Preservation and Recovery Filamentous Fungi
Preservation and Recovery Filamentous Fungi
Preservation and Recovery Filamentous Fungi
1. Select a container appropriate for the material to be preserved. Safety precautions must be considered when preserving living
Plastic screw-capped vials with internal tube threads (1.0 to cells and microorganisms by freeze-drying, freezing, and storing at
2.0 mL) are appropriate for most fungi. They are sterilized by cryogenic temperatures.
the manufacturer and, when properly handled, remain sterile
throughout labeling and dispensing. Cryogenic storage
Because of its extremely cold temperature, liquid nitrogen can
2. Label each vial clearly and accurately. Whatever labeling method be hazardous if improperly used. When handling liquid nitrogen,
is chosen, labels must be able to withstand subsequent freezing take precautions to protect your face and exposed skin from
and thawing procedures. exposure to the liquid. Wear protective clothing, including a
laboratory coat, gloves designed for handling material at cryogenic
3. Prepare the cultures for freezing as described above. Seal the temperatures, and a face shield. To reduce your exposure to
plastic vials as tightly as possible with the screw cap. cryogenic temperatures, design inventory systems for storing
frozen specimens that allow for easy retrieval and that minimize
4. Load the vials onto aluminum canes and record the location of the time required to look for specimens. Prolonged exposure to
each culture. cryogenic temperatures can lead to a loss of sensation in the hands
that can only be recovered after warming. This loss of sensation
5. Cool the chamber of a controlled-rate cooling apparatus to 4°C can lead to a false sense of security regarding damage to tissues by
and place the canes into the unit. Insert the thermocouple probe the low temperatures. When the temperature in a liquid nitrogen
unit becomes tolerable and working in the unit is no longer
uncomfortable, the operator has reached a point where damage 3. Brown RW, Gilbert P. Microbiological Quality Assurance: A Guide
from the cryogenic temperatures is likely. When liquid nitrogen is Towards Relevance and Reproducibility of Inocula. Boca Raton,
used in confined and inadequately ventilated areas, the nitrogen Fla.: CRC Press; 1995.
can quickly displace the room air. Liquid nitrogen freezers should be 4. Booth C (ed.). Methods in Microbiology. Volume 4. London:
located in well-ventilated areas, and special precautions should be Academic Press; 1971.
taken during fill operations. In facilities with several liquid nitrogen
freezers, an oxygen monitor should be installed to warn occupants 5. Chang ST, Hayes WA. The Biology and Cultivation of Edible
of any deterioration in the air quality due to the nitrogen gas. Mushrooms. New York: Academic Press; 1978.
Plastic screw-capped vials can present a hazard if stored directly 6. Chang ST, Miles PG. Edible Mushrooms and Their Cultivation.
in liquid nitrogen. Vials with an inadequate seal between the cap Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press; 1989.
and the vial can fill with liquid nitrogen. Upon retrieval to warmer 7. Chang ST, Quimio TH. Tropical Mushrooms: Biological Nature
temperatures the vials may explode violently or may spray liquid, and Cultivation Methods. Hong Kong: The Chinese University
potentially disseminating the contents of the vial. Likewise when Press; 1982.
opening plastic vials after thawing some dissemination of the
8. Dhingra OD, Sinclair JB. Basic Plant Pathology Methods. 2nd ed.
contents may occur. Therefore material in plastic ampules should be
Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press; 1995.
stored in the vapor above the liquid nitrogen.
9. Elliott TJ (ed). Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi. Volumes
Freeze-drying 1 and 2. (Mushroom Science XIV) Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema;
When freeze-drying microorganisms in vials or ampules without 1995.
cotton plugs or other bacteriological filters, the microorganisms 10. Fassatiova O. Moulds and Filamentous Fungi in Technical
can be carried from the container and contaminate the freeze- Microbiology. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1986.
drying system. Microbial contamination can be found on the
11. Flegg PB, Spencer DB, Wood DA (eds.). The Biology and
outside of the vial or ampule, and on parts of the freeze-drying
Technology of the Cultivated Mushroom. New York: John Wiley;
system such as the condenser. A system should be designed to
monitor the contamination level, and decontamination procedures
should be implemented if necessary. Take care to properly treat 12. Fletcher JT, White PF, Gaze RH. Mushrooms: Pest and Disease
freeze-dried cultures prior to disposal. To autoclave freeze-dried Control. 2nd ed. Andover, Hants, England: Intercept; 1989.
cultures, open the vial or ampule to allow penetration of the steam. 13. Fuller MS, Jaworski A (eds). Zoosporic Fungi in Teaching and
An alternative to autoclaving is to heat the preparations in a hot air Research. Athens, GA: Southeastern Publishing Corp; 1987.
oven at 180°C for four hours.
14. Hunter-Cevera JC, Belt A. Maintaining Cultures for
Biotechnology and Industry. New York: Academic Press; 1996.
Culture handling
When opening frozen or freeze-dried cultures, take care to prevent 15. Johnston A, Booth C. Plant Pathologist’s Pocketbook. 2nd ed.
dispersion of the ampule contents. Open these preparations in Farnham Royal, Slough, England: CAB International; 1983.
a biological safety cabinet if possible, and perform all work with 16. King AD Jr., Pitt JL, Beuchat LR, Corry JEL (eds). Methods for
hazardous cultures in a biological safety cabinet. There are varying the Mycological Examination of Food. New York: Plenum Press;
degrees of pathogenicity among microorganisms. All laboratory 1986.
personnel should be aware of the hazards posed by the cultures 17. Nakasone KK, Peterson SW, Jong, SC. Biodiversity of Fungi:
they are handling. Detailed discussions of laboratory safety Inventory and Monitoring Methods. Amsterdam: Elsevier
procedures are provided in the latest U.S. Dept. of Health and Academic Press; 2004.
Human Services / CDC publication Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories. This publication is available in its entirety on 18. Simione F, Brown EM. ATCC Preservation Methods: Freezing and
the CDC Office of Health and Safety website at: Freeze-drying. 2nd ed. Rockville, Md.: ATCC; 1991. 19. Smith D, Onions AHS. The Preservation and Maintenance
of Living Fungi. 2nd ed. Wallingford, Oxon, England: CAB
International; 1994.
Cultivation and Preservation Literature 20. Stamets P. 1993. Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms.
Berkeley, Calif.: Ten Speed Press.
For any strain listed on ATCC’s website, please note the
recommended media and incubation conditions. The literature 21. Tuite J. Plant Pathological Methods: Fungi and Bacteria.
cited below is useful for general knowledge on the cultivation and Minneapolis, Minn.: Burgess Publishing Co; 1969.
preservation of a wide variety of fungi. 22. van Griensven LJLD. The Cultivation of Mushrooms. Rustington,
Sussex, England: Darlington Mushroom Laboratories; 1988.
23. Wuest PJ, Royse DJ, Beelman RB (eds.). Cultivating Edible Fungi.
reFerences Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1987. 3
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