A Radar Vegetation Index For Crop Monitoring Using Compact Polarimetric SAR Data
A Radar Vegetation Index For Crop Monitoring Using Compact Polarimetric SAR Data
A Radar Vegetation Index For Crop Monitoring Using Compact Polarimetric SAR Data
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SAOCOM (TOPSAR with experimental CP-mode), and the the study area and data sets. Section IV discusses the results
NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) L- and S-band mission. in detail by relating the CpRVI with two biophysical parame-
In a recent study, McNairn et al. [38] showed that the ters: the plant area index (PAI) and vegetation water content
simulated CP parameters correlate with the normalized differ- (VWC) for wheat and soybean. Finally, the work is succinctly
ence vegetation index (NDVI) derived from optical sensors. summarized and concluded in Section V.
Homanouyi et al. [39] assessed the volume to odd-bounce
scattering power ratio (Pv /Ps ) derived from a scattering power II. M ETHODOLOGY
decomposition method from the simulated CP-SAR data for
A. Kennaugh Matrix
vegetation condition monitoring. The Pv /Ps ratio shows a
good correlation with NDVI and crop biomass for several In PolSAR, the 2 × 2 complex scattering matrix S encom-
crop types. However, as the crop canopy attained its peak passes complete polarimetric information about backscattering
growth during the end of the vegetative stage and fruit devel- from targets
opment, the magnitude of Pv /Ps was overestimated relative
to that obtained from full-pol data. Nevertheless, these studies S= (1)
confirm that a derived CP-SAR metric similar to NDVI is
essential for agricultural applications. Even though the RVI is where the subscripts H and V denote the horizontal and
a good alternative, it is restricted to the use of full-polarimetric vertical polarizations, respectively. Following the reciprocity
SAR data. Thus, there is a need for an RVI for CP-SAR data. theorem in the case of a monostatic radar, SHV = SVH .
It is noteworthy that CP-SAR mode will become an important A suitable representation of PolSAR data in terms of power
mode for the operational monitoring of Canada’s agricultural is given by the 4 × 4 real Kennaugh matrix K defined as
extent. ⎡ ⎤
1 0 0 1
In this article, we have proposed a new vegetation index, 1 ⎢1 0 0 −1 ⎥
K = A∗ S ⊗ S∗ A−1 , A = ⎢ ⎣
⎥ (2)
namely, Compact-pol RVI (CpRVI), for CP-SAR data using 2 0 1 1 0 ⎦
the concept of a geodesic distance (GD) between two 0 j −j 0
Kennaugh matrices projected on unit sphere [40], [41]. In √
recent work, the authors have introduced a novel vegetation where ⊗ is the Kronecker product, and j = −1. The
index [42] for full-pol SAR data using the generalized volume Kennaugh matrix for the incoherent case can also be obtained
scattering model (GVSM) proposed by Antropov et al. [43]. from the elements of the coherency matrix T in the following
This model is a function of two parameters that correspond to manner in (3), as shown at the bottom of this page, where Ti j
the copolarized ratio and cross-polarized correlation coefficient is the (i, j )th entry of T, and and denote the real and
obtained from full-pol SAR data. However, for CP-SAR data, imaginary parts of a complex number.
we have utilized the ideal depolarizer (ID) as a volume model Thus, the coherent elementary targets represented by S and
that converts all Stokes vectors into a randomly polarized the distributed targets usually represented by T (or the covari-
wave [44]. We compute a similarity measure between the ance matrix C) can be suitably transformed into their K matrix
observed Kennaugh matrix and a Kennaugh matrix corre- representation using (2) and (3), respectively. Table I presents
sponding to the ID. The formulation of CpRVI is direct the Kennaugh matrix forms of some well-known elementary
and intuitive, as well as easy to implement. We tested the scatterers and the ID from PolSAR literature. These include
CpRVI with simulated RCM CP-SAR mode data from the symmetric scatterers such as trihedral (t), cylinder (c), dipole
full-pol RADARSAT-2 observations over the Joint Experiment (dp), quarter waves (±1/4), narrow dihedral (nd), dihedral (d),
for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM) test site in asymmetric scatterers, such as left and right helices (lh and rh),
Carman (Manitoba), Canada. Also, we perform comparative and ID.
analysis for the full crop season between CpRVI and full-pol It is noteworthy that different scatterers pertain to the
vegetation indices. description of features of interest in a PolSAR image. Thus,
The rest of the manuscript is organized in the following using a suitable distance measure to compare observations
order. Section II describes the formulation of the Kennaugh with the scattering models provides a good starting point
matrix for CP-SAR data, the similarity measure using GD, for several applications. From this perspective, GD to com-
and the formulation of CpRVI. Section III briefly describes pare two Kennaugh matrices was first proposed in [40] and,
⎡ ⎤
T11 + T22 + T33
⎢ (T12 ) (T13 ) (T23 ) ⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥
⎢ T11 + T22 − T33 ⎥
⎢ (T12 ) (T23 ) (T13 ) ⎥
T11 − T22 + T33
⎢ (T13 ) (T23 ) −(T12 ) ⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥
⎣ −T11 + T22 + T33 ⎦
(T23 ) (T13 ) −(T12 )
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Fig. 3. Temporal pattern of CpRVI for several wheat fields at different crop growth stages. Wheat fields are selected based on variations in PD (number of
plants per m2 area). The in situ measurements of PAI (m2 m−2 ) and VWC (kg m−2 ) are plotted in secondary axis for each field.
acquisition over 5 × 5 moving overlapping window [42]. measurements are compared among three groups of which are
In a separate process flow, the RVI [8] images are obtained separated based on plant density (PD: number of plants per
from the eigenvalue spectrum obtained from the T matrix [56]. square meter). The growth trends are similar irrespective of
Both the GRVI and RVI images are then coregistered using PD among several fields, i.e., an increase of PAI and VWC
GCPs with an RMSE ≤ 0.54 m. The GRVI and RVI values with crop development.
for each sampling location (point measurements) are extracted At the early stage of development (on 30 May), the mag-
over 3 × 3 moving overlapping window. nitude of CpRVI is low (0.2) in the majority of the wheat
plots. Alternatively, a high degree of polarization (DOP) values
IV. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION (≈0.75 ± 0.03) suggests low roughness and randomness from
The CpRVI for different sampling sites are generated from the fields (see Fig. 5). The low CPR values (≈0.25 ± 0.02)
the simulated RCM data set, and we perform a seasonal indicate high opposite sense (OC) received power, which is
analysis with different growth stages for wheat and soybean. likely due to odd-bounce scattering phenomena from the bare
Furthermore, the correlation of CpRVI with PAI (m2 m−2 ) soil with less vegetation cover at the early stage of leaf
and VWC (kg m−2) are analyzed for individual crops. Figs. 3 development [28], [31]. These low values of CpRVI indicate
and 7 show the temporal trends of CpRVI averaged for three that the observed Kennaugh matrix would be similar to an
sampling points in each field. In total, 96 samples from 13 elementary target (i.e., trihedral in this case).
wheat fields and 43 samples from 14 soybean fields were Separation of CpRVI values among several fields becomes
used in the regression model (see Fig. 4 and Table IV). apparent when wheat has advanced from the leaf development
Consequently, the PAI and VWC are estimated using these to the tillering stage on 15 June. Fields with PD of ≈100 m−2
models for both wheat and soybean crops. (Fields no. 220 and 32) have low CpRVI values (≈0.37±0.05)
that are comparatively lower than wheat fields with high
A. Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) PD (125 and 190 m−2 ). The in situ measurements of PAI
Fig. 3 shows the temporal response of CpRVI over the and VWC are also comparatively higher (>3.5 m2 m−2 and
phenological stages of wheat. For the analysis of CpRVI, field ≈1.0 kg m−2 ) for wheat fields with high PD.
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Fig. 4. Linear model correlations (r) between CpRVI with PAI (m2 m−2 ) and VWC (kg m−2 ) for wheat and soybean.
Fig. 5. Temporal variations of DOP and CPR for wheat fields (220, 32, 104, 55, and 233).
It is important to note that CpRVI values reached their values become low (≈0.35), and CPR saturates to ≈1. Also,
maximum when crop advanced from stem elongation to early the SC and OC components are quite similar, which indicates
dough or fruit development stages on 17 July. CpRVI values high volume scattering. However, an ID does not exist in
reach up to 0.6 for low PD fields, while these values peak at nature, and hence, as mentioned earlier, GD(K, KID ) varies in
≈0.8 for high PD wheat fields. Such difference may be due the range [0, 2/3]. Also, the spatiotemporal changes in several
to the high degree of randomness in scattering (DOP ≈ 0.4 wheat fields are apparent in Fig. 6.
on 17 July) from the canopy elements during the flowering to The correlation analysis of CpRVI with PAI and VWC along
fruit development stages. with the confidence interval (CI) is shown in Fig. 4, which
The in situ measurements of PAI and VWC at the flow- indicates the variation between these two biophysical parame-
ering to fruit development stages confirm their increase up ters. The correlation coefficient (r ) of CpRVI with PAI is 0.72
to approximately 6.5 m2 m−2 and 3.0 kg m−2 , respectively. ( p = 0.005, 95% CI: [0.60, 0.80]), which is slightly higher
This behavior indicates the dominance of volume scattering than VWC with r = 0.62 ( p = 0.006, 95% CI: [0.48, 0.73]).
in the fields, which might increase the similarity between the Variations in CpRVI with PAI and VWC at later growth
observed K and the ID KID . Also, the presence of even bounce stages are likely due to scattering from the upper canopy
scattering is often due to the interaction of the EM wave with layer (i.e., wheat heads). Similarly, Wu et al. [57] reported
the vertical stems of the wheat canopy and the underlying soil. using a ground-based scatterometer experiment that the wheat
This increases the SC component [31], thereby increasing the heads dominate the total scattering power at the heading stage.
β factor in the CpRVI formulation. Moreover, CPR values However, during the ripening stage (when the heads become
>1.2 also confirm that the same sense (SC) power is higher drier), the backscatter from the ground becomes dominant,
than OC during this period (see Fig. 5). and the backscatter power from the heads is insensitive to the
The differential increase in CpRVI among the wheat fields moisture content. Also, variations in backscatter power are less
is apparent in Fig. 3. Variations in the PD could cause prominent with changes in leaf area or biomass [58]. In fact,
dissimilarity with CpRVI in several fields, even if they are during the ripening stage of wheat, the backscatter power is
in the same phenological stage. Multiple interactions of the insensitive to plant biomass [59] at low incidence angle (as
SAR signal cause high volume scattering in the dense canopy, used in the present case of RADARSAT-2 FQ7W mode of
which is observed for fields with high PD. ≈25◦ incidence angle).
The rate of increase in CpRVI values slows down at the end
of July after the stagnation of the vegetative growth and crops
begin seed development. The ripening of wheat started during B. Soybean (Glycine Max)
the first two weeks of August, followed by swathing and Compared to wheat, the soybean canopy has more ran-
harvest in the last week of August. During this period, the DOP dom structure [60] with secondary stems and randomly
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Fig. 6. Spatiotemporal variations of CpRVI within the wheat and soybean fields. The black and white polygons show the sampling fields of wheat and
soybean, respectively. The field photographs during the campaign at specific instances are presented for wheat and soybean.
oriented leaves. Hence, unlike erectophiles (canopy ele- component is much higher than SC (see Fig. 8). Bare soil with
ments have predominant vertical distribution), the response shallow vegetation likely produces higher surface scattering.
of CpRVI would be different for the random structure of The dominance of surface scattering during the early stage was
the soybean canopy. The Manitoba weekly crop reports [49] also reported in [39], where the volume to surface scattering
suggest that soybean seeding was completed by the third week power ratio in CP-SAR data was below 0.7.
of May. Thus, crop development during the beginning of the With the increase in vegetation components, the varia-
SMAPVEX-16 campaign in June was primarily limited to veg- tions in CpRVI values among several fields are apparent.
etative growth. Subsequently, inflorescence emergence, flower- The soybean fields are separated into three groups: group A
ing, and pod development started during the last week of July. (RS < 40 cm and PC < 40 per meter length of row) includes
The development of pods, ripening of seeds, and senescence fields 72, 113, and 221; group B (RS > 75 cm and PC >
are followed in August until the second week of September. 65 per meter length of row) includes fields 65, 82, and 228;
Here, it is worth mentioning that the seeding pattern and the and group C (RS ≈ 50 cm and PC ≈ 50 per meter length
choice of row-plant spacing (single- and double-row plantings) of row) includes fields 223, 231, and 232. During the pod
varied among the fields (see Fig. 7). development stage, the CpRVI values reach up to 0.75 ± 0.06
Fig. 7 presents the temporal trends of CpRVI for several for group C.
fields with different row spacing (RS) and plant count (PC) per Here, it is essential to note that despite having PC > 65 m−1
meter length. The CpRVI values for each field increase rapidly for group B, the CpRVI values are comparatively lower
as the vegetation growth increases from the early vegetative (approximately 10%–15%) than fields of group C. The in situ
growth stages to the beginning of pod development. The measurements confirmed that fields in group B had wider RS
CpRVI value is approximately 0.25 ± 0.06 at the end of the (approximately 77 cm) and less canopy closure (see Fig. 6),
early leaf development stage (15 June). The high value of DOP while the number of plants along the row was higher (a double-
(0.75 ± 0.05 in Fig. 8) also suggests less randomness from the row-seeded soybean). Therefore, the PAI of group B fields is
soybean fields, which is primarily affected by the underlying lower than the fields of group C. In contrast to the fields in
soil as a result of less plant cover (PAI < 0.1 m2 m−2 ). The groups B and C, there are narrower RS (approximately 38 cm)
CPR value is approximately 0.3, which implies that the OC and low PC (<40 per meter row) for fields in group A. Hence,
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Fig. 7. Temporal pattern of CpRVI for several soybean fields at different crop growth stages. Soybean fields are selected based on variations in plant RS
(cm) and PC (number of plants per meter of row length). The in situ measurements of PAI (m2 m−2 ) and VWC (kg m−2 ) are plotted in secondary axis for
each field.
Fig. 8. Temporal variations of DOP and CPR for soybean fields (72, 113, 65, 228, 231, and 232).
more volume scattering is possible from the fields of group B, case of group A fields, the CpRVI values are restricted within
which, in turn, results in higher CpRVI. Wiseman et al. [61] the range of 0.65 ± 0.05, which is comparatively lower than
also reported differences in volume scattering with such var- group C. Also, PAI and VWC are high during this stage.
ied PD. The correlation plots shown in Fig. 4 indicate that the
It is also apparent from Fig. 8 that low DOP and CPR CpRVI values are correlated better with the PAI than VWC.
values (approximately 0.85) during the pod development stage It is observed that the correlation coefficients of the PAI
indicate an increase in the volume scattering component. In the and VWC with CpRVI are r = 0.85 ( p = 0.002,
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Fig. 9. Temporal pattern of vegetation indices (CpRVI, RVI, and GRVI) for wheat and soybean fields at different phenological stages. Wheat fields are
selected based on variations in PD (number of plants per m2 ). Soybean fields are selected based on variations in plant RS (cm) and PC (number of plants per
meter of row length). The in situ measurements of PAI (m2 m−2 ) and VWC (kg m−2 ) are plotted in the secondary axis for each field.
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Fig. 10. Validation plots of PAI (m2 m−2 ) and VWC (kg m−2 ) retrieval for wheat and soybean.
other two fields, separation of CpRVI, GRVI, and RVI values of CpRVI with PAI is 0.72 and 0.85, which is higher than that
within a field becomes apparent (see Fig. 9) when wheat has of RVI (r = 0.68 and 0.76) for wheat and soybean. A similar
advanced from the leaf development to booting and start of improvement of r is observed for VWC for both the crops.
the flowering stage. The correlation analysis shows marginally better performance
CpRVI values reached their maximum when crop advanced of CpRVI compared with RVI, while it is inferior to GRVI for
from stem elongation to early dough or fruit development characterizing vegetation growth.
stages on 17 July. CpRVI values reach up to 0.65 for low
PD fields, while these values peak at ≈0.8 for high PD
wheat fields. This variation may be due to the high degree D. PAI and VWC Estimation
of randomness in scattering from the canopy elements during We fit linear regression models for explaining the bio-
the flowering to fruit development stages. Unlike CpRVI, physical parameters PAI and VWC using CpRVI for several
which follows almost a monotonic increase along phenological sampling locations (see Fig. 4 and Table IV). The retrieval
stages, the fluctuation of RVI values is more apparent. It is results are presented in Fig. 10 with a 1:1 plot for wheat and
possibly due to the inherent noise that arises in the numerator soybean. We measure the accuracy of PAI and VWC retrieval
term of RVI formulation, i.e., the third eigenvalue, which by the correlation coefficient (r ) and rms error.
is more affected by noise rather than changes in vegetation For wheat, the estimated PAI closely follows the 1:1 line
randomness. However, the GRVI values are more stable than with r = 0.79 and RMSE = 0.711 m2 m−2 . Higher disper-
the RVI and CpRVI. sion of estimates is observed throughout the entire range of
Unlike the RVI, which models the vegetation layer as an VWC with r = 0.75 and RMSE = 0.567 kg m−2 . The error
aggregation of randomly oriented dipoles, the GRVI offers may have propagated from the CpRVI-VWC linear regression
the flexibility to choose the parameters of the GVSM from the model (see Fig. 4). However, for both PAI and VWC retrieval,
measured data to describe the volume scattering model [42]. In the overestimations are apparent in the early development
this way, the GVSM might capture the phenological changes stage of wheat. At this early stage, backscatter response is
within a volume model, whereas both CpRVI and RVI lack dominated by soil moisture contributions due to low leaf
this aspect. On the contrary, in the absence of any volume area [62] as reported for PAI and biomass estimation for wheat
scattering models to suitably describe scattering from vegeta- using this data set [42], [63]. Moreover, the assumption of ran-
tion in CP-SAR data, the ID is utilized to measure randomness dom volume scattering from wheat fields is quite challenging
from distributed targets in CpRVI. Moreover, GDs from the to satisfy. It is because wheat has erectophile leaf orientation,
odd (i.e., trihedral) and even bounce (i.e., dihedral) scatterers satisfying a predominant vertical structure instead of a random
that appear in GRVI [42] are suitably replaced by the received volume structure. However, volume scattering can occur due
echo powers from the SC and the OC sense to the transmitted to multiple interactions of the EM wave with stems, leaves,
polarization. and the underlying soil [64] when the canopy density is high.
The variations of CpRVI and RVI values are more apparent On the other hand, the structure of the soybean canopy
in the low-biomass soybean crop. Fig. 9 shows the temporal is random with secondary and tertiary stems and randomly
trends of CpRVI and RVI for three representative soybean oriented leaves. During the full vegetative stage, the soybean
fields with different RS and PC per meter length. Both the canopy forms a very lossy volume medium, as indicated
CpRVI and full-pol indices values for each field increase in [57]. Hence, the observed K matrix might be similar to
as the vegetation growth increases from the early vegetative KID under the GD framework. The estimated PAI follows the
growth stages to the beginning of pod development. With the 1:1 line, with r = 0.87 and RMSE = 0.621 m2 m−2 , while the
increase in vegetation components, the differential increase in VWC estimation shows r = 0.83 and RMSE = 0.255 kg m−2 .
vegetation indices values among several fields is apparent. The It is evident from Fig. 10 that the dispersion of the estimates
correlation analysis of vegetation indices with crop biophysical throughout the entire range of PAI and VWC is lower for
parameters also indicates a higher correlation (r ) of CpRVI soybean compared with wheat. Nonetheless, errors might be
than RVI, as given in Table III. The correlation coefficient (r ) propagating from the CpRVI-PAI and CpRVI-VWC models
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(see Fig. 4) into the linear regression. In both PAI and VWC providing RADARSAT-2 data to the SMAPVEX16-MB
retrievals, overestimation is apparent in the early development research team. RADARSAT-2 Data and Products Maxar Tech-
stages that are likely due to the underlying soil contribution nologies Ltd. (2018)-All Rights Reserved. RADARSAT is an
to total backscatter power [4]. official mark of the Canadian Space Agency. In addition,
they would also like to thank the Canada Centre for Remote
V. C ONCLUSION Sensing (CCRS) for providing the RCM Compact Polarimetry
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL). Downloaded on May 17,2022 at 01:16:27 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
[58] M. Jia, L. Tong, Y. Zhang, and Y. Chen, “Multitemporal radar backscat- Avik Bhattacharya (Senior Member, IEEE)
tering measurement of wheat fields using multifrequency (L, S, C, received the integrated M.Sc. degree in mathematics
and X) and full-polarization,” Radio Sci., vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 471–481, from IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India, in 2000,
Sep. 2013. and the Ph.D. degree in remote sensing image
[59] F. Mattia et al., “Multitemporal C-band radar measurements on processing and analysis from Télécom ParisTech,
wheat fields,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 41, no. 7, Paris, France, and the Ariana Research Group,
pp. 1551–1560, Jul. 2003. Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et
[60] H. Wang, R. Magagi, and K. Goita, “Polarimetric decomposition for en Automatique (INRIA), Nice, France, in 2007.
monitoring crop growth status,” IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., He was a Canadian Government Research Fellow
vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 870–874, Jun. 2016. with the Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing
[61] G. Wiseman, H. McNairn, S. Homayouni, and J. Shang, “RADARSAT- (CCRS), Ottawa, ON, Canada. He is currently an
2 polarimetric SAR response to crop biomass for agricultural production Associate Professor with the Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering,
monitoring,” IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens., IIT Bombay (CSRE, IITB), Mumbai, India, where he is also leading the
vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 4461–4471, Nov. 2014. Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory. His research interests include
[62] F. T. Ulaby, C. T. Allen, G. Eger, and E. Kanemasu, “Relating the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) polarimetry, statistical analysis of polarimetric
microwave backscattering coefficient to leaf area index,” Remote Sens. SAR images, and applications of radar remote sensing in agriculture,
Environ., vol. 14, nos. 1–3, pp. 113–133, Jan. 1984. cryosphere, urban, and planetary studies.
[63] D. Mandal, V. Kumar, H. McNairn, A. Bhattacharya, and Y. S. Rao, Dr. Bhattacharya received the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
“Joint estimation of plant area index (PAI) and wet biomass in wheat Council of Canada Visiting Scientist Fellowship at the Canadian national
and soybean from C-band polarimetric SAR data,” Int. J. Appl. Earth laboratories, from 2008 to 2011. He is the Founding Chairperson of the
Observ. Geoinf., vol. 79, pp. 24–34, Jul. 2019. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) Chapter of the
[64] S. C. M. Brown, S. Quegan, K. Morrison, J. C. Bennett, and Bombay Section. He was an Associate Editor of the IEEE G EOSCIENCE
G. Cookmartin, “High-resolution measurements of scattering in wheat AND R EMOTE S ENSING L ETTERS (GRSL). He has been a Guest Editor of
canopies-implications for crop parameter retrieval,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. the Special Issue on Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing in
Remote Sens., vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 1602–1610, Jul. 2003. India in the IEEE J OURNAL OF S ELECTED T OPICS IN A PPLIED E ARTH
the guest editors of the special stream on Advanced Statistical Techniques
in SAR Image Processing and Analysis in the IEEE G EOSCIENCE AND
R EMOTE S ENSING L ETTERS in 2018. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the
Dipankar Mandal (Student Member, IEEE)
received the B.Tech. degree in agricultural engineer-
ing from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya,
Mohanpur, India, in 2015. He is currently pursuing
the joint M.Tech./Ph.D. degree in geoinformatics
and natural resources engineering with the Centre Vineet Kumar (Member, IEEE) received the
of Studies in Resources Engineering, IIT Bombay, B.Tech. degree in electronics and communication
Mumbai, India. engineering from Uttar Pradesh Technical Univer-
He was a Visiting Researcher with the Agri- sity, Lucknow, India, in 2010, the M.Tech. degree in
culture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Ottawa, remote sensing and geographic information system
ON, Canada, and Carleton University, Ottawa, from (GIS) from the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing,
October 2018 to February 2019. As a Visiting Researcher, he contributed to Dehradun, India, in 2013, and the Ph.D. degree in
synthetic aperture radar (SAR) intercomparison experiment for crop biophys- synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing from
ical parameter estimation within the Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, in 2019.
and Monitoring (JECAM) network of GEO Global Agricultural Monitoring. He was a Visiting Researcher with Carleton Uni-
His research interests include applications of SAR polarimetry for crop versity, Ottawa, ON, Canada, and the Agriculture
classification, vegetation biophysical parameter estimation, deriving vegetation and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Ottawa, from April to July 2016. His
indices, and yield forecasting. research interests include applications of full and compact SAR polarimetry,
Mr. Mandal was a recipient of the Shastri Research Student Fellowship for classification and characterization of vegetation, and relating biophysical
Award by the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, India, from 2018 to 2019. variables of crops to SAR observables.
Dr. Kumar was a recipient of the Shastri Research Student Fellowship
2016 Award by the Shastri Indo-Canadian Research Institute, India.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL). Downloaded on May 17,2022 at 01:16:27 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Yalamanchili S. Rao (Member, IEEE) received the Alejandro C. Frery (Senior Member, IEEE)
M.Sc. degree in physics from Andhra University, received the B.Sc. degree in electronic and elec-
Visakhapatnam, India, in 1982, and the Ph.D. degree trical engineering from Universidad de Mendoza,
in passive microwave remote sensing of soil mois- Mendoza, Argentina, in 1985, the M.Sc. degree in
ture from IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, in 1992. applied mathematics (Statistics) from the Instituto
From 2005 to 2009, he was a Senior Research Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA),
Scientist and then Associate Professor from 2009 to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1990, and the Ph.D. degree
2014. He was engaged in both passive and active in applied computing from the Instituto Nacional de
microwave remote sensing for several applications Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), São José dos Campos,
viz., soil moisture, crop monitoring, flood mapping, Brazil, in 1993.
and land use/land cover. He joined the Centre of He is currently the Leader of the Laboratório de
Studies Resources Engineering, IIT Bombay, in 1985, as a Senior Research Computação Científica e Análise Numérica (LaCCAN), Universidade Federal
Assistant, and then became a Research Scientist in 1999. He is currently de Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil, and also holds a Huashan Scholar position
a Professor with IIT Bombay. He has participated in several spaceborne at the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Image Understanding
campaigns for collecting synchronous ground-truth data and has experience of the Ministry of Education, Xidian University, Xi’an, China, for the
in handling various data sets for several applications. His research interests period of 2019–2021. His research interests include statistical computing and
include the application of polarimetry for bio-geophysical parameter retrieval stochastic modeling.
and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry for digital elevation model
(DEM) and displacement map generation.
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