200 Questions of English NICL AO Prelims 2024
200 Questions of English NICL AO Prelims 2024
200 Questions of English NICL AO Prelims 2024
Directions (1-5): In each of the questions given below Directions (6-10): Each of the following questions
a/an idiom/phrase is given in bold which is then followed contains a sentence with a whole or part of an idiom or a
by five options which then try to decipher its meaning. phrasal verb omitted. Choose from the corresponding
Choose the option which gives the correct meaning of the options the one which most appropriately fills the blank
phrases. and makes the sentence grammatically and contextually
Q1. A hot potato
Q6. After losing his job, he had to __________ and cut back
(a) an angry person
on expenses.
(b) a controversial group
(a) tighten his belt
(c) a useless person (b) loosen his grip
(d) A situation that is easy to deal with (c) let loose
(e) A controversial situation that is awkward to deal with (d) pull the plug
(e) throw caution to the wind
Q2. Zip your lip
(a) to be ignorant Q7. She tried to __________ her emotions but she couldn't
(b) to be harsh stop being sad.
(c) to stop talking (a) bottle up
(d) to remain foolish (b) keep on
(e) to get hurt (c) pull off
(d) hold on to
(e) put up with
Q3. Fit of anger
(a) to beat someone(badly)to dead
Q8. I don't think I can __________ with his annoying habits
(b) to display a very bad temper, often by screaming a lot
any longer.
(c) to control the anger (a) put up with
(d) to cover up the damage caused (b) go along with
(e) to not to talk anyone because of anger (c) make up for
(d) look out for
Q4. Caught between two stools (e) put off
(a) to be very fat
(b) caught between two major problems
(c) to be partial
(d) caught between two alternatives to choose
(e) to have no solution to the problem
Q20. The overpopulation of large snakes in the forest is Q25. Which of the following gives the correct sequence of
............... to the wild rat population. sentences after rearrangement?
(a) assistance (a) BCEDA
(b) stagger (b) DABEC
(c) turpitude (c) ACEBD
(d) deleterious (d) CBDEA
(e) infliction (e) EBADC
Directions (21-25): Rearrange the following sentences in Directions (26-30): In the following questions, a sentence is
the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph. Then divided into four parts consisting of a highlighted word in
answer the questions given below them. each part. Choose the option reflecting the word which is
(A) With renewed confidence, she took a deep breath and either misspelt or grammatically incorrect. If all the
highlighted words are correct, choose option “all are correct”
(B) The speech she had prepared for weeks suddenly felt
as your answer choice.
(C) She stood at the podium, looking out at the sea of faces.
(D) As a result, her nerves got the better of her, and she
Q26. Libby was disappointed / because her husband / did
stumbled over her words.
not fulfill his promise / of watering the plants.
(E) But then she remembered the reason why she was
(a) Disappointed
(b) Because
Q21. Which of the following will be the third sentence after (c) Fulfill
rearrangement? (d) Watering
(a) A (e) All are correct
(b) B
(c) C Q27. The innovations spured by digital breakthroughs / are
(d) D starting to revolutionize the availability / of financial
(e) E services, which is sorely needed, / with 1.7 billion worldwide
Q22. Which of the following will be the last sentence after (a) Spured
rearrangement? (b) Revolutionize
(a) A (c) Sorely
(b) B (d) Unbanked
(c) C (e) All are correct
(d) D
(e) E Q28. According to the label, / this solution should accelrate
/my hair growth and provide me / with long tresses in a
Q23. Which of the following will be the second sentence short time.
after rearrangement? (a) According
(a) A (b) Accelrate
(b) B (c) Provide
(c) C (d) Tresses
(d) D (e) All are correct
(e) E
Q51. Siddaramaiah, who was present during the (A)/ Directions (56-60): In each of the following questions, a
search operation said he was not (B)/ camping at the sentence has been given with two blanks. From the
corresponding options, find the one which gives the pair of
resort and (C)/ had come to the place to having dinner.
words to suitably fill the blanks in order to make the
sentence grammatically complete.
(a) A
(b) B Q56. The new software is designed to _______ the user
(c) C experience by _______ the interface and adding new
(d) D features.
(e) No Error (a) improve, streamlining
(b) degrade, complicating
Q52. High-speed mobile phone Internet service has been (c) maintain, stagnating
stopped. (A)/ Train services have also been suspended. (d) enhance, confusing
(B)/There was thin traffic on the roads. (C)/Markets, (e) prolong, disrupting
banks and petrol pumps was closed in the morning. (D)/
(a) A Q57. Despite facing several challenges, the company
(b) B managed to _______ its profits by _______ its market share and
(c) C introducing new products.
(d) D (a) boost, expanding
(e) No Error (b) reduce, downsizing
(c) maintain, stagnating
(d) increase, diversifying
Q53. During his visits to the bank, he says, (A)/security
(e) stagnate, boosting
personnel used to prevent him from(B)/ even talking to
the manager, as he used (C)/ to request him for more time
Q58. The new teacher had a _______ impact on the students,
to repay the loan.(D)/ who were _______ to learn from her and enjoyed her classes.
(a) A (a) positive, reluctant
(b) B (b) negative, eager
(c) C (c) neutral, excited
(d) D (d) confusing, indifferent
(e) No Error (e) enthusiastic, bored
Q54. Mr. Prabakaran, who secured the 101st rank in the Q59. The new highway will _______ the commute time
(A)/ UPSC civil services examination, have been (B)/ facing between the two cities, _______ the flow of traffic and
financial problems for many years, but never missed (C)/ reducing congestion.
an opportunity to invest in books in pursuit of his goals. (a) reduce, slowing
(D)/ (b) increase, disrupting
(a) A (c) shorten, easing
(b) B (d) lengthen, accelerating
(e) complicate, facilitating
(c) C
(d) D
Q60. The company's decision to _______ its operations was
(e) No Error
met with _______ from its employees, who were concerned
about job security.
Q55. The veteran politician has sought to channel public (a) expand, enthusiasm
anger (A)/ against the recent imposition of a goods (B)/ (b) downsize, resistance
and services tax, portraying the levy as an penalty to (c) maintain, apathy
recover (C)/ the losses on account of the missing (d) diversify, support
funds.(D)/ (e) centralize, indifference
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Directions (61-65): Read the passage carefully and Q62. The scientists possessing expertise in manufacturing
answer the questions based on the passage. Some of the destructive weapons are
words have been highlighted which will be required to (a) Very few in number
answer some of the questions. (b) Irresponsible and incompetent
(c) More than half of the total number
There is a fairly universal sentiment that the use of nuclear
weapons is clearly contrary to morality and that its (d) Engaged in the armaments industry against their desire
(e) not conscious of the repercussions of their actions.
production probably so, does not go far enough. These
activities are not only opposed to morality but also to law
if the legal objection can be added to the moral, the Q63. The author of the passage seems to be of the view that
argument against the use and the manufacture of these (a) Utilization of scientific skills in manufacture of weapons
weapons will considerably be reinforced. Now the time is is appropriate.
ripe to evaluate the responsibility of scientists who (b) Manufacture of weapons of death would help
knowingly use their expertise for the construction of such eradication of poverty.
weapons, which has deleterious effect on mankind. (c) Spending money on manufacture of weapons may be
To this must be added the fact that more than 50 percent justifiable subject to the availability of funds.
of the skilled scientific manpower in the world is now (d) Utilization of valuable knowledge for manufacture of
engaged in the armaments industry. How appropriate it is lethal weapons is inhuman.
that all this valuable skill should be devoted to the (e) The evaluation of the scientific skills in manufacture of
manufacture of weapons of death in a world of poverty is a weapons is appropriate.
question that must touch the scientific conscience.
A meeting of biologists on the Long-Term Worldwide Q64. Which of the following is one of the consequences of
Biological consequences of nuclear war added frightening nuclear war?
dimension to those forecasts. Its report suggested that the (a) Fertility of land will last for a year or more.
long biological effects resulting from climatic changes may (b) Post-war survivors being very few will have abundant
at least be as serious as the immediate ones. food.
Sub-freezing temperatures, low light levels, and high doses (c) Lights would be cooler and more comfortable.
of ionizing and ultraviolet radiation extending for many (d) Southern Hemisphere would remain quite safe in the
months after a large-scale nuclear war could destroy the post-war period.
biological support system of civilization, at least in the (e) None of these.
Northern Hemisphere. Productivity in natural and
agricultural ecosystems could be severely restricted for a Q65. Choose the word from the given alternatives which is
year or more. Post war survivors would face starvation as most similar in the meaning of the given word in bold.
well as freezing conditions in the dark and be exposed to DEVOTED
near lethal doses of radiation. If, as now seems possible, the (a) apathetic
Southern Hemisphere were affected also, global disruption (b) habituated
of the biosphere could ensue. In any event, there would be (c) articulated
severe consequences, even in the areas not affected (d) committed
directly, because of the interdependence of the world (e) toughen
economy. In either case the extinction of a large fraction of
the earth's animals, plants and microorganism seems Directions (66-70): Each of the following questions, a
possible. The population size of Homo sapiens conceivably sentence has been given which is divided into four parts.
could be reduced to prehistoric levels or below, and An error might be present in one of these parts, which is to
extinction of the human species itself cannot be excluded. be chosen as the answer to the question.
Q61. According to the passage, the argument against use Q66. Despite being warned (A)/about the
and manufacture of nuclear weapons consequences of (B)/not submitting the report on time
(a) Does not stand the test of legality (C)/he still hand in yesterday’s report late (D). / No
(b) Possesses legal strength although it does not have error (E)
moral standing (a) A
(c) Is acceptable only on moral grounds (b) B
(d) Becomes stronger if legal and moral considerations are (c) C
combined (d) D
(e) All the given options are incorrect. (e) No Error
(a) Segregated: Isolated
(b) original: sympathy
(c) partiality: absurd
(d) eloquent: persuasive
(e) hatred: absolve
(a)relinquish: renounce
(b) inspect: adapt
(c) Incapable: Barbaric
(d) neglect: antidote
(e) examine: apposite
Q79. The Defence exchanged(A) of India and Iran Q82. Which of the following is the THIRD sentence after
discussed (B) ways to take forward bilateral (C) rearrangement?
cooperation and Ministers(D) views on regional security (a) A
(b) B
(a) A-D
(c) C
(b) B-C
(d) D
(c) C-D
(e) E
(d) A-B
(e) No interchange required.
Q83. Which of the following is the FIRST sentence after
Q80. The Delhi Metro, which halted (A) its operations (B)
(a) A
five months ago following the imposition (C) of a
(b) B
nationwide lockdown (D) due to COVID-19, is set to run
(c) C
(d) D
(a) A-D
(e) E
(b) B-C
(c) C-D
(d) A-B Q84. Which of the following is the LAST sentence after
(e) No interchange required. rearrangement?
(a) A
Directions (81- 85): Rearrange the following sentences (b) B
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper sequence to form a (c) C
meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions (d) D
given below. (e) E
(A) They segregate waste, compost at home, conduct Q85. Which of the following is the FOURTH sentence after
“plastic free” social events and help recover materials that rearrangement?
would otherwise just be dumped in the suburbs and (a) A
wetlands. (b) B
(B) In their response to the crisis, communities and (c) C
environmentally minded individuals are ahead of (d) D
governments and municipal authorities. (e) E
Q91. Which of the following best describes the relationship Q95. It can be inferred that the author of the independence
of the first paragraph of the passage to the passage as a from social class of the heroes and heroines of nineteenth-
whole? century opera as
(a) It provides a group of specific examples from which (a) an idealized but fundamentally accurate portrayal of
generalizations are drawn later in the passage bourgeois life
(b) It leads to an assertion that is supported by examples (b) a plot convention with no real connection to political
later in the passage reality
(c) It defines terms and relationships that are challenged in (c) a plot refinement unique to Verdi
an argument later in the passage. (d) a symbolic representation of the position of the
(d) It briefly compares and contrasts several achievements bourgeoisie relative to the aristocracy and the proletariat
that are examined in detail later in the passage. (e) a convention largely seen as irrelevant by audiences
(e) It explains a method of judging a work of art, a method
Directions (96-100): Each question below has two
that is used later
blanks, each blank indicating that something has been
omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best
Q92. The author refers to Schubert and Brahms in order to
fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
(a) that their achievements are no less substantial than
Q96. e-Commerce has provided the best platform for
those of Verdi
boosting the growth of small industries and with the right
(b) that their works are examples of great trash ______________ by Make in India, it could _______________ the
(c) the extent to which Schubert and Brahms influenced the development of small and medium enterprises.
later compositions of Verdi (a) approach, hold
(d) a contrast between the conventions of nineteenth- (b) energy, keep
century opera and those of other musical forms (c) incentive, do
(e) that popular music could be employed in compositions (d) direction, mould
intended as high art (e) impetus, transform
Directions (136-140): Read each of the following Directions (141-145): Each question below contains
sentences to find out if there is any grammatical error in it. four different sentences. Spot the sentence which
The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The contains a grammatical or contextual error. If all the
number (A, B, C or D) of this part is your answer. If there is sentences appear to be correct, then choose option “All
no error in the statement, then mark option (e) as your are correct” as your answer.
answer choice.
Q141. (a) He said he had new evidence, but refused to
Q136. Neither Merina nor (A)/ his husband were aware elaborate any further.
(B)/ of any laws regarding (C)/the sale of house (D)/No (b) Store manager yield to the CEO and gave in to his
demands even though he didn't agree with them.
Error (E)
(c) Bad weather compounded the travellers’ problems
(a) A
since they were already stranded on the side of the road.
(b) B
(d) Although their graduation dates coincided, the two
(c) C classmates never knew each other during college.
(d) D (e) All are correct
(e) No Error
Q142. (a) The US has expelled 12 members of Russia's UN
Q137. The decision to appoint an external (A)/ auditor for mission from America for being "intelligence operatives".
the company is the mandate (B)/ of the board of (b) After years of home cooked meals prepared by mom,
members (C)/superior than the board of other players. the young man began to associate comfort food off love.
(D)/ No Error (E) (c) Several parts of Bengaluru will face disruption in water
(a) A supply on March 3 as authorities will carry out pipeline-
(b) B linking work across the city.
(d) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has
(c) C
announced a ban on imports of crude oil from Russia in
(d) D
response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
(e) No Error
(e) All are correct
Q161. According to the Global Peace Index, in 2017, the Q166. The buzz around ‘Mission Shakti’ should be an ------
economic impact of violence ------------------------ was ---------------------- to review India’s defence strategy.
estimated at about $14.76 trillion, which was 12.4% of
(a) chance
global GDP.
(b) awful
(a) globally
(c) abysmal
(b) annual
(d) opportunity
(c) period
(e) None of the above
(d) revolve
(e) None of the above
Q167. After ‘Mission Shakti’ — India’s anti-satellite test —
Q162. Since 2012, there has been a 16% increase in the there is a feeling that India needs this form of ----------------
economic impact of violence largely due to the --------------- --- for its security.
--------- in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. (a) dissuaded
(a) attacked (b) deter
(b) fought (c) deterrence
(c) conflicting (d) guarded
(d) conflicts (e) None of the above
(e) None of the above
Q168. To be visibly strong in order to deter any enemy
Q163. Chowkidars exist mostly in Asian countries where from -------------------------- is a concern that goes back to
poor men work as -------------------------- of the rich. pre-historic times for India.
(a) protectors (a) attacking
(b) protect (b) harmed
(c) protecting (c) attacked
(d) cowards (d) fight
(e) None of the above
(e) None of the above
Q164. India’s ASAT test has not -------------------------- any
Q169. For more than 100 years now, scientists and writers
norm, but it is a reminder of the need for a global
of science fiction alike have ---------------------- the illusion
regulatory regime.
(a) rejects that some day humankind will have a weapon so terrible
(b) harming that the fear of its impact will end war for all times.
(c) violates (a) advancing
(d) violated (b) fostered
(e) None of the above (c) back
(d) redeeming
Q165. China had quietly carried out its first successful hit- (e) None of the above
to-kill intercept in January 2007 till international reports
about the ----------------------- increase in space debris Q170. Globally, the annual expenditure on armaments is
forced Beijing to acknowledge the test. now -------------------------- to stand at about $1.7 trillion.
(a) cause (a) foretold
(b) consequents (b) forecast
(c) consequent (c) estimate
(d) decreasing (d) estimated
(e) None of the above (e) None of the above
Directions (196-200): In each of the following questions Q200. Let’s admit it, even if you don’t live to eat, eating is a
four words are given in bold. Which of the following words (1)/vital part of living. It is an (2)/important act of
must replace each other so that the sentence becomes nourishing your body, a wholesome (3)/pleasure you get
contextually correct and meaningful. If the sentence is to (4)/indulge in at least twice or thrice a day.
correct as it is, choose option (e) as your answer (a) 1-2
(b) 2-3
Q196. The word ‘holistic’ has (1)/ into its way (2)/ made (c) 3-4
common vocabulary, (3)/especially in the health and (d) 2-4
(4)/wellness industry. (e) No change required
S71. Ans.(d)
Sol. Articulate means having or showing the ability to
speak fluently and coherently. Therefore, “eloquent:
persuasive” is the set of words that expresses the
synonyms of the given highlighted word. Hence, option (d)
is the most suitable answer choice.
Segregated- set apart from the rest or from each other;
isolate or divide
Absolve- declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or
S135. Ans.(d)
S145. Ans.(e)
Sol. The correct sequence is CBDA. The sentence after
Sol. All of the mentioned sentences make grammatical and
rearrangement is, ‘As a student, I always considered history
contextual sense.
to be a dry subject and shunned it immediately after
matriculation’. Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.
S146. Ans.(b)
Sol. 'Driver' is the correct word here.
S136. Ans.(b)
Sol. Instead of ‘were’, ‘was’ will be used because when two
S147. Ans.(c)
subjects are attached with ‘neither-nor’ then verb is used
Sol. 'Warfare' is the correct word here and it means
according to the nearest subject. Here, ‘his wife’ is in ‘third
person and singular form’ hence, ‘was’ will replace ‘were’. engagement in or the activities involved in war or conflict.
S180. Ans.(b)
S170. Ans.(d)
Sol. To move past (someone or something) very fast
Sol. 'Estimated' is the correct word here and makes the
Example- I just zipped past everybody because I really
sentence contextually and grammatically correct. It means
wanted to use the loo first.
to make an estimate.
S181. Ans.(b)
S171. Ans.(b)
Sol. 'have come after decades of' is the correct fit for the
Sol. Simple job that can straightforwardly be accomplished
blank here and makes the sentence contextually and
Example- Don’t worry, Sophie – this job interview will be
grammatically meaningful.
a piece of cake for you – you have all the skills they need
and I think you’re absolutely the best candidate. S182. Ans.(d)
Sol. 'to most villages in the following decade.' is the correct
S172. Ans.(d) fit for the blank here and makes the sentence contextually
Sol. A controversial situation that is awkward to deal with and grammatically meaningful. 'Following' will be used in
Example- The issue of gun control is a political hot potato the sentence, which means the next decade.
in the United States.
S183. Ans.(a)
S173. Ans.(e) Sol. 'do not necessarily mean uninterrupted' is the correct
Sol. An effortless, happy situation fit for the blank here and makes the sentence contextually
Example- Before separating from family my life was a bed and grammatically meaningful.
of roses in Australia because my Mom earns for family.
S184. Ans.(c)
S174. Ans.(c) Sol. 'needs real-time monitoring of' is the correct fit for the
Sol. Something that will never happen blank here and makes the sentence contextually and
Example- I asked my boss if I could go on a two month grammatically meaningful. 'Real-time monitoring' as a
vacation, he said yes, when pigs fly! phenomenon is being talked about in the sentence.
S190. Ans.(c)
Sol. Option (c) is the correct choice. ‘to cry over spilt milk’
means to dwell pointlessly on past misfortunes.
‘Dutchman’s courage’ refers to courage gained from
intoxication with alcohol. ‘green horn’ is referred to a
person who is new to or inexperienced at a particular