Fake News Detection

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Fake News Detection

Group Members:
Muhammad Saad ur Rehman
Izhar Mehdi

Blekinge Institute of Technology

Abstract— The proliferation of fake news in the digital I. Introduction
age has raised concerns about the reliability of
information available online. To combat this issue, The introduction provides an overview of the report's
machine learning algorithms have emerged as objective, which is to analyze the performance of
powerful tools for fake news detection. This report machine learning algorithms in detecting fake news.
presents an analysis of the performance of two popular Fake news has become a significant concern in today's
machine learning models, Random Forest and Support digital age [8]. The dataset used for the analysis is the
Vector Machine (SVM), in detecting fake news. Fake News Detection Dataset [1], obtained from Kaggle.

The study utilizes the Fake News Detection Dataset II. Data Preprocessing
obtained from Kaggle. The dataset is preprocessed by
converting text to lowercase, removing URLs, The data preprocessing section describes the steps taken
non-alphanumeric and special characters, to prepare the dataset for machine learning. These steps
tokenization, removing stopwords, and lemmatization include converting the text to lowercase, removing
using the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) library. URLs, non-alphanumeric and special characters, and
These preprocessing steps aim to standardize the text tokenization. Additionally, stopwords (commonly used
data and improve the models' performance. words like "the," "is," etc.) are removed, and the
remaining words are lemmatized using the Natural
The models are trained using a pipeline approach, Language Toolkit (NLTK) library [5]. These
combining text vectorization with TF-IDF and the preprocessing techniques help to standardize the text
respective classifier. The scikit-learn library is data and improve the performance of machine learning
employed for model implementation and evaluation. models.
The dataset is divided into training and testing sets
using the train_test_split function. The models are III. Experiment with Different Classifiers
evaluated based on accuracy, precision, recall, and
F1-score, with a focus on their ability to identify fake To experiment with different classifiers, you can modify
news instances. the existing code by adding new classifiers and
evaluating their performance alongside the ones already
The results reveal that both the Random Forest and implemented. Here's how you can do it based on the
SVM classifiers exhibit promising performance in provided code:
detecting fake news. The Random Forest classifier
demonstrates higher accuracy and precision, Import the necessary libraries for the new classifiers you
indicating its proficiency in correctly classifying fake want to use. For example, if you want to use SVM,
news instances. On the other hand, the SVM classifier Random Forest, and Gradient Boosting, you would need
exhibits better recall, suggesting its capability to to import sklearn.svm.SVC,
identify a higher proportion of actual fake news cases. sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier, and
Detailed classification reports, confusion matrices, and respectively.
precision-recall curves provide insights into the
models' performance across different classes. These Update the train_classifiers function to include the new
evaluation metrics aid in understanding the models' classifiers. Add the new classifiers to the classifiers
strengths and weaknesses, highlighting the trade-off dictionary and define their corresponding
between precision and recall. hyperparameter search spaces in the param_grid
dictionary. For example:
Overall, the study underscores the potential of machine
learning algorithms, particularly Random Forest and from sklearn.svm import SVC
SVM, in combating fake news. The findings contribute from sklearn.ensemble import
to the ongoing efforts to develop robust tools for RandomForestClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier
fact-checking and empowering news consumers to
make informed decisions. Future work may focus on classifiers = {
refining the models, incorporating additional features, 'Support Vector Machine':
and addressing dataset quality and bias concerns. SVC(random_state=42),
'Random Forest': param_distributions = {
RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42), 'classifier__C': [0.1, 1.0, 10.0],
'Gradient Boosting': 'classifier__kernel': ['linear', 'rbf'],
GradientBoostingClassifier(random_state=42) 'classifier__gamma': [0.1, 0.01, 0.001]
} }

param_grid = { grid_search = RandomizedSearchCV(pipeline,

'Support Vector Machine': { param_distributions, n_iter=10, cv=5,
'classifier__C': [0.1, 1.0, 10.0], scoring='f1_macro')
'classifier__kernel': ['linear', 'rbf'], grid_search.fit(X_train, y_train)
'classifier__gamma': [0.1, 0.01, 0.001]
}, Bayesian Optimization: Bayesian optimization is a
'Random Forest': { sequential model-based optimization technique that uses
'classifier__n_estimators': [100, 200, 300], Bayesian inference to construct a probabilistic model of
'classifier__max_depth': [10, 20, 30], the objective function. It sequentially selects
'classifier__min_samples_split': [2, 5, 10] hyperparameter configurations based on the current
}, model's predictions to find the optimal set of
'Gradient Boosting': { hyperparameters more efficiently.
'classifier__n_estimators': [50, 100, 200],
'classifier__learning_rate': [0.1, 0.01, 0.001], To implement Bayesian optimization, you can use
'classifier__max_depth': [3, 5, 7] external libraries such as scikit-optimize or Optuna.
} These libraries provide efficient algorithms for Bayesian
} optimization. Here's an example using Optuna:

import optuna
IV.Hyperparameter Optimization Techniques
def objective(trial):
The hyperparameter optimization technique used is grid param_grid = {
search, which exhaustively searches through a 'classifier__C':
predefined grid of hyperparameter values to find the best trial.suggest_loguniform('classifier__C', 0.1, 10.0),
combination. However, there are other more advanced 'classifier__kernel':
techniques that can be implemented to efficiently search trial.suggest_categorical('classifier__kernel',
for the best hyperparameters. Here's an explanation of ['linear', 'rbf']),
some of those techniques: 'classifier__gamma':
trial.suggest_loguniform('classifier__gamma', 0.001,
Random Search: Instead of exhaustively searching 0.1)
through a predefined grid, random search randomly }
samples hyperparameter values from a given distribution
for a fixed number of iterations. This approach allows pipeline = Pipeline([
for a broader exploration of the hyperparameter space ('vectorizer', vectorizer),
and can be more efficient when only a few ('classifier', classifier)
hyperparameters have a significant impact on the ])
model's performance.
To implement random search, you can use the pipeline.set_params(**param_grid)
RandomizedSearchCV class from scikit-learn instead of
GridSearchCV. The param_distributions parameter of f1_scores = cross_val_score(pipeline, X_train,
RandomizedSearchCV takes a dictionary of parameter y_train, cv=5, scoring='f1_macro')
distributions instead of a grid. Here's an example: return f1_scores.mean()

from sklearn.model_selection import study = optuna.create_study(direction='maximize')

RandomizedSearchCV study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100)
best_params = study.best_params word relationships. You can use pre-trained word
best_classifier = Pipeline([ embeddings such as Word2Vec or GloVe and create a
('vectorizer', vectorizer), word embedding matrix to represent your text data.
('classifier', classifier) To use pre-trained word embeddings, you need to
]) download the pre-trained embeddings (e.g., Word2Vec
best_classifier.set_params(**best_params) or GloVe) and load them into memory. Then, you can
best_classifier.fit(X_train, y_train) map each word in your text data to its corresponding
word embedding vector and use these vectors as features
Genetic Algorithms: Genetic algorithms are search in your model.
heuristics inspired by the process of natural selection.
They use a population of potential solutions and Pre-trained Transformer Models (BERT, GPT):
iteratively apply selection, crossover, and mutation Transformer models have revolutionized natural
operations to evolve the population towards better language processing tasks and have achieved
solutions. state-of-the-art results in various domains. Models like
Implementing genetic algorithms for hyperparameter BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
optimization typically involves defining the Transformers) and GPT (Generative Pre-trained
hyperparameters as genes, creating an initial population Transformer) have been pre-trained on massive amounts
of hyperparameter combinations, and iteratively of text data and can be fine-tuned on specific
applying selection, crossover, and mutation operations downstream tasks.
on the population. To leverage pre-trained transformer models, you need to
use libraries like Hugging Face's transformers. These
Genetic algorithm libraries such as DEAP or pygad can libraries provide pre-trained models such as BERT and
be used to implement this technique. The GPT that can be loaded and fine-tuned on your dataset.
implementation can be more complex and requires You can pass your text data through the pre-trained
defining custom fitness functions and genetic operators model and extract contextualized representations of the
specific to the problem. text. These representations can then be used as features
in your downstream classification model.
These advanced hyperparameter optimization techniques
can be integrated into the existing code by replacing or To incorporate advanced feature engineering techniques
augmenting the grid search part of the code in the into the existing code:
train_classifiers function. By using these techniques, you
can potentially find better hyperparameter configurations Download the pre-trained word embeddings (Word2Vec
more efficiently than with grid search alone. or GloVe) or pre-trained transformer models (BERT,
GPT) and load them into memory using the appropriate
V. Advanced Feature Engineering libraries.

The feature engineering technique used is TF-IDF (Term Modify the preprocess_text function to tokenize the text
Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency), which data into individual words or subwords as required by
represents each text document as a numerical vector the chosen word embeddings or transformer models.
based on the frequency of words in the document
relative to their importance in the entire corpus. Replace or augment the TfidfVectorizer in the
However, there are more advanced feature engineering train_classifiers function with the appropriate feature
techniques that can be explored to potentially improve engineering technique. For example, you can use
the model's performance. Here are some examples: Word2Vec or GloVe to transform the text data into word
embedding vectors, or you can use a pre-trained
Pre-trained Word Embeddings (Word2Vec or GloVe): transformer model to extract contextualized
Word embeddings are dense vector representations of representations of the text.
words that capture semantic and contextual information.
Instead of representing words as sparse vectors with Fine-tune the pre-trained models on your specific dataset
TF-IDF, pre-trained word embeddings can be used to if using transformer models. This involves passing your
encode words into dense vectors. These embeddings can text data through the pre-trained model, extracting the
be trained on large corpora and capture more nuanced
contextualized representations, and training a often leads to improved prediction accuracy,
classification model on top of these representations. generalization performance, and model robustness,
making ensemble techniques a powerful approach in
By incorporating advanced feature engineering machine learning.
techniques, you can capture more nuanced semantic
information from the text data, potentially improving the VII. Explainability and Interpretability
model's performance on the classification task.
Step 1: Feature Importance Analysis
VI. Ensemble Learning By employing techniques like permutation importance
or SHAP values, the code can identify the features that
Ensemble learning is utilized to combine multiple have the most significant impact on the classifier's
classifiers to improve the overall performance and decisions. This helps in understanding which factors
robustness of the models. Specifically, two ensemble contribute more to the classification process. However,
techniques are implemented: this specific code does not include feature importance
Bagging: Bagging, short for bootstrap aggregating,
involves training multiple classifiers independently on Step 2: LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic
different subsets of the training data and then combining Explanations)
their predictions through majority voting (for LIME provides explanations for individual predictions
classification) or averaging (for regression). The by approximating the behavior of a black-box classifier
Random Forest algorithm is an example of a bagging using local interpretable models. In the code, LIME is
ensemble method that combines multiple decision trees. not explicitly used for explanation generation.
In the code, the Random Forest classifier is used as one
of the ensemble classifiers. Multiple Random Forest Step 3: SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations)
classifiers are trained with different hyperparameter SHAP values provide explanations for individual
configurations using grid search, and the predictions by assigning each feature an importance
best-performing Random Forest classifier is selected value based on its contribution to the prediction.
based on the F1 score. The final ensemble of classifiers However, the code does not use SHAP values for
includes the selected Random Forest classifier. explanation generation.

Boosting: Boosting is another ensemble technique that VIII. Classification

sequentially trains multiple classifiers, where each
subsequent classifier focuses more on the samples that Step 1: Domain Adaptation
were misclassified by the previous classifiers. AdaBoost Domain adaptation involves leveraging the knowledge
and Gradient Boosting are popular boosting algorithms. learned from the fake news dataset and applying it to a
In the provided code, the Support Vector Machine different domain or dataset, such as scientific papers.
(SVM) classifier is used as another ensemble classifier. The code does not include domain adaptation
Multiple SVM classifiers with different hyperparameter techniques.
configurations are trained using grid search, and the
best-performing SVM classifier is selected based on the Step 2: Transfer Learning
F1 score. The final ensemble of classifiers includes the Transfer learning utilizes knowledge from a source
selected SVM classifier. domain to improve learning in a target domain. This can
be achieved by transferring learned representations or
The train_classifiers function in the code implements the fine-tuning pre-trained models on the target domain
ensemble learning approach by training and selecting the data. The code does not implement transfer learning.
best-performing classifiers based on grid search. The
results dictionary contains the trained classifiers, which IX. Online Learning
are then evaluated in the evaluate_classifiers function.
Step 1: Incremental Learning
By combining multiple classifiers through ensemble Incremental learning involves updating the classifiers
learning, the models can leverage the diversity and with new data in real-time or on-the-fly, allowing them
complementary strengths of individual classifiers. This to adapt to changing trends or emerging fake news.
However, the code does not implement incremental XII. Model Selection and Evaluation
The model selection and evaluation section explains the
Step 2: Mini-batch Learning choice of machine learning models for fake news
Mini-batch learning involves updating the model with detection. The report utilizes two classifiers: Random
batches of data instead of individual instances, which Forest and Support Vector Machine (SVM). These
can improve computational efficiency. The code does classifiers are popular and effective for text
not include mini-batch learning techniques. classification tasks [9]. The scikit-learn library [2] is
utilized for implementing and evaluating the models.
X. Model Deployment The pipeline approach is employed, combining text
vectorization (using the Term Frequency-Inverse
Step 1: Web Application/API Document Frequency (TF-IDF) technique) with the
Deploying the trained models as a web application or classifier model.
API allows users to interact with the classifiers through a
user-friendly interface or programmatically access their XIII. Training and Testing
functionality. The code does not include model
deployment as a web application or API. The training and testing section discusses the division of
the dataset into training and testing sets using the
Step 2: Frameworks train_test_split function from scikit-learn [2]. The
Using web development frameworks like Flask or training set is used to train the machine learning models,
Django can simplify the process of creating web while the testing set is employed to assess their
applications or APIs. The code does not utilize Flask or performance. This division allows for the evaluation of
Django for web development. the models' ability to generalize to unseen data.

Step 3: Containerization XIV. Model Evaluation

Containerization tools like Docker can be used to
package the models and their dependencies into The model evaluation section outlines the metrics used
containers, making deployment easier across different to evaluate the performance of the classifiers. Accuracy,
platforms and environments. The code does not involve precision, recall, and F1-score are commonly used
containerization using Docker. metrics in text classification tasks [10]. These metrics
quantify the models' performance in terms of overall
XI. Explainable AI accuracy and the ability to correctly identify fake news
instances. Classification reports provide a detailed
Step 1: Rule-based Systems analysis of the models' performance on each class,
Rule-based models, such as decision trees or logical including precision, recall, and F1-score for fake and
rules, can provide interpretable classifiers that explicitly real news. Confusion matrices visualize the distribution
outline the decision-making process based on predefined of true and predicted labels, aiding in understanding the
rules. The code does not include rule-based systems. models' performance [7]. Precision-recall curves analyze
the trade-off between precision and recall [10].
Step 2: Rule Extraction
Extracting rules from trained models, such as decision XV. Discussion and Analysis
trees or ensemble models, can yield transparent and
explainable classifiers that provide insights into the The discussion and analysis section evaluates the
reasoning behind their predictions. The code does not performance of each model and highlights their strengths
perform rule extraction. and weaknesses. The Random Forest classifier achieves
higher accuracy and precision, while the SVM classifier
While the code provided includes data loading, shows better recall. These findings align with the nature
preprocessing, training, and evaluation of classifiers, it of the classifiers and their ability to handle different
does not explicitly incorporate techniques for types of data and decision boundaries. The classification
explainability, cross-domain classification, online report and confusion matrices provide insights into the
learning, model deployment, or creating explainable AI models' performance on various classes and the types of
systems. errors made.
XVI. Conclusion

The conclusion summarizes the report's findings,

emphasizing the promise of machine learning
algorithms, particularly Random Forest and SVM, in
detecting fake news. These models can assist in
fact-checking efforts and guide news consumers in
making informed decisions. The report also suggests
avenues for improvement, such as refining the models,
incorporating additional features, and addressing dataset
quality and bias concerns.

Precision-Recall Curve:

Purpose: The precision-recall curve illustrates the

trade-off between precision and recall for different
classification thresholds.
Implementation: The code computes precision and recall
values using the precision_recall_curve function from
scikit-learn. It then plots the curve using plt.plot from

Output: The precision-recall curve is plotted with recall

on the x-axis and precision on the y-axis. Each point on
the curve represents a different threshold. The curve
Confusion Matrix: provides insights into the classifier's performance,
especially when dealing with imbalanced datasets.
Purpose: A confusion matrix shows the counts of true
positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative
predictions made by the classifier.
Implementation: The code generates a confusion matrix
using the pd.crosstab function from the pandas library. It
visualizes the matrix as a heatmap using sns.heatmap
from the seaborn library.

Output: The confusion matrix is displayed as a heatmap,

where the x-axis represents the predicted labels and the
y-axis represents the true labels. Each cell in the
heatmap contains the count of instances. Higher values
on the diagonal indicate accurate predictions.
Bar Plot of Class Distribution: [10] Kumar, P., & Kumari, M. (2021). Text Processing:
A Review. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science
Purpose: A bar plot visualizes the distribution of the and Engineering, 1099(1), 012040.
classes in the testing dataset.
Implementation: The code calculates the percentage of
each class using value_counts from pandas and plots the
bar chart using sns.barplot from seaborn.

Output: The bar plot displays the class labels on the

x-axis and the percentage of instances belonging to each
class on the y-axis. It provides an overview of the class
distribution and helps identify potential class

These visualizations aid in understanding the

performance and characteristics of the trained classifiers,
allowing for further analysis and comparison between
different models.


[1] Fake News Detection Dataset. (n.d.). Retrieved from


[2] Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python. (n.d.).

Retrieved from https://scikit-learn.org/

[3] Matplotlib: Visualization with Python. (n.d.).

Retrieved from https://matplotlib.org/

[4] Python Programming Language. (n.d.). Retrieved

from https://www.python.org/

[5] Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Python Library.

(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.nltk.org/

[6] Pandas: Powerful Data Analysis Tools for Python.

(n.d.). Retrieved from https://pandas.pydata.org/

[7] Shrivastava, S., & Singh, A. (2016). Stemming

Algorithms for Text Processing: A Review. arXiv
preprint arXiv:1605.01185.

[8] Fake News Detection using Machine Learning.

(n.d.). Retrieved from

[9] Haque, S. (2021). Algorithms for Text Processing: A

Review. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.04458.

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