter fence shall be no less than 2350mm (H) as
measured from top of the low knee wall to the base of the razor mesh topping.

The top surface of this low knee wall shall be angled downwards towards the
outside of the substation to discourage foothold on top of the wall.

4.8. There shall be a continuous underground anti-burrow curb of at least 300mm

(below grade level) to deter intrusion by burrowing.

4.9. The welded mesh fence fabric shall be secured to the fence posts with all nuts and
bolts made tamper-proof either by design, peening or welding.

4.10. The razor mesh shall be affixed to the top of the welded mesh anti-climb fence
fabric to form a continuous deterrence against scaling.

4.11. Razor mesh to be at least 500mm (H) and attached securely to the fence line.

4.12. Razor mesh blade to be 0.5mm thick with 25mm (L) x 12mm (W) and intermesh
spacing of 30mm.

4.13. Any structure, equipment or fixture within the site of the substation shall be
located at least 1.5m away from the perimeter fence line and not taller than 2.0m
in height. This does not apply to mandatory items including, but not limited to
street lamp posts, CCTV camera poles, trees, bollards, etc.

5. Perimeter Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) Barrier: Beam Barriers and/or Bollards
(Perimeter Barrier System)

5.1. The Perimeter Barrier System protection line shall be constructed to form a
continuous physical perimeter protection line around the substation.

5.2. The Contractor shall propose the most appropriate and multiple products solution
(at least 3 products that comply to the crashworthiness requirement stated in
Para. 5.4). Perimeter Barriers System along the perimeter of the substations that
meets SP’s objectives of providing an anti-crash perimeter to the intended
protection requirement.

5.3. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, supply and installation of all
related Works for the complete set of Perimeter Barrier System to be as close as
possible to the perimeter fence line, within the site of the substation.

5.4. The barriers shall be certified to meet any of the following test standards:

a. ASTM 2656-15, Standard Test Method for Crash Testing of Vehicle Security

Edition 9.1 8

i. Rating: M30P1

ii. To mitigate a vehicle of weight 6800 kg traveling at 48 km/h.

b. PAS 68

i. Rating: V/7,500[N2]/48/90:1/0

ii. To mitigate a vehicle of weight 7500 kg traveling at 48 km/h, causing

penetration of 1m and less.

c. IWA 14-1

i. Rating: V/7,200[N2A]/48/90:1

ii. To mitigate a vehicle of weight 7200 kg traveling at 48 km/h, causing

penetration of 1m and less.

5.5. Crashworthiness test certificate must be provided by the vendor/manufacturer.

Certified true copies of the crashworthiness tested certificate/reports, etc. by the
manufacturers, must be submitted for approval prior to the purchase of the
barriers. The installed barrier must be identical to the one tested and approved.
PE endorsements, calculations, computer simulations, etc., shall not be
acceptable in-lieu of the crashworthiness test certificates/reports.

5.6. The Contractor shall be responsible for all associated civil works from the
excavation of the trenches/pit, cutting of roads, construction of concrete plinth
etc. for the new Perimeter Barrier along the perimeter of the substations.

5.7. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for approval by SP prior to installation.
All shop drawings shall be duly endorsed by a Professional Engineer before

5.8. Contractors are advice to as much as possible to avoid locating the foundation of
the Perimeter Barriers above any of SP’s incoming and/or outgoing underground
power cables. If unavoidable, the depth of the foundation of the Perimeter
Barriers shall allow a clearance gap spacing of at least 200mm to avoid touching
the underground power cables.

5.9. The Contractor shall submit the proposed Project Schedule including key
milestones, barriers delivery schedule, manpower deployment, etc. that meets
the timeline set forth by SP.

5.10. The Contractor shall provide the Perimeter Barrier System installation method
statements for each individual site for approval by SP before commencing the

Edition 9.1 9

5.11. The Contractor is to take note that the installation of the Perimeter Barrier System
along the perimeter maybe subjected to approval by the Security Authorities. In
the event that any installation method defers from the Manufacturers’
recommended methods of installation, the Contractor maybe required to
substantiate his design calculations to the satisfaction of SP.

5.12. Any cost incurred due to design deviation from the original, approved design shall
be deemed to be included as part of the scope including the requirement to
conduct an actual crash test at an approved Test Centre to validate the design.

5.13. The Perimeter Barriers shall be easy to maintain and blend in aesthetically to the

5.14. The minimum height of the Perimeter Barrier System shall not be less than
650mm measured from the finished ground level to the top of the Perimeter
Barriers. The height of the Perimeter Barriers shall be capable to be varied to suit
the security threat analysis subjected to SP’s final approval.

5.15. There shall not be any gap between the Perimeter Barrier System and other HVMs
along the perimeter line. If a gap is unavoidable, the clear spacing of the gap shall
not exceed 1.2m.

5.16. The Contractor shall submit the shop drawings indicating clearly the locations of
the Perimeter Barrier System along the perimeter duly endorsed by a Professional
Engineer for approval by SP before the commencement of the Works.

5.17. Shrubs planted along the Perimeter Barrier System, if any, shall be reinstated.

6. Full Height Rotary Outdoor Turnstiles

6.1. The Contractor shall design, supply, install, test and commission the proposed
rotary turnstile unit, including and not limited to the following:

Steel rotary turnstile:

a. Minimum height clearance shall be 2000mm.

b. Gap between bars shall not be more than 150mm

Entry/exit Lane with Facial Recognition access control and video intercom (see
Para. 7) on both sides for Turnstile Entrance.

Operating duty cycle: Continuous.

Anti-corrosion Protection (galvanising/polyester coated).

Edition 9.1 10

Electronics enclosure above the turnstile shall be weatherproof IP rated.

Free operation (exit only) during power failure and upon activation of fire alarm.

Manual overwrite key switch at both entry & exit.

Remote release button to control the rotary turnstile shall be installed at the
respective guard house.

6.2. The proposed turnstile unit shall be used in conjunction with an Electronic Access
Control System and Video Intercom to provide an effective and cost-effective
physical barrier to unauthorised entry.

6.3. The proposed turnstile units shall be fabricated from stainless steel grade 316 and
of Hairline Matt finishes. The Contractor shall submit the sample for approval.

6.4. The Contractor shall make good and terminate to the existing fence line after
installing the proposed turnstile on site.

6.5. The proposed single walkway bi-directional full height turnstile shall be a high
security entrance control for external installation and must be manufactured from
the factory.

6.6. The overall dimension of the single walkway shall be at least 1520(W) x 2100(D) x
2375(H) mm with a clear walkway ceiling height of 2000 mm.

6.7. The construction of the frame sections shall be of box heavy steel, galvanised for
anti-corrosion protection and powder-coated in a range of standard colours.

6.8. A canopy shall be provided as standard and form an integral part of the turnstile,
painted to a similar colour as the turnstile frame. Concealed rainwater down pipe
must be provided.

6.9. The rotor assembly shall be steel, all welded contraction with straight arms, hot
dipped galvanised with powder-coated finishing.

6.10. The central rotating column of the three-segment rotor assembly (120 degrees
configuration) shall be of hot dipped galvanised mild steel cylindrical section to
which are welded straight tubular rotor bars.

6.11. The bottom bearing supporting the central rotating column shall be a ball and
cone iron bearing and a phosphor bronze bearing at the top end.

6.12. All parts of the electro-mechanical head mechanism shall be of hardened steel
and machined cast iron control element and shall be well protected against
corrosion, contamination, dust, etc. A positive action lock shall be provided to
prevent two passages at any one time.

Edition 9.1 11

6.13. The turnstile shall be provided with microprocessor control logic housed within
the unit and no separate switch or control boxes are allowed to be accommodated
elsewhere. The control shall be able to integrate fully the proposed card access
system and have facilities for:

Interface with access system via voltage free contacts.

Voltage free fire alarm input to be provided for a fail-safe state.

Access Control System inhibit for bi-directional control.

Reset Output signal upon a valid physical passage.

Time out facility (adjustable 5-30 secs) to cancel the ‘Go’ signal if passage is not
completed within a pre-set time.

6.14. A stainless-steel grade 316 reader pedestal stand shall be supplied as standard at
both sides to accommodate the video intercom, card reader and facial recognition

6.15. Red and Green status light shall be provided as standard and flushed mounted
into the upright of the unit at eye level position. The red LED is continuously
illuminated until a Go’ signal is received from the Electro-mechanical head
mechanism, not at a ‘Go’ signal received from the access reader, when the green
light is illuminated indicating that mechanism is unlocked and passage is

6.16. A weatherproof emergency door release (“Break Glass”) unit shall be installed. It

be suitable for outdoor installations with IP67 weatherproof rating.

be located at least 1.5 meters behind the turnstile, such that it is beyond the reach
of a person standing right outside the perimeter fence line or turnstile.

only allow exit and not entrance in case of emergency.

have double pole contacts.

7. Facial Recognition (FR) System Access Control

7.1. The Contractor shall design, supply, install, test and commission the proposed FR
unit consisting of and not limited to the following:

7.2. The FR system and card reader-based access control through existing turnstiles
via 2FA.

Edition 9.1 12

7.3. The software necessary for a complete and operational requirement.

7.4. The hardware necessary to complete the FR system installation, including all but
not limited to:

2 ultra-low lux high resolution outdoor fixed cameras.

All FR system hardware and licenses required to enable full functionality of the
system, e.g. server license, network switch, controllers, etc.

2 Outdoor Video Intercom Units. The video intercom units shall be located at the
entry and exit points of the turnstile and shall be able to communicate with the
Company’s existing Master Intercom at SCC and ASCC.

Two IP65 rated FR Stand that houses the FR reader, iClass SE Card Reader, Video
Intercom Unit, Break Glass Button (For Exit Only) and LED indicators shall be
supplied and installed at the entry and exit point of the turnstiles.

All accessories and cabling as required.

Civil works required to ensure smooth and successful FR system operations,

subject to SP’s acceptance.

The FR system shall be able to integrate with SP’s turnstile to provide access
control functions. Integration works to the turnstiles to enable access control by
the face recognition system shall be included in the scope. Such works include
the mounting and wiring of equipment (e.g. camera) on the turnstiles and
integrated to fire alarm system for automatic release during fire activation.

Project Management throughout the entire project cycle.

Administrator, Operator and User Training.

7.5. The Contractor shall provide complete drawings that include the following:

Site plans that indicate the location of all hardware devices

Mounting drawings

Schematic drawings and wiring instructions showing interconnections of the

various hardware devices

7.6. The Contractor shall also provide the Manuals and Product Data as follows:

Electronic or printed datasheets

Installation manuals

Edition 9.1 13

Configuration and operation manuals

7.7. Qualification

The installer shall be trained by the Vendor to install, configure and commission
the FR access control system.

7.8. Certification

7.9. The Vendor shall submit certifications that its face recognition algorithm has been
independently tested by internationally recognized testing institutes and is top
rated for accuracy and speed.

7.10. Products:

Product Description

a. The solution shall integrate back to the existing facial recognition servers
and capable of managing various hardware devices including cameras, door
controllers etc. The building access control system shall be able to manage
and monitor all connected hardware via a fast Ethernet network over TCP/IP

b. The solution must be able to integrate with the existing building access
control system of SP without extensive customization.

c. The solution must be able to have anti-spoofing feature which will detect
false identity that are presented/ produced through a photo, camera, etc.
with intention to forge the identity to gain access.

Network Communication

a. System shall use Ethernet based communication as its primary commination

method and shall comply with IEEE 802.3 industry standards.

b. The system shall include support for the following minimum network
configuration settings:

i. DHCP client

ii. DHCP server

iii. Static IP Address

iv. IP address properties:

v. IP address (IPv4)

Edition 9.1 14

vi. Subnet mask

vii. Default gateway and Preferred DNS Server

c. The system shall be able to act as a DHCP server and allocate IP addresses
(given a certain range) to hardware devices.

7.11. 3rd Party Integration

The system shall support integrating to 3rd party systems such as access control
systems, CCTV systems etc.

The system shall support simple Web APIs.

The system shall support both HTTP and HTTPs protocols.

7.12. Facial Recognition (FR) System Specification

FR System Functional Requirements

The FR system shall be able to support both front-end image comparison (device
offline matching) and back-end image comparison for 1: N matching.

The FR system shall be able to support access control for turnstiles and doors. It
shall be able to set the duration for the access control period.

The FR system shall be able to detect tailgate personnel and alert, in junction with
the facial recognition access control.

The FR system shall be able to have the function to alert for blacklist personnel.

The FR system shall be able to alert for stranger identification.

The FR system shall be able to display the matching score for face matching
regardless if the score is below or above the threshold.

The FR system shall be able to have search functions including and not limited to
the following:

a. Search by photo.

b. Search based on time-period, location of the map, edge devices/equipment,

face library, matching score, alarm types, rules, etc.

c. Be able to export the search results as a report output.

Edition 9.1 15

The FR system shall be able to have, but not limited to the following types of alerts,
and shall be able to define different alert types using colour coding for easy

a. Whitelist match

b. Whitelist abnormal alert, which means the whitelist personnel appears

beyond the pre-defined date/time period at certain area

c. Blacklist alert

d. Stranger alert

e. Liveness attack alert

The FR system shall allow user to select the captured images so that the system
will show the trajectory based on the selected images for user to track and trace
the capture images. The trajectory result shall be allowed to export out the

The FR system shall be able to allow both single image enrolment and bulk
enrolment for facial. System shall allow up to 10,000 photos at any one time for
bulk upload.

Any enrolment photo:

a. rejected during the bulk upload, reason for rejection shall be clearly given
so that the user will be able to follow up.

b. rejected due to the low photo quality, will be automatically rejected with
the reason given to user for follow up.

The FR system shall be able to perform 1:1 photo image comparison in the system
by inputting two photos on the Web interface and returning the matching score.

The FR system shall be able to perform photo quality check in the system by
inputting one image on the Web interface and photo quality will be returned as a
result in the system on the web interface.

7.13. Technical Requirement:

The FR system shall be able to support both Http and Https Restful API interface
for integration with external systems.

All communications between the client and the server shall be https.

7.14. Performance Requirements:

Edition 9.1 16

The FR system shall be able to support up to 300,000 image libraries for matching.

The FR system shall be able to capture up to 20 million history records.

Facial enrolment registration success rate > 99%.

Response time for door/gate opening upon face recognition matching is <1
second for backend matching.

Response time for door/gate opening upon face recognition matching is <= 300
milliseconds for device frontend matching.

True Accept Rate (TAR): When image library is 1000, and FAR is 0.1 , the
recognition accuracy is > 99%.

Maximum number of faces detected in one picture is 30.

Maximum number of faces recognized in one picture is 20.

For face detection: Distance between eyes in photo is > 30 pixels.

For face recognition: Distance between eyes in photo is > 40 pixels.

Access point shall support access profile setup. Access profile shall include the
following characteristics:

a. Entry is allowed with Facial and Card (iClass SE) Authentication (2FA)

b. Entry is allowed with Card (iClass SE) identification

c. Entry is allowed based on face recognition only

d. Entry is allowed for single person

The FR system shall be able to count the number of people entering or exiting at
specific access point.

7.15. Frontend Facial Recognition (FR) Edge Device Requirements

FR Device can perform FR matching at the edge site. When there is network
outage in the backend servers, operation will not be affected.

FR Device must be able to have anti-spoofing feature which will detect false
identity that are presented/ produced through a photo, camera, etc. with
intention to forge the identity to gain access.

Any non-liveness detection should be able to send the alert to backend system

Edition 9.1 17

FR Device shall be able perform the matching at low light environment, minimum
0.5 lux.

Image Library Capacity shall support up to 50k photo images at edge for offline

Face Matching Speed shall be less than 300 milliseconds.

FR Device shall have the flexibility to configure the detection distance, range from
0.5m to 2m, dependent on the site situation.

FR Device shall be IP65 rating for outdoor environment usage.

FR Device shall support Wiegand 26/32/34 as well as support relay interface.

FR Device shall be able to support POE.

FR Device shall support Tamper Alarm function to prevent temptation.

7.16. Training

The Contractor shall provide a competent, certified trainer who has extensive
experience on the installed systems to train the operators of all system
components and functionality.

7.17. Warranty and Maintenance

Warranty shall commence upon completion of acceptance testing.

The Contractor shall provide Comprehensive Maintenance of the hardware and

software product(s) for a period of year 2 years from the date of acceptance

The Contractor shall be able to offer Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) to

allow the manufacturer’s technical support division to reactively troubleshoot
system problems.

SMA shall include access to released fixes and software updates.

8. Security Guardhouse

8.1. General

The Guardhouse shall be sufficiently hardened to minimise or localize damage

that may occur in the event of a threat against facility.

Edition 9.1 18

Possible threats against the guardhouse in the facility will range from physical
attacks by person(s), armed or unarmed to the use of firearms against the guard
to further an intended criminal or terrorist act.

Refer to relevant drawings in Attachment E of “Guidelines / Requirements for

Above Ground Transmission Substation Buildings (For 400kV, 230kV &66kV
Standalone Substation only)”.

8.2. Functional Specifications

Guardhouse Facade

a. All glass opening within the operational areas of the guardhouse shall be
constructed of 9mm ballistic resistant glass in accordance to BS EN 1063
Class BR2 or anti-bandit glazing designed in accordance with BS EN 356:2000.

b. Glass and framing designs must have passed actual testing conducted by
qualified independent agencies. The test results as well as relevant
certification of proposed ballistic resistant glass or glazing shall be
submitted to SP for approval of use.

c. Test reports to comply to the above specifications are to be submitted

together in the submission.

d. The lower part of the Guardhouse wall up to a height of 1200mm, shall be

constructed of no less than 200mm thick reinforced concrete, to engineer’s

e. There shall be a card exchange slot at the counter to facilitate pass exchange.

f. There is no special requirement for the door leading into the guardhouse
except that the door shall be positioned out of direct line of sight from
outside the facility.

g. If the placement of the door leaves the security personnel within the
Guardhouse vulnerable to weapons fire from outside the facility, the
developer shall, at his own cost, provide doors and frame affording the same
amount of protection against firearms up to 9mm calibre.

Guardhouse Roof

a. The reinforced concrete roof design shall be no less than 150mm thickness
reinforced concrete and 100% waterproofed and designed to discourage
birds from nesting.

Edition 9.1 19

b. Metal roof shall have no laps and be laid in one span with one length roofing
sheet. No overlapping and joints are allowed.

c. The Developer / Consultant, in preparing his building tender document is

required to include the requirement of "DEED OF INDEMNITY" in which the
Developer’s / Consultant’s main building contractor and the main building
contractor’s supplier for the roofing have agreed to jointly and severally
indemnify the Developer / Consultant against any defects in the design,
workmanship, quality of materials, watertightness or deterioration in the
works to be applied to the guardhouse building. The Developer is required
to extend a copy of this "DEED OF INDEMNITY" to SPPG for purpose of
information and record. The Indemnity shall be valid for a period of ten (10)
years from the date of practical completion of the guardhouse building.

d. No roof gutter is allowed at the roof. The design of the roof must take into
consideration to ensure no retention and proper natural discharge of

Guardhouse Floor

a. The floor of the interior areas of the Guardhouse shall be raised such that
security personnel sitting within the operational areas of the Guardhouse
shall be at the eye-level of a visitor standing outside.

Guardhouse Features

a. Each Guardhouse shall have no less than 3 units of CCTV with 2 nos. of
cameras overlooking the interior of the operational area of the Guardhouse
and 1 no. overseeing the area outside where passes are exchanged. Please
refer to Attachment E and Attachment G of “Guidelines / Requirements for
Above Ground Transmission Substation Buildings (For 400kV, 230kV &66kV
Standalone Substation only)” for the Guardhouse and the CCTV system in
Guardhouse, respectively.

9. Security Lighting

9.1. Lamp pole shall be located as far as possible from the fence and away from the
direct line of sight from the CCTV pole.

9.2. External lighting for the substation building and security lighting of approved
design / type within substation compound shall be controlled by timer or other
approved method. Light fittings shall be accessible by maintenance personnel
without the use of standard tower wagons. For perimeter lighting, the top cone
perimeter lighting to be adopted so that CCTV camera will not be over-exposed
with direct lighting.

Edition 9.1 20

9.3. Illumination requirements:

Location Minimum Average Illuminance

(at floor level)
Within 2 meters around Security 300 lux minimum
Perimeter fence line 30 lux

10. Transformer Bay Screens

10.1. Transformer bay screens shall be provided at transformer bays for outdoor, semi-
outdoor and / or indoor types, where applicable, where the transformers are of
75MVA and above.

10.2. The Contractor shall design, supply and install transformer bay screens at the
transformer bays that comes with double swing gate, removable supporting
structure using galvanised mild steel frame and aluminium perforated sheet at
front, back and side sections of outdoor transformer bay. The Contractor shall also
supply and install knotless netting at the top section of outdoor transformer bay.

Outdoor Transformers (Type A). Refer to Figure 10-1.

a. Front, back and side sections: Detachable perforated steel sheet (c/w
double leaf swing gate for human accessibility to the transformer bay).

b. Front section: Welded mesh

c. Top section: knotless netting

Edition 9.1 21

Figure 10-1: Illustrated picture of outdoor transformer bay screen

Semi-outdoor Transformers (Type B). Refer to Figure 10-2 and Figure 10-3.

a. Front section: Detachable perforated steel sheet (c/w double leaf gate for
human accessibility to the transformer bay) and welded mesh.

Figure 10-2: Illustrated picture of semi-outdoor transformer bay screen

Edition 9.1 22

Figure 10-3: Photo of installed semi-outdoor transformer bay screen

Indoor Transformers (Type C). Refer to Figure 10-4 and Figure 10-5.

a. Front section: Detachable welded mesh up to 3.5 m height (c/w double leaf
gate for human accessibility to the transformer bay). Removable wire rope
at 3.5 m height and above.

b. All openings, e.g. edges, to be sealed off with welded mesh.

Figure 10-4: Illustrated picture of indoor transformer bay screen

Edition 9.1 23

Figure 10-5: Photo of installed indoor transformer bay screen

10.3. Specifications


a. The proposed design for the transformer bay screen shall facilitate
occasional dismantling of the screen panels for accessibility into the bay.

Perforated Sheet

a. The perforated sheet panels size shall not be larger than 2m x 1m and of
thickness approximately 3mm.

b. The sheet pattern shall be of slot hole perforation with hole size of 0.125 x
0.75 that are side staggered and an open area of 35% (Figure 10-6).

Edition 9.1 24

Figure 10-6: Slot hole perforation with side staggered arrangement

c. The Contractor shall submit the design and method of installation for SP’s

Knotless Netting

a. The knotless netting with net size ¾ shall be constructed of multiple

polypropylene strands that are fire-retardant, in compliance to British
Standard BS5867. The netting shall not burn or support combustion and
shall not drop molten plastic to the surface below when exposed to naked
flame. It shall be rated as an excellent insulator, safe for installations near
electrical fittings and equipment.

b. The netting shall have interwoven joints without knots.

c. The accessories fittings shall be of stainless steel material and the knotless
netting recommended shall be light in weight.

d. The installation of the knotless netting shall come with intermediate

anchoring to prevent any sagging of the netting such that there is no contact
with the transformer below.

e. The product shall provide a 10-year guarantee against breakdown due to UV


10.4. Lightning Protection

This section is intended to cover the supply, installation, testing and

commissioning of the lightning protection system for the outdoor transformer
protection steel caging.

Lightning protection system shall comply with requirements of local Authorities,

including the SS 555 (Latest Edition).

The earth electrode resistance measured at each inspection pit shall have earthing
resistance value of less than ten ohms.

The lightning lead down conductor together with the conductor tape clip is
recommended to be concealed in the building wall. The down conductor
(preferably copper tape) shall ensure a low impedance path for the lightning
discharge. Provision shall be made to prevent concrete spalling / damage after
discharge of lightning. The test clamp shall be located at 1.5m above ground level.

Sample of the copper tapes and bi-metallic connectors shall be submitted for
superintending officer’s approval prior to installation.

Edition 9.1 25

The Lightning Protection design, calculations, installation, etc. shall be duly

endorsed by a Professional Engineer.

10.5. Approval of Materials

The Contractor shall be required to submit samples of products and materials for
approval before implementation. The submissions shall include brochures,
pamphlets, technical data, methods of applications, etc. The costs of such
provisions shall be included in the scope.

10.6. Other Requirements

The Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide the required materials, fittings,
or perform any additional works which are not indicated in the specifications or
drawings but deemed necessary for the fulfilment of this quotation. In addition,
the Contractor must conform to good and acceptable trade practices even though
they are not explicitly mentioned in the quotation.

The Contractor is to exercise due care when executing the works and any affected
area or damage arising shall be made good, repaired or replaced to their original

The defect liability period shall be 24 months and shall commence from the official
date of completion of all works as agreed by both the Contractor and SP.

The Contractor shall carry out inspections of the systems on an annual basis and
provide SP with the detailed inspection reports with recommendations during the
warranty period.

11. Building Façade Opening

11.1. Ideally, there should be no building openings, e.g. windows, louvers, roller
shutters, etc. on the building façade of a room containing a Critical Asset (CA). A
list of CA rooms may be provided upon request.

11.2. If there is a requirement to have an opening behind a CA, it shall be louvers placed
high up as close to the ceiling as possible and located at a height minimally above
the height of the equipment behind.

12. Locks and Security Systems

12.1. The door lock function arrangement in Table 12-1 shall be coded as follows:

Edition 9.1 26

K - Entrance function:
Latch operated by lever handle from either side. Deadbolt operated
by key or thumbturn to lock the door

N - Passage function:
Latch operated by lever handle from either side, no key required

S - Storeroom function:
Latch operated by lever handle from inside and by key from the
outside. Outside knob always rigid

MUY - Smart Padlock with hasp and staple:

Smart Padlock under SPPG’s Smart Lock System

MUK - Entrance function:

Latch operated by lever handle from either side. Deadbolt operated
by key or thumbturn to lock/unlock the door. Thumbturn cylinder
with key to be under SPPG’s Smart Lock System.

MUD - Entrance function:

Latch operated by lever handle from either side. Deadbolt operated
by key on either side to lock/unlock the door. Double cylinder with
key to be under SPPG’s Smart Lock System
MUS - Storeroom function:
Latch operated by lever function from inside and key from outside.
Outside knob always rigid. Single cylinder with key to be to be under
SPPG’s Smart Lock System.

SNL - Storeroom function without key, exit only

Latch operated by lever handle from inside, no entry from outside.

Hasp and staple

a. The use of hasp and staple shall be required to:

i. conform to FSSD's requirements and

ii. fit SP’s Smart Padlock.

12.2. Door lock function arrangement for all doors shall be submitted to SP for approval
before construction.

Edition 9.1 27

Table 12-1: Substation Door Locks and Security Systems

Security System (Refer to Para. 13)

Type of Main
Level Rooms Alt Door Electromagnetic Emergency Door CCTV Door
Substation (kV) Door Card Access System
(EM) Lock Release (Break Glass) Cameras Contact
Basement 66 / 230 / 400 Cable basement / chamber MUS 1 MUS; Rest SNL Y Y Y Y Y

1 230 / 400 Guard house K N/A Y Y Y Y Y

1 230 / 400 Guard house toilet K N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Access into level 1 staircase (min 1 main with an
1 66 / 230 / 400 MUS MUS Y Y Y Y Y
alternate access either lift or staircase)
1 66 / 230 / 400 Lift lobby MUS MUS Y Y Y Y Y

1 66 / 230 / 400 Staircase leading to basement, if any MUS MUS Y Y Y Y Y

1 66 / 230 / 400 Public toilet near lift lobby MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 66 / 230 / 400 Escape door 1 way (min 2 on 3rd staircase onwards) SNL N/A N/A Y Y Y Y

1 66 / 230 / 400 Cable shaft risers MUS N/A Y Y Y Y Y

1 66 / 230 / 400 Sprinkler pump room MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 66 / 230 / 400 500/200/150/75MVA transformer bay in substation MUY N/A N/A N/A N/A Y (PTZ) N/A

1 66 / 230 / 400 NGR bay MUY N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 66 / 230 / 400 10/1MVA transformer bay in substation MUY N/A N/A N/A N/A Y (PTZ) N/A
Spare bay 75/10/1MVA transformer bay in the
1 66 / 230 / 400 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y (PTZ) N/A
1 66 / 230 / 400 Transformer bay in depot MUY N/A N/A N/A N/A Y (PTZ) N/A

1 66 / 230 MDF S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 400 FCC S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 66 / 230 / 400 Equipment room S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 66 / 230 / 400 MDF/TER room S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 230 / 400 E-GEN support building services main switch room MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Edition 9.1 28

Security System (Refer to Para. 13)

Type of Main
Level Rooms Alt Door Electromagnetic Emergency Door CCTV Door
Substation (kV) Door Card Access System
(EM) Lock Release (Break Glass) Cameras Contact
1 66 / 230 / 400 Building services (consumer) main switch room MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
400V LV room for network N/A
1 66 / 230 / 400 MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 66 / 230 22kV tertiary room for 230kV substation MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 230 / 400 66kV tertiary room for 400kV substation MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 230 / 400 Aircon plant room MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 66 / 230 / 400 Water retention tank MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 Switchgear room 22kV A&B for Distribution Network MUK S Y Y Y Y Y

Above 1 230 / 400 Switchgear room 22kV A&B for Distribution Network MUK S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Switchgear room 22kV A&B for Distribution Network
Above 1 230 / 400 MUK S Y Y Y Y Y
(for source switchboard)
Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Smoke stop lobby N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Staircase leading to escape door SNL N/A N/A N/A N/A Y Y

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Maintenance room S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Equipment room S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Communications Room MUS N/A Y Y Y Y Y

Above 1 66 RTU room (for 22kV comms) MUD N/A Y Y Y Y Y

Above 1 230 / 400 RTU room (for 22kV comms) MUD N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
RTU room (for 22kV comms) (for source
Above 1 230 / 400 MUD N/A Y Y Y Y Y
Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Switchgear room 400kV/230kV/66kV MUS 1 MUS; Rest SNL Y Y Y Y (PTZ) Y

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Relay/Control room 400kV/230kV/66kV MUS 1 MUS; Rest SNL Y Y Y Y (PTZ) Y

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Battery room MUS MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Battery charger room MUS MUS Y Y Y Y Y

Edition 9.1 29

Security System (Refer to Para. 13)

Type of Main
Level Rooms Alt Door Electromagnetic Emergency Door CCTV Door
Substation (kV) Door Card Access System
(EM) Lock Release (Break Glass) Cameras Contact
Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Common corridor N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Access to lifting void N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Test bushing 400kV/230kV S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Test bushing 66kV S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 230 /400 Pressure tank room (Oil) MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 RC flat roof MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Cable floor entrance MUS 1 MUS; Rest SNL Y Y Y Y Y
Swing door on/beside roller shutter to
Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 400/230/66kV switchgear room MUY NA N/A N/A N/A Y Y
(Roller shutter operated from inside the room)
Maintenance platform to 400/230/66kV switchgear
Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 MUS N/A Y Y Y Y Y
Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Loading platform N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Maintenance catwalk N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Tariff metering room (co-located with LTA) MUS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Above 1 66 / 230 / 400 Ancillary office S S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Edition 9.1 30

13. Security Systems and their integration to Security Command Centre System
(SCCS) of SP Group

13.1. The intent of this specification (“Specification”) is to define the functional and
technical requirements of the various front-end security systems for the
Company’s installations and their integration to the Security Command Centre
System (SCCS) of SP Group.

13.2. Unless otherwise defined herein or if the context requires otherwise, all
capitalized terms herein shall bear the meanings ascribed to them in the General
Conditions of Contract.

Edition 9.1 31

Requirement for The Installation To Be Integrated With The Existing System

13.3. The Contractor shall submit a detailed proposal for the implementation of the
various front-end security system, which shall be subject to the approval of the
Company. If required by the Company, the Contractor shall set up a trial system
for the Company to evaluate. All costs arising from and in connection with the trial
system shall be borne by the Contractor.

13.4. The various front-end security system to be provided shall be of a similar or better
make technology and compatible for seamless interfacing to the existing SCCS.

13.5. The SCCS for the installation/s shall consist of:

a. The Building Access Control System (“BACS”) for the station access control
and security; and

b. The Closed-Circuit Television (“CCTV”) System for surveillance monitoring of

the station perimeter and critical locations of the station; and

c. The Public Address (“PA”) System for voice messages paging; and

d. The Fence Intrusion Detection System (“FIDS”) for monitoring of the station
perimeter security.

e. The Duress Alarm System (“DAS”) for manned installation

13.6. The various front-end security system to be provided shall be able to operate
independently in the event of failure of any sub-system component(s).

13.7. The various front-end security system equipment to be provided at the

communication/relay/control/supervisory room of installation shall be housed in
standard 19” rack with front Perspex and rear steel door and complete with
accessories. Weatherproofing is required for housing that is installed outdoors.

13.8. Users of the SCCS, with the given correct level of security, shall be able to view all
the information on the BACS, FIDS, CCTV, DA system from the same Security PC

13.9. Data such as videos, alarms, commands and events from the various front-end
security system are routed from each station through the Company’s
Metropolitan Area Network (“MAN”) to existing SCCS Servers for processing and
storage. Users with correct security access level are able to remotely add / delete
/ reconfigure/ update information or data to the various front-end security
system, without having to physically dispatch staff to the sites to carry out such
Edition 9.1 32

13.10. Uninterruptible power supplies shall be provided for the various front-end
security system to ensure continuity and integrity of operations during power

13.11. The Ethernet switch for connecting each sub-system must be a standard
complying managed switch that shall comply with at least the following standards:
IEEE 802.1Q, 802.1p, 4096 VLANs, 802.1X, Radius Authentication, Port Security
(MAC inspection), link aggregation, GVRP, IEEE 802.1d & Port Security (MAC
inspection), link aggregation, GVRP, IEEE 802.1d & SubNet - based VLAN, PoE,

13.12. All modification work to the existing SCCS servers and other equipment to allow
interfacing to the proposed front-end security system system shall be included in
the tender.

13.13. All equipment parts provided should be based on manufacturer recommendation.

13.14. The scope of work shall include, without limitation:

a. Design, Supply, Installation, Test and Commissioning of the various front-

end security system;

b. Documentation and reports of work carried out on the various front-end

security system;

13.15. The Contractor shall be responsible to integrate the various front-end security
system to SCCS, and to include all integration costs in this tender to deliver the

a. hardware and software that are required to enable communications and

interfacing with SCCS, which shall include all but not limited to development,
configuration, testing and commissioning of the integration works of the
various front-end security system to SCCS from station to Security
Command Centre (SCC) and its alternate SCC.

b. Engineering services for the integration of the various front-end security

system with the SCCS in accordance with the Company’s project

13.16. The Contractor shall lay a new network cable infrastructure for means of
communication between the security systems to the Security Systems
network rack.

13.17. All the costs for integration of the various front-end security system supplied in
this tender to SCCS (including necessary software, hardware, VAPT, etc.) shall be
included in price offered in this tender.
Edition 9.1 33

13.18. Testing and Commissioning

a. Testing and commissioning shall include, but not be limited to, the

i. Local system integration test at station.

ii. Verification of the functionalities of each sub-system on SCCS and the

integration amongst each sub-system.

iii. Functionality test of communication interfacing with existing SCCS


iv. System integration trial test with existing SCCS Test Servers and the
proposed front-end security system setup. The period of trial testing
will be defined by the Company.

v. Any other operation or functionality test as specified in the

Specifications for front-end security system.

13.19. Building Access Control System (BACS)

The BACS shall be provided for the access control and security monitoring of
designated critical areas within the station building and all doors at the first storey
and basement leading to critical/vital facilities.

The Contractor shall prepare a detailed proposal for the implementation of the
BACS, which shall be subject to the approval of SP and any relevant Authorities.
If required by SP, the Contractor shall set up a trial system for SP to evaluate. All
costs arising from and in connection with the trial system shall be borne by the

The BACS shall include, but not be limited to, the microcontroller(s), any memory
storage device(s), expansion/interface card(s), communication device(s) and/or
card(s), contactless smart card reader(s), sensor(s) and contact(s), including all
necessary electrical and communication wiring and cables.

General Requirements

a. The BACS shall be controlled by an independent microcontroller with full

control and monitoring interface to SCCS via TCP/IP Ethernet.

b. The BACS shall operate independently of any failure of Local Area Network
(LAN) / MAN communication interface.

c. The BACS shall utilize contactless smart card reader technology for all its
Edition 9.1 34

d. The BACS shall support 2-factor authentication for access control, using SP’s
existing contactless smart card as the physical token and a security code
such as the Personal Identification Number (PIN).

e. Suitable surge arrestor protection system against lightning and switching

(where applicable) surges shall be provided and installed.

f. The BACS shall operate satisfactorily under maximum ambient temperature

of 40.0˚C and with relative humidity (at 40˚C) at 95%.

Access Contacts

a. Please refer to Table 12-1 for locations of the access contacts within a

b. Appropriate and necessary heavy-duty magnetic contacts, i.e. windows,

ventilation louvers and roller shutter door contacts, shall be installed
whenever an access to the designated critical areas is identified:

i. Magnetic Door Contact

 The EM locks shall have 4 hours of battery backup.

 The output shall be of change-over voltage free contacts rated at

48V D.C. and shall be wired and terminated to the wall mounted
termination box at the Communication Room. All level 1 access
doors shall be configured to be fail-secure.

 The termination box shall be provided and installed with screw

type terminal block(s) and with sufficient ways for the termination
of all the cables including spares. The size shall be approximately
300mm (W) x 200mm (H) x 160mm (D) with openings at the bottom
for cable entry. Location of the box shall be confirmed at site by

 A pair of normally close voltage free contacts shall be provided in

the termination box for each door contact and shall be wired from
the door to the termination box for monitoring purpose. The
cables shall be at least 1.5mm sq. in size and each core shall be
multi-stranded. An additional spare pair of wires shall be provided
in the termination box. The cable shall be laid in conduits / trunking
and also to match with the building architectural design.

c. For manned installation, a manual switch for arming / disarming the main
access gate shall be provided at the Security Station.

Edition 9.1 35

d. Prior to carrying out any installation, the Contractor shall submit its proposal
on the door contacts/EM locks locations to SP for final confirmation and

Card Access System

a. The Card Access System shall operate independently of any failure of the
other sub-systems. All card access information such as card management,
card reader set up and remote door opening shall be able to set up remotely
and be stored in the SCCS Servers. Should there be any failure /updates to
BACS, the user shall be able to reinstate/update the system, by remotely
downloading data from the SCCS Servers.

b. Any addition and/or deletion of cardholders shall be done remotely from

the Security PC Workstations at the Pass Office by the Security

c. The Contractor shall check with SP on its existing contactless smart card

d. The read range between card reader and card shall at least be of 10cm and
the transaction time shall be less than 100ms.

e. Contactless Card Reader

i. Contactless Smart Card Reader(s) with keypad shall be provided at

designated main access door(s)/gates(s) to the designated critical areas.
The contactless smart card reader shall be compatible to technology as
specified by SP. The card reader supplied shall be compatible with SP’s
existing contactless smart card.

ii. Weatherproofing and vandal proofing are required for the card reader
that is installed outdoors. Access door release switch(es) / button(s) shall
be provided inside the protected area at the access door(s). In addition,
where necessary and required, emergency overrides shall be provided in
case of fire alarm(s) activation.

iii. In case of any failure of the contactless smart card reader or controller
for whatever reason, a standard mechanical key-switch shall be used to
bypass the EM door lock. The key-switch should be located near the card
reader and its final location will be subject to SP’s final approval.

iv. The key-switch should be highly reliable, and the key is removable in only
one position. The key-switch housing shall have a rugged and tamper-
proof construction and come with operating status Light Emitting Diode
(LED) in red & green.
Edition 9.1 36

v. The key-switch key shall be a master key for all substation key-switch
installation, with spare keys to be provided by the Contractor to SP. The
choice key-switch master key shall be subject to SP’s final approval.

vi. Activation of this key switch will trigger an alarm status on SCCS. SCCS
shall indicate the status of the key-switch.

vii. There shall be both audible and visual indication on the access card
reader to indicate a successful card read each time.

viii. There shall be an audible alarm in situations of prolonged opening of

doors, as a reminder to ensure doors are closed fully.

BACS Controller Unit

a. The BACS controller unit provided for independent operation and

monitoring of the building access control and security shall have, but not be
limited to, the following features:

i. It shall be an embedded system with watchdog function and onboard

temperature monitoring. There must be an automatic reboot facility in
case of power failure.

ii. Intelligent field panel providing distributed processing for interface of

access control readers, keypads, alarm sensing devices (magnetic
contracts, etc.), external analogue/digital inputs/outputs.

iii. Able to maintain local database (minimum of 50,000 cardholders and

50,000 events) providing full operation independent of the Security PC
Workstation and Security Command Centre.

iv. Monitor the status of the access control readers, keypads, alarm sensing
devices, external inputs/outputs for failure and tampering, and generate
detailed alarm messages at the Security PC Workstation.

v. Option for UPS and/or battery back-up supply with charging facilities.

vi. Once the LAN/MAN fails, the BACS controller unit at each installation
must still be functioning.

vii. Communication interface with Security PC Workstation(s) for alarm

statuses and acknowledgement/reset, event logging, arming and
disarming of BACS.

Edition 9.1 37

viii. It shall at minimum equipped with one (1) 10/100BaseT Ethernet RJ-45
port, one (1) RS-232 port and one (1) RS-485 port.

ix. Each BACS controller shall be able to support monitoring and controlling
of multiple access card readers.

x. Each BACS controller shall support multiple reader technologies.

xi. Any cardholder update in BACS controller’s internal database shall be

done incrementally.

13.20. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) System

CCTV system shall be provided for the surveillance of the individual designated
main access lobby, ground floor staircase doors and any other areas of the
substation where specified in the project.

The Contractor shall prepare a detailed proposal for the implementation of the
CCTV system, which shall be subject to the approval of SP and any relevant
authorities. If required by SP, the Contractor shall set up a trial system for SP to
evaluate. All costs arising from and in connection with the trial system shall be
borne by the Contractor.

The CCTV system shall include, but not be limited to CCTV cameras, camera lens,
Video Server/Encoders, Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) cameras, Network Video Recorders
(NVR), Power Over Ethernet (PoE) injectors, any memory storage device(s),
expansion/interface card(s), surge arrestor(s), communication device(s) and/or
card(s), including all necessary camera housing, camera poles, camera brackets
and concrete bases, electrical and communication wiring and cables. The
Contractor shall also provide SP with a full set of Application Programming
Interfaces (API) with documentation, Software Development Kit (SDK), which can
be used for third-party software integration.

Viewing of video images for the respective substations can be done locally at the
respective CCTV monitor and Security PC Workstation for manned substation or
remotely from the PC workstations at Command Centres. Any changes or updates
of data information to respective installation’s CCTV system shall be done
remotely from the PC workstations at Command Centres, without physically
dispatching staff to sites for the Works to be carried out.

The Contractor shall provide a set of video applications for the PC workstations in
Command Centre. The video applications shall include functions not limited to
view single live video, view single history video, view multiple current, remote
download of archived video / image snapshot, remote PTZ control of camera and
search multiple history video. Detailed requirements will be provided to the
Edition 9.1 38

General Requirements

a. Suitable surge arrestor protection system against lightning and switching

(where applicable) surges shall be provided and installed. Power and video
signal surge arrestor should be provided for each equipment connecting end.

b. The CCTV system shall operate satisfactorily under maximum ambient

temperature of 40.0C and with relative humidity at 95%. The CCTV shall
operate satisfactorily for outdoor use.

c. Approved concrete plinth base 450mm (W) x 450mm (L) x 500mm (D) of
Grade 25 N/m² or otherwise shall be provided for the mounting of camera
poles. All fasteners shall be pre-cast within the concrete base and the whole
fixing shall be capable of withstanding the design of wind-load. The
Contractor shall submit design drawings, duly endorsed by a professional
engineer (Professional Engineer or PE) prior to installation.

d. The camera poles to be used shall be of hot-dipped galvanised type and come
with a height of 4m tall or otherwise. Prior to fabrication of the camera poles,
the Contractor shall submit design drawings of the camera poles to SP for

e. The locations of the camera poles shall be based on the following distances:

Location Maximum
Between two camera 25 m
Between a camera pole 1.5 m
and perimeter fence line

f. Depending on the terrain and layout of each substation building and

perimeter fences, video images captured by adjacent cameras should be
over-lapping, (i.e. the images of any moving object along the perimeter
fences shall be captured by the adjacent camera before the current camera
loses sight of the moving object). The CCTV system shall provide complete
coverage on blind spots.

g. The Contractor shall provide all interconnecting and termination services

between all connection points.

h. An IP65 rated junction box of adequate size should be provided for each
camera mounted at each location. The Contractor shall provide different
key lock to junction box housing different application at each substation.

Edition 9.1 39

i. Junction box should be sized to house at least a Miniature Circuit Breaker

(MCB), Switch Socket Outlet (including a spare switch socket outlet), Surge
Arrestor, Converter and Adaptor necessary for the camera operation. At
least 40% spare space should be provided.

Network Video Recorder

a. The NVR shall have built-in Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID5)
storage with hot-swappable Serial ATA (SATA) hard disks with canisters
which are suitable for 24/7 CCTV recording. Capacity of each hard disk shall
be at least 3TB. Capacity of each RAID5 array to be proposed by Contractor
shall be able to store at least three (3) months of archived video at minimum
15fps with 2MP resolution per camera. Any cost incurred from additional
storage media shall be deemed to include in the Contract price.

b. The NVR shall automatically reboot after recovery of electrical system, back
to the status before abrupt shutdown due to power supply disturbance and
continue recording. After recovery from any system abrupt shutdown, the
NVR shall trigger a built-in watchdog and arbitrarily reset the system. An
alarm shall be sent automatically if no signal is detected from the camera,
or hard disk is damaged, or NVR configuration differs from pre-shutdown

c. The NVR shall provide detailed event logs not limited to system warning,
hard disk error, network disconnection, camera failure, motion detection
and intrusion.

d. The NVR shall not have recording malfunction problem caused by system
instability, hard disk damage or virus infection.

e. Monitoring and playback tasks shall be able to work at the same time, and
these images shall be shown with multiple screens at the same time. User
can choose the enlargement, gentle image and sharp image functions to
provide a clear picture for evidentiary purposes.

f. The NVR shall be able to detect camera failure, hard disk failure, motion
alarm and digital input alarm; and report via TCP/IP Ethernet to SCCS.

g. The NVR shall have API/SDK for the SCCS Contractor to interface with the

h. The NVR’s API/SDK shall have video functions including but not limited to,
current video playback, historical video playback, historical video search,
historical video download, camera configuration and snapshot.

Edition 9.1 40

i. The NVR’s API/SDK shall allow grouping of any cameras from any installation
(max 16 cameras can be selected) and viewing them on the same screen. It
shall also allow application to select and playback more than one historical
video at the same time.

j. The NVR’s API/SDK shall allow video rotation function in the PC workstations
in Command Centre.

k. The NVR’s should be running on non-windows based system.

Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) Camera

a. General Characteristics

i. The HD PTZ camera shall be engineered to withstand high-impact or

continuous low-frequency vibration. The HD PTZ camera shall be
compatible with a full set of accessories that support
upright/inverted/canted mounting configurations on flat surfaces, walls,
ceilings, poles, and building corners.

ii. The PTZ cameras used for monitoring the substation compound shall be
located on building façade instead of at the perimeter fence line.

b. Imaging

i. The HD PTZ camera shall offer an effective number of pixels of 1945 x

1097 (2.13 megapixels).

ii. The HD PTZ camera shall offer a 16:9 aspect ratio.

iii. The HD PTZ camera shall offer a 30x optical zoom lens.

iv. The HD PTZ camera shall offer a 12x digital zoom.

v. The HD PTZ camera shall have 2.3° to 60° field of view.

vi. The HD PTZ camera shall produce a color image with a minimum scene
illumination of 0.0077 lux and a monochrome image, when in the night
mode, with a minimum illumination of 0.0008 lux at 30 IRE (Starlight

vii. The HD PTZ camera shall produce a clear image with DORI (Detect,
Observe, Recognize, Identify) performance (per EN 62676-4 standard):

Performance DORI Distance Distance Scene

definition (WIDE 1x) (TELE 30x) Width

Edition 9.1 41

Detect 25 pixel/m 62 m 1913 m 77 m

(8 pixel/ft) (193 ft) (5978 ft) (252 ft)

Observe 63 pixel/m 25 m 759 m 31 m

(19 pixel/ft) (81 ft) (2517 ft) (100 ft)

Recognize 125 pixel/m 12 m 383 m 15 m

(38 pixel/ft) (41 ft) (1259 ft) (50 ft)

Identify 250 pixel/m 6 m 191 m 8m

(76 pixel/ft) (20 ft) (629 ft) (25 ft)

viii. The HD PTZ camera shall offer automatic focus and iris control with
manual override.

ix. The HD PTZ shall offer Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction.

x. The HD PTZ camera shall offer a High Dynamic Range of 120 dB.

xi. The HD PTZ camera shall offer a Sodium Vapor White Balance mode that
automatically compensate for light from a sodium vapor lamp to restore
objects to their true color.

xii. The HD PTZ camera shall offer a defog image feature that assists the
camera in registering a usable image when viewing foggy or other low-
contract scenes.

xiii. The camera shall have an average typical optimized bandwidth in kbits/s
for various image rates as shown in Table 13-1:

FPS 1080p 720p

H.264 H.265 H.264 H.265

60 4200 1649 2600 1249

30 2600 1413 1300 1096

15 2100 1157 1100 902

12 1800 1075 1000 841

5 1250 746 600 597

2 500 407 270 343

Note: The actual bit rate will vary depending on the scene, picture settings and encoder
profile settings.

Edition 9.1 42

Table 13-1: Typical optimized bandwidth in kbits/s for various image rates.

c. The HD PTZ camera shall provide a brushless, integral pan/tilt motor drive

d. The HD PTZ camera shall provide a pan range of 360° continuous.

e. The HD PTZ camera shall provide a tilt angle of

i. 290° (upright orientation and auto pivot).

ii. 250° (inverted orientation and auto pivot).186.6° with illuminators.

f. The HD PTZ camera shall offer the following tilt angles:

i. Upright unit: -55° to +90°

ii. Canted unit: -90° to +90°

iii. Canted unit (with illuminator): -90° to +64°

iv. Inverted unit: -95° to +35°

g. The HD PTZ camera shall provide pan and tilt preset repeatability accurate
to within +/-0.06° without illuminator (+/-0.07° with illuminator).

h. The HD PTZ camera shall offer variable pan speeds of 0.2°/second to


i. The HD PTZ camera shall offer a variable tilt speed of 0.2°/second to


j. The HD PTZ camera shall offer a pre-position speed of 120°/second.

k. The HD PTZ camera shall divide the cameras 360º rotation into 16
independent sectors with 20-character titles per sector. Any or all of the 16
sectors can be blanked from the operator's view.

l. The HD PTZ camera shall store up to 256 preset scenes with each preset
programmable for 20 character titles.

m. The HD PTZ camera shall offer six pre-programmed but configurable user

n. The pre-programmed modes shall be optimized with the best settings for
the following environments:

i. General (default mode)

Edition 9.1 43

ii. Motion

iii. Low Light

iv. Indoor

v. Vibrant

o. The HD PTZ camera shall allow users to customize these modes for the
specific requirements of the camera site.

p. The HD PTZ camera shall generate full HD 1080p 50/60 resolution and
720p50/60 resolution using H.264 compression (ISO/IEC 14496-10).

q. The HD PTZ camera shall generate full HD 1080p50/60 resolution and

720p50/60 resolution using H.265 compression.] The HD PTZ camera shall
generate multiple simultaneous configurable HD video streams.

r. The HD PTZ camera shall allow simultaneous streaming of individual HD

streams, and allow a choice of HD resolution in combination with SD

s. IP Connectivity

i. The HD PTZ camera shall allow full camera control and configuration
capabilities via a TCP/IP network.

ii. The HD PTZ camera shall be capable of capturing and storing images
using at HD 1080p and HD 720p resolutions.

iii. The HD PTZ camera shall deliver 1080p video, at rates up to 60 images
per second via TCP/IP over Cat5/Cat6 UTP cable.

iv. The HD PTZ camera shall support operation with Internet Explorer web
browser version 11.0 or later, Chrome 79.0.3945 or later, Safari Firefox
version 68.0 or later, Manufacturer Configuration Manager, Video
Management System, Video Client (BVC), or other third-party software.

v. The HD PTZ camera shall conform to ONVIF Profile S or latest


vi. The HD PTZ camera shall conform to the SNMP v1, v2c or v3 standard.

vii. The HD PTZ camera shall offer Quality of Service (QoS) configuration

Edition 9.1 44

viii. The HD PTZ camera shall support the IPv6 internet-layer protocol for
packet switched internetworking across multiple IP networks.

t. Access Security

i. The HD PTZ camera shall offer three levels of password protection.

ii. The HD PTZ camera shall support 802.1x authentication using a RADIUS
(Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) server.

iii. The HD PTZ camera shall store a SSL certificate for use with HTTPS.

iv. The HD PTZ camera shall be capable of being independently AES

encrypted with 128-bit keys.

u. Installation Requirements

i. The HD PTZ camera shall be capable of operating in an outdoor

environment within the following temperature range: -40 °C to +65 °C (-
40 °F to +149 °F)

ii. The HD PTZ camera shall accept power, transmit video, and accept
control via TCP/IP connection.

iii. The HD PTZ camera shall switch to the High PoE or PoE+ power supply if
power from the 24 VAC power supply is lost, with no interruption to
camera operation.

iv. The HD PTZ camera shall be able to be mounted in an upright, inverted,

or canted position.

v. The HD PTZ camera shall be capable of being mounted to a wall, the

corner of a wall, and to a pole using optional mounting hardware.

vi. The HD PTZ camera shall offer an optional sunshield.

vii. The HD PTZ camera shall offer an optional external alarm/washer

interface to connect external alarm signals and to control an optional
external washer pump device.

viii. The HD PTZ camera shall provide an optional IP67-rated weatherproofing

kit for the camera’s electrical interface pigtail. The HD PTZ camera shall
provide an optional hinged deep conduit adapter to facilitate connecting
cables to the camera before the final bolts are installed.

ix. The HD PTZ camera shall provide a multi-language on-screen display.

Edition 9.1 45

x. The termination must meet ISO/IEC recommended standards such that

the video is optimally displayed at an acceptable level to SP. Proper
measured test results should be submitted to SP.

v. PTZ Housing

i. The HD PTZ camera shall be made of cast solid aluminum with a

tempered flat glass viewing window.

ii. The HD PTZ camera shall provide built-in surge protection for power,
data, and network inputs.

iii. The HD PTZ camera shall conform to the IP67 standard for a weather-
resistant package.

iv. The HD PTZ camera shall conform to the IP67 standard for a weather
resistant package when using the IP67 connector kit.

v. The HD PTZ camera shall provide an integrated silicone wiper.

vi. The HD PTZ camera shall conform to the IK10 rating for external
mechanical impact.

vii. The HD PTZ camera shall conform to the IEC 60068-2-6, Test Fc: Vibration
(sinusoidal), 10m/s² (1.0g) and the Sinusoidal vibration test IAW MILSTD-
167-1A vibration tests.

viii. The HD PTZ camera shall conform to the IEC 60068-2-7, 40g, 6ms Half
Sine Impulse; Medium weight Hammer Shock IAW MILS-901D test.

ix. The HD PTZ camera shall provide a corrosion protection surface

treatment with powder coat paint, sand finish.

w. The PTZ camera shall come with white light beam or laser beam as an
integrated component of the camera. Activation and de-activation of the
beam function shall be possible from a third-party system via standard and
secure integration protocols.

x. The PTZ camera shall allow third-party system to trigger both track and
zoom function as well as the beam function to track intruders.

y. Effective Picture Elements (Pixels): 1945 x 1097 (2.13 MP)

z. Lens:

i. 30x optical zoom

Edition 9.1 46

ii. F1.6 to F4.7

iii. 12x digital zoom

iv. Field of View: 2.3° to 65°

v. Focus: Automatic with manual override

vi. Iris: Automatic with manual override

vii. Gain Control: Auto/Manual

viii. Aperture Correction: Horizontal and vertical

ix. Electronic Shutter Speed (AES): 1/1 sec to 1/0000 sec (22 steps)

x. High Dynamic Range of 120 dB

xi. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR): >55 dB

xii. Backlight Compensation: On/Off

xiii. White Balance: 2000 K to 10,000 K; ATW, AWB Hold, Extended ATW,
Manual, Sodium Lamp Auto, Sodium Lamp

xiv. Day/Night: Monochrome, Color, Auto

xv. Defog Image Feature: Allows the camera to see and register a usable
image when viewing foggy or other low-contract scenes.

aa. Mechanical

i. Drive Unit: Brushless, integral pan/tilt motor drive

ii. Pan Range: 360° continuous rotation

iii. Tilt Angle:

 Without illuminators (upright orientation): 290°

 Without illuminators (inverted orientation):250°

 With illuminators: 186.6°

iv. Tilt Range:

 Upright unit: −55° to +90°

 Canted unit: −90° to +90°

Edition 9.1 47

v. Variable Pan Speed: 0.2°/second to 120°/second

vi. Variable Tilt Speed: 0.2°/second to 90°/second

vii. Pre-position Speed: 120°/second

viii. Preset Accuracy:+/-0.06° (without illuminator); +/-0.07° with illuminator

ix. Proportional Pan/Tilt to Zoom: Yes

x. Zoom Movement Speed:

 <5 seconds (optical Wide to optical TELE)

 <7.5 seconds (optical Wide to digital TELE)

xi. Audible Noise: <65 dB

bb. Network

i. Video Compression: H.265, H.264 (ISO/IEC 14496‑10), M‑JPEG, JPEG

ii. Streaming: Four (4) individually configurable streams: Two (2)

independently configurable recording streams plus two (2) additional
non- recording streams. Configurable frame rate and resolution.

iii. Resolution (H x V):

 1080p HD: 1920 x 1080

 720p HD: 1280 x 720

 1.3 MP 5:4 (cropped): 1280 x 1024

 D1 4:3 (cropped): 704 x 480

 640x 480: 640 x 480

 432p SD: 768 x 432

 288p SD: 512 x 288

 144p SD: 256 x 144

Edition 9.1 48

iv. Protocols: IPv4, IPv6, UDP, TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, RTP/RTCP, IGMP V2/V3,
ICMP, ICMPv6, RTSP, FTP, ARP, DHCP, APIPA (Auto-IP, link local address),
NTP (SNTP), SNMP (v1, MIB-II), 802.1x, DNS, DNSv6, DDNS (DynDNS.org,
selftHOST.de, no-ip.com), SMTP, iSCSI, UPnP (SSDP), DiffServ (QoS), LLDP,
SOAP, Dropbox, CHAP, digest authentication

v. Ethernet: 10-Base T/100 Base-TX, auto-sensing, half/full duplex, RJ45

vi. Encryption: TLS 1.2, SSL, DES, 3DES, AES

vii. GOP Structure: IP, IBP, IBBP

viii. Data Rate: (H.265, 1080P): 61 kbps to 2.8 Mbps (depending on the scene,
the frame rate, and the quality settings)

ix. Overall IP Delay: 200 ms (typical)

cc. Data Security

i. Three-level password protection

ii. Web browser access protected with HTTPS

iii. Firmware updates protected with authenticated secure uploads

iv. Trusted Platform Module (TPM)

v. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

vi. 802.1x network authentication with EAP/TLS, supports TLS 1.2 with
updated cipher suites including AES 256 encryption

dd. Miscellaneous

i. Sectors/Titling: 16 independent sectors with 20-character titles/sector

ii. Pre-positions: 256, each with 20-character titles

iii. Camera Setup/Control: 100 Base-Tx Ethernet

iv. User Connections:

v. Power

 Network:

Edition 9.1 49

 Without illuminator: RJ-45 100 Base-TX Ethernet PoH (60W

midspan; NPD-6001A), or HPoE 95 W midspan (NPD-9501A)
24 VAC, 50/60 Hz
 With illuminator: HPoE 95 W midspan (NPD-9501A)
 Camera: 24 VAC (power supply)

vi. Video and Control: RJ-45 100 Base-TX Ethernet

ee. Environmental

i. Ingress Protection Rating/Standard:

 IP67

ii. External Mechanical Impact (IK Code or Impact rating): IK10 (excluding
glass window)

ff. Construction

i. Viewing Window: Tempered flat glass

ii. Construction Material: Cast solid aluminum

iii. Standard Finish: Chromate-based surface treatment with powder coat

paint, sand finish

iv. Window Wiper: long-life silicone wiper

gg. Software Control

i. Via Internet Explorer web browser version 11.0 or later, Chrome

79.0.3945 or later, Safari Firefox version 68.0 or later, Manufacturer
Configuration Manager, Video Management System, Video Client, or
support for third party software

ii. Software Update: Network firmware upload

iii. The Contractor shall also provide full documentations of APIs and SDK,
which can be used by SCCS platform to control and view the PTZ network

Fixed Camera

a. The camera shall produce a colour image with a minimum scene

illumination of 0.0077 lux and a monochrome image, when in the night
mode, with a minimum illumination of 0.0008 lux at 30 IRE (Starlight
Edition 9.1 50

b. The camera shall provide direct network connection using H.264 and JPEG
compression and bandwidth throttling to efficiently manage bandwidth and
storage requirements while delivering outstanding image quality.

c. The camera shall conform to the ONVIF Profile S or latest specification.

d. The camera shall provide nine configurable user modes that provide
optimized settings for distinct applications.

e. The camera shall provide an on-screen display to simplify the camera/lens

back focus and network configuration settings.

f. The camera shall provide enhanced night viewing through the increase of IR
sensitivity by automatically switching a motorized IR filter from colour to
monochrome operation in low-light or IR illuminated applications. Allow the
IR filter to be switched manually via the alarm input, pre-programmed in a
camera mode or profile.

g. The camera shall utilize pixel-by-pixel analysis to automatically compensate

for bright areas of a high contrast scene (Back light) without having to define
a window or area.

h. The camera shall offer at least 1080 HD resolution.

i. The camera shall accept power via Power-over-Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af


j. The camera shall provide intelligent Auto Exposure (IAE) to improve visibility
of high contrast scenes (dark objects against a light background and the

k. The camera shall be easy to install.

l. The camera shall allow users to set up at least 10 separate recording profiles
based on day/night or holiday schedules.

m. Image processing and compression

i. The camera shall produce a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels (HD1080p)

at 60 fps with a 16:9 aspect ratio.

ii. The camera shall offer several regions of interest to zoom into a specific
area of the full image.

iii. The camera shall allow regions of interest to be sent in separate streams
so it is possible to view both an overview and a detail at the same time.

Edition 9.1 51

n. Network Video

i. The camera shall provide direct network connection.

ii. The camera shall allow full camera control and configuration capabilities
over the network.

iii. The camera shall be capable of capturing and storing images using the
following compression standards:

 H.264 MP (Main Profile)


iv. The camera shall deliver video over a 10/100 Base-T, auto-sensing,
half/full duplex, RJ45 Ethernet connection.

v. The camera shall comply with the IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet

vi. The camera shall conform to ONVIF Profile S or latest standard.

o. Access Security

i. The camera shall offer three levels of password protection.

ii. The camera shall store an SSL certificate for use with HTTPS.

p. The camera shall have an SD card slot that uses standard, off-the-shelf SD
cards for local storage (up to 32 GB).

q. Alarm Handling Features

i. The camera shall provide the capability on alarm to display up to a 31

character, programmable alarm message.

ii. The camera shall provide email alarm messaging with optional JPEG

r. Electrical

i. The camera shall accept Power over Ethernet (48 VDC nominal).

ii. The camera shall conform to the IEEE 802.3af (802.3at Type 1) compliant
Power over Ethernet network. Power level: Class 3.

iii. The camera shall consume typically 200 mA (PoE).

Edition 9.1 52

s. Surveillance Software

i. The camera shall be accessible from a web browser, with the

Manufacturer Video Management System, with a free-of-charge licensed
free Manufacturer Video Client or Video Security Client, or via third-party

t. Environmental

i. The camera shall operate in -20°C to +55°C (-4°F to +131°F) temperature


ii. The camera shall work with Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3af (802.3at
Type 1).

iii. The camera shall be enclosed in protective IP65 rated housing with
mounting bracket, sunshield and protected against lightning strikes.

u. The termination must meet ISO/IEC recommended standards such that the
video is optimally displayed at an acceptable level to SP. Proper measured
test results should be submitted to SP.

v. The Contractor shall also provide full documentations of APIs and SDK,
which can be used by the SCCS contractor to control and view the PTZ
network camera.

CCTV Local Area Network Switch

a. The CCTV Local Area Network shall have a standard complying industrial
grade switch that shall comply with a least the following IEEE (802.3, 802.3u,
802.3x, 802.1d, 802.3af, 802.3at, 802.1w, 802.1Q, 802.1X and 802.1p)

b. The switch shall have a management that is web browser configurable,

trivial file transfer protocol update, configuration backup/restore, warm re-
bootable and port speed/duplex control with status and statistics.

c. The interfaces of the switch should include, but not limited to 6 X 10/100
Base-TX with Auto MDI/MDI-X, Auto Negotiation and 2 X 100/1000 Base –
FX/SC connector for multimode.

d. The power system of the switch should be DC 24V (12~48V) with reverse
polarity protection.

e. The switch shall be able to operate normally with environmental operating

temperature of up to 70oC and operating humidity of up to 95% (non-
condensing). The switch shall have an IP-31 grade aluminium metal case.
Edition 9.1 53

f. The switch / media convertor mechanical installation shall be DIN-Rail

mount or wall mount.

g. Multimode fibre optic cables shall be used for connections to the equipment
rack adopting the star topology to obtain reliability.

h. Fibre optic cables with number of cores as required by the equipment plus
a minimum of four (4) spare cores shall be provided. These cores shall be
provided with termination assemblies suited for the fibre converter used.

i. An access of two meters of fibre shall be left neatly coiled up at each

termination location within the junction box, cable tray or equipment rack
to provide spare fibre for any re-termination work in the future.

j. The fibre termination must meet ISO/IEC recommended standards

acceptable to SP. Proper measured test results should be submitted to SP.

13.21. Public Address (PA) System

The PA system to be provided shall be remotely linked through the LAN/MAN to

the Security Command Centre. The Contractor shall submit a detailed proposal
for the implementation of the system, which shall be subject to the approval of
SP and any relevant authorities.

The PA system shall allow the Security Command Centre to make announcements
remotely to warn of intruder(s) / trespasser(s) when they are spotted.

The PA system shall have, but not be limited to the following features:

a. Consist of microphones, waterproof horn speakers, pre- and power

amplifiers and local server.

b. IP based and integrated with SCCS. The network-enabled device (‘BARIX

Exstreamer’ or equivalent) provided shall be compatible with G.711 audio
compression format and RTP network transmission protocol.

c. Web-based graphical user interface.

d. Allow local and remote paging from the Security PC Workstations at

manned installations and the Command Centre respectively.

e. The Security Personnel shall be able to select the substation to page to, from
the Security PC Workstation(s) at Command Centre.

f. Perform time synchronization with existing network time servers via NTP
and TCP/IP Ethernet.

Edition 9.1 54

g. The Security Personnel at the Command Centre shall be able to broadcast

their messages through the microphone to the intended installations.

h. All broadcast messages shall be recorded in the Command Centre’s hard

disk instead of local substation’s hard disk. All recorded messages shall
come with time stamp.

i. The user shall be able to search recorded announcement based on user,

time, source of the announcement and destination of the announcement.

j. The user permission checking shall be provided when the user is accessing

k. The Security Personnel shall be able to broadcast both pre-recorded

messages and real-time messages.

l. Pre-recorded messages shall have description field for the user to search

m. Speakers provided shall be of suitable rating for making announcements.

The paging clarity and timeliness must be of acceptable quality.

n. Announcements shall be recorded digitally. The PA system shall have the

capability to play back the recorded announcements from the Security PC

o. The system shall be backward compatible with the existing system.

p. The system will be interfaced with the FIDS system. The interface shall allow
for SP to play a defined pre-recorded message when FIDS alarm is triggered,
if required.

13.22. Fence Intrusion Detection System (FIDS)

The Contractor shall install a ranging, fence-mounted perimeter intrusion

detection system. The system shall detect and locate intruders that attempt to
cut, climb, or lift the fence fabric.

The perimeter shall be suitably segmented into zones for easy identification of
intrusion. Each FIDS zone shall not exceed 15 meters.

All designated main entrance gates (e.g. vehicular access gate, pedestrian gate)
shall be a separate zone by itself.

There shall be no single point of failure in this proposed Fence/Perimeter Intrusion

Detection System configuration.

Edition 9.1 55

The detection sensors shall consist of easy-to-install coaxial cables. The cables
shall connect to signal processing modules that detect and locate attempted
perimeter breaches by analyzing the electrical signals that occur as a result of
minute vibrations in the sensor cables.

The system shall be capable of being integrated into the facility’s Security
Management System.

The system shall support the use of wireless sensors to augment perimeter
protection in areas where physical cables pose installation and/or maintenance
challenges, such as with sliding or swinging gates.

The proposed FIDS shall have the capability to be integrated seamlessly into SCCS.

The system shall comply with the following regulations:

a. FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B requirements for Class B devices

b. CE: EN 61000-6-4/A1: 2011, EN 50130-4: 2011, RoHS2

c. Industry Canada ICES-003, Issue 4 requirements for Class A devices


Manufacturing Quality

a. The manufacturer’s quality management system shall be certified as

conforming to ISO 9001:2008.

b. Outdoor system components:

i. All electronic modules and assemblies intended for use in outdoor

applications shall use conformal coatings.

ii. The modules and assemblies shall be tested during manufacture over
their entire operational temperature range on a sample basis

Mechanical Requirements

a. Sensor cable:

i. The sensor cable shall have the option to be encased in an armor jacket,
for use in areas that have a high potential of physical damage to the cable.

ii. The sensor cable shall have a minimum bend radius no greater than 10.0
cm (4.0 inches).

Edition 9.1 56

iii. The sensor cable shall be affixed to the facility’s fence through the use of
UV-resistant plastic or metal cable ties.

iv. The sensor cable shall not require a cable conduit to be installed along
the fence perimeter.

b. Processor modules:

i. The manufacturer shall provide the facility owner with the option of
installing each processor assembly in its own enclosure or use an existing

ii. The processor enclosure cover shall be hinged as to enable access to the
internal components without requiring removal.

iii. The processor enclosure shall be capable of being secured with a padlock.

iv. The enclosure for the processor module shall include pre-installed cable
glands so that install technicians do not need to drill their own cable
entry points.

v. To improve accessibility during installation and maintenance, two-piece

pluggable terminal blocks shall be used.

vi. The processor module shall detect and indicate physical tampering
conditions, including:

 Opening of the processor enclosure cover, resulting in tamper

switch activation

 Cutting the sensor cable

 Short-circuiting the sensor cable

 Disconnecting the sensor cable

Environmental Requirements

a. Operating range: The processor in its standard enclosure shall operate

within specifications under the following environmental conditions:

i. Temperature: –40°C to 70°C (–40°F to 158°F)

ii. Relative humidity: 0% to 100% (condensing)

b. Processor enclosure:

Edition 9.1 57

i. The processor circuit card shall be housed in a painted aluminum

enclosure meeting the requirements of UL Type 4X/IP66.

ii. Cable ingress/egress ports shall include cable glands that require no
additional sealing compounds to provide an environmental seal for
sheathed cables.

Reliability and Maintenance Requirements

a. Sensor cables: The sensor cables shall provide a minimum service life of 10
years, excluding damage caused by non-environmental forces.

b. Processor:

i. The processor shall have a predicted mean time between failures (MTBF)
of greater than 100,000 hours when calculated per Telcordia Reliability
Prediction Procedure, Parts Count Method, at 70°C.

ii. The processor shall have a mean time to replace (MTTR) of less than 10

iii. The processor shall be capable of performing internal self-diagnostic

tests of the internal circuitry, cable continuity and termination, and
detection processing.

iv. No single Processor module failure shall cause any other Processor along
the perimeter to stop functioning in a normal manner.

v. The processor self-test cycle shall be capable of initiating from its two dry
contact inputs or from a command issued over the network, if configured.

vi. The processor firmware shall be field-upgradeable, either locally via a

USB connection or over the network.

Electrical Requirements

a. Each processor module shall meet the following electrical requirements:

i. Input power source: 10V to 60V DC

ii. Power consumption (standalone unit): less than 2.0W

iii. Power consumption (networked unit): less than 2.5W

b. Lightning/surge protection: The processor shall include transient voltage

protection to protect the system from lighting strikes or electrical tampering.

Edition 9.1 58

c. The system shall support the provision of power over the sensor cables, so
that individual processor modules, when connected together, can share a
common power source.

d. The system shall be capable of having up to 5 processors share power from

a single 48V (nominal) power source.

e. Auxiliary input and output electrical configuration:

i. Output relays: Each relay shall be rated for at least 1A at 30V.

ii. Auxiliary inputs: The values of the supervision resistor(s) for each dry
contact input shall be set from the configuration software.

f. Any optional communication card connected to the processor assembly will

be capable of using existing processor’s power source and not require any
additional power connections.

g. The system shall be capable of being powered via Power-over-Ethernet (PoE)

when an Ethernet communications card is installed.

Detection Capabilities

a. The FIDS sensor shall consist of a cable that is attached to the fence along
the full length to be protected.

b. The system shall be able to detect and locate intrusions over a cable
distance of up to 600 m (1,968 feet) per processor.

c. The FIDS processor shall have the following detection capabilities:

i. Process the signal from the sensor cable to detect intruders attempting
to breach the perimeter fence by cutting, climbing, or lifting the fence

ii. Each processor shall support two sensor cables, with each one being up
to 300 m (984 feet) in length.

iii. Pinpoint the position of a detected intrusion to within 3.0 m (9.8 feet) or
less at least 95% of the time.

iv. Detect multiple simultaneous intrusions, when each intrusion attempt is

separated by a sensor cable distance greater than 50 m (164 feet).

v. Support flexible, software-defined detection zones. Each processor shall

support up to 4 or 60 distinct, individually sized zones, depending on the
Edition 9.1 59

vi. Be capable of being calibrated to function on different types of metal


vii. Utilize environmental discrimination algorithms in the detection process

to optimally distinguish between the spatially localized disturbances of
real intrusions and spatially distributed disturbances like wind and rain.

d. The system shall support communication path redundancy to ensure

continued intrusion detection on the perimeter in the event of a cable cut.

e. Intrusion detection performance:

i. The probability of detection (Pd) of an intruder cutting the fence, lifting

the fence fabric, or climbing unaided over the fence shall be 95% with a
95% confidence factor, when the system is installed in accordance with
the manufacturer’s directions on a high-quality fence.

ii. False alarm rate: The maximum rate for alarms generated by the internal
electronic processes of the processors (cables excluded) shall be less
than one per zone per year, averaged over the total number of zones in
the system.

f. Nuisance (environmental) alarms:

i. The system when calibrated according to manufacturer’s guidelines shall

not suffer nuisance alarms from any of the following sources:

 Temperature changes

 Motion of nearby objects or vegetation that are not striking the


 Motion of surface or ground water

 Sunrise/sunset

 Seismic vibration caused by nearby vehicular or rail traffic

 Acoustic or magnetic effects

 Fog

g. The system shall utilize Environmentally Derived Adaptive Processing

Technology (EDAPT) to account for the background environmental noise
level in the vicinity of a disturbance before declaring an alarm to minimize
the probability of nuisance alarms from the following sources:

Edition 9.1 60

i. Wind

ii. Rain and hail

h. Fence compatibility:

i. The system shall support installation on the following types of metal


 Chain-link

 Expanded metal mesh

 Standard welded mesh

 Anti-Climb/Cut welded mesh

 Concertina and/or razor wire

 Vinyl-coated chain-link

 Palisade

i. The system shall perform as specified in single-pass installations on high-

quality chain-link fences of up to 4.3 m (14 feet) in height.

j. It shall be possible to use multiple passes of sensor cable to obtain the

specified detection performance for fences of any height.

k. The manufacturer shall provide installation guidelines regarding the type

and height of fences that can be protected with one, two, and multiple
passes of sensor cable.

l. Gate compatibility:

i. The sensor cable shall be capable of being installed on swinging gates.

ii. The sensor cable shall be capable of being bypassed on sliding gates.

iii. The processor shall be capable of providing power (2.0W) so that

auxiliary devices like passive infrared (PIR) sensors can be powered at
gate locations.

iv. The processor shall be capable of communicating with Wireless Gate

Sensor in order to protect gates without having to route power or sensor
cables onto the moving gate sections.

Edition 9.1 61

v. The processor shall be capable of powering microwave intrusion

detection system.

vi. The processor shall be capable of providing data connectivity so that

auxiliary devices can be integrated into the sensor network at gate

vii. The system shall have the option of using “quick disconnect” connectors
at infrequently used gates (swinging or sliding), so that the sensor cable
can be installed as normal over the gate and temporarily disconnected as

m. On-board storage: The processor shall be capable of using an off-the-shelf

Secure Digital (SD) memory card to record a local copy of the sensor
response data.

External Input / Output Capabilities

a. Processor alarm outputs:

i. The sensor processor shall have a minimum of four Form C relay outputs
to indicate alarm conditions.

ii. For each relay it shall be possible to assign one or more conditions from
the following list under which the relay will activate:

 Zone alarm (configurable zone start and end)

 Side A supervision alarm

 Side B supervision alarm

 Enclosure tamper

 Input power fail

 Internal hardware fault

 Fail safe (assert on total loss of power)

 Wireless Gate Sensor intrusion, supervision, and diagnostic alarms

Dry contact inputs:

i. The processor shall have a minimum of two configurable dry contact

inputs to accept the indication of alarm conditions detected or generated
by third-party devices.

Edition 9.1 62

ii. The processor shall be capable of wirelessly monitoring the status of gate
contacts via the Wireless Gate Sensor.

Installation and Configuration Capabilities

a. The system shall be simple to install and shall have the following
characteristics, as a minimum:

i. The sensor cable must be capable of being attached directly to the fence
without needing to be put in a conduit.

ii. The sensor cable must be capable of being attached to the fence with
standard UV-resistant cable ties (plastic or metal).

iii. It shall be possible to mount the processor directly on a fence post that
forms part of the fence to be protected

iv. It shall be possible to connect the sensor cable directly to the processor
without the need for any intermediary cable

v. All electrical connections to the processor, including the sensor cables,

shall be made with screw-terminals on removable connectors.

b. The system shall be available in different configurations for sites with

different zoning requirements:

i. The processor shall be available in a configuration that supports up to 4

zones on a single processor.

ii. The processor shall be available in a configuration that supports up to 60

zones on a single processor.

c. The system shall support the following configuration and calibration


i. The processor shall provide a standard USB connector for attachment to

a PC running Microsoft Windows.

ii. Configuration and calibration shall be performed via a Windows-based

software tool with a graphical user interface.

iii. The calibration software shall support precise sensitivity leveling on a per
meter (3 foot) basis.

iv. The calibration software shall enable the creation of de-sensitized zones
that ignore vibration events (for example, by gates or areas where
instruction detection is not required).
Edition 9.1 63

v. The calibration software shall include a real-time plot mode for viewing
live fence response data.

vi. The calibration software shall include settings to optimize sensitivity

levels for flexible and rigid fence constructions.

vii. Processor configuration and calibration settings shall be capable of being

stored in a computer file for record keeping purposes and available for
reuse when configuring additional or replacement processors.

System Supervision Alarms

a. The proposed FIDS shall monitor itself to ensure that its protection
capability is not compromised. If that capability has been compromised,
the system will generate a supervision alarm.

b. Supervision alarms can occur for several reasons:

i. Power failure, or low DC power.

ii. Damaged or defective components.

 A defect or cut in the sensor cable or cable splice will cause a

supervision alarm.

iii. Power Failure

 A voltage sensor monitors the internal voltage line and signals

the system if the DC voltage is too low. If the DC voltage drops,
but remains above the low DC threshold, the system will report
a power failure supervision alarm. The system will maintain
normal zone alarm detection capabilities while in this condition.

iv. Tamper

 The processor enclosure door is open and triggered by the

tamper switch.

Alarm Interface to CCTV And Floodlights

a. The FIDS shall provide multiple alarm contacts to activate the CCTV
assigned to its respective zone(s) to allow recording at higher frame rate
of the CCTV shots at the activated zone(s).

b. The alarm interface shall be either of the following but not be limited to:

i. Serial Communication to NVR; or

Edition 9.1 64

ii. Direct connection via dry contacts; or

iii. Ethernet communication via SCU; or

iv. Serial / Ethernet communication via BACS.


a. The awarded contractor should provide provision for a socket outlet

(running of conduit, cables) near the FIDS panel so as to facilitate SP
PowerGrid to carry out FIDS maintenance via using a laptop this is be
powered up using this socket outlet.

b. Any zone alarms signals must be reflected on the display instantaneously.

c. Different indication of LED display on the screen with regards to

different state of the FIDS must be reflected on the panel. Table 13-2
shows the different FIDS states and their corresponding LED zone display
on the panel.

FIDS State LED Zone Display

Armed Yellow

Disarmed Nil Indication

Intrusion Red

Table 13-2: FIDS stages and corresponding LED zone display on FIDS panel

Photo-beam Specification

a. Photo-beam shall be Transmitter and Receiver twin beam detector type

with the required detection range of at least 30 meters or further.

b. Photo-beam shall have beam alignment terminal points to adjust beam

strength and alignment between Transmitter and Receiver with a voltmeter.

c. Photo-beam shall have vertical and horizontal adjustment features to adjust

beam strength and alignment between Transmitter and Receiver.

d. Photo-beam should have several channels to select appropriate beam

frequencies for photo-beam stacking and long distances applications
without crosstalk.

Edition 9.1 65

e. Crosstalk can occur when two or more sets of active photo-beams are
installed at the same side and/ or in close proximity to one another, which
can lead to “no alarm” problems. Crosstalk also occurs when the photo-
beams operates beyond its intended range.

f. Photo-beam shall have LED indicators to check beam strength and

alignment status, alarm activation and power.

g. Photo-beam shall have response time adjustment settings between 50msec

to 700msec to trigger off an intrusion alarm.

h. Photo-beam shall have in-built lightning and surge protection features.

i. Photo-beam shall have in-built environmental compensation features to

eliminate environment disturbances like rain and etc, which may lead to
false/ nuisance alarms.

j. Photo-beam shall have alarm output duration of not less than a second.

k. Photo-beam’s power input shall fall within the range of 11Vdc to 30Vdc.

l. Photo-beam shall have tamper alarm output when photo-beam’s cover is


m. Six sets of photo-beam sensors shall be installed within the vicinity of each
gate with hollow section brackets. Two of these six sets will be installed on
top of the gates. Dimension of hollow section bracket shall be 100mm x
50mm x 2000mm.

n. Hollow section bracket shall be supported with base plate. Dimension of

base plate shall be 300m x 300mm

Siren and Strobe Light Specification

a. Siren shall come with built-in strode light suitable for sheltered outdoor and
indoor areas.

b. Siren shall provide regular alarm sound with an acoustic power of 100dB to
110dB at a distance of 1m.

c. Siren shall have the option for user to control the siren and strobe light

d. Colour of built-in strobe light shall be blue.

e. Siren’s enclosure shall be of approved protection ratings and conforming to

IP54 standard.
Edition 9.1 66

Networking Capabilities

a. The system shall be capable of operating in a stand-alone or networked


i. The system shall support a stand-alone configuration (i.e. not connected

to a Silver Network). In this configuration, alarms and supervision
information shall be communicated via the processor’s output relays.

ii. The system shall support a networked configuration. The processors shall
use the Silver Network protocol to relay alarm, status, and supervision
information over the sensor cables to the Network Manager. The
Network Manager shall then communicate the information to a security
management system.

iii. The system shall support the reporting of individual zone alarms as well
as status and supervision information to Silver Network-compatible relay
I/O modules.

b. When a network-capable system is required the requirements of this

section shall apply.

c. Network manager tools: The system’s network management software shall

provide the following tools to facilitate system monitoring, commissioning,
and trouble-shooting:

i. System status tool that provides a visual display of the status of all
processors in the system

ii. System event log tool that provides a searchable log of system events

iii. System plot tool that can store and recall the response data for all
networked sensors and display a plot of the response from a minimum
of 8 sensor zones simultaneously

iv. Audio tool that generates an audio signal representing a sensor’s

response data for each zone.

d. Networked processor self-test: It shall be possible to initiate a self-test over

the network.

e. Network communications and integration:

i. The processors shall be capable of communicating alarm, status, and

configuration information to and from a central location over an
integrated sensor network.

Edition 9.1 67

ii. Alarm, status, and configuration information shall be able to be

communicated over the sensor cables, thus enabling a multi-processor
system to require only one connection to the facility’s network and/or
security management systems.

iii. The processors shall support the following physical media options for
communication with the integrated sensor network:

 EIA-422 cable

 Multi-mode fiber optic cable

 Single-mode fiber optic cable

 Ethernet with POE capability

f. The sensor network shall be capable of being connected in a loop

configuration and of being polled from both ends of the loop to provide
redundant communication paths to each processor.

g. The processors shall maintain an internal alarm queue in the event of a

network interruption. The alarms shall automatically be resent when
network connectivity is re-established.

h. Networking of auxiliary input and output relays:

i. The status of the processor’s auxiliary dry contact inputs shall be

communicated over the integrated sensor network

i. The processor’s output relays shall be controllable over the integrated

sensor network.

j. Network management:

i. The system shall include network management software to manage the

communications over the sensor network. The network management
software shall be capable of running on a standard Windows PC.

ii. The system’s network management software shall provide the following

iii. TCP/IP-based interface for communicating alarm, status, and

configuration data to and from security management systems. The
system Contractor shall furnish complete documentation of this
interface to facilitate integration with security management systems.

Edition 9.1 68

iv. Serial and TCP/IP-based interfaces for communicating alarm, status, and
configuration data to and from security management systems using
configurable, ASCII-based text strings.

v. TCP/IP-based interface to be used by the system’s PC-based software

calibration and configuration tool to allow calibration and configuration
of all processor settings to be done from a central location.


a. Contractor submittals to the facility owner shall include the following as a


i. Site conditions report

ii. Configuration, calibration settings, and sensitivity plots for each

processor in the system after installation and calibration are complete

iii. All manufacturer-supplied software required for the calibration and

operation of the system.


a. The contractor shall deliver to the facility owner spare system components.

b. For each system component, spares consisting of least 20% of the number
that comprise the system, whichever is greater, shall be provided.


a. The product shall be under warranty for a minimum of two years from the
date of purchase.

13.23. Duress Alarm System (DAS)

DAS shall be installed in manned installations designated with a guardhouse or a

manned room. The DAS shall be remotely linked through the LAN/MAN to the
Security Command Centre. The Contractor shall submit a detailed proposal for the
implementation of the system, which shall be subject to the approval of SP and
any relevant authorities.

The DAS shall have, but not be limited to, the following features:

a. Consist of manually activated buttons, alarm processors and alarm status


Edition 9.1 69

b. The activating buttons must be hidden from general view and the design
must allow the operator to activate it inconspicuously.

c. All duress alarm button shall be on a permanent arm mode zone.

d. Each duress alarm button shall be connected to its own zone. There shall
not be any sharing of zones in the alarm processor.

e. The alarm system will also include battery backup for up to eight (8) hours.

f. The audio and visual alarms in the Security Command Centre must allow the
Security Personnel to know exactly which location has activated the duress

g. The design for the alarm status panel and the buzzer located at the Security
Command Centre shall cater to monitor a minimum of 30 sites. The panel
should include a LED function test for all location indicators. Should there
be inadequate space on the existing status panel for the additional location
indicators, provisions must be made for replacement or expansion of the
existing alarm status panel.

h. Duress alarms shall not annunciate at the local substation site initiating the
duress alarm.

i. The duress alarm initiated at the Security Command Centre shall annunciate
at the Security Backup Command Centre or any other location to be
determined by SP.

j. All duress alarms shall annunciate at the Security Command Centre, Security
Backup Command Centre or any other location to be determined by SP.

k. The Security PC Workstation shall also display the alarm point on the
geographical layout, which shall be indicated by a flashing icon.

l. The time lag between the activation of the duress alarm and the
annunciation of the alarm at the Security PC Workstation or alarm status
panel shall not be greater than 2 seconds.

Edition 9.1 70



1.1 Each Guard House will have minimally 3 cameras installed. Two cameras
overlooking the internal of the guard house while 1 camera oversees the
area where passes are exchanged. These cameras will be connected to
SPPA’s Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) via ISOSS CCTV network where
possible and will have its network video recorder (NVR) located at Security
Command Centre (SCC) server room. Please refer to Appendices.

1.2 Guarantee and Warranty

1.2.1 All equipments supplied must have a minimum product lifespan of 2 years.
Should the principal announce End-of-Sale (EOS) of the product, the principal
shall still provide support for all repairs, spare parts and refurbishment for 2
years from the award of tender date. In the event of product obsolescence,
the Contractor has to replace the faulty unit or component with a current
compatible model, which is subject to the approval of the Company.

1.2.2 The Contractor shall warrant and guarantee that all works and materials to be
provided under this Contract will be new and of first class quality and in every
aspect suitable for the services required: that the work and all components,
thereof will fulfill the performance data, characteristics and properties as laid
down in this Specifications, that the work and all its parts shall operate at all
capacities up to maximum, successfully and without undue noise, undue
wear, undue heating, undue straining of parts and without undue vibration,
that the works shall be efficient for easy maintenance and in harmonious
operation conditions with other parts of the work, and equipped in accordance
with up-to-date techniques.

Edition 9.1 1


2.1 Scope

2.1.1 Components: The CCTV System shall include, but not limited to, Internet
Protocol (IP) cameras, Power Over Ethernet (PoE) switches, junction boxes,
and all necessary wiring and cables. Depending on SPPA’s requirement at
the point of equipment purchase by the contractor, Network Video Recorder
(NVR) and/or 3 Terabyte (TB) hard-disks may also be required.

2.1.2 Unused Materials: All unused accessories (e.g. cables, adaptors etc) that are
provided with the components shall be duly returned to the Company after the
project completion.

2.1.3 Works:

a) The Contractor shall provide all interconnecting and termination services

between all connection points and ensure that all equipment and
terminating points are effectively earthed. Proper (Polyvinyl Chloride)
PVC conduits / trunking shall be provided when laying the cables from
point to point.

b) All cables, terminations and equipment installed shall be appropriately

labeled for clear identification and to facilitate fast troubleshooting. The
material, location and text of the labels shall be subjected to the
Company’s final approval.

c) All the devices within the junction box shall be properly secured and

d) The Contractor shall provide an external double-pole suitable rated

Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB), connecting from the main distribution
board (DB) to the junction box, installed in a 100% spare housing.

e) The network up-link shall be taken from the ISOSS (CCTV Network) in
the guardhouse where possible.

Edition 9.1 2

2.2 IP Camera

2.2.1 The camera shall be Panasonic WV-SF335E Mega Pixel Fixed Compact
Dome Camera or equivalent.

2.2.2 The camera shall be powered by PoE.

2.2.3 Cameras shall be properly mounted at a location where the viewing angle is
optimal, subjected to a final approval by the Company.

2.2.4 The camera shall have web interface that allows authorised end user to
remotely download video and still images.

2.3 Network Video Recorder

2.3.1 NVR shall be provided if there is inadequate recording storage for the new
guardhouse cameras at the existing NVR at the Security Command Centre.

2.3.2 The NVR shall be Panasonic WJ-ND400K or equivalent.

2.3.3 The NVR shall have built-in Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID5)
storage with hot swappable Serial ATA (SATA) hard disks with canisters
which are suitable for 24/7 CCTV recording. Capacity of each hard disk shall
be at least 3TB.

2.3.4 The NVR shall support up to 64 network cameras without extra license fee
and their images shall be recorded simultaneously.

2.3.5 The NVR shall have web interface that allows authorised end user to remotely
playback/download video and still images.

2.3.6 The NVR shall store a minimum of 3 months of video (minimum fps: 10, VGA
resolution, No RAID function) recording for all cameras. Any cost incurred
from additional storage media shall be deemed to be included in the tender
price submitted.

2.3.7 The NVR shall support MPEG-4, H.264 and JPEG.

2.3.8 The NVR shall be fully compatible with the IP camera and PoE switch
proposed for the CCTV system.

Edition 9.1 3

2.4 PoE Switch

2.4.1 The PoE switch shall be HP E2520-8G-PoE or equivalent.

2.4.2 The PoE switch shall have management and telnet remote login functions.

2.4.3 The PoE switch shall have Media Access Control (MAC) address access
control. All MAC addresses of the end devices as well as the entries
submitted by the Company shall be entered into the switch configuration
before commissioning.

2.4.4 The uplink to the network shall have IEEE802.1Q (VLAN tagging) enabled
where required.

2.4.5 The uplink shall have 100% cable redundancy.

2.5 Junction Box

2.5.1 The key-lockable junction box provided shall have enough room to house all
the equipment necessary for the CCTV operation as well as our equipment
which shall include, but not limited to the PoE switch. At least 50% spare
space should be provided. The Contractor shall propose the layout of the
equipment in the junction box to be implemented and shall be subjected to
approval by the Company.

2.5.2 For each junction box, the Contractor shall also provide at least a dual pole
MCB of suitable rating and 2 twin 13A power sockets.

2.5.3 The junction boxes supplied shall comply with IP65 standard.

2.5.4 There shall be a plastic engraved label on each box. The word to be
engraved will be provided by the Company.

2.5.5 The swinging door of the junction box shall have a clear document file
attached on the inside.

2.5.6 The junction box shall have a tray at the base that could be extended out for
placing laptops.

2.5.7 The Contractor shall provide the lockset that is identical with all existing
Guardhouse CCTV junction box.

Edition 9.1 4

2.6 Electrical and Communication Cables

2.6.1 The electrical and communication cables used for installation should be of
approved standards.

2.6.2 All conduits, ducting, enclosures and cabinets shall be protected or otherwise
sealed to prevent the entry of insects or other vermin, which could damage

2.6.3 All installation works shall be performed by competent and experienced staff
in accordance with the latest Edition of the Singapore Standard Code of
Practice CP5, CP16, CP33, CP59 and regulations currently enforced by the
relevant competent authorities.

2.6.4 The Contractor shall exercise due care when carrying out the installation
works so as not to damage existing equipment and services within the project
location and terminal buildings.

2.6.5 The Contractor shall provide the necessary cable supports that are tamper
proof. Network and power cables are not allowed to be laid in the same
conduit / trunking or in close proximity.

2.6.6 Cables leading into the equipment rack should be provided with a minimum 2”
machine bored hole.

2.6.7 Cables shall be installed in a manner eliminating any possibility of strain on

the cable itself or its termination.

2.6.8 All cable installations shall adopt a “loop into fittings” system with adequate
slackness connecting every equipment to facilitate removal for replacement,
inspection or adjustment.

2.6.9 No joints or connections along the cables shall be permitted.

2.6.10 At the time of installation of cables, should any abrasion to insulation,

sheathing or armoring occurs, the affected cable shall be withdrawn and
replaced with a new one.

2.6.11 The fiber termination must meet ISO/IEC recommended standards

acceptable to the Company. Proper measured test results should be
submitted to the Company.

2.6.12 In the event of finding evidence for reasonable doubt as to the non-
compliance to this clause, the authorised representative from the Company
reserves the right to direct the suspected cable to be withdrawn for
inspection. If the cable is found to be faulty, it shall be withdrawn and
replaced with a new one at no additional cost to the Company.

Edition 9.1 5

2.6.13 Upon request by the COMPANY, the Contractor shall provide and install the
conduit / trunking for the cables / wires that are laid or existing ones at no
additional cost to the Company.

2.6.14 There shall be new communication cables laid for existing equipment that
connect to the newly installed PoE switch if the existing cables are found to
be too short at no additional cost to the Company.

2.6.15 The Contractor shall reroute existing cables if required, due to relocation of
existing switches at no additional cost to the Company.

2.6.16 The Contractor shall provide suitable fiber connectors upon request at no
additional cost to the Company.

2.7 Power Supply

2.7.1 The power supply required for the equipments to be installed in each Guard
House shall be provided by a sub-distribution circuit.

2.7.2 In the event that any distribution board has no suitable spares to be allocated,
a new dual pole MCB of suitable rating shall be provided by the Contractor
and installed by a licensed electrical worker.

2.7.3 A new sub-distribution board shall be provided and installed by the Contractor
if the existing board has space constraints.

2.7.4 The Contractor shall lay the power cables with proper terminations from the
sub-distribution circuit to the junction boxes and racks.

Edition 9.1 6

2.8 Testing and Commissioning

2.8.1 Testing and commissioning shall be carried out by the Contractor to

determine whether the system complies with the Specifications and to provide
the necessary documentation.

2.8.2 The Contractor shall submit a detailed testing and commissioning procedure
to the Company for approval at least 2 weeks in advance prior to the
commencement of testing and commissioning.

2.8.3 The test methods used shall be in accordance with the system manufacturers’
and relevant authorities’ recommendations.

2.8.4 Testing and commissioning shall include, but not limited to, the following:

a) Network connectivity to all devices

b) Video recording can be downloaded successfully from NVR

c) MAC address control successfully implemented

d) Configuration of all networked devices

2.8.5 Testing and commissioning shall be carried out in the presence of and to the
satisfaction of at least 1 authorised representative from the Company, and at
such times as it may require.

2.8.6 The Contractor shall provide all labour, materials, apparatus, insulation test,
instruments and connections required for the tests.

2.8.7 All test instruments used shall be calibrated at the expense of the Contractor
at a recognised national laboratory to be approved by the Company. The date
of the last calibration of the test instruments shall not be more than 2 years.

2.8.8 The test reports submitted to the Company shall include all the results of
testing, details of the testing equipment and measurement and recording
instruments and details of the test method. The Contractor shall submit the
format of the test reports for the Company’s approval.

2.8.9 The Contractor shall submit all test reports for each installation within 7 days
upon completion of testing and commissioning.

2.8.10 The Contractor shall exercise proper project management and control, and
submit weekly progress schedules during the installation, testing and
commissioning works.

Edition 9.1 7

2.8.11 In the event the tested system fails to meet the Specifications, the Contractor
shall make the necessary arrangements to repair, modify and/or replace the
system within the contractual completion time, failing which liquidated
damages will be imposed. All costs incurred in the replacement or repair of
the system, including any additional labour, materials and other necessary
accessories and consumables shall be borne by the Contractor.

2.8.12 Upon commissioning, the Contractor shall submit an excel spreadsheet of the
records for the devices IP addresses and MAC addresses.

2.8.13 MAN network availability to SCC will be subjected to Fiber Optics installation
schedule for the substation. This schedule may or may not coincide with new
substation building handover timeline.

Edition 9.1 8


3.1 On-site corrective maintenance with free replacement of all faulty parts
(inclusive of labour) shall be included during the Defects Liability Period.

3.2 Emergency calls shall be treated by the Contractor as top priority and the
Contractor’s Service Engineer shall attend to these faults within the
response time window as stated in Clause 1.3. The maintenance hours for
corrective maintenance shall be during office hours (5) days per week
(excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays).

3.3 The Contractor’s Service Engineers shall operate from and be based in
Singapore. The Contractor’s Service Engineers shall attend at the relevant
Premises within the Response Time of two (2) hours from the Company’s
first request to the Contractor for its Service Engineer’s presence at the site.

3.4 The Contractor’s Service Engineer shall provide and be equipped with the
necessary tools to carry out his work during his site visit.

3.5 For any fault addressed and resolved, the Contractor shall issue a service
report to the Company within the same day.

3.6 The Contractor shall rectify all faults, defects and deficiencies within two (2)
hours of the Contractor’s presence at the Site. However, if, despite the
Contractor’s best efforts, it is unable to rectify such faults, defects and
deficiencies within the above two (2) hours period, the Contractor shall, at
its own cost, put in place approved alternatives to ensure that the system is
functional for its respective purposes within the above two (2) hours period.
For the avoidance of doubt, the implementation of such alternatives shall
not in any way discharge the Contractor of its obligations to rectify the
faults, defects and deficiencies reported by the Company.

3.7 In the event that the Contractor is unable to rectify the fault within seven (7)
days of the occurrence of the fault, the Contractor shall be liable for
liquidated damages, fixed at a rate of 1.00% of the total contract sum
(“Contract Sum”) for every week or any part thereof that the fault remains
un-corrected up to a maximum amount of 10.00% of the Contract Sum.

Edition 9.1 9


The Contractor is to tabulate a statement showing clearly, in order of the relevant
clauses, any deviation from the Specifications. No variation will be accepted
during the contract period unless otherwise approved by the Company in writing.

Page No Clause/Details Tenderer’s Remark


Edition 9.1 10


1. The substation shall generally be constructed to comply with the current editions
of the Standards for Building and Codes of Practice produced by the following

- American Society for the Testing of Materials (ASTM)

- Standards Australia
- British Standards Institution (BSI)
- International Standards Organisation (ISO)
- Standard, Productivity and Innovation Board (SPRING) Singapore
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
- International Electrotechnical Commission (Geneva,Switzerland) (IEC)

2. The Developer / Consultant shall be required to identify all relevant Standards

and Codes of Practices. Where Singapore Standards exist, these shall be

3. The design of Electrical Substations shall comply with the current requirements of
the following, and all relevant laws and regulations and with such additional
requirements as may be stated in the Specifications, Guidelines or where

- Singapore Land Authority (SLA), Singapore

- Energy Marketing Authority (EMA), Singapore

- Infocomm Development Authority, Singapore

- Urban Renewal Authority (URA), Singapore

- National Environment Agency (NEA), Singapore

- Public Utilities Board (PUB), Singapore

- Land Transport Authority (LTA), Singapore

- National Parks Board (NParks), Singapore

- Building and Construction Authority (BCA), Singapore

- Building Control Regulations

- Fire Safety and Shelter Department (FSSD)

- Workplace Safety and Health (WSH)

- Code on Accessibility in the Built Environment

- Guide To Carrying Out Restricted Activities Within Railway Protection And

Safety Zones

Edition 9 1

- Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore Code of Practice for Info

Communications Facilities in Buildings (IDA COPIF)

- Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA)

- Standard Details for Road Elements (SDRE), LTA, Singapore

- BCA Green Mark for New Non-Residential Buildings

- The Fire Safety Act

- The Fire Safety Regulations

- Standards for Fire Safety in Rapid Transit System (SFSRTS)

- Code of Practice for Fire Precautions in Buildings (Fire Code)

- Code of Practice for Pollution Control by National Environmental Agency

- Code of Practice for Environmental Sustainability of Buildings

- SS EN Series 3 Specification for Portable Fire Extinguishers

- SS EN 1990 Basis of Structural Design

- SS EN 1991 Actions of Structure

- SS EN 1992 Design of Concrete Structures

- SS EN 1993 Design of Steel Structures

- SS EN 1994 Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures

- SS EN 1997 Geotechnical Design

- PUB (Drainage) Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage

- PUB (Sewerage) Code of Practice on Sewerage and Sanitary Works

- CP 5 Code of Practice for Wiring of Electrical Installation

(Including Amendment no 1 to CP5)

- CP 10 Code of Practice for The Installation and Servicing

of Electrical Fire Alarm Systems.

- CP 52 Code of Practice for Automatic Fire Sprinkler


- CP 48 Code of Practice for Water Services

- CP 59 Construction, installation, operation and

maintenance of intruder alarm systems

- SS 209 Battery-operated emergency power supply for

lighting and ventilation of passenger lifts

Edition 9 2

- SS 333 Specifications for Fire Dampers

- SS 497 Code of Practice for Installation, operation and

maintenance of electric operated travelling

- SS 530 Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency Standard for

Building Services and Equipment, 2006

- SS 532 Code of Practice for Storage of Flammable Liquids.

- SS 535 Code of Practice for Installation, Operation,

Maintenance, Performance and Constructional
Requirements of Mains Failure Standby Generating

- SS 550 Code of Practice for Installation, operation and

maintenance of electric passenger and goods lifts

- SS 551 Code of Practice for Earthing

- SS 553 Code of Practice for Air-Conditioning and

Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings, 2009

- SS 555 Code of Practice for Lightning Protection

- SS 563 Code of Practice for Design, Installation and

Maintenance of Emergency Lighting and Power
Supply Systems in Buildings.

- SS 575 Code of Practice for Fire Hydrant, Rising Mains and

Hose reel Systems

- SS 578 Code of Practice for Use and Maintenance of

Portable Fire Extinguishers

- SS 593 Code of Practice for Pollution Control

- NFPA 11 Standard for Low, Medium and High Expansion


- NFPA 16 Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-

Water Spray Systems

- NFPA 750 Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems

- NFPA 2001 Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing


Edition 9 3


All Work of this Section shall comply with the requirements of the Specification,
Drawings, Schedules and Guidelines.

The Contractor shall provide extended warranties for products, workmanship, etc, as
needed, and the cost shall be deemed included in the cost of the Works.

Below is the list of Indemnities and Warranties to be provided.

S/No Indemnity &

Product, Work or System
Warranty Period
1. Tile Adhesives and Bonding Agents 5 Years
2. Galvanising to Metalwork 10 Years
3. Joint Sealers and Accessories 10 Years
4. Expansion/ Movement Joint Work 10 Years
5. Aluminium and Glazing Works 10 Years
6. Ironmongery 2 Years
7. Aluminium Ceiling Panels 10 Years
8. Weatherproof Aluminium Louvers 10 Years
9. Raised Floor System 5 Years
10. Anti-Termite Treatment Works 5 Years
11. Floor Hardener Works 5 Years
12. Waterproofing / water tightness of basement 10 Years
13. Waterproofing / water tightness of membrane 10 Years
panel roofing system to RC flat roof works.

Edition 9 1
Technical Specifications



Fence line

(C) Distance between tree and end of planting area

•If < than 7000mm, subsequent tree not required.
•1st tree after a CCTV pole, it should be at least 5 metres away
CCTV pole line

(D) Offset between CCTV poles and trees

Fence line

•Offset should be between 300-500mm apart, with 500mm being


(B) Distance between subsequent trees

1. 4 to 5 metres apart

(A) Distance between 1st tree and CCTV pole

•> 5 metres
•1st tree after a CCTV pole, it should be at least 5 metres away

Page 1 of 1
Technical Specifications

Page 1 of 1
Technical Specifications

Page 1 of 1
Appendix 4

New Guard House

42 units rack
Guard House 1

PoE switch

SCC Server Room /


Guard House N

Note: 1 to N is the number of guard houses that have already been installed with the system. If required, contractor shall provide only the NVR in the
42 units rack.
Appendix 5


Junction box
Network switch

Cat 6 cable

Note: Each guard house may have 2 or more cameras. Minimally 2 cameras within the guard house and 1 camera outside the guard house
where passes are exchange.

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