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Focusing on you to mark up the content and that is almost an impossible aspect when it comes

to Legal requirement, but you should be able to trace that information. I suppose you want to
talk about right? Okay, maybe the

In this okay, uh legal aspect. So we will be covering our our our surface in 2 sessions. And
today we are going to cover about factories act.

We'll be having a detailed discussion on the major provisions of factories act and we'll be
having a cube review about bcw act as well as we'll be having uh, the application of employee
conversation. Okay in our okay as our third, okay and right

So what legal system? Okay has a strong relationship with the British of the colonialism, right?

The purpose of any law, in fact, okay, especially the labor law is to mitigate the difference
between the employer as well as an employee. Right? So these are the 2 okay different, uh
groups which are having conflicting interests, right suppose as an employee, right?

Okay, you want to work less and you want to get okay good amount of wages on the other hand.
The the mentality of an employer will be the okay. So we want to extract maximum out of that
employee and you want to write a careless. So these are the 2 contradictory aspect, right?

So how that can be resolved. So the labor laws sett framework for that, right? So now you can
you can okay allow them to work for 8 hours, but for that you have to pay the

So in India, uh, it is, uh, okay. It is under concurrent. So the labor is a concurrent Affair in India.
So what the meaning of a concurrent of that means both the state government as well as the
central government or empowered to make rule related to labor law in India.

Right, so it's both a state of as well as a central of.


When you talk about the the quantity of of the labor laws in India, right we can think about
maybe more than hundreds of such. Uh, okay laws and rules in India. So it's a quite a
complicated system in India when it comes to labor law.

5 okay requirements in a factory, right? Okay, you should be able to locate that. Okay, so which
section talks about this aspect?

And you can go to the other relevant document right and can learn and you can say these are the
account right but you should be able to retrieve that information. That's an important. Okay?

So we will be covering our our our self in 2 sessions. And today we are going to cover about
factories act. We'll be having a detailed discussion on the major provisions of factory set and
we'll be having a cube review about bcw act as well as we'll be having uh, the application of
employee conversation.

Okay in our okay as our third, okay and right.

So when you talk about the history of labor laws in India, right? So the first ever okay, the labor
law in India was formed under British court. So the first

We talk about the history of India, right? So the first ever okay, the labor law in India was a

was formed

under British colonialism

The purpose of any law, in fact, okay, especially the labor law is to mitigate the difference
between the employer as well as an employee. Right? So these are the 2 okay different, uh
groups which are having conflicting interests, right suppose as an employee, right?

Okay, you want to work less and you want to get okay good amount of wages on the other hand.
The the mentality of an employee will be the case. You want to extract maximum out of that
employee and you want to educate so these are 2 contradictory aspect, right? So how that can be

So the labor laws sett framework for that, right? So now you can you can okay allow them to
work for 8 hours, but for that you have to pay the minimum wage for them. So so the purpose of
any loan in fact is to okay to bring the 2. Okay groups into an amicable situation.

Right, so it provides the framework so that these dispute can be resolved.

So India it is okay is under concurrent. So the labor is a concurrent Affair in India. So what the
meaning of a concurrent of that means both the state government as well as the central
government or empowered to make rule related to labor law in India.

It's a it's a both a state Affair as well as a central affair.

there are right we need when you talk about the the quantity of the labor laws in India, right we
can think about maybe more than hundreds of such. Uh, okay laws and rules in India. So it's a
quite a complicated system in India when it comes to labor law.

Suppose you are trying to educate categorize labor law. Okay, we can uh, okay categorize based
on who is the empowering as well as enacting agents, right?

The second category of level is include the levels which are enacted by central government but
enforced by both Central as well as state government.

So both are the enforcing Agency, for example, uh the bocw act or the contract Labor Act Right,
but any kind of changes that we made by Indian Parliament, so as a state government State
Assembly cannot make any changes in that law, but they are also responsible for
implementation of these rules in their state.

The state government itself, right the state rules the state factories rules. There's an example.
Okay for the fourth category.

So we can have another classification based on the purpose of these uh act right. So there are
certain act which talks about the industrial relationship. That's for example, the industrial
dispute tax the Trade union act as well. So this talks about that how we can have an amicable.

relation between employer employee Etc


Then there are certain laws which talks about the working conditions safety Etc. Like for
example, the factory sack that we are going to cover today as well as bcw app. So these all
comes under these category then the the the laws which are related to the empowerment of
women and equality. Right?

So maternity benefit act equal domination act. These are examples for that.

Then uh a bonded labor, okay a bullish inactive drug.

So these are the few examples for that then the laws which are for Social Security.
So a partial use G.

That's why right? Okay, the central government, right? Okay, that is they have initiated and
almost formalized. The amalgamation of labor laws in India. So moving forward. I think some
of the changes have already been implemented. We'll be having 4 core in labor courts in India.

Because I told you that it's a state. It's a it's a

Right, the central government has come up with the oil code. Right? That's is the single Central
level. But okay that is basically say State as well. So based on the fact that code every state has
to come up with their own. Okay, which the rules based on the voyage code, right?

So that has initiated maybe within 1 or 2 years, like every state will be coming up with the okay
rules and we'll be moving to the new Range. So as of now we are in a transition state.

So these are the right of guys some of the recent development that you should be knowing of
when it comes to Legal.

So we will talk about right we will start with the factories Act.



so we will talk about right we will start with the factories.



the purpose of factories Act is to okay protect the workers from occupational.

Hazards as well as it put a statutory obligation to the employer to protect as well as Safeguard
workers whenever they are working in a factory.

So this is an important, okay.

So the various okay Provisions or the various sections in the factories that factories act or
summarized in this slide like as you can see here, so we do have 11 chapters.

The chapter 1 talks about preliminary chapter 2 is about instructing staff chapter 3 talks about
various Health Provisions chapter 4 is about safety professional Etc. So similarly we have 11

Right. So these 1 120 sections are distributed in 11 chapters.

And the various Health Provisions, so that are from section 11 to 20 various safety Provisions
are okay included okay in section 21 to 41.

Then various welfare Provisions are from section 402 to 50 working hours of adult. Okay or
discussed in section 51 to 66 exception.

So try to okay, uh, whenever you are approaching right we're trying to learn factories act. Okay,
try to learn in this manner because suppose you are attending a specialist some public sector.
Okay examination, right? Okay, you can expect a lot of mcqs questions, right?
They will give an example like a section 208 of factories Act deals with XYZ, right? So
suppose, you know that that is section 28 talks about various safety Provisions so we can have
you can eliminate some of these. Okay options suppose you are doing this man.

3 factors

exposure limit for certain chemicals

right suppose you are from this domain. You can relate with the threshold limited value or the
permissible exposure limit for the same certain chemicals, right? How much is the maximum?

Okay chemical exposure 1 can have for 8 or the 15 minute duration that will be detailed in
second schedule and the third schedule talks about list of notifiable diseases suppose. Okay,
during the during the time of 200 course of employment the worker receives certain types of
diseases for example, right?

Silicosis. So theosis is an occupational disease that can happen due to prolonged exposure of

So that is an occupational disease suppose the worker. Okay, I received such diseases that need
to be okay informed to relevant authorities. So the which are these notifiable diseases that are
listed in to sharing?

Right. So any questions on okay this particular slide?

Right. So our Focus will be on okay the 3 different. Okay chapters. These are chapter 3 chapter
4 as well as chapter 5 so our discussion will be majorly on these. Okay?

So initially, we'll talk. Okay, we'll be having a quick review about okay, what are the various
definitions as per uh chapter 1 that's a preliminary that talks about Section 1 to 7.

So Factory is defined as

a premises were 10 or more workers are working okay or work and on any day of okay
preceding 12 months right with the aid of power or 20 or more workers or working or worked?
Okay, and any day of preceding 12 months with the 8 of power?

And they should be engaged in the manufacturing process. So in order to consider a premises or
a or a or a establishment as a factory, okay, it has to write. Okay, you need to consider a certain

So how many? Okay. So first of all, okay how many people are being engaged in that act in that
particular operation then are they working with the aid of power or without Aid of power then?
What's the nature of their act?

Based on that we can okay, we can easily conclude whether that's a factory or not.

Then right. Okay. So there there are okay 10 or more workers out there then suppose they are
working in a manufacturing process.

Then right. Okay. So there there are okay 10 or more workers out there then suppose they are
working in a manufacturing process.

Example in case of a welding operation that can.

Then who is the worker the worker is a person who is employed in a manufacturing process
right a person who is engaged in a manufacturing process can be called as a worker.
So his employment can be on a contract Norm he can be permanent employee, right? He can be
working for remuneration in some cases right together can be okay. Maybe you can

Be getting any kind of Corporation, but suppose they are working in a manufacturing process.
He will be called as a worker.

Uh, maybe write together can be some sort of vendors, right?

Okay, so we'll be busy.

No problem. So something okay happened to that vendor reads. He's not a worker according to
these know because he's not engaged in a manner.

infection process

Then these are the other definitions who can be called as an adult. So.

So this is okay. Okay in line with the common definition, right?

Has completed 18 18 year of age we discussed as an adult.

Has completed 18 18 year of age we discussed as an adult.

A person who is engaged in a manufacturing process can be called as a worker.

So his employment can be on a contract normally and the permanent employee that he can be
working for remuneration in some cases can be okay. Maybe you could

you won't be getting any kind of impression but suppose they are working in a manufacturing
process. He will be called as a worker.

For example, right, right. Okay your factory.

Uh may be right together can be some sort of vendor, right?

So we'll be visiting your business. So something okay happened with the events. He's not a
worker according to this because he's not engaged in the manufacture.

in line with the Department of future right a person who has somebody to speak 1 8 1 8

Then young person means a person read. Okay who is either an adolescent or a child will be
called as a young person ideally?

Less than less than 18 years of age will be called as a young person. He can be. Alright child
child worker who can be a adversary.

So suppose a person who has completed 14, right he can work in a country.

So suppose a person who is is a complete is 14 right maybe 14 and a half. So as per the norm he
can work in Factory but as per the definition.

That it will be called as a child worker, right? So as for the definition can see that a person who
is not complete to 15 will be called as a child worker. Right? So in this case, he will become a
child worker, but that's a issue with the
The way in which we are defining child here. So this definition is not applicable to factory sack
when you are referring to the child labor act right here. The definition is that child me is a
person who has not completely 14th year of age.

That's why we have this okay. I'm going to give

Then okay. These are the normal definition, right? Okay, normally the calendar year will start
from January to December 31st.

then who is uh

Okay, who?


Normally we say they're competent person is eradicate person is driving. Okay knowledge about
that operation and he's qualified to do that. So

but as per factory set the competent person means it can be a person or an institution recognized
by Chief Inspector for carrying out tests examination inspection factories. So these authorized
person will be called as competent person.

And competent persons are the person authorized to do such tests. So these are the okay
recognized people okay, or the people recognized by the chief instructor for carrying out tests
examination and inspection in fact

Right, so these will be always okay outside your organization.

Then what can be called as a hazardous process. So hazardous process means any activity in
relation to an industry, which is specified in schedule 1.

So that activity can be called as a hazardous process.

So in order to know that whether you are in a hazardous, okay process or not. Actually, you
should need to look forward to the schedule 1 which will list all the industries okay, which
which might be operating in a hazard or something.

So you have to see that whether you're you're activity is a part of the industry or not. Then you
can if you conclude that whether you are a hazardous process or not. The important thing is that
suppose you are in a hazard process. Then there are additional requirements will be there. Okay
on your on your company.

Right the person who is having ultimate control. So normally the license will be given in the
name of an occupier write an occupier is responsible for ensuring safety in that premises.

1 of the partner can be called so we can't say that a group of people as an occupier. So it has to
be always to be an individual person.

So 1 of the partner will be called as an occupier and the license will be given in that name in
case of government set up the person nominated by the central or the state government will be
called as the occupant.

Then section 6 talks about approval licensing and registration of factories. So it says that for
getting approval and Licensing and registration the state government will be making rules
related to what are the documents that need to be submitted to the relevant authorities.
And whether you require any kind of written per permission, okay prior to submitting your
forms. What are the specifications? Okay here. What are the okay specifications of your okay
plans and other documents.

Okay, that is an act that is applicable throughout India. So that is providing a framework for the
respective state government to okay to prepare their state to

So I told you that this is a concurrent effect that means both the state as well as single
government are empowered to make so we have factories at 1948. That is applicable throughout

So the factories that okay, we'll be providing a guide line of the framework based on these
guideline. Every state government will be preparing their own state to

Right, so they say that okay. So what are the okay, what are the documents that need to be
submitted? So the detailed will be okay. You can find the details on the state rules.

Right. So suppose you are in a particular state for example Gujarat or maybe Rajasthan right?
Ultimately, you will be following the the respective State too. So, please open that document
right whenever you have time and you will get to know. All right? Okay. What are the these?

Okay, what are the okay specific document that need to be submitted to the relevant authorities.

Right, so it's okay. So he that's okay. That's a difficulty in factories that right though. We talk
about the factories that ultimately you will be following your state room because that'll be okay
more detailed or the procedural aspect will be delivered in the state through

Right. So normally you have to send you are okay all the documents the chief instructor by
registered post.

And there is 1 important post, right? Okay suppose you are not getting any any kind of feedback
even after okay 3 months of submission to the Chief Inspector. That means your application has
been automatically granted.

Right, so you can you have to keep an evidence for that that we have on this particular date. You
have sent all the relevant document to the chief instructor and even after 3 months suppose you
are getting any kind of feedback from them. That means your application has been or you are
icing has been granted.

On any case suppose you are okay license got rejected.

Then you have to appeal within 30 days of such rejection to a relevant authorities.

Who are the authorities that will be mentioned in the state group?

then section

To be submitted to the relevant authorities.

And whether you require any kind of written permission, okay prior to submitting your forms
for you.

So these will be always okay outside your organization.

Then what can be called as a hazardous process. So hazardous process means any activity in
relation to an industry, which is specified in schedule 1.

So that activity can be called as a hazardous process.

So in order to know that whether you are in a hazardous, okay process or not. Actually you need
to refer to the schedule 1 which will list all the industries okay, which which might be operating
in a hazard. So you have to see that whether you're you're activity is a part of the industry or not.

Then you can if you can conclude that whether you are in a hazardous process or not. The
important thing is that suppose you are in a hazard process. Then there are additional
requirements will be there. Okay on your on your company.

Then who is an occupier occupier means the person who is having ultimate control over the
Affairs of factory will be called as a occupant.

Right the person who is having ultimate control. So normally the license will be given in the
name of an occupier write an occupier is responsible for ensuring safety in that premises.

So anything goes wrong ultimately, right? Okay responsible person is having ultimate control
over effects of fact will be called as an occupier. So in case of for a partnership 1 of the partner
can be called so we can't say that a group of people as an occupier. So it has to be always to be
an individual person.

So 1 of the partner will be called as an occupier and the license will be given in that name in
case of government set up the person nominated by the central or the state government will be
called as the

then section 6 talks about approval licensing and registration of factories. So it says that for
getting approval and Licensing and registration the state government will be making rules
related to what are the documents that need to be submitted to the relevant authorities.

And whether you require any kind of written permission, okay prior to submitting your forms.
What are the specifications? Okay. What are the okay specifications of your okay plans and
other documents.

And the submission fee the procedure will be given by the state government.

So as such you can see that okay the factories Act.

Okay, that is an act that is applicable throughout India. So that is providing a framework for the
respective state government to okay to prepare the state to

I told you that this is a concurrent effect that means both the state as well as single government
are empowered to make room.

So we have factories at 1948 that is applicable throughout India based on the factory side, which
will be okay provide some of the framework it says that we have to in order to get in order to
operate in a factory the company need to get.

License as well as registration.

So the factories that okay, we will be providing a guideline of the framework based on these
guidelines. Every state government will be preparing their own state to

Right, so they say that okay. So what are the okay, what are the documents that need to be
submitted? So the detailed will be okay. You can find the details on the state rules.
Right. So suppose you are in a particular state for example Gujarat or maybe Rajasthan right?
Ultimately, you will be following the the respective State too. So, please open that document
right whenever you have time and you will get to know what are the these? Okay.

What are the okay specific document that need to be submitted to the relevant authorities.

Right, so, okay, so that's okay. That's a difficulty in factories act right though. We talk about the
factories that ultimately you will be following your state room because that will be okay more
detailed or the procedure aspect will be delivered in the state.

And there is 1 1 important course, right? Okay suppose you are not getting any any kind of
feedback even after okay 3 months of submission to the Chief Inspector. That means your
application has been automatically granted.

So you can have to keep an evidence for that. Right? Okay you have on this particular date you
have sent all the relevant document to the chief instructor and even after 3 months suppose you
are not getting any kind of feedback from them. That means your application has been or you
are rising has been granted.

On any case suppose you are okay license got rejected. Then you have to appeal within 30 days
of such rejection to a relevant authorities.


then section 7 talks about notice by occupy. So it says that before occupying your promises. In
fact at least 15 days before occupying the premise satisfactory the factory, uh manager, okay,
although keeper need to send a notice to Chief Inspector containing this information, right? So
name and address. How many people are going to be engaged in?

What is your okay nature of your activity manager details Etc that notice need to be served to
Chief Inspector at least 15 days. Okay prior to uh using that pre that is called as a penalties by

Then whenever new manager has been appointed.

So, okay. So the occupier will be a person right? Okay, who won't be available on the plan right
know in order to manage the business?

So whenever a manager has been appointed so that information need to be okay shared with the
chief chief inspector within 7 Days of such changes, right? So whenever you have a change of
manager that need to be communicated within 7 Days of such takeover.

Then this is an important aspect, right? Okay section 7A talks about General duties of occupy.
So what are the duties of a few parameters? So ultimately the ultimate the the the occupier is
responsible for ensuring safety as well as welfare in a factory. So anything goes wrong
occupiers responsible.

So these are the some of the right. Okay other okay duties the occupier has to serve the
provision and maintenance of plan and systems of work in a factory that are safe and without
risk to help so he has to ensure that you are providing as well as maintaining plant and systems
in your

That is the systems of work which are safe and without any risk to the health provision of iits
information instruction training and supervision. So as to do your job safely, so you have to
provide the relevant information from them.
An importantly they have to prepare a general policy, right? So with respect to health and safety.
So this requirement will be applicable whenever you have more than 50 workers.

So whenever okay, the number of worker is more than 50 then the occupier need to prepare a
written safety pools, right? You might have seen that okay, so the safety policy in particular

So that's a requirement as per section 7 a of factories act and suppose you are making any kind
of changes in the safety policy right that need to be communicated to the work group. The safety
policy talks about the commitment of your organization.

So in our organization, this is the way okay, we want to receive to be implemented in your
company. So that is the invention that you can find in a Civic policy.

Then Section 8 the chapter 2 talks about inspecting stuff. So these includes okay the Section 8 to
10. So there are 2 types of inspecting stuff. These are uh,

Inspect this as well as uh, so different surgeons.

So the government will be okay appointing. Okay certain persons as Chief Inspector additional
Chief Inspector Etc. So that Duty will be to ensure or the monitor that the various Provisions
under factories that are being implemented that particular state.

What are the duties of a?

Inspector right so they can enter into any promises for investigation. They can they can examine
premises they can inquire into any accident or any kind of dangerous occurrences. They can ask
for any kind of document. They can also seize take a copy of that particular document. They can
take measurement as well as take prototype.

Okay, so you okay they can okay come to you promises. Okay without any kind of information
right suppose. Okay, you're not allowing them to enter your promises. Actually you are
obstructing their Duty. Okay, that that may have okay some sort of penalty.

Another inspecting stuff is

a certifying surgeon, right? So certifying surgeons are qualified medical practitioners. Okay
authorized by the Chief Inspector for examination of young persons.

For example, okay suppose you are okay. Okay, maybe joining a particular company, right? So
they will ask you to produce a medical examination certificate by a doctor, right? So but in case
of a young person a person who is less than 18 years of age.

Undertaken by certifying surgeons so you can't go to a normal medical practitioner.

There. Okay, you have to approach to a young okay, uh certifying surgeon so in every every
District, okay, there will be nominated person will be there. Okay, you can find that detail from
the state labor or the factories website. Okay, and you have to go there and they will do the CL
medical examination of young person.

Right then. Okay, they will be right to in case any kind of Occupational diseases. Okay, they'll
be inspecting that premises as well as they will be inspecting the affected persons. So these are
the duties of certifying surgery.

So that authorized care various professions under chapter 1 and 2 so major discussion will be on
chapter 3, right? So the chapter 3 talks about various Health Professions, and these includes
section 11 to 20, right and these are the various sections under chapter 3.

chapter 12

section 12 talks about Wright disposal of affluent as well as waste right during your operation.
Okay that can create a lot of okay waste water as well as affluent. So it says that effective
Arrangement shall be made in every Factory for the treatment of affluent and waste. Okay.

So as to render them, you know course and their safe disposal.

So they say that effective Arrangement should be made in a factory. So what are these effective
Arrangement that you can find from the state rule? That's why radical how to read the factories
act along with the state.

And is also specify that the state government will be making rules that to be followed. So
whenever you have your pro, okay producing maybe the waste water or fluent in your system,
right? Normally you will be having etps effluent treatment plan. So that will treat the waste
water and try to carry after the treatment, right?

Okay, that'll be okay converting into non hazardous form.

Okay, you can get it from the state rules normally like here you have to follow the various
environmental laws so we can be etps in case of waste water in case of air pollution right? You
can block you can think about various scrubbers, right?

Or the flat system to K2. Okay, reduce the hazard content containment content in in in that.
Okay waste.

Section 14 talks about dust and fumes. So it says that okay during your manufacturing operation
suppose. It produces any kind of dust or fumes or any kind of impurity.

That can be hazardous to the workers in such cases effective measures shall be taken to prevent
its inhalation as well as accumulation in the work.

Right, you can think about okay, uh with respect to maybe an operation for example, in case of a
welding operation that can liberate lot lot of hazardous fuel.


Okay, so I can liberate lot of fumes.

So what as per the norm, right? Okay, we have to prevent its inhalation as well as accumulation
in the work room.

So it should not be accumulated in the work room as well as we have to prevent its inhalation by
the worker.

So for that we have to take necessary measures for Effective measures. So here you can think
about various ventilation system that you can install to. Okay prevent its accumulation or the
dilution or okay, it's proven. It's okay inhalation.

Right. So suppose you are a growing the okay wind in a particular direction away from the
worker means. Okay, you can okay, you can achieve that.

Okay, another okay more effective ways to go for a local exhaust ventilation just like okay
shown in this figure.
So low cost local exhaust ventilation or or localized application. You can see that okay, this
particular operation will be producing as or as fumes right? So it's not the dispersed into the
every work room.

So suppose you are installing an LED like this. This will be certain all the house orders fumes
and that will be okay safely discharging into other other area or that will be filtering filtering it
out so that we can prevent its inhalation as well as accumulation.

So this is an application of section 14 of factory site. So this will be always will be applicable in
other operation like in case of any operation that can give rise to desktop fuel right maybe a
carpentry operation.

Grinding operation and these operations do okay produce.

fumes as well as test all these okay for that you have to relate with section 14


Speeds suppose the space. Okay allocated to every person is less than this limit less than 14.2
that can be called as an over proper work.

So, how can you how we can find out? Okay, the per capita space right nothing. But okay you
can talk about you can okay calculate the total volume, okay.

In your work session right length into breadth into height that can give you the total volume, but
here the height above 4.2 M or not taken over.

So the height will be okay sealed at 4.2 M on it. For example suppose you have a work group.
Okay, use Dimensions or 10 m in length 10 metering bread as well as 10 m height. So it's a 10
by 10 by 10. Okay workspace, right?

So normally the volume of that room will be alright, okay, uh 10 to the power minus 3, right?

But for this calculation, right? Okay, the height above 4.2 M won't be rightly considered. So you
will take the actual length 10 mm actual bread, but when it's come to the height, you will
consider only 4.2 m.

Okay, so that that can give you the total volume. Okay, uh in uh in that okay in that room or the
workstation, right?

Then divided by okay. So suppose you calculate total volume. Okay in this manner then divide
by the number of person engaged.

So okay with that you can get right? Okay how many words per capita space so that space
should be ready to become more than 14.2 m

Suppose the space is less than this limit that is called as normal crowded space.

So in every Factory, okay, so we have to mention. Okay. What is the maximum number of
person can be engaged in that room suppose you insert an operation, right? It may not be
feasible to okay fulfill this requirement in such cases.

You have to send a notice or a letter to the chief instructor required. Okay detailing that okay,
you are okay.

Difficulties and what measures you are? Okay taking to ensure the safety of worker as well as
health and safety of worker then they can grant you an exception here.
So that the normal procedure suppose you feel that right? That can't be followed. Then you have
to get an exemption for that. Normally the exemption can be granted by the Chief Inspector. So
what you have to see the what's the purpose of this? Okay requirement because in an
overcrowded space, right?

Okay, there can be some sort of help effect. So what measures you are? Okay, you are adopting
to safeguard that to the Safeguard the health of the worker then no can normally okay. They can
give an exemption. Okay in such cases.

Section 17 talks about lighting, right? Okay. What's the minimum? Okay, lighting requirements
in every work session. So it says that sufficient as well as suitable lighting need to be bored.

So this is a statement here. So the lighting should be sufficient. Right? What is the sufficiency?
The factory sat won't be? Okay won't be talking about that. You have to go you have to look that
factor in your state to

So when you okay, I look forward to the tool you will get to know what's actually limit. So the
normally the lighting okay, or that is what illumination that is measured in terms of flux.

So the minimum legs level requirement you can get it from the state boards or other I guess
specification as well as okay. We have to prevent the formation of glare.

So these are the 2 important. Okay requirement as per section 17 the lighting need to be okay as
for the requirement and we have to prevent the performance of glare so glare is called as right.
Okay, you might have felt the glare.

Okay, whenever you are in your in your day-to-day activity Glenn is called as excessive
brightness in the field of vision.

Yeah your answer.

So 1 small doubt is there you said that for lightning the minimum, uh Lux that needs to be
considered should be considered from the state law of that particular state. So can we
considered the uh minimum illumination level from NBC at National Building Codes?

Sir, yeah, actually think is that these are the additional reference work. Okay, so these are not
legal requirements.

So, uh, we have to see the minimum illumination level from these standards only not from
NBC, okay.

So when we talk about the legal requirement, okay, you have to follow the uh the state rules.

Okay, so these are the usually binding.

But in some case legal, okay when you when you see that, right? Okay, that may not be in

Will be active with the specific and these are the some additional okay, uh references that you
should be using.

Okay, so I just 65 or 3646 or you can we can refer to NBC.

I wanted to confirm uh under section 16 overcrowding, uh, the height while calculating the
volume of that particular area. The height will be sealed at 4.2 whether it is 10 or 15 or 20. It
will be sealed at 4.
Okay. Thank you, sir.

It's importantly, right? Okay, so we have to then the the the illumination should be okay.

Uh, the minimum let's level should be okay maintained right as well as for example, right?
Okay suppose in case of stairways, right? Okay that is around 100 to 150 lakhs Etc. So you can
get the details from these standards. The glare is called as right together, excuse me brightness
in the field of vision suppose.

You are looking somewhere but there is excessive brightness.

For example, right? Okay suppose you are driving maybe your vehicle during night. Right? And
the other vehicle is operating in a high beam, then you will find right you won't be able to see
anything in front of you.

Because there is excessive brightness, okay in your field of view so such great glares of cold as
this ability glare. That's that will disable you.

On the other hand other there are another sort of glare that is called as discomfort layer.

Suppose you are creating any kind of glossy magazine. For example, right for example, another
example suppose you are using your mobile phone. Okay in an outboard space radically, you'll
be having difficulty in building that is called as discomfort.

Both are excessive brightness in the field of question. Both are dangerous, right? Okay in a
workspace generic research things need to be avoided whenever okay, you are providing the the
lighting requirements. You have to see these aspect.

The glare should be avoided as well as the less level should be as per the applicable Norms,
right? We can read the state rules, but that talks about okay the minimalistic answer.

That talks about the minimum requirement, right?

But that won't be addressing your specific activity. Normally the the the illumination should be
as per your activity. So for that you have to refer to the this additional.

section 18 talks about drinking water

Right. So it says that in every Factory effective Arrangement shall be made for drinking water
and these shall be conveniently located so that okay, they can easily access these drinking water
point. So every such point it should be legibly marked as drinking water.

Normally that need to be done in local language as well and all these drinking water Point need
to be at least 6 M away from urinal as well as wash.

So you have to maintain a minimum of 6 meter from okay these facilities and suppose you are
engaging more than 250 workers during summer season. You have to provide cool drinking
water of the facility.

And state government will be making rules regarding that because you can see that there is a
huge variation in summer season, right? Okay, based on the geographical location and the state
government will be okay to scare them. What season will be called as right. Okay this summer.
These are the framework to make for the for the stakeholder.

Section 19 talks about uh Urus as well as latrines. So let's say that sufficient latrine as well as
urinal accommodation of prescribed type that be provided and we shall be conveniently
accessible and separate access. Okay facility. You need to be provided for male ASAP plus
female workers.

so here you can see that it says that the sufficient l

So how much is sufficient right so?

The factories Act is silent on that. You should be referring to the rules. Right? So these numbers
are taken from model.


so the model rules

Okay, or prescribed by DG falsely right Direct General of factory advisory. Okay. They prepare
more rules right? It's normally the every state government will be referred to this model rule to
prepare their right. So as per that model, I think the number is almost same in every every for
every state group. So it says that

Okay, so this is for initial 100 workers. For example, right? Okay suppose you have 100. Okay
male worker or 100.

Okay, so this is for initial 100 workers. For example, right? Okay suppose you have 100. Okay
male worker or 100.

And they will do the chemical examination of M person.

Right then. Okay, they will be right in case of any kind of Occupational diseases. Okay, they'll
be inspecting that premises as well. We'll be inspecting the affected persons. So these are the
duties of certifying surgery.

So that the right care various, uh Provisions under chapter 1 and 2 so major discussion will be
on chapter 3, right? So the chapter 3 talks about various Health provisions and these includes
session 11 to 20, right and these are the various sections under chapter 3.

so chapter 12

Section 12 talks about Wright disposal of affluent as well as waste right during your operation.
Okay that can create a lot of okay waste water as well as affluent. So it says that effective
Arrangement shall be made in every Factory for the treatment of affluent and waste. Okay.

So as to render them, you know and the safe disposal.

So they say that effective Arrangement should be made in a factory. So what are these effective
Arrangement that you can find from the state rule? That's why you have to read the factories act
along with the state.

And is also specify that the state government will be making rules that to be followed. So
whenever you have your pro, okay producing maybe the waste water or fluent in your system,
right? Normally you will be having etps effluent treatment plan. So that will treat the waste
water and try to care after the treatment, right?

Okay, that'll be okay converting into known as

Okay, you can get it from the state rules normally like here you have to follow the various
environmental laws so we can be etps in case of waste water in case of air pollution right you
can you can think about various scrubbers, right?
Or the flat system to K2. Okay, reduce the hazard content containment content in in in that.
Okay waste.

Section 14 talks about dust and fumes. So it says that okay during your manufacturing operation
suppose. It produces any kind of dust or fumes or any kind of impurity.

That can be hazardous to the workers in such cases effective measures shall be taken to prevent
its inhalation as well as accumulation in the work.

Right, you can think about okay, uh with respect to maybe an operation for example, in case of a
welding operation that can liberate lot lot of hazardous fuel.


Okay, so I can liberate lot of fumes.

So you want as per the norm, right? Okay, we have to prevent its inhalation as well as
accumulation in the world.

So it should not be accumulated in the work room as well as we have to prevent its inhalation by
the worker.

So for that we have to take necessary measures for Effective measures. So here you can think
about various ventilation system that you can install to. Okay prevent its accumulation or the
dilution or okay, it's proven. It's okay inhalation.

Right. So suppose you are a growing the okay wind in a particular direction away from the
worker means. Okay, you can okay, you can achieve that.

Okay, another okay more effective ways to go for a local exhaust ventilation just like okay
shown in this video.

So it's not that difficult to get dilute here to get dispersed into the every work room.

So suppose you are installing an LED like this. This will be certain all the house orders fumes
and that will be okay safely discharging into other other area or that will be filtering filtering it
out so that we can prevent its inhalation as well as accumulation.

So this is an appropriate application of section 14 of factory site. So this will be always will be
applicable to another operation like in case of any operation that can give rise to test or fumes
right maybe a carpentry operation.

Or any kind of okay grinding operation. Okay these operations do okay produce.

fumes as well as test all these okay for that you have to relate with section 14

right then.

Section 16 talks about overcrowding. So overcrowding should not be allowed in every in

manufacturing right what can be called as an overcrowding. It says that for every person he
should be having a space of at least 14.2 M. 14.2 M Cube.

So we can call it as maybe per capita space or work. So every person should be entitled. Okay to
this minimum space so suppose the space. Okay allocated to every person is less than this limit
less than 14.2 that can be called as an overcrowded workplace.
So, how can you how we can find out? Okay, the per capita space right nothing. But okay you
can talk about you can okay calculate the total volume. Okay in your workstation right length
into breadth into height that can give you the total volume, but here the height above 4.2 M or
not taken into account.

Right. So the height will be okay sealed at 4.2 M on it. For example suppose you have a work
room. Okay, use Dimensions or 10 mm in length 10 mm breadth as well as 10 mm height. So
it's a 10 by 10 by 10. Okay works best, right.

So normally the volume of the room will be alright, okay, uh 10 to the power minus 3

But for this calculation, right? Okay, the height above 4.2 M won't be rightly considered. So you
will take the actual length 10 mm actual bread, but when it's come to the height, you will
consider only 4.2 m.

Okay, so that that can give you the total volume. Okay, uh in uh in that okay in that room or the
workstation, right?

Then divided by okay. So suppose you calculate total volume. Okay in this manner then divide
by the number of course and engage the

so okay with that you can get right? Okay how many words per capita space so that space
should be ready to become more than 14.2 m

Suppose the space is less than this limit that is called as no overcrowded space.

So in every Factory, okay, so we have to mention. Okay. What is the maximum number of
person can be engaged in that room suppose you insert an operation, right? Okay. It may not be
feasible to okay fulfill this requirement in such cases. You have to send a notice or a letter to the
chief instructor required.

Okay detailing that okay you are okay.

Difficulties and what measures you are? Okay taking to ensure the safety of worker as well as
health and safety of Poker then they can grant you an exception here.

Right. So that is the normal procedure suppose you feel that right? That can't be followed. Then
you have to get an exemption for that. Normally the exemption can be granted by the Chief
Inspector. So what you have to see the what's the purpose of this? Okay requirement because in
an overcrowded space, right?

Okay that can be reduced to some sort of Health effect. So what measures you are? Okay, you
are adopting to safeguard that to the Safeguard the health of the worker then no can normally
okay. They can give an exemption. Okay in such cases.

Section 17 talks about lighting, right? Okay. What's the minimum? Okay, lighting requirements
in every work session. So it says that sufficient as well as suitable lighting need to be provided.
So this is a statement here. So the lighting should be sufficient. Right? What is the sufficiency?
The factory sat won't be okay won't be talking about that.

You have to go you have to look that factor in your state to

So when you okay, I look forward to the rule you will get to know what's actually limit. So the
normally the lighting okay or that is for the illumination that is measured in terms of Lux.

So the minimum luck Circle requirement, you can get it from the state groups or other I guess
specification as well as okay. We have to prevent the formation of glare.
So these are the 2 important. Okay requirement as per section 17 the lighting need to be okay as
for the requirement and we have to prove Improvement the performance of glare so glare is
called as right. Okay, you might have felt the glare.

Okay, whenever you are in your day-to-day activity glare is called as excessive brightness in the
field of vision.

So 1 small doubt is there you said that for lightning the minimum, uh Lux that needs to be
considered should be considered from the state law of that particular state. So can we
considered the uh minimum illumination level from NBC act National Building Codes?

Sir, yeah, actually the thing is that these are the additional references. Okay. So these are not
legal requirements.

So we have to see the minimum illumination level from these standards only not from NBC.

when we talk about the legal requirement how to follow the uh

the state rules

Okay, so these are the legally binding.

But okay in some case the legal. Okay when you when you see that, right? Okay, that may not
be in detail.

Okay. Alright, normally the next level will be active with the specific and these are the some
additional okay, uh references that you should be using.

Okay, so I just 36466 or you can we can refer to NBC.

Okay, as well as National Lighting board suppose you are looking for an elaborated standard
right the best standard you can operate is National Life.

National lightning and and so just 1 I wanted to confirm uh under section 16 overcrowding, uh,
the height while calculating the volume of that particular area. The height will be sealed at 4.2
whether it is 10 or 15 or 20, it will be sealed at 4.2.

Okay. Thank you, sir.

It's importantly, right? Okay, so we have 2 the the the the um should be okay.

Uh, the minimum let's level should be okay maintained right as well as for example, right?
Okay suppose in case of stairways, right? Okay, that is around 100 to 150 lakhs Etc. So you can
get the details from these standards.

The glare is called as well together XC brightness in the field of fusion. So suppose you are
looking somewhere, but there is excessive brightness.

For example, right? Okay suppose you are driving maybe your vehicle during night. Right? And
the other vehicle is operating in a high beam, then you will find that if you want to be able to
see anything in front of you.

Because there is excessive brightness. Okay in your field of view so such as this ability clear.
That's that will disable you.

On the other hand other there are another sort of glare that is called as discomfort layer.
Suppose you are reading any kind of glossy magazine. For example, right for example, another
example suppose you are using your mobile phone. Okay in an outdoor space radically, you'll be
having difficulty in reading that is called as discomfort.

Both are excessive brightness in the field location. Both are dangerous, right? Okay in a
workspace generic research things need to be avoided whenever okay, you are providing the the
lighting requirements. You have to see these aspect.

The glare should be avoided as well as the less level should be as per the applicable Norms,
right? We can read the state rules, but that talks about okay the minimalistic answer.

That talks about the minimum requirement, right?

But that won't be accuracy your specific activity. Normally the the the illumination should be as
per your activity. So for that you have to refer to the this additional.

Right. So it says that in every Factory effective Arrangement shall be made for drinking water
and these shall be conveniently located so that okay, they can easily access these drinking water

For every such point it should be legibly marked as drinking water.

Normally that need to be done in local language as well and all these drinking water Point need
to be at least 6 meter away from urinal as well as washrooms.

So you have to maintain the a minimum of 6 meter from okay these facilities and suppose you
are engaging more than 250 workers during summer season. You have to provide cool drinking
water of the facility.

And state government will be making rules regarding the fact because you can see that there is a
huge variation in summer season, right? Okay, based on the geographic location and the state
government will be okay prescribing them. What season will be called as

these are the framework to make for the for the stakeholder.

Section 19 talks about uh your owners as well as latrines. So it says that sufficient latrine as well
as urinal accommodation of prescribed types that be provided and we shall be conveniently
accessible and separate access. Okay facility need to be provided for male ASAP plus female

so here you can see that it says that the sufficient l

So how much is sufficient right so?

The factories Act is silent on that. You should be looking to the rules right? So these numbers
are taken from model.


so the model rules

Right directly to the general Factory advisory or can label Institute. They prepare model rules,
right? It's normally the every state government will be referred to this model rule to prepare.

Their so as for that model writing. The number is almost same in every every for every
stakeholder. So it says that
uh, the the sufficiency of Latin so they say that for every 25 workers. There should be at least 1
Latin. Okay, uh available in your workplace is

okay. So this is for initial 100 workers. For example, right? Okay suppose you have 100 okay
male worker or 100 female worker. There has to be at least okay 1 for every 25 work group.
That means there has to be 4 Lantern for them. So this is for the 1005.

For that 50 work you should be having additional 1 Lantern.

Right. So those all together you should be having 5 lanterns.

Another example suppose you are having read. Okay, maybe 1 155 workers.

Right. So in that case, right?

For that. Okay, the initial 150 should be having 5 and you have additional 5 write that for that
you have to provide additional 1.

So any any number okay less than 25 or 50 right that need to be reckoned to us. Okay, 25 or 50.
That's a KCM.

Then uh the notice or a picture program need to be fixed. Okay may only or female only and it
should be in the local language right and in case of urinal, right the requirement is that okay?
There has to be 1 URL for every every 15 male workers.

So you should be having right away 10 for the initial 5 mm.

Because 1 for every 5050 and additional. Okay 600 mm. You have a 1 more. Okay 100 group
here. So we also will be having you should be having 11 Ur, right.

Okay. So suppose you are providing 11 that means you are meeting the requirements that is
called as a compliance. So you are complying to the requirement suppose. The number is less
than 11. That means okay. There's a non compliance.

Right. That is what I said. No compliance.

So similarly, right? Okay, there is a world called athletic confirm.

confirm or non-conformity the difference is that suppose you are meeting a requirement that is a
confirmation, but when it comes to Legal requirement

When you talk about a legal provisions and other either you are meeting it or not. You should be
using the term compliance.

That's not a confirming.

That's a compliance so it can be directly. Okay compliance or no complaints.

But when you talk about the standard requirement, so you talked about the is okay triple 65,

That talks about the okay the the Lux level requirement. That's not a legal requirement. That's
the standard right? So here we'll be using the term called as Conformity your confirming to that
particular I use code but please come to the legal requirement. The term should be compliance
or not.
Okay. So with that, okay, we can move on to the chapter 4 which talks about various safety
provisions and these include section 21 to 40.

So it says, okay. So sorry for this. Okay. What? Okay layout so it says that okay in every part of
okay whenever we have a red. Okay moving part that need to be effectively fenced.

Because right okay that can be accidental contact between the worker as well as the moving part
so that area need to be okay effective fenced.

It can be maybe a okay a robotic arm like this right or it can be maybe a random movement in a
in a machine or it can be right? Okay, maybe in a cleaning operation you can think of such

So in order to okay prevent The Accidental contact between the moving part as well as the
worker who are working there. You have to effectively fence that area.

So that is given as per section 24.

So guarding is a part of fence, right so section 22 talks about working on missionary in motion.

So in certain operation, right? Okay, you have to keep the your okay your machine in operating
condition and you may have to lubricate it.

And you have to keep the okay. You may you are forced to work on live. Okay, moving
machines. So this particular requirement talks about that particular activity. So it says that okay
such activity should not be undertaken by woman or young person.

Tight fit clothing so that need to be provided by the supplier and whose record has been okay
entered in May prescribe register so such activity need to be done by specially trained adult

And whose name has been okay entered in a particular register, right? Okay, so you have to
have a separate register for them whenever they are taking an activity the name need to be okay.
The details need to be entered in that register.

23 talks about okay employment of young person on dangerous machines. So the state
government will be classifying certain machines are dangerous machines. So working on such
machines are regulated by section 23. So it says that okay whenever okay. No young person
shall be allowed to work on young machine, unless your fulfilling feelings, right?

So suppose you are engaging a young person on dangerous machines. You should be fully
instructed to the dangers. Okay of the hazards of that of that activity. You should be you should
receive sufficient training and it should be under adequate supervision suppose in that case. You
can engage in person on Dangerous Mission.

Section 28 as well as 29. These are important portions so section 28 talks about who is channel
left, right? So say that every post as well as lift should be of good mechanical concession sound
material and that should be of adequate strength.

There shall be maintained and there shall be thoroughly inspected by a combined person at least
every 6 months.

Right. So suppose you are having a host or lifting your company. Then that will be inspected by
a competent person every 6 months. So that is an external inspection.

And the maximum working load or fwl safe working load need to be mentioned on that
equipment itself. For example suppose you are using a lift, right? Normally you can see that
right. So this is designed for the safe working. Limit limit is okay, maybe 500 kilogram or 8
Plex Etc. You might have seen.

Ah, okay, maybe a notice like that. So that's the right. Okay, you have you have to okay indicate
what the LW will

Okay, you want in case okay always so the maximum working load need to be displayed on that

Section 29 talks about okay lifting equipments as well as tackles. So this is applicable for all the
lifting appliances like crane forklift Etc as well as all the lifting tackles slings hooks Etc. They
are covered under Section 29

So here it says that it need to be inspected by a competent person every year.

So it talks about annual inspection all the okay you have to display. Swl and SW will need to be
marked on the coupon. Yes answer.

And so what is the difference between uh, swl and mwl maximum working load or safe working
load. Is there any difference or they both are same?

Okay when you talk about right? Okay, for example, right? Okay. What's the maximum?

According to NBC in case of a left it is 585 kilos.


Okay, we've already you will be able to write a good care, maybe 100 kilogram, right? That's an
accident you can leave.

But is that safe?

Can you do it maybe 8 hours? Okay, 8 hours throughout

okay. No, right.

That's about the maximum weight as well. Let's say

okay, sir.

Right. Thank you, sir. So always try to always LW will be less than the maximum weight.

Okay, sir.

Right, so you can see the suppose your observing any kind of research apparatus, right either
maybe a crane or any kind of lifting appliances like forklift or in cat surface thing, right? Okay
try to observe that whether the they are following the Norms or not.

Normally you can see that the maximum limit you can see that in that crane, right? They have
mentioned as 5 turn. That's the capacity or the SW that need to be marked equipment itself even
4 SL. So in case of slings or rope, right?

Okay that our requirement is somewhat difficult because right they'll be having rough usage on
the ground. So 1 even if you already get put some tag here, right? Okay after some usage, okay,
it it will get okay, it won't out. So in that case that you have to display a notice.

So you have to affix a tag indicating the okay unique identification number.
Then that detail need to be entered in a in a table, right? So maybe okay display note is so that
in case of any kind of concern right? The the people can refer to that table to a certain its
maximum working.

Be okay displayed.

On that machine itself for example, right in case of a grinding machine. So what is the
maximum rpm that need to be? Okay displayed on the machine or okay adjacent to that.

section 31 talks about pressure vessels

So it says that okay the pressure vessels okay, in case of pressure vessel the maximum working
pressure need to be mentioned on the pressure vessel. So this is a requirement as per factories
that when you refer to the rule right you will get to know a lot of other requirements the periodic
inspection and the other aspect.

But that's not an unsafe condition. That's a legal non-compliance as per section 32 because that
is violating section 322

So you can say that okay, okay, you can attach legal non-conformity to that. So suppose you say
that that's a legal non complaints right? Just the action from the management will be much

So here also, right? Okay whenever you are working at height, so you have to provide okay

to okay

either buy fencing or other means ensure safety for

Then 33 talks about the pet as well as openings on the ground. It says that in case of okay
vessels some or tank or any kind of opening on the ground or the floor. That should be right.
That should be effectively covered or securely fenced.

So that is a section 33 Hospital, right?

So these are already some of the common hazards in every workplace.

So this these are not unsafe condition, but this is a legal 1 compliance.

Then 34 talks about excessive weight. So it says that okay, no person shall carry weight which
can cause an injury to them and state government will be making okay a rule related to the
maximum weight.

So these are the numbers taken from the state rule we can say that as per the factory sat. The
maximum weight an adult can carry is 55 kg.

So without any support, okay, you can carry only up to 55 kilogram.

This is an accident suppose the article weight is more than 65 kilogram, then you should be
okay using some kind of mechanical Aid or you should be going for body lifting.

so more than 1 people lifting that article so that individual share will be less than 55 k

The maximum weight different okay A person can carry or given in State Road. For example for
an adult worker male worker that is 55 kilogram and in case of an adult female that is 30 Etc. So
category number you can get to know the details here.
Then 35 talks about protection of eyes. So whenever there is a risk to eye injury either from
particles or fragments or due to excessive light for example, in case of a grinding operation that
can give a lot of okay fragmentation in case of welding operation that can give slowed of
ultraviolet radiation, right?

So in such cases you have to use suitable, uh eye protection devices.

Section 36 talks about dangerous fumes, right? So it says that okay without uh,

Without taking practical measures. You should not engage person to okay working.

In any area, which there is a likelihood of dates of fuels it can be maybe you can relate this with
the confines spaces, right? So without taking adequate measures you are not supposed to engage
in Confluence bases.

Then 38 talks about precautionary to be taken in case of fire. So you say that okay in every
Factory all practicable measures shall be taken.

So prevent to prevent outbreak of fire as well as it spread both internally as well as external,
right so you can see that a lot of okay, there are some critical word, right? It's say that all
practicable measures.

So this is a subjective term, right? So okay so we can we can take it in into your account. So
whenever okay, maybe an inspected come to your promises or any kind of there are court issues,

You have to say that you have taken all the Practical measures to prevent that accident or reduce
the rules and these are the measures you have taken. So in spite of that the accident happened so
you should be excused.

Right. So this is a normal. Okay pre every company will be making in case of any kind of right?
Okay, quote inquiry or any kind of accident, but whether that is okay that can be called as say
okay all practical measures right that will be desired by the authorities.

for example suppose you are operating in any kind of environment right which there is a
possibility of uh,

Forest fire right and you may have to construct maybe fencing so that you can prevent the
outbreak then internally. You have to go for right? Okay, a suitable segregation fire resistance
construction to prevent the spread.

Then safe means of SK. Okay that need to be devised. Right? Normally you will be having the
emergency over the floor evacuation plan. So in case of a fire were the people should Assemble.

Then you should be having all the necessary equipment as well as facility to estimate fire. So
that talks about fixed as well as portable fire distribution. Okay facilities.

Then effective measures I'll be taken so that the workers are familiar with the means of Escape
as well as they should be adequately trained on the routine. So in case of an in in case of a fire
emergency, right? Okay what the people are supposed to do?

They you have to give training to them and you have to give okay adequate more drill.

Okay to familiarize with the evacuation procedures.

Then section 40b talks about safety options. So it says that whenever the number of okay
workers in a factory is more than thousand. They have to appoint a safety open itself. So this is
for General Industry in case of a hazardous industry this number is okay not valid when they are
engaging maybe write 100 people.

They may have to appoint safety officer. That's up to the discretion of the Chief Inspector, right?
But in case of a non-hazardous industry, the number says that okay. The appointment op is a
mandatory requirement whenever you have more than thousand workers as per the new code.
Okay. Now it became 500.

These are the change and the duty is qualification will be prescribed by the state government.

So when we see what are the duties of a safety officer, right? So you are entering or you are
working in a domain? Okay where the duties are defined by the legal systems?

So as for the uh, the rule there are 14 13 Dutch of 10. I'm not reading that but you can see that
your duties are advisory in nature.

You'll be advising concern department so that they can execute their work in a safe manner.

Then setting up of safety committees. Normally you'll be acting as a secretary to these safety
committees. You have to organize training as well as other awareness program Etc. These are
your other duties.


Okay, so various welfare questions include section 422 to 50, right? So these are the other okay
welfare portion like washing facility need to be provided facility for storing as well as drying
cloth. For example, right? Okay, maybe enduring winter season the people will be wearing red.
Okay, maybe other jackets, but they'll be used whenever they are working.

They will be using the uniforms, right?

So you have to keep a place for storing the okay, the the the growth which are not worn during
working hours. So facility need to be provided facility for city, right? So seating arrangements
important 1 is that okay first state appearances, right so quickly move on to section 45

So remember as per factory set first it appliances is called as a welfare measure.

So it says that all the first year appliances right or the first year boxes should be readily
accessible during whole shift.

So in case of an accident during night shift also, it should be readily accessible.

There should be at least 1 first state box for everyone 150 workers. So this is the okay guideline
based on which you will okay at 10 in the quantity of First Data appliances.

Suppose you have okay 300 workers that has to be minimum 2 first checkbox. So I told you that
these are the legal requirement. These are the bare minimum requirement always you'll be
operating. Okay more than these requirements.

It should be having the prescribed content. So whenever you have a first date box in your cam,
right? It should be having 2 Step content.

What are these prescribed content that will be mentioned in the factory source, so you can see
that depending on the number of people you are having as well as the operation you are
undertaking whether it has orders are known as orders.

The role will be implemented. Okay, I'm mentioning what what content is should have
the the first boxes are under the custodian under or under the custody of a

person who hold a certificate on first year

Then okay, he can be a first Trader and you'll be handing over this first box under his custody.

And whenever you have more than 500 workers ambulance room need to be provided. So
whenever you have more than 500 workers, right you have to appoint medical practitioners
other nursing staff and you should be having some additional requirement that is called as an
ambulance to

Then candy became a mandatory requirement suppose you have more than 250 workers, right?

And then uh shelters or the restroom need to be provided whenever you have more than 1 proof
you workers.

It crushes need to be provided whenever you have more than 30 women workers in your

So they should be under the okay supervision of effect trained woman. So whenever you have
more than 30 women work, you should be having a crush facility to take care of the babies of
woman work.

Similarly, you have to appoint a labor officer suppose you have more than 500 workers in your

So these are the review of various welfare Norms. So in a nutshell, right, these are the

Crush will be applicable whenever you have more than 3 30 women workers restroom suppose
more than 150 workers.

Will drinking water at that said okay Health provision can be more than 250 workers ambulance
so many to be provided more than 500 workers.

welfare officer more than

then chapter 6 talks about working hours of adult.

Section 51 say that the weekly hours shall not be more than 48 hours in an interview, right so
normally right okay here.

The people should not work more than 48 hours in a week.

Normally, uh, okay 1 a week. Okay normally can be Sunday. It should be given a weekly whole

Then uh, the daily working hours shall not be more than 9 hours on a particular day. That is as
per section 54.

Then uh section 555 says that okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay, so no worker should be okay a
performing work more than 5 hours continuously.

So at least try to get half an hour, okay, I just need to be given okay suppose he is. Okay
working for 5 hours in some cases that can be extended up to 6 hours a continuous work without
any interest period
But with prior approval that can be extended up to 12 hours.

Okay, the workers are entitled for overtime wages and that will be normally the twice the
normal period for example, right because normally the person is getting 100 rupees per hour for
overtime hours. You should be getting double that rate.

Section 6163 talks about register of adult workers. The manager should maintain a carriage
stroke adult worker containing these particulars.

Then the section 7 talks about chapter 7 talks about employment of young person a person who
is less than 18 years of age.

Says that section 67 so it says that okay, no child who has not completed 14 year of age should
not be allowed to work in a factory.

For the minimum age to work in a factory is 14 years old age.

And whenever you are engaging a okay young person you should be carrying a fitness
certificate. Okay, granted under Section 69. Normally it will be issued by the certified surgeon
and he should be okay while working you should be carrying a token token should have a
reference number okay of that Fitness certificate.

So the fitness okay should be evaluated by the certificates.

the doctors which are authorized by the Chief Inspector and

Uh, okay, the validity of this okay certificate will be 12 months every every year you have to
renew it. And the the fee should be borne by the employee itself.


to engage during night hours

The shift is limited to 2 2 Shift. They are not supposed to engage in. Okay third shift.

Their entire 4. Okay weekly holidays.

And a female workers only to work from okay 6 a.m. To 7.

Similarly, you have to maintain a register for young person.

Then this is okay another important, right? Okay, maybe a contradicting approach. In fact, it
says that okay the woman workers. Okay, not work during okay outside 6:00 a.m. To 7:00 p.m.
That's the legal requirement. You can see the right. There are a lot of okay. This is an important
this okay.

Okay, the companies are maybe may not be able to follow this requirement. And these are
getting sooner. This will be getting rewards then new code.

As per these Norm. Okay. There is a solution 1 working hours for female workers.

So this talks about annual leave with wages. So for every red care 20 or the 15 day you work for
adult or child worker you are indirectly for

the annual leave with wages

I'm just skipping this portion because these are more of your HR related aspect.
Okay, we we have seen lot of okay legal Provisions, right? Okay. What need to be done?

So section 92 to 106 talks about the penalties suppose you are violating Norms then what are the
penalty on the company? Right? So it says that okay. So these are the other penalty portions

So let's say that for okay you can do for okay contraventions in present can be up to 2 years or
the penalty can go up to 1 lakh rupees or in some cases. It can be both suppose. You are
continuing your okay violation, then you'll be have you have to pay penalty of thousand rupees
per day.

These are okay. Very nominal penalty, right?

Then suppose. Okay, you are. Okay. There's a violation of safety Norms chapter 4

Right. So in such cases, right Suppose, there is a violation of safety Norm that has resulted into
a fatality. Then the company will have to pay a penalty of 25,000 rupees.

Right in case of other serious injuries. The penalty will be 5,000. Okay.

5,000 rupees

and normally

uh, okay. The manager has to occupy will be okay held guilty.

Right. So for any kind of violations, the manager has to occupy will be the guilty person and
they'll be punishable as for facilities.

So imprisonment. Okay can go up to write 2 years or fine.

2 years as well as fine. They can go up to 1 lakh rupees.

Right. So this is okay on continued provision. Okay, the penalty will be 1,000 rupees per these
are marginal penalty.

Suppose. Okay, you are not satisfied with the right penalty know then you have to okay appeal
within 30 days of such. Okay notification.

You have to display a notice. Okay in your local language about the abstract of factory sat. Okay
suppose you are going to do any kind of factories that you might you you will be observing
these notices, right?

Abstract of factories act in English as well as in local language.

And you will return you to be filed, right every year annual return will need to be filed to the
appropriate authorities.

These are the various schedules, right? Okay, the schedule 1 talks about list of Industries. Okay,
involving hazardous process schedule 2 talks about permissible limit of certain chemicals.

The TWA as soon as a tell well.

and schedule 3 talks about various occupational diseases

So that's all for the Factories at right? If you have any questions we can take it. Otherwise, we
can go to the next part. Do you see that?
So I know that we have covered lot of content, right? Okay, so please go through this. Okay, you
can easily download this. Okay fact is that from okay through web search as well as

Suppose you are operating in a particular State. Okay, try to go through the state specific rules,
right so that you can get okay more more detailed as well as precise information about

So the factories that is a principal act we warning operation in factories. So when it comes to the
construction the principal Act is bcw.

so normally you write a

Exactly. That won't be applicable in constructions, right?

So this is an act to regulate the employment and condition of service in for construction


what can be called as a right? Okay building another construction work. So construction
alteration requirement maintenance and demolition of buildings Street roadways Railways plan
ways. So these are all called as right, okay building another construction work for this
operation. The principal act will be bcw Act.

Worker means okay person who is engaged. Okay, either in a skilled skilled or unskilled
activity? Okay in a construction work in building another construction work will be called as a
building work.

So similarly similar to factories act, okay?

So it's another eloab suppose you are in a construction domain. Then the factories act won't be
applicable to you. The principal act will be bio.

So the requirements are almost same similar, but there are okay some activities quite specific
requirements. You can find in US.

The next important aspect is the right. Okay employee compensation act. So here we'll be
talking about it how we can determine the compensation okay in case of any kind of injuries or
other major accident

So it was enacted in 1923 until 2017. So this was called as workmen compensation act. So in
2017, the central government came up with an amendment and they have changed the name of
workmen compensation at to employee compensation act. The purpose of this name change was
a red. They want to include more categories of employment.

And they want to maintain a general neutrality So when you say that the workmen that is always
okay inclined towards okay male workers.

So that's why they have changed the name to workman compensation act to employee
conversation matter. So the requirements are the same even if you are browsing right you will
come across this term, right? Okay, but they indicate the same registration.

So this put a statutory obligation on employer to pay compensation in case of Credit Care both
daily injury or any kind of diseases or even fatality.

So also right okay, it will it will help the dependent in case of any kind of fatality.

So 1 thing, is that suppose. Okay. Normally you can see that we have a legal system in India.
Suppose you are going through the Civic rule, right? Okay, it may take some years to get the
logistics right normally if you can think about the hierarchy, but in case of employee
compensation act, right? Okay, the the the dependent can get the conversation even within 3

So a quicker means of disposal is okay devised under employee compensation, right? That's an
advantage of this particular legislation.

So this is the coverage of employee compensation at it contains 4 chapters 36 sections as well as

4 should use.

It's not applicable to the Armed Forces because they have already covered by different
registration and the person who are already covered and yes, I know employee State Insurance
act. They are not covered under your employee compensation act then the cash and workers are
excluded from the definition of employee.

Right, so dependent or defined because in case of fatality, right? Okay, who will be entitled for
compensation? There should be a Clarity on that. That's why they have defined the term

Then here right the minor means okay the person who is okay not an adult, that means a person
who is less than 18 years of age.

Commissioner means that the commission appointed by the central government okay to ask for
these notes.

So this is the right okay to important classification. So the disablement can be 2 types. It can be
a partial disablement or it can be a total disabled.

Partial disablement in the sense any disablement which reduces the earning capacity?

That is called as a partial disablement. For example that there is a worker who met an accident
due to that accident. Okay is 1 is earning capacity good reduced earlier. He was able to earn 500
rupees per day.

Okay due to the accident, right? Okay, he knows some fingers, right so due to that. Okay the
person already to giving though, but at a reduced rate, so we'll be getting only 400 or somewhat
less than that.

So that okay disablement has caused a reduction in earning capacity such a disablement are
called as partial disabled.

Means any disablement that will reduce the earning capacity is called as a partial disablement.

There are 2 types numbery as well as permanent, right? So timber in the sense. Okay, that is for
temporary duration permanent in the sense. I'll be a lifelong condition and it can reduce in all
the environment right? So you'll get a Clarity when you refer to these share groups.

Other category. Okay. That is a total disability.

Total disablement means okay, that will be completely incapacitated the work.

So so the partial disablement talks about reduced earning capacity. So you are still able to work
on a reduced wage. But in case of total disabled right you won't be able to earn at all. Your
earning capacity reduction will be 100%
Can you completely incapacitate the worker? These are called as total disablement. There are 2
types permanent as well as temporary.

Right so we can get a Clarity by looking at the schedules right the schedule 1.

Which are called as permanent total disablement.

so there are 6 cases.

right, so

which will completely incapacitate the worker. So for for example due to an accident the worker
loses both of his hand and he won't be able to work at all. Right, so he's earning a pass
deduction is 100% age.

Low, so 1 foot and hand that's also called as a permanent total disability.

Then uh, uh, okay loss of eyesight.

complete, uh, Denese

Okay, uh then uh facial disfigurement due to some burning right or other incident, right? So you
can see that in all the cases. The percentage earning capacity reduction is 100% So these are
called as permanent total disappointment. So there are 6 cases under this category.

Schedule 1 part 2. Okay. So these are called as permanent partial disabled. So here partial in the
sense that will be reducing the earning capacity. The person will be able to work but at a
reduced wage so you can see that the earning capacity reduction will be less than 100% each.

For example amputation through shoulder joint right you are losing over. The person is losing 1
of the hand through shorter joint right learning. Their capacity reduction is 90% age.

You will be able to want only 10% of of your actual capacity.

So there are typing around 46 cases are there right? You can get from the bare Act.

Like for for loss of thumb right where they they say that the earning capacity reduction is 30
percentage, right? So you'll be losing right to get 30% for you 30% of you and capacity.

These are right. Okay some additional information on the type of injury.

So the employer liability is to write okay, he's okay make fatality permanent disablement
permanent postal disablement or any kind of number in disablement as well as occupational

In such cases they have to pay conversation.

Then importantly write a cover discussion will be on okay how we can determine

So the amount of compensation being able to be a Workman depends on these aspect.

The nature of injury caused by the accident whether that is fatality whether it is a permanent
total disablement whether the asset temporary disablement Etc. So you have to do the nature of
injury the monthly wage.
Of that person at the time of accident. So how much was his monthly wage? Whether that was
10,000 rupees 14,000 Etc. Then importantly the relevant Factor, right? So relevant factor is a
factor that you can get from schedule 4 that depends on the age of the worker.

So when you refer to write a relevant Factor under schedule 4

That can okay. We'll be able to help to get the relevant fact, right? We'll be seeing over there the
scheduled for a little later and there is no right distinction between male and female worker
right? The only depends on the age of the worker the nature of injury as well as month.

So how to determine competition so this is the formula for different cases, right?

So in case of death the formula says that the compensation will be

50% of monthly wage multiplied by relevant factor or 1 lakh 20,000 whichever is more.

So this is the formula for

the compensation in case of death

Then for the funeral additional 5,000 will pick you.

in case of permanent total disabled

right the 6 cases we talked about right complete, uh, Denese.

Then blindness loss of both and Etc where we are observing a 100 percentage burning capacity
reduction for that.

You can say that the conversation will be 60 percentage of monthly wage into relevant factor or
1 lakh 40,000, which is very small.

right, so in case of permanent total disablement

And third category in case of permanent partial disablement which are listed under schedule 1
part 2.

right were the earning capacity is less than

any capacity reduction is less than 100% each think such cases, right? You have to calculate the
compensation in proportionate to the earning capacity reduction.

But for example, in case of thumb below right earring capacity reduction is 30% So that factor
will be taken into account whenever you are calculating the compensation compensation
amount will be seeing an example so that you can get a Clarity there.

And in case of temporary disablement only for a particular duration, for example, okay a person
met an accident you need to okay?

Uh take rust or maybe 1 month or maybe eradicate few weeks in such cases that is called as a
temporary disabled man.

In such cases the conversation will be half monthly wage.

Right, that will be the conversation number During the disablement period for example, the
worker was getting 10,000 rupees per day.
Have the conversation that means the monthly compensation will be off of the wage 5,000
rupees this okay need to be given in 2 installment of 25% each, right? So half monthly monthly
wage installed equal to 25% of the monthly wage.

And the actual medical expenditure need to be bought by that particular company so we can
okay referred to a few examples so that we can get a Clarity here.

So in case of death

the formula says that that is 50% of monthly wage into relevant factor or 1 lakh 20,000 rupees
whichever is more.

So take an example here. So we have a a worker.

Age was 35 so during the course of work. He met an accident, right and that works already in

At the time of actual the monthly wage was 2,500 rupees. So as per schedule 4 the relevant
factorize. Okay, 1 197.06 this Factor you can get from schedule 4, what will be the
compensation payable to his dependent? Right? So in that case the combination will go to the
dependent form which will be important.

So as for the formula in case of fatality, it is 50% of monthly wage in multiplied by relevant
factor or 1 lakh 20,000 whichever is

Right, so the monthly wage is 2,500 rupees.

Right, then the relevant factor that you can get from schedule 4.

Right. So this is that okay taken from schedule 4. So the age the wage the age of that worker is
35. So corresponding to age 35. You can see that the relevant factor from schedule 4 is 197.66.

So this information can get from schedule 4 so we can see that for 866 and analysts. The
relevant factor is 2 to 28.54 and the age increases that are a factor get reduced.

So corresponding to 835. This is the relevant Factor. So you have to multiply multiply half
monthly wage off of 2,500 rupees into relevant Factor. So from that you can you you will
determine that the compensation payable to is dependent is 2 lakh 46,000 rupees whichever is
which is more than 1 lakh 20,000.

So you have to pay this actual higher than that. So this will be the compensation payable to is

So this is the way you can calculate compensation in case of the tank.

So any questions on this aspect?

Remember this formula right? So you'll be able to determine the compensation. So I think due
to the time constant we can see 1 more example here, right? So that is 4.

permanent total disablement

So in case of permanent total disablement formulas say that that should be 60% of monthly
wage. Okay multiplied by relevant Factor.

Or 1 lakh 40,000 rupees whichever is more.

Okay, take another example here. Right? So the we have a okay female worker age is 35. So at
the time of accident, okay, she met an accident that resulted in permanent total disablement,
right? So at the time of accident, the modeling wage was 2,500 rupees.

So how much would be the how much session were able to that work? So, you know that this is
a permanent total disabled. So in case of permanent total disablement, this is the formula.

60% of monthly wage multiplied by r

So 60% of 2,500 rupees. Well Factor depends only on the age, right? So corresponding to age
35 we have already seen that that is

197.06 so you have to multiply.


So this is the compensation in case of permanent total disablement.

Write the 6 cases, right?

Complete Denese. Okay a lot so both hands Etc.

You can see that the person will be getting more compensation in case of permanent total
disablement compared to therapy.

Right. So in case of fatality conditions are same in both cases, right in case of validity the
compensation was 2 lakh 46,000 rupees and in case of

permanent total disablement it is

2 lakh 95,000 rupees, right? So is it justifiable?

What do you think red? Okay, so in which case is red? Okay more compensation will be given

The reason is the reduced. Okay, so you you know the security of this. Okay permanent total
disablement, right?

The person won't be okay able to leave a miserable life.

Okay, suppose someone is receiving a permanent Authority. Right? So suppose he's losing both
of his hand, right or it is complete blindness or deafness right? Maybe you have to give me have
maybe another 20 to 30 years to leave.

That's why he is given.


All right. So again, we are not replacing that person. It's only a financial aid to meet immediate

So these are the marginal amount that we are giving.

Or our aim should be to okay prevent this accident.

That should be our objective, right? So these are the some monetary benefit.

To reduce the suffering of that injured source.

You think about the life of an okay worker right maybe that and their family will be purely
depending on the age of that worker, right?

So the family will be severely affected due to due to these accidents. So our objective will be to
prevent accident.

The worker right? Okay, you won't be thinking about its safety during work time. Right? So
with all the time, right? Okay, we have to write okay.

Cautious suppose is some committing some mistake, right? Okay, we have to be vigilant about
that. That is how we do it. So any questions, okay.

We can take it. Otherwise we can wind up okay to recession.

We can take it. Otherwise we can wind up okay to recession.

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