Blockchain Architecture Design - KIT 061
Blockchain Architecture Design - KIT 061
Blockchain Architecture Design - KIT 061
The method of gaining consensus on a change of data over the system or any
distributed network is known as a consensus algorithm. They are widely used in
blockchains because they enable the network of unknown nodes to reach consensus on
the data that is being stored or shared. Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Proof-of-Work(PoW)
are the most popular consensus algorithms.
The process of making an input item of any length represents an output item of a fixed
length is referred to as hashing in the blockchain. Take, for example, the use of
blockchain in cryptocurrencies, where transactions of varying lengths are run through a
given hashing algorithm and all produce a fixed-length performance.
The two most popular consensus algorithms, PoW, and PoS can be differed by their
operation. PoW consumes a lot of resources, while PoS does not. Other significant
differences include the need for a lot of computation power in PoW versus none or very
little computation power in PoS. When compared to PoW, PoS is both more cost-
effective and has a quicker completion time.
12. What Is Ethereum (ETH)?
Ethereum is an open-source software platform based on Blockchain technology that
enables developers to build and deploy decentralized applications (i.e., applications that
are not controlled by a single entity). You may construct a decentralized application in
which the participants are the ones who make the decisions
13. What is the difference between Bitcoin blockchain and Ethereum?
Although bitcoin and ether are both digital currencies, the Ethereum blockchain differs
significantly from the Bitcoin Blockchain. Bitcoin was created solely for the purpose of
being a digital currency. whereas Ethereum blockchain is a broader version of
blockchain technology. And it is a distributed ledger technology that organizations are
using to create new services, however, Ethereum is much more stable than bitcoin.