Cot4-Mathematics 5-Q4
Cot4-Mathematics 5-Q4
Cot4-Mathematics 5-Q4
(Name of School)
(Address of School)
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of line graphs and experimental probability.
The learner is able to create and interpret representations of data (tables and
B. Performance
line graphs) and apply experimental probability in mathematical problems and
real-life situations.
C. Learning organizes data in tabular form and presents them in a line graph.
Competencies M5SP-IVg-2.5
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
D. Lesson a. organize data in tabular form and presenting them in a line graph;
Objectives b. craft an accurate line graph; and
c. performs the task neatly.
Organizing Data in Tabular Form and Presenting Them in a Line
A. References
1.Teacher's Guide MELC, K to 12 Curriculum Guide
2. Learner's Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from learning ADM Modules
Resource portal
PowerPoint Presentation
B. Other Learning
Resources/ SIM
IV. PROCEDURE Activity Indicators
A. Reviewing Preliminary Activities:
previous lesson
or Presenting A. Prayer
the new lesson B. Checking of Attendance
(Introductory C. Quick Kamustahan
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Setting of Standards:
L = Listen attentively/actively to your Indicator 5:
teacher. Established safe and secure
learning environments to enhance
I = Interact respectfully with classmates learning through the consistent
and the teacher. implementation of policies,
guidelines and procedures.
N = Never interrupt others while they are
speaking. Indicator 6:
Maintained learning
E = Engage in the discussion by raising
environments that promote
your hand and waiting to be called upon.
fairness, respect and care to
Remember: Learn to be in LINE so that encourage learning.
we will have a productive and respectful
class discussion.
Say: Before we proceed to our new lesson,
let’s see if you still remember the lesson that
we discussed last meeting.
Directions: Analyze each thermometer
illustration and write the temperature reading
in degree Celsius. Write your answer on the
Indicator 1:
Apply Knowledge of content within
and across curriculum teaching
ARTS Integration
In your Arts lesson, you were taught how
to draw a pot or what we called banga.
Answer: Cross-Hatching
Very Good!
Very Good!
(Drawing Time)
Process Questions:
1. What did you draw?
2. What did you use to represent the
object through drawing?
Very Good!
D. Discussing new Let’s help Kenneth doing his record organize.
concepts and
practicing new Remember:
skills #1
In organizing data in tabular form and
presenting it in a line graph, write a title, label
the X and Y axis correctly, and proceed with
crafting the line graph.
Very Good!
Answer: Manok
(Answers Vary)
Group 1:
Organize the data in tabular form.
Group 2:
Present the data below in a line graph.
Group 3:
Study and analyze the graph below and answer the
questions follows.
Group 4:
Using the graph, organize it in a tabular form.
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Group Presentation
Note: Allow learners to present their output in
front of their classmates.
(Answers Vary)
(Answers Vary)
Indicator 9:
Used strategies for providing
timely, accurate and constructive
feedback to improve learner
Directions: Read the story below.
Tabular Form
F. Developing mastery
(Independent Practice)
Line Graph
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EPP Integration Indicator 1:
In you EPP subject, you discussed about the “Natutuos Apply Knowledge of content within
ang Kita sa pagsasapamilihan”
and across curriculum teaching
For Example; You built a fishpond at home and spent a areas.
total of 4000 including fingerling. You harvested fish and
planned to sell in the market. For the first harvest you got
50 kilos of fish and the second harvest is 20 kilos. The
last harvest was 30 kilos.
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living
(Application) Questions:
1. How many kilos of fish harvested?
Indicator 7:
Answer: 100 kilos Established a learner-centered
culture by using teaching strategies
2. If all the harvested fish will be sold at 70 pesos
that respond to their linguistic,
per kilo how much would it be all in all?
cultural, socio-economic and
Answer: 100 x 70 = 7000 pesos. religious backgrounds.
3. How much is your profit if you less the
expenses amounting 4000 pesos?
Indicator 2:
Answer: 7000 – 4000 = 3000 pesos profit Used a range of teaching strategies
that enhance achievement in
literacy and numeracy skills.
J. Additional activities
for application or
A. No. of learners who
earned at least 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teacher?
This Lesson plan can be modified by the teacher base on the needs of the learners.
The lesson plan employs inquiry-based learning, discovery learning approach and
collaborative learning. This lesson integrated across learning areas such as ARTS and EPP. A
consistent implementation of guidelines and policies also employed in the lesson so that there
will be a smooth and organize classroom management.
Prepared by:
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Subject Teacher Checked by:
Master Teacher
Noted by:
School Head